2 Wednesday, January 16, 2008
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1:50 P.M.
Mary Helberg, 41, of Bowling Green, was arrested for theft after cashing a $180.87 gift card at Wal-Mart. Police said Helberg, who works at Wal-Mart, received the lost gift card from a customer who turned it in to customer service. 4:55 P.M.
A window of a Cedar Lane residence was reported shot out by a BB gun.
Green graffiti was reported spray painted on the rear of Brewster’s Pourhouse and the Cla-Zel Theater.
CAMPUS Students to take over co-pay at health center Students visiting the Student Health Center are now responsible for their insurance co-pay amount. A co-pay is the amount a patient is required to pay and is dictated by one’s insurance provider. Previously, University general fees covered the expense. Coinsurance and deductible charged will continue to be covered by University fees. The co-pay amount is included in the charges for health center services and is billed to the student’s insurance provider.
Water pipes repaired in residence halls Though some students spent several hours without water on Monday night, all campus water has been turned back on by yesterday morning. A four-inch water main pipe burst Monday night, flooding a tunnel and forcing maintenance workers to turn off water on the eastern side of campus. Rodgers Quadrangle, Kreischer Quadrangle, Harshman Quadrangle and the Greek houses were without water after 7 p.m. The pipe was “pumped out and fixed” by 4 a.m. yesterday, University spokeswoman Teri Sharp said.
CORRECTION POLICY We want to correct all factual errors. If you think an error has been made, call The BG News at 419-372-6966.
In 1979...
As the calendar turns to February and job fairs begin taking place on campus, the Career Center sees a large increase in the number of visitors, Gutierrez said. The next biggest thing is to try to get your application and resume in early and before deadline. Senior Tony Amormino is majoring in broadcast journalism and is already preparing to send out his resumes in April to different stations in Louisiana. “By getting [the resumes] out in April, I have the ability to start working before sweeps,” he said. Amormino said he has some friends who have an idea of what they want to do but haven’t yet begun to get things together. Gutierrez advises students not to lose sight of the fact that job searching is a priority. “We have the office and it is a great place to start,” she said. “Any time second semester because that is when a majority of employers start accepting [resumes].” It is also a good idea to show
some of the advantages a student can offer as opposed to somebody who has been in the field for several years. “Students have a fresh frame of mind and are usually more creative in their thinking,” Gutierrez said. “They are taught new ideas and concepts and companies like this. Students are also more mobile and willing to relocate.” Students also have an advantage because of how proactive the University is in terms of teaching students how to dress for success and the creation of strong resumes, she said. Gutierrez said the University offers workshops and job fairs to students as well to help give them a heads up in the job market. When companies look at resumes, one of the key things they look for is the internships the student has completed along with the clubs and organizations the applicant was a part of. “The internships are important because experience is priceless,” Gutierrez said. “It has been shown that students with internships get more job offers and if a student does well in an internship, there is a possibility of being offered a job sometime down the road.”
Not all students who are preparing to graduate will be done with school after this semester. Aysen Ulupinar is a senior and the Greek Independent Board President. Ulupinar said she is preparing to go to graduate school after graduation in May. “I had to get all applications in, in January,” Ulupinar said. “I knew it was coming up so it wasn’t a big deal. She said the ordeal was a bit stressful in applying for grad school and sending in resumes but it was easier then she had originally anticipated. “I had to take some predevelopment classes and took it to the career center to look at,” Ulupinar said. “I also had a graduate assistant take a look at it and critique it.” Gutierrez said the final thing to keep in mind is to not necessarily jump on the first job offer that comes along. “If you can, hold out for what you want to do,” she said. “That way you might avoid jumping from job to job. While you are waiting for the job offer, take a job in any working environment because no matter what, you can learn a skill and that is more important than sitting idle.”
ple and while it may appear otherwise, Reger said the ordinance is made to protect them. “Students sometimes believe that we are attempting to do something that hurts them,” he said. “ I understand that [...] but in a way, we’re helping students so that rent goes down.” If landlords want students to live at their properties, they’ll have to lower their rents so it’s affordable for three students to live in home, he said. When the city began cracking down on zoning violations in 2005, then-Undergraduate Student Government President Alex Wright and other students opposed the law. Landlords didn’t like it either. In February 2005, Frobose and others told The BG News they thought the ordinance should be updated to reflect change in the community and society. Though he acknowledged the community has changed since the ordinance was created, Reger said students should realize they don’t benefit from living with more than three other students. “The landlords are the only ones who benefit,” he said.
jabbed at Romney, who has poured at least $20 million of his personal fortune into his bid: “We need to prove that electing a president is not just about how much money a candidate has.” Though he now has come in third in New Hampshire and Michigan after winning in Iowa, Huckabee said, “Whatever it takes, we’re in it for the long haul.” In Michigan, with 37 percent of precincts reporting, Romney had 39.4 percent of the vote, McCain had 30 percent and Huckabee 15.4 percent. No other Republican fared better than single digits. Hillary Rodham Clinton was the only top contender on the Democratic ballot. With 43 percent of precincts counted, she had 58.7 percent of the vote to 35.9 percent for uncommitted delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Romney’s ties to Michigan proved beneficial. Four in 10 voters said his roots factored into their votes, and more than half of that group backed Romney, according to preliminary results from surveys of voters as they left their polling places, taken for The AP and the networks. He also led among voters who said the economy and illegal immigration were their most important issues, and won a majority of Republicans, conservatives, and voters looking for a candidate with experience. McCain had an edge with those who wanted an authentic president, and he won among moderates, independents and Democrats. But fewer non-Republican voters participated in the GOP primary this year than in 2000 when those voters helped him beat George W. Bush. Independents and Democrats accounted for roughly one-third of the vote, compared with about one half eight years ago. Romney had a slight edge over McCain as the candidate likeliest to bring needed change. The economy proved the most important issue for Republicans in Michigan, the state with the highest unemployment rate in the nation and an ailing auto industry. Given four choices, half of Michigan Republican primary voters picked the economy as the most important issue, while one in five picked Iraq, one in seven immigration and one in 10 terrorism. A mere 20 percent of eligible voters were expected to show up at polling stations across frigid and snowy Michigan; turnout was likely to be depressed by a Democratic race of little to no consequence.
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“I’m going to say exactly what I said to coaches and fans: it’s unrealistic to think win championship every year,” Christopher said. “We will never be Ohio State or Michigan.” As long as BG stays in the top half of the conference, said Christopher, the University will have its fair share of championship shots. Christopher noted this is a generalization. A student in the audience asked Christopher to what extent does “padding” an athlete’s schedule with easy classes happen at the University. “At the schools I’ve worked at or around academics is a big piece of what those schools mean and stand for,” Christopher said. “There aren’t many places a kid can hide here.” Future interviewees include President Sidney Ribeau and Police Chief James Wiegand. However, these interviews will be canceled unless there is more student interest, Browne said.
a record was set by
for the most students PATRICK CONRAD | THE BG NEWS
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Faculty Senate considers clarifying fuzzy policy
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Some events taken from events.bgsu.edu
By India Hunter Reporter
8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Geojourney 130 and 131 Union - Gallery Space
Faculty and staff within the Faculty Senate believe there is a need for clearer, more specific language within the University charter when it comes to addressing faculty misconduct and discipline procedures. At yesterday’s Faculty Senate meeting, faculty and staff discussed ideas, thoughts and possible solutions to improve and build upon a current policy procedure listed in the University charter. The language currently in place is unclear according to many faculty members. “Right now each college follows procedures on how they han-
8 a.m. - 11 p.m. Muslim Student Association Prayer Room 204 Olscamp
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rebecca Kaler - Paintings The Little Gallery
12 - 4 p.m. Founders Day Celebration Union Table Space 118-9
1 - 4 p.m. BGSU Kenya 5k Benefit Run
dle each case and if the Faculty Senate were to develop a charter it would be more structured for the university as a whole,” said Romance Languages professor Opportune Zongo. “Termination currently is the only sanction in the charter which speaks to solutions for faculty misconduct,” said Faculty Senate chair Patrick Pauken. He also added that questions such as, “Who has the authority to impose a sanction?” should also be addressed, because currently this is unclear, Pauken thinks. The appeals process and what exactly the punishment and timetable of an accused professor’s fate are also matters to be included in the new policy charter.
