Peripheral Neuropathy WarNiNg! South Jordan, UT—The most common method your doctor will recommend to treat your neuropathy is with prescription drugs that may temporarily reduce your symptoms. These drugs have names such as Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Neurontin, and are primarily antidepressant or anti-seizure drugs. These drugs may cause you to feel uncomfortable and have a variety of harmful side effects. Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling, and the most debilitating balance problems. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow.
Figure 2: When these very small blood vessels become diseased they begin to shrivel up and the nerves begin to degenerate. As you can see in Figure 2, as the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to “die” they cause you to have balance problems, pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and many additional symptoms. The main problem is that your doctor has told you to just live with the problem or try the drugs which you don’t like taking because they make you feel uncomfortable. There is now a facility right here in South Jordan that
offers you hope without taking those endless drugs with serious side effects. (see the special neuropathy severity examination at the end of this article) In order to effectively treat your neuropathy three factors must be determined. 1) What is the underlying cause? 2) How Much Nerve Damage Has Been Sustained. NOTE: Once you have sustained 85% nerve loss, there is likely nothing that we can do for you. 3) How much treatment will your condition require? The treatment that is provided at The Scranton Clinic has three main goals: 1) Increase blood flow 2) Stimulate small fiber nerves 3) Decrease brain-based pain The treatment to increase blood flow utilizes a specialized low-level light therapy (not to be confused with laser therapy) using light emitting diode technology. This technology was originally developed by NASA to assist in increasing blood flow. The low level light therapy is like watering a plant. The light therapy will allow the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It’s like adding water to a plant and seeing the roots grow deeper and deeper. The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation. As long as you have not sustained at least 85% nerve damage there is hope! The Scranton Clinic will do a neuropathy severity examination to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only $45. This neuropathy severity examination will consist of a detailed sensory evaluation, extensive peripheral vascular testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings of your neuropathy. Dr. Scranton will be offering this neuropathy
Figure 1: Notice the very small blood vessels surrounding each nerve. severity examination from now until April 30th, 2017 December 31st, 2016 Call 801-937-4412 to make an appointment with Dr. Scranton to determine if your peripheral neuropathy can be treated. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment.
Figure 3: The blood vessels will grow back around the nerves much like a plant’s roots grow when watered.
CALL (801) 937-4412 TODAY! Dr. Rob Scranton, D.C., Chiropractic Physician
4755 Daybreak Pkwy, #102
South Jordan, UT 84095 • www.SouthJordanNeuropathy.com
Veterans Get Connected If not now
Apply For Benefits You could be eligible for:
Free Healthcare | Employment Assistance | Education and Training Disabled Veterans Property Tax Abatement | Veterans Homes | VA Pension Contact us Phone: 801-326-2372 | Email: veterans@utah.gov | Web: veterans.utah.gov
OGDEN. 1919. World War I veterans during an “Armistice� commemorative parade. used by permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved . va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
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CONTENTS World War I Centennial
Healing the Warrior Series
Being a Good Neighbor Takes Planning, Hard Work
DEPARTMENTS The Briefing / 4-5 Doing Business / 6-8 SRVS, Veteran Trading Company, ESGR: Employer Support for Guard and Reserve Community Relations / 9-11 A Chat with Congressman Chris Stewart A Murder Mystery / 36-37 Straight from a Hollywood Script
WWW.UTAHVALOR.COM UTAH MEDIA GROUP / 4770 South 5600 West, West Valley City UT 84118 utahmediagroup.com To subscribe: 801-204-6100 / To advertise: 801-204-6300 PROJECT TEAM / Brent Low, Publisher / Megan Donio, Publications Manager Michelle Bridges, Project Manager / Tyler Pratt, Creative VALOR: A Salute to Utah’s Veterans and Military is a publication of Utah Media Group and distributed in partnership with Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune. Copyright © february 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without consent of Utah Media Group. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication and assume no liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
on the cover :
PARK CITY. January 2017. Team Semper Fi veterans at National Ability Center's home mountain. photo courtesy of american fund
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va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
The Briefing Ut a h h a s a n e n g a g i n g m i l i t a r y c o m m u n i t y w i t h d e e p ro o t s a n d b ra n c h e s t h a t re a c h f a r a n d w i d e . Ou r m y r i a d o f s t o r i e s a re t o l d i n o u r s c h o o l s , l i b ra r i e s , m u s e u m s , a c t i v i t i e s a n d h o m e s . Eve r y n ow a n d t h e n VA LO R c o m e s a c ro s s i n t e re s t i n g “ b i t s a n d p i e c e s” t h a t we w a n t t o s h a re w i t h o u r re a d e r s .
KIDS AND PARENTS NEED TO 'DREAM BIG' One day in school, Tim the Turtle was asked by his teacher, "What would you like to become someday?" His imagination takes him from one interesting career possiblity to another. Young Tim reminds us that we can be anything we set out to be, and that sometimes, it’s the “right now" that matters most. "I wrote this book for my kids," says Leslie Zimmerman, a mother of three. "I wanted them to know that they can choose to be whatever they want, and no matter what they choose, mom and dad, and the people in their life will love them regardless." Kids today are over-scheduled says Zimmerman and rarely have the time just to be kids. She wants parents to "see that their kids can be kids and to give them time to grow up on their own. It's OK to let them just be." Zimmerman enjoys fun teaching opportunities. "I choose a turtle because they have a hard outer shell and inside they're soft; besides they're cute." This picture book is full of adorable and colorful illustrations done by Zimmerman's sister Paige Briscoe. A former Iraq veteran, Zimmerman feels her time in the military gave her the drive and belief that she could write this book. "It taught me to dream big. That whatever I wanted to do, I could." —VALOR
Local history buff Kate De Groote is one of six high school ambassadors choosen nationwide to record WWII-era veterans' histories for the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. utah media group photo
Capturing history
ate De Groote has always been fascinated with history—specifically, how the past affects the future. She says her interest “mainly spawned” from her parents’, Michael and Barbara, interest in the past; but it has been the National History Day program that has allowed her to delve deeper and focus on specific events. The program begins at the regional level and for those who win, progresses to state and national competitions—something Kate did in 2016. A sophomore at Skyline High School, Kate wrote and performed a “live” 10-minute sketch on Joan of Arc. “I basically told her story, why she’s significant today and how she’s impacted the future.” While at nationals in Washington D.C., Kate applied to record veterans’ histories for the National World War II Museum. In recent years, the museum has turned to the history program to find “passionate young people who enjoy helping and have skills in filming, interviewing and documenting history.” As part of the application process, Kate connected with the Utah Honor Flight program to gain access to Utah veterans. The museum will provide Kate with questioning techinques “but they really want the veterans to just speak about their lives, mainly we want to hear straight from them.” Kate’s mom indicated that the Utah Division of State History has offered equipment for Kate to use. Since the number of World War II veterans are rapidly declining, Kate says, “We need to do all we can to preserve their stories. I’m thrilled to be part of the process.” If you’re willing to have Kate ask your WWII veteran a few questions, please contact her at degroote@q.com. —VALOR
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UTAH'S FOUR VETERAN HOMES EARN FIVE-STAR RATINGS FOR QUALITY CARE AND SERVICE By a growing number of measures, the care provided at Utah's four veterans homes lead the nation in quality. From the federal government's report card of nursing homes, ratings by industry associations and independent customer service evaluations, each facility has earned some of the highest rankings nationwide. Kim Wixon, state officer with the Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs (UDVMA), oversees Utah's four state veterans homes—one in Ogden, one attached to the Veterans Administration (VA) campus in Salt Lake City, one in Payson and another in Ivins.
03/29 Honoring Utah veterans who served during the Vietnam War, 1955-1975. Rotunda at State Capitol, 350 N. State Street, Salt Lake City, 2 p.m. Wednesday. veterans.utah.gov/ calendars
Located on the grounds of the George E. Wahlen Veterans Home in Ogden, the Veterans Tribute Tower chimes hourly in honor of Utah's veterans. utah media group photo
Under contract with the state, Avalon Health Care, Inc., manages and operates each facility. A comprehensive list of qualifications assures that only the highest levels of quality care is given to our veterans. The facilities are visited at least annually by the VA and the Utah Department of Health survey teams. IVINS: Tony Moore, 465-634-5220 or 435-634-5255 OGDEN: Kim Wixon, 801-334-4333 or 801-334-4329
05/12 Connecting veterans and entrepreneurs with start-up business resources at Larry H. Miller campus at Salt Lake Community College, 9750 S. 300 West, Sandy, at 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday. Register at slchamber.com/vetbiz
PAYSON: Jeff Hanson, 801-465-5400 or 801-465-5455 SALT LAKE CITY: Todd Hansen, 801-584-1914 or 801-584-1900 —Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
NEW AEROSPACE BUILDING AT HILL FIELD EXPECTED TO BRING UP T0 500 NEW JOBS Developers at Hill Air Force Base broke ground on another construction project last December 2016. Air Force and state officials, including Gov. Gary Herbert, gathered to mark the progress at Falcon Hill National Aerospace Research Park. The 75,000-square-foot building will be leased by defense contractor Lockheed Martin and other tenants, and is expected to bring up to 500 new jobs into Utah. “The Falcon Hill project is a leading example of unprecedented partnerships making a difference in Utah communities,” said Herbert. “We welcome Lockheed Martin’s expansion at Falcon Hill and the potential it will attract additional high-paying jobs to our state.” Lockheed Martin already has around 250 supply chain partners in Utah. The project is expected to be completed in late summer 2017. The new building is part of the ongoing Enhanced Use Lease Program at Hill AFB, one of the largest projects of its kind in the Department of Defense. —75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs 2 0 17
Recognizing the endeavors of Utah and the nation during The Great War, 1917-1918. In conjunction with the Utah Division of State History. Rotunda at State Capitol, 350 N. State Street, Salt Lake City, 10 a.m. Thursday. veterans.utah.gov/calendars
For additional information, contact the four veteran homes, at the following:
Enjoy live music and listen to Gordy Ewell—Iraqi veteran, motivational speaker, author and friend. Arena at Fairgrounds, 475 S. Main Street, Spanish Fork, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. veterans.utah.gov/calendars
"We cordially invite everyone to come and visit us at any of our four locations where we will be happy to provide all details relative to eligibility, cost, programs and individualized treatment plans," says Dennis N. McFall, UDMVA deputy director. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is the federal agency responsible for assuring that skilled nursing facilities are in full compliance with both federal and state regulations. The CMS rating-system measures Medicare beneficiaries experiences with their health plans and health care system. This rating indicates that Utah's facilities rank in the top percentile of all facilities in the country. All four facilities experience occupancy near 98 percent with waiting lists.
