Final magazine 02:07:2013

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Social Media is the future of communication. It is consists of internet and mobile based technological developments which evolved communication to the next level, allowing interactive cohesion amongst companies, communities and people. It is an intermediary for the exchange of content created by users. It is easily accessible and is creating new technological advancements which enhance social cohesion, along with creating a new market for companies to generate advancement. We should all be thankful for web 2.0 and its techno developments which we are now accustomed to. Many companies understand the advantages of implementing social media tools into their practices. Unfortunately, there are some who use social media the right way while others use social media the wrong way. An example of a company who has rightfully used social media is Ford Motor Company. Ford has used social media tools and implemented these in their marketing tactics. Ford has started a blog allowing those interested in buying a new car who visits here to get a feel of Ford’s cultural vibe and experience it from social stance right at the start. Their blog known as “The Ford Story” is an innovative platform with a esthetically pleasing layout where viewers can read comments left by visitors in regards to all blog posts uploaded via Ford and is the first visable attribute on their website, allowing fanatics and curious people’s comments be first thing readable on this blog. The Ford Story has introduced their blog and reader’s comments to new viewers which gives a welcoming first impression to those visiting their site. It shows that they are customer-oriented and that their opinions are valued. Ford encourages viewers to express their stories in regards to them

by offering web-options allowing people to post their experiences, opinions, recommendations etc., in various aspects, such as safety and personalization. Most might think that this is silly since ignorant people can post negative comments but Ford thinks of this from a different perspective. They have customer’s experience and insight which gives them new ideas on car designing for the future. They do a great job of involving their clients and enthisiasts in their company’s progression. Enabling functions to allow viewers and embrace existing clients to the next level. Ford has made this site more interactive and dynamic by adding a Flickr widget allowing

people to show off their pictures. They understand the importance of social media in marketing and have grasped an effective route to optimize its strengths. The use of social media to encourage cohesion amongst clients and fans of a brand is a strong plus point among companies. Ford was smart with their tactics and I think it is wise to implement such tools and techniques in an established company to elevate their game to other aspects than just revenue-based. Indirectly, their strategy applied progresses their profits in a deeper sense.

SOCIAL MEDIA GONE WRONG McDonalds wanted to create a place where fans of the colossal restaurant chain could share their wonderful

experiences at their local branch. They created “MCDstories” for this. Unfortunately, their marketing tactic didn’t generate the expected results. Furious customers used the hash tag to post and discuss their bad experiences for all of view. One client escalated the matter by stating that he would rather consume his own diarrhea than go back to McDonalds. The companies PR team tried to rescue their reputation by stating that only 2% of the comments wre negative. Even after doing so, they still removed the label later that week. I think that people will always be a critic and enjoy putting others down. Even with its large presence, one glitch in their organizational design leads to derogatory remarks which inflict their image in the eyes of others. I have learned that a company should be careful when using social media tools to enhance their doings, it can often backfire. Kenneth Cole used Cairo’s uprisings as a heartless manner to publicize their new spring collection last year by posting a shameless text. “Millions are in uproar in Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now available online”. This created a huge uproar. The company apologized for the message and removed it as well. This didn’t hold back someone from creating a spoof twitter account, discussing their wrong doings and making it a public matter. My interpretation of this issue is that companies should be more sensitive to political happenings and should be careful and sensitive to how others will interpret the matter. It was meant to be humorous but there are those who are directly affected by Cairo’s doings who see this as belittling and demeaning. Be careful what you say, it cannot be taken back once published online. -Rahul Bhardwaj.

Creative Professional LOTTE THE SOCIAL

Name: Lotte Mast Gender: Female Age: 30 Marital Status: in a relationship Living area: Amsterdam, De Pijp Occupation: PR-manager at financial institution, on the side writing for a Fashion/Travel Blog. Interests: Travelling, going out, visiting fashion shows abroad, networking Media: NRC Handelsblad, linked-in, twitter, Elle magazine, Linda magazine. Character type: Socially strong, extravert, innovation, Fashionable. Transport: VW polo Ultimate Life goal: Setting up a business which combines Fashion and Networking Location of interview : Starbucks some great opportunities.

I talked to Lotte on a Sunday afternoon at Starbucks while she was standing at the cash counter and paying for her coffee. She set on a table with her partner. Her partner was talking about her upcoming trip to Paris for attending a Lakme Fashion Show. She seems like pretty busy with the stuff and excited to go to Paris as fashion is one of the activities that she really likes. We got to know that Lotte is a girl who likes to travel and would like to experience many adventures fashion related things. She also likes to create and make new things out of the old once. She does creative things such as re-design of her old t-shirts/ top and show some unique designs and her skills on the clothes.Her partner is very supportive to her and contributes motivation in her work and travelling, whether it comes to fashion or making friends or networking. Lotte makes use of VW polo to her office and also take her car out for shopping and visiting at some other place. Lotte seems like to be very objective type person means she is very fond of achieving her dream which is setting up a new business in fashion industry. For this, she also takes some classes on designing during the weekends to learn more and upgrade her professional skills and knowledge on fashion industry. We all hope and motivate her contribution towards the activities she does for herself. We also hope that she achieves a lot more than she ever expected during every trip to another city or country and come back happily home with

