The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection comprises an exclusive group of real estate professionals and an unparalleled portfolio of the most magnificent homes around the globe. Luxury Collection Specialists are among the most revered in the industry for their unwavering commitment to excellence and an undeniable passion to serve. With vision, commitment, determination, and elegance, Luxury Collection Specialists provide white glove service for those seeking or selling homes.
Powered by a brand that offers what no other can and whose ethos is founded on trust, stability, integrity, and longevity, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection Specialists pair invaluable knowledge with access to advanced tools and vast global connections. Those with the Luxury Collection Specialist Designation market themselves as luxury experts by way of exclusive marketing collateral available only to those with the designation. They also receive exclusive invitations to networking events, including the annual Luxury Collection reception at Sales Convention.
To become a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection Specialist, network members must meet certain criteria and submit a formal application on the REsource Center.
The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection website demonstrates how Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection Specialists stand apart in the market and highlights the quantity and vast geography of network members’ luxury listings. We do this by showcasing the range of tools that Luxury Collection Specialists have available to them as part of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand, as well as highlighting the exceptional service buyers and sellers can expect from agents.
There is one opportunity for a featured residence on the homepage This residence must qualify as a luxury listing, be currently on the market, and be a top tier listing.
This social media wall is powered by the Luxury Collection Instagram page @BHHSLuxury. Items that appear on the Luxury Collection Instagram page will also appear in this space.
To submit a listing for any of these homepage opportunities, please send an email with the subject line “Website Homepage Featured Residence” with the listing link and link to downloadable images to LuxuryListings@HSFranchise.com
At the top of the page, there is a carousel with the capacity to feature five listings that are currently on the market These properties must be designated as luxury and must be a top tier listing
There is an opportunity to feature eight luxury listings on the Buy Page These listings must qualify as a luxury listing and be currently on the market To submit a listing to be featured, please send an email with the subject line “Website Featured Residence” with the listing link to LuxuryListings@HSFranchise.com
Those who hold an active Luxury Specialist Designation have the opportunity to be highlighted in an agent feature story. These articles tell unique and interesting stories about Luxury Collection Specialists including; how they got started in the luxury space, a day-in-the-life, interesting stories that happened to them while working in the field, philanthropic work, and much more
To submit for inclusion, please send an email with the subject line “Agent Feature Story” to LuxuryListings@HSFranchise com
If you have a luxury listing that has been featured in the news and would like it showcased on the media page, please send an email with the subject line “Luxury Media Page” with the listing link and link to online article only to LuxuryListings@HSFranchise.com
To have your listing featured in the Luxury Collection blog, please send an email with the subject line “Luxury Blog” with the listing link, link to downloadable images and video, and brief overview of what makes the property newsworthy to LuxuryListings@HSFranchise.com.
Our global syndication strategy capitalizes consumer preferences and search patterns to keep your listing in front of the world’s serious and qualified home buyers. Our Online Listing Syndication Network exposes your listings to over 45,000 websites and mobile apps. This also includes premium listings on major national websites like:
The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection Global Open House is a regular virtual event that brings together agents from across the entire global network to explore and celebrate some of the most exquisite luxury listings represented by network members and to discuss unique marketing and sales opportunities.
Each show includes a video tour of three to four luxury properties and is followed by a live question and answer session with the listing agents and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices CEO Christy Budnick to share facts and features about the home and to discuss best practices.
To submit a listing for consideration, please email a professionally produced video and high resolution property photos of your luxury listing to LuxuryListings@hsfranchise.com.
The world of social media is no longer a suggestion - it’s an expectation Our network members can reap the rewards and seize opportunities that commend our verified channels, while partnering with esteemed names including Unique Homes and Architectural Digest. Join us as we revolutionize the digital landscape; make your mark in the sphere dominated by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection.
Luxury Collection Specialists and network members representing luxury properties have the opportunity to have their listings featured on the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Luxury Collection social media channels.
To submit a listing for consideration, please send the full listing address, the listing agent's social media handles, and a download link to the unbranded high resolution property photos and/or unbranded property tour video to socialmedia@hsfranchise.com.
Instagram : @BHHSLuxury
Facebook : @BHHSLuxury
LinkedIn : BHHS Luxury Collection
X : @BHHSLuxury
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices has created the Prestigious Properties social media initiative exclusively for all network members representing luxury properties to place their listings in front of a targeted, global audience.
