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ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community

Thursday April 24, 2008

Volume 101, Issue 146 WWW.BGNEWS.COM


City Park hosts medieval battle Swords, shields and a 17th century society take hold of city space | Page 3

New bill requires threat alerts for univ. students

The bill comes as the anniversary of the Virginia Tech University shooting approaches | Page 3


Self-help pills may lead to depression

Scientists are losing hope after discovering pills meant to help people quit smoking or lose weight may actually be the source of depression for some patients | Page 11


Pillow fight falls short of breaking world record By Kelly Day Campus Editor

With hopes of setting a new world record, participants in yesterday’s campus pillow fight were a little let down by the event’s turnout, but at least they had fun. Whether armed with plaid, polka dot, small or large pillows, most of the fighters had the same goals — to beat the

University of Albany’s record of 3,648 people, relieve stress and have a good time. To the disappointment of almost everyone involved, they didn’t set the record. But the nearly 400 participants seemed to agree the event held by the University Activities Organization, Sigma Epsilon and Game Game Night was a good way to take out their aggressions and have fun with friends.

“I am so stressed, I think this is a great way to get some frustration out ... on my girlfriend especially,” junior Felix Muniz said jokingly before the pillow fight. The participants weren’t only armed with pillows, several had fighting strategies, from “duck and cover” to “hit and run.” For 9-year-old Lilly Rakus, a variety is best. Inspired by a class project



Falcon baseball blows out Oakland 14-6

With a solid performance on the mound, combined with exceptional offensive efforts, the Falcons move to 19-16 this season | Page 9




Group projects and just plain sounding smart

Columnist Kampire Bahana lets it all out: What’s the worth of a PowerPoint presentation when students just read straight from them? What’s with talking like a Valley girl and ending sentences in a question? | Page 4 If you had a bike with a basket, what would you keep in it?

ELIZABETH FIELDS, Senior, International Business, Supply Chain Mgmt.

“I would have balls with little phrases that teach people how to say hello in different languages.” | Page 4

TODAY Mostly Sunny High: 73, Low: 55

TOMORROW Scattered T-storms High: 76, Low: 51

about the Guinness Book of World Records, she said she wanted to be part of making a world record. “We were hoping more people would come,” Lilly’s mother Laurel Rakus said. But she said they were “just happy to try.” For some University students, however, such as freshman Nick North, the small turnout meant more than missing the record. “It shows a lack of community

Joe Connelly

Sangreetha Chandran




“Yes. One time I was walking down the street and someone yelled the ‘n’ word.”

“No. We live in an open environment and people are more accepting.”

“Yes, anywhere you’re going to come in contact with intolerance.”


DIVERSITY ON CAMPUS By Lisa Halverstadt, Andrea Slivka, Candice Jones and Brian Szabelski The BG News

One day, when James Jackson walks into the Union and sees a table of black students and a table of white students, he would like to push them together. “In dining hall areas and in the residence halls, we have clusters of ‘like’ people who stick with their cluster,” he said. “BGSU has ‘diversity’ in the sense that differences are present, but when those differences don’t intersect and interact in many ways, it’s null and void.” Jackson, the multicultural adviser and diversity education coordinator in the Center for Multicultural and Academic Initiatives, has a direct approach when it comes to racial issues on campus. “I would love to see us be more in your face and up-front,” he said. At the University, students’ views on race vary extensively — some think the University champions diversity and education, while others feel the sting of stereotypes and separation. The University explains its commitment to diversity this way: “Diversity at BGSU signifies a fully inclusive and accessible lifelong learning community where the whole array of human differences, particularly race, culture and ethnicity,

gender and sexual orientation, are wellrepresented and highly valued in its membership and curriculum.” But the reality of racial and diversity issues on campus cannot be described in one sentence. Freshman Nick Pfundstein, a white student, said he is satisfied with the University’s efforts to promote diversity on campus, particularly in the beginning of students’ college experience. He has made friends with students of other races and said he has never felt awkward around his peers of another race.

See RACE | Page 6


DAY TWO OF THREE Three part series of race issues and an opening to a discussion of diversity at the University ONE Minority opinions about BGSU TWO Racial tone on campus THREE Cultural Diversity course requirement

GO TO BGNEWS.COM: Listen to students, faculty members and administrators discuss their views about race at the University.

See PILLOW | Page 6

Local boutique hosts cultural fashion show By Colleen Fitzgibbons Reporter

Brittany Kendricks

at BG,” he said. The fight started nearly 20 minutes behind schedule, partly because some members of the organizations were trying to recruit more people from the residence halls to participate. When the event began, screams and laughter erupted on the field. There were three rounds of the

Tonight, Sky Bar will look a little different than usual. It will be decorated with a mix of different cultures, plenty of glitter and will be filled with about 20 models sporting the apparel of Diversity Boutique, a local clothing store. The Public Relations Student Society of America is collaborating with Diversity Boutique to put on a fashion show tonight. The name of the fashion show is “Memoirs of the Night,” from the 2005 film “Memoirs of a Geisha.” Calvin Walker, director of PRSSA and intern at the boutique, said the theme is an “international remix,” and different cultures will be represented within the three scenes of the show. The first scene will be colorful, following a “Latin flare” theme. Then, to tie in with the name of the show, there

will be a Japanese theme of Geisha apparel. Before the actual show begins, Walker said the doors will open at 9 p.m. for a preparty. While the fashion show is open to the general public, the pre-party is only for those specifically there to see the show, and the first 15 in the door will receive a front-row seat. Free food, drink specials and double the usual amount of raffle tickets will be available at the party. There is no extra fee, but everyone who comes must pay Sky Bar’s general charges, which is $4 for ages 18 to 20 and free for anyone 21 or older. “The majority of the things at the pre-party are food and drink, just to get people in the mood for the fashion show,” Walker said. The food is being donated from Marco’s Pizza and Old Town Buffet.

See SHOW | Page 6


INTERNATIONAL MEETING: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, meets with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at his hotel in Washington.

Palestinians ask Bush for more time in Israeli talks By Matthew Lee The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appealed to the Bush administration yesterday for more support in peace talks with Israel that have bogged down five months after both sides pledged to reach a deal by January. In a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ahead of talks with President Bush on Thursday, Abbas said time was running out if that target laid out at the Annapolis Conference in November was to be met and that more pressure must be exerted on Israel to stop the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. “Five months after Annapolis,

the gap is still wide between the Palestinians and the Israelis,” chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat quoted Abbas as telling Rice in the hour-and-ahalf meeting. “He emphasized that there is a gap that separates the two parties. Time is running, time is precious. And this phase needs decisions.” He said Abbas told Rice that Israel’s continuing expansion of settlements, a halt to which is a major component of the so-called roadmap blueprint for peace, “is one of the greatest obstacles that stands in our way to reach an agreement with the Israelis.” “Israel must stop their settlement expansion,” Erekat said. “It


See PEACE | Page 6


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Dunk Tank Celebrities Gail Finan - Director of University Dining Services Nick Gamero - USG VP Dr. Joe Oravecz - Assoc. VP of Student Affairs Rick Gerbeck - Parking OfÄcer Dr. Michael Griffel - Director of Residence Life Michael Orlando - Kohl Hall Director & Many More!



Thursday, April 24, 2008


Going medieval in the park Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism go back in time and battle it out in knight garb By Adam Louis Reporter

In City Park, fighters clad in steel and leather attack each other with wooden blades, while others craft and repair their armor or learn new steps from the local dance mistress. This is just a typical Thursday evening for the Society for Creative Anachronism. The SCA is a medieval reenactment group who fight and practice a variety of arts from pre-17th-century Europe, according to the organization’s Web site. Their arts include tailoring, fencing, brewing, music and the biggest crowd-pleaser, heavy weapons fighting. Physics and Astronomy Major Ian Nemitz is a fencer, a swordfighter who fights one-on-one with a thin-bladed sword called a rapier.

“It’s intense and quick,” said Nemitz. “It gets to be a lot of fun.” Nemitz has had his share of heavy combat experience, and said it had just as much intensity. Heavy combat consists of fighting one another with swords, spears or maces made of a dense bamboo until someone is “killed” by being hit in the head or chest. The campus SCA president, Amber Bryan, said the armor required includes a metal helmet, a metal neck pad and a leather or metal chest plate. Suits of armor range from about $200 and up, Nemitz said. Every week, the University branch of SCA practices heavy fighting and their arts for bigger events all over the country. SCA will be hosting a gathering Mother’s Day weekend called

Baron Wars. Baron Wars is a three-day event in Fort Miegs in Perrysburg where SCA members from all over the world gather to battle, sell and share their talents with other members. Those who’d prefer a more peaceful experience can, among many other things, learn to weave tapestries, craft armor or jewelry, learn period dances and brew beer. Those who come to fight march off to epic battles that last for days. At night, when the padded arrows stop flying, the catapults stop hurling and armies retire for the evening, soldiers and craftsmen sit around the fire while musicians play songs. It’s these events and the camaraderie shared with fellow medieval buffs that Nemitz enjoys most. “It takes a special taste to


UNGUARD: A medieval fighting group, clad in armor and leather, attack each other with wooden blades at Fort Meigs in Perrysburg. suit up in medieval garb and fighting group, Dagorhir, said Berkley California, according to [socialize],” Nemitz said. “[SCA] there is no bad blood between their Web site. Invitations to the party called for “all knights to is definitely worth the time if the groups. “They’re seen as the really defend in single combat the title you have it.” Those in that special group cool, hardcore medieval fight- of ‘fairest’ for their ladies.” The guests enjoyed the tourcome from as far as Scotland ers,” Brock said. “There’s nament so much, they suggested and Australia, while others no rivalry.” The SCA was established in they hold a larger tournament, reside here in Bowling Green. Andrew Brock, president of 1966 when a group of history and word spread of the group another campus medieval buffs held an outdoor party in through sci-fi communities.


Univ. of Colorado students petition to ‘pack heat’ in class By Brian Newsome MCT


GOOD EATS: Sophomores Denise Pfahler and Mike Perozeni enjoy good food and open air, during a picnic outside South Hall.

GET A LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Some events taken from events.bgsu.edu

8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Tye Dye Thom Union Table Space

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Spring Glass Sale Union

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The BGSU Clay Club 13th Annual Spring Sale 1218 Fine Arts Center

11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Massage Therapy Union

11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pay Equity Day Bag and T-shirt Sale Union Table Space

12 - 4 p.m. McDonald Beach Party McDonald Beach

7:30 - 8:30 p.m. The (Re)Electrification of the Automobile Union Theater

New bill requires universities to alert students of threat in a ‘timely manner’ By Kristen M. Daum MCT

WASHINGTON — Just days before the one-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech University shootings, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., introduced a bill that would require universities to alert students of a threat no more than 30 minutes after it’s been confirmed. “Many believe if the students had been notified earlier, they might not have gone to class,” McCarthy said yesterday. The law currently requires universities to notify students in a “timely manner.” But McCarthy said that standard is too subjective and could cost lives, like at Virginia Tech — when the university waited nearly two hours last April 16 to e-mail students that a gunman had been on campus. Thirtytwo people were killed. McCarthy’s proposal also requires that universities annually publish and test emergency response procedures. Colleges would have until 2009 to set up campuswide alert systems using whatever method they chose — such as

automated cell phone calls or text messages — but the proposal doesn’t yet include funds for institutions to do so. Gun violence hits home for McCarthy — whose son was injured and her husband killed by a gunman while riding a Long Island Rail Road train in New York in 1993. The tragedy was the platform that propelled her to a seat in Congress. O n New York’s Long Island, Stony Brook University used its own emergency system in late February — when a cafeteria worker falsely reported a man with a gun. The university alerted students 26 minutes after getting the report, a reasonable amount of time to respond to such a threat — but which might not be feasible at other times, said Robert Lenahan, university emergency management director. “There may be some circumstances where you may need to take a little more time to verify the accuracy,” Lenahan said. That’s why the American Council on Education opposes the “one-size-fits-all mandate,” said Terry W. Hartle, the coun-

cil’s senior vice president for government and public affairs. “Campus security officers want to convey information as timely, accurate and useful,” Hartle said. “If you choose one of those three over the others, you may not be providing the best information people need.” But alerts within 30 minutes could save lives, said Joe Samaha, father of Virginia Tech victim Reema Samaha. “If we do not learn the lesson, we will have lost our students for nothing,” he said.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — If a gunman were to burst into a classroom at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs with murder on his mind, one group of students wants a chance to shoot back. But packing heat to class, even with a concealed carry permit, is prohibited by University of Colorado system policy and cause for expulsion. Now about a dozen students on the Colorado Springs campus have joined a national and fast-growing group, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, whose goal is to lobby legislators and school administrators to allow their handguns in class. “I carry because I’m a former Boy Scout and the motto is always be prepared,” said John Davis, 30, a UCCS senior who organized the local effort. Both Colorado College and Pikes Peak Community College also ban guns regardless of permits, but students at those campuses have not objected to the policies, according to the schools. “From my perspective, I certainly am an advocate for people’s Second Amendment rights,” said University of Colorado Regent Kyle Hybl. “I also think the issue of concealed carry on campus is one that needs to be looked at inter-

nally to see what’s in the best interest of the campus.” Students at UCCS and the University of Colorado at Boulder plan to participate in a nationwide protest April 22-25 in which they will wear empty holsters “to show we’re basically defenseless when we come to school,” Davis said. His group will use the event to educate other students about concealed carry permits. Students also will collect signatures on a petition that will be presented to the Board of Regents advocating a change in its gun policy. Davis and other members of the group believe being armed in an incident like Virginia Tech or Columbine High School could save lives. The guns are concealed, he said, and having one in a classroom is no different than in a restaurant or movie theater. His parents and other family members carry concealed weapons. But the University of Colorado policy came about because “there is a strong belief that having guns in classrooms is not conducive to an open environment or a learning environment,” said UCCS spokesman Tom Hutton. “There’s an appropriate place for guns, and the classroom is not an appropriate place,” Hutton said. Students with concealed carry permits are allowed to store their guns at the campus police station or lock them in their cars, he said.

In Loving Memory of: Kristi Lynn Hill March 6, 1985 – May 2, 2007 Late in April of 2007, Kristi was affected by an episode with her heart that went undetected by the doctor and hospital. While all other students were in their finals, Kristi was fighting for her life. Unfortunately, Kristi was not able to pull through and lost her fight. She was a hero to all of us until the end; donating her organs so that other people might live better, more full lives. There are 4 people in the Toledo and Cleveland area whose lives have been renewed because of Kristi’s gift. Kristi was truly a Remarkable Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Granddaughter, Niece, and Cousin. But what Kristi is probably best known for by all of us and probably all of you that knew and remember her is that Kristi was an Incredible Friend. Kristi had a Contagious Laugh, Wonderful Sense of Humor, and a Beautiful Smile. She was a Free Spirit Who Enjoyed, and Lived Life to the Fullest. Kristi cared for and loved people. She never met anyone that she wouldn’t talk with. Kristi was Loving and Kind, but you always knew where she stood. Kristi will be forever missed, but someday we will be with her again in Heaven. Her belief in Jesus Christ was deep and we know today that Kristi is watching over all of us as our Guardian Angel.

If you knew Kristi, we would ask that you share your stories of Kristi with us. Tell us how you met Kristi and Your Favorite Times and Memories with Kristi. Mail or e-mail these to Terry and Julie Hill at 2228 Powell Rd. Powell, OH 43065 or thill306@sbcglobal.net .


