Emerging Bangladesh Oct-Dec. 2013 issue

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The Business Magazine of the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI)

Emerging Bangladesh Oct.-Dec. 2013



MEMBERS BGCCI Election for the Year 2014-2015

Meet the Candidates


for becoming the esteemed 500th member

Page 17


Opening Remarks



From the Editor


BGCCI Events


BGCCI Members' News

Feature: Economy 2013: A Grim Reckoning



BGCCI Election for the year 2014-2015 MEET The CANDIDATES


German Blue Chip Companies' Profiles





Radius Centre


As a part of BGCCI’s Branding Bangladesh campaign, the chamber wants to promote Bangladesh to the wider public at home and abroad with a powerful visual tool, a photobook illustrating successful business stories of Bangladesh. If you would like to recommend an entrepreneur, businessman or innovator, send us an email at 100leaders@bgcci.com

Emerging Bangladesh Volume 1 Issue 4 Oct./ Dec. 2013 The business magazine of the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry Emerging Bangladesh will be published four times p.a. by the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry Publisher Sakhawat Abu Khair on behalf of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry It is distributed free of charge to members and qualified nonmembers in Bangladesh and abroad.

Bangladesh German Chamber of

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Page 54 Heidelberg Cement BANGLADESH Ltd. Multidrive Rancon Motors SS Solutions

On its 10 years anniversary, BGCCI extends deep gratitude to its Founder, Presidents, Executive Directors and Executive Board Members. Founder: Sayed Jamaluddin Haider Presidents: Sayed Jamaluddin Haider


Dr. Peter E. Albrich (2001-2004) Ruhul Amin (2004-2006)


Special Interview: Ferdous Amin, Chairman, Prime Insurance Co. Ltd.


Fairs: From Dusseldorf to Dhaka

Nasir A. Chowdhury (2006-2007) Md. Saiful Islam (2007-2011) Sakhawat Abu Khair (2012-Till Date) Executive Directors: Irmgard Hettich Sherchan (2007) Mr. Syed Feroze Ahmed (2008) Mir Muniruzzaman (2009) Dipl. Oec. Daniel Seidl (2009-Till Date) BGCCI Executive Committee 2012-2013 President Sakhawat Abu Khair Senior Vice President David Hasanat Treasurer Olaf Handloegten Executive Board Members Bernd Hagen Sakhawat Hossain Shakhawat Hossain Yesmin Ipphat Amrita Islam Omar Sadat Farooq Siddiqui Executive Director Dipl. Oec. Daniel Seidl Chief Advisor Saiful Islam


Successful Two Years


still could remember the moment the Executive Board of BGCCI for the Year 2012-2013 was formed. The legacy left by the former President and the Committee inspired the incumbent Executive Committee to take the chamber to a new height, set new benchmarks and raise the bar. It has been a serendipitous journey. 2012 was the year that BGCCI became the biggest bilateral business chamber in Bangladesh. Thank you once again to each of our members. You have made it possible for us to achieve this milestone. BGCCI was founded to promote bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Germany. In a remarkable display of resilience, exports to Germany kept growing in the last two years in the face of daunting odds. We believe that in the not too distant future, Germany will become the number one market for Bangladesh's exports. All our esteemed members, this is YOUR success. We also recognize the importance of Europe as a partner in Bangladesh's development. That is why today BGCCI is promoting trade with, and accepting members from, the EU. The EU is the destination for well over half of all “Made-in-Bangladesh� exports and will remain a core market for the long-term. European companies have made a valuable contribution, as buyers, as investors, and as technology and service providers. BGCCI is working to put Bangladesh high on European companies' strategic list of Asian emerging markets so that more foreign investment will come. It's a matter of sheer pride that in last two years BGCCI has organized many events that have bolstered the bilateral relationship between Bangladesh and Germany manifold. The wonderful reception for H.E. Guido Westerwelle, German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs in June 2012 and the farewell of former German Ambassador H.E. Holger Michael-both were high profile events attended by distinguished diplomats, businessmen and friends from media. Besides, BGCCI has been organizing the German National Day with the German Embassy. On this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Michael and H.E. Dr. Albrecht Conze, the present German Ambassador to


Bangladesh. Time and again, their valuable suggestions have enriched our journey and showed us new directions in fostering trade relationship between Bangladesh, Germany and Europe. We had already seen the results of BGCCI's European efforts at the GSR conference on February 28th, 2013.It brought sustainable production expertise from across Europe to Dhaka, with examples of profitable green-technology from European providers, and case-studies of implementation in Bangladesh. Sustainable business practices are essential for Bangladesh to remain competitive for the long-term. It is not charity; it makes business sense. The conference once again successfully reminded us that fact. The incumbent Executive Board was lucky to witness induction events of 300th and 400th member of BGCCI in the

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

year 2012 and 2013 respectively. Finally yet importantly, we just celebrated 500 members event on the 29th November. Once again, I would like to Congratulate Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for becoming the 500th member of the biggest bilateral chamber of the country. This is a crowning moment. Through its journey, BGCCI has always wanted to be enriched qualitatively with its offerings, events, publications and communications and embarking on a moment like this, I am proud to declare that all our hard works and good wishes have paid off. June 2013 was a memorable month as on the 3rd June the chamber stepped into its tenth year. On 14th June, the chamber organized a mega program to celebrate its decade long achievements. Despite so many achievements, the journey we shared together was not a cakewalk. There have

been numerous incidents in the last two years, which have put Bangladesh in serious image crisis raising question about compliance issues in factories. The tragic fire outbreak at Tazreen Fashions and Rana Plaza collapse took lives of more than a hundred and a thousand of garment workers respectively. Both the accidents have shocked us. We extended a heartfelt condolence to all the victimsdeceased and their families. At BGCCI, we believe that to improve workplace safety in Bangladesh's RMG-factories, a collaboration of all stakeholders is needed. BGCCI supports in this regard the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA) to implement clear regulations. Further, we encourage private sector institutions e.g. banks to provide loans only to compliant factories.

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


By the end of September, this year, three high profile people from German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) & the Association of German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (DIHK) visited BGCCI. They came here to evaluate BGCCI's achievements in last couple of years. They were very pleased with the activities of the chamber and left us a few suggestions for days to come. All these bear testimony to the fact that we are on the right track. The year 2013 has been a testing year for Bangladesh and all the companies operating here. Around the year, businesses have been affected by political unrest. Due to numerous hartals when the economy of the country was facing hiccups, six bilateral business chambers in the leadership of BGCCI released a joint press release that clearly posits our stand against all sorts of violent hartals. Though a series of misfortunate events has made us pessimistic, the McKinsey report published in August this year shows us a glimmer of hope. Instead of all the provocative questions against the country's dearth of compliance and safety in factories,


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

Bangladesh will remain Number One after China when it comes to outsourcing clothing and textile materials. At the same time, it reminds us the fact that we need to start thinking about how to take Bangladesh up the value chain in the readymade garment sector that is the new driving force of our economy. We need to focus on having skilled labor force. I am happy that recently BGCCI signed a MoU with GIZ Bangladesh to build a pilot training school that will offer vocational training among the midlevel managers and will ensure empowerment of women in the mid level management in RMG sector. We hope by putting an end to all sort of political instability and with a right vision to attract more foreign investment and patronizing the small and medium enterprises inside the country, Bangladesh will plot its next trajectory of growth with ĂŠlan. Thus, being a man of sheer optimism, I think 2014 will be the year of turning around. I thank the executive board for lending their valuable time to support the chamber in the years 2012-2013 and the endless efforts of our Executive Director Daniel Seidl, his secretariat, all the German organizations in Bangladesh and the guidance from the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Finally, of course, I thank all the BGCCI members. We look forward to working together in 2014 and 2015.


The year 2013 has been one of the milestones in the history of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI). The Chamber had come quiet a long way in the past one decade. One of the major challenges was the promotion of the emerging market of Bangladesh. Many people in Germany did not know about Bangladesh. On the other hand, many people in Bangladesh did not have confident on their own country. This kind of market development is called, “Branding Bangladesh�. If you look at the data, you will see the development initiatives in regards to trade relations from our side has always been solid. Through our every endeavor, we have tried to promote Bangladesh under positive light. In 2009, we created a new business model for the chamber according to the needs of the members. Today it has reached its goal in terms of having a systemized procedure in terms of professional services. One can say that the past two Presidents and the Executive Board members have created a baby, helped it grow up being a


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

toddler and getting it released for a university life now. As the biggest bilateral business chamber in Bangladesh, we will take our role to promote the bilateral trade relation and to raise the voice of our members on various issues very seriously. BGCCI will now consolidate its business model and is looking forward to the upcoming election for the President and Executive Board for the year of 2014-2015.

Daniel Seidl Executive Director, BGCCI


High Profile Delegates Visit BGCCI Three high profile delegates from German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (DIHK) made a three-day visit to Bangladesh to evaluate BGCCI's achievements in last couple of years. They were Mr. Joerg Biermann from the Federal Ministry and Mr. Gert Rabbow and Mr. Benjamin Leipold from DIHK. On their three days visit, they met Daniel Seidl, Sakhawat Abu Khair and BGCCI executive board members. They evaluated the feats achieved by BGCCI in last one decade and shared their valuable remarks in a meeting with the Chamber secretariat. In honor of the delegates from Germany, the BGCCI President hosted a dinner on the night of October 2nd, 2013 which was attended by the delegates and BGCCI team and a number of executive board members.

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



BGCCI signed MOU with Turkish Airlines BGCCI has recently signed an MOU with Turkish Airlines. Turkish Airlines will offer BGCCI members special discounts and extra privileges. The MOU was signing ceremony took place in the BGCCI office on October 2, 2013. Representatives from Turkish Airlines and BGCCI were present at the event. Special Discount 9% to 18%. There will be 1. No Date Change fee 2. No Refund Fee and 3. Baggage carrying facility is for: Economy Class 40 kg, Business Class 50 kg, All Fare Types 2 pieces X 32 kg. To avail the offers, please contact with Voyage. Contact address is: 41 Kemal

Ataturk Avenue, 2nd Floor, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh. Telephone: 9891996, 9862945, 09610998000. To contact through email: sales@voyage.com.bd (mailto:sales@voyage.com.bd) . Voyage is also arranging 24 hour room service; special discount on Hotel rate; home/office service. * Conditions Apply. In the picture: Sakhawat Abu Khair, President, BGCCI; Murat IRDESEL, General Manager, Turkish Airlines; Daniel Seidl, Executive Director, BGCCI; Rafiq Hassan, Managing Director, Voyage (Northern Air Ltd.)

BGCCI Signed MoU with EBL Recently BGCCI signed an MOU with Eastern Bank Limited (EBL). According to that, EBL is going to provide exclusive services from their card division to BGCCI Gold member companies' employees. Below is a brief about the EBL VISA Cards for top management and employees of the Gold Members Organization.