“Termination currently is the only sanction in the charter ...” Patrick Pauken | Faculty Senate Chair The new charter would give specific steps and procedures for all faculty across the University to follow when questions of misconduct arise thus creating a more unified plan that is not so disorganized, said Pauken. Many Faculty Senate members feel if there was a unified system of guidelines instructing how to deal with instances of miscon-
duct, it would be more beneficial for all parties involved. “The senate should keep in mind both the rights of the accused and the victim’s rights when questions of misconduct arise,” said Popular Culture Professor Becca Cragin. Benjamin Muego, Faculty Personnel and Conciliation Committee chair added the senate should remember when developing the new charter, language should be specific yet flexible enough to keep Dr. Cragin’s point in mind. Additionally, Faculty Senate members addressed the importance that each case of faculty misconduct be judged on a case by case basis.
Faculty Senate will work closely with the Faculty Personnel Conciliation Committee to further develop the new misconduct and discipline policy charter. The FPCC is a committee which looks into grievances, denial of tenure, suspension and other issues affecting professors. The Faculty Senate hopes to revise and begin implementing the charter this semester as this is a matter the senate has dealing with for some time now, partly because of the large turnover of faculty. Faculty Senate meets the first Tuesday of every month in the senate gallery of McFall Center at 2:30 p.m. and is open to the public.
Res. life has extensive process for hiring quality resident advisors
Union Table Space 118-1
4 - 5:15 p.m. Hire Education
By Kristen Zenz Reporter
116 Conklin North
4:30 - 6 p.m. PAC: “No Guilt” Book Club
Although the resident advisor recruitment process started in the fall, applicants are still fighting for their chance to make door decorations, hold floor meetings and to serve as a positive role model for those in their hall. Initially, the process began in November and December. Those wanting to become resident advisors had to attend one of the many mandatory information meetings. “The information meeting was helpful, it answered questions my resident advisor couldn’t,” said Elyse Anaszewicz, a second year advisor in Kreischer. Recently though, applicants went through the shadowing step of the seven-month process. During this step, candidates are randomly paired with a current resident advisor for an hour. They go on a walk of the building and are taught how to work the front desk.
222 Union - Smith Multicultural Lounge
5 p.m. Craft Night: Winter Mugs Student Union Contact Tables
8 - 9 p.m. UAO presents comedian Kevin Bozeman Union
9 p.m. Greek Judicial Board Hearings 306 Union
9 - 11 p.m. Wednesdays in the Pub: Pub Series of Pop Culture 101 Union - Black Swamp Pub
The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
9:15 - 10:30 p.m. Kohl Hall Council 007 Kohl Hall
“It got me informed of the duties a resident advisor has to do,” Brett Sanders said. “It’s not a true indication of what you will do, but it familiarizes you with the job.” Sanders, a sophomore majoring in early childhood education, hopes to be a resident advisor next year. On Jan. 26 and 27, candidates will take part in the RA Carousel. In the morning, they will participate in group activities regarding crisis response and diversity inclusion. This allows residence hall staff to observe candidates in many of the roles they would play as a resident advisor. In the afternoon, applicants sit down individually for an interview with two or three hall directors. “It’s their job to show us why they want to be a resident advisor,” said Jackie Wells, a hall director in Harshman Anderson/Bromfield. “We look at their social interaction and how engaged they are.” Candidates will find out if they have been selected to be a resi-
dent advisor in mid-February. They then will enroll in a six-week class. In the past this class was taken in the fall. Now, it begins right after spring break and continues to the end of the semester. The course is designed to prepare resident advisors for the upcoming year. Students must pass the class to keep their position. Once picked, applicants are able to pick the top three halls where they want to live. “We do everything to meet their top three, but we figure if they want to be an RA, they’ll be an RA anywhere,” said Wells. This year there are 220 applicants and only 160 will be chosen. On average there is usually anywhere from 200 to 300 applicants, Wells said. However, those not picked will be put on an alternate list. “Quite a few people drop out,” Wells said, “Come late fall the wait list is low. People come back from summer break and realize the
job’s not for them.” Alternates are asked to be resident advisers when this happens. There is a wide array of people who serve but there are usually more females than males. “Even if you’re shy you can be a resident advisor,” said Anaszewicz, a junior who considers herself outgoing. “You will learn to be more confident and aggressive,” she said. However, it’s not for everyone, Anaszewicz said. “Your residents are like your kids and you have to be able to be an advisor, mentor and a friend,” Anaszewicz said. “It requires time.” Students choose to be resident advisers for a variety of reasons. Anaszewicz, decided to undergo the process when she had a bad experience with her advisor freshmen year. Her resident advisor was never available and Anaszewicz did not want this to happen to other students. Sanders thought it would be a
good experience to balance school and another position. He also wants to help incoming freshmen adjust to college life. But they both note the benefits resident advisors receive as a reason as well. Resident advisers get free room and board, their own room, a minimum meal plan, a small salary and the opportunity to register for classes early. In order to qualify candidates must have a grade point average of 2.5 at the end of the preceding fall semester and must continue to maintain a semester and cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher. They have to live on campus for at least one semester prior to employment. They also must be in good standing with the University and may not be on residential or University probation. “I recommend everyone to at least go through the process,” Sanders said. “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to accept the job.”
Cell phones increase risk and travel time “It was a bump, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been texting.”
By Caitlin Harrison U-Wire
NORMAN, Okla. — Cell phones may be making your drive to class even longer. A new study shows that drivers using their phones may be slowing down traffic. The study, conducted by psychology professor David Strayer at the University of Utah, found that drivers on the phone increase their travel time because they tend to spend less time passing slow vehicles and more time following them. In 2005, at least 10 percent of drivers were talking on a cell phone at a given moment during the day, according to the National Occupant Protection Use Survey. “I always talk on my phone while I’m driving,” Lizzy Teeters, psychology sophomore, said. “It’s a good time to talk, so I don’t ever hesitate to talk on the phone while I drive.” Strayer’s past research has concluded that drivers talking on a cell phone, even hands-
Christy Dillon | Student free, are up to four times more likely to be involved in an accident — a risk as high as that of legal intoxication. Christy Dillon, health and exercise science sophomore, said she once hit a car because she was texting. “The car in front of me stopped and I didn’t stop,” Dillon said. “It was just a bump, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been texting.” Oklahoma crashes involving cell phones have steadily risen over the past decade. Only 4 percent of cell phone crashes occurred in 1997 and 24 percent in 2006, according to data from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office.
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“Quite a few people drop out. ... Come late fall the wait list is low. People come back from summer break and realize the job’s not for them.” — Jackie Wells, a hall director in Harshman Anderson/Bromfield, on recruiting resident advisors [see story, p. 3].
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4
Would you eat meat from a cloned animal? [see story, p. 6]
“No, there’s no telling what types of chemicals and things are in there.”
“No, because cloning animals is not right.”
JENNIFER ESTELL, Junior, Political Science and Sociology
JAMAL NORMAN, Junior, Finance
“Yeah, I don’t really see anything wrong with cloning animals to begin with.”
“Yeah, meat’s meat.”
KENT RING, Sophomore, Journalism
VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM Have your own take on today’s People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a question? Give us your feedback at bgnews.com.
Should the government hire private military companies? The profit motive is a serious threat to peace LEVI JOSEPH WONDER COLUMNIST First things first: I do not believe that private military companies are malicious, morally-backwards, evil, conniving corporations which hire only the most bloodthirsty criminals and malcontents as contractors to work for them. I also acknowledge that PMCs, as with any other company, exist to provide a service to governments and firms that require support forces or combat troops to assist them in their business (if war can be called business). The way I see it, the private military industry serves a valuable service to provide contractors-for-hire to those who need their services. A need for welltrained support-troops-for-hire arises on a worldwide scale, so an industry is formed to take care of the need, generating profit for those companies working in said industry. Like any other successful business, it’s all capitalism at its finest. Or is it capitalism at its worst?
