An independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community, ESTABLISHED 1920
Bowling Green State University
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | Volume 95, Issue 31
Falcon head coach accepts job offer at Sryacuse after MAC win | PAGE 7
Find the contestants for The Hatch and XXXXXXXbusiness XXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXX their ideas XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XX inside XXXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXX PAGE XX PAGE 2
Guest columnist shares her adventures in dirtiness PAGE 4
Kwanzaa event gives new understanding of traditions PAGE 6
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127 N. Main St. BG H H DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 2
“TRAC BRACELET” Austin Farrington, Marketing,
“BIODEGRADABLE NATURE BEADS” Gisueppe Giammanco, Chemistry,
Creating personal comforters for dementia patients to create a conversation between nurses, aids, residents and visitors. These reversible fully unique comforters will bring a home-like vibe to the resident as well as keep the brain stimulated and keep the resident engaged.
A system that utilizes Bluetooth beacons to set up a GeoFence that will help pinpoint the location of individuals in a facility that are wearing a bracelet or ID Badge with a supported Bluetooth device inside it. The bracelets or ID Badges will be catered and customized for the need of each business such as patients in nursing homes, children in daycare centers, and visitors in office buildings and school systems.
A bio-friendly alternative to plastic microparticles, which are an important ingredient of many consumer products, but their use is being banned for to environmental reasons. My approach takes FDA-approved, food grade polysaccharides to turn them into uniform particles that can be commercialized as fillers, exfoliants, and even as vehicles for delivering active principles in cosmetic formulations.
“FIND THE PERFECT PROFESSOR” Jarrod Cain, Fianance, Business Analytics & Intelligence, Management Information Systems, “The Idea” is a scheduling application that matches students to professors based on course structure. The application would also be used to help review the preferences of the entire student body to hire professors that would teach in a manner that coincides with the students.
Read up on the business ideas chosen for The Hatch, a program at the University where students develop business plans in order to obtain funding for them.
With an easy to use lofting system, this bed can transform a small, cramped dorm room into a more functional space by allowing a student to easily and quickly loft a bed to better utilize the space under the bed. Using a counter weight system, this bed easily turns a three to four-person job into a simple, and efficient one-person job.
“MOBILE SURVEILLANCE ROBOT” Ryan Murphy, Engineering Technology & Management Information Systems, Our idea is an autonomous robot “rover” of sorts that will provide parking security/ attendant services in large ticketenforced parking lots. This rover will be equipped with a camera and recognition software along with real-time communication with parking security/services head quarters to instantly notify personnel of illegally parked vehicles or even other suspicious activity.
“SMART WALLET” Keirsten Castner, Marketing Business Analytics, A wallet phone case that will keep track of the customer’s cards. There will be an app that will notify the customer when a card has not been placed in its proper spot within a limited amount of time.
“NO HASSLE LOFTED BEDS” Khory Katz, Finance and Sales & Marketing,
“PLAY TO PLAY” Sohpia Schmitz, Violin Performance, Information from
My idea is a music reading, theory, and aural skills curriculum that is disguised as an active board game.