“I would love to see us be more in your face and up-front,” - James Jackson, diversity education coordinator of Multicultural and Academic Initiatives, on the racial tone on campus [see story, p. 1]. Thursday, April 24, 2008 4



If you had a bike with a basket, what would you keep in it? “One can of Diet Coke.”

“I would keep water and sunglasses.”

AMBER RINEHART, Senior, Actuarial Sciences

EMILY DEHNHOFF, Graduate Student, mental health and school counciling

ALEX CHOMYAK Senior, biology

STEPHEN MCLAUGHLIN, Freshman, Computer Science



See CHAD | Page 5

VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM Have your own take on today’s People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a question? Give us your feedback at bgnews.com.

Educate and entertain me in school, or else

What I learned in school As my last column, I wanted to leave readers with some of the lessons that, throughout college, I feel were most important. My academic career at the University started regrettably similar to the way that everyone starts college: I knew everything. People had always told me I was bright, and eventually it just went to my head. But eventually, I began to associate with people that I would actually characterize as being bright. Suddenly, all of my puny accomplishments from high school became regrets that I had not done more, I had not read more, I had not studied harder. The recognition that some people have earned their accolades is humbling, and humility cannot be overrated. In addition to learning that I am not hot stuff, there was also the startling revelation that no one else is God incarnate either. There is not a person on campus, nor anywhere else for that matter, who can boast knowledge of all things. Thus, if there is to be any sort of productiveness in human actions, there needs to be cooperation. In the realm of individual behaviors, however, there are many more nuanced and humbling facets to consider. Keeping in mind that you do not know everything, how exactly do you learn what you don’t know? Why, you read about it, of course. Books, literature, statistics, studies, papers: They all abound. I’ve already mentioned the absurdity of supposing that you know everything you need to know in life, why not get over yourself and find some things to read? If we consider that sociologists and physicists and other markedly learned people read, is it so hard to accept that it might be a good practice for everyone? If you are to engage in any sort of literate project, it is important to know that you do hold some ideas about the way that the world works. Whether these things are accurate is of no consequence because they exist. When I read, I know that I have amazing bias toward works that encourage human cooperation, as opposed to competition. In this sense, what I read and how I read it are tremendously affected by my assumptions about what is right. While these things may simply be a matter of taste, it is important to remember when criticizing anyone. Are you being fair? Or are you responding to some assumption that you have? And if it is the latter, is it fair to critique others’ assumptions? You are not unique in the

“I wouldn’t. Baskets are dorky.”

“Puppy dogs and monkeys.”


Trash TV and politics don’t mix MARISHA PIETROWSKI COLUMNIST

Since it’s nearing the end of the semester, it’s likely that the amount of work most students have to do is mind-numbingly large and requires most of their outside of class and sleeping time devoted to getting everything done before May 2. So, many students are probably watching their fair share of television in order to avoid the responsibilities that are so integral to final grades. While there is a constant barrage of “trash TV” that pops up on a regular basis (I hope that regardless of your sadness over “Rock of Love 2” ending, you all

FORUM, IN VIDEO FORM We don’t just write. See our columnists like never before: in person! (sort of) youtube.com/thebgnews

“Even President Bush made an appearance on ‘Deal or No Deal’ on Monday night, quipping about his low approval ratings in comparison to the high ratings of the game show.” remembered that “A Shot at Love II” started this week!), in recent weeks, a new common theme of American television seems to involve the inclusion of as many political figures as possible in a program’s running time. Last week, Stephen Colbert had Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards on the same “Colbert Report” and were given the chance to prove that they are capable of being president (Clinton fixed Stephen’s TV screen, Edwards read The Wørd and Obama put “political distractions” On Notice). If appearing on a fake news show wasn’t enough of a detachment from the political realm, all three presidential candidates appeared on Monday night’s “WWE Raw,” using the platform to gain publicity and show their connection to average American (“Hill Rod” introduced herself to

the crowd, Obama asked if people “smell what Barack is cooking?” while Sen. John McCain presented the idea of an attack on dissenters by “McCainiacs”). Even President Bush made an appearance on “Deal or No Deal” on Monday night, quipping about his low approval ratings in comparison to the high ratings of the game show. No longer does the average American have to take time out of their busy TV-watching schedule to seek out news about the politicians and their positions on the topics that affect them; if they TiVo the right shows, they’ll learn everything they need to know about the candidates! The New York Times published an article about political popular culture, and explained

See MARISHA | Page 5

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Show draws attention to important issue “America’s Next Top Model” always tries to cast people that have had or have a difficult life to attract viewers: This current season was no different. Tyra Banks, the producer of the show, casted Fatima, a young girl born in Somalia, who had the rigorous procedure known as female genital mutilation done to her at the very young age of 7. Within the show Fatima came out to the rest of her cast ates with her terrible experience of going through FMG. She stated, “Female genital mutilation is removing the entire clitoris and sewing the two labia together. I’m going to dedicate my life to making sure no one

THE BG NEWS LISA HALVERSTADT, EDITOR IN CHIEF 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 | Phone: (419) 372-6966 E-mail: thenews@bgnews.com Web site: http://www.bgnews.com Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606

goes through what I went through…. young girls are being circumcised and some are dying in this process.” FGM is currently practiced in 26 of the 43 African countries (Demographic and Health Surveys). In Somalia, where Fatima was born and raised, FGM is 98 percent prevalent among its people, and this procedure is taking, on average, two million women’s lives per year. While many of these countries have outlawed FGM, the procedures are still being practiced. The number of cases in the U.S. are rising because immigrants are bringing their traditions with them. The parents of the girls who have undergone FGM usually are the deciding factors on whether or not they receive

the surgery. This is because the procedure is typically done between the ages of 4 and 10. Female genital mutilation is a violation of women’s human rights since these young girls do not hold the knowledge needed in order to decide if they want to go through with the dangerous procedure. For this reason the U.S. Congress passed a law stating that if the procedure is practiced on a person under the age of 18 it is considered a federal crime. Although female genital mutilation was not originated in the United States, it is becoming a major problem because it is a violation of women’s human rights. — Brittany Cerasi and Callie Gear Freshmen, AMPD and Dietetics


A warning for my future professors; I will not be doing any more group projects. Ever. Every single semester I have been at the University I have had to do at least one group project, sometimes three or four. Every semester I have hung out with a group of people and collectively complained about stupid group projects and stupid group partners under the mistaken impression that their work is more important than yours. Every semester the library computer lab collects this cloud of funk from the sweat and carbon dioxide of panicked groups, putting together PowerPoint presentations that no one will ever see again. Where do the presentations go when the semester is over? Is there a PowerPoint purgatory where the Profile of Zimbabwe commiserates the Comparison between Yahoo and Google on their short shelf life? While we’re talking about PowerPoint, I’m curious; what did professors do before Bill Gates conquered the world? Did they actually use a projector or — gasp — the blackboard? Were they actually forced to, I don’t know, be creative in their lesson plans? Maybe class was, dare I say it, interactive? I can’t imagine that planning 16 weeks of lessons is easy, but 16 weeks of the old bald guy talking to himself and then another week of students awkwardly reading word-for-word their slides and making everyone bored and uncomfortable, is not my idea of a fun or educational time. Attendance policies suck and would not be so necessary if class wasn’t about as interactive (and pleasant) as a dentist visit. I’m just saying. Since I have your attention I would also like to point out that spending $150 on a textbook that weighs more than a small child and lugging it all over campus three times a week only to open the damn thing twice really makes me mad. It is not the first time this has been said and it probably will not be the last, as every single semester I sell my books for a tenth of what I paid and conclude that they would have been more use-

“I hate being the only one to talk in class, but I will put my hand up to avoid falling asleep. Feel free to shut me up by saying something intelligent yourself. ” ful for bludgeoning someone than learning. The dull class atmosphere is not just the fault of professors. This might surprise you, seeing how opinionated I am, but I hate being the only one who contributes in class. It is one thing to complain that class is boring but if you know the answer and let the whole class stew in awkward silence instead of opening your mouth then you only have yourself to blame. It’s funny how the quietest people in class are always the loudest people at the bar that night. I hate being the only one to talk in class but I will put my hand up to avoid falling asleep. Feel free to shut me up by saying something intelligent yourself. And when you do contribute, please don’t be the person who uses like as a punctuation mark. “Like, my mom, when she was, like, working for the State Department, she, like, had to, like wear a, like, veil, like when she was in like, Saudi, like, Arabia.” When did it become uncool to sound like you know what you’re saying and are passionate about it? Why do so many women feel the need to apologize for having an opinion and talk like everything is a question? I mean, like, you can’t, like, expect anyone to, like, take you seriously, if you like, totally sound like, you don’t like know what you’re talking about? It always saddens me when young female professors equate being likable with sounding unknowledgeable. As role models, what are you teaching the young women who want to enter into academia? That they have to sound like Valley girls to be listened to? We know that you had to work hard to get where you are at and that you must be intel-

See BAHANA | Page 5

CHECK THIS OUT! Do you love to write? Are you opinionated?

Then The BG News wants you! We’re looking for columnists to write for next year’s Forum section. No journalism experience required — all you need is an open mind and a desire to talk about important campus issues. Interested? E-mail thenews@bgnews.com for more information.

The BG News Submission Policy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are generally to be fewer than 300 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. GUEST COLUMNS are generally longer pieces between 400 and 700 words. These are usually also in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area. Two submissions per month maximum.

POLICIES: Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns are printed as space on the Opinion Page permits. Additional Letters to the Editor or Guest Columns may be published online. Name, year and phone number should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks, unverified information or anonymous submissions will not be printed.

E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an attachment to thenews@bgnews. com with the subject line marked “Letter to the Editor” or “Guest Column.” All submissions are subject to review and editing for length and clarity before printing. The editor may change the headlines to submitted columns and letters at his or her discretion. Opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the view of The BG News.



CHAD From Page 4

world to have assumptions, however. We all do. The important thing is not necessarily to figure out why you have them, but which you do have, and how they affect your thinking. Ultimately, however, we need to recognize that there really is no good reason for why we have the ones we do. We just do. There is a word for such a phenomenon: arbitrary. If arguments are based fundamentally on assumptions, and assumptions are themselves arbitrary, does that not mean that the conclusions you hold are also arbitrary? This can be an especially troubling fact if misused. At its best, however, in the depth of humility, this fact can help us retain some sort of civility while we argue. There really is no good reason for why competing arguments must “beat” each other. In the spirit of addressing arbitrariness, and remaining humble, maybe we can use these considerations to help the exchange of ideas. I cannot stress enough that no one man or woman knows what is the best thing for the rest of us. Human beings, therefore, must talk with one another. In every human endeavor, from working in a yo-yo factory to deciding national economic policy, people must discuss strategy and ideas with their peers.

It does no one any good to have stubbornness combating stubbornness when making grossly important decisions. I would even go as far as to say that most people do not like to argue in such a way. To act in such a way greatly impedes the exchange of ideas, and consequently the well-being of everyone else. Little actions, insignificant in themselves, can have vastly rippling effects. A good dose of humility, occasionally reading a book because you know you ought to, recognizing that you are not always right, these things are small changes with the potential to add up to something huge. I do not want to play in a world where I cannot discuss ideas with my peers; I do not want to live in a world where no one has an opinion. Thus, I feel it is my obligation to move in this direction a little bit each day. If my action moves but one person to hunger for ideas, everyone this person will talk to will be forever changed for the better. — Respond to Chad at thenews@bgnews.com.

TOMORROW IN FORUM Columns by Jess Hylton and Ally Blankartz. Schedule subject to change.

MARISHA From Page 4

why this not-so-new trend of using television (Richard Nixon’s “Laugh-In” appearance is an early example) is so integral to the images of politicians. “Elitism is to the 2008 campaign as communism was to 1950s politics: a career breaker. And pop TV is the antidote, a free platform to rub shoulders with viewers who only glancingly pay attention to the news,” Alessandra Stanley writes in the Times. Apparently, in today’s world, appearing on famous television shows that most Americans would never have the chance to be a part of (beyond being a cheering audience member) is enough to show that they are not “elitist” and are just like normal people. It seems that no show is too small, too irrelevant or too critical of their actions for a politician to make an appearance. After Obama appeared on “The Daily Show” Monday night, Jon Stewart questioned why his show as well as its spin off had become such a hot spot for those who are running for president. “I’d like to think we truly are the bottom of the barrel […] why do candidates humiliate themselves on cable backwaters? Because they are running for president.” His assessment appears to be correct. It is so essential for politicians to “pander for votes”


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Thursday, April 24, 2008

as Stewart said, they will appear semi-regularly on shows that are designed to lampoon them, or as is the case with WWE and shows such as “Saturday Night Live,” shows that ordinarily have nothing to do with the political spectrum. Maybe non-news television is the only real way for a candidate’s message to get their campaign platforms across to the American people. With news outlets too busy making mountains out of molehills with petty non-scandals and meaningless actions (did Obama really make an obscene gesture by doing the unthinkable — scratching his face!?), turning to televisions shows that aren’t traditionally political (or serious in their political coverage) may be the best way to find out where the candidates really stand. It appears that America is in for a long summer and fall, filled with politicians pandering for our votes and approval, and it should be interesting to see when and where those in the political field will show up next. Personally, I’m hoping John McCain hosts a “Hills” reunion special as a thankyou gesture for Heidi Montag’s endorsement.



SUDOKU To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. There is no guessing or math involved. Just use logic to solve.

— Respond to Marisha at thenews@bgnews.com.

WE’VE GOT A BLOG! Check out your favorite Forum columnists, unhinged and online, reasoned and ranting: bgnewsforum.blogspot.com

From Page 4

ligent and experienced in your field of study. It is OK to sound like it. What is not OK is actually not having any idea what you are talking about. Every semester I meet a new adviser and have to teach them about my major — instead of the other way around. Perhaps its because my major is one of the less popular ones, but I am also sick of getting excited about classes in the catalog and then discovering that they haven’t been offered for the past three years. I understand that Ethnic Studies, Africana Studies and other interdisciplinary social sciences do not draw as many students, but how can we expect to change that if you don’t offer half of the classes. I’ll stop whining now. No one ever reads these evaluations anyway. Like everyone else, I’m just glad the semester is over.

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— Respond to Kampire’s column at thenews@bgnews.com.


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6 Thursday, April 24, 2008



PILLOW From Page 1

TUESDAY 11:07 A.M.

A complaint was filed about damage to a student’s vehicle in the overflow parking lot. 2:36 P.M.

A complaint was filed about a damaged vehicle mirror in Lot 6. 6:23 P.M.

Police were called to investigate the smell of marijuana in MacDonald North. Three students were referred to student discipline. 8:05 P.M.

A bicycle was reported stolen by the psychology building.

ONLINE: Go to www.bgnews.com for the complete blotter list.

