BGSU 2009-2010 Annual Report | BGSU Foundation Inc.

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A Legacy of Giving | A Key to our Future

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F O U N D A T I O N ,

I N C .

B G S U F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . | 2 0 0 9 -2 0 10 A n n u a l R e p o r t



Foundation President and Vice President


Foundation Board Chair


A Legacy of Giving


Alumni and friends enrich giving tradition


Alumni Laureate Scholarship is one alumni can call their own


Athletic history comes alive in archival labor of love


Financial Statements


Letter from the BGSU Foundation Board


Financial Summary


Ways To Give


Donor Listing

For many years the Administration Building, now known as University Hall, was the centerpiece of campus with a circular drive up to the front steps.


Cr edits

Thomas Hiles, Vice President, University Advancement & CEO, BGSU Foundation, Inc. Marcia Sloan Latta, Senior Associate Vice President, University Advancement Editorial and Project Management: Lisa C. Mattiace Art Director: Jeff Artz Design: UniGraphics, Deanna Falk Writing: Rose Roccisano Barto and Joe Bellfy Photography: Craig Bell, Brad Phalin, and BGSU Center for Archival Collections

BGSU Fou n dat ion P r e si de n t a n d Vic e P r e si de n t Fall 2010 We are pleased to present the 2009-2010 Annual Report of the BGSU Foundation, Inc. Thank you for the support you have provided to the students, faculty and staff of the University. The generosity of the BGSU alumni and friends, especially in times of economic turmoil, is very impressive. Your gifts add value and strength to BGSU and allow us to better serve students, support faculty and enhance the greater community. Your support also reflects the connection our donors have with the University and demonstrates their investment in a dynamic institution starting its second century. Whether providing support for students, encouraging faculty scholarship, building impressive new facilities or strengthening the University’s connection with the community it serves, your gifts make a significant difference. We are very grateful. Whether your gift is large or small, your gift will be utilized with the utmost responsibility to the benefit of our students. We look forward to welcoming new donors to the list of contributors in the coming years. 2

On behalf of the faculty, staff and students who benefit from your generosity, we again extend sincere thanks to all of our donors. Very truly yours,

Thomas S. Hiles Vice President, University Advancement/ President and CEO, BGSU Foundation, Inc.

Marcia Sloan Latta Senior Associate Vice President/ Vice President, BGSU Foundation, Inc.

BGSU Fou n dat ion B oa r d C h a i r Fall 2010 On behalf of the Board of Directors of the BGSU Foundation, Inc., please accept my sincere gratitude for your support of BGSU. The board, comprised of volunteers, shares the vision of the University administration and its faculty and staff that BGSU can, and will, be an educational leader in its next century. Providing educational opportunities to students, supporting faculty and their teaching, and assisting in the building and maintaining of first-rate facilities is the goal of the BGSU Foundation, Inc. As part of our service to BGSU, we strive to provide the support necessary to achieve greatness. As BGSU celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding, it continues to be our commitment to serve and to increase the support provided to BGSU. We take our responsibilities seriously, and want you to know the proper stewardship of the funds entrusted to us, and how we might utilize them to enhance the BGSU experience, will always be our top priority. We find great satisfaction in providing you, our alumni and donors, with this annual report. If we can provide any additional information to you, please feel free to contact the BGSU Foundation, Inc. Thank you again for your generosity and for your commitment to BGSU. Sincerely,

Thomas A. Orchard Chair, Board of Directors BGSU Foundation, Inc.


Students pass through the heart of campus, which is flanked to the west by the BowenThompson Student Union and to the east by the Moseley, University and Hanna Halls.


A L eg ac y of Gi v ing

A L e g ac y of G i v i ng Alumni and friends enrich giving tradition Pat Ritchey’s Falcon roots grow deep. She was the first in her family to go to college, and chose Bowling Green State University. Two sisters followed, and at one point all three attended at the same time. Their husbands graduated from BGSU as well. Add in children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and Ritchey and her relatives hold 17 degrees from BG. And every year since 1988 Ritchey has given a financial gift to her alma mater. “I don’t give a huge amount, especially compared to people who get buildings named after them,” says Ritchey, who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees and, after teaching public school, now teaches in the university’s College of Education and Human Development. “But if 10 other people do it we can really make an impact.” Ritchey is one of more than 30,000 donors who gave to Bowling Green during the last fiscal year. Over the years alumni and friends of BGSU have donated

hundreds of millions of dollars to the university. During the university’s most recent large campaign, the Building Dreams Centennial campaign that ended in 2008, more than $146 million was raised - $26 million over its goal, making it the largest private fundraising effort in northwest Ohio. Through the Building Dreams campaign, more than 70,000 alumni and friends helped establish 540 new scholarships, 13 endowed professorships, two endowed chairs and two teaching-excellence coaching awards. The Sebo Center was funded and built as part of the campaign, and funds are earmarked for the Wolfe Center for the Arts, the Stroh Center and for sustaining the university. Other priority projects of the campaign included the Dallas-Hamilton Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and the President’s Leadership Academy. With the comprehensive campaign behind us, the support has not waned. Projects during the past year have continued to receive significant support. The “Bring Back the Glory” campaign, in support of the BGSU hockey program – from endowed scholarships to enhancements within the Ice Arena – has exceeded the expectations. With a goal to raise $5 million, the campaign surpassed the $2 million mark nearly 10 months ahead of schedule. “Hockey is an important tradition in BGSU’s history, and this campaign will ensure that the tradition continues instead of it being only a memory,” says Mike Pikul, co-chair of the hockey campaign, and a major donor to the initiative. But the work is far from done. State funding for Bowling Green has gone from 68 percent of its total in 1978 to a mere 29 percent in 2008. As state dollars dry up, private contributions become even more important to nurturing higher education. “Private philanthropy was once considered frosting on the cake but now it is a main ingredient of the cake itself,” says Marcia Sloan Latta, senior associate vice president for BGSU advancement and vice president of the BGSU Foundation. Today the University depends on alumni and friend to support endowed scholarships to ensure access for students to BGSU remains in perpetuity, and that vital programs are sustained during even the most difficult economic times. As BGSU prepares for the next century with a skyline of new buildings, there is still a need to preserve the historic buildings and make sure they are maintained and useable.

Under the leadership of co-chairs Kermit Stroh (pictured) and Ronald Whitehouse, BGSU’s Building Dreams Campaign enhanced the University’s environment for giving by exceeding the $120 million campaign goal by more than $26 million.

Latta says that, even during a tough economy, alumni and friends remain loyal. Cash gifts to the university increased more than five percent during the


last fiscal year, when nationally gifts to higher education decreased by 3.6 percent. It is a legacy of generosity and stewardship that stretches back to the university’s founding 100 years ago and in particular to Professor Edwin Moseley, one of the first donors. Moseley was a member of the first faculty in 1914 of what was then Bowling Green State Normal College. He specialized in chemistry, botany and zoology, and during his time at Bowling Green he wrote numerous books and conducted many scientific experiments. He retired from teaching in 1936, and upon his death, willed his entire estate, roughly $100,000 in 1948, to the University in trust to be used to assist students in affording college into the future, and the Edwin Moseley’s legacy at BGSU lives on in both science and scholarship. scholarship in his honor still exists. 6

Over the years many other alumni and friends have given to the university, where more than 80 percent of the students receive some form of financial aid. In 1981 Robert and Ellen Bowen Thompson, both graduates, endowed a scholarship in their name. They also gave a $3 million gift to expand and renovate the student union, which was named in their honor in 2002. Harold and Helen McMaster have supported several BGSU programs over the years, including the Helen McMaster Endowed Professorship in Vocal and Choral Studies. They established the Harold and Helen McMaster Professor of Photochemical Sciences position in 1993, and helped to purchase a photoelectron microscope for the Center for Photochemical Sciences in 1992. They gave the university a $1 million gift in 1985 for the McMaster Endowment Fund, which supports photochemistry. Harry Frankfather, a 1926 graduate and high school teacher, left the university $2 million upon his death in 1988. His gift supports a scholarship in his name for sophomores, juniors and seniors who have a 3.0 GPA and work at least 10 hours a week.

J. Robert Sebo, a 1958 BGSU graduate, has given generously over the years to a wide variety of university programs. He established the Bob Sebo Football Scholarship, the Bob Sebo Endowed Scholarship in Jazz Studies, and the Bob Sebo Lecture Series in Entrepreneurship in the College of Business Administration. He also provided the lead gift for construction of the Sebo Athletic Center. “I’m one of those people who is very loyal to the institutions or organizations that have been instrumental in my life,” says Sebo, a retired senior vice president for Paychex, Inc. “I had a great learning experience at Bowling Green.” George Mylander is another individual whose financial gifts and personal drive has helped shaped Bowling Green. A retired teacher and philanthropist, Mylander and his foundation gave $2 million to BGSU in 2003 for student scholarships and the creation of an endowed visiting professorship in education. But perhaps more than his financial gifts, Mylander used his energy to forever change Bowling Green by being instrumental in the vision and construction of the BGSU Firelands College in Erie County. While many people and institutions were part of the Firelands College dream, Mylander was one of those who went door to door asking for the $600,000 seed money mandated by the Ohio Board of Regents. One of the smallest donations was the biggest in Mylander’s eyes. “I went to this house in a poor section of Sandusky. I thought maybe I should leave some money there myself,” says Mylander, a 1958 and 1970 Bowling Green graduate. “The father answered the door, and I could see his kids behind him. He said if my six kids have any chance of going to college, it’ll be there. And he handed me a dollar a kid.” Those $6 helped Firelands open its doors on September 25, 1968. It now provides an education to more than 2,000 students. It’s something that makes Mylander proud. “I’ve seen what it’s done for a number of kids who have done something with their lives. They are able to go to college without going miles and miles away,” says Mylander. “It’s a wonderful thing to spend your money on.” That’s Pat Ritchey’s feeling as well. She hopes her gifts will help other students learn not only about their majors but about themselves. “I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I had not gone to Bowling Green. I know I owe them that,” she says. “I wish everyone would think about it. Did it make a difference in your life? Can’t you give something back?” n

A lu m n i L au r e at e S chol a r s A scholarship program that alumni can call their own

leadership experience and show achievement in and outside the classroom. Once a student is selected they remain a scholar for all four years as long as they remain in good standing with the program.

Maggie Long is like many students who attend a university on an academic scholarship.

It is a scholarship program alumni can call their own.

Good student? Check. Stellar extracurriculars? You bet. A busy life that includes a master plan for graduation and beyond? Of course.

“While our dream has been to increase the number of students, we are limited,” says Daniels. “The Alumni Laureate Scholars program is completely funded through the generosity of our alumni and friends. Increasing our endowment dollars would allow the alumni association to impact more students and provide more scholarships.”

The main difference between Long and many of her peers is that Long is one of the prestigious Alumni Laureate Scholars at Bowling Green State University. The scholarship program, funded by alumni dollars, selects the best and the brightest at BGSU. “That made BGSU my top choice. It wasn’t necessarily just the financial part because I had full scholarships to other schools,” says Long, a junior political science major from Kenton, Ohio. “It was the networking and other opportunities I would be able to explore because of the large alumni base at BGSU.” The Alumni Laureate Scholars program, begun in 2002, offers alumni the chance to give back not only with donations. It’s also an opportunity to mentor and make friends with future distinguished alumni.

The Alumni Laureate Scholars recently conducted a park cleanup project on Toledo’s east side, which is used as a primary source of recreation for youth in the predominantly lower-income area. The students – who also recruited members of several other student organizations – picked up trash, painted park benches and re-mulched a playground. It is just one example of the more than 1,000 hours of university and community service the scholars complete each year in the name of BGSU alumni.

“Our scholars have definitely gone on to do great things,” says Kelli Daniels, scholarship program advisor. “We have students who were admitted into prestigious Ph.D. programs straight from BGSU. ALS alumni are everything from teachers to accountants to entrepreneurs.”


The merit-based scholarship began with a $500,000 gift from the BGSU Alumni Board and an additional $500,000 as a challenge match for other alumni. There are currently 17 students in the program, who must maintain a 3.0 grade point average as well as participate in various alumni activities and community service projects. The scholarship currently covers the cost of any educational expense up to the cost of tuition, is renewable for four years, and includes a $1,000 book award each year. The program allows students to take part in leadership workshops, community activities and meetings with university, community and alumni leaders. It also includes group service projects. To be considered, students must be accepted as a first-year freshman and have earned a 3.5 grade point average in high school, as well as at least a 27 on the ACT or 1100 on the SAT. Applicants must also complete an essay, document their

Alumni Laureate Scholar Maggie Long (center) appreciates the support and mentorship of Ed and Lynn Limbach.

Alumni donors to the program may specify preferences within their scholarship, such as geographic or academic areas, but because the scholarship is competitive there is no guarantee a student will be selected matching those criteria. Even if donors don’t specify preferences for their gifts, they may – if they desire – be matched with a student based on their background and experiences. And, indeed, that is one of the unique aspects of the program: The chance for scholars and donors to know each other. Long has been matched with Ed and Lynn Limbach for her scholar career. Ed Limbach is a 1961 graduate in business administration, and his wife, Lynn, attended BGSU. Limbach, who spent 33 years with American Waterworks, was on the Alumni Association Board of Directors when talk first started of the scholarship program. “If Bowling Green wants to become a world-class university it has to have the best and brightest,” says Limbach. “And instead of just putting the money in, we would be paired up with an individual. I thought it was great, and it makes it more personal.” While each relationship is different – and some donors and scholars never meet – the Limbachs and Long have a particularly close relationship. When the Limbachs come to campus they meet for coffee and dinner. Maggie and Lynn have corresponded regularly via email, and Long receives post cards from their travels. 8

“Having that relationship makes it not just something you are doing for yourself. It’s something you are doing for them, too,” says Long. “You have someone wanting the best for you. You don’t want to let them down.” Ed Limbach says personally rooting for Long is a great fringe benefit to the program. “I’m really proud of her,” he says. “She’s what the Laureate program is all about – a top scholar and a campus leader.” Long hopes to attend law school, and focus on estate planning with an eye towards working in college development. Someday she hopes to be able to give back to BGSU herself. “I would love to be in a financial situation where I can sponsor a student as much as I can,” she says. n

At h l e t ic s L e g ac y Labor of love makes stories come alive Mickey Cochrane doesn’t always find Falcon memorabilia. Sometimes, it finds him. One day in 1985 Cochrane was on his way to the fabric store to buy orange and brown felt for a display featuring BGSU athletic items. His neighbor down the street stopped him in the driveway. Her father had played on the college’s first football team in 1919 and she still had his uniform pants and shoulder pads in the attic. Would Cochrane like them? And just like that, Cochrane had a few more items that help tell the story of BGSU’s athletic program. For more than 25 years, Cochrane has served as unofficial keeper of the BGSU athletic flame. Together with the late Don Cunningham, former coach and associate director of athletics, the two practiced their own brand of falconry that has sought to protect the tangible items of athletic history. When the 5,000-seat Stroh Center opens in 2011, it will have space set aside for a Hall of Fame. In addition to showcasing the highlights of athletic history, it will also provide an area to prominently display some of the items Cochrane and Cunningham collected over the years. The collection, now housed in a converted cloakroom in Anderson Arena, will finally have a permanent home. There, on a rotating basis, alumni and fans will be able to see the story of the BGSU Falcons. The oldest item in the collection is a shield worn on basketball uniforms when BGSU was known as Bowling Green Normal College. Legendary football coach Doyt Perry’s letter sweater lives there as well. There are trophies from various teams, and a pennant from the 1961 Mercy Bowl where BGSU played Fresno State. If a team existed, Cochrane – himself a member of the university’s Athletic Hall of Fame - either has a memento from it or is on the lookout for one. “I’ve always been interested in history, not just athletics,” says Cochrane, for whom Mickey Cochrane Stadium is named. “This is a logical extension of the history bug I have.” That bug bit Cochrane when he came to BGSU in 1964 as a physical education teacher, after graduating from Oberlin College and working at Johns Hopkins

University. While at BGSU he coached, among other sports, the soccer and lacrosse teams. His lacrosse team won more than 75 percent of its games and three Midwest Lacrosse Association championships, and was ranked in the Top 25 for five seasons. As the first men’s soccer coach Cochrane laid the foundation for three MAC Championship titles in the 1990s. Upon retirement Cochrane continued his devotion to the orange and brown by scouting out relics that others might discard. At thrift stores he would find championship t-shirts, signed by players. It didn’t matter if it was a garage sale or antique store – Cochrane had the knack for finding Falcon history. “A lot of people have sent things because they know we will preserve them,” says Cochrane. “You never turn anything down, and I just stash it away. Ninety percent of it is in that one room. It goes where it fits.” Having a collection such as Cochrane and Cunningham’s is invaluable to history, says Stephen Charter, head librarian and university archivist at the university’s Center for Archival Collections. “An artifact … provides visual imagery, an upfront view of history,” says Charter. “In other words, reading a written description of an item or viewing an image of an item is just not the same as touching or viewing the original.

“Mickey’s work has been invaluable.” That work is particularly valuable when a sport stops being played. Lacrosse ceased being a varsity sport at BGSU in 1979. Toledo businessman Mike Wilcox, who was recruited by Cochrane and became a lacrosse All-American, says such sports live on in the archives. “It’s part of our heritage. You don’t just throw it in the trash can,” says Wilcox. “A legacy is important. It’s important not only to the athletes but to the university.” And while the items are not officially organized and catalogued like a museum, Cochrane knows where everything is and, more importantly, the stories behind them. “When I see an artifact I know the story behind it,” he says. Inside the archives is a television set where old game films play. One day it went on the fritz. Two students were sent to fix it, and ended up staying an extra 20 minutes just to talk to BGSU’s athletics encyclopedia. “On the way out the door, one student said to the other ‘You know, I just learned more about Bowling Green in 20 minutes than all the classes I took’,” says Cochrane. “That made it all worthwhile. I was just telling stories and they soaked it all up. “The stuff Don and I did really did have some meaning for someone.” n Mickey Cochrane and the athletic archives tell the stories of BGSU’s athletic program.


F i n a nci a l S tat e m e n ts The Bowling Green State University Foundation, Inc. 11

Letter from the BGSU Foundation, Inc.


Financial Summary


Fin a nci a l S tat e m en t s

L e t t e r f rom t h e BGSU Fou n dat ion, I nc. The 2009-2010 fiscal year continued to provide challenges for most investors. However, even in the climate of global financial uncertainty, the BGSU Foundation, Inc. performed well relative to its peers and to others who are working to find the proper balance between investment return and potential risk. For the fiscal year 2009-2010, we are pleased to report: Contributions to the Foundation totaled $9.1 million; The Foundation provided $13.9 million to the University to support programs and operations. This total includes $5.3 million for such priorities as the Stroh Center, the Wolfe Center for the Arts, and other projects; The endowment portfolio’s total investment return of 14.1 percent compared favorably to the S&P 500 return of 14.4 percent; The Foundation’s five-year average return of 2.3 percent compared very favorably to the S&P 500 return of -0.8 percent. The Foundation’s funding policy for endowed funds provided more than $1.2 million for distribution as of June 30, 2010. The complete audit is available in the online version of the BGSU Foundation, Inc. Annual Report, which may be found at under the News and Publications link. The Board of Directors of the BGSU Foundation, Inc. and the faculty, staff and students are most appreciative of the continued support of our many donors. As Bowling Green State University continues to provide an outstanding, affordable and accessible education, the BGSU Foundation, Inc., will continue to support these efforts by prudent, strategic management and stewardship of the resources to which it has been entrusted.

Theresa Popp Braun ’80, ’85 Treasurer, BGSU Foundation Board of Directors

John T. Cuckler Associate Vice President for University Advancement Controller, BGSU Foundation, Inc.


Fi n a nci a l Su m m a ry Thousands of Dollars

June 30, 2010






$ 9,118 2,339 8,479 1,444

$ 8,918 2,622 (22,350) 1,493

$ 16,786 3,194 (8,001) 1,276

$ 14,090 2,351 13,104 2,096

$ 10,878 1,979 3,324 1,632

$ 15,971 1,525 3,858 1,789








Revenues Contributions and gifts Interest and dividends Net investment gains (losses) Other revenue Total Revenues Expenses Program services Capital Projects Fund raising Operating Total Expenses Net change in assets 12

6,998 5,351 1,018 583

8,318 3,881 865 675

8,707 372 851 634

8,053 3,667 880 543

7,788 2,543 885 519

8,205 2,798 843 477














Cash Pledge receivables Investments Other assets

288 929 784 510 516 858 13,315 15,227 16,879 15,027 14,233 18,144 90,925 81,239 102,995 101,859 84,703 74,832 1,603 1,408 1,206 1,413 890 868

Total assets







Current liabilities Annuities payable Net assets

215 1,351 104,565

319 1,350 97,134

309 1,366 120,189

221 1,089 117,499

298 1,042 99,001

730 1,049 92,923

Total liabilities and net assets







TOTA L A S SETS Thousands of dollars

E N D OW M E N T B A L A N C E Thousands of dollars

P O L IC Y A S S E T A L L O C A T I O N ( J U N E 3 0 , 2 010) 22% Domestic Equity 21% International Equity 4% Private Equity 24% Domestic Fixed Income 5% Global Fixed Income 10% Inflation Protection U.S. Bonds 7% Hedge Funds 5% Real Assets 2% Cash

’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 TOTA L CON T R IBU T IONS Thousands of dollars

’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10








T O T A L E X PE N S E S Thousands of dollars 13


’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10

’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10

S&P 500 Index

Way s to G i v e A gift to Bowling Green State University and our Building Dreams campaign will give you a feeling of personal satisfaction and demonstrate your belief in the mission of Bowling Green State University. Every gift to the University is appreciated. Whether you are in a position to provide support through a cash gift or one of the other gifting options below, we invite you to consider the one or a combination of methods which best fits your financial situation.

Gifts can be made over a period of one to five years using: › Cash › Electronic fund transfers–a monthly contribution via an automatic deduction from either a checking or savings account, › Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express–by phone, mail or online at


› Securities and Mutual Funds*­–should be transferred electronically or by paper to the BGSU Foundation, Inc. Appreciated stock and mutual funds make an economical choice when gifting. The donor makes the gift at a lower cost basis and enjoys a double tax savings by avoiding the capital gains and receives a charitable contribution based on the security’s full market value. The donor should sell depreciated securities before making the gift to realize the loss for tax purposes. Matching Gifts can more than double a gift if the donors or his/her spouse’s employer has such a program. All that is needed is a form from the employer’s personnel/public relations/human resources office. Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts* allow a donor to transfer a gift of cash, marketable securities or property in exchange for a lifetime income. Charitable Lead Trusts* provide income to the BGSU Foundation, Inc. for a set number of years, after which the remainder may be transferred back to the donor or the donor’s heirs.

Real Estate and Personal Property*, including residences, vacation homes, farms and valuable items, such as art, make wonderful gifts and enjoy significant tax savings. Retained Life Estate* allows the donor to make a gift of their home, farm or vacation home, obtain an immediate income tax deduction and still continue to use the property for as long as they wish. Only after the donor no longer needs the property will BGSU assume the usual ownership rights. Bequests* through a will or living trust enable a donor to make a substantial gift to the BGSU Foundation, Inc. without drawing from assets during his/her lifetime. Bequests usually specify a percentage or specific dollar amount of the donor’s estate. Bequest gifts should use the Foundation’s legal name, Bowling Green State University Foundation, Inc. Beneficiary Designations and Contingency Designations* are part of retirement funds, life insurance policies and other assets in which you name the BGSU Foundation, Inc. as direct or contingency beneficiary. These designations can make a significant impact in the future. Gifts-in-Kind* are contributions of tangible items, such as books, musical instruments, technical equipment and objects of art, which can be used for teaching, outreach and research activities at the University. n *Please contact the BGSU Office of Development at 888-830-2586 or 419-372-2424 for more information about these gifting options.

We appreciate the significant support that our alumni and friends have shown to Bowling Green State University over the years. Although we take great care in compiling our list of donor names, there is always the possibility of error. Names are included for those who made gifts during the 1009-10 fiscal year (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010). If we have inadvertently omitted your name or if your name is incorrect in the listing, we apologize and encourage you to contact the Office of Alumni and Development, 419-372-2424, so that we may correct our records and acknowledge you properly in subsequent recognitions. In addition, if your graduation years are incorrectly listed please contact us. Record-keeping methods have changed over the years, creating some inconsistencies in graduation years for alumni who graduated prior to 1981 and received multiple BGSU degrees. To correct your information, contact Records Management at 419-372-7696.


D onor L ist ings

Th e P r e s i de n t s C l u b The Presidents Club, founded in 1968 by Carroll Cheek ’47, ’89, is comprised of donors who have made a significant financial commitment to the University. Contributions to the Falcon Club and WBGU-TV are also included in these giving totals. There are several giving levels within The Presidents Club for donors who contribute. * denotes deceased + denotes match gift company

Williams Society ($1,000,000 and above)


Jean P. Buchanan ’52 Cedar Fair L.P. James R. Good ’51* Scott ’94 & Tracie Hamilton Huntington National Bank Marathon Petroleum Company Robert W. & Patricia Maurer ’65 Harold A. ’83* & Helen E. ’89 McMaster Nick J. Mileti ’53, ’75 George L. Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 Hiroko Nakamoto ’54, ’92 William J. ’42 & Mary Catherine ’42* Primrose Jr. J. Robert Sebo ’58 Karen A. Sebo Olin W.* & Patricia C.* Smith Kermit F. Stroh ’02 Mary Lou Stroh* Robert M. ’55, ’06 & Ellen A. ’54, ’06 Thompson Ronald R. ’67, ’10 & Sue Whitehouse Frederic D. & Mary T. ’68, ’06 Wolfe

Prout Society ($500,000-$999,999) James L. ’67 & Judith A. Bailey Ashel G. ’46, ’86* & Dorothy J. ’98* Bryan John W. & Marilyn M. ’72* Bureau Cooper Tire & Rubber Company Florence Currier* Thomas B. Donnell ’72 Ernst & Young Foundation DuWayne H. & Dorothy E. ’62, ’69 Hansen Michael J. ’76 & Theresa Marsh Medical Mutual Of Ohio Bruce K. ’72, ’73 & Janet L. Misamore

Vergil K.* & Lorrene L.* Ort William J. ’48* & Ruth F. Parker Marjorie Conrad Peatee Patrick L. ’74 & Debra D. ’74 Ryan Allen W. & Carol M. Schmidthorst Stranahan Foundation

Jerome Society ($250,000-$499,999) Ray B.* & Alice M. Browne Robert B. Clasen ’66, ’69 J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Fifth Third Bank M. Margaret Foster ’35* Gottshall-Rex Memorial Scholarship Inc. John F. Harbal II ’72 Huntington National Bank Sherrie L. Jones ’72, ’76 KeyBank Lincoln Electric Co. Motor Division Helen E. Lloyd ’48, ’67* William J. Lloyd Sr. ’48 Mead Corporation Foundation Moulton Transportation The PDR Foundation Dorothy M. Price Gerald I. ’54 & Nancy M. ’55 Rader Edward J. ’62 & Linda S. ’61 Reiter Scaife Family Charitable Trust William L. ’66 & Bonnie Schurk Lary R. ’61 & Carlleen A. ’61 Scott Charles E. ’51* & Bernice R. Shanklin Hugh S. ’53 & Barbara Smith Jr. Michael R. ’75 & Jan D. ’75 Wilcox Volney L. ’77 & Tracey A. ’77 Wright II Paul D. ’67* & Odette V. ’94* Wurzburger

Benefactor’s Society ($100,000-$249,999) David D. ’51, ’52 & Patricia A. ’52* Anderson Argo-Hytos Inc. Richard D. ’69 & Holly A. ’75, ’78 Barker BP America Inc. Raymond W. ’80 & Theresa P. ’80, ’85 Braun Mark A. ’73* & Lois J. ’69 Brecklen Phillip C. Broughton ’53 Howard R. ’51 & Marilyn F. ’51* Brown David A. & Myrna Bryan Buckeye TeleSystem Carroll W. ’47, ’89 & Mabel Cheek Joseph V. & Judith M. Conda

Lois L. Conrad ’52, ’54* Don E. ’58, ’63 & Sharon Swigart ’61 Cook Ramona T. Cormier William H. & Marjory G. ’51* Cronemeyer William D. ’77 & Beverly J. Dallas Dana Corporation Foundation Larry A. Davenport ’72 Frank ’49, ’51, ’76 & Shirley S.* Dick James S. ’61, ’65 & Patricia A. ’63 Dimling Eastman Kodak Company Blaine* & Lauretta B. ’4 4 Ebert James T. Embrescia ’65 Edward A. ’59, ’60 & Jeanne C. ’59 Ferkany Everett E. Gallagher ’83 Robert A. Brown & Dawn Glanz Allen A. & Mary D. Green Eric R. ’67 & Janice Haas Gordon R. ’87 & Laurie Bracht ’88 Hamm Richard A. Hargrave ’73 Marjorie R. Harkness ’41* William C. ’60* & Doris A. Hattendorf Henry Filters Inc. Edgar William Ingram III ’72 International Business Machine Don D. ’58 & Frederica J. Irwin J-F Enterprises Inc. John C. Jadel ’52 Bernard L. ’69 & Nancy J. ’70 Karr Daniel R. ’72, ’79 & Laura C. ’72, ’77 Keller Eleanor J. Kelly-Behrmann ’31* Milton P.* & Ruth* Klein Marvin S. ’86* & Lenore* Kobacker Kresge Foundation Wayne C. ’60* & Karen A. ’80 Landes John A. Laskey Margretta R. Laskey Verlin W. Lee & Janet Schnupp-Lee* ’67, ’69 Richard H. & Carolyn M. Lineback Justine Magsig* James H.* & Margaret B. McBride Patrick L. McGohan ’66 Michael R. ’80 & Mary L. ’80 McGranaghan Mead Corporation Lee A. & Margaret M. ’94 Meserve Clarence A. ’61 & Sally L. Metzger Robert A. & Jacalyn P. ’71 Mihocik Joann M. Miles ’55, ’81* Larry L. Miles ’56 Newlove Realty Inc. Northwest Ohio Chapter CFMA John M. Olin Foundation Inc. Thomas A. ’75 & Martha A. ’73 Orchard

Janis L. Pallister ’02* Janet B. Parks Charles E. ’59, ’61, ’70* & Betty Laird Perry Ann L. Pizzuti ’67 Robert P. Poland ’49* Gene ’73 & Ronnie ’72 Poor William J. ’74 & Diane M. ’74 Primrose III Lee A. & Marlene A. ’69, ’70 Purdy Geoffrey H. ’68 & Linda A. Radbill Earnest D. ’34* & Marie S. ’28* Radenbaugh William Randle Jr. ’91* Crystal P. Reams* P. Brent & Linda Roose Rudolph/Libbe Companies Inc. Sandusky Register Joseph J. & Marie P. Schedel Foundation Bess J. Sieving* Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Jacien L. Steele ’77 Paul W. ’65, ’67 & Marty S. Stiffler Virginia S. Stranahan ’74* Gregory D. Thatch ’71 The Andersons Kenneth E. ’50* & Mary Anne R. ’49 Tigges The Toledo Blade Company Glenn H. & Ruth P. Varney Jack R. ’67, ’90 & Regina E. Vivian Theodore D. ’85* & Margaret R.* Wakefield Dudley A. White Jr. Thomas P. ’67, ’69 & Sandra E. Willett Lyle O. ’31* & Anabel E. ’25* Willhite R. Max Williamson ’60 Ralph Haven Wolfe ’51, ’56

Founder’s Society ($50,000-$99,999) Allegheny Foundation Edson J. Arneault ’69 William F. ’66 & Georgia H. ’67 Bates Joyce Hause Behner Best Western Falcon Plaza LLC Jacob & Sylvia Bishop F. Alan Blackburn ’69 Ewa Schaff & Josef Blass Harold and Ivalou Bordner Private Charitable Foundation Philippa Bowley W. Robert* & Marilyn Y. Brewer Daniel H. Brown ’78 Angela G. Carlin ’52 Joseph M. & Lynn ’92 Catalano

Eloise E. Clark David J. Cox ’70, ’71 Kenneth B. Cummins ’39* Harriet L. Cunningham ’41* The David J. Joseph Company Davis & Newcomer Elevator Co. Ralph K. Day* Robert A. & Roberta M. Dimling Family Ronnie G. ’66, ’68 & Barbara J. ’69 Essinger Julien A. Faisant ’57* L. Eugene ’68 & Janet Farison Robert E. Fellers ’50 Eugene H. Fenn ’51 Findlay Publishing Company First Energy Darrell W. & Sally A. Foell Marilyn A. Fox ’71 Lillian D. Gish ’76* Stuart R.* & Florence R.* Givens Robert N. Golding ’65 Kathryn Guymon David S. Hainline ’83 Jill M. Hainline* Carla G. Hall ’77, ’81 Maryana K. Hall Hanson Inc. Kenneth H. ’41* & Fern B. Harger Margaret P. ’71 & F. Edwin Harmon Gregory A. ’69, ’70* & Sharon S. ’68, ’72* Hendel Margit Blochova Heskett* Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse Herbert R. ’57* & Elizabeth Hipp Mary Ann ’72 & Richard D. Hoare Diane P. Hoffman Fred L. Hoffman ’75 Michael E. Hoskins ’77 Andrew E. ’55 & Theresa E. Housholder George J. ’57, ’95 & Joan M. ’86, ’88 Howick Hubbard Company Robin M. & Sara M. Hunziker Jonathan D. Iten ’78 & Elizabeth A. McNellie Henry T. ’57 & Elizabeth A. Jacques Richard S. James* & Gloria J. Pfeif Theodore G. ’54 & Phyllis M.* Jenkins Edway R. ’51 & Geraldine L. Johnson V. Everett Johnson* Louis I. & Linda F. Katzner James S. Kovac ’88 Dominick Labino ’70* David D. ’81, ’00 & Ruth LaHote Edward W. ’61 & Lynn J. Limbach

Lincoln Financial Group Foundation Inc. Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe Nancy R. Mancuso C. Richard Marsh ’50 Joseph E. ’63 & Tina C. ’64 Martini Henrietta R. Matz ’27* Ronald A. & Carolyn McMaster Steven M. ’81, ’94 & Rhonda L. ’81 Melchi Donald L. & Venice Michel Suzanne M. Miller-Kobalka ’74 Martha Wright Moon Valerie L. Newell ’75 Donald G. ’50 & Wilma B. Nicholson Bernadette R. Noe Thomas W. Noe Gerald M. Liss & Marlene K. Norton ’75 Bruce E. Nyberg ’68 Carolyn J. Palmer Jaak Panksepp Jim W. Parker ’57 Thomas E. ’61 & Cynthia W. ’61 Pemberton Jr. George E. ’61 & Diane Phillips Phipps, Levin, Hebeka & Associates Ltd. Elton C. ’46, ’48, ’66, ’70* & Vernice I. Ringer Anthony J. Rucci ’72, ’76, ’78 Kermit C. Rudolph ’55* Gerald* & Mary B.* Saddlemire Willard W. ’34* & Helen M.* Schaller Paul J. ’74 & Karen E. ’74 Schlather William F. & Peggy L. ’50, ’70 Schmeltz Ronald E. Seavoy Roger A. Seim Robert F. ’29* & Idell* Shelton Scott A. Slater ’73 Alton C. Smith Herbert A.* & Karol H. ’79 Spencer Jr. Jerry & Rosalind F. ’72, ’74, ’80 Streichler James W. Strong* Sunoco Inc. James Tucker Jr. ’57 Diane S. Tymiak ’79 Bonnie R. Valiant ’61 A. Ray Van Horn ’52 Thomas J. & Karen C. Weisenbach Philip D. ’70 & Kathryn J. ’71 Weller Edward G. & Cynthia M. ’93 Whipple Wood County Hospital Foundation Inc. Hugh B. Wood* Jane Krone ’63, ’69 & Peter H. Wood Francis E. ’77 & Laura A. Zappitelli Joseph T. Zingale ’55

Patron’s Society ($25,000-$49,999) Ora K. ’57 & Luann M. ’58, ’78 Alleman Conrad K. ’91, ’97 & Deanna L. ’91 Allen Richard P. & Frances H. Anderson Roger C. & Betty J. Anderson William L. ’74 & Ann C. ’75, ’77 Arnold E. Printy ’50 & Jo E. Arthur Associated American Artists Peter G. ’85 & Donna L. Bahner Daniel A. ’75 & Janice A. Bailey William K. Balzer & Margaret J. Lockhart Larry R. ’95 & Sharon S. Barnett Frederick J. ’57* & Shirley L. Bauer Anderton Bentley Fund Hilda Bentley* Norma K. Bibler Brock D. ’86 & Lisa Anne ’86 Bierman Wiley W. Blevins ’87 Robert D. & Carla K. Blinn Kathleen M. Bouman ’70 Bowling Green Beverage Inc. Chester L. ’68* & Mitzi E.* Boyer William H. ’55* & Julie H. Bradshaw Lucille H. Bright Brook’s Insurance Agency Elizabeth A. Brooks ’74 Delmont D. Brown Gary L. & Patricia Brown Mildred M. Brubaker Robert J. Burns William P. ’75 & Susan Delau ’74 Butterfield Robert E. ’64, ’66 & Barbara M. ’65* Cape Michael A. ’92 & Alena Carroll Patrick A. Cass ’73 Chemi-Trol Chemical Co. Robert W. ’64 & Karen J. ’64 Chism CMC Group Inc. Alta B. Codding ’50 William D. Contris Judith Lynn Berwick Craven ’66 Creative Financial Partners Roy L. Cummings William P. ’50 & Elizabeth C. ’52* Day Ivan E. & Myrl L. ’92 Den Besten Frank C. ’59 & Beverly E. D’Eramo Keith A. ’79* & Christine A. DeWalt Frank Dodd Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Robert I. Dunn ’54 Kurt L. ’75 & Jane A. ’75 Ebersole

Richard A. & Nadine M. Edwards Derek M. Eiler ’93 David G. ’49, ’53 & Mary J. Elsass William E. ’53, ’89 & Phyllis J. ’52 Evans Allen R. Baldwin ’69 & Rebecca C. Ferguson Cheryl Ann Ferkany ’87 Louis C. Fernandez Jr. ’51 F. Frederick ’54 & Eleanor ’55 Fether William H. Fichthorn* Gaylyn J. ’70, ’84 & Janice L. ’84 Finn Patrick T. & Nancy Fitzgerald William H. & Janet A. ’68, ’72 Gamble J. Russell ’78 & Pamela ’77 Gates John T. Gawaluck ’73 Tari S. Geer ’67, ’80 John R.* & Norma B. ’47* Gerken Jr. Glass City Federal Credit Union Michael F. Golden ’69 James R. ’56 & Joan H. ’57 Gordon Joseph A. Gottron II ’85 Jeffrey C. ’85 & Lisa E. Greig William J. ’50, ’56 & Ruth M. Griffith Peter T. Halleck Pearl G. Hamilton* Emma J. Hann Kay Pugh ’77 & Kraig Hanneman Thomas A. Harker Gerald B. ’50* & Margery A. ’47, ’49* Harms William E.* & Virginia R.* Harrington John L. Hayden Beth B. Heck ’68* James R. Heck ’68 Marilyn Gray Hedde ’48 Neil R. ’64 & Susan L. ’66 Heighberger Highland Campus Billing Group LLC Agnes C. Hillard ’64, ’67 Marie R. Hodge* Wesley K. ’71, ’99* & Ruth H. Hoffman Anthony L. ’80 & Kathryn S. ’80 Hoops G. Richard Horton Keith A. ’81 & Stephanie A. ’82 Imhoff Miriam B. Jadel ’52* Patricia K. Jansma ’66 William Travers Jerome III ’70* Eric D. & Akiko K. Jones Douglas L. & Mary O. ’65 Jones Mark S. & Helen J.* Kelly Richard P. & Ilana Kennell Allen N. & Joyce M. ’85 Kepke James J. ’68, ’70 & Angela P. King Thomas D. & Dianne D. ’77, ’83 Klein Lee N. Koenig ’51



Charles R. ’75 & Barbara L. ’77 Kowal JoAnn Kroll Charles F. ’51 & Helyn R. ’53 Kurfess Nancy K. Lahmers ’76 & D. Peter Sanderson ’76, ’77 Michael S. ’74, ’83 Laming & Janet K. Dibbs Paul E. ’53 & Joanne M. ’53 La Rue Norma J. Lauterbach Jeffery P. Lee Sheryn L. Lee ’80* James W. ’57, ’67 & Margarita K. ’57 Lessig Zella Jones Leventhal ’00 David J. ’71 & Shirley I. Levey Cathy E. Liesner ’79 & Steven A. Miller Jimmy A. ’60 & Sharon Light Carl A. ’62, ’65 & A. Kay Lipp Jr. Robert C. Ludwig ’55 Harold I. & Sarah J.* Lunde Helen M. Maddock Marathon Special Products Mark D. Match ’81 Harold J. “Hal” McGrady Jr. ’54 Miller Foundation Thomas E. Moore ’70 G. O. Herbert ’57* & Dorothy J. ’56 Moorehead Jr. Rockie C. ’69, ’71 & Susan Osterberg Mosier Christopher J. & Marsha O. Mruk Leo J. & Joanne ’76 Navin Richard A. ’69 & Laurie B. ’81 Newlove Rodney D. Noble Paul J. Olscamp ’95 Myra L. Patchen ’73, ’75 Adelia M. Peters Benjamin L. Pierce* Charles L. ’69 & Susan J. ’69, ’70 Ragan Jr. Donald R. ’46* & Alice S.* Rager Arnold Rampersad ’67, ’68, ’95 Alice W. Rau Norman F. Rau Charles C. & Wanda J. Rich Philip C. ’77 & Kaye M. Ridolfi Randall J. ’82 & Diana L. Roberts Marvin A. Robon ’63 Dennis L. Roder ’70 Robert C.* & Jean M. ’91 Romans John E. ’50 & Mary M. ’48 Rudolph Earl E.* & Thelma A.* Rupright Ronald L. Russell Sam B’s Restaurant Otto Schoeppler ’47, ’79 Vicki H. Schooler ’72

