BHAUMIK KAJI I am an Interaction Designer from India. I am studying M. Des. in Design for Digital Experience at National Institute of Design, Bangalore, India. This project was a part an of exchange course at School of Design, The Glasgow school of Arts, Scotland under MDes. Design and Citizenship Specialist Course.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The project was executed under the guidance of Stuart Bailey and Iain Reid, Subject Leaders, MDes Design & Citizenship at The Glasgow School of Arts. I am also thankful to the staff and employees of Cineworld Movie Theatre, Renfrew Street in Glasgow for their coordination and cooperation in this project. Thanks to all my classmates for guiding me and helping me critique the project. Thanks to Irene Bell for facilitating me for this Opportunity to pursue this amazing experience.
INDEX STUDY AND TUTORIALS [ WEEK 1 - 4 ] Understanding user led Service Design, Service Critique, Evidencing and Prototyping
DESIGN CRITIQUE [ WEEK 4 - 8 ] Customer journey, stakeholder identification, service break downs and problems
P. 06
SERVICE GENERATION [ WEEK 9 - 12 ] New service model proposal, service blueprint generation
P. 16
INTRODUCTION Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between service provider and customers. The purpose of service design methodologies is to design back and front office of services according to the needs of customers and the competences/capabilities of service providers, so that the service is user-friendly, competitive and relevant to the customers, while being sustainable for the service provider. For this purpose service design uses methods and tools derived from different disciplines, from ethnography to information and management science, and interaction design. Service design concepts and ideas that are typically portrayed visually, using different representation techniques according to the culture, skills and level of understanding of the stakeholders involved in the service processes. Service design may inform changes to an existing service or creation of new services.
STUDY AND DISCOVER First day we did a group brainstorm to list out all the services we had used in our day to day lives. I chose the movie theatres, as I was just curious to know how did the movie Theatres looked and operated in UK. The map shows my way of discovery and choosing the theatre : the closest One. I captured images and noted observations while I went and experienced the Service.
Team Brainstorm : Services we use Service Selection : Movie Cinemas Discovery : Choosing the theatre Observe : Service Experience as a designer Critique : Prepare the journey map
SERVICE EXPERIENCE After multiple visits and talking to various customers I prepared a complete Journey of cinema experience. I used pictures to show my interactions, observations, phases of service and Disconnects in the map. I noticed the post service stage of movie theatres is very brief. My user journey was on the mobile user.
RESEARCH VISITS Insights and design observations
The next design approach followed was user insights. I created a questionnaire and asked my friends and acquaintances about their movie experiences. Then later I talked to some of the movie theatre staff at Cineworld theatre, Renfrew street and tried to understand their viewpoint. These insights were really helpful and made me focus-back again on user needs as this project is user oriented service design. Mainly all the comments broadly talked about the movies to be expensive and they moving towards the movie unlimited card subscriptions to watch. More movies and pay less money. This made me think can we rethink the monetizing model for this service.
USERS “I would like to visit theatre again if I like the movie but I don’t like paying again the same amount, ticket prices are expensive.” “I watch movies with my friends occasionally, but they usually have their membership card and I don’t, so I end up paying more for ticket.” “I don’t like to go to movies which are too mainstream and crowded.” “I only get time on weekends to watch movies, but I find the ticket prices too much for 3D movies.” “I plan for movies if I get any promos or discounts on ticket prices.” “I come to movies for my kids. But I don’t want to come and miss out on my football match.”
THEATRE EMPLOYEES “We need to operate our theatre shows even if there are very few visitors for a movie.” “We don’t find frequencies in our customers, as they now prefer watching movies online streaming at their homes.”
Map visualize the current cost of a ticket in a traditional multiplex theaters in UK
Users pay mainly for two things Movie Tickets Food and Beverages
SWOT ANALYSIS After analysing User insights, Customer journey map, Movie stakeholders and Money distribution map I chose to focus on two key aspects of the service. Pre service and Post Service. Pre service – Can I propose a different approach for movie ticket pricing ? Post service – How can we create a long term engagement and a reward System for the people to come to the theatre ?