05/20 ARMED FORCES DAY CONCERT Featuring Choral Arts Society of Utah and Utah National Guard 23rd Army Band at Gallivan Center, 239 Main Street, Salt Lake City, at 4-11 p.m. on Saturday. Free admission. veterans. utah.gov/calendars
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Doing Business T h e Be e h i ve St a t e h a s a d y n a m i c a n d d i ve r s e e c o n o m y. De f e n s e - re l a t e d i n d u s t r i e s a re p a r t o f t h a t e n v i ro n m e n t . Fro m b u s i n e s s b o a rd ro o m s , g ove r n m e n t o f f i c e s , e d u c a t i o n a l c l a s s ro o m s a n d i n d i v i d u a l l i ve l y h o o d s , VA LO R i n t ro d u c e s re a d e r s t o t h e m a n y p a r t n e r s a n d re s o u rc e s f i n d i n g s u c c e s s i n t h e m a rk e t p l a c e .
'LOYALTY IS NOT A WORD. IT'S A LIFESTYLE' by Michelle Bridges a s m all v e t e ra n - f r i e n d ly b u s i n e s s w i t h a u n i q u e s t y l e o f g i v i n g bac k
yan and Amanda Bowler began their “cool, passionate weekend project” after Ryan’s little brother deployed to Kuwait. Wanting to show support from home, they sent care packages overseas full of “random stuff.” Responses from troops were full of gratitude and appreciation. The Bowlers were humbled; they wanted to do more. After much brainstorming and doodling, they decided on a distinctive line of apparel. With their SRVS brand—pronounced “service” which stands for support and respect for veterans and service members—the couple wanted a visual symbol of unity and support. In all of their research, they haven’t found a company where the consumer is directly involved with a donation process. The company’s “give-back” shirt model—buy one shirt, get one shirt for free, then have the customer find someone to give the second shirt to—is unique. An “instruction card” goes with each give-back shirt detailing what customers are supposed to do: This shirt is provided by someone who wants to make sure your sacrif ice and service hasn’t gone unnoticed. The give-back shirt can’t be bought. It’s only for those that have served—veterans, military, law enforcement, first responders—civilians are asked not to wear it. “I can’t wear it and Ryan can’t wear it,” says Amanda. “It’s only for those who’ve actually earned it; that way it keeps that special meaning.”
Ryan and Amanda Bowler, founders of SRVS. Their designs and gear have been embraced with all ages and interests. photos courtesy of srvs
SRVS: Live Loyal PO Box 273, Salem, UT 84653 801-310-7400, srvsgear.com
Most people know someone— neighbor, friend or relative who has or is currently serving—we wanted to incentivize those people to get out and make contact with these people in their own communities. “It makes people take that next step and actually introduce themselves and make a connection,” says Amanda. “We want your help, we want you to get involved and help build a bigger and broader support network for those who serve. Let them know people care,” says Ryan. Michelle Bridges is project manager for VALOR magazine. She enjoys connecting people, sharing stories, crafting magazines and making newspapers look good.
va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
A PIECE OF ADVICE "We think 'live loyal' says get out and do something more than yourself. Make a difference in your sphere of influence. Do your best. Serve those around you. Be kinder. Smile more. Pay more attention to your kids. Whatever it is you’re doing—really do it.”
—by Amanda and Ryan Bowler, SRVS
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Vice President Quality Earl Huff, a former Army medic, stands in front of a series of charts that track various quality metrics that are an important part of Veterans Trading Company's value proposition. photo courtesy of
'WE DELIVER ON WHAT WE PROMISE, TIME AFTER TIME' by David Cordero a u . s . to p t e n s e rv i c e - d i s a b l e d v e t e ra n - ow n e d b u s i n e s s
or Gregg Mynhier, President and GM SMI of Veterans Trading Company (VTC), it’s important to never forget the first word in his company’s name. “To be able to be an employer for veterans is important to us. Of the total U.S. population, 7 percent are veterans—and of that, half are age 60 and older. Twenty percent of our employees are veterans, so I think we are doing a good job in that respect.” A service-disabled veteran himself, Mynhier leads the way in a thriving, nationwide supply chain services company that was founded in Park City in 2005. VTC provides supply chain solutions to five of the world’s top nine defense contractors, including: Lockheed Martin, Boeing and BAE Systems. Business has been booming in recent years. Approximately 50 percent of VTC’s growth has come in the last five years, Mynhier says, and large contractors enjoy working with VTC for two reasons: They get diversity credits for working with a small, veteran-run business and VTC gets the job done efficiently. “The growth we have experienced is the result of all the good employees we have,” Mynhier says. “Veterans lend a certain way of looking at work,
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and a certain way of doing things that causes us to be a little more capable than we would anyway. Many contractors tell us they would work with us regardless of the diversity credits.” Co-founder and Vice President Business Development John Pierce says, “we’re very proud of our roots in Utah.” As a veteran-owned, HUB-zone certified business, VTC tapped into many of the defense and economic connections in Utah, especially the Procurement Tech Assistant Center (PTAC) with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED). “They were a key player in our early years. Every veteranowned small business should get to know this valuable resource.” Mynhier’s 22 years in the U.S. Navy helped instill in him a can-do attitude, which he feels is common with military veterans. He says that work ethic and zeal for problem-solving has helped VTC thrive in the defense industry. “The folks with a military background have an appreciation for quality. The things we touch eventually touches all of those in the service.” David Cordero has been a professional writer for more than 15 years. He is an award-winning writer on a variety of subjects, including sports, education and military matters.
TIPS ON HOW TO MANAGE TOP DOD CONTRACTORS n Work with their Supply Chain Management Small Business/Supplier Diversity Program group n Over communicate with your customer n Execution is everything n Leverage your agility to help them improve their operations n Use your military experience as “Past Performance” —by Gregg Mynhier, President and GM SMI, Veterans Trading Company
Veterans Trading Company 15 S. West Temple, Ste. 1050, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-363-8387, vtcusa.com
va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
CAMP GUERNSEY, WYO. May 2016. Utah employers on a Bosslift with the Utah National Guard. ESGR hosts such trips so give employers in-field experiences so they can better understand what their employees do in the military. photos courtesy of utah esgr
'RECOGNIZING EMPLOYERS GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND' by David Cordero a d e part m e n t o f d e f e n s e p ro g ra m f o c u s i n g o n e m p loy m e n t r e lat i o n s h i p s
ZIONS BANK, FREEDOM AWARD RECIPIENT 2014 “Of the 3,000 businesses nominated each year, only 15 are selected. When we were given our award in 2014, only 96 companies had earned the honor. This award is given in recognition of the work a company does to keep their service members and their families whole while on military leave. It's very humbling to have an employee nominate your company on behalf of what you do for them.”
—by Brian Garrett, Senior Vice President, Director of Military Relations, Zions Bank
ESGR: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve 12953 S. Minuteman Drive Draper, UT 84020 801-432-4492, esgr.mil
hey are the men and women who form the backbone of our nation’s defense. They are the national guard and reserve forces, a portion of the U.S. military that the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)—a Department of Defense program instituted in 1972—seeks to honor through outreach and education. ESGR’s mission is to resolve and help prevent conflicts between service members and their employers, as well as recognize exemplary business-service member relationships. The reason that cooperation is important, explains Kim Watts of the Utah ESGR, is that 48 percent of the Armed Forces are organized in national guard or reserve units. “The highest percentage are just like you and I; they have families, responsibilities in the community,” Watts says. “They are exposed to the same dangers in faraway places as active duty members are, so the last thing we want for them to have to worry about is if they are going to have a job when they return.” A retired national guardsman of 31 years, Watts has been with ESGR since 2000. In the Utah ESGR he is the only paid employee in an organization with approximately 70 volunteers. Through activities and awards, ESGR is quick
va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
to recognize outstanding employers who go “above and beyond” by simply following the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) guidelines, that basically guarantees a person in uniformed services has a right to prompt reemployment upon return from deployment. A “Bosslift” takes civilian employers to a mobilization station or military training site to observe their employees perform their military duties. This gives employers a greater appreciation for that employee’s service and sacrifice. Employers come away with a renewed sense to provide greater support for their employees’ military service and to their families during their absence. The Patriot Award is given to individual supervisors of national guard or reserve service personnel. The most prestigious honor is the Freedom Award—limited to 15 recipients nationwide each year. In Utah, Zions Bank and L3 Communications have received the award. “It takes sacrifice,” Watts says. “What we want to convey to them is by supporting the service members, they own a little piece of the department of defense.” David Cordero has been a professional writer for more than 15 years. He is an award-winning on a variety of subjects, including sports, education and military matters.
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Community Relations Ma n y s e r v i c e m e n a n d w o m e n o n t h e f ro n t l i n e m a k e s a c r f i c e s t o d e f e n d o u r h o m e s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s . It i s i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e m t o k n ow t h a t o n t h e h o m e f ro n t we a re “a l l i n t h i s t o g e t h e r.” VA LO R s h i n e s t h e s p o t l i g h t o n i n d i v i d u a l s w h o w o rk t i re l e s s l y t o s h ow o u r s u p p o r t a n d a p p re c i a t i o n .
A BRIGHT SPOT IN WASHINGTON A C H AT W I T H C O N G R E S S M A N C H R I S S T E WA RT by Patrick Ross for valor m aga z i n e
he 2016 presidential election was perhaps the most hotly contested election in our nation’s history. I honestly can’t remember a time when an election divided us so much as a nation. Differences in opinion, and giving voice to those opinions, has been one of the prime ingredients that has made this nation so successful. I have to admit though seeing how individuals and groups from both sides treated each other, made me feel incredibly discouraged and weary. Then one day, while happily reading the latest Star Wars fan theories and eating my lunch, my editor stepped into my office and said, “Hey, I’d like you to go interview Rep. Chris Stewart from Utah’s second district.” While my verbal response was to accept the assignment, the mental response was something like “Are you kidding me!? The last thing I want to do when I’m trying to get away from politics is go interview a politician!” After a simple Google search, I was surprised to learn about some of the things Congressman Stewart had accomplished before ever seeking political office: born and raised in Cache Valley, graduated with an economics degree from Utah State University, married and father of six, Air Force pilot with a world-record for fastest continuous flight around the world, former CEO of a small business and a New York Time’s bestselling author. This guy seemed different. Why would someone who had accomplished so much, be drawn to public service? I was intrigued. I wanted to learn more. And what I got completely changed my outlook on the future of American politics.
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VALOR: You’ve done a lot of things in your professional career, but tell me what made you first decide to join the Air Force?
STEWART: I grew up in Cache Valley milking cows in a family of 10 kids. My dad was an Air Force Pilot in WWII. I have brothers that served in the Air Force and Army. The Armed Forces is a deep part of our family heritage. During my senior year of college, I stopped at Hill Air Force Base one day to watch the F-16s take off and land and I thought, “You know what, that’s really what I want to do. I wanna fly.” So that was kind of the turning point for me that made me want to join the Air Force. VALOR: What was flight school like? Was it a rude awakening or was it everything you thought it would be?
