BHCourier E-edition 092118

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Goodbye Summer! Fall Starts Saturday



EMMY NIGHT — The stars were out in full force on Monday for the 70th annual Primetime Emmy Awards. All the big stars, and winners, hit the official HBO Emmy After Party late Monday after the awards at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood. Pictured right: John Oliver, host of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, which won Outstanding Variety Talk Series and Sydney Sweeney, star of HBO miniseries Sharp Objects and Hulu's The Handsmaid's Tale. For more Emmy’s after party photos, see pages 6-7. Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie


Beverly Hills Style This week’s Courier includes the fall 2018 edition of Beverly Hills Style, highlighting expert tips and information on arts and culture, cuisine, fashion, philanthropy and technology, as well as a comprehensive listing of this fall’s top charity and community events. 13 •Health & Wellness •Birthdays •Letters to the Editor

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September 21, 2018

Planning Commission Approves Calle Vista, Recommends Friars Club Approval To City Council By Victoria Talbot Last week, in two controversial decisions, the Beverly Hills Planning Commission voted 3-2 on both projects to approve three R-1 Permits for 1115 Calle Vista Drive and to recommend to the City Council that the Friars Club project at 9908 S. Santa Monica Blvd. go forward. The three votes in favor included Chair Andy Licht, Vice Chair Alan Block, and Commissioner Joe Shooshani. Commissioners Lori Greene Gordon and Peter Ostroff could not make the findings and voted against the projects.

The project at 1115 Calle Vista, owned by media mogul Byron Allen, at 23,678 square feet, requires an R-1 Permit for the size - which includes a proposed basement of 11,003 square feet plus 12,684 square feet above ground - a pool setback and the 4,600 cubic yards of export, being removed to create a “basement,” under the “old” definition. (Since the passage of the Basement Ordinance earlier this year, if the structure “daylights” it is no longer considered a “basement.”)

By Laura Coleman On Monday morning in Federal Court, U.S. Federal Judge George Wu once again appeared sympathetic with Beverly Hills Unified School District’s years-long legal battle against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), but stopped short of ordering any real change to running the planned Purple Line under Beverly Hills High School (BHHS) as part of the Westside subway extension project Over two years ago, on Aug. 16, 2016, Wu ruled that the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) acted in an “arbitrary and capricious

manner” with respect to the environmental effects of tunneling under BHHS in order to reach the Constellation station in Century City. The planned subway route beneath Beverly Hills’ only public high school requires tunneling through pockets of methane gas and scores of abandoned oil wells. Following almost an hour of discussion at Monday’s hearing related to Wu’s Tentative Ruling of September 17, 2018 to have the FTA supplement the administrative record with additional documents, Wu directed BHUSD and the FTA to “get together” to create a list of the specific documents

Brooks Brothers Building Reportedly In Escrow For $250M Metro’s Path Under Beverly Hills High School Appears Unstoppable After Latest Court Hearing By Victoria Talbot The iconic building that was the home of Brooks Brothers clothiers in Beverly Hills for 15 years, before it closed last month, is in escrow for $250 million, $50 million short of the $300 million asking price, according to a report from the Real Deal. Jay Luchs of Newmark Knight Frank confirmed that there is a deal in the works, but did not provide details. Interestingly, the Real Deal reports that the buyer is none other than Bernard Arnault, CEO of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH). Arnault has three other

Brooks Brothers

properties on Rodeo Drive. LVMH already owns 319-323 N. Rodeo Dr. and 420 N. Rodeo Dr., which it purchased in 2012 and 2016 respectively. In March, they purchased a 6,200-square-foot, single-story building at 456 N. Rodeo (see ‘BROOKS BROTHERS’ page 12)

Game Of Thrones, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Top Emmy Awards After a one-year absence from eligibility, HBO's Game of Thrones reclaimed the title of outstanding drama series Monday This Year’s 70th Primetime Emmycast evening at the 70th Emmy Awards, Delivered Nielsen while Amazon’s The Marvelous Numbers Of 10.2 Mrs. Maisel scored a leading five Million Viewers and 2.4 honors, including outstanding Rating Among Adults comedy series. 18-49. A New All-Time For Game Of Thrones, the win Low For TV’s Hottest as best drama series was its third Night. Not As Scary win in four years. The drama As The Drops For Oscars And Grammys. based on the fantasy work of George R.R. Martin won the CLASSIFIEDS 41 Emmy in 2015 and 2016 but was George Christy, Page 6

SINCE 1965

ineligible last year, because its only new episodes during the eligibility period were part of the body of work considered for its 2016 victory. The show took home only one other prize Monday night at the Microsoft Theater in downtown Los Angeles, a supporting drama actor prize for Peter Dinklage for his role as Tyrion Lannister. It was his third Emmy win for the role. Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the story of a 1950s New (see ‘EMMYS’ page 8)


(see ‘METRO’ page 10)

CHECK, CREDIT CARD OR CASH? — Each year more than 400 Emmy statuettes are ordered for the Primetime Television Show. The winners may pay $400 to keep their awards. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.

Page 2 | September 21, 2018



October 11, 2018 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210

PROJECT ADDRESS: 9031 Olympic Boulevard (Northwest corner of Olympic Boulevard and South Wetherly Drive) The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2018, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: A request to re-authorize a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the continued operation of a vehicle service use within the building located at 9031 Olympic Boulevard (Jim Falk Lexus Automotive Group). The CUP request applies only to the 9031 Olympic Boulevard property (the “Project Site”), however, the operation of the Jim Falk Lexus servicing center is associated with properties located at 9000 Olympic Boulevard and 9001 Olympic Boulevard (“Associated Properties”), as shown on the map above. This project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the environmental regulations of the City. Upon review, the project appears to qualify for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption (Existing Facilities) in accordance with the requirements of Section 15301 of the state CEQA Guidelines. This exemption is applicable to the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. Accordingly, the Planning Commission will consider a recommendation to find the project exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. Written comments also may be submitted prior to the public hearing to the Planning Division, via mail: attn. Chloe Chen, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, or via email to Any written comments received by Tuesday, October 2, 2018 will be attached to the agenda report regarding this item. Any comments received after Tuesday, October 2, 2018, but prior the public hearing, will be distributed to the Commission under separate cover. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. Please note that any comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be considered as part of the public record. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Chloe Chen, Assistant Planner in the Planning Division at (310) 285-1194, or by email at Copies of the project plans and associated application materials are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely: Chloe Chen, Assistant Planner In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Commission Meeting Room 280A is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please call the Planning Division at (310) 285-1194 or TTY (310) 285-6881. Please notify the Planning Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you require captioning service so that reasonable arrangements can be made.

September 21, 2018 | Page 3



October 11, 2018 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2018, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS AMENDING THE BEVERLY HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY THE FINDINGS FOR CERTAIN MINOR ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN THE CENTRAL AREA OF THE CITY AND TO MODIFY THE LANGUAGE PERTAINING TO THE FINDINGS FOR CENTRAL R-1 PERMITS. The proposed Ordinance would include modifications to existing code language to add a finding for consideration by the reviewing authority for Minor Accommodation requests for certain accessory structures over 14’ in height located in the Central Area of the City and to change the language regarding findings for Central R-1 Permits. The proposed amendments included in the Ordinance would not represent changes to development standards. The proposed language changes would include: • Amendment of BHMC § 10-3-2414(E) to add a finding for consideration by the reviewing authority when considering minor accommodation requests for certain accessory structures over 14’ in height located North of Santa Monica Boulevard. With the proposed amendment, the reviewing authority must find that the potential additional height would not adversely impact adjacent properties or the public welfare, in addition to the existing findings outlined in this code section, in order to approve the request. • Amendment of BHMC § 10-3-2413(E), 10-3-2414(F) and 10-3-2453 to modify the language pertaining to the findings for Central R-1 Permits. This Ordinance and the Amendments were assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the environmental regulations of the City. There is no possibility that the proposed code amendments that are not related to any specific development proposal may have a significant effect on the environment because the modifications do not enable any physical changes in the environment. Therefore the Planning Commission finds that the Amendments are exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question would have a significant effect on the environment. Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the Commission's action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Timothea Tway, Senior Planner in the Planning Division at (310)285-1122, or by email at The case file, including associated documents are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely, Timothea Tway, AICP Senior Planner In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Commission Meeting Room 280A is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please call the Planning Division at (310) 285-1122 or TTY (310) 285-6881. Please notify the Planning Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you require captioning service so that reasonable arrangements can be made.

Beverly Hills Courier 499 N. Canon Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-278-1322 •




HEALTHY AGING IN BEVERLY HILLS — Mayor Julian Gold, a physician with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, attended the Senior Health Fair last week at Roxbury Park Community Center. Seniors were able to network with dozens of healthcare professionals and caregivers. Pictured, from left: Carol Marks, Mayor Gold and Health and Safety Commissioner Lisa Kay Schwartz. Marks may look familiar to hundreds of residents – she taught kindergarten at Hawthorne Elementary for 30 years. She and her husband have resided in Beverly Hills for 64 years. Among her students were Schwartz’s two children and Rebecca Gold, the mayor’s daughter.

Police Search Fails To Yield Suspects In Burglary Attempt

California Fire Marshal Awards BHFD’s Greg Barton With ‘Fire Chief Certification’ By Victoria Talbot Beverly Hills Fire Chief Greg Barton was awarded "Fire Chief Certification" Tuesday evening by California State Fire Marshal Dennis Mathisen at the City Council meeting, an honor that has been awarded to only a few fire chiefs throughout the state since 1998. The State Board of Fire Services established the certification as the capstone of the State's professional certification and qualification system after a study, conducted in the 1990s by the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the League of California Cities. The study identified critical attributes necessary to become a fire chief. But the application process is rigorous. Candidates are so thoroughly vetted through the

for suspects, with air support from LAPD. Burglary suspects typically “target daytime or early evening hours when residents are usually at work or out for dinner,” explained Albanese. “If anything appears suspicious or unusual, it is best to call police first. Then, if everything turns out to be ok, call us back. It is better to be safe first.” During the search, Hawthorne Elementary School was locked down. It was after school hours, so students had left the campus. The roadway was officially reopened at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday evening.

Fire Chief Greg Barton & State Fire Marshal Dennis Mathisen

state fire marshal that only 38 have so far been certified. To reach certification, they must pass a set of comprehensive performance and professional standards evaluations, as well as a comprehensive interview, by a Peer Assessment

Committee. With this certification, Beverly Hills Fire Chief Greg Barton becomes the 39th chief to have achieved this outstanding recognition for his accomplishments.

Doggie Fashion Show To Benefit Canine Companions For Independence At Skirball By Victoria Talbot Dress up the dogs and get ready for Trick-or-Treat at the Skirball Center on Oct. 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. Haute Dog LA is back with a Howl-O-Ween Disco Spooktacular Doggie Fashion Show to benefit Canine Companions, the organization that provides expertly-trained dogs for children, adults and military veterans with disabilities, free of charge. For most disabled people, a dog for independence is a dream. Canine Companions makes that dream of freedom a reality, from start to finish, by providing these canines. Doggie models and their owners will make their way down the catwalk wearing their own unique creations, hosted by actor, author and

By Victoria Talbot An attempted burglary was foiled Tuesday in the 800 block of North Rexford Drive when the two burglars found someone in the residence. The person, an employee, first phoned the homeowners, which delayed her call to police. However, BHPD officers arrived within 70 seconds of the call, and set up a perimeter. Unfortunately, it appears to have been long enough for the burglars to get away. Police received a call at 2:52 p.m., according to Lt. Elisabeth Albanese, BHPD public information officer. Officers searched the area

NOT SCARY ANYMORE—Annette Ramirez and Patch strutt the catwalk dressed for Trick or Treat at Haute Dog 2017.

comedian John O’Hurley. Celebrity judges including comedian Laraine Newman and musician/composer Paul Shaffer will decide who is the demurest, who is the most outrageous and who is the most

“couture.” Tickets are $125 and sponsorships are available. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit: or call 760901-4306.

PICK THIS TULIP — Tulip is a 5-year old, three-pound long haired Chi Yorkie mix. She is very sweet and loves going places and being around people. For more information on how to adopt Tulip, visit or call 805-379-3538.

‘Life After High School’ For Those With Special Needs By Victoria Talbot ETTA, a leading non-profit organization celebrating 25 years of service to people with Down Syndrome, autism and other developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families, will be holding a special workshop at the Beverly Hills Public Library at 7 p.m. on Oct. 16. It is free and open to the public. For families with special needs children in high school, adulthood brings new concerns. ETTA, an affiliate of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, is one of the largest service providers in Southern California for programs designed for adults with disabilities. Among those provided are residential housing, job and life skills services, case management, supported employment training and placement, adult day care programs, social and recreational programming, educational

services, transitions and social services. ETTA Director of Intake Josh Taff and Claudia Wenger, MS, will address some of the issues families face when their special needs child leaves high school. Topics will include transitional Individualized Education Program (IEP), employment and educational opportunities, independent and supportive living, financial planning and right and entitlements, and learning how to access adult services. The workshop will be held in partnership with the City of Beverly Hills through the Community Assistance Grant Funding. Space is limited: RSVP by Oct. 12 is required. To reply or for more information, email: or phone 424249-3300, ext. 238. Parking is located immediately adjacent to the library, which is located at 444 N. Rexford Dr.



La Cienega Park Focus Groups: Residents Needed For Crucial Input

EATING AWAY AT CROHN’S & COLITIS – Former Beverly Hills Mayor Nancy Krasne was honored last week at the Guts & Glory Gala for the Chrohn’s & Colitis Foundation at The Beverly Hilton. The nonprofit, volunteer organization is dedicated to finding a cure for these diseases, which affects more than 1.6 million people in the United States. Krasne has devoted much of her life to public service. Sharing the evening’s honors was Tyler James Williams, an American actor and Hip-Hop artist, diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Pictured, from left: Beverly Hills High Sophomore Elise Knebel, Honoree Nancy Krasne, Crohn's patient/advocate Tyler Carl and Ilene Knebel.

Beverly Hills Art Show To Celebrate 45 Years On Oct 20-21 By Matt Lopez The Beverly Hills Art Show will celebrate 45 years when the City hosts its fall 2018 art show on Saturday, Oct. 20 and Sunday, Oct. 21. Some 40,000 art enthusiasts from all over Southern California and beyond routinely visit the Beverly Hills Art Show to see and purchase works from more than 250 local and national artists. Visitors can expect to peruse paintings, watercolors, sculptures, photography, mixed media, ceramics, glass, jewelry, drawings and printmaking. The event will also feature art demonstrations, live music, kids art,

food trucks and a beer and wine garden under the trees. A special show called “Making Faces” will highlight the portrait-style work of several artists. Clovis Blackwell, a previous Art Show winner in Drawing and Printmaking, and Best of Show, will exhibit his work in the special feature category. The City has hosted the Art Show for 45 years, cultivating it into an annual event that the Art Fair SourceBook has listed as one of the top 25 events in Southern California for fine art sales. The fall Art Show is set for Saturday, Oct. 20 and Sunday, Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Beverly Gardens Park.

Carousel Of Hope Gala To Honor Robert De Niro At The Beverly Hilton By Matt Lopez Film icon Robert De Niro will be honored Saturday, Oct. 6, from 6:30 p.m. at the 2018 Carousel of Hope Ball in The Beverly Hilton. The biennial Carousel of Hope Ball is aimed at increasing awareness for type 1 diabetes, in addition to raising funds for clinical care and research at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes and supporting programs at the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. De Niro, star of films such as Taxi Driver, The Godfather Part II and Raging Bull, is the event’s 2018 Brass Ring Honoree.

Pe r f o r m e r s for the gala, hosted by Barbara Davis, will include gospel icon Gladys Knight and Grammy awardwinner Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds. For further information, visit:

Woman Allegedly Embezzled Money From Beverly Hills Cancer Center By Matt Lopez A Santa Clarita woman who used to work for the Beverly Hills Cancer Center was arrested this week on suspicion of embezzling $30,000 from the center, along with almost $90,000 from several nonprofit organizations, including the Girl Scouts of America. Patricia Cascione was arrested Monday at the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station on suspicion of theft by false pretense and grand theft. Cascione was a treasurer for several Girl Scout troops, including a Girl Scouts Service Unit in Santa Clarita. According to KABC7, a 15-month

investigation of Cascione uncovered that over the past five years, Cascione had embezzled more than $58,000 from the Girl Scouts bank accounts she had control over. Investigators also found that Cascione, who was formerly chief financial officer at the Beverly Hills Cancer Center, allegedly committed theft by false pretense of more than $30,000. Anyone with additional information on Cascione and any other crimes she may be involved with is asked to call the Sheriff’s Fraud and Cyber Crimes Bureau at 661-471-1534.

By Victoria Talbot The City of Beverly Hills is reaching out to obtain resident input for the possible revamp of La Cienega Park, the Community Center and the Tennis Center. Focus Groups are being conducted at La Cienega Park Community Center. It is crucial to the future of the park that community members participate to accurately assess what the Beverly Hills community wants to see done with the future of the park. The first two dates are Monday, Sept. 24 and Tuesday Sept. 25 with the following focus groups: Monday, Sept. 24 • 10-11:30 a.m. – Senior Adults • 12:30-2 p.m. – Parents of Toddlers, Preschool or Youth • 6-7 p.m. – Contractual Instructors and Park Users Tuesday, Sept 25 • 8:30 – 10 a.m. – Representatives of

Community Organizations • 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.- Tennis and Aquatics Participants • 6 – 7:30 p.m. – Parents of Youth Sports Participants The City has hired consultant Consensus and Collaborations Program (CCP) to conduct a comprehensive public engagement process to collect input from a diverse and representative base of residents about the amenities and activities that they want to see at La Cienega Park for the future. Currently, the park has a tennis complex, three ball fields, Frank Fenton Field and a small community center. Those interested in attending a focus group are asked to RSVP to Teri Angel at to reserve space. If you are unable to participate visit, or visit for more information AND THE EMMY GOES TO... – The Courier shined at the Emmy's with talent from Beverly Hills’ own Jerry Pace Agency. From left: Nick Yancey, Luke Yancey (The Bachelorette), Samuel Marland (Rodeo Drive's Battaglia Director), actress Roquel LaFayette, actress Jenna McCombie, Pierre Patrick (Beverly Hills resident of the Jerry Pace Agency), Mama Doris (Mother from To Tell The Truth and mother of Emmy Nominee Anthony Anderson), Actor Taylor Tobias, and actress Katie McDowell



George Christy

he truth of the matter? Win a Television Emmy Award, and should you plan to keep it, you must buy it. So we’re told.


esigned as a winged nymph holding an atom, the Emmy statuette was created by Louis McManus, whose wife, obviously a beauty, served as his muse. More than 47 designs were submitted before the TV Academy settled on the nymph’s graceful form, created from low grade metal covered in liquid gold.

Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie

The cost is $400. The Emmys recognize

Tracey Ullman

Amanda Crew

outstanding work in a variety of programs.


his year’s 70th primetime Emmycast delivered Nielsen numbers of 10.2 million viewers and a 2.4 rating among adults 18-49. A new all-time low for TV’s hottest night.


he painful ratings are not as scary as the drops with the Oscars and Grammy ceremonies from previous years.


osted on NBC by SNL’s Colin Jost and Michael Che, the Emmy rodeo rides on to the Fox network in 2019.

Angela Sarafyan

Actors who’ve collected

Ashley Tisdale

the most Emmy awards and handed over their $400 payment include The Veep’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mary Tyler Moore, Peter Falk, Candice Bergen, Cloris Leachman, Don Knotts, Tim Conway, Michael J. Fox, Betty White, Art Carney, Bryan Cranston, Tyne Daly, Ed Asner.


he show that’s won the most Emmys with 32 wins for 87 nominations is the longestrunning primetime series in animated television?


id you Simpsons?


Online at

Cheryl Hines

Mädchen Amick

Regina King arrived for HBO's Official 2018 Emmy After Party at the Pacific Design Center

Gina Torres

Emilia Clarke

Page 6 | September 21, 2018

Gwendoline Christie

Henry Winkler

Ione Skye


Juliette Lewis

Thandie Newton

Rumer WIllis



Malin Akerman

Arielle Kebbel

Matt Iseman


Sarah Hyland with Wells Adams

Sophia Bush

Sterling K. Brown with Ryan Michelle Bathe

Vanessa Morgan

Jessica Parker Kennedy

Kelly McCreary

Kristine Leahy

Kym Johnson Herjavec

Laverne Cox

Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie

Jasmine Savoy Brown

Padma Lakshmi was applauded on Brigitte Nielsen the Red Carpet during the 2018 Entertainment Weekly Pre-Emmy Party at Sunset Tower Hotel


Busy Philipps

Candace Cameron Bure Dascha Polanco

Garcelle Beauvais

Jackie Tohn

September 21, 2018 | Page 7

Page 8 | September 21, 2018


Beverly Hills Businesses To Be Part Of New Pacific Palisades Village By Matt Lopez Palisades Village, the highly-anticipated new shopping center from developer Rick Caruso, will officially open for business this weekend with a special ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday morning. The village will offer sev-

eral high-end shopping, dining and lifestyle establishments, including local Beverly Hills longtime favorites such as Porta Via and a Pacific Palisades branch of Gornik & Drucker barber shop, which has operated in Beverly Hills for more than 50 years. Caruso said he hopes he

created “a destination that reflects the heart and soul of this coastal community.” Aside from the wellknown Beverly Hills mainstays, other tenants include Alo Yoga, Amazon Books, Sephora and See’s Candies, among others.


him and pursue an acting career, took home two awards -- lead actor for Bill Hader and supporting actor for sentimental favorite Henry Winkler. “I was taught that you should always make the other people look good, and so what I did was I hired a bunch of really great actors that made me look really good,” said Hader, who co-created the show.

Matthew Rhys took home his first career Emmy for his work as a Soviet KGB officer posing as an American in FX's The Americans. Claire Foy, meanwhile, won her first Emmy for her role as Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix's The Crown. Thandie Newton took home the prize for supporting drama actress in HBO's Westworld. –– CNS

Continued from page 1)

York housewife launching a career as a stand-up comedian, was the big winner of the night, scoring a total of five Emmys, topped the best comedy prize. The HBO comedy Barry, about a hitman who tries to leave his violent life behind

PLANNING COMMISSION (Continued from page 1)

On Aug. 9, the commission voted 3-2 to create a resolution to be brought to the meeting on Sept. 13. Commissioner Peter Ostroff, a former partner at Sidley Austin LLP law firm, contacted staff with a problem. The existing residence is nonconforming; it is 13,232 square feet with a 483 square foot basement. The residence is grandfathered in to existing laws and was granted an exemption from the Basement Ordinance because it was already in the pipeline. A 1995 ordinance, BHMC §10-3-2550(E), set a permanent threshold for discretionary review of 15,000 square feet total, basement and above ground combined; the issue of legally nonconforming structures, such as the existing home that is 13,232 square feet, was not contemplated in the ordinance, according to the staff report. In this case, BHMC §10-32502(B)(2)(d) allows for 10,861 square feet of floor area (excluding basements). BHMC§10-3-4100 development standards allow for nonconforming structures to remain, provided that not more than 50 percent of the nonconforming structure is demolished, or reconstructed. The proposed project has 43.1 percent demolition (548 square feet, above ground). For code compliance, the project must comply with the maximum allowable floor area ratio (FAR) or it will not be eli-

gible for the 15,000 square foot Hillside R-1 Permit related to cumulative floor area, according to the 1995 ordinance, with the most restrictive code provisions applicable according to BHMC§1-1-4, said Ostroff. After a review of the applicable statutes, City Attorney David Snow agreed. Thus, the applicant must remove a total of 2,371 square feet from the above-ground portion of the project, including the 548 square feet already scheduled for demolition in the applicant’s plans to reach the FAR of 10,860 square feet. But the cumulative square feet must still remain under the 15,000 square foot threshold. The basement, at 11,003 square feet, means the project is over that limit. If the applicant removes the 2,371 square feet from the above ground square footage, the project will become eligible for an R-1 Permit to exceed the 15,000 square foot threshold – with the basement of 11,003 square feet and the above ground at 10,860 square feet. Allen can avoid the R-1 hearing entirely by lowering his basement to below 4,140 square feet so that the total basement, plus above ground, will be below the 15,000 square foot threshold. Otherwise, the applicant could seek a Zone Text Amendment or a variance for the project. That was done at 1127 Miradero Rd. in 2014. The Zone Text Amendment was denied, but the project went through with a variance. Attorney Ben Reznik, a

newly registered lobbyist for the project, argued before the commission that there was a “dichotomy” in the ordinance. He said that he was there when the Hillside Ordinance was written, though it is unclear if he meant the 1995 ordinance or the 2016 ordinance. He said that the law was not meant for existing homes; it only applied to new homes. The three commissioners who approved the R-1 Permits chose to ignore the recommendations of City Attorney Snow. Vice Chair Alan Block insisted that “all traces” of the recommendation to remove the additional 1,823 square feet and references to the ordinances pertaining to the FAR and the 1995 15,000 square footthreshold – be removed from the Resolution approving the project. “The Planning Commission majority did not concur with the city attorney’s interpretation, introduced after the Sept. 13 hearing, which determined that the applicant was not eligible to apply for the Hillside R1 permit as proposed,” said Director of Community Development Susan Healy Keene. “The project has been called up by Vice Mayor Mirisch; City Council will decide at the Oct. 9 Study Session whether to hold a subsequent de novo hearing on the project.” Ron Richards, president of the Beverly Hills Hillside Protection Association, has also called up the project. City Attorney Larry Wiener has confirmed that Councilmember Lili Bosse’s

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Michael Santoro Named The New Executive Chef Of The Beverly Hills Hotel By Matt Lopez The Beverly Hills Hotel has found a new leader for its legendary Polo Lounge, and the rest of his culinary operation. Michael Santoro, executive chef of the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, has been named The Beverly Hills Hotel’s executive chef by Edward Mady, the hotel’s regional director West Coast USA and general manager As executive chef, Santoro will oversee not only The Polo Lounge, but Fountain Coffee Room, Cabana Cafe, Bar Ninteteen12, along with inroom dining and banquets. Throughout his 15-year culinary career, Santoro has

also served as executive chef at New York City’s Andaz 5th AVE flagship property, and has worked at the Blue Duck Tavern and The Mildred in Pennsylvania. Santoro is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and has been nominated for a James Beard Award.

potential recusal at the Oct. 9 meeting on this issue is being arbitrated by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). In the event that she has to recuse herself and the council ties 2-2, the R-1 Permit would fail, said Wiener. The Planning Commission also held an evening meeting for The Friars Club site (9908 S. Santa Monica). That Applicant is seeking a Mixed Use Overlay Zone and received a 3-2 vote approval from the commission for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Zone Text Amendment, Planned Development, Vesting Tentative Tract Map and a Development Agreement to create a Mixed Use Planned Development Overlay Zone (M-PD-5) for a four-story, mixed use project with 25 residential condominiums in a commercial zone. The project has received vigorous opposition from former City Treasurer Eliot Finkel and current City Treasurer Howard Fisher because of the negative impact they say it will have on City revenues and the City’s economic sustainability when precious commercial space is removed from the City’s tax base. “Commercial property is the life blood of Beverly Hills,” said Finkel. “Less than nine percent of the available land produces 75 percent of the revenue.” It is also being opposed by the neighboring Peninsula Hotel. The Peninsula’s Managing Partner Robert Zarnegin wrote that “the project intrudes on the Hotel’s commercial zone. This intrusion is bound to create friction between the residents and the proposed project, and the hotel for years to come.” In fact, that has proven to be the case for the L’Ermitage Hotel, which is in a transitional zone, and has had decades of

conflict. The project’s pool deck faces the world-famous Peninsula pool deck, noted for privacy. “There are no extenuating circumstances that necessitate an exception to the zoning ordinance. As a matter of public policy, “spot zoning” is… fraught with perceived or actual underlying basis of favoritism, and/or cronyism, which will not be acceptable to fair-minded people of the City.” “You guys are being hoodwinked,” said Zarnegin. A zone change at 9200 Wilshire Boulevard in 2007 created a mixed-use residential project that was intended to promote pedestrian accessibility on Wilshire Boulevard. Today, that zone change has locked the developer into a poor decision. Other zone changes include the Waldorf Astoria (completed), the Hilton’s Waldorf Astoria Residences (proposed) and One Beverly Hills (approved but not built). The Commission was asked to make findings that there was a reason to change the zoning. “We were sworn to uphold the General Plan,” said Ostroff in his opposition. “It means there must be a very clear, substantial benefit to the City… Here, the barrier is even higher… when we are going to override the General Plan… I see no compelling benefit to the City to approve this project.” The project will be heard at an upcoming City Council meeting, likely prior to the end of the year. “The Council will consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the next steps will depend upon the direction given at the meeting,” said Healy Keene. Michael Tenner, counsel for The Peninsula Beverly Hills, said “We intend to file an appeal to the City Council.”

Michael Santoro


PERSIANS 4 CURE Founder Manizheh Yomtoubian, with supporters of the nonprofit Shahla Vazin, Dr. Hakimeh Kadivar and Shahnaz Vazin

PERSIANS 4 CURE Sets Sept. 29 For Garden Party, Gala And Fundraiser The second annual PERSIANS 4 CURE Garden Party Gala will be from 7-11 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 29 at a private Beverly Hills residence. Founded by Manizheh Yomtoubian, the nonprofit foundation raises money to educate the Persian community on how to prevent and screen for cancers; and to support cutting-edge research to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivorship for everyone. TV host Karla Gordy Bristol of shows such as Beverly Hills View and Karla Dawn Live, along with Persian radio personality Dr. Farhang Holakouee are promoting the event that will feature cuisine catered by Volare and cocktails and wine courtesy of the Shokrian Vineyard, Darioush Winery and El Fogonero Tequila.

Entertainment will be provided by America’s Got Talent finalist Magician Fantastic Fig, with mind reading and card tricks, and comedian K-von, termed “the most famous half-Persian comedian in the world,” who has also appeared on Netflix and a viral TED Talk. Eight-person LD Daf Ensemble by Arezno Kochakan will supply music for the evening. The event will also include dancing and a silent auction with gift certificates donated by local businesses, including one for $500 toward hair services at KIM VO hair salon inside the Montage Beverly Hills. Tickets are $200 with all proceeds going to PERSIANS 4 CURE. For more information, visit or call 4248897.


H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

CHLA’s Dr. Tishya Wren Awarded $2.3 Million To Study Bone Loss, Cerebral Palsy Link Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability originating in childhood. Approximately two of every 1,000 babies born acquire this condition that results from abnormal development or damage to the brain. Since CP affects a child’s ability to control his or her muscles, physical activity can be difficult or even impossible. Since physical activity is required for mechanical loading that allows the muscles to exert stress on the bones and cause increased bone development, individuals with CP often have low bone mass or “weak bones” and a greatly increased risk of bone fracture. Depending on the severity of their condition, children with cerebral palsy may be able to walk independently, walk using assistive devices like crutches or walkers, or not be able to walk at all. While children with severe cerebral palsy generally have low bone mass and a greatly increased risk of fracture, little is known about the extent of bone deficits in ambulatory individuals with cerebral palsy, who represent the majority of people with the condition. Tishya Wren, PhD, a biomedical engineer and director of Research for the Children’s Orthopaedic Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has been awarded $2.3 million to learn more about ambulatory children and adults with CP. The study is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, of the NIH. “We will be following both children and adults with cerebral palsy, since we want to know more about the trajectory of bone dep-

osition and then, bone loss, over the lifespan,” said Wren, who is also an associate professor of pediatric orthopaedics and radiology at USC’s Keck School of Medicine Approximately 148 ambulatory children and adults with CP will undergo a rigorous assessment Dr. Tishya Wren that includes a physical exam, functional and dietary assessment, activity monitoring, gait analysis, musculoskeletal modeling, and DXA and QCT imaging. Analyses will be repeated at 1 year and 2 years after initial assessment. Results of the study will be used to determine which ambulatory individuals with CP are at highest risk for developing osteoporosis. The study will also identify critical periods for intervention and guide the future design of interventions aimed at maximizing and maintaining bone strength in people with CP. “We need to know more about what happens to people with disabilities as they age,” said Wren. “A few decades ago, our goal was to just keep them alive. Now we are able to do that. Our goal is to make sure that their quality of life is a good as it can be.”

Page 10 | September 21, 2018

METRO (Continued from page 1)

which should be included in the supplemental record. BHUSD attorney Albert Shemmy Mishaan with Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP emphasized that such a list would ultimately be insufficient, stating: “There are many, many documents that Metro has or the FTA has that we don’t have.” In turn, FTA attorney Joshua Wilson likened BHUSD’s request to a fishing expedition “They’re grasping,” he said. “They don’t know what’s out there and they don’t know really what they want, but I think they’re hoping ... that their might be some email that’s internal to Metro....and they’re going to try to leverage something that was in these types of documents.” “Again, they don’t know what [the documents] are,” Wilson continued. “They don’t know that they exist. They’re fishing for them and they’re hoping that they can clasp onto something that will allow them to prove this claim of predetermination that they have.” Following Wu’s 2016 ruling, the transportation authority


was ostensibly on the hook to provide a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and explain to residents why it decided to spend $200 million more on a subway tunnel that runs through toxic soil beneath BHHS rather than re-examine 15 alternatives previously identified, including the “locally preferred” alignment running along Santa Monica Boulevard. BHUSD found fault with the results of that SEIS and earlier this year, on Jan. 26, attorneys for the school district filed a federal lawsuit against the FTA and Metro challenging the legal sufficiency of the agencies’ latest environmental analysis, alleging that the FTA and Metro violated federal law by conducting a faulty and biased supplemental environmental analysis of the impacts of Metro’s Westside Purple Line Subway Extension. “I do agree with the general proposition that the plaintiffs are asserting that merely because something was only considered by Metro and not specifically given to the FTA or specifically discussed with the FTA, does not necessarily mean that it falls outside of what could be considered an item that might fall into the supple-

mental record,” Wu said at this week’s hearing. “The problem that I have is if you’re asking the FTA to produce something that they might not know exactly what it is that you’re talking’s maybe something that you should be asking directly from Metro, rather than asking the FTA to ask Metro.” Earlier this month, on Sept. 7, BHUSD and the FTA submitted a joint statement concerning supplementing the record. While the parties disagree as to the specific documents that should be included, they agreed “in broad terms” to supplement the record with a variety of materials, including: documents attached to or cited in the school district’s July 2017 comment letter that were considered by the FTA; documents concerning noise monitoring at BHHS; documents concerning the availability of the property located at 1950 Avenue of the Stars for use as a construction staging area; documents concerning the school district’s proposed subway tunnel alignments; documents reflecting communications with the California Division of State Architect or the California Department of Toxic Substance Control regarding the impacts

of the Project on BHHS; drafts and redlines of the FEIS and related comment matrices considered by the FTA; and the design/build contract. However, the school district alleges that there is a tangible lack of information that should be provided to supplement the record that the transportation agencies are failing to include. Among those allegations is that the agencies rejected alternative subway tunnel alignments proposed by BHUSD that would have substantially mitigated the harm posed by the agencies’ favored alignment, because BHUSD’s alignments “purportedly” pass beneath protected historic properties in a historic district identified in the 2004 Report. “The agencies have produced no e-mails and scant other analysis regarding the historic district or the specific property under which the alignments would purportedly tunnel. The fact that the agencies believe no other such documents or materials exist suggests that they have taken an overly narrow view of what documents were ‘directly or indirectly’ considered by the agencies,” the Joint Statement contends with respect to the school district’s position. “The

agencies should be ordered to go back and search for documents that they considered, directly and indirectly, that relate to their flawed analysis of the impact of the school district’s proposed alignments on properties within the historic district.” In contrast, the Joint Statement has the federal defendants arguing that the record is actually complete. “Federal defendants disagree with plaintiff’s apparent position that the FTA must ‘complete’ the record with materials that were never reviewed by decision-makers at the FTA,” the Joint Statement succinctly states. At the conclusion of Monday’s hearing, Wu directed both sides to confer and to provide him with a list of specifical available documents, noting that BHUSD attorneys would need to “identify” specific documents they know or think Metro has. Subsequently, he said he would review the list and make a determination whether or not they should be included in the record. The upcoming status conference is scheduled for Nov. 6 with the status report set for Oct. 31.



Thomas Hollow as Paul, front, and the cast of the new musical Blood Rock, playing this weekend and next at The Odyssey Theatre. Hollow is also the production’s assistant music director.

