5 Things This Top School in Kolkata Does Right to Become a Green School ‘Green school’ initiatives have gained a lot of momentum in the recent years and a top school in Kolkata is showing the way to the many schools in the city. The main reason for choosing schools is that students are the future of the planet. Educating a bunch of kids is easier owning to their flexible and impressionable state. Also, big schools use a lot of resources, adding to the cost and produce even bigger amounts of waste material that is often a task to clear. Green initiatives like recycling, reusingthus, work two-way by reducing costs and helping the environmental cause. In this blog, I will outline 5 simple steps that can be done to make any school ‘green’.
5 steps towards a greener school 1. Make recycling bins accessible- Recycling is one of the basics of going green. It is however, easier said than done. Imagine a situation where you’ve just finished a bottle of water but do not find a bin to dump it! For similar reasons, more plastic ends up in trash heaps than intended. Placing recycling bins in strategic locations all over the campus is the key to encourage students to use them. Simple isn’t it? 2. Plan community-based cleanups- Grownups often forget even basic things they ought to do. Cleaning the locality is one such thing. When the school encourages students to do so, it sends out an amazing message out to the localites. 3. Back to basics-plant a garden- There is nothing like ‘enough trees’. Having a school garden (depending on the space available) not only makes the campus look pretty but produces oxygen in abundance. It is best to involve the students in the process of gardening to give them a sense of responsibility. 4. Alternate energy sources- Yes, I agree having a school powered by ONLY solar energy may not be possible. However, taking cue from the best CBSE School in Kolkata, installing solar panels in strategic locations can produce enough energy to power up few areas of the school. Installing a rain-water harvesting system on the
terrace is a great way to reduce municipality-supplied water consumption. Climate change is real. Perhaps, we should have started caring for the planet 15 years back and as they say, it is never too late to start. Preventing further loss to Mother Nature is thus, not just a thing that grown-ups and conservationists talk about. The information on how all of us can do our bit is readily available, all it takes is initiation.