STEWART: Pilot training was a gut wrenching experience. I learned so much about mental discipline and focus in stressful situations. The Air Force is really good about simulating those situations for you just so they can see how you’ll react. In a lot of ways, the year and half of pilot training was the hardest of my life. I was competing against some of the brightest and most ambitious men and women that I’d ever met. Everyone was competing with each other just to stay in flight school because so many wash out. I remember at the base there was this model of a T-38 that was one of the planes that we flew during pilot training—a very sleek and sexy airplane. I remember walking by and thinking, “This is me, I really want my chance to fly that.” It was a real motivator for me just because the pure joy of flight was really cool. VALOR: What lead to the decision to go into politics?
STEWART: When I got out of the Air Force, I started writing books and made a pretty good living at that and I also owned a business. Up until that point, I had never thought about running for Congress. But then four years ago, when I saw the kind of decisions that our nation was making, I thought it was just insane. At the time it was our spending and our debt. Then someone called me and said, “Hey, they just redid the boundaries, you’re in an open district. You should run for Congress. They need veterans, they need business owners.” After learning that information, it was a really quick decision that I was going to do that. I just felt like I could help and I needed to try if I could. VALOR: What was the biggest surprise when you first got into politics?
STEWART: Well, I was used to a career where we set out an objective or mission and we go out and accomplish it as fast as possible. It was true in the Air Force, it was true in writing and it was true in business. It’s just not the same thing in Congress. The first big challenge I had was recognizing that it was a frustrating career and that I needed to be patient. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sat on an airplane coming back home on a Friday afternoon thinking, “Did I accomplish anything? Did I do anything that helped the february
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American people?” And far too often the answer was no. So for me, one of the first abrupt lessons was that you have to be able to accept that the things you are trying to accomplish are going to take time. VALOR: Can you describe how you were assigned to the House Intelligence Committee? What kind of work do you do?
STEWART: I was assigned to that committee really early. Anybody who’s done work with Congress knows that the Intelligence Committee is the hardest to get on but it does the most interesting work. We’re responsible for the oversight and creating policies and budgets for everything regarding the intelligence community. Whether it’s CIA, NSA or DIA, we have oversight over 17 agency budgets. Because of my background in the Air Force, I always knew that was where I wanted to spend my time. I always felt like it was where I could help the most. One of the cool things is that I get the chance to travel the world. In the last six months, I’ve been to China, Japan, Guam, Israel, Russia, Pakistan, Latvia, Germany, Poland and a few other countries. I love it because I get the chance to talk with other world leaders to try and unite the efforts of the United States with other nations in providing security.
VALOR: You’ve done a lot of work for veterans in Congress. What is the thing you are most proud of?
STEWART: Well, it’s two things. First is just the casework we do every day back here in the district. For example, I met with the widow of a WWII veteran who the Veterans Administration had not paid her the portion of her husband’s veterans benefits she’s was entitled to. They actually owe her tens of thousands of dollars. So we worked with her and fought with her to get her the benefits that they owed her. The second thing is that we’ve started to—and we still have a long way to go—is reform funding for the VA. A while back, I was running in Washington, D.C., and a young man passed me and I noticed he was running on two prosthetic legs. I thought surely he must be a veteran. So I turned around, caught up with him and asked him if we could talk. He told me his story about how he lost his legs in Afghanistan. So part of what we are doing is making sure that the VA is getting the funding that it needs and the other part is banging those guys on the head and saying, “You’ve got to do a better job of taking care of these people. You just can’t treat them like that.”
Coming away from my interview with Rep. Chris Stewart, I had two distinct impressions: Here was a man that sincerely cares about the work he’s doing and because representatives like him exist, there is hope for the American political system. Patrick Ross currently works as a digital marketing manager for one of Utah’s largest agencies. His experience attending military school, extensive family history in the Armed Forces and work with political campaigns gives him a unique perspective on the issues of veterans and their families.
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he immediate cause of The Great War, the assassination of the Austrian-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, set into motion a complex mechanism of agreements, treaties, alliances, attitudes and assumptions. As Tsarist Russia, allied with France, began to mobilize its army to support its Serbian cousins, Germany implemented an ultimately unsuccessful strategy to wage a two-front war by invading and defeating France on the Western Front and then concentrating its army on the Eastern Front to defeat Russian forces. The invasion of neutral Belgium, deemed necessary in Germany’s plan, brought Great Britain into the conflict. In the United States, neutrality was the official policy. However, many citizens gravitated to one side or the other as a substantial German-American community throughout the country and in Utah championed the German cause. But for the United States, the scales quickly tipped in favor of the Allies, as negative attitudes about the German Kaiser and militarism, close ties with Great Britain through language, traditions and heritage, the recollection of French help during the American Revolution, the one-sided reliance of the Allies on American loans and war materiel, and the sinking of the British passenger ship the RMS Lusitania by a German submarine, all served to draw the United States toward the Allied cause. For more than a year and a half, Germany reluctantly honored a pledge to halt unrestricted submarine warfare, but as the stalemate on the Western Front continued and shortages and suffering for both soldiers and civilians increased,
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FT. LEWIS, WA. 1917. World War I training recruits from Utah take a group photograph before shipping overseas. photo used permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved .
German leaders announced it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare in an effort to eliminate or reduce the amount of American aide reaching the Allies. Also, through a secret proposal to the Mexican government known as the Zimmermann note, Germany sought to recruit Mexican support by offering to return to Mexico much of the American Southwest lost in the aftermath of the 1846-1848 Mexican War. Finally, President Wilson concluded that in order to play february
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SALT LAKE CITY. 1919. Community crowds salute World War I veterans marching in formation during a celebration parade. photo used by permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved .
A SEND OFF FOR LOCAL SOLDIERS (Printed: FERRON—Emery County Progress, August 29, 1917)
“Thursday will long stand out in thoughts of our departing soldier boys as a red-letter day not soon to be forgotten for the people of Ferron spared no efforts that day in making it a most enjoyable one for the boys from beginning to end. From the parade throughout the town at noon, through the program in the high school auditorium, the banquet in the social hall, and the dance in the auditorium at night, the boys were feted as only truly honored guests might be. They were also guests with their partner at the moving picture show …, and an especially appropriate program was rendered in their honor. The parade led by the Orangeville band formed shortly after noon with the honored guests astride horses furnished for the occasion, and in automobiles bringing up the rear of a procession over four blocks long. The route of the parade included practically every street in the town, and brought up at the auditorium shortly after two o’clock.” february
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(ABOVE) LOOS, FRANCE. 1915. Horses and men in gas masks during tests to find the best protection against gas attacks. united kingdom archives (RIGHT) WESTERN FRONT. 1917. “At close grips with the Hun, we bomb the corkshaffers …" Two U.S. soldiers run past the remains of two German soldiers toward a bunker. library of congress / h . d . girdwood
THE WORLD AT WAR O N T H E F RO N T L I N E S b y B ra n d e n L i tt l e
mericans shuddered at the outbreak of the First World War. They found its unanticipated explosion in the summer of 1914 objectionable and frightening. War threatened to tear apart the fabric of modern civilization. Prewar confidence in forecasts of unlimited economic growth grew instantly murky with the disarray in global markets. Virtually unimpeded international immigration in recent decades also meant that all the nations at war were represented in the United States with potentially explosive repercussions. In addition, the war engulfed more than 125,000 Americans traveling in Europe. Even as the United States immediately proclaimed neutrality, their fate awoke the U.S. government and the American people to the reality that the war endangered American lives. Danger did not discourage Americans from volunteering as soldiers and relief workers in Europe. Thousands of Americans and recent European immigrants journeyed overseas to participate in the war. Most notable among American humanitarian contributions that began in 1914, were the activities of the American-directed Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB). The CRB orchestrated an international food relief program for more than nine million Belgian and French civilians who lived in German-occupied territories and were highly dependent on the importation of foreign food for survival. This innovative nation-feeding program lasted the duration of the war.
a m e r i c a g o e s t o wa r By 1917, Germany’s submarine attacks on ships carrying American citizens and commerce across the Atlantic Ocean, its diplomatic intrigues that threatened to culminate in an invasion of the United States by Mexico and Japan, and the perilous prospect of perpetual war thrust an otherwise neutral nation into belligerency. Once the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917, the state wielded its instruments of coercive power to
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silence pacifists and socialists. Most Americans willingly aided the Wilson administration. Swiftly an historically fragmented American society experienced the efflorescence of a new nationalism steeped in a zealously aggressive and messianic-inspired war culture. The period of belligerency (April 1917 to November 1918) triggered the erosion of civil liberties, and the promotion of homogeneity through Americanization initiatives including conscription, English-only language instruction in immigrant strongholds, and nationwide marketing blitzes of government propaganda. Thirtytwo million American adults and children rapidly enrolled in the American Red Cross. They were committed to alleviating distress in war-ravaged nations and to aiding U.S. and Allied soldiers. Imbued with a crusading ethos to vanquish militaristic aggression and secure a lasting peace, American society prosecuted the war as a member of the Allied coalition fighting against Germany and the Central Powers. Americans viewed the deployment of more than two million U.S. soldiers, marines and sailors to Europe as the necessary analogue to the vast quantities of humanitarian supplies they had been channeling toward Europe since 1914. American warships working with British counterparts neutralized Germany’s submarine peril. Overwhelming U.S. reinforcements strengthened faltering Allied lines. In autumn 1918, the American “doughboys” fighting alongside Allied armies liberated the occupied populations the CRB had sustained and compelled Berlin to capitulate. American sacrifices notwithstanding, the Allied victory in 1918 provided no guarantee of a durable peace. An Associate Professor of History at Weber State University, Branden Little, PhD, teaches courses on American military history and foreign relations. His publications focus on humanitarian relief in wartime and naval history.
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IT WAS JUST HELL, THAT'S ALL ... George West Stevenson, in a letter to his mother dated June 11, 1918, from Somewhere In France (Printed: PRICE—News Advocate on July 4, 1918)
“The main thing is that I am all together and enjoying life (so to speak) that is, I am enjoying it as much as one can who has gone through Hell and lost most of his pals. We saw all the mangling and killing we care to for the rest of our lives. … The air was just alive with it and the roar was awful. The sight of the dead and wounded was horrible. It was just Hell, that’s all. We lost all our blankets, toilet articles, and all such things. All we hung on to was our rifles and trenching tool and emergency rations. That’s all we needed. We that got away with our lives thought we were lucky. It seems that there were more wounded than killed. I helped bury one poor fellow at a little after midnight last night. This letter is an awful mess but maybe you can read it. The Americans sure have those Dutch [Germans] on the run.”
an essential role in the post war peace negotiations, the United States must first become an active and recognized participant in the conflict.