Beverly Hills’ Residents New Vampire Musical Blood Rock Now At The Odyssey Described as “West Side Story… With Vampires,” Blood Rock: The Musical” is making its world debut at the Odyssey Theatre, 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd. in West L.A. With music and lyrics by Beverly Hills resident Michael Berns and produced by 28-year resident Marlene Mandell, Blood Rock, features a cast of 17, and tells the story of two rival vampire gangs that have been living secretly in the city of Philadelphia for hundreds of years. Berns, who has been managed by Mandell for years, is a USC cinema graduate who has written and produced more than 100 songs for other artists and for his band Ember FX, like Attention and Time Of Your Life. “I heard Michael talking about the idea; and I thought it was a great and unusual take on vampires good and bad,” says Mandell. “I wanted to be part of it bringing this show to the stage for its premiere.” With a book by Mark Rich and Berns, the plot follows vampire Carnoli’s gang that is out for blood, literally, while the Blood Rock gang—the “Blood Rockers”—just want to live peacefully and undetected in present-day Philly. The rival vampire gangs are threat-

ened to be exposed when a young news reporter, Carolin, begins covering the mysterious death of a local archeologist. Her investigation rekindles a relationship with Paul, while at the same time sparks the affection of the evil Carnoli. As Carolin searches for the truth, the two rival gangs clash in an epic battle over love and the vampire way of life. “While also paying homage to Grease and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this musical’s highly entertaining and a great deal of fun,” says Mandell “and it’s just jam packed with humor and irresistible songs.” Berns’ score of 28 songs is a combination of rock, pop and orchestral with numbers like Didn’t Notice Us and Paler Than A Ghost. “The music is outstanding,” says Mandell, “with one great song after the other.” The cast, directed by Gary Thomas, features Michael J. Ryan, Ethan Corbett, Arrianna Leigh, Ellie Wyman, Thomas Hollow and Bradley Cusack. Performances are at 8 p.m. today and tomorrow, and Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 27-29 with matinees at 2 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 22 and 5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 30. For tickets and information, visit

Kylin Gallery Moves To A New Location The Kylin Gallery has moved to a new location at 8634 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills with a grand opening earlier this month. Mayor Julian Gold, M.D., Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce members along with residents and business neighbors attended the celebration. The opening exhibit, “Timeless Dialogue,” highlights the work of Yoshio Ikezaki and At the ribbon cutting for Kylin Gallery’s new location are, Rembrandt van Rijn, (from left): Artist Yoshio Ikezaki, Kylin Gallery owner artists from different Yvonne Zhu, Beverly Hills’ Mayor Julian Gold, M.D. and eras, but both inspired Flow He, gallery manager. by landscapes. p.m., Tuesday through Friday, from The gallery is managed by Flow He. 11:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday and by “I am so glad to be in this new space appointment. that provides extra room to show more For more information, call 424-335art,” says Yvonne Zhu, gallery owner. 0600 or visit Gallery hours are 11:30 a.m.-6:30



Wanda Reportedly in Deal to Sell One Beverly Hills

By Victoria Talbot Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin’s Dalian Wanda Group is selling his stake in America, including the property in Beverly Hills that once held such promise, optimistically named “One Beverly Hills.” The property has approvals for a five-star luxury hotel and condominium complex that includes a $60 million development deal. It is unclear if the permits will be intact when the deal closes, as they were set to expire in November. The Athens Group, Wanda’s development partner, exited the project last year prior to going public with apartment sales. A sales office remains on North Canon Drive, unfinished. Wang Jianlin’s Dalian Wanda Group is also selling a 60 percent stake in Chicago’s Vista Tower project, still under construction with Magellan Development. Once a $5 billion overseas

One Beverly Hills

portfolio, Wanda’s divestment of the two properties is part of a deal reported Thursday with the Edmonton-based Triple Five Group. Once valued at $1.2 billion for the project, the sale price for One Beverly Hills, located at 9900 Wilshire Blvd. beside The Beverly Hilton/Waldorf Astoria complex, according to Mingtiandi, the Asian real estate rag, is

$400 million. The Beverly Hills property was purchased for an undisclosed sale price in 2014 after languishing as the abandoned Robinson’s-May Department Store for a decade. Subsequently, Wang was feted by Hollywood. He announced that he planned to buy one of the Big Five studios. Until days ago, Wanda owned a 60 percent share of

AMC Entertainment Holdings, the world’s largest cinema operators, and still owns Legendary Entertainment. The AMC shares were purchased by private equity firm Silver Lake for $600 million. A deal to purchase Dick Clark Productions for $1 billion was scrapped when the Chinese government began exerting pressure on Wang to reign in overseas debts.

Pacific Design Lecture Series Relaunches With Compass/Pacific Union International Support By Victoria Talbot Relaunching a tradition of lecture series with the support of Pacific Union International and Compass Real Estate, hosted by realtor and noted architectural author Bret Parsons, the Architecture + Design Lecture series resumes with A+D Lecture No. 42 featuring TV producer/author/historian Stephen Gee at the Pacific Design Center. Open to the public, Gee will be discussing his newest book release, Los Angeles City Hall: An American Icon. The book chronicles the evolution of Los Angeles against the backdrop of City Hall, a dynamic and changing environment represented by three of California’s most accomplished architects, John Parkinson, A.C. Martin and John C. Austin. City Hall was an audacious undertaking when it was completed in 1928. It spoke volumes about the intent for the future. The building stood 454 feet, with 32 floors. Until 1964, it remained the tallest structure in Los Angeles. The concrete in the tower was made from sand taken from each of California’s 58 counties and water from its

Los Angeles City Hall

21 historical missions. The peak of the pyramid at the top of the building is an airplane beacon named in honor of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, ca. 1939. Gee’s book showcases the architecture, art and details that define City Hall with many

never-before-seen images, and chronicles the political battle that took place over the building’s restoration. This is the first lecture in the popular series that is being relaunched at the Pacific Design Center to enhance the values of art, culture, architec-

ture and design. The event will be Monday, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Silver Screen Theatre in the Pacific Design Center at 8687 Melrose Ave. Books will be available for purchase.

Since November last year, the Wanda Group has been reducing its $5 billion overseas property portfolio, including properties in London and Australia. Triple Five Group specializes in shopping malls, hotels and entertainment complexes and is owned by Jacob Ghermezian.

BROOKS BROTHERS (Continued from page 1)

Dr. for $110 million from the Sterling Organization, shortly after the latter had purchased the property for $55 million. The reduction in price from $300 million to $250 million seems inconsistent with media reports that have labeled Rodeo Drive as one of the “high streets,” which are relatively unaffected by the down trend in retail. While values have been falling in retail across the country, “high streets” like Rodeo Drive and Upper Fifth Avenue in New York are increasingly valuable. The property boasts 100 feet of storefront on Rodeo Drive at the southeast corner of South Santa Monica Boulevard. A two-level building with a double lot comprising 22,270 square feet of floor space, the location has the potential to expand to 30,000 square feet. At $250 million, that is about $11,220 per foot. The property has been owned by a local family trust for more than 50 years. LVMH fashion brands include Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Christian Dior, Guerlain, Bulgari, Benefit, Sephora and many others.

Fall 2018

Arts & Culture • Calendar •  Cuisine Fashion • Philanthropy • Technology

Farm-To-Table Freshness In Beverly Hills Fall’s Hottest Handbags



th e

Preview Cayton Children’s Museum

Beverly Hills Style Vol. 3, No. 2

Inside The farm-to-table movement in Beverly Hills

30, 32

18, 20-21 – CALENDAR A sampling of fall’s hottest charity, arts and special events.

22-23 – ARTS & CULTURE Go inside the new Cayton Children’s Museum; Commemorating the Kindertransport.

26 – PHILANTHROPY Former U.S. Ambassador Nancy Rubin talks human rights, the spirit of giving.

From The Publisher


ummer always seems to last just a little bit longer in Beverly Hills, but fall and winter come around inevitably. We all love summer – we can ditch the sweaters for light, comfy clothing and enjoy day after day in the warm sun. Winter means we break out the hot cocoa and sit by the fireplace, with the holiday season soon approaching. They certainly have their perks, but there’s something that just seems so necessary about fall. It’s the perfect gobetween from the heat of summer and the hustle and bustle of the chilly winter holiday season. Changes are always in abundance in the fall. The weather gets a little cooler, but not too cool. Pumpkins are everywhere! There’s pumpkin patches all over town, pumpkin pie at the local market and pumpkin spice lattes at our local coffee shops. But despite all the changes that come with fall, there are

some things that are constants, no matter the season – delicious farm-fresh food, stylish fashion, great art and museums, along with must-have technology and the importance of giving. We hope you will find tips and tricks on those topics and more in this, our fall 2018 issue of Beverly Hills Style. Have a fun, fantastic fall, and thank you for reading. Sincerely, Marcia Wilson Hobbs

30, 32 – CUISINE Digging into farmto-table dining in Beverly Hills with the City’s top chefs who are using locally sourced ingredients for their dishes.

34 – TECHNOLOGY 28-29, 31 – FASHION Fall’s hottest handbags; Diamond Foundry CEO talks the future of lab diamonds.

President & Publisher Marcia Wilson Hobbs

Style Issue Coordinator Elisabeth Familian

Must have home security gadgets to protect your home.

Style Issue Editors Steve Simmons Laura Coleman Matt Lopez

Cover Art: An afternoon at the Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market Photo: City of Beverly Hills

Advertising Rod Pingul Evelyn Portugal

Graphic Designers Ferry Simanjuntak Robert Knight

BEVERLY HILLS STYLE Is published by the Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. All contents copyright 2018 Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. Marcia W. Hobbs, President & Publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. THE BEVERLY HILLS COURIER welcomes advertising and editorial inquiries, but is not responsible for unsolicited contributions. Submissions should be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. THE BEVERLY HILLS COURIER makes no promises, expressed or implied, to compensate authors or photographers for unsolicited materials and submissions. Any authorized submissions are accepted solely on the basis of THE BEVERLY HILLS COURIER standard terms and conditions. All other terms and conditions are rejected. Any materials submitted, whether photographs or editorial, become the sole property of the Beverly Hills Courier, LLC unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing and signed by an executive officer of Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. Main office: 499 N. Canon Dr., Ste. 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Tel. 310.278.1322, FAX: 310.271.5118. On the web at

Page 16 | September 21, 2018


CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 22 Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation Taraji’s Boutique of Hope 2 p.m. Featuring designer brands and a silent auction of celebrity-donated items. Private home, Beverly Hills 22 El Nido Family Center Fourth Annual Garden Gala 5 p.m. Cocktail reception, dinner buffet, tours of Robinson Gardens and presentations and photogaphy exhibit by El Nido youth. Honorees: Eddie Navarrette and Tom & Emily Kaplan. Virginia Robinson Estate & Gardens, Beverly Hills 22 Aviva Family and Children’s Services The A Gala 2018 6 p.m. Reception, dinner, awards and entertainment. Honorees: Kathy Ireland, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and Lucille & Willie Thomas. The Four Seasons at Beverly Hills, Los Angeles 22 American Youth Symphony Opening Night Concert 7 p.m. Carlos Izcaray conducts Sérgio Coelho in Corigliano’s Clarinet Concerto plus Joan Tower’s Tambor and Rachmaninoff ’s Symphony No 3. UCLA’s Royce Hall 22 Los Angeles LGBT Center 49th Anniversary Gala Vanguard Awards 6 p.m. Cocktail reception, dinner, entertainment and silent auction. Honorees: Ricky Martin, Robbi Rogers & Greg Berlanti and Ariadne Getty. Hosts: Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 22 Much Love Animal Rescue Spoken Woof 6 p.m. Celebrity storytelling, silent auction and adoptable dogs. Special guests: Kaley Cuoco, Brad Goreski, Eric Winter, Roselyn Sanchez, Jerry O’Connell, Tyson Ritter and Poppy Montgomery. Microsoft Lounge, Culver City 22 UCLA Neuro-Oncology Program Art Of The Brain 18th Annual Gala 6:30 p.m. Reception, Judi Kaufman Project Pop-Up Art Exhibition, gourmet dinner. Honorees: Dr. Linda M. Liau and the late Roy Kaufman. Host: Tom Kenny. Schoenberg Courtyard and Hall, UCLA, Westwood 23 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance Ovarian Cycle Los Angeles 1 p.m. Three-hour indoor cycling ride. Cyclebar WeHo, West Hollywood 23 Wells Bring Hope Tenth Anniversary Fundraiser 5 p.m. Silent and live auctions. Honoree: Stanley Black. Presentations by Mayor Eric Garcetti and Councilman Paul Koretz. Stanley Black estate, Holmby Hills 23 Imagine LA The Imagine Ball 7 p.m. Honoree: Serena Williams. Host: Rita Garcia. The Peppermint Club, West Hollywood 25-26 Association for Corporate Growth Los Angeles Chapter 2018 Business Conference Opening Day 9 a.m. Keynote speakers: Sir Richard Branson, Peter Guber, John Hennessy and Therese Tucker. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 26 Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles 20th Annual Access to Justice Dinner 6 p.m. Reception and silent auction. Honorees: Bill Ahmanson, Jim Hornstein and Morgan Lewis law firm. JW Marriott at L.A. Live, Los Angeles Page 18 | September 21, 2018


26 LA Family Housing Fifth Annual Art + Home 7 p.m. Works by more than 100 local contemporary artists and musical entertainment. Room & Board, Los Angeles h

29 UCP Wheels for Humanity Wheels in Motion Gala 2018 6:30 p.m. Cocktails, food, dancing with DJ M-Swift and auction. Special guest: Zach Anner. Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles

27 The Hammer Museum Stones to Stains: The Drawings of Victor Hugo 11 a..m. Continues through Dec. 30. More than 75 pen-and-ink drawings and photographs spanning the renowned author’s career. The Hammer Museum, Westwood

30 Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services 20th Annual Alive & Running 5kWalk/Run 7 a.m. Pre-race program, warm-up and stretch, entertainment and awards Emcee: Dennis Dugan. W. 88th Street & La Tijera Boulevard, Los Angeles

27 Los Angeles Police Foundation 2018 Above and Beyond Awards Ceremony 11:30 a.m. 29 officers to receive Medal of Valor, Purple Heart and Preservation of Life awards. The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles

30 Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation Fifth Annual BioFreeze 5K &10K 7 a.m. Races begin and end outside centerfield with part of the 10K in Elysian Park. Kids Fun Run presented by LADWP. Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles

27 Ava’s Heart Third Annual Heroes Ball 6 p.m. Stories from transplant patients, doctors and celebrities. Honorees: The Stanley & Joyce Black Family Foundation, Dr. Francisco A. Arabia, Dr. Ronald W. Busuttil and Phillip Palmer. Host: Larry King. The Taglyan Complex, Los Angeles

30 Kickin’ Cancer 17th Annual 5K Run/Walk/Stroll 7:30 a.m. Family event with stroller run, Kiddie Fun Run and Family Expo. 11620 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles

27 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles Los Angeles Builders Ball 6 p.m. Honorees: Watt Companies, Holly Robinson Peete and LA Galaxy. Musical guest: Sheila E. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 27 T.J. Martell/Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program Inaugural Pop Art Photo Show Opening Night Premiere Party 6 p.m. (Continues through Sept. 30.) Photography, vintage posters and art showcasing rare and vintage images bridging all aspects of pop culture. Barker Hangar, Santa Monica. 27 LA Waterkeeper Making Waves 2018 6:30 p.m. Cocktails, taco bar, music by DJ Kara and after party. Speakers: Sen. Ben Allen, Cindy Montañez and Sen. Henry Stern. Emcee: Amy Friedlander Hoffman. Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica 27 Metropolitan Fashion Week Opening Night & Fashion Design Contest 6:30 p.m. Showcase of designs inspired by “King Tut: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh” at the California Science Center. The Original Farmers Market, Los Angeles 27 LA Phil California Soul 2018 Gala 7 p.m. Reception, dinner and concert conducted by Gustavo Dudamel with Chris Martin, Corinne Bailey Rae, Tracy Silverman and the L.A. Master Chorale. Afterparty with DJ Jason Bentley and Pink Martini. Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles 29 Life Rolls On Foundation 14th Annual Night By The Ocean 5 p.m. Cocktails, music by Los Pinguos, barbecue, auction and sunset concert. Host: Jason Mraz. Jonathan Beach Club, Santa Monica 29 American Humane Eighth Annual Hero Dog Awards Gala 6 p.m. Cocktail reception, dinner and program honoring seven courageous canines. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 29 Farhang Foundation 10th Annual Short Film Festival Celebrating Iranian Heritage 6 p.m. Red carpet and screening of the top six films of the year with awards. Host: Melissa Shoshahi. After party with DJ Omid Walizadeh. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills

30 A Window Between Worlds 2018 heART Awards 11 a.m. Champagne brunch and auction of original art. Honorees: MaryLinda Moss, Tiombe Wallace and Amanda Lin. Casa Del Mar, Santa Monica 30 Friends of Greystone Twilight On The Terrace 4 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres catered by Il Fornaio, music, exhibits of historical posters and Doheny family memorabilia, videos on the estate’s history and meetand-greet with Beverly Hills City Councilmembers. Doheny Greystone Mansion, Beverly Hills

OCTOBER 1 Stand Up To Cancer Terms of Endearment 8 p.m. Benefit reading of the screenplay with Melissa Benoist, Kate Burton, Calista Flockhart, Willie Garson, Alfred Molina, Kumail Nanjiani, Italia Ricci, Chris Wood and Constance Wu. Directed by Gordon Greenberg. Geffen Playhouse, Westwood 2 Hollywood Museum “Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc.” Exhibit Opening 6 p.m. Academyaward winning studio that creates special characters and character effects celebrates 30 years. The Hollywood Museum, Hollywood 3 Public Counsel William O. Douglas Award Dinner 5:30 p.m. Reception, silent auction, dinner and program. Honorees: Mike Farrell, Participant Media, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Audrey Imas. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 3 Western Center on Law & Poverty Garden Party 2018 5:30 p.m. Honorees: Erwin Chemerinsky, Jesse H. Choper, Jocelyn Larkin and Morrison & Foerster LLP. The Ebell of Los Angeles, Los Angeles 4 Midnight Mission 18th Annual Golden Heart Awards 6 p.m. Honorees: Bank of America, Ed Simon and Gary Toebben. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 4 Autism Speaks “Into the Blue” Gala 6:30 p.m. Celebrity “blue” carpet, cocktail reception with DJ Irie, fshion show and four-course dinner. Honoree: Jef Apploff. Headliner: Jamie Foxx. The Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills 6 Liberty Hill Foundation 2018 Change LA 4 p.m. Annual mixer and reception. Honorees: Amelia Williamson and Joe Delgado. Private home in Windsor Park, Los Angeles


