Bristol Awards & Events 2015

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BRISTOL POST EVENTS Our events are all about recognising and celebrating the successes and achievements of Bristol people. From the great companies and captains of industry highlighted in our Business and Women in Business Awards, to the firms and youngsters recognised in our Apprenticeship Awards, to the sportsmen and women of our Sports Awards and the courage and determination of our Gold Star winners, the Bristol Post is proud to celebrate these great Bristolians. Mike Norton Editor Bristol Post print • online • mobile

W E S T E R N D A I LY PRESS EVENTS This year, the Western Daily Press launches its inaugural Food and Farming Awards, celebrating the best of the West Country – and some of the best in the UK. The counties of Somerset, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Wiltshire and Devon have some of the country’s most famous businesses and brands, and the Western Daily Press is always right behind them. Ian Mean Editor Western Daily Press print • online • mobile


Bristol Post Women in Business Awards 2014

Bristol Post Business Awards 2014

Bristol and Bath Apprenticeship Awards 2014

Click on the video links to see our highlights




• Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post Readership area

The Bristol Post reaches:

• Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and thecommunity at large

• • • • •

Circulation 27k + Daily readers 109k+ Online browsers 1.1 M Monthly page views 5M Twitter followers 28.7k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post Sports Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media. *Source: JICREG 01/04/14; Omniture June 2014 print • online • mobile

BRISTOL AND B AT H W O M E N I N BUSINESS AWARDS print • online • mobile #WIBA

Sponsorship Pack

The awards shine the spotlight on the women at the heart of the Bristol and Bath’s business community and pay tribute to the women whose determination and success are helping to drive Bristol and Bath’s economy. 2014 saw the first year of the awards and winners in each category of Bristol and Bath Women in Business awards were announced at a gala evening in April. Sarah Pullen, managing director of Bristol and Bath News and Media, publisher of The Bristol Post and Bath Chronicle, said of the 2014 awards: “This is the first year we have run the Women in Business awards and I am delighted that we have been able to launch them. We are looking forward to some outstanding entries as we recognise the business women whose drive and determination makes such a difference. In these challenging economic times it is good to focus on the women whose business success is helping to lead us out of recession.”

Last year’s event - In pictures

Event Categories Young Entrepreneur of the Year Mentor of the Year Business of the Year Contribution to the Community Women in the Workplace Female Apprentice of the Year Award for Innovation New Business of the Year Woman of the Year Marketing Campaign of the Year

Objectives of event sponsorship • Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post Readership area • Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and the community at large

The benefits of event sponsorship The Bristol Post reaches:

The Bath Chronicle reaches:

• Circulation 27k +

• Circulation 14k +

• Daily readers 109k+

• Weekly readers 46k +

• Online browsers 1.1 M

• Online browsers 377k +

• Monthly page views 5M

• Monthly page views 1.5M +

• Twitter followers 28.7k +

• Twitter followers 14.6k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post and Bath Chronicle Women in Business Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media.

Title Sponsor £10,000 •

Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards

Prime position table for 10* at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine

Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

Weekly strip on the business page (4cm x 8 column) throughout the event campaign

Monthly 1 column to run in the business section

15 minute slot to present at a Get Connected Event

A weekly business update on the Southwest Business newsletter

Category sponsorship £3,000 •

Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

Opportunity to present the award sponsored

Prime position seating / table of 10** at the gala awards evening

Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign

Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, on-line and at event

Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML

B R I S TO L A N D B AT H APPRENTICESHIP AWARDS print • online • mobile #ApprenticeAwards

Sponsorship Pack

The Bristol and Bath Apprenticeships Awards recognise both businesses that help drive apprenticeship schemes across our cities as well as those apprentices. In their first year the awards are an amalgamation of the Bristol Post and Bath Chronicle Apprenticeship Awards and were a great success. The awards were held at the Bristol Marriott, City Centre on 18th June 2014.

Last year’s event - In pictures

Event Categories Bristol & Bath Apprentice of the Year

Outstanding Apprentice of the Year (Public Services)

Outstanding Apprentice of The Year (Health, Education & Care)

Micro Employer of the Year

Outstanding Apprentice of The Year (Construction) Outstanding Apprentice of The Year (Engineering & Manufacturing) Outstanding Apprentice of The Year (Financial & Business Services) Outstanding Apprentice of The Year (Services Industries)

Small Employer of The Year (0-24) Medium Employer of The Year (25-249) Large Employer of The Year (250+) Apprenticeship Development Award Bristol & Bath Apprenticeship Training Provider of The Year

Objectives of event sponsorship • Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post and Bath Chronicle Readership area • Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and the community at large

The benefits of event sponsorship The Bristol Post reaches:

The Bath Chronicle reaches:

• Circulation 27k +

• Circulation 14k +

• Daily readers 109k+

• Weekly readers 46k +

• Online browsers 1.1 M

• Online browsers 377k +

• Monthly page views 5M

• Monthly page views 1.5M +

• Twitter followers 28.7k +

• Twitter followers 14.6k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post and Bath Chronicle Apprenticeship Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media.