UTAH STEPS UP TO DO ITS PART When the United States entered the Great War, Utah was still a young state, having gained statehood just 21 years earlier and only after a half century struggle to win statehood. In 1917, what historians have called the Americanization of Utah was in full swing, as the state entered the mainstream of political, economic and social life of the nation. Utah had sent its sons off in 1898 to fight in the Spanish-American War, and in the summer of 1916 Utah national guardsmen joined with those from other states along the United States-Mexican border. In 1916, Utah had elected its first non-Mormon governor, Simon Bamberger, a German Jew, a popular and effective political leader, and a successful businessman. As war came, Utah citizens were determined to demonstrate their loyalty to the United States and expressions of patriotism were encouraged and expected. Economically and demographically the state was prospering as mining, smelting and the railroads brought a wave of immigrants from Italy, Greece, the Balkans and other parts of Europe to Bingham Canyon, Murray, Midvale, Tooele and the coal mines of Carbon County. German converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had immigrated from their homeland and constituted a small but visible community within the state. Agriculture expanded with the wartime demand for food, especially sugar as sugar beets and the accompanying sugar production became even more important elements in the Utah economy. For Utah women, the war brought greater public involvement and a conformation that the newly won right for women to vote was a positive step forward for American citizens. Once at war, all Utahns were expected to do their part. Gov. Simon Bamberger urged young men to join the Utah National Guard and moved quickly to organize the Utah Council of Defense and county councils of defense to coordinate and manage Utah’s war effort. Support for the local councils of defense was reflected in the words of a Piute County Commissioner who stated, “This is a call from the government. Everyone must answer the call. Everyone asked to february
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FT. LEWIS, WA. 1917. Camp life near Tacoma where recruits from Utah trained before shipping overseas during World War I. photo used by permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved .
serve as a committee member should consider it a draft by the government. There must be no refusals.” For men and women, there were plenty of committees on which to serve including: finance, liberty loans, publicity, food supply, conservation, sanitation and medicine, industry, manpower, education, child welfare, social services, health and recreation, registration, the military, and Americanization.
UTAH'S MILITARY EFFORT Members of the Utah National Guard, who had just returned home after several months of active duty along the Arizona-Mexican border, were reactivated. Men between the ages of 18 and 45 were required to register for the draft. By war’s end approximately 11,000 were drafted and another 10,000 joined the army as volunteers. Of the 21,000 Utahns who served, 665 died. Of those deaths, 218 were in battle, 32 from fatal accidents, and 414 were victims of disease and other health related issues. Another 814 men survived battlefield wounds. Nationwide, the United States suffered approximately 375,000 casualties including 116,516 deaths. Utah’s soldiers came from all religions and ethnic groups and from cities, small towns, mining camps, ranches and farms throughout the state. They sailed across the Atlantic in converted troopships. Many landed in Liverpool then crossed va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
'IT WAS OUR PRIVILEGE' WO M E N: H O M E A N D A B ROA D b y Ta m m y M . P ro c to r
n their 1920 memoir about World War I, Addie Hunton and Kathryn Johnson described their sense of service and responsibility. They wrote, “It was our privilege to go overseas … under the auspices of the YMCA … we can conscientiously say that we had the greatest opportunity for service that we have ever known ….” Hunton and Johnson, African-American women who served in France by operating a canteen, were only two among the thousands of American women who served in the Great War, both at home and abroad. Women worked in war relief, entertainment, heavy industry, medical services and offices. Most of these women who saw themselves as patriots and citizens who were “doing their part” to end the war.
lending a hand When the United States declared war on April 6, 1917, women mobilized alongside men. Women volunteered for service that fit into their roles at home and also for those jobs that broke the mold. Girl Scouts sold Liberty Bonds to raise funds for the war and they planted Victory Gardens. Homemakers sought to learn new recipes so that they could conserve meat and wheat for the war effort. Women volunteered for organizations such as the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, and the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers); they built huts for refugees, rolled bandages, served coffee and doughnuts, met trains, and completed a million other tasks that the war required. Thousands of women replaced men in paid jobs in factories, transport and policing. If the First World War was a coming-of-age moment for the United States and its male citizens, it served a similar role for many American women.
(TOP) SALT LAKE CITY. 1918. Members of the Young Women's Christian Association hang posters. photo used by permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved . (BELOW) ENGLAND. April 1917. Women work at Cross Farm in Shackleton, Surrey. Female laborers push loaded wheel barrows on a construction site in Coventry. vintage everyday
One of the most visible ways women participated during the war was as auxiliaries in the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). More than 16,000 women donned uniforms in sex-segregated environments in non-combat roles. This was waged work, so it attracted young women interested in serving but without the means to fund voluntary war service. Uniformed women of the AEF were expected to remain “feminine” while driving, cooking, typing and digging. Females also travelled to France and Italy with American forces in order to serve in hospitals as doctors, nurses, orderlies, aides and drivers. Maud Finch, of Eureka, was one woman who worked as an ambulance driver in Europe during the war. Drivers remember getting quite a few stares from French people as they whizzed by in their motor cars. Other medical personnel included trained nurses and doctors, some from Utah. One interesting new job for women emerged during the war: reconstruction aides. The RAs specialized in massage, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. These women used handicrafts to help men heal, so they taught weaving, woodworking, carving and sewing to help men relearn their motor skills.
va l i d at i n g s u c c e s s The war also helped legitimize the women’s suffrage legislation making it through the ratification process in 1918, as men vocally supported the important part women had taken in the war. Women’s vote on equal terms with men helped validate their claim to citizenship in the nation. Finally, the war established a precedent — a test, if you will — of women’s capacity to serve overseas. Their success in World War I meant that a new generation of women would be called to work for the wartime nation in even larger numbers during the Second World War. Tammy M. Proctor, PhD, is a Professor of History and Department Head at Utah State University. She teaches courses in modern world history, war, gender, and empire. Her publications include four single-authored books focusing on women in World War I and a century of Girl Scouting.
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IF ONLY I SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF ... Maud Fitch, in a letter to her parents dated April 9, 1917, from a Paris Hotel (Fitch's wartime collection of correspondence is one of the most prolif ic of an American woman on the front lines.) Hoping to be accepted as an ambulence driver with the Red Cross … “If they should, we will get into the action AT ONCE — the magic of those two words! And to think at last I shall get into the very vortex of the greatest conflict in the history of the world. I can't think what it will mean. If only I shall have the right stuff in me to benef it by it — to go into it and come out with one’s soul and heart all f ire tired!”
the English Channel to France where they continued their training and participated in the major campaigns of 1918 — the St. Mihiel Offensive in September and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive that ended with Germany signing the Armistice on Nov. 11, 1918. While most returned home shortly after the war, others served as part of the American occupation force in western Germany during 1919. Some Utahns were among those American soldiers sent to Siberia and North Russia between 1918 and 1920 as part of an international intervention in the Russian Civil War. Utah soldiers who did not leave the United States or who did not reach the battlefield before war’s end expressed disappointment at not participating in combat against the enemy. The war time and battlefront experiences of Utahns recounted in letters sent to family and friends were often published in local newspapers. While women did not participate in combat, they were close to the front lines serving as canteen workers and nurses. Two Utah women, Maud Fitch and Elizabeth McCune reached the battlefront as volunteer ambulance drivers in France. The women were required to furnish and maintain their own vehicles, arrange for transportation across the Atlantic, and provide their own clothing and living expenses. At least 80 registered nurses from Utah served in the war. Some were assigned to care for wounded soldiers in hospitals only minutes from the French battlefields.
UTAH ON THE HOME FRONT On the home front, women supported the war effort in important ways. Local units of the Red Cross were organized and produced clothing and other items for soldiers and civilians impacted by the war. Women were responsible for the conservation of vital wartime items through wheatless and meatless days. They demonstrated remarkable energy and commitment in producing and canning homegrown fruits and vegetables and insuring that food was not wasted. Women sent letters and packages to those in military service. They often spearheaded the Liberty Bond drives and other wartime fund raising activities that totaled $81 million for the state, an average of $190 for every man, woman and child among the state’s 425,000 population. Lists of individual contributions, from an estimated 90 percent of the state’s population, were often published in local newspapers and february
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FRANCE. October 1918. An American Red Cross nurse feeding a wounded soldier through a straw at an evacuation hospital near Souilly. nara / army signal corps
recognition given for the smallest amounts of less than a dollar to subscriptions of hundreds and thousands of dollars. Children contributed to the war effort through scrap metal and other drives, planting and helping with victory and family gardens, purchasing war stamps with their pennies, nickels and dimes, and assisting farmers with planting, weeding and harvesting crops. Men, women and children participated in the parades, programs, celebrations and other activities which marked the departure of young men for military service, patriotic holidays, visits by state and national leaders, and Liberty Bond drives. Some of the most public events included the burning of the German Kaiser in effigy. Other anti-German expressions included measures to stop publication of Utah’s only German language newspaper and to prohibit the teaching of the German va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
WINNIE T H E B E A R T H AT W E N T TO WA R a s to l d b y J o y ce D e a n
very long time ago there was a veterinarian who lived in Winnipeg, Canada. His name was Harry Colebourn. If a horse had the hiccups or a cow a cough, Harry knew how to make them feel just right. But the day came when Harry had to say goodbye to his home town. There was a war far, far away — beyond the end of the country and on the other side of the ocean — and he was going to help. He would be caring for the soldiers' horses. Harry rode east on a train full of other soldiers. He leaned his head against the window, wondering what it would be like to be so far from home. The train rolled right through dinner and over the sunset and around 10 o'clock and into a nap and out the next day, until it stopped at a place called White River. Harry decided to stretch his legs. On the train platform was a man on a bench with a baby. A baby bear. A cub. Harry stopped, it's not every day that you see a bear cub at a train station. "That bear has lost its mother," he thought. Harry paced and thought some more. Then he said to himself, "There is something special about that bear." He walked up to the trapper holding the cub and said, "I'll give you twenty dollars for the bear." "Captain Colebourn!" said the colonel on the train, as the little bear sniffed at his knees. "We are on a journey of thousands of miles, heading into the thick of battle, and you propose to bring this most dangerous creature?" Bear stood straight up on her hind legs as if to salute the colonel. The colonel stopped speaking at once — and then, in quite a different voice, he said, "Oh, hallo." The men of Harry's regiment squeezed by to have a look. "I've decided to name her Winnipeg," Harry told them. "So we'll never be far from home. Winnie, for short." They had a very long way to travel. "What do bears eat?" the men wondered. "What don't they eat?" said Harry. They brought her carrots and potatoes, and apples and tomatoes, and eggs and beans and bread. And a tin of fish, and some slop in a dish. But Winnie was still hungry. "How about dessert?" said Harry, holding up a bottle of condensed milk. Taking the treat in her paws, Winnie lay on her back and hummed a happy song as she drank. The men roared. Harry and Winnie gathered with soldiers from all over Canada in the green fields of Valcartier. A whole city of tents had sprung up there. One was a hospital for horses where Harry went to work. Winnie was in the army now. Harry taught her to stand up straight and hold her paw high and turn this way and that, just so. Soon, she was assigned her own post. Nobody had ever tried to float so many people and animals across the Atlantic Ocean before. Thirty ships sailed together, carrying about 36,000 men and about 7,500 horses ... and one bear named Winnie. It was winter when the orders came down that it was time to head into battle. Winnie posed proudly with the men for pictures to send home to their families. Harry thought for a long time. He went to Winnie and said in a serious way, "There's somewhere we need to go." Winnie brushed the mud off her nose and nuzzled in close. Harry drove all the way to the big city. "Here we are," said Harry. "The London Zoo."
