5 minute read
Introducing the Tasmanian Flora Entry Zone
Chris Lang, Curator Tasmanian Flora, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
The Tasmanian Native Collection and adjacent areas have undergone substantial change following long‑held plans to redevelop Tasmanian flora displays through the northern region of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (RTBG). A significant landscaping effort, which started in September 2020, has resulted in the establishment of the new Tasmanian Flora Entry Zone, known in‑house as the Entry Zone.
The Entry Zone was deemed a priority for redevelopment following a severe storm event that struck the gardens during
Entry Zone landscape works about to commence. Credit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
May 2018. Thirteen mature trees were lost during the storm, including a large Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa specimen that fell across the subalpine/scree area of the Tasmanian Native Section. This resulted in the loss of a significant number of valuable specimens, including some of the largest Pencil Pines Athrotaxis spp. in cultivation.
Our aim was to establish a display of Tasmanian native plants in a contemporary setting rather than trying to replicate natural bush landscapes. To help achieve this, a local landscaping contractor was employed to transform a previously uninspiring sloping site, with poorly drained heavy black clay soil, into a visually engaging landscape that supports the healthy growth of a broad range of Tasmanian native plant species with varying cultural requirements.
Officially opened on 21 December 2021, the Entry Zone functions as a welcoming introductory experience for visitors as they embark upon an informative and educational journey of discovery through our Tasmanian Flora Collection.
The new development is a landscape of two distinct styles – plantings, with a focus on natural habitat, transition within a relatively short distance to a contrasting formal space. Visitors make their way along a meandering gravel path through plantings reminiscent of Tasmania’s cool
temperate rainforest, where combinations of iconic rainforest/wet forest species (such as Huon Pine Lagarostrobos franklinii, Sassafras Atherosperma moschatum, CeleryTop Pine Phyllocladus aspleniifolius and Pandani Richea pandanifolia subsp. pandanifolia) combine with a lush, ferny understorey. Additional plantings of Myrtle Beech Nothofagus cunninghamii in this area flank the pathway, which will ultimately allow visitors to walk beneath their broad, cathedral‑like canopies. The inclusion of a 50‑metre‑long boardwalk across a previously inaccessible area provides visitors with the opportunity to undertake an intimate journey through a serene rainforest‑like environment.
Funding for the Ornamental Horticulture Presentation Space was made available through a successful Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust grant application. The Trust, based in the United States, supports projects centred on education and research in ornamental horticulture through grants to botanical gardens, arboreta, universities, and other charitable organisations strongly aligned with its funding interests. Funding is provided for projects in North America, South America, Central America, the Caribbean and more recently, Australia and New Zealand. Stanley Smith (1907–1968) was a philanthropic Australian businessperson with a passion for ornamental horticulture.
Bronze Deciduous Beech Nothofagus gunnii leaves provide a sculptural introduction to the Entry Zone. Credit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
The boardwalk weaves its way through plantings reminiscent of Tasmania’s iconic cool temperate rainforest. Credit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
Following the naturalistic setting of the rainforest/ wet forest is the Ornamental Horticulture Presentation Space, where refreshing expressions of formal design principles such as hedging, espalier and topiary shapes will be displayed in a practical, functional space. We are keen to demonstrate that carefully selected Tasmanian native species can withstand rigorous horticultural practices and be used in a variety of ways to achieve the desired effects. Species selected will mostly be those that have proven to perform well at the gardens, including some that will be trialled for use in a different way, such as the espaliering of Dagger Wattle Acacia siculiformis and Banksia marginata ‘Coastal Spread’. The new garden also features plants in a variety of containers to further demonstrate the versatility of Tasmanian species suited to containerised approaches in gardens, large and small. Permanent container specimens will be placed in this area, along with plants that have seasonal interest, cycled through from our nursery to ensure there is always something new and interesting on display. The Ornamental Horticulture Presentation Space provides an open, hard‑surfaced area with seating to comfortably accommodate larger group gatherings for educational purposes. This enables both staff and trained volunteer guide educators to deliver presentations on a range of Tasmanian native flora‑themed topics, including the methods and techniques required to successfully grow Tasmanian native plants in cultivation.
The Ornamental Horticulture Presentation Space aims to further demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of Tasmanian natives in cultivation. Credit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
In common with any themed collection in a botanic garden, we want visitors to walk away with a better understanding and greater appreciation of Tasmania’s indigenous flora. This is aided by the establishment of meaningful, engaging interpretation presenting a range of topics and messages throughout the collection. Importantly, interpreting the amazing qualities of species and their place in the wild, as well as demonstrating their horticultural worth, helps better connect Tasmanians to their local indigenous flora and the need to conserve it. The suite of new interpretation includes six thematically shaped larger panels presenting a variety of information such as Tasmania’s Gondwanan links, fern facts and where to see species in the wild. Icon labels highlight the special
qualities of a select number of key species such as Huon Pine Lagarostrobos franklinii, King Billy Pine Athrotaxis selaginoides and Leatherwood Eucryphia lucida. Indigenous plant‑use labels describe the use of plants by thousands of generations of Tasmanian First Nations People for food, medicine and technology (such as shelter, weapons and traps). The introduction of redesigned plant name labels hanging from decorative, stainless‑steel stakes constitutes the initial rollout of a new approach to standard plant name labelling across the RTBG.
Successful implementation of the Entry Zone has been highly dependent on staff contributing skills, knowledge and physical input along the way – it has been a truly collaborative effort. And if the interest and enthusiasm demonstrated by those experiencing the site is anything to go by, this effort was thoroughly worthwhile. Inspired by what they see, visitors are pausing, looking and searching for more as they move at a noticeably slower pace through a more inviting and engaging horticultural landscape.
A suite of new interpretive panels and plant labels have been placed throughout the collection. Credit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens