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THE BG NEWS Thursday
September 17, 2009 Volume 104, Issue 19
ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community
Senior football starter suspended, replaced
By Andrew Harner Sports Editor
Glass studio to draw a crowd The renovated glassmaking studio has reopened in the Fine Arts Center and an alumnus returns for the celebration | Page 3
Student laments attendance policies Arizona Daily Wildcat columnist Chris Ward argues that attendance policies are unnecessary for non-major classes | Page 4
taking sole possession of second place on BG’s all-time list. And while that production will be Senior safety P.J. Mahone has missed, coach Dave Clawson been indefinitely suspended said he had to make the decifrom the Falcon football team sion. “It doesn’t help us, but this will after breaking an undisclosed not be an excuse why we’re not team rule. The fourth-year starter will be successful,” Clawson said. “It’s replaced in the line-up by soph- hard to replace a guy that has omore Keith Morgan, starting that much experience. He’s been a four-year starter.” this weekend in Marshall. Clawson later said there is a Through two games, Mahone was leading the Falcons with 21 chance Mahone will return to tackles and was just one inter- the team before the end of the ception return yard away from season, but that there are things
“It doesn’t help us, but this will not be an excuse why we’re not successful. It’s hard to replace a guy that has that much experience He’s been a four-year starter.” Dave Clawson | Coach he’ll have to do before getting that opportunity. Mahone is also barred from any football activities this week, but will meet with Clawson next week to determine his future
with the team. Each year, the team is given a policy manual that outlines all the on- and off-the-field expectations. The coaches then review every page of that manual with
the players, leaving stars and the reserves all on the same page when it comes to rules. “Whether it’s a fifth-string walk-on or your starting tackle, you have to apply all those rules fairly and equally,” Clawson said. “P.J. violated one of those rules and he knew if he did this, this could happen, and it did.” With discipline as one of the bigger issues facing the Falcons in the past couple years, one
See FOOTBALL | Page 2
Drug use delays death sentence Prior drug use contributed to the delay of an Ohio inmate’s execution after teams were unable to find a suitable vein | Page 6
An open letter to coach Bylsma
The sports section posts an open letter to the BGSU alumnus and Pittsburgh Penguins coach Dan Bylsma, asking him to bring the Stanley Cup to BGSU as a reminder of the importance of the hockey program | Page 7
Culinary legacy lives on at Ben’s Table By Hannah Nusser Reporter
The first time Deb Pirooz took her son Ben out to dinner as a child, he ordered escargot and Alaskan king crab legs. More than twenty years later, Ben’s love for food is still alive. Pirooz said Ben aspired to
What Ammendment would you add to the Constitution?
EMMY HAYES Sophomore, Hospitality Management
“Everybody should get $1000 a week for a shopping spree.” | Page 4
By Christie Kerner Reporter
GOOD EATS: Ben’s Table a local restaurant located at BEN LOHMAN | THE BG NEWS 1021 S Main St is local hotspot. She set out to keep the legacy attend culinary school after working for his dad at Easy Street of her son alive by re-opening Café. However, Ben became ill what was once Godfrey’s restauwith bronchitis, and eventually rant as a tribute to her son. Pirooz said she wanted to open doctors found a tumor on his trachea. In 2000, after almost the restaurant but “couldn’t a year of chemotherapy, Ben come up with a name, I didn’t Pirooz died at 22 of Germ Cell know what to do.” Ben’s Table got its name from Carcinoma, a rare form of canthe Pirooz family tradition of cer. “Ben had said to me, ‘Mom, Sundays spent around the dinplease don’t let anyone forget See BEN’S | Page 2 me,’” Pirooz said.
The Pelotonia Tour provides ‘amazing’ experience for University senior By Andrew Farr Reporter
A month ago, Lance Armstrong led a bike ride of more than 2,200 people from Columbus to Athens, Ohio, to raise money for cancer research. Called the Pelotonia Tour, it is named for a peloton, or the main pack of riders in a cycling race. The event was originally modeled after the Pan-Mass Challenge, a similar cycling event in Boston that has raised over $250 million in the last 29 years. The Pelotonia is not a
race but a ride, and was made up of cancer survivors, people who have cancer, as well as devoted cyclists that just wanted to help the cause. This year’s tour raised more than $4.3 million, all of which will go directly to Ohio State University’s Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Pelotonia consisted of three different routes, 50, 100, and 180 miles long. Each participant was required to gather donations of $1,000, $1,500, or $2,000, depending on the distance they would ride. While Armstrong did serve
The story of our nation’s history is filled with stories of hardship, war, turmoil and slavery. Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared freedom for African-American slaves in the Confederate States in 1862, however, the stories of slavery continue to be written in our nation’s history to this day. An issue often viewed as a problem in places such as India and Thailand is going on in our very own back yard. The U.S. Government estimates one million people are suffering in human trafficking today. Of these people, 20,000 are estimated to be trafficked into the U.S. each year, in either labor or sex slavery. A non-profit ministry known as the Daughter Project is hoping to provide a safe house for women res-
cued from human trafficking in one of the nation’s top recruitment cities. Toledo has been cited as a top U.S. recruitment city for trafficking by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Center for Missing Children and Exploited Children. Daughter Project Director Jeff Wilbarger, who has worked as a math teacher for 22 years, loves his job, but started to get the feeling a couple years ago that he needed to do something else in his life while still teaching. He was given a copy of the book “Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade—And How We Can Fight It” by David Batstone and could barely finish the first two chapters. “I started reading it and had to stop,” he said. “I thought slavery was over, at least in the United States.”
See ENSLAVED | Page 2
as honorary chairman of the Pelotonia, Executive Director Tom Lennox was responsible for organizing the event. According to a press release for Pelotonia, Lennox said that as a cancer survivor and avid cyclist, he was excited that people were getting involved in the event, and even more so that Lance Armstrong agreed to join the cause. “Lance returned to cycling in order to increase global awareness about cancer, and Pelotonia will help him further that mission while also raising the funds necessary to support the high quality research performed every day at The Ohio
See TOUR | Page 2
FINISH: Two cyclists cross finish line after biking from Columbus to Athens in a trip called Pelotonia Tour.
2 Thursday, September 17, 2009
1:10 A.M.
Stefen Smith, 21, of Bowling Green, was warned for disorderly conduct and loud music within the 900th block of Klotz St. 2:25 A.M.
Timothy Weisenberger, 19, of Cincinnati, was warned for disorderly conduct within the 100th block of E. Wooster St. 10:56 A.M.
12:23 A.M.
Complainant reported loud noise and music within the 200th block of N. Enterprise St. ONLINE: Go to for the complete blotter list.
Complainant reported someone stole her UPS package, valued at $25, from her front porch within the 1000th block of S. Main St.
Kelly and Laura Wicks last name was spelled incorrectly in yesterday’s article “Books, coffee and a sense of community at a downtown shop.”
1:01 P.M.
We want to correct all factual errors. If you think an error has been made, please call The BG News at 419372-6966
Complainant reported her window was broken within the 800th block of Eighth St.
