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THE BG NEWS Thursday April 30, 2009

Volume 103, Issue 149



Council keeps growing

Students in the Native American Unity Council try to conduct a dialogue about customs and have fun | Page 3


In February, we decided to eat on a dollar a day. We got the idea after reading about Kerri and Christopher Pearson, two Social Justice teachers who cut back on their food costs in September of 2008. They ate on $1 a day to see why they were spending so much money on food and if they could live on the bare minimum. We decided to follow in the Pearsons’ footsteps to evaluate

Kent arrests could have been avoided

Forum editor Kyle Schmidlin thinks that the police got out of hand at Kent State’s “Campus Fest,” resulting in a riot | Page 4


A 2-year-old boy from Mexico City passed away Monday night in a Huston hospital after being admitted with “underlying health issues” | Page 12


Long drop

A student from Ohio University suffered a fall from the fourthfloor window of Weld House, and is now at Grant Medical Center in Columbus | Page 13


TODAY Rain/Thunder/Wind High: 70, Low: 60

TOMORROW Showers High: 67, Low: 45



milk—price per serving: 15 cents oatmeal—price oatmeal —price per serving: 6 cents peanut butter with two slices of bread—price per serving: 23 cents Mac ‘n cheese—price per serving: 16 cents one orange—price per serving: 48 cents

milk—price per serving: 15 cents raisin bran (off brand)—price brand)—price per serving: 18 cents tortilla with peanut butter—price per serving 18 cents ramen noodles—price per serving: 7 cents green beans—price per serving: 16 cents apple sauce—price per serving: 17 cents

Poor health linked to cheaper foods By Becky Tener and Hannah Sparling Reporters

Wright State beat the Falcon softball team in a double-header in their last stand at home this season | Page 6

“I’d go to McDonald’s and eat off the dollar menu.” | Page 4

our own food budget and find out how much it really does cost to eat well. According the United States Department of Agriculture, the average adult spends about $200 a month on food. In a 30-day-month, that is about $7 a day. We spent the 40 days of Lent (minus spring break but including Sundays) eating only $40 worth of food. The rules were simple, but a dollar only goes so far.

At the beginning of every week, we each spent $7 on groceries ($1 for each day). Below are two typical days of food, and the cost per serving. With little funds, our “meals” were all very similar to those listed below.

Swine flu claims toddler

TONIA KLINE Sophomore, Exercise Science

dollar A day

Two students try living in poverty

Reporters Becky Tener and Hannah Sparling ate on $1 a day, and had to sacrifice taste and favorite foods for affordable ones | Page 4

If you had to eat on a dollar a day, what would you eat?

INSIDE:In Focus explores the history and current state of student activism on campus. | Page 9

By Becky Tener and Hannah Sparling Reporters

Luxuries for necessities

Last loss at home for the season

ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community

Some people spend up to $2 on a bottle of water from a vending machine. Some people spend that much on food for an entire day. According to globalissues.org, over half the people in the world live on $2 a day, and 385 million live on less than $1. It may be possible to live on these small dollar amounts, but Jane Crandall, University nutritionist, said it would probably not be healthy.

In hard times, more people turn to soup kitchens

Foods that are processed and high in fat and sugar generally cost less than healthy foods, Crandall said. A loaf of white bread costs 79 cents at ALDI grocery store while wheat bread costs $1.79. A lot of people will take the nutritional value into account when shopping for groceries, Crandall said, but for people living in poverty, cost might be the only factor. “You find that when you don’t have

By Becky Tener and Hannah Sparling Reporters

There is a starving child in Africa. He eats rice for every meal, and often doesn’t have drinkable water. There is also a college student in Toledo who runs out of food before the end of the month. He goes to a local soup kitchen to make up for the meals he can’t afford.

See POVERTY | Page 2

See NUTRITION | Page 2 INSIDE: Read about the personal thoughts and experiences of living below the poverty line | Page 4

The textbook game By Michelle Bosserman Reporter

Students looking to get the most money back for their textbooks need to know the answer to the question, ‘Which bookstore offers the best price?’ The answer is simple and yet complicated: it depends. No matter where students go, the highest price offered for new or used books at local bookstores is 50 percent off the retail price. In order to get 50 percent, the book must be chosen by faculty to be used next semester and it has to be in decent condition. Steve Overholt, University Bookstore course materials manager, defined that for a book to be in decent condition it can’t be over highlighted or too ripped. “There are some restrictions on the books we buy back, but we accept most if they look like they weren’t overused,” Overholt said. “Whether the book was new or used, or purchased here, we will buy them back with some exceptions.”

Poverty is not just an overseas problem — poverty is here. Yvette Hall, director of food service at Cherry Street Missions in Toledo, said at the end of every month, college students like the one from Toledo are common visitors. They buy their own meals


Bowling Green residents face clean-up or fine By Lin Chafetz Reporter

Residents in Bowling Green could see a fee of $50 for littering — for anything from a cigarette butt to the cleanup of a party. However Lieutenant Tony Hetrick said while there is a


BUYBACK: As the semester comes to a close, students prepare to sell back their books. Alicia Thompson sells her books back and received $18 for which she believes cost $70.

The Student Book Exchange, located across from Founders near Subway, works just like the University Bookstore. Store Manager Steve Kokomoor said the biggest difference between the two bookstores is if the book isn’t being used next semester, SBX will still try to buy them back in most cases. “We use multiple buying guides and the campus store only uses

one or two,” Kokomoor said. “Especially if the books are not being used again next semester, students can get more for it here than anywhere else.” At the University Bookstore, if the book is not being used again for next semester, the book is

See BOOKS | Page 2

fine for littering, nobody has ever been fined for the littering of a cigarette butt in Bowling Green. Littering in Bowling Green is a fine of $50 and the second offense fine is $100, for a civil

See FINE | Page 2


Fight breaks out at Enclave Apartments Bowling Green City Police are currently looking into the progress of a case in which two males assaulted two victims over an argument involving Time Warner Cable. According to police reports, the four men were sitting in the University shuttle 2-Ride last Saturday night at 4:24 A.M. when they began arguing with one another over cable television.

The shuttle driver of 2-Ride said he dropped the men off at building seven of the Enclave Apartment complex before the fight broke out. According to one of the victims, the two men began punching him as soon as they exited the vehicle, and he struck one of the attackers three times in selfdefense. Both victims were transported by ambulance to the Wood County Hospital.


2 Thursday, April 30, 2009


Complainant reported an unknown person stole several items from her purse, including her prescription heartburn medication, Xanax, ocycontin pills, insulin needles and $60 in cash, while it was inside her vehicle at Gas Express.


Kile Little, 18, of Bowling Green, was arrested for underage drinking at Uptown/Downtown after admitting to officers he had seven to eight shots prior to arriving at the bar. ONLINE: Go to bgviews.com for the complete blotter list.

BOOKS From Page 1

bought back at wholesale price. Wholesale prices are much like used car lots, where national book companies sell used books for a discounted price, Overholt said. Students receive the wholesale price if the bookstore meets its quota, which can be found online. If the store reaches its estimate, books will not be bought back, Overholt said. Students can check their textbooks’ value at the University Bookstore’s Web site by clicking on “Look up what your book is worth.” The Web site tells students about the buyback process and whether the book is selling for retail value or wholesale price. Another option for students selling back textbooks is Beat the Bookstore, located across from parking lot A and Kohl Hall. Their slogan is “Buy for More and Sell for Less.” Beat the Bookstore franchisee Steve Smith said the way it works is their system checks over 100 other buyers so they can find the best deals for students. “Our system checks all the other Beat the Bookstores… and approximately 100 other buyers and automatically pays the student the most for their textbooks,” Smith said. “Our system tracks the University Bookstore and the offcampus bookstore prices so we ‘Sell for Less.’” In order to receive more than 50 percent for textbooks at Beat the Bookstore, students would need to get store credit. Getting store credit instead of cash allows students to receive 51 to 52 percent back for their books. Store credit can be used for the purchase of students’ next textbooks. Both the University Bookstore and SBX offer cash for students. Regardless of where students go, the best time to sell back books is at the end of the semester. Most classes for the next semester are listed, so bookstores have an idea of which books they will need. All three local bookstores admitted books are generally worth more when the class list is in at the end of the semester. “I don’t want to tell anyone to sell it back before finals,” Overholt said. “But I would recommend selling back as soon as you’re done with it in order to receive as much money back as possible.”




the money, you spend your dollar on easy, cheap foods,” she said. Crandall said the link between cheap foods and unhealthy foods could help explain the high obesity level in the U.S. People living below the poverty level might choose to buy box macaroni and cheese for less than a dollar over a bag of apples that costs $2.49. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty the average family of four spends 14 percent of their income on food. If that family lives below the poverty level (under $21,200 a year) they would each spend less than $2.03 per day. But in the U.S., families living below the poverty level are eligible for welfare compensation and food stamps. Brian Harder, the communications representative for Ohio Job and Family Services, said the average family of four on welfare receives $668 in food stamps each month. That averages out to about $5.72 per person per day. “A family should definitely be able to live on this,” he said. According to the University Web site, students on the bronze meal plan should spend an average of $12.84 a day. But for some students, even that is not enough. Sophomore Pat r ick Armbruster, who bought the bronze plan this year, said he ran out two months ago. Since then he has been spending as little as he can to get by. Armbruster said most of the time he just buys a pizza and eats it for breakfast, lunch and dinner until it’s gone. Then he buys another pizza and repeats the process. “It’s gross,” he said. “I’m sick of pizza. It’s not conventional, but it saves money.” Senior Drew Fasano said he usually spends about $70 each week on food. Some of it goes toward groceries and some toward eating out.

for as long as they can, but when their money runs out they come to Cherry Street. Hall said because of the economic crisis, Cherry Street is seeing more people than ever. She said they have seen about a 5 percent increase in the people they have served this year. “There are more people in need because there are more people now that are not working,” she said. “It’s made us more aware of the need in the community.” Hall said Cherry Street now serves between 700 and 1,000 meals every day. She said at first they were having trouble keeping up with the increase, but community members stepped up their donations to meet the demand. “They provided us with seven tons of food [and] that really provided for the hole the economy left,” she said. The BG Christian Food Pantry has also seen an increase in people coming in for food. Pantry Director Shirley Woessner said they set a new record for the number of people served in March with 48. “So far we’ve been able to meet the needs, and that makes us feel pretty good,” she said. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, out of the 306 million people living in the U.S. about 38,000 live below the poverty level. The poverty level for an individual is $10,830 a year. But outside the U.S., the situation gets worse. Fleming Fallon, a professor of public health at the University, said 60 percent of the people in the world don’t even have readily available drinking water,

From Page 1

“Kids look like sticks. They just don’t have enough to eat.”


Fleming Fallon | Professor something most Americans take for granted. Fallon said the situation is so bad that 1,700 children die every day from diarrhea caused by the water they drink. “You take it for granted,” he said. “You can be washing your car, get thirsty and take a drink from your hose.” Fallon said most people in other countries don’t have the variety in their diets most Americans have either. He said many people eat the same meal, often rice or beans, three times a day. They just use an assortment of spices to make it taste different, he said. “If you have the money here you can get anything you want anytime of the year,” he said. “Other people can’t do that.” Because of their poor nutrition, Fallon said many people in other countries suffer from malnutrition. Some simply don’t get enough food. “Kids look like sticks,” Fallon said. “They just don’t have enough to eat.” Other people have enough food, but the wrong kinds. “Little kids who are fed — they have full bellies, there are not pangs of hunger,” he said, “but they’re missing protein.” There are thousands of miles between Africa and Toledo, but in each there are hungry people, unable to afford a healthy diet and lifestyle. Africa and Toledo are very different, but in both countries there is the same problem—the problem of poverty.


YOUR CAPTION HERE: Submit your caption to caption.contest@bgviews.com or at bgnews.com for your chance to have your photo and your caption appear in next Thursday’s issue of The BG News. Be sure to include your contact information to be considered for the contest. Winner will be selected by The BG News.