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 3
PEOPLEON THESTREET What is your favorite holiday film and why? “How the Grinch Stole Christmas, because the Grinch is so mean and then he turns nice and I’m like... ‘yeah.’.” NATALIE THIES Freshman, Communication Disorders
Take quality time for yourself Stress. As college students, it’s something that we’re used to, especially at this point in the semester. It’s the time of the year when papers and exams pile up and winter breaks seems so far off in the horizon that you can’t see it. We all have our little superstitions when it comes to exam taking or paper writing, whether it’s using a lucky pencil, the “retweet this picture in 30 seconds for all A’s” tweets or walking to the right of the seal in old campus. For me, I need my study time playlist on Spotify playing and I need coffee or tea with me at all times. Sometimes, that’s enough for everything to be OK during exams. Other times, we need all the help we can get. I have terrible anxiety. This is the worst time of the year for me. At this point, I just want to be home with my family, staying up late watching TV with my mom or going out to eat with my best friend. The furthest thing from my mind is wanting to study for exams,
Lauren Fitz Columnist
even though it’s something I need to do. This is the time of year where the amount of sleep I get in a night dramatically decreases. I can’t shut my mind off at night and my brain keeps wanting me to check my email to make sure I’m up to date on everything and I have the latest information when it comes to my classes and my grades. It’s almost like my brain has FOMO for class assignments and study guides. I particularly hate this time of year because of all the added stress in my life. I’m already prone to living a stressed life. Exam week does nothing to make it better. It’s the time of the year where the only thing keeping me alive is multiple trips to Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I don’t have that many test exams this
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semester, but I’m still feeling the pressure. It’s the perfectionist in me. I’ll even go as far to say it’s the natural Capricorn in me. But even as the work piles on, it’s important to remember that taking time for yourself is important. Whether it’s getting coffee, painting your nails or watching a few episodes of your favorite show on Netflix, do it. Exam week is a stressful time. Study, but also take a break to avoid overwhelming yourself and your brain. It’s something I have to constantly remind myself, especially as a way to keep me sane when I’m probably not being the nicest person. And while I’m not the queen of taking my own advice, it helps to have a plan in place – just in case I decide to step away from everything for a little bit to be my old self. Good luck to everyone on their exams and may the curve forever be in your favor. You’ve got this.
“Elf, because Christmas can sometimes be greedy, but Buddy the Elf exemplifies the real meaning of Christmas.” ASHLIE COX Junior, Human Development and Family Studies
“The Polar Express, my grandma took me to see it when I was little.” HANNAH SCHEEHY Northview High School Senior
“Home Alone, I stayed dead the entire time.”
KODJI WADE Sophomore, Applied Health Science
Respond to Lauren at
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 4
Stop worrying and love your dirty side I don’t know what kind of dirty you have in mind when reading this, so I can only hope to satisfy your senses and imagination. All I can say is this is one of my alltime favorite topics, and something I’m not embarrassed to discuss freely despite running in the face of social norms. This is about why I’m a dirty girl, and why I want you to get dirty with me. I’m a dirty girl in the most literal way possible; I’m a girl that really loves her dirt. I don’t mean that gossipy bullshit or whatever filth most people have in mind. I’m talkin’ the dusty brown, littering the ground, full of germs and makes you squirm kind of dirt. You know, the good stuff. Actual dirt. My partner and I get pretty dirty when we go backpacking. Lately we’ve started bringing some dirty lessons back home. Being out in the wilderness has taught us that cleanliness is highly overrated. But don’t take my word for it, do some research and you’ll see that science agrees. Here’s a potentially embarrassing truth; I’ve been known to go an entire day without a drop of soap touching my body. Yes, that means my hands, my hair, my feet, and everything inbetween. (Ok, except for toothpaste. Good dental hygiene is always important.) I’m not ashamed, and you shouldn’t be either when you learn to love your dirty side. It all started when I read an amazing New York Times article about not showering for
Do horrendously long hyphenations antagonize you too? Come edit us. thenews@
Tatiana Gracyk Guest Columnist a month. Can you imagine? Most people balk at the idea, but I think it’s incredible. Just imagine all the time you would save. Let’s be real, you don’t actually need to shower every single day. It’s a waste of water, dries out your skin, and it washes away a bunch of your microbial friends (more on this momentarily). Natural oils are important for your skin and hair because they’re what keep you supple and moist. You do want to be supple and moist, don’t you? Be honest, you don’t smell terrible after 24 hours or even 48 hours. Showering daily is a social ritual, not a necessity. Marcus and I have been showering every few days since becoming “one with nature” and we’re seriously loving the extra time in the mornings. This will come in handy when we begin our life on the road, too. Water will be our most precious and scarce resource, so why not practice our conservation efforts now? Better yet, I’ve discovered that not washing my hair daily lets me maintain my crazy styles without needing a bunch of product. I’m not joking, my hair is at its most spectacular three days after
