Changing Room Refurbishments – 18th September – 15th October
On Monday 18th September we will be starting a four-week project to install disabled toilets, refurbish the men’s toilets, as well as the ladies changing rooms, including readjusting the current layout. There will be a temporary toilet facility brought in for everyone’s needs as well as the possibility, depending on the stages of work, for the ladies to continue to use their toilets at a point.
Robin Cheng General Manager
Dear Redbourn Member, Giatinum nobitae eici officipicit ventur, conesequat quatur, quodist ruptat. Ecte verest qui necation natem cori sament officid quiatem facidusam ducid mi, odis eatus autas doluptae exeratium fugia dunt quam vellandit ipis con peligendel etur, odisciis doluptur, eum dolum repra am faccus expel iunt.
While I know a lot of you would want these places to increase in size, unfortunately there is only so much we have to work with, and I hope that the changes we are making, both increase the quality of the product, but also introduce a much more functional space.
Dear Redbourn Member,
Welcome to the August edition of the Redbourn Members’ Newsletter. For all those reading this, we either thank you for renewing your membership, or welcome you to the club! The last newsletter saw us coming into a new membership year where, in a tough economic climate, people had to make decisions about how to spread their finances. While everyone’s circumstances are different, I am glad you all saw value in your membership here at Redbourn Golf Club, and rest assured, we will continue to work at improving the club to payback your decision.
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Whether people believe in climate change or not, I think we can all agree on certain things. In recent years we have had some very extreme weather, both in this country and abroad. We are also facing the looming depletion of fossil fuels in the coming years. Redbourn, as well as all clubs within the BGL group are working towards being net zero or better in emissions. Luckily with over 1,400 hectares across the group, our carbon sequestration massively helps us to achieve this, as long as we are looking after, and nurturing our green spaces. Also, water is a precious commodity that needs to be conserved, as shown with The River Ver that runs through our course. Too much extraction in places leads to rivers running bare and entire eco-systems being lost.
In recent years we have installed a bore hole and reservoir to utilise surface water rather than relying on mains water. More recently we have changed all lighting in the clubhouse to be LED, in addition to installing timers and sensors that help us reduce our Kwh. We are also looking to move away from gas completely. Currently, we are reliant on gas for our heating, our ovens and our fryers. Using solely green tariff electricity with the idea of installing solar panels will help to make us more self-sufficient.
Getting away from utilities, we also send all of our food waste to special facilities where it is anaerobically digested, and biomethane is then produced, which is re-used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels.
Continued on the next page
Recycling is also high on our priority list with our waste management company making sure that only 0.25% of all waste taken away from our sites goes to landfill. Many of you are probably wondering why I am going on about sustainability, but it truly is a goal that both Redbourn and all clubs within the group are trying to achieve. I would therefore like to propose the following two incentives for members to help us within our journey to being a more sustainable club:
1. Use your re-usable coffee mug you received upon renewal and get a free upgrade to a large coffee, when buying a medium. This will help us reduce the use of takeaway cups and also cut down on resources.
2. Help us recycle by bringing in all your empty bottles and rubbish back to the clubhouse to us so we can properly sort them and recycle them. For every bottle brought back, at the end of every month we will credit your members card 10p on either range or bar credit.

Unfortunately, three months ago, I had to remortgage the house after my five year fixed term period ended. I decided at the time to play the rates and go for a two year tracker rather than a fixed deal. Currently I am probably on the wrong side of that debate, but am hopeful that come the end of the year and into next, it may start going the other way.
With this being said, costs are ever increasing for everyone, both as individuals and businesses. Currently our food inflation is in the region of 24%, yet we have made the decision to keep holding our prices as long as possible. Course spend is increasing, as well as the need to combat hot dry summers as well as some very prolonged mild and wet weather that encourages disease on the course. We are dedicated to paying all our staff at least the National Living Wage as opposed to Minimum Wage, as well as offering benefits to all our staff members. This allows us to retain good staff, and deliver stability and consistent high standards in the service we deliver.
While we accept that Redbourn Golf Club, needs to itself absorb a lot of these costs, it is also not possible to remain flat on our pricing. Please do not panic and think this means an immediate price increase in food and drink however. This is simply an openness to the challenges we face.
Machinery Investment
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!
Our brand-new greens mower should be arriving any week now and the course team are looking forward to being able to test out what it can do. Parts have been shipping and arriving in the country and currently in a line, waiting to be built.