CALENDAR OCTOBER 6 TreePeople An Evening Under the Harvest Moon 5 p.m. Reception, dinner and program. Honorees: Irmelin DiCaprio, Dr. Jonathan & Karin Fielding and Actors Conservatory Ensemble. TreePeople’s Coldwater Canyon Park, Beverly Hills 6 St. Francis Center Ninth Annual Friends Event 5:30 p.m. Dinner and silent auction benefiting programs for the homeless and low-income families and individuals. Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles 6 Metropolitan Fashion Week Closing Gala & Fashion Awards 5:30 p.m. Featuring couture gowns and costumes inspired by L.A. architecture. Awards honoring costume design, hair and makeup in film, TV and live performance. Hosts: Ava Capra and Eduardo Khawam. Los Angeles City Hall, Los Angeles 6 Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes/Children’s Diabetes Foundation Carousel of Hope Ball 6 p.m. Auction, dinner and entertainment. Chair: Barbara Davis. Co-chair: Dana Davis. Honoree: Robert DeNiro. Emcee: Jay Leno. Music director: David Foster. Producer: George Schlatter. Music chairs: Quincy Jones and Clive Davis. Auctioneer: Sharon Stone. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 6 Our House Grief Support Center House of Hope Gala 6 p.m. Honorees: Jory Goldman & family, Dan Fogelman and This Is Us and Edie Lutnick and the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund. Emcee: Andrew Krasny. Special guests: Patton Oswalt and Melissa Rivers. Gala cochairs: Jamie Levitt and Mani Zadeh & Michelle Beiley. Honorary co-chairs: Marci & Greg Foster and Julie & Marc Platt. Sony Pictures Studios, Culver City 7 P.S. Arts Express Yourself 11 a.m. Family event with art booths and bites from L.A. restaurants and caterers. Barker Hangar, Santa Monica 7 Safe Place for Youth SPY’s 6th Annual Carnival Noon. Games, food, drinks and a raffle. Hosts: Peter Micelli & Jennifer Lang. Private home, Beverly Hills 7 A Cause for Entertainment Fourth Annual Fundraising Event 4 p.m. Reception, raffle, auction and live music. Benefiting the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and Say Sharpe’s Pink Wishes. Special guests: Elizabeth Henstridge, Aisha Hinds, Yetide Badaki and Perez Hilton. Candela La Brea, Los Angeles 7 Pediatric Victory Foundation 2018 Benefit 6:30 p.m. Benefits Neurology for Epilepsy at UCLA. Host: Marc Brown. Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, West Los Angless 8 Tower Cancer Research Foundation Spirit of Hope Luncheon and Boutique 11 a.m. Honorees: Catherine Dang, M.D. & Andrew Li, M.D. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 11 ReelAbilities Film Festival Inaugural Event Opening Day 5:30 p.m. Kicking off with Light In The Water and showcasing new and classic films by, or about people with disabilities. With panels and artistic programs. Los Angeles LGBT Center and other Los Angeles venues 11 City of Hope Spirit of Life Gala 6 p.m. Honoree: Jon Platt. Host: Pharrell Williams. Barker Hanger, Santa Monica

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13 The Autry Museum 30th Anniversary Celebration 6 p.m. Tribute to Gene Autry. Reception, dinner, concert by Willie Nation and after-party with dancing. The Autry Museum of the American West, Griffith Park, Los Angeles 13 Point Foundation Point Honors Los Angeles 2018 6 p.m. Reception, dinner and awards show. Honoree: Steven Canals. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 13 Stray Cat Alliance Stray Cat Club 6 p.m. Celebrating 18 years of rescues with vegan dinner, silent auction, psychics and magicians. Montage Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills 13 Inner-City Arts Image Awards 7 p.m. Reception, dinner and interactive live studios. Honorees: Craig & Marion Bennel and Beth Tishler. Cochairs: Devon Baranski and Nicole Castrogiovanni. City Market Social House, Los Angeles 13 United Friends of the Children 10th Annual Cultivate LA 7 p.m Tastes and pours from L.A. restaurants and California wineries, musical entertainment and raffles. Honoree: Chris Schauble. The Lawn @ Century Park, Los Angeles 14 Special Olympics Southern California Pier Del Sol 10 a.m. Celebrating its 50th anniversary with tastings from more than 35 L.A. chefs and restaurants, entertainment, arts & crafts and unlimited rides. Honorees: Todd Goldstein and AEG. Honorary chef: Pink’s Hot Dogs. Santa Monica Pier and Pacific Park, Santa Monica 14 Westside Food Bank 2nd Annual Westside Food + Wine Festival 3 p.m. More than 25 food and drink purveyors and vendors, live music, DJ and entertainers. LA Westside Courtyard by Marriott, Culver City 14 Canine Companions for Independence Haute Dog | LA 4 p.m. Disco doggy runway fashion show, silent and live auctions and musical entetainment. Guest judges: Paul Shaffer, Laraine Newman, John O’Hurley, Michael Nouri and DJ James Kennedy. Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 14 Common Sense Media Reset Tech: An Evening with Common Sense 5:30 p.m. Reception, dinner and program. Speakers: Reveta Bowers, Tristan Harris, Jim Seyler and Kara Swisher. Co-chairs: Stephanie Huie & David Lee and Tracy & Gene Syker. The Bel-Air Bay Club, Pacific Palisades 14 The Hammer Museum Annual Gala in the Garden 6 p.m. Honorees: Margaret Atwood and Glenn Ligon. Dinner by Suzanne Goin of Lucques. Cochairs: Elizabeth Segerstrom and Darren Star. The Hammer Museum, Westwood 15 Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce Best of Beverly Hills Golden Palm Awards Gala 6 p.m. Reception, dinner and music by Keith Chagall and the Dana Bronson Trio. Honorees: Lili Bosse, Gratitude Beverly Hills, Elfiefit, The Peninsula Beverly Hills and Crateful Catering, Montage Beverly Hills 18 The Jeffrey Foundation High Tea & Founder’s Award Reception 2 p.m. Celebrating the nonprofit’s 46th anniversary. Historic private home, Los Angeles 18 amFAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research Ninth Annual Gala Los Angeles 6 p.m. Reception, dinner, live auction, special peformances. Honoree: Katy Perry. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills

18 American Cancer Society Giants of Science Research Awards Gala 6:30 p.m. Honorees: Dr. Andrew Goldstein, Dr. Adam Leventhal and Dr. Tony Hunter. SLS Beverly Hills, Los Angeles 19 Skirball Cultural Center NOTORIOUS RBG—The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Noon. Through March 10, 2019. Archival photographs and documents, historic artifacts, contem-porary art, media stations and interactives exploring the American legal system and civil rights movement. The Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 19 GLSEN-Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network 2018 Respect Awards LA 5 p.m. Honorees: Twentieth Century Fox Film, Max Mutchnick & David Kohan, Ellen Pompeo and Yara Shahidi. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 19 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles Big Bash Live! 6:30 p.m. Reception, silent auction and entertainment. Honoree: Chris Silberman. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 19-21 L.A. Theatre Works “The Little Foxes” Opening Night 8 p.m. Lillian Hellman’s classic play about a wealthy Southern family and the greed that tears it apart. The James Bridges Theater, UCLA, Westwood 20 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Out Of The Darkness Greater Los Angeles Walk 8:45 a..m. Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica &eventID=5376 20 Children’s Hospital Los Angeles “From Paris with Love” Gala 5:30 p.m. Dinner, awards and entertainment by the Foo Fighters and Pharrell Williams. Honorees: Jimmy Kimmel, Vin Scully and Hasbro. The Event Deck at LA Live, downtown Los Angeles 20 Claris Health City Lights Fundraising Gala 5:30 p.m. Reception, red carpet, dinner and program. Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 20 Craft & Folk Art Museum Craft Affair 2018 Gala 6 p.m. Reception, music and silent auction. Honorees: Tanya Aguiñiga, Charles Sims and Nancy Adams. Chair: Tim Mullin. Craft & Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles 20 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles The Sexy Beast Gala 6:30 p.m. Variety show hosted by Kate Berlant with Moses Sumney, Kelsey Lu and No)one dance troupe, silent auction, pop-up shop and art installations. Honoree: Jenny Holzer. Keynote speaker: Sue Dunlap. Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles 20 L.A. Dance Project LADP Gala 7 p..m Dance, food by Dom Pérignon Chef de Cave Richard Geoffroy and Chefs Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo Co-chairs: Natalie Portman and Reese Witherspoon. Location to be determined 20-21 The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Lagrime Di San Peitro/Tears Of St. Peter Opening Night 7:30 p.m. Orlando di Lasso’s Renaissance classic performed by the Los Angeles Master Chorale directed by Peter Sellars and conducted by Jenny Wong. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills



OCTOBER 21 Hirschberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research 21st Annual LA Cancer Challenge 5K Charity Race 7:30 a.m. Run/walk with Fit Family Expo celebrities, raffles and silent auction. UCLA, Westwood 21 AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2018 Event 8:30 a.m. Aerobic warm-up, opening ceremony, 10K walk with music, food and entertainment, finish-line festivities, food truck festival and post-walk show. Steps of L.A. City Hall and Grand Park, Los Angeles 23 Colburn School Colburn Gala Concert 7 p.m. Honoree Valery Gergiev guest conductors with pianist Dominic Cheli. Also honoring Yasuhsa Toyota. Chairs: Murray Grigor, Carol Colburn Grigor and Eva & Marc Stern. Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles 24 Asian World Film Festival Fourth Annueal Event Opening Night 6 p.m. Through Nov. 1. Reception and dinner at The Culver Hotel, Culver City. Films from more than 50 countries across Asia. Arclight Cinema, Culver City 24 Extraordinary Families Third Annual Awards Gala 6 p.m. Dinner and entertainment. Honorees: Deon Taylor, Karamo Brown and Georgina Smith. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 24 Make-A-Wish Foundation Wish Gala 2018 6 p.m. Reception, dinner, silent and live auctions, entertainment and awards. Honoree: Nickelodeon. Chairs: Peter McPartlin and Nicole Purcell. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 24 Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Jacob Jonas The Company Opening Night 8 p.m. Through Oct. 27. The Wallis’ dance company-in-residence led by local namesake. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills 25 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Board of Governors Gala 5:30 p.m. Reception, dinner and entertainment. Honorees: Todd Morgan, Jennifer & Bert Salke. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 25 American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra LA Gala 2018 6 p.m. Concert featuring the Israel Philharmonic Brass Ensemble. Honoree: Stanley Silverman. Gala chairs: Liza Chasin & Matthew Velkes, Kfir Gavrieli, Lynn Harris & Matti Leshem, Yifat Oren and Jennifer & Ben Silverman. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills 26-28 Los Angeles Comic Con 2018 Event Opening Day 1 p.m. Over 700 artists and vendors, panels and meet-and-greet opportunities. Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles s 26 British Academy of Film and Television Arts Los Angeles Britannia Awards 6 p.m. Honoree: Director Steve McQueen. Presenter: Viola Davis. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 27 Luminario Ballet Masquerade Ball 5 p.m. Reception, dinner, dancing, ballet and aerial dance performance by Luminario Ballet with guest stars. Speaker: Marat Daukayev. Honoree: Doriana Sanchez. Jonathan Beach Club, Santa Monica


27 The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Chris Walden Big Band 7:30 p.m. Top L.A studio musicians in “Rat Pack” tribute with four special guest vocalists. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills

6-7 The Music Center JONI 75: A Birthday Celebration 7:30 p.m. Two concerts featuring Glen Hansard, Emmylou Harris, Norah Jones, Chaka Kahn, Diana Krall, Kris Kristofferson, Los Lobas, Graham Nash, Seal and Rufus Wainwright. The Music Center, Los Angeles

28 Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation A Time For Heroes Family Festival Noon. 30th anniversary event. Honoree: Willow Bay. Smashbox Studios, Culver City

7 The Music Center Soiree: Joni 75 6:30 p.m. Honoree: Joni Michell. Concert, dinner and program. Co-chairs: Kiki & David Gindler, Barbara & Jay Rasulo, Catharine & Jeffrey Soros, Lisa Specht, Eva & Marc Stern and Phil A. Swan. The Music Center, Los Angeles

30 Asia Society Southern California U.S.-China Entertainment Summit and Gala Dinner 8 a.m. Keynotes and panel discussions on all aspects of filmed content and digital platforms. Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 30 American Friends of Magem David Adom Los Angeles Red Star Ball 5:30 p.m. Honorees: Jacqueline Goldman and Steven Mizel. Chairs: Dina & Fred Leeds. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 30 American Institute of Architects Los Angeles Design Awards 2018 6 p.m. Reception, awards ceremony, dinner and party. The Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood 31 American Film Market 2018 Event Opening Day 9 a.m. Through Nov. 8. Screenings, LocationEXPO, conferences, roundtables, writers workshops and networking receptions. Multiple Santa Monica locations.

NOVEMBER 1 The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Alonzo King LINES Ballet 7:30 p.m. “Sutra,” Alonzo King’s most recent collaboration with Zakir Hussain and Sabir Khan. The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills 2 PEN America LitFest Gala 7 6 p.m. Red carpet, reception, dinner and program. Honorees: Ai Weiwei and Marvin Putnam. Chair: Jamie Wolf. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 3 Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House Masquerade Ball 5 p.m. Dinner, dancing and stories from families. Honorees: Doug Kanner, Davis Elen Advertising and Kaiser Permanente-Los Angeles Medical Center. The Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 3 Farhang Foundation 8th Annual Fundraising Gala 6 p.m. Musical guests: Rana Mansour & Arash Avin: Emcee; Melissa Shoshahi. Co-chairs: Ali C. Razi and Michael & Katy Saei. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 3 Los Angeles County Museum of Art Art + Film Gala 6 p.m. Honorees: Catherine Opie and Guillermo del Toro. Co-hosts: Eva Chow and Leonardo DiCaprio. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles

7 Zimmer Children’s Museum ShareWell Discovery Award Dinner 6:30 p.m. Honorees: Andrea & Barry Cayton, Craig Erwich and Sandra Stern. The Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 8 Women’s Guild Cedars-Sinai WG 60 Diamond Jubilee Lundeon 11 a.m. Awards and St. John’s fashion show. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills https/ 10 WildAid An Evening In China 6 p.m. Dinner by Chef Martin Yan, silent and live auctions, and dancing. Special guests: David Foster and Kristin Chenoweth. Chairs: Meredith Eggers, Victoria Fitzpatrick and Stefanie Skinner. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills 11 Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust/ Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts “Kindertransport” Play Reading 2 p.m. Diane Samuels’ awardwinning play directed by Deborah LaVine and starring Jane Kaczmarek and Kate Burton. Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, Beverly Hills 14 Girls Inc. Los Angeles Celebration Luncheon 11:15 a.m. Honorees: Caryl Capeci, Lisa Katz and Tracey Pakosta, Oksana Kaubushyna and Tess Sanchez. Chairs: Christina Davis, Perlena Igbokwe and Ashley Merrill. The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills 14 Children’s Institute Cape & Gown Awards Dinner 6:30 p.m. Reception and dinner. Honorees: Beth & Bob Lowe and Frank and Samuel Gehry. Fairmont Hotel and Bungalows, Santa Monica 15 JVS SoCal Woman to Woman Conference 8 a.m. Networking reception, program and luncheon. Speakers: Justine Siegal, Michaela Mendelsohn, Susan Feniger and Dr. Maurice Garcia. Honoree: Rosaline L. Zukerman. Host: Nikki Crawford. The Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 17 Western Justice Center Foundation Justice Awards 6 p.m. Entertainment, dining and auction. The California Club, Los Angeles: Honorees: Madam Secretary, Susman Godfrey LLP and Judge Judith Chirlin

3 Third Annual LA Feast and Fundraiser 6 p.m. Tastings developed by Drago Restaurant Group, cocktails, music and live and silent auctions. The Petersen Automotive Museum, Los Angeles

18 Junior League of Los Angeles Harvest Boutique—19th Annual Sip &Shop For a Cause 10 a.m. More than 40 vendors including Kendra Scott, Trina Turk, Lorna Jane and local sellers, silent auction, luncheon and awards. JW Marriott at LA Live, Los Angeles

6 Westside Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles 2018 Annual Benefit 11 a.m. Reception, shopping, luncheon, silent auction and drawings. The Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills

18 Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA Mattel Party on the Pier 10 a.m. Carvinal games, celebrity appearances and UCLA People-Animal Connection Therapy Dogs. Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica

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Zimmer Children’s Museum Gets A New Name And Activity-Packed New Home


hanks to a gift from Andrea and Barry Cayton and The Goldrich Family Foundation, the Zimmer Children’s Museum has a new home and a new name. In the first quarter of next year, the popular museum, a program of L.A.-based nonprofit ShareWell, is relocating to Santa Monica Place as the Cayton Children’s Museum. “It is important for my sister Melinda and I to carry on my dad’s philanthropic legacy by continuing to support and make an impact in our community,” Andrea Cayton says. She’s thrilled to see the donation carry on the charitable tradition of her late father, Holocaust survivor and Southland real-estate tycoon Jona Goldrich. The new children’s museum’s location doubles the size of the current Wilshire Boulevard site to 21,000-square-feet. R&A Architecture + Design is the architect and S2 Associates is the exhibition designer of the space that is expected to host 300,000 visitors each year. “Our mission is to create an experiential and fun environment where children will learn community values and social responsibility through play,” says ShareWell founderCEO Esther Netter. “The focus is on how to take care of ourselves, others and the planet.” The museum’s five core exhibit wings are themed to phrases: • “Let’s Help” correlates to the previous museum’s Main Street and Rescue Exhibit, even with a repurposed helicopter. • “Reach For” helps develop perspective through climbing where visitors literally climb and reach higher as they get bigger, older and stronger. • “Together We” is a collection of exhibits that one person can participate in, but become amplified and more profound when done with someone else. It includes a water table and an exercise-activated ball machine. • “Launch Your” is a climbing experience on the floor for infants up to 2 years old. • “Reflect On” encourages “being still enough to listen to what’s happening around us,” says Netter. It features a wishing wall, infinity mirror and tunnel space. Page 22 | September 21, 2018

An artist rendering of the lobby of the new Cayton Children’s Museum. Inset: Barry & Andrea Cayton.

Jona Goldrich

The new 21,000-square-foot facility at Santa Monica Place doubles the museum’s current exhbition space.

‘A Mission To Teach Kindness And Empathy’


ccording to Netter, “Our exhibits and programs teach children and young people that kindness and empathy are core to strong, healthy communities where people work together to move forward.” For example, in the ”Together We” wing, children can experience the value of being helpers to others, such as dressing up as a first responder. The exhibit will have a Coast Guard rescue boat in a ball-pit ocean and the museum is purchasing an old fire truck as the centerpiece of

the new fire station. “Visitors will be able to use these for role playing,” says Netter. These will be adjacent to the community market, café and animal hospital. “All of these are about how we help one another in crisis and every day,” says Netter. Being in tune with nature will be reflected in an exhibit featuring projected butterflies that fade away if the visitor is not still and quiet. The new Cayton Children’s Museum encourages a hands-on and creative learning model that stimulates

imagination and collaboration among children of all ages and their families. The museum’s staff Esther Netter is working with educators, artists, exhibit designers and child psychologists “to set the stage to allow children to create a theater of play in a community or group,” says Netter.