From Page 1

offense, he said. A civil offense is not kept on record but is kept track of by the police station in cases of a second offense. This differs from a criminal offense, which can have larger fines and can be kept on record. Koen Van Bommel, a sophomore who usually throws his butts on the street, said he would understand the fine, but might be angry. “I usually try to put out my cigarette in an ashtray or put it in a trash can,” he said. “Sometimes it just doesn’t work, like in a car where sometimes there isn’t an ashtray.” One of the more common littering offenses in Bowling Green is when residences in town do not clean up after a

party. “We have charges for that weekly,” Hetrick said. “We usually encourage them to clean up the mess and repeat offenders are charged.” Freshman Lauren Rex said she thinks the party garbage is one of the main problems with littering in Bowling Green. “You can definitely see the evidence of a party the night before on Sunday mornings,” she said. “It usually isn’t bad after a few days, but the day after it’s horrible.” As far as the $50 littering charge for a cigarette butt, Rex said it’s reasonable. “People should just throw them away,” she said. Donté Dandridge, another freshman, agreed. “I don’t think that it matters the size of the litter, it’s still litter in our town,” he said.

Driver in California bus crash had previous accident By Sudhin Thanawala The Associated Press

SOLEDAD, Calif. — The driver of a tour bus that crashed in central California, killing himself and four French tourists, struck and seriously injured a woman in a Nevada crosswalk a little more than three years ago, police records show. The Monterey County Coroner’s office yesterday identified the bus driver as John Egnew, 69, of Corona. Cmdr. Scott Ragan said Egnew died of head and neck injuries after he was thrown from the bus, which overturned Tuesday on a freeway overpass. Authorities have not released the names of the French tourists who were killed. In the 2005 accident, Egnew admitted not seeing Joan Smith, 71, of Delton, Mich., before he hit her with a bus as she and her husband were crossing the street, according to a Las Vegas

“It would help if he were alive to find a reason, but there are other means we can use to determine the cause.” Brian Wiest | Spokesman police report provided to The Associated Press by Smith’s lawyer. Attorney Kevin Lancaster said his client suffered brain injuries and a fractured pelvis. Weeks Enterprises, which owned the bus Egnew was driving then as well as the one that crashed Tuesday, reached a $750,000 settlement with Smith and her husband last year, Lancaster said. Egnew pleaded no contest in April 2006 to one misdemeanor count of starting improperly from a stopped position. Investigators said Egnew’s death could complicate efforts to reconstruct the crash that sent him and at least two other

people plummeting 60 to 70 feet from the U.S. 101 overpass. The California Highway Patrol said Egnew lost control of the bus and smashed into a guard rail, causing the vehicle to flip onto its side. “It would help if he were alive to find a reason, but there are other means we can use to determine the cause,” patrol spokesman Brian Wiest said. Federal records show that Weeks Enterprises, which owns tour bus operator Orion Pacific, had a solid safety record in the two years leading up to crash in Soledad. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the agency that regulates com-

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CRASH: Emergency personnel work the scene of a tour bush crash Tuesday April 28, 2009. The bus driver, who died in the crash, hit a women in a previous accident in 2005.

mercial interstate travel, said no states reported accidents involving the carrier in the last 30 months. During 14 random roadside inspections, no driver issues or problems with the company’s 12 buses turned up either, records show. Orion Pacific last had a comprehensive audit of its vehicles and safety practices in December 2006 and earned a satisfactory rating, the highest possible. Because of the fatal crash, another compliance review will be conducted, agency spokesman Duane DeBruyne said yesterday. Calls to Orion Pacific seeking comment were not immediately returned. The Orange-based company has been operating since 1985, according to its Web site. The highway patrol has not released information on the company’s safety record, citing the ongoing investigation. Wiest said investigators would use witness statements and physical evidence, such as the position of the bus, debris at the site, the inspection of the vehicle and damage to the road and guard rail, to reconstruct the crash. A total of 36 people were on board, including 34 French tourists, their Canadian tour guide and the driver. Three victims died at the scene Tuesday, and two were pronounced dead at hospitals. The Monterey County coroner said one person

remained hospitalized with lifethreatening injuries, but the rest of the injured passengers were in stable condition. Four of the injured were younger than 18, Wiest said. Jacques de Noray of the French consulate said the crash involved French citizens from across the country. “I’ve heard they are from different cities — Paris, Bordeaux and Marseille. They were different groups who merged together for a one-week trip to California,” de Noray said. It was not immediately clear who had chartered the bus. The tour, which started in San Francisco, was en route to Southern California, where the tourists were due to fly out of Los Angeles back to France, Wiest said. The group had been in the U.S. since April 19 and made stops Tuesday in Monterey and Carmel before the crash, authorities said. A passenger who was released from the hospital Tuesday night said he thought the bus had been going too fast. Giles Gomes told KION-TV that passengers in the back of the bus were commenting just before the crash that the vehicle seemed to be having problems. “Everybody was complaining there was something wrong with the bus before the accident, but they don’t know exactly what it was,” Gomes said through a translator.

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Students keep Unity Council strong By Anthony Phillips Reporter

The Native American Unity Council, or NAUC, is a group on campus trying to dispel stereotypes made about Native American people. Founded in 2002, the NAUC has tried showcasing the University contemporary Native American ideas and customs. Kristen Cooperkline, NAUC’s treasurer, said the group is not only for natives but non-natives as well. “It is to create a space where natives and non-natives can engage in dialogues about contemporary Native American lives,” Cooperkline said. The NAUC holds a fall educational forum every fall semester, for which they just received OAC’s Cross Cultural Program of the Year award. This year the forum was three days long with the first two days targeting graduate students and faculty. Cooperkline said the last day targeted undergraduates. “Friday the 14th was an afternoon and evening shindig in the ballroom,” Cooperkline said. Audrey Swartz, NAUC’s president-elect, said one of her favorite parts of the group is the fall event, but she wants to make the fall event more interactive with basket weaving and other things. “It is fun seeing it done, but it is also fun doing things,” Swartz said. Other than their fall event, the NAUC hosted several different events in the spring, including a concert in the Pub with JSD, a Native American rapper. “We had events in the spring.

Audrey Swartz

Tom Burnett

Native American Unity Council’s president-elect

Current president of the NAUC

Corey Reasonover

Kristen Cooperkline

Vice presidentelect of the NAUC

Treasurer for the NAUC

We’ve never done that before,” NAUC’s President Tom Burnett said. In fact, Burnett said at the end of the 2006-2007 school year the group was nearly dead. But Burnett said the group was able to grow again because of some key students. “We didn’t think we had the membership to keep going. We had very little undergraduate involvement and our grad students were moving on. Thank goodness for Corey, India and Kristen,” he said. Corey Reasonover, NAUC’s vice president elect, said they advertised like crazy. He also said the members really helped bring in people by being who they were. “Some of us are just nice caring people. People came because they saw that,” Reasonover said. One problem the group is still having is visibility. “We are not as visible as the Latino Student Union or the Black Student Union,” Swartz said. She also wants to see the group become more visually active with welcome week events and other things.

“I want to sort of get our names out there,” she said. The University, as of fall 2008, has 118 Native Americans enrolled; however, Cooperkline said this is relative. She said when people go to check what they are ethnically they can only choose one and people who are of several descents usually will not check Native American. Other than holding events, the NAUC members have a potluck every year to hang out and celebrate the end of the year. Burnett said the group also welcomes everyone to the meetings. “I’d love to see the group grow and become stronger,” Swartz said. Some things you can find at NAUC meetings are typical. Meetings are casual and they go over important topics like events and issues they have seen. There is also joking and laughter. Reasonover said if the group as a whole was not as much fun as it was he would not have stayed. “If it wasn’t for how cool everyone is, I would not still be around,” he said. “I really do like them all a lot.”


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Thursday, April 30, 2009



NICE JOB: Scott McGee gives Matthew Buyer some constructive criticism during the Architecture 322 Junior Studio final review jury critique yesterday. Buyer’s project, which he said took the entire semester to complete, was for a proposed Chicago Architecture Athenaeum.

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“You find that when you don’t have the money you spend your dollar on easy, cheap foods.” — Jane Crandall, University nutritionist [see story, pg. 1].


Thursday, April 30, 2009 4

If you had to eat on a dollar a day, what would you eat?

“Cheap Taco Bell, I guess, because I don’t like McDonald’s.”

“The Wendy’s dollar menu because you could get a different thing every time.”

“I’m shopping at the dollar store. I’d get bread, eggs, milk, PB, jellly, spagetti and chocolate.”

“Double cheeseburger every day because it’s my favorite.”

GREG BARTELS, Sophomore, Criminal Justice

JEAN WHELAN, Sophomore, Nursing

EMILY MILLER, Sophomore, Speech Pathology

ALDIN DEROSIER, Sophomore, Psychology

VISIT US AT BGVIEWS.COM Have your own take on today’s People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a question? Give us your feedback at bgviews.com.

Food often taken for granted when supplied in abundance HANNAH SPARLING GUEST COLUMNIST BECKY TENER GUEST COLUMNIST


When you’re eating on a dollar a day, it’s impossible not to notice a few things. We think about food all the time. Whether we were consuming it or coveting it, food was always on our minds. Going in, we thought food would become a smaller part of our lives, but it actually became bigger. When you have something, it’s easy to forget about it, but once it’s gone, it’s all you can think about. For our experiment, we each allowed ourselves $1 a day to purchase meals. We did not take any handouts or free food. We did allow ourselves one free meal, and we also took one day off to keep ourselves motivated.

While eating on a very minimal budget, we learned where to shop to stretch our dollar. We found ALDI and Kroger to have the most reasonable prices. We also found living on a budget comes with sacrifices. Ours were nutrition and taste. We gave up healthy foods and foods we like to simply eat more. When you only have one dollar to spend, how much you have to eat means a whole lot more than what you’re eating. Instead of coffee, fruit, wheat bread and chocolate, we had to settle for Ramen, white bread and water. We also had to give up the social side of eating. Before our experiment, we didn’t realize how intertwined eating and

Police and their childishness to blame as Kent State incident gets out of hand KYLE SCHMIDLIN FORUM EDITOR “When I was young, times were hard/when I got older it was worse. First words I ever heard/‘Nobody move, nobody gets hurt.’” In 1989, Warren Zevon released his chilling vision of the future, the album “Transverse City.” Facets of modern American life were explored with alarming accuracy on the album, including environmental degradation, mass consumerism, gridlocked traffic and a police state. Last weekend, the annual “College Fest” end-of-the year party at Kent State University ended in rioting and 64 arrests. Most reports placed some blame on both sides, partiers and police officers, and have suggested the situation simply spiraled out of hand. While it would be completely unreasonable to suggest the students were totally innocent (they were, after all, lighting furniture on fire in the street — there is video of this), much of the blame can be placed on

police. This is a case where pursuit of the law trumped any reasonable solution. The incident allegedly started when police arrested a girl at the massive party for underage consumption of alcohol. Precise details of her arrest are not available, but word-of-mouth from friends at Kent suggests a friend of the arrestee was slammed to the ground by police after approaching them to ask why her friend was arrested. From there, partygoers allegedly began pelting officers with beer bottles and rocks. Officers responded by firing rubber bullets. The police are easy to criticize until suddenly there is a need for them — then, critics complain they don’t do enough. At the same time, there are appropriate instances in which to defend the law and there are instances when it is less dangerous to let the situation be. This was almost certainly the case with the Kent State debacle last weekend. What the whole incident essentially boils down to is students wanting to be left alone and law enforcement being preoccupied with enforcing the law. When students began pelting the offi-

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THE BG NEWS FREDDY HUNT, EDITOR IN CHIEF 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 | Phone: (419) 372-6966 E-mail: thenews@bgnews.com Web site: http://www.bgviews.com Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606

cers trying to be left alone, the law responded the way the law always does — with brute force. Reports of students involved in the incident almost all describe police brutality. According to Ben Wolford, an editor at the school’s newspaper, “when one student stayed on his lawn, two officers sprinted at him and just kind of grabbed him forcefully and arrested him.” The message police officers were sending to the Kent State students is, “We are in charge.” They went as far as announcing through megaphones the threat of arrest to anyone who didn’t go inside. One thing American society seems to have forgotten is that the burden of proof lies on authority to demonstrate why their authority is legitimate. Badges alone are not enough. Police in this instance, as far as I can discern, behaved childishly. They responded to the taunts and wishes of students to be left alone with violence, which, as we all learned in first grade, never solves anything. Law is not a reflection of justice, morality or even right and wrong. Laws are put in place from above (bureaucratically speaking; God never ordained “Thou shalt not commit a rolling stop”) and they are put in place to maintain some sort of order

in the people below. Nobody needs constant reminder of this fact more than police officers themselves. Most of them have intentions which are very much in the right place and in the public’s best interest. However, they need to realize their ultimate goal is not in upholding the law — it’s in keeping citizens safe. The manner with which police conducted themselves at Kent State over the weekend did not work toward that end. Fortunately, nobody was seriously injured (although one report did indicate a police officer suffered a fatal heart attack later in the night), unlike another Kent State incident that immediately comes to mind upon hearing about riots. Wolford also told the media, “I think if they just blocked off the street, let kids have that road to party on for that night, it would’ve just been a party and people would’ve gone home.” In all likelihood, he is right. Surely a large number of the partiers there were underage, and all manner of minor crimes would probably have been committed if the party continued. But that seems preferable to the streets erupting in flames. Respond to Kyle at thenews@bgnews.com

hanging out are. Grabbing lunch with friends or going out for ice cream were out of the question. Instead we had to learn to pack our lunches and turn down invitations. If our experiment taught us one thing, it is sympathy for those who truly do not have enough to eat. Our experiment was short, and we knew the whole time it would end, but there are people who live like that every day. But even though it was hard, and we would never want to live like that all the time, we did learn that it is possible. It’s not healthy or ideal, but it can be done. And if it’s possible to live on $1 a day, then maybe we’re spending too much on food and not enough on others. Maybe we should eat a little less and give a little more. Respond to Hannah and Becky at thenews@bgnews.com