“ Create a different monetizing model for movie theatres that addresses to the user needs and facilitates a longer engagement relationship with its customers “
SERVICE DESIGN INSPIRATION Betting , Bingo, Casinos, Arcades, Machine manufacturers, Large society lotteries, The National Lottery are various types of betting Industries in UK The British gambling industry, as regulated by the Commission, generated a gross gambling yield (GGY) of £6.3 billion between April 2012 and March 2013, a rise of over £0.4 billion (7%) compared to the period April 2011 to March 2012. 107,791 people were employed across the industry “Gambling is has its both sides of the coin but the interest factor is a vast user groups who enjoy, understand this kind of monetary model and have risk taking attitude.”
THE DRINK EXCHANGE 18 Drink exchange is a pub which takes inspiration from stock market. The rates of the drinks vary based on the interest and desirability from their customers “This again is a different way to monetize the pricing of the food and drinks industry, the idea has grown with a tremendous response and the drink exchange pubs can be found in major cities of the world.�
% of people
0 Normal response of movies
% of people
New movie Movies playing in theaters
Impact of a new movies on other movies in theaters 100
% of people
% of people
TuesdayW ednesday Thursday
People participation of a Day progression and Week progression
People coming to theatres to watch the movie
Movie Critics People’s opinions word of mouth
Movie Theatre
Digital Analytic ( Investment )
Movie Production and promotions
Movie Promotions Movie Star cast Marketing Previous movie performance
Social Media # Hash-tags and Social Trending
Existing theatre customers Discussion Forums Mobile Analytics
ANTICIPATION Generate an Anticipation index from the above medium and plan the movie pricing based on it.
Theatre can know who and why people are interested for a movie
DESIGN PROPOSAL “Monetize based on the Anticipation of a movie and Participation of the people and then generate the movie ticket prices based on that analytic. The pricing model takes the essence of Stock Market and uses the aspect of buying and selling to address the customer engagement relationship.�
SERVICE MAP Based on the participation and anticipation index, I proposed a design for the monetizing model and also incorporated the learnings from the other Industries that I mentioned in the d sign inspiration I created the service map which would describe the new way for the service To function with the user.
Usual Reimburse at theatre EXIT
Based on the new pricing model
store it in his/her phone
Movie Returns ( % amount on purchased Ticket )
Pre - Service
Give it to anyone
Post - Service
THE NEW SERVICE User would buy movie ticket whose amount is calculated from the anticipation and participation index for that particular movie. The rates fluctuates based on those index The increase in price of the tickets gets converted into the returns bonus, i.e. the Excess fee on the movie is given back to the user in form of Movie returns This returns he/she can use it in his/her next visit or store it on cell phone or can give to a friend/family member to get that discount/deduction on the ticket.
POSSIBILITIES Who’s and what’s of the service I attempted to create some sketches that could show the users how the New display might look like for the information system or mobile screen while buying the ticket. So to address to the design proposal the new pre-service stage would have the stock market based ticket system which is depended on Anticipation and participation index And the new service post-service stage would have movie returns bonus as a incentive for user to stay connected with the service provider and create a new community of the rewards based on buying and selling of these Artefacts.
PEOPLE The rates fluctuate based on people’s interest, so the same movie can be seen in a lesser price. The movie returns ensure that the more money you pay, it is returned to you for next visit to the movie theatres. Mobile and web platform can dynamically show the price changes in the movie so that people can book whenever they feel the best suitable time and price for the movie. People can see a less anticipated or mainstream movie at much cheaper price than the usual popular movies running in the theatre. The returns can be saved for future visits or can be given to family/friends to get discounts on their visit to the movie theatres. Customer is now paying money for the movie not for the premises.
