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Student groups rally for rollover

Wednesday March 26, 2008 Volume 101, Issue 125




Lesbian takes questions in Kohl cafe

Instructor Cynthia Mahaffey spoke to students last night about her life after divorcing her husband and coming out | Page 3

By Gina Potthoff Assistant Campus Editor

Armed with petitions, flyers and signs with catchy phrases, the student groups FREEDOM and Transcendence protested University Dining Services’ intent to get rid of meal plan rollover in the Union yesterday. Roughly 10 protesters held up signs and asked for student signatures near the main entrance to the Union and in the Falcon’s nest around 11:30 a.m. The protest, which lasted about two hours, was organized in response to Dining Services’ decision to eliminate meal plan rollover at the end of the spring 2009 semester and the 4.5 percent increase in meal plan prices next fall. Flyers passed out by protesters urged students to “Say ‘Yes’ to Rollover! It is YOUR MONEY.” FREEDOM, a progressive social activist student group on campus, organized the protest and combined forces with Transcendence, a transgender

One fisherman remains lost in the water

The Coast Guard calls off the search for final crew member of the downed Alaskan fishing vessel, Mr. Satashi Konno | Page 8


Beijing Olympics’ ceremony protest French president may be absent from opening ceremony in protest of China’s violence in Tibet | Page 15

Egyptian dead, U.S. blamed

Loss of young father Mohammed Fouad blamed on firing from U.S. military guard | Page 15


The ladies’ tennis team starts the second half of the season with losses to EMU and Toledo | Page 9


BG Undead searches for support to use Nerf guns

Columnist Levi Joseph Wonder insists that the University’s Nerf toy ban doesn’t make Humans versus Zombies less controversial, but restricts the freedoms of University students | Page 4

See UNDEAD | Page 2

County prosecutor results undecided

Should students be allowed to carry Nerf guns on campus?

By Tim Sampson City Editor

ANTHONY GUERRINI, Freshman, Political Science

TOMORROW PM Showers High: 43, Low: 31

support, visibility, education and civil rights group on campus, to get students thinking about where their money is going. Transcendence President Joseph Aufenthie said although their group usually protests transgender issues, they also organize for student issues, such as mealplan rollover elimination. “We are students and this affects the student body,” Aufenthie said. Joelle Ryan, a grad student

and member of Transcendence, said Dining Services shouldn’t mess with rollover and should give back the money students are putting into their meal plans. Students can share their meal plan rollover money when buying food for friends, Aufenthie said. “Rollover builds community that way,” he said. The University wants to go

See ROLLOVER | Page 2

DM makes miracles for kids


By Kristen Vasas Reporter

By Ryan Sullivan Reporter

The University might hamper the second round of BG Undead’s game play after the announcement was made last week to place an immediate ban on the use of Nerf guns on campus. The game,a version of Humans versus Zombies, is still going to be played but it’s going to be more difficult for the humans to survive, said senior Atonn Smeltzer, the web administrator for the group. Humans versus Zombies is a game played between two teams, the humans and the zombies. The goal of the humans is to survive the zombie attack by not being “bitten” and turned into

Take away Nerf toys, take away freedom

TODAY Partly Cloudy High: 49, Low: 32


PROTEST POWER: Student groups FREEDOM and Transcendence teamed up to protest University Dining Services’ intention to eliminate meal plan rollover.


Falcon tennis: uneasy start to season

“Oh hell yes.” | Page 4

ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community

Although the vote took place three weeks ago, the winner of the Wood County prosecutor’s race is still up in the air. County officials will be meeting tonight to certify the results of that vote which, on election night, left the two front runners — Assistant County Prosecutor Paul Dobson and Bowling Green Prosecutor Matt Reger — separated by a razor thin margin and left the race too close to call. Unofficial results from the March 4 election showed Dobson leading his nearest rival, Reger, by just 29 votes. Dobson received 3,908 votes while Reger garnered 3,879. This close result has been enough to keep the ultimate decision in doubt, said Terry Burton, Director of Wood County Board of elections. Although the unofficial

Paul Dobson

Assistant County Prosecutor

Matt Reger

Bowling Green Prosecutor results showed Dobson in the lead, there are still enough provisional and absentee ballots remaining to be counted that could affect the results, Burton said. “We have to wait 21 days, according to federal law, for all the provisional and overseas ballots to come in,” Burton said. Now that the 21-day window

See ELECTION | Page 2


IT’S FOR THE KIDS: Alexis Flynn and her family pictured last year. Alexis was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in July 2004. The Flynn family has been actively involved with Dance Marathon and Mini Marathon for the past four years.

Seven-year-old Alexis Flynn is just like any other little girl. She likes to sing and dance. She loves animals and the outdoors. She plays the piano and loves the computer. But unlike other girls her age, the sweet and vivacious greeneyed, curly brown-haired Flynn has faced horrors that other children have not. Flynn was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in July 2004 when she was just 4 years old at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. During

See MIRACLE | Page 2

President Ribeau answers ‘Tough Questions’ and student concerns By Scott Recker Reporter

Last night students were given a rare opportunity to ask questions and voice their concerns to the man who holds the University’s highest position. This year’s fourth and final installment of the Tough Question series, which is mediated by distinguished professor M. Neil Browne, featured President Sidney Ribeau and had the series’ biggest participation and largest attendance. Student questions ranged from personal questions, such as why Ribeau is not more visible on campus, to more heated issues, such as parking. He told the audience that he is not consistently visible on campus because he often travels while raising additional funds for the University, but that does not mean interaction with students is not a priority. “Any student who asks for an appointment to meet me; I will make that a priority,” Ribeau said. Two of the more serious campus issues addressed were campus parking, and the current


GRILLING THE PRES: M. Neil Browne hosts the last installment of ‘Tough Questions’ last night with University President Sidney Ribeau in the hot seat.

heated issue of the University eliminating meal plan rollover. Ribeau said although meal plans will no longer rollover, because the University’s auditors advised them it was the best way to control their budget, the University is not trying to work against the students’ benefit. University officials are working on a way for students with a large sum of money on their current meal plan to be able to make a successful transition to the new way meal plans will be handled, Ribeau said.

While former President Paul Olscamp thought parking was not a problem, but rather students’ motivation to walk to campus, Ribeau disagrees. “The reason I was late was I couldn’t find parking,” Ribeau said, causing an eruption of laughter. Ribeau said the University has long-term goals to improve the parking situation, including the plan of to eventually have a parking structure.


See RIBEAU | Page 2

2 Wednesday, March 26, 2008



MIRACLE From Page 1

8:34 A.M.

her time there, Flynn underwent surgeries designed to test her lymph nodes. She also had a spinal tap and experienced bone marrow checks. Flynn also had surgery to put a port in her chest, which was placed under her skin and connected to her main artery. Each time the doctors and nurses drew blood or gave Flynn an IV, they used this spot in order to eliminate poking her sensitive skin. Most of Flynn’s chemotherapy was given through her port site. After about six weeks of treatment, Flynn was transferred to St. Vincent Mercy Children’s Hospital, her mother Erica said. Upon arriving, Flynn found a number of different distractions waiting for her at the hospital. “I really liked the toy room, and my favorite place was inside the playhouse,” she said. “They had lots of cool stuff in there like play food, and a bed and an oven and a little baby doll.” Unbeknownst to her, these toys were donated by the Children’s Miracle Network through funds raised by the major campus organization known as Dance Marathon. The annual 32-hour fundraiser, which was started on campus in 1995, has raised more than $1.8 million dollars to care for children who suffer from terminal illness, acute diseases, birth defects and severe trauma. The children and their families, also known as the miracle families, all have stories similar to Flynn’s and benefit greatly from the advancements made through the donations. “We are connected to the


An employee at Meijer on East Wooster Street reported inappropriate developed pictures of a child being tied up. 11:04 P.M.

James R. Sattler, 42, of Bowling Green, was arrested for disorderly conduct for passing out in public and being unable to stand up on his own. 11:49 P.M.

Edward Louis Sanders III, 20, of Detroit, was arrested for possession of marijuana.


Daniel Springstead, 42, of Bowling Green, was arrested for disorderly conduct with persistence for knocking on a door that wasn’t his for a couple of hours and vomiting on the door. ONLINE: Go to www.bgnews.com for the complete blotter list.

ROLLOVER From Page 1 from an a-la-carte system to a swipe system because students won’t get their money back at the end of the semester, said junior and FREEDOM member Craig McAdams. McAdams said meal plan costs will change into another fee, just like the general fee students already pay. “I personally believe students should have a choice,” he said. Flyers handed out urged students to only get the cheapest meal plan and to call Director of Dining Services Gail Finan to tell them they want to keep their rollover money. Ryan said forcing students to give money to Dining Services to renovate McDonald dining hall isn’t right and wants all students to get involved in the fight against it. “Whether you have a meal plan or not, it’s wrong,” Ryan said.


We want to correct all factual errors. If you think an error has been made, call The BG News at 419-372-6966.

“I can’t look the students in the face and tell them this because what they do means so much to me. They are willing to give up so much of their time — we are just in awe.” Tony Flynn | Alexis Flynn’s Father

miracle families because they benefit from the money that we raise during DM,” Family Relations Chair Lauren Wolk said. “The money goes towards funding research grants for the hospital, Playstations, movies and just anything that the children can play with while they’re in bed.” For 6-year-old AJ Thomas, one of the children sponsored by DM, the movies available during his stay at the hospital made all the difference in the world. Thomas, who was 4 years old at the time, fell backwards into a smoldering campfire ring and burned nearly 10 percent of his arms, legs and back, said his mother Michelle. The little boy remained in the hospital for 12 days, undergoing routine burn cleansing and antibiotic treatments. “He had a favorite movie — “The Incredibles” — and we watched that probably about every other day that we were there,” Michelle Thomas said. “Having that distraction, especially after they cleaned the burns, made things a whole lot easier.” This year, both miracle children will be attending DM as healthy and happy participants. Thomas has not experienced any infections since the burns and Flynn completed all her leukemia treatments during October 2006. She also had her port removed from her chest last April. And though Flynn and

ELECTION From Page 1

Thomas are looking forward to dancing and playing with the student participants involved with DM, their parents are more excited than they are. “This will be our third year going back to Dance Marathon,” Michelle said. “I’m just so proud of all the kids who do it and I know it’s something that the whole family looks forward to every year.” The Flynn family has also been attending DM for three years, and is known by many of the participants as one of the more active families there, Wolk said. Not only have they attended the past three dance marathons, but Tony and Erica Flynn have disc jockeyed for Mini Marathon, where area high school students dance for six hours, for the past two years. They say being involved and working alongside the students is their way of showing support to those who work so hard in order to make a difference. “I can’t look the students in the face and tell them this because what they do means so much to me,” Tony Flynn said. “The fact that they are willing to give up so much of their time — from the beginning to the end of the school year — we are just in awe of them.” “To know that students will take time out of their busy schedules to benefit kids they don’t even know is simply incredible,” he said.

“I don’t think anyone expected it to be this close.” Paul Dobson | Assistant County Prosecutor

has passed, elections officials will be meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in the county office building to certify the results. But even after tonight’s meeting, that might not be the end of the story. If the official result still has Dobson and Reger within half a percentage point of each other, which would be about 55 votes, then an automatic recount would have to be conducted. That recount would have to be held sometime within the next five to 10 days, Burton said.

There is quite a lot riding on tonight’s count. With no Democrats seeking the county prosecutor position, the winner of the Republican nomination would be the presumptive winner of the general election, which will be held in November. Dobson and Reger are looking to replace outgoing County Prosecutor Raymond Fischer, who chose not to seek another term in office. Reger has said that if he

were elected he would focus on improving relationships between law enforcement and community groups to help prevent crime. “We all worked hard on this campaign to get are message out there, and we’ll just see what the votes say,” Reger said. Dobson said he was surprised at how close the unofficial results were. “I don’t think anyone expected it to be this close,” he said.