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AUGUST 1914. Capt. Harry Colebourn bought his bear Winnie from a trapper on a train platform before heading off to war. lindsey mattick / colebourn collection : manitoba archives Harry took a deep breath. "Winnie, this is going to be your home for awhile," he said. She rested her big head against him. "I know you want to come, but it's not safe." Winnie's head bowed. "There is something you must always remember," Harry said. "It's the most important thing, really. Even if we're apart, I'll always love you. You'll always be my bear." Harry removed Winnie's collar and leash. She climbed over a rock. She sniffed two brown cubs. She lapped condensed milk when the zookeepers offered it. Harry was satisfied. "Winnie, I'll visit whenever I can. When the war ends, we'll go home to Winnipeg." Harry hugged Winnie good-bye. But the war lasted four years. During that time, the zookeepers took good care of Winnie. They had never met a bear so gentle. They trusted her so much that they sometimes let children ride on her back. Just before Harry returned to Canada, he decided Winnie would stay at the London Zoo permanently. Harry was sad. But he knew Winnie would be happiest in the home she knew best. One day, when Winnie was nearly 11 years old, a little boy visited her. He hugged Winnie and fed her milk. Right away the boy thought, "There is something special about that bear." That little boy's name was Christopher Robin Milne. Christopher Robin would visit Winnie at the zoo and then he would take his most-prized stuffed bear on all sorts of adventures in the wood behind his home. His father, Alan Alexander Milne, wrote books all about them. Harry's Winnie became Winnie-the-Pooh and there has never been a more beloved bear. Joyce Dean is a librarian at the Brigham City Library. She is a master storyteller. Performed as part of the library's World War I Family Gala 2016. Presentation based on "Finding Winnie" by Lindsay Mattick and "Winnie" by Sally M. Walker.
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HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE ALIVE ... Nels Anderson, entry from his diary dated Nov. 11, 1918 (Armistice) on the Meuse River near Stenay, France (Anderson attended school at Dixie Academy in St. George and Brigham Young Academy in Provo before the war.) “So this is peace and I am alive. I am so surprised. I don’t know how to act so I just sit and think. I don’t feel like yelling, no one is yelling around here. How good it is to be alive. I had set aside all hopes and now they assert themselves one by one. I have a future again. It is the greatest thing to live for. I was glad to get in this f ight that my future would not be an apology.”
language in schools. The foreign born were encouraged to volunteer for military service, purchase Liberty Bonds, learn English, study the Constitution and the American system of government, and become U.S. citizens. National leaders who visited Utah commented on the patriotism and commitment shown by all citizens for the war effort and asked Gov. Simon Bamberger to travel to other states to share Utah’s success. During the war, Fort Douglas was the only federal military facility in the state. In addition to processing draftees and volunteers, the fort was given a unique assignment as one of only two facilities in the nation to house captured German naval prisoners of war, enemy aliens and anti-war activists including members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW ). Approximately 3,000 prisoners spent time at Fort Douglas during and immediately after the war. Twenty-one of the prisoners who died at the fort (most as victims of the influenza epidemic) are interred in the fort’s cemetery and their resting place is marked by an impressive monument erected by Utah’s German-American community in 1933. The influenza epidemic struck soldiers and citizens alike killing more than 21 million people around the world. The epidemic was first reported in Utah in October 1918. By the time the epidemic ended in 1921, more than 3,500 Utahns had died and countless others had been infected but recovered.
WAR ENDS AND IS REMEMBERED When the Armistice was signed on Nov. 11, 1918, spontaneous celebrations broke out in downtown Salt Lake City and communities throughout the state. Returning soldiers were honored with parades and programs. In the aftermath of the war, Utahns joined in the national debate regarding the United State’s involvement in the League of Nations. One side maintained that such an international organization could best prevent the outbreak of war in the future. While the other side argued that commitment to such an organization would weaken national sovereignty to an unacceptable extent. The United States did not join the League of Nations, but did play the leading role in the establishment of a similar organization, the United Nations, after World War II. Utahns did agree on the need to commemorate the service of its soldiers and to recognize the ultimate sacrifice made by those who did not return. A number of communities placed monuments on which the names of those who served in the february
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FORT DOUGLAS. 1918. Approximately 3,000 prisoners spent time at Fort Douglas during and immediately after the war. photo used by permission . utah state historical society . all rights reserved .
military were inscribed. A few communities erected full-sized statues of a soldier with rifle in hand crossing a barbed wire strewn battlefield. As early as 1920, the Utah Chapter of the Service Star Legion began plans for a statewide memorial for Utah’s soldiers. Located in City Creek Canyon just east of the State Capitol Building, Memory Grove was dedicated on June 27, 1924, as “A lasting memorial to the hero dead of Utah.” The Utah State Legislature designated the Utah State Historical Society as the responsible state agency for compiling and preserving the records of Utah’s effort in the war and appropriated funds for the preparation of an official history. “Utah in the World War,” authored by Noble Warrum, was published in 1924. Continuing in the spirit of that legislative assignment made nearly a century ago, the Utah State Historical Society and the University of Utah Press recently published “Utah and the Great War: The Beehive State and the World War I Experience.” Composed of 17 chapters, the book is part of Utah’s commemoration of the centennial of America’s participation in World War I. Allan Kent Powell is a historian and writer who was senior state historian and managing editor of the Utah Historical Quarterly at the Utah State Historical Society until his retirement. He is the editor of two recent books on World War I, “Nels Anderson’s World War I Diary” and ”Utah and the Great War: The Beehive State and the World War I Experience,” both published by the University of Utah Press.
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PARK CITY. 2014. National Ability Center Competition Alpine athletes. photo courtesy of national ability center
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A F O U R - PA R T S E R I E S E X P L O R I N G T H E J O U R N E Y T O R E H A B I L AT I O N T H R O U G H B O DY, S O U L , M I N D A N D S P I R I T
PA R T 1 : T H E P H Y S I C A L S I D E valor m a g a z i n e
or a veteran to successfully transition from the military to civilian life, they need support and understanding for treatment of the whole warrior—body, soul, mind and spirit. It is never easy to make the switch and even harder for those men and women who have experienced combat or any other trauma that may be associated with military life. Many dedicated people make the commitment to improve every aspect of a veteran’s life. Soldiers are taught to be strong, push through, suck it up and move on. With a physical wound, everyone can see there are issues. But with wounds that are out of sight, it’s easier to ignore them and pretend nothing wrong. It can be hard for veterans to seek help. “Don’t let the stigma of being labeled ‘disabled’ or suffering from a ‘disorder’ like post-traumatic stress keep you from asking for help,” says Leslie Zimmerman, an Iraqi veteran and former army medic with PTSD. Zimmerman explains that in order for perceptions to change, it will have to start from within smaller, like-minded groups “… through camaraderie in safe spaces.” First, teach service members it’s OK to ask for help. Family members will see it’s OK, then friends. Next, it moves outward to others. “I don’t think as a whole you’ll change everybody’s perspective. With Vietnam veterans, people didn’t see their struggles. But since 9/11, people are aware of soldiers’ sacrifices.” Through this four-part series spread across this year, VALOR looks within our communities to identify people, organizaitons and resources that contribute to healing the whole warrior. In this first part: We focus on the body. Many approches exist to healing the physical aspect of the warrior: physical therapy, recreational therapy and therapy through fellowshipping. “We all need to realize that we can heal. It’s something you adapt to—you become a new version of yourself,” says Zimmerman. Let the change begin within us first.
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NATIONAL ABILITY CENTER RANCH. 2013. Soldier Ride alumni supporting one another on the NAC challenge course. photo courtesy of ecletic brew productions / claire wiley
he transformative power of play on the human condition is not only undisputed, it’s the driving principle behind the field of recreation therapy, one of the fastest growing health-related professions in the United States. Therapeutic recreation specialists serve clients with developmental, mental and physical disabilities through activity-based interventions proven to maximize quality of life. Studies have repeatedly shown the discipline’s unique role in the promotion of sport and recreation as a means to psychological and physical recovery. Nestled on 26 acres in picturesque Park City, the National Ability Center (NAC), is Utah’s crowning jewel for therapeutic and adaptive recreation. Offering a wide variety of programs designed to empower individuals of all abilities, the organization fosters self-esteem, confidence and lifetime skills through sports, activities and education. “While people are increasingly familiar with our mission, most are surprised to discover that we’re located right in their backyard,” explained Gail Loveland, NAC’s executive director. “That means a wonderful opportunity to provide community stakeholders with an up-close and personal view of our facilities and programs.” Fiscal stewardship, respected leadership, and diverse organizational culture have solidified the National Ability Center’s reputation for excellence; however, it’s the variety of therapeutic and adaptive offerings that ignites participants’ enthusiasm for activities otherwise considered out of reach.
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Nordic skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, equine therapy, indoor rock climbing, swimming, archery, sled hockey, cycling, water-skiing, kayaking, and a high-ropes challenge course are only some of the offerings on campus and through local partnerships. Established in 1985 through a grant from the Disabled American Veterans of Utah, the inclusion-minded nonprofit now boasts an annual operating schedule packed with more than 33,000 lessons and outings designed for individuals and families facing a wide variety of disabilities. A team of employees and volunteers trained in adaptive recreation equipment and techniques aid participants with orthopedic, spinal cord, neuromuscular, visual and hearing impairments, as well as cognitive and developmental disabilities. True to the founders’ original intent, supporting U.S. service members has remained a key focus as the NAC has expanded its size and scope over the past three decades. Military endeavors currently account for about 30 percent of the organization’s overall programming to include individual, family and group sports and recreation opportunities for active-duty personnel, guardsmen, reservists, retirees, and all who’ve served for any period of time. “Whether a veteran has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), physical disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), generalized anxiety, or trouble reintegrating into society, we take a holistic approach to healing warriors that begins with february
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(RIGHT) THE MINE, PARK CITY. 2015. Naval Medical Center San Diego veteran Ashley “Goose” Cameron showing her other Marines how it is done. photo courtesy of national ability center / jeremy houskeeper (BELOW) PARK CITY ICE ARENA. 2013. Naval Medical Center San Diego veterans during a sled hockey match. photo courtesy of national ability center / jeremy houskeeper
(BOTTOM) DINOSAUR NATIONAL MONUMENT. September 2016. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD go river rafting. photo courtesy of national center of veteran studies / university of utah
have to be her strength, and it was a powerful reminder of who I wanted to be moving forward in my life.” Cindy remembers the experience fondly as a catalyst for renewed trust and communication. “Forty feet up in the air, we had to lean into one another for emotional and physical support, and it was the first time I really experienced the warrior he was before we met,” she said. “In an instant, I understood the profound impact that part of his life would always have on him and on us.”