TAKE EM’ DOWN: Senior defensive back PJ Mahone makes one his team leading 21 tackles, in BG’s season opening win over Troy.
care. going to assess them,” she “But what these girls need said. is 24-hour care,” Wilbarger Understanding what they said. “We want to counsel had to go through is someFrom Page 1 them and educate them so thing Broz said she will never According to the Daughter when they do leave, they can understand. “The only way they are Project Web site, trafficking go back into the school sysgoing to heal is to immerse for labor and sexual exploi- tem.” The Daughter Project them in healing,” Broz said. tation is estimated to be the Broz will also be bringing second most profitable activ- hopes to build a safe house ity in the world for organized for 10 girls by August 2010 in the “Not for Sale” campaign Wood County where rescued to the University to bring crime. Wilbarger realized he girls can live, heal and learn. awareness to students. Senior Rachel Blesch, who didn’t have to go far to help They will take classes and when he found out nine girls receive counseling, all with- is helping out on the fundwere rescued from Toledo in 2006. “I often think about what I would have done in the Civil Rights movement [if I was older] or during WWII and the Nazis,” Wilbarger said. The trafficked victims, whose average age is 14, tend to come from very difficult Jeff Wilbarger | Daughter Project Director life experiences. “They often come from a in the house, with four house raising committee, heard home where one or both par- moms living with them. about the project from a “The next big hurdle is find- friend. ents are addicted to drugs, so they run away, trying to ing an acre of land [to build it “Anyone and everyone can get away from what they on],” he said. get involved,” she said. The God-centered projare already suffering from,” Blesch’s own experiences Wilbarger said. “[Traffickers] ect has a number of differ- led her to care deeply for this rape the girls, threaten their ent committees within the cause. children and get them away organization to welcome any “I am very passionate about interested volunteer. from any family support.” helping everyone feel valued These committees include and loved because I’ve been Wilbarger knew he had a home construction, spiri- abused,” Blesch said. “I just decision to make. “I know what’s going on, so tual mentoring/counseling, want to help these girls feel I have the choice to either go health/nutrition counseling, loved and cherished and that on with my plush American medical care, legal counsel, they do have a say in their life or do something,” he Web site development, educa- life.” tion and fundraising, among said. “I encourage people to go The Daughter Project others. to our Web site and see what “If I can get anything we’re doing,” Wilbarger said. received non-profit status from the state in March and across, [it] is if anyone has a “I think for most people they is currently pending their heart to help these girls, then could find a way to plug in.” federal non-profit status. you have the ability to help,” The Web site can be found The project is completely vol- Wilbarger said. at Senior Angela Broz, an inte- and offers opportunities unteer-based and has lawyers, counselors, doctors and grated language arts major, to get involved and donate teachers looking to volunteer felt compelled to help. funds to support the mission. “It’s just astounding how their specialties. Wilbarger has a daughter of “Nobody is getting paid,” these things go on right under his own and sees these girls Wilbarger said. “We want the our noses,” Broz said. as one of his own. Broz hopes to use her donors’ money to go to the “I’ve decided to view them teacher’s heart to minister to as if they were my daughter,” girls, not salaries.” Once rescued, the traf- these girls as a part of the he said. “If I could just help ficked victims become wards education committee. one girl, in my mind, I am “[The] first step we are tak- adopting her as my daughof state and are sent to Children’s Services or foster ing is figuring out how we are ter.”
“If I could just help one girl, in my mind, I am adopting her as my daughter.”
pain in my legs when we were riding through Hocking Hills and then I thought to myself, From Page 1 battling cancer and going StateUniversityComprehensive through chemotherapy hurts a lot worse,” Gribble said. Cancer Center,” Lennox said. Craig Bell, director of phoSenior Tim Gribble rode in the Pelotonia. Gribble said he tography for the departheard about the event from ment of Marketing and someone who participated in Communications at the Bikes for Tikes, a cycling event University, also rode 180 miles from Northern Cincinnati to in the Pelotonia to support cancer research and raised $3,300 Bowling Green. “The Pelotonia is a great in the process. Bell said he thing,” Gribble said. “I dedi- was able to keep up with Lance cated my ride to some of my Armstrong for the first hour of family members who have suf- the ride. “I know these may be difficult fered from cancer.” Gribble said he made it a times financially, and giving to point to never get off his bike a bicycle ride may not seem like a priority; however it is not and walk, as many others did. “I remember feeling so much about a bicycle ride; it is about
finding a cure for cancer, so that in the future our families and friends will not have to worry about the disease,” Bell said. Bell said the experience was overwhelming and hearing stories from cancer survivors made it all the more humbling. “My Pelotonia experience was amazing,” Bell said. “Along the way I met and rode with so many incredible people, some cancer survivors, and many like myself who had lost loved ones to cancer,” Bell said. “A very moving weekend and one I will always cherish.” The Pelotonia Tour will continue annually as long as there are bikers willing to participate.
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now suspended one of his three returning defensive starters. Senior defensive captain Cody Basler said he thought the team had learned their lesson of the frequently asked ques- from Ream’s incident, but in the tions when Clawson was hired end, the players are all grown was how he planned to handle men and have to make their own choices. these types of issues. “We had a situation this He’s made his intentions pretty clear in his nine months spring, and you just don’t learn with the team, as he dismissed from that,” Basler said. “At this would-be senior defensive line- stage in your life, you need to man Michael Ream from the be able to make the decisions program in the spring and has like that.”
Another senior, receiver Chris Wright, echoed Basler’s feelings. “He’s a grown man, and that’s the decision he made,” Wright said. “P.J. Mahone is a great athlete, probably the best athlete on our team.” But now, the coaches will put Mahone’s role into the hands of Morgan, who has started both games this season and recorded eight tackles. “Football-wise, P.J.’s a good player and we’ll miss him, but we’ll be fine,” Clawson said.
Rodgers Quadrangle’s fate yet to be determined
lived there in the past don’t want to see the building go. Former resident Bre Kreuz wants the building to stay. “I think if they decided to tear down Rodgers, it would take away from the many memories myself and so many others have shared there,” she said. “I would no longer be able to show my children where I lived when I was a sophomore at BGSU.” Student Jackie Aponte agreed, but acknowledged that the building needs work. “I would have to say that major renovations need to be made before it is reopened because the living conditions there are horrible,” Aponte said. “Everything was either falling apart or very dirty, so I would hope they could reopen the hall after some major work.” The final proposal on the building will be sent to the President’s Cabinet and the Board of Trustees. A decision on the building will be made this semester.