SHOW From Page 1 Raffle tickets will not only be distributed during the preparty, but also throughout the night and to anyone who comes into Sky Bar. Prizes will be given out several times during the fashion show, and will include hair salon coupons for First Choice Hair Cutters, DVDs, Wal-Mart gift cards and more. After guests get in the mood for the show, the models will take over the runway at 10:30 p.m. Walker said a majority of these models are Diversity Boutique interns, most of whom are students at the University. Megan Yodzis, the marketing and promotions intern at the boutique and a junior at the University, said she is excited about tonight. “It’s going to be a lot of fun and the models are looking great,” Yodzis said. The interns also asked their friends to come join to make them feel more relaxed during the show. “We really want all the models to be as comfortable as can

fight, two that were described by freshman Elise Mahr as “Sparta-esque,” where the participants lined two sides of the field and then charged toward one another. “The craziest was when they split the field in half,” senior Monica Smith said. “It was scary. A lot of people were just coming at you.” It was a little too crazy for some students such as freshman Candace Woodworth, who stood from the sidelines to watch. “I didn’t feel like getting hurt,” she said. “I saw a couple people get knocked down.” But there were no injuries, and the event was considered a success by the organizers. Members of UAO, Sigma Epsilon and Game Game Night all remained optimistic during the event, especially Kajavius Wilson, director of UAO and Paul Gillepsie, vice president of member development for Sigma Epsilon. The two students collaboratbe since fashion shows don’t happen a lot here in Bowling Green,” Walker said. Yodzis asked her roommate Emily Faeth to join in on the fun. Faeth said, “I’m pretty excited, it should be a fun time.” Along with the interns modeling and asking their friends to join PRSSA, they also held a casting call two weeks ago. Freshman Oasis Jeffries said she saw the recruiters in the Union. “I never modeled before, but I just wanted to do something different,” Jeffries said. While there are first-year models, this is not the first year the owner of Diversity Boutique, Erin Norman, has put on a fashion show. Norman said since the opening of the boutique in 2003, she has been putting on a spring fashion show. Norman is a proud alumna of the University and said since the town lacks a lot clothing stores, she decided to open her own boutique. “I love Bowling Green and wanted to give something back to

ed to organize the pillow fight after both having similar ideas, Gillepsie said. Wilson said he first got the idea when he heard the school where his roommate’s friend attended had held a campus pillow fight every semester during finals week to help students relieve stress. For Gillespie, it was about beating the record. “I got the idea to do the world’s largest pillow fight,” Gillespie said. The organizations started trying to create a buzz about the event early in the semester by writing the number 3,648 with chalk on sidewalks around campus. Eventually they let students in on what the number meant. Soon, other campus organizations were involved, such as the Latino Student Union and Black Student Union. They also got support from University Administrators, the campus police, and professors, BSU public relations chair Derrick Coleman said. The organizations hope the pillow fight will become an annual event. a school that gave me so much,” Norman said. She said when it comes to the fashion shows, however, she just helps lead the interns in the right direction and let them take it from there. This year, Walker was chosen to work on and plan the show. “I was lucky enough to get that position for this year’s fashion show,” Walker said. Norman said choosing Walker was not a hard choice to make. “Anyone around Calvin can feel his passion oozing out,” Norman said. “He had helped with marketing with PRSSA last year and did a fabulous job, so I asked him to come back and take over this year’s show.” Even though Norman will not be able to make it to the show this year, she has no doubt her interns will put on a great show. “Words cannot express how close I am to this show and how much I enjoy watching interns successfully put it on. I am confident in Calvin because of his proven abilities and I know he will do a great job,” Norman said.

Tonight 8:00 p.m.

Palm Reading

BLACK SWAMP PUB Bowen-Thompson Student Union

RACE From Page 1

With a few more years of experience here at the University, Kristen Cornelius is a senior and a white student — and has much the same feeling Pfundstein does. As long as you are an outgoing person, she said, it isn’t hard to get to know students, even if they don’t look like you. Other students look at campus race relations differently. Senior and Detroit native Marcus Simpson, who is black, said he has seen a significant divide between white and black students on campus. “I notice a lot of white students don’t talk to me unless they’re drunk,” he said. College should be a place to “unlearn” the tendency to avoid interacting with those who are different and to reject stereotypes they have picked up — but that isn’t always a reality, he said. Students Brandon Young — a black student — and Gwen Betts — a white student — agreed that the University should do more about diversity and race relations instead of leaving it up to the students. But five students cannot possibly sum up attitudes toward race on campus. The issue has endless sides and affects each and every student at the University. Bettina Shuford, assistant vice president for student affairs and director of the Center for Multicultural and Academic Initiatives, works with these issues every day. She and others in her office help organize several events throughout the school year to help educate students about minority groups on campus, such as the Latino Issues Conference and Ohanami: Cherry Blossom Festival, both of which were held last week. After supervising UNIV courses as well as helping to organize diversity training, she has watched racial issues bubble to the surface. Jennifer K. Ewing is an administrative resident adviser in Kohl Hall, where she has worked with residents for two years. Diversity training has been part of her preparation before each school year. The training prepares her for the contact she will have with new University students when they move into close quarters. As a first-time resident adviser last year, Ewing was prepared for racial divides on her floor but she didn’t expect to see them. What she did see was something different. It took time for the girls on her floor to warm up to one another. By the end of the year, Ewing said students who had originally tried to stick together started to meet other people. Michael Orlando, hall director in Kohl Hall, is also trained to deal with diversity issues. Usually by the time an issue

PEACE From Page 1

is a major commitment according to the first phase of the roadmap.” Abbas’ spokesman Abu Rudeina, echoed Erekat’s remarks, saying the Palestinian and Israeli positions were still far apart. “That requires American intervention,” Rudeina said. Abbas is struggling for authority in the West Bank against the militant Hamas movement that controls Gaza. Bush hopes to achieve a peace deal between the Palestinians and Israel before he leaves office in January. Bush met yesterday with Jordan’s King Abdullah II to discuss the process.

has reached Orlando, mediation is necessary to resolve the problem. “Sometimes there are underlying reasons for conflict,” he said, describing problems that often start between residents and typically stem from cultural or racial differences. In Orlando’s experience, more conflicts have been about sexual orientation than race, he said. But before problems arise in Kohl, Ewing, Orlando and other hall staff try to offer programming and support aimed at educating residents. This is necessary, according to Jackson, because it can be terrifying to have a roommate of another race in some situations — such as his own. After moving into his freshman dorm in 1987 at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, Jackson left for a few hours. When he returned, his new roommate was hanging up a Confederate flag in the dorm room. As a black student, Jackson was traumatized. Though his roommate eventually took the flag home, Jackson will never forget how he felt that day. “I was scared crapless. I wanted to leave. I wanted to drop out. I wanted to go home,” he said. When Black Student Union treasurer Jeanova Hill was a freshman she lived on a floor with about 50 other girls — only about nine of whom were black. While it can be an intimidating experience, she does not believe that room placement in the dorms is based on race. The University does not consider race when placing students in dorms, Orlando said. Many minority students come to campus expecting to get a white roommate and to be surrounded by the majority, Hill said. For white students who are used to being the majority, the diversity can seem significant. Amanda Walkowiak is a white student at the University who was randomly placed with a black roommate. But for Walkowiak, it wasn’t a great culture shock. “I just had a random roommate and just [by] having random roommates, you’re going to end up with different people,” she said. Students from various regions and backgrounds often deal with race differently. Sophomore Everett Fitzhugh, who is originally from Detroit, grew up with few white families in his neighborhood. When he moved to Ann Arbor after middle school, he suddenly found himself in the minority. “It was a culture shock because it was just two totally different cultures,” Fitzhugh said. Today, Fitzhugh lives with three white students and two minority students in a residence hall, and said most of his arguments with his roommates have more to do with music than

racial issues. Still, there are times the sophomore is offended or upset by an off-color joke or stereotype. He will usually try to brush it off unless it is blatantly offensive. “I understand that maybe part of it comes out of ignorance,” he said. Sophomore Chris Nguyen, president of BGSU’s Asian Communities United chapter, is Vietnamese American and said he sometimes struggles to deal with other students’ stereotypes. “Some people can brush it off. I took things to heart,” Nguyen said of growing up with white students who would namecall and treat him differently because of his race. “It’s not about color — it’s about when you have a group of white people, there becomes distance,” he said. That distance is not specific to one group of students. Jeff Dunford is a white, first-year graduate student who has noticed the same divide. “If there is a crowd of one race sitting together you definitely feel a strong desire not to sit near them,” Dunford said. “[It] is a hell of a task — just getting people to understand each other,” said Kevin Zamora, political action chair for the Latino Student Union. Most people think groups such as LSU and BSU only exist for Latino and black students — but that is not true, he said. Senior Corey Baum, who is white, often attends parties where he is the minority but said there is no doubt that students of different races separate themselves. But perhaps because he has also studied abroad, Baum said he is more comfortable around minority students after stepping outside of his comfort zone to experience new cultures. What separates white and minority students in these situations, Zamora said, is that white students can choose whether they would like to step outside their comfort zones. Minority students are almost always in the minority because, on campus, a white majority usually surrounds them, he said. For example, BSU president Starmisha Conyers-Page noticed the banners in the Union dining room. Almost every person on the University banners is white and the only person of color was in a “tiny box” and appeared to be a light-skinned black man. “So you just have to think of how the University is representing students of color on campus,” she said. Not all students are so willing to discuss these issues with students outside their own race. “We have these conversations [about race] in our dorm rooms with the doors closed,” Jackson said. BG News reporter Adam Louis contributed.

The White House meetings are a prelude to next month’s trip by Bush to the Middle East to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel. He also is expected to visit Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The administration had been holding out hope it could arrange a peace summit during the visit, perhaps at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik, where Bush is now set to see Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The idea was to have Arab leaders endorse an interim statement showing some progress, officials said. But there are deep misgivings about such a meeting among both Arabs and the Israelis, given the slow pace of negotiations, and prospects for the summit are slim, officials said.

Abbas wants a framework peace agreement by January with timetables and specifics leading to the creation of a Palestinian state and not just a “declaration of principles” as suggested by some Israel officials. He has said his talks with Bush on Thursday will focus on achieving a real deal on core issues and not just promises. “We seek a framework agreement that includes all the core issues and how these core issues will be resolved — and ending with the establishment of a Palestinian independent state,” Abbas said Tuesday. The core issues remain the final borders of a Palestinian state, the fate of Jerusalem, disputed Israeli settlements, refugees, water and future relations between the two states.


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Thursday, April 24, 2008 7

Olympic torch relay halts Everest climb


ENGLISH TEA PARTY ANYONE?: Actors pose for the photographers as they hand out tea and sweets as part of a performance in central London’s Trafalgar Square, during the Festival of English Food, coinciding with celebrations for St. George’s Day. London’s famous Borough Market relocated to the square for the day, bringing together a special selection of English produce and traditional eats to try and buy, in addition to many performances and happenings.

Celebration in England sparks questions of cultural identity By Jill Lawless The Associated Press

LONDON — Londoners gathered yesterday in Trafalgar Square, beneath statues of imperial lions and military heroes, to celebrate England’s patron saint — a thirdcentury Turkish soldier who supposedly had the power to slay a dragon but likely never set foot in Britain. Little wonder the English have an identity crisis. April 23 is St. George’s Day, England’s national day. But it’s not a public holiday, and for decades it passed largely unnoticed — a far cry from its rowdy Irish counterpart, St. Patrick’s Day. “We tend to be a bit more reserved. It’s an English trait,� said Janis Whincup, who attended the Trafalgar Square celebrations with a red and white St. George’s flag draped over her shoulders. That may be changing — St. George’s Day is experiencing a revival, as is the idea of Englishness itself. Outside the realm of sport, English patriotism and the St. George flag long were shunned by liberal-minded Britons, regarded as the preserve of right-wing “Little Englanders� steeped in nostalgia and a mistrust of foreigners. Politicians promoted the notion of Britishness — an amalgamated identity open to native and foreign-born citizens, and to English, Welsh and Scottish alike. But with devolution of political power from London to Scotland and Wales — both of which have gained legislatures and a new assertiveness in the last decade — that British identity has begun to fray. The English make up 50 million of Britain’s 60 million inhabitants, and many feel it’s time they celebrated their heritage — if only they can agree on what it is. “English people aren’t proud enough of their own country,� said Pamela Ealham, a 75-yearold retiree. “We’re English; we should celebrate it.� Politicians have begun to embrace Englishness. For the first time on the saint’s day, the

“English people aren’t proud enough of their own country. We’re English; we should celebrate it.� Pamela Ealham | Retiree St. George’s Cross flag flew yesterday above the 10 Downing St. residence of Prime Minister Gordon Brown — a Scot. “The prime minister’s view is that of course we should celebrate our Britishness,� said Brown’s spokesman, Michael Ellam. “But celebrating our Britishness does not mean we cannot also celebrate our Englishness, Scottishness, Welshness or Northern Irishness.� There are signs of an unofficial revival, too. Pubs across the country planned celebratory roast beef dinners yesterday. Party-supply companies reported a sharp rise in sales of redand-white hats and streamers. In recent years, sports has played a big part in rehabilitating the symbols of Englishness. When England’s rugby team won the World Cup in 2003, and when its cricket squad beat Australia in 2005, jubilant fans waved the flag of St. George, giving it a new visibility. But the flag remains, especially for immigrants and ethnic minority Britons, a touchy symbol. There were few flags on display at the officially sanctioned Trafalgar Square celebration, which focused on an aspect of England unlikely to offend anything but the palate: food. Despite its dire reputation, English food is having something of a renaissance. Stalls lining the square sold pork pies and sausage rolls, blackcurrant jam, Stilton and Leicester cheeses and fresh oysters, crabs and scallops. A distinctive cuisine unites the people of England. The preservation group English Heritage, which is encouraging people to celebrate St. George’s Day, published a “how to� guide including traditional English recipes — from cheese scones

to chicken tikka masala, an Anglo-Indian hybrid that rivals fish and chips as the country’s most popular dish. Debate rages about what it means to be English. Is English culture Morris dancing, or Britpop? Are the English an Anglo-Saxon race, or a polyglot nation built on waves of immigration, from Vikings and Normans to Indians, Pakistanis, Jamaicans, Poles and Lithuanians? Traditional English nationalists tend to be wary of immigration and skeptical of closer ties with Europe. But a new breed of “civic nationalists,� including the singer Billy Bragg and the writer Paul Kingsnorth, favor embracing multiculturalism and membership in Europe. In a recent article for the New Statesman, Kingsnorth called it patriotism “attached to place not race, geography not biology.� Peter Tatchell, a gay rights and civil-liberties campaigner, argued that St. George should be adopted as a symbol of “freedom, dissent and multiculturalism.� Little is known for certain about the saint’s life, but he is thought to have been a soldier of the Roman Empire from Cappadocia, in present-day Turkey, who was executed after refusing to persecute Christians. The story of him slaying a dragon that was terrorizing a village has been circulating since the Middle Ages. He is the patron saint of several countries — including Germany, Portugal and Georgia, which is named for him — as well as the city of Beirut and the Boy Scout movement. St. George’s popularity spread from the Middle East to Europe with knights returning from the Crusades, and he came to be regarded as a protector of English troops. In 1222 religious leaders in England — which was then Roman Catholic — declared a holiday in his honor, and by the end of the 14th century he was seen as England’s patron saint. “He was a rebel from the Middle East. His father was Turkish and his mother probably Palestinian,� Tatchell said. “St. George’s parentage embodies multiculturalism and his life expresses the values of English liberalism and dissent.�


KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — An American mountain climber with a “Free Tibet� banner was forced to turn back from Mount Everest, which Chinese climbers carrying the Olympic torch plan to summit next month, officials said yesterday. The climber was caught with the banner in his bags at Everest’s base camp, said officials at the Tourism Ministry in Nepal’s capital, Katmandu. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to reporters. Katmandu-based Himalayan Guides Treks and Expeditions, which got the permit for the climber, identified him as William Brant Holland but was not able to give details on his age or hometown.

the Chinese government, has posted soldiers on the southern side and banned climbing near the summit between May 1-10 as a precaution. Police and soldiers have been ordered to stop any protest on the mountain using whatever means necessary, including use of weapons, although the use of deadly force is authorized only as a last resort. The torch relay — the longest in Olympic history — was meant to highlight China’s rising economic and political power. But activists have seized on it as a platform to protest China’s human rights record. It has drawn particular ire from those denouncing China’s rule in Tibet following a crackdown on demonstrations in the Himalayan region in March.