SERVING ALL AGES, ALL ABILITIES For Col. Nick Chronis, senior army advisor for the Utah Army National Guard, involvement with the NAC has also become a meaningful personal and family experience. Chronis was introduced to the NAC after researching therapeutic and adaptive recreation options for his 4-year-old son Gavin, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy-like conditions at 7 months old. Chronis and his wife, Julie, were thrilled to learn about NAC’s Salt Lake City proximity, and enrolled Gavin in the equine therapy program at just 3 years old. PARK CITY. 2016. Gavin Chronis engaging in a hippotherapy session. photo courtesy of nick chronis
a safe, comfortable space, surrounded by people they trust,” said Jeremy Houskeeper, NAC program partnership and development senior manager. Houskeeper began as the military programs manager six years ago, and though he’s advanced to a strategic leadership position, his heart, and much of his focus, are still tethered to the military support mission. “From the very beginning, I’ve been humbled by the opportunity to serve our men and women in uniform,” he said. “I’ve always known that engaging with our veterans would make me inherently proud of the work I was doing.”
LEARNING TO LEAN ON EACH OTHER Though anecdotes abound when it comes to individuals and families, that the National Ability Center has served, retired Army Master Sgt. Patrick Kling and his wife, Cindy, are one military couple Houskeeper references often. Following medical evacuation from Afghanistan in 2009 and subsequent military retirement, Kling’s road to healing was filled with frustrations and setbacks, making him “extremely apprehensive” about participating in a recreation therapy program he knew nothing about. With Cindy by his side, Kling arrived in Utah, became fast friends with other veterans attending the retreat, and spent five days engaged in numerous physical activities, the most memorable of which was the high ropes confidence course. “I was excited and couldn’t wait to climb up, but I knew Cindy was out of her element,” Kling admitted. “I realized I’d february
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“Horses are very imposing, especially for a small child looking up at a huge animal, so the first lesson was a little overwhelming, but the horses are so gentle, and the staff are so loving, that by the second lesson, it was all laughter and smiles,” Chronis said. “It quickly became a favorite activity, and while it was pure play for Gavin, it was also true therapy, developing his core muscles, balance and coordination.” Getting Gavin into the NAC’s adaptive skiing program was the next logical step since the rest of the Chronis family, including almost 6-year-old big brother Nicholas, were already enthusiasts. Soon, Gavin was spending three-hour sessions on the mountain using the adaptive bi-ski under the instruction of a NAC professional. The last 15 minutes of each session even included time on a pair of traditional skis. “The NAC instructors are outstanding; they respond to every need, listen to parents’ suggestions, and are a pleasure to be around,” said Chronis, who believes there are few things better than watching a child participate in therapy in a fun way. “When Gavin skis, he has a huge grin on his face, and he’s incredibly proud of himself that he gets to do something just like his mom, dad and brother,” he said. When the colonel was approached by Houskeeper about serving on the organization’s military subcommittee, led by retired Vice Adm. Dick Gallagher, it was a natural fit, and welcomed opportunity to give back to an organization he believes in wholeheartedly. “I’m committed to ensuring military members understand that these opportunities exist for themselves and their families,” Chronis said, adding “it’s an outstanding local resource not taken advantage of nearly enough.” va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
TRAIL SIDE PARK, PARK CITY. 2015. Wounded Warrior Project alumni on an adaptive off-road hand cycle during a mountain bike soldier ride retreat. photo courtesy of national ability center / jeremy houskeeper
FINDING STRENGTH WITH PARTNERS Like many nonprofits, partnerships are paramount to the National Ability Center’s ability to provide quality military programs. The Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs, Wounded Warrior Project, U.S. Paralympics, Disabled Sports USA, Semper Fi Fund, Naval Medical Center San Diego, and Lone Survivor Foundation, are just a sampling of the entities that lend time, money and resources to the cause. One of the most recent examples is an innovative partnership with the University of Utah’s National Center for Veterans Studies (NCVS) led by executive director and boardcertified clinical psychologist Dr. Craig Bryan. Bryan and his team spearhead a condensed treatment program for service members and veterans diagnosed with PTSD. Participants spend two weeks lodged at the NAC where they meet with an NCVS clinician for an hour every morning to receive individualized Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), one of only two treatments shown to be highly effective in promoting recovery for PTSD. Afternoons are filled with activities like horseback riding, skiing, mountain biking, fishing 26
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and archery, and spouses and children are invited to attend the entire retreat. The idyllic setting, recreation opportunities and family time provide experiences that encourage the therapeutic progress. The condensed treatment model compresses three months worth of work into two weeks, making the time commitment more palatable. “We could do the sessions in my office, absolutely, and it would work, but doing it at the NAC makes the treatment work much faster and enables clients to do a lot of the important things we’d want them to leave an office setting and go and do anyhow,” said Bryan. Tracking clinical outcomes is a top priority for the program, and the statistics boast an impressive success rate. “We’ve seen that over 70 percent of participants so far have fully recovered from PTSD during the two weeks, meaning they no longer meet diagnostic criteria,” he said. Currently, the program is offered three times a year, though there’s a hope that with additional grants and donations, the number could eventually increase to six sessions annually. february
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PAYING IT FORWARD Beyond scientific outcomes, another testament to the organization’s healing power is the number of veterans who’ve graduated from the role of participant to that of volunteer. Army veteran Ryan Baker is one such individual. Initially reluctant to get involved, he “really didn’t talk to anyone at first,” but slowly became comfortable and developed a number of friendships. In fact, Baker quickly realized the best form of healing was being around other people who understood him, especially other veterans. He now spends one day a week volunteering with the ski program, which he considers equally therapeutic. “It feels great; almost like returning to military service, because helping people and lending your skills recaptures that feeling of importance,” he said.
STAYING POWER That sense of significance, reflected in resilience and optimism, are key outcomes the NAC’s military program strives to deliver. Houskeeper considers these traits pivotal for military february
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members in redefining personal character for themselves, within their families, and as part of their communities. The organization stands firm in its belief that all service members have much more left to accomplish than objectives already achieved in the line of duty. “Any current problem or setback is absolutely rivaled by the magnitude of the veteran’s future potential and capacity for happiness,” Houskeeper elaborated. “We exist to make that outlook a reality, and we’re committed to being here for our veterans today, tomorrow, and for the duration of the journey.” From the military’s perspective, the organization is delivering as promised. “The National Ability Center reflects many of the same values we do in the military: taking care of people; thinking outside the box; promoting healing and recuperation for warriors; and placing value on the relationships in your life,” Chronis said. “I can’t say enough wonderful things about the mission and the people—it’s simply a fantastic place.” Jen Eaton is a journalist and public relations professional. She serves as public affairs officer for the Utah Air National Guard Joint Force Headquarters, and has been recognized with multiple Air Force journalism and public affairs awards.
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'HEEL, TOE, KICK' by Heather May p h y s i c al t h e ra p y at s alt la k e v e t e ra n s h o s p i tal
ohn Matthews sits in his wheelchair and faces the ramp. This piece of equipment represents more than just a physical therapy tool at the Salt Lake Veterans Hospital. It is a path to Matthews’ real destination: Leaving that chair behind for good and walking on his prosthetic leg full time. But before the 55-year-old veteran grasps the parallel bars attached to the ramp and takes halting steps, slightly dragging his right side along, he admits there is fear. He’s not as scared as when the ulcers that formed as a complication of diabetes led to a series of infections that resulted in losing part of his left foot and most of his right leg. But the former U.S. Navy cook worries about giving up. If he can’t master the leg quickly, he may stop trying. His physical therapist, Bart Gillespie says that’s a common feeling among vets. In between directing Matthews to shift his weight back and forth while standing and then directing him to walk down the ramp while calling out “heel, toe, kick,” Gillespie explains how frustrating it is to learn to walk again.
Veteran John Matthews is being fitted for a new prosthetic. His physical therapist, Bart Gillespie, explains to him the hard work that is ahead of him on how to learn to walk again. photos courtesy of salt lake va hospital
Matthews “sees guys walking around on prosthetics and they make it look easy, and what he doesn’t see is the months of work and training and rehab that they went through,” Gillespie says. The Salt Lake Veterans Hospital cares for about 300 amputees, and leg amputations are the most common. Despite the publicity that war-related amputations receive, the typical amputee is like Matthews, someone in their 50s or 60s who lost their limb after diabetes or vascular disease. After the operation, it usually takes six weeks for the wound to heal, the pain to abate and the patient to get into better cardiovascular shape so they can start to walk on their prosthetic. From there, it can take up to a year for patients to reach their goals, depending on how good of shape they were in to begin with, Gillespie says. The work is physically exhausting. For above-the-knee amputees, it can take twice the energy to walk with a prosthetic compared to the energy it took when they had a leg, he says.
George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Medical Center 500 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84148 801-582-1565, saltlakecity.va.gov
That ramp will make Matthews stronger. But so will being near other amputees. He marvels at how natural some have learned to walk. “They are literally the people I want to be one day. I know if I do the work, I’m going to be where they are.” Heather May has been a local journalist for 18 years. She has won numerous awards covering public education, city politics, health and food for The Salt Lake Tribune.
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ADVICE FOR NEW AMPUTEES n Be patient. It could take a year of physical therapy to reach your potential. n Align yourself with other amputees for inspiration. n Train like an athlete: Eat healthy, get plenty of rest and sleep so you have the energy for physical therapy.
—by Bart Gillespie, amputee care coordinator, Salt Lake VA Hospital
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The TRAILS program helps individuals with spinal cord injuries stay active through customized recreational activities. Participants include (LEFT) Brittany Fisher racing in TUNA Wasatch Citizen Series, (CENTER) Wendy Griffin, Utah Commander for Veterans of Foreign Wars, for the 2016 St. George Marathon as part of TRAILS handcycling team, and (RIGHT) Wally Lee dry-land training for cross country skiing. photos courtesy of trails
'RECREATION IS WHAT CHANGES PEOPLE' b y Ca ro l i n e M o re to n r e c r e at i o n t h e ra p y w i t h t h e u n i n v e r s i t y o f u ta h ' s t ra i l s p ro g ra m
anja Kari is one of the most decorated Paralympic cross-country skiers in Finland, having won 12 medals—10 gold, a silver and a bronze. She’s also been inducted into the Paralympic Hall of Fame. However, she’d never tell you this. She’s much more excited to talk about TRAILS, a program she cofounded with Jeffrey Rosenbluth, M.D., at the University of Utah Health Care Rehabilitation Center. Therapeutic Recreation and Independent Lifestyles (TRAILS) is an outreach program helping individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) stay active through recreational activities customized for them. TRAILS currently has programs for those paralyzed from the waist down and from the neck down. Patients can stay active through hand cycling, kayaking, sailing, target shooting, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, swimming and wheelchair tennis. TRAILS is designed to prepare individuals of all ability levels to engage in active living through recreational experiences. These opportunities and resources will help bridge the gap between rehabilitation and returning to the community. The program provides the infrastructure for outdoor activities that
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paralyzed athletes otherwise wouldn’t be able to participate in. For example, skiing is incredibly expensive for those in a wheelchair because it requires a rare and specially made type of ski. Through TRAILS, patients can utilize equipment without the enormous cost. “Recreation, like TRAILS, is what changes people,” said Wally Lee, a TRAILS instructor and participant. “When you can get outside and recreate, your life will change. There’s something therapeutic about being outside. You start looking forward to stuff. It really comes down to having fun.” The program also provides a patients with a community. Lena Shoemacher has found a support system within the program. “You meet other people who are in similar circumstances, and that’s really helpful in terms of sharing information. Being able to see someone who is five to ten years ahead of where I am, and seeing how independent they are, I’m thinking that I can get there too. It’s great.” Caroline Moreton grew up in Los Angeles and came to Utah to attend the University of Utah to study advertising. She is a copywriter at a student advertising agency called The AdThing.