RIBEAU From Page 1

“You have a sense... there is an academic conversation that is possible.”

“Do you know how much a parking structure costs per space?” Ribeau asked the crowd. No one guessed even close to the actual amount, which he said was $13,000 per parking spot. Ribeau showed a sense of warmness and his willingness to help students throughout the hour he answered questions. “I think there is not enough money [received] by student clubs and student organizations,” Ribeau said. Browne said we are lucky to have a University president who is so open and willing to discuss issues.

M. Neil Browne | Professor

“It’s very tempting when you are in a position of power to use loud voices and budgets to quiet people who you don’t like what they have to say,” Browne said. “He never does that.” “You have a sense that there is an academic conversation that is possible,” he said. Even though this was last installment of the Tough Questions, it will continue next year, Browne said.

UNDEAD From Page 1

“All of the game play will still be the same, just no Nerf guns.”

a zombie. The human’s main form of defense used to come in the form of Nerf guns, but is now being downgraded to balled up socks and marshmallows. The zombies win the game by turning all of the humans after placing both hands on a human’s shoulders. “All of the game play will still be the same, just no Nerf guns,” Smeltzer said. Smeltzer said he and group presidentPeterGeldeswerecalled into a meeting with Associate Dean of Students Jeff Coats to discuss one of the University’s new policies. While in the meeting, the group was told the game was in danger of being canceled due to the number of calls the University received last semester from concerned parents. After Smeltzer and Geldes pleaded their case, the University notified them a few days later and told the group they were allowed to play their game, just without the Nerf guns, Smeltzer said. “We were caught by surprise [by the ban],” Smeltzer said. “This was last Tuesday and we received a call on Thursday banning guns.” Not all members of BG Undead are taking this as the final word from the University. Several members have started a petition to get the University to allow the game to use Nerf guns, Smeltzer said. He said groups from other universities have shown support for the petition, including Ohio University’s group, which has sent electronic signatures to add to what BG Undead has collected. “We have been in contact with the game creators and their school [Goucher College] and they are in favor of it,” Smeltzer said.

Antonn Smeltzer | Web Admin. Smeltzer said BG Undead is going to be featured in an article by the Washington Post about the game itself and how well the group is organized compared to other branches. He is hoping the University will use this as motivation to allow the use of Nerf guns. Geldes said the decision was brought about by the President’s Cabinet of the University and they were seriously considering canceling the game altogether. University officials were not available by press time for comment. Nerf has donated weapons to the group for use before and is in support of BG Undead, but they are not an official sponsor. This might help persuade the University to allow the use of the guns again, Geldes said. “One of the players last semester had an uncle who worked for Nerf,” Geldes said. “[Nerf] came to the University, talked to the group, did a Q-and-A and gave us Nerf equipment to use.” Geldes said he has not heard of any other schools banning the use of these guns, but has heard of a school in Nebraska banning an assassins game that involved sneaking up on people and shooting them with small water pistols. The group is trying to get the students, faculty and staff of this and other universities that participate in Humans versus Zombies to sign the petition to reinstate the Nerf guns as a show of support.

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Forensics team gains international recognition By Adam Louis Reporter

The BGSU Forensics team is the first team from the University to compete internationally since the 1920s. In light of their success, they showcased the award-winning speeches and dramas last night at the McFall Center Gallery. Junior state finalist Amanda Hensley was first on the night’s showcase, presenting a limited interpretations speech. Hensley had seven minutes to prepare and deliver a speech based on the quote written on the card, with no prior preparation. After about one minute, Hensley stood and spoke about the ineffectiveness of government on informed citizens. With every citizen forming their own individual opinions, they can scarcely be called a group, she said. Without unity, citizens cannot be held under government, Hensley said. Following Hensley was freshman Katie Hodgdon. A national semi-finalist in public address, Hodgdon spoke on the newest findings in diagnosing, treating and potentially curing Alzheimer’s Disease.

According to Hodgdon, 85 percent of senior citizens suffer from varying degrees of Alzheimer’s. Scientists have developed a blood test that helps detect this gene two to six years before the disease onsets, Hodgdon said. They are currently developing a brain implant to treat and cure the disease. “With this discovery, our golden years will truly be ours to remember,” Hodgdon said. Continuing on the subject of mental disorders, senior Jennifer Cole delivered the dramatic interpretation of “Highly Caffeinated Woman,” a poem about a mother coping with her child’s autism. She said the mother was frustrated with the routines she had to go through to help her child develop, at one point hissing “I hate this child.” Cole said going through the early years were the toughest. After several doctor’s visits and attempts to convince the doctor something was wrong, the woman was relieved to be referred to a hospital where the child could get the proper treatment. This challenge, Cole said as the mother, was something she

GET A LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Some events taken from events.bgsu.edu

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. HIV/AIDS Symposium: AIDS in the Global Community

4:30 - 6 p.m. Teacher Preparation Extravaganza

308 Union

5:30 - 8 p.m. Beer Tasting: Stouts and Porters

222 Education Bldg

11 a.m. - 4 p.m. GSS Voting Station

101 Union - Black Swamp Pub

Union - First floor lobby

9 - 11 p.m. 1 - 2:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Pub: Lessons from Virginia Tech Open CoMIC Night 228 Union - Multipurpose Room

101 Union - Black Swamp Pub

“would not wish on her worst enemy, but wouldn’t trade with her best friend.” Instead of a book like his teammate Cole held, freshman State Champion Rahul Guha began his speech holding a small silver bowl, used by Buddhist monks to collect alms. In Burma it was considered a great honor to give alms to the monks. In protest to the military regime, the monks marched with the bowls faced down to deny the soldiers honor and express their distaste for the government. Guha explained that effectively using these religious symbols along with protest signs written in English helped bring international attention to Burma’s crisis and called many nations to action. Following Guha were senior Kenny Rogers Jr. and freshman Ian Hatch, who spoke together in their interpretation of the narrative “Tom and Jerry.” The two must deliver the drama without looking at or touching each other. In the drama, gangster Jerry, played by Hatch, is about to kill one of fellow gangster Tom’s friends. The two argue over how to kill him, Jerry wanting to make the murder legendary by killing him in broad daylight. Tom believed the friend deserved better. The argument heats up and Tom kills Jerry, leaving the audience to wonder if he did the right thing. Lastly came Senior Michelle Baker, Red Delicious apple in hand, explained the benefits of purchasing locally grown food. Baker is an international champion, winning her title in London in Public Address last week. The team placed fifth overall. In her speech, she said consuming local goods shield consumers from preservatives necessary in shipping and significantly decreases greenhouse gas emissions.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Students take a course in ‘Lesbian 101’ By Dave Herrera Senior Editor

A lesbian walks up to a group of students and says, “ask me anything you want.” Do they get out a notepad or bolt for the exit? Last night, eight students not only took out notepads, but were the ones to approach the lesbian during “Lesbian 101: Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Ask a Lesbian!” at Kohl Hall café. Cynthia Mahaffey, a general studies writing and women’s studies instructor, hosted the session and discussed life as an openly gay woman. “I walked out of being a straight woman into what I think of as ‘lesbian-land,’ ” Mahaffey said. “As soon as I came out, I really haven’t had a free night in the last 10 years.” “I really came to my home, I came to where I should have been,” she said. The questions hit on topics ranging from Mahaffey’s

upbringing in a conservative Christian household, to puberty and to an abusive 21-year marriage she eventually left before coming out. Mahaffey said she never considered homosexuality growing up in a household where the topic was taboo. This despite, as she later found out, her father being gay himself. “The idea of being a lesbian didn’t really enter my world,” she said. She was intelligent and a selfdescribed “jock” — “so that just puts you on the fringe as it is.” “I just assumed that because I wasn’t feminine in the traditional way, I wasn’t attracted to boys. And frankly I didn’t care,” Mahaffey said. Many years afterward, when she left her husband and later came out, almost all of her family offered their support. “My sister called up saying, ‘I’m really happy for you,’ ” Mahaffey said. “My stepdad called me right away and he

said, ‘you know it’s fine with me.’ ” Since then, she said, people have had to adjust, but few treated her differently. She recalled her son’s teacher saying, “I wondered when you were going to tell me.” “Most of my friends were very good about it, very accepting, no problems,” Mahaffey said. Still, she lost a friend of 31 years. The friend, Mahaffey said, opposed homosexuality on religious grounds — a response that confused her as a regular churchgoer in Toledo. “I honestly couldn’t live without [faith],” she said. “I stayed in the faith, and I did about 10 years of spiritual direction,” Mahaffey said. “That probably saved me.” And, yes, someone asked about sex. “Women can go on a long time,” Mahaffey said. “That’s the great thing about being lesbian.” “I thought I had entered another galaxy,” she said.

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“We were caught by surprise [by the ban],” -Atonn Smeltzer, Web administrator for BG Undead . [see story pg.1]


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4

Should students be allowed to carry Nerf guns on campus?

“ No, I don’t think it’s necessary because it could induce panic.”

“ Yeah, it doesn’t bother me any.”

JESSICA ESCHHOFEN, Junior, Early Childhood

NATALIA MENENDEZ, Freshman, Accounting

“Yeah, it’s not a real gun. Nerf guns don’t hurt people.”

“ Yea, because it’s all in fun.”

TRAVIS SNYDER, Freshman, Education

VONTIZE CONERLY, Freshman, Accounting

All we want is to have our Nerf toys back LEVI JOSEPH WONDER COLUMNIST Are you all familiar with the campus group known as BG Undead? If so, then I am sure you all know what I’m writing about. If not, allow me to give you a brief refresher: The BG Undead student organization hosts the “Zombies versus Humans” game here once every semester. In the game, which can be classified as mocksurvival meets dart tag, human players attempt to “survive” by tagging zombie players with balled-up socks and Nerf blasters for defense. Zombie players must play offensively and turn humans into zombies by “biting” them (zombies do this by landing both hands on a human’s shoulders — no actual biting involved). All in all, it is a great game, and it is literally quite thrilling to play. We (I play the game too) run around outside for about five or seven days, tagging each other with Nerf blasters and clamping onto each other’s shoulders, and we have a great time doing it. This is why my fellow BG Undead members and I are disappointed and frustrated that our University administration has decided to ban us from using Nerf blasters for this upcoming BG Undead

“By taking away our own personal freedoms to wield Nerf blasters, those specifically responsible for the ban have only succeeded in taking away our rights and privileges. Nothing more.” game. Human players are instead limited to using balledup socks and marshmallows as throwing projectiles. The University believes it to be politically and emotionally insensitive for our organization to use Nerf blasters (which somewhat resemble actual firearms) in the wake of the horrific school shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University. While I fully understand the administration’s decision to ban us from using the Nerf blasters, in no way do I agree with it. If the University has deemed our use of Nerf toys to be politically and emotionally insensitive, then why have they permitted the game to continue? That’s one of my arguments against the administration’s decision. By banning us from utilizing foam dart blasters, they have done nothing to change the true soul of the game; they have only changed its appearance while in action. The game is still about zombies and humans mock-attacking each other in a battle for supremacy. Does the ban on Nerf toys make our game any less controversial? Essentially, no.

