BHSS QUARTERBACK CLUB PIZZA FUNDRAISER Player’s Name ______________________________________________________ Parents’ Contact Info (phone) _____________________________________ (email) _______________________________________ Make Checks Payable to BHSS Football. Collect all money at the time of the sale. Each family’s goal is to sell at least 10 pizzas. Who wants a delicious PIZZA with fresh ingredients that has been carefully hand-assembled by our talented football parents?? Family, Friends, Neighbors, Co-workers, Everyone!! NAME
14” Cheese $9.00
14” Sausage $9.50
14” Pepperoni $9.50
14” Saus/Pepp. $10.00
TOTAL $$$$$
1) Write down the customer’s name and phone number. Write the number of each type of pizza they want. Write the total amount paid. 2) Collect money at the time of the order. Accept cash or have them make a check out to BHSS Football. 3) Tell them you will deliver their pizzas on Saturday, March 8 th. 4) Turn in the money and order form(s) no later than Wednesday, February 26th. 5) If you do not have access to a printer, please just write down the information needed on a piece of paper with an accurate count of each type of pizza needed‌.and turn it in with the money on 2/26.