ADVICE FOR THOSE SEEKING AN ACTIVE WAY OF LIFE “For us, it doesn't matter if you’re an elite athlete or you just want occasional recreational opportunities. We just try to push [the patients] to do more so it becomes a healthy and active lifestyle.”
—by Tanja Kari, 12 medals for Paralympics cross-country skiing, co-founder of TRAILS
TRAILS: University of Utah Health Care Rehabilitation Center 50 N. Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84132 801-581-2526 healthcare.utah.edu/rehab/ support-services/trails
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Continue Mission recently hosted a cycling program with veterans, their parents, spouses and kids using the Legacy Trails in Davis County. "It was awesome," says Josh Hansen, CM's founder. "Everybody laughs, jokes and has a great time." photo courtesy of continue mission / brian smyer
'NO VETERAN LEFT BEHIND' by Michelle Bridges c a m ara d e r i e t h ro u g h o u t d oor r e c r e at i o n w i t h c o n t i n u e m i s s i o n
ADVICE FROM A FORMER ARMY MEDIC AND IRAQI WAR VETERAN “Continue Mission works for me. You go with them to one of their events and it’s just the physical activity of getting outside. It becomes about the other people more than yourself because you're back in the camaraderie that you had when you were in the military. That’s the one thing that everybody craves—that huge family where anybody would do anything for their unit or their fellow soldier. But now we have that again outside of the military zone."
—by Leslie Zimmerman, partipant, volunteer and intern with Continue Mission
Continue Mission 1002 W. 900 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 801-243-2508, continuemission.org
harlie Mike. Continue Mission. Josh Hansen is on a mission to “leave no veteran behind” and encourage veterans in their efforts to live a healthy lifestyle through enjoying nature, recreation and camaraderie. “Nobody cares as much about a vet as a vet,” said Hansen, CM’s founder and driving force. “We provide services related to trauma and we have events and activities to get vets out of the house and doing things together. The nonprofit organization is intended to help heal and take care of vets. “Connecting with Continue Mission has been a life changer for me,” says Kelly Draper, a former gunners mate in the Navy. “I left the service with trauma-related injuries, suffering with PTSD and major depression. It’s easy to shut down parts of yourself and withdraw.” Draper connected with Hansen and CM through adaptive sports. “Josh encouraged me to do something—new activities and others I used to enjoy. Then, suddenly you’re involved with everything.” Hansen said although the group offers several outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing and mountain biking, they want to address the emotional side effects of war as well. “We didn’t want it to be just recreational,” he
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said. “We wanted mental health awareness and suicide prevention too.” Continue Mission is for veterans with service-connected injuries or if they are referred by a doctor that says the veteran can really use our program, or even an active-duty member, can really use our program. But if you’re a veteran without a service connection, they’re welcome to volunteer. In 2016, Continue Mission sponsored more than 106 events and served over 1,600 veterans and that count was before the skiing season began. CM operates on donations, grants and volunteers. When Draper climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, technology let “the CM family climb to the roof of Africa with me. So many times I wanted to quit but daily contact and hearing their cheers of encouragement, made an improbable journey, simply incredible.” Draper used to drive the group’s transportation van, Pathfinder; but has suddenly developed blindness. CM hasn’t left her behind; they’ve helped her re-learn to ski. “I wear a visual-impairment vest so people can see what is going on. Josh skis behind me. But, honestly, he’s got my back no matter what the speed.” Michelle Bridges is project manager for VALOR magazine. She's spent years connecting people, sharing stories, crafting magazines and making newspapers look good.
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Resources :: Physical O ve r t h i s f o u r - p a r t s e r i e s e x p l o r i n g t h e j o u r n e y t o re h a b i l i t a t i o n — b o d y, s o u l , m i n d a n d s p i r i t . VA LO R l o o k s w i t h i n o u r c o m m u n i t i e s t o i d e n t i f y p e o p l e , o r g a n i z a i t o n s a n d re s o u rc e s t h a t c o n t r i b u t e t o h e a l i n g t h e w h o l e w a r r i o r. In t h i s f i r s t p a r t : We f o c u s o n t h e b o d y.
CONTINUE MISSION A local non-profit organization serving Veterans of all eras with service connected physical, mental and emotional injuries. Year-round recreational, educational and social activities that promote health, wellness and encourage camaraderie. Woods Cross, UT
TRAILS (Technology Recreation Access Independence Lifestyle Sports) designed to prepare individuals of all abilities to engage in active living through recreational experiences.” Open to all veterans with a spinal cord injury or complex physical disability (double/single amputation).
healthcare.utah.edu/rehab/ support_services/trails.html
DIVE ALLIANCE ADVENTURES In the watery world of diving, veterans can experience underwater silence. Friendships are forged between veterans who understand the challenges of coming back from war and many experience relief from chronic pain. 801-836-1252 divealliance.org HAND IN HAND OUTDOORS Non-profit organization tailored to providing veterans, underprivileged and disabled children and adults the experience of outdoor activities to enhance their lives through education, experience and direct participation in fishing, boating, shooting and camping. 801-592-7809 handinhandoutdoors.org NATIONAL ABILITY CENTER Empowers individuals of all abilities by building selfesteem, confidence and lifetime skills through sport, recreation and educational programs. 435-649-3991 discovernac.org PROJECT HEALING WATERS Dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled veterans. Learn about fly tying and prepare for all elements of fly fishing. Mike Leigh 435-901-8486
VA PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILTATION Recreation therapy provides purposeful and holistic recreation-based services that improve optimal functioning, enhance independence and wellness, and promote overall quality of life.
Continue Mission mates play a challenging game of disc golf. photo courtesy of continue mission / brian smyer
SALT LAKE COUNTY ADAPTIVE RECREATION Sports programs are designed for our participants to learn about a variety of adaptive and wheelchair recreation, develop skills and have fun. 385-468-1515 slco.org/recreation/adaptive ’SPLORE Changes lives by challenging and expanding one’s notion of ability through meaningful outdoor adventure. There is dignity in risk-taking and that it is an inherent part of living a full and robust life. 801-484-4128 splore.org
TEAM RED-WHITE-BLUE Team RWB's mission is to enrich the lives of veterans by connecting them to their communities through physical and social activities. All weekly activities are scalable to any fitness or ability level. Jason Comstock 801-803-4018
teamrwb.org TEAM RIVER RUNNER Health and healing through whitewater rafting. TRR creates an environment of healthy adventure, recreation and camaraderie for healing active duty, veteran service members and their families through adaptive kayaking. Christopher DeSantis
801-582-1565, ext. 1559
saltlakecity.va.gov/services _rec_therapy WASATCH ADAPTIVE SPORTS Outdoor therapeutic recreational and social activities for veterans coping with military related physical, cognitive and emotional difficulties. Our goal is to promote healing, health and well-being while restoring our veteran’s sense of connection with the outdoors. 801-933-2188
wasatchadaptivesports.org/ veterans WASATCH WARRIORS VETERANS ICE HOCKEY The Wasatch Warriors Veterans Ice Hockey team is an ideal way for veterans to feel the camaraderie, support and teamwork we crave; and die without. 435-767-8033
facebook.com/ WasatchWarriors2016
teamriverrunner.org This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. For additional recreational options, reach out to your local veteran center.
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(ABOVE) CAMP WILLIAMS. June 2015. Under stressful conditions, 13 soldiers participating in the National Guard Best Warrior competition, used land navigation skills to chart their way to eight separate skills stations. (INSET) The competitors were tested on an array of tasks, from loading frequencies into communication systems to properly using claymore mines and shooting anti-tank weapons. 1 st class whitney houston and sgt . 1 st class nicolas cloward / photos courtesy of utah national guard
(RIGHT) CAMP WILLIAMS. October 2012. ROTC cadets from colleges throughout Utah compete with one another in the annual Ranger Challenge competition. photo courtesy of utah national guard
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ver the past century, Camp Williams has undergone many changes and growth. From the original rows of tents lined near the parade field, to the World War II structures which have most recently been replaced with modern facilities, the investment in constructing new facilities and upgrading the old is evidence that Camp Williams remains a vital training center for the state of Utah and the United States. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson withdrew 18,700 acres of land from the public domain between Salt Lake and Utah counties and designated the land specifically for military training. In 1928 a permanent training camp was established and named after Brig. Gen. William G. Williams. The original acreage was checker-boarded amongst other private and government lands. A massive land swap in the 1980s between the Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management, and all other landowners in the west Traverse Mountains resulted in the 24,000-acre contiguous training site that exists today. As Camp Williams has grown in size, so too have the surrounding communities. Over the past 10 years, the local communities have increased in population by approximately 260 percent—from a population base of nearly 29,000 in 2000 to more than 103,000 by 2010. Such growth has the potential to cause development and infrastructure to be located in areas that are adjacent to or close proximate to Camp Williams. “Similar to many military installations, Camp Williams was originally established in a location far from population
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centers,” said Col. Tyler Smith, Director of Construction and Facilities Management for the Utah National Guard. While adjacent development exists in selected locations along the Camp perimeter, without proper oversight and guidance, this continued pattern of development could unintentionally jeopardize the Utah Army National Guard’s ability to train its resident and visiting personnel at the base. “As Utah’s population continues to boom, urban sprawl now abuts the borders of Camp Williams and impacts the ability to train and poses some risk to surrounding communities,” said Smith. “Because of the growing development along the borders, commanders frequently are required to choose between being sensitive to the quality of life of the communities surrounding Camp Williams and meeting training and testing requirements,” said Smith. Encroachment—a term used by the U.S. Department of Defense to refer to incompatible uses of land, air, water and other resources—is “the cumulative impact of urban and rural development that can hamper the military’s ability to carry out its testing and training mission.” Many states have promoted compatible development by giving the military the opportunity to participate in local land-use planning, which helps local officials understand the effects of incompatible development on quality of life in communities and on military operations. In 2012 Camp Williams and surrounding communities completed a Joint Land Use Study ( JLUS) to guide future growth in the area. The JLUS planning process was a va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
CAMP WILLIAMS. November 2011. U.S. Army Soldiers participate in the 640th Regional Training Institute yearly live fire exercise to qualify for their job as heavy artillery. A M109A6 Paladin can fire 2-4 rounds per minute for 2 minutes before being reduced to 1-2 rounds per minute due to internal barrel temperature. u . s . air force photo / airman 1 st class allen stokes / photos courtesy of utah national guard
collaborative effort of key stakeholders—specifically the cities of Bluffdale, Eagle Mountain, Herriman, Lehi and the City of Saratoga Springs; Salt Lake and Utah counties; and Camp Williams. The JLUS resulted in the development of strategic tools that can be used to mitigate or avoid compatibility concerns between military operations and surrounding communities. Eagle Mountain City Recorder Fionnuala Kofoed joined the project in December 2009 when the wheels were already in motion. “Eagle Mountain City has always tried to maintain open communications with Camp Williams over the years,” said Kofoed. “Former Mayor Heather Jackson was effective in keeping the lines of communication open with Camp Williams as she is a military wife and was familiar with the operations of the installation. She was instrumental in forging lasting relationships with military personnel, which was useful when resolving issues as they arose.” The goal of the Camp Williams JLUS is to protect the viability of current and future training operations, while simultaneously guiding community growth, sustaining the environmental and economic health of the region, and protecting public health, safety and welfare.