Cross Media Concept Pokemon: Cross Media is a media property,

service, story or experience delivered via multiple media channels using a variety of media forms. Cross-media advertising is a strategy used by business owners to market a business using various types of media. Owners may use all of media types individually or combine several mediums to create a cohesive marketing campaign. Cross-media advertising is one often overlooked by business owners, especially Internet entrepreneurs, according to Web Pro News. Keep the target consumer profile in mind when choosing media for a given business to reach maximum profits. The purpose of cross-media advertising is to reach a larger audience and customer base. If the target customer profile is broad and covers an age range between 18 years of age and 65, the company may use various types of media to reach all customers. While the elderly may read the newspaper or watch television to see advertising, the younger generation may use websites and apps on smartphones to learn about new products or services. It refer to the linkage through various devices and forms and is mostly known in branded entertainment, advertising, games, etc., where there is no sole media dependency but rather multiple platforms to access form. This concept has recently arrived and much in practice since the birth of Web 2.0. Cross-media campaign can have a positive influence via repetition, authority and simultaneity but is not always the optimal solution for every case. The evolving media landscape has nothing to do with literacy. All current boundaries are blurring. All matters are intertwining, not just in media. As technology continues to flourish, people implement their new-found luxuries to access all forms of information, both work and leisure related activities. Developers who implement cross media into their practices are try to have the homogeneous audience switch from television to the internet so their objectives can be achieved. A few examples of forms and platforms are mobile phones, games, 3D communities, online communities, widgets, blogs, etc.

A strong cross-media concept consists of: 1. Storytelling: having meaning and to evoke the experience of the consumer. 2. Medium Specificity: use different mediums in the right way, where by all mediums give the same message of the brand. 3. Usability: the concept should be user friendly.

4. Relevance: is it related and does it add any value? 5. Co-creation: it must stimulate to be actively involved. An example of a brand with a successful story which has used cross-media concept is Pokémon. The Pokémon phenomenon originates in Japan nearly 15 years ago until brought to the United States and exploded. Since then, it has been one of the most lucrative brands to ever step foot into the game market. Their brand is a great example of cross-media concept in my eyes. They have ranged from various market platforms and channels selling their brand-name products in trading card games, video game for Nintendo N64, the portable game console Game boy, television cartoon series, anime, movies, soundtracks, merchandise and more. What is the key to their super system which has impacted us on a global scale? Since it release over a decade ago, the game has hardly changed.

What is their formula? The U.S. Company Nintendo was well aware of the Japanese brand’s full story and acquired knowledge about the phenomenon before incorporating their design into the game. This action uses the principle of “synergy”, which is also known as media mix. This property became part of a single package with multiple spinoffs which built on each other. With careful licensing to their story line, characters, video games and the overall Pokémon universe it lead to their success. It was originally introduced as a video game and later started a TV series. The TC series helped promote the game into a megahit. The two built upon each other as the game provided the shows narrative and content. The synergistic strategy was used in children’s marketing. Even I can say that I was part of one for the games during my primary education in India. I remember trading holographic cards. Ultimately, this strategy leads to a cultural trend coordinated by marketing in which cross-media concept played a big role -Rahul Bhardwaj

My name is Rahul Bhardwaj. I am 24years old who lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Currently I am completing my Bachelor degree in Leisure Management. I am living and experiencing day-today life and learning more about life.


is what you’re going to get. Do you see your future so bright it burns your eyes? If you do, then that’s what you’re going to get. If you see your future as mundane, then that’s exactly what you’ll get as well. What you see is what you get; I suggest you begin to see what you want to be. 2. The Power of Passion “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

I am facing many challenges in relation to life environment, behaviour of society and many more. I think that an international student is more than to be studying, partying, and living abroad. Being an international student, I got to experience and face so many challenges in my life in terms of different environment, culture, food and even financially. This was the time in which one can learn more than just books or education given by any lecturer. Surviving from daily to daily routine, struggle and searching for new opportunities and luxury world. The reason why I created this blog is that I want to show the real meaning of life in order to survive safely in this world. Life is more than just studying some books and working in the company. Life gives and teaches you so many lessons in life that makes you strong and could also make you weak or de-motivated. Expectations of human being never ends, he/ she always look something new once his previous expectation is completed. Life gives you joy, anger, happiness, sadness, and many other values. I found some interesting facts about life by Oprah. 7 Amazing Life Lessons from Oprah: 1. See What You Want to Be “When I look into the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes.” What do you see when you look into your future, because what you see

Passion comes from doing what you love. When you’re passionate you can work all night long. Passion is power, it the fuel that you need to succeed. Discover your passion and dedicate your life to fulfilling it, no matter how long it takes.

the degree that you change is to the degree that your life will change. If you keep on doing, what you’ve always been doing, you’re going to keep getting the results you’ve always been getting, to expect otherwise is insane. 5. We All Fall Down “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” Imagine if a small child quit trying to learn how to walk after falling down twenty times. Imagine if he or she said, I guess this walking thing isn’t for me. In life you will fail, you will make mistakes, you may even get discouraged, but you must try again. The only people not failing are the people who are not stretching themselves beyond their current comfort zone. Dare to fail until you succeed. 6. Maximize Your Potential “The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.”

3. Focus on the Good “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” What you focus on expands. If you focus on the good, you will get more of it. If you focus on lack and poverty, you will get more of that as well. Learn to recognize the good in your life and be grateful for it every day. Soon your focus will change and so will your life. 4. You Must Change “We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” In order to have more, you must become more. Nothing changes in your life until you grow. What are you doing daily to grow, to change? If you’re not changing, you shouldn’t be expecting your life to change. To

Are you maximizing your potential? Are you utilizing 100 percent of your skills, talents and knowledge, or are you settling. The purpose of life is to grow, to become all that you were intended to be. Your purpose is to grow big enough so that you can help others, so the question is, are you maximizing your potential? 7. Think Bigger “What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.” So many people live beneath their capabilities because they are riddled with guilt by the thought of living a lavish life. Your creator intended for you to have the best, and to become your very best. The best was made for you! If not you, then who?

ous bookstores every month. Every new edition is based on the same core message and some new inspirations. Every magazine will come up with freshly new content and inspired stories.

