Congratulations To The 2018 Winter Olympics Athletes!
ACADEMIC DECATHLETES — The Beverly Hills High School Academic Decathalon Team took ninth place overall in the Los Angeles County Competition, earning 18 individual medals at a ceremony yesterday. Pictured (from left): Team Captain senior Tim Kim, freshman David Noah Pals, junior Katie Wu, sophomore Emily Zhang, Nellie Soames, and junior Daniel Weiner. Not pictured: sophomore Matthew Park and junior Claire German.
Mastik is a 1-year-old Havanese mix looking for a forever home. 4
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters L.A. raised over $400K at its Big Event.
The Beverly Hills Crawl raised over $200K for United Friends of the Children. 17 •Arts & Entertainment •Birthdays •Letters to the Editor
14 17 27
George Christy, Page 6 The Ten Best Picture Nominees For The Oscars Appear To Be Unfamiliar To Many Of The 7,258 Voters Who Are Playing Catch Up Before Casting Their Ballots ... We Explain How Oscar Got The Name
CLASSIFIEDS • Announcements • Real Estate • Rentals • Sales • and More
the Community Development Department, and if they should be subject to an R-1 Permit Review. The “pipeline” has broad implications through the stages of a project. To clarify, Community Development staff created six categories for the stages in the pipeline. The council agreed the first four categories are exempt, including projects in the Central and Trousdale areas, Hillside projects that already have R-1 permits, seven projects that have pending entitlement applications, and 32 Hillside pipeline projects that already have active building permits. They also agreed to the sixth category, which are projects submitted between Dec. 5 and the effective date of the ordinance where the total landform alteration exceeds the amended threshold, and thus will require an R-1 permit. They could not find agreement on Category 5, which (see ‘BASEMENTS’ page 20)
Legislative Advocates Keeping It Honest: The Devil Is In The Details By Victoria Talbot A new ordinance designed to create more transparency in lobbying at City Hall has resulted in a rush in Beverly Hills to register as Legislative Advocates. Registration is under penalty of perjury, and must be completed by today to conform to the ordinance. In two weeks, five people have registered on behalf of the Loma Linda Trust/Loma Linda Holdings Ltd. The newly regis-
February 9, 2018
School Board Eyes Parcel Tax In Lieu Of Reconfiguration
City Council Of Four Fails To Pass Basement Ordinance By Victoria Talbot The Beverly Hills City Council, without Mayor Lili Bosse (recused for conflict) failed to pass the proposed Basement Ordinance yet again. The life of the ordinance nearly ended Tuesday, as Vice Mayor Julian Gold dug in his heels, taking Councilmember Les Friedman with him. On the other side, both Councilmember John Mirisch and Robert Wunderlich, seeking a compromise solution that would pass the ordinance, threw out a series of possible compromises that Gold and Friedman summarily rejected. At issue was not the substance of the Basement Ordinance, which has been painstakingly hashed out through several public meetings deep into the nights in both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The entire ordinance was nearly defeated by an unwillingness to compromise on the “pipeline projects,” or projects that are currently under review in
SINCE 1965
tered Legislative Advocates include Lindsay Tabaian, Keith Bishop, Alan Hearty, Patrick Perry and Sherman Gardner, who registered on Jan. 30-31. Two have registered on behalf of 100 Crescent LLC, the proposed Beverly Hills Media Center - Sheri Bonstelle and Ben Reznik of Jeffer Mangels Butler Mitchell, for 100 N. Crescent LLC, on Feb. 7. (see ‘LOBBYING’ page 11)
By Laura Coleman After months of discussions, meetings, analyses and investigations, on Tuesday the Board of Education appeared to wholly abandon the possibility of creating a dedicated middle school in Beverly Hills, at least in the immediate future. Despite overwhelming support by Superintendent Michael Bregy, the 21-member Future Focused Schools Team (FFST) and the students themselves that the school district should establish a dedicated middle school, the board’s failure to direct staff to create a comprehensive strategic plan made it clear that everyone’s work had been an exercise in futility. “I don’t know why we had to go through this conversation over these past four months and create terror in the hearts of people,” Board of Education President Lisa Korbatov opined. Indeed, the previous several board meetings lasted for hours, largely due to the high number of community members who addressed the board, many of whom were clearly distraught at the possibility of change and others who were likewise distraught that the district might opt not to move forward with a plan to reconfigure. For over a year, the board had unanimously supported investigations into reconfiguring the school district. Following a presentation on Tuesday by Bregy and Assistant Superintendent Dustin Seemann about reshaping the district’s current four K-8 schools into three K-8 schools and one K-5 school – as staff was instructed to do by the board at its previous meeting – the board decided against making any changes. “I’ll just simply say; Nah, I’ll pass,” said Board VP Noah Margo. “I’m not yet sold on a single middle school.”
The board also expressed unanimity, for the first time, that they would not be closing any one school. However, Facilities Director Don Blake pointed out that Hawthorne would need to close at one point when it is ready to begin reconstruction. Following the board’s abandonment of pursuing a dedicated middle school, Korbatov told the audience they could vote in board members who support the plan when she and board member Howard Goldstein term out later this year. The board then began discussing Korbatov’s suggestion that the district go after a parcel tax. The board still needs to go after an additional schoolbuilding bond in order to finish its reconstruction program following the community’s failure to pass the $260 million Measure Y bond in 2016. A parcel tax requires two-thirds of the vote to pass. Korbatov estimated that the parcel tax would be about $100 per parcel, but requires further investigation. The money would be used to hire a bevy of new employees such as a director of Primary Education, a director of Secondary Education, full time counselors at K-8 schools, security officers, librarians and media specialists, to name a few titles. The district currently has no plan related to a possible parcel tax. However, four of the five board members, with the exception of board member Mel Spitz, gave direction to staff to explore logistics related to a possible parcel tax for educational programming. Bregy is currently tasked with spearheading a round of personnel layoffs in order to balance the district’s budget – although the precise number of cuts has yet to be determined.
GOING STRONG — The Academy Awards are celebrating a historic 90th anniversary with this year’s ceremony. The first event took place at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel, lasting 15 minutes with tickets priced at $5. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.
Page 2 | February 9, 2018
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: February 22, 2018 TIME: 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard LOCATION: Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 PROJECT ADDRESS:
425-429 North Palm Drive (cross street: Beverly Boulevard)
The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2018, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: A request for a one-year time extension of the R-4 Permit and Development Plan Review for a 20-unit multi-family project on the property located at 425-429 North Palm Drive. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on January 8, 2015. The requested one-year extension would extend the existing entitlement approvals until January 8, 2019. The request is being made pursuant to §10-3-207 of the Beverly Hills Municipal Code.
This project was previously assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the environmental regulations of the City, and a Categorical Exemption was adopted. There have been no substantial changes to the project and no substantial changes to the environment that would cause the project to significantly impact the environment. Therefore, there is no substantial evidence that the approval of the requested extension may have any significant environmental impact. The original Categorical Exemption continues to represent the independent judgment of the City, and no additional environmental review is required under CEQA. Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. Written comments also may be submitted prior to the public hearing to the Planning Division, via mail: attn. Alek Miller, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Written comments may also be submitted via email to Any written comments received by Wednesday, February 14, 2018 will be attached to the report regarding this item. Any comments received after February 14, 2018, but prior the public hearing, will be distributed to the Commission under separate cover. Please note that if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at a public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the end of the public comment period. Any comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be considered as part of the public record. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Alek Miller, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at (310) 285-1196, or by email at Copies of the project plans and associated application materials are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely, Alek Miller, AICP, Associate Planner In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Commission Meeting Room 280A is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please call the Planning Division at (310) 285-1196 or TTY (310) 285-6881. Please notify the Planning Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you require captioning service so that reasonable arrangements can be made.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: February 22, 2018 TIME: 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard LOCATION: Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 PROJECT ADDRESS:
9388 South Santa Monica Boulevard (cross street: North Canon Drive)
The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2018, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: A request for renewal and amendment of a Conditional Use Permit for an ancillary pet boarding facility in a retail space located at 9388 South Santa Monica Boulevard (Pussy & Pooch). The applicant was previously granted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the operation of an ancillary pet boarding facility in an existing retail space. The CUP requires a renewal after one year. In addition to the renewal, the applicant is requesting amendment with the following changes: •
Remove the requirement for valet operations on Sunday (currently required Tuesday-Sunday);
Modify the hours of required valet operations to be from 9AM-5PM (currently required from business opening to business closing).
This project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the environmental regulations of the City. Upon review, the project appears to qualify for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption (Existing Facilities) in accordance with the requirements of Section 15301 of the state CEQA Guidelines. This exemption is applicable to the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. Accordingly, the Planning Commission will consider a recommendation to find the project exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. Written comments also may be submitted prior to the public hearing to the Planning Division, via mail: attn. Cindy Gordon, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Written comments may also be submitted via email to Any written comments received by Wednesday, February 14, 2018 will be attached to the agenda report regarding this item. Any comments received after Wednesday, February 14, 2018, but prior the public hearing, will be distributed to the Commission under separate cover. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. Please note that any comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be considered as part of the public record. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Cindy Gordon, AICP, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at (310) 285-1191, or by email at Copies of the project plans and associated application materials are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely: Cindy Gordon, AICP, Associate Planner In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Commission Meeting Room 280A is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please call the Planning Division at (310) 285-1191 or TTY (310) 285-6881. Please notify the Planning Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you require captioning service so that reasonable arrangements can be made.
February 9, 2018 | Page 3
Beverly Hills Rent Stabilization Ordinance On Track, Moving Forward By Victoria Talbot Beverly Hills’ revised Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), an urgency ordinance which was approved last January, is moving forward. Under the ordinance, landlords are required to register their rental units with the City; rental prices were to be verified by tenants, and the maximum rent increase allowed is three percent per year. Following a lengthy public process that involved both renters and landlords, the process of rental registration began in the fall of last year. To date, 98 percent of all multifamily rental properties are registered and certified, according to Director of Community Development Susan Healy Keene. The verification of rents included a tenant appeals process. The City had 93 appeals; only three of them were referred to a hearing officer. The other appeals were resolved administratively. In all, 7,507 units and 1,073 properties were registered and certified. Of the registered units, Staff is in the process of completing the certification of rents for the remaining 13 properties which have not been verified with the tenants. With the rental registry, the City can finally put to rest speculation on
the number of units, landlords, the rate of rents and rent increases and the conditions of tenancy because they will have verified information. “As per the Petris Act (Civic Code Section 1947.7), the registration and certification of the rent amounts for all registered units needed to be completed within the first year of adoption of the ordinance,” said Healy Keene. “…There are 14 properties (with approximately 50 units) not yet registered.” Under the Petris Act, the City is still able to implement the provisions of the ordinance, despite outstanding properties and units if a landlord “willfully and intentionally” failed to register their units or caused a delay in the registration or certification process when the City can show that there has been a robust effort to contact property owners on more than one occasion. The City has conducted extensive outreach by phone, emails, notices, compliance notices and citation procedures. Staff is working with Code Enforcement and following up with the remaining owners who have not yet complied with registration. A provision of the ordinance prohibits landlords from raising rent if they fail to register their properties. Notices were sent to property (see ‘RENT STABILIZATION’ page 8)
SAFETY FIRST – Beverly Hills leaders from the Fire Department, PTA and school district gathered to learn about fire safety. Pictured (from left): Cadet Alec Buldoc, Deputy Fire Marshal Chris Heyer, Inspector Alvin Cuna, PTA leaders Cynthia Park, Maria Bennett, Jill Egerman, Jodi Galen, Rose Kaiserman and Laurie Okum, Superintendent Michael Bregy, Battalion Chief Scott Stephens, and BHEF President Cindy Trost.