The risks are outweighed by their proven successes
or until humans are gone from the surface of earth (whichever comes first). These companies need war because they train lethal, hardcore professional soldiers to fight for their clients, and the clients return money to them in exchange. Without war, the industry collapses. My reasoning on this issue is that the private military industry actually does its part in the world to propagate war and to indirectly promote imperialism on the part of its clients (not necessarily with the intention to do so, of course). The United States military higher-ups realized they would need additional support in order to oil the gears of war for the U.S. war machine, which is precisely why they chose to employ contractors from so many PMCs. Without assistance from the PMCs and security companies, the wars in Afghanistan and the occupation of Iraq might not have progressed in the ways they have over the past half-decade. Without assistance from corporations like Defensecurity, KBR, Paratus and Blackwater Worldwide (regardless of the controversy) to provide valuable support troops, vehicles
Private military companies provide a service that no other business can. They provide security, stability, and in some cases, a fighting force. PMCs provide security and stability solutions to fragile, at-risk nations, private people and governments. Many times these states otherwise can’t defend themselves or, as it is in some cases, nobody will come to their aid. In Sierra Leone, which group was it that stopped the murder and terror campaigns of the Revolutionary Front? If you guessed the United Nations, that is incorrect. It was a South African PMC, Executive Outcomes, that forced the Revolutionary Front to the negotiating table and reclaimed land for the government and the people. Nations like Azerbaijan have also benefited from PMCs. Their naval commandos have been taught the latest techniques in drug interdiction to help keep
“These companies need war because they train lethal, hardcore professional soldiers to fight for their clients, and the clients return money to them in exchange. Without war, the industry collapses.”
step in the evolutionary scheme of warfare. Groups are not able to respond in mere hours without dealing with bureaucratic red tape or political bickering. The concerns of an army that could grow beyond governmental control have been around for ages. How radical did the idea of a large standing army seem to the American people when it was first fielded? As with any business or government there is always the possibility for opportunist imperialism and resource grabbing. Many claim the actions of the US fall into this category as well as the actions of countries through out time. Along with this is the fact that some PMCs have been implicated in various crimes. These allegations need to be considered when looking at the big picture. One needs to keep in mind that there are over 100,000 professional contractors in Iraq right now. With any group of 100,000 people, some will try and break the law for personal gain. Look at the armed forces. They have a few people that decide to break the law, yet we do not condemn them all for the actions of a few. Also, these groups are not immune to laws. The US
“The Secretary of State needs to be protected and using the military for it is not a good idea. How would it look if she had 500 soldiers defending her when she is on the territory of a foreign nation?” CHRIS WEST | THE BG NEWS
I ask this question because, although PMCs are indeed classified as businesses in the definition of the word and act as such in the ways they operate, they hire out mercenary-like contractors to make profit. This scares me. Why? Because any company on this planet has the potential to do drastic things for the sake of making money. Insider trading, “cooking the books,” making deals with organized crime and even selling inferior equipment to the military are all crimes for which U.S. companies have been indicted and convicted. Now, insert into the equation multi-million dollar companies that literally train soldiers for the purpose of warmaking; suddenly, the threat grows beyond typical commercial crimes and aggressive corporate dealing. Yes, the true threat of the private military industry is its profit-from-war mechanic, which is so threatening to world peace. Allow me to make a simple statement to demonstrate why: PMCs need conflict as a resource for them to thrive. Fortunately for them, they have picked one which will be abundant until the end of time,
and munitions, front-line soldiers, wartime housing and supply management and distribution, I strongly believe that the U.S.-led effort in Iraq and Afghanistan would have turned out much differently. In this light, the merit of such companies shines through. Should a government, military force or other client hire out the services of private military companies with the intent to utilize their services for a productive, strategically sound and morally right purpose, then the purpose of the private military industry as a peacekeeping force and valid business model is realized. Unfortunately, as time will tell (and as it has told over the centuries), the aforementioned scenario is not always the way things tend to work out. Take this one into consideration: It’s the early 1920 in West Virginia. The Baldwin-Felts Private Detective Agency, an organization which loaned out armed thugs masquerading as detectives, is hired by anti-union coal mine owners to disrupt union activities and to
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Is it a good idea to use private military contractors? Voice your opinion! You can e-mail us your thoughts at thenews@bgnews.com. Or leave a comment on these columns at www.bgnews.com. We’ll post the responses on this page in the coming days. Be sure to read the submission guidelines at the bottom of this page.
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The BG News is currently recruiting articulate, passionate students who want to have a big impact on their community. Opinion columnist and cartoonist positions are still available! E-mail thenews@bgnews.com for more information.
See WONDER | Page 5
THE BG NEWS LISA HALVERSTADT, EDITOR IN CHIEF 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 | Phone: (419) 372-6966 E-mail: thenews@bgnews.com Web site: http://www.bgnews.com Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606
their country stable. In New Orleans in 2005, one of the first groups into the city were scores of PMCs that went into the lawless and violent neighborhoods and brought the chaos to a stop. The law enforcement groups in your areas have been trained by PMCs to help protect you in better ways as well. PMCs simply extend that model to a global framework and help entire nations. PMCs also provide protection to individuals in foreign lands. Is a businessman wrong for wanting to protect himself? He can’t just go and ask the Marines to rent a platoon out to him for a few months. Without the PMCs the ability for foreign investment in certain nations would be impossible due to instability. Aside from the private sector, many diplomats use the services offered as well. The Secretary of State needs to be protected and using the military for it is not a good idea. How would it look if she had 500 soldiers defending her when she is on the territory of a foreign nation? In the past, America and other nations like her used their armies to wage wars and occupy lands. Privatization of some military aspects is just another
Congress and many nations regulate and oversee the operation conducted by PMCs and when they do step out of line, the government reacts. Throughout the 1990s, many nations banned PMCs or forced many others to go out of business. Like any business, they do make a profit, and in their case a big one. But once again you need to consider that they do: they do not greet people at WalMart or deliver pizzas, they go to war. They have skills few people possess and are in high demand. Sure they make money off of war, but then so do the bomb factories, plane manufacturers and the shipyards. All of these groups easily make more than PMCs do, yet everyone tries to make them the bad guy for getting paid for their services. Think about them the next time you swipe your debit card at the gas station. A PMC was more than likely getting paid to protect that oil and the facilities that refined it. They don’t sound so evil now, especially when you realize that you fund them.
See MARTIN | Page 5
The BG News Submission Policy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are generally to be fewer than 300 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. GUEST COLUMNS are generally longer pieces between 400 and 700 words. These are usually also in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. Two submissions per month maximum.
POLICIES: Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns are printed as space on the Opinion Page permits. Additional Letters to the Editor or Guest Columns may be published online. Name, year and phone number should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks, unverified information or anonymous submissions will not be printed.