NASA in need By David Youseff The Triangle

It is 2009 and I am not living in space. This is the future, and I think we are beginning to realize that. Technology has helped us live longer, cross oceans and reach the sky, but what about that fevered dream of one day crossing the stars? In the 1950s, it seemed clear to everyone that it wouldn’t be long before we had Moon colonies and played interstellar baseball, but as the Cold War thawed out, our competitive motivation melted away. We slashed funding into research at NASA, and that’s a problem. The House Science and Technology Committee unanimously passed legislation to reauthorize NASA, H.R. 6063, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008. This legislation encompasses the recommendations and findings from 16 hearings that the Committee held throughout the 110th Congress to review nearly every major aspect of NASA’s programs. “NASA has a key role to play in the nation’s innovation agenda, ensuring the future health of our nation’s aviation system, and advancing our efforts to better understand our climate and the changes facing the Earth system,” Chairman Bart Gordon said. “In addition, a properly structured human space flight and exploration program can provide dividends technologically, scientifically,

and geopolitically-and is worthy of the nation’s investment in it.” According to budget documents obtained from the Government Printing Office, the national budget for 2007 totals about $2.784 trillion. At $16.143 billion, NASA’s spending accounts for 0.58 percent of this. Compare this to NASA’s allocation during the mid-1960s when, despite the pressures of the war effort in Vietnam and President Johnson’s Great Society programs, NASA spending made up more than 5 percent of the federal budget. How does NASA’s budget compare with the amount of money the federal government spends on social programs? In the 2007 budget, the funding for social programs (calculated here as the budgets for the Department of Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, Social Security, Agriculture and Labor) adds up to a whopping $1.581 trillion. For every $1 the federal government spends on NASA, it spends $98 on social programs. In other words, if we cut spending on social programs by a mere 1 percent, we could very nearly double NASA’s budget. The naysayers often speak as if the country’s social problems would be solved if only we took the money given to NASA and devoted it to social programs. Does anyone serious-

See NASA | Page 5

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine flu viewed as worldwide epidemic due to uses of modern communication By Charles Austin The Maneater

As you read this, dinosaurs are attacking the White House. The Associated Press is reporting dinosaur sightings across Virginia and Washington, with rumors that the creatures have spread as far as New York. Scientists fear a massive dinosaur migration toward Houston once they realize how delicious fat people are. The government has issued orders to ground all airplanes because Americans got tired of hearing about reptiles on planes about three years ago. I realize now that half of my readers are probably already running toward Seattle in an effort to lose weight and escape the dinosaur menace. I realize that the other half of you probably stopped reading because you realized how dumb this column and its author are. But if anyone is still around, I must admit that I was a little hasty in my opening remarks. I saw “Jurassic Park” on TV and mistook it for a live news feed for a moment. How did they get those dinosaurs to act, anyway?

NASA From Page 4

ly believe that increasing spending on social programs from $1.581 trillion to $1.597 trillion would make any appreciable difference? Note also that we are only talking about federal spending here. Not included in these estimates are the vast amounts of money that state and local governments spend on social programs. Needless to say, state and local government funding of space exploration is negligible. The idea of NASA money being diverted away from social programs is the most common proposal by those who would divert NASA’s funding. But how does NASA compare to other big gov-



“Spreading bad information isn’t just for the government and H.G. Wells radio broadcasts anymore. With the latest technology, everyday people like you and me can propagate bullshit to millions of people, just like the pros do.” But the truth is, I’m not the only one getting carried away in baseless fear mongering these days. According to CNN, people are spreading all sorts of misinformation about swine flu over Twitter. Finally, spreading bad information isn’t just for the government and H.G. Wells radio broadcasts anymore. With the latest technology, everyday people like you and me can propagate bullshit to millions of people, just like the pros do. As of the moment I’m writing this, swine flu has killed a staggering zero people in the U.S. I say this is staggering because, according to a Nielsen Online report, 2 percent of all Twitter posts Monday related to the swine flu. When one out of every 50 posts is about an illness, I would expect it to be the plague or the TVirus. It’s especially ridiculous when you consider that,

according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36,000 people die every year in the U.S. alone from normal flu-related symptoms. Even including Mexico, the amount of swine flu deaths is less than 1 percent of that number. But your average run of the mill flu isn’t exciting enough for the average Joe the Plumber to get worked up about, no matter how deadly it may be. A few years ago bird flu was supposed to kill us all, and a few years before that it was Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. When CBS broadcast “War of the Worlds” over the radio in 1938, people panicked when they misinterpreted the fictional emergency news broadcast for a real one. But 40 minutes into the program, there was a message letting viewers know that what they were hearing was fictional, and yet another message at the end. Anyone who was actu-

ernment expenditures? Compare, for example, the NASA budget with the United States defense budget. One can argue forever over the merits of government social programs, how much we should be spending on our military, or how much the government should rely on borrowed money. What one cannot argue about, however, is that space exploration gets a very, very small slice of the pie. Compared to the behemoths of government spending, NASA is a pigmy. The fact that NASA achieves so much with such a small share of the federal budget is astonishing. When it comes to funding space exploration, it is time for space advocates to stop playing defense and start playing offense. While not slackening our efforts to

protect the funding of critical NASA projects, we must also begin to push for increases in funding for space exploration. We must begin to reframe and recast the entire debate in Washington on this issue, so that the politicians start thinking in terms of “how much can we spend” for space exploration rather than “how much can we cut” from space exploration. To conclude with a final observation, recall that NASA spending made up more than 5 percent of the federal budget during the heady days of the Apollo program. If it received 5 percent of the federal budget today, its annual funding level would be $139.2 billion. Imagine what the space agency could do if it had that level of support. Let’s make it happen.


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ally paying attention would have quickly had his or her fears assuaged. But even so, over the next few months, newspapers wrote more than 12,000 articles about the incident, making it seem like the panic was bigger than it truly was. I’m not sure how many posts are made on Twitter each day, but if the numbers from Monday keep up for even a few more days, that’s surely more than 12,000 posts about swine flu. But the fact is, you and I will still be alive tomorrow, next week and probably next year. I would go post on Twitter right now about how I’m still alive and how everyone in the country is still alive, but unfortunately, 100 percent of people who can read are alive, meaning that this news is shocking to no one. But I’m pretty sure I hear a dinosaur outside my window right now, so I think I’ll go Twitter about that.

SUDOKO To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. There is no guessing or math involved. Just use logic to solve

Print journalism hoping to survive with online industry By Gavin Mathis Daily Evergreen

The smudged ink on the reader’s fingers, the rings of coffee stains on the paper, the tactile feeling of flipping through pages of daunting black print – For many people, reading a newspaper is a religious experience. However, the days of waking up to a cup of coffee and a copy of The New York Times (or The Daily Evergreen) are numbered. For better or worse, a fundamental change in the dissemination of news is occurring, and the newspaper industry must adapt or be swallowed by its antiquated methods. Due to the dramatic economic decline, advertis-

ing revenue is slowing to a trickle and newspapers have been forced to do more than eliminate distribution costs. A shift away from the current business model, which does not charge readers for the content they read online, must be undertaken to save America’s crippled newspaper industry. There is little sense in defending the medium of newsprint, but my critiques of the physical medium should not be confused with the newspaper’s content. The printed word transcends time and space and is a cornerstone of a functional democracy. It is illogical to abandon print journalism simply because the conduit used to convey the message is no

longer pertinent in society. The San Francisco Chronicle, The Rocky Mountain News and — to an extent — the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have already fallen victim to this faulty business model. Walter Isaacson, the former managing editor of Time magazine, is receiving considerable attention for his idea to incorporate micropayments (fees similar to the ones made on an iTunes account) to the online newspaper industry. According to Isaacson’s plan, readers would pay a small fee for every article they view, making the paper beholden to the reader rather than advertisers. Read the rest of the column online at bgviews.com


Thursday, April 30, 2009



Big bats love playing at BG’s Steller Field (.706) hitting six home runs and adding 10 runs batted in. Last weekend certainly wasn’t an There are some fields were the batter anomaly as in the 13 games played has the upper hand before he even at BG’s home field this season, only steps into the batter’s box, and at two games have had teams comSteller Field this is definitely the case. bine for less then 10 runs. A combination of reliable outAfter 26 combined home runs last weekend, no one could argue that field blowing winds, and a shorter Steller Field is definitely a pitcher’s outfield fence to both left and right, Bowling Green has been favorable park. With winds blowing up to 30 mph for both the Falcons and their oppoto straight away center field, any ball nent this season. One of those visiting players to hit in the air last weekend had a strong chance of ending up over the benefit from the BG field conditions was Eastern Michigan right fieldoutfield fence. “When the winds blowing out it er, and number nine hitter, Wally carries,” said BG centerfielder T.J. Gerbus. Before the Falcons’ April 8, 27-7 Blanton after BG’s win Saturday. “If you hit it up there it will carry out loss to the Eagles, Gerbus had never hit a career home run. He would pretty good.” Taking advantage of the hitter’s end the day with a MAC record four park, Blanton hit two of his seven home runs and is now third in the home runs this season, while team- record book with eight runs batted mate Derek Spencer was named in. Since his banner day at BG, it has Mid-American Conference East taken the right fielder 16 games to Division Player of the Week. During the week, every game at equal the number of home runs he Steller Field, Spencer went 12-for-17 hit at Steller Field. By Sean Shapiro Reporter

BASEBALL Travis Hafner headed to the disabled list Cleveland Indians designated hitter Travis Hafner was place on the disabled list yesterday with a sore right shoulder, the same shoulder that caused him to miss 57 games a year ago. Hafner had surgery on the shoulder last October, and will visit Dr. James Andrews, who performed the surgery, next week.


POWER: Ryan Shay has enjoyed the friendly confines this season, hitting 10 home runs.

While BG has come out on top of most of the slugfests (they’re 9-4 at home this season) it has been frustrating for BG coach Danny Schmitz to have to rely on their hitting when baseball is a three phase game. “I can’t say its fun baseball,” Schmitz said. “Both teams have to play in it, we really express to our pitchers keeping the ball down. If you keep the ball up in the zone it can easily be gone.” Playing in a pitcher friendly park has hurt BG’s pitching staff immensely in the stat book. During the season only two BG pitchers have an ERA below 5.00 while five pitchers have and ERA in double digits. It’s difficulty that hasn’t eluded the visitors as well, BG’s opponents have 6.73 ERA compared to the 7.27 earned runs the Falcons allow a game. BG will look to lower that ERA while continuing to swing the bat well at Steller Field this weekend when they host the Ohio University Bobcats.

ONLINE The BG News Sports Blog Be sure to log on to The BG News Sports Blog for continued coverage of your favorite Falcon sports teams. We’ll have coverage of the Falcons softball and baseball teams over the weekend as they gear up for the MAC Tournament, as well as some coverage of the men’s golf MAC Championships. Don’t forget, the BG News Sports Blog won’t go anywhere after finals week. Be sure to log on all summer for continued coverage. www.bgnewssports.com

OUR CALL Today in Sports History 1990—The U.S. beats Costa Rica 1-0 in the third round of the 1990 world soccer cup. 1988—First Arena Football League game. New York Knights beat Los Angeles Cobras 60-52.