We are also looking into a new fairway mower for next year as well as a top dresser and utility vehicle to speed up the team getting around the course when needed.
From the feedback being received, it seems like both courses, are in the best condition they have been for a long time. With the addition of newer, and more reliable vehicles, as well as continued investment in the training of our teams, we hope to continue to move it forward in years to come.
Customer Feedback
Currently members feedback scores are the highest they have ever been since we started using our online system, thanks mainly due to course and clubhouse improvements, as well as the overall friendliness and professionalism of the staff. I would like to thank all my team here at Redbourn for delivering such great service to all members and visitors alike.
There are still issues to face though. Main points of discussion currently are:
• Pace of play can at times be slow
• Remaining paths need addressing
• Benches and ball washers at all holes
• Toilets on the 12th
What we are doing:
Unfortunately, we have recently lost a member of our marshal team, so we have now gone from three to two. We are looking at recruiting, but by the time this happens, we may be at the end of the season already. Those marshals we do have, will spend their time between the 1st tee and on the course and trying to close any gaps, or encourage people to let faster groups through. To help us with pace of play as well as your fellow golfer, I encourage all members to consider the following:
• If playing stableford, pick up after blobbing rather than putting out
• Leave your bag on the correct side of the green, that leads to the next tee
• Do not look for your golf ball longer than 3 minutes if searching (rule)
• If you are ready before your playing partner despite being closer, then play your shot (as long as it is safe to do so)
• Mark your card on the next tee when playing partners are teeing off
The remaining paths, I agree still need addressing, and overall the ones done last year were a success. Budget may or may not allow us to get these done this year, as unfortunately we have a lot of new pipework that needs re-laying, which is currently taking priority. Bunkers also ate heavily into our funds, with potentially a few more to come this year. I do completely understand that all problem paths need to be dealt with and they won’t be left too long before fixing.
Ball washers on every hole I agree with, and will try to find the resources for 2024. Benches will be looked at in certain places as long as it doesn’t slow down play.
Toilet on the 12th hole I am afraid is not in any current plans. I would worry about the resources needed to keep it in a good standard as well as the fact that we have already added pin pads on the outside of the changing room doors to allow members after nine to visit the loo quickly.
I hope you all understand that while there are almost an unlimited amount of things we can do to improve the club, there are limitations both in time and resources to what can realistically get done… although I would still love a fountain here.

New Head Professional
Course Manager Update
Haydn Drinkwater Course Manager

It’s been a busy month with various jobs being carried out with frequent mowing and course maintenance.
Craig Hawkes Head ProfessionalHi, I’m Craig Hawkes, Redbourn’s recently appointment Head Professional.

I’ve been a golf professional for 27 years and my most recent post was Manager/ Head Professional at Stanmore and Edgware Golf Centre. During Covid, I designed and built a glow in the dark mini golf course. I’ve now left this business in my wife’s capable hands as my love of “real” golf has led me to Redbourn.
I’m excited to get started and looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible. If you see me around, please come up and say hello.
Firstly, we have stripped the 9th ladies tee and levelled It. We aim to have it back in play as soon as the new grass has Established. We have also ninja tinned the greens with a light top dressing which helps with thatch removal, aeration and drainage to allow for a better playing surface.
We are in the process of moving a few tees over to face the fairways, these are the 10th ladies, 14th ladies and 17th men’s tee. We are also changing the layout on the longer tees: 3rd, 5th, 11th, and 12th. So there will be three individual tees on the hole.
On Our TrackMan Driving Range


Men’s Captain’s Update
Ian Rice Club CaptainWell, what a busy few weeks we have had at the club. I will start with Captain’s Day. With the change of format for the day we had over 80 players participating. The weather was fabulous, and the course was in excellent condition. Whilst enjoying their bacon baps players were able to view sporting memorabilia and art which was on display for the silent auction. These were brought in by Vache Bleau Gallery in St
As always, many thanks to Paula and her team for their hard work and for presenting a delicious carvery meal. Before and during the meal, close-up magician Alex Sprackling entertained us with some truly stunning card tricks. I was amazed at how Alex could have me sign a card and have it appear in various places in the deck and even in a zipped up purse!
Our thanks also go to the golf clubs who donated fourball playing vouchers for auction, including Letchworth, West Herts and Brookman’s Park Golf Clubs. Redbourn member, Peter Caneparao also donated a three-ball voucher to play with him at Sandy Lodge Golf Club. Thanks also to raffle prize donors including Market Golf, Moulton Brown, Neals Yard, Champneys, Cake Baby and past captains.