PTA Spearheads Fire Prevention Program For Beverly Hills Students By Laura Coleman Starting this spring, the Beverly Hills PTA is partnering with the Beverly Hills Fire Department to help young students learn practical fire safety. Using the National Fire Protection Agency program “Learn Not To Burn,” BHFD Fire Inspector Alvin Cuna said that first grade students throughout Beverly Hills Unified will pilot the program, which uses proven educational strategies. “There are very basic, important messages that we need to instill in our kids,” he described. This program presents six fire-safety messages using classroom lessons, activities and home connections. From learning what to do when a fire alarm sounds (go outside and wait) to reporting an emergency (call 9-1-1) to understanding how to “stop, drop and roll,” Cuna said that students will gain essen-
tial understanding that could just save their lives. At the end of the program, which Cuna is now working with BHUSD Assistant Superintendent Dustin Seemann to format and rollout, students will have a “graduation,” where BHFD comes to the school with engines and trucks for an interactive “final” exam. Cuna said he’s hopeful that the program can be subsequently rolled out across the other grade levels. According to PTA co-president Rose Kaiserman, the PTA decided to help implement the program after one local mom was at home with her two kids when a fire arose. It proved to be a wake-up call that the kids had virtually no idea what to do in the event of a fire. “We thought, why don’t we do it as a PTA and see if we can teach safety with the fire department,” Kaiserman recalled.
SHY AND SWEET – One-year-old, 10pound Mastik is a lovable Havanese mix. He was rescued from the streets of Los Angeles where he was found surviving off of garbage. Hope For Paws caught him and called Shelter Hope Pet Shop is now working on finding him his forever home. Mastik is a bit shy at first, but warms up once he starts to snuggle into your lap. To learn more about Mastik, visit
Walk With The Mayor To Offer Community Service Credits To Youth By Victoria Talbot A special “Walk with the Mayor” Monday will be themed to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s Disease, offering BHUSD students community service credit for participating in the walk. The event will take walkers to the Alzheimer’s Association offices in Beverly Hills, as well as to Sunrise of Beverly Hills assisted living center. An estimated 5.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s – which is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. – and is predicted to affect as many as 16 million by 2050. The cost of caring for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia is estimated at $259 billion in 2017. Nearly one in three seniors die with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
The walks are an opportunity for residents and community members to interact and network with each other, local businesses and places of interest while enjoying a healthy walk with Mayor Lili Bosse. Bringing awareness to the disease and those who care for people who suffer from the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia is part of the Beverly Hills Healthy City initiative. Monday, a school holiday, is a perfect opportunity for local kids to take a Walk with the Mayor and get community service credits. To join the walk, show up with your walking shoes on the steps of City Hall on Crescent Drive at 8:30 a.m. Monday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIRE! – BREAKING NEWS: Just before the Courier’s deadline, readers reported on a house fire that broke out in BelAir on Bellagio Road just inside the west gate. Helicopters were flying overhead. As of the Courier’s press time, it is unknown what caused the fire or if there are any injuries. The fire is believed to be at 10835 Bellagio Rd. Check for updates.
Town Hall Safety Meeting Set For 6 p.m. Feb. 15 At Beverly Hills City Hall
Runway to Rodeo Street Festival Is Feb. 25 By Victoria Talbot During the glitz and glam of the coveted awards season, Rodeo Drive has decided to commemorate over 50 years of luxury on Feb. 25 at the first ever Runway to Rodeo. This vibrant street party kicks off at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 25. Open to the public throughout the 200 and 300 blocks, Rodeo Drive will be filled with food trucks, live entertainment and dancing, a spectacular towering cake by local Beverly Hills Patissiere Nahid Parsa, champagne garden and more.
By Laura Coleman On Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m., Beverly Hills Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli will spearhead a community Town Hall at City Hall to discuss crime trends, crime prevention and community/neighborhood safety. The Town Hall comes in the wake of last week’s school shooting on a middle school campus nine miles east of Beverly Hills. Spagnoli highlighted how her department plays a significant role in school safety, along with the schools and parents/guardians. “The police department is committed to the protection of our children [and] we are utilizing the best law
enforcement practices in safety and security to protect our schools and children,” she said. BHPD’s current comprehensive safety program at the schools combines training, regular patrols and surveillance. In addition to a dedicated officer at the schools on a regular basis, there is also a Juvenile Detective at the schools assigned to supporting issues related to minors. “[It] is considered by law enforcement to be the most effective way to ensure the safety of students and staff,” Spagnoli emphasized. Following Thursday evening’s presentation, attendees will have an opportunity for a question-and-answer session.
“More than 50 years ago, the most brilliant designers in the world chose Rodeo as the place to make their statement about beauty and luxury. And that conversation is still happening today. And the best part is that I know in my heart that we will still be talking about Rodeo Drive and fashion for many decades to come,” said Mayor Lili Bosse. Visit for additional information, including event information, times and location. WINNING DEBATE – The Beverly Hills High School Speech and Debate Team won nine silver and bronze medals over the past weeks at the Western Bay Forensics League's Individual Events Tournament and the league's Winter Congress Tournament, both held at Narbonne High School in Harbor City. Pictured (from left): Diane Jeong, Josh Neidelman, Elle de Beauport, Kate Bim-Merle, Jules Shinbrot, Alex Andrews, Hajoon Kim, Samantha Boudaie and Josh Mehrdad. Also on Jan. 21 at the Peninsula Invitational at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, twin brother debaters Seth and Evan Pizzurro received a plaque for competing through quarterfinals in Public Forum.
THE BIG EVENT – Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Los Angeles (JBBBSLA) raised more than $400,000 on Wednesday at its annual Big Event at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center. Pictured above, from left: event emcee and KTLA Entertainment Anchor Sam Rubin, Inspiration Award Winner Marc Mostman, Big Sister of the Year Lauren Kurzweil, Big Brother of the Year Braden Pollock and JBBBSLA CEO Randy Schwab.
Commission To Recommend Meters On North Side Of South Santa Monica Boulevard By Victoria Talbot The Beverly Hills Traffic and Parking Commission is set to recommend to the City Council a plan that will only restore parking meters to the north side of South Santa Monica Boulevard (SSMB) following the completion in June or July of North Santa Monica Boulevard (NSMB) construction, despite a “promise” to restore parking, as evidenced by the hooded meters awaiting parking restoration that can be found on both sides of the street. Small businesses have pleaded with the Traffic and Parking Commission to restore street parking, claiming that its lack has had a significant adverse impact on their businesses. The 50-foot wide street was restriped with two 10-foot traffic lanes on each side and a left turn lane to accommodate traffic during closures on NSMB during the reconstruction process. The mitigations successfully enhanced the flow of traffic on SSMB as an alternate route during construction for NSMB, removing 13 parking spaces on the south side, 26 on the north and two loading zones.
To replace parking spaces the City added 40 valet parking spaces on the upper levels of the Santa Monica 5 parking lots and six new customer loading zones on side streets. Those efforts did not alleviate the parking woes. Customers, according to area’s business owners, prefer to park on the street. They argue that SSMB, with its oneoff businesses and services, is in danger of becoming another pass-through street, like North Santa Monica, and that the businesses that are there are part of the unique culture of Beverly Hills. Legacy businesses that have been on South Santa Monica for decades have recently closed, such as Kramer’s Tobacco. The businesses at the meeting reported significant declines in sales. On Jan. 4, they brought their perspective to the discussion, altering the perception of the commissioners, who sought a smooth traffic thoroughfare on the street. “This is a street that is expected to be stop-and-go,” said James Anderton, owner of WEST at the January meeting, “and it works with parking on both (see ‘SOUTH SANTA MONICA’ page 11)
George Christy
Alicia Machado
Constance Marie
James Cordon
Jessica Hall
Diana Marks
Elizabeth Debicki
Ever Carradine
Iain Armitage
Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie
Lou Diamond Phillips, Indigo Sanara Phillips, and Yvonne Boismier Phillips
Keith Leak, Jr.
Marla Sokoloff and Elliotte Anne Puro
Brett Dalton and daughter Sylvia Dalton
Margot Robbie joined her fellow cast members and fans for the world premiere of Peter Rabbit at The Grove
Alison Sweeney and daughter Megan Sanov
scar time, and the pickin’ ain’t easy. To paraphrase George Gershwin’s classic ballad, Summertime, And The Livin’ Is Easy.
he Awards are now seen live in more than 200 countries, also available streamed live.
The pickin’s include the
ince the inception, 3,048 awards have been acknowledged.
Best Picture nominees during this 90th Academy Awards ceremony, airing on March 4th. The Awards will remain on ABC TV for the next ten years.
concern being that many of the 7,258 Academy voters are not familiar with the nominated films, and desperately playing catch-up before casting their ballots.
celebrated Awards were launched on May 16, 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt, where tickets were $5, with the event lasting 15 minutes.
he first radio broadcast commenced in 1930, televised later for the first time in 1953. Page 6 | February 9, 2018
ltimately, the ceremony was scheduled for Sunday (rather than Saturday) for more viewers.
peeches must not last more than 45 seconds from winners who are presented with their coveted award.
he gold-plated statuette weighs 8.5 pounds, and may be sold only to the Academy for one dollar.
n 1939 when Margaret Herrick, the Academy librarian saw it, she sighed, “Why, it looks like my Uncle Oscar.”
t was columnist Sidney Skolsky who mentioned it in print, and the Oscar name
Rose Byrne
Tia Carrere with daughter Bianca Wakelin (at right) and her friend
became popular and is now legend.
hat with the Grammy Awards delivering less than 24 percent of it past audience, and the Super Bowl ratings the lowest in seven years, how will the Oscars fare, with this year’s crop of unfamiliar films.
folks believe the audiences are turned off by the
Breckin Meyer with daughters Clover Meyer and Caitlin Willow Meyer
performers spouting their confusing political agendas.
do not want to hear Meryl Streep and other participants mouthing off about the White House and Capitol Hill,” confesses a prominent Beverly Hills realtor. “I want to be entertained by the beautiful people and enjoy the Cleavage City fashions.”
Rachael Leigh Cook
A voice amongst many! During his cross-country
comedy club tours, Red Buttons kidded in his act that “Strange things are happening,” which became a tagline that he used time and again. And now, years later, who knows where the Oscarcast ratings will land? Online at
February 9, 2018 | Page 7
Notorious Bel-Air Party House Causing More Problems For Residents By Matt Lopez One of Bel-Air’s most notorious party houses has continued to cause problems for the local community. In a resident-shot video obtained by the Courier on Tuesday, numerous cars are lining the street on Stradella while loud music can be heard thumping from inside 779 Stradella Road. Outside, many partygoers are seen loitering and smoking in the street. Parking enforcement officers, along with the LAPD, were eventually called to the scene. Bel Air Association Executive Director Shawn Bayliss earlier this week was able to track down the property’s owner Jeff Yohai, who according to the Wall Street Journal, was as recently as this fall under federal investigation for real estate dealings in relation to his former father-in-law Paul Manafort. Bayliss reports that after informing Yohai about the residents’ concerns over an uptick in crime in the area, property damage, street safety and late night disruptions, Yohai said it
Pictured: A deck in at the home, via its AirBNB rental listing.
was “an easy fix… no more parties or events.” As of Thursday at the Courier's press time, however, the AirBNB page for the fivebedroom, four-bathroom rental lists that "most events and parties are welcome." It's anyone's best guess as to what kind of party or event wouldn't be included in "most." It might behoove Yohai to tighten up the party atmosphere after the Los Angeles City Council's Planning and Land Use Committee on Tuesday officially signed off on a revised ordinance aimed at strengthening the city's ability
to crack down on nuisance party properties. Authored by L.A. Fourth District City Councilman David Ryu, the ordinance could result in fines for property owners or managers, with escalating fines up to $8,000 for repeat violators and the requirement of a public posting for 30 days on homes found to be in violation. ”We are talking about people who use their homes to throw all-night events, or rent them out to strangers who run de facto nightclubs out of otherwise quiet neighborhoods -threatening the peace and safety of everyone around them." Ryu said.
