VOLUNTEERING AWARD Frequently Asked Questions about the BG Volunteering Award
“Make a difference” Why take part in the Volunteering Award? Volunteering can provide an enhanced student experience which can translate directly into improved employability and student satisfaction. It also can have a range of positive impacts on your skills, personal development and employability as well as developing your community awareness and integration into communities outside the university. Volunteering can be an excellent way for you to both further your studies and enhance your career prospects. How does it work? You can achieve the Volunteering Award by participating in volunteering activities for a set number of hours. Only those hours over and above those required by your course/placement may be counted and only those accrued from 1st September 2013 onwards as a registered BGU student. •Platinum 250 volunteering hours •Gold Tier 3 •Gold Tier 1 150 volunteering hours •Silver •Gold Tier 2 100 volunteering hours •Bronze
50 volunteering hours 25 volunteering hours 10 volunteering hours
How to gather Evidence You will be given a ‘Volunteers Record’ form to complete with the contact details of the organisation you are volunteering for and the hours you have volunteered. Please ensure that your supervisor at each volunteering post has ‘signed-off’ your hours completed. You will need to file these safely ready to be returned to BG Futures once you have completed the award.
How long do I have to complete the Award? You can include volunteering from the time you register at BGU to when you graduate at the end of your course. Can I volunteer for the same organisation to build up the hours required for the award? Yes – you can volunteer for one organisation or include many different types of volunteering. The award is intended to make a difference for communities, groups and individuals and help you improve your own skills and experience. I volunteer once a week in a school to gain the experience for my chosen career as a teacher. Can I include this volunteering to the award? Yes – this volunteering is being conducted in a professional environment and is helping you build up essential employability skills for your future career. Placements as part of your course don’t count but additional time spent on a voluntary basis would. I babysit, free of charge, can I include this in the Volunteering Award? Babysitting is not included in the award. What do I do once I have completed the award? Once you stop volunteering or have achieved the number of hours required for one or more of the awards, you will need to return hard copies of your recording forms to Mark Bowen in the BG Futures Business and Enterprise Centre. Please ensure that your supervisor at each volunteering post has ‘signed-off’ your hours completed. If you have any other questions please email bgfutures@bishopg.ac.uk. GETTING STARTED! Please email bgfutures@bishopg.ac.uk for a registration form. You will be emailed a form to complete and return to join the award. You will also be emailed and a ‘Volunteers Record’ form to use as evidence of the volunteering you have completed.