Love To Shop Sponsorship Pack 2014

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O T E V LO HOP! S 2014 S D R AWA in

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O T E V LO HOP! S 2014 DS R A W ith A ation w ci

in asso


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O T E V LO HOP! S 2014 DS R A W ith A ation w ci

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O T E V LO HOP! S 2014 DS R A W ith A ation w ci

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O T E LOVHOP! S DS2014 AWAR ciation with in asso

Best Newcomer The best newcomer award will go to a retail business that has been open for two years or under from 1st October 2012. The judges will be looking for a business that has evolved from an entrepreneurial approach applied in a creative business idea, such as, a unique business concept, production of innovative products. Best Marketing Campaign or Best Social Media Campaign Awarded to the most innovative local retailer, restaurant or cafÊ. This could be for a marketing or promotional campaign that is focused on the retail outlet itself or on a seasonal calendar event or specific launch or activity. The initiative should relate specifically to the shopping population of Bath. The impact of the campaign should have resulted in successful retail sales. This award could also go to a local retailer or restaurant or cafÊ that has shown an innovative or particularly interactive social media campaign that has increased in followers/activity in the last year and contributed to the overall success of the venue over the year. Best Overall Retailer (National) This award will go to a national retailer (they will invariably be household names) that are continually evolving their own brand products and store formats to increase their public popularity and share of consumer spend. Best Overall Retailer (Independent) This award will go to an independent retailer (individual or partnership) that in the judges’ opinion demonstrates great business acumen, creativity, sound marketing and advertising knowledge and fantastic customer care and service. Shooting Star of the Year This award will recognise outstanding customer service in retail. Awarded to a person who has gone above and beyond. This person must have a proven track record in achieving their sales targets. They should be absolutely committed to great customer service and care and customer care. The finalists of this award will be secretly visited by judges.


O T E LOVHOP! S DS2014 AWAR ciation with in asso

Best visual display or in-store design concept This award could be won by an eye catching window display, an innovative in-store design or retail furniture that has helped to increase sales of the items on display. Best Pop-Up-Shop or Pop-Up-Experience Awarded to a temporary retailer or retail or food based pop up experience this will recognise entrepreneurs and interesting, new and innovative experiences introduced to Bath during the last 12 months. The judges will be looking for unique and interesting retail experiences. Best Loved Shop in Bath – The People’s Choice Voted for by the public, this award will be given to the shop that we just can’t live without in Bath. Great products, service and overall experience will win this award. You can’t enter it but you can encourage your customers to vote for you. The store with the most nominations wins. Best Environmentally Responsible Venue This award will highlight a venue, retail, food or beverage, that delivers new standards in environmental responsibility; this award is looking for examples of excellence that have been introduced or achieved during the last 12 months that provides clear environmental benefits. It could be an improvement in recycling, an initiative that encourages customers to recycle, its team to travel to work in a more environmental fashion any way that the business has minimised the environmental impact of its operations. Best Chill Out Place in Bath This award will go to a retailer, pub, cafe, venue or experience that provides shoppers with an ideal place to chill out and take a break while they are shopping in Bath. Outstanding Contribution to Retail in Bath Non-entry award that will be revealed by the Judges on the evening to recognise a member of the Bath Retail Community that has contributed and made a positive difference to the retail environment in Bath.

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