Annual report 2012 2013

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Bangladesh’s Biggest Bilateral Business Chamber

Annual Report 2013

Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI) in 2013 2013 was the year that BGCCI reached several milestones. Thank you once again to each of our members. BGCCI was founded to promote bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Germany. In a remarkable display of resilience, exports to Germany continued to grow in 2013. nd

In February, BGCCI organized 2 Global Social Responsibility Conference which was participated by policymakers from home and abroad, industry experts and media personnel. The conference discussed some serious issues like water, energy, waste and compliance. Around the world, companies are encouraged to become more compliant to ensure sustainable growth and this conference brought forth the commitment of Bangladesh to ensure best practices. The tragic fire outbreak at Tazreen Fashions that took lives of more than hundred garment workers shocked us. Later, BGCCI, an advocate of compliance in the readymade garments sector held discussions on fire safety issues in Berlin and Bangladesh participated by experts from German Ministry, GIZ and BGCCI. nd


This year BGCCI celebrated 42 Independence Day and the induction of 400 member, that is Robert Bosch Bangladesh Ltd.- through a gala ceremony. As the year advanced, due to numerous hartals when the economy of the country was facing hiccups, six bilateral business chambers in the leadership of BGCCI released a joint press release that clearly posits our stand against all sorts of violent hartals.

To improve workplace safety in Bangladesh’s RMG-factories, a collaboration of all stakeholders is needed.

In April BGCCI along with Local Chamber Reutlingen (IHK) organized an event in Germany, which was attended by 25 RMG delegates from Germany. There, speakers from McKinsey and Bangladeshi industrialists voiced their concern about safety issues and political unrests impeding the growth of industrial development.

(Source: International Trade Centre)

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

Even before the delegates returned completing the highly successful event, the tragic Rana Plaza Accident took place. We extended a heartfelt condolence to all the victims- deceased and their families. At BGCCI, we believe that to improve workplace safety in Bangladesh’s RMG-factories, a collaboration of all stakeholders is needed. BGCCI supports in this regard the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA) to implement clear regulations. Further, we encourage private sector institutions e.g. banks to provide loans only to compliant factories. rd


June 2013 was a memorable month as on the 3 June the chamber stepped into its tenth year. On 14 June, the chamber organized a mega program to celebrate its decade long achievements. The program brought together many of BGCCI’s former presidents and executive directors, well-wishers and who’s who of Bangladesh’s business community. The event witnessed distinguished diplomatic figures like H.E. William Hanna, EU Ambassador and Dr. Ralph Reusch extending accolades to BGCCI’s excellent job to promote its members and Brand Bangladesh in Germany as well as Europe. It’s a matter of sheer pride that by the end of September 2013, BGCCI was visited by three high profile person from German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) & the Association of German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (DIHK). They came here to evaluate BGCCI’s achievements in last couple of years. On their three days visit, they met with key executive board members and personnel from BGCCI secretariat. They visited a few German companies office in Bangladesh. In October, like every year, we supported the German Embassy in Bangladesh as sponsor for the Day of German Unity with a grand set up and bigger audience. 18 esteemed companies from various sectors and 5 German Institutes displayed their products and services at the event, which shows how efficiently the Chamber has been working to bolster the bilateral trade between two countries. nd

On October 22 , BGCCI organized a high profile event for the Board of Investment (BOI) of Bangladesh to attract German Investors in sectors of Ready Made Garments, renewable Energy and health sector. Speakers from respective sectors, BOI personnel and McKinsey representative were present at the event, which discussed about the prospects of the above-mentioned sectors in days to come. We just celebrated 500 members event by the end of November this year. Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Was inducted th as the 500 Member at the event. This is a great milestone and will be an amazing moment. Through its journey, BGCCI has always wanted to be enriched qualitatively with its offerings, events, publications and communications and embarking on a moment like this, I am proud to declare that all our hard works and your good wishes have paid off. I thank the executive board for lending their valuable time to support the chamber in 2013 and the endless efforts of our Executive Director Daniel Seidl, his secretariat, all the German organizations in Bangladesh and the guidance from the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Finally, of course, I thank all the BGCCI members. Today the chamber has the quality and size to make difference. We look forward to working together in 2014, which we believe to be the turnaround year for Bangladesh Economy. In the following pages, you will find a summary of the key events of 2013.