Richard N. ’67, ’68 & Judith G. ’69 Seaman James J.* & Nancy Secor Jr. Raymond J. Sell ’51, ’52 Thomas M. ’90 & Joslyn M. Shehab Lloyd L. Shelton ’41 Dwight L. ’67 & Marlene R. ’65 Short Donald L. Speck ’49 Robert G*. ’47 & Carol* Speck Daniel T. & Linda L. ’64 Spitler Robert E. & Linda C. Spitler J. Michael & Betty A. Sproule Fred* & Daisy E. ’40, ’63* Stone Winifred O. Stone James T. & Patricia B. Strasser Thomas G. Stubbs ’49 Marc S. ’96 & Alisa K. ’92, ’98 Suelzer Robert W. Thayer Suzanne E. Thompson ’61 Michael ’87,’96 & Lori Jean ’98 Tretter Duane E.* & Margaret J. Tucker William Charles ’82 & Sharyl F. ’80 Verbsky Karl E. & Joan S. ’77 Vogt Diane M. Vogtsberger ’71 Thomas H. Vogtsberger ’71 Francis C. ’68 & Martha A. Voll Christopher J. Wade ’83 Barry P. ’62 & Michaeline J. Walsh Thomas L. ’70, ’73 & Susan K. ’71, ’90 Watson Larry J. ’67 & Frances A. Weiss Donald Nieman & Leigh Ann Wheeler Ralph L. White ’61* Jack A. Whittaker ’59 Hugh J. Williams ’66 Paul N. ’63, ’65* & Cheryl C. ’71 Windisch Jeffry B. ’68 & Rebecca Witjas Paul D. Woodring ’30, ’65* Joseph R. ’79 & Diane E. Zimmerman

Standard Level ($12,500-$24,999) A.A. Green Realty Inc. Thomas D. ’80 & Debra J. Abrahamson Warren S.* & Dorothy Allen Craig L. Anderson ’79 John D. Anderson ’85* Margaret Anderson ’15, ’60* Lisa Arnold Richard W. Arnold ’85 Terrence E. Augustine Lynn W. ’56* & Linda S. ’56 Babcock John W. ’70, ’71 & Elaine W. ’70 Bachey

Thomas W. Baer Gerald L. Baker ’65 Christopher J. Baldy ’85 Randall K. Ballard ’75 Joseph K.* & Virginia L.* Balogh Les E. & Susan A. ’86 Barber Robert ’40* & Thelma A.* Baron Walter E. Bartlett ’49* BASF Corporation Calvert V.* & Edith S. ’47* Batton Orville H. Bauer* John C. ’83 & Judith L. ’83 Beaudry James K. & Stacy M. ’93, ’00 Beaverson Lewis B. Becker* Kevin L. ’82 & Penny Beebe Thomas L. Bennett Dennis F. ’96 & Heather A. Bentley Emma Leah Bippus David L. & Cynthia L. Bishop Paul J. Bishop William R. Bittner ’54 Mrs. Charles Blabolil Blakely Care Center Duane A. Bland ’56 Robert J. Bland ’74, ’75 George S.* & Joan S.* Blome Thomas E. ’75* & Linda ’80 Bockbrader Nadine Boddie ’24* Thomas F. ’69 & Judith J. Bohardt Roger C. Bostdorff ’73 Calvin C. M. ’96 & Jennifer J. ’98 Bowers Michael R. ’75 & Julie Brenan Gregory I. Brooks ’74* Jeffrey H. ’66, ’67 & Joan M. Bryden Joseph O. & Kathy Cleveland ’83, ’85 Bull Gary L. Burkholder ’77, ’80 Dwight F. & Audrey A. ’91 Burlingame Paul R. ’77 & Jennifer L. ’77 Butler Albert Calderon Jonathan V. Caraccilo ’93 Edgar T. & Shirley S. ’67 Carlson Roland D. & Marjorie S. Carlson Richard H. Carter Carol A. Cartwright James W.* & Lynn R. ’90 Child Steven J. Cochlan ’77 Ronald M. ’54 & Joan Z. Cohen Columbia Gas Of Ohio Inc. Richard L. ’62, ’69, ’79 & Joan L. Conrad Mona M. Contris Christine C. Covey ’76 Margaret E. Craig ’4 4*

Caryl Crane* Suzanne Haines ’87 & Paul Crawford Richard J. & Julie A. ’61 Crossen William J. Currier ’71* Stephen G. Daley ’88 Joseph A. Darr ’75 Harold O. Davis ’56 Thomas K. ’66 & Donna M. ’65, ’67 Dawson Robert ’66, ’68 & Maxine B. ’68 DeBard Roger ’63 & Janet M. DeBard Diane E. DeMelo ’68 Ronald I. Dennis Jodi L. Devine ’01 Leo Dirmeyer* Richard T. Dishop John F. Doering Jr. ’74 James C. ’67* & Dolly D.* Donnell II William H. Earhart ’66, ’68 Mary McKinney Edmonds Crystal W. ’57, ’59, ’93 & Shirley A. Ellis Edgar T.* ’37 & Esther L.* Emerson Employee Benefit Consultants James N. ’63 & Constance H. Enyart Charles H. Evans Jennifer Ash Evans* Andrew P. ’82 & Kimberly B. Fichthorn William H. ’63 & Eileen Ficken Jr. T. Richard Fisher* Norman L. ’50* & Donelda C. ’52* Fleck John W. & Georgianna M. Folkins Glenna Frederick ’20* Magdalena Munitz Fribley ’85 Kenneth C. & Pamela Frisch Richard J. Fuchs ’76 Niles J. Fulwyler ’52 James L. ’50* & Florence C. Galloway Lyle E. Ganske* Anthony R. Garzony ’82 Beth L. Garzony ’86 J. Raymond* & Elizabeth* Gerken Sr. Gordon Food Service Donald M. ’55 & Nancy F. ’57* Gossard Michael A. Gottron ’81 Robert L.* & H. Ann Greene Lamont R. Greene ’53 Charles T. Greenway ’55 Florence M. Grine ’49, ’66 Anna N. Gryting* Gary F. & Debra S. Haas Walter T.* & Helen C. ’22* Hadley Claris C. Hahn ’26* Milton D. & Lee Ellen Hakel

Edward J. Haller Jr. ’55 Harvey C. ’68 & M. Colene Hank Lorraine J. Haricombe Craig G. Harms ’72 Jeffrey ’91 & Eva Marie Saint ’46, ’82 Hayden Robert A. ’62 & Sandra B. ’64 Heckman Boo Anderson Hensien ’77 Pamela A. Heringhaus Richard S. & Rosalee A. ’69 Heyman Jarrod F. ’03 & Erin E. ’01 Hirschfeld James M. ’74, ’75 & Sally E. ’75, ’77 Hodge III Lee & Sue A. ’85 Hoelscher James E. Hof ’50, ’51 Joyce S. Hof ’50* Holley Properties and Management Co. Roger E. Holliday ’68 Jack L. Hollingsworth ’51* Hank L. Holzapfel ’83 Ronald R. ’55 & Kathleen V. ’55 Holzman James M. ’76 & Vicki L. ’77 Hooker Jack R. Hott ’70, ’91 Darrel G. Howard ’69 Nancy R. Howlett ’60, ’62 Donald L. Huber Huntington Insurance David J. Hyslop Robert W. Innis* Charles E. Jacobs ’54 William D. Jenkins ’59 D. Lee Johnson ’84 Virginia P. Johnson ’38* Elaine K. Jones ’55 Jack A. & Teri Jones Wallace R. Jones ’55 Anthony J. Joseph ’73, ’75 Anthony L. Kaufman Mary Keil ’37* Berton T. ’56 & Ingrid Keith Lola J. Kerbel Thomas H. ’58 & Evelyn J. Kinstle Kiyo Kitahara ’80* Winifred Kline* Willard J. Kobel* Paul R. ’78 & Marjori M. ’06 Krebs Thomas W. Kreft ’69 Kim R. ’76, ’78 & Deborah Koerner ’77 Kreiger Mark H. ’72 & Susan L. ’77 Kruse Michael E. ’68 & Sara B. Kuhlin Charles* & Helen* Lakofsky Jeffrey L. Lambert ’80 Herbert J. Lanese ’67, ’73 Martha A. Lanese ’67, ’73

Perry E. Lanning ’60* Frank A.* & Hazel I. ’37* Larimer Bart J. Latessa ’82* Delbert L. Latta ’88 Robert E. ’78 & Marcia Sloan ’83, ’93 Latta Edward G. ’89 & Monika A. Leedom Paul F. ’71* & Thelma* Leedy Neocles B. Leontis Edward M. Levy ’54 L. Jeanne Lewis John F. Lipaj Craig R. Loomis ’69* Robert D.* & Helen* Marshall Linda M. Martens ’85 James E. ’53 & Rebecca Mauch Harold L. McCarty Eleanor A. W. ’77, ’86 & Robert McCreery Ralph V. ’54* & Mary S. McKinney Jr. John D. ’58 & Diane M. McNutt A. James ’73 & Janet L. ’73 Meerpohl Karen J. Merrels Norman J. & Miriam M. Meyer Charles R. Middleton Robert John Mihocik ’01, ’03 Douglas S. ’85 & Tonya R. ’85 Miller Jackson L. & Shirley J. Miller Rush G. Miller Warren E. Milner* John R. Miltner ’68* Hollis A.* & Marian B. Moore Melvin L. & Jean Murray Andrew C. Neckers Douglas C. & Suzanne E. Neckers Douglas D. & Cathleen C. ’72 Nelson Andrew J. & Megan E. ’03, ’06 Newlove Nancy L. Newlove ’68* Reginald D. & Sherry Y. Noble Dennis J. Noneman ’80 Lyle E. & Jacqueline S. ’67 Nowicki Florence S. Ogg* Frank C. Ogg Jr. ’51* Dean L. ’79 & Grace Olivieri Denise M. Olson ’88 Cherie L. Orwig ’70, ’82 Jacquelin S. Osborne Mark W. ’79 & Sue A. ’77, ’79* Pape John Payak Jr. ’49* Robert L. Perry ’59, ’61 Michael J. ’84 & Donna F. Pikul John D. Pitman ’74, ’75 Lester H. Poggemeyer David F. Polus

George Postich* William J. Gaetz ’75 & Catherine A. Pratt ’72, ’81, ’86 Charles R. ’59 & Sally Blue ’58 Purdum Erle A. Radel Larry T. ’70 & Kendra Rasche Lawrence Raskin* Frazier & Susan R. Reams Jr. Daniel W.* & Evelyn* Reddin III Mark E. Reiter ’87 David M. Rice ’91 Suzanne M. Richard John N. Richards ’77* Patricia L. Ridolfi ’78 Arthur J. & Phyllis R. Rieser III Gwendolyn W. Roberts ’56 Rockefeller Foundation Robert C. Roe ’26* Henry C. Rogers Rodney K. Rogers ’81 Norman J. Rood* Timothy L. ’60, ’62 & Ruth A. ’63 Ross Sandusky International Ernest N. Savage ’76 Robert C. Savage Joseph J. Schedel ’67* Donald S. ’71 & Toni A. ’72 Scherzer Larry S. Scherzer ’63 Vincent F. Schubert* James R. ’91 & Sarah Schwind Scott W. & Karen Seeliger Pearl E. Setzler ’43* Dean L. Shappell ’62, ’64 Charles E. Share ’50 David A. Shilling & Victoria R. Louis-Shilling Michael Shull ’90 & Cheri CopelandShull ’88, ’96 Joseph P. ’74 & Jeananne Siegferth Jr. Sigma Chi Fraternity J. Douglas & Connie J. Smith Judith Schroeder Sommers ’68, ’95 John D. ’82 & Amy J. Spengler William F. Spengler Jr. John O. & Nancy C. Sponsler Kenneth L.* & Marilyn M. Sprengel J. Rockne Starks ’88 & Lee A. Field-Starks ’86 Stephen S. Steel* Leslie Sternberg Lowell & Wilma L. ’45, ’47* Steusloff Lois J. Stiffler ’65, ’67* Ralph C. & Marcia E. St. John David M. & Frances A. Stott

Jeffrey H. Suddath ’68* Patrick Sullivan ’55* Jeffery D. Swartz ’77 Peter C. Taylor ’73 Teledyne Continental Motors Inc. Wallace L. & Elsie Terwilliger Ralph E. Thayer Sr.* Roger E. & Mary L. Thibault Harvey L. ’50* & Patricia L. Thomas Ilse Thomas Ronald E. Shields & Renee E. Thompson ’75 Robert M. ’92, ’96 & Elizabeth L. ’92, ’00 Thompson Dante J. ’70, ’98* & Sheila Thurairatnam Margaret J. Toscano & Family Dorothy M. Tucker ’58 Harry L. Tyson Jr. Fred W. ’80 & Shawn M. ’80 Ulreich Jr. George C. & Harriet Urschel Jr. Roger S. ’64, ’69 & Sharon K. ’73 Vail Joseph J. & Christine S. Vedra William H. Violet ’64 Terry A. ’80 & Leigh C. ’80 Vogelsong John E. Voytek Jr. ’75* Lydie Wakefield* Geoffrey S. Walbroehl ’97 Verne A. ’51, ’53* & Evangeline C. Walter Thomas W. ’65 & Dianne J. ’65 Walton William C. & Susan E. Wammes David P. & Nicole A. Cheon ’93 Wanner Anita S. Ward Robert H. ’64 & Virginia A. Warnsman David G. Watkins ’79 Charles R. Webb ’63 Steven D. ’72, ’86 & Sharon A. ’70 Webster Michael R. Weger ’67 Ned J. Westrick ’79, ’81 James A. Widmer ’71 R. Marshall Wilson Peter J. Winovich III ’08 Winthrop Terrace Apartments David R. Francisco & Patricia A. ’82 Wise Gary V. Palmisano* & Jean-Marie K. Wolf ’81, ’82 Gary L. Wolford ’72, ’74 Maureen A. Wood ’87 Richard J. Wright* Richard J. Wright Jr. ’83, ’85 Charles W*. & Alice* Young Willie J. ’72, ’73 & Pamela R. ’74 Young Sr. Jon D. & Jan Zachrich Lillian Zarzar ’86


Lifetime Giving Societies These recognition levels are reserved for donors who have established a significant relationship with Bowling Green State University through a gift or gifts over a lifetime. These gifts include cash, gift-inkind and realized estate gifts which may be made to the University, the Falcon Club or WBGU-TV. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company


$1,000,000 and above The BGSU Alumni Association Cedar Fair L.P. Ford Motor Co. Vehicle Support William D. Frack Harry Frankfather ’26* Harry Frankfather Trust James R. Good ’51* James R. Good Estate Scott ’94 & Tracie Hamilton Huntington National Bank Marathon Petroleum Company Robert W. ’65 & Patricia A. Maurer Harold A. ’83* & Helen E. ’89 McMaster Nick J. Mileti ’53, ’75 George L. Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 Hiroko Nakamoto ’54, ’92 Pioneer Fund William J. ’42 & Mary Catherine ’42* Primrose Jr. Donald E. Rose J. Robert ’58 and Linda Sebo Karen A. Sebo Olin W.* & Patricia C.* Smith Patricia C. Smith Estate Social Philosophy & Policy Foundation Kermit F. ’02 & Mary E. Stroh Mary L. Stroh* Thompson Foundation Robert M. ’55, ’06 & Ellen A. ’54, ’06 Thompson Ronald R. ’67, ’10 & Sue Whitehouse Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Frederic D. & Mary T. ’68, ’06 Wolfe $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous Bailey Family Foundation Inc. James L. ’67 & Judith A. Bailey Robert J.* & Wrey W.* Barber Barber Unitrust Gary D. Brengartner ’68* Gary D. Brengartner Estate Ashel G. ’46, ’86* & Dorothy J. ’98* Bryan John W. & Marilyn M. ’72* Bureau

Cedar Fair L.P. Florence K. Currier Estate Florence Currier*
Thomas B. ’72 & Kathleen M. Donnell David D. DuBois* David D. Dubois Trust Ernst & Young Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Harry Frankfather Estate The Frost-Parker Foundation David L. & Amy D. ’79 Fulton David and Amy Fulton Foundation DuWayne H. & Dorothy E. ’62, ’69 Hansen Intergraph Co. Morton J. Kent Medical Mutual of Ohio Bruce K. ’72, ’73 & Janet L. Misamore Ohio Educational Vergil K.* & Lorrene L.* Ort Harold & Helen McMaster Foundation O-I Fund of the Charities Foundation William J. ’48* & Ruth F. Parker Marjorie Conrad Peatee Primrose Family Limited Partnership R. Don Robinson* R. Donald Robinson Estate Patrick L. ’74 & Debra D. ’74 Ryan Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink Foundation Allen W. & Carol M. Schmidthorst Stranahan Foundation Jesse B.* & Julia K. ’41* Wright Jesse & Julia Wright Trust $250,000-$499,999 Ray B.* & Alice M. Browne Robert B. and Liane M. Clasen Cooper Tire & Rubber Company Cooper Tire & Rubber Foundation Randolph & Estelle Dorn Foundation M. Margaret Foster ’35* Gottshall-Rex Memorial Scholarship Inc. John F. ’72 & Kaye L. Harbal II Gary C. ’82, ’84 & Rebecca Hoppenstand Sky Financial Group Ingram-White Castle Foundation Sherrie L. Jones ’72, ’76 Sherrie L. Jones Foundation Mary Keil ’37* Mary E. Keil Estate KeyBank Lincoln Electric Co. Motor Division William J. Lloyd Sr. ’48 Michael J. ’76 & Theresa Marsh Mary Alice McDaniel Estate Mary A. McDaniel* Mead Corporation Foundation

Donald P. Miller ’62, ’64 Moulton Transportation Norman C. Nitschke Lorrene Love Ort Estate Owens Corning The PDR Foundation Charles E. Perry ’59, ’61,’70 & Betty Laird Perry Dorothy M. Price Primavera The Procter & Gamble Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation Gerald I. ’54 & Nancy M. ’55 Rader Edward J. ’62 & Linda S. ’61 Reiter Sandusky Erie County Community Foundation Albert P. Scaglione Scaife Family Charitable Trust Schlumberger Technology Corporation William L. ’66 & Bonnie Schurk Lary R. ’61 & Carlleen A. ’61 Scott Charles E. ’51* & Bernice R. Shanklin Elinor A. Sidner* Sky Bank Hugh S. ’53 & Barbara Smith Jr. Michael R. ’75 & Jan D. ’75 Wilcox Volney L. ’77 & Tracey A. ’77 Wright II Odette Valabregue Wurzburger Estate Paul D. ’67* & Odette V. ’94* Wurzburger Charles J. & Mariann Younger $100,000-$249,999 Howard S. ’49* & Joan H. ’49 Adams Alias Research Inc. William L. Allen ’49 William L. Allen Estate Amoco Foundation Inc. David D. ’51, ’52 & Patricia A. ’52* Anderson The Dick and Fran Anderson Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation The Anderson Fund The Andersons Argo-Hytos Inc. Arthur Andersen LLP Foundation Shah M. Ashiquzzaman ’81, ’82 Richard D. ’69 & Holly A. ’75, ’78 Barker Bitstream Inc. Robert B. Blake Paul & Dina Block Foundation BP America Inc. Albert P. Bradie Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation Raymond W. ’80 & Theresa Popp ’80, ’85 Braun Mark A. ’73* & Lois J. ’69 Brecklen Phillip C. Broughton ’53 Howard R. ’51 & Marilyn F. ’51* Brown David A. & Myrna Bryan Robert S. ’50 & Jean P. ’52 Buchanan

Buckeye CableSystem dba Erie County Cablevision Buckeye TeleSystem John F. Buckner John F. Buckner Living Trust Joseph C.* & Zola R.* Buford Bureau Concrete Inc. Campaign for Forgiveness Research Carthage Foundation Carroll W. ’47, ’89 & Mabel Cheek Joseph V. & Judith M. Conda Lois L. Conrad ’52, ’54* Don E. ’58, ’63 & Sharon Swigart ’61 Cook Ramona T. Cormier Cove Charitable Trust William H. & Marjory G. ’51* Cronemeyer Patrick Crowley ’50 Cycolor Inc. William D. ’77 & Beverly J. Dallas J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Dana Corporation Foundation Larry A. ’72 & Suzanne S. Davenport John R. ’33* & Ruth H.* Davidson John Davidson Estate Frederick* & Margaret F. Deering Devilbiss Company Frank ’49, ’51, ’76 & Shirley S.* Dick James S. ’61, ’65 & Patricia A. ’63 Dimling The Inez S. Dimling Trust Fund Dow Chemical Company Foundation Earhart Foundation Eastman Kodak Company Blaine* & Lauretta B. ’4 4 Ebert Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding James T. Embrescia ’65 ExxonMobil Foundation Betty J. Faldt-Larsen ’62, ’64* Betty Jo Faldt-Larsen Estate Edward A. ’59, ’60 & Jeanne C. ’59 Ferkany Fifth Third Bank Fifth Third Bank Findlay-Hancock County Jane L. Forsyth* M. Margaret Foster Trust France Stone Foundation The Fred E. Scholl Charitable Foundation The Fremont Company Raymond L. Frick Jr. ’73 Anne V. Fuller Trust Everett E. ’83 & Rebecca Gallagher GE Foundation Henry Geary Jr. Estate David J. ’79 & Carol J. Giesler The Giesler Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Robert A. Brown & Dawn Glanz Jan D. & Michele A. Graves Allen A. & Mary D. Green

Allen A. Green Builder & Developer Florence M. Grine ’49, ’66 Gene & Judith A. Guerny Eric R. ’67 & Janice Haas Gregory Halamay Gordon R. ’87 & Laurie Bracht ’88 Hamm Richard A. Hargrave ’73 D. Jean ’47* & Marjorie R. ’41* Harkness William C. ’60* & Doris A. Hattendorf The Hearst Foundation Inc. Beth B. Heck ’68* James R. ’68 & Jane L. ’70 Heck Henry Filters Inc. Honeywell Foundation Huntington National Bank Impact Products Inc. Independent Steel Co. Edgar William Ingram III ’72 International Business Machine Thomas & Tanya Irelan Irwin Belk Revocable Trust Don D. ’58 & Frederica J. Irwin The Japan Foundation J-F Enterprises Inc. John C. ’52 & Louise S. Jadel John Deere Foundation John F. and Doris E. Ernsthausen Charitable Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Bernard L. ’69 & Nancy J. ’70 Karr Daniel R. ’72, ’79 & Laura C. ’72, ’77 Keller Kettering Fund Adele A. Kihlken ’53* Estate of Adele Kihlken Milton P.* & Ruth* Klein Gladys F. Knox* Gladys Knox Estate The Jerome Kobacker Charities Foundation Marvin S. ’86* & Lenore* Kobacker Marvin Kobacker Trust Kresge Foundation Edward Lamb Foundation Inc. Wayne C. ’60* & Karen A. ’80 Landes John A. Laskey Verlin W. Lee & Janet Schnupp-Lee ’67, ’69 * Richard H. & Carolyn M. Lineback Helen E. Lloyd ’48, ’67 Justine Magsig Maple Leaf Farms Inc. James H.* & Margaret B. McBride Patrick L. McGohan ’66 Michael R. ’80 & Mary L. ’80 McGranaghan Charneal Merrell Frank Merrill Lee A. & Margaret M. ’94 Meserve Clarence A. ’61 & Sally L. Metzger

The Midgard Foundation Robert A. & Jacalyn P. ’71 Mihocik Larry L. ’56 & Tricia J. Miles Shantanu ’86 & Reni ’86 Narayen Nationwide Foundation Needmor Fund NEH Challenge Grant Newlove Realty Inc. The Norman Nitschke Foundation Northwest Ohio Chapter CFMA Pat O’Connor John M. Olin Foundation Inc. Thomas A. ’75 & Martha A. ’73 Orchard J.R. Overman Estate James R. Overman ’56* Janis L. Pallister ’02* Janet B. Parks Parkstone Berdan Building LLC Alma J. Payne* Alma J. Payne Estate Philosopher’s Information Center Pilkington Ronald A. & Ann L. ’67 Pizzuti PNC Robert P. Poland ’49* Robert P. Poland Trust Gene ’73 & Ronnie ’72 Poor Charles B. & Evalyn M. ’4 4* Preston Evalyn M. Preston Estate William J. ’74 & Diane M. ’74 Primrose III Principle Entertainment Lee A. & Marlene A. ’69, ’70 Purdy Geoffrey H. ’68 & Linda A. Radbill Earnest D. ’34* & Marie S. ’28* Radenbaugh William Randle Jr. ’91* E.D. Radenbaugh Estate Realized Annuities-Alumni Realized Life Insurance-Alumni Crystal P. Reams* Elisabeth J. Rees Rockwell Automation P. Brent & Linda Roose Rudolph/Libbe Companies Inc. Ummul H. Ruthbah Jeannette C. Danielson Sampatacos Trust Sandusky Register Robert J. ’74* & Julie Sarka Sauder Woodworking Company Joseph J. & Marie P. Schedel Foundation Charles Schell Foundation The Charlotte Schmidlapp Fund Jacob G. Schmidlapp Fund Sentinel-Tribune Hyman*, Robert & Solomon Shiff Bess J. Sieving* The Bess J. Sieving Charitable Remainder

Thelma N. Sirotnyak* Thelma N. Sirotnyak Estate Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Jacien L. ’77 & Laura A. Steele Paul W. ’65, ’67 & Marty S. Stiffler Virginia S. Stranahan ’74* Kermit F. Stroh Revocable Trust Velma C. Teeple ’28* Gregory D. Thatch ’71 The Giesler Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kenneth E. ’50* & Mary Anne R. ’49 Tigges Toledo Community Foundation Trinity United Methodist Church Glenn H. & Ruth P. Varney Verizon Foundation Village of Waterville Jack R. ’67, ’90 & Regina E. Vivian Ann E. Von Gruenigen ’61, ’63 Theodore D. ’85* & Margaret R.* Wakefield Dudley A. & Ronai White Jr. Thomas P. ’67, ’69 & Sandra E. Willett Anabel E. Willhite Estate Lyle O. ’31* & Anabel E. ’25* Willhite R. Max ’60 & Elizabeth A. Williamson Antonia G. Wilson Ralph Haven Wolfe ’51, ’56 Donna M. Wulczak* Donna M. Wulczak Estate Antonia Yohn ’49, ’53* Antonia G. Yohn Estate $50,000-$99,999 Al Smith Chrysler-Dodge Inc. Naomi J. Albers ’32* Naomi J. Albers Estate Alcoa Allegheny Foundation Joseph V. Allen Altera Corporation Anonymous Alumni ’04 Anonymous Business/Foundation Edson J. Arneault ’69 Charles F ’42* & Marcia J. ’42* Arnold Michael W. ’74 & Laurie J. Arthur AT&T Inc. Darl E Ault ’53, ’55* Darl E. Ault Estate Auto-Owners Insurance Company William F. ’66 & Georgia H. ’67 Bates Harvey* & Joyce Behner Bernice R. Shanklin Foundation Inc. Best Western Falcon Plaza LLC Bettcher Industries Inc. Karolyn S. Betts Estate Jacob & Sylvia Bishop

Marilla H. Bixler ’30* Marilla Bixler Estate Jane L. Black F. Alan ’69 & Jacqueline K. Blackburn Ewa Schaff & Josef Blass Douglas G. Boersma Harold and Ivalou Bordner Private Charitable Foundation Philippa Bowley Vera Bradley Designs Inc. W. Robert* & Marilyn Y. Brewer Daniel H. ’78 & Sandra L. Brown Cindy J. Buchman ’92 Buckeye Budget Motor Inn Zola R. Buford Estate Peter & Angela G. ’52 Carlin Joseph M. & Lynn ’92 Catalano Ciba-Geigy Limited Eloise E. Clark Cleveland Public Library Cobra Ventures LLC Ken* & Frances D. Coffin Alice M. Connor ’51* Alice M. Connor Estate Consumer Products Company Convergys Corporation David J. ’70, ’71 & Carol Cox Alta M. Croll Estate Crowe Horwath LLP Kenneth B. Cummins ’39* Don A. ’43, ’65* & Harriet L. ’41* Cunningham D-K Enterprises The David J. Joseph Company Ralph K. Day* Delco Moraine NDH Deloitte & Touche LLP Delta Foundation Desoto Inc. James H. & Carolyn Diepenbruck Robert A. & Roberta M. Dimling Family John A. Doane ’41* John A. Doane Estate Fred E. Dorais Jr.* Frederick Dorais Jr. Estate D.S. Brown Company Dun & Bradstreet Foundation Eaton Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Foundation English, Bonter, Mitchell Foundation Erie-Ottawa Mental Health Steve Essick Naomi H. Fahle ’39* Naomi Fahle Estate Julien A. ’57* & Annette L. Faisant L. Eugene ’68 & Janet Farison Robert E. ’50 & Leona L. Fellers



Eugene H. Fenn ’51 Fifth Third Bank Fifth Third Bank Foundation Findlay Publishing Company First Energy Harold A.* & W. Elaine Fisher James M. ’74 & Mary Jo ’74 Fisher Darrell W. & Sally A. Foell Jane L. Forsyth Trust Charles Foulkes Thomas P. & Marilyn A. ’71 Fox Fricker’s U.S.A. LLC Dewey T. Fuller ’24, ’26* Dewey T. Fuller Estate Gerald I. Rader Trust Lillian D. Gish ’76* Stuart R.* & Florence R.* Givens Robert N. Golding ’65 Keith B. Grass ’78 Kathryn Guymon David S. Hainline ’83 Jill M. Hainline* Carla G. Hall ’77, ’81 J. Warren ’53* & Maryana K. Hall Hanson Inc. Kenneth H ’41* & Fern B. Harger The Marjorie R. Harkness TUA Harris Semiconductor Heidelberg Distributors Gregory A. ’69, ’70* & Sharon S. ’68, ’72* Hendel Pauline M. Henschen ’32, ’60* Hewlett-Packard Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse Herbert R. ’57* & Elizabeth Hipp Mary Ann ’72 & Richard D. Hoare H. James Horvitz The Hoskins CRT Michael E. Hoskins ’77 Andrew E. ’55 & Theresa E. Housholder George J. ’57, ’95 & Joan M. ’86, ’88 Howick Hubbard Company Robin M. & Sara M. Hunziker IBM International Foundation The Impact Products Charitable Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Jonathan D. Iten ’78 & Elizabeth A. McNellie Henry T. ’57 & Elizabeth A. Jacques Richard S. James* & Gloria J. Pfeif Theodore G. ’54 & Phyllis M.* Jenkins D. Lee Johnson ’84 Edway R. ’51 & Geraldine L. Johnson V. Everett Johnson* Louis I. & Linda F. Katzner Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Robert J.* & Frances C.* Keefe Diane V. Kerr ’79 KeyBank

KeyBank Foundation Thomas W. Klein Kmart Corporation John S. Kobacker Nan M. Kobacker-Segato Kenneth E. Kobalka & Suzanne M. Miller-Kobalka ’74 James S. Kovac ’88 Charles R. ’75 & Barbara L. ’77 Kowal KPMG Foundation Evelyn W. Kramer* Evelyn W. Kramer Estate Dominick ’70* & Anne* Labino Radha Laha* Radha G. Laha Estate David D. ’81, ’00 & Ruth LaHote Rikhard ’58 & Virginia M. ’59 Laiho William & Joan W. Laimbeer Sr. May K. Laule Lear Corporation Anna P. Leontis Rong-Chang Liang Libbey Inc. Library Media Facility LifeFormations Edward W. ’61 & Lynn J. Limbach Lincoln Financial Group Foundation Inc. James A. Lorenzen Elizaberth C. Lukacs Estate Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe Mamma Mia USA Tour 2, LP Joseph J.* & Nancy R. Mancuso Marathon Oil Company Debbie Marinik C. Richard ’50 & Mary L. Marsh Martin Marietta Materials Inc. Joseph E. ’63 & Tina C. ’64 Martini Henrietta R. Matz ’27* Stephen N. & Joan R. McEwen Ronald A. & Carolyn McMaster Mead Corporation Steven M. ’81, ’94 & Rhonda L. ’81 Melchi Merillat Industries Inc. Merrill Lynch Foundation Michel Corporation Donald L. & Venice Michel Joann M. Miles ’55, ’81* Fred R. ’49 & Martha W. Moon Lee Mooney Mosser Construction Inc. The Mylander Foundation National Machinery Foundation Inc. Elizabeth A. Neidecker* Elizabeth A. Neidecker Estate Timothy Smith & Valerie L. Newell ’75 Donald G. ’50 & Wilma B. Nicholson Thomas W. Noe Gerald M. Liss & Marlene K. Norton ’75

Bruce E. ’68 & Katherine M. Nyberg Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Nkechinye Okpah Owens Corning Foundation Carolyn J. Palmer Parker Hannifin Foundation Jim W. ’57 & Janet I. Parker F. Leroy ’47 & Laura F. Parks Fayetta M. Paulsen* Fayetta Paulsen Estate Thomas E. ’61 & Cynthia W. ’61 Pemberton Jr. Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers George E. ’61 & Diane Phillips Phipps, Levin, Hebeka & Associates Ltd. Benjamin Pierce Charitable Trust S. Theodore & Sonja Stahl Pinsky PNC Port Lawrence Title & Trust Potter Wilson LLC Presser Foundation Wallace L. & Diane G. Pretzer PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Joseph L. Rainone Realized Annuities-Friend Sidney A. Ribeau & Paula M. Whetsel-Ribeau ’81, ’07 Arthur J. & Phyllis R. Rieser III Elton C. ’46, ’48, ’66, ’70* & Vernice I. Ringer Anthony J. Rucci ’72, ’76, ’78 Tara G. Rucci David W. ’83, ’85 & Daina V. ’83, ’85 Rudd Kermit C. ’55* & Nancy F. Rudolph David E.* & Mary A. Russell Gerald* & Mary B.* Saddlemire Sallie Mae Fund Willard W. ’34* & Helen M.* Schaller Paul J. ’74 & Karen E. ’74 Schlather William F. & Peggy L. ’50, ’70 Schmeltz Ronald E. Seavoy Shell Oil Company Foundation Robert F. ’29* & Idell* Shelton Hyman Shiff* Nan C. Shin ’88 Marjorie D. Shipley ’25* Marjorie Shipley Estate Sigma Chi Fraternity Scott A. Slater ’73 Alton C. & Wilma* Smith Herbert A.* & Karol H. ’79 Spencer Jr. State Farm Companies Foundation Stearns & Foster Co. Nancy G. Steen ’61, ’63* Nancy Gay Steen Estate Muriel J. Strebe ’51 Muriel J. Strebe Trust Jerry & Rosalind F. ’72, ’74, ’80 Streichler James W. Strong Estate James W. Strong*

Galen* & Margaret* Stutsman Margaret Stutsman Estate Sunoco Inc. Tenneco Automotive Thayer Chevrolet-Toyota The Jadel Youth Fund of Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Alan S. ’49, ’51* & Betty T. ’48 Thorington Charles D. Trimble ’76 Diane S. Tymiak ’79 Bonnie R. Valiant ’61 A. Ray Van Horn ’52 Velma C. Teeple Estate Joseph E.* & Martha G.* Weber Thomas J. & Karen C. Weisenbach Philip D. ’70 & Kathryn J. ’71 Weller Westinghouse Foundation Edward G. & Cynthia M. ’93 Whipple Whirlpool Foundation Lima Communications Corporation Edward P. Wolfram Jr. ’53 Wood County Hospital Wood County Hospital Foundation Inc. Hugh B. Wood* Jane Krone ’63, ’69 & Peter H. Wood Bill Wyman Xerox Corporation Richard A. ’75 & Alexandra L. ’73 Young Francis E. ’77 & Laura A. Zappitelli Joseph T. Zingale ’55

Heritage Society This society recognizes individuals who have made an estate plan provision with Bowling Green State University Foundation as a beneficiary. Paul T. ’67 & Sandra L. ’67 Albers Howard E. ’65 & Penny D. ’64 Aldrich Ora K. ’57 & Luann M. ’58, ’78 Alleman Carl E. ’67 & Grace C. ’66 Arthur Earleen M. Ashbrook ’67 John W. ’70, ’71 & Elaine W. ’70 Bachey Selma F. Baharoglu ’85, ’86 Peter G. Bahner ’85 Carol T. Ballance ’76 Randall K. Ballard ’75 Richard D. ’69 & Holly A. ’75, ’78 Barker Reginald W. Barrett ’52 Robert K. Battaglia ’60 Jeffrey A. Baumeister ’75 James K. & Stacy M. ’93, ’00 Beaverson Cheryl A. Bement ’69 William R. Bittner ’54 Lee M. Blakemore ’55 Robert J. Bland ’74, ’75 Cynthia K. Bogner ’74 Dale Bordner

Daniel P. Klein & Linda Bowyer Lydia C. Bozeman ’68 Robert J. Bredbeck ’47 Michael R. ’75 & Julie Brenan Nancy A. Brockman ’58 Judith G. Bronson ’65 Robert S. ’50 & Jean P. ’52 Buchanan Barbara A. Burnside ’76 Sherry A. Cahill ’72 Roland D. & Marjorie S. Carlson Shirley S. Carlson ’67 Edward L. Carney Kenneth L. Carr ’60, ’64 M. Louise Laibe Casper ’49, ’63 Deborah L. Chaney ’71 Lynn R. Child ’90 P. Scott Clark ’75 Steven J. Cochlan ’77 Ronald M. Cohen ’63 Ramona T. Cormier Peter A. Cowie ’70 Vicki L. Crabtree ’74, ’75 David P. Cranmer ’68, ’72 Timothy R. Croak Virginia A. Crockett ’43, ’46 J. Dewey Cummings ’66 Stephen G. Daley ’88 J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Roger U. ’52 & Mary Lou T. ’52 Day Douglas A. Dennis ’76 Ronald I. Dennis Frank Dick ’49, ’51, ’76 Wade Diefenthaler ’59, ’61 Howard E. Dinkel ’50 John F. Doering Jr. ’74 Marvin Dollery James R. Donald ’66 Iva L. Dowler ’33 Joyce Early David G. ’49, ’53 & Mary J. Elsass Paul D. Emery ’77 Ronnie G. ’66, ’68 & Barbara J. ’69 Essinger William E. ’53, ’89 & Phyllis J. ’52 Evans Robert E. Faber ’57 Stephanie K. Fama ’78 Vernon H. ’52 & Shirley W. ’51 Fauble Robert E. Fellers ’50 William H. ’63 & Eileen Ficken Jr. Thomas J. Firestone ’73 Beverly A. Fisher ’73 Terrance R. ’70, ’72 & Mary ’58 Flannigan Janice Fogel Norman D. Freund ’76 William H. & Janet A. ’68, ’72 Gamble Steven C. Garris ’75 Anthony R. Garzony ’82

Tari S. Geer ’67, ’80 Lawrence R. Gegner ’71 Gregory A. Gettum ’78 John A. Gongaware ’68 David J. Goodman ’53 Paul W. L. Graham Virginia P. Gray ’73 Allen A. & Mary D. Green Charles T. Greenway ’55 Jackie M. Gribbons ’54 Cole S. Griffin ’88 Florence M. Grine ’49, ’66 Mearl R. & Lolita Guthrie Eric R. Haas ’67 David R. Hammond ’70 Earl R. ’61, ’66 & Dorothy Hammond Kay Pugh ’77 & Kraig Hanneman Richard A. Hargrave ’73 Margaret P. ’71 & F. Edwin Harmon Beverly J. Harrington ’70 George H. Haver M. Thomas Hay ’63, ’66 Thomas J. Hendricks ’72, ’73 Robert W. & Janet E. Herner Margit Blochova Heskett* Gary R. & Rose C. ’67 Hess Richard S. & Rosalee A. ’69 Heyman Hugh G. Hiller ’70 Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse James M. ’74, ’75 & Sally E. ’75, ’77 Hodge III Lee E. ’61, ’63 & Elaine S. ’63 Hoeffel Fred L. Hoffman ’75 James M. Hooker ’76 G. Richard & Joyce A. Horton Darrel G. Howard ’69 John G. Hudson ’88 Rita K. Hurless ’69 Jane E. Jackson ’94 Patricia K. Jansma ’66 Theodore G. Jenkins ’54 William D. Jenkins ’59 Gary D. Jones ’75 Jack A. Jones Leigh W. Kendrick ’49 Thomas J. ’70 & Linda Kenny Steven W. Keys James J. ’68, ’70 & Angela P. King Kendall J. ’60 & Sylvia D. ’60 Kjoller Lorene E. Klingbeil ’66, ’68 Brian S. ’88 & Elizabeth M. ’87 Kohler James K. & Nancy S. ’54 Kolpien Andrew D. Kostic ’80 James R. Kraynak ’65, ’67 Thomas W. Kreft ’69 Kim R. ’76, ’78 & Deborah Koerner ’77 Kreiger JoAnn Kroll

Michael E. ’68 & Sara B. Kuhlin David C. Lacey ’53 Kirk J. Lahey Karen A. Landes ’80 Norma J. Lauterbach Anne T. Lawson ’68, ’69 Verlin W. Lee John L. Leland ’72 Edward W. Limbach ’61 Gerald M. Liss Roberta B. Little ’78 Robert C. Ludwig ’55 Richard A. MacAulay ’70 Nancy R. Mancuso Michael J. Marsh ’76 David A. Martell ’63 Joseph E. ’63 & Tina C. ’64 Martini Barbara E. Masters ’63 Robert W. ’65 & Patricia A. Maurer Michael J. Maxwell ’90 Roger G. Mazzarella ’73, ’75 Margaret B. McBride Harold J. “Hal” McGrady Jr. ’54 Deanna D. McLaughlin ’86 Ronald A. & Carolyn McMaster Christopher J. ’75 & Patricia A. Mehling William A. Meltzer Carolyn J. Miller ’64, ’66 Bruce K. Misamore ’72, ’73 Thomas A. Montemarano ’68 Thomas E. Moore ’70 Daniel R. ’91 & Melinda J. ’92 Mordarski Lois A. Morlock-Brigham Jean S. Morrell ’69 George G. ’60 & Carole ’61 Morris Jr. Leslie R. Morris Rockie C. Mosier ’69, ’71 George L. Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 Rodney D. Noble Bernadette R. Noe Thomas W. Noe Lyle E. & Jacqueline S. ’67 Nowicki John G. Nye Carolyn J. Palmer Mark W. Pape ’79 Coleen K. Parmer ’68 Sophie W. Penney ’98 Betty Laird Perry Dan E. Pfeiffer ’67, ’72 John D. Pitman ’74, ’75 Lester H. Poggemeyer Mary M. Pollock ’55 Wallace L. & Diane G. Pretzer Dorothy M. Price Lee A. & Marlene A. ’69, ’70 Purdy Geoffrey H. ’68 & Linda A. Radbill