By taking away our own personal freedoms to wield Nerf blasters, those specifically responsible for the ban have only succeeded in taking away our rights and privileges. Nothing more. Taking away Nerf blasters does not make the BG Undead games less controversial or more politically sensitive. Furthermore, altering or removing equipment does not change the primary function of any activity. Does taking rifles away from foot soldiers make war any less controversial? No, because people will still die in a war. Does removing the axe from an executioner make his executions any less deadly? No, because he will resort to another method of killing those who are to be executed. Does taking away Nerf blasters make our game more politically sensitive? No, because the game is still about a vicious mock-battle between humans and zombies! Humans versus zombies will remain controversial for as long as it is continued to be played. The only way to make our

BG Undead games any less controversial or offensive would be to ban it outright. I’m not recommending that this course of action be taken, but this ban on our Nerf toys seems to be wholly misplaced. Why should the dreadful school shootings result in an infringement of our basic rights to play with toys? The Nerf blasters, which we use for the games are brightly colored, they fire brightly colored foam darts at low velocities and those who play with them are brightly colored with fluorescent orange armbands. This ban on the use of foam dart blasters for the BG Undead games serves a pointless function. Our right to wield arguably controversial Nerf toys has been taken away in an attempt to make our university feel less dangerous. My fellow BG Undead players and I do not wish to push for the right to play the game in the Oak Grove Cemetery or to be able to play indoors. We only want our Nerf toys back. By caving into the pressure to ban our Nerf blasters, the University has done that which our founding fathers warned against: they have given up some of our liberties in order to acquire temporary, illusory safety. That’s not what Benjamin Franklin would have wanted. — Respond to Levi at thenews@bgnews.com.

A downtown shuttle Following officials really does make sense blindly got us here QUENTIN KILPATRICK | GUEST COLUMNIST Parking and Traffic finally got me. They tallied up all the parking tickets since October 2006 and sent me a bill and a due date: $310, March 20. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t parked in the Jerome lot during that particularly bad-weather, the third week of February. Three $50 tickets for the Class One offense “Failure to Register.” Yeah, I’m not registered. But I think I’ve got a good reason. Hear me out! I’m a townie and I live downtown. That’s a stereotype many of us fit into. As with many other commuter students, I like to walk or bike to class. It was great. The weather was nice, the sun was out, and walking with that cup of that Circle K coffee just made me think, “H-ell yeah, goin’ to class!” But you know, the weather gets crappy, and lot more people start driving, clogging the lots and spending their money on those always up-and-up gas prices. I never bought a parking pass for two reasons. 1. I didn’t want to drop the $40 at the time (admittedly, now a wiser investment). 2. Given the location of the

“You still have to walk in the very bitter, windy and often wet weather .” commuter lots (check the campus map) — all horribly inconvenient places coming from the downtown area, rendering them almost useless — you still have to walk in the very bitter, windy and often wet weather of late fall and most of spring semester. Anyway, I was pissed, of course. I never wholly believed there’d be no penalty but it just took so long. I wonder if they keep a star list of the most egregious offenders. I’m appealing those tickets. I doubt I’ll win, but that prompted me to try to change the structure of the shuttle to accommodate those who wish to get to campus (dry and warm) from downtown and vice-versa without driving your money and gas guzzler. I started talking to the Undergraduate Student Government about it, mapped out the north shuttle route on Google and started looking

See QUENTIN | Page 5

THE BG NEWS LISA HALVERSTADT, EDITOR IN CHIEF 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 | Phone: (419) 372-6966 E-mail: thenews@bgnews.com Web site: http://www.bgnews.com Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606


Over the course of the last several days we have seen the arrival of two rather significant numbers concerning the war in Iraq. The most tragic is 4,000 — the number of American servicemen and women who have now courageously sacrificed their lives in an effort on their part to make the world a safer place. Regardless of the true reasons their so-called superiors in Washington sent them to Iraq, the fact that so many of our brave men and women have lost their lives and the fact that thousands more are willing to risk the same for the sake of our security is beyond admirable and courageous. It’s one of the few glimmers of hope we can look to in the cynical world we live in today. The second number is almost as tragic, and for me and a clear majority of the American people, almost as outrageous: Five, the number of years the United States has been at war in Iraq. I hope that over the course

“We as a people have learned a very important lesson: Never blindly trust your government, especially in matters of war.” of these five years, we as a people have learned a very important lesson: Never blindly trust your government, especially in matters of war. It’s a crucial lesson that we should have remembered from either the events of Cold War in places like Guatemala, Nicaragua and especially Vietnam, or the crimes of the Nixon White House. But far too many Americans forgot that lesson in the rush of patriotism and the sense of unconditional trust and unity towards one another and our public officials after Sept. 11 and the ensuing successful (yet still incomplete) mission in Afghanistan. This is not to say that we


See SEAN | Page 5

VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM Have your own take on today’s People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a question? Give us your feedback at bgnews.com.

Barack’s backers are the lowest of low SEAN MARTIN COLUMNIST

What do Sandistas, Che Guevara flags, the Weather Underground, insanity, Sept. 11 conspiracies and America-hating all have in common? Barack Obama. When taking all of these things by themselves, I can honestly, say, “Meh. It’s not a big deal. These are individual things that have no meaning.” The problem arises when we see all the dots being connected. And the picture that is starting to come together is very concerning. Obama is starting to look totalitarian in his supporters, speeches and actions. So how do the socialists of Nicaragua concern Obama? Daniel Ortega, the leader of that beacon of a nation we call Nicaragua, has come out and supported Barack. Ortega says “they are laying the foundations for a revolutionary change.” Now what the hell am I supposed to think when a Marxist approves of the way things are going? I doubt he approves of the whole capitalism and democracy thing we have. Maybe Ortega likes the man Obama calls a “father figure” in his autobiography. That man is Frank Marshall Davis — leader of the U.S. Communist Party. Another of his supporters are some of the most despicable people you’ll ever meet: William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Their crime is not that they are professors. Instead, these whiny rich kids were part of the Weather Underground, a terrorist organization that bombed places like the Pentagon, Capitol Hill, Harvard and MIT — just to name a few — in the 1970s. Even with this past, I believe that people can change thoughts and ideas, except that Ayers has stated: “I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough.” What has Barack promised to do that has finally placated this anarchist/communist terrorist? What is the “enough” that is going to be done? Maybe it will be that we will be required to work, and required to change the way we think, as Obama’s wife has claimed. Forced labor and forced thoughts? Hmmm. Oh wait! I know the answer to this one! This is what communists and totalitarians believe and implement. Instead of looking at supporters, we can look at decorations. The name for them seems innocuous enough and how could one go wrong with them? Alone by itself, a Che Guevara flag is not a threat, it’s just funny. A Communist leader having his image sold off as a fashion statement in a capitalistic society. When there is a problem

“You want to know who else was charasmatic? Try Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.” is when this flag hangs in the campaign offices of an American politician because of the ideas and methods Guevara espoused. Che once wrote that judicial proof for executions is an “archaic bourgeois detail.” Yep, this is the same Che Guevara from “The Motorcycle Diaries.” Makes me wonder how things are going to be run if Barack wins? Che also talks of how a revolution must become a cold killing machine, but I guess that’s OK so long as we are promised “Hope and Change” after the smoke clears. Maybe the change will occur after the mass graves are filled in. I shouldn’t be worried. I bet the flag is up just to add color to the wall or improve the “fengshui” of the office. Apparently Obama reads from a different Bible than me. His spiritual leader claims that “Goddamn America” is in the Bible. Maybe it’s because of the whole Catholic-Protestant split but I doubt it. Maybe it’s in the KJV Bible. Either way, Lent is over so religion isn’t a big deal to me right now. Also, I applaud Rev. Wright since he believes that tons of chickens brought down the WTC. Finally! Someone that doesn’t implicate those evil Jews: wait, maybe he is. I are really confused. I wouldn’t care that much except this man baptized his children, married him and guided him for 20 years. I don’t know about you, but I would make sure I agree that my choice of church would be important in determining my family’s future. I have also heard “OMG! He is such a great speaker, and he fills me with hope and belief. He is so charismatic.” You want to know who else was charismatic? Try Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. Yep, they were very charismatic all right. Charismatic in their speaking all the way to the mass grave. If we can say Bush = Hitler, I am more than allowed to make these comparisons since Stalin was diametrically opposed to Hitler. Yet, I am inspired by the thought of “change.” Apparently, he is talking about changing “things” and that I need to “believe” and have “hope” and “faith” for “progress.” Oh well, I’d better start learning the new lyrics of the national anthem: “Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh.” — Respond to Sean at thenews@bgnews.com.

The BG News Submission Policy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are generally to be fewer than 300 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. GUEST COLUMNS are generally longer pieces between 400 and 700 words. These are usually also in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. Two submissions per month maximum.

POLICIES: Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns are printed as space on the Opinion Page permits. Additional Letters to the Editor or Guest Columns may be published online. Name, year and phone number should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks, unverified information or anonymous submissions will not be printed.

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QUENTIN From Page 4 at ways to accommodate the downtown. If we pass this referendum over elections this week, it will basically be a two-tiered change. First, beginning this fall there will be a reworking of the north shuttle route, which is underutilized and much more inefficient than the south route. From 2006-07 records of shuttle use, there are three stops that are hardly used at all. They are located within a four to five block range on Enterprise Street between Leroy and Ridge streets, with the biggest stop only accommodating 162 passengers all last year. Working with the city and police, we wish to condense the three Enterprise Street stops and add one that comes as close to the intersection of Main and Wooster streets as possible. The second tier of this initiative would be the later creation of a solo downtown-to-campus route, providing safe and reliable travel between both places. To do this, USG has surveyed students and found that to fund this change, “no more than” a $20 hike in general student fees seemed acceptable. As you know my history, that sounds fair. Growing up here, I’ve learned some valuable things. The University is great. It is an educational and cultural lifeline that is integral to the commu-

nity’s future (just look at all the other Wood County towns, some much older and ghostly, that didn’t get a college). But the University is also a merciless bureaucracy that will squeeze you for every cent, as I often feel that we can be more of hefty-paying “consumers” than “students.” You know, it’s easy for us students to point the finger at the man when it’s not truly their fault. If you’re opposed for whatever reason that’s fine, this isn’t for you. This is for the students who would like the idea but probably won’t vote for a variety of reasons laced with ignorance and apathy. Think of the possible economic benefits to downtown businesses. Think of the convenience and comfort for students. Also think about where the “action” is to our student demographic here, where the events and places are that you enjoy attending. It’s half-fair to generalize that much of it revolves in and around campus and the downtown. If you want to have some skeleton-semblance of a public transportation system — to be able to hop between the two spots quick — or if you just want a “drunk bus” to eventually take you closer home after the bars, then vote for this referendum. There’s been talk about this since long before I cared, let’s just get it done. — Kilpatrick is a sophomore majoring in sociology. Respond to his column at

SPEAK YOUR MIND Got something you want to say about an opinion column or news story? Here’s how to get in touch with us for letters to the editor: ■ E-mail us at thenews@bgnews.com. ■ Drop a note into our new comment box at the Union Information

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SEAN From Page 4

should all put on tinfoil hats, buy into the latest Sept. 11 conspiracy theory and start forming an underground militant resistance movement. Rather, we should have a healthy dose of skepticism and teach ourselves to be critical analyzers of what the politicians and bureaucrats who make all of the decisions for our military engagements tell us. For example, if we would have looked at some of the so-called intelligence that the Bush administration and its legions of neoconservative war mongers were basing their claims of Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction, we would have discovered that most of it was based on the testimony given to German officials in 1999 by an Iraqi exile- Rafid Ahmed Alwan. Alwan was fleeing from his home country for embezzling funds from his original employer — a television production company. He was nicknamed “Curveball” by the intelligence community and was posing as a former employee of a chemical weapons factory run by the government of Saddam Hussein so he could have a better chance of acquire political asylum. Upon further inspection German intelligence officers, shortly after hearing Alwan’s claims, discovered he was providing totally false information. Now, none of this was known by the American public at large until a year after the invasion, so you might think this is just me playing Monday morning quarterback. But what the public could have discovered was that the sources we examined were all from the same time period of the 1990s.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This was because the United States had not one intelligence operative on the ground in Iraq during the lead-up to war. I know that any time one of the Democratic candidates running for president bring these and other pre-war intelligence errors up for discussion, Republicans like John McCain claim that what’s done is done and we should move on from the mistakes of the past. Though I agree that we shouldn’t obsess over blunders, I do feel that we should take what we’ve learned from the past and apply it to the claims made by the same administration and political crowd now that the troop surge in Iraq has been a total success that is on track to solving all of our problems in Iraq. We can’t ignore the fact that the real reason for the slowdown in violence is because of the ethnic cleansing that had spiked so violently in the previous years, resulting in giant blast barriers being erected so as to keep the different ethnic groups from coming into contact with one another. We can’t ignore the buying off of the major warring Shia militias and the shift of the focus of Sunni tribes’ against the oppressive policies of the al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia cells now wiped out of the western Al Anbar province. All of these factors are temporary fixes at best, and our staying in the middle of the Iraqi civil war will only further enflame matters. These are things a responsible public, and a responsible press corps in par-ticular, should be unveiling in order to avoid costly mistakes like the invasion and continued mass occupation of Iraq. Hopefully we will learn our lessons well enough to avoid a similar error with an invasion of Iran. — Respond to Sean at thenews@bgnews.com.