FOOTBALL From Page 1
By Tim Naida Reporter
Rodgers Quadrangle has been closed for the semester, leaving some students to wonder why the lights are still on. Rodgers, built in 1955, was not opened for student housing this fall semester, and the fate of the quadrangle is currently in limbo. The building is currently offline because of the Campus Master Plan. The master plan, implemented in 2004, is a plan being used by the University to build new facilities and improve existing ones. Senior Associate Director of Residence Life Sarah Waters shed some light on why the lights are still on. “The only lighting on is emer-
BEN’S From Page 1 ner table. “I always make a big deal out of Sundays to have family dinners and to sit around the table because we don’t do that enough now as a society,” said Pirooz. She added that her favorite pastime with her son, Ben, was cooking new things together. “He liked to cook,” she said. Pirooz said opening Ben’s Table was about fulfilling her son’s dream because “he didn’t get to go to culinary school.” The restaurant, which has been open since May 10, 2004, “kind of fell together,” Deb said. “When you do something with love and passion, you do it on adrenaline.” She said that opening the restaurant has aided in the healing process of dealing with death. “I get so many hugs every day, it’s amazing,” she said. Pirooz has turned the restaurant into a place of friends and family, complete with Ben’s picture on the wall. She said bring-
gency,” she said. “We have left that on so the building is still safe.” She said University police, the Office of Residence Life and Facility Services all still make rounds through the building. The lights that are on, are hallway lights, and are visible because all the doors to the rooms are open. It is unknown how much keeping these lights on costs, because the University does not separate electricity for each building. “We’ve powered down everything we can at this point,” Waters said. Currently there are two options being discussed for Rodgers: the 580-personcapacity building will either be renovated or torn down. Some students who have
ing the restaurant back to life as Ben’s Table was a different experience and more personal because “my heart was in it.” “There’s so many restaurants where you’re pushed in like cattle and it’s so cold,” Pirooz said. Annabelle Isaacs, a Ben’s Table regular, said she eats there everyday because “it’s more of a home environment... it’s like eating at home.” Everyday the restaurant is buzzing with regulars who come for “the hospitality,” Pirooz said. Sandy Gilbert, also a restaurant regular, said dining at Ben’s Table feels “just like family.” Everyone from young crowds to senior citizens dine at Ben’s Table for their favorite dish and a casual dining experience. “We cure a lot of hangovers on Saturdays and Sundays,” Pirooz said. “And we get a lot of [University] ball players and their families.” A variety of customers stream in to get a taste of Pirooz’s American-style food. The menu is made up entirely of Deb’s homemade recipes, with quality ingredients like organic
produce, angus beef, and allnatural chicken. Pirooz takes pride in knowing that “what I’m feeding my customers is good healthy food.” “Her homemade soups are just delicious,” Isaacs said. She said that devoting the restaurant to her late son is a “marvelous” feat. Waitress Tamara Baliles, 19, said “It’s a lot friendlier than any other place I’ve worked.” Pirooz said besides pleasing her customers with a homecooked meal, the best part about her restaurant is “not letting anyone forget about Ben.” “There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about him,” Pirooz said. But by keeping Ben’s legacy alive through the restaurant, “It’s awesome, because it’s almost like he’s still here,” she said.
Fact Box OPEN: Tues – Sat 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. OPEN: Sun 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009 3
GET A LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Some events taken from
8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Exhibit #3 “There Will Be Oil� Union Gallery Space
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. International Student Volunteers Informational Meetings 208 Union
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. UAO College Poster Sale Union Multipurpose Room
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. SPJ Purse Party Fundraiser Union Ballroom
7:30 p.m. MFA Read: Stokely Klasovsky and Catherine Templeton MFA readings by Stokely Klaovsky, poetry, and Catherine Templeton, fiction. Free and open to the public. Prout Chapel
8:00 p.m. Forefront Series: Robert Dick, flute Guest Artist Robert Dick performing at the Bryan Recital Hall. Free and open to the public. Bryant Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center
‘Glassy’ renovations come to art studio PSYCH: Dr. Annette Mahoney speaks with Debbie Harper, a reporter/producer for �The 700 Club� about SPiRiT as Dr. Kenneth Pargament looks on. SPiRiT, which stands for Spirituality and Psychology Research Team is a research group that studies spirituality and how it effects the mind.
Holiday emphasizes Constitution’s importance By Andy Ouriel Senior Reporter
HOT HOT HEAT: Darren Goodman, a University alumnus, works on blown glass in his personal studio. By Emily Tucker Reporter
The renovations of the glass studio in the Fine Arts Center are complete and everyone is welcome to join in on the celebration. Scott Darlington, a glassblowing instructor, said the shop was renovated this year due to technological advances and wear of the equipment after years of use. The renovations started on the last day of classes in the spring and were finished before the beginning of fall semester. Darlington said an industrial design teacher constructed the glass studio in the late 1960s. The studio was on the second floor of the Fine Arts Center, but it is now located on the first floor. The shop is much quieter now, said Nadine Saylor, another glassblowing instructor, because there are two furnaces running on electric power instead of gas. “We want to share this new studio and great opportunity,� Saylor said. “Alumni and visiting artists will be enjoying the new studio all weekend.� On Saturday, everyone is invited to attend the Grand ReOpening Party, said Darlington. There will be presentations from University alumni like Canadian artist Laura Donefer, along with food and music. Darren Goodman, an alumnus, has also been invited as a visiting artist. He will have a slide lecture on his work and career after graduation. Goodman was an art student who specialized in glass and graduated in 2003. Darlington said during his last year at the University, he spent about 40 to 80 hours a week in the glass shop. Some days were rigorous, as he was in the shop until the early morning, Goodman said. “He’s paid his dues in the glass world,� Darlington said. In regards to the University, Goodman said it was a great
place to learn. “I enjoyed the atmosphere and opportunity to learn in such a creative and positive environment,� Goodman said. “I feel part of my success was due to the energy from that environment.� Goodman said his favorite works were from his series “Pathways.� This was his first series that caught the eyes of several glass galleries around the United States. He started the series at the University and received positive feedback from his instructors. Goodman’s most recent work consists of designing trophies for the Ferrari Challenge. He started creating the pieces in March and so far 175 have been made. Goodman has been following Ferrari on the tour and presenting the trophies to the winning drivers. He has attended challenges in Miami, Atlanta, Montreal and other locations. This weekend, he is attending the last race in New Jersey. In 2004, Goodman purchased a house in order to open his own studio. After putting a business plan together, with the help of his father, he was able to open a private studio in 2005. From there, he began teaching lessons and having his art displayed in multiple galleries. “I have been moving forward and advancing my career, plus traveling and taking classes from the best glassmakers in the world,� Goodman said.
While brushing up for midterm exams, University students in American government classes will also be taking part in Constitution Day today — a holiday celebrating one of the most important documents in United States history. Political science professors will discuss some of the more important sections within the United States Constitution during classes today. This will be a chance for students to realize the importance of a 222-year-old document, stating American laws still used today, said David Jackson, one of the professors. “It’s a good chance to talk to students about the owner’s
Grand Re-Opening Party When: Saturday, September 19 from 6-9 p.m. Where: Fine Arts Center room 1200
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By Alissa Widman Reporter
Women with disabilities becoming empowered, and recognized was the subject of yesterday’s Brown Bag Lunch Series. Sarah Smith Rainey, an undergraduate studies coordinator and instructor in the women’s studies department, addressed the barriers disabled women face in American society and how to help eliminate those barriers in her presentation “Women and Disability: Health, Wealth & Self.� “We’re long overdue for paying attention to disability as a significant factor in people’s lives,� Smith Rainey said. “I think there has been a lot of attention given to gender and race, sexual orientation and class, but disability is one that people always shove
aside.� This mistake has led to many problems in the treatment of disabled people, and women in particular. In her presentation, Smith Rainey emphasized the fact that two-thirds of women with disabilities are unemployed, and one-third is living below the poverty line. Disabled women also face difficulties receiving formal education, specialized sex education, as well as instruction in how to live independently with their disabilities. Smith Rainey discussed solutions to these problems. The key, she said, is disability activism and advocating disability rights. Women must become empowered to speak for themselves and to help make necessary changes, like offering resources for women-specific
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her back, so I’ve been helping her out,� she said. “There was a lot of good information there.� Melissa Lemr, a senior middle childhood education major, agreed the presentation was very beneficial. She said it shed light onto the issue of discrimination against disabled American women and the fact that there is still more work to be done regarding the matter. “It was definitely full of information, but a lot more research into women with disabilities still needs to take place,� she said.� “It’s being presented, but yet the more education we get, the more research still needs to be done.� The free Women’s Center Brown Bag Series runs weekly from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays in 107 Hanna Hall.