Erle A. Radel Emil J. ’68 & Martha M. ’69 Ragones Larry T. ’70 & Kendra Rasche Glenn M. ’50 & Marilyn M. Reetz Theodore A. Reyman ’53, ’57 David M. Rice ’91 Philip C. Ridolfi ’77 John J. Riedl ’65 Kristine M. Rodman ’66 Wayne A. Roesch Jr. ’81, ’06 Jerald S. Rosenblum ’70 Robert Roskoski Jr. ’61 Joseph M. Ross Lillian G. Rossow ’50 Ronald M. Ruble ’66, ’75 John E. ’50 & Mary M. ’48 Rudolph Judith A. Ruen ’70 Peter N. ’85 & Jan L. ’86, ’92 Ruma Jr. Rodney J. Rupp ’73 Elfreda M. Rusher Ronald L. Russell Thomas E. Schneider ’85 J. Robert Sebo ’58 Roger A. Seim Patricia R. Seiter ’65 Beverly A. Sharpe ’71, ’73 David A. Shilling David C. Skaggs Jr. Scott A. Slater ’73 Ronald P. ’68 & Kaye E. ’68, ’82 Soka Otis H. & Lois J. ’66, ’76 Sonnenberg Donald L. Speck ’49 Robert E. Spitler John O. & Nancy C. Sponsler Herman P. Steele Lowell Steusloff Muriel J. Strebe ’51 Brian J. Stretchbery ’79, ’81 David J. Stuckey ’79 Robert C. Sunderman ’83 Richard R. Sweitzer ’67 Peter C. ’73 & Cynthia L. ’74 Taylor Ronald L. Thompson Mary Anne R. Tigges ’49 Keith W. Trowbridge ’61, ’66 Margaret S. Turner ’49 Harry L. Tyson Jr. Roger S. ’64, ’69 & Sharon K. ’73 Vail A. Ray Van Horn ’52 William H. Violet ’64 Jack R. ’67, ’90 & Regina E. Vivian Thomas H. Vogtsberger ’71 Helen A. C. Wagner ’59 Bonnie J. Walker ’85, ’87 Ronald E. ’57 & Barbara B. ’58 Walsh Evangeline C. Walter


George A. Walton ’50 Cletus N. Welch ’61 Kenneth C. Widdel ’80 Michael R. Wilcox ’75 Hugh J. Williams ’66 Dwight O. ’67, ’70 & Carol Wilson Peter J. Winovich III ’08 Warren E. Wirth ’50 Dorothy V. Wolfe ’37 Ralph Haven Wolfe ’51, ’56 Jane Krone ’63, ’69 & Peter H. Wood Donald E. ’68, ’71 & Christine C. ’67 Woods Richard A. ’75 & Alexandra L. ’73 Young Neil R. Zechman Lois R. Zimmerman ’51 Richard P. Zunkiewicz ’68, ’70

D e a n ’s C ou n c i l Since the inception of the first Dean’s Council in 1989, eight colleges have established Dean’s Councils to provide major donor support for their programs. Recognition is achieved with a minimum contribution of $5,000. A percentage of the gift may be specified by the donor for a particular project or program, with the remainder used for the greatest needs of the college. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company


College of Arts & Sciences Jane L. Black Andre A. Craig ’79 Charles J. Cranny Jeffrey L. Dey ’83 Nancy S. Footer Mary Kay Garn Dana L. Garner ’82 Roger A. & Anna Marie Hoyt Jonathan D. Iten ’78 Andrew Kerek Neocles B. Leontis Joseph J.* & Nancy R. Mancuso Shanon Marks ’91* Lee A. & Margaret M. ’94 Meserve Daniel R. Mordarski ’91 Thomas A. Orchard ’75 Pisanello’s Pizza David J. Robinson ’89 Olin W.* & Patricia C.* Smith Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Logan C. ’67 & Donna B. Stone Robert L. ’68 & Janice Streeter Sr. Scott D. Urban ’75, ’77 Barbara A. Waddle ’79 Donald Nieman & Leigh Ann Wheeler

College of Business Administration Arthur Andersen LLP Foundation Selma F. Baharoglu ’85, ’86 Daniel A. Bailey ’75 William R. Bittner ’54 Thomas E. Bockbrader ’75* Perry S. Braun ’84, ’97 Ashel G. ’46, ’86 & Dorothy J. ’98* Bryan Brian H. Case ’84 Century Marketing Corporation Christine C. Covey ’76 Harry L. Crawford Jr. ’57 Terrence Cukierski ’76 Dana Corporation Foundation Larry A. Davenport ’72 James S. Dimling ’61, ’65 William A. Downing Jr. ’88 Ernst & Young Foundation Mark F. Asman ’65, ’67 & Patricia A. Essex ’75, ’77 Excello Specialty Company Julien A. Faisant ’57* Michael R. Forrest ’04 Pamela J. Gates ’77 David J. ’79 & Carol J. Giesler James R. Good ’51* Chan K. Hahn James R. Harris ’65 Hart Associates Janet L. Hartley Robert A. Heckman ’62 David L. Hein ’61 Gregory A. Hendel ’69, ’70* Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse Herbert R. Hipp ’57* Marie R. Hodge* Cynthia J. Hoffman ’84 Honeywell Foundation James M. Hooker ’76 Thomas R. Horn ’72 Jack R. Hott ’70, ’91 George J. ’57, ’95 & Joan M. ’86, ’88 Howick John M. Howick ’86* Michael J. Howick ’89, ’96, ’99 Kwan Kim John M. Klipfell III ’71 Inge M. Klopping James S. Kovac ’88 KPMG Peat Marwick Richard A. Krause ’82 Nancy K. Lahmers ’76 & D. Peter Sanderson ’76, ’77 David D. LaHote ’81, ’00 Thomas R. Lammers ’65 Wayne C. Landes ’60* William J. ’67 & Cheryl L. ’67 La Salle John A. Laskey Park E. ’55 & Marilyn K. Leathers Robert C. Ludwig ’55

Kenneth E. Markley ’61 Michael R. ’80 & Mary L. ’80 McGranaghan Robert J. McGregor ’58* Clarence A. Metzger ’61 Bruce K. Misamore ’72, ’73 Valerie L. Newell ’75 Ann L. Nicholson Brent B. Nicholson ’76 Donald G. ’50 & Wilma B. Nicholson Northwest Ohio Chapter CFMA Owens Corning Donald L. Packard ’55 Sang C. Park Jim W. Parker ’57 Robert A.* & C. Jan ’77, ’80* Patton John D. Pitman ’74, ’75 MacArther R. ’98 & Denise E. Plumart William J. Gaetz ’75 & Catherine A. Pratt ’72, ’81, ’86 PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP William J. Primrose III ’74 William J. Primrose Jr. ’42 John C. Randolph ’82 Frederick W. Rudolph ’51* Paul J. Schlather ’74 William F. & Peggy L. ’50, ’70 Schmeltz Seaman Corporation Christine H. Seidman ’61 Stephen E. & Julie K. Skomp Mark E. Slates ’77 Lisa M. Smith ’86, ’87 Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Donald L. Speck ’49 Jacien L. Steele ’77 Edward R. Striggow ’57* James A. & Jean E. ’87 Sullivan Eric D. Tulenson ’96 A. Ray Van Horn ’52 Glenn H. & Ruth P. Varney Gary L. Wallace ’88 White Castle System Inc. Fred E. Williams R. Max Williamson ’60 Ralph Haven Wolfe ’51, ’56 College of Education & Human Development George O. ’67 & Marilyn M. ’67 Braatz Lessie L. Cochran ’81 David G. Elsass ’49, ’53 Dorothy C. Everitt ’33* Michael P. & Robin C. French Magdalena Munitz Fribley ’85 Robert N. Golding ’65 Jeffrey C. Greig ’85 Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse Nancy R. Howlett ’60, ’62 Kent H. & Laura A. ’81 Jackson Patricia K. Jansma ’66

Roberta J. Kane Lorene E. Klingbeil ’66, ’68 William J. ’67 & Cheryl L. ’67 La Salle Helen E. Lloyd ’48, ’67* Henrietta R. Matz ’27* Les & Susan Mawson Shirley A. Mercer Paley ’67 Faith K. Olson ’78 Lorrene Love Ort* Janet B. Parks Adelia M. Peters Steven C. Russell ’71 Willard W. Schaller ’34* Robert F. ’29* & Idell* Shelton Janet D. Weingarten ’58 Jane Krone ’63, ’69 & Peter H. Wood College of Health & Human Services Mark S. & Elizabeth L. ’95 DeSilvio Linda A. Petrosino Clyde R. Willis College of Musical Arts Dorothy Allen Mark A. ’73* & Lois J. ’69 Brecklen Howard R. ’51 & Marilyn F. ’51* Brown Ashel G. ’46, ’86 & Dorothy J. ’98* Bryan J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Design Graphics Group Annette S. Ecker Pamela S. Ecker ’76 Nancy S. Footer Dorothy E. Hansen ’62, ’69 Margit Blochova Heskett* Di A. Krivchenia ’80 Virginia Marks Harold A. ’83* & Helen E. ’89 McMaster Ronald A. & Carolyn McMaster Marian B. Moore Norman C. Nitschke Marlene K. Norton ’75 Marjorie Conrad Peatee Pisanello’s Pizza Dorothy M. Price Elisabeth J. Rees Herbert L. Riggins David & Marie A. Rogers Dana M. & Amy L. Severs Karol H. Spencer ’79 College of Technology Asphalt Materials Inc. Virginia M. Austin ’47 Emprise Technologies LLC Ernest B. Ezell Jr. G. Richard Horton

Independence Excavating Inc. LifeFormations Lincoln Electric Co. Motor Div. Barry D. & Vickie R. ’00 Piersol Gene W. Poor ’73 Ernest N. Savage ’76 SFC Ltd. LLC Fred* & Daisy E. ’40, ’63* Stone Jerry & Rosalind F. ’72, ’74, ’80 Streichler Donna K. Trautman ’81, ’83 Firelands Bettcher Industries Inc. Buckeye CableSystem dba Erie County Cablevision John F. Doering Jr. ’74 Marcus E.* & Mary French Thomas A. Harker Industrial Nut Foundation James H.* & Margaret B. McBride Shan A. & Mary Mohammed Christopher J. & Marsha O. Mruk The Mylander Foundation Sandusky Register Lelia Springer* Graduate College Steven J. Yackey ’77

Leadership Circle The Leadership Circle is comprised of donors (corporations, foundations, individuals, estates and trusts) who have made an annual gift to The Fund for Bowling Green State University and/or unrestricted support of one of the colleges. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company Council

($5,000 and above) Accenture Inc. Al Smith Chrysler-Dodge Inc. Paul T. ’67 & Sandra L. ’67 Albers David D. Anderson ’51, ’52 The Dick and Fran Anderson Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation Inc. Jeannette W. Anderson ’40* Jeannette Wright Anderson Estate Richard P. & Frances H. Anderson The Andersons Anonymous donor APICS Society for Resource Management Edson J. Arneault ’69 Peter G. ’85 & Donna L. Bahner Bailey Family Foundation Inc.

James L. ’67 & Judith A. Bailey Richard D. ’69 & Holly A. ’75, ’78 Barker William F. ’66 & Georgia H. ’67 Bates Bechtel Corporation Joyce Hause Behner Leon D. ’66 & Marguerite E. ’66, ’74 Bibb Bitstream Inc. Jane L. Black F. Alan ’69 & Jacqueline K. Blackburn Robert B. Blake Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce BP Husky Refining LLC Foundation Raymond W. ’80 & Theresa P. ’80, ’85 Braun Mark A. ’73* & Lois J. ’69 Brecklen Ashel G. Bryan ’46, ’86* David A. & Myrna Bryan Buckeye TeleSystem Helen H. Buckingham Helen H. Buckingham Charitable Lead Trust John F. Buckner John F. Buckner Living Trust Zola R. Buford* Zola R. Buford Estate Joseph O. Bull & Kathy Cleveland Bull ’83, ’85 John W. Bureau John W. Bureau Revocable Trust William P. ’75 & Susan Delau ’74 Butterfield Cardinal Health Peter & Angela G. ’52 Carlin Michael A. ’92 & Alena Carroll G. Phillip & Carol A. Cartwright Central Trux & Parts Inc. Chartwells Food Service City of Bowling Green Robert B. and Liane M. Clasen The Clement O. Miniger Memorial Foundation John G. ’69 & Carol S. ’91 Clulow Frederick D. Cohn Communica Inc. Joseph V. & Judith M. Conda Conway Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Don E. ’58, ’63 & Sharon Swigart ’61 Cook Ramona T. Cormier Cove Charitable Trust David J. ’70, ’71 & Carol Cox Stephen G. Daley ’88 J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Dart Foundation Larry A. ’72 & Suzanne S. Davenport The David J. Joseph Company Thomas K. ’66 & Donna M. ’65, ’67 Dawson DeBard Johnson Foundation Roger DeBard ’63 Deloitte & Touche LLP Delta Foundation Keith A. ’79 & Christine A. DeWalt

Frank ’49, ’51, ’76 & Shirley S.* Dick Shirley Dick Estate Andrew & Kathleen Donaldson Jr. David D. DuBois* David D. Dubois Trust Eaton Corporation EFI-Electronics for Imaging Inc. Ernst & Young Foundation Excel Construction ExxonMobil Foundation Betty Jo Faldt-Larsen ’62, ’64* Betty Jo Faldt-Larsen Estate Fifth Third Bank Fifth Third Bank Foundation James M. ’74 & Mary Jo ’74 Fisher Darrell W. & Sally A. Foell Maria C. Fong ’78 William D. Frack The Fred E. Scholl Charitable Foundation Raymond L. Frick Jr. ’73 Fricker’s U.S.A. LLC James M. Fritz ’69 GE Foundation Genworth Financial Inc. Gifts in Kind International Robert A. Brown & Dawn Glanz Glass City Federal Credit Union Kurt A. & Janet S. ’70 Goszyk Keith B. Grass ’78 Allen A. & Mary D. Green Jeffrey C. ’85 & Lisa E. Greig Gary F. & Debra S. Haas The John A. Hage Charitable Remainder Trust Carla G. Hall ’77, ’81 Scott ’94 & Tracie Hamilton Gordon R. ’87 & Laurie Bracht ’88 Hamm Emma J. Hann DuWayne H. & Dorothy E. ’62, ’69 Hansen John F. ’72 & Kaye L. Harbal II Richard A. Hargrave ’73 Steven D. Harris ’71 Nancy Herl Nancy J. Herl Living Trust Elizabeth Hipp Suzanne G. Hoffman ’90 The Hoskins CRT Michael E. Hoskins ’77 Andrew E. ’55 & Theresa E. Housholder George J. ’57, ’95 & Joan M. ’86, ’88 Howick Hubbard Company Huntington National Bank Robin M. & Sara M. Hunziker Keith A. ’81 & Stephanie A. ’82 Imhoff The Impact Products Charitable Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Impact Products Inc.

Industrial Specialty Contractors LLC Don D. ’58 & Frederica J. Irwin Jonathan D. Iten ’78 & Elizabeth A. McNellie John C. ’52 & Louise S. Jadel The Jadel Youth Fund of Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Martha Holden Jennings Foundation John Deere Foundation Johnson & Associates Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies D. Lee Johnson ’84 Leon L. Kantor ’47 Bernard L. ’69 & Nancy J. ’70 Karr Daniel R. ’72, ’79 & Laura C. ’72, ’77 Keller Diane V. Kerr ’79 Kiewit Western Company Charles R. ’75 & Barbara L. ’77 Kowal KPMG Foundation William & Joan W. Laimbeer Sr. Michael S. Laming ’74, ’83 & Janet K. Dibbs Wayne C. ’60* & Karen A. ’80 Landes Learfield Communications Inc. Lee A. Lednik ’94 David J. ’71 & Shirley I. Levey Rong-Chang Liang Libbey Inc. Edward W. ’61 & Lynn J. Limbach Richard H. & Carolyn M. Lineback Carl A. ’62, ’65 & A. Kay Lipp Jr. William J. Lloyd Sr. ’48 Harold I. Lunde Justine Magsig* Mamma Mia USA Tour 2 LP Bernard Mann ’53 Bernard Mann Charitable Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Sean Manning Marathon Oil Company Marathon Petroleum Company Michael J. ’76 & Theresa Marsh Marvin A. Robon C. Raymond Marvin ’60 Robert W. ’65 & Patricia A. Maurer Jeanne L. McCambridge Estate Patricia A. McCauley ’74 Patrick L. McGohan ’66 Michael R. ’80 & Mary L. ’80 McGranaghan Medical Mutual of Ohio Steven M. ’81, ’94 & Rhonda L. ’81 Melchi Charneal Merrell Karen J. Merrels Lee A. & Margaret M. ’94 Meserve Clarence A. ’61 & Sally L. Metzger Urban F. & Shelley J. Meyer Larry L. ’56 & Tricia J. Miles Jeffrey G. & Barbara Miner



Bruce K. ’72, ’73 & Janet L. Misamore George L. Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 N-Compass Consulting Nan Chul Shin Foundation Nationwide Foundation Andrew C. Neckers Donald E. ’58 & Merry A. Nehlen Elizabeth A. Neidecker* Elizabeth A. Neidecker Estate Newlove Realty Inc. Norman C. Nitschke Northwest Ohio Chapter CFMA John A. Biek & Christina J. Norton ’79 O-I Pat O’Connor Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Eileen P. O’Neill ’90 Thomas A. ’75 & Martha A. ’73 Orchard Howard Ouriel Isadore Ouriel O-I Fund of the Charities Foundation Carolyn J. Palmer Kenneth I. & Aileen S. Pargament Ruth Frost Parker Parkstone Berdan Building LLC Seth H. ’69, ’71 & Linda A. ’70 Patton Paul T. Albers Insurance Agency Inc. William R. ’77 & Jillane M. ’77 Payne The Payne Family Fund of the West Michigan Christian Foundation PBK Inc. The PDR Foundation Marjorie Conrad Peatee Thomas E. ’61 & Cynthia W. ’61 Pemberton Jr. Betty Laird Perry Steve Petryszyn George E. ’61 & Diane Phillips Philosopher’s Information Center S. Theodore & Sonja Stahl Pinsky Pioneer Fund Craig W. & Denise L. ’83 Potter Shawn R. Potter ’05* Dorothy M. Price The Procter & Gamble Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation Lee A. & Marlene A. ’69, ’70 Purdy Geoffrey H. ’68 & Linda A. Radbill Gerald I. ’54 & Nancy M. ’55 Rader John C. ’82 & Diana J. Randolph Realized Annuities-Friend Realized Life Insurance-Alumni Elisabeth J. Rees David G. & Bethanne Reynolds Sidney A. Ribeau & Paula M. ’81, ’07 WhetselRibeau Vernice I. Ringer Marvin A. ’63 & Nancy C. Robon Edward L. & Mildred L. Roth

Ken Rubenstein David W. ’83, ’85 & Daina V. ’83, ’85 Rudd Patrick L. ’74 & Debra D. ’74 Ryan S & S Properties II South LLC Sandusky Erie County Community Foundation Julie Sarka Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink Foundation Allen W. & Carol M. Schmidthorst Gary A. Schuetz ’67, ’68 William L. ’66 & Bonnie Schurk The Scotts Company Sean Manning Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay J. Robert ’58 and Linda Sebo Sentinel-Tribune Howard & Mariruth Seubert Bernice R. Shanklin Bernice R. Shanklin Foundation Inc. Dean L. Shappell ’62, ’64 Thomas M. ’90 & Joslyn M. Shehab Nan C. Shin ’88 Scott A. Slater ’73 William A. & Carol B. ’70 Sluhan Alton C. Smith Hugh S. ’53 & Barbara Smith Jr. Gary D. & Mary E. ’82 Smith Weldon A. ’51 & Ruth Smith Jeffrey F. & Lee A. Snook Snook’s Dream Cars LLC Social Philosophy & Policy Foundation Karol H. Spencer ’79 Square One Education Network State Farm Companies Foundation Stanley M. ’55 & Linda W. ’57 Steed Jacien L. ’77 & Laura A. Steele Karen M. Stoddard ’75 Muriel J. Strebe ’51 Muriel J. Strebe Trust Kermit F. ’02 & Mary E. Stroh Marc S. ’96 & Alisa K. ’92, ’98 Suelzer Patrick M. Dougherty & Janet A. ’75, ’77 Sulick Target Thomas Hayn Memorial Thompson Foundation Ronald E. Shields & Renee E. Thompson ’75 Robert M. ’55, ’06 & Ellen A. ’54, ’06 Thompson Mary Anne R. Tigges ’49 Charles D. Trimble ’76 Trinity United Methodist Church Glen Turpening Lawrence G. Turpening Lee A. Turpening Diane S. Tymiak ’79 Beverly V. Vaith ’42* Beverly Vaith Charitable Lead Unitrust Bonnie R. Valiant ’61 Bonnie R. Valiant Trust

Verizon Foundation Village of Waterville Terry A. ’80 & Leigh C. ’80 Vogelsong Ann E. Von Gruenigen ’61, ’63 Christopher J. Wade ’83 Geoffrey S. Walbroehl ’97 Walnut Foundation Kenneth L. ’76 & Mary M. ’76 Walters Robert H. ’64 & Virginia A. Warnsman Cletus N. ’61 & Delores J. Welch Philip D. ’70 & Kathryn J. ’71 Weller Wells Fargo Foundation Amy C. Wetzel ’01 Bruce W. & Janice M. Wetzel Stacy Wetzel Randy Wheeler Edward G. & Cynthia M. ’93 Whipple Ronald R. ’67, ’10 & Sue Whitehouse Wilcox Financial Michael R. ’75 & Jan D. ’75 Wilcox R. Max ’60 & Elizabeth A. Williamson Antonia G. Wilson Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Frederic D. & Mary T. ’68, ’06 Wolfe Ralph Haven Wolfe ’51, ’56 Wood County Hospital Foundation Inc. Volney L. ’77 & Tracey A. ’77 Wright II Donna M. Wulczak* Mrs. Donna M. Wulczak Estate Odette V. Wurzburger ’94* Estate of Odette Valabregue Wurzburger Chelsea Yarbro Scott C. Younger ’80 Francis E. ’77 & Laura A. Zappitelli Joseph R. ’79 & Diane E. Zimmerman Partners ($2,500-$4,999) The Adams Family Giving Fund of the SEI Giving Fund John D. & Luann M. ’85 Adams Al-Mar Lanes LLC Ora K. ’57 & Luann M. ’58, ’78 Alleman Ameriprise Financial Inc. AT&T Inc. Avery Dennison Burke H. Badenhop ’05 Gerald L. Baker ’65 Bank of America Norman R. Bash ’69, ’71 Glenn W. Bear ’89 John C. ’83 & Judith L. ’83 Beaudry Marvin G. Belzer Ewa Schaff & Josef Blass Robert D. & Carla K. Blinn Kimberly A. Bode ’85 Thomas F. ’69 & Judith J. Bohardt Bowling Green Community Foundation Inc.

Jonathan Bravard Marguerite E. Breece ’60 Robert B. Brown Buckeye CableSystem Bulk Molding Compounds Inc. Cathy Cantor Jonathan V. Caraccilo ’93 Beth A. Casey David M. ’61 & Jacqueline L. ’60 Cassel Charlie’s Dodge Inc. Richard A. ’93 & Sheila Chiricosta Gregory A. & Tina Christopher Cleveland Clinic Foundation Lessie L. Cochran ’81 Charles A. Coletta Jr. ’00 Henry Councilman* Henry Councilman Trust Cousino Harris Co. Carl Coy Crowe Horwath LLP Eric J. & Jodi L. ’01 Devine Marvin Dollery & Barbara Needham Thomas B. ’72 & Kathleen M. Donnell Emerson Climate Technologies Inc. Paul F. & Maureen D. ’81 Endres William E. ’53, ’89 & Phyllis J. ’52 Evans Allen R. Baldwin ’69 & Rebecca C. Ferguson Findlay Implement Company Findlay’s Tall Timbers Distributing Center John H. Forsyth Thomas P. & Marilyn A. ’71 Fox Gene B. George ’71 Gleaner Life Insurance Society Robert N. Golding ’65 Carlos E. Gomez Goodrich Corporation Thomas & Mary Gormley Joseph A. ’85 & Angela J. Gottron II Grant Thornton LLP Jan D. & Michele A. Graves Gene & Judith A. Guerny George & Suzanne B. Gusses Hancock County Convention & Visitors Bureau Hayden-McNeil Publishing Inc. Carol A. Heckman Robert A. ’62 & Sandra B. ’64 Heckman Heidelberg Distributors Cindy S. Hendricks ’79, ’82 Robert E. & Thelma G. Herringshaw William C. Hine ’65 Wesley K. ’71, ’99* & Ruth H. Hoffman Home Savings Charitable Foundation Keith & Jan Hubbard Thomas K. & Jean A. ’78 Hubbard Robert L. & Judith L. ’74, ’81 Hudson Mary A. Hulsebus David O. ’64 & Kitty P. Hupp

The Hylant Group IBM International Foundation Impact Strategies James Construction Group LLC Patricia K. Jansma ’66 Patricia K. Jansma Trust Jim White Toyota John & Marjorie Knight Revocable Living Trust K & F Restaurant Management LLC KeyBank Foundation Ruby J. Kiehl Kendall J. ’60 & Sylvia D. ’60 Kjoller Kent A. & Deborah L. ’82 Kokomoor Kevin S. Konecny Stanley R. & Kathleen Korducki A. Gary Kovacs ’69 Ronald C. & Edith Laborie Lakeside Interior Contractors Inc. Edward Lamb Foundation Inc. Edward G. ’89 & Monika A. Leedom Allan J. Libbe ’51 Cathy E. Liesner ’79 & Steven A. Miller Michael E. Little ’74 Lubrizol Foundation Marconi’s Restaurant Inc. Charles R. & Sally H. Marlowe Jr. Joseph E. ’63 & Tina C. ’64 Martini Mark D. Match ’81 Kathleen F. McKenna ’76 Merrill Lynch Foundation Milan Parents Club Miller Foundation Lloyd A. Miller ’68 Suzanne M. Miller-Kobalka ’74 Modern Woodmen of America John E. Moore ’66 & Debra P. Plousha-Moore George G. ’60 & Carole ’61 Morris Jr. Mosser Construction Inc. The Mylander Foundation National Electrical Contractors Association Timothy Smith & Valerie L. Newell ’75 Andrew J. & Megan E. ’03, ’06 Newlove Richard A. ’69 & Laurie B. ’81 Newlove Kathleen A. Nist Charitable Trust Jeffrey B. ’92 & Renee L. Noftz II Charles L. & D’aun M. ’88 Norman David R. ’68 & Judith Norwine Ohio Section Math Assoc. of America Math Dept.-College of Wooster Owens Corning Lloyd S. Paley & Shirley A. Mercer Paley ’67 Parker Hannifin Foundation F. Leroy ’47 & Laura F. Parks Janet B. Parks Charles E. & Delphine M. ’72 Peck The Peck Family Foundation Inc. Pemberville Youth Academy

Gloria J. Pfeif Jack D. ’70 & Pamela J. ’70 Polcar Jr. Popular Culture Association-Michigan State University Presser Foundation Progressive Insurance Foundation Prudential Foundation Edward G. Ptaszek ’72 Roger L. & Deanna J. ’62* Radeloff Roger D. & Katerina R. Ray Mark B. ’81 & Debra J. ’81 Reddin Dennis L. Roder ’70 Wayne A. Roesch Jr. ’81, ’06 Ronald M. Ruble ’66, ’75 Rudolph/Libbe Companies Inc. Sam B’s Restaurant Sandusky Exchange Club Sandusky Library Mark J. ’76, ’78 & Carole A. ’79, ’91 Sarkan George C. ’86 & Julie A. ’86 Schmelzle Schwind Electric Co. James R. ’91 & Sarah Schwind Lary R. ’61 & Carlleen A. ’61 Scott James J. ’79 & Kandy R. Selgo Steven M. & Marcia L. ’05 Seubert Susan M. Shunk ’84 Mark E. Smith Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Otis H. & Lois J. ’66, ’76 Sonnenberg St. Rita’s Medical Center Paul L. & Margaret R. Stein Richard R. Sweitzer ’67 Robert E. Swinehart ’61, ’63 Thayer Chevrolet-Toyota Neal E. Thornberry ’74 Toledo Community Foundation The Toledo Hospital Trust Company of Toledo Turner Construction Fred W. ’80 & Shawn M. ’80 Ulreich Jr. University Honda UPS Francis C. ’68 & Martha A. Voll Wammes & Associates LLC William C. Wammes Andrew J. ’90 & Elizabeth Wasiniak Joseph C. ’84 & Karen A. Weger Larry J. ’67 & Frances A. Weiss Western Summit Constructors Inc. Thomas E. & Kathryn A. Wojciechowski Sr. Jesse B.* & Julia K. ’41* Wright Jesse & Julia Wright Trust Willie J. ’72, ’73 & Pamela R. ’74 Young Sr. Charles J. & Mariann Younger Mariann Dana Younger Fund of the FindlayHancock County Community Foundation Ronald E. ’68, ’70 & Cynthia J. ’69 Zwierlein

Associates ($1,000-$2,499) A.A. Green Realty Inc. Eric E. & Tracy J. ’90 Aanenson Julien Adler Jan R. Akos ’51 Howard R. ’70 & Arla Albers Kerry M. & Janet A. Allen Eric J. Almassy ’72 Dale & Elaine Altstaetter William R. Ammann Craig L. Anderson ’79 Roger C. & Betty J. Anderson Lee T. Andrews Animal Hospital at West Ridge Ltd. John T. Archer & Cheryl Runkle-Archer John D. Arnold ’77, ’80 & Wendy G. Soubel ’79, ’82 Richard W. Arnold ’85 Arps Dairy Inc. Andrew L. Arthurs ’90 Assurant Inc. Alan L. & Martha K. Atalah Radu Atri ’68 Automatic Data Processing Inc. Avery Dennison Corporation B2B Sales Boost John W. ’70, ’71 & Elaine W. ’70 Bachey Dalynn T. ’73, ’76 & Sharon K. ’73 Badenhop Marilyn M. Baker ’54 Randall K. ’75 & Pamela S. ’92 Ballard Jay J. ’70 & Nancy L. ’70 Balluck Douglas W. ’74, ’76 & Deborah W. ’75, ’81 Balogh William K. Balzer & Margaret J. Lockhart George ’58 & Shirley Bandy William D. & Anita L. Bannerman Dale & Serena Barnard Julie A. Barnes ’76, ’78 Shirley L. Bauer Robert M. & Dorothy M. Beauprez Pamela A. Bechtel ’78, ’81 Thomas L. Bennett Dennis F. ’96 & Heather A. Bentley B. Hudson & Rosalind T. ’74 Berrey Jr. Laurence A. & Karen Bettcher BGSU Band Alumni Society Tom C. ’83 & Jessica C. ’97 Blakely Bliss Charters Douglas C. ’81 & Joanne M. Bloomfield Charles & Cynthia K. ’74 Bogner Scott Bolle & Jessica Abts-Bolle Kenneth & Sandra Bomicino Frank Booth Kenneth W. & Kendra L. Borland Jr. Beau Bortel Bostleman Corporation Paul R. & Beverly A. Bouman

John E. ’74 & Deborah Bowen Richard W. & Carolyn A. Bowers Bowling Green Hospitality Group Inc. Steven W. ’68, ’70 & Carol J. ’69 Bowman Daniel P. Klein & Linda Bowyer James D. & Mary J. ’72 Boyes George O. ’67 & Marilyn M. ’67 Braatz Napoleon A. Bradford ’02, ’03 John H. ’74 & Laura ’75 Bredenfoerder Dennis A. & Barbara J. Brengartner Wayne L. ’67 & Kathleen E. ’67 Brezina Edward J. ’58 & Elisa Brodbeck Mile Brujic Dale M. ’50 & Elizabeth A. Bruning J. Richard & Patricia A. ’73 Bruns Buckeye CableSystem dba Erie County Cablevision Anne L. Buckingham ’72 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation Mary A. Burtch ’73 Douglas J. ’82 & Theresa R. ’82 Cahill Rosie L. Campbell ’86 Joseph A. ’72 & Nancy M. ’73, ’00 Campisi Robert E. Cape ’64, ’66 Albert J. ’76 & Kathleen T. Caperna Neal L. Carothers Kenneth L. Carr ’60, ’64 Patrick A. ’73 & Joyce A. Cass Gerald W. & Sandra Chamberlain William F. Charters ’98 David W. Chilson ’71, ’78 Deborah G. Christianson George & Suzanne H. ’74 Chumura Citizens Charitable Foundation Eloise E. Clark William P. ’95 & Kari L. ’94 Clarke Jr. David P. Clawson William G. ’82 & Sharon K. ’79, ’82 Clifford Charles D. ’69 & Joanne H. Clingman CMC DayMark Safety Systems CMC Group Inc. The CMC Group Fund of the New Hope Christian Community Foundation Steven D. Cobb ’82 Nancy J. Cohen Richard J. Collingwood ’61 Ronald R. Conarroe ’75 Cecelia E. Connally ’67 Donelda M. Conrad ’69, ’80 Brian D. & Jill P. Contris David E. Cooley ’73 Cooney Foundation Thomas W. ’49 & Mary K. ’49 Cooney Lee ’64 & Jill C. ’64 Cooper Cooper Tire & Rubber Foundation The Copy Shop Inc. Cornerstone Church Inc. Peter A. Cowie ’70



Andre A. ’79 & Muriel E. Craig Eric L. ’80 & Debra S. Creager Crum Manufacturing Inc. Culture Clash Barbara A. Culver ’72 Custom Deco Terry J. ’68 & Linda B. ’72 Dachenhaus Dacor Inc. Daughters of American Revolution Chad Davies Allan H. Davis ’65 John D. Dawson ’85 Robert ’66, ’68 & Maxine B. ’68 DeBard William D. & Sara J. DeHoff Dell Corporation Delp Heritage Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Delphos Granite Works Patrick L. ’72 & Mary A. ’72 Deville Brent C. & Kathryn A. DeVries James E. & Marilyn E. Dewyre Frank & Shirley Dick Family Scholarship Fund Wade ’59, ’61 & Priscilla Diefenthaler A. Leslie & Doris A. Disher Sheila Domer Steven & Sarah A. Dudash Jean L. Duston Robert F. Dwors ’65 Albert E. Dyckes ’53, ’58 Dyckes Family Trust Stephen M. Dyckes Michael A. ’83 & Tara Dzienny William E. Easterly ’50 Kurt L. ’75 & Jane A. ’75 Ebersole E-Dreamz Inc. David G. ’49, ’53 & Mary J. Elsass Asa J. ’63 & Mary E. ’62 Elsea Clark & Gay Enright David P. & Linda B. ’87 Ernsthausen Lloyd Evans Pamela J. Fall Jeff E. & Laverne M. ’80 Fallon L. Eugene ’68 & Janet Farison Joe C. & Ann Fassett John S. Fawcett Eugene H. Fenn ’51 Mark A. ’81 & Marcia A. Ferguson Finders Records & Tapes Findlay Publishing Company Findlay-Hancock County James P. & Susan D. ’66 Finn First Federal Bank of the Midwest Michael J. & Carey A. ’93 Fisher Patrick T. & Nancy Fitzgerald The Patrick & Nancy Fitzgerald Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Follett Corporation

Drew C. Forhan ’81 Barry C. Foster ’84 Matthew J. Fredericks ’03, ’09 The Fremont Company Fricker’s Bowling Green 106 LLC Joseph P. & Patricia N. Frizado James L. ’63 & Sara A. ’63 Fry Janyce H. Fulton ’76 Niles J. Fulwyler ’52 John B. ’67 & Annette M. ’67 Gaeth Lyle C. Gainsley ’51 Patricia A. Gallagher ’81 John S. ’58, ’60 & Henrietta Galyas Michael C. ’72, ’74 & Judy L. Gardner Randall L. ’81, ’87 & Sandra Gardner David E. & Dana L. ’82 Garner John T. ’73 & Lorelee A. Gawaluck Simon N. Morgan-Russell & Stephannie S. ’98 Gearhart Donald D. Gehring Kurt F. Geisheimer ’72 Christopher D. ’71, ’75 & Jean A. ’70 Geist George H. Haver Living Trust Margy J. Gerber Gilmore, Jasion & Mahler Ltd. Laurie Ginsberg David L. ’78 & Cynthia Glass Robert J. ’72 & Susan M. Gofus Leo & Marian Goldner James R. ’56 & Joan H. ’57 Gordon Kristie M. Gordon ’82 John Gradornski Von R. ’85 & Elizabeth J. ’86, ’88 Graffin Shawn C. ’94 & Marianne ’93 Grandon Frederick M. ’79 & Kathy M. Greenwood III Julia E. Greenwood ’51 Fred & Jane A. Griech Alan R. & Elizabeth F. Griffith Charles D. & Carolyn M. ’59, ’61 Grimme Christina E. Guenther Christopher R. ’85 & Lauri Gulliford Donald L. ’69 & Kathleen A. ’70 Gustavson Chan K. & Young S. Hahn Gregory Halamay R. Neal ’67, ’71 & Barbara K.’67 Hall James F. & Elizabeth S. Hammond Don C. & Elizabeth Hardesty William P. ’76 & Pamela J. ’75 Harper Robb W. & Janet M. ’93 Harst Janet L. Hartley Doris A. Hattendorf Richard & Patricia G. ’82 Hausmann Jean Haut George H. Haver John L. ’70 & Sharon M. ’71 Hayes George & Julie M. ’04 Hebeka Michelle R. Heckman ’95, ’03

Marilyn Gray Hedde ’48 Marilyn M. Hedde Revocable Living Trust Clarence & Marilyn Heller Kathleen S. Helm Alice D. Henning ’72 Bud L. Henschen ’64 Jane V. Hermann ’69 Paul R. ’73 & Doris I. ’78, ’05 Herringshaw Mabel Herrmann* Mabel Herrmann Estate James & Brenda T. ’80 Hewit Thomas R. ’64 & Susan K. ’65 Hillhouse John & Lois R. ’55, ’57 Hiltner Jr. Noel G. Hinde ’55 Jarrod F. ’03 & Erin E. ’01 Hirschfeld Richard J. ’74 & Flora Hochenberg James M. ’74, ’75 & Sally E. ’75, ’77 Hodge III Candess L. Hodges William J. & Karen M. Hoffert Thomas & Barbara A. Hoffman David R. ’74 & Cynthia A. ’73, ’75 Hollinger G. Richard & Joyce A. Horton Robert L. ’84 & Beverly Hottois John A. ’53 & Lois J. Howe Randal E. ’83 & Patricia Huff Huntington National Bank Huron Bicentennial Committee Jeffery A. Huskisson ’79 David J. Hyslop Instrument Society of America Darlene G. Irwin ’84 Jeanne Reed Foundation Inc. Jeffrey’s Antique Gallery Theodore G. Jenkins ’54 David L. Jesse ’84 Louis I. & Linda F. Katzner Joung-Ja Kawashima Michael O. Keffer ’63 William R. ’64 & Fran Keller Mark S. Kelly Richard P. & Ilana Kennell Karel S. King ’59, ’61 Kristi Kingery Kirian’s Home Shop Inc. Stephen M. ’98 & Michelle A. Klein Lorene E. Klingbeil ’66, ’68 Jeffrey N. & Inge M. Klopping Klotz Flower Farm Inc. J. Edward Koch ’66 Mark E. ’74 & Patricia A. Koch William E. Koch ’74 Jill J. Koehler ’68 Beverly A. Koenig ’65 William B. Kohagen ’80 Kokosing Construction Company Inc. James K. & Nancy S. ’54 Kolpien William J. N. ’71 & Shirley H. ’72 Koniewich

Robert B. ’71 & Jean L. ’91, ’99 Korsnack Jr. Kraft Foods Inc. Krause Family Foundation Inc. Richard A. Krause ’82 John R. & Suzanne Kretzschmar Di A. Krivchenia ’80 Barry F. ’76 & Lynne A. ’76 Kroeger JoAnn Kroll Joseph S. & Cynthia A. ’84 Krueger Kenneth E. ’69, ’71 & Margaret H. ’72 Krueger Michael E. ’68 & Sara B. Kuhlin John W. & Jane O. Kunstmann Michael J. ’90 & Amanda M. Kunstmann Charles F. ’51 & Helyn R. ’53 Kurfess Roger G. ’64 & Barbara J. Kussow David C. ’53 & Joyce T. Lacey Michael J. ’04, ’09 & Gale A. ’08 Lacey Brett E. Landman ’91, ’92 LaRiche Toyota Subaru Paul E. ’53 & Joanne M. ’53 La Rue William J. ’67 & Cheryl L. ’67 La Salle Lathrop Company Robert E. ’78 & Marcia Sloan ’83, ’93 Latta Gary R. & Naomi P. Lee Daniel T. Lemaitre ’77 Leonard R. ’69 & Sandra M. ’58, ’61 Lepper Richard A. Letner ’92 Jeff Levin Milton G. ’61, ’63 & Judy A. ’61, ’63 Levy Liberty Mutual Group Inc. Jimmy A. ’60 & Sharon Light William P. Lilley III ’07 The Lima Community Foundation Lima Sertoma Sponsorship Fund Loose Cannon Charters Lorillard Tobacco Co. J. Douglas Macy The James Douglas Macy Trust Helen M. Maddock Charles J. ’69 & Linda J. ’70 Mallue III Marous Brothers Construction C. Richard ’50 & Mary L. Marsh Douglas H. Marshall ’78 Steven J. Martenet ’88 Mark T. & Karen M. Massaro Wayne R. ’61, ’64 & Karen Mauk Max Kade Foundation Inc. Mayer Farm Equipment LLC Joseph J. McAleese ’81, ’83 Margaret B. McBride Kelly D. McCray ’90 Stephen & Terri McCullough Harold J. “Hal” McGrady Jr. ’54 Rex T. McGraw Jr. ’58, ’60 Mitchell B. ’85 & Julie S. ’85 McLeod Helen E. McMaster ’89 Perrysburg Meadows Group

