Emerging Countries (China, India, Brazil) for Diabetes Care Devices market Bharatbook added a new report on "Diabetes Care Devices: Emerging Countries (China, India, Brazil) Opportunity Assessment, Competitive Landscape and Market Forecasts to 2016" into its market report catalogue for reselling. Diabetes Care Devices: Emerging Countries (China, India, Brazil) Opportunity Assessment, Competitive Landscape and Market Forecasts to 2016 The report provides key data, information and analysis on the diabetes care devices market in China and India. The report provides market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends information the diabetes care devices market. The report provides comprehensive information on the key trends affecting the market, and key analytical content on the market dynamics. The report also reviews the competitive landscape, key pipeline products and technology offerings. ( http://www.bharatbook.com/ detail.asp?id=145457&rt=Diabetes-Care-Devices-Emerging-Countries-China-India-BrazilOpportunityAssessment-Competitive-Landscape-and-Market-Forecasts-to-2016.html ) The Diabetes Care Devices in Emerging Markets to Grow due to Growing Number of Diabetics The combined diabetes care devices market for China, India and Brazil was valued at $1 billion in 2009. The growing prevalence of diabetes in emerging countries of India, China and Brazil will increase the demand for diabetes care devices in the coming years. Diabetes and other lifestyle diseases are set to replace infectious diseases and malnutrition as the main cause of morbidity and mortality in emerging countries. Lifestyle changes are increasing the prevalence of chronic, non-communicable disease like diabetes at an alarming rate. The WHO predicts that India and China will respectively lose $237 billion and $558 billion of their national income to diabetes and cardiovascular disease between 2005 and 2015. The governments of Brazil, India and China have recognized this growing epidemic and have now introduced measures to increase awareness and add treatment centers to treat diabetes. This will lead to growth in the utilization of glucose monitors and insulin delivery devices for diabetes management. Patient Convenience to be a Major Factor in Choice of Diabetes Care Devices Recent advances in insulin pens, jet injectors and continuous glucose monitors (CGM) has made diabetes care devices less invasive. Quality of life has become a significant factor in defining the patient’s choice of diabetes management devices. Non-compliance among patients is a big concern due to the discomfort caused by the old generation devices. For instance, blood glucose monitoring devices are associated with considerable discomfort caused by finger pricking for the extraction of blood. Insulin syringes require vials and mixing of fast acting and slow acting insulin in the correct ratio which would be difficult for patients who are old or visually impaired. India to be the Fastest Growing Market for Diabetes Care Devices in the near Future India will be the fastest growing market in the diabetes care devices market. With a large undiagnosed and diagnosed diabetes population, India is expected to be the diabetes capital of the world in the near future. China and Brazil which have implemented National Awareness programs and Guidelines towards the treatment of diabetes will see a consistent growth in the market over the next seven years. Although 9:19 AM
considerable numbers of elderly patients prefer alternative ways to treat their diabetes, a growing middle class in these countries will be able to afford previously unaffordable new technologies such as insulin pumps and artificial pancreas. With the entry of local companies, price are expected to come down, leading to market penetration of these devices from urban patients to rural patients. For more information kindly visit : http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=145457&rt=DiabetesCare-Devices-Emerging-Countries-China-India-BrazilOpportunity-Assessment-Competitive-Landscapeand-Market-Forecasts-to-2016.html Related Reports India Diabetes Care Devices Market Outlook to 2016 http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=94991&rt=India-Diabetes-Care-Devices-Market-Outlook-to2016.html The Future of the Diabetes Care Devices Market to 2016 - The Key Demand Drivers Remain Intact http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=130194&rt=The-Future-of-the-Diabetes-Care-DevicesMarket-to-2016-The-Key-Demand-Drivers-Remain-Intact.html Or Contact us at : Bharat Book Bureau Tel: +91 22 27578668 Fax: +91 22 27579131 Email: info@bharatbook.com Website: www.bharatbook.com Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/3bbharatbook Please visit our blog at http://bharatbookseo.blogsome.com China,India,Brazil,diabetes,healthcare,medical,drugs,market research reports,aggregator,company profile,company insight,company report,demand forecast,market growth,market leader,market share, market forecast Bharat Book Bureau facilitates companies to take the lead of their industry with best practice business strategies and intelligence, through a unique combination of published reports, databases, country reports, company profiles and customized research services. Bharat Book Bureau provides strategic information tools to the executives, business analysts, and knowledge managers that will help them to probe into and support critical, timely business decisions and strategies.
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