washing & styling. I also wash my face once a month at most (My mom is horrified every time I remind her of this). When I was younger, I wore foundation everyday thinking my skin was “too red” or “too blotchy.” Then I started backpacking where I couldn’t “put on my face” everyday. This helped me realize what a social convention it really was. The squirrels didn’t judge me. So I got over being self-conscious, and I’ve actually learned to love my natural, naked skin. It did take a while to get used to my natural complexion, but it was worth it. I haven’t worn foundation in years, and it has been a really freeing experience. I swear I’m not crazy, and there are good reasons for you to cut back on soaps and antibacterials, too. Society tries so hard to keep everything sterile and “safe,” but we forget that life comes from dirt. Dirty little bacteria and microbes are a real part of who we are, and help us in incredible ways. Awesome Fact: Did you know that antibiotics are derived from bacteria that live in the soil? According to the Smithsonian, “Natural microbial substances from soil bacteria and fungi have been at the root of most antibiotic drug development during the past century.” The more dirty we get, the more we expose ourselves to a variety of bacteria and microorganisms. Granted, not all of these are our friends, but many of them are and it’s good to build up your allies. No
mat ter how ha rd we t r y, we ca n’t l ive i n m icrobe-f ree bubbles, so ex posi ng you rsel f to t he world helps you bu i ld up i m mu n it ies. We pretend like we can rid ourselves of these little buggers, but the reality is we’re more microbe than human! According to NPR, “Trillions of microbes live everywhere in and on our bodies” outnumbering our own cells. We couldn’t even digest and extract nutrients from our food if not for microbes. New research suggests they may even have larger impacts on our health than originally thought. Being vegan, we don’t bring eggs or meat into our home. This substantially lowers our risk of E. coli contamination, meaning a little warm water is all we really need to clean our cutting boards and dishes. Even if you’re not vegan, just rinsing your utensils right away can mean a little water is all you need. Long story short, I’m happy to admit I’m a dirty girl, and I hope you’ll consider joining me on the dirty train. Research shows we should all learn to embrace our dirty sides because as it turns out, a little dirt may be good for your health. Respond to Tatiana at
SUBMISSION POLICY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letters are to be fewer than 300 words. They should be in response to current issues on campus or in the Bowling Green area. GUEST COLUMNS: Guest Columns are generally longer pieces between 400 and 700 words. Two submissions per month maximum. POLICIES: Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns are printed as space on the Forum page permits. Additional Letters or Guest Columns may be published online. Name, year and phone number should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks, unverified information or anonymous submissions will not be printed. E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS: Send submissions as an attachment to with the subject line marked “Letter to the Editor” or “Guest Column.” All submissions are subject to review and editing for length and clarity before printing.
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 5
WED., DEC. 2
FRI., DEC. 4
11:05 P.M. Nicholas A. Miller, 20, of Bowling Green, was cited for underage possession of alcohol within the 900 of Thurstin Avenue. Lindsay N. Williamson, 20, of Bowling Green, was cited for nuisance party.
2:18 P.M. Pedro P. Gonzalez, 27, of Bowling Green, was arrested for disrupting public service, assault and criminal damaging within the 200 block of E. Napoleon Road. He was lodged in the Wood County Justice Center.
10:14 A.M. Ricardo V. Williams, 26, was arrested for assualt and disrupting public service within the 700 block of Ridge Street. He was lodged in the Wood County Justice Center. 10:38 A.M. Peter D. Foster, 35; Chrisine A. Reed, 52; and Anne M. Stevens, 39, all of Bowling Green, were arrested for theft within the 300 block of S. College Drive. They were lodged in the Wood County Justice Center. 1:11 P.M. Kara M. Delacerda, 22, of Bowling Green, was cited for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia within the 1000 block of Clough Street.
6:08 P.M. Emma L. Recker, 18, of Continental, Ohio, was arrested for theft/shoplifting and underage possession of alcohol within the 100 block of W. Gypsy Lane Road. She was lodged in the Wood County Justice Center.
SAT., DEC. 5
12:03 A.M. Alexandra S. Little, 18, of Findlay, Ohio, was cited for drug abuse and possession of drug paraphernalia within the 500 Derby Avenue. Tod L. Karl, 20, Lexington, Ohio, was cited for underage possession of alcohol.
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2:56 A.M. Matthew C. Key, 20, of Bowling Green, was cited for disorderly conduct/loud noise within the 400 block of Napoleon Road.