Medco Health Solutions Charitable Match Fund The Janet E. and David L. Meeker Fund of the Dayton Foundation Nancy E. Meeker MEPAC Match Program+ Thomas A. ’71 & Linn F. Merlitti Frank Merrill MetLife Foundation Kathryn E. Metz ’55 G. Robert Meyer Microsoft Matching Gifts Program+ Fred A. ’69 & Lonna J. ’69, ’73 Mikesell Milan Chamber of Commerce David R. ’50 & Mary G. ’50 Miller Douglas E. & Jana L. ’87 Miller John S. Miller ’78 Mark G. ’79 & Barbara J. ’80 Miller Sarah C. Mills Mitchell & Company P.C., CPAs Jeffrey D. & Linda Mitchell Michael G. Mitchell James J. Mohr ’79 Fred R. ’49 & Martha W. Moon Barbara E. Moses T. Michael Mulgrew ’92 C. Ray ’74, ’77 & Beverly L. ’76, ’77 Mullins Munger Munger & Associates Architects Inc. J. Timothy Murnen ’58 The Murray & Murray Charitable Foundation Margaret A. Murray Myles Baker Street Myles Dairy Queen Myles Pizza Pub National Electrical Contractors Association National Housing Endowment Leo J. & Joanne ’76 Navin Network For Good Tonya S. Netzley ’82 Richard & Ellen J. Neustadt Richard A. Newlove Donald G. ’50 & Wilma B. Nicholson Cynthia A. Norman ’82 North American Society Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation Janet L. Nottingham ’75 Lyle E. & Jacqueline S. ’67 Nowicki Joseph H. Nussbaum ’62 Bruce E. ’68 & Katherine M. Nyberg Kevin C. ’98 & Danielle M. ’99 O’Neill Robert M. ’68 & Mary A. Olive A. Edward ’61 & Catherine N. Owen Jr. Raj A. ’71 & Kausalya A. Padmaraj Mike & Peggy Page Janis L. Pallister ’02* Janis Louise Pallister Estate Larry & Lisa Papenfuss Paramount Health Care

Elizabeth A. Pardike Jim W. ’57 & Janet I. Parker Patrick D. Pauken Jeffrey E. & Ellen F. Paul Brian A. Pavlac ’78, ’80 & Elizabeth S. Lott Joe R. ’69, ’77 & Marcia L. ’69 Pepple Jr. Pepsico Foundation Robert L. Perry ’59, ’61 Marlon A. ’83 & Mary E. ’86 Peters P&G Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation Bradley D. Phalin ’88 Scott Phillips James L. & Deedra L. Phipps James Pickens ’76 & Gina T. Taylor-Pickens Steven E. Piehler ’84 Carolyn Platt PNC Bank Foundation John C. ’69 & Marcia G. ’69 Pomeroy Jr. Ian T. Potter ’08 Todd W. Powell ’92 Richard E. Powers ’60 Gregory L. ’78 & Gaynelle L. ’77 Predmore Wallace L. & Diane G. Pretzer Suzanne M. Price ’65 William J. ’74 & Diane M. ’74 Primrose III Progressive William J. Pronzini & Marcia Muller John R. ’87 & Barbara A. Pugh Nathan J. Pulver ’95 Dean A. ’83 & Jill Purdy Robert D. ’58, ’62 & Patricia E. ’59 Purvis Queen of Apostle School Jeffrey D. Rader ’87, ’98 Emil J. ’68 & Martha M. ’69 Ragones Martin E. & Maribeth S. ’70 Rahe Arnold Rampersad ’67, ’68, ’95 & Marvina White Preston M. Ramsey ’08 Thomas C. ’76 & Lynn A. ’75 Ransbottom Alice W. Rau REA Foundation Inc. Kelley C. Recker ’88, ’89 Christopher R. Redfern ’88, ’91 Jeanne Reed Reflective Security LLC Lawrence D. Reid & Rita Moon Reid Fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado Lawrence D. & Rita M. Reid Reba Reinke Edward J. ’62 & Linda S. ’61 Reiter RemTec International Retail Contractors Association Charles C. ’67 & Christine H. ’68 Ricci Jr. David M. Rice ’91 J. Roderick Rice ’56 David M. Risser ’81 Paul S. Ritz ’74 James L. ’71 & Becky A. ’70 Rohrs

Jean M. Romans ’91 Kenneth D. Rose ’74 Harriet Rosebrock Donna L. Rosenbauer ’79 Herman J. ’93 & Jeanne E. Rottinghaus Herman and Jeanne Rottinghaus Charitable Gift Randolph M. ’85 & Diane M. ’85 Rowe Thomas P. Rudibaugh Judith A. Ruen ’70 Bert J. Ryder ’63 Scott D. Sachs ’83 Delmar J. Sauder Ernest N. ’76 & Louise Savage Richard A. Schaeffer ’68 Aaron J. ’96 & Kristin L. ’96 Schaub Jerry L. & Staci L. Schilz William F. & Peggy L. ’50, ’70 Schmeltz Otto Schoeppler ’47, ’79 Schuler-Walter Foundation Jane E. Schwartz ’70 Dale A. ’72 & Nancy Schwieterman Heather R. Scott ’84 The Seaman Family Foundation Richard N. ’67, ’68 & Judith G. ’69 Seaman Spencer H. ’79 & Sue A. ’76 Seaman Jr. David C. & Christine H. ’61 Seidman Gary W. ’78 & Cynthia A. ’79 Sendelbach Sentry Insurance Foundation Inc. Christine Sexton ’92 SGC International Inc. Donald M. Shafer ’67, ’88 Stephen M. ’81 & Kimberly A. ’82 Shaffer Katherine M. Sheehan ’85 Gary Sheipline David A. Shilling & Victoria R. Louis-Shilling Allen L. ’68 & Saundra ’73 Shinaberry Shoe Sensation Inc. John B. Shook ’68 W. Alan & Amy T. ’86 Shore Mark A. ’68 & Karen F. Shoup Bettina C. Shuford ’00 Michael Shull ’90 & Cheri Copeland-Shull ’88, ’96 Patricia S. Silver ’76 Dwight D. Albright ’98 & Michelle L. Simmons ’03 Richard C. & Annette J. ’72 Sipp Mark E. ’77 & Sharon R. ’77 Slates Joan A. Slebos ’63, ’65 David C. ’79 & Elizabeth M. Smercina Kristie L. Smith ’91 Robert A. ’50, ’68 & Shirley A. Smith Scot A. ’84 & Jodie M. ’83, ’93 Smith Terrence C. ’69 & Sarah J. ’71 Smith Deanne L. Snavely Thomas A. & Jacqui Snyder Robert B. ’61 & Beverly M. ’60 Spelder Richard W. & Doris J. ’62 Spurney Carol A. Starrick ’69

Alan C. Stasa ’71 Stuart W. Stearns ’66 Charles E. Steele Jr. William M. & Cynthia A. ’73 Sterrett Jr. Lisa A. Stevens ’86, ’97 Joe L. & Cindy S. ’77 Stockwell Scott A. ’82 & Ana P. Stoll Michael S. McDonald & Sherideen S. Stoll Logan C. ’67 & Donna B. Stone Todd E. & Yvonne M. Stoner David M. & Frances A. Stott James T. & Patricia B. Strasser Brian J. ’79, ’81 & H. Melanie ’81 Stretchbery Deborah L. Stroh David J. Stuckey ’79 Sunbelt Worldwide Inc. Super Duper Publications Dale L. ’73 & Harriett D. ’59 Swartzmiller Sylvan Tool Works Inc. The Michael J. and Maryrose T. Sylvester Fund Michael J. ’88 & Maryrose T. ’87 Sylvester David L. Tabler ’63 Nick & Kathy Tamerlano Gregory D. Thatch ’71 Carol P. Thatcher ’70 Robert W. & Norma B. Thayer Ilse Thomas John & Mary Thompson Tom James Company Total Quality Logistics LLC Joel K. ’87 & Sandra G. ’86 Tracy Donna K. Trautman ’81, ’83 Michael ’87,’96 & Lori Jean ’98 Tretter Trilogy Health Services LLC R. Scott & Margaret U. Trumbull Dorothy M. Tucker ’58 Margaret J. Tucker Kathy M. Tuckerman ’77 Ultra Sound Special Events Inc. University Women of BGSU Derik E. ’95 & Beth A. ’96 Utz Abraham M. Valle ’00 Christopher W. ’89 & Melissa T. Van Lokeren William Charles ’82 & Sharyl F. ’80 Verbsky The Villapiano Family Philip J. ’71 & Susan Villapiano Wachovia Foundation Wadsworth Slawson Northwest Wal-Mart Foundation Jerry J. & Bonnie J. ’85, ’87 Walker Stephen & Gail E. ’80 Walter Thomas W. ’65 & Dianne J. ’65 Walton Robert & Melissa ’82 Wansker Warner Automotive Daniel P. ’56 & Nancy H. Warner Thomas L. ’70, ’73 & Susan K. ’71, ’90 Watson Kevin C. Webb ’79, ’82



Stephen L. ’64 & Susan K. ’63 Weber Thomas Weil Janet D. Weingarten ’58 Anthony D. ’96 & Nicole J. ’96 Weis Thomas T. & Jean M. Weis Thomas J. & Karen C. Weisenbach George M. Weiss ’63 Ronald D. ’70, ’71 & Linda A. ’70 Wellman William R. ’77 & Pamela Wente Mark Whitlock James W. & Nancy C. Wiegand Freida B. Williams Hugh J. Williams ’66 Roberta A. Williams ’59 Matthew W. & Giannina F. Wilson Jay R. ’72 & Virginia M. Winner Peter J. Winovich III ’08 Woleslagel Moving Co. Inc. David R. ’78 & Joan D. ’79 Wolf Dorothy V. Wolfe ’37 Wood County Hospital Ronald L. Woofter ’63 Deborah G. Wooldridge Michael A. ’70 & Rosemary E. ’70 Yanik Richard A. ’65 & Lucinda A. ’64, ’66 Yeasting Pamela K. Young Richard G. Young ’69 Charles J. Younger Revocable Trust Mariann D. Younger Revocable Trust Paul E. ’66 & Arlene Zawadzki Kevin M. ’90 & Traci Zins Steven R. Zirkel ’84 Daniel S. & Julie A. Zittnan Norman M. Zureich

D e a n ’s C i r c l e The Dean’s Circle is a giving society that recognizes annual gifts to each specific college at the $1,000 level. Donors may specify half of their annual gift to an area within the college and the remainder of the gift will be used for the greatest needs of that college. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company College of Arts and Sciences Gerald L. Baker ’65 John E. Dohms ’70 Oladipo A. Fadiora ’74, ’76 Simon N. Morgan-Russell & Stephannie S. ’98 Gearhart Michael O. Keffer ’63 Douglas H. Marshall ’78 Christopher J. Partridge ’96 Doreen A. Quinn ’60 Thomas C. ’76 & Lynn A. ’75 Ransbottom

Donald M. Shafer ’67, ’88 Katherine M. Sheehan ’85 Derik E. ’95 & Beth A. ’96 Utz Joel R. ’87 & Beth Williams College of Business Administration Burke H. Badenhop ’05 Steve & Robin A. ’86 Bracy Thomas A. ’60 & Ann P. ’64, ’79 Buis Keith A. ’79 & Christine A. DeWalt William C. ’69 & Claudia H. Donohue Mark A. ’81 & Marcia A. Ferguson James G. ’81 & Carol A. ’82 Garanich Kurt F. Geisheimer ’72 David L. Jesse ’84 Daniel R. ’72, ’79 & Laura C. ’72, ’77 Keller Diane V. Kerr ’79 Lee A. Lednik ’94 Steven J. Martenet ’88 Mark D. Match ’81 Joseph J. McAleese ’81, ’83 Douglas E. & Jana L. ’87 Miller C. Ray ’74, ’77 & Beverly L. ’76, ’77 Mullins William R. ’77 & Jillane M. ’77 Payne Lane E. ’89 & Kellie Risser James L. ’71 & Becky A. ’70 Rohrs Patrick L. ’74 & Debra D. ’74 Ryan Kenneth E. Schueler ’64, ’66 W. Alan & Amy T. ’86 Shore Michael J. ’88 & Maryrose T. ’87 Sylvester Steven R. Zirkel ’84 College of Education and Human Development Vicky S. Ford ’85 Joann M. Haddad ’76 D. Rosalind Hammond James K. & Nancy S. ’54 Kolpien Judith A. Krueger ’65 Larry L. ’56 & Tricia J. Miles Charles C. ’67 & Christine H. ’68 Ricci Jr. Dale L. ’73 & Harriett D. ’59 Swartzmiller Mary Anne R. Tigges ’49 College of Health and Human Services Kelley C. Recker ’88, ’89 College of Musical Arts Richard P. & Ilana Kennell College of Technology CMC Group Inc. Eugene H. ’55 & Eleanor F. ’55 Harms C. Wayne Unsell

Firelands Laurence A. & Karen Bettcher William K. Balzer & Margaret J. Lockhart George L. Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 Ruth Frost Parker Wayne A. Roesch Jr. ’81, ’06

1910 S o c i e t y The 1910 Society honors the founding year of Bowling Green State University by recognizing donors who contribute annually to the University at the $500-$999 level. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company Abbott Laboratories Fund Sue E. Abshire ’00, ’08 Brian J. ’92 & Emily A. ’92 Acklin Philip J. Adams ’70 Lisa L. Addis Paul J. Adelsperger ’99 Otto Adler John J. Aiello ’80 Diana C. Akridge ’78 Jack B. Albanese ’69 Alcoa Kelly A. Allen ’03 Neal E. ’63, ’67, ’75 & Darlene M. ’69, ’02 Allen Richard J. ’64 & Marsha A. ’64 Ambrose American Campus Communities Inc. Johnel M. Amerson ’03 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation David D. & Lynne E. ’79 Anderson Susan J. Anderson Nancy J. Andrade ’98 H. Frederick Ankerman Jr. ’65 Kwadwo K. Appenteng ’99 Arbor Planning and Management LLC Ferdinand C. ’89 & Marcia K. ’89 Arens IV Argo-Hytos Inc. Richard W. ’67 & Susan Arnold J. Mark Atkins ’86 & Maureen O. O’Leary ’86 Dean E. & Joan M. ’78 Augenstein Auto-Owners Insurance Company Keith L. & Denise E. Avers Phillip F. ’72 & Ann E. ’78 Avina Betty E. Aylsworth ’69 Philip M. ’86 & Ann R. ’88 Baatz Thomas M. ’73 & Nancy M. ’73 Babik Elizabeth M. Bacso ’62 Brian J. Baird ’84 Baker Concrete Construction Larry E. ’71 & Judith B. ’65 Baker Ned E. ’50 & Joanne C. Baker Ball Corporation Michael L. Ball ’87, ’95 Thomas J. ’65, ’69 & Jean S. ’64, ’68 Bamburowski

James A. & Brenda J. Bankey II Stephen P. Baron Kenneth L. ’77 & Nancy L. ’77 Barton J. Robert Bashore Jr. ’49 James K. & Stacy M. ’93, ’00 Beaverson D. John & Dorothy M. ’56 Beck Becker Foundation Lillian Becker Kevin R. Beebee Walter R. Beeker & Patricia J. Huling Rodney S. & Anne G. Belden Lynne & Wayne Bell Bemis Company Foundation Ben Franklin No. 0232 Neal F. ’69 & Margaret M. Benecke Andrew L. Bertoni ’94 Bettcher Industries Inc. Peter R. Bidwell ’78 Big Lot Stores Inc. Thomas J. Bird ’72 Christine A. Bishop ’70 Dolores A. Black ’64, ’76 Joel S. ’84 & Jennifer R. Blackmore Michael D. ’01 & Janna V. Blais Douglas C. ’84 & Melissa Blakely Dennis J. ’61 & Joyce Blue Margaret J. Blume ’55 Gregory P. ’97 & Jennifer M. ’98 Bobak Jr. Susan A. Bobey ’75 Ronald & Gail Boehnlein Thomas L. ’66 & Doreen E. Bollinger Angelene Bonner ’90 David & Sara J. ’89 Boos Lloyd C. & Janice G. Borer Robert W. ’77, ’83 & Ann C. Bortel Roger C. ’73 & Barbara J. Bostdorff Barrie O. Bottorf ’56 Calvin C. M. ’96 & Jennifer J. ’98 Bowers Sarah Bowman Steven W. & Lisa A.P. ’87 Bownas BP Foundation Inc. Mike V. ’77 & Vicki L. Brackman Sr. Steve & Robin A. ’86 Bracy L. Samuel ’67 & Judith Brankel Robert J. Bredbeck ’47 Betty A. Brenner ’73 Carl & Marge Breske Mark D. & Joni L. ’76 Bretz Jane L. Brodt ’77 Per F. Broman & Nora A. Engebretsen-Broman Peter J. & Kristen A. ’89, ’92 Brotzki Robert W. ’88 & Kelly M. Brower Charles F. Brown III ’90 Samuel Adler & Emily F. Brown James W. Brown ’65, ’67 Julian A. Brown ’01, ’04 & Amanda R. Gruber Robert L. Brown Jr. ’78 Stan & Sandy Brown Glenn J. Browne

Debra L. Bruns Kim L. Bucher ’85 Gary & Linda Bugher Heinz Bulmahn Craig E. Burford ’95 Charles R. ’68 & Bonnie B. ’68 Burley Phillip J. Burnette ’61 Gregory K. ’72, ’74 & Rene R. Burns Robert J. Burns Brian K. ’80, ’92 & Sara A. ’80, ’82 Bushong William A. & Carol Butcher Deanna R. Butts ’85 C Joy Foundation David J. Cabala ’66 Steven D. Cady ’76 Richard & Linda M. Canterbury Carolina Biological Supply Company Catawba Island Club Century Marketing Corporation Paul A. ’03 & Lisa M. Cesarini Allan E. & Deborah L. Chamberlin C. Ray ’89 & Michelle ’89 Chandler Jr. John R. & Vanessa K. ’96 Chapman Carroll W. ’47, ’89 & Mabel Cheek Craig E. ’78 & Barbara Cheetwood Chef Duds Inc. Chevron Corporation Dmitar D. Ciganovic ’75 Citizens Bank Allen C. ’63 & Betty A. ’63 Clancy Greg & Lori Clapper John L. Clark Alta B. Codding ’50 William O. Coggin Cold Harbor Building Company Gary L. & Elizabeth S. Cole Collaborative Charities Fund Jim Connelly Christopher Cook ’75 Dianne Cooper The Cooper Family Foundation of the Raymond Cooper Tire & Rubber Company James R. Corbitt William B. & Linda P. Cornell Charles R. ’92 & Lanette S. Cornwell Everett W. ’69 & Cynthia A. Cowles Jr. John C. & Karen Cox Floyd & Charlotte Craft Critical Business Analysis Inc. Albert H. & Sharon L. ’64 Croci Leon J. ’78, ’79 & Susan J. ’03 Cross Eric L. ’86 & Marta A. ’81 Crow David H. ’76 & Beth A. Crowl Jay Crum CSX Good Government Fund PACMatch+ Amy L Cull. ’06 Linda J. Cunningham ’72 The John and Marie Cwik Family Foundation Brian J. D’Aurelio ’96 Edward J. Dagiau ’70

John & Linda L. ’72, ’78 Dahlstrom Matthew L. Daley ’04 William D. ’77 & Beverly J. Dallas Barbara J. Daly ’93 Philip & Dorothea Daniele Donald W. Daniels ’71 Emil ’78 & Donna Dansker Joseph A. Darr ’75 Todd D. Davis Dawson-White Management Inc. Elizabeth C. Day ’52 Dallas & Marie Dean David W. Dellefield ’60 Charlotte Dennison ’57 James G. Denos ’76, ’78 Victor A. ’58 & Mary E. ’58 DeOrio Frank C. ’59 & Beverly E. D’Eramo Mark S. & Elizabeth L. ’95 DeSilvio Douglas R. ’78 & Jean B. DeWitt Dexter Company Jeffrey L. Dey ’83 Christopher DiBenedetto DiBenedetto’s Italian Bistro Fred & Sally M. Dickinson Steven J. ’74 & Lydia A. Diedrich Robert A. & Roberta M. Dimling Family Nancy W. Dipaola ’55 Disher Sheep Farm Robin S. Dodd Timothy A. Dodd ’76 William C. ’69 & Claudia H. Donohue Janese A. Dotterer The Douglas Company The Dow Family Trust William C. & Karen B. ’76 Dow Lori A. Dreyer ’87 Ben & Lois Driver Duke Energy Dunn Funeral Home John P. & Kathy A. ’72 Dunn Timothy R. Dunn ’85 George J. Dunster ’58 E. R. Kuck Foundation Mark A. Earley Mark R. Ebbeskotte ’85 Brian K. Eckstein ’83 Elizabeth A. Eddowes James A. Edwards ’71, ’78 Richard A. & Nadine M. Edwards Stephen W. ’83, ’91 & Kathleen M. Elchert Elf Works Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation James R. ’91, ’93 & Sara C. ’91 Elsasser Nancy Elvers Lynne F. Emery ’56 George P. & Maureen T. Engeler Stephen G. ’07 & Suzanne K. ’72 Engle Paul T. Erford ’08 E.S. Wagner Company Ronald D. ’72 & Marsha A. Eschbach

Essinger Family Living Trust Ronnie G. ’66, ’68 & Barbara J. ’69 Essinger Scott & Kim Ewart David G. Farrand Jr. ’73 Charles W. Fasnaugh ’51, ’53 Vernon H. ’52 & Shirley W. ’51 Fauble Rodney P. Fellows ’69, ’71 Michael R. Ferrari ’91 Robert J. Filipucci ’08 Arthur A. & Debra A. Fink Gaylyn J. ’70, ’84 & Janice L. ’84 Finn FirstEnergy Foundation Harold A.* & W. Elaine Fisher Michael P. & Nancy ’74 Fisher Fisher-Titus Medical Center Robert E. Fletcher ’73 FM Global Foundation Paula D. Fogt ’74 Dermot M. ’92 & Amy J. ’89, ’92 Forde Kathleen M. Fox ’91 Patrick & Kathryn Frakes Francis Wayne Ltd. Eric J. & Cynthia L. ’84 Franklin Robert & Brenda Y. Frazier Norman D. Freund ’76 Kenneth C. & Pamela Frisch Michael J. ’74 & Joan M. Fry Francis C. Furman ’81 John A. Galbraith Everett E. ’83 & Rebecca Gallagher GAP Foundation T. David ’97 & Yolanda A. Garcia Mary L. Gecowets ’60 Mark D. ’90, ’96 & Melinda ’89, ’95 Gedeon Wayne & Melinda Gedeon Ronald & Laura Geiger Terry C. Geisler ’77 General Dynamics Corporation Genoa Bank George Lang & Associates Janice J. Gerda ’04 Friedhelm ’51, ’53 & Celia L. ’52 Gerlach Christa Gillfillan Justin H. ’02 & Jennifer Gillham H. Theodore Groat ’54, ’58 & Peggy C. Giordano Jack E. ’57 & Bonnie L. Giroux Elmer L. & Mavis A. Girten Frank W. ’57, ’75 & Jann G. ’76 Glann GlaxoSmithKline Herbert T. ’72 & Patricia A. Goetschius Laurie Goldberg Paul & Julie Goldner Edward S. & Michelle R. ’96 Goodman Brenda L. Goswick ’69 Fredrick L. Gott ’65 Graduate Council Dennis O. Grady ’74 Janesy S. Gravelin ’74 Patricia M. Gray Gloria Green

John C. & Margaret A. Gregory Dale W. Griffis II ’87 Russell A. ’74, ’76 & Vicky L. ’80 Griggs Margery L. Grimm ’60 Dan & Karen Guba Richard L. ’87 & Kelly A. ’87 Gum Jr. Mearl R. & Lolita Guthrie Joann M. Haddad ’76 Nolan R. ’64 & Sandra L. ’64 Hadix Sue A. Hager Robert A. ’72 & Leann K. ’71 Hall Tom J. ’67, ’69, ’78 & Kay A. ’68, ’86 Hallett David A. ’56 & Nancy L. Hamilton D. Rosalind Hammond Ivan F. Hammond Harvey C. ’68 & M. Colene Hank Sharon A. Hanna Patrick A. ’83 & Sheila A. ’82 Hansford Harlequins Inc. Thomas R. ’68 & Lyn D. ’68 Harmon Paul K. ’57 & Beatrice J. Harnad Charles A. ’64 & Carol M. ’64 Harper Robert J. ’71 & Sandra Harper II David A. Harrison ’83 Richard S. & Dorothea H. Hartley Ronald V. & Judith A. ’82, ’84 Hartley Joseph E. & Linda G. Havranek Thomas R. ’74 & Wendy J. ’72 Headley John F. ’72 & Maryjane M. Heagney William Randolph Hearst Foundation Marcia B. Hebbeler ’56 James B. ’80 & Janet M. Hedrick Robert & Sally Heid Robert B. & Mary L. ’77 Heinaman Bruce L. ’79 & Karen Heldt Jerry B. ’54 & Pauline L. Helwig Richard ’68 & Leslie C. Helwig Thomas E. & Nina L. Hendrix Barbara J. Herbel-Hendricks ’72, ’73 Shelli A. Herman ’90 V. Jean Hersland ’49 Margit Blochova Heskett* Richard V. & Diana S. ’84 Hess Michael B. & Erin M. ’97 Hess Robert W. & Esther B. Hess Wilbur F. & Marilyn R. Hesselbart Richard S. & Rosalee A. ’69 Heyman William C. ’75 & Robin S. Heyne Jr. G. David ’64, ’68 & Elizabeth K. Hicks Jennifer E. Higdon ’86 Kathleen G. Higgins ’59 Nathalie M. Highland ’94, ’97 Peter M. & Janet B. ’84 Hildebrandt Donald T. Hinde Exempt ByPass Trust Larry L. & Julia H. Hipp Charles N. ’73 & Deneen R. Hirsch Mary Ann ’72 & Richard D. Hoare Lee & Sue A. ’85 Hoelscher James E. ’50, ’51 & Claire Hof Steven W. & Cynthia J. ’84 Hoffman



Michael W. ’76 & Lynne E. ’77 Hoffman Paul N. & Kanako S. Hofmann Keith Hofacker Charles B. Smith & Peggie J. Hollingsworth ’71 Richard K. & Nancy J. ’79 Holmes Ronald R. ’55 & Kathleen V. ’55 Holzman Frederick N. Honneffer ’85 Paul & Nadine Hooker Charitable Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Fund Paul J. ’75 & Nadine M. ’74 Hooker Andrea F. Horwatt ’77 Darrel G. Howard ’69 Michael J. ’89, ’96, ’99 & Amy S. Howick Robert L. ’53 & Luella J. ’53 Humbarger Rita K. Hurless ’69 Immucor Gamma Inc. Industrial Power Systems Inc. Inverness Medical Jason T. ’94 & Shirelle E. ’94 Jackson Jean H. Jackson ’73 Martin M. & Leslie L. ’71, ’73 Jan James H. & Liane M. ’67 Jaquillard Zoanna Jenkins Stewart B. Jesse Joe C. Fassett Trust John D. ’83 & Lisa L. Johnson Kenneth Johnson Alta J. Jones ’70 Doresa Jones JP Morgan Chase for Cisco Systems Matching Gift+ Stephen & Barbara A. Kampf Dave L. & Kathleen J. ’85 Kananen John J. Kane IV ’88 Donald R. ’71 & Joann Kantner Paul & Pamela A. ’81 Kaplan Richard N. ’69 & Alicia L. Kappel Jr. Steven A. ’95, ’98 & Mary C. Karr Constance S. Kearns ’84 Kellermeyer Company Patricia R. Kellison ’59 Katherine M. Kelly ’02 David E. ’76, ’81 & Beverly A. Kennedy Betsy A. Kenniston ’79 Mark A. ’85 & Ann E. ’84 Kepke Thomas L. ’68 & Dorothy Kern Mary L. Kieffer ’53 Kiewit Texas Construction LP Sally J. Kilmer Richard C. Kindberg ’79 Patricia M. King Stephen T. King ’74 Jennifer M. Kinsella ’94 Thomas H. ’58 & Evelyn J. Kinstle C. Thomas ’56, ’58 & Judith K. ’61, ’63 Kisselle Richard C. Klein ’54 Donald A. Klise ’78 Patrica L. Klos ’69 Marcia G. Knorek Annetta J. Knull ’41

Barbara H. Koch ’81 Dale A. ’66 & Barbara A. ’66 Koehler Marjorie M. Kohler James H. & Susan M. Konves David J. ’91 & Cindy L. Koontz Gregory A. Korn ’79 Rosemary Kovacs ’68 Thomas C. ’90 & Tanya O. ’93 Koziara Judith A. Krueger ’65 Michael A. Krutsch ’80 Nicholas J. & Maryann ’86 Ksenich Phyllis J. Kuck Edelbert J. & Rose E. ’77 Kuebeck Charles H. & Jane E. ’69 Kuhlman Kuhlman Corporation Todd & Cheryl A. ’85 Kurfess Jon A. Lafferty ’70 Kevin B. Lake Jeffrey L. ’80 & Lisa Lambert Karen A. Landes Revocable Trust George F. ’70 & Susan K. Lang Robert A. LaRiche Karen A. La Rue ’78 Kay E. LaRue ’78 James D. & Dana L. ’87 Lathrop Ronald G. & Arlene A. Layman Brian M. Leaver ’95 Joel Le Captain Dennis M. ’74, ’76 & Mary J. ’73 Lee The Lee Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund David N. ’97 & Sara L. ’97 Lemond Anne E. Leser James W. ’57, ’67 & Margarita K. ’57 Lessig Mitchell & Rhonda Letwin Howard Lewis Jr. John F. ’71 & Maria Lewis Lou Ann Lewis ’49 Patricia M. Lewis ’55 William O. Light ’62 Lincoln Financial Group Foundation Inc. Sam ’71 & Marilyn Litton Bradley E. ’77 & Jennifer S. ’76, ’78 Livingston Lesa L. Lockford Lloyd M. Lohr Linda T. Long ’93 Wesley D. ’73 & Jean R. ’78 Long Jeffrey T. Longwell ’87 Linda R. Lucks Peter & Corrina Lungulow Richard F. Lyman ’79, ’81 Richard A. MacAulay ’70 John W. & Sally E. MacDonell Alexander D. & Martha S. ’73 MacDonell Jr. Sherri L. Macik ’89 Macy’s Inc. Michael A. & Mary L. Magnacca William D. ’74, ’75 & Sherrie I. Manson Neil P. Marcous ’70 Mark Gillfillan Scholarship Fund

Kenneth E. Markley ’61 Lee M. ’80, ’83 & Theresa B. ’84, ’89 Markowitz Philip E. Markowitz ’79 Virginia Marks Michael T. Marsden ’72 Marsh and Marsh Daniel J. ’89 & Rebecca J. ’90 Martello Scott J. ’73 & Ginger G. Masters Karen M. Mathews ’81 Richard A. ’70 & Kendra C. Maxwell David L. ’77, ’78 & Teresa M. ’79 May Irene M. May ’63 Judith J. May ’83, ’97 Roger G. ’73, ’75 & Martha T. ’95 Mazzarella Stacey A. McAuley ’04 Lee W. ’69 & Karen L. McClelland Jeanette S. McCracken ’38 Stephen N. & Joan R. McEwen Gerald L. McGill William D. ’81 & Althea McLaury Robert G. ’60, ’63 & Sonya R. McLean Penny W. McMorris ’78 Philip & Nancy McNayr Robert A. ’73, ’75 & Rebecca K. ’74 McOmber Donald H. McQuarie Douglas W. ’76 & Ann L. ’80, ’82 McVey Nancy Meadows ’71 Michael & Frances L. Medders Sr. Charles M. ’83 & Eileen M. ’84, ’98 Meisler Eugene H. & Betty A. Meisler John S. ’57 & Cynthia M. Meloy Don M. Metzger Susan Metzger James F. ’67 & Barbara K. ’67 Meyer Steven R. Meyer Michigan International Speedway Frank L. ’47 & Patricia H. ’48 Miesle Michael A. ’65 & Kay E. ’63 Miesle Cynthia L. Miglietti ’94 Thomas O. ’68 & Jane A. Milbrodt Carolyn J. Miller ’64, ’66 Frederick D. & Kathryn Miller Jr. Glenn E. Miller Jr. ’71 Michael G. Miller ’69 Raymond M. & Margaret E. Miller Jr. Josie L. Milliken Dana S. & Valerie L. Minor Michael J. ’77, ’82, ’84 & Judith M. ’77 Moody Matt & Meredith L. ’97, ’01 Moon Shaun W. Moorman ’00 Arlene M. Moosman Craig W. ’68 & Carol Morton Maury G. Mountain III ’03 Susan P. Mucciarone ’79 George M. Muehlhauser Munchkin Book Shop Myrtle Muntz ’59 Eric D. ’73, ’75 & Linda Myers Jane B. Myers ’92, ’96 Kermita A. Myers ’69

Nicholas D. ’96 & Nicole K. ’96, ’04 Myers Sarah K. Myers ’78, ’95 Sue A. Naso ’88 National Machinery Foundation Inc. NCR Corporation Foundation Douglas C. & Suzanne E. Neckers Douglas A. ’79 & Nancy A. ’81 Newcom New-Com Inc Eric W. Nichols Richard P. Nielson ’70 Chad D. ’95 & Jill R. ’95 Niswonger Nordson Corporation Ernest J. Novak Jr. ’69 Norman K. Nunamaker ’59 John C. ’78 & Debbie L. O’Brock Coanne E. O’Hern ’76 Thomas A. ’73 & Pamela W. Obermyer OCP Contractors Otto G. & Betty L. Ocvirk Andrew P. Ogg ’56 Ohio Contractors Association Joseph A. Oravecz Paula M. O’Reilly ’93 Richard D. Orr ’72 Jan L. ’74, ’76 & Marcie J. ’89 Osborn William & Ann E. ’74 Otley Denise C. Ottinger ’75, ’90 P. Flanigan and Sons Inc. PA Soccer School LLC Mukund Padmanabhan ’99 Marcus V. ’99 & Katie Palmer Carolyn M. Panigutti ’72 Karen A. Papanek ’60 Theodore O. ’77 & Debra L. Passig Jr. Micheal J. Paulus ’97 The Pease Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Connie W. Pelton ’67 Frederick D. Pepple ’75 Perstorp Inc., Toledo Laura M. Peskin Michael J. Petee ’82 Steven C. ’76 & Carol L. ’77 Peter John A. Peters ’84 Gregory A. Peterson ’72 Peterson Thermal Equipment Pfizer Foundation Ronald A. & Ann L. ’67 Pizzuti Barbara J. Plymesser Hans R. & Cynthia S. ’76 Poehlmann James E. Ponstingle ’65 Julie M. Pontasch ’79 Jay S. & Michelle L. S. ’80 Poole Brenda M. Pope ’77 Christopher J. ’86 & Adriana S. Potter Artina R. Powell ’49 James M. ’75 & Johanna C. ’81 Powers Practical Guide Publishing Clark A. ’76 & Carol M. ’74 Price William J. Primrose Jr. ’42

Randy & Kimberly Proehl John S. Prout ’72 Michael C. & Sarah Prout Doreen A. Quinn ’60 Vitomir M. Raguz ’86 & Barbara Novosel Clifford T. & Kay F. ’56, ’58 Raines Ramsey Partners Scott D. ’84 & Susan A. ’86 Rankin Carolyn J. Rasmus ’59, ’63 Robert D. & Karen R. ’91 Rast Jr. Helene L. Rathbun ’61, ’63 Richard R. Rawson ’87, ’90 Ray’s Stateline Market Inc. Raytheon Company Norman H. Recla Ronald D. ’95 & Melanie A. Redd Gary L. Reed ’70 Stephen C. ’69 & Sandra J. ’72 Reed Richard W. Reeder ’83 Reef Runner Tackle Company Inc. J. Alec & Sandy Reinhardt J. Alec & Sandra M. Reinhardt Family Fund of the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation Rod & Sally Reinink Maxine Reiter Ronald G. Reitz ’71 Richard & Julie Retzinger James & Judy H. ’77 Rhode Jacob E. Rice ’88 Maxine A. Rideout ’58 Charles A. & Martha A. ’81 Rini Lane E. ’89 & Kellie Risser David A. ’67, ’69 & Patricia D. ’69, ’98 Ritchey Robert C. Savage & Susan M. Savage Charles M. Roberts ’76 Les Roberts Thomas S. ’73, ’75 & Amy M. Robinson Eric Rolf Fred J. ’49, ’51 & Janet Rolf Paul F. ’66 & Linda L. Rolf Jr. Jerome F. & Laurie Rom Romanoff Electric Co LLC Kurt M. ’82 & Christine L. ’80 Ronn James H. ’86 & Jeannine Roof Nancy A. Rooney ’58 Jeffrey M. Roope ’93 Richard E. ’57 & Caryl H. Rose William A. ’84, ’91 & Karen A. ’84 Rose James M. Rosenfelder L. Michael ’74 & Carol E. ’78 Spang Brian L. ’79 & Annette M. ’79 Rostetter Howard G. ’81, ’83 & Lori J. ’80 Rothstein Betty L. Rowe ’95 Stephen A. ’91, ’93 & Kelly L. ’94 Rudin John E. ’50 & Mary M. ’48 Rudolph James J. ’56 & Doris A. ’75 Ruehl Sr. Brian J. & Laurie L. Ruel Anthony Ruggiero ’63 Christopher M. Rump Allen L. & Kathryn S. ’72 Rupp

Deborah B. Russell ’91 Ronald L. Russell Dean F. Rust ’65 Frances L. Sakola ’57 Richard M. ’59 & Virgina A. ’59 Salchow Sandusky Elks Charitable Foundation Sandusky/MCO Area Health Myrl & Freida Sauder Robert C. & Susan M. Savage Jerome N. Scanlan ’65 Anthony J. & Elizabeth A. ’92 Schaffeld James F. ’00 & Janelle M. ’00 Schaller II Thomas A. & Terri L. Schaller Donald W. & Charlotte L. Scherer Donald S. ’71 & Toni A. ’72 Scherzer Roger & Kam Schick Michael R. ’72 & Karen Schmidt Sharon L. Schnarre ’76 Bernard P. ’66, ’68 & Sandra K. ’69 Schneider Jr. Dennis E. ’81 & Sandra L. ’82 Schneider Terry & Lori Schneider Charles P. ’78 & Susan Y. ’80, ’82 Schoonover
Michael A. ’87 & Donna J. ’84, ’98 Schuessler Wesson E. & Janie A. ’71 Schultz Gary K. & Suzan S. ’75 Schumacher Richard W. Schurk & Laurel Delia-Schurk Peter R. Schwartz ’92 Sandra E. Scott ’63 William M. Scovell Jr. Richard E. Selgo Jr. ’75, ’77 Michele L. Senlikci ’95 Dorsey & Kay A. Sergent Shelly Companies William J. ’81, ’83 & Mary A. Shelt Sandra J. Sherwood ’86 Hyman*, Robert & Solomon Shiff David F. Shine ’75 Thomas L. Sholl ’82 Jeffrey Shore ’75 Michael S. & Karen Showell Michael L. Shrider ’74 John W. Sampen & Marilyn S. Shrude Arlyss M. Shuster ’56 David J. ’74 & Sheila Sigler II William E. ’80 & Jonelle C. Simmons James A. & Tina L. Simon Carol M. Skutnik ’86 Richard H. Sleeman ’76 James A. ’78 & Kathleen A. ’77 Sluzewski Mark C. Smilor ’94 Beth E. Smith ’93, ’98 Bruce W. & Deborah S. Smith Carolyn A. Smith ’65 Dollie Smith Mary M. Smith ’55 Paul H. Smith ’54, ’55 Larry M. ’70, ’72 & Ida Snavley Eldon E. & Peggy Snyder Holly J. Snyder ’02, ’03 Lisa A. Soboslai ’83

Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center Sogeti USA LLC Charles M. & Judith A. ’68, ’95 Sommers Nathan J. ’95, ’00 & Catherine P. ’95, ’96 Sorg Harold & Rosalie Spallinger Richard L. & Anita Speer Robert E. & Linda C. Spitler James S. & Carrol J. Spitnale Springfield & Clark County Steven C. & Cheryl T. ’73 Sprinkle Chris ’88 & Cynthia A. Spurio Janis L. Squier ’74 John J. ’82 & Christina A. ’81 Stammen Scott M. Stanley ’79 & Nancy J. Reddin ’79 Jon E. ’83, ’85 & Maureen L. Stansbery James H. & Reta B. ’59, ’61 Stark State Auto Insurance Companies State Historical Society of North Dakota Joyce Statz Viorel J. ’51 & Anna J. Stefan Charles S. Steffel ’75 David B. & Nancy Steiner David D. Steller ’61 Anthony Q. ’01 & Maryann F. ’80 Steward Claire M. ’50 & Kathryn H. ’51 Stewart Jr. John B. ’91 & Kathy Stone John & Joan Stoner Thomas A. Strickland Jr. Victoria W. Sulken James A. & Jean E. ’87 Sullivan Burdette E. Sunderman ’73, ’77 Gary D. ’86, ’88 & Susan M. ’86, ’90 Swegan William L. & Georganne P. Syler Robert A. ’61 & Carol A. ’64 Taller Sharon K. Tanji ’71 Taylor A. Tanner Jack A. ’85 & Janet V. Taylor Jr. Victor F. & Ingeborg L. ’59 Tekanic Jr. Matt D. ’89 & Laura Telfer Susan K. Telljohann ’80 Josip & Tonia E. Terebuh Nancy Terpening ’73 Lavon & Martha Thieroff Ronald L. Thompson Toledo Drywall Supply Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club Jerry J. & Marlene Tomko John & Marilyn Toner Marilyn J. Toscano Michael Trbovich ’53 James N. ’69 & Eva Tschantz Charles Tubbs James Tucker Jr. ’57 Daniel J. & Jo A. Tutolo Arthur P. ’80, ’81 & Elaine S. ’83, ’84 Tuttle Richard D. Rowlands & Eileen M. Underwood The Union Bank Company Kristine T. Utterback ’72 Kacy B. Vander Horst Louis & Gloria ’75 Vanderhorst