Suicide bombings leave 13 dead, 24 wounded By Noor Khan The Associated Press

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — A spate of suicide bombings and other attacks on security forces in southern Afghanistan yesterday left 13 people dead and 24 others wounded, officials said. In Kandahar province, a suicide bomber blew himself up next to a vehicle carrying intelligence agents in the border town of Spin Boldak, killing three civilians, Kandahar Gov. Assadullah Khalid said. Two children and three intelligence agents were among the 14 hurt, Khalid said. Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi said the insurgent group was behind the attack and identified the bomber as a man named Gul Mohammad. A 16-year-old boy who was

wounded in the explosion said police shot at the bomber before he detonated explosives. “Police opened fire at the man after he ran toward a group of civilians. He then threw his shawl and then there was a big explosion,� said Rehmat Ullah. In neighboring Helmand province, a suicide bomber struck a police convoy, killing two officers and wounding three, said district police chief Khairudin Shuhja. Shuhja was in the convoy but was not injured in the attack. As the bomber approached the car, guards opened fire, wounding the attacker, who then blew himself up, Shuhja said. Southern Afghanistan is the center of the Taliban-led insurgency. Militants regularly use suicide attacks in their fight against Afghan and foreign troops in the country, but most

victims are civilians. In eastern Kunar province, Taliban militants attacked a police border post, killing five officers and wounding seven others, said provincial police chief Abdul Jalal Jalal. Separately, a border police patrol in northwestern Badghis province hit a mine, killing three officers riding in the vehicle, regional police chief Gen. Khalil Andarabi said. Militants regularly target the police force, which is seen as weaker than the better trained and equipped national army. More than 900 policemen were among the 8,000 people killed last year in insurgencyrelated violence, officials said. The high death toll comes despite some $4 billion the U.S. has spent to train and equip the police in the last three years.

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The government has issued a notice to the agency seeking clarification on the incident, said Umid Bhandari, an employee with the expedition company. It was not clear what the government would do about Holland’s case once he returned to Katmandu. Officials said he would probably be banned from mountaineering in Nepal for the next few years. Holland is the first mountaineer to be stopped by soldiers and policemen stationed on the Nepalese side of the world’s highest mountain to prevent anti-China protests during the planned torch run to the summit. The climb will take place on the Chinese side of the mountain. But the Nepalese government, complying with pressure from

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8 Thursday, April 24, 2008


Food eaten during pregnancy Most beautiful bulldog crowned in shown to influence baby gender contest to honor university mascot By Lindsey Tanner The Associated Press

CHICAGO — Snips and snails and puppydog tails ... and cereal and bananas? That could be what little boys are made of, according to surprising new research suggesting that what a woman eats before pregnancy influences the gender of her baby. Having a hearty appetite, eating potassium-rich foods including bananas, and not skipping breakfast all seemed to raise the odds of having a boy. The British research is billed as the first in humans to show a link between a woman’s diet and whether she has a boy or girl. It is not proof, but it fits with evidence from test tube fertilization that male embryos thrive best with longer exposure to nutrient-rich lab cultures, said Dr. Tarun Jain. He is a fertility specialist at University of Illinois at Chicago who wasn’t involved in the study. It just might be that it takes more nutrients to build boys than girls, he said. University of Exeter researcher Fiona Mathews, the study’s lead author, said the findings also fit with fertility research showing that male embryos aren’t likely to survive in lab cultures with low sugar levels. Skipping meals can result in low blood sugar levels. Jain said he was skeptical when he first heard about the research. But he said the study was welldone and merits follow-up study to see if the theory proves true. It’s not necessarily as farfetched as it sounds. While men’s sperm determine a baby’s gender, it could be that certain nutrients or eating patterns make women’s bodies more hospitable to sperm carrying the male chromosome, Jain said. “It’s an interesting question. I’m not aware of anyone else looking at it in this manner,” he said. The study was published yes-

“It’s an interesting question. I’m not aware of anyone else looking at it ...” Dr. Tarun Jain | Fertility Specialist

terday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British medical journal. The research involved about 700 first-time pregnant women in the United Kingdom who didn’t know the sex of their fetuses. They were a s k e d about

their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant. Among women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), 56 percent had boys, versus 45 percent of the women with the lowest calorie intake. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week. Cereal is a typical breakfast in Britain and in the study, eating very little cereal was considered a possible sign of skipping breakfast, Mathews said. Compared with the women who had girls, those who had boys ate an additional 300 milligrams of potassium daily on average, “which links quite nicely with the old wives’ tale that if you eat bananas you’ll have a boy,” Mathews said. Women who had boys also ate about 400 calories more daily than those who had girls, on average, she said.


Still, no one’s recommending pigging out if you really want a boy or starving yourself if you’d prefer a girl. Neither style of eating is healthy, and besides all the health risks linked with excess weight, other research suggests obese women have a harder time getting pregnant. The study results reflect women at opposite ends of a normal eating pattern, not those with extreme habits, Mathews said. Professor Stuart West of the University of Edinburgh said the results echo research in some animals. And Dr. Michael Lu, an associate professor of obstetrics, gynecology and public health at the University of California at Los Angeles, said the results “are certainly plausible from an evolutionary biology perspective.” In other words, since boys tend to be bigger, it would make sense that it would take more calories to create them, Lu said.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Buddy is a sleeping beauty: Reddish brown, he’s usually asleep on his back, snoring loudly with his large tongue lolling out. He was wide-awake Monday, though, when he was crowned winner of a “Beautiful Bulldog” contest. “He doesn’t have a good stamina to him ... he’s been laying around all winter,” said George DuBois from Ankeny, Iowa, who owns Buddy with his wife, Cindy. “Just in the last 10, 15 days we’ve done some walking. We’ve been getting in shape for this.” The DuBois’ 3-year-old dog was among 50 bulldogs from mostly Midwestern states who came to compete. The beauty contest honors Drake University’s mascot and one of the events leading up to the Drake Relays, one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious track and field competitions. “I’m so excited. I didn’t think he had what it took to get it,” said Cindy DuBois. “His mom is back home and she won’t know what to think when he comes home with all this good stuff.” Buddy competed unadorned, unlike many of his rivals. They dressed up as fairy princesses, rock stars, cheerleaders, bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T. Bella Star of Elmwood, Ill., had her nails painted red and wore a Hawaiian lei, pink bikini top and a grass skirt. The skirt slipped off as she strutted down the “dogwalk” before the judges. “We felt this best represented her personality,” said owner Amanda Price. “She’s very funloving, high-spirited.” Buddy panted heavily as he sat on his throne, getting used to his new crown and cape as photographers snapped his picture. On Saturday, he’ll ride in a golf cart at Drake Stadium before about 18,000 spectators. “I don’t think he really wants attention all that much ... he wants to be with people,” said George DuBois. “He’s just a rascal.”

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Australian hospital closes due to spiders

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BEAUTIFUL BULLDOG: Buddy sits on the throne as he is crowned Most Beautiful Bulldog by his owner, George DuBois, of Ankeny, Iowa, at the 29th Annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday, April 21, 2008. The competition attracts the ugliest and prettiest of bulldogs from around the midwest to represent Drake University, whose mascot is the bulldog.

SYDNEY, Australia—A tiny Australian hospital is closing temporarily because of an infestation of poisonous spiders. The Baralaba Multi Purpose Health Service will close for 24 hours starting this morning so officials can fumigate the building to get rid of redback spiders that have been found in large numbers in the main part of the hospital. Three or four patients will need to be moved to another hospital while the build-


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ing is closed, according to a statement from Queensland state health officials. Redback spiders, common throughout most of the country, have a painful bite and a toxic venom, although an antivenom is available. The statement said warm weather had caused more redback spider eggs to hatch than usual. “We believe the best way to deal with them, and the safest option for staff and patients, is to have the whole building fumigated so both the spiders and their eggs are killed,” Ellen Palmer, rural director of nursing, said in the statement yesterday. Nearly 300 people live in Baralaba, about 320 kilometers (200 miles) northwest of Brisbane.

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The former Patriots assistant was caught video-taping the N.Y. Jets defensive signals. Page 10

RUGBY BG falls in N.M.

Team loses both games to Kutztown St. and Air Force. Page 10

ONLINE The BG News Sports Blog

Be sure to log on to The BG News Sports Blog for all the latest information on all your favorite Falcon sports. http://www.bgnewssports. blogspot.com


Track: Drake Relays; All Day Tennis: MAC Championships; All Day

OUR CALL Today in Sports History 1994—David Robinson

scores the seventh highest total in NBA history with 71. 1981—San Antonio blocks 20 Golden State shots to set NBA regulation game record. 1974—NFL grants franchise to Tampa Bay Bucaneers. 1957—Chicago Cub pitchers walk NL record nine Reds in 5th inning. 1917—Yankee lefty George Mogridge no-hits Red Sox 2-1 at Fenway.

The List

Yesterday we looked at the top five sleepers from past drafts. Today we venture into the top five busts of past NFL drafts:

1. Ryan Leaf:

Dawnjene DeLong

Sontag wasn’t able to score on a Missy Bowman fielder’s choice that left the bases loaded with Had the gametwo outs. A Rachel Delp foul out Earlier this season, BG’s softtying double in the ended the inning. ball team was mired in a 0-16 A single, sacrifice bunt and RBI slump which included a 6-2 loss seventh inning double gave MSU the lead in the to Michigan State on March 16. bottom of the inning. A little over a month later the After a scoreless fifth and sixth Falcons turned the page, beating both sides,” BG coach Shannon the Spartans 2-1. Salsburg said. “I thought our inning, the Falcons needed some Last time the two met, MSU kids kept hanging in there, and late inning magic to pull off the scored early putting up three to win it in the top of the sev- win, and it all started in the bottom of the sixth. runs in the first while keeping enth was fantastic.” In the fourth, BG and MSU With the bases loaded, MSU’s BG scoreless until the sixth. Traci Nicosia hit a long foul to leftIn Tuesday’s game, the Falcons started to get things going. In the top of the inning, Susan field, deep enough to score a run and Spartans both came out pitching well as Hayley Wiemer Sontag and Wiemer led off with from third. Kara Weigle appeared (10-4) battled Lesley Noel (13- singles. An Allison Vallas ground to have tagged up and scored, but 15) pitch for pitch in the first out moved them to second and third before Gouge’s walk loaded three innings. See SOFTBALL | Page 10 “It was a well played game on the bases.


Grizz not so golden BG downs Oakland 14-6 By Ethan Magoc Reporter

Yesterday brought another highscoring affair to Steller Field, as the Falcon baseball team downed Oakland University 14-6 in another midweek non-conference tilt. In a game that took three hours and four minutes to complete, the Falcons (19-16) pounded out 16 hits, bringing their hit total in the last three days to 34. For students in attendance this week who will be leaving campus after next week’s final exams, BG provided plenty of parting offense for their fans. This game actually did start out rather close, regardless of the final score. BrettBrowningstartedthegame for the Falcons on the mound, and gave up two unearned runs in the first inning. Then, Andrew Foster singled home Ryan Shay after the latter hit a double in the bottom half of the first. But the next fourteen batters in a row were retired on both sides, which sped up the game considerably. Browning left the game after he struck out the last batter in the top of the fourth. In the bottom portion of that inning, Derek Spencer and Logan Meisler hit back-to-back doubles to tie the game at two. Foster singled again during the next frame to gain a slim 3-2 lead, but in the sixth there was much aluminum


THE WINNING WAYS CONTINUE: Falcons downed the Golden Grizzlies 14-6 yesterday. BG will head to Oxford to take on Miami starting a three-game series tomorrow.

to be heard from the home team at the Stell. The first five Falcon batters — Spencer, Meisler, Brian Hangbers, Marty Baird, and Dennis Vaughn —all reached base and eventually scored. Shay and Foster would score as well to bring about a 10-2 BG lead through six. Foster added another RBI single in the seventh inning and would finish his day 4-for-6 at the plate with four RBIs and two runs scored as well. That spiked his batting average up 17 percentage points — and the reason behind the success? “Last game I struggled seeing the ball, but this was much better,” Foster said. “We’ve been

2. Lawrence Phillips:

You would think a person with so much to lose would stay out of trouble — Phillips is just not that type of guy and was out of the league after a year. 3. Tim Couch: The expansion Browns needed this top pick to be a homerun — too bad they had an offensive line that consisted of five bag boys that never gave Couch a chance.

5. Brian Bosworth:

“The Boz” will forever be remembered by continually getting burnt by Bo Jackson of the Raiders.

Andrew Foster

Went 4-6 on the day with four RBIs and two runs working on staying back behind the ball and getting it to all fields, which really helped against Oakland today.” The outfielder’s .347 average is actually only fifth-best on the 2008 BG team stocked with solid hitters. Foster is also the lone senior in the lineup.

See BASEBALL | Page 10

Reds fire General Manager Wayne Krivsky after 9-12 start

4. Tony Mandarich:


NEW MAN IN CHARGE: New Reds General Manager Walt Jocketty talks with second baseman Brandon Phillips before yesterday’s game.

season. Off to their worst start in five years, the Reds fired Wayne Krivsky yesterday and replaced CINCINNATI — With Walt him with Jocketty, who built Jocketty, the question was when. consistent winners during 10 When would the Cincinnati Reds seasons running the Oakland decide to switch general manag- Athletics and 13 with the St. ers and give Jocketty the chance Louis Cardinals. to turn them into winners? “We’ve just come to a point The answer: 21 games into the where we’re not going to lose anyBy Joe Kay The Associated Press


DEPRESSED: Wizard players Antonio Daniels and Antawn Jamison sit on the bench during the fourth quarter of Monday night’s 116-86 blowout loss to the Cavs. The Wizards will look to rebound tonight as Game 3 moves to the Verizon Center in Washington D.C.

Expect rough play to continue as Cavs and Wizards head to D.C. By Joseph White The Associated Press

Indianapolis took Payton Manning with the first pick of 1998 draft and Leaf went second to the Chargers — how’d that work out San Diego?

Was drafted ahead of Barry Sanders, Derrick Thomas and Deion Sanders — yeah, you kind of missed on that one Green Bay.


