JUNE 2010
GoodNewsTucson magazine A Good News Media LLC Publication
How to Change People’s Behavior Which is better, Socialism or Capitalism? Mayflower Compact, The Puritans Experiment with Socialism
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! www.GoodNewsTucson.com
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Good News Tucson Magazine PUBLISHED BY: GOOD NEWS MEDIA LLC. 5151 E Broadway, Suite 1600 Tucson, Arizona 85711 United States Telephone (520) 745-4403 Fax (520) 512-5401 EDITOR and ART DIRECTOR: BARNEY HILTON MURRAY Barney@GoodNewsTucson.com ADMINISTRATION JASON WATSON Jason@GoodNewsTucson.com DISTRIBUTION & LOCATIONS: Good News Tucson Magazine (GNT) is distributed in printed format to over 100 locations throughout Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, Catalina, and surrounding areas. The easiest way to find GNT is to visit any Fry’s, Albertson’s grocery store, 7-Eleven and CVS throughout the area. For a complete list of our locations by zip code visit http://www.goodnewstucson. com/distribution.html. Good News Tucson is a free, monthly Christian publication of Good News Media, LLC. Your comments are welcome - write to: GNT at 5151 E Broadway, Suite 1600 Tucson, Arizona 85711. We reserve the right to reject and/or edit any material submitted for publication, for any reason. Submitting commentary, letters or email automatically authorizes your permission to print your comments in future issues without your express permission. The views expressed by writers in Good News Tucson are not necessarily the views of the staff, management or ownership of GNT/Good News Media LLC, or its advertisers. Advertisements and event listings are not considered an endorsement of Good News Tucson. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole, or in part, without prior permission. © 2010 GoodNewsTucson.
GoodNewsTucson President Bush’s Father’s Day Proclamation “Fathers play a unique and important role in the lives of their children. As mentor, protector, and provider, a father fundamentally influences the shape and direction of his child’s character by giving love, care, discipline, and guidance. As we observe Father’s Day, our nation honors fatherhood and urges fathers to commit themselves selflessly to the success and well-being of their children. And we reaffirm the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Raising a child requires significant time, effort, and sacrifice; and it is one of the most hopeful and fulfilling experiences a man can ever know. A father can derive great joy from seeing his child grow from infancy to adulthood. As a child matures into independence and self reliance, the value of a parent’s hard work, love, and commitment comes to fruition. Responsible fatherhood is important to a healthy and civil society. Numerous studies confirm that children whose fathers are present and involved in their lives are more likely to develop into prosperous and healthy adults. Children learn by example; and they need their father’s presence as examples of virtue in their daily lives. A child’s sense of security can be greatly enhanced by seeing his parents in a loving and faithful marriage.” George W. Bush President, USA God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen Prayer Author Unknown…
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Which is better, Socialism or Capitalism?
efore we can decide which is better, let’s start with some definitions.
What is Socialism? Socialism is an economic and social system in which capital is publically controlled and labor, goods and capital in markets are regulated and profits are commonly distributed. Under socialism, a ruling class of intellectuals and social planners decide what people want or what is good for society and use the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax and redistribute the wealth of all those who work for the greater good of the whole society. What is Capitalism? Capitalism is an economic and social system in which capital is privately controlled and labor, goods and capital are traded in markets and profits distributed to owners or investors who take risks to produce goods and services. Under capitalism, individuals are allowed to run their own businesses in such a way that they create wealth for themselves and their family. Usually the level of self-motivation, creativity and persistence determines how wealthy a person will become. What does the Bible say about these systems? While the Bible does not advocate one political or economic system over another, it does describe the virtues and the depravity of human nature. Some people naively believe that all people are basically good. The Bible in Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Christianity starts with the proposition that all people are basically sinful and self-serving at heart and that only through a transformation of the heart through Jesus Christ can one become good. “This is the message which we have heard from Him (Jesus) and declare to you that God is light 4
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and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have not sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and the His word is not in us.” I John 1:5-10 (NKJ) Why is man’s sinfulness important to this topic? If man is basically sinful then we cannot reasonably expect any system under a ruling class of sinful people to make decisions that are in the best interest of the whole. Because human beings by nature are self-centered, self-seeking and selfish, those in power often use their power to promote themselves and their friends at the expense of others. In a socialist system, the government or ruling class is responsible for providing food, clothing, shelter and a job to all the people and to oversee the equal distribution of society’s goods. If human beings were basically good, socialism might work. The fatal flaw in socialism is the sinful nature of humanity itself and the inability of those in power to rule unselfishly. In a capitalist system it is understood that people will naturally do what is in their best interest. The purpose of government is to provide a structure where the freedom to pursue one’s best interest is encouraged within defined limits. The limits are set to protect one person from another person’s sinfulness or desire to take advantage of others. What about the disadvantaged in a society? Christians have a responsibility to take care of the poorest among us. The Bible says, “He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy.” Proverbs 14:31. In socialism, the government steps in to help the needy and to give assistance to those people by providing programs such as welfare. In capitalism, the more one is blessed, the more responsibility he has to take care of the poor. “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much is required.” Luke