RENT STABILIZATION (Continued from page 4)
owners who have failed to register on Jan. 18. Notices that explained that landlords are prohibited from raising their rents in those buildings that are not registered were sent to the tenants on January 19, and some of those buildings have since complied. However, the RSO did not address the No-Cause Eviction. Sources say some tenants of the unregistered buildings have had their rents increased by five percent, especially elderly tenants on fixed incomes living under rent control who cannot afford to move. Sources report that the ordinance does not protect these tenants from being evicted. They report that these tenants are fearful of reporting the illegal rent increases to authorities out of fear of being evicted. The SRO must come back to City Council to hash out the issues the landlords and tenants could not agree on. Tenants fears of retribution and no-cause eviction elicited by those who complain continues to be problematic, as are health and safety complaints directed to the County agency, which can take days to be
inspected. Other issues include the rent increase amount, defining habitability issues and capital improvement pass-throughs. Pepperdine Law Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution conducted six mediated dialogue sessions which proved useful, but unfortunately, inconclusive. Landlords and tenants could not find middle ground. Singh recommended the City review tenants’ proposals on relocation fees for further dialogue. Landlords objected to the term “no-cause” or “no-just cause” evictions, preferring neutral terminology. Tenants had several concerns at the heart of their fears, and landlords capitulated to certifying rent prices to ensure they would not evict just to increase rent on a new tenant. Landlords want to exempt duplexes, tri-plexes and fourplexes that are owner-occupied from the ordinance, and tenants disagree. Singh recommended this be discussed in the mediation board, which both tenants and landlords agreed on for dispute resolution.
February 9, 2018 | Page 9
HOW DO Y O U F E E L ? CHLA Participating With Mayo Clinic In Trial For Infants Born With Hypoplastic Heart Syndrome The Heart Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) will participate in a first-ever clinical trial for infants born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), which may help revolutionize how care is provided for these children. CHLA is the only institution in the western states to offer this trial and one of only four medical centers to do so nationally. Each will be testing whether implanting stem cells into the patient’s heart muscle will help delay or prevent heart failure. The clinical trial was launched last year by the Mayo Clinic, the home of the HLHS Consortium. In babies with HLHS, the left ventricle of the heart does not develop appropriately; so the right side of the heart must perform “double duty,” pumping blood both to the lungs as well as to the rest of the body, something that is typically the job of the right ventricle. This added work strains the heart and, by adolescence, it can begin to weaken and even fail causing some children to require a heart transplant.
From left: Vaughn Starnes, M.D., co-director of the CHLA Heart Institute; Ram Kumar Subramanyan, M.D., Ph.D., cardiothoracic surgeon; Timothy Nelson, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Mayo Clinic’s Wanek Family Program for Hypoplastic Left Heart
For newborns enrolled in the study, their umbilical cord blood will be collected at birth and shipped to Mayo Clinic for a special process that will freeze and store the baby’s stem cells until the infant is ready for a second open-heart surgery at six months of age. Then, the baby’s own stem cells will be injected into the heart. The hope is that these cells will become muscle cells and strengthen it, so the heart does not weaken or fail. CHLA’s Vaughn Starnes,
M.D. and Ram Kumar Subramanyan, M.D., Ph.D, along with Timothy Nelson, M.D., Ph.D., from Mayo Clinic were on hand to share background on the study along with two mothers of babies participating in the clinical trial. “The future health of many children will be positively impacted by the work being led by Drs. Starnes and Subramanyan and the entire Heart Institute,“ stated Paul S. Viviano, CHLA’s president/ CEO.
H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S
The Centers For Disease Control Awards UCLA’s Fielding School Of Public Health $2.7 Million Grant The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity has awarded a five-year, $2.7 million grant to the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health to launch a training program that will inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in public health and strengthen the sector’s future workforce. The UCLA Public Health Scholars Training Program provides undergraduates the opportunity to explore the field of public health through handson training, structured workshops, group excursions, and
leadership/professional development. The scholars participating in the 8-week summer program will be partnered with Los Angeles-based organizations, health systems, and government agencies where they will contribute three days per week toward substantive public health projects. Founded in 1961, the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health has 650 students from more than 25 nations engaged in carrying out the vision of building healthy futures in the L.A., the nation, and around the world. Visit:
Valentine’s Health Seminar At The Beverly Wilshire Saturday The 14th annual Valentine’s Health Seminar “Staying Young by Optimizing Health vs Treating Disease” will be held Saturday, Feb. 10 at 3:30 p.m. at The Beverly Wilshire. Admission and parking are free. The panelists are Bijan Pourat, MD, a cardiologist and researcher on wellness and anti-aging; and Sheila Kar, MD, attending cardiologist and
past clinical chief of Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute. This year’s seminar focuses on the whole body approach rather than treat each disease in isolation which misses the vital point that the whole body is affected. RSVP by calling 310-2762251 or email to: nicole
February 9, 2018 | Page 11
(Continued from page 1)
Local attorneys Stephen Webb, Murray Fischer and Tom Levyn, all participants in the Sunshine Task Force efforts to amend the existing ordinance, re-registered with their multiple clients and projects in the last few weeks. James Sutton, of the Sutton Law Firm in San Francisco, registered on Jan. 29 as a Legislative Lobbyist last week, listing the project name as “New Lobbying Law” and the client as “The Los Angeles Lobbyist Association,” at the same address in San Francisco. The legislation subject to advocacy is listed as the “Municipal Legislative Advocates Ordinance.” Marcia Smith of Lewis Smith Media, Inc. registered on Jan. 29 as an advocate on behalf of Oasis West for The Beverly Hilton, to “amend existing development approvals.” Among all the lawyers who are professional Advocates, one name stands out: Sherman Gardner. His client is listed as the Loma Linda Trust/Loma Linda Holdings Ltd., and, like the other members of the Loma Linda team of Advocates, Gardner has listed his employer as Allen Matkins. Phone calls to Allen Matkins Wednesday produced negative results; Sherman Gardner does not work there. Gardner, who worked at Goldrich Kest for over 30 years, is a long-time resident of the City of Beverly Hills with deep ties to the network surrounding Vice Mayor Julian Gold and Councilmember Les Friedman. Longtime resident Judie Fenton, who successfully managed both of their campaigns pro bono, said she has employed Gardner’s wife as an independent contractor at her events and marketing firm, FTA. Gardner attended the City Council meeting Tuesday
SOUTH SANTA MONICA (Continued from page 5)
sides. If you only restore the parking on the north side, no one will cross the street… There is no ‘dwell time’ on our street. Putting the parking back does that…. My goal is to ask you, ‘What do want the street to look like?’” Anderton came to Thursday’s meeting with a petition signed by nine business owners on the south side of the street that, among other things, claimed that the businesses suffered “significant loss of business as a direct result of what was presented a year ago as a temporary removal of the street parking while traffic is diverted onto South Santa Monica Boulevard.” The meeting, which was held at 9 a.m., and did not open the discussion until 9:45, was scheduled at a time when many businesses open. Anderton left to open his business.
evening that ended with a near stalemate on the proposed Basement Ordinance. The proposed Basement Ordinance could impact plans and permits for the Loma Linda project for which he lobbies. During a 30-minute recess to allow staff time to explore reconfiguring a complicated potential remedy for the 2-2 split that would have killed the ordinance, Gardner and lobbyists for Loma Linda Trust/Loma Linda Holdings huddled with Vice Mayor Gold and Councilmember Friedman. Gardner and his wife Stephanie were on Gold’s election steering committee, with Friedman and his wife Simone acting as his honorary chairs. Gardner and Stephanie were also on Friedman’s steering committee. Despite those close connections, Fenton told the Courier by email that she “does not know what Sherman is doing other than I know he formally worked for Goldrich and Keist for over 30 years. I don’t know where his involvement comes from.” With Gold as Acting-Mayor after Mayor Lili Bosse recused herself – as she was advised to do by City Attorney Larry Wiener, because her home is in the hillside area – no conclusion was reached. The Basement Ordinance conclusion was yet again delayed. The Basement Ordinance will return to the City Council at its next meeting for a third round, awarding the Loma Linda applicants an extra two weeks to complete their plan check and possibly, obtain permits for the controversial single-family homes on Loma Linda Drive. The Loma Linda projects have been working their way through the process for nearly four years. There have been ten correction letters on the two Loma Linda properties, and recently, the City engaged a Upon hearing the vote, he wrote in an email, “While I was ‘flattered’ that they ‘heard’ me last time… it doesn’t address the larger problem of the street. The lack of parking just makes us a thoroughfare and uninviting. What I am unclear on is what is the goal of the reconfiguration? To speed up traffic down our street? Do we need traffic sped up with the soon-to-be-completed North Santa Monica reconstruction serving that purpose? The sign reads ‘Local Access’ at the initiation of South Santa Monica…. Seems that would imply this is a local business street.” Mark Brower from the City’s Budget and Finance Department claimed declining business revenues could be a result of “so many variables.” Without facts, he blamed declining sales on the shift to online marketing. The recommendations will go to City Council in the near future.
third-party firm, GeoKinetics, to review soil estimates. The applicant placed the export amounts at nearly 1,500 cubic yards for each property, which is the threshold for a by-right project that would trigger an R-1 review on a street like Loma Linda that is 24 feet wide or less. The GeoKinetics calculations, made without the benefit of complete soils reports, showed at least a 33-percent differential. By the GeoKinetics calculations, one of the homes was over 2,000 cubic yards of export, clearly over the threshold, which closely matched the calculations made by an expert hired by neighbor Debbie Weiss. The second home dropped from 1,500 to around 1,000 cubic yards of export
because of a calculation error that Weiss’s expert also found. As the projects have progressed, neighborhood scrutiny has intensified. Two weeks ago, Weiss, who has compiled thousands of pages of Freedom of Information Act (FOAI) requests to obtain documents, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat these projects, discovered that the soils reports were incomplete. Late last week, additional soils report addendums were produced, adding another 200 cubic yards to the soil export. Two weeks ago, Loma Linda lobbyist Alan Hearty threatened the City with litigation, accusing the Council of “pandering” to “disgruntled homeowners” whom he characterized as “nonsensical.” He
called their scrutiny “delay tactics,” and threatened that the City was “going to subject itself to significant financial and legal exposure.” It now appears that the delay tactics are on the side of the applicant, as the developer billionaire seeks strategies to bring the two projects in under the 1,500-cubic yard threshold or face an R-1 hearing on the numerous retaining walls that harbor cut and fill. Editor’s Note: The Courier questions the possibility of a conflict that could invalidate the participation of Gold and Friedman on this issue because of their close ties to the applicant’s lobbyist and the pro bono agreement with Fenton to manage their campaigns.