Falcons best Michigan State 2-1 By Andrew Harner Reporter

FOOTBALL Matt Walsh agrees to meet with NFL

Thursday, April 24, 2008

more,” Reds owner Bob Castellini said emphatically. Jocketty is the fourth general manager in six years for a team that has gone through seven consecutive losing seasons. The Reds have been through four managers (plus an interim manager) and two owners since 2003, when they moved into Great American Ball Park. It’s their deepest slump in a half-century. Jocketty’s job is to provide direction. He’ll likely get more of a chance than Krivsky, who walked into Castellini’s office yesterday morning anticipating a regular baseball meeting. He was shocked when told he was fired. “I fought for an hour to keep my job,” Krivsky said. “I did not see this coming at all. I still think it’s a gold mine. That’s what hurts so much, not to see the job through to the end and bring that winner to Cincinnati. I’ve had visions of being in the clubhouse with champagne being poured all over everybody.” Castellini said a 9-12 start was the main reason he turned to Jocketty, a move that was expected at some point. Krivsky, who was hired before the 2006 season, was in the final year of his

See REDS | Page 10

WASHINGTON — Two days after hosting its final hockey game of the season, theVerizon Center will be the site for Thursday’s Game 3 between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Washington Wizards. Given all the rough stuff that went on in Games 1 and 2, maybe the work crews should just leave the ice uncovered and let LeBron James and Co. play in helmets and heavy padding — with a penalty box on standby for those who are naughty. “I don’t expect anything to change,” Wizards forward Antawn Jamison said yesterday. “We’re going to continue to play hard and continue to protect our rim.” Coach Eddie Jordan and the Wizards, deflecting attention away from the disappointing play that has put the team in an 0-2 hole, sent some subtle and notso-subtle messages about the way the series is being called. James and the Cavaliers, naturally, countered with a different point of view, with James even coining a name for Washington’s strategy: “Hack-a-Bron.” “I’m going into Game 3 thinking it’s going to continue,” James said, “so we’ll see what happens.” The tone of the series is such that James had to switch gears when using a standard sports cliche about the flow of the game — just in case anyone misinterpreted. “If they hit us with a punch, we have to be able to counter their punch,” said James, who then stopped and chuckled upon realizing what he had just said. “Uh, not literally. Not literally. Let me change my words. If they make a few shots, we have to be able to counter their attack and move on.” Much of the talk has centered on Brendan Haywood’s ejection for a flagrant foul that sent James crashing to the floor during a layup attempt in the third quarter of Cleveland’s 116-86 Game 2 victory Monday, but the series has been rife with hard contact. DelonteWest’s mid-air collision with Antonio Daniels looked just as dangerous as Haywood’s with James, but West had his hands up to make it appear that he was making at least a token attempt for the ball. That’s the point Jordan tried to make yesterday — that the Cavaliers have been just as physical as the Wizards. “It seems like watching the fouls they gave on us — pretend you’re going to block the ball and throw your body at the layup guy,” Jordan said, “so that’s a good technique.” As for Haywood, he said he would continue to foul James “to keep him from getting a monster dunk.” He has said he apologized to James for the flagrant Game 2 foul, although James said yesterday that Haywood had not done so. The foul was subject to review for a possible suspension, but the league office opted not to take

“C’mon, Mike, it’s LeBron James, not LeBron Brown. He’s not your son.” Brendan Haywood | Wash. Center further action. “I thought he was going to get suspended,” James said. “He’s not. So we prepare for him to be in the lineup and continue to do what we’ve been doing. ... Hard falls do happen, but there’s a difference.” Meanwhile, Haywood again tweaked Mike Brown for the way Cleveland coach runs on the court “like LeBron got shot or something” whenever the Cavaliers All-Star draws contact. “C’mon, Mike, it’s LeBron James, not LeBron Brown,” Haywood said. “He’s not your son.” Brown laughed off Haywood’s words — “He can say what he wants about me” — and James said he was happy to have his coach sticking up for him. “He’s always defending me,” James said. “That’s why I respect him.” And so it goes, the tit-for-tat that has overwhelmed the X-andOs. Without a doubt, none of the banter is escaping the attention of an image-conscious league that will be on high alert for any unpleasantness in Game 3. “I think the referees will be a little whistle-happy probably,” Haywood said. Meanwhile, the Wizards need to figure out a way to end an eight-game playoff losing streak to Cleveland that is now in its third year. Jordan’s players pointed out that all the Cavaliers have done so far is hold the fort at home, the same way the Chicago Bulls did in the first two games against the Wizards in 2005 — before Washington rallied to win four straight and take the series. Except ... “It’s a different team we are playing,” Jordan said. “LeBron James wasn’t on that Chicago Bulls team. He is extraordinary.” The Wizards are in trouble because their three prominent players — Jamison, Caron Butler and Gilbert Arenas — are struggling. All three are shooting below 40 percent, including a combined 6for-22 (27 percent) from 3-point range, even though Jamison and Butler began the series with what appeared to be favorable matchups against Ben Wallace and Wally Szczerbiak. “Offensively, we look horrible,” Jamison said, “not disciplined enough to make them play defense at all. Game 2, I think we tried to do too much on our own.” The Wizards may have also hurt themselves by deciding to play such an overtly physical game, which some Cavaliers see as out of character for a team that likes to run the floor. The Wizards are averaging

See FOULS | Page 10


10 Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rugby’s championship dreams end By Jason Jones Reporter


WALLY WORLD: Cavaliers guard Wally Szczerbiak drives to the hole in Monday night’s 116-86 victory for Cleveland.

FOULS From Page 9 more than a dozen points fewer in the series than they did in the regular season. “It is taking them out of their game,” Cavaliers forward Joe Smith said. “Because it is putting us on the line a lot more, so that is kind of taking away their transition baskets.” And, as Smith pointed out, the winner is the team with the most points, not the most fouls. “You have a tendency to want to retaliate,” Smith said. “But I think our retaliation was the win.” “They can be as physical as they want, but if we keep attacking the basket and keep putting pressure on them, then things are going to work in our favor.”

Matt Walsh to meet with NFL By Barry Wilner The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Former Patriots assistant Matt Walsh will meet with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on May 13 about New England’s videotaping of opposing teams. The league reached an agreement with Walsh yesterday. The NFL had been negotiating for two months with Walsh, now an assistant golf pro in Hawaii, who has indicated he has further information regarding Spygate. Goodell fined Patriots coach Bill Belichick $500,000, the team was fined $250,000 and was stripped of its first-round draft choice for taking video of New York Jets coaches on the sideline of the 2007 season opener. But the specter of what information Walsh might have has hung over the matter since the Super Bowl, when Walsh reportedly said he had other tapes. The agreement with Walsh will allow him to “share with the NFL information about activities occurring during his employment with the club from 1997-2003,” the league said in a statement.

The BG rugby team’s dreams of a national championship came to an end this past weekend as they came up dry in New Mexico. The Falcons struggled to adjust to the climate change, losing close games to both Kutztown State and Air Force, in which everything they had was given, but wasn’t enough. “I would have liked to have ended my coaching career in the national tournament on a more positive note, but I have to remember not to let that one weekend spoil what was otherwise a stellar year,” head coach Roger Mazzarella said. Mazzarella was visibly disappointed with how the weekend played out when the issue was addressed during practice on Tuesday. It also became clear that the entire team had become frustrated with the weather conditions that have plagued Bowling Green teams all spring long, citing the fact the Kutztown State had played twice as many games as BG this spring. This fact produced an end result that had BG players gasping for air all day long. The unfamiliar conditions included very dry air, with only seven percent humidity, and a significant change in altitude — Albuquerque, NM is 5,500 feet above sea level — that left BG at a clear disadvantage. Mazzarella took the team on extra early morning runs while there, as well as put them through long distance swimming exercises. Still, it wasn’t enough. “I’ve had games where I’ve used a lot of subs before, but this was by far the most I’ve ever absolutely needed to use,” Mazzarella said. The effects of the weekend appeared evident during practice on Tuesday, with some players sitting out due to lingering injuries, and several players still recovering from the significant toll that the weekend took on their bodies. In the first game of the weekend against Kutztown State, the


DOWNED: The BG rugby team saw its chances at a national championship go down the drain with losses to Kutztown State and Air Force in New Mexico.

Falcons trailed almost the entire game. But the Falcons kept fighting back, and never really let the game get out of reach. An early second half score by Kutztown State gave them their biggest lead of the game, 22-10. Viviani and the Falcons would come storming back however, cutting the lead to just two points with time running out in the second half. Soon after, Viviani completed the second half comeback with a 50-yard penalty kick conversion, giving Bowling Green a 23-22 lead, their first of the entire game. The storybook comeback had a heartbreaking final chapter however, as Kutztown State punched it in for the go ahead score with under three minutes to play in the game handing BG a 27-23 loss. The Falcons followed up that game with a match up with another team that sat near the top of the national rankings, Air Force. This second game saw an obviously physically exhausted BG team fall behind 33-13 at one point. Viviani, with some help from Kyle Bonek and Ian Gagnon, brought the team back once again, however. Gagnon’s try and Viviani’s conversion late in

the game cut the lead down to just two points. Had there been more time left in the game, BG would have likely had a realistic shot of riding this momentum straight to the win column. Time, however, ran out on the Falcons, who lost the game — which was voted the no. 2 most exciting game of the tournament — by a final score of 36-34. The Falcons followed up their second defeat of the weekend by picking apart New Mexico Tech. BG overwhelmed NMT 52-10, with Rocco Mauer and Mitch Albers leading the way on the scoreboard. Even though BG has now been knocked out of the running to win a national championship, the team can still look proudly upon the past year. The team won the Midwest title, a 27th straight Mid-American Conference Championship, The Michigan Collegiate Conference Championship and currently holds a record of 48-4. The season will come to a close this coming Saturday, as the team will face off against the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. The day should see BG pick up its 50th win of the year, and will be the final chapter in one of the best coaching careers BG has ever seen.

with the win on the day, described the danger in having the rather astronomical ERAs continue down the stretch. “Right now it feels like the hitAs for the pitching, it performed better than usual yesterday. After ters are really pulling the team’s Browning made his exit at the end weight,” Cantrell said. “The pitchof four, Nick Cantrell, Dusty Hawk, ers definitely need to pick it up, Hangbers, Baird and Charles because we can’t depend on the Wooten each came in to throw hitters to put up double-digit numbers every game.” an inning. The team’s focus now shifts to a “We were hoping to get four innings out of Brett and he three-game series in Oxford, Ohio gave us exactly that,” said BG this weekend, where they will coach Danny Schmitz. “Then take on one of the Mid-American the five who followed did a nice Conference’s bottom teams at Miami University. The pitching job as well.” On a team that features only two staff will be afforded a chance to pitchers with earned-run averag- keep their earned run totals low, es below five, any quality mound as the RedHawks have the secondperformances are welcome, even worst batting average in the MAC if it’s against a team like Oakland this season. BG’s average, meanwhile, conwho fell to 8-19 with the loss. Cantrell, who actually ended up tinues to be the best in the league.

However, the offense will certainly need to perform better than they did against Kent, their most recent MAC opponent. “These big victories [against Albion and Oakland] will be good for rolling into the weekend,” Foster said. “We have to go to Miami now, which isn’t a very good environment to play in because the fans are pretty hostile down there.” His coach agreed about the benefits of this week’s poundings. “I thought the boys played well and it will give us confidence down there,” Schmitz said. “We just want to go out and play hard, that’s our goal. Don’t get caught being in awe of anyone, let them be in awe of you.” The first pitch at awe-inspiring McKie Field in Oxford will be thrown at 6 p.m. tomorrow.

BASEBALL From Page 9



REDS From Page 9 contract. Jocketty was hired as a special consultant in January. The two were friends from Castellini’s days as part of the Cardinals’ ownership group. When he brought him in as a special assistant in January, Castellini insisted that it was no threat to Krivsky’s job. However, he talked to Jocketty about becoming director of baseball operations after this season, giving him time to ease into a major role. Jocketty was surprised when Castellini asked him to become general manager yesterday. “I knew this was important to Bob,” Jocketty said. “I’m charged up and ready to go. I think this organization is going in the right direction.” The move marked a significant change. When Castellini hired Dusty Baker in the offseason, it was the first time the Reds had gone outside the organization for a manager since Lou Piniella came aboard for the 1990 season. The days of trying unproven managers were done. Same now with the general manager’s job. The last three general managers — Jim Bowden, Dan O’Brien and Krivsky — were new to the job. Krivsky was the only one of the three hired by Castellini. Jocketty comes with a lot of experience at turning a struggling franchise into a winner. “I think this organization is a little further along than St. Louis was when I took over in ‘95,” Jocketty said. “This organization has a lot better base to work from.” Jocketty left the Cardinals last year, only one year removed from winning the World Series. Front-office friction left him out of a job even though he’d helped the Cardinals get to the playoffs seven times in 12 seasons. The Reds haven’t been since 1995. Before going to St. Louis, Jocketty spent 14 years with

Oakland overhauling the A’s farm system and working in baseball administration. He also was an assistant general manager in Colorado. Jocketty’s job will be to set a course for the impatient owner, who has increased the payroll and expanded the front office during his two years in charge but hasn’t been able to produce a winner. Cincinnati’s payroll increased from $69 million at the start of last year to $74.3 million on opening day, 18th in the majors. Krivsky showed a fondness for signing older pitchers and making a flurry of trades. Outfielder Josh Hamilton and second baseman Brandon Phillips resurrected their careers in Cincinnati. Some of Krivsky’s contract decisions backfired. For instance, reliever Mike Stanton was owed $3.5 million when the Reds got rid of him during spring training. Castellini said big contracts that the team absorbed were a factor in the firing, but the 9-12 start was the overriding one. Krivsky’s most high-profile move was an eight-player deal with Washington in 2006 that sent outfielder Austin Kearns and shortstop Felipe Lopez to the Nationals for relievers Gary Majewski and Bill Bray. The deal hasn’t made much of an impact for either team. Jocketty will have a couple of major decisions in the coming months. Ken Griffey Jr. is in the final year of his contract — there’s a club option for next year at $16.5 million — and Adam Dunn is making $13 million in the last year of his deal. Krivsky said he’s proud of how the farm system has turned around during his two years as general manager, now rated one of the NL’s best. He got tears in his eyes when he talked about how he wouldn’t be around to see the results. “Baseball people recognize the Reds have come a long way,” Krivsky said. “I wish more focus would have been on the whole body of work than the 9-12 record, or whatever went into the decision today.”

“It was a well played SOFTBALL game on both sides. I From Page 9 after Salsburg appealed the play, thought our kids kept Weigle was called out for leaving the bag too early which ended hanging in there, and the inning. to win it in the top However, getting a break like that didn’t really motivate of the seventh was her team to rally in the top of the seventh. fantastic.” “We had six hits all game. We just didn’t get runs in,” Salsburg said. “In the seventh, you have that extra push that puts you over.” In the seventh, Delp and Katelynn Boso started the inning with two quick outs. Melissa Bott walked in her pinch hit appearance and came all the way around on a DeLong double to right. “She trusted me when I sent her,” Salsburg said of the aggressive base running. After moving to third on the throw home to try to get Bott,

Shannon Salsburg | BG coach DeLong was knocked in by a Sontag single to center. Wiemer kept the Spartans quiet and the bottom of the inning to ensure a victory. “Anytime you beat a Big Ten team, it’s a good thing,” Salsburg said. So far this season, the Falcons are 1-3 against Big Ten teams, losing to Iowa and Ohio State earlier this season. This weekend BG will travel to face rival Toledo.


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Thursday, April 24, 2008


Competition with Military investigates insurance fraud the tooth fairy By Ryan J. Foley The Associated Press


FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH: Coin and jewelry dealer Scott Taber holds a tooth with a small gold crown that he estimates contains $15 in gold at Taber Numismatics in Shrewsbury, Mass.