12:48 Another difference between socialism and capitalism is the motivation to be generous to others. Under socialism, the government uses compulsion or taxation to force the rich to give to the poor and disadvantaged. An amoral government determines which needs are going to be met and which needs will not. Under capitalism the rich have a moral responsibility to be merciful to the poor and to give generously. Americans, because we have been a capitalist system, have always been a generous people. Individuals in capitalism determine which needs to meet and which needs not to meet from the compassion of their hearts and give accordingly. Which system works best? Throughout the societies of the world both socialist and capitalist systems are functioning for all to see. There is not one truly socialistic society in the world where people prosper. It appears that the ruling class prospers at the expense of the masses. In a truly capitalistic society, people prosper according to their ability and achievement regardless of birth or socioeconomic class.
Both systems are corrupt because people are corrupt. People are not treated fairly in either system. Both systems have winners and losers. But it appears that history demonstrates that only under capitalism is one allowed to pursue the desire to better one’s station in life and have a reasonable chance of accomplishing that goal. There is no governmental system that can save us from ourselves. There is only one Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. It should be obvious that the freedom to determine one’s individual future and the opportunity to pursue one’s personal goals and dreams is to be cherished above all possessions in life. Individual freedom is the crowning achievement of a moral people. Historically, capitalism has offered the best hope for individual freedom to flourish. “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.” I Thessalonians 5:3 Comment on this article at www.goodnewstucson.wordpress.com
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hildren Who Have An Active Father Figure Have Fewer Psychological And Behavioral Problems Taken from Science Daily (Feb. 15, 2008) Swedish researchers found that regular positive contact with fathers reduces criminal behavior among children in low-income families and enhances cognitive skills like intelligence, reasoning and language development. Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioral problems than those who just lived with their mother. The review looked at 24 papers published between 1987 and 2007, covering 22,300 individual sets of data from 16 studies. 18 of the 24 papers also covered the social economic status of the families studied. The smallest study focused on 17 infants and the largest covered 8,441 individuals ranging from premature babies to 33 year-olds. They included major ongoing research from the USA and UK, together with smaller studies from Sweden and Israel. “Our detailed 20-year review shows that overall, children reap positive benefits if they have active and regular engagement with a father figure” says Dr Anna Sarkadi from the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health at Uppsala University, Sweden. “For example, we found various studies that showed that children who had positively involved father figures were less likely to smoke and get into trouble with the police, achieved better levels of education and developed good friendships with children of both sexes. Long-term benefits included women who had better relationships with partners and a greater sense of mental and physical well-being at the age of 33 if they had a good relationship with their father at 16.” The authors point out however, that it is not possible to conclude what type of engagement the father figure needs to provide to produce positive effects. “The studies show that it can range from talking and sharing activities to playing an active role in the child’s day-to-day care.” The researchers believe that more research is needed to determine whether the outcomes are different depending on whether the child lives with their 6
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biological father or with another father figure. “However, our review backs up the intuitive assumption that engaged biological fathers or father figures are good for children, especially when the children are socially or economically disadvantaged” says Dr Sarkadi. “Children who lived with both a mother and father figure had less behavioural problems than those who lived with just their mother. However, it is not possible to tell whether this is because the father figure is more involved or whether the mother is able to be a better parent if she has more support at home.” “We hope that this review will add to the body of evidence that shows that enlightened father-friendly policies can make a major contribution to society in the long run, by producing well-adjusted children and reducing major problems like crime and antisocial behavior.” Journal reference: Fathers’ involvement and children’s developmental outcomes: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Sarkadi et al. Acta Paediatrica. 97.2, pp 153-158. (February 2008). Comment on this article at www.goodnewstucson.wordpress.com