“We want this to be a place that isn’t separating visitors with small screens, but encouraging visitors, into group play because we know there is value in interaction, sharing, being patient, negotiating and celebrating a successful collaboration. “We’re hoping to create a place that’s aesthetically beautiful and challenging for little and grown up visitors and that gives them practice to be their best selves while having fun in an interactive children’s museum,” says Netter. —Steve Simmons




Commemorating The Kindertransport F

rom December 1938 until the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, approximately 10,000 children traveled alone from Germany, Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia to Great Britain and other countries by train and ship on the Kindertransport. Most were never reunited with their families. Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the life-saving effort with a temporary exhibit, a staged play reading, a new education program, and at the Museum’s Annual Gala.

In 1938, Lisa Jura’s dreams of becoming a concert pianist were shattered when German troops took over Austria. As Lisa said goodbye to her family and boarded the Kindertransport, her mother said, “Hold on to your music. It will be your best friend.” Lisa’s daughter Mona Golabek, above, followed in her mother’s footsteps, becoming an internationally acclaimed concert pianist. She will perform a tribute to her mother at a free concert in October for middle and high school students at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. The concert is the culmination of the L.A. Willesden Read, a multi-layered program teaching more than 12,000 middle- and highschool students – particularly from underserved communities – about the Holocaust, the importance of standing up against bigotry and hatred, and the transformative power of music, all free of charge. Mona Golabek’s book, The Children of Willesden Lane, tells the story of her mother’s experience as a Kindertransport survivor. The Willesden Read educated 250 teachers on how to teach the Holocaust and relate its history and lessons to current events. Students are studying the book (which will remain in their schools), touring the Museum and engaging in dialogue with a Holocaust survivor.

‘Childhood Left At The Station’


os Angeles Museum of the Holocaust’s new exhibit is a collection of artifacts, photographs and personal narratives from 10 children saved by the British rescue effort. Running through Dec. 31, the exhibition highlights 10 kinder—author and media personality Dr. Ruth Westheimer, L.A. resident Dave Lux, British information technology pioneer Dame Stephanie Shirley, Israeli sculptor Frank Meisler, Lisa Jura, Rita Berwald, University of California Electrical Engineering Professor Charles Susskind, Bea Green, Greta Meier and Sylva Oppenheimer. Shirley, Lux, Westheimer and Green are the only participants still living. The mementos and stories weave together a story of separation, loss, kindness and hope, illustrating how these kinder, in spite of their traumas and individual hardships, were able to achieve successes professionally and personally. Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, 100 The Grove Dr., L.A. -

Above: Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Left: Charles Susskind’s luggage tags

Museum to Honor Lord Finkelstein, Mona Golabek


n Monday, Dec. 3, the 80th anniversary of the first Kindertransport, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust will recognize the role of Great Britain, the child survivors, and their rescuers at its annual gala at The Beverly Hilton. With Melissa Rivers as emcee, the Museum is honoring Lord Daniel Finkelstein

and Mona Golabek. Finkelstein, associate editor of The London Times, is a member of Parliament, and a member of the Prime Minister’s Holocaust Commission. He is a patron of the Wiener Library, devoted to the study of the Holocaust. Golabek has taught students worldwide about the

Holocaust through her onewoman show, The Pianist of Willesden Lane, about her mother’s experiences as a Kindertransport survivor. Dr. Ruth Westheimer, also a Kindertransport survivor, will present the award to Golabek. ws--events/events/gala/.

The Wallis To Present Staged Reading Of Kindertransport Play


wenty years ago Patty Glaser, Paula Holt, Perla Karney and Karen Winnick produced playwright Diane Samuels’ Kindertransport at L.A.’s Tiffany Theater. Now, they’re bringing the acclaimed play back in collaboration with The Wallis for a one-day-only staged reading sponsored by Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust at 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 11 at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills. Karney, artistic director of the Dortort Center for Creativity in the Arts at UCLA Hillel, and a Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust board member, first learned of BEVERLY HILLS

the play from a New Yorker review. She flew to New York, saw the play and realized she had to bring it to L.A. for its West Coast premiere. “As a child of survivors, who lived in three different displaced persons camps and whose mother sent me to live with relatives when I was 13, this was a story that I could immediately relate to,” says Karney. “For some people it’s a footnote in the history of the Holocaust, but I think it’s vital to tell the story of these 10,000 children, 90 percent of whom never saw their families again.” In Samuels’ drama, a mother puts her daughter on a train, uncertain of both their futures. The mother survives

and when she comes to claim her daughter, the daughter wants nothing to do with her. “She’s angry about being sent away,” relates Karney, “and says, ‘You should have hung onto me and never let me go. Why did you send me away when you were in danger? No one made you. You chose to do it. Didn't it ever occur to you that I might have wanted to die with you?’ “She has to emotionally kill her mother in her mind to not suffer the pain,” says Karney. “These scenes are powerful and touch me on the deepest level,” adds Karney As an adult, Evelyn must confront her past when her own daughter discovers letters

and photos in the attic and starts asking questions. Then, as now, the play stars Jane Kaczmarek as the mother, Helga. “Jane has told me that the idea of giving up a child affected her so deeply it made her want to experience motherhood,” says Karney. Kaczmarek now has three children. “This is one of her most emotional roles,” says Karney, and she won an Ovation Award as best actress for the original production. That production also had Holland Taylor as the grownup daughter. The Wallis reading will feature Kate Burton, Kaczmarek’s Yale roommate, in the part. “She loves the play and immediately said ‘yes,’” Karney reports.

Deborah LaVine is also returning to direct the revival. “We’re excited to work with the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on the production,” says Karney. “The Wallis’ Artistic Director Paul Crewes, was immediately drawn to bring this significant and timely story back into the spotlight with two important actresses.” Playwright Samuels will be in attendance and Karney has invited British Consul General Michael Howells to speak and thank him for the role England played in saving so many children. Tickets range from $25$35. For more information, visit —Steve Simmons September 21, 2018 | Page 23

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Former U.S. Ambassador Nancy Rubin On Giving Back


enowned for her all-in commitment in support of communi- Repayment Assistance Program for Public Service. We began this ties and human rights, Nancy Rubin, the former U.S. Ambas- program, one of the first of its kind in the country, to pay debt and sador to the United Nations Commission on support and motivate law students to engage in public service and to Human Rights, is all about giving back. For advance justice and social change on a national, international, or more than 50 years, Rubin has been at the community level. I’ve supported women’s fullest participation in life forefront of the women’s and human since the ‘60s. In the ‘70s, I was engaged with the White House Interagency Task Force on Women and I co-chaired the Women’s rights movements. Raised in Beverly Hills, Rubin’s Campaign Research Fund to help make women’s perspectives heard. path of social engagment to magnify At that time only 3.9 percent of decision makers were women, today the voices of those least heard led her that number stands at 20 percent and rising. At long last, we’re in the to service in the administrations of vortex of dynamic change. BHS: From chairing the Coalition for Women International to Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Among a litany of accomplishments, she has served on the President’s Commission for community solutions; developed legal literacy projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America to access Nancy Rubin rights; and worked at the United Nations to bring land littered with mines back into food production and to build schools and community centers. She even personally removed potentially lethal landmines. Indeed, she is a luminary among women. Below is Beverly Hills Style’s exclusive interview with Rubin. Beverly Hills Style: What does philanthropy mean to you? Nancy Rubin: Philanthropy has been my personal journey of human touch to create a more gentle world–a way of participating in the partnership for our collective future. It’s hard to match the HUMAN RIGHTS–As the U.S. Ambassador to the UN Commision on Human courage of those who are marginalized, discriminated against and Rights, Rubin helped advocate for human rights across Africa. who do the daily work to change their families lives; so I’ve used my philanthropy to try to protect their rights and to “stand up,” rather helping build Americorps to serving as a Commissioner for Women than stand by. Philanthropy is my voice in action: in volunteering, Refugees and Children, to name just a few of the ways you’ve helped funding, advocating, and working to empower others to unleash empower people, you’ve certainly changed lives. Is there a particular opportunity in all facets of their lives. This support has changed lives organization that speaks to your heart at this moment? Rubin: Reflecting my mother’s values, I am an enthusiastic fun– mine included. Philanthropy has given me the opportunity to be a living part of our global landscape to advance social justice and I’ve der of Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Services. Mental Health, as it is fundamental to whole health. My mother was a social loved being in the circle of this engagement. worker during the ‘70s. As the BHS: You’ve had a prodidoors were closing for Mental gious impact on policy over Health Services, I founded the years, how have your Community Outreach to save experiences impacted your those services. The funds we giving strategy? raised helped open the doors to Rubin: Human rights, the Didi Hirsch Community women’s rights, and access to Mental Health Services. Today mental health are all areas we serve over 100,000 people that need a chorus of powereach year for those who might ful voices, funding and innonot otherwise receive help. We vative solutions. They have are opening the most comprebeen my calling. Having hensive Suicide Prevention served as Ambassador for Center in the nation. Human Rights and having BHS: Anything else you’d like served at the United Nations, to share? my social activism and the Rubin: All around us, we each sweeping inequities have LANDMINES–As chair of the Adopt a Minefield for the UNA, Nancy Rubin worked to combat the humanitarian disaster of landmines by helping eminate the indiscriminate have moments for “breakgiven me a “Human Rights Lens.” I’ve felt the impact of killing and maiming, and the food shortages caused by taking land out of food produc- through” to make justice come younger, passionate, strategic tion. UNA then used the land for schools, community centers, and to grow food again. alive. Everyone is a stakeholder leaders seeking social justice and new solutions to the “new world and a messenger heard differently by one another. We must vote and order.” It is exciting to invest in those who have demonstrated that vote with our voices...its our social action fundamental to “community.” We need the voices who advocate for mental health funding pivotable kind of leadership. My husband and I want to help empower people to realize their and services. We are human altogether and need to say YES to the rights and assist those responsible for ensuring human rights world! Collaboration with meaning and good people makes for a -Laura Coleman advances are implemented. I am particularly proud that in the 80’s, pretty juicy life. my husband supported The Miles and Nancy Rubin Loan Page 26 | September 21, 2018




Dries Van Noten Croc-Embossed Metallic Leather Envelope Clutch ($855) Dries Van Noten Metallic Leather Crossbody Bag ($1,450) Alaïa Vienne Mini Laser-Cut Leather Tote ($2,240) Alexander Wang Roxy Mini Leather Crossbody Hobo ($495)

Stella McCartney Mini Stella Star Crossbody Bag ($1,045)

Prada Studded Cahier Leather Top Handle Bag ($3,500) Sacai Hybrid Horse Shoe Coin Purse ($1,190)

Versace Small Tribute Medallion Handbag ($2,475) Valentino Garavani Rockstud Spike Snake Embroidered Flap Bag ($4,175)

Fendi Baguette Beaded Ruffle Leather Shoulder Bag ($7,150)

Bottega Veneta City Knot Studded Shoulder Bag ($5,900)

Versace Palazzo Chain Crossbody Bag ($1,895)

Saint Laurent Small Kate Glitter Patent Leather Shoulder Bag ($1,850)

Images courtesy of Saks Fifth Avenue

Page 28 | September 21, 2018




Women Dominate New Handbag Auction Category


he newly created handbags division at Christie’s Auction House only continues to grow in popularity since it started in 2014, according to Christie’s handbag specialist Caitlin Donovan, who heads sales for handbags and accessories in the U.S. “It’s one of the only female-centric collecting categories in the auction world,” she said, adding how the auction house’s division is reshaping how men and women collect. “The thing about handbags is women have been wearing and collecting handbags since the beginning of time.” For new collectors, Donovan recommends starting out by acquiring Hermes’ Birkin, Kelly and Constance bags. However, whereas four years ago the 35-centimeter Birkin was the iconic bag, today it’s now the 25 to 30-centimeter Birkin. “I’ve really seen a shift to smaller sizes,” she said. “As we advise for all our departments, it’s really important to collect what you love,” Donovan advised, noting that Hermes is really the premiere brand in the secondary handbag market and can sell for three-to-four times its original price. “At the end of the day, you’re really building a collecCaitlin Donovan tion that you love.” Christie’s record-breaking sale was for a Diamond Himalayan Birkin bag, which sold for just north of $300,000 at auction last year in Hong Kong. Although Christie’s sells privately all year round on the private secondary market, Donovan emphasized the cache of auctions. “Handbags are really a kind of wearable work of art,” Donovan said. “It’s an accessory that is useful and speaks to your personality.” - Laura Coleman


THE KELLY BAG–The Picnic Kelly price from the upcoming Christie’s auction “What Goes Around Comes Around” is estimated at $2430,000. The previous Picnic Kelly from the last auction sold for $75,000.

September 21, 2018 | Page 29



Where To Find Farm-To-Table Cuisine In Beverly Hills


ant to sample the freshest ingredients from Beverly Hills and surrounding areas all in one sitting? There are many local eateries that bring farmto-table freshness directly to Beverly Hills. Here are just a few options: Waldorf-Astoria Beverly Hills At Jean-Georges, JeanGeorges Vongerichten’s restaurant offers several fresh farm-to-table dining options at both its indoor dining area and outdoor patio. Among the favorites are an avocado pizza, vanilla chia bowl, squash blossom and sungold tomato pizza, heirloom tomato and strawberries salad and broccoli and kale salad. Executive Chef Steve Benjamin and his team source their ingredients from local farmers markets to put the meals together. "Following Chef JeanGeorges’ dedication to using locally grown and sourced foods in all his restaurants, our menus highlight seasonal local ingredients grown in Southern California, via collaborations with local farmers and weekly visits to

the farmers market," said Benjamin. "We believe that a local focus adds another level of freshness and innovation to every dish we serve.” The Peninsula Beverly Hills Executive Chef David Codney lives by the farmto-table concept. Behind The Peninsula’s luxurious swimming pool sits a rooftop garden, where Codney grows kale, broccoli, blueberries, passion

fruits, veggies and seafood are in season. Codney locally sources food items from

has been operating since 1998, is locally sourced. Try the Chicken Farro Salad

The Peninsula Beverly Hills’ Executive Chef David Codney in the hotel’s rooftop garden.

fruit, serrano peppers, mint, cilantro, basil, leeks, eggplant and hops (for beer, of course). Codney’s menus are seasonallydesigned around what fresh

The Peninsula Beverly Hills’ Dover Sole (flown in four times per week fresh from a fisherman in Dover, England).

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Jean-Georges inside the Waldorf-Astoria Beverly Hills provides several unique farm-totable meals.

Weiser Farms, Kenter Canyon Farms and Carmel Honey Company. “I love working with local farmers and purveyors, it allows us to connect more closely to the community to build relationships and select the freshest ingredients they offer,” Codney said. “Our clients travel from all over the world to visit Peninsula Beverly Hills, and I work diligently to curate the best menus inspired by the bountiful seasonal ingredients California has to offer.” The Farm of Beverly Hills A large portion of the menu at The Farm, which

with fresh asparagus, herbs, watermelon radish, lemon viniagrette and feta cheese. Spago Beverly Hills Wolfgang Puck has been a leading force in the farm-to-table movement since well before it was ever really a movement. Spago, one of his signature restaurants, provides a marketfresh menu that includes farmers market Heirloom Tomatoes with italian burrata, basil-pesto aioli and aged balsamic. Il Cielo Chef/owner Pasquale Vericella loves to visit the Beverly Hills Farmer’s Market to find fresh ingredients for some of his restaurant’s signature

dishes. One of Il Cielo’s longtime customer favorites is his Pappardelle with Lobster and Heirloom tomatoes, using food primarily sourced from the Beverly Hills Farmer’s Market. Maude Maude is a perfect example of how farm-totable doesn’t necessarily have to focus on locallysourced items. Maude rolls out four menus per year, inspired by wines from a different region each time. Each menu focuses on locally-grown menus from that specific area. Currently, Maude is serving a light summer menu with seafood and local-produce focused dishes inspired by the central coast of California. Farmhouse LA Located at the Beverly Center, executive farmer Nathan Peitso works with his family farm and many top local farmers to create vibrant seasonal dishes for Farmhouse LA’s eclectic menu. All grain used in the bread, pizza and pasta comes from Peitso’s family farm. Peitso crafts a seasonal “seed-to-plate” cuisine every month that highlights six ingredients at their freshest. – Matt Lopez

Want more farm-totable? See page 32 BEVERLY HILLS

FASHION Diamond Foundry CEO Martin Roscheisen On Future Of Lab Diamonds


iamond Foundry CEO Martin Roscheisen has been shaking up the diamond industry since launching his labgrown diamond company in 2015. Earlier this year Diamond Foundry was certified as a Carbon Neutral company by Natural Capital Partners, one of the world's first diamond producers to achieve this title. Later this year, industry titan De Beers will likewise begin to offer its own synthetic diamonds when it launches Lightbox. Even though today fewer than 1 percent of all diamonds are produced in labs, clearly, competition in this fledgling market is heating up! Below is Martin Roscheisen Beverly Hills Style’s exclusive interview with Roscheisen. BHS: Are sustainable diamonds the future or will there continue to be a strong diamond industry, beyond resale? Roscheisen: I do believe that both markets can thrive side-byside. A diamond is a diamond, whether it is lab grown or mined from the ground. The difference is in what the consumer values. As above ground diamonds are now mainstream, we find that they are choosing lab grown so they can feel good about where their diamond comes from. Long-term, as the labgrown category continues to grow, consumers will have more options when it comes to buying diamonds. This will eventually create a shift in mined diamond pricing as they try THE LOOKS–These lab-grown diamonds sparkle like nature’s own, yet to stay competitive. BHS: What is the importance of are a fraction of the price. a having a carbon neutral diamond? Roscheisen: Lab-grown diamonds help to combat mining but have still required quite a large amount of energy and resources that were not environmentally friendly. We invested a lot of time and research to be able to utilize renewable energy in our foundry to truly create a sustainable diamond. BHS: Even though lab-grown diamonds are anatomically identical to mined ones, do you believe there’s a magical quality in natural diamonds, and their billion year evolution, that simply can’t be recreated in a lab? Roscheisen: Diamonds are formed QUALITY CONTROL–Each within hours and days and sit within the Diamond Foundry diamond is earth until it is dug up by miners. The certified and passes through “billion year” theory is a way to romanti1,300 inspections before it’s sold. cize a mined diamond, but the reality of that diamond is the huge environmental and human toll it took for it to be mined. For a single carat of diamond, 250 tons of earth have to be dug up, 2,011 ounces of air pollution is released and 143 pounds of carbon dioxide is emitted. The Diamond Foundry buyer understands luxury but is aware of the devastating effects that mining has had. They are socially conscious and are looking for an ethical option without compromising quality. -Laura Coleman BEVERLY HILLS

September 21, 2018 | Page 31



Farm Fresh In Beverly Hills Digging into the “farm-to-table” movement and who is doing it best in Beverly Hills


he phrase farm-to-table is one that’s tossed around a lot these days in the world of cuisine. But what does it really mean? “You have to understand the ingredients,” said Isaac Gamboa, whose restaurant, Prospect Gourmand, has been serving fresh, farm-to-table fare in Beverly Hills since 2014. “Everything should be from scratch with 100 percent knowledge of where your food is coming from.”