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DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 6
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A dancer performs as part of a troup at the Kwanzaa celebration Thursday, Dec. 3. The holiday celebrates African American traditions and culture. 319 E. WOOSTER ST.
Great selection of Houses & Apartments Complete Rental Listing available on-line and in Rental Office Great Location Our Students Stay with us
Kwanzaa brings cultural education By Isabella Maini Reporter With the holidays in full swing, many students may be aware of the traditions of Christmas and other holidays. However, not many students may know the traditions and culture of the African American holiday, Kwanzaa. Thursday night, the Black Student Union and the office of Multicultural Affairs hosted their annual Kwanzaa celebration in hopes to educate
students of all different backgrounds on the history and culture of the holiday. Bowling Green senior, Emilia Durand was unaware of Kwanzaa culture and history but said that after the event, she felt better educated. “I had only known what I had seen in the flyers and stuff... but now I understand that it’s more about unity and being able to open myself up more and communicate more with others... I liked the presentation of all the different meanings of all the candles and other symbols,” said
Durand. A better-educated audience member may be exactly what hosts of the event wanted. Bowling Green senior and host of the event, Cory Jackson II, said that misconceptions and ignorance are very common when it comes to the topic of Kwanzaa. “One of my own personal misconceptions of Kwanzaa was you actually have to be from Africa to celebrate, and a lot of people I know or are around me think you actually have to be directly from Africa to celebrate it, and you don’t,” said Jackson. Regardless of the misconceptions of Kwanzaa, Jackson said it was important for students of all backgrounds to know the principles of the holiday. “There are a lot of misunderstandings of Kwanzaa and what it is. People are ignorant to the actual knowledge of what it is and why it’s here so I think it’s important for all students, not just students of color or minorities to know... just like it’s important to know the principles of Thanksgiving or Christmas,” said Jackson. The event as a whole was considered a success to the Black Student Union. President Kaylyn Collier said that the main goal of the event was for people to take away knowledge of different cultures. “The main takeaway that I wanted for people was for people to be learning about different cultures. Often times we see things, and we’re like ‘I’m not really familiar, I don’t really feel comfortable,’ but I just wanted everybody to feel like they could come here, and have a space where they could be themselves. So, it worked,” said Collier.
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DECEMBER 1, 2015 | PAGE 7
Womens Basketball: @ Virginia | 11am Mens Basketball: @ Southeast Missouri | 8pm
Hockey: @ Bemidji State | 8:37pm
Mens Basketball: @ Detroit | 1pm Hockey: @ Bemidji State | 8:07pm
Head Coach Dino Babers poses with the Mid-Amercian Conference Championship trophy after a 34-14 win over Northern Illinois.
Dino Babers accepts job at Syracuse By Aaron Parker Sports Editor After a dominant 34-14 win over Northern Illinois for the Mid-American Conference Championship, head coach Dino Babers announced that he has accepted the head coaching job at Syracuse University. Babers spent two seasons with the Falcons and went 18-9 during his time at Bowling Green. He led his team to two MAC East titles, two Bowl Games and two MAC Championship appearances. Babers skills as a coach were tested in his brief tenure, winning three games over Big Ten Conference teams. He also saw his team win their first bowl game in over a decade with 33-28 victory over South Alabama last year in the Camellia Bowl. “I am so thankful for the loyalty, dedication and integrity that Dino Babers and his family brought to Bowling Green State
University,” Director of Athletics Chris Kingston said. “In a short period of time, Dino has helped create the future for this program and University. On behalf of President Mazey, I would like to thank Dino for his service to BGSU and wish he and his family all the best in their future endeavors.” The Falcon offense finished top five in the nation in total offense, passing offense, scoring offense, first down offense and third down conversions. In Babers high speed offense, senior quarterback Matt Johnson led the country this year with 4,700 passing yards and 43 touchdowns, both school records. T he Fa lcon s have accepted t hei r bid to t he G oDaddy Bow l a nd w i l l be coached by Defensive Coord i nator Br ia n Wa rd as t he i nter i m head coach aga i nst Georg ia Sout her n. “I would like to thank President Mary Ellen
Mazey and Athletic Director Chris Kingston for their support and the opportunity to lead the special football program here at Bowling Green over the last two seasons,” Babers
“This community has been a wonderful place for my family and I to call home...” - Dino Babers, Head Coach said. “This community has been a wonderful place for my family and I to call home, and it has truly been a privilege to work with such a tremendous group of young men. I believe
that this program is ready for even greater things in the future, and I look forward to following their progress.” Babers will take over a Syracuse team who went 4-8 overall this past season and 2-6 in the ACC. The Orange have only had one winning season (7-6) since joining the ACC in 2013. He is expected to bring a portion of his coaching staff during his Bowling Green tenure with him to Syracuse, including Ward. Ward and the Falcons will finish the year without Babers on December 23 in the GoDaddy Bowl in Mobile, Alabama. “It will be special for this MAC Championship team to have one more chance to take the field together, and as an added incentive, have the chance to tie the school record for wins in a season at this game,” Ward said. “We are looking forward to the great challenge of playing against Georgia Southern down in Mobile.”