Page 12 | February 9, 2018
VISIONARY WOMEN – Beverly Hills-based nonprofit Visionary Women delved into the importance of sound financial strategies at its first salon of 2018, “Mastering Your Money,” which took place at the Montage Beverly Hills. Pictured above (from left): speakers Bruce Carlin, Stacy Allred, Victoria Santoro, Cassie Mogilner Holmes, Daniella Schlisser and Jennifer Yen. Photo by Rachel Murray/Getty Images for Visionary Women Salon
SHOWCASE HOUSE–The 2018 Pasadena Showcase House of Design kicked off this year’s upcoming experience with its annual Empty House Party. The annual fundraiser, which helps bring music enrichment programs to Southern California, is one of the oldest, largest and most successful house and garden tours in the country and has raised over $23 million to date. Now in its 54th year, approximately 25,000 guests visit the Showcase annually. The 2018 Showcase House, called “The Overlook”, is a majestic Mediterranean masterpiece designed by the distinguished architect Reginald Davis Johnson. It was constructed in 1915 at a cost of $14,000 for widowed sisters Ruth Hargrove and Mary Emma Baker.This year’s house tour runs from April 22 to May 20 with complimentary parking and shuttle service available at Santa Anita Park’s Track Gate 6. For information or to purchase tickets, visit: Each ticket includes a complimentary commemorative program. Picture above (from left) is the 2018 Core Team: Interior Chair Debra Qurtman; Designer Liaison Chini Johnson-Taylor; Benefit Chair Vikki Sung; Exterior Co-Chair Susie Aguirre; Interior Co-Chair Suzette Cummings;PSHA President Marilyn Anderson; and General Operations Co-Chairs Diane Boysen and Lydia Rubin.
PERSIAN FASHION SHOW–On Saturday (Feb. 10), experience a magical evening where Iranian culture, artistic landmarks, and historical icons come to life when the Farhang Foundation presents an Iranian Cultural Runway show featuring Iranian designers. During the red carpet event at OUE Skyspace LA (located on the 70th floor of the US Bank Building), guests will enjoy passed hors d'oeuvres and libations while savoring a uniquely curated fashion runway show burgeoning with Iranian culture. Designs include coupled duo Jila Saberi (fashion designer) and Ali Kourehchian (sculptor, architect) debuting a new collection and bronze masks as part of a number of stunning creations that celebrate Iran’s vibrant and spirited past in every stitch. Inspired by Persian poetry that riddle tales of how the world’s truths disguise themselves, Kourehchian transformed the written word into a series of bronze sculptures that translate to Persian and non-Persian audiences alike. Kourehchian and Saberi’s partnered collection make for a harmonious fusion of both Persian architecture with Persian fashion. The event, which includes an open bar and 360 Views of Los Angeles, is hosted by actress and comedian Melissa Shoshahi with music by DJ Arin Babaian. Tickets start at $75. For more information, visit:
Dalian Wanda Group Sells Stake In Film Division Hollywood Roundup To Alibaba Joaquin Phoenix As The Joker, The sale includes all of Box Office, TV Ratings By Matt Lopez Wanda's film productions, Dalian Wanda Group's fire sale is continuing as the Chinese conglomerate announced this week that it would sell a nearly 13 percent stake of its Wanda Film division for $1.24 billion. The buyer – reported by Deadline Hollywood – is Hangzhou Zhenxi Investment Management Co, an affiliate of Jack Ma's Chinese e-commerce and retail conglomerate Alibaba and China’ stateowned Cultural Investment Holdings Co. According to Deadline,
Wanda Group chairman Wang Jianlin
Alibaba will acquire a 7.66 percent stake and Cultural Investment Holdings Co will take a 5.11 percent stake. Wanda will retain 48.1 percent of Wanda Film.
marketing and distribution, as well as more than 500 movie cinemas – but does not include Legendary Entertainment. “The main purpose of the equity transfer of Wanda Film Holding is to bring in shareholders with strategic value,” Wanda said, according to Reuters. This news comes on the heels of Wanda selling off developments in London and Australia in recent weeks, along with reports that One Beverly Hills is on the market.
Paley Center To Host Panel On African-American Television Creators On Wednesday By Matt Lopez A group of Hollywood’s preeminent African-American television creators and producers will gather at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills on Tuesday to discuss the current state of the entertainment industry. They Run the Show: African-American Creators and Producers in Conversation will touch on themes such as the
difficulty for African-American producers and writers to break into and advance in television, along with how to deal with pushback from networks. The discussion – which is part of Paley Center’s Black History Month celebration – will be illustrated with clips from the Paley Archive. Among those participating in the panel include Lee Daniels (Empire and Star),
Cheo Hodari Coker (Luke Cage), Courtney A. Kemp (Power), Janine Sherman Barrois (Claws), Prentice Penny (Insecure) and Yvette Lee Bowser (Dear White People). It will be moderated by Nischelle Turner (Entertainment Tonight). Red carpet arrivals are at 6 p.m. and the panel begins at 7. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit:
By Matt Lopez Celebrity Big There might Brother includes be a new Clown stars such as Prince of Crime in former Real Gotham City. Housewives Of Variety reports Beverly Hills star that Joaquin Brandi Glanville, Phoenix is close to former Lakers an agreement to Joaquin Phoenix world champion star in Warner Metta World Bros. and Todd Phillips’ unti- Peace, UFC Hall of Famer tled upcoming movie on the Chuck Liddell and Ross “The origins of the Joker. Intern” Mathews of Tonight Phoenix would star as Show With Jay Leno fame. Batman’s arch nemesis in the Opening This Weekend… film which will be co-written Universal Pictures’ Fifty and directed by Phillips. Shades Freed is expected to According to Variety, the claim the box office crown this film would be a standalone weekend, with an expected vehicle separate from other debut of $30 million or more, Batman-related films under a according to The Hollywood new banner of DC Comics. Reporter. TV Ratings Fifty Shades Freed is the Celebrity Big Brother, led final installment in the BDSMby stars such as former themed trilogy of novels by EL President Trump cabinet mem- James, which began with Fifty ber Omarosa Manigault, Shades of Grey. debuted to strong ratings on Also opening this week is Wednesday evening. The show, Sony family offering Peter which premiered at 8 p.m. on Rabbit – with James Corden CBS, was the most-watched voicing the legendary rabbit – show of the night with 7.3 mil- and Clint Eastwood-directed lion viewers. terror drama 15:17 to Paris.
February 9, 2018 | Page 15
Page 16 | February 9, 2018
BEVERLY HILLS Now In Our 53rd Year 499 N. Cañon Dr., Suite. 100 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-278-1322 Fax: 310-271-5118 Chairman 2014
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OUTLOOK B E V E R LY H I L L S Saturday, Feb. 10 is the 100th birthday of famed South Africa hero Nelson Mandela. To mark the occasion, Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron, founder of the Charlize T h e r o n A f r i c a Charlize Theron Outreach Project, and Kweku Mandela, co-founder of the House of Mandela Family Foundation, will host an intimate discussion on the universal theme of freedom, moderated by journalist Solidad O’Brien. The fundraising event will be held in the Audrey Skirball Kenis Theater at Westwood’s Geffen Playhouse as part of its “Unscripted Live” speaker series, supported by Loretta and Victor Kaufman and produced by Pamela Robinson and Loretta Kaufman. Individual tickets are $500, which includes a cocktail party. Contact: development@ • • • • • More than 100 pieces from Jasper Johns, one of America's most iconic artists, is on display
Display Advertising Manager
Evelyn A. Portugal
The weekly update
of local and SoCal events.
at The B r o a d beginning Saturday, Feb. 10 and runn i n g through May 13. “Something Resembling Truth” showcases the paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings of Johns, many of which have never before been seen in Los Angeles. The Broad is the only venue in the United States exhibiting Something Resembling Truth. Tickets are $25 for adults and free for children 17-andunder. For more information, visit: • • • • • The Amanda Foundation will celebrate Valentine's Day by showing love to our furry friends on Sunday, Feb. 11 at its 2018 Mimosa Madness event at Craig's in West Hollywood, 8826 Melrose Ave. The event, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., includes a silent auction, tarot card reading with a pet psychic and prizes available in “Ruff’s Raffle” – all while sipping delicious mimosas. All proceeds from Mimosa Madness go toward the Amanda Foundation's Orphaned
Critters. Tickets are $50 in advance, $65 at the door. Call 310-550-0101 or visit mimosa-madness-2018/. • • • • • The UNICEF Next Generation’s 4th annual Art Party is set for Saturday, Feb. 24, at 800 Main St. in Venice. The event from 5:30 to 10 p.m. which benefits UNICEF USA, is hosted by Gabé Hirschowitz, and curated by Carlton DeWoody, Jamie G. Manné, Chelsea Neman Nassib and Jessica Witkiny. For ticket information, email: • • • • • The Anti-Defamation League’s 23rd annual Deborah Awards will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7, in the SLS Hotel Beverly Hills, 465 S. La Cienega Blvd. This year’s honorees are Deborah Feinerman, executive VP of Business Affairs & Legal, Paramount Pictures; Andrea Fiuczynski, executive VP/chair of Sotheby’s Americas; Jihee Kim Huh, vice chair of PAFCO; and Nichol Whiteman, executive director of the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation. Individual tickets are $400. Call the ADL at 310446-4266, or email: • • • • •
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Photos and Unsolicited Materials Will Absolutely Not Be Returned. Only unposed, candid photos will be considered for publication. All photos and articles submitted become property of the Courier. No payment for articles or photos will be made in the absence of a written agreement, signed by the Publisher. Adjudicated as a Newspaper of general circulation as defined in Section 6008 of the Government Code for the City of Beverly Hills, for the Beverly Hills Unified School District, for the County of Los Angeles, for the State of California and for other districts which include the City of Beverly Hills within each such district’s respective jurisdiction in proceeding number C110951 in Superior Court, California, on February 26, 1976.
All contents copyright © 2018 Beverly Hills Courier, LLC, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, transmitted or otherwise reproduced without the prior written consent of the Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. Member: Agence France , City News Service.
998 S. Robertson Blvd., Beverly Hills (310) 855-9380
310.275.0579 • 434 N. CANON DRIVE MON. - THURS. 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM FRI. & SAT. NOON - 10:00 PM I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T
The Skirball will host a panel discussion on Thursday, Feb. 22 featuring four thought leaders on the Civil Rights movement. “Passing the Torch — From Selma to Today: Lessons from Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement” is a panel discussion featuring pivotal figures of the 1960s civil rights movement – former UN Ambassador Andrew Young, Dr. Bernard Lafayette Jr., and Dr. Clarence B. Jones. They will join moderator Stosh Cotler, executive director of Bend the Arc: a Jewish Partnership for Justice, to discuss the Selma to Montgomery March and other key moments on the route to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Tickets are $12 and $10 for full-time students. For more information, visit: • • • • • Some of Napa Valley's finest wines are coming to Beverly Hills next month. The Peninsula Beverly Hills will host the 6th annual STARS of Napa Valley Wine from 6-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14. The event offers a wide array of top wines, from sauvignon blanc and chardonnay, to merlot, cabernet, petite verdot, zinfandel, Meritage blends and Syrah and Grenache. A charity silent auction at the event benefits the T.J. Martell Foundation and Children's Cancer Research at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. VIP Early Admission is $250 online ($300 at the door), including vintages tasting, heavy tray-passed hors d’oeuvre and a buffet. General admission is $95 online ($125 at the door) and includes only tray-passed hors d’oeuvre and unlimited tastings from 7-9:30 p.m. For tickets, visit: /the-6th-annual-stars-of-napavalley-wine-tickets33790899490#tickets.
