ey there! Thanks for grabbing my book. I’m Haley, and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the heart of the matter: many of you have picked up this book and are intrigued. You’re now flipping through the pages to see if this is the kind of book you want to buy or if you’re going to put it back on the shelf and keep browsing. Perhaps you’ve already bought it. Or maybe you were gifted it and are now trying to figure out what you’re in for. Regardless of how it came into your possession, you’re checking out the introduction because you’re thinking to yourself, “This book sounds interesting, but who is this chick and why should I listen to her, of all people, when it comes to hunting and cooking wild game?” I get it. If you’re gonna drop some coin on a book and spend your valuable time on something, you want to be sure that the information in it is worthwhile, credible, and that you’re going to get your money’s worth, especially when the information comes from someone with zero name recognition. You’re here trying to get a quick look at my credentials to see if I’m the type of person you want to learn from. Let me be up front with you… I’m not an expert hunter. I don’t have a YouTube channel or a TV hunting show. I’m just a gal who appreciates hunting, who has connections to the hunting world, who is a keen researcher, and who wants to keep the tradition of hunting alive. That being said, while I’m only a novice hunter, I do consider myself to be somewhat of an expert in the kitchen. In fact, that was the genesis of this book.