In order to communicate properly, it is important that a communication plan is well set-up. Get Socialize magazine is communicated through different media channels. Most important channels used are Twitter and Pin-Interest. These media channels were used because they are one of the most commonly used media by the target group; such as Students, Professionals and youngsters etc. The key message of the message and several containing documents is to encourage people to get socialize with others and to get inspiration by various luxury brands. The aim is to think out of the box and to solve every-day problems in a creative ways. The starting point of solving these problems are experienced people such as professionals, creative people, and people relates to fashion etc. Creativity is very important to solve problem more effectively. The time of the message as described above to be delivered can be divided in two parts. The first parts: blog and status updates, can be found weekly on internet following social media channels such as Twitter and Pin-interest. The real magazine can be found in the vari

This magazine and core messages with interesting stories are created in a creative way because the author is personally interested in being socialize with people with full of creativeness and luxurious way. He is constantly searching things that are creative and luxury and make use of all kinds of media suitable for the target group in order to access the magazine and the information about brands and inspiration. The kind of medium that Author has uses is the mostly Internet. He got inspired by watching tutorials and webinars on the topics relate to get socialize magazine in order to help the target group throughout the different times.

Community Building Community building is a field of practices directed toward the creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a regional area (such as a neighbourhood) or with a common interest. It is sometimes encompassed under the field of community development. There are hundreds of characteristics which help build a successful brand community. I have narrowed them down to three of which I find most useful for ensuring success.

1. A strong story Brands today are mere identities and personalities that enable consumers to express them through its use. Have a strong brand story helps consumers to relate to their background and their activities. It encourages consumers to relate to their brands standpoint and original. It gives clients a reason to follow their brand and the willingness to relate. Having a strong story does not only provide authenticity to their brand but also enables their followers to express their selves via consumption of the trademark. 2. Generate a need for clients to collaborate among other consumers In order to successfully create a community for a brand, clients must feel the need to connect with other who also members of the brand community. This need to connect with others can happen through numerous aspects; sharing information, validation, personal expression. An example of sharing information is how gamers gather together to enjoy “Flow” feeling the same. I mean validation in the sense of being acknowledged as a person affiliated with the brand. For example, with high and brands such as Gucci and Versace, consumers associated with these brands who openly share their peers that they follow these communities’ builds a sense of status in their eyes

along with their common friends. The feeling of associating with these brands gives consumers a sense of superiority. This doesn’t always apply to all brands, for example, toilet paper which is not seen a social compliment and is hardly discussed. Being genuine is a key factor in today’s community building which is highly appreciated in the eyes of the public. Companies should have a clear view of why and the reason for the community in order for it to be prosperous. 3. Be unique! Being unique is more praised today than ever. I personally feel the reason so is dues to most things already been done, especially in business practice, Originality is praised in the eyes of consumers and highly appreciated. Communities allow co-creation to take place generating added value to their doings. Companies need to create a culture that allows customers to interact with the brand, such as Facebook’s animal farm application game on their side. It is an example of co-creation at its fittest. If companies create this environment in their communitiies the followers can experience. The steps discussed will assist the company’s structure in building a successful brand community which can actively engage consumers on a continuous basis.

Transmedia Storytelling A look into the World of Trans-media Storytelling..!!!! Trans-media storytelling (also known as trans-media narrative or multiplatform storytelling) is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. It is not to be confused with traditional cross-platform media franchises, sequels or adaptations. What is Trans-media Storytelling? For many, this term may be unfamiliar. Trans-media storytelling is about generating intricate, impactful experience which contains multiple stories within the same fictional universe presented on multiple forms of media.

Some examples which could be games, social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, TV shows, movies, YouTube videos, and Comics etc. I am naming a few major media channels just to give you a deeper insight of various media streams. To simplify, it is sharing the same content on different mediums. Since technology is changing at a rapid pace and people are acquiring their news and entertainment differently than a decade ago (e.g. social networks), this strategy is relevant and effective. The current generation is accustomed to jumping one thing to another due to techno-developments. This allows companies to engage with their customers and share their stories in a new manner. This tool is very creative in my opinion in creating a bond with customers. It is commonly presented in science fiction, horror and fantasy. An Introduction The Matrix is a science fiction action film that was initially created by Larry and Andy Wachowski in 1999. The

narrative starts with the actor Keanu Reves, a man who’s living two different types of lives. He works as an computer programmer during day time in the actual world and at night, he transform to another person, a malevolent hacker in another world which, is the Matrix.The first film turn out to be very successful that later on, the Wachowski brothers decided to produced another two films continuing from the first one. The following films “The Matrix Revolutions” and “The Matrix Reloaded” also turns out to be successful as well. Both films were released in the same year, 2003 but in different month. Long Living The Matrix manage to continue develop from the first film in 1999, it has gone extremely popular and from there, they release a matrix series of films, comic books, video games and animation. Matrix series is also a franchise that was created by the same people. The products was released in the years between 1999 to 2003 and it was distributed by Warner Bros.Pictures. The series started out with the first film “The Matrix” and later on extend into another two sequels which, was “The Matrix Reloaded” and “The Matrix Revolutions”. The settings and the characters of the Matrix fictional universe (a different world that is not exist in the real world created by the humans imagination) are being further explore in other media forms including animation, comic books and video games. Expandability The platform of the Matrix is designed to be transmedia because of the fantasy genres, the creation of a story world that is different from the actual world and how it brings the audiences in and be a part of the fantasy world. Anime One of the very successful media platforms in The Matrix was the “animatrix”. Animatrix is direct-to-video anthology film based on The Matrix trilogy. It’s a combination of nine different animated short films that was released in 2003. The animatrix is a convergence that is created for a new chapter for the Matrix by the film’s directors collaborating with some of the Japan’s anime film’s creators that influences them. The animatrix was originated and overseen by the Watchowski Brothers but they only wrote four of the segments by themselves. They didn’t do any of the direction in fact; most of the project’s technical side was overseen by notable figures from the world of Japanese animation. The fans get to seek for a new different experience in Animatrix in relation to The Matrix films.