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 8
Women’s Basketball lose at Quicken Loans By Evan Hayes Sports Reporter
Freshman Forward Stephen Baylis attacks the goal against the Minnesota State Mavericks this past weekend.
Hockey ties against Minnesota By Zane Miller Sports Reporter The Bowling Green men’s hockey team tied against the Western Collegiate Hockey Association’s top team, the Minnesota State Mavericks, in two games Friday and Saturday night, both by a score of 2-2. In the first game, the Falcons went down early to Minnesota State, with the team scoring two goals in the first period and maintaining a 2-0 lead until the 16:18 mark of the third period. “Minnesota State showed why they are champions,” head coach Chris Bergeron said. “They came tonight ready for a battle and they took it to us in the first period. We weren’t ready in the first period.” However, at that 16:18 mark of the third, sophomore forward Brandon Hawkins cut the Minnesota State lead in half, with freshman forward Stephen Baylis getting his first career assist on the play, making it a 2-1 game. In the final minute of regulation play, with sophomore goaltender Chris Nell pulled for an extra attacker, senior forward Ben Murphy scored with only seven seconds remaining
in the third to bring the game even at 2-2 and send the game into overtime. “Instinct,” Murphy said on the game tying goal. “That’s where the extra work takes over. As Matt Pohlkamp got the puck, I thought that if this goes to me, gets on my stick and goes in, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Somehow it happened.” However, neither team was able to score in the five minute long overtime period and the game ended in a tie. “They were ready for a fistfight and we weren’t,” Bergeron said. “We’ll pick ourselves up and we’ll get right.” The second game got off to another poor start for the Falcons, as Nell took a tripping penalty just 20 seconds into the game, resulting in a power play goal for Minnesota State just three seconds later. “I thought we responded really well,” Bergeron said on how the team fought back after allowing an early goal. “It took us a little bit of time to totally respond and get to our game, but the last two periods I felt good about our game.” However, senior forward Mark
Cooper scored two goals, one at 6:27 of the first period and one at 8:53 of the second period, to give the Falcons a 2-1 lead through two periods. “We showed tonight that we’re very close,” Cooper said on the comparisons between the two teams. “We outplayed them tonight, I thought, last night they outplayed us, but we showed we can play with the best in our league and we just need to do that on a more consistent basis.” At 7:34 of the third period, Minnesota State took advantage of another power play opportunity to make it a 2-2 score, which held until the end of regulation and through the overtime period, resulting in the second draw in as many games. “I thought we played well tonight,” Bergeron said. “We did things with more purpose in the offensive zone and we won more battles. I’m really proud of our effort and we showed that when we do things right, we can be a handful.” Despite the two ties, Minnesota State remains in first place with a 7-1-4 conference record. The Falcons moved right behind with a 6-2-4 record at the after the weekend.