With the state of the economy, saving old gold dental work may be worth it By Stevenson Jacobs The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Dazzled by the bull market in gold, people are digging through drawers for old dental caps, fillings and bridgework they saved years ago and selling them at prices that would make the tooth fairy blush. Instead of hanging on to the pieces as souvenirs, many are turning them over to pawnbrokers, coin shops and specialized firms that buy “dental gold,” hoping to take a bite out of the metal’s historic run to $1,000 an ounce. “People are really cashing in. If a dentist passes away, their kids come in with a big pile of gold teeth,” said Scott Taber, owner of Taber Coins, a Shrewsbury, Mass., coin dealer that buys dental gold and then resells it to a gold smelter. He said he used to see only a few customers a month selling gold teeth but now gets that many each week. “People are digging up the gold and starting to sell it,” he said. A gold crown typically uses about one-tenth of an ounce of 16-karat gold, which would fetch around $40 to $50 at today’s prices, Taber said. Heavier pieces of dental gold can command prices of several hundred dollars, he said. That deal sounds pretty good to people like Ann Davis, a 63year-old retiree in Rock Island, Ill., who had gold caps and a bridge removed nearly 40 years ago and has held on to them ever since. “You don’t want to throw it away because it might be worth something,” she said. “Now that gold’s going up it’s time to think about selling.” Gold prices have been surging since late last year as the weak dollar, record crude-oil prices and fears of a U.S. recession have enhanced its appeal as a haven for investors. Gold set a record of $1,038.60 an ounce on March 17 and has since fallen to about $920, but experts say it could soon resume its upward climb. Several precious metals analysts have even predicted $2,000 gold ahead as a global commodities boom pushes the price of raw materials further into record territory. That would roughly

equal gold’s inflation-adjusted high of the 1980s. Gold crowns, fillings and bridgework are usually made of 16-karat gold, an alloy that contains other metals such as silver, zinc and copper. That made gold dental work soft enough to shape but hard enough to form a biting surface. Gold is still used to make some crowns, but fillings today are more commonly made of other substances, such as less expensive mercury amalgam or more cosmetically attractive polymer compounds. “There’s a lot of people my age who have excess gold teeth and they don’t know what to do with them,” said Davis, who stashed her dental gold in a bank safe deposit box and recently began looking online for ways to sell it. “They must be valuable or otherwise the dentist wouldn’t give them to you in a bag.” Recycling dental work isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon. The Japan Denture Recycle Association, which started in December 2006, has recycled 30,000 dentures and raised about $176,500 for charity. Dentures use parts made of gold, silver, palladium and other precious metals, and the project’s leader estimates all the dentures discarded in Japan each year could raise nearly $70 million. But don’t expect to get rich hawking gold fillings and crowns. Dr. Parviz Azar-Mehr, a dental specialist who runs a private practice in Westwood, Calif., said he often gives patients the dental gold he removes but says it’s rarely enough to sell. “Usually the amount of gold is so little that it’s not significant,” Azar-Mehr said. And replacing a gold crown isn’t cheap. Newer porcelain and gold crowns can cost $500 to $3,000 apiece, and not all insurance companies will pay for the procedure. Besides the financial benefit, Taber says people don’t mind selling dental gold because it’s far less emotional than parting with heirlooms like grandma’s wedding ring or the family silverware. “I haven’t seen anybody with sentimental teeth,” Taber said.

MADISON, Wis. — The U.S. military’s health insurance program has been swindled out of more than $100 million over the past decade in the Philippines, where doctors, hospitals and clinics have conspired with American veterans to submit bogus claims, according to prosecutors and court records. Seventeen people have been convicted so far — including at least a dozen U.S. military retirees — in a little-noticed investigation that has been handled by federal prosecutors out of Wisconsin because a Madison company holds the contract to process many of the claims. It has not been accused of any wrongdoing. At the center of the case is Tricare, a Pentagon-run program that insures 9.2 million current and former service members and dependents worldwide. The United States closed its military bases in the Philippines in 1992 and withdrew its active-duty forces, but thousands of retirees remained. Some saw an opportunity to pry easy cash from Tricare. Health care providers in the Philippines filed claims for medical services never delivered,


FRAUD: Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Jarosz stands in front of the Robert W. Kastenmeier United States Courthouse in Madison, Wis.

inflated claims by as much as 2,000 percent and shared kickbacks with retirees who played along, court records reviewed by The Associated Press show. “There just seemed to be so many possibilities for abuse of the system, and there were so few controls in terms of monitoring,” said former U.S. Attorney Peg Lautenschlager, who oversaw prosecutions in the late 1990s. Pentagon auditors say Tricare moved slowly to uncover and stop the fraud. And a February audit

warned that the program is still vulnerable to rip-offs because of lax controls and that similar fraud schemes are starting to emerge in Latin America. News of the scope of the fraud comes as the Pentagon seeks to raise fees for Tricare’s beneficiaries — fourfold, in some cases. The proposed increases have outraged groups representing servicemen and have been blocked by Congress. Tricare paid $210.9 million in overseas claims in 2006, the latest

year for which figures were available. At the height of the fraud in 2003, Pentagon officials say, twothirds of the $61.8 million paid to Philippine providers — about $40 million — was fraudulent. The fraud in the Philippines was so extensive that the number of claims filed there skyrocketed nearly 2,000 percent between 1998 and 2003 even as beneficiaries there — about 9,000 mostly retired military members and dependents — remained constant.

Pills meant to help may now lead to depression By Marilynn Marchione The Associated Press

CHICAGO — Two years ago, scientists had high hopes for new pills that would help people quit smoking, lose weight and maybe kick other tough addictions like alcohol and cocaine. The pills worked in a novel way, by blocking pleasure centers in the brain that provide the feel-good response from smoking or eating. Now it seems the drugs may block pleasure too well, possibly raising the risk of depression and suicide. Margaret Bastian of suburban Rochester, N.Y., was among patients who reported problems with Chantix, a highly touted quit-smoking pill from Pfizer Inc. that has been linked to dozens of reports of suicides and hundreds of suicidal behaviors. “I started to get severely depressed and just going down into that hole ... the one you can’t crawl out of,” said Bastian, whose doctor took her off Chantix after she swallowed too many sleeping pills and other medicines one night. Side effects also plague two other drugs: — Rimonabant, an obesity pill sold as Acomplia in Europe, was tied to higher rates of depression and a suicide in a study last month. The maker, Sanofi-Aventis SA, still hopes to win its approval in the United States. — Taranabant, a similar pill in late-stage testing, led to higher rates of depression and other side effects in a study last month. Its maker, Merck & Co., stopped testing it at middle and high doses. The makers of the new drugs insist they are safe, although perhaps not for everyone, such as people with a history of depression. Having to restrict the drugs’ use would be a big setback because it would deprive the very people who need help the most, since addictions and depression often go hand-inhand, doctors say. A bigger fear is that the whole approach may be in trouble. Researchers say blocking plea-

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“I started to get severely depressed and just going down into that hole ... the one you can’t crawl out of.” Margaret Bastian | User of Chantix sure, especially the way the obesity drugs do, might take the fun out of many things, not just the harmful substances and behaviors these drugs target. It may be possible to improve

the drugs so they act more precisely. Chantix targets a different pathway — nicotine pleasure switches — and in a different way than the obesity drugs, which aim at the same pathway that gives

pot smokers the munchies. That is one reason many doctors are optimistic that any risks about Chantix will prove manageable. But doctors are no longer talking about so-called “super pills” for a host of addictions. “It certainly diminishes my enthusiasm” to see these side effects, said Mark Egli, co-leader of medicine development at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

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12 Thursday, April 24, 2008


Polygamist children adapt to group homes By Michelle Roberts The Associated Press


DISGRUNTLED GRIZZLY: Rocky the grizzly bear is seen at the Forever Wild animal sanctuary in Phelan, Calif. The grizzly bear killed a 39-year-old trainer with a bite to his neck.

‘Semi-Pro’ bear attacks, kills trainer BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. (AP) — The grizzly bear that wrestled Will Ferrell’s character in the recent film “Semi-Pro” seemed to obediently follow cues — which made its killing of its trainer with a bite to the neck all the more stunning. Three experienced handlers were working with the grizzly Tuesday at the Predators in Action wild animal training center when the bear attacked Stephan Miller, 39, said San Bernardino County sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Beavers. Stephan Miller is the cousin of training center owner Randy Miller, she said. Pepper spray was used to subdue and contain the bear, and there were no other injuries, Beavers said. The state Department of Fish and Game and Occupational Safety and Health Administration were investigating. Sheriff’s Sgt. Dave Phelps said the bear was a 5-year-old male named Rocky. The Predators in Action Web site said Rocky is 7 feet tall and weighs 700 pounds. The Web site identified Rocky as the animal that appeared with Ferrell’s character in the scene from “Semi-Pro.” Randy Miller doubled for Ferrell in the bear wrestling match, according to the site. The attack took place during videotaping of a promotional video, said Harry Morse, a spokesman for the California Department of Fish and Game. There was no immediate indication yesterday who had custody of the tape.

Morse said the animal center had a good safety record. It had received a single misdemeanor citation in 1999 after animal rights groups complained that owner Randy Miller had arranged to have another bear wrestle a man. He received a permit from Los Angeles County officials for the exhibition but it still was a violation of state law, Morse said. There was no word whether the bear would be euthanized because of the attack. Morse said the attack occurred outside the agency’s jurisdiction. Representatives of the county’s Animal Care and Control Program did not immediately respond to a call seeking comment yesterday. Calls seeking comment from Randy Miller were not immediately returned Tuesday evening. The center, located in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles, has two grizzlies, and also trains lions, tigers, leopards, cougars and wolves for uses ranging from film and TV to advertising and education. In a February interview, Randy Miller called Rocky “the best working bear in the business,” The Sun of San Bernardino reported yesterday. But the paper quoted him as adding: “If one of these animals gets a hold of your throat, you’re finished.” Randy Miller won a World Stunt Academy Award for his work wrestling tigers in the 2000 blockbuster “Gladiator” and performed stunts with his animals in films including “The Postman,” “The Island of Dr. Moreau,” and “The Last Samurai.”

SAN ANGELO, Texas — Many of the children have seen little or no television. They have been essentially home-schooled all their lives. Most were raised on garden-grown vegetables and twice-daily prayers with family. They frolic in long dresses and buttoned-up shirts from another century. They are unfailingly polite. The 437 children taken from the polygamist compound in West Texas are being scattered to group homes and boys’ and girls’ ranches across the state, plunged into a culture radically different from the community where they and their families shunned the outside world as a hostile, contaminating influence on their godly way of life. The state Children’s Protective Services agency said it chose homes where the youngsters can be kept apart from other foster children for now. “We recognize it’s critical that these children not be exposed to mainstream culture too quickly or other things that would hinder their success,” agency spokeswoman Shari Tulliam said. “We just want to protect them from abuse and neglect. We’re not trying to change them.” The children were swept up in a raid earlier this month on the Yearning for Zion Ranch


HAULED AWAY: Children from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are transported from San Angelo, Texas.

run by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a renegade Mormon splinter group that believes in marrying off underage girls to older men. State child-welfare authorities said there was evidence of physical and sexual abuse at the ranch. The youngsters will be kept in 16 temporary facilities around Texas — some as far away as Houston, 500 miles off — until individual custody hearings can be held. Those hearings could result

in a number of possibilities: Some children could be placed in permanent foster care; some parents who have left the sect may win custody; some youngsters may be allowed to return to the ranch in Eldorado; and some may turn 18 before the case is complete and will be allowed to choose their own fates. Children raised on the FLDS compound must wear pioneerstyle dress and keep their hair pinned up in braids, reflecting their standards of modesty.

For the same reason, they have little knowledge of pop culture. They must pray twice a day. They tend vegetable gardens and raise dairy cows, and must eat fresh food. And they are exceedingly polite, always saying “please” and “thank you.” In contrast, many other children in foster care have a certain worldly swagger, and are there because they have used drugs or committed crimes. Experts and lawyers say foster care will change the sect children.

Police: Protests can’t keep torch from Australian relay By Rod McGuirk The Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia — The Australian leg of the Olympic torch relay began today, shortly after minor protests erupted among supporters and detractors of China’s government that left two people detained. Thousands of people lined the planned relay route on the cool but sunny autumn day as police manned crowd-control barriers and vowed that nothing would stop the torch from completing its trip through Australia’s capital. The relay began without major incident as a half-dozen police officers — in running pants, T-shirts and baseball caps — formed a loose cordon around the runner. Overhead, an airplane sky writer wrote the words “Free Tibet” in giant white letters. Organizers of Australia’s portion of the relay worried that chaotic demonstrations that marred the event elsewhere could be repeated.


TORCH TRIP: A long security fence, left, lines the street to Australia’s parliament house in Canberra, Australia, ahead of the torch relay for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Protests of China’s human rights record and its crackdown on anti-government activists in Tibet have turned the relay into a contentious issue for the Olympic movement. Many countries have changed routes and boosted security along the


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flame’s six-continent journey to the Aug. 8-24 games in Beijing. Among the viewers were hundreds carrying Chinese flags. They appeared to strongly outnumber those carrying Tibetan flags or placards supporting independence for the territory or criticizing Beijing’s human rights record. Before the start of the relay, television footage showed dozens of China supporters facing off against a group carrying bluecolored flags representing the

China’s Muslim minority Uighurs. Minor scuffling broke out as officials sought to separate the two groups. Police said at least one person was arrested. Soon afterward, as the official program began with an Aboriginal welcoming ceremony, Tibetan activists set alight a Chinese flag. Police led away one person. Security to guard the 80 torchbearers for the three-hour relay has been boosted — officials say the expense doubled in recent weeks to $1.9 million — although the several hundred police expected to be deployed is far fewer than the thousands who guarded the flame in India and Indonesia. Pro-Tibet groups said they expected about 500 people in Canberra for peaceful protests. In response, Chinese student groups organized bus trips from Sydney and other cities for those wanting to support the relay. “We didn’t expect this reaction from the Chinese community which is obviously a well-coordinated plan to take the day by weight of numbers,” Ted Quinlan, the chief organizer of the Australia relay, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. “We have assurances that it will be done peacefully.”

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Thursday, April 24, 2008 13

July 2006. She had been scheduled to go on trial Monday. The fire started two hours before a court hearing on whether the county’s child welfare agency should be allowed to take Student sprayed with temporary custody of her 4-year-old son vinegar while sleeping and 4-month-old daughter. Silverman’s husband, Doron Silverman, BALTIMORE, Ohio — A central Ohio was accused of molesting the boy. His mother has complained to the state conviction on gross sexual imposition was school board that a teacher squirted her 10th-grader son with vinegar when he fell reversed on appeal. Heather Silverman faces 30 years to asleep in class. life in prison when she is sentenced May 7 Jennifer Camp says Liberty Union High by Montgomery County Common Pleas School in Baltimore contacted her after Court Judge Michael Tucker. it happened on March 28. Camp says the Before the hearing, Silverman wept and school nurse flushed her son Dakota’s eyes hugged her attorneys. They declined to and called Poison Control. comment following the hearing. A spokesman for the Ohio Board of The couple’s daughter, Keylee Education says its Office of Professional Silverman, died in the fire and her brother, Conduct may schedule a hearing on the Mikel Silverman, died later at a hospital. matter. “These children suffered horrendously,” Camp also went to police, who forwardassistant Montgomery County Prosecutor ed their report to the Lancaster (LANG’Robert Deschler said. “They were burned kuh-stur) prosecutor’s office. An official to death.” there says prosecutors don’t feel there’s enough evidence for an assault case. Heather Silverman admitted setting the fire, according to a legal document filed Teacher Betty Winger says she acted with the court by West Carrollton police unprofessionally and made a mistake. Detective Robert Bell. Dakota has been removed from her Bell said she told investigators she class. disconnected both smoke detectors in the home, took more than the prescribed dosage of some medication and went into the Drunk driver fails to bathroom with a can of gasoline and some escape in manhole oily and gasoline-soaked rags, which she FINDLAY (AP) — A suspected drunken laid around a candle on the floor. driver looking for an escape route from Bell said she told investigators she police in Findlay tried to find it in the city’s closed the bathroom door behind her and storm sewer system. kicked the candle over to ignite the rags. Police Lt. Sean Young says the chase She said the fire got out of control and she ensued Tuesday after a school bus hit a car opened the bathroom door to the sound of driven by 28-year-old Chad Nye of Findlay. her son yelling, Bell wrote. Police say Nye ran into an open stormSilverman had pleaded not guilty by drainage pipe. Officers with flashlights reason of insanity. She withdrew the plea in went into the sewer after Nye, chasing him June, changing it to not guilty. in 6-inch deep water. He was caught after he emerged from a manhole three blocks away, soaking wet Gas prices still soaring COLUMBUS (AP) — Ohio gasoline and exhausted. prices have spurted to a new record high. Police say Nye is charged with operatThe cost of regular has jumped by ing a vehicle while intoxicated, leaving the about 8 cents in 24 hours to yesterday’s scene of an accident and driving with a statewide average of close to $3.48 per suspended license. gallon, according to AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Mother admits setting Again, that’s an average. Throughout Ohio, it’s not difficult to find service stafatal fire to family home tions selling regular for $3.59. DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — A mother Ohio Auto Club spokeswoman Joanna pleaded guilty yesterday to setting the fire Herncane says AAA believes prices could at the family’s home that killed her two rise by another 25 cents over the next young children. month, and gas of $4 per gallon isn’t out of Heather Silverman, 25, entered the plea the question. to two counts of murder and three counts She says gas costs are soaring as invesof aggravated arson for setting the fire at tors push the price of oil closer to $120 a her home in suburban West Carrollton in



ANNOUNCEMENT: Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer, center, speaks during a news conference announcing that over 1,000 attorneys statewide have volunteered to provide legal services free of charge to those who qualify under the federal poverty guidelines as part of Ohio’s foreclosure prevention effort, as Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, left, and Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, right, stand behind him in the governor’s office at the Ohio State House in Columbus, Ohio.