issues like reproduction and increased funding for independent living workshops. Unless these needs are met, disabled women may continue to be oppressed by unnecessary negative stereotypes, which need not be the case, she said. “Disability is not necessarily something to be ashamed of,� Smith Rainey said. “It can be a positive social identity.� Throughout the presentation, that was made very clear. Disabled women need to live in an environment where they are accepted and treated fairly in order to create a more positive self-image for themselves. Rapheal Griffin, a ballroom dancing instructor for continuing education, said she could really relate to Smith Rainey’s presentation. “My mom has disabilities with
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country a better place to live. “The constitution lets us know where we have been and where we are going,� Smith said. “The most interesting thing is the first three words, ‘We the People,’ and how they have changed from 1787 to 2009 to be more inclusive of all people,� he said. And its the ongoing process of change as to why Smith believes the Constitution is essential for the country. “It allows us to look back and see how even the founding fathers weren’t perfect and how other generations of Americans since have redefined their words.� Editor’s note: The Constitution was signed Sept. 17, 1787 by 55 delegates from the original 13 states in Philadelphia.
“[The U.S. Constitution] is important to me as an American citizen because this is our supreme law and spells out our government,� he said. “It helps inform students and make better decisions in choosing the right candidates and the best men and women in government,� he added Other students in the class also appreciated a day dedicated to the Constitution. “I feel like the Constitution, in general, helps us understand the founding of our country,� freshman Danica Jones said, who is also in Jackson’s class. BGeXperience peer facilitator Jacob Smith, 28, said while the big picture of constitutional law has remained intact, changing it is a constant process to continually make this
Brown Bag Lunch focuses on empowering disabled women
Fact box: Darren Goodman When: Today Where: Fine Arts Center room 1200 Glass Blowing from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Slide Lecture at 6 p.m.
manual for the country,� he said. While most students know their First Amendment rights, learning how the Constitution was derived is essential to understanding American liberties, Jackson said. “I want them to know the Constitution of 1787,� he said. “There are really important parts about the first seven articles in the Constitution.� Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) initiated legislation passed in 2004 requiring all higher learning institutions to study the Constitution every Sept. 17. Freshman Andy Jones said he is glad Byrd enacted the law, giving himself and his peers another day in Jackson’s class to become familiarized with the “law of the land.�
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“The most interesting thing is the first three words, ‘We the People,’ and how they have changed from 1787 to 2009 to be more inclusive of all people.” — Jacob Smith, BGeXperience peer facilitator, on the Constitution and its evolution [see story, pg. 3].
What amendment would you add to the Constitution?
“Gay marriage. All people should have a right to marry who they choose.”
“No sales tax. It’s unfair to citizens who are already strapped for money.”
“An amendment to bring down the cost of campus food.”
“An amendment to better regulate the cost of tuition to keep it reasonable.”
NEIL POWELL, Sophomore, Musical Theater
KIM PERSON, Sophomore, English
MATT CENTNER, Sophomore, Communications
Professors influence student’s thinking By Trevor Clark The Oklahoma Daily (U-Wire)
Last week, I stood outside University of Oklahoma’s Price Business College with a professor and two other students. Our class had just been dismissed, and we were talking about whether or not the Bible should be interpreted literally (the class was a religious studies class, so it was a natural topic to pursue). After we parted ways, I was struck by the reality I had just witnessed: While professors are commissioned by OU to teach a particular subject area, some students glean much more from them. Faculty set examples in their evaluations of world events and media, as well as by their opinions on politics, work ethic and religion. I say only some students are thus impacted because this is by no means a law. Many students go through college without conforming (at least consciously) to the image of their instructors. There are a few reasons for this. A lot of the influence occurs on a peer-to-peer basis, rather than in teacher-to-student relationships. Depending on class size and
subject, it may be harder to transmit these extra-curricular lessons from teacher to student. Also, some teachers organize their profession in such a way that makes the passing-on of character and ideas almost impossible. They place “values, etc.,” in a compartment outside of the classroom and “facts, etc.,” within. That being said, the fact remains that many students are shaped by their teachers, which I think is a topic worthy of discussion. “This great Western institution, the university, dominates the world today more than any other institution,” said the now deceased Charles Malik, former president of the United Nations General Assembly and co-drafter of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. Washington Monthly magazine calls the university a place that “molds the minds of future leaders.” Professors and other instructors are key tools through which “this great Western institution” “molds the minds” of the students who pass through it. ONLINE: Read the rest of this article on-line at
Americans value the economy over Earth By Beth Mendenhall The Kansas State Collegian (U-Wire)
It’s five minutes to midnight and American exceptionalism can’t save us now. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has identified climate change and environmental destruction as one of the primary threats to civilization as we know it and the Nobel Peace Prize-winning United Nations International Panel on Climate Change has confirmed these conclusions. Many Americans choose to ignore this, under the assumption that the problem won’t affect them or isn’t real, but the bulk of scientific opinion disagrees. The next few decades are critical to averting the coming catastrophe and reversing much of the damage wreaked on the biosphere since the Industrial Revolution. An ecosystem collapse, an increase in global temperatures, depletion of resources and water pollution are just some of the issues facing Earth today. In spite of this, a 2009 Gallup poll indicates that for the first time in 25 years, a majority of
Thursday, September 17, 2009 4
Americans feel economic concerns should take precedence over environmental ones. Our priorities need to change. Both the environment and the economy have the ability to adapt to changing conditions, but to different degrees. Evolution has tailored species to thrive only in specific environments, so moderate changes in temperature, pH and other conditions can eradicate entire species without giving plants and animals the necessary time to adapt. In contrast, the economy is based on human needs and desires, which frequently change, but always exist. Industries lacking demand are not worth keeping—this keeps American markets competitive and the economy as a whole healthier. As needs and desires change, the economy should move in lockstep as much as possible. The harsh results of environmental degradation have changed our needs, and it’s the onus of the economy to follow. ONLINE: Read the rest of this article on-line at
VISIT US AT BGVIEWS.COM Have your own take on today’s People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a question? Give us your feedback at
Attendance policies have no place on college campuses for non-major classes By Chris Ward The Arizona Daily Wildcat (U-Wire)
I can’t remember exactly when it began, but lately the University of Arizona seems to be cracking down on absences and enforcing much stricter attendance and punctuality policies than before. What does strict enforcement of a silly attendance policy accomplish? Not much of anything, if you ask me. It seems ridiculous that many professors, some of mine included, say things like, “If you’re more than 3 minutes late, I’d rather you not come in at all. There is no excuse for being more than 3 minutes late.” Basically, you’re telling me that the first 5-10 minutes of class are more important than the hour that follows? Why then, don’t I just go to class for the first 10 minutes and then leave? Oh, that’s not cool either? It disturbs my classmates? Never mind then.