The List The quarterfinal round of the NBA Playoffs has been eventful. With some series already over, and other not far behind, we’re taking a look at the five biggest events so far. 1. Baby Bulls: They are the baby Bulls no more. They’ve taken the Celtics into overtime three times in five games, and could be leading the series if it were not for a dirty play by Rajon Rando. 2. Spurred: The San Antonio Spurs have been ousted in five games. Many see this as the end of an era dominated by Tim Duncan company. We sure do. 3. Lakers/Cavs: It’s the matchup that everyone is looking forward to. Both team’s ripped through their opening round series. 4. Rockets: The playoffs just don’t seem the same this year without Tracy McGrady trying, and failing, to escape the first round. He’s gone, but his team is one win away from the second round. That’ll make that leg hurt a little more. 5. Ben Gordon: He has 40 plus points on multiple nights. He’s carrying the playoffs’ most surprising team.


MIRAGE: Hayley Wiemer had a good day offensively, but like her fellow Falcons, the defense just wasn’t there against the Wright State Raiders in a doubleheader last night. The games were Wiemer’s last in BG.

Wright State raids BG Softball team drops both ends of doubleheader against Wright State of the Falcons 14-3 in five innings. Melissa Bott started in the circle for BG, and WSU wasted no time jumping on the sophomore, touching The BG softball team played in their final home games of her up for two runs on two hits to take a 2-0 lead after the season yesterday, taking on Wright State in a double- one. The Raiders answered again in the second, as header. It was WSU who stole the show, however, sweep- another two hits accounted for a run. ing the series 14-3, 8-3. Hayley Wiemer got the Falcons on the board in the Game 1: WSU 14, BG 3 (5 innings) third, as her second double of the game cut the deficit The Raiders entered the game riding a 10-game win- to 3-1. That was the closest BG would get, however, as a ning streak, which quickly reached 11 as they took care seven hit, 10-run fourth inning for WSU put the game By Paul Barney Reporter

Olympic icon Bolt escapes car crash without injury By Howard Campbell The Associated Press

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Olympic champion sprinter Usain Bolt was in a car crash Wednesday in Jamaica, but police and his manager said he was not seriously injured. Bolt was apparently speeding on a rain-slicked highway when he lost control of the BMW M3 and it went off the road, police Sgt. David Sheriff told The Associated Press. Sheriff was the first officer to arrive at the scene in St. Catherine parish and found the car heavily damaged. An official at Spanish Town Hospital confirmed Bolt appeared to have only scratches. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of privacy concerns, said Bolt was “very calm” and that doctors were examining him to make sure there were no other injuries. The official said Bolt

would be required to provide a statement to police. Bolt and an unidentified female passenger were taken to the hospital, though neither was seriously hurt, Sheriff said. The track star’s manager, Norman Peart, said Bolt sustained nothing more than scratches from thorn bushes when he stepped out of the car on the side of the road. “We are very relieved he’s OK,” Peart told the AP. “Everybody is fine.” Bolt’s team will conduct tests over the next 48 hours to decide whether he sticks to his competition schedule, Peart said. Bolt has a meet Saturday in Jamaica and is set to run a 150-meter street race in Manchester, England on May 17. The 22-year-old sprinter won the 100 and 200 meters at the Beijing Olympics and was part of the Jamaica team which won the 4x100 relay. All three gold medals were earned in world record times.

out of reach. Before the Falcons could bat in the fifth, another run in the top half of the frame put the Raiders up 14-3. BG tried to make some noise in the fifth, as a solo home run from Katelynn Boso and another RBI double for Wiemer cut the deficit to 14-3. Despite the two runs, the BG bats showed up too little too late, as they were

See SOFTBALL | Page 7

BG’s tennis team is home grown bunch takes away the opportunity to play from Americans, as well as give teams an unfair advanAn international tennis player tage. Senior Libby Harrison also can be an asset to a team. They bring a new point of feels that recruiting internaview, a different playing style tional players is not only unfair and a whole lot of experience to on the courts, but financially as well. their American teammates. “A lot of American athletes All of the tennis teams in the Mid-American Conference are working really hard to get have at least one foreign play- scholarships, but foreign player—except BG. And that’s just ers are taking them away,” the way coach Penny Dean Harrison said. “There needs to be a restriction on the number wants to keep it. “We are able to recruit good of foreign players, like a pertennis players from the Midwest centage of [the team].” Dean points out that interto the BG campus and not take the easy, non-competitive way national players can also take out,” Dean said. “It doesn’t away financial aid that could mean I would never recruit an have gone to a local player. “I don’t recruit very much international player, but I prefer to go American all the way internationally because I feel that the grant in aids come when possible.” With the credentials interna- from taxpayers money and tional players can bring in, it should predominantly go to may be a surprise that all teams Americans,” Dean said. Though she does not curdon’t jump on the opportunity. But when you bring in these rently have any foreign players players, according to Dean, it on her squad, Dean recruited By Morgan Carlson Reporter

Gaby Coello Played for BG from 2000-04 after coming from Equador. Gaby Coello, a player from Ecuador, for the 2000-04 seasons. As a high school exchange student living in Cleveland, Coello was able to meet Dean and the team prior to committing to BG. The meeting temporarily swayed Dean’s opinion on international recruiting. “One fear I have about recruiting international players is that you in most cases cannot see them play in person or meet them in person to get a sense of what they are really like tennis wise and being a fit for your team,” Dean said. “Sometimes teams get lucky and sometimes

See TENNIS | Page 7




A single, stolen base and another single quickly gave WSU a 1-0 lead after one. The Raiders From Page 6 struck again in the second, as three hits and two Falcon errors unable to avoid the run-rule. Bott and Zada Lines com- gave way to four runs. WSU would then add another bined for five innings from the circle, allowing 14 runs on 14 run in the fourth, when Ashleigh Jackson hit a two-out, pinch-hit hits. Wiemer led the BG offense, home run to left field, giving her going 3-for-3 with three doubles, team a 6-0 lead. While Lines had her struggles now ninth on the University’s all-time records list with 32 from the circle, the Raiders’ Sharon Palma was dealing. doubles. Through five innings, Palma Game 2: WSU 8, BG 3 The final home game in the held the Falcon bats to no runs career of Wiemer didn’t end the on just two hits. Palma was relieved after five way she would have hoped, as the Falcons dropped game two innings, and the Falcons took advantage. 8-3. Melissa West led-off the sixth Lines got the start in the circle, and like the first game, the with a double, which broke a Raiders jumped on BG starting streak of 12 consecutive batters sent down by WSU pitchpitching early.

ing. After Wiemer intentionally walked, West stole third and later came around to score the Falcons’ first run of the game. A few batters later, Missy Bowman stepped up big and delivered a bases loaded double to center fielder, cutting the deficit to 6-3. Just as BG cut the score to a reachable level, WSU tacked on another two runs in the seventh, sealing the win 8-3. In the sweep, BG was outscored 22-6, and outhit 25-10. The Falcons (11-29, 6-12 MidAmerican Conference) will wrapup the regular season with four games this weekend, as they head to Central and Eastern Michigan fighting for a spot to go to the MAC Tournament. Coach Shannon Salsburg was unable to comment on the games.

TENNIS From Page 6

fighting to get out of their country for whatever reason, so they have a lot more drive to come to a U.S. college.” Though Dean prefers American players, she admits that the foreign players can often teach their U.S. teammates a thing or two in some cases. “I do feel there is a lot to be learned … from the international student athletes in terms of lifestyle, customs, tennis ideas, religion, ideas about life situations,” Dean said. “[Learning] to communicate is definitely a positive for a team to gain and could help the world remain at peace.” Chiricosta and Jakupcin both feel that their team is more closeknit because of the all-American make up. “We are all from the Midwest, and we know what the others are going through, Chiricosta said. “We mostly all played the same area tournaments and can relate to one another. “I feel as though our team has become better friends and are more like family without international players,” Jakupcin said. “We can all communicate to the fullest and we really understand and help each other. We feel as though we represent the best of Ohio and Illinois and feel proud to be on this BG team.”

a big advantage with having international players,” Jakupcin said. “They learn different strategies and have different styles of they don’t. I had the opportunity play which we don’t necessarily to meet [Gaby] and her parents. I focus on in America, and this knew that her English was good gives them the edge when playfrom that meeting, [as well as] ing American players.” In some other countries, athwhat her experiences were.” Since Coello graduated, the letes are not required to attend entire Falcon team has been high school, but instead work on developing and improving their made up of American players. But that hasn’t stopped other skills. This gives them an obviMAC schools from going the ous advantage, but also limits their sense of school spirit that international route. Miami is home to Monica Americans usually learn before Gorny, a South African player college. “I think it is more difficult for who played in the 2007 and 2008 Wimbledon and French Open them to learn to buy into the tournaments, and another of team concept and the representtheir players, a Russian named ing your school idea because Anastasia Dracheva, was named their countries do not have the MAC Player of the Year in 2008 same situation in high schools,” Dean said. as a freshman. Sophomore Christine During the week of April 15, 2009, Akron’s Anna Baronayte— Chiricosta is proud of the team a sophomore from St. Petersburg, for being able to compete at Russia—beat out BG’s Katia such a high level without the aid Babina from Illinois for MAC of international players, but sees women’s tennis Player of the why foreign players have such Week. Also in the running that an advantage. “[International players] have a week was a Buffalo player from Jakarta, Indonesia, and a Miami different style of play, depending on what country they’re from,” player from Moscow, Russia. Senior Kelsey Jakupcin says Chiricosta said. “They have usuthat international players are ally played on different surfaces, recruited for a number of rea- and if you have one good recruit, they’ll attract their friends. sons. “Other teams definitely have Many international players are

Holmes arraigned on marijuana charge By Dan Nephin The Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — Pittsburgh Steelers receiver and Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes was arraigned Wednesday on a misdemeanor marijuana charge stemming from a traffic stop. Holmes’ attorney, Robert DelGreco Jr., appeared at the brief hearing where charges were formally presented. Holmes did not appear, nor was he required to. DelGreco said he planned to challenge the constitutionality of the stop, but did not elaborate. “I will be filing a suppression motion. That will be a public record and we’ll go from there,” he said. Pittsburgh police said they found three marijuana-filled cigars in Holmes’ car when

he was pulled over Oct. 23. Holmes was stopped because his car was similar to one they were looking for in a drug sting. Holmes was cooperative and alerted officers to the drugs, police said. DelGreco has characterized the charge “as low as a grade a misdemeanor you can get.” The penalty is up to 30 days probation and a $500 fine, he said. Coach Mike Tomlin deactivated Holmes for a game following the traffic stop. He was not arrested and received a court summons, which is common with misdemeanor charges in Pennsylvania. Holmes said he “learned a lot” from missing a game following the traffic stop. Before the Super Bowl, Holmes told the media that he had dealt drugs for a year in his home-

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town of Belle Glade, Fla. Holmes, a first-round draft pick out of Ohio State in 2006, has had two other run-ins with the law since the Steelers drafted him. In June 2006, he was charged w ith domestic v iolence in Columbus, Ohio. Those charges were dropped when the mother of one of his three children declined to help prosecute the case and prosecutors were assured that Holmes received anger management and domestic violence counseling through the NFL. In May 2006, Holmes was arrested for disorderly conduct by police in Miami, who later dropped the charges. No trial date has been set on the recent charge, but a pretrial conference was scheduled for May 22 in Allegheny County Court.

Thursday, April 30, 2009



CAN’T ESCAPE: The sport of track and field has been running from its doping history for years, but can’t get away from it.

