1 minute read
Barry Gardener Course Manager
Hello all,
We are now, finally, getting to enjoy some nice weather and the courses have come on leaps and bounds in the last month. The team have been busy with the mowers, keeping on top of the spring growth, whilst also keeping on top of some of the more mundane but functional jobs.
As we are now fully into the golfing season, the aim is to maintain the playing surfaces we have, to offer the best golfing experience for everyone. You may find that the greens have been top dressed with sand, or have some very small holes in them from time to time. There may be somebody out hand watering greens with a hose, the mowers will be constantly buzzing around, and greenkeepers might occasionally get in the way! But please remember, we are doing all these things for the benefit of the golf courses and for the golfer.
We will soon be introducing six double bins for the main course, for general waste and recyclable waste. So, we ask for all your efforts in helping us to be more sustainable and putting the correct waste in each bin.
We will also be introducing five divot boxes for the men’s tees on the par-3 holes on the main course. Ladies, you don’t make as much mess on the par-3’s as the men do, but feel free to use them too.
We are also going to trial having some divot bags out on the course for people to collect at the tee, so that they can repair their own or other divots on the fairway before leaving the empty bag on the next tee.
The next day it will move onto the next hole etc. This concept has been mentioned by a few members, so we hope more will get on board and in turn help the course conditions improve.
As always, we ask that golfers repair their pitch marks, replace any divots, and rake the bunkers after use. You don’t need to see any more posters of me point at you asking for help!
Happy golfing!
Barry and the greens team