Location, location


One common thought behind the farm-to-table movement is that all the ingredients need to be locallysourced. Although that’s often true, simply out of ease for the chef and to help support local proprietors, Gamboa says that isn’t always the case – it’s important to look beyond the local scope to find the best and freshest ingredients. “We try to stay local as often as we can, but some-

times you have to go outside to get what you’re looking for,” Gamboa said. “For example, we have these organic grits that we get from Anton Mills farm in North Carolina. The product is just so superior and they do such a great job.” Still, for a local Beverly Hills resident – Gamboa, his wife and their four kids (two students at Beverly Hills High and two at El Rodeo) – supporting local farmers is at the heart of his menu. Prospect Gourmand is essentially a two-person operation. Isaac and his wife Chancey run the restaurant, with occasional help from the two oldest kids. “My menu usually starts at farmer’s markets,” Gamboa said. “We have a lobster paella on the menu now that was just kind of inspired from trips to a few different markets.” The family will take weekend trips to local farmers markets, such as the Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market, to source local ingredients for their

Gamboa’s Morro Bay Oysters come from the Central Coast of California. Small oyster farmer Neal Maloney shucks them out of the ocean and sends them to Gamboa via FedEx.

ever-changing menu. “People will get [upset] at us; we’ll have this great asparagus soup on the menu for spring, customers get hooked on it, and then it’s gone,” Gamboa said. “It’s all farmer’s market driven, so it’s all about what you can get that’s fresh and in season.”

Make The Effort

One barrier to entry for many people to the farm-totable lifestyle is the time commitment it takes. Given work and social life constraints, it’s often easiest to just go visit the local supermarket. To truly become immersed in farm-to-table lifestyle means carving out the time to visit different local farmers markets to find the freshest, best-tasting ingredients you can get. Gamboa says he and his family will often visit the Farmers Market in Hollywood, which has one of his current favorites – tomatoes from Tutti Frutti Farms in Lompoc. The tomatoes have found their way onto several different dishes on the Prospect Gourmand menu. “These tomatoes are so juicy and delicious,” Gamboa said. “We have a burger on our menu that’s actually based around those tomatoes.” For the average household chef trying to step up their farm-to-table game, Gamboa says it’s all about making the effort to step out of your comfort zone and keep an eye out for new things. “I’m always finding something that inspires me,” Gamboa said. “We just got these beautiful red Shishito peppers from a farm in Oxnard. You don’t get them

Isaac Gamboa at Prospect Gourmand has crafted an everchanging menu based on locally-sourced ingredients, primarily from Southern California farmer’s markets.

red like that all year long, so you really need to make the effort to find what’s in season, and then just get your ingredients together and start playing with them.” Prospect Gourmand is open daily for lunch, brunch and dinner at 272 S. La

Cienega Blvd. For more information, visit

– Matt Lopez

Prospect Gourmand’s Pan Roasted Salmon with cherry tomatoes, green and yellow zucchini, eggplant, red bell peppers, basil and ratatouille all sourced locally from farmers markets.

Check Out These Local Farmers Markets Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market Open every Sunday, rain or shine, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. along the 9300 block of Civic Center Drive, features more than 60 farmers and vendors with locally grown, seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, breads and other items.

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Original Farmers Market A local favorite since 1934, the Original Farmers Market is famous for its vast array of food stalls, sit-down eateries and numerous food and produce vendors. Open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 6333 W. 3rd St.Los Angeles.

Melrose Place Farmers Market Open every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Melrose Farmers Market hosts tons of vendors with foods, flowers, crafts and other items. 8400 Melrose Ave.



ow’s this for a shocking statistic? According to the FBI, there are around 2.5 million home burglaries per year in the United States, or one every 13 seconds. These crimes can happen anywhere, and Beverly Hills is no exception. Earlier this year, the City Council agreed to install over 600 TV cameras throughout Beverly Hills in hopes of curbing crime in the City. Technology, however, has made it easier than ever for homeowners, or renters, to secure their living spaces. Here are a few of the best options on the market today to secure your home:

How To Smartly Secure Your Home

RING Doorbell

If nothing else, RING is probably the most popular home security device currently available. The video doorbell connects wirelessly to a home and will send real-time notifications to your smart phone or tablet when a visitor is at your front door. Homeowners can see and communicate with the visitor through RING’s audio feature. RING operates wirelessly, but can also be hooked up to a home’s existing doorbell wiring. RING has added a full line of home security cameras and devices, but the standard RING Video Doorbell begins at $99.99, with the highest-end model clocking in at $499.

Amazon Cloud Cam


The RING VIdeo Doorbell is becoming a go-to item for millions of Americans in securing their homes.

the Arlo Pro 2 costs $429.

Nest Security Camera

Nest’s cameras are another solid option in the ongoing battle for home security camera supremacy. The Nest cameras allow 24/7 live streaming in crisp 1080p quality video, with twoway audio. More features can be unlocked with a subscription to “Nest Aware.” Cameras run from $199-$349.

Logitech Circle 2

The Circle 2 is one of the more versatile cameras currently on the market with several mounts available that allow it to be placed just about anywhere in and out of the home. It can be mounted directly to the wall, wirelessly, or stuck to a pane-glass window. The Circle 2 will offer Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit integration. It also has the standard security features, such as night vision, two-way audio and cloud storage. The Circle 2 costs $159.

The Cloud Cam is convenient for many who have already allowed other Amazon devices into their homes, because it pairs effortlessly with Amazon’s iSmartAlarm Alexa and Echo (ask iSmartAlarm's iCamera Alexa to show a live Keep Pro is, compared to camera feed on the many of its competitors, a Amazon Fire TV, for relatively affordable option on example, and it will). The the smart camera market. camera uses high-level It's got sharp video quality motion sensoring with with motion tracking two-way audio and and mechanical pan and night vision. The Cloud tilt. Timelapse and free Cam allows users to Amazon Cloud Cam cloud and local storage share the last 24 hours are offered. The Keep Pro of motion alert video. is on sale now for $100. The Cloud Cam costs $119. – Matt Lopez Netgear Arlo Pro One of the more expensive home security units on the market, but in many ways, you get what you pay for. This weatherproof camera is completely wireless and offers high-quality 1080p high definition video. The batteries are rechargeable and it supports Alexa voice commands. It has continuous recording capabilities and offers free and subscription-based cloud storage. The Arlo Pro retails for $329, while

Home Security On A Budget Although it would certainly be ideal if every home had a state-ofthe-art security system, not everyone wants to, or is able to, shell out hundreds of dollars for those products. Here are a few home security items, tips and tricks that are light on the budget, but could go a long way toward deterring theft on your property:

Wyze Labs Wyzecam 2 – $26 The biggest benefit of the Wyzecam 2 is the price – for half the cost of one high-end security camera, you can buy a Wyzecam 2 for every single room in the house. This ridiculously affordable camera offers night vision, motiondetection and two-way audio, but many other features are not up to par with its pricier competitors. For the price, though, it’s tough to beat.

FakeTV LED Light – $39


Many home burglaries occur during the daytime, when homeowners are presumed to be gone, at work or school. A potential burglar is perhaps less likely to strike when they think people are home. The FakeTV FTV-11 is a bright, LED light that flashes in various colors at various times, that simulates the light of a 40-inch LCD HDTV. From the outside looking in, it will look exactly like people are inside the home watching television.

WALI Dummy CCTV – $21 The best part of these WALI “cameras” is you don’t have to worry about any messy setup, wiring, Wi-Fi connections or anything else. Why? Because… they’re fake! Sometimes just the threat of home security can do as much to deter a burglar than having an actual fully-activated home security system. These devices, available on Amazon, aren’t actual cameras, but they look exactly like a security camera. They can be mounted outside to deceive a would-be burglar from entering your property.

Netgear Arlo Pro

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A N O T H E R B I RT H D AY ! ?

September Sarno Marjorie Beradino

Frances Allen

Jerry Cutler

Sharona Nazarian

Joan Mangum Last Saturday night, nearly 100 turned out to salute famed attorney Gil Seton as he celebrated his 91st birthday with a party hosted by his wife, Katya, on the tennis court of their Beverly Hills home. Though retired from his lengthy law practice, he still takes the time for tennis several times a week and for dancing as he demonstrated in a crowdpleasing number with Hollywood Bowl tango Katya and Gil Seton star Giovanna Dan. Among those on hand were Susan and Dan Gottlieb, Virginia Plumb and Mike Starkman, Caldwell Bogert, Lynette Treffinger, Liz and Dr. David Miller, Allison Lane, Robin Blake and Stephen Stewart, Julie Farb, Helene Brownson and Richard VonBauer, Dr. Este and Lars Roos, Alexa Scharff and Bryan Peterson, June and Paul Bilgore, Toni and Tom Hodgkiss, Barbara and Steve Allen, Suz and Peter Landay, Rosanne and Gary Grabel, Beate and Neil McDermitt, and Glen Hopkins. More were Merrily and Rich Goshert, Amanda and Norm Berris, Diane and Tom Buttner, Ping Chen and Bryan Wald, Elke and Ron Block, Tracy and A. J. Dickerson, Guenther Memmert, Tammy and Seth Grabel, Michelle and David Tanner, Mary and J.J. Adams, Anne Ferradi, Wilson Fitzgerald, Alex Eddie, Mary and Steve Johnson, Gunilla Horacek, Kathy and Tom Cairns, Robin Thaler, Kathy and Ed Gould, Anna Maria and Michael Schneiderman, Grace Scherrer with her son, Johnnie, Tom Thomas, Kate and Gil Seton Jr., and many others. Following a delectable buffet, songstress Jan Daley sang a few favorite numbers and then it was time for more dancing. ***** With the Emmys taking over the entertainment spotlight last weekend, there were a number of top pre- and post-events. One of these was FX Networks partnering with Vanity Fair, for private cocktail party at Craft Restaurant in Century City to celebrate FX’s Emmy nominations. Shows being recognized included The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Atlanta, American Honor Story: Cult, The Americans, Baskets, and Legion.

FX NETWORK/VANITY FAIR PARTY–FX Network joined forces with Vanity Fair for an Emmy party at Craft Restaurant in Century City. Pictured are (from left): actor Cody Fern, actress Leslie Grossman, writer/TV host Janet Mock, and producer Steven Canals. Photo by Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Vanity Fair.

We spotted Dana Walden, Ron Howard, Cheyenne Jackson, Nina Jacobson, Billy Porter, Edgar Ramirez, Costa Robin, Xosha Roquemore, Jonathan Krisel, Judith Light, Mikey Madison, Ricky Martin, Margo Martindale, Janet Mock, Pamela Adlon, Louie Anderson, Zazie Beetz, Yvette Nicole Brown, Darren Criss, Olivia Edward, Billy Eichner, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover, Max Greenfield, Lesley Grossman, Brian Tyree Henry, Hiro Murai, Gary Newman, Our Lady J, Keri Russell, Lakeith Stanfield, Holly Taylor, and more. ******

Brian Goldberg

Michael Rosen

Irv Steinman

BIRTHDAYS—Stephen King, Sheila Rose, and Bill Murray (Sept. 21); the Courier’s Frances Allen-Fridman, Irv Steinman, Debby Boone, and Kathleen Spiegelman (Sept. 22); Marjorie Beradino, Jason Alexander, Marge Brinkley, Julio Iglesias, Irwin Zucker, and Bruce Springsteen (Sept. 23); Michael Rosen; (Sept. 24); Michael Douglas, Mark Hamill, Heather Lockyear, Will Smith and Barbara Walters (Sept. 25); September Samo, the Courier’s Rabbi Jerry Cutler, Marlene Ridgley, Sharona Nazarian, Lynn Anderson, Dr. Brian Goldberg, Melissa Sue Anderson, Philip Bosco, Linda Hamilton, Olivia Newton-John, Bernie Nebenzahl and Ramona Treffinger (Sept. 26); and Cheryl Tiegs (Sept. 27).

Marlene Ridgeley

Debby Boone

Irwin Zucker

Kathleen Spiegelman

Michael Douglas

Sheila Rose

Frances Allen Desert Roundup

PARTY TIME– Entertainment Weekly’s preEmmy bash at the Sunset Tower brought out a plethora of “young Hollywood” performers. Above (pictured from left): Madeline Brewer, Nina Kiri, Gabrielle Ruiz, Britney Young and Jackie Tohn. In the left photo are Elizabeth Reaser and Sarah Paulson. Photos by Getty Images

It’s for the birds. Or that’s the way it seems as Sunnylands announced the opening of its Center & Gardens 201819 season. In addition to presenting new graphics and informational panels, a 3-D topographical model of the grounds offers visitors a birds’-eye view the entire Sunnylands compound, from the golf course on the historic estate to the winding paths of its world renown gardens. But, it is Walter Annenberg’s love of birds that is the inspiration for this season’s main exposition. Entitled “Flight Plan: The Birds of Sunnylands,” the exposition showcases the images of National Geographic photographer Tim Laman, who spent two years documenting the amazing variety of birds that can be found at Sunnylands. His 52 breath-taking photographs document the success of the late ambassador’s desire to design his estate as a sanctuary for birds on the Pacific Flyway. The Center & Gardens are now open Wednesday through Sundays, to give the public an extra day of free access to the gardens and more opportunities to secure tickets for the historic house tours. It seems there is more than one bird sanctuary in Rancho Mirage. There is the plush Sunnylands, and across the street the more modest Rancho Mirage Country Club, and then there is Sparky. We know about Sparky, a lime green parrot, because he flew the coup, leaving his condominium while his two-legged caregivers were out of town. His four-footed friends, who shared Sparky’s residence, stayed behind keeping a watchful eye on the errant parrot. The end of Sparky’s freedom came as homeowners mobilized in golf carts eventually caught the bird in a pool net and returned him home. It was hardly a glamorous moment, but Sparky had several stories to tell about his adventure and, from the squawking coming from his parlor, he was relishing every bit of it.

Meanwhile, the Sunset Tower Hotel was the site for Entertainment Weekly to celebrate TV’s biggest weekend with its annual pre-Emmy party honoring the 2018 nominees and the stars of the new fall TV season. They all came together with presenting sponsor L’Oreal Paris to celebrate this year’s accomplishments and toast the very best in television. A small sampling of the many celebrities, most of whom were enjoying the music and dance selections provided by deejay Michelle Pesce were Malin Akerman, Christina Chang, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Aubrey Anderson Emmons, Eris Baker, Kelly Jenrette Parker Bates, Sarah Hyland, Madeline Brewer, Billy Brown, Derek Hough, Jon Huertas, Miles Brown, Camilla Luddington, Mozhan Marno, Sterling K. Brown, Amanda Brugel, Faithe Herman, Tituss Burgess, Dascha Polanco, Adina Porter, Dyllon Burnside, and Brigitte Nielsen. Still more were Busy Phillipps, Sophia Bush, Angelique Cabral, Sarah Paulson, RuPaul, Charlie Carver, Lonnie Chavis, Jackie Cruz, Brandon Victor, Ann Dowd, Rumer Willis, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Sarah Drew, Tiffany Haddish, MacKenzie Hancsicsak, Amirah Vann, Samira Wiley, Jared Harris, Robert and Kym Johnson Herjavec, Leslie Jones, Padma Lakshmi, Michael Zegen, Sam Lerner, Hailie Sahar, Nico 310.275.0579 • 434 N. Canon Drive Santos, Molly Shannon, Logan Mon. - Thurs. 11:30 am - 10:00 pm Shroyer, Jussie Smollet, Toni Fri. & Sat. Noon - 10:00 pm Trucks, Brian Tyree Henry, and Hannah Zeile, et al. I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T

Page 38 | September 21, 2018




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Damara Titmus as Micaëla in Carmen. Photo by Cheryl Mann

Pacific Ballet Theatre, led by Artistic Director-Choreographer Natasha Middleton, will present Carmen, based on Georges Bizet’s classic opera at 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, 1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach. The production stars Elen Harutyunyan as Carmen, Gregori Arakelyan as Don José, Preston Swovelin as Escamillo, Damara Titmus as Micaëla and Alexander Fost as Remendado. Rodion Shehedrin has created special string and percussion arrangements for the production. Tickets range from $40-$60 each and may be purchased online at or • • • • • The fall kick-off meeting of the Brandeis Men’s Group (BMG) will feature USC professor and music historian Dr. Thom Mason speaking on “Jazz from A-Z” at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 26 at the Veterans Memorial Complex,

4117 Overland Ave., Culver City. The afternoon will feature live performances, recordings and lunch. BMG is a group of more than 100 senior men, for information, call Randy Barnes, 310351-5018. • • • • • “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop,” a preview of new exhibitions will be held from 7-9 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 26 at the California African American Museum in Exposition Park, 600 State Dr., near downtown L.A. Exhibits to be celebrated include: “Nina Chanel Abney: Royal Flush,” “Robert Pruitt: Devotion,” “California Bound: Slavery on the New Frontier, 1848–186,” “Los Angeles Freedom Rally, 1963” and “The Notion of Family.” The evening will feature sets by DJs Val Fleury and Tendaji Lathan plus food trucks. For more information, visit i • • • • • The Actor’s Gang will kick off its new season with Jean Giraudoux’s The Madwoman Of Chaillot, adapted by Maurice Valency, opening with previews at 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 27 and playing through Saturday, Nov. 10 at the company’s Actor’s Gang Theatre, 9070 Venice Blvd., Culver City. The play begins at a sidewalk café where artists, ragmen and madwomen become aware of a diabolical plan to drill for

The weekly update

of local and SoCal events. oil in the middle of Paris. The Mad-woman develops a scheme with her eccentric circle of friends to stop the men and their insatiable lust for oil. “Written in 1943 while Nazis occupied Paris this poetic satire is a celebration of love, life, defiance and rebellion,” said production director Tim Robbins, the company’s artistic director. Performances will be at 8 p.m., Thursday-Saturday, with 2 p.m. Sunday matinees Oct. 14 and 28 and Nov. 4. Tickets are $34.99 and available by calling 310-8384264 or online at • • • • • The 25th annual YMCA Stair Climb for Los Angeles will begin with a starting ceremony at 11:30 a.m, Friday, Sept. 28 at the U.S. Bank Tower, 633 W. 5th St., in downtown L.A. Four thousand climbers ranging from elite stair climbers to “high rise heroes” (LAPD, SWAT and LAFD) in full gear, corporate teams, weekend warriors, seniors and children as young as 8 will race or walk up 75 stories (1,664 stairs) of the tower, the tallest stairwell west of the Mississippi. The Stair Climb Block Party, with live music, food trucks, community booths and a beer garden, will be from noon-9 p.m. For more information, visit • • • • • The Norton Simon Museum will present “A Night In Focus: India” from 5-7:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 29 at the museum, 411 W Colorado. Blvd., Pasadena. Attendees will be able to take an artful meditation tour of

select works in the collection or learn tips on meditation in a drop-in session in the Asian Sculpture Garden. Tabla, tanpura and flute players will entertain in the galleries, and in the theater, dancers will re-create poses seen in sculptures from India. Special treats from India will be available for purchase in the Garden Café. Admission is free with museum admission of $15 for adults and $12 for seniors. For more information, call 626-449-6840 or visit • • • • •

Jolanta and Maciej Ziemski are Duo Klavitarre

Music by Jewish FrenchPolish composer Aleksander Tansman will be on the program when the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust presents Duo Klavitarre in a 4 p.m. concert, Sunday, Oct. 7 at the museum in Pan Pacific Park at 100 The Grove Dr, L.A. Comprised of Polish husband and wife; pianist Jolanta and guitarist Maciej Ziemski, Duo Klavitarre is celebrated for its repertoire of classical, baroque, romantic and modern music and will include works by Frédéric Chopin and Johannes Brahms in the concert. Tickets are $25, $15 for students. Visit for more information.