Track and field in scandal once again By Eddie Pells The Associated Press

With a gold medalist in one its top events busted for doping at the Beijing Games, the troubled sport of track and field is once again at the center of an Olympic drug scandal. Bahrain’s Rashid Ramzi, the 1500-meter champion and his country’s first gold medalist in track, was among three track athletes — and a half-dozen Olympians in all — snagged in the latest game of cat-andmouse between cheaters and those who try to nail them. The twist in the nabbing of Ramzi and the rest was their drug of choice. It’s called CERA, a new form of EPO, which increases endurance by stimulating production of red blood cells. Olympic drug testers recently came up with a way to detect CERA. They called for retesting of 948 samples taken from the Beijing Olympics; many of those retests were looking for CERA. Six came back positive. One was from weightlifting, two from cycling — including a silver medalist — and three from track. Of the four medals that have already been stripped for doping violations from Beijing, three were from track and field. Ramzi’s would make it four. Granted, there are more athletes and more tests in track than other sports. Still, this is hardly the news that the sport hopes to generate after decades of continually trying to reinvent itself as clean. “Honestly, track and field didn’t need another blow like this,” said Dee Dee Trotter, a 2004 American gold medalist who runs the anti-doping Web site Test Me I’m Clean. “Our reputation is truly depleting and it doesn’t help when fans who have long loved the sport begin to doubt what they see.” Though the 1,500-meter race isn’t immensely popular in America, in international circles, it is considered right up there with the 100 meters as the

most popular race. It’s the metric mile, a distance the common man runs for recreation and a long-standing test of both speed and endurance at the elite level. The fact that Bahrain got its first Olympic track gold in the event made it that much more special. Calls to Ramzi and his coach seeking comment were unanswered. Accused women’s weightlifter Yudelquis Contreras of the Dominican Republic issued a strong denial, telling The Associated Press: “I know I am clean.” If Ramzi’s positive test is upheld through the appeals process, the medal will go to Asbel Kipruto Kiprop of Kenya, one of Africa’s more traditional running powerhouses. “But that’s one of the worst things about it, is that they’ll send it to him in the mail,” Trotter said. “You want your time to shine. You can’t get that back. You never take that victory lap, never enjoy that moment the way it was designed for the winner to enjoy it.” Track and field medals have been stripped and redistributed for decades, though the scandals of the last decade have taken on more sinister elements of multilayered doping programs and attempts to cover them up. In a scandal that dragged out for more than eight years, Marion Jones was stripped of all five of her medals — including three gold — after admitting that she was doping at the time of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The 2004 Athens Games were overshadowed by the scandal involving Greek sprinters Katerina Thanou and Kostas Kenteris, who were banned after allegedly evading drug tests on the eve of the games. Stripped of golds in Athens were winners in the men’s hammer throw and discus and women’s shot put. Officials from International Association of Athletics Federations even seemed relieved about the latest scandal, noting that three positives out of several thousand tests was not an elevated number. “The IAAF would like to com-


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mend the IOC for their efforts in the storage and reanalysis of samples and for their coordination with the IAAF in this process,” the group said in a statement. “This step shows that athletes who cheat can never be comfortable that they will avoid detection and sends a strong message of deterrence.” The samples are deep frozen and stored in case they’re needed for further testing down the road. There have been questions about how accurate tests can be on samples held as long as eight years, but the prevailing theory among anti-doping experts is that the level of a drug could only decrease over time, and the chance of an increase are slim. The emergence of CERA offers the latest proof of why holding samples for eight years is a good idea. There is nothing particularly new about the drug itself. It is very much like EPO in that it elevates red blood cell count and has legitimate uses for people with renal failure or cancer who have trouble keeping their counts elevated. What’s new about CERA, officially called Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator, is that it is designed to not be filtered through the kidney as easily, which allows it to stay in a person’s system longer. In the doping world, that makes it easier to take — maybe only once a month instead of once a week — but also more risky because it’s detectable longer. Those who got hold of it around the time of the Beijing Olympics may have been hoping no test would be developed for it — or maybe they underestimated the amount of time it would stay in their system. The French anti-doping agency was the first to create a test for CERA, nabbing four cyclists, including third-place Tour de France finisher Bernhard Kohl of Austria, more than two months after the Tour ended. That success prompted the IOC to announce on Oct. 8 that it would retest samples from the games.

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8 Thursday, April 30, 2009



Photo by Enoch Wu | The BG News

TOP LEFT: Students rehearse for a performance yesterday. The performance will feature more than 50 dancers and will take place tonight and Friday evening at 8 p.m. in Eppler 222. Admission is $5 at the door. TOP: Junior Aftan Baldwin gets “AOPied” in the face yesterday in the Union Oval. Alpha Omicron Pi members accepted a pie in the face in exchange for donations to raise money for juvenile arthritis. With an hour left to go, Baldwin said $40 had been raised during the biannual event. ABOVE: Baldwin wipes the whipped cream from her face after being pied.

ABOVE: Jeramy Steinhurst of Professional Petition Management scores a student’s signature on a petition to get the Ohio Job and Growth Plan put on a ballot. The plan, which Steinhurst said is sponsored by Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, would put four casinos in the state. RIGHT: Junior Jackie Marlow writes on a section of fence in the Union Oval yesterday. The fence, put up by Social Justice Task Force, was covered by students with slurs and insults they had received in the past. SJTF hoped that by putting the fence in such a public place, students would realize what some of their peers are subjected to daily.

Photos by Alaina Buzas | The BG News

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IN FOCUS Student activism through the years Compiled by Kate Snyder Assistant Campus Editor



October 19, 1949 Students gathered support for a student strike in protest of rules preventing unmarried women from being passengers in cars not driven by a faculty member, house director or parent. An open panel formed that afternoon, and two weeks later, after increasing protests, University President Prout allowed unmarried women to ride in cars freely from 6 p.m. Friday to 1 a.m. Sunday.

May 24, 1957 A torchlight demonstration of 300 students protested the drinking ban on campus. Several weeks earlier, two fraternities were put on probation for drinking violations.

March 28, 1961 Students feeling dissatisfied with University President McDonald protested with a class boycott, burning picket fences, digging up yards and building bonfires in front of the Union. A state of emergency was declared on campus. McDonald resigned at the end of the year.

February 29, 1968 The Student Council voted 44-0 to urge all University students to boycott the one-year housing agreements distributed to dorms. The new forms were a switch from a one-semester agreement, and didn’t allow students to move after one semester.

May 4, 1970 -

Thursday, April 30, 2009 9

Free speech not restricted to just the Union Oval By Hannah Sparling Reporter

“Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Those are the words of the first amendment to the constitution, written on the Bill of Rights in 1789. But the effects of those words, written over 200 years ago, are still prevalent today. There is an ongoing debate over the meaning of the first amendment, and how far it really goes to protect free speech. The University, full of many students with ideas to share and express, is no stranger to free speech debates. In front of the Union, there is a small oval called the speak out area, a designated area for students to practice their first amendment rights. The speak out area is better

“Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.” First amendment of the Constitution

known to some students as the free speech zone. Deb Novak, assistant dean at the University, said the oval was initially called the free speech zone, but the title was later changed because free speech zone implies there is not free speech everywhere on campus, which is not true. In the student handbook, the speak out area is defined as a place that “allows individuals or groups who wish to exercise their free speech rights the greatest opportunity to reach the widest audiences possible.” The

See ZONE| Page 10

Students use social networking as a forum for activism


The National Guard fires at Kent University students. BGSU is the only Ohio university to stay open. One hundred students marched from Williams Hall to the 2nd floor of the Administration Building, where they staged a sit-in to insist classes be cancelled for the rest of the week. The next morning classes were cancelled. Students went back to the Administration Building and kept protesting.


Students protesting the presence of ROTC on campus held an all-night demonstration on the steps outside. Around 11:15 p.m., some students broke into Memorial Hall.

March 21, 1997 Coalitions formed against moving the Free Speech Zone to the front of the math science building.

By Kyle Reynolds In Focus Editor

When Steve Currie wanted to promote his organization the Coalition for USG Reform and their rally for a Stroh Center Referendum he turned to Facebook to get the word out. “Everyone has a Facebook, so it is easy to reach the whole campus” Currie said. “So we made a group and some others had similar groups so we networked with them and got everything together.” Montana Miller, assistant professor of popular culture, teaches a course on social networking and online communities and said Facebook may be the best way to reach students to promote activist activities or voice their concerns. “It probably reaches more people because Facebook is so big,” Montana Miller said. “Not that many people will walk by a dem-

“Everyone has a Facebook, so it is easy to reach the whole campus.”

Steve Currie | Coalition member onstration.” At the Stroh Center referendum rally the Coalition had a petition they were getting students to sign to allow them a vote on whether to approve USG’s endorsement of the facility. A cyber-petition was also started up by a member of the Coalition, which would not have been valid, Currie said. The petition at the rally received many more signatures than its cyber equivalent and it

See ONLINE | Page 10

October 30, 2008 March 25, 2008 FREEDOM and Transcendence protest University Dining Services’ decision to end meal plan rollover.


Members of College Democrats, Transcendence and FREEDOM protest vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s appearance at the University prior ro the 2008 presidential election.


GREEN: The Environmental Action Group helped out with the Eco-Fair at the University last Wednesday in celebration of Earth Day. The event showed students ways to go green.


Students protest USG’s decision to show student support for the Stroh Center in hopes of getting a student referendum.


Group promotes environmental activist agenda on campus By Becky Tener Reporter

The Environmental Action Group changes their approach from simply educating students, to taking a stand to save the planet. Senior Jazmine Bennett, EAG Vice President, grew-up fighting to save the environment. She said she can remember helping her mom protest at a young age. “I feel like I’ve been doing this forever trying to make a change,”

she said. “And now I found that I have a passion for it.” So when Bennett came to the University she got involved with the Environmental Action Group. EAG is an organization dedicated to educating students on environmental issues and taking action to protect the planet. “This is where change happens, it starts with young people on col-

See EAG | Page 10


10 Thursday, April 30, 2009

ZONE From Page 9


ROLLOVER: Members of FREEDOM and Transcendence protest inside the Union against Dining Services’ decision to eliminate meal plan rollover and increase meal plan prices.

FREEDOM promotes community action By Theresa Scott Reporter

FREEDOM is a group with a different kind of vision. The “nonhierarchical� group works with its members to improve community relationships through service based trips and creative projects. “We don’t have a mission statement,� said member Jason Hartigan “We’re pretty much against them.� “We decided to work outside of the hierarchical system because everything seems to be run on that it does not seem to always work out,� said member Reise Sample. “You can’t tell a community what to do or what they want.� FREEDOM grew out of cultural immersion trips which they sponsored over the past two years to the South Bronx and to a Navaho reservation. The goal is to bring back the scene of community involvement and commitment from the trips to the Bowling Green community Hartigan said. “The trips are really our way of becoming involved and then bringing that sense of involvement back for those who did not go,� Hartigan said. FREEDOM currently hosts an

ONLINE From Page 9 was enough to get a referendum for students, Currie said. Tyrus Blue, a petitioner with Professional Petition Management ,was on campus last week petitioning to get a proposition on the state ballot that would bring casinos to four Ohio cities, including Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati. Getting people to sign the petition was difficult, Blue said. “People are not friendly here,� Blue said. “They are too busy or not interested to sign until they find out more about the issue. One of our guys was hit my an old man with a cane.� A cyber-petition would be more effective because people would not have to go out of their way to sign anything, said Ryan Bunch, another petitioner with Professional Petition Management. “If people just had to go on a Web site and type their name it would probably be a lot easier to get this filled up,� Blue said. “ In order for a digital activist movement to be most successful

handbook also states that free speech is allowed throughout the entire campus, and the speak out area is simply for the convenience of students, faculty, staff and community members. Novak said the reason for the speak out area is to help students. The area is right in front of the Union where there are a lot of buildings and foot traffic, she said. It provides a localized place specifically designed to help people advertise or share their views and opinions. “I don’t think there is any particular reason outside of wanting to help students,� she said. Jim Foust, an associate journalism professor, said from a legal perspective, the speak out area is really nothing more than a suggestion. There is basically free speech everywhere on campus, he said, and University officials cannot restrict it to one specific location. Foust said the University can start to limit free speech when it becomes so invasive that it disrupts the flow of the University. The right