I figure that since we’re paying for a service, then you don’t have the right to tell us that if we’re late, we can’t partake. Any other industry at least tries to be accommodating (for example: restaurants, doctors, dentists, car service centers, etc.), while some professors seem to think they have the right to belittle and embarrass people. Who needs a guilt trip for showing up late or missing a class? Not me; I could get treated horribly for free rather than paying thousands of dollars for it. I understand and appreciate the difficult path taken by professors in order to achieve their career status, and I also appreciate that they have a job to do, but I’d appreciate the same kind of consideration from them that they demand from me. While it’s fairly rare for instructors to be late to class, I wouldn’t throw a fit about it, nor would I feel insulted by it. Of course I know it wasn’t your idea to make it an 8 a.m. class,
but coming in at 8 a.m. doesn’t pay my mortgage like it does for you, professor. What pays my mortgage is that job that doesn’t end until 2 a.m.. So I apologize if you feel I’m somehow disrespecting your work by trying to earn a living, but the conundrum is that I need to work to go to school. On top of it, if I can get an A in the class without having to attend half the classes, then the only thing that means is it’s a shame that I had to spend $900 on a class that I didn’t really need, except to graduate. God forbid I don’t go and “learn,” and God forbid the university allows us to take classes that pertain to what we want to do rather than topics that many of us find irrelevant. Student: “I want to be an accountant after I graduate.” Adviser: “OK, you’re going to have to start by taking this sociology class and that literature class.” Student: “Huh?” What’s the deal if I actually
get sick? I know I can miss two days, great, but any more than that and I’m screwing myself. So, sorry to the rest of you, but I’m going to have to come in on Thursday with the swine flu, because I can’t afford to miss another class. I apologize if you end up getting sick and having to attend class anyway, but it’s a catch-22, you see. Sure hope this flu doesn’t somehow rapidly spread! My question is, when did a grade become lashed to attendance and not to the quality of the work completed? If I turn in work on time, if my test grades are high, why should I deserve to get less than an A for doing A work? Not that I’m used to getting A’s, but the same argument works for B’s, too. The ultimate message here is: don’t treat us like children, because we’re not. And don’t act like parole officers for our federal crimes, when our attendance offenses are more akin to broken jaywalking laws.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009 5
Biden pushes Iraq leaders for reconciliation By David Rising The Associated Press
trying to help smooth political differences as the American military moves BAGHDAD — Vice President ahead with plans to pull Joe Biden sought to smooth troops out of the country. He held talks first with political differences among Iraq’s fractious political offi- parliament speaker Ayad alcials on his first full day in Sammaraie, a senior memthe country, as the American ber of the Iraqi Islamic Party, military moves ahead with the country’s largest Sunni plans to pull troops out of the political party. The two sides discussed country. Biden’s arrival was marred developments in the counby a rocket attack against try’s national reconcilithe Green Zone on Tuesday ation efforts with former evening that killed two Iraqi Saddam loyalists and other civilians. The attacks took Iraqi internal issues, alplace after Biden had retired Sammaraie’s spokesman for the night following meet- Omar al-Mashhadani told AP. ings with American officials He gave no further details. He also met Shiite Vice on the first day of his visit to President Adel Abdul-Mahdi Iraq. The U.S. military said three and said as he sat with him suspects detained near the that “you can’t get rid of me.” “I keep coming back, comsite where the four rockets were fired at the fortified ing back,” he said, in a joking zone in downtown Baghdad reference to his frequent viswere later released. They were its to Iraq. The current visit is questioned by Iraqi security his third this year. The American vice president forces who found insufficient evidence to detain them, the was also meeting with Prime military said. The 107 mm Minister Nouri al-Maliki, rockets were fired from the a Shiite, and Sunni leaders outskirts of the massive Shiite including Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi ahead of meetdistrict of Sadr City. Biden met a broad spectrum ings with Kurdish officials of Iraqi officials in Baghdad, tomorrow.
PEACE TALKS: Vice President Biden spoke atop the Toledo-Lucas County Library last September to help President Obama campaign for the presidency.
Over his three-day visit, Biden’s main focus was expected to be plans for January elections and the ongoing violence in Iraq’s north. As the number of bombings and other attacks declines elsewhere in Iraq, the north remains a battleground between Sunni Arab extremists and Iraqi and U.S. forces. Kurdish-Arab tension there also frequently flares into violence.
“The whole purpose is to see how we can be helpful, if we can, in helping them resolve the outstanding political issues they have to resolve internally, so that when the (security agreement) is fully implemented we leave a stable Iraq,” he told reporters late Tuesday after meeting with Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill.
SUDOKU To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. There is no guessing or math involved. Just use logic to solve
Cuba won’t make political or police concessions to better relations with U.S. By Will Weissert The Associated Press
HAVANA — Cuba will not make any political or policy concessions to improve relations with the U.S. — no matter how small, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said yesterday, snubbing Washington’s suggestions that some reforms could lead to better ties. He told a news conference that the United States must lift its 47year-old trade embargo without waiting for anything in return. Rodriguez said U.S. trade sanctions have cost the island $96 bil-
lion in economic damage since they took their current form in February 1962 as part of the Trading with the Enemy Act. “The policy is unilateral and should be lifted unilaterally,” Rodriguez said. He called President Obama “well-intentioned and intelligent” and said that his administration has adopted a “modern, less aggressive” stance toward the island. But Rodriguez shrugged off the White House’s April decision to lift restrictions on CubanAmericans who want to visit or send money to relatives in this
country, saying those changes simply undid a tightening of the embargo imposed by President George W. Bush. “Obama was a president elected on a platform of change. Where are the changes in the blockade against Cuba?” Rodriguez asked. Cuban officials have for decades characterized American trade sanctions as a blockade. Obama has suggested it may be time for a new era in relations with Cuba, but has also said he will not consider lifting the embargo. On Monday, he signed a measure formally extending the policy for one year.
U.S. officials have said for months that they would like to see the single-party, communist state accept some political, economic or social changes before they make further modifications to Cuba policy, but Rodriguez said it was not up to his country to appease Washington. The foreign minister also refused to comment on suggestions by New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson that Cuba take small steps to improve relations with the U.S. The governor, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, suggested during a
recent visit here that Cuba reduce restrictions and fees for islanders who want to travel overseas and accept a U.S. proposal to let diplomats from both countries travel more freely in each other’s territory. Rodriguez took office after a March shake-up that ousted much of Cuba’s younger leadership, including Foreign Minister and former Fidel Castro prodigy Felipe Perez Roque. Officials from the U.S. and Cuba plan to meet today in Havana to discuss reviving direct postal service between their countries, but Rodriguez refused to comment.
Mail between the U.S. and the island has had to pass through third countries since August 1963. “These talks are exploratory talks of a technical nature,” said Gloria Berbena, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Interests Section, which Washington maintains in Cuba instead of an embassy. “They support our efforts to further communication with the Cuban people and the administration sees this as a potential avenue to improve communication between our countries’ peoples,” she told The Associated Press.