E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an attachment to thenews@bgnews. com with the subject line marked “Letter to the Editor” or “Guest Column.” All submissions are subject to review and editing for length and clarity before printing. The editor may change the headlines to submitted columns and letters at his or her discretion. Opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the view of The BG News.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Poll taxes in the form of photo IDs reinstated for the modern age SEAN LUTZMANN COLUMNIST
From the hundreds and possibly thousands of AfricanAmerican voters disenfranchised of their right to vote due to having similar names with ex-felons in the 2000 presidential election, to the efforts in 2004 to scrap the provisional ballot in Ohio, you would think that the Republican Party in this country would give it a rest on the whole “march against democracy” movement. But alas, the conservative assault on the most essential aspect of our citizenship is relentless, as their new goal is to mandate a governmentissued photo ID for anyone wanting to vote. The latest battle is being
fought in the Supreme Court over an Indiana voting law passed in 2005 requiring voters to show a military ID, driver’s license or passport to be able to cast their ballots and have them count on Election Day. Now at first glance, this might seem like a reasonable requirement that most, if not all, Americans will be able to make, especially for those of us who already have driver’s licenses and passports. But taking a closer look, one can see that this requirement might not be so easy for those who can’t drive (the elderly) and those who can’t afford to shell out the almost $100 fee for a passport (the poor). These segments of society may be a minority, but they do exist and in relatively significant numbers, especially when it comes down to close electoral races. According to AFP.com, 43,000 of the 4.7 million residents of eligible voting
“A clear solution of this would be to move Election Day to a weekend (though some people still have to work on weekends) or to make it a national holiday.” age (over 18) in Indiana alone have neither a passport nor a driver’s license. Imagine what that number is in larger states like Florida and Ohio. This also sets up complications (though comparatively to a much lesser degree than the previously stated cases) for college students who will now have no choice but to go back to whatever address is shown on their license or passport (which is unlikely to be their dorm room address) or vote absentee ballot, as student IDs are not an accepted form of identification. To be fair, the law is not totally draconian, but it does make
During the waning days of the Clinton administration, the Central Intelligence Agency published a groundbreaking study that said at least 700,000 men, women and children around the world are trafficked into slavery each year. New estimates since then have gradually increased the count. But if the Bush administration is to be believed, the actual number is closer to 7 million. Slave trafficking victims are usually promised a good job in a distant country. But once they arrive, they are held against their will and suborned into sweatshop or agriculture labor, domestic servitude or forced prostitution. It is that last category, sex slaves, that the Bush administration has distorted to the point of absurdity. Put simply, the administration has concocted the view that every prostitute, worldwide, is actually a slave; the very nature of the work amounts to slavery. That nonsensical position is a favorite of the Christian right, and a few years ago the administration enshrined it in law and began cutting off funding to aid groups that refused to make opposition to prostitution an official part of their charters. Two federal judges ruled the law illogical and unconstitutional, but the Justice Department appealed. The result has been to pervert the federal program to fight slave trafficking in the United States and abroad. Under Bush it is largely a campaign to abolish prostitution. Ambassador John Miller headed the federal Trafficking in Persons office when the prostitution policy was first enforced
in 2003. Before he left office last year, I once asked him if he believed every prostitute is, de facto, a slave. “No,” he said, drawing out the word. “If you take the Melissa Farley study, in eight or nine countries including the U.S., 89 percent of prostitutes say they want to leave” the job. “So I guess you can say 11 percent are not slaves.” Even then, he added, “50 percent of those are under 18. The law says they are slaves. So that means the vast majority of them are slaves.” Farley runs the Prostitution Research and Education organization in San Francisco, and her work serves as the intellectual basis for the federal policy. One study found that 89 percent of prostitutes interviewed in nine countries said they would like “to leave prostitution.” Is that a surprise? Did the study find that, to leave, they would have to be freed from the people who enslaved them? No, 75 percent of these women said their biggest needs were job training and a new home. Those don’t sound like the primary concerns of slaves. I asked Farley if she thought Washington was distorting and conflating her work. She believes prostitution is an abhorrent, dehumanizing practice that should be abolished. But to my question, she said: “I don’t use the word slavery; it conjures up an image of a naked person on the dock. I am not going to diss the trafficking office, but that word gets in the way of what I am doing.” This would be an interesting academic argument but for the hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are, in fact, enslaved, including farm workers forced at gunpoint to
the voting process a whole lot more complicated. If voters don’t have the appropriate identification at the time, they can still vote via provisional ballot, but those will only be counted if the proper form of ID or a form saying that the voter cannot afford a photo ID is presented within ten days. They can also mail in their vote, much like we in Ohio can with absentee ballots, without photo ID. Many voters (especially those on college campuses) have enough difficulty as it is in finding the time during the day to vote between work, classes and in some cases taking care
WONDER From Page 4
The prostitution obsession JOEL BRINKLEY | GUEST COLUMNIST
of their family without the additional paperwork to make things even more complicated. Add to that the fact that in many urban voting precincts lines can be atrociously long as a result of poor allocation of voting machines (which may or may not be deliberate) and one finds that many would-be voters become exasperated with the process and would just as soon go without the stress. Of course, a clear solution of this would be to move Election Day to a weekend (though some people still have to work on weekends) or to make it a national holiday. But because we value profitmaking and consumerism over citizenship in this country (for many of us, anyway) we dare not think of the loss of productivity sacrificed by taking off one day of work to make the most important decisions facing our society, and arguably (in some years)
harvest crops for no pay, women imprisoned as domestic slaves and then sexually abused and sweatshop workers locked in the factory at night and beaten if they try to escape. The Bush policy seems to care little for these victims and instead pursues its ideological anti-prostitution campaign. Ask any of them to justify their view, and they will say, as Miller told me: “You’ve got to face the fact that you can’t have sex slavery without prostitution.” That’s a nonsensical syllogism. You can’t have child molestation without children. So should we abolish kids? You can’t have bank robberies without banks or auto theft without cars. For that matter, you can’t have murders without people. The whole argument is absurd. I haven’t asked the current director of the federal trafficking office, Mark Lagon, how he feels about this issue. But it’s not possible to hold the job without endorsing the prostitution campaign. The first person appointed to head that office seven years ago, Ambassador Nancy Elly Raphel, was forced out because she disagreed. “It was so ideological,” she told me. “Prostitution, that’s what was driving the whole program. They kept saying, ‘If you didn’t have prostitution, you wouldn’t have trafficking.’ I was happy to leave.” Lagon is not making that mistake. Speaking to an international audience last fall, he offered his view: “The demand for commercial sexual exploitation is the driver that we have to address in dealing with sex trafficking.” “If there were not demand for the purchase of women and girls,” he added, “there would be no sex trafficking.”
the most important decisions facing the world. The idea of mandating a government-issued ID card also raises civil liberties questions that any Ron Paul supporter will gladly jump on, but I’m not as worried about some Big Brother plot as I am the overall issue of access to the necessary identification. I dislike voter fraud as much as the next person, and if a program were to be set up which granted access to apply for a free voter ID card, then I think a compromise can be made. But until then, any law mandating that you need to have purchased something in order to vote is nothing less than a poll tax targeting the poor in this country, and any pro-democratic citizen should oppose such actions. Send responses to Sean’s column to thenews@bgnews.com.
MARTIN From Page 4
survive in war zones and sometimes kill for money. But the ultimate worst case scenario? The gradual dissolution of regular militaries as they are made obsolete by military companies. In such a world, the person or company who holds the most money would also control the world’s military might.
terrorize union laborers. This company is a perfect example of how an organization was able to violate civil rights and wreak chaos under the guise of the law and for coal mine bosses to solidify their power bases. How does this past event apply to modern PMCs? Certain rules of war do not apply to military contractors as they do to regular military soldiers. For this reason, PMCs operate differently from regular militaries, such as that of the United States. Overall, private military companies pose threats to peace because of less-strict laws applying to the way they operate, how they generate profit and due to the fact that they hire out contractors trained to fight, shoot,
Many of these men and women have fought for various Western militaries (US, UK, Germany, Canada, etc). These are the same people that are and were defending us as soldiers for an army. How can they become untrustworthy because they made a good business decision? Since when is taking an opportunity to make twice their income and provide for their families an evil move? What is wrong with wanting to get paid as much as possible for what you do? Isn’t that the reason that many of us go to college?
Send responses to Levi’s column to thenews@bgnews.com.
TOMORROW IN FORUM Marisha Pietrowski asks why it took so long to get information about Monday’s water main break. Columns from Kampire Bahana, and Grant Pardee.
Send responses to Sean’s column to thenews@bgnews.com.
Schedule subject to change.
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6 Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Cloned meat safe to eat but not yet for sale By Lauran Neergaard The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Meat and milk from cloned animals is as safe as that from their counterparts bred the old-fashioned way, the Food and Drug Administration said yesterday — but sales still won’t begin right away. The decision removes the last big U.S. regulatory hurdle to marketing products from cloned livestock, and puts the FDA in concert with recent safety assessments from European food regulators and several other nations. “Meat and milk from cattle,
swine and goat clones are as safe as food we eat every day,� said Dr. Stephen Sundloff, FDA’s food safety chief. But the government has asked animal cloning companies to continue a voluntary moratorium on sales for a little longer — not for safety reasons, but marketing ones. USDA Undersecretary Bruce Knight called it a transition period for “allowing the marketplace to adjust.� He wouldn’t say how long the moratorium should continue. “This is about market acceptance,� Knight added, who said
“There’s no technological way of distinguishing a food that’s come from an animal that had a clone in its ancestry. It’s not possible.� Dr. Stephen Sundloff | FDA’s food safety chief he would be calling a meeting of industry leaders to determine next steps. Regardless, it still will be years before many foods from cloned animals reach store shelves, for economic reasons: At $10,000 to $20,000 per animal, they’re a lot
more expensive than ordinary cows, meaning producers likely will use clones’ offspring for meat, not the clone itself. And several large companies — including dairy giant Dean Foods Co. and Hormel Foods Corp. — have said they
have no plans to sell milk or meat from cloned animals because of consumer anxiety about the technology. But FDA won’t require food makers to label if their products came from cloned animals, although companies could do so voluntarily if they knew the source. Last month, meat and dairy producers announced an industry system to track cloned livestock, with an electronic identification tag on each animal sold. Customers would sign a pledge to market the animal as a clone. But that system is voluntary,
and there is no way to tell if milk, for example, came from the daughter of a cloned cow. “Both the animals and any food produced from those animals is indistinguishable from any other food source,� Sundloff said. “There’s no technological way of distinguishing a food that’s come from an animal that had a clone in its ancestry. It’s not possible.� The decision was long-expected, but controversial. Debate has been fierce within the Bush administration as to whether the FDA should move forward, largely because of trade concerns.