On the day £2,850 was raised for the Essex and Hertfordshire Air Ambulance.The winners on the day were as follows. Lee Kavanagh won the Wadham Cup for Best Individual Stableford points with an amazing score of 42 points. Barry Cole won the Bines Cup for lowest gross score with a 77. Nearest the pin on the 4th was won by Paul Smith with 2 feet 8½ inches, Vince Bartrip was nearest the pin on the 11th with 2 feet, and Ivor Barton had the closest to the white line drive on the 12th hole.

Out on the course were par-3 challenges. Although there were no holes in one, many thanks to Travel Four Seasons for putting up cash prizes for holes in one, including £15,000 for a hole in one on the 7th. Special thanks also go to Babs Smith for preparing the cards and registering all our competitors alongside Lynne Norman. My appreciation goes to our lady members who took care of the halfway houses, supervised the nearest the pins, and nearest the line and raffle ticket sales.
Lee Kavanagh

Winning Team
The Winning Team was Steve Harris, Paul Geary, Glen Wilkes and Barry Cole with a terrific 92 points!

Eric Russell Trophy

Two weeks later over 80 men and ladies players and 14 teams took part in the Eric Russell Team Trophy 2023. Following the Ryder Cup format in a scorching weekend, the teams played fourball better ball and foursomes matches on the Saturday and singles on the Sunday. The eventual winners were The Rats with 6.5 points over the two days. Runners up, and the first time the’ve entered a team in the Eric Russell Team Trophy were The Friars with 6 points. Pictured below is the winning Rats team consisting of (from left to right): Adarsh Shah, Will Goatcher, Simon Wright, Barry Drake, Phil Neville and Pete Buckingham.

Congratulations to The Rats and thank you to all of you who supported the Eric Russell Team Trophy 2023 in support of Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Through the raffle and entrance fees we raised just over £1,000. Special thanks also to the organisers and support team of Bob Taylor, Lin Taylor, Babs Smith and Lynne Norman for their help over the weekend.

Club Championships

The Club Championships 2023 were held over the weekend 8th & 9th July. As the players took the tee on both days they were briefed and then announced by Bill Forrester. He has been doing this for many years and it does make every player feel special. The first round of the Men’s Championship was played in windy conditions accompanied by heavy downpours and the scores reflected this with Sam Chapple the overnight leader shooting a creditable 77. The top 30 made the “cut” and found that the course continued to play tough on day two ending with Tony Biggerstaff and Barry Cole tied on a gross score of 159. The sudden death play-off took place over the 18th hole resulting in a one-shot win for Tony, thus becoming the Club Champion for the third consecutive time and fourth time overall, congratulations, Tony!
The men’s nett competition was won by Carl Ingram with an excellent five under par beating Phil Neville by three shots.
Men’s Match
On a very wet, sometimes sunny, and extremely windy Saturday the Redbourn team went to Welwyn Garden City GC for their third match of the year. In very challenging conditions, including a break in play as there was thunder and lightning around, after five of the six matches the scores were level at 2.5 points each. Unfortunately, our last pair couldn’t bring home the win, so we lost 3.5 points to 2.5 points. Many thanks go to the team of myself, Chris Yates, Jim Manning, Gary Wilkins, Glen Wilkes, Barry Cole, Adarsh Shah, Graham Tomlin, Sean Smith, Don Smith, Neil Marcus and Stephen Tuhey for playing so well in such conditions.
2023/24 Captain plays 1997/98 Captain
Moving the Championship to July appears to have been successful as a record 56 players entered the Men’s Senior Championship. Played over one round on Sunday, the winner was Andy (Honda) Braddon with an 81 beating Glenn Wilkes by one shot, the nett prize going to Dave Lorimer, whose 67 just pipped John Lennon’s 68. Ironic that both Senior prizes were won by members of the “Fossils” syndicate!
Bob TaylorRecently I had the pleasure/honour of playing with Bill Forrester the oldest member of the golf club and the captain in 1997/98. Unfortunately, he missed Captain’s day as he was unwell, so I invited him for a round of golf with me. It was a most enjoyable round of golf where we discussed many things including how the golf club has changed over the years with its various owners. We also discussed his experiences of being evacuated during the war five times to various parts of the country and many other things. It was a fascinating to listen to him and he tried to recruit me for the choir he sings in who were having a concert soon. I declined saying that my wife has told me that I am tone deaf!! I disagree but….. Oh yes, the golf. He let me have the honour of teeing off on the first hole which I ended up putting my ball on the par-3 course whist he drove beyond the bunker! Who won, who knows but it was such a pleasure to play with Bill who has a group named after him called The Forrester’s who regularly play at the club.