“We’re a University and there is supposed to be education going on. It becomes what we call a time, place and manner situation. We’re not saying you can’t say that, we’re just saying you can’t say that here.� Jim Foust | Associate Professor of Journalism to free speech does not give people the right to interfere with the main function of the University, which is education, he said. Foust said, for example, it would not be permissible for someone to go into a classroom, stand on a table and start preaching or yelling about the war in Iraq. “We’re a University and there is supposed to be education going on,� he said. “It becomes what we call a time, place and manner situation. We’re not saying you can’t say that, we’re just saying you can’t say that here.� SophomorePaulHemminger has participated in several demonstrations in the speak out area. He said is a good place because it is central and always full of people going to the Union or walking between classes. “Everyone goes to the Union,� he said. “No other place on campus has that high

volume [of people].� Hemminger said he demonstrates in the speak out area by choice because it is the best place to be. He said he has never felt pressured to go there or like he doesn’t have the right to speak out anywhere on campus. “Never was I influenced to be there,� he said. “It was always an act of my own.� The University is not the only place with a speak out area. Victoria Ekstrand, an associate professor in the journalism department, said there are actually places just like the University’s speak out area all around the world. Hyde Park and Times Square in New York are examples of huge free speech zones that were created informally, more out of tradition than anything else, she said. Ekstrand said she thinks it is better when speech zones are formed spontaneously and informally, rather than actual-

ly labeled like the University’s. She said it would mean more and the area would have more significance if students created it on their own. “That should be developed by students and not dictated from above,� she said. Whether in the speak out area or anywhere else, free speech does have its limits. Ekstrand said the line in free speech rights is drawn when safety becomes an issue. There is definitely free speech at the University, but when it disrupts the function of the University or becomes unsafe other rules start to apply, she said. Ekstrand said the problem with those limits is in the word “safety.� Students and administrators probably have very different ideas about what is and isn’t safe, she said. When law enforcement enforcers or administrators wait too long to step in, they get blamed for the violence that takes place, she said. But if they step in too early they get blamed for infringing on free speech rights. “The devil is in the details,� she said. “It’s all about how we define safety. When is that moment when an exchange of words becomes an exchange of fists? It’s sometimes hard to know. It’s a difficult line to navigate.�

after school program for teenagers and is building a community garden in the city. “We see problems in our community and we want to see what can do about them,� said Junior Kristi Rhoads. FREEDOM, along with the University’s transgender organization, Transcendence, organized a rally to protest University Dining Service’s decision to end meal plan rollover last spring. The UCF building, which is located across from Sorority row, has been transformed into Freedom’s headquarters. The building, which was built in 1965, has always served as something of a community center for students, art work is hung and for sale, and the basement is sometimes converted into a concert venue where local bands play. The center also serves as a “community clothes closet� where anyone who is in need can browse through piles of donated clothes come take what they want. “You learn a lot about yourself when you help the community and you try to get what you want to see happen get done,� Sample said. “We really get to see the power of the community coming together." having some face-to-face interaction is needed eventually, said assistant professor of political science Melissa Miller. “If you can get those online activists to meet face-to-face they suddenly have a connection with the other members and will keep them hooked as opposed to the faceless connections online,� Melissa Miller said. Social networking can not only mobilize a group for a demonstration, but can bring outsiders to the event. “You can get more attention that way so you can hold a rally people will notice, maybe the media will pick it up,� Melissa Miller said. The reason activism is going online is because activists have grown up with this technology, said Melissa Miller. “Activists in general tend to be younger and they have more free time and energy,� Melissa Miller said. “They don't typically have the children and the mortgages tugging at them, so they have more time available. You combine that with fact that they tend to use the Internet more than their elder peers and you get a really good combination.�


PROTEST: Students march from the Union Oval to the court house to protest the building of a coal plant in Meigs County. Many are upset about the 50-year AMP-Ohio contract signed by city council to receive power from the plant. The environmental and health ramifications of the plant are what many residents are upset about.

EAG From Page 9 lege campuses,� she said. Bennett said the EAG is not just for Environmental Science majors but any student that is interested in environmental issues. She said the organization is interested in getting more members and more people interested in taking action. Like EAG, Gary Silverman, director of the Center of the Environmental Programs, said students need to be ready to change their lifestyles to combat this worsening environment. “We can’t live like this forever,� he said “people have to realize we need to make a change.� The Environmental Action Group took the drastic need, to make a change for the fate of

“ Education is the first step to changing things. So reaching students here can really make a difference.� Melissa Greene | Junior the planet, and started actively participating in both local and global environmental issues. EAG Networking Chair, Elizabeth Warther said this is the first year EAG has not only focused on offering students environmental education but have also started taking political action. “We’re trying to show the campus our activist side,� she said. The group has taken part in many different conferences, protests and petition signings. Through both continuing to educate students and being active, displays of what students can be doing for the environment is exactly how change

will come, Junior Melissa Greene said. “Education is the first step to changing things,� she said. “So reaching students here can really make a difference.� Greene said the once students see what kind of impact can be achieved through the merger of college and an environmental cause the desire to help the planet will spread. Laura Winebarger, EAG President said the group finds importance in sharing their message with the student body. This year EAG has tried to reach students through events like Corn Fest, which revealed the countries large dependence on corn; Focus BG, which was

held to inform students on the Global Warming crisis; and the organization’s yearlong commitment to combat the AMP Ohio coal power plant. “We’re really trying to bring awareness to campus,� she said. “These issues are too important.� Next year the organization plans to continue it’s political involvement and grow to a campus-wide movement.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009




12 Thursday, April 30, 2009


Swine flu claims life of one toddler By Juan A. Lozano The Associated Press

HOUSTON — A Mexico City toddler who traveled to Texas with family to visit relatives is the first confirmed death in the U.S. from swine flu. The boy, who was nearly 2 years old, arrived in the border city of Brownsville with “underlying health issues” on April 4 and developed flu symptoms four days later, the Texas Department of State Health Services said. He was taken to a Brownsville hospital April 13 and transferred to the following day to a hospital in Houston, where he died Monday night. Texas Health Services Commissioner Dr. David Lakey said it is “highly likely” the child contracted the illness in Mexico, though that hasn’t been confirmed. The boy is one of 16 confirmed swine flu cases in Texas, where Gov. Rick Perry has issued a disaster declaration and schools have shut down across the state out of fear of the virus. The cause of the boy’s death was pneumonia caused by the flu virus, Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos said. Texas

Children’s Hospital, where the boy died, said in a statement he was suffering from “acute respiratory illness.” Officials did not specify what underlying health issues the boy had before arriving in the U.S. State health officials declined to identify the boy or his family, citing privacy concerns, medical confidentiality and “the absence of an obvious health threat from the boy to the public at large.” State health officials said the boy would not have been infectious when he flew from Mexico City to Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville. None of his close contacts have developed symptoms. President Barack Obama said he wanted to extend his “thoughts and prayers” to the child’s family. Health officials in Brownsville are trying to trace his family’s trip to find out how long they were in the area, who they visited and how many people were in the group, Cascos said. The boy’s family members “are healthy and well,” Houston’s health director, Dr. David Persse, said at a news

Gun control issue insights anger in Montana By Kahrin Deines The Associated Press

HELENA, Mont. — Montana is trying to trigger a battle over gun control — and perhaps make a larger point about what many folks in this ruggedly independent state regard as a meddlesome federal government. In a bill passed by the Legislature earlier this month, the state is asserting that guns manufactured in Montana and sold in Montana to people who intend to keep their weapons in Montana are exempt from federal gun registration, background check and dealer-licensing rules because no state lines are crossed. That notion is all but certain to be tested in court. The immediate effect of the law could be limited, since Montana is home to just a few specialty gun makers, known for high-end hunting rifles and replicas of Old West weapons, and because their out-of-state sales would automatically trigger federal control. Still, much bigger prey lies in Montana’s sights: a legal showdown over how far the federal government’s regulatory authority extends.

“It’s a gun bill, but it’s another way of demonstrating the sovereignty of the state of Montana,” said Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who signed the bill. Carrie DiPirro, a spokeswoman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, had no comment on the legislation. But the federal government has generally argued that it has authority under the interstate commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution to regulate guns because they can so easily be transported across state lines. Guns and states’ rights both play well in Montana, the birthplace of the right-wing Freemen militia and a participant in the Sagebrush Rebellion of the 1970s and ‘80s, during which Western states clashed with Washington over grazing and mineral extraction on federal land. Montana’s leading gun rights organization, more hardcore than the National Rifle Association, boasts it has moved 50 bills through the Legislature over the past 25 years. And lawmakers in the Big Sky State have rebelled against federal control of everything from wetland protection to the national Real ID system.


COMFORTING: Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks during a news conference.

conference yesterday. The toddler was about 2 years old. Houston officials said he was 23 months old, but state officials said he was 22 months old and could not immediately explain the discrepancy. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the death earlier yesterday. The news came as two young brothers in Massachusetts became the first to test positive in the state for swine flu, health officials confirmed yesterday. The boys, ages 8 and 10,

who became sick after a vacation to Mexico, are from Lowell — about 35 miles northwest of Boston. Neither child attended school after returning home from the trip. Nevada confirmed its first case yesterday — a 2-year-old girl from the Reno area who was not hospitalized and is recovering. Children, especially those younger than age 5, are particularly vulnerable to flu and its complications, and every year children die from seasonal flu. According to the CDC, more than 20,000 children younger than age 5 are hospitalized every year because of seasonal flu. In the 2007-08 flu season, the CDC received reports that 86 children nationwide died from flu complications. Authorities have confirmed at least 93 swine flu cases in the United States. In addition to the 16 in Texas, they’ve identified 51 cases in New York, 14 in California, three in Maine; two inKansas,twoinMassachusetts, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, Arizona and Nevada. The CDC also said Michigan had two, but state officials maintained only one was confirmed.

Conspirator sentenced to life By Geoff Mulvihill The Associated Press

CAMDEN, N.J. — A man who was the “epicenter of the conspiracy” to kill military personnel was sentenced to life in prison and a fellow plotter was sentenced to 33 years as a judge yesterday finished sentencing five Muslim immigrants who contemplated an attack on Fort Dix. On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Robert Kugler had sentenced the three others involved in the plot to at least life in prison. Overall, Kugler seemed to accept the position of prosecutors that the plot was one of the most frightening homegrown terrorism plots ever hatched in the U.S. Under federal law, none of the four men given life sentences will be eligible for parole. With each of the four, Kugler cited their actions in the plot, their run-ins with the law — either before the investigation began or in the federal detention center in Philadelphia — and what he called their radical Islamist ideology. Yesterday, Mohamad Shnewer, a 24-year-old U.S. citizen born in Jordan, received a

sentence of life plus 30 years. Kugler said the sentence reflected his position as “the epicenter of the conspiracy” by frequently suggesting ways to kill military personnel. The judge dismissed the young man’s contention that he was talking about violence only because Mahmoud Omar, an FBI informant, pushed him into it. “I might have spoken like a jihadist,” said Shnewer, a former Cherry Hill resident who drove a cab and worked in his family’s food market. “But I don’t have what it takes to be a jihadist.” Like the families of the other men, relatives of Serdar Tatar spoke in court, describing the Turkish-born 25-year-old as a loving man who helped his stepson with homework. They said he was not interested in violence and cried about the shootings at Virginia Tech two years ago. “I believe that everything that’s going on is happening in some horrible dream,” said his wife, Halide Mirayeva, as she spoke on the couple’s third wedding anniversary. Unlike the other men, who wore stoic expressions or even smiled during the sentencing proceedings, Tatar was sullen.


ASSURES: Dr. Jonathan Fielding, director of public health for the County of Los Angeles, speaks about swine flu at the county hall of administration in downtown Los Angeles.

Southern California Marine infected with Swine Flu By Pauline Jelinek The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said yesterday a Marine based in Southern California has been confirmed to be ill with swine flu and is under quarantine, along with about 30 other Marines. A Marine spokesman at the Pentagon, Maj. David Nevers, said the sick Marine was doing well and his condition continued to improve. Nevers said approximately 30 other Marines who had been in contact with the sick Marine at the Twentynine Palms base will be held in quarantine for five days as well as to see whether they show symptoms. Officials earlier had said 37 Marines who had come into contact with the sick Marine were being restricted from going to the mess hall and troop formations. It wasn’t immediately possible to reconcile the conflicting numbers. The sick Marine’s roommate also was in quarantine but was not showing any symptoms of swine flu. The ill Marine suffered from vomiting and other flu-like symptoms, Gen. James Conway, the Marine Corps commandant, said at a Pentagon briefing before the Marine was confirmed with the flu.

But, he added, “He’s doing fine. He’s up and about, he says he feels pretty good. ... There appears to be no threat him in terms of loss of life.” The Pentagon would not identify the Marine. His roommate and the other Marines were receiving Tamiflu, Conway said. But the ailing Marine was not because “Tamiflu would not help him at this point.” The Marine first complained of being sick on Saturday. It’s not clear how he may have contracted the virus. Conway said the Marine had not been to Mexico, but had traveled around the San Bernardino Valley area of Southern California. Conway said no additional doctors or medications have been needed at the base so far. The military has 7 million doses of Tamiflu and other anti-viral treatments stockpiled for its troops. “Our concern is the obvious exposure to other people and the potential spread,” Conway said. “And I’m confident we have a very aggressive doctor out there that is going by the book and being a little aggressive even beyond that, in terms of making sure that Marines are not exposing themselves to other Marines.”


MR. LONELY: This photo provided yesterday by the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. shows Happy the hippo, the National Zoo’s solitary male Nile hippopotamus.