A N O T H E R B I RT H D AY ! ?
Sandra Krause
Lee Barab
Joyce Essex
Ori Blumenfeld
John Mirisch
Mia Farrow
Robert Wagner
George Segal
Sidney Sherman Jennifer Aniston
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS—Mia Farrow, Judith Light and Joe Pesci (Feb. 9); Roberta Flack, Laura Dern, Joyce Essex, Leontyne Price, and Robert Wagner (Feb. 10); Ori
Blumenfeld, Dona Powell, Lee Barab, Jennifer Aniston, Sheryl Crow, Mumsey Nemiroff, Sergio Mendes, and Burt Reynolds (Feb. 11); Sandra Krause, Arsenio Hall, Sidney Sherman, Joanna Kerns, and Simon MacCorkindale (Feb. 12); John Mirisch, George Segal, Kim Novak and Stockard Channing (Feb. 13); Meg Tilley, and Hugh Downs (Feb. 14); Claire Bloom, Keene Curtis, Melissa Manchester and Jane Seymour (Feb. 15).
Beverly Hills Crawl
United Friends of the Children (UFC) President and CEO Kara Soldati and Eric Smidt
Fred Rosen, Nadine Schiff and Shelley Litvack
Nicole Mutchnik
Christina Zilber
Hundreds of locals “crawled” down Palm Drive last Friday night for a charitable evening of good food, drinks and good friends as the former Stone Canyon Crawl was hosted for the first time in Beverly Hills. The event raised more than $200,000 for United Friends of the Children, which empowers current and former foster youth through enriched education and housing programs, advocacy and relationships with local community leaders. The moveable feast was hosted at the Beverly Hills homes of Dr. Frank and Shelley Litvack, Allan and Nicole Mutchnik, and Christina Zilber. Donors of food, drinks and raffle items included Wallys and Kistler wines, Auberge du Soleil and AvJet. Over the five years of the “Crawl” more than $700,000 has been raised for United Friends of the Children to help provide college expenses and educational assistance to disadvantaged youth.
Aria Blair & UFC boardmember Tremale Berger, who was in the UFC program as a youth.
Ron Silverman, Leslie Gilbert Lurie & Cliff Lurie
Krishna & Robert Daly
Leonard Rabinowitz
Stuart & Stephanie Liner
United Friends of the Children boardmember Denny Luria and Jeff Berg
Dan & Callum Love
Colleen & Bradley Bell
Sonja Kotzeff & David Heil
Pictured, from left: Rams head coach Sean McVay, who received Coach of the Year honors, with Sports Executive of the Year Casey Wasserman and legendary broadcaster Al Michaels at the 13th LA Sports Awards at The Beverly Hilton. Photo by Mark Meyers/L.A. Sports Council
L.A. Sports Awards Honor Casey Wasserman, Sean McVay At The Beverly Hilton The city of Los Angeles winning the right to host the 2028 Olympic Games, and the Dodgers winning the National League pennant and advancing to the World Series shared top billing as the No. 1 sports moment of 2017 during the 13th annual LA Sports Awards, held Tuesday at The Beverly Hilton. The overall Top 10 moments of 2017 were determined by combining the results of online fan balloting with the selections by an eightperson media panel. For the
first time in the 13-year history of the awards, the vote for the top moment ended in a tie. In other award presentations, Cody Bellinger of the Dodgers was honored as 2017 Sportsman of the Year and NCAA beach volleyball champions Kelly Claes and Sara Hughes of USC were selected Sportswomen of the Year. Rams head coach Sean McVay received the Coach of the Year award and LA 2028 Chairman Casey Wasserman was named the top Sports Executive. Renowned sportscaster Al
Michaels presented a special Lifetime Achievement Award to retired Kings Hall of Fame broadcaster Bob Miller. The LA Sports Awards are produced annually by the Los Angeles Sports Council to celebrate the greatest moments of the year in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. The Sports Council is a non-profit organization and will utilize the event’s proceeds to further its mission of promoting economic development through sports in Southern California.
SAYONARA SENIORS – The Beverly Hills High girls basketball team saluted its senior class on Tuesday evening during a 47-25 win over Lawndale. The Lady Normans hosted Culver City Thursday in a game that was played after the Courier's press time. Pictured, front row (from left): Amanda Lee, Sherin Ebrahimi, Megan Saghian, Krystal Brown and Sophia Goldberg. Top row (from left): Dominique Petrie, Taylor Asia, coach John Braddell, Emma Duchemin, Julianne Araullo, Cheyanne Araullo and Isabel Rund.
Beverly Hills High School Sports Roundup Girls basketball The Beverly Hills High girls basketball team is 18-5 overall and 8-1 in the Ocean League, with a chance to clinch a tie for the league title Thursday against Culver City in a game played after the Courier’s press time. On Tuesday, the Lady Normans beat Lawndale 47-25 on Senior Night. The last time BHHS played Culver City, the Centaurs pulled out a close 4846 win.
Boys basketball At 18-8 overall and 7-2 in the Ocean League, the BHHS boys team is looking to stave off Santa Monica for second place in the Ocean League behind Culver City. The Normans lost to Santa Monica 68-63 on Feb. 2 and are currently a game ahead of Santa Monica in the standings. The Normans played Culver City Thursday night in their regular season finale.
February 9, 2018 | Page 19
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WE DELIVER 303 N. Crescent Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Page 20 | February 9, 2018
(Continued from page 1)
includes 10 projects in the Hillside area submitted for plan check as of the effective date of the ordinance that either are new construction or increase the floor area by more than 50 percent. On Dec. 5, when the ordinance came to City Council (without Bosse). It failed to pass because Gold sent it back to the Planning Commission for a recommendation on pipeline projects. At that Jan. 11 Planning Commission meeting, Staff recommended that Category 5 projects should be subject to an R-1 Permit review. Newly-seated Commissioner Peter Ostroff was recused due to conflict. Commissioners Alan Block, Joe Shooshani and Vice Chair Andy Licht disagreed with the staff recommendation, and voted 3-1 that these projects should not require an R-1 Permit review. Chair Lori Greene Gordon objected; she agreed with the staff report. The recommendation for no R-1 permit review came to the City Council. Gold and Friedman and Mirisch and Wunderlich drew line in the sand that showed far more flexibility on the side of Mirisch and Wunderlich towards a compromise. Friedman and Gold, grasped at threads in support their arguments. Then Gold launched into a speech to plunge the entire ordinance into the waste bin. “The council majority voted for the existing ordinance more than once,” said Gold. “I have a hard time if we dismiss the work of prior
councils… which renders us unable to make a decision tonight. In a year, you could change it up… there have to be rules; how do you build a house?” Gold ignored the fact that when the Hillside Ordinance was passed two years ago there was always an expectation that another ordinance was going to be drafted to address obvious loopholes, specifically regarding daylighting basements and retaining walls. Friedman rallied behind him, claiming, “requirements are subjective for an R-1 Review. That is enough to deny it.” The discussion strayed, once again demonstrating that none of the councilmembers sitting on the dais had experience on the Planning Commission. Resident Craig Corman, who drafted the proposed Basement Ordinance during one of his terms on the Planning Commission, brought forward a compromise. Referencing the “layer-cake effect” at 1201 Laurel Way (the “poster child” for defacing the hillside with retaining walls), Corman suggested that the trigger for an R-1 Review might become the retaining walls, which have been under consideration for years. “People knew it was being worked on for two years to limit people’s ability to build eight retaining walls. Putting aside the basement… to mitigate the harmful effects of retaining walls… If you can’t see them it’s no harm, no foul. We would require an R-1 Review for a more narrow subset… for the greatest impact.” Friedman and Gold reluctantly
agreed. In addition, Gold asked that they extend the deadlines 18 months so that the applicants could finish the plan check process before their application expires. In this scenario, the applicant could also redesign their home to proceed under the code as it exists now without an R-1 Permit review. To allow the City Attorney Larry Wiener to reword the Ordinance, Gold granted a 30-minute recess. But upon returning, Wiener determined that in order to capture the changes correctly, it would require at least one hour; it was already after midnight in the Municipal Gallery. Mirisch and Wunderlich were willing, but Gold continued the item to the Jan. 20 meeting. Council’s direction, according to Assistant Director of Community Development Ryan Gohlich and Senior Planner Timothea Tway, for Category 5 homes “with retaining walls that do not comply with the new standards, the project must either come into compliance with the new retaining wall standards or be granted a Hillside R-1 Permit by the Planning Commission. Projects submitted for building permits between Jan. 11 and the effective date of the ordinance can be designed in accordance with existing regulations and need not comply with the new standards, but only if the Planning Commission reviews and approves the project pursuant to a Hillside R-1 Permit.” “Most, if not all, would trigger the R-1 Review,” said Director of Community Development Susan Healy Keene.
The Loma Linda Compromise By Victoria Talbot Among the 10 projects that fall into Category 5, two projects on Loma Linda Drive have galvanized community attention for the scale and size of the projects on a cul-de-sac street less than 24 feet in width. Originally submitted as one home over 25,000 square feet, the applicant subsequently decided to create two “by-right” homes, after the Hillside Ordinance was passed. They are currently suing the City. The two projects in plan check total over 23,000 square feet; 1184 is 13,081 square foot, and at 1193, it is 10,468 square feet, with the basements and garages. Though the client was never named, Francesco Aquilini, billionaire developer (with five local properties) and owner of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team, and Legislative Advocates Alan Hearty and Sherman Gardner, visited Mayor Lili Bosse and Councilmember Robert Wunderlich to discuss the properties in December. Both projects have retaining walls, confirmed Beverly Hills Director of Community Development Susan Healy Keene, subjected to Category 5 review. If the retaining walls do not comply, the projects would have to be redesigned to comply or seek an R-1 Permit for the retaining walls from the Planning Commission. No other part of the project would come under consideration. If they receive the R-1 Permits, they can continue the projects. The projects can still be called up by any member of the City Council for further review The homes are currently being reviewed for by-right status, said Keene. When they are by-right, they will send their findings to GeoKinetics, a third-party engineering firm, to confirm they are 1,500 cubic yards or less on each property. There will be a public presentation and a separate presentation to the applicant by GeoKinetics to explain their findings.
Greystone Concours Car Show on Hiatus By Victoria Talbot In a press release Thursday, the City announced that the Greystone Concours d’Elegance car show held at the Doheny Greystone Mansion for the past eight years is going on hiatus while the City of Beverly Hills and the organizers evaluate the timing and format of the event. The event typically features some of the world’s most luxurious and rare vehicles.
The City plans to meet with stakeholders to discuss ways to ensure the long-term sustainability of the event and to develop options that would maximize the funds raised, which support the restoration and maintenance of Greystone Mansion. The City is also reconsidering the timing of the event to enhance the benefit to residents and to better complement other events held in the City.
Beverly Hills To Celebrate Kindness Week Feb. 11-17 By Victoria Talbot Spreading kindness will be the focus of events happening throughout the City next week. The Beverly Hills Human Relations Commission (HRC) will kick off National Kindness Week Sunday at the Farmers’ Market where participants can take the Kindness Pledge in exchange for a Celebrate Kindness pin. The HRC and the Beverly Hills Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) will join Walk with the Mayor Monday to
promote the event and hand out pins. On Tuesday, TAC and the HRC will practice kindness reading books at the Public Library to kids and making Valentines’ cards for seniors at Roxbury Park and La Cienega Park. The cards will be delivered to seniors on Valentine’s Day. Spreading the love, TAC will read books about kindness to Kindergarteners at Adventure Camp after school, and on Friday, leading a clean-up effort at Beverly Hills High School.