Introducing the Perfect Pair
EU farmers in white heat over milk prices
Cameroon lightning U.K. teens cleared strike kills 5 school- of Columbinechildren inspired plot
BRUSSELS — Belgian farmers sprayed 3 million liters (790,000 gallons) of fresh milk onto their fields yesterday, furious over the low milk prices they say are bankrupting farmers. Milk farmers’ groups said world prices had sunk so much they are having to sell milk at half their production costs, leaving more and more farmers unable to pay their bills. To highlight their desperation, about 300 tractors dragged milk containers through plowed fields in southern Belgium, dumping a day’s worth of milk production in that region. - Raf Casert (AP)
YAOUNDE, Cameroon — A lightning bolt killed five children at their school in northwest Cameroon as they were preparing to begin their school day, a local doctor said yesterday. Some 58 others were taken to a hospital near the small village of Bamali, which is some 285 miles (460 kilometers) northwest of the capital, Yaounde. Dr. Kwazo Kedze, chief medical officer at the Ndop district hospital, said 34 children were still being treated for shock and other ailments yesterday. — Emmanuel Tumanjong (AP)
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LONDON — In a stunning blow to prosecutors and police, two British teens were acquitted Wednesday of plotting a Columbine-inspired school massacre despite videos that police said showed them making explosives together. Matthew Swift, 18, and Ross McKnight, 16, were cleared of what prosecutors had alleged was a plan to slaughter students and teachers at their school just east Manchester, in northwest England, on the 10th anniversary of the U.S. high school shootings. — Raphael G. Satter (AP)
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6 Thursday, September 17, 2009
Delay sought in Gitmo trials By Delvin Barrett and Lara Jakes The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is seeking another two-month delay in a handful of key military commission trials of terrorism detainees, as two key senators said yesterday they no longer believe Guantanamo Bay inmates will be transferred to Kansas. The previous delay granted in six commission cases ends today. But a congressional staff member and a Defense Department official said the administration was about to ask the judges in those cases to grant a 60-day extension. The congressional staffer and the defense official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter. They said the Defense Department would make the request later yesterday to the military commission judges at the U.S. naval prison in Cuba. It
was unclear whether the military judges would agree. The requests for a delay in the trials come as the Obama administration tries to meet a self-imposed deadline to close the Guantanamo Bay terror suspect detention center by January. There are currently 226 inmates at the facility. Sepa rately, Just ice Department lawyers filed papers with a federal appeals court in Washington in the civil case of detainee Ramzi bin al Shibh, who is charged in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, indicating that they want a 60day delay in his civil case too. Bin al Shibh, one of five Guantanamo prisoners charged with orchestrating the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S., has a “delusional disorder” and has been treated with a medication used for schizophrenia, his lawyers say. A hearing to determine his mental competency is scheduled for later this month. The new filing in bin al Shibh’s civil case was the first
official, public signal that the administration wants a further delay of the commission trials. The 30-page filing said the request for another delay “will be based on impending changes” to the military commissions law. Congress is working on revisions to the law but it is not clear yet when such legislation might pass. The Justice Department also cautioned in the filing that bin al Shibh and other Guantanamo detainees may be transferred to U.S. federal courts for criminal trials. Separately, two Republican lawmakers angry over the prospect of detainees being sent to their home state of Kansas said yesterday they no longer would block the confirmation of key Obama administration nominees. Sens. Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback had been standing in the way of confirmation of New York Republican Rep. John McHugh for the Army secretary job as well as Senate clearance of nominees for a host of other
senior Defense and Justice department positions. The legislative maneuver was made to protest administration policy on U.S.-held terrorismera detainees at Guantanamo. Roberts and Brownback said in a statement they now believe the detainees won’t be relocated to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., which they had vehemently opposed. They said they reached that conclusion after discussions with the administration. The other U.S. site that has been under serious consideration for holding detainees is a maximum security prison in Standish, Mich. Brownback said that in conversations with Obama administration officials, “they indicated to both myself and Sen. Roberts that Leavenworth was not a suitable site for detainees,” Brownback said. A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the lawmakers’ assertion that Leavenworth was no longer under consideration.
ISSUING PRISONER REPRIEVE: Governor Ted Strickland came to campus last October to discuss the importance of voting in the 2008 presidential election.
Ohio execution problems based on inmate’s drug use By Stephen Majors The Associated Press
LUCASVILLE, Ohio — A prison log blames a condemned Ohio inmate’s past drug use for problems finding a usable vein during an execution attempt that was stopped Tuesday after an unprecedented two hours. The log of Tuesday’s scheduled execution of Romell Broom indicates that executioners made the observation at 3:11 p.m., more than an hour after first trying to find a vein. “Medical team having problem maintaining an open vein due to past drug use,” said the log reviewed by The Associated Press. Broom said at one point he was a heavy heroin user, but then said at another time that he wasn’t, prisons spokeswoman Julie Walburn said yesterday. Broom, 53, has been placed in a cell in the infirmary at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville where he is on close watch similar to the constant observation of death row inmates in the three days before an execution. “It was the right place to keep him,” Walburn said. “The less we can transport an offender, the better.” Death row inmates are housed in a Youngstown prison and executed in the death chamber at Lucasville. There’s no precedent for housing an inmate whose execution didn’t work. Gov. Ted Strickland on Tuesday issued a one-week reprieve to Broom, who spent more than two hours awaiting execution as technicians searched for a vein strong enough to deliver the threedrug lethal injection. The issue arose three years after Ohio revised its lethal injection protocol due to problems with another inmate’s IV. No Ohio governor has issued a similar last-minute reprieve since the state resumed executions in 1999. The night before his sched-
Wilson’s son denies Congressman’s ‘You lie’ comment was racist By Greg Bluestein The Associated Press
ATLANTA — U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson’s oldest son defended his father against a claim by former President Jimmy Carter that the congressman’s outburst during a speech by President Barack Obama was “based on racism.” Responding to an audience question at a town hall at his presidential center in Atlanta, Carter said Tuesday that Wilson’s outburst was also rooted in fears of a black president. “I think it’s based on racism,” Carter said. “There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president.” But Wilson’s son disputed that. “There is not a racist bone in my dad’s body,” said Alan Wilson, an Iraq veteran who is running for state attorney general in South
Carolina. “He doesn’t even laugh at distasteful jokes. I won’t comment on former President Carter, because I don’t know President Carter. But I know my dad, and it’s just not in him.” “It’s unfortunate people make that jump. People can disagree — and appropriately disagree — on issues of substance, but when they make the jump to race it’s absolutely ludicrous. My brothers and I were raised by our parents to respect everyone regardless of background or race.” Carter, a Democrat, said Joe Wilson’s outburst was a part of a disturbing trend directed at the president that has included demonstrators equating Obama to Nazi leaders. “Those kind of things are not just casual outcomes of a sincere debate on whether we should have a national program on health care,” he said. “It’s deeper than that.”
Wilson’s spokesman was not immediately available for comment. Wilson, a South Carolina Republican, was formally rebuked Tuesday in a House vote for shouting “You lie!” during Obama’s speech to Congress last Wednesday. The shout came after the president commented that illegal aliens would be ineligible for federal subsidies to buy health insurance. Republicans expressed their disbelief with sounds of disapproval, punctuated by Wilson’s outburst. Tuesday’s rebuke was a rare resolution of disapproval pushed through by Democrats who insisted that Wilson had violated basic rules of decorum and civility. Republicans characterized the measure as a witch hunt and Wilson, who had already apologized to Obama, insisted he owed the House no apology.