Please be informed that there will be "No issuance fee for 1 (One) Year for any sort of EBL Cards mentioned above for whoever avails it, be it Top Executives or employees of the Gold Member Companies of BGCCI.�

EBL has the following cards to offer: EBL VISA Signature Cards


Exclusively to the Top Management of the Gold Members Companies only

EBL VISA Platinum Cards


For the Top Executives/Employees of the Gold Members Organization

EBL VISA Gold Cards


For the Employees of the Gold Members Organization

EBL VISA Classic Cards


For the Employees of the Gold Members Organization


{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


German National Day 2013 Celebrated Ger man Embassy in Bangladesh celebrated the Day of German Unity on October 7, 2013 in a five star hotel in Dhaka. The event was organized by Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and industry. Just like every year, diplomats, politicians, renowned businesspersons and representatives of both print and electronic media, attended the gala event. Dr. Dipumoni, immediate former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh graced the event as the chief guest. H.E. Dr. Albrecht Conze and Madam Conze greeted the guests at the event. Dr. Conze extended d his heartfelt gratitude to BGCCI and its executive board and members for {Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



organizing the event. He said, “Once again, the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is our partner tonight. I would like to extend my gratitude to the President and Board of the Chamber for their great support. Please do take a look at the stands at the entrance you will see a small part of what Germans and Bangladeshis are doing together.” He insisted on contemplating on the future prospects of the bilateral trade relation between two countries. “New opportunities are coming up, not only for trade, but also for foreign investment. More of both will further reduce this country's dependency on aid. In today's global village, international capital is constantly chasing for the best conditions. Bangladesh should be able to turn into a lasting advantage its unique geographic situation between Asia's two emerging giants. German companies are ready to engage in helping the Bay of Bengal to become a new economic powerhouse. German technology can help you to build this powerhouse with the necessary respect for your precious environmental balance,” he added. Dr. Dipumoni, in her speech thanked the ambassador for the wonderful event. The event also witnessed exhibition of international quality products of companies from both Bangladesh and Germany. The companies showcased their products and services were Green Carbon Ltd., SS Solutions Ltd., DHL Global Forwarding, Prime Insurance Company Ltd., Women's World, DBL, CSI, BOSCH, Asrotex, Metro Knitting and Dying Ltd, Red Point Jacket, Leisure Bangladesh Ltd, Picard Bangladesh. German Institutes namely GIZ, KAS, KFW, FNS, Goethe Institut also participated. Rancon Motors and Multidrive Ltd., displayed two beautiful cars of latest model.


{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


BGCCI Executive Director Participated at BATEXPO Seminar 2013 Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and Bangladesh Brand Forum organized “BATEXPO Seminar 2013” on “Taking the Sector Forward The Role of Media in Sustainable Development” recently. Gerben de Jong, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was present as chief guest. The key note speakers of the seminar were Zafar Sobhan, Editor, Dhaka Tribune and Faruk Hassan, former BGMEA Vice President. Present at the seminar were Daniel Seidl, executive Director, BGCCI; Dr. Tuhin Malik, Advocate, Supreme court of Bangladesh, Malik Law Associates; Asif Ibrahim, Vice chairman, New Age Group; Ashraf Kaiser, Managing Director, Benchmark Limited; Moazzem Hossain , Editor, Financial Express; Mamun Rashid, Adjunct Faculty, Independent University of Bangladesh.

Speakers present ways of the various challenges and opportunities facing the biggest export industry of the country, namely RMG to address the issues to various stakeholders and asked them to work in collaboration for the sustainability of the industry in the international market. Participants took part in discussions in identifying the core parameters of sustainable development, highlighting the critical role of the sector for the overall social stability and economic progress of the country- particularly the bottom of the pyramid, sharing the progress made, initiatives taken, and way forward plan, identifying the need for collaboration with media and developing an action plan. Daniel Seidl, who is also the Brand Ambassador of Bangladesh in Germany, urged on the issue of representing Bangladesh under positive light. He mentioned how Bangladesh should plot the next trajectory of growth through Ready made garments sector.

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



Syed Afsor H. Uddin, CEO, PPP OFFICE (Prime Minister Office) Background: Daniel Seidl, Executive Director BGCCI and Brand Ambassador of Bangladesh, Dr. Syed Abdus Samad, Executive Chairman BOI; Abdur Rauf, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of Bangladesh in Germany

High Level Event for BOI The Board of Investment (BOI) together with BGCCI organized a high-level event for German investors. BGCCI organized the platform to present business possibilities in the field of RMG, Renewable Energy and Health Care. In the high profile event, speakers from RMG, Renweable Enegy and Healthcare sector talked about the future prospects of Bangladesh. Dr. Achim Berg, McKinsey & Company told at the event that: “Even after Rana Plaza and, Tazreen Fashion Bangladesh is considered the second Asian most important RMG hub worldwide, but a lot of home-work needs to be done in fields of infrastructure, compliance, productivity and branding. But buyers focus on compliance issues fire and building safety more than ever”.


Ms. Samanzar Khan from AK Khan Group gave a speech on the Health Care sector of Bangladesh. She said: “There is a huge demand in health care. Bangladesh needs to change its perception on nurses and focus on the vocational training of nurses”. The speaker from Renewable Energy sector was Barrister Redwan Hossain from New Nation Solar Ltd. He said: “We can learn a lot from Germany in the field of Renewable energy, but the business opportunities In Bangladesh are outstanding”. Daniel Seidl, Executive Director of BGCCI spoke about Branding Bangladesh. He said, “Bangladesh should be proactive and find its clear identity. Therefore, a communication and marketing strategy is necessary. I recommend an independent study, just as we did with McKinsey & Company”.

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


Radius Centre organizes Courses On Vital Business Interest In cooperation with BGCCI, Radius Centre is starting a new program to impart useful practical knowledge on issues of vital business interest aimed primarily at senior executives and top management. These intensive courses will be presented under the aegis of the Radius Human Skill Development Centre which is housed at Radius Centre, located in a convenient prominent Gulshan building, and fully equipped with all modern facilities and upscale furnishings. Appropriate Diplomas/Certificates will be provided to the course participants. Their first course, on “Income Tax and Tax Management� was successfully offered in early July 2013 which was attended by a number of executives from esteemed member companies of BGCCI. The second course was on the subject of "VAT & VAT Management" which was offered on Saturday 28th September 2013 at Radius Centre. The topics covered were of vital importance to senior management. The Course was conducted by Dr Mannan Sikder, Commissioner, Customs Excise and VAT, National Board of Revenue, and Mr. Fakhrul Alam Additional Commissioner Customs Excise and VAT, National Board of Revenue. VAT systems in Bangladesh, VAT accountancy, VAT records and books, VAT rebates and refunds etc. are a few subjects discussed in the course. {Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



SAP organized BusinessNetworking Lunch


BGCCI along with its Gold Member SS Solutions- the sole agent and gold partner of SAP in Bangladesh, organized a business networking lunch on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at a five star hotel in Dhaka. The event witnessed a huge presence of distinguished personnel of readymade garment sector. The seminar shed lights on how business can integrate and automate manufacturing, supply chain, sales, and financial process with an integrated solution specifically designed for the RMG at an affordable price with SAP. Ghulam Hussain, the Chairman of National Board of Revenue graced the event at the chief guest. Dr. Albrecht Conze, German Ambassador in Bangladesh and Md. Atiqul Islam, President of BGMEA were among the special guests. The speakers at the event shared their insights about the various challenges of the readymade garment sector in Bangladesh and how to overcome those challenges, and the importance of world class enterprise solution in this regard. BGCCI President Sakhawat Abu Khair greeted the guests in his speech. Mentioning about McKinsey's Apparel CPO Survey 2013 that discusses about the global sourcing map-balancing cost, compliance, and capacity, he said, “it's a good news that Bangladesh is still number one after China. However, we have to keep proving our efficiency, productivity and compliance. We have to keep innovating and for that, we need the right technology at the right place. I hope SAP is going to provide us that kind of smart technological support.” Sarazeen Kazi, Managing Director of SS Solutions also spoke at the event. She shared with the distinguished audience her vision and the value of SAP standing on one foot. She said, “Our vision is to make SAP a household name at an affordable price with niche foreign and local resources. As SAP makes the world run better, SS Solutions would like to be part of SAP enabling Bangladesh to run better.” The seminar was followed by lunch. Daniel Seidl, Executive Director of BGCCI emceed the event.

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


GIZ Signed MoU with BGCCI to develop skill at RMG

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013


A Technical Vocational and Educational Trainings (TVET) pilot school and specific training courses are in preparation as part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on the 17th of November 2013, to address the shortage of skilled workers and mid-level managers in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) and textile industry. The MoU is signed between “Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards in the Industry” (PSES), a joint project of the governments of Bangladesh and Germany, implemented by Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI), the biggest bilateral business chamber. PSES contributes to the sustainable and inclusive development of the RMG sector by complementing the efforts of both the German and Bangladeshi governments to overcome the skill shortage in the sector. BGCCI is the biggest bilateral business chamber in Bangladesh and had compiled the McKinsey Study 2011, which identified current trends in the RMG and textile sector. BGCCI has also conducted a pre-feasibility study, on behalf of GIZ, to provide GIZ with adequate information regarding the design of the pilot school. This MoU is agreed upon in an effort to combine resources and technical expertise of both parties. The areas covered in the MoU are: setup of the TVET pilot school, development of demand-driven curricula, job placement, social compliance and fire safety trainings, development of staff expertise and acquisition. Olaf Handloegten, Country Director, GIZ said, “The lack of


qualified workers and mid-level managers is a key constraint to the growth and diversification of Bangladesh's export oriented RMG and textile sector. Shortage of skills holds back productivity and consequently, workers' incomes, and as such needs to be urgently addressed. This MoU stands to substantiate the long-term cooperation between GIZ and BGCCI, with the promise for continuous expansion of activities in respect to TVET within the sector. ” “BGCCI is on the verge of celebrating its 500 members representing organisations from Bangladesh, Germany and other countries from the European Union. Through this MoU, with our long-term partner GIZ, BGCCI aims to strengthen the skills of textile workers in collaboration with the private sector. BGCCI will assess the joint TVET school project by identifying organisations for placing skilled mid-level managers and guarantee better jobs to at least 80% of the graduates,” said Daniel Seidl, Executive Director, BGCCI. Magnus Schmid, Program Coordinator, PSES GIZ commented, “PSES has been committed towards the concept of sustainable economic development for more than 8 years and has carried out a number of capacity-building initiatives to increase productivity and enhance skills of the workforce in the RMG sector. This MoU marks the continuation of the joint collaboration with BGCCI, to produce highly qualified skilled workers and mid-level managers.” “BGCCI and PSES in collaboration will elaborate the curricula for trainings of the skilled workers in the RMG and textile industry. In cooperation with its private sector partners, BGCCI can ensure a detailed and demand driven training curricula is developed,” said Sakhawat Abu Khair, President, BGCCI.