This initiative comprises a weekly “takeover” series of Unique Homes social media accounts on both Instagram and Facebook-totaling more than 415,000 followers
Each Wednesday, Unique Homes share two static (image only) posts and one videos post of a property represented by a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network member to their feed.
Show off your luxury listing with style. Utilize the expansive media libraries on Canva Templates and The Marketing REsource Center. Choose from the selection of brochures, social media templates, property flyers and even postcard templates.
Attracting the right audience through print is an important part of our global print strategy. Our print ads appear in high-quality publications including The Wall Street Journal, Mansion Global Magazine, Unique Homes Magazine, Prestige, duPont Registry, PENTA and Netjets Magazine.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand ads will be featured on the front page of Mansion, in select issues throughout the year, published on Fridays. All Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices listings are syndicated to WSJ.com. Properties over $1 million also appear on MansionGlobal.com and Mansion Globals WeChat Channel.
Gives brands, agents and brokers a one-of-a-ki d t it t h their brand message and exceptional propertie Journal’s high net-worth subscribers within th States. Experience Luxury is printed on hi-brite high-quality paper stock— that allows qualified enhanced visual of your stunning listing.
100,000 Wall Street Journal print subscribers o across the following regions: New York | Miami Chicago | Boston
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Prestige magazine has been the definitive voice of luxury lifestyle pursuits for almost a decade. Published three times a year in Spring, Summer and Fall, the magazine features captivating editorial content alongside prestigious property listings to create the premier lifestyle guide and global property showcase publication.
Pairing longevity with proven results, the magazine provides unique opportunities exclusively for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network members to showcase listings to a targeted global audience through its print and digital formats and strategic distribution channels.
Each issue has a minimum print distribution of 50,000
Mailed to affluent U.S. consumers, including those with a net worth of $25 million and above
Distributed in Delta Air Line Sky Clubs across 37 major US airports
Inserted in its entirety into the Unique Homes Magazine—print and digital (Added readership of 100,000+)
For 53 years, one brand has helped luxury real estate specialists expand their reach across countries and continents, providing them with an effective means to grow their share of listings, sales and referrals. That brand is Unique Homes Luxury Media, Inc. What began simply as a glossy listings magazine has evolved over nearly five decades into a comprehensive marketing platform.
• Mailed to homes valued at $5 million and up across the U.S.
• Sold by subscription.
• At newsstands and bookstores worldwide.
• Sent to industry-leading agents and their top clients.
• Distributed at luxury events and conferences.
• Advertised properties appear on UniqueHomes.com for one year.
• Average net worth: $4,525,000.
• Average value of real estate holdings: $3,500,000+
• 40% own 2 properties; 30% own 3 or more properties.
• 7 of 10 are actively in the market to buy or sell.
• 4 of 5 have yet to select an agent/broker.
LUXURY OUTLOOK ’24 — January/February
Deadline for the 2024 Luxury Outlook Edition:
December 15, 2023
Distribution: January to March
SPRING ’24 — March/April
Deadline for the 2024 ELITE Edition:
February 16, 2024
Distribution: March to May
ULTIMATE ’24 — May/June
Deadline for the 2024
Ultimate Homes Edition: April 19, 2024
Distribution: May to July
SUMMER ’24 — July/August
Deadline for the 2024 Waterfront Edition:
June 16, 2024
Distribution: July to September
FALL ’24 — September/October
Deadline for the 2024 Fall Edition: August 16, 2024
Distribution: September to November
ANNIVERSARY ’24— November/December
Deadline for the 2024 Anniversary Edition: October 11, 2024
Distribution: November to January
Whether it’s a 50-foot vessel or 300-foot superyacht,theseinnovativemodelsbring the
ittlecomparestoaluxuryyacht charterexperience.Cruisearound theglobeinstyle—fromthe uninhabited
beachesofCroatia,thediningandnightlife alongtheItalianCoast,totheturquoisewaters of the Caribbean. Builtbyhighlyskilledprofessionals, luxurymotoryachtsandsailingyachtscan typicallysleepgroupsofupto12people— dependingonthesizeofthevessel.Someof themostuniquefeaturesincludeswimming pools,barbequegrills,wellnessspaswith professionalstaff,gyms,andtheaterrooms. Ownersandguestscanloungeon sundeckswhileenjoyingbreathtakingsunset views,exploretheopenseafromawave runner,orcastafishingrod.Inside,relaxfrom themastersuiteorenjoyamealaroundthe diningroomtablewithfamilyandfriends.
