BH Courier E-edition 061821

Page 11

Community Voices Human Relations Commission Issues AntiHate Statement It has become apparent in recent months that our community, our nation, and our world are experiencing a troubling increase in violence and bigotry motivated by hate. This behavior comes in many forms, all equally disturbing and unacceptable. While anti-Semitism, anti-Asian, and anti-Black hate have been the most recently noticeable incidents, no form of prejudicial hate is tolerable in our society. The Beverly Hills Human Relations Commission stands firmly against hate and bigotry in any form and urges our community to unite and speak out against hate. We invite every member of this community to join us in creating an environment where

civility, respect and responsible actions prevail. To strive to become a more equitable and just society, we must try to understand and, most of all, accept all citizens. We implore everyone who resides and visits our city to conduct themselves with the utmost civility, compassion, and respect. We ask that if you experience or witness an act of hate, please report it to local law enforcement. In addition, contact the L.A. County Anti-Hate Hotline by dialing 2-1-1 or visiting SINCERELY, ORI BLUMENFELD, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION CHAIR


Il Pastaio in the aftermath of the March 4 robbery and shooting (Il Pastaio Suspect continued from page 4) Based on Instagram messages and cell tower location data obtained by the investigators, Powell went to a jeweler in Chinatown only hours after stealing the watch. In a conversation with the Courier, the jeweler said that he recognized the watch from news reports and declined to buy it. The complaint lays out the case against

McGhee, who authorities say was one of three suspects that assaulted the victim. Most damningly, the complaint claims that McGhee’s blood got onto the victim in the scuffle over the watch. The affidavit also claims that Powell’s Instagram account provided circumstantial evidence tying the three suspects to the crime, including photos of a handgun similar to the one used in the robbery and a Richard Mille watch of the same make and model. Both Gardon and McGhee appeared in Powell’s Instagram, according to the FBI’s account. While Beverly Hills has seen a series of high-profile crimes, including a spate of anti-semitic attacks, overall crime remains down according to Beverly Hills Police Department (BHPD) statistics for May, the most recent month available. The city has experienced an 8% decline in total crime from last year, with 116 less crimes committed overall.

Multi-Gen Graduates Sisters Deana Delshad Schwartz and Michelle Delshad recently attended the Beverly Hills High School graduation of both of their sons. “Along with my older son, we have all graduated from Beverly. I wanted to share this photo with you as these are our last children in the BHUSD system. We grew up here and it was very exciting to have our children attend the same school years later. Our uncle is also former Mayor Jimmy Delshad,” Delshad Schwartz told the Courier. Pictured (from left): Deana Delshad Schwartz, Eli Schwartz Class of 2021, Aidan Schwartz Class of 2018, Alex Rothman Class of 2021, Michelle Delshad.

JUNE 18, 2021


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