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


German University Bangladesh (GUB) is all set to start its Journey The members of the Board of Trustees of German University Bangladesh called on the President and Executive Director of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI) to inform that German University Bangladesh was approved by the Government and University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. The academic session is going to be started in the first half of 2014. GUB is the first of its kind and a specialized university in Bangladesh that is all ready to face the challenges of 21st century in higher education. Course Curricula of this University have been prepared by the experienced German and Bangladeshi Professors. The Students will be awarded degree according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which will be accredited and worldwide accepted. On their graduation from German University Bangladesh students will be the torch-bearers of German quality in Bangladesh. Initially German University Bangladesh would have 4 faculties and more than 20

departments. German experienced Professors will be responsible to maintain the Standard and Quality of Education of this University. Preparatory works as regards detailed syllabus, modules, and Course and Examination Regulations have already been accomplished. The academic activities will be start at Gazipur soon. HE, Mr. Michael Holger the former Ambassador of Germany in Bangladesh also kindly visited University Campus on 16th of May 2012. The University already acquired five acres of Land at Guptabrindaban 100 km northwest from Dhaka under P.S. Ghatail, District Tangail for its permanent Campus. When it will be commissioned it will be a fully residential University. Contact Address: Professor Dr.-Ing. Saifullah Khandker Chairman Board of Trustee Phone: +49 30 60922706 (GER) & +8802 8870932 - 39 (BD) Fax: +880 2 8870940, 8870941; Cell: +8801715654180 Email: sakhandker@t-online.de; Web Site: www.i-gub.org

From right to left: Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman, 2nd Vice Chairman GUBT, Mr. Syed Mastafizur Rahman, 3rd Vice Chairman GUBT, Mr. Syed Golam Mowla, 1st Vice Chairman GUBT, Mr. Daniel Seidl, Executive Director BGCCI, , Mr. Sakhawat Abu Khair, President BGCCI, Professor Dr.-Ing. Saifullah Khandker, Chairman GUBT and Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmmed, Director GUBT.

Dhaka Regency Introduces Exotic Live Sea Food BBQ this Winter This Winter Dhaka Regency Hotel is delighted to offer exotic experiences to its guests. The hotel is going to arrange the Live Sea Food BBQ event. This will be starting from this November 28th and will continue till February 2014. This event will take place every day between 6.00pm to 11.00pm at the very popular rooftop garden restaurant “Grill On The Skyline�. Soothing atmosphere will make you lighten up at the poolside while savoring the freshly prepared barbeque. The event features an array of exciting lavish delights carefully selected by the Executive Chef of the hotel. Start your gastro economic adventure with the Chef's special Grilled Red Snapper,

Baby Koral, King Fish, Lamp Chops, Rock Lobster, King Prawn, Promfret Turkish Mixed Grill and many more exotic sea foods. All the ingredients perfectly complement each other and combine to create a rich flavor you will never forget. Guests will have the ultimate priority to choose and create their own menu and the chefs are always ready to assemble them at the live station and serve it on the table. Dhaka Regency Hotel tries to give their guests calm environments that assess open sky with cold breeze which will provide an extra ordinary moment with live Sea Food BBQ flavor. For more information or reservation please call 01713332661.

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



2013: A Grim Reckoning Has the outgoing year taken the economy of Bangladesh any closer to its dream of becoming a middle-income country? By Upoma Dutta


etting an economic growth target of more than 7 % has been the hallmark of Bangladesh's fiscal budget for several years now - even though the average GDP growth rate for the last ten years has hovered around 6.2 %. Hence, the failure of the economy to meet its budgetary goals hardly makes the headlines now. However, if there is one goal that the economy of Bangladesh has rationally envisioned to achieve, it has to be “becoming a middle-income country by 2021�, the same year that will mark the golden jubilee of the country's independence. This goal is not limited to Vision 2021, the political manifesto expounded by the incumbent political party Bangladesh Awami League. Rather, it is an upshot of the high potential poised by several sectors of the economy, including consumer goods, technology and real estate. A goal properly set may be halfway reached, but there is still another half and a quite long way to go. In light of this, it is imperative to analyze whether the outgoing year has taken the economy one-step forward or two


steps back from its goal of becoming a middle-income country (MIC). Political Impasse: Erosion of Bangladesh's Potential The month of November has painted a rather grim picture of the economic outlook for Bangladesh in the run-up to the 2014 General Elections. The incessant hartals in the first couple of weeks made it evident that businesses will have to bear the full brunt of political impasse. In fact, as per a new study of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), the economy of Bangladesh bears a loss of BDT 2,175 crore for each day of hartal. Given that there were already more than 40 nationwide strikes in this year, this could translate into a loss of BDT 870 billion, roughly one-fifth of the size of our economy. The estimation is likely to be skewed to the higher side, but it still highlights the longlasting dents on economic growth rate that can be made by continued uncertainty on the political front. To put the disparaging impacts of hartals into perspective, a readymade garments business in

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

Bangladesh can be taken as a microcosm for the overall business landscape in which it operates. Due to supply disruptions caused by nationwide strikes, an RMG exporter is now often unable to make the designated shipment on time. Then, in an effort to avoid further agitation of his Western buyer and cancellation of the order, he unwillingly resorts to airfreight, which costs 13 times more than transportation through air vessel. If such trends continue, the huge distribution costs can eat up most of his profit margin. However, the setback does not stop here; in the long run, more and more Western buyers, after being vexed with Bangladesh's political uncertainty, may switch to other low-cost sourcing destinations, such as Vietnam, Cambodia and even India. Even though McKinsey's 2014 Apparel Chief Purchasing Officer (CPO) Survey purports that Bangladesh is still the number one alternative to China among Western buyers (with 54 % of the surveyed CPOs believing that Bangladesh's importance in the apparel sourcing landscape will increase in the next three years), there is no denying that continued political impasse may rapidly cause a shift in sentiment to the negative. Not surprisingly, among the same CPOs, political unrest due to 2014 elections is regarded as the third most severe challenge (next to Bangladesh's lack of compliance with building safety and fire safety) in increasing their sourcing from this country. The domino effect from hartal-led supply disruptions of export-oriented businesses has spread to the financial sector as well. In FY13, bad loans in the industrial sector increased by a colossal 80 % to BDT 156 billion. This inflicts further damage to the banking industry, which is already grappling with the recent series of banking frauds. Bangladesh: Scaring Away Foreign Investment? Foreign investors may be lured by the potential of high

growth and consequently high returns, but the same investors are also easily driven away by high risks brought forth by macro-environmental uncertainty. As per Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), a local thinktank, capital flight from Bangladesh increases in the months prior to election and the same scenario is likely to be prevalent in this year as well. Even though there will not be any salient impact of such capital flight on this year's economic growth, the capital lost will weigh down GDP

Due to supply disruptions caused by nationwide strikes, an RMG exporter is now often unable to make the designated shipment on time. Then, in an effort to avoid further agitation of his Western buyer and cancellation of the order, he unwillingly resorts to airfreight, which costs 13 times more than transportation through air vessel.

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com



growth in upcoming years, drastically impeding Bangladesh's journey to become an MIC in 2021. Low confidence among foreign investors becomes evident through the trend in portfolio investment in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). Portfolio investment in DSE declined for each of the first three months of FY14 (-19 % in July, -13 % in August and -12 % in September). By the end of September, net position by foreign investors stood at BDT 85 crore (down by 70 % since June). The continued decline in portfolio investment stemmed from political uncertainty that prompted the foreign investors to adopt a “wait-and-see” policy before putting their money into the already volatile stock market. In October, portfolio investment in DSE shot up by 22 %. However, the credit for this cannot go to an improvement in political outlook. It was more due to the continued plunge in DSE that allowed investors to take positions in securities at attractive prices and the news of the government's recent decision to allow four foreign banks (Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank N/A, HSBC and Commercial Bank of Ceylon) to invest in the stock market


without any subsidiary . Unfortunately, unless the incumbent government and opposition political party quickly resolve their differences, the current level of portfolio investment in DSE will not sustain for long. Rising Inf lation: Loss of another Competitive Advantage Bangladesh still remains firmly positioned in the “Next Eleven Economies”, a term coined by Goldman Sachs to denote the league of eleven pre-emerging economies (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea and Vietnam) with tremendous potential for growth. This may come surprising for Bangladesh after a period of two years of decelerating growth. However, over the years, Bangladesh's economic potential has been exemplified by two factors: the presence of a large consumer market and the ability of the economy to contain inflation to single digits. Despite the recent falling trend in inflation, both Bangladesh Bank and Asian Development Bank concurred that cost pressures are expected to increase in the upcoming months due to four chief reasons: 1. {Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

Probable increase in electricity and domestic fuel prices; 2. Wage increase for garment workers; 3. Wage increase for public sector workers; 4. Supply disruptions caused by nationwide strikes. Among these four challenges, the fourth challenge is the most detrimental one to maintaining single-digit inflation rates. Inflation erodes consumer spending power, curbing down discretionary spending and overshadowing the boon of having a large consumer market. Suffice it to say, with high inflation, Bangladesh's economy will not be able to lift itself out of the league of low-income nations by 2021. 2013: A Year of Mixed Results It is easy to be ambivalent about the contribution made by this year's performance to Bangladesh's MIC goal. After all, not all aspects of

the economy were completely bleak. Foreign reserves, for instance, set a new record by crossing the USD 17 billion mark for the first time in October. The surge in foreign reserves was the consequence of several positive factors at play, including strong remittance inflow, increasing balance of trade, stable exchange rate and sluggish imports. Despite such achievements, economic growth of Bangladesh is likely to decelerate for the third year in a row. Asian Development Bank has projected an economic growth rate of 5.8 % while the International Monetary Fund deems it to be less than 6 %. World Bank has also followed suit, with its current projection for economic growth of Bangladesh in FY14 being 5.7 %. The economy will have to jumpstart once again in future to make up for the ground lost in this year. Unfortunately, time is running fast, and the continued political impasse is stifling the much-treasured aspiration of the economy.

Sources: 1 http://businessnews24bd.com/bd-sustains-tk-2000-economic-loss-on-each-day-hartal/ 2 http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2013/11/17/4283 3 http://www.idlc.com/business_review/Monthly%20Business%20Review%20-%20October%202013.pdf 4 http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/bad-loans-up-80pc-in-industrial-sector/ 5 http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/political-unrest-to-hurt-economic-outlook/ 6 http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2013/11/04/2125 7 http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2013/11/18/4543 8 http://www.idlc.com/business_review/Monthly%20Business%20Review%20-%20September%202013.pdf and 9 http://www.idlc.com/business_review/Monthly%20Business%20Review%20-%20October%202013.pdf 9 http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/economic-growth-will-slow-to-5-8pc-adb/ 10 http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/10/07/bangladesh-imf-idINL4N0HX18H20131007 11 http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/wb-forecasts-low-gdp-growth/

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Meet the Candidates Below are four candidates elected uncontested for German Part of the Executive Board for the year 2014-2015. In the next couple of pages you will find the profiles of some candidates who are contesting for the Bangladesh part of the Executive Board. The profiles appear as the alphabetical order of the name of the companies they are representing.