DUI Checkpoint The Beverly Hills Police will conduct a DUI/Drivers License Checkpoint tonight at Sunset Boulevard/Sierra Drive between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. Officers will be looking for signs of impairment while checking drivers for proper licensing.
February 9, 2018 | Page 21
PUBLIC NOTICES Valuable items found morning of 10/31/2017 at Roxbury Drive and Carmelita Avenue. To claim, call the Beverly Hills Police Department within 7 days of this notice at 310-285-2151 and describe the property. Gindi Maimonides Academy is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its hiring of personnel, nor does it discriminate in it admissions policies. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018008676 The following is/are doing business as: ALMA BLUE 4061 Wade St. #J, Los Angeles, CA 90066; Nayle Mouannes 4061 Wade St. #J, Los Angeles, CA 90066; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Nayle Mouannes, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: January 11, 2018; Published: January 19, 26, February 02, 09, 2018 LACC N/C FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018008677 The following is/are doing business as: ALLBRIA ENTERPRISES 9190 W. Olympic Blvd. #292, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Allen Ashkenazi 9190 W. Olympic Blvd. #292, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Brian Ashkenazi 9190 W. Olympic Blvd. #292, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; The business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed September 01, 2017: Allen Ashkenazi, Partner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: January 11, 2018; Published: January 19, 26, February 02, 09, 2018 LACC N/C NOTICE— Fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14400, et seq., Business and Professions Code).
PUBLIC NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED FUNDS BEING HELD BY THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS The City of Beverly Hills hereby provides notice to owners of record of unclaimed funds in the City’s possession that the unclaimed funds will escheat to the City by operation of law if not claimed by the date and time set forth below. Below is a list of unclaimed funds in the City’s possession that have not been claimed, along with the owners of record. This publication notice is the final notice to the owners that these moneys will escheat to the City at 12:01 am on April 11, 2018 by operation of law pursuant to Government Code sections 50050 through 50056, if not claimed by the date specified below. Any claim for these unclaimed funds must be received by the City no later than 5:30 pm on April 10, 2018. Claims should be filed with the City of Beverly Hills, Accounting Division, ATTN: Unclaimed Property, 455 N Rexford Dr #350, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. A claim form may be obtained from the Accounting Division or on the City’s website at: Proof of identity will be required. 211 Building Co 168.88, 300 S Wetherly, LLC 168.07, 400 South Beverly Dr, LLC 101.48, 658 Park Lane Trust 656.52, Adam Ye 28.00, Alex Yemendjian 68.80, Ali Khosravi 69.74, Amanda Duffy 78.35, Andre Vargas 63.00, Andrew R Thomas 28.00, Angalynn B Turner 28.00, Anne Minshull 17.00, Arthur Lalonde 58.00, Audigier Brand Mgt Group LLC 819.25, Avry Mizrahi 114.36, Bal Rajagopalan 385.23, Bekim Veseli 28.00, Bell & Ammo 212.00, Bernhard & Ludmilla Lille 192.94, Bruce & Sherri Margolin 218.45, Bundy's Lock & Safe Co., Inc.
59.95, Candia International 916.18, Cathy Yoo 109.00, Christine Snider 28.00, Clara Shin 512.89, CSA Service Center 480.68, Cynthia Rodriguez 20.00, D & S Williams-Elm St Prop 228.98, Dagmar 52.34, Dan Ashoori 101.29, Daniel Golshirazian 340.53, David Ben Eliyahu 111.86, David Valdes 28.00, Debbie Mansouri 152.00, Diner En Blanc International 234.50, E.I.J. Inc 71.10, Edgewater Inc 71.04, Edward Sinata 1,757.98, Egeda US Inc 672.52, Eileen Ludwick 606.23, Elaine Beckmann 17.00, Elayne Levkowitz 58.00, Elizabeth Rosenfeld 64.00, Elvira Arevalo 78.00, Erika Marie Trevino 28.00, Ezra Anzaruth 1,038.13, Faisal Alsabah 856.48, Fuddruckers, Inc #393 902.44, Geoffrey Ertel 230.00, Geraldine V Gladstone 273.24, Glenn Rosen 484.11, Gloria Ruiz 22.00, Guys 114.02, H2 Films 231.15, Harold Guilfoil 186.61, Harry Joe Brown, Jr. 369.32, Heinz Healey 55.00, Hilton Inns Inc 2,271.28, Jack & Linda Banafsheha 1,087.22, Jack Or Mercedeh Tour 58.67, Jack Shanfeld 173.34, Jacob Taban 28.00, James Andrew Sotomayor 28.00, James Henry Zukin 28.00, Jean S Marks 613.65, Jefferey Goldstein 63.00, Jenkins Juanita E Wilson 28.00, Jerome B Davidson 119.79, Joe Weller 920.93, John Shaouli 191.48, Julia Perry 154.97, Julie Tseng 28.00, Kamran Toubian 30.00, Katherine Basha 38.30, Kim Yoon 612.13, Kretz Media Holding 183.00, Krishna Neman 798.43, Kyungjoon Kim 306.75, La Premier Flowers 260.21, Lalique California Inc 393.41, Mahsa Arasteh 16.00, Malibu Road LLC 71.50, Manuel Ramirez 139.00, Manuel Ramirez 165.00, Maple Associates Ltd 160.38, Margaret Alkana 370.21, Maria Sutherland 25.00, Marjorie Lewis 145.00, Massoud Yashouafar 28.00, Matthew Marciano 500.00, Matthew Marciano 550.00, Max Beesley 175.23,
1 52-story Boston skyscraper, familiarly 7 Brass instrument with a mellow sound 15 ____ Malfoy, student at Hogwarts 20 Sorkin and Spelling 21 Kind of equinox 22 Puerto ____ 23 “Stop! You’re killing me!” 25 ____-garde 26 Give some lip 27 Uncut 28 More than willing 30 For whom the Lorax speaks 31 Internet home to “Between Two Ferns” 34 Latin for “womb” 38 Monsieur’s mate 41 Y or N, maybe 42 Shakespeare character who says, “This above all: to thine own self be true” 45 Actor Jason 47 Zugspitze, e.g. 50 A person skilled at deadpan has one 52 What “4” may stand for 54 French river or department 55 Beseech 56 Advert’s ending? Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 4,000 past puzzles, ANSWERS FOUND IN NEXT ($39.95 a year).
57 Designer Geoffrey 58 Carrier to Karachi 61 Tugboat sounds 65 Decked out 67 Unimpressed response to someone’s one-liner 72 ____ intolerance 73 Novo-Ogaryovo is the official one of the Russian president 74 Lavatory sign 75 Hawke of “Training Day” 76 Regrettable 79 Broadway’s Hagen 81 “Roméo et Juliette” segment 85 Coin-toss call 86 Stand-up chain started in Los Angeles 92 Big engine additive 93 Log-in needs 94 Verbally assail 95 “Iglu,” for “igloo”: Abbr. 97 Cover over, in a way 99 Start limping 100 It might involve someone being “so poor” or “so old” 104 “____, amigo” 107 Count ____ 108 Nail-salon employees, at times 110 Its “reeds are a pain / And the fingering’s insane,” per Ogden Nash 114 Lipinski and Reid 115 “Jeez … lighten up!” 120 Be grandiloquent
121 To this day, Marie Curie’s are still radioactive 122 Mystery 123 Lacoste and Descartes 124 Star of 1976’s Oscar winner for Best Picture 125 Smoothed in a shop DOWN
1 Some body art, for short 2 “Hilarious!” 3 Noteworthy times 4 Lobster traps 5 Med. professionals who take a pledge named for Florence Nightingale 6 Welcomes 7 Plaster 8 Condition for filmdom’s Rain Man 9 Suffix with speed 10 “Oh, what the hell … I’ll do it” 11 “Uh, you’ve told me quite enough” 12 Where Michael Jordan played coll. ball 13 Meadow call 14 Poet Ginsberg 15 “Game of Thrones” creature 16 Joan who quipped ”A Peeping Tom looked in my window and pulled down the shade” 17 “Pick ____ …” 18 “Pretty please?” 19 Doing a pirouette, say 24 Poison ivy, e.g.
29 Some sneakers 30 Something carried onstage? 31 “Terrif!” 32 Fifth category of taste with a Japanese name 33 “Peter ____ Greatest Hits” (1974 album) 34 High hairstyle 35 Doughnut figures 36 Late ’50s singing sensation 37 One of many scattered in a honeymoon suite, maybe 39 Light bark 40 Cry from Homer 43 Kind of port for a flash drive 44 Manage 46 Night vision? 47 Bowl 48 Maid’s armful 49 Made an appeal 51 Hymn starter 52 Habitation 53 Around the time of birth 59 Chains 60 Car-rental giant 62 Poet who wrote “Fortune and love favor the brave” 63 Org. that offers Pre✓ enrollment 64 ____ fly 66 One on the left?: Abbr. 67 Greatly bother 68 TV blocking device 69 Tops 70 Finish all at once, in a way
Max Mutchnick 4,612.80, Melissa James 22.00, Michael Benjamin Wunderman 28.00, Michael Flint 63.00, Michael Levinson 232.38, Michael R Weverstad 28.00, Moradi Hakimeh 68.00, Mrs. Muriel Lipsey 1,132.36, Ms. Hankin 22.00, Nataniel S Ustayev 28.00, New West Records 272.00, North Six Productions 424.00, Ok I Moon 138.75, Pablo Teles Venturas 63.00, Pat Tourk Lee 287.52, Patricia Ariani 22.00, Pendeleton Trust 106.35, Philip Barry 1,167.23, Philip Press 164.43, Philippe Cottet 263.54, Phyllis Chow 109.80, Phyllis Factor 1,376.45, Phyllis Klein 58.00, Price Inc Guy 813.43, R Lane Est Inc/Debtor In Possession 9,180.24, Rachel Wang 56.00, Richard Kahn 22.00, Richard Sandeman 60.00, Richard Velonskis 28.00, Ricki Alon 510.55, Rka Consulting Group 745.00, Robert Lamm 461.10, Robert Wunderlich 200.00, Robin Songhorian 28.00, Ronnie Barokh 213.96, Ruben Perez 31.00, Ruben Perez 31.00, Salar Yaghoubian 28.00, Sam & Ilona Kalt 1,055.63, Sara M Vicendese 28.00, Sharon Vener 298.77, Sheena P Rao 35.00, Sima Swearingen 63.00, Simon Pugh 34.00, Starmps Productions 1,293.00, Steve & Lori Geller 387.23, Suk Kim 537.48, Sylvia Mclin 158.00, Taylor Yael 22.00, Tell The Film, LLC 90.00, Terri Figearo 472.46, Terrie/Barry Rebell 1,200.00, Theodore Rhodes 353.81, Tina Schuchman 64.00, Tina Walter 63.00, Tyrone Wong Or Lynn Bruce 28.00, Vania Arriaza Polarski 110.00, Warren J Kessler 206.70, William Cannon 60.00, William Durst 196.16, William L Wine 28.00, Wilshire Blvd BH, LLC 247.83, Wilshire-Dohenyassoc Ltd 194.75, Wilshire-Dohenyassoc Ltd 232.87, Xiuzhong Gu 600.00, Yudson Gondobintoro 196.00, Zack Albetta 145.00 Zekaria Javedanfar 56.00
30 36
79 87
108 116
99 105
71 Things taken by government officials 72 “Sounds like a plan!” 77 “Don’t be ____!” 78 ____ Walcott, Nobel Prize-winning poet 80 Patriots’ org. 82 Bad state to be in 83 Mine transport 84 Modern party summons
93 95
64 70
56 61
55 58
87 Euros replaced them 88 Bustle 89 Grp. that puts on a show 90 Fleets 91 Wall St. bigwigs 93 Like Mount Narodnaya 95 Empty 96 Brings a smile to 98 Like some angels and dominoes
100 Champion 101 Airport that J.F.K. dedicated in 1963 102 Erin of “Joanie Loves Chachi” 103 Locks up 105 Concoct 106 Bug 108 Jester 109 Feeling
110 Anthony Hopkins’s “Thor” role 111 City NNE of San Antone 112 “My treat!” 113 “My stars!” 116 Cambodia’s Angkor ____ 117 Court org. 118 Skit show, for short 119 What makes you you?