‘Happier’ times expected for hippo WASHINGTON (AP) — Happy the hippo could soon be a lot happier. The National Zoo’s solitary male Nile hippopotamus is heading to the Milwaukee County Zoo, where his new home will include a pool, a sandy beach and two potential girlfriends, Puddles and Patty. Zoo officials say they’re sad to see Happy go, but that Milwaukee will offer him a

great life. Happy is 28 and weighs about 5,500 pounds. He has to leave the National Zoo because his home is being eliminated for the expansion of the zoo’s elephant exhibit. The Milwaukee zoo, meanwhile, is beginning a roughly $10 million expansion of its hippopotamus exhibit, part of which will allow visitors to watch hippos swimming underwater.


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Student survives fall from fourth floor dorm window ATHENS (AP) — Ohio University says a student fell from a fourth floor window in a dormitory and is hospitalized. The student is identified as Eric Hansen. University spokeswoman Jennifer Krisch said yesterday she wasn’t able to provide his age or year at the school. Hansen fell late Tuesday night and was taken to O’Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens. He was transferred to Grant

Medical Center in Columbus, where a spokeswoman says he is in critical condition. In a statement, Ohio University says police believe Hansen fell from the upper half of a fourth-floor window at Weld House, a coed residence hall on the South Green portion of campus. University police are continuing to investigate and are asking anyone with information to contact them.

State lawmaker continues to demand more public records COLUMBUS (AP) — A Republican lawmaker who filed a public records lawsuit against Gov. Ted Strickland wants the Ohio Supreme Court to refer the case to mediation. State Rep. Seth Morgan of Huber Heights filed the motion with the court yesterday. The court ruled Friday that Strickland largely followed the law in responding to a records request from Morgan, but that he must continue reviewing additional records for possible release. Morgan had filed a lawsuit against Strickland on April 6 alleging that the governor ignored his requests for documents detailing the formation of his school-funding plan. JAN UNDERWOOD | AP PHOTO In a concurring opinion, FILING A SUIT: State Rep. Seth Morgan sued in Justice Paul Pfeifer said the the Ohio Supreme Court to require Gov. Ted Strickland court should have referred the to comply with the state’s open records law. case to mediation.

Dayton baseball team playing elsewhere due to decreased budget DAYTON (AP) — Two hundred kids who play baseball in a nonprofit, volunteer-operated league in Dayton are being uprooted due to the city’s budget crunch. The city is charging all non-city leagues $50 per ballfield, per day to use its baseball diamonds. Pinewood Athletic Association President James Walker says it would cost his league an estimated $2,500 to play games at Belmont Park and double that to also prac-

tice there. The teams have been playing there for 30 years. The interim director of the city’s Department of Recreation and Youth Services, LaShea Smith, says the fees were announced last year. She says the city is asking that the people who use the fields help maintain them. The Pinewood league has found a ballpark where it won’t be charged and plans to start its season there.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Butler County sheriff considering run for House seat HAMILTON (AP)— An Ohio sheriff who has attracted national media attention for his militant stance on illegal immigrants took early steps on Tuesday toward a possible run against U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner. However, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said not to make too much of his visit to the county elections board to pick up a petition and filing information for prospective candidates. “All I did was pick up a packet,” Jones said. “At this point, I am the sheriff of Butler County, I am not a congressional candidate.” Jones, 55, said he is forming an exploratory committee to determine whether a bid for the 8th Congressional District is the right move. He has until Feb. 19, 2010, to collect 50 signatures and pay a $85 filing fee to enter next year’s Republican primary in Boehner’s 8th Congressional District, which covers much of Butler County and reaches into five other counties in southwest Ohio. “I love being the sheriff and working with the people. I am looking to see if I can do more by remaining sheriff or as a congress-


BEING CONTESTED: House Republican Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, right, and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., left, return to the Capitol after a news conference on the House steps to draw attention to the GOP opposition of President Obama’s budget, at the Capitol in Washington.

man,” Jones said. Jones, who has been sheriff since 2005, has posted billboards and Web videos warning employers not to hire illegal immigrants, and lobbied for inclusion in a federal program that gives local authorities immigration enforcement powers. He also has told deputies to ignore eviction orders if it meant

tossing someone out in the cold, and has said keeping his jail budget in line is more important than accepting all low-level, nonviolent offenders. Butler County GOP Chairman Tom Ellis said a contested primary would be “unfortunate.” “If we should find ourselves in that type of situation, it’s divisive and expensive and certainly at this

time we don’t need that,” Ellis said. Boehner’s spokeswoman, Jessica Towhey, issued a statement saying Boehner “continues to proudly serve Ohio’s 8th Congressional District, working hard to develop better solutions for his constituents that will create jobs, lower taxes and put our state and nation on the path to prosperity.”

Goodyear’s first quarter losses better than anticipated By M.R. Kropko The Associated Press

CLEVELAND — Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., the largest U.S. tire maker, yesterday said it lost $333 million in the first quarter, reflecting a sales drop of 28 percent and rising raw materials costs. But its loss adjusted for onetime items was smaller than analysts expected, and its shares rose $1.34, or 12.8 percent, to $11.81 in afternoon trading. Robert Keegan, chairman and chief executive, said the company’s results “generally reflect the difficult market conditions.” He said the company is aiming to control costs and preserve cash so Goodyear will be in position to benefit as its markets recover. The Akron, Ohio-based tiremaker reported its loss amounted to $1.38 per share in the three months ended March 31 in contrast to a profit of $147 million, or 60 cents per share, a year ago. Sales fell to $3.54 billion from $4.94 billion a year ago. Excluding one-time items,

Goodyear said it lost $1.19 per share in the latest quarter. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters had expected, on average, a loss of $1.38 per share on sales of $4.02 billion. The company said it sold 20 percent fewer tires in the quarter due to significantly lower global industry demand. It said unfavorable currency translation reduced sales by $484 million. Raw material costs, meanwhile, increased 31 percent, or about $332 million, the company said. The company had announced in February that it expects to cut 5,000 jobs this year, and Goodyear said yesterday it cut about 3,800 positions in the first three months of the year. It was the second consecutive big quarterly loss for Goodyear. It lost $330 million in the last three months of 2008. Keegan, in a conference call with analysts, said weakness exists throughout the tire industry. “We expect this industry weak-


STILL BUYING: A patron covers up in the rain at a Goodyear automotive care business in Williamsville, N.Y.

ness will continue to pressure our results during the second quarter,” he said. He said Goodyear’s original equipment to Detroit’s Big Three automakers now is less than 7 percent of Goodyear’s global sales. But sales to consumers are under pressure, too. “Consistent with what we saw during 2008, we continue to see a growing number of consumers defer tire purchases,” he said.

The company is trying to increase consumer interest by introducing new products, including a tire aimed at adding to fuel efficiency. He said the company has offered 23 new products in the first quarter. Darren Wells, Goodyear executive vice president and chief operating officer, said the comopany plans to cut production by about 11 million units in the second quarter.

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14 Thursday, April 30, 2009


New troops create Taliban discomfort Congo test flight kills By Heidi Vogt The Associated Press

KABUL — The Taliban vowed yesterday to launch a wave of attacks in a spring offensive as a surge of American troops arrived in Afghanistan, a threat delivered on the same day that 42 militants were reported killed in clashes. Taliban leaders regularly boast of impending attacks that never materialize — such as proclaiming that hundreds or thousands of suicide bombers were waiting to attack around the country — but the new threat from a toptier commander could signal a more aggressive stance. A U.S. military spokesman said the Taliban’s warning showed the militants are worried by the rising number of international troops. Mullah Berader, a top deputy to Taliban commander Mullah Omar, said the Taliban would unleash ambushes, roadside bombings and suicide attacks Thursday against foreign and Afghan troops, government officials and “whoever is support-


PATROLING THE AREA: A German NATO soldier mans a machine gun on a German armored personnel carrier near the site a suicide attack against a German vehicle in Ali Abad district of Kunduz province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan.

ing invaders in our country.� “As American and NATO countries plan to send more troops to Afghanistan, it is necessary for the Afghans and Afghan mujahedeen to defend their country,� militant spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in a statement that he attributed to Berader. Taliban fighters have increased attacks the last three years in a resurgence following the toppling of their radi-

cal Islamist regime by a U.S.-led invasion in late 2001. President Barack Obama has ordered 21,000 more U.S. troops to the country to bolster the 38,000 American and 32,000 allied troops already in the country. Given the influx, U.S. commanders have long said they expect a spike in violence this summer, the season when Taliban attacks are most numerous. Many of the new troops will

deploy to southern Afghanistan, the Taliban’s stronghold. Col. Greg Julian, spokesman for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, called Berader’s threat a sign that the U.S. is making the right move by pouring troops into the militants’ southern strongholds, where they fund their operations with profits from opium poppies and heroin. “This is a demonstration that this is the worst possible thing that could happen in their mind. They don’t want to see an increase in troops because they know they will be forced away from their source of income and it could lead to their demise,� Julian said. The U.S. and other NATO countries now have some 70,000 soldiers in Afghanistan — a record level. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Wednesday he would send 700 more soldiers by July to boost security for Afghanistan’s August presidential election, but said Britain’s troop numbers would return to the current 8,300 by November.

BERLIN — The United States and its allies must make sacrifices to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday in a high-profile appeal for Europe’s help. Holder spoke to the American Academy in Berlin, not long after telling reporters that the United States had approved the release of about 30 Guantanamo detainees. “We must all make sacrifices and we must all be willing to make unpopular choices,� said Holder. “The United States is ready to do its part, and we hope that Europe will join us — not out of a sense of responsibility, but from a commitment to work with one of its oldest allies to confront one of the world’s most pressing challenges,� he said. There are currently 241 inmates at the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Holder spent the past several days privately asking European leaders in London, Prague and Berlin for help relocating detainees the United States wants to set free. Holder spoke before a select group of policy experts, academics and journalists in a crowded room of about 100. In answer to a question about Bush administration officials’ decisions to authorize tough interrogation techniques, Holder said he believed that many of them would, privately, admit to having made some mistakes in the pressure and worry that followed the Sept. 11 attacks.

“The United States is ready to do its part, and we hope that Europe will join us ...�

KINSHASA, Congo — A Boeing 737 on a test flight crashed southeast of Congo’s capital yesterday, killing at least three people, officials said. Theaircraftsufferedunknown “technical problems� shortly after taking off Brazzaville, capital of neighboring Republic of Congo, Transport Minister Matthiew Mpita told The Associated Press. Mpita said three bodies had been found so far and a high death toll was not expected because the plane was on a test flight. Earlier, Congo Gov. Richard Ndambu said the plane crashed about 130 miles (210 kilometers) southeast of Kinshasa in the province of Bandundu. Ndambu said the Boeing 737 took off from the city of Brazzaville in neighboring Republic of Congo. Mpindi Kabeya, an adviser

to Congo’s prime minister, said two identity cards had been found: that of an Algerian pilot and another of a student from Brazzaville. Mpita, however, said it was too early to determine the identities of the dead. Rescue workers headed to the site and saw from afar a large plane “still burning,� the governor said. Air safety has long been lax in Congo, where officials are easily bribed and tight maintenance schedules are rare. There have been at least 20 fatal plane crashes since 1996. Most of the aircraft are aging planes from the former Soviet Union. The last serious crash was in September, when a humanitarian aid flight carrying 17 people hit a ridge in bad weather in eastern Congo. No one survived. In October 2007, at least 50 people were killed when a cargo plane slammed into three houses just after taking off from Kinshasa’s international airport on a flight to central Congo.

Rhode Island-sized piece threatening to break away By David Rising The Associated Press


BOMBINGS: People gather around the wreckage of a car destroyed in a car bomb explosion in Baghdad’s Shiite enclave of Sadr City, Iraq.