“ Sakhawat Abu Khair Mohammad Ullah Managing Director, Robintex Group After completing my Post Graduate degree in Textile Engineering from Germany, I worked there for a while. Later I came back to Bangladesh and set up my own business. The mechanical skills learnt from Germany, Great Britain, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Italy and India has enabled me to give my company ROBINTEX, a most developed and up-to-date shape. I am still working with aspiration in my heart for the upcoming future. Being a businessman by profession, I have been involved in the Garments & Textile sector for last 30 years. Besides being the Managing Director of Robintex Bangladesh Limited, Comptex Bangladesh Limited, Robin Knitwear Limited, Robin Apparels Limited, I am also the Director of Islamic Finance & Investment Limited, Jumuna Bank Limited, Ronintex Textilehandels GmbH(Germany), Australian International School, member of Board of trustee of Eastern University and member of Gulshan Club Ltd., Dhaka Club Limited and Lt. Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club Limited. Presently I am the president of BGCCI (Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and industry). I was the Chairman of Jamuna Bank Capital Management Ltd.(Merchant Bank) and Jamuna Bank Limited. Exporting ready-made garments to the foreign markets and earning foreign currency worth about 100 million dollars a year, I am retaining a remarkable contribution in the economy of Bangladesh. Apart from that, I have also financial contribution towards establishing one private University, “Eastern University” and one school “Australian International School”. Being the President of BGCCI for the year 2012-2013 had been a serendipitous journey for me. The chamber has achieved several milestones and reached new height. I hope I would be able to continue help the chamber and its activities in days to come.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

Magnus Schmid Program Coordinator “Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards in the Industry” (PSES), GIZ, Bangladesh PSES is a joint project of the governments of Bangladesh and Germany, implemented by Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The objective of PSES is to contribute to the sustainable development of the RMG industry, by improving the living standards for workers, including workers with disability, and society's right to a “green” environment. I was born and raised in Rosenheim, Bavaria in the South of Germany. I successfully studied Agricultural Economics and Rural Development in Munich and Berlin, while also conducting research in Guatemala and Brazil. I have also spent time consulting in Yemen and Morocco, working for KfW(German Development Bank) and European Commission respectively. I started my career as a Portfolio Manager for the GFA Consulting Group GmbH, involved in projects for KfWin various countries in Africa. In 2007, I became Deputy Director of the African department of GFA. During this time, I also worked as a Team Leader forprograms of GTZ (the former Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH). I speak German, English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Being elected at the Executive Board Member for the year 2014-2015, I am glad and I hope the relationship between GIZ and BGCCI will strengthen further and open new window of opportunities.

Farooq Siddiqui Managing Director Karben Solar Energy Ltd. After completing my studies in Mechanical Engineering at Fachhochschule Köln, Germany, I joined the IT industry of Germany. I am very much familiar with German IT industry having an experience of over 28 years. I managed several IT projects in Bonn, quite a few outsourced projects in Bangladesh where the resources worked in an offshore/onshore Setup. I was also associated with total enterprise solution (SAP) for Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank); AKTEL (presently Robi), a leading cellular operator in Bangladesh, etc. I was the Managing Director of Software Union/Soltius/AgreeYa Bangladesh Ltd. (2006-2011); before that the Managing Director of CSB GmbH, Germany (1999-2005); Project Director of "Human resources development" Project (IT), funded by gtz (German Technical Corporation) in Bangladesh (2000-02). Socially, I have been involved with a number of causes and organizations. I was the Founder Treasurer of Bangladesh Study and Development Centre Germany (BSEZ e.V); the Founder Culture Secretary German Bangladesh Society Koeln Bonn e.V.; and the Founder Treasurer Leo Club Mohammadpur, Dhaka. I was in the Executive Board of the year 2012-2013. Being elected for the German Part for the year 2014-2015 makes me feel happy and I would provide all sorts of possible help to the board always.

Jonathan Reinhard CEO Digital Factory International Ltd. Since early 2012, I have been acting as the CEO of Digital Factory International Ltd., a subsidiary company of Schnellmedia Group, multinational IT Company based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Digital Factory International Ltd. was founded in Dhaka in 2012 and currently employs 45 graphic designers and focuses on digital graphic, video and print services. Visiting Bangladesh for the first time in 2008 and working as a part time consultant for BGCCI at that time I realized the significant potential for new business ideas and investment opportunities in various sectors in Bangladesh. After finishing my studies in sport economics at the German Sport University in Cologne, Germany, I accepted the offer of Schnellmedia Group to act as its CEO in Bangladesh with the task to develop and expand the company’s business, the IT Sector, especially the Graphic Design sector, holds great opportunities for entrepreneurs as well as for the large number of qualified job seekers. The IT sector not only leads the way into the new digital era for Bangladesh but has also the potential to become another important economic pillar for this country and become the next IT “hotspot” of Asia. I am glad to be a part of this development by contributing to the success of the IT industry in Bangladesh and I am very happy to have the opportunity to represent the IT sector as elected board member in the BGCCI. {Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013


BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Ibnul Wara Managing Director Austan Ltd.


To continue the success stories of BGCCI as the biggest bilateral chamber in the country and to fit into the shoes of the past board members who contributed to the achievements would require fresh, proactive and dynamic minds that are willing to adapt to the ever changing economy. I believe as a new generation entrepreneur I am giving the members the right option to vote for.


After completing my Bachelors of Commerce in Accounting and Business Economics from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, I worked there for a while and then came back to Bangladesh to start new venture. My company Austan Ltd. is a tannery located in Savar Export Processing Zone. It is an environmentally compliant tannery, which is a unique feature in Bangladesh. The tannery employs 60 production staff, and is equipped with its own ETP and has access to the Central ETP. The organization is focused towards differentiating itself from other tanneries in the sector, and works closely to provide a safe and compliant working environment for its employees. Austan Ltd. has been working closely with a German consulting company CSI in order to improve the health and safety, and environmental conditions within the factory. The organization aims to be the benchmark in the sector through providing high quality products in conjunction with sustainable innovation. The company was formed in 2010 when I took over from its previous Korean management. Over the last three years I along with the management board have focused on a 360 degree vision of the company. The focal point of this vision was achieving productive efficiency through proactive material and resource management and procurement. Currently, Austan Ltd. Produces leather for world renowned brands like Fossil, Tumi, Tommy Hilfiger, Picard, Lloyd, Max & Co and Pennyblack, to name a few. Further to becoming a BGCCI Gold member in 2011, the tannery in conjunction with the Chamber has worked together to further promote the leather sector of the country in international platforms. My attendance at the Messe Dusseldorf under the BGCCI banner in 2013, highlighted the mutual synergies whereby both the Chamber & Austan Ltd. have been working together for the sector. By becoming a member of the esteemed Executive Board for the year 2014-15, I would like to work to take the chamber to newer heights of achievements in both business and social responsibility arena. To continue the success stories of BGCCI as the biggest bilateral chamber in the country and to fit into the shoes of the past board members who contributed to the success, would require fresh, proactive and dynamic minds who are willing to adapt to the ever changing economy. I believe as a new generation entrepreneur I am giving the members the right option to vote for. Being a new generation entrepreneur, I truly understand the importance of compliance in business through sustainable development and am actively involved in voicing my ideas for the betterment of the leather sector. We also realize our duty towards the society and are involved proactively in social development by being a continuous supporter of children's education through our collaboration with Jaago Foundation.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

Plot # 103-104, Dhaka Export Processing Zone(old area) Ganak Bari, Ashulia, Savar Dhaka, Bangladesh Phone : +88 02 7790143-5 Fax: +88 02 7790146 Email: austan@austan.net Web: www.austan.net

Austan Ltd.

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

N. Janakiram Raju Chairman and Managing Director BASF Bangladesh Ltd

Considering the Strong private entrepreneurship in Bangladesh, I am very keen to facilitate empowering the youth (particularly students from universities) in a constructive manner to become successful future entrepreneurs through expert lectures and trainings.

I completed my M.Sc. (Agri.) from Tamilnadu Agricultural University, India. Later on, I did my M.M.M. (Master's in Marketing Management) from the University of Bombay, India. Having a robust career with accumulated hands-on-experience and invaluable expertise in Sales, Marketing and Business Management, in a career spanning over 30 years, repeatedly I have proved myself as a very successful Team leader in all my roles. My current assignment is to serve as the Chairman and Managing Director of BASF Bangladesh Ltd., and Chief Executive Officer of BASF Grameen Ltd. Previously I had worked as Chief Executive, Coatings Solutions, BASF India Ltd., based in Mumbai, heading a team of professionals responsible for Automotive Coatings, Industrial Coil Coatings, Refinish After Market business, Technical Development, Production, Controlling, Supply Chain and Purchase. In this role, I also coordinated the efforts in establishing an Off shoring project for BASF NAFTA at Mangalore, India. Prior to that, I worked for BASF Agricultural Products, based in Singapore, working with the Countries in Asia Pacific as Senior Manager, Regional Marketing. I also worked as Global Marketing Manager, BASF Agricultural Products, based in Limburgerhof, Germany. As Head of a Strategic Business Unit, in India, I have established some significant marketing alliances. From the social responsibility standpoint, I have had the opportunity to share my expertise with various local and international organizations. Currently I am running a Social Business (Joint Venture of BASF SE & Grameen Healthcare Trust) in Bangladesh marketing LLIN (Mosquito nets). Introduced an affordable footwear (Sandal) for the Garment lady workers in Bangladesh as part of Base of the Pyramid (BoP) concept. I was part of the CSR project that distributed water filters at the Schools Subidkhali R I High School, Subidkhali Govt. Primary School, Charkhali High School, Barguna Govt Zilla High School. In addition, I Served as Chairman, Marketing Committee, CropLife (2001); Member, Global Carbendazim Task Force, Germany (2002 2005) and Member, Indo German Chamber of Commerce (2008 -2012).


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

M. Maksud Managing Director Corona International (A Corona Engineering Group Company)

Having world class infrastructure and engineering facilities, Germany can help Bangladesh and the chamber can play pivotal role in this regard.

I have completed my graduation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from BUET. I have founded Corona International in 1982 as its founding Managing Director in order to provide specialised electrical engineering services in the field of electricity generation, transmission and distribution. Corona International has rapidly developed into a recognised specialised for electrical engineering for low voltage, medium voltage and high voltage applications in Bangladesh. Corona International has supplied 11KV and 33KV sub-stations and to many projects in Bangladesh in the field of Airports, Mega Shopping Complexes, Office Complexes, Residential Apartments and Industrial Complexes include Textiles, Ceramics, Glass Processing Plants, Chemicals, Pulp and Papers, Cement Plant, Petrochemicals, Gas Processing Plants, Steel Plants, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Hotels, Power Plants etc. Just to name few Corona have supplied several 11KV Sub-Stations for Shah Amanat Airport, Chittagong, Osmani Airport, Sylhet and Hazrat Shah Jalal Airport, Dhaka and 33KV Sub-Stations for Bashundhara City Shopping Mall and Japan Garden City Project. We are representing many global electrical engineering companies in Bangladesh such as Schneider, Dorman Smith, Zucchini, and Fluke. Corona International (a Corona Engineering Group Company) currently has the following concern in the group: -Corona Engineering Ltd Managing Director -Corona Power Generational Ltd Managing Director -Corona (UK) Ltd Director (A Bangladesh UK JV Company) -Magneto Power Pte Ltd Director -Pubudu Engineering (Bangladesh) Ltd Director (a Bangladesh Sri Lanka JV company) -Magline (Bangladesh) Ltd Director I have been associated with the following Social Activities: -Rotary International District 3281 - Deputy Governor 2013-2014 -Rotary Club of Eskaton Dhaka Past President 1996-1997 & 1998-1999 -French Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce Treasurer 2012-2014 -Kurmitola Golf Club Permanent Member -Army Golf Club Permanent Member


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Syed Sadaquat Hossain Managing Director, DACHSER (Bangladesh) Ltd. Country Manager, Lufthansa Cargo AG

The Germans have entrusted upon me the leadership from day one and I have successful stories but modesty forbids the details.

