Simple Steps of Admission at Birla High School Birla High School has been adding value to the world of education prior to the days of Indian independence. Managed by Vidya Bharati Society, Birla High School or BHS, as is fondly called by alumni and present students, impart value-added education. Those who think that admission to Birla High School is quite tough, need to change their ideas.
Nothing is difficult when you plan accurately and stick to it. We are going to enlist some simple steps which will help you achieve your objective. 1. Prepare beforehand: Don’t wait for 11th hour. Children need more time for preparation. You need to habituate them with fixed hours of study. You must see that they follow the routines you prepare. Start preparations for admission interviews well ahead of the dates. Preparations include the following points: ● Fix the hour of sleep of your children. Early to bed and early to rise is always good for health and academic performance. ● Enrol your children to some workshop and help them pursue their hobbies. ● Encourage your children to socialise. However, keep an eye on their security. Socialising doesn’t mean you allow everyone to befriend your child. 2. Plan ahead: Well-planned tasks are more likely to become successful. Admission interviews are not something you can take lightly. Toddlers and infants need more guidance to crack exams.
Children are not self-trained to tackle highly tensed situations. They might totally withdraw before the interviewer and may not reply to their queries. If you want to reduce the chances of such disasters, you must plan ahead. 3. Prepare routines: Fix the hours of study and play. Prepare routines. Follow them strictly. Skip only if you have to meet some urgent work/ commitment. Routines will mentally prepare your children to follow fixed schedules. This will also help children to quickly adjust to long hours of school. Routines help children to better manage their time. Thanks to routines! Children lead a disciplined life. 4. Consult with admission counsellors: For information regarding admission, parents can fix appointments with admission counsellors. However, it is not mandatory on their parts to accept individual appointment requests. The counsellors can hold joint meetings with parents who’ve applied for admission. They have years of experience in holding admission interviews. They also accompany admission interviewers. Hence, joint meeting sessions with them are extremely informative. Since many years, the eastern part of Kolkata didn’t have any Birla High School. BHS Mukundapur is catering to the people living in the area. Those living a bit farther can also admit their children since we’ve school buses to collect children from their homes and safely drop them at school.