VanLokeren Family Fund of the Fidelity Gift Fund James E. & Penny S. ’69, ’84 Van Vlerah Sr. John C. & Judy Vas Russell A. & Janice L. Veitch James M. Velayas ’77 Vernon & Ann M. ’68 Vick Michael Von Stein Trust S. Michael Von Stein ’71, ’74 Sherrie E. Voyles ’87 James S. & Lillian D. ’72 Wakeley David P. & Nicole A. Cheon ’93 Wanner Larry & Rebecca Warns Judith E. Watson ’64 Ronald R. ’76 & Debra R. Watts Douglas O. Wayland ’78, ’82 Anonymous WBGU The C.P. and Evelyn J. Weaver Fund of the FindlayHancock County Community Foundation Evelyn J. Weaver Creighton J. & Kimberly S. Weber Daryl M. ’72 & Catherine C. ’71, ’73 Wedwick Beverly J. Wehr ’59 J. Daniel Wehrle Craig T. Weigand ’82 Wayne R. Weilnau Jr. ’82, ’84 Bill L. ’69, ’71 Weis & Marilyn J. ’71 Roy David E. Weiskittel ’75 Wellpoint Foundation West Park Place Bertil H. ’87 & Jill M. ’85 Westin Ralph C. ’69 & Peggy L. ’69 Whalen John D. ’74 & Lorilee M. ’74 Wheeler Phillip M. ’53 & Beverly B. ’51 White Jr. Dennis & Linda L. ’79 White Don & Carolyn Whitmore Matthew T. & Rebecca B. Whittico Ninette M. Widman ’95 Paul L. ’84 & Jan E. ’82 Wilkin William Madison Randall Library University of North Carolina at Wilmington Cort J. Williams ’81 Ellen U. Williams ’64, ’77, ’09 Richard A. & Kay A. Williamson Sr. Clyde R. Willis Beverley Wilson Debbie Wilson John T. & Tena J. Wilson Armour C. Winslow Lynne Wintersteller-McGrath Patricia L. Wise Norman J. & Karen C. Wishart WKYC-Cleveland Richard W. Wolfe ’59 Robert G. ’89 & Laura Wolverton II Janet S. Womack ’79 Wood County Apartment Association Jane Krone ’63, ’69 & Peter H. Wood M. Lynne ’66 & Mary A. Wood Jeffrey & Deanna D. ’94 Woodhouse Larry R. ’70 & Denise A. Wooten


Alex K. ’06 & Kristen A. ’07 Wright Andrew B. Wright ’60 Cameron L. ’03 & Jessica A. ’03 Wright Wright Family Living Trust Wright Tire and Auto LLC WSOS Community Action Commission Inc. Joshua T. Wymer ’01 Xavier University Xerox Corporation Gordon K. ’78 & Sue A. ’73 Yahney Koko & Margie Yamashiro Trust D. Bruce Young ’76 Loraine J. Young Brian M. & Kerry A. Zarembski Anne C. Zartman ’53 Jeffrey A. & Laurel E. ’95 Zawodny Neil R. Zechman David E. ’83 & Gianna R. Zeh Zimmerman Paint Contractors Co. KarenSue Zoeller ’66 Darrel & Mary Lou Zuercher

Freddie & Frieda Society The Freddie and Frieda Society named for the Falcon mascots, recognizes those donors who contribute $250$499 annually. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company


James & Sharon R. Abel Thomas D. ’80 & Debra J. Abrahamson Ace Hardward Linda Achinger Susan E. Adamchak ’79 The Susan E. Adamchak Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Lisa M. Adams-Gibbons ’90 Alan Adler ’59 A.J. Stockmeister Inc. Akzo Nobel Incorporated William & Debbie Albin Evelyn Albrecht Chris S. Allen ’84 L. Allenbaugh Steven A. ’77 & Christine J. Allt Nelson E. & Laura A. Almond James C. & Katharine M. ’81 Althans Alvada ACI Construction Company Inc. American Agricultural Assets LLC American College of Real Estate Lawyers American Family Insurance American Frame’s Alliance Program Anderson, Idczak & Konesky Inc. Jerry W. & Teri L. Anderson Mitchell P. & Norma J. Anderson Sidney E. Anderson ’74

Donna M. Andrew ’91, ’92 Donald L. Anspaugh ’77 Frank E. & Sharon R. Antoun Archbold Vocal Music Boosters Thomas J. & Jan L. ’78 Arminio Andrea C. Arney Lindsay M. Arney William L. ’74 & Ann C. ’75, ’77 Arnold Gary & Barbara Asmus Paul A. ’56 & Janice I. ’57 Atkinson Kevin D. ’96 & Kori M. ’98, ’08 Atwood Jerome W. & Kimberly J. ’85 Aubel Auto Charge & Start Avery Dennison Engineered Films Plants Megan K. Ayers ’98 Diane S. Aylsworth ’00 Tami Babcock James R. & Judith A. ’74, ’76 Backes Glenn A. Badenhop Gerald A. Denk & Selma F. Baharoglu ’85, ’86 Pam Bailey Thomas J. Baird ’80 Walter E. & Esther B. ’4 4 Baker Bobbi Jo Balaschak ’95 Brian R. ’86 & Karla B. ’87 Ball Wanda V. Ball ’98 Susan J. Ballard ’05 Robert A. ’68, ’69 & Mary E. Bardwell Michael D. ’90 & Heather Barley Carl A. Barnard ’69 Barnes & Noble Bookstore Barnets Inc. Robert E. ’41 & Mary E. ’42 Barnett Cynthia A. Barnett-Shelby ’69, ’71 Norma J. Barr Eileen M. Bartolomucci ’71 Ramit K. Basi ’98, ’01 Pasquale Basile ’69 Matthew M. & Kristen K. ’97, ’99 Batcho Robert D. ’52 & Thelma M. Battershell Stephen M. & Trina A. Bauer Randy ’81 & Janine K. ’83 Baughman Roena Bayes ’49 Maureen L. Bayless ’72, ’74 Cynthia J. Beane The Beane Family Foundation Hugh A. ’76 & Vicki Beattie Garth D. ’62 & Lynda L. ’63 Beatty Barbara J. Beaver James & Katherine Behm David L. ’90 & Elizabeth A. Bell Dan & Karen Bellino Craig & Bonita G. ’84 Bembry Louis M. ’08 & Mary E. Benedict Dennis J. Berger ’68 Dan Best Thomas Ray & Patricia L. ’67 Best Bowling Green Pediatric Dental Group Yezdi K. ’65 & Perviz Y. Bhada Dale E. & Josephine G. Bichsel

Norman A. & Mary C. ’63, ’65 Bidlack Robert P. ’60 & Linda L. Bigelow Prasad B. Bikkani ’83 Gail M. Billet ’78 Marlene Bireley ’57 Richard N. ’49 & Mildred B. Bishop Wanda M. Biskup Ronald D. ’60 & Linda Blackledge Velma L. Blackmon ’79 Thomas R. ’68 & Andrea L. Blaha Gary J. ’68, ’71 & Carrie Blair Charles F. ’73 & Becky Blank James P. ’56 & Nadine Blank Robert P. Blatnick ’89 Lyle Blausey Allen R. ’70, ’74 & Joyce E. Blem Roger J. ’73 & Barbara Blem Wiley W. Blevins ’87 Lois A. Blinn ’62, ’67 Elizabeth Block Gary J. ’62 & Sandra S. Bloomfield William J. Blystone ’83 & Dorothy J. KernBlystone ’74, ’76 Lawrence P. & Cynthia T. ’74 Bobash David L. ’82 & Linda Bockbrader Thomas E. & Linda B. ’78, ’81, ’84 Bodnar Catherine S. Boette ’80 Bruce & Cheryl Bohner Richard L. Bolander ’57 Joyce Bolling Thomas W. Boltz ’65, ’67 Andrew C. ’95 & Heather L. ’95 Bonser Jeffery A. ’77, ’78 & Mary A. ’77, ’79 Born Mike & Cindy Boso Bosse Financial Services Michael & Patricia Bott Clifton P. & Judy Boutelle Anna Bowers Gordon A. ’68 & Lynne Bowman Joan Bowman Michael W. Bowman ’86 Karis A. Box ’71 Joe S. & Rhoda ’70 Boyer Jeffrey P. ’80 & Jennifer S. ’81 Brachok Carole A. Bradford Charles R. & Sandra L. ’63 Brading Jennifer S. Braid ’83 Rebecca J. Brandt ’82 Rosetta A. Brantley Richard R. J. & Bethany E. ’00 Brasser J. David & Susan A. ’67 Bratton Lisa M. Braun ’87 Jay A. Bray ’00 Steven M. ’74 & Suzanne E. ’79 Breithaupt William A. ’79 & Robyn L. ’83 Brenner Charles & Lisa A. ’95 Bresler Scot A. Bressler ’81, ’83 Thomas A. & Ruth E. Bressler Stephen L. & Marcia K. ’77 Bresson Jason A. Brewer ’00

Gregg A. & Connie L. Brighton Robert D. & Rosalie M. Brockway Robert K. Brodberg ’76, ’78 Geraldine M. Brombacher ’57 Donald E. ’74 & Karen S. ’71 Brooks Jr. Fred E. Broud ’83 Paul L. Brousil Jr. ’92 August R. ’51 & Grace E. Brown Bruce E. Brown ’83 David Brown Donald & Sharon Brown Donald R. Brown ’82 Harold A. Brown ’72 Trent A. Brown ’99 & Nancy J. Kross ’99 Karen S. Brubaker ’70, ’72 Michael J. ’84 & Danielle Bruning Robert F. & Joanne M. Bruning Earl J. & Alice Bruns John J. ’68 & Marcia M. Buckenmyer James A. ’73 & Donna K. Budde Roger D. ’68 & Lana K. ’69 Buehrer Julie K. Buffenbarger ’87, ’93 Steven K. Buhr ’79 Joan Bulley Chris C. Burch ’66 Harry D. Burger Donna D. Burgy William M. ’89, ’90 & Amy Y. ’92 Burns Mark I. ’77 & Nora L. ’78 Burton Terry L. ’92 & Julie A. Burton Rebecca J. Busch ’64 Robert & Joan D. Callecod Donald M. Callen Henry Cammann Stephen & Tavane Cammarn Chuck E. ’82 & Jerilyn K. Campbell James W. Cannon ’94 Robert E. Cape DVM Trust Capital One Services LLC Anthony R. Caracciolo Ralph J. & Rainelle M. Carducci David L. & Donna J. ’63 Carlson Edgar T. & Shirley S. ’67 Carlson Roland D. & Marjorie S. Carlson Robert G. ’67 & Marilyn V. ’67 Carney David K. Carr Timothy K. & Jill A. ’76 Carr Jennifer L. Carroll ’88 John H. ’88, ’90, ’00 & Polona K. Carson Jr. Carol S. Carter ’58 Carter Lumber Carty Rentals Brian H. Case Living Trust James Cash Marc A. & Marcie L. ’76 Cassaro Joseph A. Catanese ’49 Hugh T. & Irene F. Caumartin M. Lynne Cavanagh Calvin D. ’64 & Dianne R. ’67 Caywood CBS Television Distribution

James J. ’69 & Janet H. ’69, ’86 Cellio Stephen S. Chang L. Travis & Virginia A. Chapin Charles Construction Services John A. ’54 & Elaine Cheney Sue E. Chidley ’81 Sidney R. ’90, ’93 & Beth Childs Kevin & Leslie Christensen Joseph & Lynne A. Christopher R. Max ’71 & Janet L. ’72 Church Jr. Cintas Corporation The Citizens National Bank Cynthia Clark ’64 Jacquelyn A. Clark ’67 John W. Clark ’82, ’85 Roland L. & Marilyn Clark John C. & Sue A. ’60 Clark Thomas F. & Nancy Clarkson Allen & Marcy Clever Marcia Cloninger Margaret L. Close Robert L. & Sue D. ’56, ’58 Clover Kevin M. Clyde ’01 Clyde-Findlay Area Credit Union Lewis Coble Cornelius R. P. & Patricia K. Cochrane Jr. Darin R. & Jean A. ’02, ’05 Coffield Joel L. ’06 & Allison M. ’05 Coffman Lisa A. Coffman ’82 Alan L. Cohen & Susan E. Brodt Thomas J. ’60, ’62 & Shirley A. Colaner Jennifer Collins Stephen F. Comen ’85 Community Foundation of Louisville Depository Francis W. & Doris Como Robert D. Conley D. Frederick & Mary ’98 Connor Construction Process Solutions LLC Thomas Conte Jared N. Contrascere ’09 Alfred C. & Marvelene E. Cook David L. & Holly A. Cook Dianne C. Cook Douglas & Sharla M. Cook Ryan D. Cook ’02 Chris Cooley Dale M. ’75 & Christine A. ’77 Cooper Ronald J. Core ’74 Cynthia G. Corkill ’87 Frank R. & Mary J. Cosiano Marna E. Cousino David & Jane Cowan Richard L. Cowan John & Kay Cox Karen K. Craigo ’00 David M. ’75 & Gayle R. ’65 Cratty Jeffrey S. ’85 & Carrie B. ’85, ’98 Crawford Ronald G. & Paula R. Creed The Crescent News Zaiga Cress ’69

Timothy R. Croak James L. Cromwell ’64 Robert C. & Joanna J. ’66 Cronin Cathy L. Croninger ’71 Jeff S. & Peg I. Crow R. Dale & Beverly K. ’64 Crowe William T. & Denice A. ’73 Culbertson C. Thomas & Cheryl S. ’78 Culbreth The Culinary Vegetable Institute Christopher P. ’79 & Elizabeth Cullis Donald A. ’54 & Nancy A. ’57 Cully Phyllis & Robert Cunningham Timothy & Francine Cunningham Robert L. & Sheila K. Cupples Vicki E. Curry ’79 Milo R. ’73 & Judith C. ’73 Curtiss John A. Cusher ’66 Linda A. Dailey ’86 Matthew A. Damicone ’90 Vernet E. & Virginia Damon Kevin R. Diels ’76, ’78 & Jane M. Damschroder ’78 Robert L. ’59 & Joyce C. Damschroder Alexand Danelski Robert D. & Sharon K. ’66 Daniels Susan Daniels Danis Building Construction Company Ted & Carol E. Darbyshire Kenneth J. ’65 & Judith A. ’68 Darcy Chryse Dascoulias ’75, ’77 James S. ’65, ’67 & Sandra W. Davis Jr. Paul T. Davis Richard G. ’54 & Barbara R. Davis Lori A. Davison ’84 Richard & Elizabeth Day Days Inn Deary Sisters Inc. dba Deary’s Gymnastics Carl J. Debevec ’68 Carl J. Decator ’71 Scott M. & Cynthia M. ’94 Deevers Defiance College William & Robin Deline Kenneth G. A. & Karen K. ’64 DeMatteo Stephen H. Demuth & Susan L. Brown Sandra Denn Dennell Service Inc. William R. Midden & Mary J. Dennis ’90 Kenneth M. ’90 & Phyllis A. Dennison Lois A. Derrough ’60 Lynn H. Deuitch ’82 Douglas D. ’84 & Annette M. Dewar Robert H. & Patricia S. ’54 Dewine Jr. Diana L. Ficken Trust Robert Dick James D. Dickey ’77 Dorothy Didier Robin P. Diedrich ’81 & Mary Ann K. Dyka ’84 Terry J. ’70 & Karen E. Dillon Terrence M. Diluciano ’85 Albert L. Diringer ’62 Robert B. ’61 & Elvira R. Disbennett

District Petroleum Products Debralee Divers Mark H. & Kathleen M. Dixon Linda S. Dobb Jane C. Dolby-Clinard ’72 Dominion Foundation Steve & Meloni A. ’74 Donahue Donley’s Donovan Enterprises Robert B. & Judith A. ’89 Dosher Eric S. & Colleen M. ’89 Doshna Dow Chemical Company Foundation Dow Corning Corporation William Draeger Alan K. ’76 & Mary A. Draves David L. ’77 & Stacey A. ’86, ’97 Dudley Laura L. Duff ’81 Rose M. Duffy Gene Dugan Roger L. & Charlotte A. ’72 Duncan John M. ’72 & Anita Dunipace Michael J. & Mary L. Dunipace Marvin W. Dunn ’63 Edward A. Duplaga ’76, ’77 Edward L. ’73 & Linda A. ’73 Dye Robert F. Dyer ’66, ’68 James W. ’55 & Barbara J. ’80 Dysinger E Entertainment Television Dennis & Kathy A. East II Michael E. ’75 & Paulett ’75 Eberhart Randall R. ’75 & Lucinda L. ’75 Ebling Ebony Construction Co. Inc. Robert & Virginia Eckardt John H. & Bonnie L. ’68, ’75 Eddy Thomas E. & Carla H. ’86 Eisenloffel James D. ’70 & Kay W. ’70 Eiting Wilfred Ellis Salim A. & Beverly A. Elwazani Halle L. Emser The Enclave Elwood J. & Harriet L. ’61 Ensor Mark K. ’85 & Kerry L. ’85, ’87 Eppley Cynthia I. Erchenbrecher ’83 Bruce D. ’78, ’81 & Susan F. Erenkrantz David & Suzanne M. ’90 Estvanko David R. Eva ’82 Donald L. & Deborah Everhardt Randall H. Evers ’85 Dean & Sharon Eyerly William K. Eynon ’58, ’60 Jay M. & Susan A. ’82 Ezzone Robert F. ’71 & Dea A. Fair Jr. Arturo J. ’75 & Maryann A. ’76 Falco Richard J. & Ann Falkner Rick L. & Martha S. Fansler Warren D. Fauver ’74, ’76 Robert J. ’50 & Alberta L. Fawcett Mary Jane Fay Gregory C. Fenda ’71 James Fenton

Barbara Ferguson David L. ’71 & Brenda S. Ferguson Paula Ferguson Joseph R. Fetzer ’88, ’00 Diana L. Ficken ’64 Jerrold A. Fields ’75 Fifth Third Bank Fin/Con Associates Inc. Findlay Hearing Aid Center Inc. Crystal Finfrock Kenneth L. ’62, ’64 & Patricia A. Fink William G. ’70 & Gwen E. ’71 Fischer Beverly A. Fisher ’73 Doris E. Fisher James E. ’79 & Judy L. ’79 Fisher Stanleigh K. ’51 & Gertrude E. Fisk Helen C. Fitch ’65 Michael & Roselyn M. ’86 Flannigan David L. ’76 & Deborah L. Fleitz Robert F. & Kimberly J. ’07 Fleshman Joanne Fletcher ’75 Todd A. Flichel ’88, ’96 Che P. ’77 & Amy Y. Fok George E. ’72 & Linda F. Forbes Dale R. ’70 & Nancy L. ’70 Fordham Allen C. Foster ’48 David A. & Sandra J. ’83 Foster Donald F. & Linda J. Fox Jill Fox Carissa A. Frame ’04 Richard & Tamra L. Frank Samuel R. & Marilyn Frank Samuel R. Frank Trust Kathleen M. Fraze ’73 Jeffry A. ’85 & Alison C. Frederick Fremont City Board of Education Magdalena Munitz Fribley ’85 Robert S. Frick William & Lynette Fricke Robert M. & M. Kathleen ’67 Friedler Robert A. Frink ’68 Karen A. Fronczak ’79 Susan P. Frost ’95 Marc W. ’80 & Karen S. Fruth Janice G. Fuller ’70 Lawrence M. ’76 & Mary E. ’76 Furman Simeon D. Furman ’99 Thomas C. Furman ’77 G.A. Wintzer & Son Company Dennis A. ’72 & Carol A. ’78 Gable William A. ’72 & Bonnie Gaeth Carol L. Gaetjen ’59 Joseph Galano ’77 Charles E. ’70 & Elizabeth L. Gallagher William H. & Janet A. ’68, ’72 Gamble Lenann M. Gardner ’73 Ronald J. ’65, ’71 & Sharon L. ’65, ’90, ’05 Gargasz Ryan D. ’90 & Julia G. Garlitz April L. Garrett ’00, ’04 Matthew R. Garrison ’08



Kevin M. & Rebecca J. ’74 Garry Allen Gaspar Clint W. Gault ’01 Norman A. & Lorna J. Geesey General Mills Foundation Rick D. ’77 & Linda A. Gerdeman Mary Gerhard Brandon M. Gibbons ’00 Geoffrey C. Howes & Christen A. Giblin ’98 Shirley J. Gibson ’65 Diane Giddens Jon R. Giganti ’98 Gilbane Building Company John F. Gildea ’74 Richard W. ’68 & Sandra L. ’81 Gill Brian C. & Mary E. ’90 Gillespie Mary Ellen Gillespie Janet M. Gillette ’66 Michael J. Ginsburg Larry D. ’70 & Kathy A. Glasmire John C. ’93 & Linda J. ’73 Glaviano Catherine Glemser Global Impact for Cardinal Health Foundation Global Impact for Pitney Bowes Employee Match+ Ronald & Lisa Goble Tammy M. Gocial ’89 William R. ’53 & Virginia O. Goedde Arthur L. ’63 & Judy Gold Kimberlie L. Goldsberry ’90, ’92 Nancy Goldsmith Eugene & Laurie ’84 Gombash Jr. Larry Goodman Wayne R. Goodman Harrold W. & Marilyn J. Goodnight Gordon Group Insurance Agency Stewart M. Gordon ’72 John M. ’77 & Judith A. ’77 Gore Charles R. ’69 & Linda J. ’69 Gossett Michael A. ’81 & Sheila J. Gottron Karen S. Graf ’75, ’02 Jeffrey E. Gralak Janice A. Granecki ’76 The David L. Grassbaugh Trust Rose Gravel Andrea M. Graziano ’05 Ethel C. Green ’63 Richard D. & Deborah Green Steven A. Green ’90 Allyn R. Greenberg ’59 Bradley S. ’56 & Delight A. ’59 Greenberg Brigitte L. Green-Churchwell ’02, ’04, ’07 Jeffrey & Sally Greer Gary W. ’71 & Elaine E. Gregg E. R. & Martha E. ’63 Gregory Jr. Timothy J. & Susan R. ’81 Grell Soultana Grether John & Diana Griffin Maribeth Griffin ’83 Matthew T. ’98 & Jennifer L. Grimes Tyloret Grimwood

Michael P. ’73 & Donna R. ’72, ’74 Grone Thomas E. & Debra A. Gross Robert W. & Karen L. ’74 Grove Jeff & Lori L. Grover Marcie A. Gschwind ’50 Laenett Guilford Robert M. & Emily Guion William & Sandra Gunlock Nancy J. Haas ’73 Paul F. Haas Revocable Trust David B. Buchanan & Merrianne Hackathorn ’71, ’73 Edward A. ’71 & Mary J. ’71 Hadaway Darrin G. ’87 & Nancy C. ’88 Haddad Gregory A. Hadley ’85 Hageman Family Foundation Kent Hageman Judith K. Hagemann Fred D. ’74, ’84 & Deborah J. ’74, ’78 Hagemeyer Michael P. Hailer ’90 Milton D. & Lee E. Hakel Robert N. Hall II ’96 Joseph Halter John S. ’83 & Jean W. ’83 Hamilton David A. ’02 & Tiffany K. Hammack Hancock County ADAMHS Board Paul F. ’73 & Sheba A. ’74 Haner Jodi J. Haney Harold M. & Linda S. Hanna Kay Pugh ’77 & Kraig Hanneman Robert P. Hanrahan ’56, ’59, ’71 Vernon C. ’64 & Rebecca L. ’63 Hansen Sr. Brent A. Harden ’84 Sherry Harden Thomas A. & Jo Anne Harker Edward & Kristy Harper John M. & Sharon E. ’71 Harpootlian Megan E. Harriel ’91 James E. ’71 & April L. ’75 Harris Julie A. Harris ’90 Paul T. Harris & Nicole A. ’02 Valek Harris Ramona Harris Rodney & Karen Harris Rodney C. Harris ’76, ’80 Samuel F. ’85 & Rebecca M. Harris Dawn M. & Charles D. Hart James L. ’81, ’83 & Cynthia A. ’81 Harter Ted L. ’72 & Phyllis E. Hartwell John B. ’94 & Patricia E. Harvey Russell C. & Diana M. ’69 Hastler Barry W. & Peggy L. ’77 Hawkins Larry L. ’66 & Carol J. ’66 Hawkins Eugene R. & Judith A. Haworth Sandy Hayton David T. ’94 & Rebecca Hayward Ronald H. Heames ’65 Mary B. Hearns ’92 Amy R. Heaston ’82 Richard W. ’72 & Margaret R. Heck Jack L. ’56, ’58 & Linda T. ’58 Hecker Michael R. ’81 & Laurie B. Heifner

Deb Heinfeld Arlene A. Heisler ’51 Steven V. ’82 & Cher Heisler Robert J. ’90 & Theresa K. Heizelman II Cheryl L. Henke ’86 Mark A. & Terri Henning Danny J. & Phyllis W. ’74, ’90 Henry Patricia A. Herrit ’51 Randall W. Hertzer ’76 Daniel Hesseling Alan P. Hewitt ’54 Michael T. ’69 & Nancy Hicks Craig S. Higgins ’72, ’77 Erik S. Hildebrand ’05 Hilton Garden Inn-Perrysburg Bruce Hilty Charles W. & Maxine E. Hinkle Gerald & Patricia A. Hipp Craig F. & Sheila R. Hirschfeld Robert M. Hitzel ’76 John H. & Arleen Hoag David & Lisa Hockenberry Bernie Hockman Eugene P. ’61, ’64 & Carolyn M. Hodulik Jeri V. Hoellrich ’88, ’98 Annette L. Hoelzer ’77 Thomas J. ’80, ’81 & Gretchen A. Hof Kathryn L. Hofer ’78 Jay O. Hoffman Robert W. Hoffman ’08 Robert K. Hoffner ’88 Robert K. Hoffner Trust Judith B. Hofmann Judith B. Hofmann Living Trust Jeanne M. Hogarth ’71 Robert E. ’69 & Leslie J. ’70 Holden Phillip L. & Joan Hollenbaugh John P. ’80, ’82 & Nancy A. Hollister Robert F. Holton ’70 John P. ’66, ’70 & Sara Holup Jr. Honda of America Manufacturing Inc. Anthony L. ’80 & Kathryn S. ’80 Hoops William E. ’72 & Louise E. ’73 Hopewell Dave R. & Cathy L. ’74 Horger Hormel Foods Corporation Michael E. & Jennifer L. ’78 Horn Arlyne C. Hoshal ’49 Cheryl M. House ’83 Rick A. ’78 & Carmen Houser Matthew A. Hoverman ’98 Lawrence L. & Ann C. Howard James Howell Edward & Sharon Howey Randal & Juli L. Huber Paulette E. Hughes ’73 Veronica K. Hughes ’67 Aliceson B. Humphries ’90, ’01 Jeffrey P. Hundley ’02, ’06 Charles W. Hunt ’70 John L. Hunter II ’88

Joan A. Huntley ’87 Hunton & Williams LLP James G. Hurlbert ’76 W. Lee ’87 & Barbara G. ’87 Huskey Rolland ’57 & Susan K. Huss James & Olga Hutchison Tammy Hutchison Charles D. ’61, ’63 & Betty Hyre Kenneth A. Bartlett & Tyne E. Hyslop ’76 Rebecca L. Iannone ’70 David H. ’79 & Debra J. Ibarra Steven O. & Anne M. ’85, ’89 Ikenberry IKON Office Solutions Foundation Illinois Tool Works Foundation Jeffrey J. Ingalls ’90 Karen Ingledue Integrity Applications Incorporated Peter J. Iovinelli Edward R. Jack ’72, ’74 Ann M. Jackson ’92 Jackson L. Miller Insurance Agency Wanda F. Jackson ’90 Michael S. Jacob ’04 David C. & Brenda L. Jacobs Bradford C. & Lori M. ’78 James John C. Jarrett ’56 The John C. and Carol A. Jarrett Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Fund Terrence J. Jarzen ’68 JB Tours F. William & Judy E. ’75 Jeffery Lawrence O. Jensen ’50 Jerry A. Lyke & Associates Inc. Jame Jiamachello John Jockett John Hancock Financial Services Inc. Chris C. ’75 & Barbara A. Johnson Eric W. & Cynthia A. ’79 Johnson Donna H. Johnson ’70, ’72 Ray E. Johnson ’65 Shamika N. Johnson ’08 Todd D. Johnson Wayne A. & Marie M. Johnson Johnson-Saint Paris Volunteer Fire Department Cassandra Jones Dale E. & Jacqueline Jones Iris J. Jones Esq. ’74 Jack A. & Teri Jones John D. & Loretta A. ’76 Jones Nickie L. & Connie J. ’69 Jones Randy E. ’81 & Karla B. ’81 Jones Wendell R. & Carol J. ’75 Jones Jim Jorgensen Nancy T. Joseph John F. ’74 & Deborah W. Joslin Kara Joyner James E. ’74 & Jane E. ’74, ’76 Kagy Charles F. Kahle II ’80 Keith L. ’70, ’75 & Judy Kahle Warren R. ’71 & Judith A. Kahn

William & Jamie L. ’96 Kaiser Jeffrey R. ’86 & Joy L. ’87 Kalata Kenneth C. ’70 & Andrea C. ’71 Kalina Andrew S. ’87, ’93 & Margaret B. ’86, ’91 Kalmar Despina C. Kartson ’80 Donald L. Katz ’59 Donald and Andrea Katz Revocable Trust Kristen A. Kaylor ’73, ’75 M. Lane Kelemen ’93 James R. & Alicia N. Keller Leigh W. Kendrick ’49 Stephen L. Kennedy Allen N. & Joyce M. ’85 Kepke Elizabeth A. Kerschner ’73 Howard R. Kessler ’83, ’86 Key Bank Steven W. Keys Linda J. Kidd ’94 Stephen F. & Julia E. ’04 Kiechel Janice E. Kiehl ’72 William R. Kilpatrick ’50, ’52 Young-Jin Kim Charles W. Kimerline Jr. ’61 Martin L. King ’74 Kirk Brothers Company Inc. Paul G. Lopez & Kendel A. Kissinger ’87, ’94 Jon M. ’62 & Mary K. ’67 Klever James W. & Sherry A. ’70, ’81 Klopp Richard G. ’62, ’64 & Josephine Knapp Kenneth R. ’64 & Lynn G. ’65 Kneisel Mark W. Knerr ’51 F. Barry & Denise Knotts Dorothy L. Knowles ’84 Patricia A. Knowles ’80, ’87 Annetta Knull Trust Charles A. & Patricia R. Koehler Kristen S. Koester ’96 Tim P. ’75 & Mary J. ’77 Kohl Robert F. & Mary Kohls J. Patrick ’93 & Wesley P. ’99, ’05, ’06 Konesky John E. Koontz Terry J. ’64, ’68 & Sandra L. Koozer Jeffrey Kopcak Ronald S. & Jean E. ’76 Kopp Terrence Koral Walter D. & Marjorie C. ’57 Koski Robert N. ’69 & Pamela A. ’72 Krebs Kim R. ’76, ’78 & Deborah Koerner ’77 Kreiger Charles D. ’92 & Rita K. ’78 Kreinbihl Donald G. ’59 & Judith W. ’59 Krieger Dean A. & Cynthia L. ’69 Kriska Lee R. ’81 & Mary E. ’80 Kroos Evelyn F. Kross ’67 Steven W. Green ’82 & Mary M. Krueger ’80, ’81 Mary L. Kuhlman ’51 Joseph M. Kuhn ’76 Kuhnlein & Martin Inc. Stanley I. Kutler ’56 Barbara M. LaBella ’71 Labor Management Corporation Committee Inc.

Michael A. & Joanna L. ’90 Laconto Steve L. & Susan M. Laeng Susan M. LaFayette ’77 Laibe Electric/Technology Company Helen Lakofsky* G. Gene ’58, ’60 & Linda L. ’59 Lamb Donna Lambert Steven M. & Kathleen R. ’74 Lambright Guy N. Lammers ’80 Thomas J. ’73, ’76 & Caroline A. Lammers Edward G. Lamp ’70 Clarence E. ’69 & Roberta B. ’82 Lane The Lare Trust Lee Lare Arthur & Sherry R. Larson William K. ’71, ’75 & Nancy C. Larson Paula J. LaRue ’83 Kyle R. Latham ’73 Mildred M. Lattanza-Mills ’54, ’80 Jamie S. Lauf ’92 Betty Laux Daniel M. & Julie K. ’78 Lawler Kathy Leaders Robert M. Leddy Jr. ’89 Dorotha Lee Ian B. Lee Sheila Lee Robert J. Leese ’00 & Melissa A. Ledesma-Leese ’96 Peter F. Lehle ’80 Lori M. LeHue ’01 Ralph B. & Catherine Leininger Raymond E. ’73 & Allyson M. Leisy Elizabeth A. Lemaster ’92 Patrick M. Lenahan ’74 Francis M. & Nancy J. Lenhart Kenneth S. Lepper ’85 Eileen E. Leruth Dillard D. Lester Jr. ’91 Julie A. Letterhos ’75 Robert J. Leugers ’76 Kit-Mui Leung ’87 Harold R. & Carol A. ’61 Leupp Jeffrey Levin Jeffrey S. Levine ’77 Edward M. ’54 & Leah S. Levy Leon E. Lewis III ’75 Robert H. Lind ’79 Teresa S. Linholm ’79, ’81 Daniel M. Linnenberg ’76 & Virginia SkinnerLinnenberg ’74, ’93 Kenneth D. & Judy Linton David A. ’81 & Cathy A. Litzenberg Mary A. Lloyd William J. Lloyd Jr. ’73 Logan Creek Construction Company Jessie D. Lommerin ’02, ’05 Robert J. ’73 & J. A. Lonchar Steve A. ’81, ’83 & Kim M. ’84 Long Justin Longacre Long’s Cleaners

Monica C. Lozier John & Mary J. ’75 Luck Nancy K. Luke Lois A. Luoma Keith M. & Maureen P. Lupton Susan L. Luster ’73 Marcy Luther Joseph P. ’85 & Dorothy Luthman Jerry A. ’65, ’67 & Marilyn B. ’64 Lyke Jeffrey T. ’79 & Carol A. ’80 Lynn M. & M. Myles Inc. James R. & Rosanne M. Maas Donald F. ’69 & Georgette D. MacArthur Sharon S. Mackenzie ’66 Edward R. & Loretta H. Maher Kathleen A. Maidlow Kathleen A. Maidlow Trust Thomas R. ’69 & Billie J. ’70 Maier Simon P. & Stefanie J. ’93 Makar Pamela Makara Mark & Janet L. ’91 Malenfant Carole D. Malone ’66 Robert E. & Ruth E. Maltby Gena G. Manalan ’65 Nancy J. Manecke ’76 Dorothy Maneval ’53 Charles I. Maniscalco ’75, ’77 Richard D. ’80 & Laura S. Mann Daniel D. Wiegmann & Wendy D. Manning Ken & Beth Mareski Kenneth J. ’84 & Mary Jo M. Marjak Andrew J. Smith & Rebecca A. Marker-Smith ’91 Marshall Family Charitable Foundation George H. ’63 & Barbara A. Marshall Cynthia M. Marso ’82, ’84 Daniel & Joyce Martin Elden W. Martin Robert B. ’68 & Suzanne J. Martin Mike Martinez Barbara E. Masters ’63 Gregory A. Mathias ’73 Florence E. Matthews Lisa C. Mattiace Toni Maurer Stephanie E. Maver ’90 Jason R. May ’96 Steven A. ’79 & Linda J. May George R. & Barbara A. Mayer George P. ’79 & Debra K. Mayhew Joseph J. Mayoralgo ’91 & Chona F. Aban-Mayoralgo Richard A. ’65 & Karen S. ’66 Mazzeo Alan R. McBane ’60 Sherwood C. & Kimberly A. McBroom Jr. Neil McCabe Charles H. & M. Dawn McCaghy Michael R. McCarthy ’90 Gary P. & Debbie L. McClain Thomas J. ’65 & Jackie R. McClain Brian S. & Lisa M. ’87 McClure David F. McCormick ’68, ’70

John L. ’74 & Patricia H. ’73, ’75 McCoy William D. McCoy ’73 & Vicki S. Schwartz Michael E. ’68 & Marilyn McCullough George C. McDade ’62, ’64 James S. & Susan E. ’84 McEvoy Edward A. & Laura A. ’92 McGaffick Joseph & Shirley McGee Page G. & Mary F. ’71 McGirr Carl E. ’74 & Ann G. McGookey Donn ’72, ’74 & Deborah McGuire Sharon L. McHugh ’74 Todd W. McIlrath David W. ’68 & Martha E. ’97 McKenzie Randall & Lois McKnight Larry C. ’61 & Linda M. McLean Raymond & Patricia J. McMullen Richard A. McNeillie ’08 Michael & Margaret L. ’81 McVaugh Brett D. ’78 & Linda J. ’80 McVey Terry L. ’69 & Margaret A. ’69 Melton Steven & Marjorie Menoff Jerry Mercer Thomas A. & Gail S. ’78 Mercer Merck Company Foundation Meridian Appraisal Inc. Christina L. Merrick ’94 Jeffery S. Merrill ’95 Dale B. & Lisa L. ’76 Merritt Myra Merritt Larry P. ’77, ’79 & Dianne R. ’77, ’79 Mershman David F. ’59 & Donna F. Mertz Richard E. Messer Sr. Alan & Rhonda Messinger Winifred Messmer Lawrence A. & Patricia A. Metzger Jr. Alex D. Meusburger ’08 O.E. Meyer Company Jonathon C. ’93 & Kristen Meyer Robert B. Meyers Carolyn J. Meyers-Hughes ’66 Michael Page D.D.S., P.C. Marguer Michaels William J. Michalak John Michel Miles McClellan Construction Billy L. ’54, ’57 & Jean L. Miller Miller Brothers Construction Inc. Curt R. Miller David C. ’69 & Judith K. ’70 Miller Gary L. ’72 & Jacquelyn V. ’84 Miller Jackson L. & Shirley J. Miller James L. & Anna L. Miller Jessie I. Miller Jon D. & Louise M. ’62 Miller Kevin S. ’93 Miller & Sarah E. Mansfield Miller Living Trust Marjorie J. Miller Richard B. ’62 & Yvonne P. ’64 Miller Scott D. Miller ’87 Walter T. Miller



William C. & Beverly J. Miller William L. Miller ’92 Elizabeth B. Millhon Thomas D. ’59 & Patricia Minarcin Sr. M. Jeanne Miner ’60 Minerals Technologies Inc. Earl Mitchell William V. ’55 & Rosemarie Mitchell Paul & Lisa ’94 Mlynek Cathy C. Mock ’76 Alvin E. ’58, ’60 & Sharon K. Moebus Moebus Family Trust Emily A. Monago ’08 Christine Mondak ’78 David J. ’74 & Ann M. Monnier Joann C. Moock ’54 Michael A. & Carol S. ’93 Moore Terry J. ’76 & Elaine A. ’77 Moore Timothy V. & Susan J. Moore Michael A. ’91, ’92 & Elizabeth A. Moraw Thomas Morrison Paul B. Morse ’85 John E. ’57 & Martha W. Mortland Stephen C. ’60 & Cheryl Morton A. John Moser Bruce B. & Kathleen R. Moss Richard B. & Joanne A. Motten Joel D. ’77, ’80 & Joann Mowrey James E. & Linda K. Moyse Christopher J. & Marsha O. Mruk MSG Investments Ltd. Mary A. Mueller ’59 Ralph & Dawn D. ’75 Mullinger Patrick R. & Colleen S. Murray Kenneth E. ’91 & Kathleen M. ’89 Musselman Robert Myers John G. ’74 & Lynn M. ’77 Nachbar Peter K. & Darla A. ’79 Nagy Gerald W. Nailor National Scholarship Providers Association Ernnie L. & Marcia L. ’75 Naugle Christine A. Nawrocki ’64 Thomas E. & Jo Ann ’53 Neff Neil E. Seufert & Darlene A. Seufert David M. ’71, ’73 & Susan K. Nell Stephen R. ’90 & Natalie A. Nelson Robert G. & Janet E. Neville Dwayne M. Newcom ’83 Ronald J. ’71 & Linda Newlove Brett D. Newman ’99 Gerald & Evelyn R. ’71 Newman Bradley W. & Kim L. ’77 Newman Thomas R. ’80, ’82 & Eve S. ’79 Newton John R. Nicholson ’56 Jonathan R. Nicholson ’65 Marie F. Nicolls Relda E. Niederhofer ’50, ’52 Jean L. Nielsen ’84 Nancy K. Nielsen ’78, ’80 Bernard & Marion A. ’66, ’72 Nirode

Norman & Kathleen M. ’69, ’79 Nisenbaum Fay Noble Rebecca A. Noel ’83 Kay Nolte Northern Lights Energy Northrop Grumman Foundation Gerald M. Liss & Marlene K. Norton ’75 Novartis Michael H. & Laura B. ’85 Nuppnau Douglas A. Nusser ’84 & Lisa M. Crawford-Nusser ’91 John G. Nye Paul J. Nyitray Jr. ’69, ’71 Gerald & Vivian Nyland Gregory A. & Martha H. ’86 Oakes Richard J. & Susan O’Brien William J. & Elizabeth A. ’71 Obringer Leroy W. & Janice E. Odegaard David B. & Janet B. Odell Christine L. Ogan ’63, ’64 Karen Ogle Bill & Ann O’Hanlon Ohio Counselor Social Work Marriage and Family Therapist Board Ohio Health Information Management Association Paul E. Olsen ’70, ’72 Nancy J. Olson ’69 Gregory S. & Cynthia A. ’74 Ondercin William H. ’80 & Karen A. Ording Kenneth F. Kiple & Kriemhild C. Ornelas ’76, ’78 Cheryl A. Osborn Francis Osborn Osmond Family Limited Partnership Martin P. Osmond ’64 Mark J. ’76 & Pamela K. ’76 Oswalt Mac W. ’49 & Georgia G. Otten Thomas E. & Maryanne Ouellet Donald L. ’55 & Gwen K. Packard Kimberly A. Page ’88 Brent & Tonya M. ’87, ’88 Pagel Ramanath P. & Shobha Pai David J. ’69, ’71 & Laura A. Pallenik C. Palm Eftychia Papanikolaou Joseph Pappalardo ’91 & Mary Knights Brian W. Parker ’86 Dennis Parker William Parker Coleen K. Parmer ’68 Thomas B. Parrish ’69 Ronald L. ’70 & Janet E. ’78, ’80 Partin Patrick Henry Local Board of Education Melville J. ’85 & Vicki Patterson II Sandra D. Patterson ’85 Harry J. & Roberta Pauff P. Elaine Paulette ’71 Robert D. ’71 & Rosemary D. ’71 Pavlisko Paul M. ’95, ’05 & Stephanie A. ’95, ’06 Pawlaczyk John G. & Maratha E. Peck Jr. Elmer Pegues Arthur R. Leach & Sophie W. Penney ’98

Performance Plus Inc. Ryan L. & Judith L. Perino Personal Excellence Richard J. Perz III ’01, ’06 James G. ’74 & Karen W. ’75 Pesek Adelia M. Peters Raymond W. & Diane M. ’77 Peterson Susan E. Phillips Denny Laube & Jodee L. Philo ’95 James C. Phipps ’00 Phipps, Levin, Hebeka & Associates Ltd. James O. & Mary E. Pierce Dale W. ’78 & Miriam I. ’78 Pignolet Michael J. ’84 & Donna F. Pikul Sandra L. Pioterek ’80 Patricia Place John P. & Sue Platt Edward R. ’71, ’72 & Nancy C. ’71, ’98 Platzer Jr. John E. ’71 & Elaine Pleiman Plum Brook Country Club Richard A. Plumb Kathleen R. Podoba-Lind ’66 Timothy Pogacar James & Mary Pohlman David A. ’70 & Carroll T. ’70 Polak Craig & Denise Pontius Carl Porreca Jack H. Porter ’72 Charles A. Potashnik ’96 C. Elizabeth Potter ’53 William E. Potts III ’73 PPG Industries Foundation Prasad Bikkani, Aswin, Vijaya Bikkani Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund William J. Gaetz ’75 & Catherine A. Pratt ’72, ’81, ’86 Douglas J. & Mary E. ’59 Pratt Robert K. ’81 & Leslie K. ’81 Pressnell Richard L. ’77 & Nancy Preston Robin Priest Lawrence C. ’69 & Corine L. Prince Program Solutions Group LLC Project & Construction Services Inc. William D. Protz ’66 Christine A. Provaznik Jay Provonsha David T. & Sharon S. Prueter Psi Iota Xi Ellen Pugh Paul M. ’62 & Shirley P. Purdy Ronald & Ann C. ’72 Puthoff Karin Raber Joe & Emily J. Radabaugh Edgar E. & Marianne M. ’93 Radcliff Steven G. Rado ’86 William T. Rainey Becky Ramey John K. & Deborah L. Randall John H. Rapp ’67 John S. ’74 & Kathleen N. ’76, ’83 Rarey Raritan Resources Inc.