DACHSER is a German based but Global Logistics Company having a joint - venture partnership working for the last five years in Bangladesh. The Germans have entrusted upon me the leadership from day one and I have successful stories but modesty forbids the details. Lufthansa Cargo is a Cargo Freighter Airline providing twice a week direct freighter service exDAC to FRA. I am very hopeful that the bright future of Bangladesh will allow DACHSER & Lufthansa Cargo to grow further from strength to strength. I have started my memorable school days under the guardianship of the Honorable Principal Thomas Ansell. Thereafter, Notre Dame College and very intelligent Father Benaas and Pixoto taught discipline and knowledge. Then I continued and passed the Masters in English from Dhaka University during the years when it was famously known as the Oxford of the East. Thereafter, I started my journey all alone in 1982 and Shipping was my world day and night. I am born and brought up in Dhaka. Taking challenges with diligence and determination was and still is my passion. The first organization where I pushed myself on - board along with my contemporaries was The Shippers' Council of Bangladesh (SCB). Then came the opportunity of International Trading and Shipping and with that I was first introduced to the Germans and the reputable enterprise named HELM was brought into Bangladesh Fertilizer Export. Very fortunately, my vessel was the first export vessel out of Bangladesh ex- Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Ltd., an enterprise of BCIC. I was, then inducted as one of the Members of the Executive Board of the Bangladesh Indenting Agents' Association (BIAA). My working with many German Companies and developing their business in Bangladesh became my new vision and object. Thereby, I became associated with Bangladesh - German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI). From the very beginning of BGCCI, I kept myself involved in many areas. For two consecutive terms, I worked in the German Chamber with a very strong team and together we have many achievements to be proud of. I have a new vision to project the German Chamber internationally. Since, Bangladesh will see a new Government very soon and in order to complete our task into reality, we need to work with greater dynamism. Today, I write to you again as a candidate in the upcoming BGCCI Executive Board 2014 2015 Election. I earnestly solicit your vote and kind support to develop the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry to greater and newer heights. I am once again very positively confident of bringing in a new vision and future. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your support. Very truly yours.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

M Nooruddin Chowdhury Country Manager DHL Global Forwarding Bangladesh

In association with the BGCCI, I hope the strength of DHL’s trade facilitation and transportation expertise will help support the association’s objective to promote bilateral business between Germany and Bangladesh.

I completed my Bachelor’s in Commerce, Majoring in Accounting and Master’s in Commerce, majoring in Finance from the University of Chittagong. I am also a Bangladesh Alumni of the National University of Singapore (NUS) : Young Manager’s program (1996) An expert in Transportation & Supply Chain Management I joined DHL Global Forwarding (Bangladesh) limited – a part of the world's leading postal and logistics Group, Deutsche Post DHL, as the Country Manager in 2011. I have an extensive management and leadership experience of 18 years. My key expertise lies in Freight forwarding, International Marketing, International Business Operations, Supply Chain Management, Shipping and Logistics Management and Yield Management. Before joining DHL Global Forwarding (Bangladesh), I was the Chief Operating Officer of the DB Schenker network in Bangladesh and was instrumental in structuring the partner office. From 1991 to 2006, I worked with APL Ltd., a unit of Singapore-based NOL Group, a global Shipping, transportation and logistics company. In this company, I started my career as a Management Trainee. I am well equipped with industry expertise gained across the globe in the international transportation and logistics sectors. On the social forefront, I have been associated with a number of volunteerism activities and causes. Red Crescent Society of Bangladesh has awarded me for arranging a blood donation drive. I am also an Executive Committee member Bangladesh FICCI.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Yesmin Ipphat CEO LW hair and skin Beauty Spa Salon

I think as a chamber, we need to become better listeners to evaluate suggestions from our members. In addition, we need to work in a more systemetized way as we have reached a height where everyone considers us as an idol.

After completion of my PhD in Economics, when I returned, my family wanted me to start something in Bangladesh. I had a course on German language Training back in Germany after Russia; which is why I joined Goethe Institut here in their then Teachers’ Training program. Surprisingly enough, even before I complete the training, I received the offer through Goethe Institut to work with Kryolan Bangladesh Limited, a world famous professional Makeup including accessories and appliances manufacturer. Drama and theater have always been on my list of hobbies; therefore, the venture associated with professional makeup artistry attracted me instantly. That’s how I started my journey with this company in 2002 in the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Savar. In the beginning, my business involved manufacturing makeup accessories and appliances but soon I came to realize the importance of cosmetic products for local television channels and other entertainment industries, as the latter was importing the products at that time. If the Savar EPZ was an Economic Processing Zone, there would have been no problem as we could easily provide the makeup accessories and cosmetics products, specially the base make up to the local market also. This is how I cut my teeth into the industry and set up my company LW in 2009 and started importing the products directly for the local market. My business idol has been Wolfram Langer, the Managing Director of KRYOLAN. Whatever management skill I posses that was learnt from this wonderful company and its excellent management people. Mr. Langer was the one who brought me in touch with BGCCI during its maiden days when it was a forum. I had been associated with a number of social causes and initiatives; of them, a remarkable one was Bangladesh Nature Conservation Society. In addition, I have been associated with Bangladesh Thai Chamber, Bangladesh Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry, etc. Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI) has helped me to much extent with information and references in many times. I am thankful to past presidents who have inspired me to be more actively associated with this dynamic chamber. I am happy that the chamber has managed to become so big and active by dint of its teamwork. I think as a chamber, we need to become better listeners to evaluate suggestions from our members. In addition, we need to work in a more systematized way as we have reached a height where everyone considers us as an idol. I hope more and more women entrepreneurs should be involved with the chamber.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Nessar Maksud Khan Managing Director MAKS Group

I have been actively involved with the trade bodies since 1995 and always believe in collective efforts and team work, if elected will work in the direction that indeed uplift the image and activities of BGCCI to much greater heights.

I completed my B.E. Electrical from University of Wollongong, Australia, major in power Electronics and Telecommunications. I worked at BHP, Australia, one of the worlds largest mining industries. In 1993 I joined family business Bengal Fine Ceramics Ltd. Since then, I have been very much involved with the various activities of the company. Under my supervision and guidance BFC has been able to enter sophisticated export market in countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, India, Pakistan, Etc. I am also the CEO of Rumne Traders and Nahean Enterprise. Rumne Traders is mainly focusing on corporate gifts and promotion, import and export and RMG, whereas Nahean Enterprise is a business house focusing on Industrial raw materials and as well renewable energy. In 2009, I established Maks Renewable Energy Company Ltd. a business house mainly focusing towards solar home system, solar pumps, Bio Gas and Wind Energy. MRECL has done numbers of projects on Solar and Bio gas in different parts of the country and it is partner organization of IDCOL funded by World Bank and other donor agencies and have nationwide branch networks and providing sales and technical support to the customers in rural areas. I am involved with various social and business organizations. I was the past National president of the Junior Chamber Bangladesh, which is affiliated to Junior Chamber International (JCI) and in 2003, I was the Vice President of the JCI Global Board. JCI is world largest federation body for young professional and entrepreneur age between 18 and 40. I am actively involved with the following trade bodies and associations: -Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) since 1995, and have been elected as Senior Vice President for the Year 2013. -General Body Member of Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) -Member of Bangladesh Solar and Renewable Energy Association. -A Rotarian and Vice President of Rotary Club of Metropolitan Dhaka. I am active socially and a member of Dhaka Club, Uttara Club and Kurmitola Golf Club.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Mohammad Ali Khokon Managing Director Maksons Group

My expertise as a successful business man and social recognition will surely add new dimension in the committee if I am elected.

Since my student life I dreamt to do something to my own that I did with my full satisfaction. I have started my journey of professional life from 1987 as a cloth merchant in famous wholesale cloth market of Islampur which was the central market of the country for the Textile sector. From 1989 to 1993, I was involved in a small scale Weaving Textile Industry. With such practical experiences in different fields, I gained knowledge and spirit to take big and large ventures under my leadership. In May 1993, I established Metro Spinning Limited. Metro Spinning Limited is a Public Limited company and listed with both Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited since 2002. My success story continued and I was proud of establishing another bigger Spinning Mills named Maksons Spinning Mills Limited in 2003. Maksons Spinning Mills Limited is also a Public Limited Company and listed with both Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited since 2008. Then after Maksons Group has started its journey of success. Now the Group Concern all together exporting USD 40 million per annum (approx.) At present I am the Managing Director of Maksons Group. Under the flagship of Maksons Group we have the following concern: Maksons Spinning Mills Limited Metro Spinning Limited Maksons Knit and Rotor Spinning Limited Maksons Properties and Development Limited Coeval Textiles Limited (Garments Industries) Makcot International (Trading House) Mak Fashion (Buying House) Asia Insurance Limited.-Director I am 4 (Four) times elected Director of Bangladesh Textiles Mills Association (BTMA) including existing term. I am proud of acknowledging the fact that I am widely acquainted personality in elite class because of mass association though business community and many Clubs in Country. A brief synopsis of my social affiliation is given below for your kind perusal: Donor Member Gulshan Club Limited [Elected as Executive Committee Member for 04 times] Permanent Member - Dhaka Club Donor Member - Uttara Club Limited Permanent Member Army Golf Club Permanent Member Kurmitola Golf Club Life Member -Bangladesh Flying Academy Permanent Member - Chittagong Boat Club I am also engaged to contribute social developments through many organizations.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Syed Golam Mowla Managing Director Multi Freight Ltd.

I firmly believe that German standard education can enhance the quality of Bangladesh’s Human Resource.

I completed my graduation in Political Science from Dhaka University. I have three decades of experience in Logistics and Forwarding Business. I started my career in Freight Forwarding, Ocean Transportation, Air Freight, Surface Transportation and Logistics and then founded Novo Cargo Services Ltd. in 1989 as its founder Chairman. With my personal ability, efficiency, sincere efforts, business acumen with financial control and discipline, today Novo is one of the prominent name of quality in Freight and Logistics industry of Bangladesh. I am also Managing Director of Multi Freight Ltd., since 1996, which is another leading Freight Forwarding Company specializing in Multi-Modal transportation, Consolidation. MFL has license of NVOCC, accredited as IATA Cargo Agent & license to work in all the customs station In Bangladesh German University Bangladesh - 1st Vice Chairman & Treasurer. Having a passion to promote world-class education in Bangladesh, I extended my sincere support to German University Bangladesh to introduce German standard education system. I firmly believe that German standard education can enhance the quality of Bangladesh’s Human Resource. Besides, I am also associated with the following ventures. Novo Aviation Services Ltd - Chairman Novo Cargo Services Ltd - Chairman Novo Green Energy Solutions Ltd - Managing Director Novo Consumer Products Ltd - Chairman (Novo Convention & Sky View Restaurant) Unique Logistics Ltd - Managing Director Mpo Lubricants (pvt.) Ltd - Chairman Japan Bangladesh Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - Director Bangladesh Freight Forwarders Association (BAFFA) - Director


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Rafiq Hassan Director Northern Tosrifa Group

I dream to take our mission forward and truly believe the new committee will give BGCCI a new vision.