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Sundays – Families *Reconciliation of Families *Happy, Healthy Marriages *Honor of Parents *Covenant–keeping Men *Virtuous Women *Godly Children Mondays - Government *God–honoring & wise President & Cabinet *God-honoring & wise Governor, Senators and Representatives *God-honoring & wise Mayor and Council and County Supervisors *Fair Justice System and Law Enforcement *Strong, Victorious Military Tuesdays - Schools *Righteous Superintendents *Faith–filled School Boards *Bible-believing Principals *Knowledgeable & Godly Teachers *Self-controlled Students *School Choice Opportunities Wednesdays - Business *Trustworthy Employees *Innovative Chambers of Commerce *Good Jobs and Good Work Ethic *Capital and Cooperative Bureaucracy for Businesses *Business Owners and Managers of Integrity Thursdays – Media/Arts *Television Programing Which Glorifies God *Christ-honoring Movies *Uplifting Radio Stations *Truth–Filled Newspapers and Periodicals *Porn–free Internet Fridays - Church True Cooperation and Fellowship Between Churches Prayerful, Caring Sharing Disciple Making Lifestyle Increased Love for God, Fellow believers and the nonbelievers Spirit-filled and Christ-like Christians True Knowledge and Understanding of God and His Word Saturdays - Borders *A Godly Wall of Protection *Righteousness and Justice *No Terrorism, Illegal or Covert Activity *Blessing Over the Infrastructure *Cooperation between Governments *Water
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How to Change People’s Behavior
eople often ask me, “How do I get other people to do what I want them to do?” Because I am a small business owner, most of the people I talk to are also small business owners. I am a pastor of a small church, too, so I deal with people of all walks of life: teachers, physicians, professors, attorneys, accountants, sales people, trades people and regular employees to name just a few. Seems everyone responsible for leading or teaching is asking the same question. There are only two ways to get people to do what you want them to do. One is by reason, the other by is force. In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. You should persuade someone to follow you or your ideas by convincing them your proposition is in their best interest. The American way has never restricted anyone from persuasively arguing their position. However, history has proven not everyone is willing to argue their point. The second way to persuade people is as Mao Zedong said, “…change anywhere in the world must come from the barrel of a gun.” For over 230 years the threat of force has not been considered a valid method of social interaction in the United States. The threat of force by our government has been soundly rejected as a social norm in our country. Founding Father James Madison said, “We have staked the whole future of the American civilization, not upon the power of the government (but) upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” Human nature being what it is and governments doing what they naturally do, it has taken 234 years for Americans to willingly relinquish their individual freedoms one by one to a government that wants to force us into doing what those in power want us to 8
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do. Whether it is being forced to buy health care, to reduce my carbon footprint, to eat less fat or whatever other arbitrary social experiment for the greater good those in power have decided is best for everyone in the nation, no one can deny that we are now being forced, not persuaded. The Founding Fathers wrote our constitution and through the years we have added amendments to protect us from those who would implement change by force. If the constitution fails, what are we to do to preserve our freedom? Our first President, George Washington said, “Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.” That statement sounds like something Tea Partiers would be accused of saying to agitate the masses, but that was the first president of the United States. I might even be called seditious for quoting George Washington. Thomas Jefferson made it clear that he understood the difference between freedom and tyranny when he penned, “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1) Those who fear and distrust the people. 2) Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe depository of the public interest.” I agree with Jefferson. I trust the American people will do what is right! That is why I love this country. There are people in America who think that we’d be more civilized if all guns were removed from society. Because I know that there will always be evil people who want to force their will upon others, removing individual ownership of firearms only makes their job easier. I don’t believe anyone ought to carry a firearm looking for a fight. Owning a gun and knowing how to use it ought to be the responsibility of every American. Carrying a gun doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force.
Show me any other nation in the world that trusts its people like America. Show me any other nation where ideas are freely discussed and change comes through sound reason not force. Show me any other country in the world whose citizens are free to pursue their dreams. America is indeed the last best chance on earth for people to enjoy freedom and pursue their dreams without the threat of force. Don’t take it for granted. Comment on this article at www.goodnewstucson.wordpress.com
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Step 1: God’s Purpose - Peace and Life
God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life—abundant and eternal. The Bible says ... “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 Why don’t most people have this peace and abundant life that God planned for us to have?