Matthew D. ’99, ’03 & Kristi L. ’00 Rasor Michael P. Rastatter ’80 Aleksandar & Joan S. ’78 Ratajac David A. Rau Ray Fogg Building Methods Inc. Robert W. & Michelle M. Reardon Ronald D. ’88, ’90 & Lori A. ’87, ’91 Reazin Loretta Reed ’83 Richard S. & Sally H. ’71, ’73 Reeder Olan E. ’58 & Virginia Reese Keith W. Reichenbach ’78 Robert M. & Shirley A. Reider Rachel A. Reinhart Earl Reiniche Mark E. ’91 & Michelle L. ’92 Remeis Jeffery R. ’84 & Cynthia Replogle Douglas Repp Robert P. ’69, ’71 & Winnie J. ’81 Rex John & Jill Reyes Jean R. Rhodes ’53 John J. ’89 & Marcy B. Rice Richard R. ’60 & Sondra Rice Rickey & Elaine Richman Gordon C. Ricketts ’99 David M. ’70 & Jane M. Ridenour Edna A. Riecker ’65 Steven & Nancy L. ’79 Rife Leslie Rigali David A. Riggs ’59 Roger W. & Nancy A. Riggs John T. ’75 & Alexandria Risley Jill E. Ritter ’73 R.J. Runge Company R.M.K. Enterprises Neil W. Roache ’96 Eugene A. & Marlene P. Robedeau Jr. Robert Leugers Financial Services Edward S. Roberts II ’82 Stanley E. ’77 & Kimberly M. Robinson William R. & Suzanne J. ’79 Rock Alexander M. Rocks ’00 Rodney C. and Karen S. Harris Foundation Roena Bayes Revocable Trust Barbara A. Rogers ’68 Scott O. & Mary A.M. Rogers Darryl L. ’76* & Karen Rolandelli John J. ’73 & Nancy Rondzik Kathleen Roof Jennifer Roos Michael E. ’70, ’72 & Claire I. ’70 Ropp James L. & Paula R. ’79 Rosencrans Robert Roskoski Jr. ’61 David V. ’69 & Joyce W. Ross Lonnie P. Ross ’79 Scott & Valerie Ross Leslie Rossetti Rossford Hospitality Group Inc. Patrick S. ’76 & Rebecca L. ’72 Rothgery James L. ’61 & Janet M. Routson Reginald J. ’75 & Barbara L. ’76, ’78 Routson

Donald W. & Louise E. Rowe Harold R. & Janet G. Rowe Sr. James J. ’89 & Kristine M. Ruehl Jr. Glenna A. Rufo ’96 Jeffrey S. Betts ’85 & Barbara L. Ruland Peter N. ’85 & Jan L. ’86, ’92 Ruma Jr. Peggy S. Rupp ’65, ’67 Rodney J. ’73 & M. Suzanne Rupp Roger Rupp Rupp Seeds Inc. Elizabeth S. & Richard D. Ruppert Dale R. ’71 & Mary A. Rutkowski James M. & Suzanne L. Ryan Maureen R. Ryan ’97 Michael J. Rywalski Susan E. Sadoff ’92 Brian P. ’93 & Amy M. ’93 Sajko Sachi & Sivagnanam ’91 Sakthivel Michele A. Salinas ’82 Laura A. Sanchez Rogelio & Barbara J. Sanchez Richard B. & Mary L. ’61 Sanders Richard E. Sanderson ’65 Robert S. Sanderson III ’73 Parminder S. ’77, ’79 & Polly A. ’78 Sandhu John Sanford Laura L. Santoro Allan J. Sarachman ’78 Daniel E. Saros ’99 Robert K. ’74 & Martha M. ’74 Sass Lawrence J. & Mary M. Satkowiak Mildred Sattler Patrick R. ’02, ’03 & Annie Saunders Brian K. Sautter ’91 Marsha E. Scanlin ’75 Nancee L. Schaffner ’72 Michael R. ’75 & Trudy A. Scheiding Kevin W. & JoAnn M. Schempf Rosemary C. Schlievert ’66 Jon A. Schlueter ’63 Dale F. ’61, ’65 & Donna K. Schmidt Deborah Schmidt Randy S. ’88 & Charlene Schmidt Michele M. Schmitz ’90 Brian & Angela M. ’91 Schmucker James G. ’75, ’76 & Tonda M. ’75 Schmunk O. Dale & Elizabeth S. Schnetzer Kenneth & Rita Schoeni Robert & Angie Scholl School Specialty Robert H. & Elizabeth Schroeder Linda S. Schulte Mark & Doris Schulte Ellen K. Schultz Kyle M. Schultz ’72 Mark E. ’83, ’98 & Lori K. ’89, ’00 Schultz Nancy A. Schultz David L. & Lori C. ’74 Schumacher Verne A. ’67 & Elizabeth Schumaker James A. ’83 & Nancy Schumann

Blaine Z. & Cindy M. Schwadel Jane B. Schwaiger ’58 Heidi B. Schwarz David E. ’80 & Janice ’79 Schwieterman Dawn M. Scialabba ’85 Science Applications International Herbert F. ’54 & Barbara J. ’54 Scogg Kevin D. Scott Mark L. ’75, ’79 & Brenda K. ’76 Searfoss Mary J. Sears ’46 Richard J. ’81 & Ann M. Sebold James P. Seeger ’86, ’88 Scott W. & Karen Seeliger Morris L. & Betty J. Seem W. Gary Seemann ’73 Douglas L. ’71 & Jane Seiple James R. Seitz ’84 Raymond J. Sell ’51, ’52 Haley D. Semer ’05 Neil E. ’66 & Darlene A. ’67 Seufert Dennis C. Seyer Marilyn Shearer ’52 George W. ’72 & Kathleen S. Sheets Jeanne Sheldon William A. ’65 & Dixie H. ’65, ’67 Shepherd Barbara Sheridan ’71, ’79 Daniel R. ’81 & Marsha J. ’80 Shetler Alex W. & Judith Ann E. Shields B. Robert & Effie Shiff Solomon Shiff Richard L. Shively ’63 Mark A. ’92 & Emily J. Shook Roger A. ’70 & Susan L. ’72 Short Rick & Kim Showalter Clarice P. Shuck John H. & Pamela J. Shumaker Scott D. ’73 & Pamela A. Shuster M. Joy Sidwell Joe Siebeneck Gerald P. ’70, ’72 & Karen L. ’66, ’68 Sigler Eric S. Sills ’88 David & Cynthia A. ’78 Simerly D. Douglas ’78 & Karen ’78 Simmons Dawn Simpson Carol A. Singer ’75 Sidney A. ’72, ’74 & Julie A. Sink Mark A. ’87 & Elaine M. Sivy Kevin & Sheila L. ’97 Skipworth Dennis D. ’76 & Melanie Sklenicka David & Susan Slagle James A. ’60 & Patsy R. ’80 Slater Harold H. & Jane W. ’45 Slessman Rhonda S. Slough ’88 Alan M. Smith Gary A. Smith ’81 James M. Smith & Connie Ruhl-Smith Joyce Smith Larry E. Smith Richard L. Smith ’51 Sara N. Smith ’03

Carrie G. Smolik ’78 Smoot Construction Company of Ohio Jan R. & Linda S. ’73 Snyder Julie A. Snyder ’08 Robert E. ’77 & Peggy J. ’77 Snyder Jr. Michael J. ’87 & Susie S. ’87 Socha Keith A. ’63 & Carolyn A. Sommer Martha Southard James R. Sowers ’07 Randall P. & Kimberly K. ’99 Spallinger Thomas R. ’76, ’78 & Beth A. ’78 Spann Brian L. & Barbara H. ’68 Spatz Burton C. Speakman ’02 & Sarah R. Kessler ’02 Terry L. Speck ’76 & Lori J. Doll-Speck ’79, ’07 John D. ’82 & Amy J. Spengler Donald B. & Jane A. ’51 Sperry John O. & Nancy C. Sponsler Robert F. ’65 & Constance C. Sprague Margene P. Spring ’56 Joseph B. ’65 & Ruby ’73 Sproul Steve L. ’80, ’82 & Melinda M. ’80 Sprow St. Jude Medical Inc. Thomas E. ’67, ’69 & Carolyn K. ’65, ’91 St. Meyers Irina G. Stakhanova Leonard Staley Steven M. ’67, ’69 & Karen A. Stanek Scott A. ’89, ’90 & Dawn M. Stapleton Julie Starr Virginia M. Starr Christopher A. Stasa ’01 Scott R. Stasa ’05, ’06 Nick Stavridis ’80 Bonnie Stearns Jeffrey A. Steele ’86 Charles E. Stein David J. Steiner ’89 Emil A. ’71 & Carol Stevens Jr. Kevin J. Stevens ’07 Peter Stevens Stanley O. & Karen S. ’72 Stewart Bill & Eveline Stitt Seth A. Stockmeister ’05 Edward G. & Janet Stockwell Danny L. Stokes ’78 Norman B. & Jeanine M. ’58 Storrs Michael D. ’96 & Jill N. Story John & Patricia Stover Russell P. ’73 & Martha Strausbaugh Robert L. ’68 & Janice Streeter Sr. Susan K. Strick ’84 Linda J. Strickland George & Linda Strietmann James D. & Sharon L. ’71 Stuart Thomas G. ’49 & Anabel W. Stubbs Student Book Exchange Inc. Robert K. & Lucy A. ’67 Suchecki Gehad M. Youssef ’85 & Jeanette Sukalac Craig D. Sullivan ’83, ’85 Luke D. Suter ’02 Robert W. & Linda Suter

Virginia A. Sutton ’58 Virginia A. Sutton Revocable Family Trust Dawn M. Swain ’06 Mark S. & Susan K. Swanson Amy L. Swartz ’77 Larry S. ’74, ’76 & Maryann T. ’73 Sweeney Patrick N. ’09 & Brenda S. ’67, ’72 Sweeney Dale E. ’76 & Rebecca M. ’75 Swiger Tom Swin Ferrell ’67 & Patricia S. ’67 Swinehart Swinehart Joint Revocable Trust Susan M. Swinford Raymond R. Swisher Brian L. ’85 & Jennifer L. Swope Sword and Shield of America John J. ’70, ’73 & Caryl Szychowski Brent K. ’80, ’85 & Carla D. Takemoto Michael E. & Judith M. Tann Charles R. ’79 & Ester J. Tantillo Jr. Gary L. Tarkin ’73 Michael K. ’70 & Cynthia Taylor Sean P. Taylor ’98 Eric P. ’84, ’86 & Annette M. ’86 Telljohann Fanette Terman Paul & Patricia Tetuan Brian D. ’01 & Janice E. ’01 Thacker Nic & Tara Thakur Norman R. Thal Jr. Ronald L. ’62 & Teresa R. Thatcher Therma-Tru Doors Steven J. Thobe ’80 Charles R. Thomas ’69, ’71 Kurt E. ’88, ’91 & Kathleen M. Thomas Wendy A. Thomas ’74 Kenneth W. Thompson Kimberly A. Thompson ’79 David Thornsberry Michael C. & Diane L. ’87 Thorpe James J. ’71, ’77 & Peggy J. ’71 Tichy John D. ’76 & Michelle D. Tilton Gary D. ’83 & Janet M. ’84 Tipton Ronald & Janelle M. ’88 Tipton Mark Tisch Barry Titcomb Eudora B. Tite ’57 Christopher A. Tjotjos ’80 Neal Tolchin Toledo Alumnae Assoc. The Toledo Blade Company Toledo Tent Company Robert J. ’64, ’66 & Carol A. ’64 Tomasic Touchstone CPM Inc. Jim Traver Jon A. ’66 & Carol S. ’83 Treece James L. ’75 & Emily Tremoulis James R. ’54 & Donna L. Trombino Sandra Trosin Carol A. Truitt ’71 Turner Corporation Sara Turner



Steve & Mary Uhl Frederick W.* & Elizabeth C. Uhlman Jr. Matthew & Alecia Ulcar United Technologies The University of Findlay The University of Toledo Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women Donald L. & Cindy L. Untch Joseph L. & Kay A. ’76 Unverferth Charissa M. Urbano ’79 Irene H. Utrup ’98 Craig D. Valentine ’79 & Marcia Salazar-Valentine ’97 Ellyn J. Vanden Eynden ’96, ’98 Kerry & Joy Vandock Tionna M. Van Gundy ’08 Barbara K. Van Orsdall Rosemary Van Peymbrock Robin L. Veitch ’90 Kevin L. & Susan M. ’79 Verner Veteran’s Memorial Civic & Convention Center Craig J. ’83, ’86 & Deb L. ’85 Vickio Lawrence M. Vielhaber ’80 William H. ’64 & Patricia Violet Frederick ’65 & Mary B. Visel Ronald & Rebecca Visser Karl E. & Joan S. ’77 Vogt Amy L. Vojta ’90 Janice A. Von Stein ’71 W. Michalak & Associates Inc. Steven Wachtel Anthony T. ’07 & Joy L. ’07 Wagener David L. Waggoner ’69, ’71 & Vicki D. Sherman ’79, ’86 David A. & Cathy S. Wagner David N. Wagner ’95 Jeffrey K. & Barbara J. Wagner Susan J. Wallace ’37* Brad & Jacque Waller Barry P. ’62 & Michaeline J. Walsh Lance S. ’72, ’74 & Connie S. ’78 Warley Mark E. Wasem ’81, ’83 Morris W. & Carol L. ’82 Wasylenki Daniel J. Watt ’95 Rhonda Watt William A. Watters ’91 Amy M. Way ’81 Anne P. Weaver ’56 Chad Weaver ’95 Connie L. Weaver ’94, ’95 Weaver Master Builders Inc. Richard A. ’56, ’58 & Mary Jo Weaver Kathy E. Webb ’74 Margery H. Webb William J. Webb Jr. ’79 Cheryl M. Weber James F. Weber ’75 Joseph G. ’92 & Denise J. ’92 Weber Melissa L. Weber ’82 Weber O’Brien Ltd.

Steven D. ’72, ’86 & Sharon A. ’70 Webster Barbara J. Webster-Querry ’95 Robert J. & Sharon ’80 Weddell Nicholas L. & Sara J. Weimer Gerald P. ’73, ’75 & Debbie Weinstein William A. Weis Scott R. & Christie Weiss Gretchen Weitbrecht ’77, ’82 Mark B. ’47 & Maxine C. ’47 Welker Mark H. Wellman ’83, ’85 Susan E. Wenig ’75 Craig & Vera West West Temple Library Kenneth E. ’61, ’63 & Priscilla E. Whalen Parmelee A. Wheeler ’70 James G. ’64 & Betty J. ’64 Wherley Michael C. White ’78 Nancy B. White ’75 Duane E. ’68, ’71 & Diane K. Whitmire Kenneth C. Widdel ’80 Sarah L. Widman ’63 Jane M. Wiechel ’78 Nathanial A. Wiedenhoft ’07 John C. Wierwille ’77 Rock A. Wight ’78 & Shari A. Netzley Ted M. ’63 & Joyce Wildermuth James A. ’60, ’65 & Mary A. ’59 Wilkens Williams Companies Inc. Howard G. ’72, ’74 & Patricia K. ’73, ’75 Williams Jr. James D. Williams ’76 John M. ’02 & Rebecca A. ’00 Williams Leon M. & Ellen L. Williams Richard A. ’87 & Alison M. ’88 Williams Jr. Carrie L. Williamson ’98 Willson Builders Inc. Carol J. Wilson Eugene R. ’60 & Mary A. ’60 Wilson Ken Wilson Gustave S. Wintzer Dwight Wise Patricia L. Wise ’07 Glen Wisniewski Donna J. Wittwer Jon H. Woehrmyer ’70 Thomas J. ’71, ’73 & Janice L. ’75 Wolery Jonathan W. & Elizabeth M. ’84 Wolf William E. & Irene E. Wolf Craig A. Wolfe ’74 Richard B. Wolper ’72 Wood County Insurance Agency Inc. Paul D. Worley ’04 Diana L. Woznak ’75 Amy J. Wright ’84 Todd Wright Phyllis D. Wulff Edward J. ’69 & Margaret A. ’70 Wyse Jonathan Wyse Elizabeth Yarris Edward R. ’80 & Nancy E. Yeager

Steven R. Yeater ’70 John & Janis A. ’80 Yinger Suellen B. Yoder ’68 Richard A. ’75 & Alexandra L. ’73 Young David A. Youngman ’71 Gehad M. Youssef Trust Terry W. ’72 & Linda Yunker John & Susan F. ’73 Yutzey Mary E. Zachary ’71 Robert Zack Charles J. ’68 & Susan A. ’68 Zaller Ruben Zamarripa ’89 Damon C. Zaylor ’88 Sharon N. Zdesar ’00 Jay R. ’90 & Michelle E. ’80 Zeiter Anne M. Zeitler ’78 Michael J. Zickar Martha Ziegler David E. ’78 & Rhonda Zink Dean Smith & Sara J. Zulch-Smith ’00 Thomas O. Zupon ’84

Ay ZiggyZoomba Society The Ay ZiggyZoomba Society, named after the University’s well-known spirit song, recognizes those donors who contribute $125-$249 annually. *denotes deceased + denotes match gift company William L. & Sharon L. ’79 Aamoth Edward F. & Ingrid Abbey Michael Abowd Dennis C. ’06 & Karen S. Acuna Jeffrey & Cindy A. ’85 Adair Mary Adamiak Janet Adams Mary E. Adams ’71 Annette Adler Kaylene S. Adler Agnes M. Agar Todd M. ’91 & Amy L. ’90 Ahrens James F. ’82 & Jill R. ’83 Aikens Paul B. Albee ’95 Albemarle Corporation William A. & Kelly M. Albert Barry T. Alcock ’80 Larry D. & Janet M. ’72, ’74 Alderman Cheryl L. Aldrich ’71 Craig M. ’73 & Linda E. ’73 Aldrich John W. & Ida M. Alexander Ned F. & Marianne S. Alexander Charles Alford Alfred H. Billstein Foundation Leon A. & Carolyn A. ’91 Allard Steven E. Allen ’82 Tim Allen

Catherine A. Masin ’93 & Jane E. Allison ’77 Michael J. ’98 & Patti K. ’86 Altman American Electric Power Company Inc. American Medical Computing Inc. American Praise Institute Americo Financial Life & Annuity Ins. Company James Amlin Daryl & Eileen Amstutz Karl A. Anderson ’63 & Barbara A. Soza-Anderson Kelly Anderson Melinda A. Anderson ’91 Robert J. Anderson Jr. ’86 Steven Anderson Harmon H. ’86 & Diane E. ’86 Andrews III Jean T. Andrews ’49 Jean T. Andrews Revocable Trust Anheuser-Busch Inc. Gwen Ankney Thomas W. & Christine A. ’77 Annable Thomas L. Appelfeller ’74 & Lorna A. Linke ’76 Glenn R. Apple ’61 Charles H. & Barbara ’79, ’92 Applebaum Linda J. Armstrong Bruce & Marcia Arnold Harlan D. ’73, ’75 & Barbara Arnold Ann Ascham Galen L. & Carol J. Ash Robert E. & Joanne J. ’46 Ashba Lillian Ashcraft-Eason Lynn F. & Charlotte M. Ashton Michael & Toni A. ’82 Aspacher Kendall W. Atkins ’75 Beth M. Atkinson ’90 David E. ’79 & Constance E. Atwater Ruthann Z. Audritsh ’65 Automated Building Components John H. & Diane Avers Alfred ’76 & Carol A. ’76 Ayala William & Kelly Baddour Ralph P. Badenhop ’66 Gregory R. ’99 & Kim C. Bader Pietro & Rita Badia Annette M. Badik ’90, ’97 James E. & Marcia R. Bailey Walter L. & Maria P. ’90 Bailey Katherine S. Bainbridge ’56 Errol Baker Jack R. ’66 & Paulette S. Baker Jaime A. Baker ’07 Janet Baker Jean Baker Jeffrey W. ’77 & Gale A. ’77 Baker Norman M. ’94 & Kathi J. ’93 Baker III Paul S. ’77 & Joanna Baker John A. & Kelly M. ’98, ’00, ’06 Balistreri Jr. Craig J. ’93, ’06 & Michelle L. ’92 Balsizer Mark R. Owens ’82 & Michele A. Barbato ’82 Robert N. ’49 & M. Ann ’49 Bare Doug A. & Jean Bargiel

Douglas Barhorst C. Matthew & Christine P. ’88 Barnes Clark W. Barnes ’91 James & Carolyn ’65 Barnes John K. & Jane K. ’04 Barnes John D. Barnes James R. Barnhill ’59, ’61 Joseph Barth Edwin F. Bartholomew ’67 Donald G. ’52 & Donna M. Bartrip Robert J. & Karen Basel Jeffrey E. ’65, ’67 & Bette S. ’65 Bassett Dan E. Bastin ’58 Brian S. Batridge ’86 Sandra J. Bauerschmidt ’87 Paul Baumgarte Timothy & Pamela J. ’73 Baur James & Lois Baxter James D. ’48 & Marion L. ’48 Baxter Douglas A. Bayda ’87 Gary Bayles Kurt E. & Kerrie M. Beach Robert G. ’77 & Cheryl Beadle Jr. Michael E. Beal ’87 Robert & Kathryn Beatty Bradley C. ’72 & Carol A. ’75, ’77 Bebout Bradley J. & Paula K. Beck Meredith Beck Bruce W. Becker ’76 Nancy K. Beebe ’83 Kenneth R. ’80 & Debra K. ’80 Beeman Amelia L. Beer-Hughes ’07 Steven & Joan M. ’82 Beinlich Clarence & Ellen K. Bell Kirsten A. Bell ’07 Robert F. Bell ’61 Bruce H. ’48, ’53* & Mary Ann Bellard Lisa A. Bellm ’85 Amy Beltz Vasile I. & Donna Beluska Cheryl A. Bement ’69 Cynthia Bench Philip C. Benedict ’68 Anne B. Benjamin ’58 Marcia L. Benner Steve A. Bennett Charles A. & Betty L. ’61 Benson John E. & Judith C. Bentley Dorothy Benton Jeffrey L. ’66 & Kay E. Beran Patricia A. Berg ’67 Christopher J. & Kimberly A. ’84 Berger Donald W. Berlin Keith E. Bernhard Robert G. ’70 & Kathee K. Berns Peggy R. Berry ’81, ’83 Linda F. Bersche ’76 Thomas & Betty Berti Robert & Carol Bertrand

John R. Besl ’91 Dana Best Lisa Bettinger ’02 Barbara Betz David S. ’92 & Margaret Bewie BG Lock & Key BGSU Graduate and Executive Programs in Business Kevin J. ’82 & Mary J. Bible Gregory P. Bidinger ’77 Ann Bihn E. T. Bills Robert A. Billstein Jack I. Bindel ’77 Melvin ’56 & Ellen R. Birnbaum Debra Bish Lorene Bishop Michael J. & Elizabeth Bixel William Dreyer & Daria A. Blachowski-Dreyer ’99, ’09 James P. ’96 & Sharon Black Susan K. Black ’81 The Blackbear Group LLC Bonnie J. Blankinship Nancy M. Blanton Paul & Sandra Blausey Dawn E. Blodgett ’80 Edward F. ’74 & Jan M. ’74 Blohm Dorothy Bloom Arlene Bloomer Robert A. Bluthardt ’91 Janet Bockrath Lynda Boedicker Stephen T. & Kathleen S. ’85 Boerigter Christy F. Boggs Adam R. Bohland Virgil P. & Mary Bohls Jr. Ruth M. Bolce ’48 Joyce Bolling John Bommarito John H. ’48, ’50 & Marilyn J. Bonam Mark B. & Connie J. ’86, ’88 Bond Gary J. ’73 & Connie L. ’73 Bonifas Charles F. ’54 & Nancy G. ’55 Bonser Kelleen Boone Robert L. & Janet J. ’46 Booth John M. Booth ’82 Ronald A. & Eileen K. Borchardt Janice Borck Donald L. & Margaret S. Boren Larry J. ’65, ’70 & Patricia A. Borland John W. & Phoebe Borman Emily Borosf Jodie A. Borsh Keith O. & Rose Bosch Victor J. ’79 & Megan M. Boschini Jr. Thomas & Debbi Bosworth Botnick Realty Company Marjorie K. Bottorff ’58 Becky Bouillon Robert A. Bove ’78

William G. & Judith L. ’66 Bowerman Paul D. Yon ’75 & Ann M. Bowers ’77 Carol A. Bowers ’48 John D. Bowers ’84, ’87 Steven & Rita Bowersock Matthew R. Bowles Esq. ’04 Bowling Green City Board of Education Randy E. & Gloria K. ’72 Box Mary Boxhorn Rolland S. & Linda G. Boyne Robert Boytin Edward & Kristine K. ’76 Bozymski Charles E. & Judy F. ’85, ’87 Braden David B. Bradley ’80 James J. ’84 & Amy M. ’91 Brady III Bruce H. ’73 & Laura M. ’78 Brancheau Stephen H. ’64 & Loretta J. Brannan Michael T. ’83, ’86 & Joan C. ’83, ’87 Brannick Joseph F. Bratton Robert W. Braunlich ’75 Joseph P. Brautigam ’03 Robert M. & Margaret E. ’85 Breetz Marc F. Brenneman ’92 Ron Brenneman Kathy A. Bressler Nan E. Bretz ’74, ’01 James C. ’69 & Kathlyn G. ’68 Bricker Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Karen M. Brigode John A. ’62 & Janet M. Briner Brad R. ’94 & Heidi A. Briney Margaret Broaddus H. Scott ’82 & Ellen F. ’82 Broadwell Larry T. ’82 & Tracy A. ’83 Brockway Jason M. ’99 & Andrea M. ’99 Broerman Ellen M. Broido Paul F. & Marjorie Brookover Brookside Evangelical Free Church Jonathon P. ’73, ’75 & Kathleen W. ’74 Brough Michael J. Brough ’02, ’03 Andrea Brown Bruce A. ’73 & Marcia F. Brown Douglas A. & Karen E. Brown John E. & Karen L. ’78, ’91 Brown Linda A. Brown Phillip & Karen Brown Steven S. ’80 & Patricia M. ’84 Brown Teresa J. Brown ’86 Ray B.* & Alice M. Browne Melvin L. Browning ’68 William H. Brownson Don H. & Barbara L. Bruce Kristy S. Bruckner ’83, ’84 Brush Engineered Materials Inc. Eric G. Buchanan ’93 Richard H. Buchholz ’58 Steven Buck Charles & Cynthia Buckland Kenneth T. Budny ’68

Jodi Buehler Anthony J. & Keri A. Buff Kristy K. Bulger ’86 Marjorie J. Bull ’49 Thomas K. ’78 & Cathryn G. ’78 Burch David H. & Nadine G. ’59 Burdash Jocella Burgoon Daniel P. Burke ’05 Joseph C. Burke ’69 Kenyon C. ’56 & Dorothy J. Burke Stephen M. & Cindi Burke Hubert & Laura Burken Jr. Chester Burkey Steven L. & Jane W. ’85 Burkey Byron & Carol ’70 Burkholder Jeffrey L. ’78 & Lynn D. ’77, ’79 Burkholder Susan Burkmier Brian L. Burnett ’77, ’79 Margaret Bursiek John R. & Joyce E. Burt Thomas E. & Dorothy E. Burtch Russell Burton William Buskirk Tina M. Bustillo ’87 Cable Components Group LLC Helen Cahoon Katrina L. Caldwell ’09 Michael R. & Deborah A. ’73 Call Joseph R. ’91 & Cathi L. ’92 Camp Robert M. Campana ’81 Brian M. Campbell Gladys Campbell Campbell Soup Foundation Christine A. Cannon ’74 Tamra K. Cantore ’80 Jason M. Carbone ’97 Anna M. Carey ’84 Nancy S. Carlisle ’55 Norman F. Carney ’86 Andrew D. ’75 & Ruth A. ’75 Carpenter J. Scott ’72, ’74 & Linda M. ’75 Carpenter Robert S. ’86 & Barbara A. Carpenter Barbara J. Carr ’73 Keith Carr Thomas F. & Marion L. ’57 Carr Carleen K. Carver Brian H. ’84 & Bette A. Case Charles F. ’90 & Cheryl B. ’94 Casey Jr. Thomas L. Gebhardt & Jessica A. Casey ’78 Michelle M. Castro ’04 Ford T. Cauffiel ’84 Diana Caulfield Tricia M. Caw ’87 Margaret M. Cawrse Christine P. Cecconi ’75 Richard R. ’60 & Mary J. Celek Megan J. Centers ’09 Daniel J. ’68 & Paula Chacchia Michael & Lesley M. Chalmers



Federico A. Chalupa & Catherine A. Cardwell Cecil A. ’78 & Roberta A. Chamberlain David B. Chambliss ’07 Joseph T. Chao & Jane Y. Chang Geneva Chapman Timothy E. Chatlos ’02 Lynn R. Child ’90 Emil E. Chiles Jr. ’64 Susan M. Chmelik ’79, ’81 George A. ’73 & Barbara J. Chrenka Church Mutual Insurance Company Ruth E. Cisneros ’95 Citi Foundation Christopher & Cheryl Clapper Daniel & Robbin Clark Joe Clark Thomas B. & Laura A. ’83 Clark Richard Clarkson Bill Claus Judith L. Clawson ’60 Susannah Cleveland Art Furman & Sally E. Click ’09 Samuel & JoAnna A. Cline Mark M. ’75 & Janet H. Clinger Ronald G. Clinger ’82 John R. & Emily J. Coash John S. ’90 & Lisa L. ’90 Coates Stephen G. Cobb ’67 Douglas K. ’78 & Bonita G. ’78 Cochran Carl R. Cogar Colleen Cogswell Gary Cole Larry Cole Rose Marie Cole ’56 Mary Coleman College Women’s Club Collegiate Alumni Network of Central Ohio Inc. Lynn M. Colturi Wayne S. & Cynthia C. ’74, ’82 Colvin Computer Associates Clyde W. & Mary E. Conger Steven C. & Mary A. ’80 Conley ConocoPhillips Wayne R. Conover ’73, ’75 Benjamin J. & Beverly A. ’65 Consilvio William D. Contris Barry A. Cook ’70 Larry R. ’64, ’66 & Carol N. Cook Ronald Cook Joan C. Cooley ’73 Michael D. & Judy Coomes Warren & Yvette Cooper Christine Cope Thomas & Barbara J. ’76 Corcoran James G. ’59, ’61 & Marilyn L. Cordiak Karen L. Cornell ’66 Clinton C. & Tamara L. Corpe Chris R. Corthell & Mary A. Davenport-Corthell Gary J. ’73, ’74 & Marlene S. ’74 Cotshott

Montique R. Cotton Kelly ’94, ’04 Dan C. Courtney ’71, ’73 John P. ’63 & Alesandra V. Courvoisier Jr. Edward J. ’69 & Sandra Cox Jr. Alice Coy Janel M. Crabtree ’83 Susan C. Cramer ’84 Todd J. Cramer ’06, ’08 John R. Crandall ’99 John G. Craven Jr. ’70 Justin M. Crawfis ’01 Donald & Kelle Crawford Elizabeth S. Crawford ’79 Paula R. Creed Trust Kent D. & Carlene M. Creps Thomas H. Criqui Thomas H. Criqui 1996 Trust Virginia Crisp David S. ’63, ’64 & Stephanie Crooks John R. ’93 & Kathleen S. ’89 Crooks Bill A. Cross ’77 CrossCom National LLC Paul S. ’86 & Dawn L. Crow Crum and Forster George L. & Kim Crumrine Terrence ’76 & Susan M. Cukierski Judith P. Culler ’64 Karen M. Culler ’64 Chad M. R. Cunnigan ’04 Debra S. Cunningham Jeffrey J. & Lauren H. Curley Steven & Shanna R. ’92 Curry David Custis Mark L. Cyr John R. Czajka William N. ’78 & Julianne Dabbelt Edward J. DaGlau David A. ’87 & Corrina R. Dahl Eric & Linda Dahlman Stephen W. Dahnke ’94 Patrick J. & Patricia L. Dainty Tracey A. D’Alessandro ’82, ’91 Douglas A. & Kathleen L. ’02 Daley Geraldin Dandino Kelli M. Daniels Louise L. Daniels Edmund J. & Margaret C. ’68 Danziger Jr. Arlenne E. D’Arbonne ’78 Stephen M. ’71 & Linda S. ’74 Darnall Randal A. & Leslie A. ’82 Darr Richard Daubert David L. & R. Ann ’78 Daugherty Russell T. & Diane L. ’92, ’95 Daum Janet R. Dauterman ’65, ’69 Davey Tree Expert Company Denise L. Davidson ’09 Brian & Julie D. ’87 Davies Debra L. Davis ’82 Jacqueline B. Davis ’71

Raymond Davis* William E. & Annabelle Davis Geoffrey Day David Dean Margaret S. Debien ’69 Reuben Debolt Michael D. Debrock ’82 Wayne H. ’67 & Nancy E. ’68 Decker Laura A. DeCrane ’84 Arthur & Mary M. Deeks R.H. & Barbara Deerhake William L. & Beverly K. ’66 Dehaan Timothy & Joann Dehaven Patrick J. Dehnart ’09 James F. Delahunt Brian A. Delehoy Norman W. & Betsy A. Delzeith Michael T. & Laurie Dembicki Patti L. Denney ’58 Thomas R. Derby ’77 Robert A. & Sherrill A. ’88 Derksen Helen W. Dermer ’53 Shirlie Deshetler Michelle S. Dethlefsen Kenneth R. Deutsch Jeffrey J. ’99 & Jennifer L. ’97 Dever Michael A. ’78 & Lori S. ’85, ’94 Dewyre Steve Dice Greg A. ’89, ’98 & Martha S. ’03 Dickerson Diane B. Dickinson ’73, ’79 David F. ’76 & Marilyn Dieball Paul E. ’64 & Janice I. Diehl Scott H. ’87, ’91 & Tonya M. ’88 Diehn Mary H. Dienstberger Karen A. Dietrich ’78 Earl T. ’57 & Sheila ’58 Digby James S. ’61, ’65 & Patricia A. ’63 Dimling Carlton & Rebecca Dippman Mark C. ’78 & Alane DiSalvo Carole L. Disbrow ’78, ’80 James R. ’68 & Jean M. Disher Dale R. Dittmer ’02 Linda A. Divan ’73 Kenneth E. & Patricia A. Dixon Mark & Carol A. ’85 Dodd Rebecca Y. Dodson ’80, ’82 William E. Doehring Paul R. Doerr ’56 Christopher M. Dolin ’05 Danny J. & Julie A. ’83 Doner William O. Donnelly David F. & Kimberly A. ’80 Dougherty Dennis J. ’76, ’78 & Kris H. ’84 Doughty Linda M. Douglas Paul E. Douglas Robert C. Dowdall ’64 Sharon Drain Shirley J. Drain ’48 Lawrence J. Dranchak

Diane Dray ’69 Linda K. Dray ’00 John E. ’65, ’67 & Carol L. ’65 Dreifort Arthur K. ’60 & Beverly J. Dremann Karen L. Drenth ’79 Leo J. ’59 & Norma J. Drilling Patricia A. Droll Robert G. ’67 & Sue M. ’68 Drothler Durand S. Dudley Joseph J. & Carole Dugan Rodney Dullum Marie A. Dunaway ’74, ’79 Clifford & Eloise M. Duncan Robert L. Dunfee Jr. ’85 Robert A. Dunkelberger ’84, ’86 Joe Dunkle Victor L. Dunlap ’70 Christopher S. & Susan A. Dunn Mark A. ’87 & Diane S. ’87 Dunn Henry R. ’73 & Kathleen Dunnick Patrick M. Dymarkowski ’04 Bill & Dorinda Easdale Daniel & Lisa Ebert Byard D. & Barbara Ebling Barbara F. Echols ’70 Pamela S. Ecker ’76 Thomas F. & Millie M. Eckert Phillip H. & Virginia B. ’71 Eckert Reginald G. ’57 & Dianne M. Eden David Edwards William T. ’77 & Barbara C. ’76 Edwards John & Joy Egan Julia M. Egan Ronald & Barbara Ehler Edward F. Eibel III ’74 H. Stanley Eichenauer ’57 Diane C. Eichman ’88 Mary Eiden George W. ’48, ’50 & Patricia C. Eidsness Wayne E. & Mary A. Eilers Jerry Elder ’60 Arthur L. & Rebecca A. Eli James R. & Rebecca K. ’64 Elliott Sr. Cheryl Elser Thomas V. & Carol A. ’82 Elwood John & Joyce H. ’81 Ely EMD Serono Inc. Michael & Linda R. ’03, ’06 Emerine Emerson Nelson D. ’92 & June E. ’92 Emerson Wilma J. Emerson ’62 Allan M. Emery Eugene A. ’59 & Thelma J. ’59 Emter Patricia Enders ’64, ’66 Sheryl English Scott & Angela Eno Alfredo J. & Stacie L. ’03 Enriquez Richard M. ’75 & Marcia M. Enslen Ron & Janet Epley

Kit P. ’74 & Nancy J. ’74 Eridon Anita Eureste-Kryder ’76 Kirk W. & Dina P. ’92 Evans Daniel H. ’94 & Jamie L. ’99, ’02 Evarts Jr. Ruth Everett Alan L. & Gayle A. Exley Lois J. Faflick ’55 Robert S. & Stephanie K. ’78 Fama Patric Famulatte Janie D. Fannon Martha W. Farmer Wilma L. Farmer Larry P. Farnham ’69 Gail F. Farnsley ’82 Richard L. & Marilyn M. Farrell Jeffery E. & Nancy C. ’72 Farris Kimbal L. ’08 & Judith L. Fatica Brian D. Faulk Thomas W. & Molly M. Federle Irina Fedorchuk ’04 Robert L. & Mary D. ’87 Feehan Gwendolyn K. Feinberg ’77 Gregory C. Fenton ’80 Jon B. ’63 & Kay E. Fenton Joanna H. Ferguson ’94 Edward A. ’59, ’60 & Jeanne C. ’59 Ferkany Lisa Ferrante-Walsh ’85 Mark L. Ferris ’69 Jay B. ’72 & Cathy I. Fesler Judith V. Fiebiger ’61 Linda L. Fields Dennis L. Finch ’67 Findlay Inn & Conference Center Heather E. Finfrock ’94 David J. & Bonnie L. ’69, ’88 Fink Richard W. Finkbine ’80 Susan R. Finkel ’78 Carmen F. & Pamela F. Fioravanti Carol A. Fiorelli ’73 Firelands Faculty & Staff Diane B. Fischer ’80 Edward D. & Julie G. ’93 Fiscus David S. ’74 & Sandra Fisher Howard & Phyllis Fisher James G. Fisher ’77 Jonathan H. ’82 & Lynne C. ’82 Fisher Lee I. Fisher Paul J. Fisher Steve & Toni Fisher Tracy Fisher Sean P. FitzGerald Thomas Fix Joy Flansburg Douglas R. ’03 & Stephanie L. ’03 Flere George E. & Mary A. ’68 Flyak Kristie A. Foell Melvin R. ’65, ’67 & Dawn L. ’65 Foels Mark A. & Megan A. ’88 Foglietti Lisa K. Foote ’82, ’85