I am Rafiq Hassan, 43 years of age, born and brought up in Dhaka. Appetite for risk and diligence are two key factors which define me as an Entrepreneur. I am the Director of Northern Tosrifa Group, a company I inherited at the age of 17, after my father's death in 1987. Northern Tosrifa Group has been growing steadily with turnover of over $50 million in 2012-13 financial year. I spent lovely childhood studying and sporting at Dhaka Residential Model School. After completing my HSC from Dhaka Collage, I was conferred the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Assumption University, Thailand, before working full time in the family business, learning from my brothers and being mentored by my mother. I love to play golf and if the weather is not encouraging you will find me in the gym working out. My after work habits has made me members of Kurmitola Golf Club, Gulshan Club, Gulshan Youth Club, Baridhara Society, Uttara Club, Lt. Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club, where I enjoy sports and quality time with my family and friends. I write you today as a candidate in upcoming BGCCI Executive Board 2014-15 Election. Many fellow members approached me last year and inspired me to be more involved in BGCCI. The current executive committee has done a tremendous job in every possible way and achieved great goals. I promise to work very hard for the sustainable growth of this biggest bilateral business chamber of Bangladesh. I solicit your vote to enhance our Business Intelligence, Consulting Services, Sharing Knowledge & Networking, Branding, Sourcing, Training and Marketing Services. I dream, to take our mission forward and truly believe the new committee will give us a new vision. I along with my wife Farah Yasin, son Hamzah Hassan and daughter Faizah Hassan would like to thank you for your support and wish you good health and spirit.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Md Saiful Islam Managing Director, Picard Bangladesh Ltd. Chairman, Western Marine Shipyard Ltd.

BGCCI being the biggest bilateral business chamber has a considerable role to play in the future of Bangladesh and I would always extend all sorts of cooperation in this regard.

I started my business carrier in 1986 in shipping sector such as Ship-Chartering, Ship-owning, Ship-repair etc. By dint of intellectual ideas and hard working I have spread my business wings to some other sectors like RMG, leather goods etc. In 1990, I established RMG factories and a fashion leather goods factory in Dhaka and started export the products to abroad. In 1995, I established a joint venture company (namely, PICARD Bangladesh Ltd.) in conjunction with PICARD Lederwaren GmbH Co. & KG, Germany that manufactures/ exports leather handbags, briefcases and small leather goods and getting Export Trophy for every year. Picard Bangladesh is the largest leather goods manufacturer company in Bangladesh which employees 1500 workers. In the year 2000, I formed a shipbuilding company (with professional mariners) namely, Western Marine Shipyard Ltd (WMShL). - One of the leading shipyards in Bangladesh. Western Marine Shipyard has already built over 100 vessels both for Inland Water Ways & for Overseas Ship Owner. Western Marine Shipyard has built the largest Ice Class Multipurpose Container Vessel 5200DWT for German Ship Owner in a series of eight (Eight) Vessels. In the meantime, I established another wing for dredging business in 2002 (namely, Banga Dredgers Ltd.). By this time, this company has become one of the largest private dredging company having 5 (Five) cutter suction dredgers with ancillary crafts in its fleet. The company Banga Dredger is participating in the Government Development Programs specially for maintaining the navigability of our rivers and also for the capital dredging projects under the Ministry of Shipping and Ministry of Water Resource. In 2003 I bought a renowned dockyard in Narayangonj namely, “Banarjee Dock” which was established in 1920 and having long heritage of shipbuilding. Under my direct supervision, the entire structure of the dockyard was reconstructed with a group of most adequate and qualified marine professionals in line with the challenge of the new millennium. The slipway as well as the functional capability of the yard itself has been renovated in terms of the need of modern ships and the name of the yard has been changed to “Narayangonj Engineering & Shipbuilding Ltd.”. With my hard work and dedication, now this shipyard has become one of the best ISO Certified dockyards in the country for quality shipbuilding in domestic market. The expansion work of this shipyard is going on and be expanded to 60 acres shortly. I have been enjoying CIP status (Commercial Important Person) selected by the Government of Bangladesh since 1998 till 2013. Besides, I have been actively involved in organizations and trade body to facilitate business in home and abroad. I am the immediate Past President and presently Adviser of Leather Goods & Footwear Manufacturer and Exporter Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) and Immediate Past President & presently Chief Adviser: Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI). In addition, I am the Chairman of Design and Technology Center (DTC) and Vice President of Bangladesh Shipbuilders & Exporters Association.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Syed Raushan Zaman Proprietor S R Zaman Communication

My association with BGCCI will not only enrich my personal network amidst the business community but also will benefit BGCCI in return as I am an experienced businessman when it comes to bilateral business trade.

This is to introduce to myself Syed Raushan Zaman proprietor of S R Zaman Communication, a Gold member of Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce Industry (BGCCI). Moreover, I am a candidate for upcoming election for the post of board director of BGCCI. With my 24 years colorful professional career life I have performed in different national and multinational companies. I started my carrier with RANGS LTD. In the year of 1989.I served RANGS for five year and then I switch to FREIGHT FORARDERS AEROLES LTD in the year of 1995 until 1996 and then I join at OMAN Air as sales Executive in the year 1997 to till1998. Then I joint as Executive director Trans lift logistics from 1999 to 2001 and then I switch to British airways cargo in the year of 2001 and served there until 2009. After serving all this 20 years I started my own business in the year 2009 with the company name S R Zaman Communication, most of the business are with the Telecommunication sector and Garments logistics sector. I also represent ABM fashion of Dusseldorf of Germany. I also have a company named S R Zaman Trading in which I do all sort of Export-Import business. In addition, my A Z Air Services is Aviation related business. My association with BGCCI will not only enrich my personal network amidst the business community but also will benefit BGCCI in return as I am an experienced businessman when it comes to bilateral business trade.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

BGCCI Election for the Years 2014-2015 Candidate’s Profile

Khairul Alam Chairman Woman's World Limited

If elected, I shall strive hard to make BGCCI as the role model for services of business community.

Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1978 and served two foreign companies for five years. Then started readymade garments business as Director in a joint venture company where I continued till 1989. There I learnt the establishment, operation, import and export procedures of garment industry. I contacted with raw materials suppliers in Hongkong, Korea, Thailand. Beside I also exported garments to buyers in Europe, USA, Canada. But I discontinue in garments industry and started Buying House representing buyers of France, Italy and Canada till 1992. Then I became National Consultant on ready-made garments in UNDP funded four years Project of the Ministry of Commerce where we undertook many workshops, seminars and practical training by foreign garments production and marketing experts from Europe, USA and Canada. I also led several garments business delegations to Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium where we met and procured orders from many buyers. Specifically in Germany we attended Textile and Garments Fair in Cologne and visited buyers in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Dusseldorf. I also led several delegations for garments raw materials sourcing trips with garment manufacturers to Korea, Hongkong, Thailand and Taiwan. Thereafter, I started my present profession of Chartered Accountancy practice and now I am the Managing Partner of M/s. Aziz Halim Khair Choudhury (AHKC) a leading Chartered Accountancy Firm with four offices and foreign affiliation of PKF International. I am also the Chairman of Woman's World Limited (Gold Member of BGCCI) a reputed beauty care products and services organization having six branches. Soon our number of products with foreign technology will increase to 22. Beside I am also the Chairman of Dynamex Intraco Ltd. doing various import and export businesses. I am also a Director of InvestAsia Capital & Asset Management Ltd. engaged in mutual fund business. Life Member of the Gulshan Club Limited, Dhaka since 1987; Life Member of Baridhara Diplomatic Enclave Club Limited; Life Member of Bangladesh Cancer Society; Treasurer of the Baridhara Jame Mosque & Islamic Center; Ex- Jt. Secretary General of the Baridhara Society till December 2012; Associated with some other CSR activities including those of Woman's World Limited and AHKC from time to time.


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013

GERMAN BLUE CHIP COMPANIES IN BANGLADESH From This issue, we will regularly feature German Blue Chip companies operating in Bangladesh. This issue covers nine such companies who are doing excellent business in Bangladesh. The companies appear in alphabetical order.

N. Janakiram Raju Chairman and Managing Director BASF Bangladesh Ltd

Name of the Company

BASF Bangladesh Limited

Type of Business

Chemical Company

Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Number of Employees


BASF in Bangladesh

BASF's business operations in this country date back to 1966, when Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan. After independence in 1971, the company was renamed to BASF Bangladesh Limited in 1972. Currently, BASF Bangladesh Limited has its head office in Dhaka and a branch office in Chittagong. With the growth of the economy and export portfolio, the market in Bangladesh is poised for future growth. BASF is a leading supplier of raw materials to the economy driving sectors including agriculture, infrastructure and knitwear industry and therefore is wellpositioned to drive growth in sales in this market. BASF Bangladesh Limited markets and distributes BASF products ranging from chemicals, plastics and performance products to agricultural products and fine chemicals. BASF manufactures some of the construction chemicals in its own manufacturing facility in Bangladesh to cater the growing demand of the construction industry in the country. BASF Bangladesh also has three application labs for textile, leather and construction chemicals. These labs are equipped with latest testing equipment and manned with highly skilled individuals who extend technical and process support to the customers. BASF Bangladesh is a private limited company and has a workforce of over 65 employees.

About BASF

BASF is the world's leading chemical company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASF had sales of 72.1 billion in 2012 and more than 110,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com.

Address of the company:

BASF Bangladesh Limited, HR Bhaban (4th Floor), 26/1 Kakrail Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013


Syed Sadaquat Hossain Managing Director Dachser (bangladesh) Limited

Name of the Company


Type of Business

International Freight Forwarding and Logistics Service Provider.

Time of Launching in Bangladesh

January 2009

Number of Employees


Principal / Parent Company:

Dachser GmbH & Co. KG


Dachser (Bangladesh) Ltd. is part of the world reputed German Freight Forwarding and logistics company having global network in 35 countries with 150 offices. Dachser (Bangladesh) Ltd. is one of the few multinational logistics company providing newly conceptualized logistics services to its clients in Bangladesh and offers international standard logistics services. It offers a wide range of services like Air & Sea Logistics ASL (Export & Import) , Customs Clearance Services @ Dhaka Airport / Chittagong Sea Port and Benapole Land Port (Export & Import) , Contract Logistics , Project Logistics , Warehouse Management , Reverse Logistics , Quality Control Services for overseas Textile Importers , Transportation & Distribution Services all over Bangladesh , Dismantle Operation , Support Services with Government Offices. Since its inception in Bangladesh , Dachser (BD) Ltd. has been a profit oriented company with a resounding growth prospect every year. Dachser (BD) Ltd. is operating business activities with a highly dedicated & knowledgeable team of professionals to ensure highest level of customer satisfaction. It has a good reputation in the market with affiliation like reputed companies named as Unilever , Nestle , British American Tobacco , Siemens , C & A , Picard , G. Guldenpennig and etc. Mr. Syed Sadaquat Hossain , our Managing Director of Dachser (BD) Ltd. is also the honorable Country Manager of Lufthansa Cargo AG in Bangladesh which is represented by Pan Aviation Ltd. as General Sales Agent in Bangladesh. Lufthansa Cargo is offering Freighter Services from Dhaka (DAC) to Frankfurt (FRA) , direct flights on every Mondays and Fridays.