Hall of Fame – Captain’s Charity Winners
Friday - Andy Roberts 30pts
Saturday - Russel Field 43 pts
Sunday - Jim Manning 39pts
Red Tee Day winners
Friday - Jim Walker 34pts
Saturday – Graham Tomlin 41 pts
Sunday – Carl Ingram 46 pts
Junior July Medal
Finn Ball gross 77/nett 69
Highland Spring Trophy winners
Juniors – Eddie Diprose - gross 104/nett 79
Friday – Andy Roberts - gross 82/nett 67
Saturday -Paul Sansom - gross 78/net 66
Many congratulations to Russel Field, pictured receiving the trophy from Men’s Captain Ian Rice, for scoring an amazing 43 stableford points in the Captain’s Charity Competition. 65 players took part in the competition, which allowed for a £99.00 donation to the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.

June Medal winners
Division 1: Barry Cole – gross 78/nett 70
Division 2: Darren Creamer – gross 82/nett 64
Division 1: Sean Smith – gross 82/nett 72
Division 2: Joe Lucas – gross 95/nett 74
Division 1: Andrew Spence - gross 85/nett 72
Division 2: Alfio Carassalin - gross106/nett 80
Fletcher Trophy winners
Friday - Brett Richards - gross 84/nett 74
Saturday - Jari Worsley - gross93/nett 64
Sunday - Mike Pembroke - gross 85/nett 68
Junior Fletcher Trophy - Imogen Lawrensongross 105/nett 83
Ladies’ Captain’s Update
Sheryl Tye

Ladies’ Captain
It has been a hectic summer so far with the PING Competition, Eric Russell, Lady Captain’s Day, Ladies Away Trip, Club Championships, Ladies vs Friars and the Invitation Day.
We have not stopped yet, as at the time of writing we still have the Ladies Open Day coming up, Ladies Away Day and Captain vs Vice. What a great time for those that love their golf!

Lady Captain’s Day 2023
Thanks to so many for dressing up and joining in with the Caribbean Theme, it was wonderful to see the diversity and originality on display.
PING 4BBB stableford
Congratulations to Mary Bromfield and Gill Baker who emerged victorious as the winning pair with 45 points, and will be put forward to see if they are selected for the national competition. In second place were Sarah Hogben and Marie Jacques with 43 points. PING will award the prizes for both first and second place in due course.
Club Senior Championships
Well done to all ladies who took part in the Club Senior Championships, and congratulations to the gross winner, Sally Burrows, with a fantastic 91, and the net winner, Bernie Marcus, on 72 points.

Ladies Invitation Day

Many thanks to Linda Hill for organising this lovely day where we met up with friends from many other clubs. Linda and her partner Ang O’Connor, now at WGC, also won the trophy, with a magnificent 48 points in 4BBB.
Congratulations to the winners of the Lady Captain’s Day Trophy, Shirley Deudon scoring 43 points, and of the BingoBangoBongo competition, Maggie Melville.

Sad News
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of fellow club member Phil Lewis. Having met on the par-3 course, Phil and his partner Tricia McKern have been members of Redbourn Golf Club for 21 years.
Our sincere condolences go out to Tricia and their families at this difficult time.