· Games o From the Matrix film’s series, they develop the series further by creating the very first video game, “Enter the Matrix”. It was developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Atari and WB Interactive. They release the platforms in GameCube, PS2, Windows and Xbox. The game was designed similar to the Animatrix, to be an essential part of

the Matrix series. Numerous previous films have been adapted as games but in Matrix case, the game expands upon the the story told in the films. The martial arts moves and in-engine cutscenes of the game feature actions captured directly from the film’s actors and stunt doubles to recreate their unique fighting styles while suspended from wires under the supervision of the series fight scene choreographer Yuen Wo, Ping. o The Matrix: Path of Neo is also another video game that was developed by the same company and it was released in November 2005. This is the third video game base on the Matrix series. The game’s works in a similar method like the previous games but it provides new options and in the game, the player may

choose to participate in many different actions scenes at one time. · Books After the first Matrix film got released, there were books written about The Matrix started being published. “The Art of the Matrix” was the first book that were released a year after the Matrix film. It was written by both Wachoski brothers together with another author, Spencer Lamm. The book gives the readers an insight of

the first Matrix film’s progress providing details such as conceptual drawings, storyboards, interviews with the people like the artists and participants that were a part of the film as well. Apart from that, the other books that were published later on were “The Matrix: The Shooting Script”, “Like a Splinter in Your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the Matrix Trilogy”, Philosophers Explore The Matrix” and many more. · Comics Apart from the books, Matrix also produced a series collection of comics. In 2003, the Wachowski brothers collaborate with Geoff Darrow (comic artist) and produce two comic books which was “The Matrix Comics Vol.1” and “The Matrix Comics Vol.2”. The first comic book was released in Nov, 2003 and the second book was a year later after that. Besides the books itself, Matrix also use another way to interact with the audiences by creating webcomics. So the webcomics is like normal comic books but only published online. It allows the fans

and readers to get access through Internet easily everywhere without needing to buy the books. In total together, the produce 3 series of webcomics base on the Matrix’s stories. Self-Contained The Matrix has various of branches and it has been branch out successfully in its own way however, not every branch is related to the original content. The content for each branch has its own narrative and uniqueness. Hence, the branches are not self-contained. The audiences can’t really proceed to other films or games without going through to the original narrative first. Conclusion The Matrix has been successfully adapted into the trans-media storytelling. The media platforms that were created were able to extend the contents from the films and Matrix series. The example he gives of successful trans-media storytelling is The Matrix franchise, where key bits of information are conveyed through three live action films, a series of animated shorts, two collections of comic book stories, and several games. In actuality, it was most of the marketing scheme to involve the public in a new way. This was a very innovative advertising campaign which created quite a buzz about The Matrix. This was a brilliant idea from and a good example as of recent.

-Rahul Bhardwaj

Eight different anchors within reality and virtuality: 1. Reality, with the dimensions of Time, Space and Matter. 2. Augmented Reality, with the dimensions of Time, Space, and No-Matter. 3. Alternate Reality, with the dimensions of No-Time, Space, and No-Matter. 4. Warped Reality, with the dimensions of No-Time, Space, and Matter. 5. Virtuality, with the dimensions of No-Time, NoSpace, and No-Matter.

6. Augmented Virtuality, with the dimensions of NoTime, No-Space, and Matter. 7. Physical Virtuality, with the dimensions of Time, NoSpace, and Matter. 8. Mirrored Virtuality, with the dimensions of Time, NoSpace, and No-Matter. Reality: Common to Reality-based experiences is the unfolding of events in actual time, in a real world of material substances. Reality is arguably the richest of the experiential realms. This has been true from the begin-

ning of human time, when the first sentient human being forged a tool. Technology creates value and enhances human capabilities, from eyeglasses to telescopes, and from shovels to management processes. Reality is grounded firmly in our physical universe of Time–Space– Matter, with Virtuality residing ethereally in the immaterial realm of No-Time–No-Space–No-Matter Virtuality: Virtuality creates a world inside the digital environment and frees people from the constraints of Time, Space, and Matter. A world created inside a computer must feel real enough that people can see them inside of and interacting with it. Virtual worlds allow people to have experiences that would not be possible in Reality. People do not need a full immersion to par-

ticipate imaginatively; rather, they need a good enough representation of a virtual world that allows them to suspend disbelief. Second Life and similar games and experiences, in which people immerse themselves in a secondary digital world, have drawn players in droves. Economist Edward Castronova predicts that eventually a billion or more people will spend tens of hours every week inside these virtual worlds. However, virtual worlds encompass both elaborate renderings, such as Second Life, as well as more casual and streamlined games, such as Tetris or FarmVille.

1. Augmented Reality As a movie, this is far favourite example of augmented reality. Like the geo-location based so when you visit different places, you can see what movie scenes happened

there using your smart phone. 2. Augmented Virtuality Augmented virtuality (AV) (also referred to as Mixed reality) refers to the merging of real world objects into virtual worlds.

As an intermediate case in the Virtuality Continuum, it refers to predominantly virtual spaces, where physical elements, e.g. physical objects or people, are dynamically integrated into, and can interact with the virtual world in real-time. This integration is achieved with the use of various techniques. Often streaming video from physical spaces, e.g. via webcam, or using 3-dimensional digitalisation of physical objects.