ofindoorlivingspaceand1,500 feetofexteriordecks,thewallywhy200 o ersfarmorespacethantraditionalmotor yachtswithoutsacrificingspeed.The wide-bodydesigncomfortablysleepseight guestsinfourseparatecabins,including a master suite that overlooks
o ersuninterrupted270-degreeviews. Fromtheopen-poreteakfurniture andmodularsunloungerstothelaminated carbonstaircase,thesuperyacht’sclean, angularaestheticcametolifewiththe helpofnavalarchitectLaurentGilesand VallicelliDesignStudio.“Thenewwallywhy200expresses allitsinnovativepowerthroughnew architecturalelements,whichrepresent abreakwiththepastandwiththetypical clichésofamotoryacht,”saysLuca Bassani,founderandchiefdesignerof Wally.Foldingbeachclubbulwarksprovide additionallivingspacebytransforminginto aterraceoverthewater,whiletwogarages providestoragespaceforwaverunners, Seabobs,andpaddleboards.
In the world of social media and constant emails, it may be surprising to realize that direct mail marketing remains highly effective. What if YOUR mail piece is not just the standard brokerage-issued postcard or newsletter?
All About Amenities
MadsummerFeaturingaswimmingpool,world-classspa, and10spaciousstaterooms,theMadsummerisa custom-builtsuperyachtthatspansmorethan300 feetlongandprovidesspacefor28professional crew members. Theexpansivesundeckboastsagym overlookingthesea,spaceforadancefloor,and acozyobservationareawithsunpads,tables,and oneofthetwojacuzzisonboard.Overlookingthe bowisacinemaroomwithdeepsofas.TwogarageshouseaMaoriYachtlimotender, aSkiNautique,andarescuetender,aswellas personalwatercraftsanddiveequipment.There’s alsospaceforahelicopterontheforedeck. Themotoryachtwascustombuiltbythe GermanshipyardLüssen,whiletheexteriorwas designedbyHarrisonEidsgaardandthecolorfulinterior —saturatedwithbrightblues,reds,andwhites— was the work of Laura Sessa. “Theowner’sbriefwasdemanding,however, webelieveourengineeringexpertisehas surpassedhiswishestoownayachtthatmany yearsfromnowwillbetimelessandyetstillahead ofitstime,”saysCEOPeterLürssen.
Be remembered as the most sophisticated agent in your sphere, and allow us to create The High End for you — a gorgeous magazine, full of large, beautiful photos and interesting yet quick reads on the latest in the world of luxury. As a high-end real estate agent, it’s the kind of content with which you will want to be associated. your
For 53 years, Unique Homes is the brand consumers trust for luxury real estate. Expand your reach to this audience with UniqueHomes.com Digital and Unique Homes Social Solutions.
Luxury Agent Accounts on UniqueHomes.com
Featuring over 150,000 property views per month, UniqueHomes.com is one of the world’s most popular luxury home websites. Complete with photos and detailed information for thousands of properties from around the world, our site also features profiles of luxury specialists and links to digital magazines. Our popular Unique Homes blog publishes information on high-end real estate trends, editorial focused on many aspects of the luxury lifestyle, and much more. UniqueHomes.com offers a content-rich environment in which top agents can effectively promote both their listings and themselves.
Featuring one of the Top 5 Real Estate Profiles on Facebook Worldwide, and over 400,000 Likes and Followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.
A custom story crafted especially for you, published on our award-winning UniqueHomes.com Blog, and includes a Social Media Home-of-the-Day Post.
Dedicated Email Newsletter Blasts
Reach over 50,000 luxury home owners and luxury real estate agents with a message that highlights one of your luxury listings.
Featured Properties at the top of UniqueHomes.com
Of over 40,000 luxury homes on UniqueHomes.com, only 20 are in top of site rotation
Property Feeds on UniqueHomes.com
Contact us about setting up a direct feed of your luxury properties to UniqueHomes.com
Unique Homes Luxury Media includes the most comprehensive custom publishing division in the luxury real estate industry. In addition to creating and printing world-class magazines (both print and digital) for some of the top names in real estate, we also work closely with our clients to develop and implement effective distribution and marketing strategies for these publications on local, regional, national and international levels. Custom magazines are a great way for companies and top agents to expand their brand presence and promote listings at the same time. Our goal is to help each of our custom publishing clients achieve the maximum success possible with their respective private-label publications.