September 21, 2018 | Page 39


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2 liter

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Page 40 | September 21, 2018


PUBLIC NOTICES T.S. No. 17-49785 APN: 4352-011-010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/19/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: NATHANIEL J FRIEDMAN, AN UNMARRIED MAN Duly Appointed Trustee: Zieve, Brodnax & Steele, LLP Deed of Trust recorded 4/26/2006 as Instrument No. 06 0913671 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale:10/1/2018 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: By the fountain located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $1,096,067.61 Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt owed. Street Address or other common designation of real property: 1423 SCHUYLER ROAD BEVERLY HILLS, California 90210-2540 AKA 1423 SCHUYLER ROAD LOS ANGELES, California 90210-2540

Described as follows: Irvine, CA 92606 As more fully described For Non-Automated on said Deed of Trust. Sale Information, call: (714) 848-7920 A.P.N #.: 4352-011-010 For Sale Information: (714) 848-9272 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for ____________________ any incorrectness of the Andrew Buckelew, street address or other Trustee Sale Assistant common designation, if any, shown above. If no THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTstreet address or other ING TO COLLECT A common designation is DEBT AND ANY INFORshown, directions to the MATION WE OBTAINED location of the property WILL BE USED FOR may be obtained by send- THAT PURPOSE ing a written request to EPP 26496 Pub Dates the beneficiary within 10 09/07, 09/14, 09/21/2018 days of the date of first publication of this Notice –––––– of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (714) 848-9272 or visit this Internet Web site m, using the file number assigned to this case 1749785. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Dated: 8/31/2018 Zieve, Brodnax & Steele, LLP, as Trustee 30 Corporate Park, Suite 450

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218384 The following is/are doing business as: 1) HIS / GLOBAL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2) GLOBAL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 439 N. Canon Dr. #Penthouse, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Hanan Shiheiber 439 N. Canon Dr. #Penthouse, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Hanan Shiheiber, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218386 The following is/are doing business as: MORRISON 3179 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039; 3179 Los Feliz Partners LLC 3179 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed August 2013: Marc Kreiner, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218372 The following is/are doing business as: LA CANNABIS CLUB 1316 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90015; LACC, LLC 1316 S. Los Angeles, CA 90015; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Rafael Bernardino, Jr., Manager: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218388 The following is/are doing business as: FBIS-FRED BLUM INSURANCE SERVICES 14930 Ventura Blvd. #330, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403; The Bradford Agency, Inc. 14930 Ventura Blvd. #330, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed June 1964: Fred Blum, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218390 The following is/are doing business as: THE LOVE STREET GALLERY 2080-1/2 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046; 8021 Rothdell Trail, Los Angeles, CA 90046; Cynthia Cobb 8021 Rothdell Trail, Los Angeles, CA 90046; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Cynthia Cobb, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME

STATEMENT 2018218392 The following is/are doing business as: CURSON PARTNERS 15760 Ventura Blvd. #1100 % Eisenberg, Encino, CA 91436; P.O. Box 1588, Beverly Hills, CA 90213-1588; Cavalier Company CA, Inc. 15760 Ventura Blvd. #1100 % Eisenberg, Encino, CA 91436; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: E. Aster, Secretary: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218394 The following is/are doing business as: 444 INDUSTRIES 350 N. Crescent Dr. #302, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Mark Greydanus 350 N. Crescent Dr. #302, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed November 2012: Mark Greydanus, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218398 The following is/are doing business as: GORNIK AND DRUCKER-BEVERLY HILLS, INC. 225 N. Canon Dr., Lower Lobby Montage Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Gornik and Drucker-Beverly Hills, Inc. 225 N. Canon Dr., Lower Lobby Montage Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed June 2018: William P. Gornik, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218396 The following is/are doing business as: GORNIK AND DRUCKER-PALISADES VILLAGE, INC. 15304 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272; Gornik and Drucker-Palisades Village, Inc. 15304 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: William P. Gornik, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218382 The following is/are doing business as: 1) SHOP LE CADEAUX 2) SHOP BABY CIE 3) SHOP CADEAUX 4) SHOP CASA CADEAUX 9046 W. 24th St., Los Angeles, CA 90034; Norman Kosser, LLC 9046 W. 24th St., Los Angeles, CA 90034; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Norman Kosser, CEO: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 07, 14, 21, 28, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218374 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN, DUMPLING AND NOODLE 3) DAN, MODERN CHINESE 12775 W. Millennium Dr. #110, Playa Vista, CA 90094; LSKENK Investments, LLC 12775 W. Millennium Dr. #110, Playa Vista, CA 90094; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed August 2018: James Kim, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C ––––––

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218376 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN, DUMPLING AND NOODLE 3) DAN, MODERN CHINESE 146 S. Lake Ave. #105, Pasadena, CA 91101; JKDY Investments, LLC 146 S. Lake Ave. #105, Pasadena, CA 91101; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed August 2018: James Kim, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218378 The following is/are doing business as: ROC 8474 W. Third St. #108, Los Angeles, CA 90048; LEK Investments, LLC 8474 W. Third St. #108, Los Angeles, CA 90048; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed October 2016: James Kim, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018218380 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN, DUMPLING AND NOODLE 3) DAN, MODERN CHINESE 2049 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; LSK Investments, Inc. 2049 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed August 2018: James Kim, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: August 29, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018230491 The following is/are doing business as: 1) ICON 11 2) SBH CONSULTING 3104 Hollyridge Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068; Sandrine Auerbach 2481 Hollyridge Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed February 2015: Sandrine Auerbach, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: September 11, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018230493 The following is/are doing business as: TAURI RED EVENTS 8437 Blackburn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048; Kalise Johnson 8437 Blackburn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Kalise Johnson, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: September 11, 2018; Published: September 14, 21, 28, October 05, 2018 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018238177 The following is/are doing business as: LA PALMS CONSULTING 9663 Santa Monica Bl. #1139 Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Farid Yagoubi 9663 Santa Monica Bl. #1139 Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed in ON September 2018: Farid Yagoubi, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: September 19, 2018; Published: September 21, 28, October 5, 12, 2018 LACC N/C


Fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14400, et seq., Business and Professions Code).





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I L A C R E N A O T A L R N L I A O P T N G G * S O R S T A I F R B S I E S A N A T I O N L A N C O N D O S E S S R O L A N D S G O A E S F R I N D E L I N D Y A Y S

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September 21, 2018 | Page 41













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Page 42 | September 21, 2018







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September 21, 2018



| Page 43



SILVERLAKE BRENTWOOD *PRIME LOCATION* BEVERLY HILLS GRAND OPENING on HOOVER ST. 11818 Darlington Av. WEST HOLLYWOOD 218 S. Tower Dr. Brand New Hollywood Hills Views! •••••• On Wetherly Drive • • 2018 Construction GORGEOUS & SPACIOUS 1 Bd.+1 Ba. Upper • +2 Bath 2 Bdrm. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •• = BRENTWOOD = 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATHS 650sf. • $1,895/Mo. Newly Remodeled •• • The Sanremo Single • Newly remodeled unit in Art deco bldg. A/C Newly

KELEMEN REAL ESTATE (310) 966-0900 License 00957281

all listings are on

•• Spacious floor plan •• 417 S. Barrington Av. newly renovated building. remodeled kitch. updated & master bedroom, GATED 5 STAR All appliances included, appl.+quartz countertop. Old World Charm! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : balcony, a/c unit, fridge, LUXURY PROPERTIES Close to Sunset Junction, Bright, intercom entry, 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath central A/C, balcony. stove, dishwasher, F URNISHED & U NFURNISHED Silverlake Farmers Market. fridge, stove, laundry fac. 3 Bdrm.+ 21/2 Bath $3,250/MO. *BEL AIR controlled access, CLOSE TO RESTAURANTS 323/284-8477 *WESTWOOD Call 310/666-9559 4 Bdrm.+ 31/2 Bath *CENTURY CITY laundry room, covered & SHOPPING. Water/gas/electric incld. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : parking. Pets ok. 323/651-2598 Open floor plan, high CENTURY PARK EAST 310/312-9871 BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. ceilings, French oak Close to Brentwood BEVERLY HILLS LUXURIOUS 2 BDRM /2 BATH / DEN flrs+porcelain tiles, x-lrg. Gardens, UCLA, Frwys. 221 S. Doheny Dr. $5,400/MONTH walk-in closets, stain2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH LE DOUX / BURTON WAY • Exciting High Floor. Great less steel appliances, • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • BrentwooD • $3,100/MO. Views Magnificent Newer quartz countertops, pool, • • • • • • 11815 Mayfield Ave. Renovation. Chic European BEVERLY HILLS APT Totally remodeled with Spacious, hardwood flrs., state of the art gym, < 3 Bdrm. + 3 Bath Kitchen. Custom Cabinetry < < < < laundry hook-ups, modern fixtures and new huge closets, built-in Quartz Counters. Luxurious Newly Remodeled • • • • • • granite counters througha/c, dishwasher, pool, controlled access, prkg, • 2 Bd. +2 Ba. Baths. Fireplace. Hardwood Bright Southwest Floors. Lots of Fitted Closets Exposure. Every room out all amenities in free WiFi. Close to elevator, controlled Hardwood floors, Air Cond. Heating Paid Brentwood Village. access, laundry has French Doors to kitchen and includes all 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH impressive living room, facilities. No pets. Small Covered Balcony. appliances. Large closets, Downstairs with laminate • 310/477-6885 • dining room, balcony, 2 BDRM /2 BATH / DEN 424/343-0015 Top Floor with High VERY UNIQUE • MUST SEE balconies, Berber carpet/ floors, parking, new a/c unit, fridge, dish$4,950/MONTH Great Location! Ceilings. Beverly Hills harwood foors and verticle appliances, pool and AC. Unobstructed Views. Jumbo washer, walk-in closet, School District. Grand Opening intercom entry, laundry Corner Condo.. 2 Large blinds. Fireplace, wet bar, $1,850/MO. BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. BRENTWOOD ’s $4,500/Month Balconies. Totally Renovated washer/ dryer included in By appointment only 309 S. Sherbourne Dr. Most Spectacular facility, carport parking. Please Email For Info.: Hardwood Floors. Décor laundry area. Secured 310/312-9871 ( • • • ----- • • • ) Kitchen/Baths. Quiet Location Call 310/425-9070 Apartments building with garden Close: great restaurants, • MUST SEE • Lots of Fitted Closets 1 Bd. +Den +1.5 Ba. 120 Granville Ave. shops, UCLA, beach. courtyard. Choice location N O W AVA I L A B L E

—————–––– —————–––– 439 S. LE DOUX






High Floor. Unobstructed East Views. Jumbo Balcony Viking Kitchen Hardwood Floors Loft Style Interior



Near Beverly Center, Cedars- Sinai, Restaurants, Trader Joes, Etc. No Pets.

3BD + 2BA + Office/Den


• • • • • •




* * * * * Good closet space, a/c, * • 3 B d . + 2 1/ 2 B a . elevator, dishwasher, • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. 1 Bd.+1 Ba. Lower controlled access. Close

apprx 650sf. • $1,795/Mo. to Cedars/shops/trans.

* * * * * * * *


• BRENTWOOD • 125 N. Barrington Av.


Large units, walk-in closet, 310/247-8689 • • • • • custom kitchen, built-in • 1 Bdrm. BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. washer/dryer, all appli+ 1 Bath • 120 S. Swall Dr. ances, hardwood floors Upscale, Bright, • • • • • • • • • throughout, some units Gorgeous & Spacious. • w/ skylights+high ceilings. • • • • • • • 1 Bd.+1 Bath • • Health club, wifi, sauna, Close to Sunset Junction, • Upscale, Bright, BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. • heated pool, controlled Silverlake Farmers Market. • • • • • • • • LUXURIOUS Gorgeous & Spacious. 2 BEDROOM, 3 BATH Apartment For Rent acess, parking. Very Spacious, A/C, With Pool, hardwood PENTHOUSE 424/272-6596 • floors, balcony, central Includes Spacious Loft BEVERLY HILLS * BEVERLY HILLS * balcony, intercom entry, Close to Brentwood on-sight laundry, prkg. 2 BDRM, 2 BATH School District w/ Private Bath, air, fireplace, stainless Closet, Bonus Room & 9520 W. Olympic Blvd. 8725 Clifton Way Close to Cedars-Sinai, Village, Restaurants, steel appliances, Beverly Center, Large Rooftop Deck. UCLA, Mt. Saint Mary’s, $2,600/Month elevator, intercom Newly Remodeled shops, cafes & Transportation. No Pets Large closets, balconies, entry, parking. gym. & transportation. all amenities in kitchen Completely Remodeled Large & Spacious • 310/476-2181 • 424/303-7142 w/ breakfast area + New Bath, Granite-Kitch+ 2 Bd.+Den+2 Ba. BRENTWOOD Close to shopping, granite counter tops and Bath, New Kitch+Bath 1 Bd.+Den+2 Ba. The Carlton dining & schools. BRENTWOOD all stainless steel Cabinets, New Hrwd Flrs+ • • • • • • • • • 11618 Kiowa Ave. 11666 Goshen Ave. appliances. all harwood Carpets, Dwash, Stove, (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) Lrg. unit. balcony, • • • • • floors and verticle blinds. • BRENTWOOD • • • • Central A/C, Lots of Closets, Fireplace, wet bar, walk-in closet, Very Spacious 872 S. Westgate Ave. Newly Updated Enclosed Balcony, washer/ dryer included in = = = = = = Single + 1 Bath central air, intercom • Bachelor Security-Gate, Parking laundry area. Secured Very Bright (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) Call 310/721-3769 entry, laundry facility, • S i n g l e building with garden WiFi, central air/heat, • • • • 2 Bdrm.+2 Bath • • elevator, parking. • • courtyard. Choice location fireplace, balcony, = = = = = = Near Beverly Center, Cedars• CHARMING & BRIGHT • A/C, internet access, controlled access, Sinai, Restaurants, Trader • 310/276-1528 • pool, controlled access, pool, elevator, parking, Totally Redone. Joes, Etc. No Pets. ADVERTISE Close to Cedars, on-sight laundry. No pets. Harwood+carpet laundry facility. Close to Whole Foods, $3,850/MO. floors, fireplace, YOUR Beverly Center Shown By Appointment. 310/312-9871 Transportation patio, parking, LISTINGS restaurants, shopping 8544 BURTON WAY Shopping & Dining in and Restaurants. laundry facility. Call 310/273-6770 Call us at Brentwood Village & transportation. 310/826-4889 310/592-4511 or 213/444-8865 310-278-1322

Hardwood floors, includes Shown By Appointment. rt deco bldg. A/C Newly all appliances, nice yard 8544 BURTON WAY remodeled kitch. updated and garage parking. CENTURY PARK EAST Call 310/273-6770 appl.+quartz countertop. $4,500/MO. $4,000 to $5,300/month CALL 310/801-3431 or 213/444-8865 Water/gas/electric incld. or 310/734-7263 323/284-8477 PARK PLACE



$4,200 to $4,950/month

CENTURY TOWERS $6,500 to $7,000/month

CENTURY HILL $4,950 to $8,900/month


ONE CENTURY $16,500 to $27,000/month


Some Complexes include Heated Pools, Sundeck, Tennis, Doorman, Houseman, Staff Engineers, Switchboard, Security Staff, Switchboard, Saunas, Business Center, Pet PlayLand, Restaurant, Acres of Flower Gardens and Grassy Lawns.






————— TO


Page 44 | September 21, 2018







B R E N T W O O D • WESTWOOD • 904-908 Granville Av.


2 Bd.+2 Ba. Includes: Air conditioning unit, laundry facility, subterranean prkg. Near Whole Foods.


—————–––– BRENTWOOD

11988 Kiowa Ave.

••••••• 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. •••••••

550 Veteran Ave. The Clarige ••••• 670 Kelton Ave. • Brand New Building • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • ••••• • 3 Bd.+3 Ba. Very spacious, Everything Brand New granite counters, Hardwood floors, microwave, intercom appliances, washer/ entry, on-sight laundryer in each unit, dry, parking & WiFi. Very close to UCLA central air. Pool, jacuzzi & Westwood Village. spa, fitness center, 310/208-5166 rooftop garden patio+



WILSHIRE CORRIDOR 10530-10540 Wilshire Bl.

∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞

• 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •



Wifi, Bright, controlled access, balcony, pool, e levator, laundry facility, prkg.


Parking, on-site laundry, Newly Updated controlled access. 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath Nice, Quiet 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath Close To U.C.L.A. 12-Unit Building.