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South Carolina’s former Democratic Party chairman also said he doesn’t believe Wilson was motivated by racism, but said the outburst encouraged racist views. “I think Joe’s conduct was asinine, but I think it would be asinine no matter what the color of the president,” said Dick Harpootlian, who has known Wilson for decades. “I don’t think Joe’s outburst was caused by President Obama being African-American. I think it was caused by no filter being between his brain and his mouth.” Harpootlian said he received scores of racial e-mails from outside South Carolina after he talked about the vote on Fox News. “You have a bunch of folks out there looking for some comfort in their racial issues. They have a problem with an African-American president,” he said. “But was he motivated by that? I don’t think so. I respectfully disagree with President Carter, though it gives validity to racism.” On Wednesday, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele accused Democrats of using the race issue to shift attention away from the health care plan. “President Carter is flat out wrong. This isn’t about race. It is about policy,” Steele said in a statement. Carter called Wilson’s comment “dastardly” and an aftershock of racist views that have permeated American politics for decades. “The president is not only the head of government, he is the head of state,” said Carter, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his work to promote human rights and resolve international conflicts. “And no matter who he is or how much we disagree with his policies, the president should be treated with respect.”
uled execution, Broom told his brother over the phone that he was ready to die. “He is tired of being in prison and having people tell him what to do everyday,” according to the prison log. Richard Dieter, director of the nonprofit Death Penalty Information Center, said he knows of only one inmate who was subjected to more than one execution. A first attempt to execute Willie Francis in 1946 by electrocution in Louisiana did not work. He was returned to death row for nearly a year while the U.S. Supreme Court considered whether a second electrocution would be unconstitutional. Dieter said he expects legal challenges will mean Broom will not face execution again in a week’s time. “I think this is going to be challenged, whether under our standards of decency subjecting someone to multiple executions is cruel and unusual ... whether this is in effect experimenting on human beings, whether or not they’re sure what works in Ohio,” he said. Broom was sentenced to die for the rape and slaying of a 14year-old Tryna Middleton after abducting her in Cleveland in September 1984 as she walked home from a Friday night football game with two friends. Prisons director Terry Collins said the execution team eventually told him they didn’t believe Broom’s veins would hold if the execution reached the point when the lethal drugs would be administered. Collins said he contacted the governor at about 4 p.m. to let him know about the difficulties and request a reprieve. A medical evaluation Monday had determined that veins in Broom’s right arm appeared accessible. Collins said that before Broom’s next scheduled execution, the team would try to determine how to resolve the problem encountered Tuesday.
Medical official says Yale student was asphyxiated
Authorities investigate white powder at NASA headquarters
HHS announces Medicare pilot program
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — The Connecticut medical examiner says a Yale graduate student found dead in her lab building was killed by asphyxiation caused by neck trauma. Dr. Wayne Carver’s office released the results yesterday, three days after the body of 24-year-old Annie Le was found. Carver had previously announced Le’s death as a homicide. The office says her death was caused by “traumatic asphyxia due to neck compression.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — Authorities are investigating a suspicious white powder found in an envelope at NASA headquarters in Washington. D.C. fire department spokesman Pete Piringer says hazardous materials teams have been sent to NASA headquarters in northwest Washington. Piringer says a call came in from someone who reported finding an envelope with white powder. Piringer says the immediate area was evacuated, but not the entire building. He says there are no associated threats with the incident, but crews are investigating.
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced a new Medicare pilot program Wednesday to strengthen primary care services for patients and cut costly emergency room visits — by offering financial incentives to doctors. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the three-year pilot plan is modeled after a program being tested in Vermont. It would begin early next year. Under the Vermont program, private insurers work with Medicaid to set uniform standards for so-called “medical homes” — a single doctor or practice that will track all the patient’s required care. - Jennifer C. Kerr (AP)
Notre Dame sues exworker over $29,000 tip INDIANAPOLIS — A woman who worked catering events for the University of Notre Dame decided it was her lucky day when she received a $29,000 tip, but now the university is suing her to get the money back. The South Bend, Ind., school says in a lawsuit that it paid Sara Gaspar the huge gratuity instead of about $29 because of a clerical error. The suit, filed in St. Joseph Circuit Court in South Bend, says Gaspar kept the money without telling the school. — Charles Wilson (AP)
Small plane crashes at Calif. airport HAYWARD, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say a small plane crashed and caught fire shortly after takeoff at California’s Hayward Executive Airport. Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor says the pilot was believed to be the only person on board when the twin-engine Beechcraft KingAir crashed yesterday. The pilot was removed from the plane by firefighters and taken to a hospital. His condition was not known.
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GOLF Schneider earns MAC POW Honors Senior golfer Matt Schneider was named Mid-American Conference golfer of the week for the first time in his career on Wednesday. Schneider won the John Piper Intercollegiate iournament for the second time in his career this week, shooting a threeround total of 211 (72-72-67). The senior’s score also helped BG capture the team title.
Dear Coach Bylsma, C
ongratulations on your recent success. Not only did you take over the Pittsburgh Penguins halfway
through the season, you also lifted the Stanley Cup as a rookie coach. That’s quite an accomplishment for a guy who was coaching in the
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minor leagues last January.
Be sure to log on to The BG News Sports Blog for continued news and updates on your favorite Falcon teams.
Falcon (and the only coach) to lift hockey’s Holy Grail.
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OUR CALL Today in Sports History 1992—The NFL suspends the World Football League. 1988—The 24th Summer Olympics opens in Seoul, South Korea. 1947—The Dodger’s Jackie Robinson is named the Sporting News rookie of the year.
The List After our open letter to Pittsburgh Penguins head coach Dan Bylsma, we take a look at the top five Falcon hockey alumni in program history: 1. Rob Blake: One of the best defenseman in NHL history, Blake won the 2001 Stanley Cup with Colorado and amassed 94 points in his three years at BG. 2. Ken Morrow: The most decorated player in Falcon history, Morrow was part of the 1980 Miracle on Ice and won four Stanley Cups with the New York Islanders.
Your alma mater is proud of you, we really are, you’re just the fourth
Well, coach, now we want a piece of the Cup too.
4. Bryan Holzinger: Holzinger was the second Falcon to capture the Hobey Baker Award and played ten NHL seasons. 5. Dan Bylsma: The fourth Falcon to win a Cup, Bylsma is the most successful alumni to make the move behind the bench.
Ice Arena to get much needed facelift University announces campaign to raise $5 million dollars for facility By Paul Barney Reporter
After months of uncertainty, BG hockey is here to stay. The University announced last Friday that it is starting a campaign to raise $5 million for the hockey program and the BGSU Ice Arena. The $5 million campaign is the result of a fundraising feasibility report, which was presented to University President Dr. Carol Cartwright by Bentz Whaley Flessner. “We are committed to hockey at BGSU,” Cartwright told “It is apparent that the hockey program is a treasured part of our history, and we have assured our former and current hockey players and the community that the program will continue.” The campaign will be overseen by Marcia Sloan Latta, interim vice president for University Advancement. According to Latta, the campaign will begin immediately. “We’re in the process of organizing a national steering committee, which will be made up of some former hockey players, some community members and hockey and ice arena enthusiasts,” Latta said. Because of the tough economic times in Ohio and around the nation, University Advancement’s focal point will be towards making the necessary improvements to the Ice
See ICE ARENA | Page 8
As you may know, BG has struggled on the ice over the past two decades, not having a winning season this decade. The Ice Arena, where you made your name as one of the best penalty killers in program history, is in bad shape, but not as bad as the program itself. Last season, the program went to proverbial hell and back. Players, coaches and fans were clouded in a state of uncertainty, unsure whether or not BG hockey would live to see the next morning. While hope has somewhat returned to a continued legacy of BG hockey as the university recently made a commitment to the ice arena, it’s still not certain whether or not the program can dig itself out of the massive ditch its fallen in.