Step 2: The Problem - Our Separation
God created us in His own image to have an abundant life. He did not make us as robots to automatically love and obey Him. God gave us a will and freedom of choice. We chose to disobey God and go our own willful way. We still make this choice today. This results in separation from God. The Bible says ... “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 Our choice results in separation from God.
Our attempts to reach God
People have tried in many ways to bridge this gap between themselves and God ... 10
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The Bible says ... Where are you? “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 Will you receive Jesus Christ right now? “But your iniquities have separated you from your Here is how you can receive Christ: God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that 1. Admit your need. he will not hear.” Isaiah 59:2 (I am a sinner.) 2. Be willing to No bridge reaches God ... except one. turn from your sins (repent). 3. Believe that Step 3: God’s Bridge - The Cross Jesus Christ died Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave. for you on the cross He paid the penalty for our sin and bridged the gap and rose from the between God and people. grave. The Bible says ... “For there is one God 4. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and and one mediator control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive between God and men, Him as Lord and Savior.) the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 How to Pray: “For Christ died Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for sins once for all, for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins the righteous for the and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite unrighteous, to bring you to God.” 1 Peter 3:18 You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: follow You as my Lord and Savior. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In Your Name, Amen. Romans 5:8 This is just the beginning of a wonderful new life in God has provided the only way ... Christ. To deepen this relationship you should: Each person must make a choice ...
Step 4: Our Response - Receive Christ
We must trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive Him by personal invitation. The Bible says ... “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
• Read your Bible every day to know Christ better. • Talk to God in prayer every day. www.goodnewstucson.com/prayer.html • Tell others about Christ. • Worship, fellowship, and serve with other Christians in a church where Christ is preached. www.tucsonchurches.org • As Christ’s representative in a needy world, demonstrate your new life by your love and concern for others. www.4tucson.com Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
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Mayflower Compact, The Puritans Experiment with Socialism
eading up to 1620, the religious climate of the world was changing. The Protestant Reformation in Europe was a reaction to the corruption in the Catholic Church. For political reasons and the fact that King Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his Spanish wife, Catherine of Aragon and the fact that the Pope would not grant an annulment, King Henry declared himself head of the national Church of England. Those who objected to both the Catholic Church and the new Church of England became known as ‘Separatists or Puritans.” To maintain their religious faith several of the Separatists moved to Amsterdam. The fear that the end of a truce between Spanish Catholics and Dutch Protestants was emanating, the Puritans negotiated a contract with the Virginia Company to establish a colony in the Hudson River Valley. A businessman, Thomas Weston and other venture capitalists would finance the transportation to the new world in exchange for furs and other commodities the Puritans could produce and send back to England. The original plan called for two ships, but one ship was not sea worthy and all 101 Puritan passengers crammed onto the Mayflower. After a difficult 65 day journey across the ocean, the Mayflower arrived in Cape Code in November 1620 far north of their intended destination, a place called Plymouth. On the deck of the Mayflower they wrote and signed and a collective economic agreement called the Mayflower Compact. It was a terrible first winter where over half of the colonists died within the first six months of landing in America. After a couple of months the Mayflower returned to England with an empty cargo hold much to the disappointment of the businessmen who underwrote the venture. Rather than being entrepreneurs like the settlers in Jamestown, Plymouth Colony was a collective economic system. The settlers, who later became known as Pilgrims, worked for joint partnership or commonstock and were fed out of the common stores. The land and the houses were joint property. For seven years the venture capitalists in England and Pilgrims would work and then what was produced would be divided equally. 12
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The theory of using a common-stock for the profitable operation of colonies was an accepted practice of the day, in spite of repeated failures due to human nature. The failure of this collective system was as evident in Plymouth as it was in other colonies where it had been used. Young unmarried men objected to having the fruits of their toil go to support other men’s wives and children. Married men disliked having their wives sew, cook, and wash for the others. Hard-working men thought it unfair that they should support the more idle or incapable. The older men, or those of the better class, declined to work for the younger or meaner. Because of severe famine in 1623, the colonists decided to set aside their collective agreement and allow everyone to raise their own food. The immediate result was a greatly increased production, so that many had a surplus and trading began among themselves, with corn as currency. After the death of the first leader, Deacon Carver, William Bradford became governor. Seeing the failure of communal farming, the colony instituted a free enterprise system. Each colonist was given ownership to one acre of land and each colonist was challenged to better themselves and their land by working to their fullest capacity. The colony began to flourish. Many Christian historians and economists point to this fundamental economic change as one of the key reasons for the success of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Communal living and the common stock economic model had been a disastrous failure. Not only had the London capitalists received almost no return on their investment, but it became evident that the principal of socialism itself was lost. By December, 1624, some of the English businessmen had decided to abandon the venture and lose what they had already expended rather than risk any more, suggesting that the Pilgrims send over what they could to pay off their special debts. Capitalism was birthed out of an earlier failed socialist experiment as far back as the Mayflower. The capitalistic economic system is as American as the 4th of July. “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” Edmund Burke, 1729-1797
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Who Makes the Goods -Government or Business?
