STATEMENT OF CONDOLENCE After the Rana Plaza tragedy - while keeping the victims and their families of the Tazreen Fashion factory fire in mind - we are still deeply saddened and shocked over the loss of life and high number of injured workers. We stand aside with Bangladesh in this difficult time and we will continue our commitment in the areas of compliance and workplace (fire-) safety. Therefore we are closely working together with the German and Bangladesh Government, different stakeholders and international organizations to address these different issues and find solutions and ways for improvement. We noticed with concern that for many international buyers, the Rana Plaza tragedy led to a reconsideration of Bangladesh as a production place for their Ready-Made-Garments. During the last 20 years, Bangladesh and its economy made a huge progress and the continuous growth was a way to reduce poverty for numerous people. The RMG-sector, as the largest export sector of Bangladesh's economy, is playing a crucial role in the creation of jobs and the empowerment of women. Analysts see a huge potential for Bangladesh to become the next RMG-hotspot. But more important than becoming the largest RMG-exporter is to become the best RMG-exporter that puts quality and safety first. BGCCI stands aside with its local and international partners to support this process e.g. in fields of compliance, buying behaviour, middle management training and vocational training. The Government of Germany has just given a EURO 2.5 Million support for the support of the victims of Rana Plaza. While the government of Bangladesh as well as some factories are setting a positive example with their initiatives in the areas of compliance, pay scale, sustainability and workplace safety, there are also factories that are not compliant yet. To improve workplace safety in Bangladesh's RMG-factories, a collaboration of all stakeholders is needed. BGCCI supports in this regard the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA) to implement clear regulations. Further we encourage private sector institutions e.g. banks to provide loans only to compliant factories. Last but not least the sector should have an independent third party which provides regular inspections and certifications. Next to the tragedies violent strikes have damaged the reputation of Bangladesh. As the biggest bilateral chamber in Bangladesh BGCCI took the lead and released the following statement jointly with other bilateral chambers.
German House, 1st Floor, House 10/C, Road 90, Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh, Tel.: +88 02 8826480, Fax: +88 02 8824858, Email:,
The foreign and joint business chambers of Bangladesh are non-political institutions and our aim is to promote the bilateral trade relations and support foreign direct investment (FDI). According to the constitution of the People´s Republic of Bangladesh strikes (“hartals”) are a fundamental right. However the business chambers agreed unanimously that any violence in the name of a strike is not acceptable. The business chambers are pleased that Bangladesh is by constitution a secular country. Unfortunately the political turmoil is harming the business and investment potential and the image of the country.
18th May, 2013
German House, 1st Floor, House 10/C, Road 90, Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh, Tel.: +88 02 8826480, Fax: +88 02 8824858, Email:,