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6 Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Public research group raises awareness of homeless By Michelle Firestone U-WIRE

STORRS, Conn. — Students will experience what it’s like to live on welfare by participating in UConn’s first annual Food Stamp Challenge. The challenge is sponsored by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) as part of their Hunger and Homelessness campaign. Nineteen people, including Barry Feldman, UConn vice president and chief operating officer, have signed up for the challenge, which will take place from March 30 to April 4. Participants will live off $4 a day during the six-day period. On March 29, the group will go to buy their food for the week. PIRG hopes the challenge will increase students’ awareness of the issue of hunger and homelessness. “In 2007 alone, the

“... instead of talking about an issue they want to make a change. I found personally the more you get out there and tell people about it, the more they want to do about it.” Chad Engle | PIRG participant Connecticut food stamps program served nearly 200,000 individuals,” said Kathryn Post, a 4th-semester psychology and human development and faimly studies major, who is one of the co-coordinators of the campaign. “Those are really shocking numbers, but many people don’t think twice about it because they aren’t exposed to those problems on campus. So many of us have meal plans and have access to the dining halls all day long and we could eat all day if we wanted to, or if we could stomach it.”

“I think it is going to be similar to the sleep out,” said Chad Engle, an 8th-semester chemistry major participating in the challenge, in reference to an event that PIRG sponsors to raise awareness for the homeless. “I think it will be just as challenging and just as eyeopening,” he said. Engle, who has participated in numerous different campaign events, feels that PIRG has been very successful in educating and advocating about the issues of hunger and homelessness. “One reason why people join

PIRG is that instead of talking about an issue they want to make a change,” he said. “I found personally the more you get out there and tell people about it, the more they’ll want to do about it.” A few weeks ago, Engle and Post traveled to the state capital to lobby for a policy supporting the funding of 650 new supportive housing units in Connecticut. The policy, if approved, will increase Gov. Jodi M. Rell’s proposal of 150 housing units. PIRG has also organized a conference entitled “Hungry for Change: CT Symposium on Hunger and Homelessness” to be held on Sat. April 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Merlin Bishop Center. According to PIRG’s website, the conference will “work to raise awareness of the current and growing issues of hunger and homelessness in Connecticut and beyond.”


Pre-med students not in it for the money By Allison Jackovitz U-WIRE

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A recent Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions survey found that although careers in law and medicine are both high paying, pre-medicine students are less motivated by the money factor than pre-law students. “Only about half of those surveyed planning to pursue a career in medicine said that money was a big focus of theirs,” said Matt Fidler, director of PreHealth Programs for Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. “We found that really interesting because we asked pre-law students, and about three fourths were motivated by money.” The surveys, which were taken after students completed MCAT and LSAT preparatory courses, asked students about drives and motivations for their intended career path, such as how long students have known what career path they wanted to take and why, Fidler said. The surveys indicated that students who aspire to be doctors often choose such a career because of a calling or for the greater good, he added. Of those surveyed, 49 percent responded that the main reason for pursuing a career in medicine was a “desire to help others and make a difference.” The second most common motivation was “an

interest in and/or affinity for the sciences,” followed by “personal experience with medical issues.” Caitlin Kingston, president of the Pre-Medical Society, said that a personal experience influenced her decision to want to go into medicine. “A lot of pre-med students have had an experience or something like that, that encourages them to go to med school. My reason is because my grandma died of cancer,” Kingston said. “Even if pre-med students were motivated by money, I don’t think many would admit that.” A separate study indicated that pre-law students felt that running for political office was their way of servicing the public. “We’re not trying to say that some lawyers don’t go on to help the public; it’s just that less do so than medical students,” said Fidler, a 2001 Smeal College of Business graduate. Representatives from the Multicultural Undergraduate Law Association and the Undergraduate Law Society did not return calls to comment. Research also indicated that women are more dedicated to medical careers than men. Kaplan’s studies show that about 45 percent of women aspiring to be doctors have never considered a career outside of medicine whereas about 65 percent of men responded that they had.

Waiting to get tattoos done can be rewarding By Kiah Haslett U-Wire

Coming to BGSU:




What is Microsoft Exchange? A server-based messaging system that provides access to electronic mail, shared calendaring and scheduling, and other collaborative services.

What is Outlook? An email client for Microsoft Windows and Vista users to access the electronic mail and calendaring features provided by Microsoft Exchange servers.

What is Entourage? An email client for Macintosh users that allows OS X users to access email and calendar features.

What is Outlook Web Access (OWA)? A Microsoft Web-based email client that offers access to email and calendar features via a Web interface that closely matches the features and appearance of Outlook.

BGSU will transition from the current email system and Meeting Maker to Microsoft Exchange during the first half of 2008. Users will then be able to access their email and calendar using Microsoft Outlook 2007 (for Windows users), Entourage 2008 (for Macintosh users) or the Outlook Web Access (OWA) interface for Web users. Check the Microsoft Exchange project Web site www.bgsu.edu/exchange for up-to-date details on the project including: > FAQs > “Rumor Mill” link to submit questions regarding the project Continuing and Extended Education will be offering training sessions on Exchange. Registration information is available at http://ctc.bgsu.edu/ exchange. Those who wish to have their data moved to the new system will be notified via their BGNet email address a minimum of two weeks prior to their migration date. As groups complete migration, additional areas will be scheduled and notified of their migration time. Users who do not need to have their data moved to the new system can volunteer to move to the new system. They will be able to register for the transition without moving data and then will be entered into an automated process. The campus community will be notified when this opportunity becomes available.

LINCOLN, Neb. — Geography lecturer Mel Johnson was 56 when he got his first tattoo. At 61, he is arguably the most tattooed individual at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His first tattoo was a world map “because I’m a geographer,” he said. The color map extends from one shoulder to the other. Johnson said he waited 56 years for the first one because he wanted to be sure he wanted a tattoo. Turns out he did and then some. “It kind of grew from there,” he said. “I got my whole back done.” Below the map and covering the rest of his back are two large, intricate angels facing each other. He has a detailed oak tree on one arm, an elegant olive tree on the other, which will soon be joined by a tattoo across his upper chest which is in the works. His underarms are inked. His calves are inked. The only part left undone is his front because that area sags first, he said. “Each of the tattoos means something significant,” he said. They aren’t just thrown together, but custom-designed. The angels on the back represent his personal manifesto: knowledge leads to understand-




Mel Johnson | Lecturer ing, understanding to wisdom, wisdom to non-violence and non-violence to peace. “The female angel on the left is the angel of peace. The angel on the right is the angel of knowledge,” he said. The trees correspond to angels: an olive tree of peace, an oak tree of knowledge. Euterpe, the Greek muse of lyrics and music, decorates his underarms. Skulls on each thigh are decorated with the four modules of geography and the four divisions of anthropology. “Getting tattoos is horribly addictive,” he said. The location of his first tattoo made all the difference in his decision to continue getting inked. “The underarms hurt,” he said. “If I had gotten the underside first, I wouldn’t have done anything else.” Johnson has his work done at Liquid Courage in Omaha by Dave Koenig, and he said they are good friends.


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“Each of the tattoos means something significant.”

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Removal of law means worse facility for customers

Scandal continues as Kilpatrick American economy continues its downfall and Beatty plead ‘not guilty’ By Eileen Alt Powell The Associated Press

By Corey Williams The Associated Press

DETROIT — Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former top aide pleaded not guilty yesterday to charges they lied under oath about having an affair. The mayor and former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty appeared for separate hearings in the scandal that is threatening to prematurely end Kilpatrick’s second term. District Court Magistrate Steve Lockhart entered not guilty pleas for each of them on charges of perjury, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and misconduct in office. Both were released on personal bonds. The two are accused of lying under oath about an affair and their roles in the firing of a top police official. Text messages first reported by the Detroit Free Press revealed a flirty, sometimes explicit, dialogue between the two. Attorneys for Kilpatrick and Beatty have said their clients will


UNDER SCRUTINY: Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick looks up at a television monitor during his arraignment in court.

be exonerated. In setting the mayor’s personal bond, Lockhart noted defendants generally are restricted to the state of Michigan while their cases are pending. However, given Kilpatrick’s position, Lockhart granted him the right to travel anywhere within the United States without prior permission, but said Kilpatrick still must give advance notice to the court.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy announced the charges Monday after an investigation that began in January after the Detroit Free Press published excerpts from 14,000 text messages that were sent or received in 2002-03 from Beatty’s city-issued pager. The messages called into question testimony Kilpatrick and Beatty gave last August in a lawsuit filed by two police officers who said they were fired for investigating claims that the mayor used his security unit to cover up extramarital affairs. In court, Kilpatrick and Beatty denied having an intimate relationship. But steamy text messages revealed dialogue about where to meet and how to conceal their trysts. Kilpatrick, 37, is married with three children. Beatty, also 37, was married at the time and has two children. Some charges against the mayor accuse him of agreeing to settle in an effort to keep the text messages from becoming public.

NEW YORK — American consumers are gloomier about the economy than at any point since just before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, as slumping housing prices and soaring fuel costs depress consumer confidence to its lowest level in five years. The Conference Board, a business-backed research group, said yesterday that its Consumer Confidence Index plunged to 64.5 in March from a revised 76.4 in February. The March reading was far below the 73.0 expected by analysts surveyed by Thomson/ IFR and was the worst reading since the gauge registered 61.4 in March 2003, just ahead of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Weakening consumer confidence foreshadows weakening consumer spending, which could hurt the already faltering economy. Meanwhile, the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller home price index released yesterday indicated that U.S. home pric-

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By Larry Neumeister The Associated Press


FORCED TO CLOSE: A sign at the former Georgee’s Restaurant in Lake Alfred, Fla. shows the reality of economic issues.

es fell 11.4 percent in January, the steepest drop since data for the indicator was first collected in 1987. The latest decline means prices have been growing more slowly or dropping for 19 consecutive months. The weak readings initially depressed Wall Street, but trading later flattened out. In early afternoon trading, the Dow fell 0.08 percent, to 12,538.38.

NEW YORK — Yesterday, a federal appeals court struck down a state law requiring airlines to give food, water, clean toilets and fresh air to passengers stuck in delayed planes, saying the measure was wellintentioned but stepped on federal authority. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said New York’s law — the first of its kind in the country — interferes with federal law governing the price, route or service of an air carrier. The law was passed after thousands of passengers were stranded aboard airplanes for up to 10 hours on several JetBlue Airways flights at Kennedy International Airport on Valentine’s Day last year. They complained they were deprived of food and water and that toilets overflowed.

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8 Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Accidental firing of pilot’s gun during flight under investigation “If that bullet had compromised the shell of the airplane, i.e., gone through a window, the airplane could have gone down.”