Address of the company:

H#28, R#8, Block - E, Niketon Gulshan - 1212. Tel : +88 02 8833251-59, 9895945, 9895895 Fax : +88 02 8817710, 8833260

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



M. Nooruddin Chowdhury Country Manager DHL Global Forwarding

Name of the Company

DHL Global Forwarding

Type of Business

International Freight Forwarding, Warehousing, Distribution and International Supply Chain Management

Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Number of Employees


Activities in Bangladesh

DHL Global Forwarding (Bangladesh) Limited was established in Bangladesh in 2005. The company provides international freight forwarding (air and ocean), warehousing, distribution and international supply chain services in Bangladesh and around the world, connecting the two. In addition to providing superior service quality to customers, Corporate Responsibility is an integral part of DHL's corporate strategy. With “Living Responsibility� as its motto, DHL focuses on environmental protection (GoGreen), disaster management (GoHelp, GARD) and education (GoTeach) as well as supports employee volunteerism (Global Volunteer Day, Living Responsibility Fund.) This year, DHL Global Forwarding and sister company, DHL Express, marked Global Volunteer Day by inaugurating a state of the art classroom sound system for visually impaired students in a missionary school. DHL Global Forwarding has also developed a GOGREEN Carbon Dashboard which helps customers account for and manage carbon emissions across the entire supply chain with detailed and reliable CO2 mapping instantly available from a web-based hub. DHL Global Forwarding has also provided Defensive Driving training to its drivers to prevent mishaps on the roads while to ensure the company's resilience and ability to continue its operations in the face of interruptive incidents, a 'Business Continuity Management' training workshop was also recently held based on the new ISO 22301 standard. The exceptionality of DHL Global Forwarding lies in its ability to offer customized solutions to customers, catering to their different and unique business requirements. A Solutions and Innovation Department is already operating within the organization to design such customized solutions for the clients. Specializing in supply chain optimization, DHL Global Forwarding also provides to various value-added-services to help businesses manage and operate the supply chains end-to-end.

Address of the company

Abedin Tower 35 Kemal Ataturk Avenue 3rd & 4th Floor Banani, Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013


Jose Marcelino Ugarte Country Manager Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited

Name of the Company

Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited

Type of Business

Cement Manufacturing

Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Number of Employees


Achievements in Bangladesh

Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited is a German origin business entity initiated its presence in Bangladesh by setting a floating terminal with onboard packing facilities at 1998. In 1999, the group built a Greenfield manufacturing plant near Dhaka namely, “ScanCement International Limited(SIL)”. Later in 2000, it purchased controlling interest of “Chittagong Cement Clinker Grinding Co. Limited(CCCGCL)”. After that, two Companies were amalgamated and the Company’s name was changed to Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh limited in 2003. The Company manufactures gray cement. At present, total production capacity of this Company is 2.37 million MT and supported by this, it holds around 10% market share of Bangladesh Cement Industry. Profits Triggering by increased capacity and lower COGS due to stable international price of clinker (core raw material of cement), gross profit margin of the Company spurred to 19% in 2012 from 16% in earlier year. Alongside, declining operating costs and bulk amount of financial income assisted in flourishing operating profit margin by 14% and net profit margin by 12%. Recently the Company’s net profit after tax of BDT 1,236.72 million with EPS of BDT 21.89 for the period of three months (Jan’13 to Sep’13) as against BDT 1087.77 million and BDT 19.25 respectively for the same period of the previous year. Growth In last year 2012, the Company achieved growth of Revenue 27.82%, Gross profit 55.34%, Operating profit 79.55%, Profit before tax 63.09%, Net profit after tax 72.22% and Earning per Share 72.22%, which are included as the tremendous successes of the Company. Products The Company runs in Bangladesh with manufacturing gray cement named Portland Composite Cement (PCC) and Ordinary Composite Cement (OPC) considering two brand names Scan Cement and Ruby Cement. Perception and prospects about local market The perception and prospects of what the Company is thinking is to build worldwide growth by building a better world to fulfill local responsibility for international success. People of the Company is always working hard to ensure quality products which will bring the reputation of the Company for the future success. The Company is also trying to build business on the knowledge of the people in order to achieve the growth on a solid base of earnings as well as customer satisfaction. The Company believe that “The customer success is our success”.

Address of the company:

Corporate Office Symphony, Plot No - SE(F) 9, Road No - 142 (6th Floor) Gulshan Avenue (South), Dhaka – 1212 E-mail : info@heidelbergcementbd.com Contact: mustaque.ahmed@heidelbergcementbd.com Registered Office and Chittagong Plant South Halishahar, GPO Box # 372 Chittagong –4204 Kanchpur Plant Mouja: Tatki, P.O: Jatramora, Union: Tarabow, P.S.: Rupgonj, District: Narayanganj.

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013



Erphan Matin Managing Director Linde Bangladesh Ltd

Name of the Company

Linde Bangladesh Ltd

Type of Business


Company Profile

Bangladesh Limited (formerly known as BOC Bangladesh Ltd) is a member of the Linde Group that has been present in Bangladesh for over 60 years with continuous expansion in operations and business. It continues to expand its operations in the country to meet industry requirements, providing global solutions with a local outlook, each tailored to the specific needs of its customers. As a pioneer multinational company in gases business, Linde Bangladesh has three major installations at Tejgaon, Rupganj and Shitalpur. Its customers include those from the food & beverage, chemistry & energy, metallurgy and glass, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing and the retail sectors. Besides, it has 17 sales centers spread throughout the country serving a customer pool of over 35,000 from a wide spectrum of industries. Its product folio and services include liquid and gaseous Oxygen and Nitrogen, Argon, Acetylene, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Ice, Refrigerant Gases, Lamp gas and other gas mixtures, Medical Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Entonox, medical equipment and accessories, Welding Electrodes, gas and arc welding equipment and accessories, welding training and services. Linde has one of the strongest and most complete supply networks in Bangladesh. It distributes its products via a variety of distribution modes, including bulk storage systems backed by an extensive fleet of vehicles consisting of cryogenic road tankers, cylinder trucks and pick-up trucks. Linde Bangladesh Limited is committed to maintain quality of its product & services and gives topmost priority on safety for our employees, customers and stakeholders.

Address of the company:

House: Linde Bangladesh Limited Road: 285 Tejgaon Industrial Area Post Code: 1208 City: Dhaka Country: Bangladesh Phone: +(8802) 8870322-27 Fax: +(8802) 8870365 & 8870336 Email: info.bd@linde.com Web: www.linde.com.bd


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. - Dec. 2013


Sadeque H Chowdhury Managing Director Multidrive Limited

Name of the Company

Multidrive Limited

Type of Business

General Trading

Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Number of Employees


Achievements in Bangladesh

Multidrive Limited is a SANARC Company, incorporated in 1990, charged with some responsibilities from its previous parent company, Karnaphuli Group. The Volkswagen franchise was a key segment that Multidrive Limited took over and the brand has been present in the Bangladesh market since. The 'VW' brand has been revitalised in recent years and 2007 saw the re-launch of some big names from Europe, specifically the Touareg and Passat. The range offered in Bangladesh has been expanding since, with the introduction of the Tiguan SUV, Passat Luxury Sedan and the Passat CC Executive Coupe. 2013 has seen the debut of the Vento sedan and Polo, the latter proving popular amongst corporate clients in particular. A highlight in the year to date was the success with One Bank fleet contract with the Polo diesel. VW has consistently been Europe's favourite car and the models in Bangladesh have appealed to both the classic and contemporary car enthusiast. The presence of the brand will only grow in the region, as VW have pursued the objective of being the top car manufactured in the world. Multidrive Limited has its history outside VW; in 1996, it became the first general trading company in Bangladesh to secure ISO accreditation. Multidrive Limited has evolved with its business environment in Bangladesh, importing, selling and marketing a variety of products, ranging from motor vehicles from Japan and China, CCUK cosmetics and medical reagents, imported from the UK and home appliances from China. The company is seeking to compete in the the food and drinks market shortly, introducing the first alcohol free beverage in Bangladesh, Kirin FREE, directly from Japan, thus ensuring quality, taste and a lifestyle recognised globally. This will appeal to a variety of age groups, considering cultural sensitivities. In addition, services have also been a part of Multidrive Limited history, for vehicles and home appliance customers as well as travel services, associated with international corporate travel services provider, HRG. The latest venture has been with SingHealth, Singapore's largest healthcare provider, for whom Multidrive Limited acts as a Medical Associate and provides healthcare referral services.

Address of the company

Plot - 76 Road - Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani Post code -1208 City-Dhaka Country=Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 983 0360 Fax : +880 2 887 8500 Email : info@sanarc.com Website : www.sanarc.com

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013



Shoeb Ahmed General Manager & Head of Operations Rancon Motors Limited

Name of the Company

Rancon Motors Limited

Type of Business


Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Name of the Company Head in Bangladesh

Romo Rouf Chowdhury

Number of Employees



No Substitute for Experience Rancon Motors started its journey from 2002. Since 2002, our resilience to adapt and grow through our unwavering commitment to achieve excellence in our products and services, and efficiency in our operations experience in the automotive business, are still hallmarks of Rancon Motors. You can only think of us when you need a Mercedes-Benz. Sales Our trained and certified teams of sales personnel are equipped with extensive product knowledge and customer relation skills. We believe people make the company and the strength of our teams has maintained us in the pinnacle of excellence, fulfilling your vehicle needs. After Sales Our expertise in after sales service is also unmatched. We ensure your Mercedes-Benz delivers the performance, reliability and intelligent technology the car was designed for, through advanced repair techniques and latest diagnostic tools. You can have our assurance of genuine parts at a competitive price. As our customer, you will also enjoy priority service at all of our after-sales network. The Human Touch In providing world-class customer service that builds loyalty, it is the soft touch that makes the difference. Our customers grow with us throughout the years and we are delighted to have repeated purchases. With good Customer Relationship Management programme, our loyal customers are always appreciated with firsthand irresistible promotion and exclusive invitations to events. Only at Rancon Motors, we will provide you No Substitute for Experience. For you, we will deliver above expectations.

Address of the company:

215, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013


Sarazeen Kazi Managing Director SS Solutions Ltd.

Name of the Company

SS Solutions Ltd. Local representative of SAP

Type of Business

Software Solutions

Time of Launching in Bangladesh

June 2012

Number of Employees



Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany in 1972, with locations in more than 130 countries, SAP AG is the world leader in enterprise software and software-related services. SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desktop to mobile device, SAP helps people and organizations work together efficiently and use business insight effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable more than 232,000 customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainability. Excel in your field by taking advantage of industry-specific knowledge, best practices, and processes. Get the benefit of SAP's experience in 24 different industries to run your core business better and expand into new areas whenever opportunity strikes. Partners in the SAP Ecosystem No single company can do it all. SAP recognizes the vital role partners play in helping customers achieve results. SAP ecosystem of partners, communities and customers provides a strong foundation of support and collaboration, delivering exceptional value and tailored solutions to help meet the specific needs of your business. SS Solutions Private Limited is a Bangladesh based company, which is the Master-VAR Gold Partner of SAP. It is the license re-seller of SAP in Bangladesh market. The company has a mission to educate, spread and help people adopt SAP in Bangladesh SS Solutions is a mission-driven organization with a clearly defined set of values. It encourages its employees to have a strong sense of purpose, a high level of self-esteem and the capacity to think clearly and logically. The company believes that competitive advantage is largely in the minds of its employees as represented by their capacity to turn rational ideas into action towards the accomplishment of its mission.