ome people bash business and call for government to run the economy. They forget that government does not produce goods. Business does. We use the word “goods” to describe things people want, like food, shelter and clothing. We often talk of “goods and services”. These things are “goods”. Almost all goods and services come from businesses. Many people don’t know that. Government does not grow the food. Business does. Government does not make clothes, houses, cars, phones, computers, medicine, or electricity. Business does. Even the things government does provide, like water, are only possible because businesses produce the means, such as pipes, pumps, and power. Imagine life without businesses. We would be back in the Stone Age. We would have no indoor plumbing, no food except what we could dig up or kill, no way to communicate except by shouting, and shelter only from rocks, vegetation, and animal hides. Without businesses producing goods and services, life would be bad. And short. Many people underestimate what it takes to produce goods and services. It takes a lot of people working hard to produce food and get it to the grocery store. Not only farmers, but also people who make farm machinery, trucks, tires for the trucks, gasoline, the store itself, electricity to run the store, loans and investments to finance everything, etc. Do all these people provide these goods and services out of the goodness of their hearts and out of concern for your welfare? No, they do it for themselves. They do it to make a living. That’s what business is all about, from a solo craftsman to a giant corporation. A sustainable business provides a living for its employees and a profit for its owners or investors who take risks to create the business. The only way to create a sustainable business is to do something good for others, to provide something people want at a price they think is affordable. Even then it is hard to sustain a business, as anyone who has tried can tell you. The only way a business can keep on producing the stuff we
depend on is by making a profit, which is hard to do. Government often makes it even harder to be profitable because of its regulations, fees, taxes, etc. Ultimately, government regulation may reduce the availability of goods and services, raise prices, and/or limit the number of jobs. Government plays an important role in enforcing laws against fraud, public endangerment, etc., by both businesses and individuals. Government also funds necessary infrastructure, like roads, bridges, water mains, and sewers (though it is businesses that do the actual construction). But when government takes control of business, the result is inefficiency, shortages, and poverty. Venezuela, the Soviet Union, Zimbabwe, and many other examples prove the point. The reason government fails when it tries to produce goods and services is that people in government are not motivated by profit. If they don’t produce enough goods at a reasonable price to make a profit, the government workers don’t lose their jobs or their investments. They get paid the same regardless. They have no incentive to succeed. So they produce shoddy goods or no goods at all. The Soviet Union had constant shortages of almost everything. Their people suffered terribly at the hands of their government. A privately run business, on the other hand, is highly motivated to satisfy customers and operate efficiently in order to make a living and a profit. This incentive drives intense competition among businesses to produce the amazing abundance of goods and services we all depend on, not just for our lifestyle, but for our lives. One reason some people instinctively turn to government for economic solutions is the assumption that people in government are motivated by what is good for us all. We know businesses are self-centered, but we sometimes think people in government are different. They’re not. They’re human, like the rest of us. When they see a chance to benefit themselves, they usually do. Look at Congress. With all the talk about health care and financial reform, we forget that our lawmakers take care of themselves first. They have health and retirement benefits the rest of us can only dream about. GOOD NEWS TUCSON • www.GoodNewsTucson.com
And pay for. They raise their own pay and perks, exempt themselves from laws that burden the rest of us, spend our money to boost their personal investments, and worse. Examples of government corruption abound, from national to local, all over the world. It is the very nature of people in government to seek more power so they can enrich themselves in the guise of doing more “good”. But more power in government means less freedom for individuals to do things to help themselves and each other. It means less business, fewer jobs, fewer goods and services, and less innovation to solve problems and provide for the future. Government can do much good by fostering economic freedom, the rule of law, and protection of personal and property rights. Those things make it possible for businesses to produce the goods that help make life good. However, when government tries to run the economy, life gets worse. Comment on this article at www.goodnewstucson.wordpress.com
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