By George Merritt The Associated Press

DENVER — A gun belonging to the pilot of a US Airways plane went off as the aircraft was on approach to land in North Carolina over the weekend, the first time a weapon issued under a federal program to arm pilots was fired, authorities said Monday. The “accidental discharge” Saturday aboard Flight 1536 from Denver to Charlotte did not endanger the aircraft or the 124 passengers, two pilots and three flight attendants aboard, said Greg Alter of the Federal Air Marshal Service. “We know that there was never any danger to the aircraft or to the occupants on board,” Alter said. It is the first time a pilot’s weapon has been fired on a

Mike Boyd | Owner of The Boyd Group

plane under a program created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to allow pilots and others to use a firearm to defend against any act of air piracy or criminal violence, he said. The Transportation Security Administration is investigating how the gun discharged and is being assisted by the Air Marshal Service, Alter said. Officials did not say where the bullet hit. The service declined to release additional details. Federal Aviation Administration

spokesman Mike Fergus said his agency is also investigating to make sure that the plane is safe. The Airbus A319 has been removed from service, the airline said. The TSA initially opposed the Flight Deck Officer program to arm and train cockpit personnel. Agency officials worried that introducing a weapon to commercial flights was dangerous and that other security improvements made it unnecessary. Congress and pilots backed the program.

“The TSA has never been real supportive of this program,” said Mike Boyd, who runs the Colorado-based aviation consulting firm The Boyd Group. “It’s something I think Congress kind of put on them.” Pilots must volunteer, take a psychological test and complete a weeklong firearms training program run by the government to keep a gun in the cockpit. Boyd said he supports the program to arm pilots, saying, “if somebody who has the ability to fly a 747 across the Pacific wants a gun, you give it to them.” But he said Saturday’s incident could have been much worse. “If that bullet had compromised the shell of the airplane, i.e., gone through a window, the airplane could have gone down,” he said.


SEARCH AND RESCUE: A crew member of the Alaska Ranger is taken on board the Coast Guard Cutter Munro. The ship started taking in water 120 miles west of Dutch Harbor.

Coast guard stops search for last crew member By Steve Quinn The Associated Press

the search “was a very difficult one,” he said. Konno perhaps fell into the water from a rescue basket, and officials were investigating. “The Coast Guard can’t make an official assumption of the cause of death for Mr. Konno,” Chief Petty Officer Barry Lane said yesterday. “The temperatures and the weather conditions were very, very unfavorable and very, very dangerous.” The last group of the ship’s 42 survivors arrived in Dutch Harbor overnight on a Coast Guard cutter. Only one, Alex Olivares, spoke as he and other crew members were hustled from the ship to waiting cabs. “Glad to be alive,” he said. Four people whose bodies were recovered earlier died of hypothermia, including captain Eric Peter Jacobsen.

JUNEAU, Alaska — The Coast Guard said yesterday that it suspended the search for the lone crew member still missing after a fishing vessel sank in frigid waters off Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. The crew member, Satashi Konno of Japan, was wearing a survival suit when the ship went down Sunday, but officials said it would have been difficult for him to sustain the dangerous 36-degree temperatures in the Bering Sea. The search ended late Monday. “We searched long and hard for Mr. Konno and unfortunately have been unable to locate any sign of the Fishing Master from the Alaska Ranger,” Coast Guard Rear Adm. Gene Brooks said in a statement. The decision to end

New study shows premature babies face more risks By Carla K. Johnson The Associated Press


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save smaller and sicker babies. So the babies in the study may have been healthier, on average, than children born premature in recent years, experts said. “Are we improving their survival but at the expense of significant problems down the road?” asked study leader Dr. Geeta Swamy of Duke University Medical Center. Most preemies grow up to have good health and normal reproduction, but the researchers found heightened risks compared with babies born at full term from 1967 to 1988. The findings add to consequences of prematurity such as lung problems, mental retardation and school delays.

CHICAGO — The largest-ever study of the long-term consequences of premature birth finds that children born early have higher death rates in childhood and are more likely to be childless in adulthood. Experts called the research significant because it followed 1.2 million Norwegian births over decades. It also raises questions about future risks for even tinier babies saved today by modern medicine. New drugs and therapies first used widely in the 1990s now


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IN FOCUS Presidents come and presidents go, more to come


A new year, a new USG president. I remember former president Alex Wright at my freshman orienCANDICE tation four years ago raving about JONES the University wearing a bright SENIOR EDITOR orange blazer. As a sophomore I covered the USG meetings for this paper and attended almost every meeting with president Aaron Shumaker. Next came Bernard Little, who I remember interviewing on the day of his election. And now Johnnie Lewis and his friendly smiles and firm handshakes. Working for The BG News has given me an opportunity to meet our USG members and work with them closely in some cases. But a new administration is on the horizon. This month’s In Focus


who are Candidates

section is about the USG election for the 2008-2009 school year. I have been to quite a few USG meetings in my day - and if you have never been I suggest you check one out sometime. Occasionally heated, often informative but sometimes bland, the meetings are a good way to participate in campus decisions. Though we minions don’t vote on issues there is time at every meeting to hear from the student body. And in my experience, unfortunately, there is a low turnout from students who are willing to address USG. Now, in the midst of the big election this week here is your chance to get in there. If you have already voted - you win! If you have not, I hope that you can check out the candidates (on this page) and check out their main concerns, their experience - and their favorite animal, of course. Please read and please vote.

voting for?




Running Mate

Sean Crisafi

Leo Almeida

Sundeep A. Mutgi

Sarah Shepherd


International Studies

Integrated Social Studies Education

Marketing and Finance

Political Science






USG experience

I don’t have an official position in the current USG administration.

Two years as Speaker of the Senate/Senator At-Large. Two years serving as an Undergraduate Representative on the Food Advisory Board, Student Money Management Services initial advisory board, McDonald’s Renovations SubCommittee, Faculty Senate, and the Pouring Rights Team one year Paliamentarian

Semester on the legislative branch, At-Large Senator, Semester on the Executive branch, Treasurer, one year as the Student Budget Committee Chair

One year Director of Executive Initiatives

Top 3 priorities

• Start a “Student Grocery Bus” •Create a low-cost textbook rental program • Plan live concerts on the first weekends and the weekend before finals week of fall and spring semesters

•Get an extra day off during the Spring Semester • Improve the existing shuttle services • Better allocate student dollars

• Create a student Bill of Rights • Minimize Text Book Costs • Put USG into Action

• Inform students on USG and recruit more members • Create a shuttle route that goes downtown • Evaluate the quality of our parking lots and look at creative ways to improve the conditions

What kind of leader are you?

I am proactive, program-oriented, and result-driven student leader.

My leadership preference is to lead by example while encouraging everyone to participate so they can have the sense of accomplishment.

I am a leader that can adapt; I believe a true leader needs to recognize the situation and who they are working with so they can adapt their leadership style to most efficiently get things accomplished.

I model the way for others. I would never ask anyone to do anything I would not do myself. Leadership for me is about inspiring others to do things they never thought possible.

As president, how will you communicate with the student body?

• Attend the meetings of student organizations, residence hall councils, sports clubs, and Greeks • Organize town hall meetings • Speak with the university administrators, and staff • Write guest columns for The BG News, and campus publications • Write blogs and create podcasts • E-mail the student body every week

• Be continually visible by sitting in the Union, talking to students, student organizations • Writing a weekly Letter to the Editor • Actively participating in as many other organizations’ events as I can • Encouraging all other members of USG to do the same

• Increase the use of blackboard, facebook, and banners in the union • We would use outside the box marketing tactics from a team of marketing and public relations majors that we would put on our cabinet • Turn the USG Web site into a social networking Web site

• Attend basketball games and recitals at Byran Hall, and eat lunch at the Falcon's Nest • A campus e-mail sent monthly -being a frequent guest columnist for the BGNews • Posting contact information for myself and other USG Members in every residence hall and the Student Union, and establishing a listproc with every student organization president

Star Wars

What is your favorite animal?

We Were Soldiers

The Departed

Superbad Bears

My Dog “Freddie”

Falcons Horses

What is your favorite dining hall on campus?

Founders Food Court is my favorite dining hall. I love the fresh, made-to-order oriental stir-fry entrees, deli sandwiches, and pasta.

The Sundial because Magdy and everyone else make it a great environment (and I work there)!

USG looks for parking spaces By Kristen Vasas Reporter


What is your favorite movie?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9

The Falcon’s Nest inside the Union, because it’s the heart of campus.

Tough question, but I have to say Founders Food court. I love the Jump cuisine.

Making a difference on the BGSU campus has been the mission of Undergraduate Student Government since the organization was founded. The members of the student government make it their concern to resolve any problems that students face. And though many of the issues brought to the attention of USG are resolved, some have proven to be too much for the hard-working senators representing the student body. “The issues with parking and shuttle buses have been major concerns brought to USG for at least the past 15 to 20 years,” USG Vice President Nick Gamero said. “Mike Sears, the president from 1991, has told us that it was one of the biggest issues facing his presidency, and I’d say it’s still one that affects us now.” According to Gamero, USG has held parking forums under previous presidents in order to try and resolve the issue. But because no progress was made after the forums, student officials have consistently been told by administration that the issue was a dead one. For the current student government, being told to give up on an issue was something many of the senators were unwilling to do, Gamero said. “The best intentions were put into [resolving the issue] in previous governments, but nothing was ever accomplished,” he said. “We were

See PARKING | Page 10

The elections mean change, and so do the candidates By Tim Sampson City Editor

Reflecting the national election, the candidates seeking to become president of Undergraduate Student Government are emphasizing future changes rather than past accomplishments. And that is exactly why outgoing USG President Johnnie L. Lewis has chosen not to endorse any of the candidates currently seeking to fill his position next year. He said their campaigns have failed to highlight USG’s accomplishments during the past year. There are four candidates currently running for president, three of whom currently hold positions in USG. But Lewis said he is disappointed that the candidates have neglected to mention the student government organization’s previous accomplishments. He also said that the candidates have presented platforms consisting of previously set USG goals and framed them as new positions and ideas. “A lot of candidates’ [platforms] have things that have already been worked toward this past year,” Lewis said. Lewis said issues related to

See CHANGE | Page 10

10 Wednesday, March 26, 2008

PARKING From Page 9

told not to get involved, but we decided to go ahead and do it anyway.” And regardless of faculty outlooks, USG was able to make advancements on the parking issues facing students for the first time in many years. The current government has created a shuttle ad-hoc committee which will work to not only revamp the shuttle systems, but also improve the quality and condition of the lots on campus. According to Alexis Kollay, one of the senators involved with the ad-hoc committee, the group is proposing a number of changes which could begin as soon as the fall semester of 2008. One of these changes would include a proposal that the Parking and Traffic Office alter the north shuttle route in order to include downtown stops. In order to keep the shuttle running for the same amount of


“Since the creation of the shuttle service over 30 years ago, students have wanted change... No one has come closer to change than this administration.” Alexis Kollay | USG Senator time it is now, the committee is suggesting taking out less prominent stops so downtown ones could be added, Kollay said. Another change, which would hopefully begin by 2009-2010, is the creation of a full-time downtown shuttle bus. “We included a referendum on the 2008 election ballot asking students if they would be willing to pay no more than $20 a semester for upgraded shuttle services,” Kollay said. “If a majority of students say yes, it shows the administration that this issue is something worth looking into.” However, even if students do agree to pay a transportation fee, USG will still have to gain approval from the board

of trustees before creating anything. “Currently, the money [the Parking and Traffic Office] gets goes into general funds, such as gas and the upkeep of the shuttle buses,” Kollay said. “Creating a transportation fee would allow them to have more money allotted towards parking lots as well.” With funds going towards shuttle services, the money previously used for the upkeep of the shuttles could instead be put towards parking lots, the elimination of potholes, relayed pavement and the revamping of Lot 6. And though the ad-hoc committee is expecting the transportation fee to pass, changes would not be immediate,

Kollay said. If the fee was approved by the Board of Trustees, an initial fee would be implemented. However, the Parking and Traffic Office would need to gain interest through the fee before making many of the changes proposed by USG senators. But if everything goes to plan, students would look to see a downtown shuttle route, updated campus shuttles, and the improved efficiency of the north shuttle route, according to ad-hoc committee senator Melinda Grooms. Grooms said USG will work to develop the idea over the next few years in order to cater to the needs of the student population. However, for Grooms and Kollay, the steps made so far are ones that reflect positively on the current administration. “Since the creation of the shuttle service over 30 years ago, students have wanted change,” Kollay said. “No one has come closer to change than this administration and I hope students will support our efforts.”