New bill looks to require partial use of renewable energy sources By John McCarthy The Associated Press

COLUMBUS — The Senate has sent sweeping changes in Ohio’s electric power policy to Gov. Ted Strickland, who has promised to sign it into law. The Senate’s unanimous vote yesterday clears the way for changes that Strickland and legislators believe will protect consumers and make Ohio more attractive for business. The Republicans who run the Legislature and Strickland, a Democrat, reached a compromise on the issues on Tuesday, the same day the House approved the legislation. Backers say the legislation will give residential customers the lowest possible bill and an incentive to businesses looking

for stability and predictability in power rates. The bill gives great authority to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, whose members are appointed by the governor, to determine how customers get their power — through regulated rates or on the open market — after the first two years. StricklandandtheLegislature want the regulated plans in place by the time current rate plans expire at the end of this year, or in the case of Dayton Power & Light, at the end of next year. Last week, negotiations among the House, Senate and Strickland collapsed, and the leaders took a break and renewed their focus on Monday, agreeing to a plan that blends

regulation with a slow move to buying power on the open market but giving customers the lower cost between the two. The bill requires utilities to use renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and water, to generate 12 percent of their total power load by 2025. The House decided to keep a Senate-proposed provision that cuts off the renewable requirement if its use causes electric bills to increase by more than 3 percent. The bill also empowers regulators to cut rates if it determines that a utility has earnings significantly higher than those of other publicly held companies that do about the same amount of business — a provision that Strickland had insisted upon.

Stripper provides more information about man accused of killing family “He said he was dying in three years. ... I was already blinded by his love.” Sabba Siraj | Stripper had a fight on Jan. 11. He then set fire to the couple’s home in Mason, about 20 miles northeast of Cincinnati, prosecutors said. The children — ages 8, 4 and 2-year-old twins — died of smoke inhalation. Veillette, 34, had pleaded not guilty to 13 counts of aggravated murder and two counts of aggravated arson. A corrections officer found him last Tuesday lying on a Warren County jail floor with a sheet around his neck tied to a towel rack, and an autopsy showed no injuries other than those consistent with hanging, authorities said. Siraj said the Veillette she knew was single, a traveling electrical engineer from Chicago who had liver problems. She also said he would spend $700 at a time on gambling, dinner and strippers and bought her expensive gifts.

“He said he was dying in three years, that he has disease and he has something wrong with his blood,” Siraj told Mason investigators who went to Windsor 10 days after the deaths. “I was already blinded by his love.” She said at the time of the interview that she did not know about the deaths. Warren County Prosecutor Rachel Hutzel said there was no indication Veillette was ill. Siraj told investigators she met Veillette in June and they began an affair her husband knew about later that year, Detective Toni Hoelke said. She said she was to be divorced four days after the deaths, and that Veillette had said he would return to Canada on Feb. 15 to help her move. She said she had last heard from Veillette at about 7:45 p.m. Jan. 11, when he sent her a text message from a restaurant in West Chester, not far from Mason. Veillette’s attorney, Tim McKenna, had no comment. Warren County Sheriff Tom Ariss said he hopes the investigation into Veillette’s death is finished this week.

Teacher’s religious acts to be investigated MOUNT VERNON, Ohio (AP) — A public school teacher accused of burning crosses on students’ arms also had “healing sessions” during the school day, one of his accusers’ attorneys said. Mount Vernon City School District said Tuesday it hired an independent investigator to look into complaints that claimed eighth-grade teacher John Freshwater used a science teaching tool to burn students’ skin. The school also has assigned an administrator to monitor Freshwater’s classes until the investigation is over. “It is alleged he used his classroom to advance religion. ... We have an obligation to protect our students’ rights,” Superintendent Stephen Short said in a statement released on Tuesday. Attempts to reach Freshwater on Tuesday were unsuccessful. Freshwater spokesman Dave Daubenmire said school officials were calculating when they released the complaints. “What you’re seeing is a classic example of character assassination ... to release nothing more than allegations and say now they’re going to investigate,” Daubenmire said. Daubenmire said the complaints of burning crosses are “an old allegation” from December that school officials didn’t pursue. Attorney Jessica Philemond said the parents of one student who said he was branded with a cross contacted her when the school board took no action. “He [the boy] didn’t know it would be a cross and he didn’t know it was going to hurt,” Philemond said. She also said Freshwater chaperoned a Christian student athletes’ meeting during school hours. An ill guest visited the group in January and Freshwater called for his healing. “He said out loud, ‘Satan be removed from this man,’” Philemond said. Freshwater has faced previous complaints. Last week, the middle school principal told him to remove “all religious items from the classroom.” That included his copy of the Ten Commandments and posters with Bible verses. He agreed to remove Bibles from classroom shelves, but refused to take a Bible off his desk. He also is accused of handing out Bibles to students and teaching the meaning of Good Friday and Easter.

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MASON, Ohio (AP) — A stripper who was having an affair with a man who killed himself after being accused of killing his wife and children told investigators he told her the day of the deaths that he was “ending all ties and relationships” with people he knew, court records show. Michel Veillette and Sabba Siraj, a stripper he had met in Ontario, Canada, were planning to marry and move to South Carolina, investigators have said. Siraj said she spoke to him the day his wife was stabbed and his children died in a fire at the family’s Cincinnati-area home. “He said he was ending all ties and relationships with people he had helped and the last person he was going to see was the person in Ohio,” Siraj told Mason police in an interview released Tuesday among 17 CDs of evidence in the case. She said he told her names of people he was going to cut ties with and showed her a picture of his wife, describing her only as a childhood friend he had helped. Prosecutors alleged that Veillette stabbed his wife, Nadya Ferrari-Veillette, 33, after they

barrel. If it’s any consolation for Ohioans, gas is more expensive in every bordering state. West Virginia’s average is about $3.63.

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14 Thursday, April 24, 2008


Clinton’s win in Pennsylvania boosts her fundraising base By Jim Kuhnhenn The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Turns out Hillary Rodham Clinton’s victory Tuesday came with a cash prize. In the hours after winning Pennsylvania’s Democratic presidential primary, Clinton’s campaign said she raised $3.5 million. By midday yesterday, the campaign estimated the total haul at $10 million raised online in the 24 hours since Pennsylvania’s polls closed, and claimed it was her best fundraising day ever. Clinton, desperate to fight on against a flush Barack Obama, could certainly use the money. On Sunday, the campaign revealed that at the end of March it had just over $9 million in the bank and $10 million in debt. Obama had more than $40 million cash on hand at the start of April. Obama has been able to tap a formidable network of donors that now total more than 1.3 million. Clinton has a smaller donor base and only recently has begun to expand it through Internet solicitation. But a greater share of Clinton’s donors have contributed the maximum $2,300 to the primary allowed by law. That means that to stay within sight of Obama, she has to find new donors — not an easy task this late in a campaign. The money disparity has been evident. Obama spent more than $11 million in broadcast television ads in Pennsylvania to Clinton’s nearly $5 million. It was the

most Obama had spent in any single contest so far. Both campaigns now hurl themselves into Indiana and North Carolina, which hold primaries May 6. Both campaigns already have been spending money in the state, buying ads, setting up field operations and traveling. But, as he has in contest after contest, Obama is outspending Clinton on television commercials in those states by a ratio of 2-1. He has been on the air in both states since March 28, spending more than $2 million so far in Indiana and nearly $2 million in North Carolina, according to TNS Media Intelligence/Campaign Media Analysis Group, a political ad tracking firm. Clinton went up with ads April 3 in North Carolina and April 8 in Indiana. But if Clinton plans to stay in the contest through June 3, May will be an expensive proposition. A week after May 6, Nebraska and West Virginia hold primaries. A week later, Kentucky and Oregon have contests. Obama’s campaign wealth has allowed him to already look ahead to Oregon, which holds its primary May 20. Obama has spent more than $100,000 on television ads in Oregon, where residents have until April 29 to register as new voters. To add to the pressure, Oregon voters cast their votes by mail and ballots will begin arriving in households after May 2. Election night successes have stimulated donors before.

Clinton took in $1 million online during the 24 hours following her New Hampshire primary victory in January. She also raised more than $6 million in the three days following the Feb. 5 Super Tuesday elections, when more than 20 states were in contention. Still, every time Clinton hits a high water mark in fundraising, Obama manages to best her. She recorded a high of $35 million in February only to see Obama hit a record of $55 million. Last month, bound to be slow after such a fundraising frenzy in February, generated a respectable $20 million for Clinton. Obama raised twice as much. While Clinton has been outspent on ads, both have spent similar amounts on travel. In March, both posted about $5 million in travel expenses. Clinton has to foot the bill for two active surrogates — her husband, the former president, and their daughter Chelsea. Both have maintained breakneck schedules campaigning for her. Obama has forced Clinton to chase him with spending, forcing her hand early by eroding her leads in public opinion polls. Clinton once led in Indiana, but Obama now holds a narrow edge in some polls. Depending on how well she can parlay Tuesday’s victory into cash, some Democratic Party strategists believe Clinton may have to shift her money out of North Carolina and into Indiana in hopes of staving off two losses in one day.

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MCCAIN 2008: Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., arrives in Vienna, Ohio, en route to a campaign events in Youngstown, Ohio, during his “It’s Time for Action” campaign tour Tuesday.

Campaign ad featuring Obama’s former pastor will still run, N.C. Republicans say By David Ingram MCT

RALEIGH, N.C. — The N.C. Republican Party says it will not back away from a planned TV ad that uses footage of Barack Obama’s controversial former minister, despite objections from the expected GOP presidential nominee, John McCain. The ad, released yesterday on the Internet, tries to link the minister to two Democratic candidates for governor, both of whom have endorsed Obama. Republican chairwoman Linda Daves said she would not bow to pressure from the Republican National Committee and others to pull the ad. “This is not about the RNC,” said Daves, of Charlotte. “It is about North Carolina, our values and two Democrat candidates who are out of synch with the values of North Carolina.” The ad is believed to be the first time nationwide that Republicans have used the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s comments in a TV advertisement since they drew scrutiny last month. “For 20 years, Barack Obama sat in his pew, listening to his pastor,” the ad says, segueing into

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By Steven Thomma MCT

WASHINGTON — If the Democratic primaries are a guide, Barack Obama has a problem with white voters. The Illinois senator won only 38 percent of the white vote in Pennsylvania Tuesday, a big part of the reason he lost the state. And it’s not just the Keystone State. Of the 30 states so far where voters were interviewed as they left polling places, Obama won the white vote in just seven, including his home state of Illinois.


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wrote in an e-mail to Daves, asking her to pull the ad. Moore, the N.C. treasurer, and Perdue, the lieutenant governor, are the two leading candidates for the Democratic nomination for governor. “This is another example of gutter politics where folks are trying to distract us from the ultimate prize, which is people waking up and wanting to participate,” Perdue said at an appearance in Charlotte, where she picked up the endorsement of former mayor Harvey Gantt. Moore’s campaign said he stands by his endorsement of Obama and agrees with McCain’s rebuke. UNC Charlotte political scientist Ted Arrington said it’s telling that the ad begins with a fundraising appeal. “The only reasonable effect of this kind of an ad now... is to raise money, and of course to let the party faithful know that you’re alive and kicking,” he said. Arrington doubted whether the ad would sway voters, given the degrees of separation between Wright and the Democratic gubernatorial candidates. But he said it could raise money for N.C. Republicans, who are perennially strapped for cash.

Obama struggling to win over white voters


507 E MERRY:

video of Wright shouting, “No, no, no. Not God Bless America. Goddamn America!” The ad continues, “Now, Bev Perdue and Richard Moore endorse Barack Obama. They should know better. He’s just too extreme for North Carolina.” At an appearance in New Albany, Ind., Obama was asked about the ad. “My understanding is that the Republican National Committee and John McCain have both said that the ad’s inappropriate,” he replied, according to The Associated Press. “I take them at their word,” Obama continued, “and I assume that if John McCain thinks that it’s an inappropriate ad, that he can get them to pull it down since he’s their nominee and standard-bearer.” McCain called the ad “offensive” and said it “degrades our civics and distracts us from the very real differences we have with the Democrats.” “From the beginning of this election, I have been committed to running a respectful campaign based upon an honest debate about the great issues confronting America today. I expect all state parties to do so as well,” McCain

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“That’s created a problem not just among white voters, but the entire state.” Terry Madonna | Professor Even in Iowa, where his kickoff victory had supporters reveling in his ability to win an overwhelmingly white state, he took only 30 percent of the white vote in a multi-candidate field. Some think he could do better winning white votes in the fall because white supporters of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton would rally to him rather than to Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona. Others, however, say his job would get harder, that he’d never get the support of some Democrats and perhaps other whites who haven’t voted in the Democratic primaries. That would compound the historic challenge that any Democrat faces in winning whites in a general presidential election — where no Democrat has won a majority of the white vote since Lyndon Johnson did in 1964. “He would have a harder time winning white voters in the general election than Hillary,” said Brad Coker, the managing partner of Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, which does surveys for McClatchy and MSNBC. “There is a layer of white voters that is having a hard time voting for him.” Why? It’s impossible to draw broad conclusions about the motives of white voters in the Democratic primaries. Some just may like Clinton more, preferring her experience or her stand on issues such as the economy or health care, said G. Terry Madonna, a professor of public affairs at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. Some may find him too liberal. Some, no doubt, harbor racist sentiments toward the first African-American with a

genuine shot at winning not only a major party presidential nomination but also the White House. Bitter feelings likely were stirred by revelations about Obama’s former pastor, seen in videos using racially inflammatory language, such as calling the country the “U.S. of KKK-A.” They likely were aggravated further when Obama said that working-class Pennsylvanians cling to God and guns out of bitterness. “That’s created a problem not just among white voters, but the entire state,” Madonna said. More than one in 10 whites in Pennsylvania this week said that the race of the candidate was a factor in how they voted — and they broke for Clinton by a margin of 3-1. One was Richard Sackett, a retiree from Greensburg, a small town near Pittsburgh. Did he vote against Obama because of his race? “It was a factor, but a bigger factor was his lack of experience,” Sackett said. “He talks about bringing people together; the only people he brought together were blacks.” Another was Mary Lou Pimicter, the owner of a deli in Nanticoke, a town near WilkesBarre. “Race was not a factor for me, but I know it was with a lot of people here. There’s a lot of prejudice,” Pimicter said. “She really wants to help people,” she said of Clinton. Her opinion of Obama? “He’s colored.” Obama likely suffered enduring damage in the eyes of some whites from his close relationship to his pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright’s raw racial sermons threatened to undermine Obama’s efforts to cast himself as a voice of a post-civil rights era that no longer sees race through the us-vs.-them lens of the 1960s. That kind of racial politics scared whites and marginalized earlier AfricanAmerican candidates such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.