Balcony, dishwasher, WESTWOOD a/c, heated pool, 1370 Veteran Ave. WiFi, elevator 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath controlled access, Single on-site laundry, prkg. •••• •• Close to • •••• • Brentwood Village, Balcony, air conditioning Shops & Restaurants. dishwasher, controlled • 310/826-4889 • access bldg., WiFi, pool, on-sight laundry, gym, parking. CULVER CITY

—————–––– 3830 Vinton Ave.


•• • • • ••

Pool, sauna, intercom entry, elevator, on-site laundry, parking. All Utilities Paid.


————— WEST L.A.

1628 S. Westgate Ave. X-St. Santa Monica Bl.

~ 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. ~ ~ 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. ~

B r i g h t & A i r y. Intercom entry, on-sight parking, on-sight laundry facility, courtyard patio. Close to transportation.


310/477-6885 Close to Century City.



615 S. Cochran Ave. 274 LAFAYETTE PARK PL. 218 S. Tower Dr. Newly Remodeled • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • • Single • • • • • • • • Granite counter tops, • • 1 Bd. +1 Ba. • • Controlled access, stainless steel appliances, • •• on-sight laundry, Single •• air conditioned, new • a/c unit, kitchenette. • • hrwd. flrs., designer 323/879-9611 Old World Charm! finishes, balcony, ceiling Close to Museums, fan, elevator, controlled Bright, intercom entry, The Grove & Restaurants.

access. Fitness ctr, yoga fridge, stove, laundry fac. CLOSE TO RESTAURANTS room, wi-fi, skyview • 2 Bd.+1 Ba. • & SHOPPING. lounge w/ outdoor fire∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ H O L LY W O O D place, laundry facilities. 323/651-2598 1769-1775 213/382-102 1 • Luxury Living • N. Sycamore Av. Easy freeway access BEVERLY HILLS with valet, lush garden • • • • • 221 S. Doheny Dr.




• • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • ————— WESTWOOD ————— • • •• 1810 Prosser Ave. BRENTWOOD •• • • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath 11640 Kiowa Ave.




Large & Bright Unit. surrounding pool, • S i n g l e • Elevator, controlled fire pits, courtyard, • B a c h e l o r access, on-site W E S T W O O D controlled access, prkg. gym, elevator, etc. Controlled access, Hardwood flrs., granite laundry facility, 10905 Ohio Ave. laundry facility. 310/209-0006 counters, dishwasher, balcony, parking. • • Utilities Included. • • Steps to UCLA & Close to central air, balcony, 323/851-3790 •• •• Westwood Village. Brentwood Village, • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • Close to Everything. laundry facility. • • Shops & Restaurants. Single

• 310/826-4889 •



401 S. HOOVER St. • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• 1 Bd. + • 1 Ba. • • • • • • • •

Spacious, hardwood flrs., huge closets, built-in a/c, dishwasher, pool, Control access, pool, elevator, controlled dishwasher, elevator, access, laundry • Free WiFi • on-site laundry * HOLLYWOOD * facilities. No pets. Call: 310/470-4474 and parking. 1134 N. SYCAMORE AV. 424/343-0015


————— **C **CENTURY CITY** 2220 S. Beverly Glen



* * * * *

• 1 Bd. + 1 Ba.

BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. BBRENTWOOD Newly Remodeled 309 S. Sherbourne Dr. The Carlton •••) (•••

* * * * *

Great Views Great views, controlled • 1 B d . + 1 B a . • access, balcony, • • S i n g l e • • elevator, lrg. pool, •• • • prkg, on-sight laundry. H IKING IN R UNYON • • L o t s o f • • C ANYON , H OLLYWOOD Character & Charm! B OWL /N IGHTLIFE . Glass Fireplace 323/467-8172


Great Location! —————–––– — ————––––


1 Bd. +Den +1.5 Ba.

• • • • • •

Good closet space, a/c, elevator, dishwasher, controlled access. Close to Cedars/shops/trans.

11666 Goshen Ave.


Very Spacious Single + 1 Bath (•)(•)(•)(•)(•)

BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. L.A.’S FINEST, Newly Remodeled. 120 S. Swall Dr. MOST LUXURIOUS New hardwood flrs., • KOREATOWN • • • • • • • • • • APT. RENTAL •

WiFi, central air/heat, fireplace, balcony, controlled access, pool, elevator, parking, laundry facility.

“The Mission” • Westwood •






* * * * * *

423 S. Hoover St. 310/312-9871 • Shopping & Dining in stainless steel appl., • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • • 1 Bd.+1 Bath •• • • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. • Brentwood Village • alcove fireplace, Balcony, air conditioning, • • • • • • • • fridge, laundry facility, granite counters,

controlled access bldg., Very Spacious, A/C, BRENTWOOD 310/477-6885 balcony, intercom entry, • • • • • gated parking, intercom covered parking, 904-908 Granville Av. Close to U.C.L.A. on-sight laundry, prkg. entry, WiFi and more. 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. laundry facility. Close to Cedars-Sinai, • 310/552-8064 • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. Includes: 213/385-4751 WESTWOO Beverly Center, • • • • • Rooftop jacuzzi Close to transportation, Air conditioning unit, shops, cafes 1409 Midvale Ave. 6-Month Lease Avail. laundry facility, with panoramic downtown & & transportation. * * * * * * •••• ••• •••• subterranean prkg. 424/303-7142 great restaurants. city views. • 2 B d . + 2 B a . • Every Extra Luxury Near Whole Foods. custom cabinets, • 1 B d . + 1 B a . • granite countertops, 310/592-4511 • BrentwooD • stone entry, pool, • • 11815 Mayfield Ave. • • Single • • health club, spa. BRENTWOOD • Free WiFi Access • < • • • < < < < • Close to UCLA • Ave. • • • 16 FULLY REMODELLED SPACIOUS STUDIOS Newly Remodeled 11618•Kiowa 1350 S. MIDVALE AVE. • • • WiFi, a/c, intercom • • • • L.A., 90024 Completely Renovated Period Building. Original Features • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. entry, laundry facility, Newly Updated Contact Mgr.: Hardwood floors, Retained. Air Conditioned. Rent Control. New Kitchen elevator, parking, pool. • Bachelor • 310/864-0319 • impressive living room, • S i n g l e Cabinets. Rent Control. New Stainless Steel Appliances. CLOSE TO U.C.L.A., • • • • • Dishwasher & 1½ Bowl Sink. Re-tiled Bathrooms with dining room, balcony, SHOPPING & 1 BLK. • • • a/c unit, fridge, dishTub & Shower. Hardwood Floors. Video Security Entry A/C, internet access, TO WESTWOOD PARK. System . Fitted Walk in Closets. Cable TV & Wi-Fi washer, walk-in closet, pool, controlled access, 310/478-8616 ADVERTISE Ready. On-Site Laundry Room. Dog Run for Small Pets. intercom entry, laundry on-sight laundry. No pets. FURNISHED & SHORT TERM ALSO CONSIDERED facility, carport parking. Close to Whole Foods, YOUR www. Transportation OPEN HOUSE 12:30-2:30 DAILY 310/312-9871 bhcourier LISTINGS and Restaurants. 121 S. ELM DR. BEVERLY HILLS 90212 .com Close: great restaurants,


————— ————— —————




—————–––– 310.278.1322


Contact GEORGE at 310-278-1322

Call Jade on 818-732-5441

shops, UCLA, beach.


September 21, 2018






| Page 45




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Page 46 | September 21, 2018







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1 Like a bull in a china shop 7 Blue 11 Band whose songs are featured in a hit 2001 musical and 2018 movie 15 Tube tops 19 Where Hemingway wrote “The Old Man and the Sea” 20 Instrument whose name sounds like a rebuke of Obama’s dog 21 Case load? 22 River that formed an extension of the Mason-Dixon line 23 One who’s just moved from Portland? 26 Bit of baseball gear 27 “Jeez, I heard you already!” 28 Number 29 Game played with a dog 30 Peak 31 Tennis great who wrote the 2009 tellall “Open” 32 Major science journal 33 Satchel for a guy 35 Convert a morgue worker into a spy? 37 Google ____ 38 Pre-euro currency 39 Smooch Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more ANSWERS than 4,000 pastFOUND puzzles, IN NEXT ($39.95 a year). WEEK’S PAPER…

We Do

90 Like more 91 Gulf mogul 92 Rulers during the Time of Troubles 93 Jewish mysticism 94 Harmonized 98 Triple-A requests 99 Nickname for a superserious congressman? 101 Trainer of Rey in “The Last Jedi” 102 Eager 103 Fixtures in every Vegas casino 104 Ontario city across the river from Buffalo, for short 105 Craftsy online store 106 Cay 107 For takeout 108 Exemplar of cruelty

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14 What’s better when it’s fine? 15 Awaken 16 Yellowfin 17 Workers who are always retiring? 18 “Take that!” 24 Strain 25 Tweet, e.g. 29 Language of Omar Khayyam’s “Rubáiyát” 31 Glows 32 Caution on an airplane wing 33 Dip for mozzarella sticks 34 Affecting radically 35 x 36 Biceps exercise 37 Attack on a big scale 38 Uncool 42 Gig for an aspiring electronic musician DOWN 1 Follower of 43 Root word? “ah-ah-ah” 44 Citation 2 Fun adventure 45 What “…” may 3 Colored layer represent 4 Hungarians, by 46 What “#” means in another name chess notation 5 Noses around 47 Slim 6 Northerner 49 Surrendered 7 One of the Gilmore 50 “Take a hike!” Girls 52 Like an uncorrupted 8 Old sports org. with the file Kentucky Colonels 53 Academy Awards 9 U.S. food giant prop 10 Suck-up 54 Popular Belgian brews, informally 11 Red with 58 Hurt embarrassment 12 Fad toy of the 1990s 60 Ballet jump 13 Tendency 63 Music genre at a rave


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40 Leave gobsmacked 41 Common plural verb 42 Staple of many a “Real Housewives” episode 44 One of the Leewards 48 LeBron basketball sneaker, e.g.? 51 Foe in “Wonder Woman” 55 – – – 56 Ready for the recycling bin 57 Field trip chaperone 59 Surrender 60 Celebrity chef Oliver 61 Hunger for 62 Will of “Arrested Development” 64 Determined to do 65 Flower said to cover the plains of Hades 68 Brand of 33-Down 69 Intense blowback against a signature Trump policy proposal? 72 Large mobile devices, to use a modern portmanteau 74 Hair net 75 Amazon threat 76 Muppet eagle 79 Highest draft category 80 Garbage barge 81 Tour de France setting 82 Bad person to get paired with for a class assignment? 87 Bender 89 “Present!”



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51 57


69 72 77






































64 Provider of green juice? 65 Bother 66 Put away 67 Vietnamese brothand-noodles soup 70 “Yeah, right” 71 Academy Awards prop 73 Garden toilers 76 Saliva



60 63























28 30











77 Words from a T.S.A. agent before a patdown 78 Punk rock hairstyles 80 Guarantee 81 U.S.P.S. package status 83 Purchase at a sports stadium 84 Sophisticated 85 How whiskey is often served


86 Financially solvent 87 Blue man group? 88 Something made to be destroyed 91 Where soccer was invented: Abbr. 93 Hitchcock triple feature? 94 Should that be the case

95 “Hey ____” (start of a phone voice command) 96 R&B great Redding 97 A bit of disputin’ from Putin? 99 Chairlift item 100 Clickable tag on BuzzFeed beside “LOL” and “WTF”


September 21, 2018 | Page 47

Chairman 2014 Paula Kent Meehan President & Publisher Marcia Wilson Hobbs Senior Editor John L. Seitz Special Sections Editor Stephen P. Simmons

From The Publisher

MARCIA WILSON HOBBS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tuesday Sept 11, we did not receive any mail as of 10:30 p.m. The next morning, we had received a delivery but it belonged to our neighbor which I delivered. Also on Wednesday Sept. 12 at 11 a.m., I received our mail delivered by a neighbor, again misdirected. This is a continuing problem of mail going to neighbors and their mail ending up in our mail box. Often, the address is 6 to 8 blocks away from our street. This is the first time I have written a complaint about this deplorable mail service condition. I intend to do so in the future until it is corrected. If others do the same, collectively, we just may see corrective action taken to resolve this ongoing problem. Herb Young ****** I am writing to say that still our Beverly Hills mail delivery…sucks. We have lived here 30 years and the last half dozen+ years have been terrible for being able to get basic adequate mail delivery. Vacation mail stops are highly undependable, maybe even non existent, and I don’t know it yet, we often get other peoples’ mail and sometimes we receive extremely old mail. One deliverer even broke our mail box slot, whilesome leave all mail on the doormat. We have different mail deliverers all the time, and none of them don’t seem very… alert. We get mail delivered at all times of a day–even into the night while other days we may get no mail, which for us is most unusual. We live on Lasky Drive and are very concerned with this problem! Tina Cooper ****** The Beverly Hills City Council has endorsed Proposition 10 on the November ballot. The measure would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995–a “gift to property owners” (in the words of a landlord) that has long tied the hands of any locality that would want to find local solutions to local problems arising from the crisis in rental housing in California. Thanks to Costa-Hawkins, any household that rents in a building built after 1995 enjoys no local tenant protection. In Beverly Hills that means some of our neighbors would not benefit from a capped allowed annual rent increase, for example, or a relocation fee if evicted. Their call to the new Rent Stabilization Program office would be rebuffed because state law exempts them from our ordinance. (Most mistakenly believe they have a rent cap and other RSO protections.)

City Council endorsed Proposition 10 because it would undo the state preemption under Costa-Hawkins and return a measure of local control over rental housing to Beverly Hills, where it belongs. In fact the endorsement comports perfectly with this plank of City’s legislative platform: “Support and pursue the repeal of state laws that affect local control on housing and land use.” The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles predicts diminished rental property values and hints darkly at a Socialist conspiracy. In fact, Proposition 10 only affords localities the autonomy which was stripped by CostaHawkins. If it passes, our City is no more likely to adopt strict rent control than to usher in a revolutionary program of land reform and redistribution. It is not who we are. Don’t let AAGLA “red alerts” and prophesies of economic disaster fool you. The rental property owners in Beverly Hills who have spoken out against Proposition 10 will lose not a single dollar of net operating income if it passes. Mark Elliot Founder of the Beverly Hills Renters Alliance ****** After reviewing the Beverly Hills Planning Commission’s Sept. 13 hearing, I was appalled and disgusted at the attacks against the Courier’s reporter Victoria Talbot. Specifically, Farshid Joe Shooshani suggested Ms. Talbot was under the influence of drugs when she wrote her accurate and truthful story the prior week about his conduct as a commissioner. It is deeply disturbing that a sitting commissioner would target a journalist of her abilities and reputation. If it was not for the free press in Beverly Hills and Ms. Talbot’s tireless efforts, many of these matters would never see the light of day or be subject to public scrutiny. It is equally more repugnant knowing she has been sober in recovery for decades. To imply her stories are the product of “smoking” something is a affront to all persons in recovery and an affront to female journalists around the globe. Commissioner Shooshani continues to embarrass Beverly Hills and he has leap frogged from attacking residents to attacking the media that diligently covers and scrutinizes his conduct as a sitting commissioner. Shame on him! Ronald Richards Publisher’s Note: Farshid Joe Shooshani has not followed the oath he swore to uphold. When he became a commissioner, his lack of preparation for meetings was obvious and he still shows a lack of The following assaults, burglaries, and grand thefts have been reported by BHPD. knowledge and disregard for the Streets are usually indicated by block numbers. code sections. He insults residents, reporters and others in his public 09/13 300 S. Rexford Dr. ASSAULTS comments without regard for the 09/14 8600 Clifton Way 09/13 8400 Wilshire Blvd. fact that they are unable to correct 09/14 300 N. Beverly Dr. GRAND THEFTS his comments. It is the City Council’s 08/28 9500 Wilshire Blvd. BURGLARIES responsibility to sanction him for his 09/07 500 N. Oakhurst Dr. 08/29 400 N. Linden Dr. verbal disregard of the City’s 09/09 300 N. Rodeo Dr. 09/10 400 N. Camden r. General Plan, the Zoning Code, and 09/10 9500 Wilshire Blvd. 09/11 9400 Brighton Way the citizens who must endure him at 09/11 200 S. Beverly Dr. 09/11 600 Trenton Dr. Planning Commission meetings. 09/13 300 N. Rodeo Dr. 09/12 400 N. Camden Dr. Lastly, we have observed Shooshani, 09/13 300 S. Robertson Blvd. 09/15 300 S. Rexford Dr. Licht and Block trying to ignore City 09/15 200 N. Canon Dr. 09/13 400 N. Rodeo Dr. Attorney David Snow’s legal advice.


Cartoon for the Courier by Janet Salter


By Holiday Mathis TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 21). You'll perform tremendous feats in May. Your devotion brings someone up. A team will help you achieve a personal goal in July. It's the extra action steps you take in August that will net you new fans and customers. Taurus and Pisces adore you VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A surge of inner determination will be your lovely parting gift as the sun prepares to leave your part of the sky. You'll push forward, no hesitation, and face life headon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The best way to handle compliments is to turn them around, flattering the kindness and observation of the giver. These and other niceties are old hat to you. The cosmic attention coming your way will activate your social grace. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You'll make the first call, and you'll also be the one to repeat call when the other person isn't calling you back. That doesn't make you less powerful; it makes you more in control of the relationship's destiny. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). People from the past will figure in and you'll find out what they're up to. You'll also note what's changed -- your entire self-concept, for starters. Because you see yourself in a new light, the world does, too. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Gather more information to satisfy your curiosity or to help yourself understand a situation better, but don't worry about passing judgment. This one is not for you to decide. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Unfortunately, just because it's called a game doesn't automatically make it fun. But the players can make up the difference today, so invite your favorite people to join you in this “game.” PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). You have a talent for relating to those whose education and culture is different from your own and this will come in handy today as your life is enhanced by connecting with those from other walks of life. ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr.19). People are so complex that they often don't even know their own reasons for taking a certain action. Introspection only captures but the tiny fraction of a thought process. So go easy on yourself. You had your reasons. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20). If you haven't decided what goals to set for yourself, don't rush. Your sincere desire to be useful and helpful will propel you forward better than any other ambition would. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll be reassessing what matters to you. It's almost as if your priorities come up for review when the sun is about to change signs, and today you'll be reassessing what matters to you in order to better plan your future. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Staying healthy is about prevention, eating right, sleeping long and being happy. Later you'll be glad you put today's energy toward creating better habits around selfcare. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The zoom function of your mind is touchy, and you'll have to check yourself to keep from getting too analytical. Every action counts for something, but no actions count for everything. Hopefully, that takes some of the pressure off.

Page 48 | September 21, 2018


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