3. Physical Virtuality Physical virtuality is not some new technology, but rather a name to describe a sensation; the feeling of actually being able to touch a virtual world. This sensation was first described during the research Vonk did on the recently announced Philips Entertaible, but it is not limited to the Entertaible. Physical virtuality is related to virtual and augmented reality, but physical virtuality is already more common in everyday use. Physical virtuality is provoked at the border between a virtual world and reality. This border exist where there is a portal to the virtual world, such as screens, VR-goggles and heads-updisplays. If user-control is placed directly at this border, physical virtuality is experienced. The more fluid and natural the interaction between the natural world and the virtual world is the better and more exaggerated the physical virtuality experience is sensed. Software running on the devices with the potential to create physical virtuality needs to be tailored perfectly to the limitations of these devices and to the interaction it provokes.

4. Alternate Reality A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical or fictional self-contained separate reality coexisting with one’s own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a “multiverse”, although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that constitute reality. While the terms “parallel universe” and “alternative reality” are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term “alternative reality” that implies that the reality is a variant of our own. The term “parallel universe” is more general, without any connotations implying a relationship, or lack of relationship, with our own universe.

5. Mirrored Virtuality Mirrored virtuality” involves a representation of the real world via a digital device, particularly experiences that are time-locked to phenomena that are occurring in the real world. It takes more sophistication to present less data from reality, substituted by more artificial data to

represent the detail that is lost. It distinguishes mirrored virtuality from full virtuality in its being tied to physical objects and time in the material world rather than a realm of complete (or even partial) fantasy. The idea of creating a digital representation of a real space alone does not qualify, nor does a realistic model of a thing with which the user can interact in imaginary ways. Mirrored virtuality is tied to the realm of the real - what is actually happening, when it is actually happening.

6. Warped Reality Warped Reality does not necessarily involve digital technology. A classic example of Warped Reality, in which people play with time, is a Civil War reenactment game where people gather at a location, wear costumes, and enter a fabricated landscape that reenacts events that happened 150 years ago. These types of games can go on for a day or more in real time, but players often lose their sense of linear time as they become so engrossed in the game and enter a flow state. Flow can be defined as a state of mind that occurs when a person’s skills are perfectly balanced with a high-level challenge. The result of flow is a high level of concentration in which the dimension of time disappears. In such games, the removal of common markers of time in the here and now, along with the opportunities for entering a flow state, create the experience of Warped Reality.


1. Steven van Belleghem

The guest started his presentation by raising the question what marketing could look like in a future. He created the story what marketing could look like in a future. Thinking about the future means thinking about the changes in consumer behaviour. Speed of changing is going faster and faster. In real time, we are looking things happening further. Things are going so fast that sometimes, marketers are preparing something from the past for the future. The core importance of the future is to care about your customers. Some marketers or business people are so internally focused that they forget to focus on their clients. Think about the companies in which their employees are still facing lot of clients in daily life, think about how customer service should change. We have different levels of service today. For example: KLM is very good on Facebook but I don’t know if you send them an email if they react well. Selling without selling is the future of selling. Symbols of extreme have a goal that other people can talk about your services that they can talk about you. Triodes Bank is one of the only growing banks. They say if you give your money, we’ll make the world beautiful. Big companies are hiring today but I think the teams will become smaller tomorrow. You need an expert in every sector. We need to invest more in flexibility, need to be more project based. Setup different projects for a year; don’t just stick to one work or thing. Set-up plans such as these are the milestone we have to achieve from now, go out and have drinks. You hardly meet companies who are very good at all marketing strategies. You always ask that do you know anything or have an experience about our company, but why maybe the candidate have new ideas for your company, new plans. Story is share not through technology but story is share because it’s an interesting story. In marketing, we often think about different segments but we also often forget that every message is for everyone. The person who makes the message, he/ she should know that every message is for everyone. Marketing is still Word of Mouth (WOM). Every employee if the sales person, every client is the sales

person in the Tupper-wear product or model. There are few trends that will keep on going, its consumer who use new technology, transparency will keep on increasing among consumer. Creativity becomes important in many cases. These are such of the things that we really need to care about. Commitment always ends with success. Consumer doesn’t want you as a company to be perfect, consumer want you to show the encouragement as a right. But in the end, if you tell a consumer five times, we really did everything what you expected. The first time consumer will say, I know shit happens, second time they say that you said that 3weeks ago, and the third time they will say go and fuck yourself. Commitment stops somewhere, but it starts with commitment.

2. Seth Shapiro He is here to talk about the business of TV World. Future of media market is always an important topic than it was ever was. The speed of change in media has accelerated very much. The online distribution, music industry happens and changing very fast which seems likes a scary thing as well. For the history, publishing remains with old the model. Lot of changes have been seen in the last decades in watching movies. Film business is single sales like ticket, singly physical aspect like DVDs. Instagram is about 12 people whereas Facebook is the billion dollar business. The argument becomes because it’s a great show but, it becomes the argument to build the new brand. TV networks and distributes things very much. The largest driver of social media in the history becomes very high. Future media trends are Efficiency, constituency, conversation, and privacy or re-defined. Efficiency: Customer data transforms advertising. Constituency: Communities become the new networks. Conversation: Media moves from monologue to dialogue Privacy, redefined: If you’re not paying, you are the product.