Title Sponsor £10,000 •

Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards

Prime position table for 10* at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine

Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

Weekly strip on the business page (4cm x 8 column) throughout the duration of the event campaign

Monthly 1 column to run in the business section

15 minute slot to present at a Get Connected Event

A weekly business update on the Southwest Business newsletter

Category sponsorship £3,000 •

Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

Opportunity to present the award sponsored

Prime position seating / table of 10** at the gala awards evening

Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, on-line and at event

Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML


AWA R D S 2 0 1 4

w w w. b r i s t o l p o s t . c o. u k / b u s i n e s s aw a rd s print • online • mobile #PostBizAwards

Sponsorship Pack

The Post Business Awards have established themselves as the most prestigious event in the local calendar since they were first held in 2004. They are a fantastic opportunity for the business community in Bristol and the surrounding areas to get together in a relaxed and jovial atmosphere to celebrate the area’s best and most innovative companies. And this year the awards celebrated their ninth birthday. Much like Bristol the awards have evolved and this year new categories and some new sponsors highlighted the future of business in Bristol. The awards evening was a lavish gala night in the Passenger Shed on Wednesday 25th June 2014 and highlights included our exclusive ‘selfie’ app and of course, the delicious 3 course dinner.

Last year’s event - In pictures

Event Categories Business of the Year

Marketing Campaign of the Year

Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Large Business of the Year

Lifetime Achievement Award

Best Creative/Technological Award

Retailer of the Year

Leisure & Tourism Business of the Year

Customer Service Award

Small Business of the Year

Family Business of the Year

Start Up Business of the Year

Innovator of the Year

Environmnetal Business Award

Export Award

Contribution to the Community Award

Objectives of event sponsorship • Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post Readership area • Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and the community at large

The benefits of event sponsorship The Bristol Post reaches:

Circulation 27k +

Daily readers 109k+

Online browsers 1.1 M

Monthly page views 5M

Twitter followers 28.7k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post Business Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media.

Title Sponsor £12,000 •

Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards

Prime position table for 10* at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine

Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

Weekly strip on the business page (4cm x 8 column) for the duration of the event campaign

Monthly 1 column to run in the business section

15 minute slot to present at a Get Connected Event

A weekly business update on the Southwest Business newsletter

Category sponsorship £4,000 •

Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

Opportunity to present the award sponsored

Prime position seating / table of 10** at the gala awards evening

Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign

Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, on-line and at event

Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML


SPORTS AWARDS 2014 IN ASSOCIATION WITH print • online • mobile #PostSportsAwards

Sponsorship Pack

The Bristol Post Sports Awards aim to help honour the stars, the stalwarts and the unsung heroes of sport in Bristol. After a successful first year in 2014, the Bristol Post Sport Awards is set to be one of the highlights of the city’s sporting calendar, The Bristol Post Sports Awards reward the people who power its professional and amateur clubs. At the 2014 awards there were 14 awards up for grabs catering for every sport you can think of – and were handed out at a glittering ceremony at The Bristol Marriott Hotel on the evening of Thursday, October 30 2015.

Event Categories Sports Personality of the Year Young Sports Personality of the Year Female Sports Personality of the Year Male Sports Personality of the Year Senior Team of the Year Junior Team of the Year Community Team of the Year Coach of the Year

Female Disability Sports Person of the Year Male Disability Sports Person of the Year Professional Sports Personality of the Year Football Player of the Year Rugby Player of the Year Cricketer of the Year Outstanding Services to Sport in Bristol

Objectives of event sponsorship • Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post Readership area • Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and the community at large

The benefits of event sponsorship The Bristol Post reaches:

Circulation 27k +

Daily readers 109k+

Online browsers 1.1 M

Monthly page views 5M

Twitter followers 28.7k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post Sports Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media.

Title Sponsor £10,000 •

Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards

Prime position table for 10* at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine

Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

Weekly strip on the sports page 4cmx8 column from July – October 2015

Monthly 1 column to run in sports section

15 minute slot to present at a Get Connected Event

A weekly business update on the Southwest Business newsletter

Category sponsorship £3,000 •

Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

Opportunity to present the award sponsored

Prime position seating / table of 10** at the gala awards evening

Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign

Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, on-line and at event

Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML


Gold St r AWAR D S 2 015 print • online • mobile

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015 #PostGoldStar

Sponsorship Pack

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

2014 was the 20th successive year we have held these awards for local heroes. That makes them the longest running awards of their kind in the entire West of England. They celebrate people who have done extraordinary things. Some have saved lives, some have cared for others, some have raised huge sums for charity or have made a real difference to their communities. Others have faced adversity or illness with great courage. All of the 2014 winners are then invited to Christmas lunch and the awards ceremony in December. Since the awards were launched in 1994 we have celebrated some remarkable people. They have ranged in age from children of four years old to people in their 90s. Each of them is special to us and will always have a place in our hearts.

