"Bulgareaucrats” to form a "Guardia” movement

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·Bulgareaucrats” to form a ·Guardia” movement A new ultra-nationalist political movement under the name of ·Guardia” will be formed in Bulgaria in March 2006. Guardia members will wear uniforms and their main goal will be to replace democracy with ·Bulgareaucracy”. Forecasts that ultra-nationalism in Bulgaria is the coming political trend have been confirmed. The beginning of March will be the birth of the newest formation to fight against the ·de-Bulgarisation of the Fatherland” and will be a rival to Volen Siderov’s Attack party. The new political movement will be called Guardia and its most likely leader will be Boyan Rassate, head of the Bulgarian National Alliance (BNA). There is a story behind the alias ·Rassate”. This is the pagan name of Vladimir, one of the sons of King Boris I, whom Boris had blinded as a punishment for Vladimir’s striving to overthrow Christianity and revive the pagan cult. Behind the name of Boyan Boyanov, according to press reports, stands a student who failed to graduate from the New Bulgarian University and who was under investigation in 1999 and from 2002 is being tried for the beating a Romani man. According to Siderov’s personal reference for Boyanov, given in 2005 on the eve of the parliamentary elections when Ataka and the BNA were allies, Boyanov is ·a young man with a nationally responsible vision for society and the world, and a man who could never have an attitude against law and order in Bulgaria and its state institutions”. Patriotism was ·Rassate’s second nature. He has patriotic views about a prosperous Bulgaria,” Siderov also said in his reference. In order to ascertain the accuracy of the statements made by the leader of Attack, we need only go back to September 2004 when the BNA organised a convention at the ·Pyasachnika” dam next to Starosel village, near Pazardzhik. Seventy men, both young and old, mainly from rural Bulgaria and abroad, took part in this ·National CampConvocation” and took several important, symbolic decisions. What were these decisions? A course towards the foundation of a United Nationalistic Front against globalism, NATO, and the present model of the European Union, corruption among Bulgarian politicians and a renaissance of traditional Bulgarian values. Protection of nationalists from repression. Exposure of all false patriots who want to take part in the 2005 parliamentar elections. Enhancing the contacts and position of the Bulgarian nationalists with foreign nationalist organizations, and - note carefully - spreading the idea not of national socialism, but of ·social nationalism”. In this way, the Bulgarian National Alliance, established in 2001 as a ·patriotic non-political organization”, which was

only known until then with its petitions ·Who Will Pay for the Roma Electricity Bills?” and ·Let’s Clean Bulgaria Up”, turned candidate for the leadership of the nationalistic formations in the country. However, what was more significant at the 2004 nationalist ·camp-convocation” was the list of international participants. According to Boyan Rassate, the BNA had the support of eight radical European formations: the German Deutsches Kolleg, the NPD (National Democratic Party) and Freier Widerstand (Free Resistance); the Belgian Vlaams Blok (Flemish Block); the Spanish La Falange (Falange) founded by Franco the Dictator; the French Guarde Franque (Frankish Guard); the Romanian Noua Dreapta (New Right Wing); and the Dutch Nationale Alliantie (National Alliance). The total number of their active members, according to Rassate, exceeds 700,000. ·We came here to say that the BNA is the legitimate face of the European national resistance,” the special representative of Freier Widerstand, Matius Schultz, told the media at the time. He refused to be photographed because of fear of ·repression in his homeland”. Schultz, together with two other associates, was a ·delegate” at the BNA convocation in 2004. ·Like the traditional parties who are proud of their relations with European partners, we are also glad of having our contacts. The democrats are part of the European People’s Party, the socialists are members of the Party of European Socialists and the Socialist International, and we are members of the United Front for National Resistance”, explained Rassate before the Bulgarian Politika weekly. Rassate added one more thing: ·We are glad that these people will know with whom to work in Bulgaria. They know our positions; we have attended their seminars and events. Undoubtedly, in 10 years’ time, when our small Bulgaria will have three million Bulgarians and three million Gypsies, we will be the ones dictating to Europe what will happen”. These are just some of the views of the new nationalistic guru with the ancient Bulgarian alias declared several years ago. Today, after the pathetic split of the BNA and Attack which is represented in parliament - Rassate’s supporters managed to mount the Bulgarian flag on the highest Bulgarian peak Mussala, and to get into a fight with Ataka MPs. BNA members also waved guns in front of Ataka’s headquarters and organised a torch lit march in commemoration of the death of General Hristo Lukov, head of the Bulgarian National Legion and devoted Nazi-supporter. At finally, the BNA organised a referendum, in which allegedly 20,000 people took part, in which the BNA prepared the world for their new formation, Guardia. Georgi Papakochev Deutsche Welle OBEKTIV 5

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