Eric Holder | Attorney General “I don’t suspect that would be true of Vice President Dick Cheney,� Holder added. At another point, a questioner earnestly asked of those Guantanamo detainees who are believed to be innocent could be put in a hotel somewhere. “Hotels might be a possibility, it depends on where the hotel is,� joked Holder. Before the speech, Holder met with reporters, saying the United States has made decisions on a group of about 30 detainees, but has not yet decided where it wants to send them. He said the United States is weeks away from asking certain countries to take detainees. “We have about 30 or so where we’ve made the determination that they can be released. So we will, I think, relatively soon, be reaching out to specific countries with specific detainees and ask whether or not there might be a basis for the moving of those people from Guantanamo to those countries,� Holder said. Germany’s former justice minister, Herta DaublerGmelin, a fierce critic of previous President George W. Bush, said Holder “made a very good impression. He’s very honest about this society in transformation in America.�

By Eddy Isango The Associated Press

Wilkins Ice Shelf begins to crumble

New locations needed for Guantanamo detainees By Devlin Barrett Associated Press Writer

at least three people

Sadr City sees car bomb blasts By Kim Gamel The Associated Press

BAGHDAD — Twin car bombs ravaged a popular shopping area in Baghdad’s biggest Shiite district yesterday, killing at least 41 people in another powerful strike by suspected Sunni insurgents seeking a return to sectarian chaos. In less than a week, blasts have struck the heart of Shiite traditions and unity: hitting Shiite pilgrims, a revered shrine and now teeming Sadr City in attacks that have claimed nearly 200 lives. The once-powerful Shiite militias have so far largely held back from retaliations — and reopening memories of the back-and-forth bloodshed from Iraq’s 2006-7 sectarian slaughters. But anger was seething in the Sadr City slums. Scowling young men — joined by women shrouded in black — gathered around the bloodstained pavement and the twisted hulks of the cars, which had been parked about 100 yards apart near a restaurant and an ice cream stand. Protesters later threw stones and empty soda cans at a vehicle carrying Iraqi soldiers, who they


claim failed to protect them despite a security cordon around the district. Soldiers shot into the air to disperse the crowd. It was the deadliest bombing attack inside sprawling Sadr City since U.S.-backed Iraqi forces seized control of the area in late May. The offensive broke the hold of the feared Mahdi Army, a network of Shiite militiamen loyal to anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. “Sadr City should be secure. We are a poor people and we want to live safely,� complained 47-year-old laborer Mohammed Abbas. “How could these bombers have entered Sadr City?� The explosions went off in quick succession, tearing through a crowded outdoor market where vendors peddle everything from bicycles and motorcycle parts to birds and small pets. Saadi Rashid, 35, said he had just bought some new clothes for his children when the blast went off, sending shrapnel piercing through his shoulder and his leg. “I saw my blood covering the clothes that I had planned to take to my kids,� he said from his hospital bed. “What a disaster. I suddenly couldn’t bear to walk or even stand.�

BERLIN — Massive ice chunks are crumbling away from a shelf in the western Antarctic Peninsula, researchers said yesterday, warning that 1,300 square miles of ice — an area larger than Rhode Island — was in danger of breaking off in coming weeks. The Wilkins Ice Shelf had been stable for most of the last century, but began retreating in the 1990s. Researchers believe it was held in place by an ice bridge linking Charcot Island to the Antarctic mainland. But the 127-square-mile (330square-kilometer) bridge lost two large chunks last year and then shattered completely on April 5. “As a consequence of the collapse, the rifts, which had already featured along the northern ice front, widened and new cracks formed as the ice adjusted,� the European Space Agency said in a statement yesterday on its Web site, citing new satellite images. The first icebergs broke away on Friday, and since then some 270 square miles (700 square kilometers) of ice have dropped into the sea, according to the satellite data. “There is little doubt that these changes are the result of atmospheric warming,� said David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey. The falling away of Antarctic ice shelves does not, in itself, raise sea levels, since the ice was already floating in the sea. But such coastal tables of ice usually hold back glaciers, and when they disintegrate that land ice will often flow more quickly into the sea, contributing to sea-level

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rise. Researchers said the quality and frequency of the ESA satellite images have allowed them to analyze the Wilkins shelf breakup far more effectively than any previous event. “For the first time, I think, we can really begin to see the processes that have brought about the demise of the ice shelf,� Vaughan said. He said eight ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula have shown signs of retreat over the last few decades. “The retreat of Wilkins Ice Shelf is the latest and the largest of its kind,� he said. The Wilkins shelf, which is the size of Jamaica, lost 14 percent of its mass last year, according to scientists who are looking at whether global warming is the cause of its breakup. Average temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula have risen by 3.8 degrees Fahrenheit (2.5 Celsius) over the past 50 years — higher than the average global rise, according to studies. Over the next several weeks, scientists estimate the Wilkins shelf will lose some 1,300 square miles (3,370 square kilometers) — a piece larger than the state of Rhode Island, or two-thirds the size of Luxembourg. One researcher said, however, that it was unclear how the situation would evolve. “We are not sure if a new stable ice front will now form between Latady Island, Petrie Ice Rises and Dorsey Island,� said Angelika Humbert of Germany’s Muenster University Institute of Geophysics. But even more ice could break off “if the connection to Latady Island is lost,� she said, “though we have no indication that this will happen in the near future.�

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Thursday, April 30, 2009


The Daily Crossword Fix brought to you by 1 Foil, as a plan 2 Last book in Puzo’s “Godfather” trilogy 3 Jazzy intervals 4 Popular vodka, familiarly 5 Pancake, when holding a sausage 6 Plastic surgery procedure 7 Green sci. 8 Land measure 9 Herbal beverage 10 Binge 11 Partridge’s home? 12 Obnoxious sort 13 Barber’s challenge 21 Actress Swenson 22 Relate 25 O’Hare and JFK 26 Initial response team, initially 29 When bats fly 30 Inquisitor __ de Torquemada 31 __ nous 33 Bahamas airport code


ROLL ALONG: President Barack Obama speaks during a town hall meeting Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at Fox Senior High School in Arnold, Mo.

By Jennifer Loven The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — His first 100 days behind him, President Barack Obama expressed confidence about the next hundred and accelerated his drive toward contentious goals — sweeping health care overhaul, new rules to curb global warming and financial sector reform — even while working to end a recession and two wars. “I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made, but I’m not satisfied,” Obama said yesterday in Arnold, Mo., the battleground state he chose to mark the milestone. By evening, he was to hold a news conference from the White House, the third of his presidency aired on prime-time television. Obama’s intensive schedule for the day demonstrated the degree to which the administration sees both possibility and peril in the symbolic 100day marker. Presidential aides have derided it as a media-created “Hallmark holiday” in which the White House participates reluctantly. But they also recognize it is a timeframe by which all modern presidents are judged, at least initially, and it can produce negative narratives that dog administrations for years. So the White House has jumped into the celebration with both feet, making high-level Obama advisers available anywhere they were needed over the last week and crafting the president’s day to maximum advantage. The opening act of the Obama presidency has been head-turning, not only for the dire times in which he took office but his flurry of activity.

Determined to revive the places, such as Iran, North dismal economy, his signa- Korea, Russia, Cuba and the ture challenge, Obama has Sudan. Obama also said he’ll close overseen a trillion-dollar infusion of federal spending the controversial U.S. detenand major interventions by tion facility at Guantanamo Washington into the private Bay, Cuba. But he has yet to sector, from directing execu- confront the tough decisions tive pay to seizing huge gov- about where to send the most ernmental ownership shares problematic suspected terin financial institutions and rorists being held there. Most notably, Obama insistpossibly General Motors. He put the country on ed that the massive but shorttrack to end the Iraq war, term economic stimulus that while escalating the one in has increased the federal defiAfghanistan and revamping cit would be unwise without a commitment to belt-tightenthe strategy there. Nearly every day since ing and a long-term reshapObama’s Jan. 20 inauguration ing of the U.S. economy. has brought a sweeping new promise to upend businessas-usual, veering from big issues to small and back. The reward: strong public backing despite a still-staggering economy. An Associated Press-GfK poll shows that 48 percent of Americans believe the United States is headed in the right direction — the first time in years that more people than not expressed optiClassified Ads mism for a brighter future. But most of what Obama The BG News will not knowingly accept has done so far, as would be advertisements that discriminate, or expected for little more than encourage discrimination against any individual or group on the basis of race, three months, amounts to no sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, status as a more than a downpayment. veteran, or on the basis of any other legally The president stressed this protected status. theme during his speech and The BG News reserves the right to decline, short question-and-answer discontinue or revise any advertisement such as those found to be defamatory, session in a St. Louis suburb. lacking in factual basis, misleading or false in nature. All advertisements are subject “Our progress has to be to editing and approval. measured in the results that we achieve over many months and years, not the minute-byminute talk in the media,” he told a friendly crowd at a Campus Events local high school. “I’m not a miracle worker.” New BGSU football helmet cakes & For instance, he has begun Frieda Falcon eggs. Call redefining the U.S. image 419-308-8542 to order for graduation or e-mail Tobtservice@cs.com around the globe, a combination of his fresh look and diplomatic outreach. But Services Offered those efforts will take time to bear fruit in the most difficult


New legislation outlaws ‘liar loans’, may hurt credit By Anne Flaherty The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A House panel approved legislation yesterday that would outlaw the kind of “liar loans” and other questionable bank practices that helped drag down the economy. The proposal, by North Carolina Democratic Reps. Melvin Watt and Brad Miller, is one of several that Democrats are pushing to tighten financial regulations on an industry that underwrote risky loans and passed off the bad debt to investors. While Democrats cast the bill as a necessary measure that could have helped prevent the financial meltdown, the banking industry and Republicans warned that the would-be rules could restrict the flow of credit. “Now is not the time to limit choices, raise costs, disrupt the secondary mortgage market, and look the other way on fundamental ... reform” of government-created financial services corporations, said Rep. Spencer Bachus of Alabama, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee. Under the Democraticpushed bill, banks offering

other than traditional 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages would have to verify a person’s credit history and income and make a “reasonable and good faith determination” that a loan can be repaid. This provision targets high-risk credit lines that became known as “liar loans” because they required little or no documentation. Banks also would have to make sure the loan provides a “net tangible benefit” for the consumer. Another provision would prohibit banks from paying mortgage brokers and loan officers more money if they steer clients toward more costly loan options. Under the bill, a broker would receive the same compensation for selling a 30-year, fixed-rate loan as he would a riskier adjustable-rate mortgage. The legislation also would place new restrictions on banks wanting to sell nontraditional mortgages to Wall Street by requiring they retain at least some of the risk on their books. Proponents say doing so would further deter banks from lending to people with risky credit. The panel’s endorsement of the bill, by a 49-21 vote, paves the way for consideration by the full House next week.

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3BR, 2 bath - house w/ den, 5th St, $750/mo, avail May, call 419-352-8872.

Summit Hill - 418 S. Summit St, 2 BR, A/C, garage, W/D, remodeled, spacious, pet friendly, new low price! 130-134 Liberty St - 1 & 2 BR s avail. $465-$625/mo + gas & elec. Call 419-354-6036. www.bghighlandmgmt.com

For Rent ** 2 and 3 BR apts/houses, 09-10 sy, see Cartyrentals.com or call 419-353-0325 9am-9pm. **Avail. summer &/or 1st semester only, see Cartyrentals.com Call 419-353-0325 9am-9pm. 1 & 2 BR apts, close to campus, avail. in May, for more info call Gary at 419-352-5414. 1 & 2 BR apts, quiet. Sign up now for fall, save up to $1200. Susan- 419-841-9816, 419-345-4768 1 BR apt across from campus, $350/mo + util, avail. August, 9 or12 mo lease, call 419-787-7577. 12 month leases starting May 2009: 841 3rd - 3BR duplex, $900 + util, 525 Manville - 3BR house $700/mo + utilities, 424 S. College - 3BR house $700/mo + utilities, 818/822 2nd St - 2BR, $510/mo + gas/elec. 12 month leases starting Aug. 2009: 837 3rd St - 3BR duplex, $885/mo +util 322 E. Court #5 -1BR, $435 incl. util, 453 S. Prospect B - 1BR, $330/mo + electric. www.bgapartments.com S. Smith Contracting 419-352-8917 1BR apt. close to campus, $395/mo + electric, pet friendly. Avail now & Aug, call 419-708-9981. 1BR sublet apt, 1st block of College, great space, A/C, $400/mo +util, Call 734-620-7894. 2 BR/1 bath -Garden Grove Townhouses, $495/mo 12 mo lease + dep, short term lease avail, 419-353-5891

2009-2010 3 BR, 2BR & 1 BR avail. Call 419-354-9740.

426 E. Wooster, Lg. 1 Bdrm, avail. Fall 2009, $475/mo, utils incl. Call 419-352-5882 4BR, 2 bath - house, bsmt w/ W/D hookup, Wooster St, $1050/mo, avail May, call 419-352-8872. Apts. Studio - 1,2 & 3 BR, www.fiterentals.com May & Aug, call 419-353-8206

The Homestead 1,2 BR s & 1 BR w/ study apts. $515-650/mo + all util, great location! Call 419-354-6036, 9am-3pm. M-F. www.bghighlandmgmt.com

Avail. May 1, 1-2 BR house, W/D, close to campus, $385/mo per pers. Call 937-726-7703.

Very nice, large 3-4 BR, block frm campus W/D, garage, rec room, pet friendly, call 419-806-4219.

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