Despite a strong second half performance this past Saturday, the Bowling Green State University womens basketball team could not overcome a deadly 3-point attack by the Cleveland State Vikings. Playing at Quicken Loans Arena, the Falcons gave up 11 3-pointers in the first half, leading to a 69-48 loss. “It was one of our worst performances since I’ve been at Bowling Green. We scored thirteen points in twenty minutes,” head coach Jennifer Roos said. “The first three possessions were turnovers, of the first six possessions we had four out of six turnovers, and of the first ten possessions we had seven out of ten turnovers. But they played harder than we did and they ran their motion offense better than we could defend.” The Vikings shot 11-20 in the opening half, going on an early 15-0 run to open up an 18-7 lead by the end of the first quarter. After scoring five of the first eight points of the second quarter on a Rachel Myers 3-pointer and a Lauren Tibbs put back layup, CSU went on a 19-0 run. Sydney Lambert split a pair of free throws with 1:28 left to play, but CSU finished the half on a 7-0 run to take a commanding 47-13 lead. BG struggled to run any offense, committing 13 turnovers in the first half alone. BG also shot 21 percent from the field in the opening two quarters, while allowing the Vikings to shoot 55 percent from behind the arc. “I was disappointed that their three point shots were open. We want to contest every outside shot and they had open looks,” Roos said. “Throw that in with a poor shooting performance of 21 percent, and 40 percent from the foul line on 25 attempts, it equates to
coming up short significantly.” The Falcons put up a fight in the second half, outscoring CSU 35-22 while shooting 46.2 percent from the field for the final two quarters. BG also held the Vikings to only 6 field goals on 25 percent shooting in the second half, but the lead was too large to overcome. Despite a 13-0 run in the fourth quarter, the Vikings were never down more than 20. CSU walked away with a 69-48 win when the final buzzer sounded, their second of the year. It was the Falcons third loss, dropping them to 4-3. The Falcons are traveling this week to face ACC opponent Virginia, one of the toughest matchups of their non-conference schedule. Virginia, a WNIT team last season, is 6-3 after rattling off five straight wins to start the season. Bouncing back at the free throw line and on the glass will be a must for the Orange and Brown, as they have shot better than 69 percent from the free throw line in their four wins this season while outrebounding opponents by an average margin of +6.6 per game. BG will look to communicate better on the defensive end in the face of a large and potentially raucous crowd at John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, Virginia. “We’ve got a long trip ahead of us, with short preparation for ACC opponent UVA. We’ll have to work on communication first and foremost, especially at the defensive end,” said Roos. “If we don’t communicate it’s going to be a struggle to get consecutive stops, which is what we’re looking for in each game. We need to sure some things up defensively, or we’ll come out on the short end.” The game will tip at 11 a.m. on Dec. 8. It will be the Falcons last contest until Dec. 21.
NEWS Mazey awarded salary increase By Natasha Ivery Reporter The Board of Trustees’ Friday meeting included recognition of the president of the University through a salary increase and implementation for new education programs. The Board of Trustees approved a two percent increase to University President Mary Ellen Mazey’s salary that was effective September 1, 2015. In addition, a one-time credit was made to Mazey’s deferred compensation account for $50,000. The increase was approved due to a positive evaluation of Mazey’s work, the board said. “After examining her work, we want to recognize her fine performance for the 2014-2015 academic year, said David Levy, chair of the Board of Trustees. When Mazey thanked the board, she also discussed some of the highlights of the year, including recent national strides in the It’s On Us campaign that focuses on sexual assault and the Uni-
versity football team playing in the Mac Championship tonight in Detroit for the third straight year. “Whether it’s academics, sports or whatever the case may be, I don’t think it could be a better time for BGSU, and I want to thank everyone from staff to faculty, administration and students for continuing to strive for excellence and make this possible,” Mazey said. The Board of Trustees also voted to approve a master’s degree program for the forensic science major. “The target populations for this degree are the undergraduate students who wish to pursue graduate study in forensic science, so that graduates of the MSFS program will be prepared to assume positions in both government agencies and private organizations dealing with forensic evidence,” board member Karen Morrison said. The master’s program will focus on forensic biology, forensic chemistry, and forensic investigations (criminal justice). The program will be administered in the office of the Graduate College and the
Bureau of Criminal Investigation forensic lab and investigation facility on campus. The Board of Trustees also approved a Bachelor’s of Science degree for the allied health program. “The Bachelor of Allied Health is a degree program for students who have completed an associate’s degree in the varied allied health disciplines where generally there is no discipline specific degree available,” said Morrsion. The degree will be offered early next year. The last big ticket item that was introduced was the Falcon Your Way program. An initiative for students with learning disabilities and attention challenges, students are provided an intensive, individualized academic support system, working with a specialist from the Learning Commons to help them. A fee of $2,500 is proposed to help supplement the costs of the custom academic support. “I think the program is neat and will really help those students who need the extra help transition successful from high school to college,” said Patrick Paulken, secretary to the Board of Trustees.
