Grant Central vol7 issue1

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Grant Central HEADS UP:


Summer 2014

volume 7 • issue 1

IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS DATE ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS 06/30/14 Organizations with Sept. 30, 2013 Fiscal Year EndDates: A-133 Audit Procedures for organizations that met the $500,000 expenditure threshold must be completed and submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. 07/07/14 OJP 2013 National Mentoring Program Reports: Program and Performance Measures Reports for activity from Apr. 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 are due. 07/30/14 Audit Submittal: Resulting A-133 Single Audits (Sept. 30, 2013) must be submitted to BGCA’s Federal Grants Department.

On Dec. 26, 2013, the Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a new grants reform guidance measure. This measure merged eight previously separate OMB grant circulars into one “super-circular” intended to reduce administrative burden and risk of fraud, waste and abuse among recipients of federal grant funds. It will be important for Boys & Girls Clubs to monitor these new measures as all federal agencies, including OJP, must design regulations and adopt the reforms by the close of this year. The changes will most assuredly affect OJP funding that Clubs receive as well as other federal pass-through funds that Clubs may receive from BGCA. We will provide additional information and training as details emerge. Please look for more guidance in the fall issue of Grant Central. To view the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards document in its entirety, click here.

09/30/14 End Date for OJP 2013 National Mentoring Programs Fiscal Year 2013 Grant Funding Period. Organizations with Dec. 31, 2013 Fiscal Year End Dates: A-133 Audit Procedures for organizations that met the $500,000 expenditure threshold must be completed and submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. 10/03/14 OJP 2013 National Mentoring Program Reports: Program and Performance Measures Reports for activity from July 1, 2014 – Sept. 30, 2014 are due. 10/23/14 The Afterschool Alliance is a BGCA partner.Learn more about their mentoring initiative, Lights on Afterschool, at 10/31/14 Final Financial Report for Reimbursement

Submittal (OJP 2013 National Mentoring Programs): Sub-recipient organizations of OJP 2013 National Mentoring Programs grants are required to submit their Final Financial Report for Reimbursement by the Oct. 31, 2014 due date. Audit Submittal: Resulting A-133 Single Audits (Dec. 31, 2013) must be submitted to BGCA’s Federal Grants Department.

TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES OJP 2013 Closeout Webinars: Be on the lookout for OJP 2013 National Mentoring Programs Grant Closeout webinars! These webinars should last 45-60 minutes and will be open to all OJP 2013 sub-recipient organizations (registration is not required). For instructions on Accessing Federal Grants Webinars and links to attend the webinars, check in often with our Training Web page on Should you have questions or require technical assistance prior to the webinars, please contact your Federal Grants Specialist. We look forward to your organization’s participation and effective OJP 2013 grant closeout!

Federal Grants Administration Learning Opportunities: Information for Federal Grants administration webinars, trainings, compliance requirements, resources, and other special notices are regularly updated on the Federal Grants page of

MENTORING AT BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS: SEND US YOUR BEST PRACTICES BGCA’s Federal Grants Department continues to seek Mentoring Best Practices from grant recipients. We’d like to share “the best of the best” and hear more about how Mentoring Programs implemented through BGCA federal pass-through funding have positively impacted your Clubs and your communities. The goal is to share success stories and best practices with Clubs throughout the Movement. Please complete the Best Practices Form and submit your best practices today!

HONORING MENTORS ! Peer and adult mentors can make a significant difference in increasing academic success, fostering healthy lifestyles and promoting good character and citizenship for young people. There’s no better place to celebrate mentors than at Boys & Girls Clubs, where Mentoring Programs, services and experiences take place each and every day. There are many ways to recognize the mentors who make a difference for the young people that your Club serves. You can recognize them by conducting some of the following activities: •

Host a special event at your Club honoring mentors.

Dedicate time for youth to write cards and notes of thanks.

Encourage others in the community to become mentors.

Read more for ideas on how to honor your mentors.

A LINK TO REMEMBER – NATIONAL FORUM ON YOUTH VIOLENCE The National Forum on Youth Violence has been a successful collaborative effort between the White House, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Education, and practitioners, researchers, and community members across the nation. This network shares information and supports local efforts to prevent and reduce youth violence. For more details about comprehensive forum strategies and programs, and to link to newsletter stories on Boys & Girls Clubs that are participating in Forum Cities, visit or visit here.

This project was supported by Federal Award Number 2013-MUFX-0070 administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) through Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA). Points of view or opinions contained within this document do not necessarily represent the official position, or policies, of the U.S. Department of Justice.


Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pikes Peak Region 2. We work closely with our parents to prevent bullying at our Clubs. Keep the lines of communication open with teachers, coaches and administrators to stop bullying at school as well. The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pikes Peak Region, located in Colorado Springs, Colo., received OJP funding awards in 2011, 2012 and 2013. These funds help to provide mentoring assistance to the Club. October is National Bullying Month. Below is an article by James Sullivan, President/CEO of the Pikes Peak Region Club, on how their staff tries to prevent bullying from impacting the lives of their kids. The original, unedited blog post can be found here.