MOVIE THEATRES Movie theatres can run shows with more people as more people would participate after the price reduction. The movies will have balanced participation from the audience. The returns will ensure customers to come back to visit the theatre again, so it will have a longer post service engagement. The customers will have a registration and database, so movie theatre people can communicate and promote their business digitally with them. Movie theatres can anticipate the response properly before the movie releases, so that they can manage the participation of the audience in movie shows. A bigger community / industry be expanded over people enthusiastic around buying and trading of returns and stay curious to get the best offers and promos for their movie experience.
Stage 2 : Before Entering the Theatre
Stage 1 : Enter Theatre N mber e ing System Arrive at theatre
Front Stage
Parking Spots Lights E terior of the act al b ilding Cine orld Sign
Decide Movie & Time
eceive Ticket and et rn
Get In Line
Information systems Ticket Prices Screens Posters and cardboard c to ts Broch res
Ticketing iosks No of Ticketing booths
Receive Ticket Appearance of the employee So nd Tone of Voice
Prebooked tickets
Line of Interaction
Initial greet by Employee
Get e re hment and e toi et
ood and drink prod cts Employees Money Restrooms Restroom cleanliness Other c stomers
her check the ticket
Ticket Employee s appearance So nd and tone of voice
Directs the c stomer and provides relevant information
Check movie availability
Find the theatre creen on the Ticket
Information system Doors of the theatre
Posters of relevant movies at respective screen
Take money card and give ticket
ives c stomer the earned ret rns of his her p rchase Line of Visibility
Maintain parking lot and B ilding e terior
Maintain marketing of ne movies
Maintain facilities of the theatre
P rchase ticket at ticket indo online or by phone
P rchase deliveries inventory
Maintain movie digital time and pdate its details
Maintain kitchen s pplies
Maintain p and coming movie sign ages
Maintain Restroom
Line of internal physical Interaction
Back Stage
Order Maintenance S pplies SUPPORT PROCESSES
Maintain movie time sched le
Maintain Booking System
Order movies from distrib tors
Manage Price l ct ations
Maintain Seating System
Ret rns Calc lation system Line of internal IT Infrastructure
Mobile App
Ticketing Capacity
Booking Sched ling system
C stomer records and database management Anticipation and Participation Engine Billing and Transactions Inventory system acility S pplies systems Repairs Booking
Cash Register transactions
Stage 3 : Inside the Theatre
Find e ective eat rom ticket
Interior of theatre Steps and seat ill minations Seats Other c stomers Lights Dim
atch Movie
Movie nd
Trailers and Promotions Movie Starts
Lights Intensity Credit rolls Restroom and its interiors
m o ee thank g e t
Employee s appearance So nd and tone of voice
Leave theatre ith et rn
Parking Lot E terior of B ilding Information System
Replacement parts and emergency contacts
Employee needs to dim the lights and start movie pro ector
Employee s eeps and maintains lobby and cleans parking lot
Maintain pro ection e ipment
Order Reels
Employees brightens the lights
Employees clean ashroom
Maintain theatre room facilities ( lights screen air conditioning etc )
Book necessary repairs
ashroom s pplies ordering
SERVICE BLUEPRINT The Blueprint depicts complete integration of the proposed monetizing model so that it can easily fit into existing service model. The final step of the service design takes back to the critiquing stage where we create a blueprint of the complete service and relate it with the customer Journey map. The service blueprint highlights the boxes in greys as the new steps necessary For the integration of new proposed anticipation and participation model
SER 28
CONCLUSION The service design proposed is a I believe is my effort to rethink and Communicate the way we utilize these modern services with digital integrations. This kind of service model can be tested with some small theatres and suitable User audience and evaluate its effectiveness and user acceptance.
I would like to specially thank Stuart Bailey and Iain Reid for helping me with the Feedback and giving great critique on the project. I sure had a refreshing study experience at GSA and I truly have broadened my perspective to understand a service design at a global scale and across geographies.
REFERENCES icons : images : self clicked,google serch images