Amtrak labor strike poses a threat
U.S. experiences a baby boomlet Report indicates largest number of children born in 45 years By Mike Stobbe The Associated Press
ATLANTA — Bucking the trend in many other wealthy industrialized nations, the United States seems to be experiencing a baby boomlet, reporting the largest number of children born in 45 years. The nearly 4.3 million births in 2006 were mostly due to a bigger population, especially a growing number of Hispanics. That group accounted for nearly one-quarter of all U.S. births. But non-Hispanic white women and other racial and ethnic groups were having more babies, too. An Associated Press review of birth numbers dating to 1909 found the total number of U.S. births was the highest since 1961, near the end of the baby boom. An examination of global data also shows that the United States has a higher fertility rate than every country in continental Europe, as well as Australia,
“We have to wait and see. For now, I would call it a noticeable blip.� Brady Hamilton | Statistician Canada and Japan. Fertility levels in those countries have been lower than the U.S. rate for several years, although some are on the rise, most notably in France. Experts believe there is a mix of reasons: a decline in contraceptive use, a drop in access to abortion, poor education and poverty. There are cultural reasons as well. Hispanics as a group have higher fertility rates — about 40 percent higher than the U.S. overall. And experts say Americans, especially those in middle America, view children more favorably than people in many other Westernized coun-
tries. “Americans like children. We are the only people who respond to prosperity by saying, ‘Let’s have another kid,’� said Nan Marie Astone, associate professor of population, family and reproductive health at Johns Hopkins University. Demographers say it is too soon to know if the sudden increase in births is the start of a trend. “We have to wait and see. For now, I would call it a noticeable blip,� said Brady Hamilton, a statistician with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Demographers often use the word boomlet for a small and brief baby boom. To many economists and policymakers, the increase in births is good news. The U.S. fertility rate — the number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime — reached 2.1. That’s the “magic number� required for a population to replace itself.
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Looking for a Check out
By Sarah Karush The Associated Press
OWNED: Talk-show host Oprah Winfrey and David Zaslav, president and chief executive of Discovery Communications after announcing the formation of “OWN.�
Oprah expands her empire By David Bauder The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Oprah Winfrey is getting her own TV network. OWN — for Oprah Winfrey Network — will debut next year in nearly 70 million homes with cable and satellite, part of a deal announced yesterday with Discovery Communications. It will replace the Discovery Health network. The announcement builds a media empire that already includes the top-rated TV talk show, a magazine, a satellite radio network, a Web site and TV movies made under her banner. “This is an evolution of what I’ve been able to do every day,� Winfrey said. “I will now have the opportunity to do this 24 hours a day on a platform that goes on forever.� She will be chairwoman of the network, owned 50-50 by Discovery and her company, Harpo Productions Inc. In return for taking over a network already operated by Discovery, Winfrey gives half ownership of the Oprah. com Web site. Discovery owns 13 networks in the United States, including Discovery, TLC and Animal Planet. Discovery Health is one of the least successful, and company President and CEO David Zaslav was looking for ideas about what to do with it when his wife handed
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“David came and spoke about the vision I’d been having for 15 years.� Oprah Winfrey | TV Personality him a copy of Oprah’s magazine. He approached Winfrey about a partnership,coincidentallyshortly after she had come upon an entry for her diary dated May 24, 1992, when she wrote about her idea for creating her own network. “David came and really spoke about the vision I’d been having for 15 years,� she said. “It felt like, ‘I can’t believe you’re saying this.’� Zaslav said that Discovery’s core mission is knowledge and curiosity and “this is right in our sweet spot.� Winfrey envisions the programming dealing with issues such as money, health, weight, relationships and raising children. Some of the stable of in-house experts she uses on “Oprah� and the XM satellite radio station might be expected to contribute. While Winfrey will be the face of the new network, she won’t have much of a presence, at least at first. She is under contract to continue on “Oprah� through May 2011, a deal that prohibits the use of reruns on her own network.
WASHINGTON — Commuters stranded from Virginia to Massachusetts. Train service shut down at major terminals in New York, Chicago and Boston. A flood of extra cars on congested highways around Washington and San Francisco. Come Jan. 30, that nightmare could become a reality unless a long-standing labor dispute between Amtrak and nine unions is resolved. There has never been a strike in Amtrak’s 36-year history, and it’s still likely that one will be averted, either through a lastminute deal or intervention by Congress. But if workers do walk out, the 71,000 people who take Amtrak every day won’t be the only ones who’ll suffer. Hundreds of thousands of people who ride commuter trains will join them, since many such services depend on Amtrak employees or infrastructure, particularly in the Northeast. The dispute involves about 10,000 employees whose last contract ended Dec. 31, 1999. After years of unsuccessful mediation, a presidential emergency board issued a report on the dispute Dec. 30, triggering a 30-day countdown until a strike becomes legal. Siding with the unions, the board recommended that wage increases be made retroactive. Amtrak, which relies on federal subsidies, is worried about whether it can afford the back pay. Under the Railway Labor Act, most disputes that get to this point end with a contract based on the emergency board’s report. In cases when that doesn’t happen, Congress usually imposes the board’s recommendations. Still, transportation officials across the country are bracing for the worst.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
BG squares off with the Golden Flashes tonight By Chris Voloschuk Sports Editor
BASEBALL Selig, Fehr and Mitchell headline Congressional Hearings Commissioner Bud Selig mentioned how the Giants should have reported Barry Bonds’ trainer. Page 8 ENOCH WU | THE BG NEWS
ONLINE The BG News Sports Blog Be sure to check out the BG News Sports Blog for the latest happenings in all of your favorite Falcon sports. The blog can also be used for live game updates of men’s and women’s basketball as well as hockey. http://www.bgnewssports. blogpsot.com
TO THE LANE: Kate Achter drives to the hoop in a recent game against the Akron Zips.
BG women’s basketballcoach Curt Miller is heading back to where it all started. And the team will be looking to stay undefeated in MidAmerican Conference play. The Falcons (13-3, 2-0) will hook up with Kent State (4-10, 1-1) at the MAC Center tonight at 7 p.m. to continue the early conference schedule. It will be BG’s first MAC road game. Miller is quite familiar with the Kent State surroundings. It was under KSU head coach Bob Lindsay that he got his start in college coaching in the early 1990s, working primarily as a scout. According to Miller, playing the Golden Flashes is always special. “I’m always a little bit more nervous because this is my mentor, this is who gave me my shot,”
60-45 win. By beating the Bobcats, BG was able to continue their undefeated 2008 in-conference record, as well as avenge a difficult home loss to the same team last February. Thetopindividualperformance of the game belonged to freshman forward Crystal Murdaugh, who put together her best college game to date, scoring 17 points and pulling down 11 rebounds to lead the team. OU went into Saturday’s game the best rebounding team in the MAC, but was outrebounded by BG 40-34. With two 6’4’’ post players, Kent could present a real challenge to the Falcons inside. “We haven’t played a team with a double low post as big as they are in a while,” Miller said. “We’re going to guard that 6’4’’, 6’4’’ tandem with 5’11’’ and 5’9’’. I don’t care what the media guide says,
“We haven’t played a team with a double low post as big as they are in while.” Curt Miller | BG coach Miller said. “So it’s coach [vs.] pupil in the coaching war in this game. Bob Lindsay’s the premier coach in our league and has been for almost 20 years.” “[Lindsay’s] the dean of coaches in our league and so it’s always an extra special game for me being in Kent where I got my college start.” The Falcons are coming off of an extra special victory Saturday afternoon over Ohio at Anderson Arena. A record crowd of 3,010 packed the arena for the
that’s what they are. And it’s a challenge for us. So we have challenges at both ends of the floor.” KSU has some real scoring threats. Anna Kowalska is third in the MAC in points per game with 17.2. Their second leading scorer is Asheley Harkins at 10. The Golden Flashes are also formidable on the glass. Their 38.6 rebounds per game ranks fifth in the MAC. Their 25 defensive rebounds a game ranks fourth. Kowalska is second in the conference in rebounding with 9.2 per game. Going into tonight’s game, BG has won its last six meetings with Kent. But according to Miller, the MAC Center is one of the toughest places to play on the road. “The difference between good teams and championship teams [is they] win in-conference on the road,” Miller said.
The Freshman 17 Athlete of the Week
Crystal Murdaugh
SCHEDULE TODAY Women’s basketball: at Kent State; 7 p.m.