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 9
SUDOKU To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. There is no guessing or math involved. Just use logic to solve
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 10
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freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, hot peppers, Dijon mustard, yellow mustard, oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*.
#7 SMOKED HAM CLUB 1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo!
Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (Order it with hot peppers)
A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
By Alyssa Alfano Copy Chief
as well as the progress that we have made so far with the conduct system and the accommodations that we can give victims or survivors when they are assaulted, if At Monday’s Undergraduate Student they don’t want to go to the police force,” Government meeting, said Reinhart-Anez. USG voted not to support The Safe Campus Act the Safe Campus Act and would prevent colleges discussed initiatives for from taking disciplanary next semester. action against sexual USG voted not to supassualt on their campusport the Safe Campus es unless the victim filed Act and a resolution stata police report. ing the opinions of the The members of USG group, written by Paige voted on the resolution Reinhart-Anez, was pre- - Paige Reinhart-Anez, and agreed that it repUSG member sented to the group. resented the lack of sup“The reason I choose port the group had for to write the resolution the act. was just that the act in itself is not very Student athletics and faculty involvevictim- or survivor- centered and it sort of Continues on Page 12 discredits the university conduct system,
“The reason I choose to write the resolution was just that the act in itself is not very victim- or survivor- centered...”
Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)
★ Soda Pop ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle
My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade French bread! Tell us when you order!
USG votes not to support Safe Campus Act
Sprouts* optional Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo!
#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional)
The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette.
(1 Bedrooms, Houses & Mini Storage Available)
Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. An American classic!
#15 CLUB
Find Fi d a Pl Place tto C Callll H Home
The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional)
Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)
#17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!)
Birchwood 650 6th St. (Small pets welcome)
Fox Run Apartments 216 S. Mercer Rd. Office Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 11:30am & 12:30pm - 4:30pm 419 Lehman Ave. | 419.352.9378
Piedmont Apartments 8th & High St.
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2016-2017 School Year
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 11
City council works through roadblocks By Holly Shively City Editor
Other items on Saylor’s agenda included the upcoming Second Annual Interfaith Breakfast on March 18. The breakfast is Bowling Green City Council discussed some sponsored by Not In Our Town and various small road blocks in regards to complete other partners. streets and refuse containers at Monday “It’s a really, really important event that night’s meeting. we’re proud to put on for the community, Planning Director Heat her Saylor especially with all the misunderstanding announced that the city did not receive that go on with today’s world, that we think t he EPA Sma r t Grow t h Technica l it’s really important to understand each Assista nce Gra nt. This other’s faith, religion and grant would have helped really figure out that we f und va rious projects, have more in common,” such as the ongoing comSaylor said. plete streets project. Mayor Edwards swore “We’re not going to give in new Deputy Police up on complete streets. Chief Justine White, We’re still working very who’s served the city for hard. That was really just more than 14 years. to supplement our efforts,” “When I first started Saylor said. here, I was only planning She also said that while on being here a few years, the city did not receive the - Heather Saylor, and I fell in love with the grant, it ranked highly on Planning Director city,” White said. “We’re the list, and the city was fortunate in Bowling encouraged to apply for the Green that we have a grant again in future years. community that supports our department, An additional road block came from and we really do appreciate it,” White said. Municipal Administrator Lori Tretter, Edwards also congratulated the Falcon explaining that she wanted to discuss one football team on a successful win against of the major concerns scheduled for the Northern Illinois University last Friday. Community Improvement Committee “On Friday night it was a great night meeting that had been cancelled prior to in Motor City, but unfortunately, once Monday’s meeting — refuse containers. again, we win it all and lose a coach,” At t he prev ious Com munit y Edwards said. Improvement Committee meeting, memFree Wifi! bers discussed wanting to put refuse containers beside or behind houses, instead of Sun thru Thurs in front of homes, to make the community 5pm-10pm look more attractive. “As we started to look at ‘OK, how can we, HOOKAHS ARE you know, regulate that, monitor it and so forth’ it revealed to us that all of Chapter ORANGE HEAD REGULAR HEAD 94, which deals with refuse and recycling is outdated,” Tretter said. She said that an internal group will be looking into a complete rewrite for the chapter, considering the council’s input for placement of refuse containers. Citizens can expect a result by early February, at which point Saylor’s team will return to the Community Improvement Committee to come to a consensus on the 309 S. Main St. | Bowling Green possible new regulations.