Address of the company

17/C, Panthapath, Shukrabad (SS Steel Building), 1205 Dhaka, Bangladesh

{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013



Indranil Lahiri Managing Director & CEO Siemens Bangladesh Ltd.

Name of the Company

Siemens Bangladesh Ltd.

Type of Business

Electrical & Electronics

Time of Launching in Bangladesh


Number of Employees


Achievements in Bangladesh

Siemens is one of the leading companies in the growing area of electrical engineering and electronics sector in the world. This German electrical giant operates in 190 countries, creating leading-edge innovations for better life, and driving profitability and corporate responsibility around the globe. Our association with this country began in 1956, and since then we have been involved in a number of Bangladesh's major modernization and infrastructure development programs. We have been established ourselves as a leading solution provider in Power Transmission and Distribution, Power Generation, Healthcare & Medical Solutions, Transportation System, Automation and Drive, Industrial Solutions and Services. So, on any particular day you will find Siemens products and solutions all around you. With a work force of around 144 people and comprising four business units, Siemens Bangladesh Ltd. is providing the country's latest technologies and innovations. The world is dynamic and change is inevitable. In order to meet the demand of the day, we have energy for power generations, transmission & distribution; we have state of art medical solution for hospitals, water treatment solutions for pure drinking water, intelligent building solution for your safety and security, and tailor shaped solutions for efficient production lines for all industries through our automation and drives division. We have organized ourselves in a way that our customers have the ease of considering us as a one-stop solution provider for all their requirements. We need to stay focused and keep the momentum going in order to achieve milestones in the future. In fiscal 2013, Siemens won two contracts to provide combined cycle power plants for Ashuganj Power Station Company, Ltd. With these additional contracts, Siemens expects to add around 650 MW of new capacity to the country's national power grid by early 2015. With this added capacity, Siemens' contribution to the national grid will exceed 1,000 MW a day, or 15 percent of the country's total power generation.

Address of the company:

House: 02 Road: 08 Post Code: Gulshan-1212 City: Dhaka Country: Bangladesh Phone: +8802-9893536 Fax: +8802-8819701 Email: kabir.titu@siemens.com Website: www.siemens.com.bd


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013




{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013

Why do you think insurance policies are important for people and the organizations? Insurance policies are important for people and organization because it provides financial protection and support to the insured in respect of loss or damage sustained. Marine insurance policies are important because it provides financial protection to ship owner, cargo owner or the freight owners in respect of any loss or damage to their interest caused by maritime perils insured against Marine insurance a positive aid to various business enterprises importers, exporters and persons engaged in international trade and commerce. The importance of marine insurance is the credit system that the bank will not discount the bill of exchange unless the goods as specified in the letter of credit are insured against marine risk and the policy. Fire policies are also to provide financial protection to the insured in respect of loss or damage sustained to his property caused by fire or other named perils. On the sudden, untimely and premature death of a bread winner, the family members or dependants of the deceased fall into acute financial hardship .Life insurance policies comes to rescue of such dependants in such circumstances by way of providing an income or capital sum. Policies are also provided to indemnity In respect of loss to pecuniary interest Such as fidelity guarantee insurance, worker's compensation, public liability etc. The insurance policies also provides safety and security against the loss of earning at death or in golden age, against the loss at fire, against the loss at damage, destruction or disappearance of property goods, furniture and machines etc. Through prevention of economic losses, insurance protects the society against degradation. Through stabilization and expansion of business and industry, the economic security is maximized. For economic growth of the country, insurance provides protection against loss of property and adequate capital to produce more wealth. The agricultural insurance protects and stimulates more production in agriculture.

What is your perception on the progress of Insurance sector in Bangladesh? My perception for the growth of insurance sector in Bangladesh was primarily due to drive given and initiative taken by the private insurers in exploring new avenues in different dimensions. I think the insurer should endeavor more to explore non-traditional market particularly in Agriculture, SME, Micro Finance, health and many other nontraditional insurance products in the context of micro larger investment.

Please share your valuable insight about the market trends. The current condition of general insurance in Bangladesh is not at all satisfactory. The operation of a large number of companies at present is certainly not commensurate with the size of the market. This has lead to aggressive competition and resulted in unhealthy practices which are detrimental to the industry as a whole. Thus regulatory reforms are required to ensure strict enforcement and adherence to all towards the rule is necessary to free the industry from unwanted practice. In this context government promulgated a new Act entitled “Insurance Development and Regulatory Act 2010� thereby creating an Authority for development and regulating the activities and disciplining the insurance industry. At the outset, the authority has taken few measures for creating a level playing field and to make a discipline in the market. This was appreciated from all quarter because this has led to financial growth of almost all the companies. But after lapse of one year and in absence of constant monitoring by the regulatory authority, the market has turned into the same as before. Moreover, imprudent taxation policy, weak corporate governance isone of the common problems relating to the development of the whole insurance sector in Bangladesh.Absence of modern technology in the Operational System helps to do misappropriation in the business.

Which product and services does your company offer? What is the recipe for success of your company? Prime Insurance is specialized and expertise in providing any type of non life Insurance coverage and related business. The services of the company are Fire, Marine, Motor, Engineering, Miscellaneous accident, Industrial all risk coverage, Aviation, Health and Medical insurance etc. The recipes of our success are as below: 1.Online business operation and Service with sophisticated software 2.Professional and qualified executives 3.Immediate action, strong follow up and monitoring of all business works 4.Reinsurance facility with the foreign A graded reinsurer with minimum cost {Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com



5.Prompt settlement of claim. 6.Regular training program for executives to increase service and knowledge efficiency. 7.Ethical practice of the business 8.Compliance of the ISO Certification in the business operation, which helps to build up quality service with dedication, maintaining the business ethics and customer feedback.

What are the main obstacles to expand Insurance Business in Bangladesh and how can we overcome these obstacles? A lot of reasons are obstructing the expansion of the business. The main reason are, those who are doing or leading the business, most of them do not have enough knowledge for the insurance industry and also they do not have education back ground about the industry. There are very few people with this back ground, but unfortunately they failed to develop more in this industry. More over awareness of the general people is also poor and also have lack of confidence over the insurance companies. It happens because of lack of leadership quality in the business and dishonesty for practice of business. To overcome from this situation, leadership quality is needed; insurance executives must have the knowledge about the insurance subject and the practice of ethical business. Same time, the Sponsors of the company also should come forward to develop the business sector. Another major problem is, large numbers of insurance company is doing business. The market size is limited for the traditional products, for this reason an unhealthy situation competes among all the companies for doing the unethical practice of the business. Insurance couldn't flourish in Bangladesh much even though there was tremendous growth prospect. Overcome obstacles 1. To promote, organize & impart Professional education in insurance industry 2. To organize, conduct and promote research on problems of industry. 3. To organize conduct in service Training for the officers and employees of the organization are dealingin insurance. 4. To facilitate promote, encourage and Publication of research work and literature on matters of insurance interest. 5. Educating the general people with information and literature. 6. To provide education facilities for the standard examination like ACII, FCII & Actuary 7. Strong publicity about the products.

What initiatives Prime Insurance has taken to create awareness among the people about the insurance policies?

papers.Besides these we have also organized customized seminar for BGMEA and few business according to their needs and business. Prime insurance also organizes training program for the executives on regular basis throughout the year. Prime also invites foreign experts for the training of their executives for building up their service efficiency level, customer relationship and other operational management. Through the process of such training program, executives build up knowledge and the same time their knowledge helps the general people to create their awareness. Besides these, Prime Insurance has published Traffic Guide Book, Fire Protection Book and distributes it free among the mass people for their awareness. We are also going to publish Health Guide Book with information for the general people. Prime insurance believes that, it is their responsibility to educate their executives and the business partner clients for the safety of their business. At the same time, it also helps the company to minimize the loss of business or claim.

Where do you see Prime Insurance and the Insurance business of the country in the next 20 years? It is very difficult to forecast for next 20 years. History shows that the private sector set up the first batch of insurance companies since the year 1986. Meanwhile, only a few companies have done well with their business and built up the company assets. However, the sector failed to produce experts and professionals, which was much needed for the development of the industry. Moreover, market leaders and top executives of different companies' education background are very poor. They might be good marketing people for their contacts, but they are not capable to launch new ideas or products in the market. They are only equipped for their own business. But for the long time range it will be difficult to those companies to sustain the market. Either they have to go for merger or to sell out the company to larger enterprise or company. But I can forecast about Prime Insurance for their business development for the next 20 years. Like other companies, Prime Insurance also suffered setback. But it took quick decision to put them within a system and control. Also set up of management accountability and complete digital online business operation system. Introduction of proper corporate governance with accountability and that gave the business transparency to its stake holders and also to its business partner clients. Prime Insurance has long term business plan, it is going ahead step by step with its capability and capacity. I hope Prime Insurance will lead the market within 4-5 years, because of its policy and doing ethical practice of the business.

To create awareness among the people about the insurance policies Prime Insurance have organized last couple of years several seminars with international standards and foreign experts they have presented the


{Emerging Bangladesh} Oct. -Dec. 2013


Messe Dusseldorf fairs in 2014 (Jan-March) ElectronicPartner Frühjahr

1. Quarter 2014



04.01.2014 - 06.01.2014



08.01.2014 - 10.01.2014


TrauDich! Düsseldorf

11.01.2014 - 12.01.2014



14.01.2014 - 17.01.2014


boot Düsseldorf

18.01.2014 - 26.01.2014



16.02.2014 - 20.02.2014



11.03.2014 - 13.03.2014



11.03.2014 - 14.03.2014



11.03.2014 - 15.03.2014


GDS (Frühjahr)

12.03.2014 - 14.03.2014


beauty boutique

21.03.2014 - 23.03.2014


21.03.2014 - 23.03.2014


make - up artist design show

22.03.2014 - 23.03.2014



22.03.2014 - 23.03.2014



23.03.2014 - 25.03.2014


Energy Storage

25.03.2014 - 27.03.2014


International Fairs in Bangladesh · International Fabrics & Accessories Sourcing Fair Dhaka, Dhaka

(15-Jan-2014 to 18-Jan-2014)

· Yarn & Fabrics Sourcing Fair, Dhaka

(15-Jan-2014 to 18-Jan-2014)

· Garment Accessories & Packaging Expo, Dhaka

(15-Jan-2014 to 18-Jan-2014)

· MarineTech Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Showcase CDMB, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Solar Tech Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Buildtech Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Greenbuild Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Showcase Clean Development Mechanism Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· MarineTech Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

· Showcase Clean Development Mechanism Bangladesh, Dhaka

(12-Mar-2014 to 14-Mar-2014)

{Emerging Bangladesh} bgcci.com


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