3. Mascha Driessen Google wants to launch YouTube in Benelux. However it was already here. There were missing some content partners. Belgium companies and advertisers communicating with the media partner. There is not less media consumption than traditional media. In the Netherlands, every TV time spend approximately 3 hours a day. People are also using their traditional media TV these days. If we look at YouTube, majority of media technologies have been used. There are lot of devices that can be seen in the market. Twitter is very important to link with Google. An example of a viewer in which Google can see advertisements again. There are lot of things happening with the global players. People find lost themselves without having phone with them. During this, every social media channels come along. Some people say, YouTube is the new CNN. If you don’t explore anything, you don’t get to know if it’s a threat or an opportunity. Media agency owns around media platform. Google maybe the new financial times, company find the ability to launch new financial news on the Google. The media channels are getting changed and are blurring. The business model of YouTube is advertisement. Two ways of selling the advertisement in YouTube, one you can sell the audience and the other you can sell the content. Partner content which means they have the contract with Google, than you gets the advertisement on each other media channel. Consumer wants to have the relevant results all the time. Advertising can even create their own channel. Live streaming also takes place in media channel especially in sports. SBTV can be seen as an example who have made their own channel and making money. YouTube launched paid channel in which you get more interesting product or content. There are rules for survival in this new world which is to create moments that matter, be relevant, make better decisions and faster, create scale and speed. Sport is one of the pillars in where YouTube is focusing on. You can prevent anything on Google because there are other people who are watching from another country.

4. All materials of Media Future Week: Vincent Reinders, 22tracks Music plays an important role in Vincent’s life. Very used to listen to music and all genres of music and downloading it due to an availability of internet. He got an opportunity to launch his own how in Radio station based in Hilversum. At the Radio station, I saw people who didn’t know 22traks, it needs to be in the platform which needs to be clear and find the best and suit tracks anytime. 22tracks every week updates new songs. On the website, you can create your own music. No music bands or DJs gets paid for allowing 22tracks to upload their songs, they work volunteer and expect to have many likes on social media channels. They make sure that every track has to be good. When you launch anything, you have to look for competitors, what’s happening around. These are some of things that really matters and plays a most important role in launching something new. The whole website is getting bigger and getting more known and getting more likes. Facebook helped the company in relation to social media channel. Another thing is Twitter, people really want to share what they are listening to. It’s like free marketing that the company is getting on daily basis. Every day, you have to look at the business model, and think about how can we make money and build our business better. It is possible maybe we launch 22tracks festival next year. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, if you haven’t found it yet keep looking. Don’t’ settle by Steve Jobs.

Inspirational Interview During the creative communication assignment, students were given an assignment to do some field research in relation to conduct an interview of the person that inspires you a lot and have some creativity touch as well. In this I had conducted an interview of the person who has always been strength to me throughout my whole life. I conducted this interview via video conferencing call (Skype). My mother inspires me a lot in my life. The reason I did this interview of my mother because she’s inspires me alot and have learn a lot from her than anyone. My mother because of the hardship she has suffered throughout her life. Somewhere, I think she has created a space to remind people that their hearts are brave and have the capability to create new ideas, innovation, and creativity. She also guides people on how to pursue with a healthy relationship. She has always been strong and seen struggle numerous times but she doesn’t allow us to feel it. This is where she inspires me a lot and I consider her and my younger brother as strengths of my life. When I got to talk to her and also told her about the interview. She was already so enthusiastic about it and talked about her life. I did not ask my mother any kind of question, I simply asked her to say something about life. She begins with that everybody knows, in India is the most religious, culture and a place consists of many wonders and miracles. Many people have different vision and desired places to go to achieve those dreams in order to live a healthy and wealthy life with their family. Economy, people and culture have taken into a western level means people tend to behave and going through a different way while getting attracted by the western culture. Sometimes and somewhere they forgot that there is religious, respect for others, accepting challenges and working hard kind of strong ambitions matters a lot in once successful life. By travelling different places and seeing lots of different people with different culture, behaviour, background and also got an opportunity to experience and immerse into their culture. This all gives the positive feeling to experience something different than your daily life. You have only one life to live so why not live is fully and fulfil all dreams, accepting new challenges rather than taking back step or ignoring it. This is something that has always inspires me a lot and encourages me to achieve and help me in all difficult situation. Every idea has certain importance, every concept is unique, there is always something good in wastage too. Life is all about finding your way and creates more ideas that relates to innovation, and creativity. Creativity never ends it just goes on. When you create something

new or come up with some creative idea, don’t just stop think and make new dreams and achieve them. Creativity lies in every human which has to come from yourown. Nobody can teach you better than you teach yourself and ask question yourself. Every day is different and brings much opportunity in your life. “People always give solute to the rising sun”. People have lot more opportunity today than we had before in our times. You should just make use of it. During an interview with my mother, I got some inspiration about the life and to achieve my dreams. Due to her creative ideas, and stories which has always been inspiring to me in terms of life and achieving dreams, I get so much motivation and encouragement towards life. Don’t forget that every person has creativity, and every idea has some ratio of value. So, motivate yourself, create new ideas, inspires others and learn from others as no one is perfect in their life. Go and accept new challenges.

Big Thanks to my Mom....!!!!!!

Word of Mouth (WOM) Word of Mouth: Passing communication from one person to another using oral communication.

WOM is important for any business to succeed but I cannot express the importance of this form of advertising. Without WOM, companies can’t build a connection with others. Word of mouth advertising is essential in all types of businesses. If a customer is satisfied with your product or service, he can influence many to come to you. It is known as the most effective and reliable marketing tool by many specialists. The person spreading the word about the company is putting his name on the line when promoting a company, therefore, more reliable than other forms of marketing. It helps newcomers to build trust initially minimizing naïve thoughts. YouTube

Getting YouTube right doesn’t happen overnight in most cases. Creating a channel is the perfect opportunity for brands of all sizes to use their video assets to connect to a new audience and strengthen their social media presence overall. However, building a dedicated following of YouTube subscribers doesn’t occur without a lot of hard work, experimentation and a key understanding of the brand’s audience. Here are three examples of branded YouTube channels whose owners have made the right approach to presenting online video. Famously creative with its marketing, Heineken was one of the early adopters of social media and as a brand it has comprehensively demonstrated that it understands the value of creating and promoting sharable content. Its YouTube channel has been the perfect vehicle for its particular brand of humour (a key ingredient in virally successful videos). Like GoPro, Heineken’s YouTube channel matches the branding of its main site, prominently displaying the product, logo and brand colours. Similarly, content is posted regularly and is of consistently high production standards in order to keep subscribers accustomed to a high level of quality.