Page 22 | February 9, 2018
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Page 24 | February 9, 2018
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* BEVERLY HILLS * School District 8725 Clifton Way Newly Remodeled Large & Spacious
2 Bd.+Den+2.5 Ba.
Pool, central air, ••••••••• locked intercom entry, Lrg. unit. balcony, parking, elevator.
Marty: 310/293-2205
2 BEDROOM, 2 BATHS $9,000/mo. Upper with balcony, brand •PLAZA TOWERS• 10000 SANTA MONICA new wood floors, lots of 838 N. DOHENY DRIVE $10,000/mo. to $59,000/mo. closet space, all appliances A Modern Living Space and laundry facility. BEL AIR CREST Parking available. No pets. $9,000/mo. to $125,000/mo. $2,750/MO. Some Complexes include Call 310/278-4884
2 APARTMENTS Near Bverly Hills 2 BDRM, 2 BATHS & 1 BDRM, 1 BATH
Call 818/881-0949 or 818/342-3401
11931 Goshen Ave.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Brand New Bldg. Large Luxury Units BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. 120 S. Swall Dr. • 2 Bd. + 2 1/ 2 Ba. • • • • • • • • • • 3 Bd. + 3 1/ 2 Ba. • • Very private, hi-ceilings, • 1 Bd.+1 Bath • • large veranda, luxury kitchen+bathrooms, • 2 Bd.+2 Bath • walk-in closet, all new • • • • • • • •
appliances, washer/dryer Very Spacious, A/C, in unit, central air, prkg. balcony, intercom entry, Please Call: 310/312-9871 on-sight laundry, prkg.
shops, cafes & transportation. 424/303-7142
• Easy Move-In •
—————–––– BRENTWOOD
•• • • • • • • • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • • • French doors in bdrm. • open to large balcony • overlooking pool •
Light and bright upper with hardwood floors, laundry facility and 2 car parking space. $2,450MO. 918 S. BEDFORD Sam: 310/422-6026
Close to Cedars, •••••• Beverly Center • restaurants, shopping • Jr. Executive Beverly Hills Adj. 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath & transportation. •
424/272-6596 •
Close to Brentwood Village, Restaurants, UCLA, Mt. Saint Mary’s, & Transportation.
walk-in closet, central air, intercom entry, laundry facility, Close to Cedars-Sinai, elevator, parking. Beverly Center, • CHARMING & BRIGHT •
• 310/276-1528 •
* * * * * * * *
Large units, walk-in closet, custom kitchen, built-in washer/dryer, all appliances, hardwood floors throughout, some units w/ skylights+high ceilings. Health club, wifi, sauna, heated pool, controlled acess, parking.
Both units includes, fridge, oven, dishwaser and microwave.
————— ————— —————
Great Location! ————— —————
2 Bd.+1 Ba. • $3,150 Beverly Hills X-LARGE ELEGANT APT. 138 N. Hamilton Dr. • Newly Updated • W/ granite kitchen & bath, • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •
• 2 B d . + 2 1/ 2 B a . • 3 B d . + 2 1/ 2 B a .
• GORGEOUS UNITS • Hardwood flrs., central air, pool, elevator, on-site laundry, intercom entry.
Easy Move-In! *1+1 only 320 N. La Peer Dr.
• 310/246-0290 •
310 S. Sherbourne Dr. 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath
• •••••••
Rooftop pool, deck, central air, Balcony, hardwood flrs., elevator, intercom elevator, controlled entry, on-sight laundry, access pool, on-site gym, parking. • Free WiFi Access • laundry, parking. Newly Remodeled.
~ 310/476-3824 ~ 310/247-8689 BRENTWOOD & Close to Cedars Sinai, U.C.L.A. CLOSE Shops, Transportation
————— ————— • BRENTWOOD • • BRENTWOOD • 922 S. Barrington Av.
• 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • Fireplace, balcony, wet bar, dishwasher, laundry facility, elevator, parking.
Close to shops+dining. 310/826-0541
872 S. Westgate Ave.
= = = = = = Very Bright 2 Bdrm.+11/2 Bath = = = = = = Totally Redone. Harwood+carpet floors, fireplace, patio, parking, laundry facility.
Newly Updated 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath
1236 Amhearst Ave. 1 0 9 0 5 O h i o A v e . 615 S. Cochran Ave.
• Spacious • 3 Bdrm. + 2 Bath • Spacious Units •
Dishwasher, on-site laundry, parking. C LOSE TO F REEWAY & T RANSPORTATION .
—————–––– W E S T L . A .
Wifi, Bright, controlled access, balcony, pool, e levator, laundry facility, prkg.
—————–––– 2 Bdrm.+1 Bath
3830 Vinton Ave.
1380 Midvale Ave.
• • • • • • 1 Bd. + Den + 1 Ba. Single • • • • • •
WiFi, pool, elevator, controlled access, onsight laundry, parking. Close to U.C.L.A.
* * * *
Bd. + 1 Ba.
TOP DOLLAR PAID Call 310/289-9561 *
* * * * *
472 Newly Remodeled Great Views PIANOS Great views, controlled FOR SALE access, balcony, 1971 Steinway M. elevator, lrg. pool, prkg, on-sight laundry. Grand Piano H IKING IN R UNYON Black Ebony Artcase C ANYON , H OLLYWOOD 5.7ft. Bench Included B OWL /N IGHTLIFE .
323/467-8172 —————–––– —————
In great condition!
Fantastic tone & touch. Used by International
access, parking, ∞∞∞∞∞∞ STUNNING elevator, on-site laundry. ∞ CHICKERING • Luxury Living • Close to shopping, great restaurants GRAND PIANO. with valet, lush garden and Metro. 1941. 5’10” surrounding pool, 213/738-9849 Ivory keys. Burled Walnut gym, elevator, etc. Hardwood flrs., granite LAFAYETTE PARK case. Bench included. counters, dishwasher, 274 LAFAYETTE PARK PL. Currently owned by LA central air, balcony, • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath Philharmonic Musician laundry facility.
~ ~ ~ ~ • WESTWOOD •
Newly Remodeled. •• • New hrwd. flrs., stain• • •• less steel appl., balcony, Pool, sauna, controlled access, intercom entry, on-site laundry, prkg. elevator, on-site laundry, parking. 1307 Barry Ave. 310/473-1509 All Utilities Paid. SMALL QUIET BLDG. 310/841-2367
—————–––– —————
Close to Museums, The Grove & Restaurants.
Close To U.C.L.A. * HOLLYWOOD * 310/477-6856 1134 N. SYCAMORE AV.
1370 Veteran Ave. wet bar, dishwasher, Fireplace, balcony, 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath laundry facility, dishwasher, intercom •••• •• elevator, parking. •••• • entry, elevator, gated • Balcony, air conditioning Close to shops+dining. parking, gym, pool. dishwasher, controlled 310/826-0541 • Close to Beach • access bldg., WiFi, 310/394-7132 pool, on-sight laundry, BRENTWOOD gym, parking. 11618 Kiowa Ave. • • • • • W E S T L . A . 310/477-6885 • • Free WiFi • • • Newly Updated 1433 Armacost Ave. Close to U.C.L.A. Call: 310/470-4474 • Single « « « « « « « • WESTWOOD • La Cienega & Pico • Bachelor • • • • Unfurnished 1422-1428 Kelton Av. • • 2 Bd. 2 Ba. + • • Luxury Units A/C, internet access, Spacious B RIGHT & S PACIOUS . 3 Bdrm. + 2 Bath pool, controlled access, New Kitchens, Balcony, dishwasher, 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • New Appliances. on-sight laundry. No pets. controlled access Hardwood floors, Hardwood floors, Close to Whole Foods, laundry facility, parking. on-sight laundry, prkg. dishwasher, controlled Transportation Call Luisa: 310/479-0700 access, WiFi, on-site and Restaurants. 213/884-5447 laundry & parking. 310/826-4889 ~ WEST ~ C LOSE TO U.C.L.A.
Newly Remodeled • Single • Controlled access, on-sight laundry, a/c unit, kitchenette. 323/879-9611
10530-10540 • • • • • Opera Singer. microwave, intercom Wilshire Bl. Spacious entry, on-sight laun∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 Bdrm + 1 Bath Appraised at $22,000 ∞ dry, parking & WiFi. Accepting Best Offer. 1 Bdrm + 2 Bath ∞ Very close to UCLA 760/341-4441 • • • • • & Westwood Village. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • Balcony, controlled 310/208-5166
SANTA MONICA 310/312-9871 Shopping & Dining in 8 0 8 4 t h S t . Brentwood Village * * * 1 Bd.+Den+1 Ba. * * • BRENTWOOD • * * * 922 S. Barrington Av. * * • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • L ARGE , U NIQUE WESTWOOD Fireplace, balcony, AND G ORGEOUS .
• • 2 Bd.+2 Ba.• • 2 Bdrm.+2 Bath •• 2+2 Penthouse •• 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • •• Dishwasher, a/c, •• •• • controlled access, •
310/449-1100 on-site parking Balcony, dishwasher, 2600 Virginia Ave. & laundry facility. a/c, heated pool, C LOSE TO S ANTA 310/820-8584 WiFi, elevator M ONICA C OLLEGE . controlled access, on-site laundry, prkg. Close to S A N TA M O N I C A 1628 S. Westgate Ave. Brentwood Village, N o r t h o f W i l s h i r e X-St. Santa Monica Bl. Shops & Restaurants. • CONDO QUALITY • ~ 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. ~ B r i g h t & A i r y. • 310/826-4889 • 8 4 3 4 th S t . Intercom entry, on-sight * * * * * parking, on-sight laundry BRENTWOOD Newly Remodeled facility, courtyard patio. The Carlton 11666 Goshen Ave. 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath Close to transportation. Balcony, a/c, wet bar, 310/820-1810 (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) large closets, walk-in Very Spacious • WESTWOOD • Single+Loft+1 Ba. closet, controlled 550 Veteran Ave. Single + 1 Ba. access, elevator, ( • ) ( • ) ( • ) ( • ) ( • ) laundry room, parking. • • • • • WiFi, central air/heat, Heated pool/gym/sauna. • 2 B d . + 2 Ba. • fireplace, balcony, 310/473-5061 ••••• controlled access, 4 Blks. to Beach. Very spacious, pool, elevator, parking, granite counters, laundry facility.
