5 minute read
a children’s book series
Caring for Kids’ Character
Roberts answered the call on her life with a little help from her granny.
For years—before she ever published a single word—author Michelle Shields Roberts’s grandmother was praying for her. In fact, Michelle barely had any faith at all back then. Growing up with a single mom, Michelle struggled without her dad around. “In my early years, the last time I remember seeing my dad was when I was 10 years old,” she says. “Later, after I was married, I saw him for the first time in 17 years when my own son was three months old.” During those early years, Michelle found solace by writing poetry and journaling through various situations life threw her way. Still, her grandmother—“Granny,” to whom she was very close—continued to press into prayer for Michelle.
“She asked me to pick her up from church one Wednesday evening, after services were over,” Michelle remembers. “The preacher’s wife asked if I was a believer. Of course I said I was,” she says, even though she really wasn’t sure.
Joining forces with her Granny, the youth pastor at that church and his wife—Keith and Teresa—began praying for Michelle, too. It wasn’t long before Michelle was attending weekly services, which then led to her involvement with various ministries at the church. Keith and Teresa encouraged Michelle to attend college, and she was accepted at Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, where she enrolled in fall 1981.
“I always thought I was a believer because of a Bible my aunt gave me that said I had accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1975. But during my first semester in college, I thought back on this supposed conversion experience, and I realized I had never really accepted Him,” she says. Michelle says that was the start of the Lord really beginning to work in her heart and life.
She went forward during a Sunday evening service on February 7, 1982, in an auditorium that could seat 6,000 people. “I was on a row all the way in the back of the church,” she says of the long walk down. “But I realized, for the first time, that I was going to spend eternity without God if I didn’t accept Jesus as my personal Savior.

Michelle with WDJC radio’s Roxanne and Ace.
So, I took that one step, and it changed my life forever.”
During her time at college, she met Kevin, whom she married a short time later. They have been married more than 38 years and have one son, Jeremy, and “precious,” Michelle is sure to say, granddaughters Alleigh Rose and Emmalyn.
After finding faith for real this time, Michelle spent years traveling extensively as a singer, lending her voice to churches and at other special events. She sang in backup choirs for groups such as Plus One, Steve Green, and Bryan Duncan. She was a member of the National Choir in Washington, DC. She toured as a part of the group In One Accord. And, along with her musical talent, she’s tapped into other areas of creativity, directing and producing youth-based dramas, acting, speaking, and part-time radio broadcasting. Now, she’s added writer and author to her list of accomplishments
“I spent 11 years in elementary education, plus I have a passion for writing,” says Michelle. “I learned so much from friends with whom I had the privilege of working back then.” From her early journals of prose and poetry and now into the next phase of her life, Michelle has written songs, more poetry, short stories, and skits. Her first book, published in 2004, is Poetry Keepsakes. A decade later, she wrote Is He Still My Prince?
And then, about three years ago, “I sensed the Lord leading me to write a book series where the stories would model building character, as well as show children they can always be who they are and encourage them to follow their dreams.” Michelle followed that call and, in 2020, published the first book in her children’s series, Mamaroonie and Friends.
The name just popped out of Michelle’s mouth one day, as she was walking a few special needs students back to class. “One of my friends was taking her time walking down the hall,” says Michelle. “I turned around to check on her and hurry her up a little. At the same time, I had been praying about a name for the children’s book series. Well, as soon as I turned around, I said in a silly voice, “Okay, Mamaroonie, let’s pick up the pace so we can get back to class. That name just came out! She smiled and said, “I’m not Mamaroonie!” But I knew immediately that I had the series name. And I added “and friends” to it.”
A Big Surprise For Curls—The Journey For A Better You! was followed in 2021 by Mash’s Royal Castle Caper. A third is being written. “The Lord has given me numerous stories with different themes for the entire series,” says Michelle. “At this point, I’m not sure exactly how many books will end up being in the series.”
Michelle has shared her book story with family and friends, on social media, radio shows, and even TV. She appeared on Talk of Alabama when the second book released. She’s also traveled around the region for speaking engagements and book signings. But to her, what’s most important is how her words have touched others. “To hear reviews of how my books have been a great help and inspiration to adults and children alike—I praise the Lord for that!”
“My heart’s desire is that, through my writing, others will get that spark to write as well,” she says. “I received inspiration from a few college professors who showed me that writing and reading books and stories can take you to places you always dreamed of.”
To order Michelle’s books, you can visit her website, michelleshieldsroberts.com, or Amazon. All proceeds from the sale of A Big Surprise For Curls—The Journey For A Better You! are donated to help combat human trafficking, a ministry for which Michelle has advocated for more than eight years.