Delta, Northwest merger tainted by financial collapse By Harry R. Weber The Associated Press

ATLANTA — Delta and Northwest, seeking to combine to create the world’s largest airline, posted losses yesterday totaling $10.5 billion for the first three months of the year due to exorbitant fuel prices and write-downs of their companies’ value. Southwest’s chief executive, meanwhile, indicated that the carrier wasn’t interested in a merger and said the very thought of it was daunting. The figures from Delta and Northwest follow large losses at other carriers, such as United Airlines parent UAL Corp., which earlier this week reported a $537 million first-quarter loss on higher fuel costs, and likely rank among the industry’s largest quarterly losses ever. That red ink puts into focus the enormity of the challenge the industry faces to become profitable again amid $120-a-barrel oil — even with the benefits that consolidation can bring. “All airlines are in the same boat,” said Calyon Securities analyst Ray Neidl. “The industry cannot make money at the current ticket fare levels. Seats have to come out of the market. To cover higher fuel costs, air fares have to go up.” Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines Inc., the nation’s third-largest carrier, said its loss widened in the first quarter to a whopping $6.39 billion. A few hours later, Eagan, Minn.-based Northwest Airlines Corp. reported a $4.1 billion loss for the period. Delta’s results badly missed Wall Street expectations, despite a 12 percent increase in sales. Excluding special items — primarily a $6.1 billion noncash charge relating to the drop in Delta’s market value due to sustained record fuel prices — the airline lost $274 million in


the first quarter. A spokeswoman said Delta would have recorded the charge regardless of the tie-up with Northwest. Northwest took a $3.9 billion charge of its own related to its market value decline. Its loss came despite a 9 percent increase in sales, and Northwest, too, missed analysts’ earnings expectations. Excluding the accounting charge and losses from some fuel hedges, Northwest said it would have lost $191 million in the quarter. In a memo to Delta employees yesterday, Ed Bastian, Delta’s president and chief financial officer, said the airline expects some of its peers to record similar accounting adjustments. John Heimlich, chief economist for the Air Transport Association, said the industry is now likely to report a “multibillion loss” this year. “When all the results are in, this will be one of the worst quarters for the industry in its history,” he said.

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Terra Community College 8 Week Summer Term 2008 Course Offerings • Classes Begin Monday June 9 — Ends Friday, August 1 A short drive from Bowling Green, Tiffin and Toledo, OH Catalog No.

Sec No.

Course Name

Credit Lab Hrs. Fees Days

ACCOUNTING ACC1100 E1 Financial Accounting 4 $ 0 ACC1200 D1 Managerial Accounting 4 0 ACC2980 D1 Co-op Work Experience 1 19 ART ART1010 D1 World Art History I 3 0 BIOLOGY BIO1070 D1 Environmental Science I 3 0 BIO1070 E1 Environmental Science I 3 0 BIO1095 D1 Environmental Science Lab 1 24 BIO1095 E1 Environmental Science Lab 1 24 CHEMISTRY CHM1010 D1 Intro To General Chemistry 3 0 CHM1015 D1 Intro to General Chemistry Lab 1 59 CHM1015 D2 Intro to General Chemistry Lab 1 59 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN CAD1110 H1 CAD I 3 68 CAD1110 H2 CAD I 3 68 CAD1 110 VL CAD I 3 68 CAD1320 VL CAD II 3 35 COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CIT1090 H1 Computer Fundamentals 3 68 CIT1090 H2 Computer Fundamentals 3 68 CIT1090 VL2 Computer Fundamentals 3 35 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ECE2680 IN Educational Practicum 3 82 ECONOMICS ECO2010 D1 Macroeconomics 3 0 ECO2020 E1 Microeconomics 3 0 ELECTRICAL EET1050 E1 Electricity I 3 34 ENGLISH ENG0510 D1 Study Skills 3 15 ENG0710 D1 Power Reading I 3 22 ENG0720 D1 Power Reading II 3 22 ENG0810 D1 Writing/Grammar Achievement I 3 68 ENG0810 D2 Writing/Grammar Achievement I 3 68 ENG0810 D3 Writing/Grammar Achievement I 3 68 ENG1020 D1 Introductory College Composition 5 75 ENG1020 E1 Introductory College Composition 5 75 ENG1050 D1 College Composition I 3 68 ENG1050 D2 College Composition I 3 68 ENG1050 E1 College Composition I 3 68 ENG1050 E2 College Composition I 3 68 ENG1050 VL College Composition I 3 35 ENG1060 D1 College Composition II 3 68 ENG1060 E1 College Composition II 3 68 ENG1060 E2 College Composition II 3 68 ENG1060 VL College Composition II 3 35 ENG1060 VL2 College Composition II 3 68 ENG1850 D1 Introduction to Literature 3 0 ENG1900 D1 Technical Writing for Business 3 68 and Industry ENG1900 E1 Technical Writing for Business 3 68 and Industry ENG2630 D1 Non-western Literature 3 0 EXPERIENTIALLY BASED EDUCATION EBE2980 VL Cooperative Education Seminar 1 16 GENERAL GEN1000 VL1 Orientation 1 16 GEN1000 VL2 Orientation 1 16 GEOGRAPHY GEO1110 D1 World Regional Geography 3 0 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION HPE1000 D1 Physical Conditioning 1 38 HPE1030 D1 Horseback Riding 1 275 HISTORY HIS1050 D1 American History I 3 0 HIS1060 E1 American History II 3 0 HUMANITIES HUM1010 D1 Critical Thinking 3 0 LAW ENFORCEMENT LEN1700 D1 Practicum 1 19 LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY LAC2040 E1 Basic Law Academy II 7 219 MANAGEMENT MGT1190 VL Management 3 35 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING MFG1020 VL Safety 1 16 MET1080 VL Manufacturing Systems 3 35 MET2700 D1 Mold Set-up and Design 2 35 (Class begins May 8 2008 and ends Jun 26 2008) MARKETING MRT1010 E1 Marketing 3 0 MATHEMATICS MTH0120 D1 Math Skills I 3 0 MTH0120 D2 Math Skills I 3 0 MTH0120 E1 Math Skills I 3 0 MTH0121 D1 Math Skills II 3 0 MTH0121 D2 Math Skills II 3 0 MTH0121 E1 Math Skills II 3 0 MTH0140 D1 Basic Algebra 4 0 MTH0140 D2 Basic Algebra 4 0 MTH0140 E1 Basic Algebra 4 0 MTH1310 D1 Intermediate Algebra 4 0 MTH1310 D2 Intermediate Algebra 4 0 MTH1310 E1 Intermediate Algebra 4 0 MTH1310 VL Intermediate Algebra 4 35 MTH1320 H1 Intermediate Trigonometry 3 0 MTH2010 D1 Statistics 4 0 Also Meets MTH2010 E1 Statistics 4 0 Also Meets MTH2350 D1 Precalculus 4 0 MTH2350 E1 Precalculus 4 0 MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION MED2900 D1 Medical Work Experience 1 19 MED2900 D2 Medical Work Experience 2 19 MUSIC MUS1010 H1 Music Appreciation 3 35 MUS1020 D1 Music Fundamentals 3 0 MUS1130 D1 History of Rock and Roll 3 0 MUS1710 D1 Applied Music - Trumpet 2 119 MUS1710 D10 Applied Music - Jazz Piano 2 119 MUS1710 D11 Applied Music - Jazz/Pop Voice 2 119 MUS1710 D12 Applied Music - Harp 2 119 MUS1710 D13 Applied Music - Violin 2 119 MUS1710 D14 Applied Music - Viola 2 119 MUS1710 D15 Applied Music - Cello 2 119 MUS1710 D16 Applied Music - Bass 2 119 MUS1710 D2 Applied Music - Songwriting 2 119 MUS1710 D3 Applied Music - Turntables 2 119 MUS1710 D4 Applied Music - Percussion 2 119 MUS1710 D5 Applied Music - Voice 2 119 MUS1710 D6 Applied Music - Music Theory 2 119 MUS1710 D7 Applied Music - Voice 2 119



5:00PM-6:50PM 2:30PM-4:30PM




8:00AM-10:50AM 7:00PM-9:50PM 11:00AM-12:50PM 5:00PM-6:50PM


8:00AM-10:50AM 11:00AM-12:50PM 8:00AM-9:50AM


8:00AM-9:50AM 5:00PM-6:50PM


8:00AM-9:50AM 7:00PM-8:50PM


11:00AM-1:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM


5:00PM-8:50PM 8:00AM-10:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM 2:00PM-4:50PM 2:00PM-4:50PM 11:00AM-1:50PM 8:00AM-10:50AM 12:30PM-2:50PM 6:00PM-8:20PM 2:00PM-4:50PM 11:00AM-12:20PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM


8:00AM-10:50AM 5:00PM-7:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM


8:00AM-10:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM








Catalog No.

Sec No.

Course Name

MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS1710 MUS2710 MUS2710 NURSING NUR1100

D8 D9 E1 E10 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 D1 D2

Applied Music - Trombone Applied Music - French Horn Applied Music - Clarinet Applied Music - Piano Applied Music - Saxophone Applied Music - Guitar Applied Music - Flute Applied Music - Piano Applied Music - Voice Applied Music - Guitar Applied Music - Guitar Applied Music - Composition Applied Music - Intro to Recording Applied Music - Guitar


Family Health Nursing Lecture 1 Family Health Nursing Lecture 2 Family Health Nursing Clinical Family Health Nursing Out Patient NUR1100 D2 Family Health Nursing Lecture 1 Family Health Nursing Lecture 2 Family Health Nursing Clinical Family Health Nursing Out Patient NUR1100 D3 Family Health Nursing Lecture 1 Family Health Nursing Lecture 2 Family Health Nursing Clinical Family Health Nursing Out Patient OFFICE ADMINISTRATION OAD1150 VL Document Formatting I OAD1160 VL Document Formatting II OAD2900 D1 Executive Work Experience OAD2900 D2 Executive Work Experience PHILOSOPHY PHL1010 D1 Introduction to Ethics PHL1010 E1 Introduction to Ethics POLITICAL SCIENCE PLS1000 D1 American Government PLS1000 E1 American Government PSYCHOLOGY PSY1100 D1 Career/Life Planning PSY1210 D1 General Psychology PSY1210 D2 General Psychology PSY1210 E1 General Psychology PSY1210 VL General Psychology PSY1360 D1 Life Span Development PSY1360 VL Life Span Development PSY2210 VL Abnormal Psychology SOCIAL WORK SWK2880 D1 Chemical Dependency Practicum I SWK2890 D1 Chemical Dependency Practicum II SWK2900 D1 Social Work Practicum I SWK2910 D1 Social Work Practicum II SOCIOLOGY SOC2010 D1 SOC2010 D2 SOC2010 E1 SOC2010 VL SOC2120 D1 SPEECH SPE2010 D1 SPE2010 E1 SPE2200 D1 SPE2200 E1 WELDING WET1140 E1 WET2700 E1 WET2710 E1

11:00AM-1:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM





Credit Lab Hrs. Fees

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2



$119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

1.5 118 1.5 2 1 1.5 118 1.5 2 1 1.5 118 1.5 2 1


9:00AM-11:50AM 1:00PM-3:50PM 7:00AM-12:30PM


9:00AM-11:50AM 1:00PM-3:50PM 7:00AM-7:00PM


9:00AM-11:50AM 1:00PM-3:50PM 7:00AM-12:30PM

3 3 1 2

35 35 19 19

3 3

0 0


11:00AM-1:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM

3 3

0 0


8:00AM-10:50AM 5:00PM-7:50PM

2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

0 0 0 0 35 0 35 35

3 3 3 3

19 19 19 19

Fundamentals of Sociology Fundamentals of Sociology Fundamentals of Sociology Fundamentals of Sociology Cultural Awareness

3 3 3 3 3

0 0 0 35 0

Effective Speaking Effective Speaking Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication

3 3 3 3

SMAW Welding Lab Pipe Welding/Uphill Pipe Welding/Downhill



8:00AM-9:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM 11:00AM-12:20PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 8:00AM-10:50AM

8:00AM-10:50AM 11:00AM-12:20PM 5:00PM-7:50PM



0 0 0 0


2:00PM-4:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 11:00AM-1:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM

2 120 2 250 2 250


6:00PM-8:50PM 5:00PM-8:50PM 5:00PM-8:50PM

Hybrid Course Offerings CAD1110 CAD1110 CIT1090 CIT1090 MTH1320 MUS1010

(These courses meet part time on campus and part time as distance learning) H1 CAD I 3 68 MW 8:00AM-9:50AM H2 CAD I 3 68 TR 5:00PM-6:50PM H1 Computer Fundamentals 3 68 TR 8:00AM-9:50AM H2 Computer Fundamentals 3 68 MW 7:00PM-8:50PM H1 Intermediate Trigonometry 3 0 T 9:00PM-10:50PM H1 Music Appreciation 3 35 M 6:00PM-8:00PM

CAD1110 CAD1320 CIT1090 EBE2980 ENG1050 ENG1060 ENG1060 GEN1000 GEN1000 MET1080 MFG1020 MGT1190 MTH1310 OAD1150 OAD1160 PSY1210 PSY1360 PSY2210 SOC2010


Distance Learning Course Offerings R





8:00AM-10:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 8:00AM-10:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 8:00AM-9:50AM 12:30PM-4:20PM 7:00PM-8:50PM 10:00AM-11:50AM 12:30PM-4:20PM 7:00PM-8:50PM


9:00PM-10:50PM 11:00AM-1:50PM 12:00PM-1:50PM 5:00PM-7:50PM 5:00PM-6:50PM 10:00AM-11:50AM 7:00PM-8:50PM


CAD I CAD II Computer Fundamentals Cooperative Education Seminar College Composition I College Composition II College Composition II Orientation Orientation Manufacturing Systems Safety Management Intermediate Algebra Document Formatting I Document Formatting II General Psychology Life Span Development Abnormal Psychology Fundamentals of Sociology

3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

68 35 35 16 35 35 68 16 16 35 16 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

These courses are offered online. You must contact your distance learning instructor; see http://www.terra.edu/ academics/distance/summer08vl. asp for contact information Please Note: After Monday, June 8, 2008, instructor permission is required for registration. If you are registering for a distance learning class for the first time, you must complete the on-line orientation found at http://www. terra.edu/academics/distance/ orientation/homepage.asp

Sunday—U; Monday—M; Tuesday—T; Wednesday—W; Thursday—R; Friday—F; Saturday—S

Tuition is just $119.65 per credit hour Convenient and Free Parking

6:00PM-8:00PM 9:30AM-10:50AM 2:00PM-4:50PM

2830 Napoleon Road Fremont, Ohio 43420

Call Cathy in Admissions at 419.559.2377 or toll free 866.AT.TERRA or visit us at www.terra.edu

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