OUR CALL Today in Sports History 1988—NFL St Louis Cardinals announce move to Phoenix. 1974— NY Yankees Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford elected to Hall of Fame. 1970— Curt Flood files a civil lawsuit challenging baseball’s reserve clause.
The List With temperatures expected to be in single digits for the NFC Champonship, we bring you the top five coldest games in NFL history:
1. Green Bay 21 vs. Dallas 17 (1967): Known as the “Ice Bowl”, temperatures dipped as low -13 degrees with a wind chill of -48 degrees in Green Bay.
2. Cincinnati 27 vs San Diego 7 (1982): Temperatures in Cincinnati reached as low -9 with a wind chill of -59.
3. Indianapolis 10 vs Kansas City 7 (1996): Temperatures of -6 in K.C. to go along with snow from the previous day caused five of six field goal attempts to be missed.
4. Oakland 14 vs. Cleveland 12 (1981): Temperatures of -5 were bad in Cleveland but most Browns fans remember this game as “Red Right 88.”
5. Minnesota 23 vs. Chicago 10 (1972): Long before the Metrodome existed, games were played outdoors in Minneapolis. Temperatures reached -2.
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Crystal Murdaugh posted 17 points and 11 rebounds in Saturday’s game against the Bobcats. Left: Murdaugh goes up for a lay-up against Ohio. Above: Murdaugh battles for a rebound against Akron’s Victoria Arndt. Right: Murdaugh readies for contact against Ohio’s Lauren Hmiel.
Crystal Murdaugh posts career highs in points and rebounds against OU By Jordan Cravens Reporter
high 17 points and 11 rebounds. “Before the game I was very excited and very pumped to play,” Crystal Murdaugh couldn’t have she said. “I knew it was a big game picked a better day to have her since we had lost to them last year so I was just going into the breakout game of the season. Playing in front of a record game focused on rebounding and crowd at Anderson Arena, pit- attacking the basket and just playted against an Ohio team who ing hard for all my teammates.” A little on the short side in not only was the Mid-American conference pre-season favorite, comparison with her post playbut also the only team to hand ers around the conference at 5’11, the BG women’s basketball team Murdaugh made up for her lack of their only MAC loss last season, height with intensity, hustle and Murdaugh rose to the challenge. emotion as she shut down the Leading her team to a 60-45 vic- number one rebounding team in tory over the Bobcats, Murdaugh the MAC along with the rest of finished the night with a game her fired up teammates gaining
Carter, Green headline 2008 NFL Hall of Fame finalists CANTON (AP) — Cris Carter and Darrell Green are finalists in balloting for the Pro Football Hall of Fame in their first year of eligibility. Carter, a star wide receiver for the Eagles and Vikings, and Redskins cornerback Green are among 17 finalists who will be considered for election on Feb. 2, 2008, the day before the Super Bowl. Carter spent 1987-89 with Philadelphia, then 1990-2001 with Minnesota before ending his career with a season as a Dolphin. In 2000, he became the second player in NFL history to catch 1,000 career passes, behind only Jerry Rice. He finished his career with 1,101 receptions, second on the all-time list; had 130 TD catches, also second; and gained 1,000 yards receiving in eight straight seasons. Carter
CARTER BY THE NUMBERS Viking Quest - spent eleven seasons with Vikings 1,000: Became second player in NFL history with 1,000 catchers Touchdown Cris: Second to Jerry Rice with 130 TDS Crazy Eights: Gained 1,000 yards in eight straight seasons I love the 90s: member of the NFL 1990s all-decade team
was a member of the NFL’s 1990s all-decade team. Green spent all 20 of his seasons in Washington, tying a league record with one team, and played 295 games after being a first-round draft pick in 1983. He holds the NFL mark with at least
See FINALISTS | Page 8
a 40-34 advantage in the rebound column against Ohio. “When coach first told me I was going to be playing the four I was kind of nervous about that because I knew I was shorter than all the rest of the post players,” Murdaugh said. “But he has got me comfortable with playing that position and there is no intimidation factor there at all. I just go at them as if I was going against somebody my own size.” And the emotion Murdaugh played with has not gone unnoticed. “The intangible thing that she brought to the table was she played
with an incredible amount of passion and an incredible amount of emotion and that emotion is very important we believe in how we play,” said BG coach Curt Miller. Although a lot of Murdaugh’s intensity came from within, she also had some help. “The crowd was amazing, that was another part that got me into the game all the people out there,” she said. “I have never played in front of that many people before so I just had a huge adrenaline rush when I got out onto to the court and that did really help me play well.” While Murdaugh may not
be at the top of all the charts averaging six points and 4.6 rebounds a game, Miller said she’s versatile and sees only good things to come. “I think you’re only going to see her get better and better and more comfortable and more confident as she continues to be one of the impact freshmen in the entire conference,” Miller said. “She can beat people off the dribble,” he said. “She is really a glorified guard playing a post position so she has perimeter skills but she’s strong and physical enough to post up so that versatility allows our offense to run smoothly.”
Federer dominant in first match of 2008 By John Pye The Associated Press
MELBOURNE, Australia — Sick and tired of talk about his stomach bug, Roger Federer wanted to show he was in Grand Slam form. He left nobody in doubt. The man who has had the No. 1 ranking just about glued to him for almost four years began his bid for a third straight Australian Open title yesterday by doing something he had never done at Melbourne Park. He opened the season’s first major without dropping a game in the first set at Rod Laver Arena, beating Argentina’s Diego Hartfield 6-0, 6-3, 6-0. In eight previous trips to Melbourne, he had never swept the opening set. Federer has not played a competitive match in two months. He withdrew from the Kooyong exhibition last week after being
THREE IN A ROW?: Roger Federer began his quest for a third straight Austalian Open Championship by defeating Argentina’s Diego Hartfield in straight sets with relative ease.
told by doctors he had food said. “I took an extra day. It’s poisoning, causing speculation tough, but I played a couple of sets out here the last few days about his fitness. “I could have maybe played and it’s paid off.” Unable to get his usual fineon Saturday, but I didn’t want all the fuss — the media, analyzing my game, thinking they See FEDERER | Page 8 know best and all that,” Federer
8 Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Selig says Giants at fault for not reporting Bonds’ trainer By Howard Fendrich The Associated Press
wide receivers Art Monk and Andre Reed; and tackle Gary Zimmerman. From Page 7 The contributor finalist is former commissioner Paul one interception in 19 consecu- Tagliabue.TheSeniorCommittee tive seasons and made 54 inter- nominees, announced last ceptions overall for 621 yards August, are Chicago Cardinals and six TDs. Considered one of back Marshall Goldberg and the best shutdown cornerbacks Kansas City Chiefs cornerback in football, he also was one of the Emmitt Thomas. . league’s fastest players and a firstrate punt returner. Green also GREEN BY THE was on the NFL’s 1990s team. The other finalists, of which NUMBERS a minimum of four candidates ‘Skin for life: Spent all twenty seaand a maximum of seven can sons with the Washington Redskins be chosen, are 12 modern-era At least one: Had one players. They are defensive ends interception in 19 seasons Fred Dean and Richard Dent; Studio 54: 54 career linebackers Randy Gradishar, interceptions Derrick Thomas and Andre To the House: Had six career Tippett; guards Russ Grimm, touchdowns Bob Kuechenberg and Randall I love the 90s: member of the McDaniel; punter Ray Guy; NFL’s All-1990s team
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UNDER OATH: Major League Baseball was again summoned to testify on Capitol Hill to coincide with the release of the Mitchell Report. Testifying yesterday was MLB commissioner Bud Selig, Players Association President Donald Fehr as well as George Mitchell himself.
Sabean wasn't willing to do it, according to the report. Waxman also expressed concern that, according to the report, Giants owner Peter Magowan’s lawyer called Mitchell to say Magowan “misspoke” about Bonds' possible use of steroids. “This incident shows why it’s important for baseball’s management to take the problem of steroids seriously. It's possible that the BALCO scan-
dal could have been averted if Brian Sabean and Peter Magowan acted in a responsible fashion,” Waxman said. “Instead, they seemed more intent on protecting Bonds.” Earlier, the commissioner said that if, aside from players, “there were club personnel — and there have been some serious accusations there — if those people are guilty of what was said they were doing, they will face discipline, and very
significant discipline.” Giants spokeswoman Staci Slaughter said Sabean and Magowan were out of town. The team was still deciding whether to release a statement. Onecongressmanquestioned all of the day’s witnesses about a potential loophole in baseball’s drug policy, which was toughened in the aftermath of the 2005 congressional hearing. Penalties were increased and amphetamines were banned.