February 9, 2018 | Page 25
10933 Rochester Ave.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Bd.+2 Ba.
Spacious a/c, fireplace, pool, controlled access, laundry fac., prkg.
• Free WiFi Access • 310/473-5061
Close To U.C.L.A.
•••••• Granite counter tops, Excellent condition. 14K Comsky stainless steel appliances, air conditioned, new 310/895-6145 hrwd. flrs., designer finishes, balcony, ceiling 475 fan, elevator, controlled Garage/Estate access. Fitness ctr, yoga Sale room, wi-fi, skyview lounge w/ outdoor fireplace, laundry facilities. **MOVING SALE** EVERYTHIG MUST GO! 213/382-102 1 Easy freeway access Furniture, Chandeliers,
We Will —————–––– Household Items, File Your LOS ANGELES Crystals, Clothing and 401 S. HOOVER St. DBA for • • • • • • • • Much Much More!!! • 1 Bd. + FREE!! FRI. SAT. & SUN. 1 Ba. (No Service Fee)
For More Information Please Call: 310.278.1322
• • • • • • • • •
10AM - 5PM
Control access, pool, 9476 Hidden Valley Pl. dishwasher, elevator, B EVERLY H ILLS , 90210 on-site laundry For more information call: and parking. 310/385-5944 213/385-4751
Page 26 | February 9, 2018
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February 9, 2018 | Page 27
Chairman 2014 Paula Kent Meehan President & Publisher Marcia Wilson Hobbs
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR On Jan. 23 and 30, the Board of Education held public meetings to discuss possible reconfiguration of the schools in BHUSD. Several comments were made by the public, and at least one boardmember, that the Future Focused School Team (FFST) was led to a specific conclusion. This echoed earlier comments by some community members that “the fix was in” and FFST’s recommendation for a consolidated middle school was predetermined. We recognize these comments represent a very small minority of our community, which has been very respectful of the FFST, even when individuals disagreed with our recommendations. Nonetheless, for purposes of transparency and clarity, the FFST thought it important to reiterate the process through which we arrived at our recommendations. While the superintendent helped facilitate our meetings, he did not provide opinions nor indicate a preference as to reconfiguration options. While we were provided materials generated by the district, we were encouraged to independently investigate the issues and request additional documentation – our members certainly did that. (For links to the documents we reviewed, visit our webpage on, including our final FFST written report. There were no documents requested that were withheld from our review except for the sample master schedules prepared by the superintendent and his cabinet to calculate costs and savings of different configurations. Release of that information would be unfair to the staff and cause unnecessary stress and anxiety due to its highly sensitive nature, which could be interpreted to infer which positions would be kept, transferred or cut. Material provided to the FFST, which included significant academic research that favored the K-8 model provided by the community, was distributed to every member of the FFST. We seriously debated the various aspects of the reconfiguration issue, including whether FFST should simply list potential models with pros and cons and not make a recommendation at all. Ultimately, the FFST voted to make a definitive recommendation and reached an overwhelming consensus on a 19 to 1 vote, with one abstention, to recommend a consolidated middle school. The FFST reached its conclusions based on each member’s own independent analysis, continuous interaction with the broader community, and discussions with one another. Reasons for FFST’s recommendation include the following: •BHUSD trails behind comparable districts, despite spending more per student; •There is institutionalized inequity in our district. With so few middle school students on each campus, no school is able to offer robust and diverse programs and the specific programs currently in place are not equitably offered across the four campuses; •The district has not effectively adopted or implemented middle school philosophy (i.e., interdisciplinary teaching, robust extra-curricular options, flexible grouping of students, proper concentration of resources, teacher collaboration opportunities and significant professional learning opportunities); •The district does not have the necessary concentration of students (i.e. critical mass) at any one school site to effectively deliver the middle school philosophy; •In the district, numerous teachers are teaching multiple grade levels and/or dividing their time amongst the campuses. This undermines their ability to differentiate education for our students, pursue professional development and collaborate effectively. The FFST concluded that a consolidated middle school is the most effective model in addressing these shortcomings and therefore, recommended: •One consolidated middle school (6th-8th grade) and three TK-5th grade schools; •An interim step of closing one school site, with a strategic planning committee formed to address the issues necessary to support implementation by fall 2019 or 2020; •Formation of an implementation committee to address the issues necessary to ensure the effective implementation of a consolidated middle school model. The FFST is deeply aware of the significant impact on our entire community any change will have. Accordingly, we urge the Board of Education to take a slow, steady and studied approach to ensure an effective implementation of a consolidated middle school (or any other change to be undertaken). We are honored to serve our community and help focus us all on making the fundamental and difficult changes needed to educate our children for the future.
BHUSD Future Focused Schools Team: Kevin Allen, Teri Angel, Jocelyn Bresnick, Merle Bauer, Kimberly Combs, Lee Egerman, Mark Frenn, Fred Gluckman, Kari Kramer, Jory Lindsay, Mark Mead, Sean Nassirzadeh, Molly Peterson, Jonathan Prince, Franny Rennie, Mark Slavkin, Ethan Smith, Ronit Stone, Kim Timmerman, Tristen Walker ****** This past week, Hawthorne's middle school was designated as high-performing by the California Schools to Watch program–a distinction conferred on only 1 percent of the state’s middle schools. This stands in sharp contrast to a narrative that Beverly Hills schools can't deliver quality programming at the middle school level, and therefore require reconfiguration along the lines of Santa Monica and LAUSD. As a result, a majority of parents in the community are left scratching their head at calls to scrap the TK-8 model coming from members of the BHUSD Board of Education and district staff. Study after study shows that TK-8 schools deliver better results, and more than 100 years of experience in Beverly Hills proves it. Can our academic programs be improved? Always. Many of us are simply not convinced that adopting the educational model of our neighbors is the way to do it. William Shinbrot ****** Might we pause…. So proud of our educational community for its boundless passion and commitment for serving the best interests of our children. With this in mind, I now write having had the excellent fortune to have been raised here and the opportunity to return and raise our children and avail them of our public schools. After serving as PTA president of El Rodeo and PTA Council, I have seen the middle school configuration visited and revisited, each time with lengthy, comprehensive, open-minded studies by many of our top educators. Each time, they’ve come back with the same results. A middle school will allow us the greatest academic flexibility for our kids while strongly addressing their emotional and social needs. Consistently, as well, the idea has been tabled. The current advisory committee has again weighed in, favoring such a configuration. Given today’s school district severe financial realities, such a transformation may be necessary. I understand well the parents’ concerns, with our recent track record of incredible administrative volatility and the demanding challenges the schools’ modernization has imposed, and so I submit, the board should postpone for six months, until September, any transformation for the following reasons: 1. A scenario requiring the closing of one of our schools, while leaving three K-8’s in place demands a considerable relocation of our children while leaving vacant a precious asset; 2. More time is still necessary to process parental concerns regarding the proposed middle school configuration. In addition, before any change, there should be a detailed implementation process requiring a concise formulation regarding curriculum and overall educational delivery of such a plan. 3. This educational planning allows administrators and teachers more time to thoughtfully develop these critical details before actual implementation. I believe we have enough money in our reserves to tide us over for one more year. Understanding this is not an ideal situation, the serious importance of fleshing this out possibly outweighs any negatives. Surely this preparation will be incredibly informative, providing the all–important game plan. Everyone will have more time to digest this interesting option, and it will take the decision-making out of the abstract. In so doing, it could well mitigate many of the understandable and reasonable fears, as well as provide the opportunity for more cohesion and unity amongst us. Patti T. Tanenbaum ****** At the Tuesday night BHUSD Board of Education meeting, Boardmember Mel Spitz attempted to defend his statement: “We are on a trajectory toward insolvency.” His statement is neither true nor new. Over the past 5-1/2 years Mr. Spitz has constantly propounded this theme: “The financial problems of the district have become critical. The financial condition of the district is unsound.” (4/29/15) or: “The district has been operating at annual deficits over the past several years. The district has reached the point when we must take action to avoid insolvency.” (1/5/17) Is our Beverly Hills Unified School District really on a trajectory toward insolvency? No! Here are the facts: For the past five years the district has not had an audited deficit budget.
Cartoon for the Courier by Janet Salter
Astrology By Holiday Mathis TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 9). You'll strike upon your next calling. This will take a while to put together. You'll do steady research and development then you'll really get it going in May. Day trips will be lucky for you. There's so much to see very close to you, and you'll bond with loved ones over the experiences you create. Sagittarius and Cancer adore you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Super-sight is yours today. You'll see how it really is and how it will be, too. Although you should be warned not to make any decision based purely on the potential in things. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). When it all starts to get out of hand, that will be a positive occurrence -- an affirmation that your life is a co-creation with the universal forces. So, you can't control it all. Good! Why would you ever want to? ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19). You're not the weather; you're the sky. Do you see the sky clinging to the puffy white clouds or trying to trap the rain in one place? The sky doesn't have to push or pull the weather along. It only needs to let it happen. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20). Your reputation proceeds you. And don't worry: It's stellar, not because of your excellent public relations plan, but because you do the right thing consistently and people trust you. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The details of self-care will be worth every penny and hour you spend on them. It's not about being who they want you to be. It's about a presentation that allows you to lose all self-conscious so you can relax and be your best. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You're willing to take the necessary steps to further your professional life, except you're not so sure what they are. Ask someone who's been there. Bonus points if they have nothing to lose or gain from your decisions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). People will perform to their potential because of the example of excellence you set. So don't worry about leading your people. You'll lead them just by being masterly at what you do. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). On a viral video, a boy waves slowly to a lizard. The lizard waves slowly back. Some laugh. Some say it's a coincidence. Some take it as a sign, but of what? You look for evidence of CGI: You're not a skeptic, but you're nobody's fool. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). What allows you to have more people in your life? A firm set of rules about relationships, that's what. With awesome boundaries and structures in place, you won't be afraid to be taken advantage of or ill-appreciated. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Pay attention to the things you do when you're supposed to be doing something else. Those activities are more than mere distractions. They are pulling you for a reason. Could they be a key to your purpose? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Although it's never too late to set things straight, think twice before you do it. Make sure you have all relevant information and you know how you feel about it. There's nothing worse than having to take back amends. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There's so much hype in and around today with people wanting you to buy things, buy into their story, etc. Disconnect from the drama-barrage in favor of simple pleasures such as a walk, a cup of tea or the experience of beauty. In 2012, the district had reserves of $3 million. Today they have reserves of $17 million. In 2012, Moody's Investor's Service had the district at Aa1. Today the BHUSD is at the highest rating possible, Aaa. I'm reminded of the boy who cried wolf when there was no wolf. But when a wolf did appear, no one listened to him. If Mr. Spitz keeps lying about the district facing insolvency, no one will listen to him if it ever does face a financial crisis. Lastly, the BHUSD’s supposedly “dire financial state” has been a basis for the reconfiguration discussion. According to Mr. Spitz our TK-8 system is subpar educationally, and our middle school students are deprived of a quality education under the TK-8 model. If this is true, why has Hawthorne School retained its “School to Watch” designation for 2017-18, one of only 24 middle schools in California to earn this designation, schools must complete an extensive application that is reviewed by middle grades experts. Who to believe? Mr. Spitz or the experts? I know whom I believe. Our school board should continue to work to improve our schools, but spending hours/days discussing an issue that is based on falsities is not constructive. Lewis Hall ******
Page 28 | February 9, 2018