PARKING PASS: Many students have issues with campus parking. Many lots on campus, like this one near Offenhauer, are getting attention from USG.

USG carries great responsibility at BGSU But the governing body isn’t perfect, some find flaws in USG visibility and issues By Ryan Sullivan Reporter

Not everyone within the campus community feels as if the USG is doing all it can to protect the interests of the students. Even some current and former faculty members say they feel as if the USG is not strong enough to represent the student body. Professor emeritus Errol Lam said USG needs to unite more to stand up for student rights. “Some people you will talk to say the USG is great,” Lam said. “But I think the USG should be more effective and assertive.” He said the biggest problem the student government faces is its lack of visibility. Because of this, he feels the group doesn’t truly represent the voice of the students like it needs to, to represent their best interests. “USG hasn’t identified with the students,” Lam said. “Every year, the people running for

Errol Lam Former professor hopes USG can be more effective president say they will do more to make the USG more well known and every year it doesn’t happen.” Lam said he doesn’t feel like students and organizations can go to USG because their problems are always redirected out to some other group or committee. Lam cited the parking issues as something he feels the USG should be doing more about. “Parking is a disgrace,” Lam said. “How could [USG] let something like this go by? Why can’t USG take the initiative and go to parking? It would show something to the students.” Lamb said the addition of being in USG to a resume, espe-

“Things in the University change because of the voice and power of the people... We won’t have real change until USG steps up and takes a stand against President Ribeau.” Errol Lam | Professor emeritus USG get things done is through strength in numbers and by getting the average student more involved he said. “If we compare ourselves to other schools, it can be seen that we don’t have as much power or force,” Gamero said. “We have to try to get everyday students more involved. We don’t have the establishment yet to do things without them.” Gamero said he has been working since getting into office to get out to work with student groups and organizations to try to find their needs and what the USG can do to better serve the campus community.

cially if elected to a higher position within the group, is another problem the group faces. “They know before they run it is going to be on their resume,” Lamb said. “If you were to say don’t put this on your resume, most people won’t run. I can’t accuse everyone of doing this, but it might partially effect some people.” USG vice-president Nick Gamero is one of the people working hard, attempting to fix the problems Lam brought up. “We are in the negotiations stage to keep rollover for students,” Gamero said. The best way to help the

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Lam isn’t the only person who feels the USG isn’t doing enough, though. Students can also be found complaining about what the USG is or isn’t doing. Junior Travis Hazen agreed that the biggest problem facing USG is its lack of visibility unless something goes wrong. “They [USG] needs to become more visible,” Hazen said. “I don’t know anything about them except them losing rollover.” He said USG should have done more to protect students before rollover was taken away. “USG should fight to protect students,” Hazen said. “It doesn’t belong to the school, it belongs to us.” Sophomore Amanda Henderson said she learned about the USG because of the University getting rid rollover. “I don’t know very much about them [USG], just that they are supposed to be the voice of the students,” Henderson said.

“I was good until the increase in meal plan and the loss of rollover. It’s our money, our loans, our scholarships that we work for. We raise that money for food, not for use by the school.” She said the USG could also do a better job of getting their name out to University students who might not have heard of them before. Henderson suggested going to hall council meetings and going out and educating students who don’t know about the USG or what they do for the University. Lam said the USG needs to do more to present itself as the “voice of the students.” “Things in the University change because of the voice and power of the people,” Lam said. “We won’t have real change until USG steps up and takes a stand against President Ribeau for students. They have to have courage and will and they have to work with other people to get things done.”

CHANGE From Page 9

said. “But in any election people want to hear about your plans for the future.” Fellow USG presidential candidate Jarrell Potts said he didn’t think much about Lewis’s decision not to endorse. “It’s not that big a deal,” Potts said. “I don’t recall previous presidents making candidate endorsements.” All the other candidates have also supported Lewis’s decision not to endorse because it gives them an even chance. “His decision gives equal opportunity,” said Jake Gallardo, the one presidential candidate who has not served in a previous position on USG. Gallardo also had the sharpest criticism of USG’s performance in the last year, saying, “It seems they came up short with their promises.” Lewis feels criticism like this is unfair, saying that the candidates he’s met with don’t understand the full role of the USG President and the balancing act that takes place. “It is unfair to think the president can accomplish these major goals all by himself.”

a downtown shuttle, professor evaluations and textbook rentals have all come up during the campaign with little praise given to USG’s work on those issues this year. “They are saying the same things that people have said before,” Lewis said. But the candidates don’t agree with Lewis’s appraisal of their campaigns. One of the candidates, Jeremy Lehman, said that even though he thinks USG has done a good job this year, anyone running in an election needs to focus on the future and can’t spend time talking about the past. “You have to separate yourself from the current administration and say what change you can bring and what can you do better,” Lehman said. John Waynick, who is also on the USG presidential ballot, shares similar views. “I think USG has done a lot of positives this year,” Waynick

How to vote: Here’s how to vote for the 20082009. Go to the bgsu.edu home page and click “USG — vote now”. You can first cast your vote for or against the proposition to start a shuttle route to downtown locations which includes a fee of $20 per semester. Then enter your student ID number to ensure that you are a registered



student. Enter your choice for a Presidential ticket and senators. Choose a representative from the college in which you have declared a major. Almost done, mark whether you are living on or off campus. Then hit “submit.” Congratulations, you have voiced your opinion! Voting continues until Friday.

quote of the day...

“Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.” - Michael Scott



Shiite militiamen fire on Green Zone in Baghdad By Robert H. Reid The Associated Press

BAGHDAD — Iraq’s leaders faced their gravest challenge in months yesterday as Shiite militiamen loyal to anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr battled for control of the southern oil capital and unleashed rockets on the U.S.-protected Green Zone in Baghdad. Armed Mahdi Army militiamen appeared on some Baghdad streets for the first time in more than six months, as al-Sadr’s followers announced a nationwide campaign of strikes and demonstrations to protest a government crackdown on their movement. Merchants shuttered their shops in commercial districts in several Baghdad neighborhoods. Although all sides appeared reluctant to trigger a conflagration, Brig. Gen. Ed Cardon, assistant commander of the U.S. task force operating south of Baghdad, said the situation in the south was “very complicated” and “the potential for


SITTING ON THEIR BELIEFS: Followers of a radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr stage a sit-in protest in the mainly Shiite neighborhood of al-Amil in Bagdhad, Iraq. They have demanded the release of supporters rounded up in recent weeks.

miscalculation is high.” The burgeoning crisis, part of an intense power struggle among Shiite political factions, has major implications for the United States. An escalation could unravel the cease-fire which al-Sadr proclaimed last August. A resumption of fighting by his militia could kill more U.S. soldiers and threaten

— at least in the short run — the security gains Washington has hailed as a sign that Iraq is on the road to recovery. The confrontation will also test the skill and resolve of Iraq’s Shiite-led government in dealing with Shiite militias, whom the national leadership had close ties.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Chinese security official mocks monks By Tini Tran The Associated Press

BEIJING — A top Chinese security official has criticized Tibetan Buddhist monks for taking part in anti-government protests, touring three key monasteries in Lhasa to drive home China’s message. Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu announced that “patriotic education” classes would be expanded at monasteries, the GREG BAKER | AP PHOTO Tibet Daily reported yesterday. His visit was the first by a high- MORNING MEAL: Tibetan nuns prepare breakfast at the Taibaling Nunnery at Shusong level central government official Village, China in the mountains about 50 kilometers from the border with Tibet. since protests in the Tibetan capital turned violent this month. freedom around the world expanded in a bid to “grasp Unrest among Buddhist clergy that dozens of Tibetan clergy and direct public opinion in has been blamed in part on the were serving prison terms for the correct direction.” “Deeply enact propaganda widely reviled classes, which their resistance to “patriotic” or education in ethnic and reliforce monks to make ritual political education. Despite such complaints gious policies and the legal denouncements of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and — and repeated government system among all the temclaims that all Tibetans sup- ples,” he was quoted as saying. declare loyalty to Beijing. Monks and nuns who refuse port the Chinese government’s “Let all people at home and to cooperate can be jailed. The stance — Meng said during abroad and all ethnic groups U.S. State Department said his trip to Lhasa on Monday thoroughly understand the in its 2007 report on religious that the campaign should be true facts of the matter.”

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Pakistan’s new prime minister sworn in By Matthew Pennington The Associated Press

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A key figure in Pakistan’s new government told two top U.S. envoys yesterday there needs to be a change in President Pervez Musharraf’s policy of using the power of the army against Islamic militants. The call came as a new prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, took office, closing the book on eight years of military rule. President Bush phoned Gilani after his swearing-in and invited him to Washington at his convenience. Gilani’s office quoted the new premier as saying Pakistan would “continue to fight terrorism.” But it was clear Pakistan’s civilian rulers are rethinking counterterrorism strategy, amid


UPROAR: Pakistani protesters burn a U.S. flag to condemn the visit of U.S. officials John Negroponte and Richard Boucher.

concern that use of military force against al-Qaida and Taliban has provoked a bloody militant backlash. Partners in the incoming

coalition government have said they would negotiate with some militant groups — an approach that has drawn criticism from Washington, the source of about $10 billion in aid to Pakistan since it joined the war on terror in 2001. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Richard Boucher held a flurry of meetings with Pakistani leaders yesterday. Their first talks were with former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was ousted in Musharraf’s 1999 coup and is now demanding the president’s resignation. Sharif said he told the American envoys there was “no longer a one-man show in Pakistan” and that the new parliament would decide how Pakistan should approach Islamic extremism.

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12 Wednesday, March 26, 2008


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Wednesday, March 26, 2008



Rep. Tom Davis: “Did Roger Clemens lie to us?” By Howard Fendrich The Associated Press

BASEBALL Red Sox best A’s in MLB’s opening day Baseball’s regular season kicked off yesterday in Japan as the Boston Red Sox defeated the Oakland A’s by a score of 6-5 in 10 innings. The Sox were led by outfielder Manny Ramirez, who added the go-ahead double. Page 14

ONLINE The BG News Sports Blog Be sure to log on to The BG News Sports Blog for all the latest information on all your favorite Falcon sports. http://www.bgnewssports. blogspot.com


The top Republican on the congressional committee that investigated whether Roger Clemens used performanceenhancing drugs released a report yesterday questioning the Democratic majority’s conclusion that the seven-time Cy Young Award winner might have lied in his testimony before the panel last month. The 109-page report, obtained by The Associated Press, contains details Rep. Tom Davis believes could challenge the credibility of Brian McNamee, the personal trainer who testified under oath he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone from 1998-01. Republican staff from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will pass along additional information to the Justice Department. The FBI is investigating whether Clemens lied to Congress. “Did Roger Clemens lie to us?” Davis said in a release accompanying the report.