Alona M. Forbes ’56 Jacqueline S. Ford ’69 Joseph & Sandra K. Fortman Darryl R. Foster ’86 Angela J. Foster-Barnes ’90 Saar U. Fountain James C. Foust Steven Fouty Anthony R. ’93 & Lori K. Fox Beth S. Fox ’71, ’73 Jeffrey R. ’73 & Betty Fox Jill Fox Elizabeth Frank Ralph W. & Stefania E. Frank Aaron & Mollie Frankart Steven & Kathryn Frankenberg Sharon L. Franklin Nathan D. Frechette Joseph B. ’70, ’72, ’74 & Kathleen V. ’86, ’91 Frederick Kevin L. Freed ’83 & Anne B. Russell ’82 David E. Freedheim ’54 Wayne & Sandra Freewalt Glen ’56 & Marna Freimark Fremont Ross Tournament Account James L. ’65 & Sandra M. ’65 French Robin Frey Michael A. & Amanda J. ’07 Freyaldenhoven II Amalia Frias William J. ’81 & Beth A. ’82 Friess Brian & Cindy Fritch Edward Fritz John A. & Helenanne ’62 Frobose III Jamie L. ’76 & Carol R. ’77 Frush Lonnie Fruy Carlos R. & Mary L. Fuentes Dan H. & Tonya L. Fulk Alexander J. Furst ’08, ’09 Garrett D. ’03 & Natalie S. ’05 Gabel Doris J. Gaertner ’79 James M. ’81 & Mary M. Gagen David P. & Candice J. ’83 Gallagher Richard P. & Annette L. ’75 Gallagher Lynda C. Gallant Nicholas P. ’59 & Marsha Gallo Jeffrey H. Gansberg ’67 Gary W. ’86, ’95 & Sallie A. ’86, ’02 Gardner Dennis & Lori Garlick Jane K. Garner ’73, ’02 Neil T. ’79 & Linda F. ’79, ’81 Gartner John M. Gartrell ’71 Anthony W. Gaver ’96 Andre & Alla Gavrilov Richard C. Gebhardt Myron* & Mary E. Geeting Michael J. Geha Kristin N. Geiger David R. ’73 & Kathryn A. Geisert Larry G. Geissler ’59 Tresalyn Gentile ’51

George A. ’77 & Ellen R. ’77 Gentry Gregory L. ’76 & Joanne T. ’70 Gerber Frederick B. ’55 & Arleen P. Gerbing Otto J. & Constance Gerdeman Thomas P. ’77 & Lisa G. ’82 Geren Barry A. ’79 & Heather Gerhart Thomas P. Gerken ’70 Robert ’78 & Teresa J. Germinder Jr. William H. ’92 & Elaine I. Gerwin Nicholas ’82, ’84 & Sally J. Gesouras Robert T. Getz III ’00, ’03 Barbara Geyer Arthur Geyh Sally Giauque Carol Gibson Richard J. Gibson ’54, ’57 Valerie A. Gielink ’87 Richard P. ’81 & Donna R. Gill Steve Bambauer & Cynthia A. Gilles-Bambauer ’87 Terrence M. ’53 & Barbara E. ’53 Gillespie Garrett L. Gilmer Margaret M. Gilmore ’78 James E. Ginter ’73 Patti M. Giusto ’64 David W. & Susan E. ’00 Gladieux Robert Glanz Joe A. ’73 & Sandra A. ’74 Glasmire Rose Glass Dorothy Glauner GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Charles A. Glew ’70 Thomas L. ’65 & Marlene K. ’65, ’79 Glick Global Impact for Cisco Systems Foundation Liza C. Godfrey ’77 Douglas A. Goeke ’87 Gerald A. & Mary J. ’86 Goetz Patrick M. Goggin ’80 Albert N. ’59 & Ellen M. Goldberg John N. ’83 & Julie M. ’83, ’85 Golden Edward J. & Tena D. Golding Susan T. Goldstein ’74 Gary & Kathy Gomez Alberto ’77 & Joanne E. ’78, ’97 Gonzalez Kathryn J. Goodin ’61, ’63 Miriam Goodman James & Caroline Gordon Jeffrey J. Gordon ’07 Kim E. Gorman ’70, ’71 Michaelene T. Gorney ’72 James G. ’79 & Bernadette M. ’80 Gosky Kenneth W. ’95 & Shelly L. Gottschalk Susan J. Gould ’75 Trenton E. Gould ’98 & Kristina A. Sheldon-Gould ’97 Norwood & Ruth M. ’58 Gove Daniel L. ’73 & Karen S. ’74 Grafner Joan C. Graham ’55 Roger ’60 & Ann D. Graham Grand Rapids Historical Society Thomas C. Keane ’82 & Paula A. Grant

Gary G. Grassan ’67 Brad D. Grava ’94 Mark A. Graves ’86, ’92 Gary R. Gravette ’57 Thomas J. & Renee E. Greco Jody L. Green ’85 Steven Greenwell Mary G. Greetham ’38 Ronald E. ’74 & Kathleen S. ’70 Gregorsok Gary J. Greguras ’96, ’98 Elsie Greifelt Jerry R. Greiner ’80 Dwayne D. Gremler Michael M. Griffel Jeffrey M. ’78, ’80, ’07 & Kimberly A. ’94 Grilliot Patricia Griner James M. & Barbara R. ’59 Grogan James D. Gross ’66 Mark A. ’80 & Theresa E. ’83 Gross Claire R. Grossman ’53 Kim M. & Deborah L. Grove Matthew A. & Christina L. Grubb Mathew R. Guggenbiller ’03 Jane Guidera David L. ’69 & Myra N. ’80 Guilford James A. & Jeanne L. ’83 Gulick Arlen & Bonnie Gulko James & Holly Gutek Donald E. ’83 & Eilene E. Guy Jr. Gregory A. Guzman ’94, ’95 Randall & Christine M. ’02 Haar Louise Haar ’62 Paul F. Haas Scott A. Haber ’85, ’87 Abby L. Habicht ’06 Carol Hackett David E. & Patricia Haferd John H. Hageman & Patricia A. Donahue Susan M. Hageman ’82 Mike & Karen Haggerty William C. Hale ’66 Mary I. Haley James R. Hall ’75 Lorene L. Hall ’72, ’74 Thomas & Pamela R. ’74 Hall Margaret Hallenbeck Jeffrey L. ’74 & Linda M. Halsey Christopher W. & Julie A. ’92, ’93 Hamann Hollis L. Hamilton ’76 Emma Hamlin James G. Hammer ’84, ’91 Lee S. Spector & Leslie Hammer ’89, ’91 Richard Hammer Kimberley D. Hammond ’99 Mary-Martha Hancock ’65 Jane B. Hankins Michael E. & Marilyn K. ’81 Hanko William R. & Doris Hanna Craig A. ’98 & Catherine R. ’96 Hanselman



Judy Hansen Judy D. Hansen ’71 Kurt P. Hanson ’02 Lucille Harbin Elaine Hardman Catherine L. Harger ’71 Roger H. ’74 & Janet L. Harlow Jr. Bil Harnishfeger Miriam Harpst Roger & Lucille Harpster Beverly J. Harrington ’70 David W. ’71 & Marilyn M. ’71 Harris Robert L. & Delores Harris James E. ’58 & Mary L. ’59 Harrison Thomas W. & Shelly Harrison Shelly R. Harsha ’83 David A. & Mary E. ’67 Harshfield Kathleen A. Hart ’71 L.J. & D.A. Hart Family Trust Louis J. Hart ’51 Sarah J. Hartigan ’00 Warren L. Hartman ’67, ’69 Robert L. Hartshorn ’72 Donald Harvey Douglas J. Hashbarger ’83 Mary L. Haskins ’70 Samuel E. Hatcher ’03 Candace L. Hatton Geoffrey C. ’86 & Elizabeth C. ’85 Hauck David J. & Maureen L. Hawk Ray F. A. Hawkins ’07 Jeffery & Lisa K. ’86 Hay Jeffrey ’91 & Eva Marie S. ’46, ’82 Hayden Dennis H. Hayes Matthew R. & Mary K. ’87 Hayes Steven & Teresa Hayner Karen S. Hazel ’84 Russell W. ’61 & Nancy W. ’61 Heckman David S. & Lisa D. ’89 Hedrick Jennifer Heggie Jean Heibertshavsen Kristi Heifferon Valerie J. Heimberger ’94 Lisa A. Heinbach ’92 David E. & Cheryl L. Heinlen Sheryl Heinlen James & Janice Heinrich Ramona L. Heinzerling ’41 John D. Heisner ’54 Jeffrey S. ’92 & Catherine M. Helfrich Mary Helge ’78 Edwin L. Heminger Gordon F. Heminger III ’99, ’02 Andy Hemmelgarn Barbara E. Hendel ’94 Nina Henne Glennys Henry Gary D. & Trudy K. ’78 Henson Russell J. Hepner ’62

William M. ’75 & Rosemary A. Herb Allen J. & Pamela A. Heringhaus George & Parmie Herman Barbara Hernandez John G. ’60 & Suzanne Herner Mark & Brenda Herold Todd D. Hershberger ’89 Jennifer Hester ’62 Judy Hey Garrick A. Hill ’88 J. Robert ’50 & Betty J. ’49 Hill Judith A. Hill ’62 Marcia L. Hill ’75 Dennis C. ’72 & Deborah L. Hills Steven C. Hines ’72 Carol F. Hintz ’68 Dennis L. & Joyce Hirn Judith Hirsch ’66 Karl & Lynne Hirzel Pete & Pam Hitchcock C. G. Hixenbaugh Alan L. ’88 & Amy B. Hlad Josephine J. Ho ’72 Carl Hoagstrom Sara J. Hochstein ’70 Richard & Suzanne Hodgdon Patrick J. Hoehn Sandra M. Hoehne ’85 Margie Hoellrich ’62, ’70 Harry W. & Shirley A. Hoemann Mark & Margaret Hoerig Robert E. ’83 & Carol Hof Elizabeth A. Hofer ’78, ’82 Janice Hoffer Gary W. ’75 & Deborah Hoffman Lois M. Hoffman ’54 Michael P. ’80 & Tamara S. ’80 Hoffman John & Corrie D. ’86 Hofstetter Daniel E. ’64 & Katharine N. Holdgreve Albert B. ’70 & Jane E. Holding Antonio E. ’82 & Yvette H. ’82 Holliday Robert B. & Patty Hollister Jack & Roberta Honegger Dale N. ’76 & Linda L. ’76 Hoose Kenneth A. Hoot Scott R. ’78 & Sandra K. ’78 Hoover Michael A. & Cherisse L. ’76 Hopper Nicholas J. & Mariann L. ’87 Horgan Albert H. & June A. Horn Jr. Amy M. Horn ’89 Gregory B. ’76 & Cathleen J. ’76 Horn Keith A. & Holly A. ’87 Housman David M. & Karen Howell Susan Hubbell Thomas & Nancy Huber Dennis L. & Anna L. ’74 Hudelson Donald J. ’76 & Joanne M. Huelsman James E. & Anella J. Huff Scott A. ’86 & Kim K. Huff

Martha J. Huffman ’68, ’70 John Huffman Richard S. & Kimberly A. ’06 Huffman Terry L. ’61, ’62 & Janice L. Hufford Heather L. Hug ’03 James A. & Charlene P. ’66 Hughes Charles E. & Kathleen Hull Katherin M. Hull Fred & Janet Humphrey William D. ’72 & Alice Hunkler Huron Family Dental Center James F. ’73 & Theresa A. ’73, ’85 Huster Annie Hutchinson Jim & Jeanine Huttner Charles R. ’67 & Anne M. ’68 Hyland Keith E. Imler ’69 Jon R. ’88 & Kathryn A. Inglefield Mary K. Inkrott ’05, ’06 Intelliscan Inc. J-F Enterprises Inc. Allan J. ’67 & Kathryn L. Jablonsky V. Sue Jackman ’63 Allyn F. ’75 & Debra J. ’75 Jackson David C. ’73, ’75 & Tracey R. Jackson Patricia A. Jackson ’87 Pauline G. Jackson ’60 Tommy R. & Patricia E. ’79 Jackson Denice L. Jacoby ’94 Barbara J. Jager ’92 Beth D. Jagnecki ’69 Douglas & Kay Jakubowski Brad A. ’77 & Patricia A. ’79 James Ronald S. & Patricia S. James Dennis E. Janowicz ’75 Christina R. Jaramillo ’77 Sandra Jarrell Bonnie L. Jefferis ’82 Austin Jenkins Jr. ’56 Randy P. Jenkins ’88 Cynthia A. Jennings ’71, ’73 Kelly J. Jennings ’87 Neal G. & Katherine E. ’02 Jesse David N. ’75 & Jori A. ’84 Jex Steve M. & Robin M. Jex Christopher J. & Nicole R. Johnson Cindy L. Johnson ’80 David B. ’74 & Sharon L. ’74 Johnson Deborah H. Johnson ’73 Jeffrey & Marianne Johnson Jeffrey L. & Theresa R. Johnson Keith E. ’53 & Marilyn Johnson Kraig A. Johnson ’78 Mark & Nancy L. ’78 Johnson Robert & Sally Johnson Karlyn L. Johnston ’56 Edwin J. & Joyce M. ’75 Johnston-Carlson Andy R. Jones Marcus R. & Allison Jones Valerie Jones

Wesley J. Jones Jr. ’61 Willis ’63 & Joan J. Jones Jr. Lindsey M. Jonkhoff ’08 Kou-Rong S. Jou ’84 John ’69 & Elizabeth K. ’69 Juhas Eric W. & Melissa K. ’98 Jungers Scott E. ’86, ’88 & Lynn A. Kachmarik Robert J. ’91, ’97 & Wendy M. ’93 Kacmarcik Susan L. Kadel ’73 Mitchell D. & Lynn A. Kajzer Kalahari Resorts Mary A. Kall ’85 Mary A. Kallos ’53 John N. Kamau David N. ’71 & Louann F. ’87 Kanagy Kevin M. & Colleen E. ’85 Kane Joy E. Kantner Randall W. & Candice A. ’86 Kantzer Edmond C. Kanwischer Mark & Karen Karaffa Tillman R. ’71 & Mary S. Karl Daniel P. & Heather S. Karns Michael & Janet L. ’77 Kassalen Kauffman Foundation MG Program of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation+ Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Stanley & Annetta Kaufman Charles B. Keil III Cathy Keller Gary M. & Laura V. ’77 Keller Laura Kelley Marilyn Kemper Ken R. LLC Lori A. Kendall ’84 Linda L. Kennedy ’82 Sarah M. Kenney Tod J. ’81 & Patricia L. ’82 Kenney Barbara Kenning John J. Kenny ’82 Thomas J. ’70 & Linda Kenny Elisabeth S. Kerchinski ’89 Stuart O. Kerr ’77 Steven J. & Karen M. ’88 Kershner Dean & Nancy E. ’77 Kessler KeyBank John Kiehl* David A. ’88, ’92 & Diane J. ’88 Kielmeyer Bryan E. ’80, ’81 & Lori A. ’82 Kiesewetter Richard M. ’64, ’66 & Linda A. Kilbane Emily R. Kilby ’70, ’71 Herbert M.* & Sue Kinder Daniel J. Kindl ’98 Clifford King David J. King ’91 Dean W. & Sondra R. King Leslie A. King ’82 Paul R. ’58 & Elizabeth King Thomas A. & Yvonne M. ’82 King Marjory A. Kinney ’67, ’91

Matthew S. ’83 & Ann M. Kinney Thomas L. Kinney Frederick L. ’70 & Georgeen L. Kirk Gordon W. Kirk ’65 Richard J. & Annette Kirsch Thomas D. & Dianne D. ’77, ’83 Klein William E. Klein ’84 James E. ’77 & Elizabeth Kleinfelter Patricia L. Klos Revocable Trust Sharon H. Kloss ’71 Chris Klosterman Tracy A. Klosterman ’03 Paul A. ’77 & Mary B. Knake Jr. John M. ’77 & Joyce ’68 Knape Susan K. Knapp Marilyn B. Kneafsey ’73 Michael J. & Marilyn J. ’75 Knilans Carl J. ’94 & Mary Knueven Catherine S. Koch ’93 Georgia A. Koch ’69 Kimberly K. Koch Joseph A. ’69 & Dawn L ’69 Kochtan R. Eugene & Joyce Koehler Scott A. Koehler ’95 Lee A. Koenigbauer ’06 Carl & Wanda Kogge Sean M. Kohl ’05 Steve R. & Rochelle Kolach David J. & Elizabeth R. ’90 Kolasky Joseph & Sharon K. ’61 Kolb Sri R. & Savithri ’99 Kolla Frank Kollarits Frank Komorowski David J. Koniarz ’81 Amy L. Konow ’96 William P. Kooistra ’87, ’90 Craig L. ’69 & Sandra L. ’69 Koontz Shari Koontz Kolleen A. Kopchak ’95, ’06 Valeta Koppenhofer William J. ’72 & Kathy A. ’72 Koran Marilyn W. Kornowski ’55 Alex ’57 & Emilie Korosi Jr. James A. & Sharon R. ’72 Koshak Cynthia L. Koshatka ’76, ’83 John Kosicki Edward J. ’90, ’91 & Cynthia H. Kotora Jr. Michael ’68 & Linda J. ’69 Kousaie Sandra M. Kovalik ’78 Jane Kraklik Lawrence A. & Kimm E. ’86 Krehmke William L. & Helen Kreutz Charles P. & Teresa A. ’81 Krisak Burdette Krohn Lance L. & Donna J. ’71 Krotzer Fritz Krouskop William & Stephanie Krummert Jr. Robert W. Kruse ’49 Sandra F. Kruse ’87

Joseph W. Kuebler David R. ’88 & Julie A. ’87 Kuhar Sue Kuhn Richard Kujawski Brian & Marianna Kulpa James J. ’79 & Sherry L. Kulway Roselyn Kunemund Leilani Kupo Charles & Donna Kurtz Irene G. Kurtz Richard J. Kuzma ’60, ’62 Christopher D. & Pamela S. ’89 Kwiatkowski Patricia Labauve John E. ’55 & Paula J. Ladd John P. Lafferty & Laura T. Trombino-Lafferty ’80 Lakeside Medical Billing Russell E. ’92, ’96 & Dorothy B. ’93, ’97 Lambert William Lambert Thomas R. ’65 & Dianne Lammers Debra K. Lamp ’90 Charles J. Hagner & Julie A. Landes ’82 James W. ’70 & Gloria H. Lane Allen G. Lantz ’77 Kenneth A. ’86 & Colleen B. Larkey David A. ’86 & Sonia Larrabee Margaret Latham Susan Latham Cheryl Lauer Dale R. ’68, ’73 & Marcia J. ’68 Laukhuf Kenneth & Mary E. Lausa Lori M. Lavinski ’86 Doris S. Lawler Delbert R. ’75 & Katherine S. ’75 Lawson Barbara J. Layfield ’61 Gary D. & Carolyn Layne Edward A. ’68 & Susan S. Leach Evelyn F. Leach ’45 Charles & Truus G. Leader Michele A. Leatherbury ’67 Melba J. & Wayne Leatherman Park E. ’55 & Marilyn K. Leathers Edward & Susan Leach Charitable Trust Daniel E. ’76 & Betsy J. ’76 Ledenican Dorotha Lee Russell J. & LuAnn Lee Nelson & Theresa J. ’89 Lee James P. Leek ’85 David B. Lefton ’05 Earl W. & Edith Lehman Diane Lehr Charles M. ’55 & Rita F. ’56 Leidy Dave & Kay Leitenberger Andy Lemble Robert A. ’60 & Nancy A. Lenga Jerald & Lydia Lenning Charles R. & Sylvia Leonard Neocles B. Leontis Linda Lerma Alan Jaffee & Laura M. Leventhal

Gerald F. ’60, ’62 & Paula M. Levy Nanc Lewandowski Jacquelyn Lewis James E. & Maureen J. Lewis Lea Lewis Suzanne Ley Robert J. ’69, ’71 & Marlene Y. ’71 Lieb Robert Lietz Ann M. Light ’87, ’00 Jack D. ’71 & Susan M. ’71 Lightcap Dawn K. Limpert ’04 Bing C. Lin ’09 Shaw-Lih ’88 & Huey-Jiun S. Lin Frederick L. ’75 & Jane E. ’76 Linden Joni K. Lindquist ’83 Scott F. ’01 & Sheila Lindsay Scott & Susan Lines Raymond S. ’83 & Wendy Ling Linguisystems Laura Link Martin P. ’77 & Laurel Linn Sara E. Lioi ’83 James & Constance Little Roberta B. Little ’78 Donna J. Lodico ’86 Donald L. Loeffler ’69 Mark A. Lohrum ’09 Robert J. London ’83 Gene & Dorothy Long Kyle G. ’83 & Michelle Long Larry E. Long ’76 William T. ’87 & Shannon S. Longman II Stacey A. Lora ’91 Francine J. Lorcher ’78 Peter D. ’86 & Christine C. Lorenzetti Elmer & Elizabeth Lotshaw Evelyn N. Lotz ’38 Paul & Cheryl A. Louder Karen R. Loughridge ’71 Sharon E. Lovell ’89, ’94 Rex L. Lowe Deborah G. Lowery Deborah A. Lowry Karen R. Loy Harold & Mary M. ’71 Ludwick Ron E. Lukasiewicz Gary A. Luken ’72 Mark A. & Linda M. ’73 Lunz Jason W. ’06 & Sarah E. ’08 Luthy Herman W. Lutz Timothy R. Lynch ’74 M & M Rentals Clayton Maag George M. ’48* & Jean F. ’47 MacDonald Keith & Ingrid S. ’91, ’94, ’95 MacDonald Pat Macdonald Frank A. ’70 & Marilyn P. Macharoni Jr. Edward Mack Mary K. Mack ’48

Susan Mack Janet R. MacPherson ’78 James A. Macuga Robert C. Mahon ’08 James R. ’58 & Rosemary Mainous James R. ’81 & Lorene Malanowski Bradley S. ’72 & Susan J. ’72 Malcolm Gerald E. & Marilyn L. ’78 Mallott John Malosh Michael G. & Margaret E. Malvasi Nancy R. Mancuso Lucille Mangas Cheryl M. Manley ’76 Alison E. Mann ’07 Joan D. Manson ’77 Donald W. & Michell L. Manvel Dominic J. Marchi ’05 Dana R. Marcusanu ’00 John V. Maring Sr. Barbara C. Markham ’89 James R. ’70 & Bridget Marlow Deborah C. Marsh Teresa N. Marsh ’84 Franklin A. ’64 & Karen H. Martens Scott R. & Anne L. ’79 Martin Bradley J. ’84 & Diana J. ’83, ’85 Martin Harold F. ’55, ’57 & Gloria P. ’69 Martin Jr. John A. Martin ’73 Karen M. Martin ’98 Kevin Martin & Diane McEwen-Martin Melanie A. Martin ’99 Cathy R. Martz ’92 Patricia J. Marxen ’89 John J. Mascio ’88 Joseph J. & Patty Masi George S. & Nancy A. Massers Lauren E. Mast ’59, ’61 Vincent J. & Lisa S. ’81 Mastrobuono Douglas M. ’81 & Sharon M. ’80, ’82 Mastroianni Elizabeth J. Matchett ’87 Ann F. Mather Charles W. Matthews Jr. ’64 Guy & Theresa Matthews Vincent & Dianne Mattina Karl E. ’54 & Gretchen E. ’54 Mauerhan Hugo R. & Judith M. ’81 Maurer John Maurer Robert L. ’62 & Karen K. ’60 Mawhorter Olga K. May James H. & Jean A. Mayer Lynn D. & Rose Mayer Roberta L. Mayer ’60 Mike Mazur Robert D. ’60, ’62 & Lynne Mazur Robert McAfee Carolyn J. McCague Patrick M. ’89 & Nancy J. McCauley Michael L. & Denise A. ’74, ’76 McColley Merle L. McConkey



Bernard H. ’78 & Julianne M. McCormick Robert G. & Clair F. ’81 McCormick James V. Lupis & Leslie S. McCormick ’74 Michael W. McDaniel ’01 McDonald’s Corporation Stuart A. & Tamara E. ’94 McFarren Joseph & Leslie McGeady Margaret M. McGing ’88 Arden E. ’94 & Brenda C. McGinnis Jr. Patricia A. McGinnis ’52, ’63 William F. McGrady ’68 Tom McGrain Dorothy R. McHenry Patrick P. ’82 & Jeanne H. ’85, ’86 McHugh Lou A. McInnes ’76, ’78 Kenneth D. McIntyre Jr. Michael G. ’83 & Eileen G. ’88 McKeon Gordon M. ’76 & Janet L. ’73 McLeod Maribeth McNeeley ’82 Clayton & Matilda McNeil Michael & Kathleen E. ’65, ’74 McNulty Mindy S. McNutt ’90 Dale R. ’47, ’49 & Joan B. McOmber John M. & Lindalu P. Meadows Mecca Management Inc. Marvin L. & Margaret E. ’83 Meek Jim Mees Ann M. Mehelas ’82 Alexandre ’97 & Kate Mejiritski John F. & Catherine Mekus Douglas & Karen Melin David E. ’75 & Lynne Mellinger Thomas & Maureen Menacher Donald L. & Louise M. Mennel Michael Mercer Michael J. ’82 & Rhonda K. ’82 Meredith Bonnie L. Meridieth ’84 Vic & Mary Lou Merschman John L. Messecar ’63, ’69 Trinka E. Messenheimer David S. ’71 & Pamela J. ’70 Metting Herbert & Carolyn M. Metzger James J. ’84 & Valerie E. Mewhorter Bruce A. ’82 & Julia J. Meyer Christopher L. & Julia Meyer Dennis M. & Karen K. Meyer Jr. Joseph M. Meyer ’75 Meyer Riverview Farms Inc. MH Equipment Julie A. Miavez ’86 David J. & Linda F. ’64 Michael Wayne P. ’66 & Kaye E. Michaelis Hilda Michel Todd A. ’88 & Lynn A. Michel Larry J. & Therese A. ’87 Midla Joseph J. ’77 & Deborah S. ’80 Mihalik Raymond Mihalsky ’61 Douglas W. Milbrodt ’82 Roger L. & Ann E. ’90 Miller

Carla Miller Carol Miller Carole D. Miller Craig A. Miller ’90 David K. Miller ’61, ’64 Eugenia C. Miller ’64 Joseph Miller Josh Miller Judith E. Miller ’83, ’90 Karen A. Miller Kimberly K. Miller Mark Miller Robert & Patricia S. ’68 Miller Steven L. ’73 & Coleen C. ’72 Miller Todd K. Miller ’80 & Donna A. Kirkpatrick Winifred Miller Norbert H. ’67, ’74 & Jean Mills Sandra Mills Susan D. Mills ’91 Larry Minarik Jeffrey R. & Gayle L. ’82 Mitchell Mark C. & Karen Moats Joyce Mocherman Raymond Moczadlo Betty Mohring Cassandra Molyet Michael J. ’70 & Elaine L. Molyet Monsanto Fund Lorri Montgomery Robert & Anita M. Montgomery William L. ’73 & Jacquelyn G. Montrie Douglas ’54, ’56 & Lee ’50 Mooney Beverly Moore Deloris Moore Jane T. Moore ’65 John C. Moore Martha J. Moore ’74 Pamela Moore Todd L. ’88 & Constance R. ’88 Moore Mark R. & Dorothy Moran James & Fran Morgan Rosemary J. Morgan ’84 Traci L. Morgan ’89 Charles F. Morris ’65 Donald R. ’78, ’81 & Mary C. ’93 Morrison Jesse & Nancy J. ’73 Morrison Neil S. ’78 & Lucie R. Morrisroe Mary D. Morsch ’86 John & Peggy Morton Joe & Rita M. ’67 Moscioni Philip H. & Victoria A. ’52 Moseley Kevin P. ’91 & Alison L. Moyer Jerry R. Mravec ’70 Thoma Muhlenkamp Geraldine Mulligan Geraldine M. Mulligan Trust Michael J. & Lynne M. ’82 Mullins E. Harold & Aileen Mumford Neil A. & Kathleen L. ’79, ’87 Munger

Brian R. & Mary H. Murphy Linda M. Murray ’80 Roger A. ’68, ’70 & Susan K. ’69, ’71 Murray II Thomas J. & Ann Murray Harold H. ’75 & Suzanne Murry Anthony T. ’84 & Staci A. ’87 Music Mutual of Omaha Albert L. & Teri Myers Brian M. Myers ’92 Gary T. Myers ’79, ’81 Julia K. Myers ’06 Ray L. Myers ’73 John A. ’70, ’72 & Peggy T. ’75, ’77 Myles Ronald J. & Beth A. ’93 Nagel Hiroko Nakamoto ’54, ’92 Donald & Nancy E. Navarre Lynn M. Navin ’84 David M. Neal ’76, ’78 Robert & Nancy Neff Joel Negrich Robert Neiderhouse ’63 Angela M. Nelson ’89, ’92 Mary M. Nelson ’86 George F. ’86 & Melissa A. ’88 Nemeth Joseph S. & Elvira Nemeth Lisa M. Netotea Richard Neuman David R. Neumann ’83, ’87 Dean A. Neumann John A. & Patricia A. ’67 Neville Scheran Newell Fred Newhouse Joan M. Newlove ’89 John L. & Lydia Newlove Craig W. ’75, ’77 & Roberta N. ’76 Newman Debra Newsom Eleanor A. Nicholls ’56 Nan P. Nichols ’65 Sharlene Nichols William R. & Connie L. ’76 Nicholson Lindsay A. Nicholson ’06 Glen A. Nickelsen ’69 Keith C. ’62, ’64 & Mary C.* Niederkohr Michael & Barbara Niekamp Edward M. ’96 & Katrina L. ’96 Niemi John A. & Mary J. Niese Aatos M. ’48, ’53 & Hilda L. Nikkila Earl R. ’53, ’55 & Cornelia ’53 Nissen Alan L. Noaker ’73 Reginald D. & Sherry Y. Noble Craig A. ’90 & Laura B. Notarianni Toby L. ’84 & Roberta J. Notestine Deborah A. Novak Rodney & Arlynne Nowland Carolyn Numbers David W. ’69 & Hallie D. Nuske Monika A. Nuss ’88 Kevin A. Oakes ’93 James E. ’74 & Debra J. Oberhaus

Jennifer L. Obloza ’91 Thomas V. & Barbara A. O’Brien William & Peggy Ochs Paul & Sandy Oehrtman Lachlan & Joann* Ohman Craig G. ’97 & Dianne M. Oldiges Joanna K. Oller ’50 William P. & Monica A. O’Loughlin Faith K. Olson ’78 Scott W. ’89 & Kristin Oman On the Edge Tatto Inc. Keith B. O’Neill Darrell W. Opfer ’63, ’64 Louis M. & Yvette Orr James W. ’77 & Sharlee S. ’77 Osborn Phyllis A. Oster ’80 Paul T. & Julie M. Ostrow Benjamin W. ’96 & Kristin W. Otley Sheryl A. Otto ’89 Steven E. & Marla S. ’79 Overholt John R. ’92 & Jennifer D. ’94 Owen Richard C. ’83 & Gwen H. ’84 Packert William & Geeji Padamadan Theodore L. & Judith K. Pagani Eugene Paik E. Palaskas Kim S. Palermo-Bogardus ’78 Carleton P. Palmer III William & Jill Palmer Jeffery D. ’82 & Lisa M. Palo Suzanne C. Palte ’72 J. Richard ’68 & Joan M. Pantalone Anastasia Pantsios Maxine Papenfuse Raymond M. Evers ’80 & Barbara S. Papish ’78, ’83 Paul T. & Esther M. ’73 Pappas Sandra Paradowski Vincent E. ’86 & Linda M. ’86 Parcher Steven J. & Joany W. Pardee David L. Park ’87 Richard & Nora Park John S. Parke ’01, ’04 Joe E. & Rose Parker Douglas & Glola L. ’71, ’73 Parrish Daniel F. & Jennifer M. ’88 Parsh Kristina M. Pasterak ’84 Bill Patterson Robert L. & Nancy C. ’60 Patterson Nancy C. Patterson Patricia I. Patton Harold H. Paul Gary N. Payeff ’69 Christopher W. ’79 & Jean H. Payne Payne Nickles & Company Brian C. Pcionek ’91 Thomas N. & Amy A. ’94 Pearson Jr. Richard Pearson Karen Peck Steven J. ’07 & Kristi L. Pedler

Susan H. Peet Pemberville Sons of the American Legion Edsel A. & Maria M. ’92, ’95 Pena Kristen M. Pengelly ’99 Ronald P. Penkoff ’54 Andrew F. Penoff ’96 Kim Penrod Christopher C. Pepple ’05, ’08 Milton & Beverly A. Peralta Margaret A. Percy ’56 Richard P. Perrin ’68 Donald M. ’77 & Anita L. Perrott Jr. Betty Perry Penelope J. Perry ’64 Judy L. Pershern ’81 Pertoria Inc. dba Wendy’s Arthur Pescosolido James R. & Debra K. ’72 Peters Milton E. ’65 & Carol D. Peters Kathryn K. Petersen ’65 Diana Peterson George H. Petkwitz ’73 Joel W. Petrie ’02 Robert P. & Linda A. Petrosino Ronald & Nancy Peyton Phi Kappa Phi Brian W. ’65 & Janice A. ’65 Phillips Francis B. Phillips Gregory & Janis Phillips Jeffrey L. Philpott ’98 Nicholas & Sibyl H. Piediscalzi Joseph R. ’94 & Susanne E. ’94 Pierce John & Laurie Pierrot Dan Pikula John & Janet Pilarowski Allen & Pamela A. ’72, ’74 Pilz David N. ’63 & Carol A. ’62 Pinkerton James K. Piper ’79 John D. ’61 & Sylvia A. ’70 Piper Michael J. & Amy D. ’94 Pirnstill Wayne Pitzen Rosalyn Pizza Patricia M. Place Chadwick A. Plank ’89 Joel Plott R. Dale Plumb* Plymesser Living Trust Peter M. & Linda J. Podolski Brett W. Pogan Sr. ’94 Joseph & Virginia M. ’81 Poignon Vincent J. ’66 & Donna M. Polce Irvain Poleski Darrell & Cynthia Polk William W. ’59 & Nancy H. ’59 Polk Charles G. Pona ’82 Elizabeth M. Pope Michael J. ’09 & Heidi M. ’97 Popovitch Mary V. Porreca Donna L. Porter ’89

Ramona Porter ’87 Robert P. & Therese L. ’87 Porter Nancy E. Posey Kenneth E. Potter Marian I. Potter William F. & Jeanne* Potter Dennis K. & Kathryn G. ’71 Poulton Marie J. Praspal ’79 Scott & Sara Preston Robin Prettyman Patricia A. Prezkop Janet F. Pridgeon Revocable Trust Amy M. Prigge Lisa M. Priolisi ’90, ’92 David A. & Janet L. ’78 Pritchard Proficient Information Technologies Inc. Theresa Provino John M. Pryba ’00 Eleanor J. Puckett ’50 Patrick B. Pugh Gary Puglise Patrick S. ’99 & Shannon L. ’97 Puhl Joyce P. Purdy David A. & Mary A. Puthoff Sara J. Puthoff ’98, ’00 Lester R. & Karen R. Quagliano Robert B. & Joyce L. ’66 Quillen Francis T. ’68 & Julie D. Quinn Jr. Jennie Quinn ’63 John B. ’69, ’72 & Jane W. Quinn Jr. RAB Financial Services Michael & Nancy Rader Christopher J. ’88 & Mary M. ’88 Radtke William Rainey Samuel L. & Renee M. ’82 Raisch Robert R. ’59, ’61 & Barbara Ramlow Ronald Rampe Thomas Rampe Brooke E. ’86 & Susan A. ’88 Ramsey Floyd A. ’68 & Donrita Ramsier Daniel R. Randall ’08 Dwight D. Rangeler ’53, ’54 Marion Rapp Terri Rasberry David J. & Susan D. Raszka Shobha Ratnam Michael T. ’82 & Sally A. Rauch Kirby C. Rawlins David T. & Mandy L. Ray John J. & Susan E. Rayner David K. ’68 & Karen A. ’68 Ream James Reaman Marilyn J. Reaman Ronald L. & Bonnie I. ’58 Reas Floyd M. & Mary J. Reaves Michele L. Reece ’89 Jeffrey L. & Debra A. ’77 Reed Marjorie Reed Timothy Reeder

Andrea N. Reese ’00 Pamela J. Reese ’87 Clifford A. Reeves III ’00 Terry L. & Karen H. ’69 Reeves Steven C. ’76 & Lisa A. ’76 Reeves Gerri A. & Paul T. Regazzi Dian Reichenbach David ’51 & Marilyn Reichert Tim Reimund Mark E. Reinbrecht ’78 Thomas D. ’71, ’73 & June A. ’70 Reinert Gail Reitzell Brian A. ’02, ’09 & Melanie L. ’03 Rellinger Thomas D. Rennebaum ’70, ’78 Gary A. ’87 & Mary C. Renner Marge D. Renner Anita Rethmel Judy Rex Rexam Inc. Theodore A. ’53, ’57 & Donna M. Reyman Clete Reymann Cheryl I. Reynolds Sally A. Reynolds ’65 Terence N. Reynolds ’85 John H. & Sharon S. Rhoades Cosme & Raquel R. ’79, ’81 Ribe Richard L. Smith Trust Theodore E. ’73 & Rebecca W. ’74 Richards II Randall E. ’78 & Karen Richardson Thomas & Marian Richardson Richard & Lisa Richter Lowell K. Ricker ’62 Thad W. Ricker ’90, ’93 Ramon D. & Janet Rickner The Rickner Family Trust Raymond L. Rideout ’60 Joseph E. & Dawn L. ’89 Riedlinger Ronald S. Riegler Beth A. Rife ’75, ’78 Pauline Rigel Lauri Riggs Rick Riggs Janet Riley Robert O. ’02 & Gerri L. Rine Kathleen Rinehart ’61, ’63 Todd R. Rinehart ’90, ’92 Tony J. Rinkel Donna Risner Joseph C. Ritorto III ’09 George Ritter Marcos A. ’91, ’93 Rivera & Carmen I. Castro-Rivera ’91, ’95 Frank Roach James A. ’77 & Judy Robarge Deborah Roberts Paul D. Roberts Terry D. ’74 & Eleanor Roberts Ryan J. ’04 & Nicole A. ’03 Robertson Michael T. Robey ’83

Peter Robinson Chrissy Rocco Daniel J. & Debra Rochte Rockwell International Corporation Michael A. & Nancy G. ’74 Rodeno Patricia R. Rodgers Michael F. & Kathleen M. Rodriguez Joan Roe Harry L. ’66, ’69 & Nancy Roesch David E. Roese ’69 Earl Roessing James L. ’84 & Michelle M. ’83 Rogers Louise Rogers Alexander W. ’04, ’05 & Angelina M. Rogosheske Jean Rohrbacher William Rokicki Martha L. Rolland ’68 Peter C. Rollins Rebecca K. Romano ’81, ’82 Linda Rook Richard S. ’74, ’76 & Arlen M. Rosenthal Gary A. Roser ’70, ’72 Philip B. ’76 & Gail A. ’79 Rosplock Norma June Ross Sue E. Rossman Richard G. & Jane E. Rothwell Wilfred H. & Christine L. Roudebush Jim Rowland Penny Rowley Robert P. & Kathy A. ’82 Roy Jr. Harley R. & Donna ’68 Rudersdorf II Kermit C. ’55* & Nancy F. Rudolph Mildred Ruen Anthony Ruggiero Jr. William R. & Cynthia L. ’84 Rulason Marjorie M. Rummel William R. & Claribel A. Runser Paula Rupert Mary J. Rupp ’70 Jered J. Russell ’98 Mary Russell Mary F. Russell ’69 Lesley G. Ruszkowski Bruce A. Rutter Thomas M. Rutter Kate E. Ryan ’90 Kevin J. & Ruth S. Ryan Ada B. Saam J. David ’64 & Madelon Sabine James V. ’78 & Sherryl Saccardi Mary A. Sadowski ’72 Grace J. Sailer ’50 Janet E. Saito ’59 Larry H. ’64, ’66 & Nancy J. Sakai James R. ’67 & Cheryl A. ’67 Saker Richard C. & Helen B. ’53 Salisbury H. Jay ’72 & Jo Ann ’75, ’77 Salvage Jean Salyers Leona Salyers



Jonathan A. Samelak ’96, ’04 Joan Samsen Donald F. & Carol Samuelson George Sanderson Brice J. & Jean M. Sands Sharon Sands Robert O. & Victoria A. Sanner Robert S. Satterlee Anne N. Potter Gregory J. Savord ’73 Mary Sawers Michelle M. Sbrocchi-Schwartz ’98 SBY Inc. David M. ’74 & Judith A. Scaife Teresa S. Scally William M. ’57 & Ann A. Scalzulli Randolph & Sara B. ’04 Schaffer Carolyn Schell Jay B. Schell ’06 Glenn E. & Kathryn A. Schembechler Herbert F. ’56 & Eileen K. Scherer Schering-Plough Foundation Robert L. ’60 & Mary Schiesel David G. & Marian B. Schild Scott A. Schimmoeller ’87 Matthew D. ’93 & Traci L. ’93 Schimpf Paul D. & Jennifer ’81 Schirmer Beverly A. Schlatter ’49 Michael E. & Julia C. Schlicher Sandra Schlicht ’76 Ned A. & Constance J. ’72 Schmaltz David & Mary Ann Schmalz Randolph G. ’73 & Jessie L. ’74 Schmeltz James L. & Carol Schmenk James F. & Vicki S. ’97 Schmid Charles Schmidlin Frederick H. Schmidt ’64 Julie A. Schmidt ’96 Thomas & Connie S. Schmidt David P. & Barbara S. ’79, ’05 Schmiedebusch Mary Schnabel Brad D. ’96, ’07 & Nicole M. ’95 Schneider Evelyn Schneider Robert H. & Patricia L. Schneider Michael & Sharon Schnell Lorraine H. Schnier ’01 Norman V. ’79 & Sandra A. Schnipke Walter R. ’73, ’74 & Deborah A. Schobel Vic Schoemberger Dwight & Marlene A. ’78 Schoeneck Tracy A. Schramm ’86 Thomas Schrein Jean Schreiner Charles R. & Linda S. Schroeder Maxwell T. & Karen M. ’88 Schroeder Robert Schroeder Dale J. & Ruth C. ’95 Schroeder David J. ’70 & Connie M. Schuette Robert C. Schultz Jr. ’87