Mr. Sakhawat Abu Khair, President Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI)

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

Key Events of 2013 BGCCI organized the 2nd Global Social Responsibility Conference 2013 Dr. Hasan Mahmud, Honourable Minister of Environment and Forest of Bangladesh graced the event with his presence. H.E. William Hanna, Ambassador, The Head of Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh, Mr. Shakhawat Abu Khair, President of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI) , H. E. Gerben de Jong, Ambassador, the kingdom of the Netherlands, Dhaka were also present at the conference that focuses on “Social Responsibility through a green lens�. The daylong conference witnessed discussions and idea sharing on water, energy, waste and compliance issues.

28th February

Roundtables on fire safety in Berlin and Bangladesh Initiated by H.E Dr. Albrecht Conze and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the discussions were attended by the leading buyers in Germany and experts from Both Germany and Bangladesh. Mr. Shakhawat Abu Khair, President of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI) and the Executive Director Mr. Daniel Seidl attended the meeting representing all the BGCCI members. Several important points regarding fire safety were on the agenda in the seminar.


11th March

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

BGCCI celebrated 42nd National Day of Bangladesh and the induction of 400th member Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI) celebrated the 42nd National Day of Bangladesh amid huge festivity and fanfare. The 400th member was Robert Bosch Bangladesh Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of the Bosch Group, a leading provider of products and services in the areas of automotive technology, industrial technology, consumer goods, and building technology. Sakhawat Abu Khair, the president of the Chamber inaugurated the event. He congratulated all the members BGCCI for their relentless support in achieving the benchmark. He also expressed his gratitude to all the German organizations in Bangladesh and the association of German Chamber of commerce & Industry for their guidance. Among the many diplomats and business leaders, the event was also graced by Dr Ralph Reusch, Chargé d’ Affaires, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bangladesh. Later Dr Reusch, Mr Sakhawat and Daniel Seidl, Executive Director of the chamber introduced Robert Bosch (Bangladesh) Ltd. as the 400th member of the chamber.

29th March

BGCCI appointed as exclusive representative of Messe Dusseldorf BGCCI has been appointed as exclusive representative and sales partner of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH for the Bangladesh market. In the event Dr. Clemens Schütte, Director International Business at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH emphasized that he is optimistic, has full trust in the potential of Bangladesh, and is hopeful about the growth of the export industries.

8th April

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

German readymade garment buyers perceive fire-safety, hartals as big problem BGCCI, under the wing of the German Business Chamber Association (DIHK) the local chamber Reutlingen (IHK), organized together with the Bangladesh German chamber (BGCCI) the event: Opportunities and Challenges of the RMG sector in Bangladesh and Myanmar. More than 25 delegates from Bangladesh, representing 250.000 RMG employees, participated in the conference.

24th April

BGCCI lead to take stand against violent hartal Under the leadership of BGCCI, Six bilateral business chambers released a joint press release that stated: The foreign and joint business chambers of Bangladesh are non-political institutions and our aim is to promote the bilateral trade relations and support foreign direct investment (fdi). According to the constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, strikes (“hartals�) are a fundamental right. However, the business chambers agreed unanimously that any violence in the name of strike is not acceptable. The business chambers are pleased that Bangladesh is by constitution a secular country. Unfortunately, the political turmoil is harming the business and investment potential and the image of the country. The speakers said at the event that the recent developments in Bangladesh were harming the business and investment potentials and the image of the country.

18th May

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

BGCCI embarked on 10 years anniversary th

The chamber that started on the 9 June of 2003 embarked upon a glorious decade long journey this year. On the day, the chamber published a special advertisement in the Daily Star, which displayed all the Gold and Ordinary members, BGCCI past and presents Presidents, Executive Directors and present board members and secretariat.

