6 minute read
Botanic news: from home and abroad
Eamonn Flanagan CEO, BGANZ.
Save the dates
10th BGANZ Congress and 7GBGC (Global Botanic Gardens Congress): 26–30 September 2022, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
BGANZ congresses are increasingly popular events, and the 10th BGANZ Congress is a joint BGANZ/BGCI Congress to be held in Melbourne, Victoria. Put a note in your diary and get planning, Monday 26 – Friday 30 September 2022, with the final day currently a ‘technical tours’ day.
6th Botanic Gardens Day (last Sunday in May) 30 May 2021
As we went to press the 6th Botanic Gardens Day was in progress. We’ll have an update in the next edition.
BGANZ members: professional development opportunities
BGANZ council encourages all members to look out for these awards, and many other non-BGANZ annual awards each year. If you are looking for professional development opportunities, there is a list of awards and secondment opportunities on the BGANZ website. We aim to keep it updated as new professional development opportunities become available.
2021 awards – deadline 31 July 2021
BGANZ awards – objectives
The objective of the BGANZ awards is to acknowledge the efforts, and contribute to the ongoing training and development, of BGANZ members through research or work experience with like organisations, which will benefit the applicants, BGANZ members and the wider industry.
2021 BGANZ award applications
BGANZ council is delighted to announce the BGANZ Awards for 2021. Applications close 31 July 2021. Sign up for the BGANZ newsletter or check the website for the latest information.
• BGANZ Professional Development Award 2021 (Closing date 31 July 2021) value
• BGANZ Young Member Award 2021 (Closing date 31 July 2021) value AUD$500
• BGANZ/American Public Gardens Association Award 2021 (Recipient Raydeen Cuffe, Wellington Botanic Gardens).
BGANZ member benefits
1. BGANZ partner with Seasol – great offer for members
BGANZ has signed a partnership with Seasol Ltd. BGANZ institution and associate members can take advantage of a fantastic offer to purchase Seasol products at significantly reduced prices. Conditions apply. For the confidential price list please email: secretariat@bganz.org.au
2. Hortis – Botanical Database software for members
In a survey in 2017, 84% of members called for more support/leadership from BGANZ in Collections Record Management.
Tex Moon and the team from BGANZ Vic have worked assiduously towards bringing a major benefit to members. The Hortis database program is available to all members to join immediately (see more from Tex and Hortis on p. 52 in this magazine).
A. Victorian Gardens will receive two years’ free membership via a Victorian State Government grant.
B. All BGANZ Members, who join anytime in the first four years, will receive double the amount of billable user days for their first year of use. So, 20 days a month becomes 40 every month in year 1 of use.
3. BGANZ partner with PlantSnap (app)
BGANZ has partnered with PlantSnap, the plant photo ID app, and the app is available for all gardens to use.
Gardens will be able to add information about their plants to the app, and also gain demographic and visitor information captured when people use the app at their garden.
We have held several presentations to many gardens and feedback and interest has been very strong.
BGANZ will receive income every time the PlantSnap app is downloaded in Australia and New Zealand, and also every time the free version is downloaded or used. Any revenues earned are earmarked for conservation projects undertaken by our members.
BGANZ members can join at any time. If you or your garden would like a presentation of the app, via the BGANZ Digital Workshop, to assess its value for your garden, please send an email to Sam Moon media@bganz.org.au and Sam will organise a time.
4. BGANZ partner with Plant Health Australia
BGANZ is delighted to announce it has recently partnered with Plant Health Australia (PHA) for two years. BGANZ members will have great opportunities to attend PHA biosecurity briefings and workshops through webinars held online.
You can find dates for PHA Biosecurity Workshops, and additional workshops and PHA information in the BGANZ weekly newsletters.
5. BGANZ partner with Augusta Golf Cars
BGANZ members have a great opportunity to discuss all their transport requirements with Augusta Golf Cars. BGANZ encourages all members to contact Augusta Golf Cars to discuss future purchasing opportunities. More information about Augusta is available on the BGANZ website and in this edition of THE BOTANIC GARDENer.
6. Get a great new car deal!
For the exclusive benefit of BGANZ members, BGANZ has entered a partnership with Autotender. BGANZ members can now get great prices when purchasing their new car through Autotender.
For more information on how members can get better car prices check out the information page here.
BGANZ member news
Vacancy: BGANZ Web Content Manager (volunteer position)
An opportunity exists to join the BGANZ Communications Group as BGANZ Web Content Manager. Brad Crème has recently stepped down from the position after leading the BGANZ website team. This is a volunteer position. BGANZ website uses the WordPress content management system, and full training and support will be given.
The position is not onerous – usually only an hour a week once you are familiar with the system.
The BGANZ Web Content Manager works closely with Eamonn, BGANZ CEO, and Sam Moon, Social Media Coordinator. Join your professional network and help your member organisation have the website members deserve.
Contact Eamonn@bganz.org.au for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.
BGANZ network staff changes
Three major contributors to BGANZ.
Rebecca (Bec) Stanley has moved on from her role at Auckland Botanic Gardens. Bec has been an outstanding contributor to BGANZ and was Chair of BGANZ NZ for six years. Bec has made a major contribution within Auckland, New Zealand and across Australia. On behalf of all members of BGANZ I thank Bec for her outstanding contribution to the BGANZ Professional Network. I look forward to hearing of your continued career developments. Gone Bec, but never forgotten. You will always be a friend of BGANZ.
Julia Watson, BGANZ Council, Chair of BGEN, has stepped down from her position at Auckland Botanic Garden. Julia, as I’m sure many are aware, made an outstanding contribution to the continued growth and professionalism of BGANZ.
During Covid, it was Julia who led the BGANZ digital outreach program, a significant development for a widely spread network such as BGANZ. BGANZ connected with many members who had not been met previously or were not able to be heard or their concerns understood. Julia has also been heavily engaged in Council. Julia has worked with the Governance Working Group to drive BGANZ forward. We are much closer to that goal because of Julia’s input. Gone but never forgotten, I wish Julia further career success from all at BGANZ.
Dr Lucy Sutherland, Director, Botanic Gardens South Australia. In my time with BGANZ, Lucy has been an outstanding support and knowledge base – always willing and able to give advice to progress the organisation. Lucy has been a Council member in the last few years and I’ve picked her brain at every opportunity. Thank you, Lucy. Lucy has a long history in botanic gardens. I met her in 2013, when she passionately led the Australian Seedbank Partnership. Lucy leaves BGSA and, depending on where her career takes her, possibly botanic gardens. But Lucy will remain a great friend of BGANZ, an organisation she was instrumental in progressing in the early 2000s. I wish Lucy every success in her future career.
BGANZ Council: How do I get elected?
Several members have recently asked: ‘how do I get on to Council?’
Council membership is explained on the website here, but if you have further questions please contact Eamonn Flanagan secretariat@bganz.org.au.
BGANZ returning and new members (financial year beginning July 2021)
We welcome all new and returning members. Thanks for your support and look forward to your involvement in BGANZ.