Tom & Joyce Schumacher Ron Schumm Shirley E. Schumm ’81 Francisco J. Gonzalez & Sara Schurtz-Gonzalez ’00 Allan J. ’54 & Marcia Schutt Mike Schwartz David & Ruth A. Schwieterman Matthew J. & Brenda S. ’80 Schwind Screen Printed Products Scripps Networks Interactive Gail P. Scukanec ’90 John C. ’50 & Janice G. ’47 Searle Ralph L. Sebrell ’50 William M. Seigley Samuel D. & Priscilla Sekel Jayson A. Selgo ’05, ’08 Randall S. ’84 & Lori A. Sellers Anneliese Sensini ’95 Carol W. Sepeta ’70 Jacob D. & Tracy A. ’03 Serafini Benjamin W. Serio ’03 John A. & Linda M. ’74 Seth Dana M. & Amy L. Severs Mary Sewell Alan N. Shafer ’03 Jill Shafer Catherine M. Shaffner ’82 Robert J. Shambora ’66 Harold Shank Brenda Shapiro ’79 Jill L. Shapiro ’78 Ernest E. & Virginia M. ’73 Shaw Jr. Gale A. & Rose A. Shawyer Patricia A. Sheely ’69 Joseph M. & Margery Sheldon Shell Oil Company Foundation John T. Shepherd ’82 Robert C. Sherwin ’71 Mark C. ’78 & Judith Shick Gregory L. Eddy ’78, ’80 & Cathy M. Shidlovsky ’80 Michael G. ’76 & Linda L. ’76 Shields Michael D. & Cheryle L. Shiley Courtney M. Shoemaker ’03 Tara R. Shoemaker ’81 Thomas W. ’80 & Kristen A. ’82 Shook Dawn M. Shores ’05 Thomas R. & Wendene W. Shoupe Heather H. Shuchter ’95 Aaron D. Shumaker ’06 Charles & Mary Sibio Brenda K. Siefring ’87 William Sievert Roberta S. Sigler ’76 Paul L. Silcox Anthony & Tammy Silvestri Jr. Kim Simindinger Thomas A. Simkus ’07 James E. Simler ’81 Patsy T. Simmons ’59

Barry G. ’71 & Carole E. ’73 Simon Christine V. Simon ’83 Donald J. & Ruth R. Simon Jeff Simon Marc V. & Maria K. Simon Mary E. Sinnwell ’86 Radojka J. Skocic ’87 William M. & Elaine K. Skoog Denis J. Slaby ’74 Ron Sladky Douglas Slater Jo Slaughterveck Ralph O. ’84 & Margaret L. Slenker III Kenneth J. ’71 & Marcia F. Slivka David A. ’54 & Betty Slough Alice L. Slusser Barbar Smigelski Allan D. ’50 & Marjorie G. Smith Catherine D. Smith ’80 Douglas G. Smith ’82 Gerry J. ’80 & Brooke H. Smith J. Douglas & Connie J. Smith James M. & Amy L. Smith Jeffrey R. Smith ’02 Jerry D. Smith Judith A. Smith Kathryn G. Smith ’90, ’97 Clarence L. & Marjorie A. ’49 Smith Max & Hope Smith Michael E. Smith ’79 & Vicki J. Cindea-Smith ’79, ’81 Steven Smith Steven P. & Linda M. ’98 Smith Tracy L. Smith ’80 Daniel J. & Valerie M. ’68 Smith Phillip M. & Bonita J. ’78, ’79 Snider Anthony E. ’92 & Sara F. Snyder David & Susan G. Snyder Don R. & Amani M. Snyder Jr. Kenneth N. ’70 & Carolyn S. ’70 Snyder Nicholas A. ’03 & Bridget B. Snyder Robert Snyder Samuel J. ’69 & Sharon E. Snyder Vincent A. ’75 & Charlene A. Snyder Wanda S. Snyder ’78 Leo G. ’81 & Jan E. ’84 Soboslai Kathleen Soenichsen David M. Sokol ’84 Joseph M. ’78* & Gloria J. ’74 Solarz John & Pamela J. ’79 Soloman Lewis S. Somers IV ’81 Janet M. Somerville Sue Sommers Haoliang Song ’02 William R. & Judith K. ’68 Sonnenberg Robert E. ’61 & Ruth J. Soper Roger J. ’64 & Carole L. ’64 Sorg Judy Sosnowicz Gary L. & Shirley A. Spaeth Harol Spallinger

Benjamin W. ’05, ’09 & Christina L. ’05 Spence Barbara Spencer Shawn E. ’87 & Shannon M. ’89, ’07 Spencer David G. ’80 & Julie D. ’80 Sperry Mark & Kaye L. ’82 Spicer Kelvin Spiess Allan J. Spilker ’72 Spitler Huffman LLP-Attorneys at Law Ronald A. & Deborah A. ’77 Spittler Brian & Adrea N. ’01, ’06 Spoon Sports Time Ohio John W. & Alice ’80 Springer Renee A. Springer ’71, ’84 Dan Sprow Michael Sprowls Jim C. Spurgat SPX Foundation Ryan R. Squire SSOE Group James L. Stainbrook ’69 Richard & Leora B. Stainbrook Michelle J. Stanton ’70, ’77 James Stauffer M. J. & Mary P. Stauffer Rita Stauffer Larry L. Stebleton ’63 Jeffery P. Stefancic ’96 James ’85 & Shelly M. ’94 Stefancin Joyce A. Steffan ’93, ’97 Ruthann K. Steinbrunner Susan Steinert ’76 J. T. & Georgia M. ’78 Stelzer William & Deborah Stemm Amaline T. Stephan ’86 Beverly Stewart Charles & Linda Stewart Jeffrey S. & Ginny Stewart Craig W. ’77 & Beverly Stichtenoth Carole J. Stickel ’67 John J. & Norma J. ’86 Stickler Charles & Nancy Stienecker Douglas A. ’07 & Pamela J. Stinson Timothy E. & Beverly J. ’76 Stockman Mark Stockman John Stoneburner John R. ’72 & Cynthia Storrer Raymond M. ’65 & Teri L. Stout Jr. Robert E. ’86 & Patti A. Strasbaugh Mary Strausbaugh Allison R. Stravino ’93 Straziuso & Associates Inc. Joseph D. Straziuso Louisa Straziuso Jerry & Rosalind F. ’72, ’74, ’80 Streichler Pat Strobl Timothy Stubbs ’87 Christopher S. Stucke ’87 James D. Studer ’71 & Roseann M. Mandziuk Norma J. Stump ’60

Charles F. Stumpp Jr. ’81 Daniel D. & Helen R. ’70 Sturbaum Walter E. Stutsman ’65* Nancy K. Styles ’94 Frank S. ’69, ’74 & Denise L. ’92 Sukup Jim & Barbara A. Sullivan William J. & Mary Ann Sullivan Thomas W. & Christine M. ’69 Sumner Decai ’90 & Ann T. Sun Robert C. Sunderman ’83 Super-Flite Oil Company Inc. Superior Distributing Company Inc. David W. & Susan L. ’69 Suppes Thomas C. ’72 & Marcia A. ’73 Suter Paul T. ’83 & Cheryl J. Svatik Elizabeth M. Swailes Richard B. & Nicole L. ’93 Swank Patricia Sweeney Charles M. ’75 & Linda S. ’76 Swick Thomas M. ’87, ’95 & Catherine A. ’90, ’92, ’06 Swick E. James & Jean A. ’70 Szabo Lillian Szafranski ’49 James L. ’81 & Donna M. ’82 Szalay Nicholas A. & Amy L. ’93 Szymanski Philip R. & Diane P. ’79 Taber David M. & Judith A. ’88, ’90 Tanenbaum James M. & Kristine S. ’82 Tapp Kay L. Taulker Brian Taylor Cliff Taylor David E. & Pamela S. Taylor Rebecca S. Taylor ’75 Robert L. Taylor ’63 Patrick G. Tearney ’75 Lawrence & Rita Tebbe James E. ’70 & Carolyn Terman Melissa A. Terrill ’93 Robert D. ’81 & Jennifer F. Tetzloff Harvey J. Thatcher William R. ’65 & Mary A. Thauvette The Scott Equity Exchange Company Sundararajah Thevananther ’91, ’95 Linda Thieman Things Remembered Inc. Joyce Thomas Richard O. & Frances M. Thomas Teresa L. Thomas ’85 Dean T. ’93 & Deborah A. Thompson Paula Thompson Wayne H. & Rosemary Thompson Thomson Reuters Sheila Thurairatnam Cindy Tiller Michael G. ’73 & Amy M. Tincher John & Marie S. Tisak James A. Titus ’64 Veronica L. Tooke Toro Jacquelyn M. Townsend

Jaclyn S. Tracy ’91 Karrah D. Trainer ’98, ’04, ’07 Todd S. ’76 & Holly ’77 Tramba Craig L. & Sharon L. ’80 Traver Thomas G. ’74, ’76 & Barbara S. Travis Daniel J. ’72 & Adrianne L. Tredent Treece & Co. Inc. James S. ’67, ’73 & Linda N. ’67 Treeger Joaquin & Mary Trevino Lloyd Triggs & Megan E. Newlove Dan D. Trinter ’79 Steven J. ’85 & Pamela G. ’85 Trivisonno Kent N. Truckor ’06 Erika J. True ’03 Philip & Joyce Trumbull Terrie M. Trumbull ’77 Thomas A. Trumbull ’76 Jia-Yeong Tsay ’69 Donald R. & Glenna K. ’72 Tucker William E. & Annetta E. Tucker G. William ’64 & Susan D. ’64 Turner Steven Turnwald Diana L. Tussing Neil B. & Cari Tuttle Tuttle Construction Inc. Victor T. Norton & Kathleen Tweney ’94 Linda C. Ueltschy ’69, ’71, ’82 Steve Underwood United Way of the National Capital Area University of South Carolina Unverferth Manufacturing Company Inc. Paul A. Valdez ’04 Alexander D. Vallejo ’09 Mark J. ’66 & Cheryl K. Valsi Van Wert Area Performing Arts Foundation Philp A. & Veronica A. Vanden Bout Fred W. Van Der Meulen Duane & Judy Vanduzen Richard G. ’77, ’90 & Pamela K. ’72, ’74 Van Mooy Debra A. Van Rie ’91 Lee J. ’92, ’93 & Stacey R. ’93 Van Syckle Steven P. Van Vliet ’67 Glenn H. & Ruth P. Varney Sherry J. Vaughan ’66 Phyllis A. Veazey ’48, ’50 Gordon A. ’70 & Janet Vehar Vernon H. Fauble Trust Diana L. Vickery ’81 Carolyn M. Viebrooks ’61, ’63 Denise R. Vinton ’09 Robert L. Vita Helen M. Vogel James A. & Barbara S. Vollmar Kent & Denise K. Vollmar Timothy A. & Dawn T. ’82 Voss Martin J. ’81 & Audre F. ’82 Vugrinac Richard H. ’61 & Erika Vura Jr. Perry P. & Barbara L. Waddell Floyd R. ’72 & Roberta Waddle

Robert M. ’83 & Joan M. ’83 Waddle Scott J. Wagenfeald J. Michael & Diane K. ’61 Wagner Jeffrey J. ’95 & Kay Wagner Ronald & Joanne Wagner Marie Wakefield Patric Walbridge Robert H. & Ellen B. ’68 Waldeck Gary & Debra B. ’76 Waldman Shirley A. Waldock ’70 Raymond V. Walendzak John C. Lundeen & Donna J. Walker ’80 Joyce A. Walker ’63, ’65 Gary L. ’88 & Kathryn A. Wallace Lee E. ’66 & Nancy J. Wallace Oscar & Theresa Wallace Susan C. Walsh ’71, ’82 The Walt Disney Company John W. ’79 & Michele A. ’78 Walter Phillip M. Walter II Wayne P. ’65 & Rena G. ’66 Walters Marilyn K. Walther ’74, ’76 Randy & Heather Walton Joseph T. ’75 & Deborah L. Ward Michael L. Ward ’72 Sharon Ward Ronald & M. Judy Wardle Jennine E. Wargacki ’07, ’08 Michael D. ’78 & Linda L. ’78 Warrick John & Sandra L. Wasserman Hal R. ’60, ’67 & Brenda J. ’61 Wassink Raymond C. ’87 & Elizabeth L. Wasson Anna Wasylyshyn ’54 Heidi Waterman Noel F. ’78 & Juanita R. ’71, ’73 Watson Rick D. & Debra Watson Way Public Library Mike Wayman David H. Wayne ’67 Gary D. ’74 & Sandra L. Weaver Irene W. Webb ’70 Kelly J. Webb Thomas G. ’66, ’68 & Betsy Webb Michael A. ’71 & Marilyn K. ’80 Weber Katie Wedig David R. ’84 & Louise ’91 Weekley Warren L. ’87 & Kelly A. ’87 Wegener Otto W. ’53 & Martha J. ’66 Wegert Lisa K. Weihl ’94 Mary J. Weilnau Michael R. & Heather A. ’89 Weinandy Morris J. & Helene M. ’77 Weinberger John R. ’82, ’84 & Melissa S. Weinert Alfred C. Weingart ’66, ’68 Michael J. & Carole A. ’75 Weinhardt Alfred C. Weingart Trust Dale A. & Dori L. Weir Gerald B. ’63, ’65 & Viola A. Weis Tom Weisenburger

Kenneth E. & Patricia Y. ’72, ’84 Weisz Stephen A. Weller ’69, ’71 Cami L. Wells Joyce E. Wells ’80 Matthew J. ’09 & Sarah Q. Welsh James W. ’70, ’72 & Pauletta K. ’70 Welshimer Lowell E. ’71 & Emily C. Wenger Dennis & Phyllis A. Wenning Charles R. & Susanne W. ’51 Wertz Kaye S. Wesche ’77, ’79 Jill C. Wesolowski ’01 F. Wayne ’56 & Beth West Joanne West Western & Southern Financial Fund Herbert H. ’61 & Esther B. Westfall Robert G. & Mary J. ’78 Westphal Magdalene Westrick Mark Westrick Justus F. Wetherill Kimberly J. Weybrecht ’90 Howard C. ’50, ’60 & Marguerite S. ’50 Wheeler Karen J. Wheeler ’88 Thomas P. ’62 & Margaret S. Wheland James M. ’90 & Dana L. Wherley Gary D. Whitaker ’64, ’66 Jeffery A. & Alice Whitaker Catherine S. White ’89 Patrice M. & Martin White Paul L. & Maryann K. ’58 White Steven E. & Fran White Hargus B. & Glennda C. ’61 Whitman Lynn H. Whitney Herman L. & Carol H. ’52 Wickersham Melvyn E. & Annette W. ’68, ’76 Wicks Timothy Widmer Dane Widner Rhea Wiechman Deborah A. Wiedwald ’89 George F. & Barbara J. ’64 Wieland Caroly Wielinski Larry & Kay Wilcox Bruce C. Hamper & Mary B. Wilczak ’84 Lynn Wilkins Fred Willford Robert A. ’85 & Kathleen S. ’88 Willhite D. Terry ’62, ’64 & Sharon H. Williams David Williams Dennis Williams Donald W. Williams Jr. ’72, ’74 Gay M. Williams Gaylord Williams Geneva Williams Gregory R. ’73 & Diane K. ’73 Williams Harley R. Williams Jack M. Williams Jr. ’79 James B. & Paula J. ’95, ’09 Williams Jill E. Williams Kayla M. Williams ’97 Linda Williams



Mary M. Williams ’83 Pamela J. Williams Ronald R. ’61 & Shirley A. Williams Williams Industrial Joni Willoughby Bruce Wilson Gary D. Wilson ’73 Phillip L. Wilson ’84 Paul N. ’63, ’65* & Cheryl C. ’71 Windisch Douglas & Amy Wingate Lisa P. Winston ’88 David E. & Irene M. ’65 Winter Mark R. Wintgens ’86, ’97 Mary A. Wintzer Robert F. Winzenried ’63 Robert C. ’64 & Belinda V. Wisyanski Curtis J. ’83 & Holly Witchey Beverly A. Wittes ’76 Leroy Wittler Thomas E. ’90 & Lisa V. ’92, ’99 Wojciechowski Jr. Dennis J. Wojtkiewicz Frances K. Wolf ’63 Carol A. Wolfe Sherry L. Wolpert Patricia Wolph Wood County Medical Associates Deborah S. Wood ’74 Elizabeth J. Wood Karen K. Wood ’66 Marian E. Wood ’49 Julia Woodling Peter & Karen Woodlock Karen R. Woolwine ’92 Steven L. & Judith Wordelman Jame Worthington Judith A. Wotowiec ’67 Irene Wright Paul T. Wright ’66, ’68 Mary G. Wrighten James Wurst Sr. Robert J. Wyant ’65 Daniel J. Wygant Susan L. Wynn ’60, ’62 Ron D. Wyss Gary W. ’84 & Jacqueline M. ’84, ’05 Yambert Betsy A. Yarger ’62, ’80 Fred & Kimberly J. ’97 Yoak David C. & Marcia S. Young Lawrence L. & Barbara Young Stephanie K. Young John M. Youngpeter ’53 Edward M. & June E. ’79 Yusko Jr. Michael C. Zambo Eugene A. ’69, ’71 & Debra A. ’83, ’85 Zappitelli James F. ’83 & Sheila ’86 Zeigler David S. ’77 & Lisa Zerull Michael A. ’93 & Stacey A. ’94 Zezech Alma Zibrun Herman Ziegler ’72

Lamar G. & Sondra E. ’77 Zigler Fred Zimmerman James P. Zimmerman & Barbara A. LockardZimmerman John W. ’06 & Judith A. Zimmerman Kurt ’60, ’68 & Madeline Zimmerman Craig & Sharon P. ’83 Zimmers Judith A. Zink ’76 Penny G. Zink ’03 James R. Zubricky III ’03, ’06 Wendell F. & Shirley J. Zumkehr Denise Zuver Michael D. ’77 & Diane M. Zvosec Jr. Ronald A. & Barbara A. ’85 Zwick Paul L. & Laura E. Zydiak

Carillon Society The Carillon Society recognizes a special group of Bowling Green State University alumni. It is reserved for those alumni who have not missed a year of giving since their graduation. This society was started with the class of 1996, and gifts are recognized based on fiscal year. Sue E. Abshire ’00, ’08 Kate E. Achter ’08 Rachel K. Ackerman ’08 Lynn M. Ackerson ’08 Jason E. Adams ’08 Courtney R. Allen ’06, ’07 Jerome L. Ameling ’99 Shaun M. Arend ’08 Darcy L. Ark ’07 Jill T. Armstrong ’99 Stacie L. Armstrong ’97 Melissa A. Askren Edgehouse ’08 Burke H. Badenhop ’05 Kari L. Bailey ’08 Lisa S. Baillargeon ’08 Susan J. Ballard ’05 Kristen K. Batcho ’97, ’99 Justin A. Beam ’08 Chad M. Bechstein ’99, ’00 Anne M. Becker ’08 Stacie C. Beemer ’08 Darci N. Beidelschies ’08 Dennis M. Benefield ’08 Richard J. Berkey ’01 & Tiffany R. Maas-Berkey ’02 Michael D. Blais ’01 Nathaniel J. Boneta ’08 Lisa G. Bowen ’06 Jennifer J. Bowers ’98 Lisa A. Bowers ’01 Rebecca L. Boyle ’01 Jennifer P. Brand ’08 Joan M. Braun ’08 Nicole M. Breyman ’08, ’09 Tami J. Brigle ’08

Shayna M. Brocco ’08 Jaclyn A. Brough ’06, ’07 Christopher W. Bruck ’08 Richard A. Brundrett ’08 Rachel A. Bryant ’08 Ryan S. Buell ’08 Erica A. Burger ’08 Michelle M. Carlson ’06 Janna M. Carpenter ’07 Matthew E. ’99 & Amber L. ’00 Cavanagh Paul A. Cesarini ’03 Robert L. Chambers ’08 Jean A. Coffield ’02, ’05 Joel L. Coffman ’06 Mahyulee C. Colatat ’08 Michael J. Connelly ’08 Melanie D. Coulter ’08 Ryan J. Czech ’06 Matthew L. Daley ’04 Anthony M. Day ’05 Andrew R. DeBrosse ’08 Joel R. Denman ’08 Jodi L. Devine ’01 Mallory F. Diamond ’08 Cheryl A. Dieter ’96 Jessica L. Dill ’08 Leah S. Domer ’07 Suhua Dong ’05 Courtney E. Downey ’08 Leslie A. Drury ’08 Jason M. Dunn ’07 Hephzibah D. Dutt ’08 Todd R. Edmond ’05 Kurt A. Edwards ’08 Frances L. Effler ’08 Brittney M. Elliott ’08 Mark W. Emerson ’08 Elliott England ’07 Stephen G. Engle ’07 Stacie L. Enriquez ’03 Paul T. Erford ’08 Robin L. Euler ’07 Jamie L. Evarts ’99, ’02 Michelle A. Eviston ’08 Megan A. Farley ’08 William E. Farmer ’07 Kimbal L. Fatica ’08 Jeffrey M. Fichtelman ’08 Robert J. Filipucci ’08 Michael A. Finelli ’06 Jessica L. Fitch ’08 Diane M. Fitzpatrick ’08 Cassandra C. Flanigan ’08 Kimberly J. Fleshman ’07 Doug R. Flory ’01 Dorie A. Ford ’08 Colby J. Fordham ’08 Gwyneth L. Foster ’08 Amanda J. Freyaldenhoven ’07

Julia C. Frisch ’08 Phillip J. Frost ’07 Alexander J. Furst ’08, ’09 Jeanette A. Gabel ’08 April L. Garrett ’00, ’04 Matthew R. Garrison ’08 John D. Gegorski ’01 Janice J. Gerda ’04 Christen A. Giblin ’98 Michael A. Gillespie ’05 Ashley E. Gilligan ’08 Sarah R. Glassford ’08 Jillian R. Glynn ’08 Colin A. Goldberg ’08 Michael S. Good ’04, ’07 Justin C. Gosnell ’08 Terica J. Gould ’07 Emily M. Granata ’08 Andrew D. Gross ’02, ’06 Amanda V. Guerrero ’08 Danee L. Gunka ’05 Joseph K. ’01 & Rebecca A. ’01 Guyette Tammy L. Gwirtz ’08 Christine M. Haar ’02 Linda D. Hamman ’04 Patrick W. Hanley ’04 Kurt P. Hanson ’02 Sarah N. Harris ’08 Erika K. Hatvani ’08 Tyler D. Hawk ’08 Ray F. A. Hawkins ’07 Michael F. Haynes ’08 Jennifer N. Henry ’05 Eric J. Hermiller ’06 Samantha M. Hicks ’08 Vicki B. Hillis ’03, ’07 Jarrod F. Hirschfeld ’03 Joseph A. Hlavin ’08 David E. Hoffer ’08 Robert W. Hoffman ’08 Matthew E. Holtwick ’07 Holli E. Horn ’08 Matthew D. Horn ’08 David A. Hotler ’08 Norma J. Housholder ’99 Carolyn A. Hrusovsky ’08, ’09 Jeffrey D. Hug ’08 Stephanie A. Hughes ’08 Donna V. Humphrey ’08 Andy M. Inkrott ’06 Jennifer L. Irving ’07 Michaela A. Isaacs ’08 Amelia S. Izuka ’07 Henry R. ’03, ’08 & Peggy E. ’04 Jarrett Jr. Ellen B. Jenne ’04 Erica L. Johnson ’06 Shamika N. Johnson ’08 Lindsey M. Jonkhoff ’08 Laura R. Karhoff ’08

Ryan M. Kassinger ’08 Mark A. ’07 & Erin E. ’00 Keller Aaron M. Kennell ’06 James E. Kirkum Jr. ’99 Jenna M. Klamfoth ’08 Lee A. Koenigbauer ’06 Lynne M. Koerner ’08, ’09 Meghan N. Kollas ’00 Lise L. Konecny ’98, ’05 Wesley P. Konesky ’99, ’05, ’06 Abbey M. Kramer ’08 Mark G. Kroboth ’07 Michael J. ’04, ’09 & Gale A. ’08 Lacey James L. Lahiff ’08 Meagan A. Law ’08 Jessica D. Lawrence ’08 Lovey A. Leavell ’08 Belinda K. Lee ’04 Michelle L. Lee ’08 Robert J. Leese ’00 Margaret A. Lehman ’99 Daniel W. Lemmerbrock ’08 Lauren S. Lemmon ’07 Scott R. Lensch ’07 Joyce A. Litten ’08 Bernard R. Little Jr. ’07 Jason W. Luthy ’06 Andrew T. Lynch ’04 Pedro H. Machado ’08 Robert C. Mahon ’08 James C. Majure ’08 Ian M. Manahan ’08 Amber E. Mareski ’06 Julio A. Mata ’08 Joseph A. Matthews ’06 Daniel K. Mauk ’08 Matthew S. Maurer ’06 Angela M. Maziarz ’06 Megan E. McCalla ’07 Ruth A. McCray ’99 Megan E. McInturf ’07 Patricia H. McKenna ’08 Sara T. McLaughlin ’05, ’08 Richard A. McNeillie ’08 Kenneth M. Meinecke ’08 Steven P. Messenger ’08 Alex D. Meusburger ’08 Denise N. Meyer ’08 Susan M. Miko ’06 Ashley J. Miller ’08 Jamie A. Miller ’08 Jeffrey C. Miller ’02, ’03 Kim C. Miller ’08 Stephen E. Miller ’08 Brandon A. Mills ’08 Corrie J. Mills ’08 Emily A. Monago ’08 Kay M. Monnier ’08 DaKysha P. Moore ’08

Krysten N. Moore ’06 Carrie H. Moran ’08 Thomas D. Morris ’01 Daniel R. Myers ’08 Nicholas D. ’96 & Nicole K. ’96, ’04 Myers Shawn F. Myers ’06 Daniel J. Neiderhiser ’08 Mark A. Nell ’00 Kerby L. Nelson ’04 Megan E. Newlove ’03, ’06 Debra K. Nicholson ’08 Danielle E. Nowlin ’04 David A. Oberlin ’08 Erica G. Ott ’07 Susan L. Paley ’08 Marques J. Parks ’08 Eric Patterson ’06 Christine M. Paul ’08 LaTonya Perkins ’08 Brandon M. Pertner ’08 Benjamin D. Pfeiffer ’08 Jyotsna M. Phadke ’07 Jane E. Piechocki ’01 Vickie R. Piersol ’00 Ginny M. Pinkelman ’98 Chatise Polk ’08 Joel C. Pomeroy ’08 Mark W. Pontious ’07 Roy W. Poor ’08 Mihai I. Popean ’08 Charles A. Potashnik ’96 Ian T. Potter ’08 James H. Powell ’08 Kara J. Price ’08 Preston M. Ramsey ’08 Catherine J. Randall ’08 Daniel R. Randall ’08 Ryan E. Rango ’07 Lance R. Rapp ’04 Andrea N. Reese ’00 Brian A. ’02, ’09 & Melanie L. ’03 Rellinger Kyle T. Renick ’08 Tamara J. Rice ’08 Lisa H. Richman ’08 Gordon C. Ricketts ’99 Jean A. Rogers ’08 Alexander W. Rogosheske ’04, ’05 Christopher J. Rosebrock ’08 Kathryn K. Rowland ’08 Glenna A. Rufo ’96 Brian A. Ruggiero ’05 Bonnie Rupp ’07 Matthew R. Saporito ’08 Rachel A. Schaeffer ’97, ’02 Sara B. Schaffer ’04 Margaret L. Schalk ’05 Justin M. Schlenker ’02 Jena L. Schuster ’08 Rocco C. Sciarabba ’06

John A. Sears ’08 Emily K. Sharma ’08 John E. Shihadeh ’08 Bettina C. Shuford ’00 Aaron D. Shumaker ’06 Holly A. Signor ’08 Dwight D. Albright ’98 & Michelle L. Simmons ’03 Matthew R. Skitzki ’07 Ashley E. Smithers ’08 John W. Snider ’08 Ann M. Snyder ’05 Julie A. Snyder ’08 Nicholas A. Snyder ’03 James R. Sowers ’07 Caitlin C. Spontelli ’08 Christopher A. Stasa ’01 Beverly J. Stearns ’98 Heather K. Stelzer ’07 Amanda L. Sterling ’08 Anthony Q. Steward ’01 Douglas A. Stinson ’07 Mark N. Straughter II ’08 Nathan D. Stuchell ’08 Leo R. Svoboda ’08 Dawn M. Swain ’06 Linda K. Swaisgood ’01 Gale E. Swanka ’97 Chelsea R. Swick ’08 Craig M. Sykes ’07 Sean P. Taylor ’98 Timothy J. Totten ’08 Bonnie L. Towe ’07, ’09 Anthony M. Tozzi ’08 Tristan L. Ula ’08 Aysen G. Ulupinar ’08 Irene H. Utrup ’98 Tionna M. Van Gundy ’08 Cathy J. VanScoyoc ’01 John M. Vecchio ’07, ’08 Matthew J. Venzel ’08 Donald J. Vogel ’04, ’07, ’09 Joshua J. Von Lehmden ’03 Kathryn J. Vorwald ’08 Jeremy S. Votaw ’08 Anthony T. Wagener ’07 Dane A. Wallace ’08 Christopher Wammes ’04, ’09 Lawrence L. Wanucha ’08 Chad S. Warnimont ’08 Lisa M. Warren ’08 Theresa M. Weber ’08 Cami R. Webster ’08 Michael A. Webster ’08 Jennifer L. Weichel ’07 Kelly L. Wesolowski ’99 Amy M. West ’08 Daniel J. White ’08 Nathanial A. Wiedenhoft ’07 Lindsey M. Wierwille ’07

John M. Williams ’02 Aaron M. Willman ’08 Jeanne A. Willson ’08 Peter J. Winovich III ’08 Andrea M. Wise ’08 Alex K. ’06 & Kristen A. ’07 Wright Rebecca L. Wunch ’08 Jessica A. Wurstle ’08 Kayla A. Yackee ’08 Kimberly J. Yoak ’97 Eric S. Zeiter ’08 Elizabeth L. Zemanski ’08 John W. Zimmerman ’06 Sara J. Zulch-Smith ’00

Falcon Club The Falcon Club is the annual giving program for the BGSU Athletic Department. The sole purpose of the Falcon Club is to generate interest and financial support to provide sport program education opportunities to BGSU athletes. *denotes deceased Championship Circle Thomas F. ’69 & Judith J. Bohardt Mark A. ’73* & Lois J. ’69 Brecklen John W. Bureau James M. ’74 & Mary Jo ’74 Fisher William D. Frack Garry M. & Terry-Lynn Galley Gary F. & Debbie Haas William J. Lloyd Sr. ’48 Patrick L. McGohan ’66 Steven M. ’81, ’94 & Rhonda L. ’81 Melchi Lee A. & Margaret M. ’94 Meserve Allen W. & Carol M. Schmidthorst Nan C. Shin ’88 Scott A. Slater ’73 Diane S. Tymiak ’79 William C. & Susan E. Wammes Ronald R. ’67, ’10 & Sue Whitehouse Volney L. ’77 & Tracey A. ’77 Wright II Gold Level F. Alan ’69 & Jacqueline K. Blackburn John F. ’72 & Kaye L. Harbal II D. Lee Johnson ’84 Timothy Smith & Valerie L. Newell ’75 Patrick L. ’74 & Debra D. ’74 Ryan J. Robert ’58 and Linda Sebo Kermit F. Stroh ’02 Kenneth L. ’76 & Mary M. ’76 Walters Michael R. ’75 & Jan D. ’75 Wilcox



Silver Level Al Smith Chrysler-Dodge Inc. Autoville Burke H. Badenhop ’05 Richard D. ’69 & Holly A. ’75, ’78 Barker Bowling Green Lincoln Mercury Jeep Calvin C. M. ’96 & Jennifer J. ’98 Bowers Ashel G. Bryan ’46, ’86 Cathy Cantor Michael A. Carroll ’92 Charlie’s Dodge Inc Chartwell Food Service Richard A. ’93 & Sheila Chiricosta David P. Clawson David H. Crowl ’76 Larry A. ’72 & Suzanne S. Davenport Rebecca C. Ferguson William H. & Janet A. ’68, ’72 Gamble Anthony R. Garzony ’82 Robert J. ’72 & Susan M. Gofus Carlos E. Gomez Jeffrey C. ’85 & Lisa E. Greig Timothy L. Hack ’84 Hanneman Family Funeral Homes Heidelberg Distributors Diane P. Hoffman Fred L. Hoffman ’75 David J. Hyslop Jim White Toyota Steven W. Keys Ruby J. Kiehl Kent A. & Deborah L. ’82 Kokomoor A. G. Kovacs ’69 Ronald C. & Edith Laborie Kirk J. Lahey David D. ’81, ’00 & Ruth LaHote LaRiche Chevrolet-Cadillac LaRiche Toyota Subaru Verlin W. Lee Joni K. Lindquist ’83 Carl A. ’62, ’65 & A. Kay Lipp Jr. Charles R. & Sally H. Marlowe Jr. Stephen & Terri McCullough Karen J. Merrels Clarence A. ’61 & Sally L. Metzger Larry L. Miles ’56 John S. Miller ’78 Modern Woodmen of America Donald E. Nehlen ’58 Andrew J. & Megan E. ’03, ’06 Newlove Albert* & Margaret E. Newlove Richard A. ’69 & Laurie B. ’81 Newlove Jeffrey B. ’92 & Renee L. Noftz II Timothy J. Paradiso ’82 Seth H. ’69, ’71 & Linda A. ’70 Patton Dennis M. Pingle

John D. ’61 & Sylvia A. ’70 Piper Gerald I. ’54 & Nancy M. ’55 Rader Marvin A. ’63 & Nancy C. Robon Sam B’s Restaurant George C. ’86 & Julie A. ’86 Schmelzle James J. ’79 & Kandy R. Selgo Sentinel-Tribune Mark E. Smith Robert E. & Linda C. Spitler Thayer Chevrolet-Toyota Thayer Ford-Nissan Donna K. Trautman ’81, ’83 Randy Trimpey University Honda Thomas H. Vogtsberger ’71 Edward G. & Cynthia M. ’93 Whipple Dick Wilson Pontiac-Buick-GMC Inc. Thomas E. & Kathryn A. Wojciechowski Sr. Coaches’ Corner Al-Mar Lanes LLC Ora K. ’57 & Luann M. ’58, ’78 Alleman John T. Archer & Cheryl Runkle-Archer Andrew L. Arthurs ’90 Dalynn T. ’73, ’76 & Sharon K. ’73 Badenhop Robert M. & Dorothy M. Beauprez Neal F. ’69 & Margaret M. Benecke Robert D. & Carla K. Blinn Kenneth & Sandra Bomicino Kenneth W. & Kendra L. Borland Jr. Beau Bortel Mile Brujic David A. & Myrna Bryan Douglas J. ’82 & Theresa R. ’82 Cahill Khary K. Campbell ’02 Jonathan V. Caraccilo ’93 Douglas K. Carr ’82 Terence J. ’91, ’93 & Jennifer J. Casey Gregory A. & Tina Christopher William G. ’82 & Sharon K. ’79, ’82 Clifford Brian D. & Jill P. Contris Don E. ’58, ’63 & Sharon Swigart ’61 Cook David E. Cooley ’73 The Copy Shop Inc. Dairy Queen J. Christopher & Ellen J. Dalton Brent C. & Kathryn A. DeVries A. Leslie & Doris A. Disher John E. Dohms ’70 Thomas B. ’72 & Kathleen M. Donnell Drs. Nowicki & Shilling Inc. Dunn Funeral Home Michael A. ’83 & Tara Dzienny Dennis & Kathy A. East II Kurt L. ’75 & Jane A. ’75 Ebersole Asa J. Elsea ’63

Clark & Gay Enright David P. & Linda B. ’87 Ernsthausen Jeff E. & Laverne M. ’80 Fallon L. Eugene ’68 & Janet Farison John S. Fawcett Findlay Implement Company Dan & Lesley Finegan John H. Forsyth The Fremont Company Fricker’s U.S.A. LLC John S. ’58, ’60 & Henrietta Galyas Robert J. ’72 & Susan M. Gofus Michael F. Golden ’69 Kristie M. Gordon ’82 Jeffrey E. Gralak Allen A. & Mary D. Green Timothy L. ’84 & Jacquelyn Hack Ronald C. ’89 & Michelle R. Haines R. Neal ’67, ’71 & Barbara K.’67 Hall Richard A. Hargrave ’73 Michelle R. Heckman ’95, ’03 Richard J. ’74 & Flora Hochenberg William J. & Karen M. Hoffert Darrel G. Howard ’69 George J. ’57, ’95 & Joan M. ’86, ’88 Howick Michael J. ’89, ’96, ’99 & Amy S. Howick Hubbard Company Kitty P. & David Hupp Jeffery A. Huskisson ’79 Keith A. ’81 & Stephanie A. ’82 Imhoff J-F Enterprises Inc. Theodore G. Jenkins ’54 Daniel R. ’72, ’79 & Laura C. ’72, ’77 Keller William R. ’64 & Fran Keller Kennedy Printing Company James J. ’68, ’70 & Angela P. King Kristi Kingery Stephen M. ’98 & Michelle A. Klein Steve Klepper Klotz Flower Farm Inc. J. Edward Koch ’66 William E. Koch ’74 William B. Kohagen ’80 Stanley R. & Kathleen Korducki John R. & Suzanne Kretzschmar Lakeside Interior Contractors Inc. Brett E. Landman ’91, ’92 George F. ’70 & Susan K. Lang Gary R. & Naomi P. Lee James W. ’57, ’67 & Margarita K. ’57 Lessig Kory A. Lichtensteiger ’07 Life Fitness William P. Lilley III ’07 James R. & Rosanne M. Maas Edward R. & Loretta H. Maher C. Richard ’50 & Mary L. Marsh

Michael J. ’76 & Theresa Marsh Maumee Valley Fabricators Perrysburg Meadows Group Thomas E. ’70 & Linda Moore Mosser Construction Inc. Myles Baker Street Myles Pizza Pub Newlove Realty Inc. Lyle E. & Jacqueline S. ’67 Nowicki Kevin C. ’98 & Danielle M. ’99 O’Neill A. Edward ’61 & Catherine N. Owen Jr. Mike & Peggy Page Mark W. Pape ’79 Jim W. ’57 & Janet I. Parker Betty Laird Perry George E. ’61 & Diane Phillips Phipps, Levin, Hebeka & Associates Ltd. Todd W. Powell ’92 William J. ’74 & Diane M. ’74 Primrose III ProMedica Health System Edward G. Ptaszek ’72 Robert D. ’58, ’62 & Patricia E. ’59 Purvis John B. ’69, ’72 & Jane W. Quinn Jr. Geoffrey H. ’68 & Linda A. Radbill Christopher R. Redfern ’88, ’91 Randall J. ’82 & Diana L. Roberts Herman J. Rottinghaus ’93 John B. & Jamie Scheidler Jerry L. & Staci L. Schilz Heather R. Scott ’84 Thomas M. ’90 & Joslyn M. Shehab Susan M. Shunk ’84 Scott A. Slater ’73 James M. Smith & Connie Ruhl-Smith Robert A. ’50, ’68 & Shirley A. Smith Timothy F. Smith ’65, ’67 Thomas A. & Jacqui Snyder David L. & Karen J. Spengler Michael S. McDonald & Sherideen S. Stoll Todd E. & Yvonne M. Stoner James T. & Patricia B. Strasser Deborah L. Stroh Nick & Kathy Tamerlano Jon A. ’66 & Carol S. ’83 Treece Charles D. Trimble ’76 Robert & Melissa ’82 Wansker Anthony D. ’96 & Nicole J. ’96 Weis Jack A. ’59 & Cynthia L. Whittaker Paul N. ’63, ’65* & Cheryl C. ’71 Windisch Wood County Hospital Alex K. ’06 & Kristen A. ’07 Wright Robin E. Yocum ’78 Ronald E. ’68, ’70 & Cynthia J. ’69 Zwierlein

B ow l i ng Gr e e n S t at e Un i v e r si t y Fo un dat ion, I nc . 2009-10 Board of Directors Thomas A. Orchard ’75, Chair Patrick L. Ryan ’74, Past Chair Everett E. Gallagher ’83, Chair Elect Theresa Popp Braun ’80, ’85, Treasurer Marcia Sloan Latta, ’83, ’93, Interim President and CEO


Emeritus Directors

John Bachey ’70, ’71 Peter G. Bahner ’85 David A. Bryan Michael A. Carroll ’92 Carol A. Cartwright Robert B. Clasen ’66, ’69 David J. Cox ’70, ’71 André A. Craig ’79 Marilyn Z. Fox ’71 Allen A. Green Dorothy Hansen ’62, ’69 Peggie J. Hollingsworth ’71 Kathryn Hoops ’80 Don D. Irwin ’58 Bernard L. Karr ’69 Daniel R. Keller ’72, ’79 Michael E. Kuhlin ’68 J. Michael McGuire ’82 Bruce K. Misamore ’72, ’73 Hiroko Nakamoto ’54, ’92 George Edwin Phillips ’61 Geoffrey Radbill ’68 Gerald I. Rader ’54 Edward J. Reiter ’62 Hugh S. Smith, Jr. ’53 Jacien Steele ’77 Gregory D. Thatch ’71 Ellen Bowen Thompson ’54, ’06 Michael R. Weger ’67

Ashel Bryan ’46, ’86* Carroll Cheek ’47, ’89 William J. Lloyd, Sr. ’48 Robert Ludwig ’55 Harold McMaster* Larry L. Miles ’56 George Mylander ’58, ’70, ’03 Ruth Frost Parker William J. Primrose, Jr. ’42 Charles Shanklin ’51*

BGSU Foundation, Inc. Mission The Bowling Green State University Foundation stewards donors in ways that support the mission and vision of Bowling Green State University by: Stimulating alumni, friends, students, faculty and staff to be donors, and assist in accumulating private resources for the benefit of the University.

Bowling Green State University Foundation, Inc. Mileti Alumni Center Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0055 Email: Phone: 419-372-2424, 888-839-2586

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