The numbers show it... Number 1
Number 1
Coldwell Banker United, Realtors速 was named the number one company in sales transactions among 1,287 independently owned and operated Coldwell Banker速 companies worldwide.
Coldwell Banker JME Realty 速 is named the number one company in North West Florida, and the number one company affiliate in Florida and the number two in Alabama. The company has a customer satisfaction rating of 96%.
Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi
1,900 Number of Agents
Number of Agents
55 Offices
Number of closed transactions
Number of closed transactions
$5.53 billion
$1.3 billion
Closed sales volume
Closed sales volume
There's only one way to go! 速 , TM and SM are licensed trademarks to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is independently owed and operated.