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in hyderabad city


URBANIZATION Physical growth of urban areasas a result of GLOBAL CHANGE. Movement of peoplefrom rural to urban areas with population growth

Urbanization isa product of demographic explosion and poverty induced rural- urban migration

WHY do PEOPLE MIGRATE ? Most of the migrants are Peoplefrom the poorest Regions.

Because of GLOBALISATION and the improvement of transportation and telecommunication ,lessprivileged people start aspiring to get thesame level. They want to go somewhere else ,somewhere RICHER , So that they can improve and raise their life standardsgive better opurtunitiesto their Children or escape POVERTY , HUNGER or WAR principally.

HYDERABAD isoneof theINDIA’S leading citiesand serves as thestatecapital of ANDHRA PRADESH. And has a metropoliton Population approaching 4 million.

HYDERABAD CITY is growing day by day with an alarming rate.. The change in LANDUSE over last 20 yrsis studied using the landsat satillite images.

Land use classification result for 1989

Land use classification result for 2000

For thestudy , urban area is classified into 5 classes – water , high density urban area, lowdensity urban area, vegetation ( including agriculture) and fallowland.

Land use classification result for 2005

Land use classification result for 2010

Theresults shows that, considerabledecrease in thearea of water through the period dueto Non-implementation of the environmental laws and haphazard planning and growth of Hyderabad city, which also havereduced theMusi river and thedifferent lakes in thecity area. Also from theresults, high population density area shows thetrend of fast growth.

The Vegetation showsthe decreasing trend up to 2005 but after that it hasincreased slightly because of government’spolicy of conversion of some areas in new parks. The fallow land isalso showing the steep decreasing trend until 2005 but after that it is near about stable in the included study area.

Hyderabad city isa predominently an urban district which had a population of 3.8 million in 2001 nd presently is nearly 4 million. By theyear 2007 -08 ,hyderabad city Experienced extrordinaryly high growth Of per capita incomei.e34,194 level.

The 21st century has seen this city grow Invariably in all sectors to meet theneeds Of population like Housing Job structure Services Social amenities public transport etc.

C ritical issues needs of the city that needsto be addressed are In appropriateplanning that leads to high costage of housing and officespaces Critical infrastructureshortages and maor servicedeficiencies. That includes– erratic water power supply inadequate transport system.

India’s Rapid urban growth thus presentsa call to scholars , Policy makers , plannersand civil society activists to engage with Thesevariouspotentialities and challenges.

In general urban planning must aim at :

a)Balanced regional and urban planning (Mukherji, 2001) b)Development of strong economicbase for urban economy c)Integration of rural and urban ( Kundu, Sarangi and Dash, 2003 ) economy-- emphasison agro-based industry. Raw material should be processed in rural economy and then transferred to urban economy. d)Urban planning and housing for slum people with human face

Fewimplemented projects which help ImproveAP urban services -

PublicAdministration, Law, and Justice (Sub-national government administration) (40%) Water, sanitation and flood protection (General water, sanitation and flood protection sector) (40%) Transportation (Roadsand highways) (10%)

Municipal finance (9%)

Health and other social services Access to urban services and housing (79%) (Other social services) (10%) Municipal governance and institution building (12%) IMPLEMENTING AGENCY - Government of Andhrapradesh

Referencesites http:// www.waterandmegacities.org/urban-growth-and-its-effect-on-water-supplyhyderabad/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad,_India http://www.google.co.in/search?q=land+use+change+in+hyderabad+city&um=1&hl=en& biw=1280&bih=632&tbm=isch&ei=9MHxTZiCGsKHrAfU1OzeBA&sa=N&start=40&ndsp=20 http://www.ourmch.com/cdp/chapters%202.pdf http://www.vixra.org/pdf/1004.0055v1.pdf


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