9th June

BGCCI celebrated 10 year Anniversary Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI) celebrated its 10th anniversary with a gala event on the evening of 14th June at the grand Ballroom of the Hotel Radisson Blu in Dhaka with 450 guests. The guests present at the event were: H.E. William Hanna, Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh; Dr. Ralf Reusch, Charge d’Affaires, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany; Mr. Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, President, FBCCI; Mr. Sayed Jamaluddin Haider, Founder and the First President of BGCCI; Mr. Md Saiful Islam, Chief Advisor, BGCCI, and Sakhawat Abu Khair, current President of BGCCI. Mr. Daniel Seidl, Executive Director of the Chamber spoke at the event. He said, “We started the chamber with 43 paying members and most of them were not satisfied. First, we decided to listen to the thoughts of our members, and analyze their needs and develop tools how to serve them. To summarize, the key factors behind the chamber’s success are: listening, analyzing, implementing with right timing and respecting the Asian and European cultures.”

14th June

BGCCI Annual Report 2013


ITC Training Workshop 2013 PSES (Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards in the Industry), a joint project of the governments of Bangladesh and Germany, implemented by Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit(GIZ) GmbH, organised a two-day capacity-building workshop sponsored by International Trade Centre (ITC), Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI)and supported by European Union (EU) on “Researching and Analysing Export Markets” at the German House. The aim of this workshop was to connect exporters with equity and debt financing sources and creating linkages between Bangladeshi exporters and Diaspora communities.

26th-27th June

High profile delegates from Germany visited BGCCI Three high profile delegates from German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) & the Association of German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (DIHK) made a three-day visit to Bangladesh to evaluate BGCCI’s achievements in last couple of years. On their three days visit, they met Daniel Seidl, Sakhawat Abu Khair and two BGCCI executive board members. They also talked with Adnan Nafis, Head of Trade Promotion and Tanzer Siddique, Head of Membership, BGCCI. They visited a few German companies office in Bangladesh. They evaluated the feats achieved by BGCCI in last one decade and shared their valuable remarks in a meeting with the Chamber secretariat. The BGCCI president In honor of the delegates from Germany of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) & the Association of German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (DIHK), BGCCI hosted a dinner on the night of October 2, 2013 which was attended by the delegates and BGCCI team and some executive board members of BGCCI.

30th Sept-2nd October

BGCCI organized business lunch for SAP BGCCI along with its Gold Member SS Solutions- the sole agent and gold partner of SAP in Bangladesh organized a business networking lunch. The event witnessed a huge presence of distinguished personnel of readymade garment sector. The seminar shed lights on how business can integrate and automate manufacturing, supply chain, sales, and financial process with an integrated solution specifically designed for the RMG at an affordable price with SAP.

27th September

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

Celebration of German National Day 2013 BGCCI as the sponsor supported the annual German National Day celebration together with the German Embassy. The German Ambassador, H.E. Dr. Albrecht Conze, gave an inspiring speech outlining his vision for the future of Bangladeshi-German relations urging on utilizing the potential of youth in education and business sector. BGCCI Gold Members had the right to display their companies at stalls, and joined the prestigious event, exchanging felicitations with the ambassador. Over 650 guests from the business, government, development, and diplomatic sectors were present at this key event in the bilateral calendar.

7th October

BGCCI Executive Director attended BGMEA seminar The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and the Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF) jointly organised the seminar, titled 'Taking the RMG sector forward - the role of media in sustainable development' at a city hotel. It was organised as part of the 24th BATEXPO (Bangladesh Apparel and Textile Exposition) 2013. Gerben de Jong, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was present as chief guest. The keynote speaker of the seminar was Zafar Sobhan, Editor, Dhaka Tribune and Faruk Hassan, former BGMEA Vice President. Daniel Seidl, who is also a Brand Ambassador of Bangladesh in Germany, urged on the issue of representing Bangladesh under positive light. He mentioned how Bangladesh should plot the next trajectory of growth through Readymade garments sector. He stressed on easing visa process for international journalists to come to Bangladesh and observe the RMG sector to produce factual reports.