“We’re not going to give up on complete streets. We’re still working very hard.”
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BG News 1 column (2.4375”) by 6”
DECEMBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 12
Down 1 Wrinkly-faced dogs 2 Storybook baddie 3 Splashy style 4 Connecticut home of a 19-acre maritime museum 5 Breakfast times 6 Blood classification tion letters 30 Pond hopper 7 __ on a tangent 34 Singer Yoko 8 "Likewise" 9 Stand up for (one- 35 Govt. banking protector self) 37 Inconsequential 10 Health resort 11 Burger bar array 38 River of Flanders 12 Emotionally dis- 40 Trucker on a radio 41 Zither-like Japanese tant instruments 13 Religious belief 18 One of a triangle 42 Shrill 47 World's largest desert trio 49 Mine extracts 22 Sport with clay 50 Undetailed drawing targets 51 Toyed with, cat-style 26 Carson's suc52 Martini garnish cessor 27 Clean with a rag 53 Last year's frosh 54 Drinks excessively 28 Juanita's "this" 59 Skin opening 29 Word before method or nota- 60 Important chapters in history 61 Civil War fighters 63 Bugling beast 65 Stretch the truth
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1 Limerick, e.g. 45 Three, in Napoli 5 Underground molten rock 46 Circus safety gear 10 "Get lost!" 48 Double-__: traitor 14 Far from fair 51 Slow-cooked entrée 15 Double-reed woodwinds 55 Really annoy 16 Global extremity 56 "The Greatest" in the ring 17 Rural political bloc 57 "Get lost!" 19 Shortly, to Shakespeare 58 Farther below sea level 20 Submitted 62 CBS legal drama "The Good 21 Opponents __" 23 Mate for a stag 64 Retail outlet with a tech sup24 Amin of Uganda port area called the "Genius 25 Crate-moving equipment Bar" 27 Mountain climber's return trip 66 Bad to the bone 31 Rain really hard 67 River in Düsseldorf, in 32 The Trojans of the NCAA Düsseldorf 33 Silly error 68 Nebula named for a crusta36 Other side, in war cean, which can precede the 39 Bone-breaking combo, in a play- starts of 17-, 25-, 39-, 51- and ground rhyme 64-Across 43 Martial arts-based workout 69 Pack of cards 44 "Stop stalling!" 70 Desirable trait 71 Citgo rival
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Continued from Page 10 ment were also discussed at the meeting. President Mazey and her president advisory committee wanted to take a closer look at student athletics, more specifically, how to get faculty more involved, said Victor Senn, USG president. Senn said that the committee wanted to get faculty more involved with student athletes to make sure that they were staying successful as students by getting good grades and doing well in their majors. In light of the topic of academics, the academic honesty policy discussed at the meeting as well. Danielle Parker, vice president of USG, said that the goal is to find someone who can serve as an advocate for students and to be someone who can answer questions and provide support to students going through academic honesty cases. Parker said that something that will be worked on through out the year. Possible new initiatives for next semester were also discussed amongst the group. Senn said that the cabinet will be given two or three things to work on and that USG will support any senators who bring ideas of projects and initiatives to work on. One initiative that will be continued will be the Adopt A Block initiative where members of the Bowling Green community can pick a block in the city to help maintain, Parker said. Something else that USG might possibly work on next semester is an active shooter video, a new safety initiative to help students know how to act if a shooting were to happen on campus.
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