Other than building a social media following, Heineken’s YouTube channel has provided a platform where the brand’s marketers can experiment with video ads before committing them to a wider, more expensive TV marketing campaign. Similarly, TV ads that have performed well have inevitably made a successful showing online too, where the ability to share and comment on the content has made a more lasting impression on Heineken’s existing fans.

Taking a TV ad online as customised YouTube video has the huge benefit of exposing the content to a highly informed, highly motivated audience of viewers; a good percentage of which will not have seen it originally on TV. In addition, when you consider that an estimated 31% of TV viewers are also simultaneously browsing the Internet, it is vital that brands extend their story from offline to online and make the most of their TV spend.

Starbuck’s Success if its Word of Mouth/ Social Media/ Viral marketing strategy Starbucks if one of the most successful and admired companies today. It has grown from a single coffee shop in Seattle 33 years ago to a $4.1 billion international company. By studying the Starbucks Marketing Strategy you will be able to apply the principles of success that worked for them in a big way. The history of Starbucks and its expansion give this company the respect of being a model for other businesses to look up to. Why not take full d=advantage of this icon?

From only one store more than 30 years ago in Seattle to its still growing empire today with thousands of outlets in the United States and in foreign countries, the Starbucks Coffee Company is no doubt a well-known success story all over the world.

Many points can be attributed to the success of this innovative company from the holistically slanted Starbucks statement to the environmentally conscious Starbucks Corporate social responsibility statement. But one thing is certain, if Starbucks comes up with a new viral social media campaign it has other companies taking notes.

Amsterdam Light Festival During the Amsterdam light festival, we all creative students were given an assignment. The assignment was based on the innovative and creative ideas. The task was to come up with a concept for the Amsterdam Light Festival in order to give recommendations to the found of the company in relation to the new ideas and concept. We were split up into several groups. Every 2-3 group of student had to come up with the new concepts on the basis on given assignment. Therefore, my group was given an assignment to come up with the positive Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM). It is always important to know about the target group before you come up with the new concept. Target group plays an important role and are one of the key factors while coming up with any ideas. We had a target group residents/ local living in Amsterdam. We had to make sure that we should come up with the creative concept so the people should not need of any social media channels and it will be easier for the Amsterdam Light Festival to implement the concept. Concept 1: Thristy? Earn it!! We came up with the concept and some ideas for the Amsterdam Light festival. Out first concept was based on fitness and health in combination with physical activities on rowing machines. Rowing machine is a kind of fitness exercise that has oar like handles or a movable bar and a sliding seat with paddles, used to stimulate rowing a racing shell. This whole concept can be set up at Dam Square and Central station because usually most of the crowd get together in these busiest areas. The company can give presentation with attractive lights on the wall to motivate and encourage everyone there. People can earn drinks while making use of rowing machine without paying any money for it. The faster you work out on rowing machine while looking at the lights, the easier for them to get the free drinks. This concept can also be useful for the partnership or sponsorship which can be done with Basic fit or sport city.

Concept 2: Waterbike with Lights The second concept was majorly focused on water bikes with lights in between the paddles. This concept gives a pleasure craft driven by pedal-operated paddle wheel to the rider. Amsterdam Light Festival can make use of their attractive and amazing light and fits that into the waterbikes. This will bring the togetherness feeling among the target groups and company itself. This concept was fully based on lights, joy, getting socialises and together rides the bike. The sponsorships or partnership is also possible in this concept with Yellow Bikes. This concept can be set up in the Amsterdam and rides can take place around the whole cities to create the feeling of socialising with the lighting festival. It would also benefit free marketing for the Amsterdam Light Festival.

Guest Lecture

1. ACTA: Richard Kelliher on Magazine

I like his presentation and he shared his previous educational background and how he came to Amsterdam and changed some companies in order to establish himself in a better way. However, he didn’t had much time to share his experiences with the students but he was available to answer all kind of questions raised by student. I would grade this speaker 9.0 because he was pretty much familiar and interactive with us. It didn’t make us feel that we are sitting in an unknown place. 2. ACTA: Creative Session First of all, it was good that our lecturers have organised a creative cluster and guest lecture for creative industry students. This lecture was really helpful because of the surrounded atmosphere like the building, the creativity seen inside the building, and also the experiences of some motivated guest members. The best thing was me and my project group got the chance to work on the current project and had given so#me tasks/ assignment to fulfil the project objective. We all did the brainstorm session in between in which everyone contributed their creativity, new ideas and knowledge outside the college. Later, we were asked to come up with some ideas for the project and give a short-presentation to all other group members. This was something really motivating to present the creative ideas with not so much preparation. At the end, I would grade this whole visit to ACTA 8.0 points because this was something that I never did it before with the whole class in a creative environment and particularly related to the subject/ minor. 3. Pressure Cooker Amsterdam Light Festival and case study This lecture was taken up in the University. I had lot of expectations from the very beginning when the lecture starts. In this, we all project members were joined together to understand the whole concept behind Amsterdam Light Festival. As Amsterdam Light Festival was also the uncompleted project by other project group in period 3.3. We all were told in the first session took place in end of period 3.3 that everyone has to do something with the Amsterdam Light Festival. I also enjoyed the speech given by one of the ex-students from InHolland university who participating and making way towards entrepreneurship and creative industry. This was something really motivating to listen the story of the student who was like us. However, he did not get much time to express, share his knowledge and experiences because of lack of time duration. Later, we all were handed differ-