8th October

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

BGCCI organized high profile event for BOI to attract German Investors in Berlin The BOI together with BGCCI organized a high-level event for German investors. BGCCI organized the platform to present business possibilities in the field of RMG, Renewable Energy and Health Care. In the high profile event, speakers from RMG, Renewable Energy and Healthcare sector talked about the future prospects of Bangladesh. Dr. Achim Berg, McKinsey & Company told at the event that: “Even after Rana Plaza and, Tazreen Fashion Bangladesh is considered the second Asian most important RMG hub worldwide, but a lot of home-work needs to be done in fields of infrastructure, compliance, productivity and branding. But buyers focus on compliance issues fire and building safety more than ever”. Ms. Samanzar Khan from AK Khan Group gave a speech on the Health Care sector of Bangladesh. She said: “There is a huge demand in health care. Bangladesh needs to change its perception on nurses and focus on the vocational training of nurses”. The speaker from Renewable Energy sector was Barrister Redwan Hossain from New Nation Solar Ltd. He said: “We can learn a lot from Germany in the field of Renewable energy, but the business opportunities In Bangladesh are outstanding”. Daniel Seidl, Executive Director of BGCCI spoke about Branding Bangladesh. He said, “Bangladesh should be proactive and find its clear identity. Therefore, a communication and marketing strategy is necessary. I recommend an independent study, just as we did with McKinsey & Company”.

22nd October

BGCCI organized Dinner for German Blue Chip Companies BGCCI organized a special dinner in the honour of the German Blue Chip Companies operating in Bangladesh. The dinner took place at Villa Ideas in a befitting manner. H.E Dr. Albrecht Conze, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany and Deputy Ambassador Dr Ferdinand Von Weyhe graced the event. From the Blue Chip Companies the following people participated: Ajay Sahney, Managing Director, Robert BOSCH Bangladesh Ltd; Janakiram Raju, Chairman & Managing Director, BASF Bangladesh Ltd.; Syed Sadaquat Hossain, Managing Director, DACHSER Bangladesh Ltd.; M. Nooruddin Chowdhury, DHL Global Forwarding Ltd.; Indranil Lahiri, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Bangladesh Ltd.; Rene Schlapp, Office Manager, MGB Metro Group Buying HK Ltd.; Victor Biswas, Liaison Office, Bangladesh, Tchibo;

27th November

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

Erphan Matin, Managing Director, Linde Bangladesh Ltd.; Sadque Chowdhury, SANARC; Ashekur Rahman, Business Development Manager, Hellman; Ezhilan Neelan, Country Manager, TUV SUD Bangladesh; and Shanmuga Sundaram, Managing Director, TUV Rheinland Bangladesh. Sakhawat Abu Khair, President of BGCCI; Omar Sadat, Farooq Siddiqui and Yesmin Ipphat, BGCCI Executive Board Members also attended the event. The Ambassador praised the existing BGCCI board and secretariat for their achievements and urged on for a better strategy that would fit the needs of tomorrow. The blue chip company heads also expressed their gratitude to BGCCI and expressed to work closely with the chamber in days to come.

BGCCI Celebrated the induction of 500th Member and Oktoberfest 2013 As another milestone achieved by the biggest bilateral business chamber of the country, BGCCI celebrated th the induction of its 500 Member: Radiant Pharmaceuticals along with Oktoberfest 2013 in a five th star hotel on 29 November. The event witnessed huge participation of BGCCI’s many members, who considered it as a remarkable height concurred by the chamber. Speaking at the event, Daniel Seidl, the Executive Director of the Chamber thanked the incumbent Executive Board and the Secretariat for helping fulfilling the target. The BGCCI President Sakhawat Abu Khair said that the chamber not only wanted to grow quantitatively but also qualitatively. He mentioned about a number of significant events organized by the chamber that have already proved the worth of the chamber in home and abroad. Md. Nasser Shahrear Zahedee, the Chairman of Radiant Pharmaceuticals thanked the chamber for the th opportunity to becoming the esteemed 500 member. He expressed his visions of doing collaborative works in future with the chamber to take the pharmaceutical sector of our country forward. Later, Daniel Seidl introduced the audience with the traditions of Oktoberfest. Exciting games like tree cutting, arm wrestling, finger wrestling were played out on the stage. A sumptuous dinner consisting of German and Bangladeshi fusion food was served to the guests with drinks.

29th November

The End

BGCCI Annual Report 2013

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