What is Bullying? Bullying can take many forms, from physical intimidation to online or “cyber” bullying. Bullying can be summarized as inflicting physical, social and emotional harm on someone else and can include fighting, threatening, name-calling, teasing or excluding someone repeatedly over time. Bullying seriously affects kids. Kids who are bullied are more likely to be depressed, have low self-esteem and do poorly in school. They tend to withdraw from life and lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed. According to the National Education Association, nearly 160,000 children miss school every day because of bullying.

5 Things We Do to Prevent Bullying At Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pikes Peak Region, our youth development professional staff play a central role in not only preventing bullying, but in helping to stop it when it happens. Here are five things we do every day to identify and prevent bullying, and some ways that you can get involved, too.

1. We keep the lines of communication open with your child. And so should you. Ask your children about their day and listen to their responses. Ask them about school, social events, their classmates and any problems. For example: How was school today? Anything bad happen? Anything good happen? What is lunchtime like at your school? What is it like to ride the school bus?

If your child reports bullying, talk to your child’s teachers directly about it instead of confronting the bully’s parents. If the teacher doesn’t act to stop the bullying, talk to the principal. You can also support bully prevention programs in your child’s school. If the school doesn’t have one, consider spearheading the effort with other parents and concerned adults.

3. We help kids understand bullying through dialogue. Here are some ways you can get the conversation started at home. Some good questions to help foster dialogue include: What does “bullying” mean to you? Why do you think people bully? Who are the adults you trust most when it comes to bullying? Have you ever felt scared to go to school because of bullying? Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Encourage your child to help others, and teach them nonviolent ways to deal with bullies, like walking away, playing with friends or talking it out.

4. We encourage self-confidence in your child. Help your child to increase self-confidence. Children need positive feedback to thrive, and they need selfconfidence to stand up for what they believe in. Help build your children’s self-esteem by supporting them when they behave well. You can also help them develop confidence. For example, help them practice walking upright, looking people in the eye and speaking clearly. You can also involve your child in activities outside of school, which will help broaden their social circle.

5. Our professional youth development staff model encourages treating others with kindness and respect. Use the below techniques to help your child learn healthy ways to solve problems and relate to others. Teach your children to solve problems without using violence, and praise them when they do. Discourage your child from fighting, as this could lead to injuries, reprimands and worse problems with the bully. Don’t bully your children or bully others in front of them. Oftentimes, children who are bullied at home react by bullying other kids. If your children see you hit, ridicule or gossip about someone else, they are more likely to do so themselves.

Helpful Resources • • for Kids • National Crime Prevention Council

COMPLIANCE CORNER Best Practices for Registration All Boys & Girls Clubs that receive OJP or other federal passthrough funding are required to be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). Clubs must maintain an active SAM registration with current information throughout the life cycle of the grant. For instructions on how to register for, click here.

Some key things to remember: • Always make sure that more than one individual in the Club has the username and password. This makes it easy to continue active SAM registration, especially in instances of Club staff turnover. • Pay attention to the registered email address in the system. FirstPic, Inc. and SAM will send email reminders when registrations are 60, 30 and 15 days from expiration, with steps outlining how to keep your organization’s registration active. • Your organization should never be asked to pay a fee for updating your registration. SAM registration is a no-cost process that can be easily and successfully managed by your Club by logging directly onto the SAM website. Please disregard any entity that contacts you to ask your organization to pay a fee for updating your SAM registration. If you need any assistance with SAM registration, contact Andrea Perez in the BGCA Federal Grants department at 404-487-5938, or email, or contact Robin Patterson at FirstPic, Inc. at 443.302.2080 x111, or email

Check Out These Resources! The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has partnered with The National Mentoring Partnership (MENTOR) to develop a National Mentoring Resource Center (NMRC) to improve the quality and effectiveness of mentoring across the nation. The Center will serve as a comprehensive resource for mentoring tools, program and training materials, and information. MENTOR has launched a technical assistance program, which will be staffed by technical assistance providers comprised of individual staff members/affiliated consultants of MENTOR’s network of mentoring partnerships who meet the following criteria: • Deeply knowledgeable about the Elements of Effective Practice for MentoringTM and how to apply them in a direct service setting. • Have led trainings and/or conducted technical assistance based on the Elements of Effective Practice for MentoringTM with mentoring programs for at least one year. • Willing to provide technical assistance for mentoring programs beyond the geographic scope of their Mentoring Partnership. More information on the NMRC Technical Assistance Provider Application can be found here. OJJDP has conducted a webinar on the partnership.

GREAT THINGS… Has your Club done great things with federal grant funding received from BGCA or your State Alliance? Let us know – we may include your story as a feature on or in an upcoming edition of Grant Central. Please visit the Federal Grants page on for details!

Have ideas for future Grant Central topics? Have any questions on the Grant Central newsletter? If so, please contact Andrew Heacox at

National Headquarters 1275 Peachtree St. NE • Atlanta, GA 30309 (404) 487-5700 • © 2013 Boys & Girls Clubs of America • 2316-13

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