SET: Freshman Allison Kearney was the only BG player to be named to the all-tournmanent team last weekend.
Freshman Kearney playing beyond her years By Chris Sojka Reporter
That’s why we’re imploring you, coach. Help us realize what this program has and can still produce by coming home for a day with the Cup. While it won’t rebuild the Ice Arena and won’t generate instant success, it will give the entire Falcon community a reminder of how important the hockey program used to be. So we ask you again, coach, bring the Cup to BGSU. It will be the best thing to happen to the Ice Arena in a long time.
Sincerely, The BG News
3.George McPhee: The 1982 winner of the Hobey Baker Award for the Nation’s top player, McPhee played seven seasons in the NHL.
On paper, Allison Kearney is a freshman. But the players on the volleyball team don’t look at her like that at all. “I’m impressed that she doesn’t play, act or lead like a freshman,” senior Corey Domek said of Kearney. “She is a leader out on the court and very verbal. You know, you never know what you’re going to get with a freshmen when they come in, whether they are shy or not, and she definitely is not, so that’s good.” Graduating from high school a semester early, Kearney—who was the only BG player named to the Best Western Falcon Plaza Invitational alltournament team last weekend—came to BGSU last spring to get a head start in college and volleyball. Kearney was not connected with Triway High School in any special way, so she thought leaving early was her best option. “Looking back, I think it was a really good decision that I made,” she said. “I was fine coming here early and I think it gave me an advantage. Knowing what coach was like, knowing what the staff and players were like was a big advantage.” Entering college early and presenting herself like she does is something coach Denise Van De Walle is extremely impressed with.
See KEARNEY | Page 8
Freshman goalie Smoker, wins starting job for men’s soccer By John Lopez Reporter
With the men’s soccer season in full swing, redshirt freshman Jeff Smoker seems to be in the pole position for the starting goal-keeper spot. Smoker, of Finneytown, has been in competition with true freshman Dylan Schoettley and junior Steven Topper for the role as the Falcons No. 1 keeper.
“I think keeping the No. 1 job comes down to consistency. I have made a couple big saves, as well as the ones I am supposed to make.”
After splitting time with Schoettley for the season’s first three games, coach Eric Nichols gave Smoker a full 90 minutes in both of this weekend’s games. But Smoker is not taking his Jeff Smoker | Freshman Goalie role as Falcon’s top-choice lightly. Although Smoker is getting person is playing better at any “I think keeping the No. 1 more time between the posts, he given time, the other realizes it job comes down to consis- knows Schoettley is right behind and steps up, so he doesn’t lose a tency,” Smoker said. “I have him. chance to play in goal.” made a couple big saves, as “We have a good competition, Smoker has been more than well as the ones I am sup- because we are always pushing suitable during his time in goal posed to make.” each other,” Smoker said. “If one for the Falcons, recording 196
minutes without conceding, until Kentucky finally broke through earlier this season. The keeper was also named to the all-tournament team at the Duquesne Invitational over the weekend, after saving seven shots and earning a clean sheet in a double overtime match against the hosts. Smoker, listed at 5-foot-11,
See SOCCER | Page 8
8 Thursday, September 17, 2009
KEARNEY From Page 7 “Her maturity level is high and she carries herself much older than she is,” Van De Walle said. “She has gained the team’s respect with her work ethic. She is a very hard worker in the gym, she’s competitive and plays hard every day. She’s invested in the program.” Van De Walle, Domek and the rest of the volleyball team see how mature she is everyday, and Kearney is not afraid to admit she finds herself to be a very mature person, too. “I had to deal with loss a lot when I was younger,” she said. “So, I think doing that makes you more mature and makes you realize what life is all about. That was a big part in making me grow up a bit faster.” While her maturity level and work ethic has impressed others, her numbers on the court have too.
ICE ARENA From Page 7
Arena and putting the hockey program on “sure footing.” Among the hopes of raising $2 million for hockey scholarships, the campaign will continue beyond the original 18 months that was planned so that additional funds can be raised. Although the long-term funding level for the program has yet to be determined, it’s hopeful that the fundraising, along with arena renovations, will facilitate BG in resurfacing as one of the top programs in the Central Collegiate Hockey Association. In three of the past four years, the Falcons have finished last in the CCHA, including last season when they went 11-24-3, 8-19-1 in the league. Since then, however, everything has been positive to this point. In fact, the University’s recent $4 million commitment to the hockey program has already been geared towards an upgrade in equip-
Kearney is leading the Falcons in assists with 362, an average of 10.97 assists per set and in serving with a .868 hitting percentage. Also on her resume this season are 37.5 points and 22 kills. While Kearney is happy with the role she is playing this season and how she has performed, she is also very pleased with the other players on the team. “The upperclassmen have been doing a good job of leading and keeping everyone on task, but I try to do my part as a freshmen setter,” Kearney said. “As a setter, your normal tendency is to lead, so I try to lead by example.” But she won’t take all the credit in the setter she’s become. “I have learned a lot from junior setter Sam Fish,” she said. “We talk on a regular basis and she tells me things to do, so I think she’s taken me under her wing as an upperclassmen setter.” “We actually do communi-
“It’s an exciting time for Bowling Green hockey. It’s allowing us to move forward and just concentrate on the hockey side of things.” Dennis Williams | Coach ment, new lighting and a conversion of the curling ice to a small hockey rink-which will allow for two user groups to use quality ice at the same time. With renovations and scholarships in store for the near future, there’s been nothing but a positive outlook on what is already a rich and proud tradition. “It’s an exciting time for Bowling Green hockey,” hockey coach Dennis Williams said. “It’s allowing us to move forward and just concentrate on the hockey side of things.”
cate and we do have a good friendship. We agree with a lot of things that go on, out on the court, so it works out pretty well,” she added. Though Kearney has learned a lot from several players on the team, Domek thinks she’s handling her role very well and players are even looking up to her. “She’s actually taking some of the freshmen under her wing and showing them some of the ropes that we taught her when she came early,” Domek said. “I’m really excited to see what she does this weekend.” Kearney is excited for this weekend, but in the back of her mind, there are goals she still wants to accomplish. “My goal is just to play the best I can for my team,” she said. “[I want to] do my role, fulfill my job and lead my team in ways which I can as a setter. I’m blessed to be on a team that doesn’t put a lot of pressure on me.”
SOCCER From Page 7 does not possess the typical size and reach expected from a goalkeeper but makes up for it in other departments. “Jeff is wiry and very athletic,” goalkeepers coach Eric Pfeifer said. “His small frame allows him to burst towards the ball and make some big saves.” Schoettley, on the other hand, has the typical goalkeepers body, standing at 6-foot-3 with a sizable reach and has all the physical tools necessary to play for the Falcons. “Being taller makes its easier to get balls in the air and cover goal space,” Schoettley said. “I can use my height to get to the ball a lot easier.” Schoettley understands that he is in a competition but doesn’t let that take away from the friendship that he and Smoker have formed. “Jeff and I get along really well, but we are competitive,” Schoettley said. “Jeff has been playing better lately so he deserves the starting spot.”
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