Bruce Griset
Director of Sales / Co-Publisher
Toll Free 833.928.9020
Cell 310.977.5915
Kathleen Carlin-Russell
Toll Free 877.688.1110, ext. 1336
Direct 609.283.1336
Mark Moffa
Toll Free 877.688.1110, ext. 1338
Direct 609.283.1338
Nick Antonicello
Director of New Business Solutions
Toll Free 877.514.5335
Cell 310.621.3775 / Office 609.283.1346
Sheri Norris
Senior Account Executive
Cell 813.760.2264
Mansion Global Experience Luxury gives brands, agents and brokers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to showcase their brand message and exceptional properties to 100,000 of The Wall Street Journal’s high net-worth subscribers within the top markets across the United States.
Experience Luxury is printed on hi-brite paper—an ultra-premium, high-quality paper stock— that allows qualified leads a brighter, more enhanced visual of your stunning listing.
Feb. 24 Winter Issue, closes Jan. 17
April 13 Spring Issue, closes March 06
July 20 Summer Issue, closes June 12
October 19 Fall Issue, closes Sept. 11
December 14 Year-End, closes Nov. 04
For 2024 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices has secured exclusive rates for full-page color ad units in all five issues of Mansion Global Experience Luxury.
$895.00 per listing page (each page accommodates 1, 2, or 4 listings per page)
$1,795.00 per supplied page
$3,595.00 per two-page spread
To advertise in Mansion Global Experience Luxury, please contact: Jennifer Yi
Client Director, The Wall Street Journal
jennifer.yi@wsjbarrons.com 310.948.9473
100,000 Wall Street Journal print subscribers in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, and Houston
To view and download previous issues of Mansion Global Experience Luxury, please click here.
DISTRIBUTION: 100,000 Wall Street Journal print subscribers of the WSJ Weekend Edition across the following regions:
New York | Miami | LA | SF | Houston | Dallas | Chicago | Boston
Property Listing - Full Page: $895.00 Net per page
- Located after the editorial content, organized by location
- Must use provided WSJ listing templates to build creative - InDesign template can accommodate 1, 2 or 4 listings per page)
Premium Ad - Full Page: $1,795.00 Net per page (supplied page)
Premium Ad - Spread: $3,595.00 Net per spread (supplied page)
- Located up front, surrounding content articles, before property listings
- Supplied, client branded creative
- Premium positioning and advertorials available by request
Premium Positions (Limited Availability, Net Rates):
- Inside Front Spread: $4,580.00
- Pre-TOC Spread: $4,385.00
- Post-TOC Spread: $4,385.00
- Opposite Welcome Page: $2,142.50
- Opposite TOC: $2,142.50
- Center Spread: $4,385
- Opposite Property Showcase Opener: $2,142.50
- Inside Back Cover: $2,142.50
All insert participants receive a digital (PDF) version as added value
Page Size: 9.625 in x 10.17 in
Spread Size: 20.125 in x 10.17 in
Binding: Folded
Stock: Hi-Brite
Color: 4-color process
Line Screen: 100
Graphics: All images should be 200 dpi
Please note, your page will appear with a margin around all sides. There is no full bleed on these pages.
Any of the story content you have created must include “Paid Advertisement” label prominently at the top of the page.
Other Color Quality Reminders:
For optimum results, use Gray Component
Replacement (GCR) when preparing files. SNAP ICC newspaper profile is available at wsjmediakit.com, or contact the local ad services bureau.
MAXIMUM FOUR-COLOR BLACK | 90% Black, 40% Cyan, 32% Magenta, 30% Yellow
TEXT & GRAPHICS | Type should only be surprinted in areas having tint values of 30% or less. Multi-Colored type, and type reversed out of two or more colors should not be smaller than 14 point and should be reversed out of areas having at least 70% tone value in Black, Magenta or Cyan. Remove all colors under reverse to avoid registration problems.
UNSHARP MASKING | Higher levels of unsharp masking should be applied to newspaper advertising where the subject matter permits.
TRANSPARENCIES | Use of transparencies in original files should be avoided due to unpredictable results that create image artifacts when flattened prior to publication. All transparencies must be flattened prior to original file submission.
The Wall Street Journal does not run spot-color inks. All files containing spot color or Pantone elements must be converted to a CMYK ink mix. Not all Pantone colors are able to be matched with CMYK inks.
All files must be sent using the profile provided and as a single page PDF.
For more details, please see the WSJ Manual Specifications guide.