“Some of the evidence seems to say he did; other information suggests he told the truth. It’s a far more complicated picture than some may want to believe.” Tom Davis | Virginia Republican “Some of the evidence seems to say he did; other information suggests he told the truth,” the Virginia Republican said. “It’s a far more complicated picture than some may want to believe. Memories fade and recollections differ. That’s human nature, not criminal conduct. My concern is the integrity of sworn statements made to Congress. “At this point, the Justice Department is best equipped to investigate that central question and reach a fair conclusion.” The report includes portions of previously undisclosed interviews with new witnesses and addresses issues such as whether Clemens attended a party at then-teammate Jose Canseco’s house in 1998; information about injections of vitamin B-12; and whether Clemens developed an

abscess on his buttocks. The report — “Weighing the Committee Record: A Balanced Review of the Evidence Regarding Performance Enhancing Drugs in Baseball” — stands as a counterpoint to the 18-page memo released Feb. 27 by chairman Henry Waxman. That was the day Waxman and Davis asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to open an investigation into whether Clemens committed perjury. The following day, the Justice Department told the FBI to take up the matter. Waxman’s memo to Democratic staff outlined the reasons for the criminal referral, summarizing “seven sets of assertions made by Mr. Clemens in his testimony that appear to be contradicted by other evi-

Today in Sports History 1992—NY Rangers clinch

By Nate Parsons Reporter

First NHL regular season championship in 50 years. 1979—Michigan State (led by Magic Johnson) beats Indiana St (led by Larry Bird) 75-64 to win the NCAA Championship. 1973—UCLA wins their 7th straight NCAA basketball title by beating Memphis 81-76.

The List The NCAA Tournament has seen some incredible individual performances throughout the first two rounds and today we are listing the five best:

1. Stephen Curry, Davidson: The Wildcat

Cardinal center poured in 30 points, including hitting the game-winning bucket in the 82-81 overtime victory over Marquette on Saturday.

3. A.J. Abrams, Texas: Abrams tallied 26 points in both of the Longhorn games against Austin Peay and Miami.

4. Joe Mazzulla, West Virginia: The reserve guard nearly had a triple-double in the victory over Duke on Saturday. Mazzulla scored 13 points, grabbed 11 rebounds and was responsible for eight assists.

5. Kevin Love, UCLA: Love tallied 19 points, 11 rebounds and seven blocks in the Bruins’ twopoint victory over Texas A&M on Saturday night.

dence before the committee or implausible.” Those areas involve Clemens’ testimony that he has “never taken steroids or HGH” that McNamee injected him with the painkiller lidocaine; that team trainers gave him pain injections; that he received many vitamin B-12 injections; that he never

discussed HGH with McNamee; that he was not at Canseco’s home from June 8-10, 1998, when their Toronto Blue Jays played a series at the Florida Marlins; and that he was “never told” about baseball investigator George Mitchell’s request to speak before Mitchell issued his report containing McNamee’s allegations.

Shaky start out the gates in conference play for tennis team


2. Brook Lopez, Stanford: The

IN TROUBLE: Pitcher Roger Clemens may be facing additional sanctions as the top Republican on the congressional committee, Tom Davis, believes he may have lied.

Tennis stumbles in MAC play

Baseball: vs Findlay; 3 p.m.

guard has lit up the tournament so far. Del’s son has scored 70 points in two upset victories over Gonzaga and Georgetown.



SETBACKS: After an undefeated out-of-conference play, the tennis team struggled over the weekend in two MAC contests against Eastern Michigan and Toledo. BG lost to both teams by identical 4-3 scores. The team will next be in action on Saturday as they host Northern Illinois.

Most coaches and players believe there are two parts to a season. The BG tennis team is no different. The Falcons concluded the first — non-conference — part of their season, going 11-0 and earning a spot in the national rankings. However, BG didn’t begin the second — conference — part of their season the way it would’ve liked, losing back-to-back Mid-American Conference matches. The Falcons (11-2, 0-2) narrowly lost to Eastern Michigan and Toledo by identical scores of 4-3 over the weekend. On Saturday BG won three out of the first four singles matches to finish, but Toledo (10-4, 1-1) won the last two erasing a 3-2 deficit. The match was held at the Laurel Hill Tennis Club. Needing only one win in the

“That girl was good and Kelsey just annihilated her.” Penny Dean | Tennis coach final two matches to cement the victory, BG couldn’t quite get over the hump. Nussbaum (fifth flight) and Volle’s (sixth) matches both went the distance, but neither one could finish it off. Nussbaum lost, 5-7, 7-5, 7-6(4), while Volle lost, 6-1, 6-7(7), 6-4. Despite cramping in her third-set tiebreaker, BG coach Penny Dean described Nussbaum’s performance as “the best match I’ve seen her play in a couple of years.” BG played in what Dean called a “hostile environment with raucous fans,” but she said the team handled it well. “I was very proud of my players,” she said. “We prepared for

See TENNIS | Page 14

Former Reds’ closer hopes for increased production and fewer boo-birds By Joe Kay The Associated Press

CLEARWATER, Fla. — The outfield gate would open. Todd Coffey would take a deep breath and break into an all-out sprint. He hadn’t even cleared the warning track when the thing he dreaded would start again. The boos — so deep and so angry — would swell from every corner of Great American Ball Park. The closer that Coffey got to the mound, the louder they got. Fans wished he’d just keep on running. Some days, the Cincinnati Reds reliever probably felt that way, too. Coffey never reacted to the sound that assaulted his ears every time he took the mound last season. It’s not his way. Besides, what good would it do? With everyone in the stands ready to pounce on every mistake, the 27-year-old reliever would try to block out the catcalls and get back to getting outs. Every bad pitch seemed to make things worse.

COFFEY FILE LAST SEASON: 2-1 with a 5.82 earned run average in 58 games. WEIGHT LOSS: Last season weighed in 265 lbs. He weighed in this spring at 239 lbs. THIS SPRING: Has not allowed a run in seven appearances.

Eventually, he would leave the game to another round of abuse. It went that way most of the time. The Reds’ bullpen was its downfall last season, and Coffey — who sprints to the mound to get his heart pumping and his head focused — became a moving target for fans’ anger. To get to the mound, he had to run the gantlet. “You hear it,” Coffey said. “If you say you don’t hear it, you’re a liar. You’re like, ‘Man, c’mon!’” “I take it harder than anybody else. Obviously there was nothing to cheer; I was not pitching good. But sometimes you want to get a little support behind you,

too, because you’re out there giving everything you’ve got.” He has spent the last six months trying to make sure things are different this year. Coffey went on a strict diet and training program in the offseason, trimming his waistline and his delivery. He weighed 265 pounds at the end of last season, when he was 2-1 with a 5.82 earned run average in 58 games. When he got on a scale this week, he weighed 239. The weight isn’t all that’s down considerably this spring. His earned run average is as small as it can be. Coffey didn’t allow a run in any of his first six appearances against major leaguers this spring. His control was back, his stamina was good, his results were much like back in the days when his here-I-come sprint was a reason to celebrate. “When I talked to him [in the offseason], he told me he was working out,” manager Dusty

See COFFEY | Page 14


BOO: Reds’ pitcher Todd Coffey was often the target of many frosty receptions from the home fans. He hopes that will change this season after he dedicated himself in the offseason to getting in better shape. The Reds begin their season on Monday against the D-Backs.


14 Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Manny leads Red Sox over A’s in Japan By Howard Ulman The Associated Press

TOKYO — Daisuke Matsuzaka got the Tokyo Dome fans revved up, and Manny Ramirez struck the winning pose. In the earliest major league opener, the Boston Red Sox got off to a winning start in their World Series title defense. Ramirez hit his second tworun double in the 10th inning — admiring his drive from the batter’s box, thinking it was a three-run homer — and Red Sox beat the Oakland Athletics 6-5 on last night. “Ultimately, it was a great ballgame,” Matsuzaka said through a translator. “I hope people got a chance to enjoy it live.” A crowd of 44,628, including fans from Boston, cheered at the Tokyo Dome, which hosted baseball’s opener for the third time in nine years. It was 6:10 a.m. back in Boston when the season began, and the organizers tried to make it feel like Fenway Park by playing “Sweet Caroline” after the last out. Ramirez, starting the final guaranteed season of his eightyear contract, hit a tying, twodouble in the sixth inning, and rookie Brandon Moss hit an RBI single that gave Boston a 3-2 lead and chased Oakland starter Joe Blanton. Matsuzaka left after five wild innings and 95 pitches, and Jack Hannahan’s two-run homer off Kyle Snyder put Oakland ahead 4-3 lead in the sixth. Moss, playing because J.D. Drew hurt his back in batting practice, hit a solo homer in the ninth off Huston Street (0-1). Then, in the 10th, Julio Lugo reached on an infield single leading off, Dustin Pedroia sacrificed and David Ortiz was intentionally walked with two outs.

“Given the opportunity to start on opening day, I did feel a little nervous and a little excited and that might have shown. I’d like to apologize to all the fans who turned out and wanted to see me go deep in the game.” Daisuke Matsuzaka | Red Sox Pitcher Ramirez hit a drive to deep center and was sure it would be a home run. It wasn’t. Just Manny being Manny. He learned when he got to the ballpark that he couldn’t use the red-barreled bat he planned on using because it would distract pitchers. So he got some new bats in Tokyo. “Maybe if I used my American bat that ball maybe would have gone,” he said. “I thought I hit it good. I couldn’t use my bat because it wasn’t legal. Thank God I got some Japanese wood that I could use.” Oakland manager Bob Geren made the key decision to walk Ortiz. “They’re both great hitters and you have to pick one or the other,” Geren said. “He got 0-2 and then got a pitch over the plate and Ramirez took it deep.” Jonathan Papelbon took the mound to his “Wild Thing” theme in the bottom half, but


BASEBALL IS HERE: Major League Baseball got its season underway in the wee hours of yesterday morning as the Boston Red Sox defeated the Oakland A’s 6-5 in ten innings.

was hardly intimidating. He who turned out and wanted to walked Daric Barton leading see me go deep in the game.” off and gave up a one-out RBI The atmosphere was loud, but double to Emil Brown, who not nearly as loud as the reguwas tagged out in a rundown lar noise level at Fenway. Fans between second and third. pounded drums, flashed camerAfter a pair of singles, Kurt as and gawked at his wildness. Suzuki hit a game-ending He didn’t find out until groundout, giving Papelbon shortly before the game that the save and sealing the win for he’d be playing. Hideki Okajima (1-0), who used “I was shocked,” Moss said. “I to pitch in the Tokyo Dome for saw J.D.’s batting practice and he the Yomiuri Giants. looked great. I didn’t know any“I’m glad things ended well for thing was going on. I was just the team,” Matsuzaka said, “but, sitting there talking. They were of course, I’m not happy with my like, ‘You might be starting,’ I was own results.” like ‘Oh, OK.’ Matsuzaka allowed a pair of first-inning runs, one on a homer Notes: Ramirez was presentby Mark Ellis. He struck out six ed with an oversized check for and walked five in five innings 1,000,000 yen (about $10,000) but allowed only two hits. for being MVP of the game and “Given the opportunity to start smiled as he held it up on a stage on opening day, I did feel a little placed near the mound. He also nervous and a little excited and gets a color laser printer. Pregame that might have shown,” said ceremonies included a band Matsuzaka, who signed a $52 playing “The Stars and Stripes million, six-year contract with Forever” and opera singer Michie Boston before last season after Nakamaru singing the Japanese eight years with the Seibu Lions. national anthem in a red dress “I’d like to apologize to all the fans with a long train.


