Western Daily Press Food & Farming Awards 2015

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Westerndailypress.co.uk/foodandfarming #WDPFoodandFarming

Sponsorship Pack

This year, the Western Daily Press launches its inaugural Food and Farming Awards, celebrating the best of the West Country – and some of the best in the UK. The counties of Somerset, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Wiltshire and Devon have some of the country’s most famous businesses and brands, and the Western Daily Press is always right behind them. From field to plate, we want to celebrate every step of this vital industry that underpins the region’s economy and plays such a massive part in the daily lives of those that live here. It has already been a tough year for many and there are clouds ahead for some – but by pulling together we can help one another to shout from the rooftops that West is best. In Spring 2015 in Bristol, we’ll be gathering together the region’s top food and drink producers and purveyors – and you could be among them. Whether it’s a single farmer, a large agri-business, a cook in a pub or a brewer some of the region’s famous tipples, we want to hear about the most deserving. Put forward your nomination and help us reward the people that keep the West Country moving.

Ian Mean – Editor – Western Daily Press

Event Categories Best Drinks Producer

Young Farmer of the Year

Best Food Producer

Farm Contractor of the Year

Best Independent CafĂŠ or Tea room Best Local Food Retailer Food and Drink Business of the Year Outstanding Contribution to Local Food Development Best Eating Out Establishment Best Farmer Outstanding Contribution to Farming Best Takeaway/Pop up eatery Best Pub

Objectives of event sponsorship • The 2015 Western Daily Press Food & Farming Awards provide your company with an opportunity to inform and introduce potential new customers. • The coverage that you will receive will increase and maintain awareness of your business throughout the Western Daily Press Readership area. • Sponsoring an event complements your businesses existing advertising and communications strategies.

The benefits of event sponsorship The Western Daily Press has a circulation of 21K +* across the West Country exposing your business to a wide cross section of the community and affirming your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business. Daily readers

71k +

Online browsers


Monthly page views


Twitter followers


Raise your company profile with an established and trusted source of local media. *Source: JICREG 01/04/2014 Omniture June 2014

Title Sponsor £15,000 • Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo • Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored • Opportunity to have representation on the judging panel for the awards • Prime position tables for 20 at the gala awards evening, including four bottles of wine • Guest Speaker/Keynote Speaker option at awards •

Full page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

• Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign 8-12 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards • Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts • Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship • Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self-promotion • Weekly 4cm x 8 column advert within West Country Life Dec - March 2015 • 6 PR pieces to run throughout the campaign • 15 minute slot to present at Get Connected event • Weekly update in Southwest Business newsletter

Category Sponsor £3,000 • Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category • Opportunity to present the award sponsored •

Prime position seating / table of 10 at the gala awards evening

• Half page business profile to appear in print and on specific events on-line channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved • Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign • Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include inpaper, on-line and at event. • Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions •

Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specific awards channel 8-12 week marketing campaign prior to Event / Awards

• Weekly HTML email to all commercial contacts • Weekly Social Media (Twitter & LinkedIn) announcement of sponsorship • Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self-promotion

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