Massachusetts Democrat John Tierney said baseball gave over 100 therapeuticuse exemptions to players for attention deficit disorder last year, up from 28 in 2006. The exemptions enabled players to use stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall. The general mood in the room was captured succinctly by Connecticut Republican Christopher Shays, who noted, “This is almost surreal to me.” Selig and Fehr both were praised for recent changes to baseball's drug policy — and chastised for not taking action sooner. “The illegal use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs was pervasive for more than a decade, Major League Baseball was slow and ineffective in responding to the scandal, and the use of human growth hormone has been rising,” said Waxman, a California Democrat. “The Mitchell Report also makes it clear that everyone in baseball is responsible: the owners, the commissioner, the union and the players.” Later, Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings told Selig and Fehr: “This scandal happened under your watch. I want that to sink in. It did. Do you accept responsibility for this scandal or do you think there was nothing you could do to prevent it?”
New England to honor 14-year-old girl booed by Colts Fans By Howard Ulman The Associated Press
before the fourth quarter of San Diego’s playoff win last Sunday, she was the only one booed by FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Patriots the crowd in Indianapolis, home owner Robert Kraft sat behind his of New England’s fiercest rival. “Why should a champion be wide desk and marveled at how his team’s jersey could be the tar- booed?” the boss of the threeget of so many boos — even when time Super Bowl winners said yesterday. “She won an intensive it’s worn by a 14-year-old girl. This wasn’t Randy Moss or competition. She’s supposed to Rodney Harrison hearing the cat- be honored.” His team is getting the same calls. They’re used to it. This was Anna Grant, a high reaction — not because of the school freshman who had worked spying incident in the season hard to win the Punt, Pass & Kick opener but because fans like to competition in her age group as see teams at the top get knocked off, he said. If the Chargers can’t the team’s representative. When she was introduced do it Sunday, New England will be along with the other winners headed to its fourth Super Bowl in
FEDERER From Page 7 tuning done at Kooyong, Federer had to settle for doing it in real time. He tested his entire arsenal, mixing his powerful backhands and forehands with some rushes to the net, and alternating serves wide and down the line on the new blue surface. “Everything was working perfectly,” said Federer, who is 26-1 in the last four Australian Opens and has figured in the last 10 Grand Slam finals. “I never expect a result this extreme obviously, but I was playing well in practice, moving well, serving well, and conditions were perfect.” Just before Federer went on court, things turned violent among spectators during a match between Greece’s Konstantinos Economidis and seventh-seeded Fernando Gonzalez of Chile, last year’s losing finalist. Tournament officials said play was interrupted for five minutes while police subdued three people with pepper spray. Five were evicted and banned from the venue for at least 24 hours.
Wimbledon champion Venus Williams played her first match in three years at the Australian Open. She downed China’s Yan Zi 6-2, 7-5 but hit 29 unforced errors and only 19 winners. “Errors happen,” Williams said. “That’s tennis.” She was a first-round loser in 2006 and missed last year because of injuries, watching from a distance when sister Serena made a stunning run to the title. Serena Williams, unseeded and ranked No. 81 when she beat top-seeded Maria Sharapova in last year’s final, plays today in the second round against China’s Yuan Meng. No. 5 Sharapova has the toughest second-round match of the highly ranked players, facing 2000 Australian champion Lindsay Davenport in the night match on center court today. Davenport is in her first Grand Slam and only fifth tournament since returning to the tour following the birth last June of her son. She needed three sets to beat Italy’s Sara Errani in the first round and extend her record to 19-1 since her comeback. No. 1 Justine Henin will open
“I was just in shock. But it really didn’t bother me. It’s not you. It’s your jersey.”
office filled with photos, footballs and other memorabilia. “We will recognize her as the winner on the field. Our fans will know.” Grant returned from school yesterday and heard a phone message from Andre Tippett, the Patriots’ executive director of Anna Grant | Patriots fan community affairs and a former star linebacker. She called back and was seven seasons. But first comes the coin flip ecstatic when Tippett extended before the AFC championship the invitation — plus tickets for and Grant will be out on the field her, her parents and two brothers for that, invited by Kraft, who felt — to take part. “I was just in shock,” she said. badly that she had been booed. “But it really didn’t bother me,” “What I decided is that we would honor her here before this game,” she added afterward., ‘It’s not you. Kraft said in an interview in his It’s your jersey.’”
on center court against Olga Poutchkova. No. 10 Marion Bartoli, the only player to beat Henin in the last six months — in the Wimbledon semifinals — was the highest of four seeded women players ousted in the first round yesterday, losing to Sweden’s Sofia Arvidsson. Advancing were No. 2-seeded Svetlana Kuznetsova, No. 4 Ana Ivanovic, No. 6 Anna Chakvetadze, No. 9 Daniela Hantuchova and No. 14 Nadia Petrova. On the men’s side, No. 3 Novak Djokovic beat Benjamin Becker 60, 6-2, 7-6 (5) and then delighted the crowd with an impersonation of Sharapova — at the behest of the TV commentator. He didn’t want to do it initially, having been criticized for similar antics at the U.S. Open. But then he did a good impression of the Russian star’s serve, right down to her tendency to brush strands of her long blonde hair back over her ears. Djokovic said he knew she wouldn’t mind. No. 10 David Nalbandian, who beat both Federer and No. 2 Rafael Nadal at consecutive tournaments to win the Madrid and Paris titles last year, recov-
ered from back spasms that forced him out of the Kooyong exhibition in a routine win over Australian Robert Smeets. Australia’s top prospect, former U.S. Open and Wimbledon champion Lleyton Hewitt, had little trouble beating Steve Darcis of Belgium, advancing with No. 12 James Blake, 2005 champion Marat Safin and 2006 runner-up Marcos Baghdatis, who defeated 2002 champion Thomas Johansson. Nadal, the only player to beat Federer in the last 10 Grand Slams — in the last two French Open finals — plays Florent Serra today and No. 6 Andy Roddick takes on Michael Berrer. Federer has a day off to prepare for his second-round match against Fabrice Santoro, the 35-year-old Frenchman who broke Andre Agassi’s record for most Grand Slam appearances in the Open era when he beat American John Isner to kick off his 62nd major. At 26, Federer is playing his 35th major and is two shy of Sampras’ record 14 Grand Slam titles. He is 8-2 against Santoro, but is expecting a difficult match against a “real tactician.”
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in 2005. Since the release of Mitchell's findings, the focus largely has WASHINGTON — Barry Bonds’ been on Clemens, the star team should have reported pitcher scheduled to testify at a concerns about the home run separate hearing Feb. 13, along king's personal trainer to Major with his former trainer, Brian League Baseball, commissioner McNamee, who said he injectBud Selig told Congress yester- ed Clemens with steroids and day during a hearing on the human growth hormone. Clemens has vehemently sport's steroids era. Even though no players were denied the allegations. But Bonds was brought up present, unlike the theatrical March 2005 session, the names by Waxman, who asked Selig of Bonds, seven-time Cy Young whether the San Francisco Award winner Roger Clemens Giants should have reported and 2002 AL MVP Miguel their concerns about Bonds’ Tejada afll were raised during trainer, Greg Anderson, and the the 4-hour, 15-minute proceed- slugger's alleged steroid use to ings prompted by last month's the commissioner’s office. “Of course,” Selig responded. Mitchell Report. Pressed by Waxman about Selig and union leader Donald Fehr sat side-by-side before a whether Giants general managHouse committee friendlier in er Brian Sabean violated basetone than three years ago yet ball rules by not doing so, Selig still concerned about how seri- said: “It's a matter that I have ous baseball is in dealing with under review,” perhaps hinting that Sabean or other team offiits doping problem. Before any of yesterday’s cials could face discipline. The chairman pointed to testimony, which began with former Senate majority leader the portion of the Mitchell George Mitchell appearing for Report that discussed how two hours, House Oversight former Giants athletic trainand Government Reform er Stan Conte told Sabean in Committee chairman Henry 2002 that a player had come to Waxman announced he and him with questions because ranking Republican Tom Davis he was considering buying asked the Justice Department steroids from Anderson. The report said Conte went to look into whether Tejada lied to committee staffers when to Sabean to say he wanted questioned in connection to Anderson and others like him Rafael Palmeiro's perjury case removed from the clubhouse.