ent assignments to the group of students. Every group split up between 3-4 persons. Every groups needs to come up with the solution or idea of the given problem and within the limitations in order to make the project more successful. Every group was given approximately 20-30minutes in order to come up with the creative idea and solution of the given problem. Every group has presented their own idea in front of the guests and also got an opportunity to hear feedback from them which was grateful. I would grade this lecture about 8.5 and also thankful to the guests to come to the InHolland University of Applied Sciences. 4. Rick Claus ( and Samira Zwanenburg ( Rick Claus: Rick Claus, the co-owner of Claus Company, running business with his brother. I like the story behind they got so much success in their life by implementing several business models into their real life. I like that he shared his previous background like what does their father did for them, education backgrounds, and also their nearby future plans for Claus. He shared his experience in as way that success or running any kind of business is not at all easy. One needs to have patience and be more energetic in order to face success and many challenges in their life. This was something really motivating and encouraged me to do something new and creative in my life. I would grade this lecture 7.5, because I personally think that the guest speaker was not fully prepared for the presentation while, he kept on reading basic details about his company written on a piece of paper. Overall, he shared his experiences and previous businesses of bowling ran by his Father. Samira Zwannenburg: I like this lecture because we all students got a chance to learn the practical experiences of an entrepreneur who troubled while organising any king of event. After attending this lecture, I believe all students got an idea that organising something whether it’s small or big events, one needs to consider so many thing in order to let the event successful. Using right equipment’s, making use of good team, good collaboration, sponsoring, co-operate with the neighbourhoods and target groups, communications and etc. plays an important role in order organise events. I really enjoyed the presentation given by Samira Zwannenburg, who have shared her personal experiences and how to get rid out of problems and find the better solutions within the limited time frame. I would grade to this particular lecture 8.5 because I believe that the lecture was very helpful for all of use in order to learn more about communication, organising events and co-operate with several stakeholders.

Personal Brand Template

I am Rahul Bhardwaj. In our culture, the child keeps their father’s last name. I was born in New Delhi (Capital of India) on the 1st December 1988. I did my schooling from India and after finishing my 12th standard, I started working in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) in which I have experienced the international experience while communicating with British and American clients over the phone. Due to flexible shifts and an environment belongs to BPO Industry (Call Centre) is good for a certain age. I always wanted to study abroad and to hold a bachelor degree is one of my dreams. I started doing research and consult with many counsellors to find the college, study depending on budget and country wise too. After finding and searching for a suitable option, I found InHolland as my career objective and applied myself here for a bachelor degree. To have clear view about my past, present and what I want to be in future, I am presenting it in a table below:

because earning own money is very difficult but keeping it and make a planning such as savings, investment, what are you going to do with the earning amount is much more difficult. I am good at it and admire my talent I believe in securing future very much and making right decisions in life.

How do others see me I have asked this question to people who know me and pretty much knows about my life that how do others see me. According to them, I am decent boy with a promising future as long as I keep and adapt my principles in life. Some of my friends think that I am very serious person and motivated towards my studies and responsibilities, easy going with nature, careful and a person who is truly pure by heart and nature who never lies. Overall I consider myself as a responsible person, caring and helpful to others.

Past Studied 12 in India

Present Student at Inholland

Experience in Sales Worked in BPO Industry

Doing Bachelors in Leisure Mgt Doing Part Time job in Horeca


Future Like to work at Management Level Maybe at Finance Department

What are my passions I have common two passions in my life that I think everyone should have; always being responsible towards my family and life, and the other one is to be successful and making money. I have always tried my best that I don’t put myself in a situation in which I have to compromise with my certain objectives/ aims, not to be responsible, even after coming to Holland I got to experience difference in culture, environment, food, way of living, standards which are pretty much opposite or different to an Indian culture, I never forgotten or moved away from being responsible. My second passion started and is still on, when I understood and seen the truth or reality of life that being successful in life is very important. I always wanted to make things perfect in life and my dream and passion is to achieve a lot and lot of success in my life and make my family and others proud on me. Where do my talents lie I consider myself very good at making planning and organising finance. I consider this as a talent for myself

What are my most important functional and emotional objectives Functional Objectives: · Is to do my bachelors in leisure management on time. · Is go build my own house Functional Value: · Cooking · Writing · Networking Emotional Objectives: · Is to find a job that suits my personality

· Is to be realistic in life Emotional Value: · Social · Team-player · Realistic What/ who inspires me My mother inspires me a lot in my life. My mother because of the hardship she has suffered throughout her life. She has always been strong and seen struggle numerous times but she doesn’t allow us to feel it. This is where she inspires me a lot and I consider her and my younger brother as strengths of my life. I want to achieve and give all happiness of the world to my family. I also got inspired by the highly successful entrepreneur in our country such as Mukesh Ambani (Reliance), Laxmi Mittal (Mittal steel) and brands such as AUDI. Personal Brand Template

My personal brand template presents who I am in a nutshell. It represents my passion, hobbies, skills and interests. I expose my personal brand template mainly via social media network. I am emotional and self-motivated and able to share my important information socially. Nevertheless, it is a essential key for marketing my personal brand. I am also getting into the blogging world recently which is a new angle of sharing my brand in more depth for those who are intrigued. -Rahul Bhardwaj

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