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Last year’s event - In pictures

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Event Categories First’s Gold Star Hero

Gold Star Young Hero

Gold Star 999 Hero

Gold Star Achiever

Gold Star Charity Champion

Gold Star Volunteer

Gold Star Life-saver

Gold Star Carer

Gold Star Good Samaritan

Gold Star Local Hero

Gold Star Community Hero

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Objectives of event sponsorship • Increase and maintain awareness throughout the Bristol Post Readership area • Inform and introduce potential new customers • Complement existing advertising and communications strategy • Raise company profile, within the business community and the community at large

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

The benefits of event sponsorship The Bristol Post reaches:

Circulation 27k +

Daily readers 109k+

Online browsers 1.1 M

Monthly page views 5M

Twitter followers 28.7k +

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. The Bristol Post Gold Star Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media.

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Title Sponsor £12,000 •

Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards

Prime position table for 10* at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine

Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign.

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Category sponsorship £1,000 •

Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

Opportunity to present the award sponsored

Two tickets to join your sponsored Gold Star winner at the awards ceremony

Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign

Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, on-line and at event

Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel

10 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts (20,000+ in Bristol and Bath)

Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship

Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML

Gold St r AWA R D S 2 015

Gold St r AWAR D S 2 015




• increase and maintain awareness throughout the The Western Daily Press readership area with an opportunity to inform and introduce potential new customers.

The Western Daily Press has a circulation of 21K +* across the West Country exposing your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirming your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business.

• The coverage that you will receive will increase and maintain awareness of your business throughout the Western Daily Press Readership area. • Sponsoring an event complements your businesses existing advertising and communications strategies.

• • • •

Daily readers 71k + Online browsers 451K+ Monthly page views 893K+ Twitter followers 5.5k+

Raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media. *Source: JICREG 01/04/2014 Omniture June 2014 print • online • mobile #WDPFoodandFarming

Sponsorship Pack

This year, the Western Daily Press launches its inaugural Food and Farming Awards, celebrating the best of the West Country – and some of the best in the UK. The counties of Somerset, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Wiltshire and Devon have some of the country’s most famous businesses and brands, and the Western Daily Press is always right behind them. From field to plate, we want to celebrate every step of this vital industry that underpins the region’s economy and plays such a massive part in the daily lives of those that live here. It has already been a tough year for many and there are clouds ahead for some – but by pulling together we can help one another to shout from the rooftops that West is best. In Spring 2015 in Bristol, we’ll be gathering together the region’s top food and drink producers and purveyors – and you could be among them. Whether it’s a single farmer, a large agri-business, a cook in a pub or a brewer some of the region’s famous tipples, we want to hear about the most deserving. Put forward your nomination and help us reward the people that keep the West Country moving.

Ian Mean – Editor – Western Daily Press

Event Categories Best Drinks Producer

Young Farmer of the Year

Best Food Producer

Farm Contractor of the Year

Best Independent CafĂŠ or Tea room Best Local Food Retailer Food and Drink Business of the Year Outstanding Contribution to Local Food Development Best Eating Out Establishment Best Farmer Outstanding Contribution to Farming Best Takeaway/Pop up eatery Best Pub

Objectives of event sponsorship • The 2015 Western Daily Press Food & Farming Awards provide your company with an opportunity to inform and introduce potential new customers. • The coverage that you will receive will increase and maintain awareness of your business throughout the Western Daily Press Readership area. • Sponsoring an event complements your businesses existing advertising and communications strategies.

The benefits of event sponsorship The Western Daily Press has a circulation of 21K +* across the West Country exposing your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirming your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. Daily readers

71k +

Online browsers


Monthly page views


Twitter followers


Raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media. *Source: JICREG 01/04/2014 Omniture June 2014

Title Sponsor £15,000 • Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo • Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored • Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards • Prime position tables for 20 at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine • Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards •

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

• Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign 8-12 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards • Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts • Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship • Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self-promotion • Weekly 4cm x 8 column advert within West Country Life Dec - March 2015 • 6 PR pieces to run throughout the campaign • 15 minute slot to present at Get Connected event • Weekly update in Southwest Business newsletter

Category Sponsor £3,000 • Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category • Opportunity to present the award sponsored •

Prime position seating / table of 10 at the gala awards evening

• Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved • Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign • Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include inpaper, on-line and at event. • Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions •

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel 8-12 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

• Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts • Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship • Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self-promotion

IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR EVENTS PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITES Bristol and Bath Women in Business Awards Bristol and Bath Apprenticeship Awards Bristol Business Awards Bristol Post Sports Awards Bristol Post Gold Stars

print • online • mobile

print • online • mobile

IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR EVENTS PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITES Bristol and Bath Women in Business Awards Bristol and Bath Apprenticeship Awards Bristol Business Awards Bristol Post Sports Awards Bristol Post Gold Stars Western Daily Press Business Awards

print • online • mobile

print • online • mobile

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