I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Daily Crossword Fix
Cucina di Betto
brought to you by 1 Mork’s planet 2 Cave dwelling 3 Summer at the Sorbonne 4 Seethed 5 Facets 6 Some beers 7 Mistaken belief 8 One who staggers 9 Goofs 10 Goddess of the Dawn 11 Lance? 12 “Hedda Gabler” playwright 13 Land units 18 Trojan hero of Virgil’s epic 21 Top of the line 22 Groom oneself 23 Stand for art 24 Tie somewhat? 26 Holding cells 28 Oxidizes 29 Prufrock’s creator 31 Waiting line 33 Treasure quantity 34 Mirage image
MOVING FORWARD: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, and Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari shake hands at a joint press conference in Baghdad, Iraq, yesterday. Rice said during the surprise trip to Iraq that national reconciliation has moved along “quite remarkably,” citing a new law that lets former members of Saddam Hussein’s Baath party to reclaim government jobs or pensions.
Rice pushing for unity
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tion of violence in Iraq could prove fleeting if the country’s main groups did not reach an enduring agreement on the future of the country. The fragility of the security gains was highlighted shortly after Rice’s visit. At least five mortars landed in the U.S.protected Green Zone, home to the U.S. Embassy and many Iraqi government offices. There were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage. Rice, who split off from Bush’s Mideast tour for an unannounced visit to Baghdad, lauded Iraqi lawmaker’s approval Saturday to grant jobs and benefits for some Baath party members. She portrayed it as evidence that last year’s “surge” of American forces was paying dividends by cutting violence and allowing political reforms.
BAGHDAD — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brought Iraq’s leader a double-edged message yesterday: praise for progress toward ending the nation’s sectarian rifts, but also a warning not to squander the momentum after many false starts on reconciliation. The meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki underscored Washington’s push for faster and bolder efforts to heal differences between the Shiiteled government and Iraq’s other main groups — Sunni Arabs who were sidelined by the fall of Saddam Hussein and Kurds enjoying an economic boom in their near-autonomous enclave. The Iraqi parliament took an important step last week to
1 7 11 14 15 16 17 19 20 21
37 40 41 44 45 46 47 49
open the way for low-ranking members of Saddam’s Baath party to reclaim government posts and pensions. Rice congratulated al-Maliki for the “quite remarkable” progress on national reconciliation. But she pressed for more — telling al-Maliki not to lose a “golden opportunity” during President Bush’s final year in office to bring Sunni Arabs into a unity government, according to three Iraqi officials with knowledge of the talks. The Iraqis spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to share the information with the media. Two attended meetings between Rice and Iraqi leaders. The third was briefed by a senior participant. The officials said Rice further warned that the recent reduc-
By Hamza Hendawi The Associated Press
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10 Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Apple introduces MacBook Air
By May Wong and Jordan Robertson The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Apple Inc. Chief Executive Steve Jobs took the wraps off a super-slim new laptop at the Macworld trade show yesterday, unveiling a personal computer less than an inch thick that turns on the moment it’s opened. Jobs also confirmed the consumer electronics company’s foray into online movie rentals, revealing an alliance with all six major movie studios to offer films over high-speed Internet connections within 30 days after they’re released on DVD. Always a showman, Jobs unwound the string on a standard-sized manila office envelope and slid out the ultra-thin MacBook Air notebook computer to coos and peals of laughter from fans at the conference.
At its beefiest, the new computer is .76 inches thick; at its thinnest, it’s .16 inches, he said. It comes standard with an 80gigabyte hard drive, with the option of a 64GB flash-based solid state drive as an upgrade. The machine doesn’t come with a built-in optical drive for reading CDs and DVDs, a feature Jobs says consumers won’t miss because they can download movies and music over the Internet and access the optical drives on other PCs and Macs to install new software. They can buy an external drive, however, that will retail for $99. Trading in Apple stock was heavy yesterday, the first day of the Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco. Shares fell $11.85, or 6.6 percent, to $166.93 in late afternoon trading. Caris & Co. analyst Shebly Seyrafi said the MacBook
Air’s price tag “may have been higher than people would have hoped for.” Investors also may be “incrementally” concerned that Apple’s iPhone was not updated so that it can connect to faster cellular networks, he said. The new laptop, which has a 13.3-inch screen and fullsized laptop keyboard, will cost $1,799 when it goes on sale in two weeks, though Apple is taking orders now. The company’s Web site is already touting the machine. The price is competitive with other laptops in its market segment. The machine helps fortify Apple’s already-sizzling Macintosh product lineup and burnish its polished image as a purveyor of cool. Apple’s Macintosh business hit record sales of 7 million units in the company’s fiscal
2007, up more than 30 percent from the previous year. After hovering for years with a 2 percent to 3 percent share of the personal computer market in the United States, Apple’s slice has grown to almost 8 percent, making it the nation’s third-largest PC vendor, according to the latest figures from market researcher Gartner Inc. Other revelations during Jobs’ speech reflected the Cupertino-based company’s intensifying efforts to push deeper into consumers’ living rooms with technologies that blend Internet technology into home entertainment devices. The movie-rental announcement capped months of speculation that an Apple movie rental service was in the offing. The service launched yesterday PAUL SAKUMA | AP PHOTO in the United States and will roll out internationally later ON CLOUD NINE: Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up the MacBook Air at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco yesterday. The new laptop is less than an inch thick. this year.
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*AT&T also imposes monthly a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge of up to $1.25 to help defray costs incurred in complying with State and Federal telecom regulation; State and Federal Universal Service charges; and surcharges for customer-based and revenue-based state and local assessments on AT&T. These are not taxes or government-required charges. Offer available on select phones. Limited-time offer. Other conditions and restrictions apply. See contract and rate plan brochure for details. Subscriber must live and have a mailing address within AT&T’s owned wireless network coverage area. Up to $36 activation fee applies. Equipment price and availability may vary by market and may not be available from independent retailers. Early Termination Fee: None if cancelled in the first 30 days; thereafter $175. Some agents impose additional fees. Unlimited voice services: Unlimited voice services are provided solely for live dialog between two individuals. Offnet Usage: If your minutes of use (including unlimited services) on other carriers’ networks (“offnet usage”) during any two consecutive months exceed your offnet usage allowance, AT&T may at its option terminate your service, deny your continued use of other carriers’ coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for offnet usage. Your offnet usage allowance is equal to the lesser of 750 minutes or 40% of the Anytime minutes included with your plan (data offnet usage allowance is the lesser of 6 megabytes or 20% of the kilobytes included with your plan). Rebate Debit Cards: Nokia 6555 price before mail-in rebate debit card, MEdia™/messaging feature purchase, and with 2-year wireless service agreement is $89.99. Minimum $9.99 MEdia™/messaging feature purchase required. Blackjack™ II price before mail-in rebate debit card, unlimited messaging plan, and with 2-year wireless service agreement is $219.99. minimum $19.99 unlimited messaging plan. Blackberry® CURVE™ 8310 price before Blackberry data plan, mail-in rebate debit card, and with 2-year wireless service agreement is $219.99. Blackberry data plan and minimum $39.99 voice plan required. Allow 10-12 weeks for fulfillment. Card may be used only in the U.S. and is valid for 120 days after issuance date but is not redeemable for cash and cannot be used for cash withdrawal at ATMs or automated gasoline pumps. Card request must be postmarked by 02/28/2008; you must be a customer for 30 consecutive days to receive card. Sales tax calculated based on price of activated equipment. Rollover Minutes: Unused anytime mins expire after the 12th billing period. Night & Weekend & Mobile to Mobile mins do not roll over. With qualified messaging package. Includes unlimited text, picture, video, and instant messages sent or received while on AT&T’s owned wireless network. GPS capable with optional accessory. ©2007-2008 TeleNav, Inc. All rights reserved. TeleNav® is a registered trademark of TeleNav, Inc. TeleNav GPS Navigator™ is a trademark of TeleNav, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. ©2007-2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies
Mercer Manor Apartments (323 and 331 Mercer Rd.) • 3 bedroom • Furnished • A/C, fireplaces, dishwasher, microwaves, and garbage disposal • 2 baths • FREE wireless internet Stop by the office for our current listings of available units!
w w w. g r e e n b r i a r r e n t a l s . c o m Greenbriar, Inc. 352-0717 445 E. Wooster St. Bowling Green, OH 43402
Hours: Mon-Fri Saturday
9am-5pm 9am-1pm