COFFEY From Page 13

TENNIS From Page 13

Baker said. “He said he was going to lose weight and come here ready. He’s kept his word. Coffey’s throwing the ball as well as anybody. He looks good.” He looks more like he did in 2006, when he pitched in a set-up role and saved eight games as well. The Reds were counting on him to hold leads in the eighth inning again last season, but it didn’t work out. Coffey got hit hard repeatedly — and got booed regularly — in the first seven weeks. He was sent to Triple-A Louisville on May 24, and spent the rest of the season shuttling back and forth. He got so caught up in fixing his delivery that he let his diet and his conditioning slip. “It’s not like I put the weight on on purpose,” Coffey said. “It was one of those things. Sometimes you get caught up in other things. I struggled last year, so I was more focused on the on-field stuff and had tunnel vision. The other stuff got sacrificed, and it snowballed.” As the season wound down, Coffey got on a scale and thought about the big number that registered. “I looked at it and said, ‘Wow!’” Coffey said. The changes started immediately. He hired a personal trainer and dietitian. He went to a high school near his home in Rutherfordton, N.C., and worked on his delivery virtually every day. He would stand in front of a mirror and study his throwing motion, trying to get rid of the kinks that had worked their way in. When he got to Florida, he looked and felt like he did in 2006. By dropping those pounds, he was able to smooth out his delivery. “It’s been dramatic,” he said. “It just feels better. It’s hard to describe the exact feeling. It’s like in ‘06.” When he sprints out of the bullpen this season, he hopes his reception is more like it used to be, too. “It takes a toll, it does,” he said. “You think about it. Trust me, nobody takes it harder than me.”

that [hostile environment] and thought it would be like that. We handled it beautifully and didn’t let it affect our play.” Kelsey Jakupcin picked up a win at the top flight, 6-3, 6-2, over Martina Wodzinski. “Kelsey played an awesome match against Martina Wodzinski,” Dean said. “That girl was good and Kelsey just annihilated her.” Christine Chiricosta won a hard-fought match, 7-6, 7-5, at the second flight against Ashley Frey, while Sam Kintzel, who was 4-0 on the weekend, picked up the only other Falcon win on the day by beating Jenny Belsky, 7-5, 6-0, at the fourth flight. In doubles BG lost the doubles point for only the second time this year. The duo of Babina and Kintzel was the only doubles’ victor for the Falcons with an 8-4 win over Belsky and Sarah Horning. On Friday the Falcons won the doubles point, but lost four out of the six singles matches to EMU (5-9, 1-0). The MAC opener for both teams was held at EMU’s Chippewa Club. “It was a 5 1/2-hour match and it was very, very exciting, dramatic college tennis,” Dean said. “It just came down to a point here or there, and we happened to not get those critical points.” The duo of Jakupcin and Chiricosta won, 8-3, at the top flight, while Babina and Kintzel won in a third-flight tiebreaker giving BG a 1-0 lead. The lead was short-lived as EMU won at the top-three flights. Jakupcin was defeated in a closely-contested match, 6-4, 67, 7-5, by reigning MAC Player of the Year Vanessa Frankowski. Chiricosta and Babina were also defeated at the second and third flights, respectively. “[EMU’s] top-three players are very, very tough,” Dean said. “We played good tennis against them.” Picking up the lone singles wins for BG were Kintzel and Nussbaum at the fourth and sixth flights, respectively. Menoff was up 3-1 in her match at the fifth flight, but injured her back. She fought through it and finished the match, but eventually lost, 6-3, 6-3. Despite the tough losses to begin MAC play, Dean was still happy with the way the team performed. “I was proud of them,” she said. “Everybody played hard and played good tennis. We battled and showed a lot of heart.” “We still have a lot to feel good about and build on for the rest of the MAC season.” The Falcons will try to return back to their winning ways when they face Northern Illinois on Sat. at 1 p.m. at the new BG tennis complex.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


French President to boycott Olympic opening ceremony By Angela Doland The Associated Press


MOURNING LOSS: Many Egyptians mourned the loss of Mohammed Fouad, 27, after he was supposedly shot by military guards on an American cargo ship contracted by the Navy.

Egyptian ‘killed’ by military guards By Nasser Nasser The Associated Press

SUEZ, Egypt — Dozens of angry mourners buried an Egyptian man yesterday who they said was killed by shots fired from an American cargo ship contracted to the U.S. Navy as it passed through the Suez Canal. U.S. officials said American military guards aboard the ship only fired warning shots toward approaching motorboats Monday night and said they had received no report of anyone being killed. The incident occurred when the merchant ship Global Patriot entered the canal from the Red Sea and was approached by small motorboats that ply the waterway selling goods to passing ships,

according to both Egyptian and U.S. accounts of the incident. The Navy has been leery of small boats getting near its warships since al-Qaida suicide attackers rammed an explosivespacked motorboat into the USS Cole off Yemen, killing 17 sailors in 2000. Cmdr. Lydia Robertson, spokeswoman for the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet, said cargo ships sailing under contract to the Navy follow the same rules of engagement as American warships in dealing with approaching boats. “The boats were hailed and warned by a native Arabic speaker using a bullhorn to warn them to turn away. A warning flare was then fired,” the U.S. Embassy in Cairo said in a statement.

PARIS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy said yesterday that he cannot rule out the possibility he might boycott the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics if China continues its crackdown in Tibet. An official from France’s state television company said the broadcaster would likely boycott the games if coverage was censored, and the European Union, United States, Australia and Canada urged China to show restraint as it tries to quell continuing unrest in its Tibetan areas. Asked whether he supported a boycott, Sarkozy said he could “not close the door to any possibility.” A spokesman for the president said Sarkozy was referring to a possible snub of the Aug. 8 opening ceremony. “Our Chinese friends must understand the worldwide concern that there is about

the question of Tibet, and I will adapt my response to the evolutions in the situation that will come, I hope, as rapidly as possible,” the president said during a visit with a military regiment in southwest France. Sarkozy also said he had told Chinese President Hu Jintao of his concern, asking for restraint, dialogue and the end of violence in Tibet. Sarkozy also disclosed contacts between his office and that of the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader. “I have an envoy who spoke to the authorities who are closest to the Dalai Lama,” Sarkozy said. “I want dialogue to begin, and I will gauge my response on the response that the Chinese authorities give.” A Paris-based media freedom group, Reporters Without Borders, last week appealed for an opening ceremony REMY GABALDA | AP PHOTO boycott by heads of state and government, as well as royalty HOPING FOR PEACE : As China continues to to put pressure on Tibet, French President — an idea that has gained the Nicolas Sarkozy considers boycotting the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. Sarkozy hopes China’s president can start a dialogue end the violence in Tibet. support of many French.

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16 Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barbershop chain no longer handing out free beers GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — The owner of Jude’s Barbershops will continue offering haircuts and shaves to his customers, but no more free beer. The Michigan attorney general’s office says Thomas Martin’s 11 shops in the Grand Rapids area may not hand out a brew with each cut because he needs a liquor license. Martin says he was just continuing an old-fashioned complimentary service for his customers that started years ago. Police had told him that handing out free beer violated local and state laws.

Taking the plunge: couple water-slides into marriage NIKISKI, Alaska (AP) — The cake was in the shape of a pool and the walk down the aisle was replaced by a zip down a water slide as Mark Confer and Joanne Wainwright took the plunge into marriage — literally. The two were married Saturday in a swimming pool. Instead of jumping in with both feet, they came whooshing around and down the pool’s 136-foot slide. The couple then bowed their heads while Scott Coffman, senior pastor at College Heights Baptist Church, blessed their marriage. Confer and Wainwright are dedicated to physical fitness. Confer’s passion is skiing, while Wainwright has swum competitively and coached high school swim teams most of her life.

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Lots of land Tune Slope runners Flash of reflected light Explorer Heyerdahl Printer’s measure Extent covered Shortened bullets? Water pitcher Start of Evan Esar quip Urban RRs Aachen article Besmirch Wild guess LDS part Mispickel and feldspar Fencer’s foil Dry-heat bath Part 2 of quip Online letters Frank Herbert novel Withered


Help wanted word? Gull cousin Comic Skelton Astronaut Jemison Ref. set member End of quip Den Created Total Bear in the sky Idyllic place Sufficiently polite Emulate a beaver What’s left Opponent

07 - 08 S.Y. 3 bdrm. house avail. 6/1/08. 3 bdrm.house avail. 8/15/08. $275 per person + util. Close to BGSU. Off st. pkg. AC/WD. 1 bdrm. effic. avail 8/15/08$375 plus util. Close to BGSU. Off st. pkg.,furn. 1 rm. effic. avail. 8/15/08. $290 plus util. Close to BGSU. Off st. pkg. Part furn. 2 bdrm.apt. avail. 6/15/08. $450 plus util. Part furn. 419-601-3225.

2 bdrm., new carpet, new windows. $415 , 1 person, $475, 2 people. 818 7th St. #5. (419)309-2001.

4 bdrm., 2 bath avail. May or Aug. A/C, D/W, W/D. 308 1/2 S. College. (937)469-3557.

3 bdrm. apt. w/ 3 car garage. Recently renovated. W/D, no pets. Max. occup. 3 people. Avail. May for 12 mo. lease. $650 mo. plus util. 419354-8146 after 3:30pm.

APTS. & HOUSES FOR SPRING & FALL (419)352-3445

3 bdrm. houses. 404 S. College. $600 per month, plus utilities. Available Aug.419-352-4850. 3 bdrm. unit avail. immed. Also May & Aug. 08 . 1 yr. lease. 5th St. or closer to campus. (419)409-1110. Summer subleasers needed. 3 bdrm. house. 204 S. Summit. $350 & util. (513)236-6133


334 N. Main St.

Available August

3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Toledo/Northwest Ohio Area



1-2 Days per week during school Full Time during summer break

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Starting at $775/month plus utilities

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Editor Applications

62 63 64

For Rent

HOUSES FOR RENT 131 N. Church 3 BR 202 E. Merry 4 BR 218 Dill 3 BR 226 E. Merry 4 BR 819 N. Summit 2 BR

58 59 60 61

Whine Newbie Keep clear of Russian ruler Wallop Bring home the bacon Kudrow of “Friends” Sketch Fateful day for Caesar Smallest part of a buck Engage in a diatribe Slight of build Compatriot

For Rent

Background Checks of N.W. Ohio, LCC, 222 E. Front Street, Pemberville email: backgroundchecksofnwohio@yahoo.com


48 50 53 55 56 57

For Rent

Ohio BCI & I and FBI fingerprinting completed through National Web Check system at a reasonable cost. Call (419) 350-2890 for an appointment. Mobile unit can come to you for large groups.

709 5th Street APARTMENTS

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APTS. Close to BGSU. Util. incl. in rent. NO PETS, non-smoker. 2 RM EFFIC. $425. Avail. 5/1/08 Cozy 1 BDRM $445. Avail. 8/1/08 Ph. 419-352-2104 Brand new, secluded 1 bdrm. apt. Lots of windows, very spacious. $450 mo. Call 419-654-5716. Female sublsr. needed immed. at Enclave II. Private rm. & bathrm, hot tub, laundry & gym. 440-220-0645. Filling up fast for Fall 08 Copper Beech 419-353-3300 Houses & Apartments 12 month leases only S. Smith Contracting, LLC 419-352-8917 - 532 Manville Ave. Office open 10 - 2 M - F www.bgapartments.com Pet Friendly! Free Heat! Free Water! Varsity Square (419) 353-7715 Subleaser needed! May -Aug.Furn. room, private bathrm., free internet & cable. $309 mo. Copper Beech. Call 440-821-6420. Summer Subleaser for Enclave II. Female, $335/mo, fully furn., shuttle service, pool & computer lab. (248)756-2712 4 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath, May to May, A/ C, D/W, W/D, $1400 & dep. & util. 312 N. Enterprise. 419-836-7674 or 419-360-6060.



The Highlands/Jay-Mar 1 & 2 bedrooms Available May - August 419-354-6036 www.bghighlandmgmt.com

Now Renting 08-09 School Year!

Now being accepted by the University Board of Student Publications for the following positions:

The Gavel Editor 2008-2009 Academic Year

Find A Place To Call Home www.preferredpropertiesco.com

The Key Yearbook Editor 2008-2009 Academic Year

The Obsidian

MAKE YOUR HOME AT: Haven House 1515 E. Wooster St.

2008-2009 Academic Year

Applications can be picked up in 204 West Hall Applications due: 5PM on Tuesday, April 8 in 204 West Hall Fox Run 216 S. Mercer Rd.

Haven House Manor Fox Run Apts. Piedmont Apts. “Renovated” Updated Birchwood (small pet allowed) Mini Mall Apts. (Downtown) 1 Bedroom & Efficiencies Houses OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri: 8-5 Sat: 10-2 530 S. Maple St.

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Piedmont Apartments 8th & High St.

Birchwood 650 6th St.

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