CREATING A BUFFER ZONE In December 2002, the U.S. Congress provided legislative 34
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authority that allows military departments to partner with government and private organizations to establish buffer areas around active training and testing areas. This authority entitled agreements to limit encroachments and other constraints on military testing, training and operations. The Army created the Army Compatibility Use Buffer (ACUB) Program to implement these authorities. The ACUB program allows installations to work with partners to encumber off-post land to protect habitat and buffer training without acquiring any new land for Army ownership. Through the ACUB program, the Utah National Guard reaches out to partners to identify mutual objectives of land conservation and to manage development of critical open areas. The U.S. Army can contribute funds to the partners’ purchase of easements or properties from willing landowners. Col. Smith, who formerly served as the garrison commander of Camp Williams, was on both the policy and technical committee during the JLUS. “After years of effort, Camp Williams was finally approved by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) to participate in the ACUB program,” said Smith. “The camp now has a seat at the table to compete for federal funding to assist the ACUB partners in managing encroachment along the borders in order to preserve the ability to train and ensure the safety of surrounding communities.” february
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PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Throughout its history, Camp Williams has grown to meet demands to remain a vital force in meeting state and federal missions. The testing range continues to position itself as a top training site in the western states. Camp Williams is home to the 640th Regional Training Institute (RTI), hosting 8 to 10 thousand soldiers annually who attend programs that range from 14 to 79 days. Camp Williams consists of 28,000 acres of combat training areas resembling the same types of environments encountered by those currently serving in Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF). Camp Williams hosts several major training exercises every year where military members from across the nation attend as well as many soldiers from allied nations. Many other military forces such as Navy Seals, Rangers and Special Operation Forces from all military branches find Camp Williams to be among the finest training areas in the nation. The terrain, climate, facilities and ranges have many of the same characteristics found in the areas where the United States are currently deployed.
"Due to the hard work and commitment of all involved, Camp Williams ACUB partners have been awarded $8.2 million between September 2015 and September 2016. Herriman City has purchased over 800 acres along the north border of Camp Williams using ACUB funds and has acquired over 700 more though other means. “Herriman City understands the value of open space and providing recreational areas to our community,” said Tami Moody, communications director for Herriman City. “Our general plan shows extensive trail systems that will eventually connect to trails in our neighboring cities. Some of these trails will serve as important fire breaks to assist in prevention of wildfire coming down the hillside and closer to the housing areas. The buffer would also have natural resource protection/ conservation benefits for the community as it preserves open space surrounding our city continuing to support the recreationally active lifestyles of our residents, while enhancing operational safety.” Another ACUB partner is the Conservation Fund which received over $1 million to purchase a conservation easement on land along the south border of Camp Williams. “This is a critical area for training as it is in close proximity to all the small arms ranges,” said Col. Smith. “The land owner gets paid for the easement but will be able to continue his business which is compatible to military training.” february
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There are also many types of training available in the surrounding areas. These include specialized winter, desert, mountain and amphibious training. Most of this training can be conducted within a 50-mile radius. As a community presence, Camp Williams contributes much more than economic benefit to the area. The installation is an important asset to the civilian community, as it is used by federal and local law enforcement for training, by local youth groups for team-building retreats, and by the public for a variety of special events. The Camp is also valuable through the many community services it supports. The working relationship and community planning efforts forged between Camp Williams and the surrounding local jurisdictions is a vital step towards creating a sustainable path to move forward. Through joint, cooperative military and community planning, growth conflicts can be anticipated, identified, and prevented. These actions help protect the installation’s military mission, and the public health, safety, quality of life and community economic stability. “Camp Williams is here to stay,” said Kofoed. “The surrounding communities need to do what they can to educate the public regarding the mission of Camp Williams and the economic benefit that the installation brings to the region.” Ryan S. Sutherland is a contributor to VALOR magazine. He is a public affairs specialist with the Bureau of Land Management and is an officer with the Utah National Guard.
va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
S T R A I G H T F RO M A H O L LY WO O D S C R I P T b y B e a u J a m e s B u rg e s s
scene one :: the mystery {Opening} 2000: At the turn of the 21st century, there existed a sizable box of 4x5 film negatives housed in the Fort Douglas Military Museum Archives. While staff had worked many hours to properly identify and index the negatives, some content remained a mystery. One day a negative came to light, sleeve labeled, “Movie, Army Brat, 1945?” As curiosity got the best of the staff, they asked long time museum volunteer and historian Chuck Hibbard, who authored the history of Fort Douglas, about the image. He knew there had been a movie filmed after the war on the parade ground, and to everyone’s knowledge, no one had ever seen it. A quest started that day to find this seemingly non-existent film. For years, it was often discussed and sporadically investigated but usually with no results. Nevertheless, over the years, a few glimpses of its existence arose—just enough to keep the curiosity and search alive.
scene two :: the discovery {Fast forward} 2013: A new museum curator was introduced to the legend of the mystery movie. Off and on again, bits of the mystery seemed to come together until one day in May 2014, when a visitor entered the museum. Chatting with those at the front desk, he shared memories of living on the post while growing up. At the tail end of his story, he mentioned how as a child during WWII he had been in a movie there. The curator overheard this conversation and went to speak with the visitor when Hibbard entered the lobby carrying a sizable stack of papers for the curator. As the paperwork changed hands, the first document to come forward was a photocopy of a "Union Vedette," the post newspaper, dated Oct. 15, 1945 with a feature article, “Movie Company Films ‘Army Brat’ Here.” It seemed Hibbard had indirectly solved the mystery started more than a decade earlier. During an impromptu interview with the visitor, Bill Dishman, shared his memories of filming his scenes on the parade field, working along side his brother in the film, and earning about $100 for his few lines which was "pretty good for an 8-year-old kid." Bill added to the mystery surrounding the film when he stated he had never seen the movie, and wondered if it had ever shown at Fort Douglas. Around this same time, another long-time museum patron who grew up at Fort Douglas, Karen Loring, told her family she was a famous movie star for years and they laughed and didn’t believe her since no one had ever seen the film, herself included. Karen remembers her role as a standin for child star, Luana Patton. She also remembers filming scenes in a pedal car on the sidewalk by the commander's house. Now, the curator was assured that a film had indeed been made and undoubtely existed. He decided to search for the ever-illusive film, believing there are no coincidences; and there it was! Not an official release, but a mere bootleg copy on a low-key internet bid site. The seller had seen the now-known title, “Little Mister Jim,” before and had a soft spot in her heart for it. She was delighted to send a copy through to the Fort Douglas Military Museum collection. During the same short period of time, an intensive collection of original "Little Mister Jim" movie posters, lobby cards, promotional film stills, postcards, sheet music, star autographs, and more were discovered and acquired by the museum.
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scene three :: the book {Pause} 1943: Without the book, there would be no movie. The screenplay by George Bruce for "Little Mister Jim" is based on the fictional work "Army Brat" by child author Tommy Wadelton, who penned the novel, published in 1943 by CowardMcCann when he was 16. This was his third published work, his first, "My Mother is a Violent Woman" (1940), and second, "My Father is a Quiet Man" (1941). One review in The Saturday Review describes his work as, “both amazingly mature and surprisingly childlike.” Wadelton, son of an officer, and army brat himself, may have drawn upon his life experiences, as his writing concern many aspects of military life.
scene four :: the movie {Rewind} 1945: An advance party from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Studios explored Fort Douglas seeking various exterior-scene locations for their upcoming film, under the working title "Army Brat." The post was selected as being a typical old army post and remained unnamed in the picture. As stated in The Salt Lake Tribune: "…because of the beauty of the post, its striking background of rugged mountains and the cloud and lighting effects usually available.” Most of the scenes were exteriors in the vicinity of the quarters area, the barracks, officers' row, post headquarters, the parade ground and the stables. In early October, a location unit arrived, made up of approximately 50 persons. They were to spend a couple weeks filming the
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Fort Douglas scenes, during which time unit members stayed at the Hotel Utah and Hotel Temple Square downtown. At first it was not planned to use post personnel in the picture, however, inasmuch as the picture pertains to army life, uniformed men and their families were necessary to lend authenticity and that’s where some twenty-odd Fort Douglas officers, enlisted men, wives and children cashed in. Nevertheless, when a handful of short columns appeared in the post newspaper with headlines such as "You, Too, Can Crash the Movies" with tips on how to make an appearance in the film and “steal” a scene, the initial group listed on the payroll seemed to grow. In April 1947, the finished feature now titled "Little Mister Jim" is released in theaters. The film was directed by Fred Zinnemann, produced by Orville O. Dull, starred Jackie “Butch” Jenkins in its title role and also featured James Craig, Frances Gifford, and Luana Patton.
scene five :: the plot {Review} 1943: The screenplay depicts pre-war (WWII) army life as seen by an army child. The picture is laid in 1939, just prior to the outbreak of World War II, but is not a war picture, rather it is based primarily on the life of a young son of an army officer on a regular army post.
Young Jim Tucker, born on a post in the Philippines, spent his early life moving from post to post. He grew up under his father’s cook and house-boy, Sui Jen. One of Jim’s early memories was of the death of his mother. Young Jim was left in the shadow of his father’s whiskey bottle and in the light of Sui Jen’s sunny nature. Sui Jen became both mother and father to the child. Young Jim never went to school until after he was 10. At 16 he graduated from Baylor and Missie Choosie (his friend Susie) began to come back into his life where she remained happily forever after. Later, young Jim as an American flyer in China, avenges the wrong done to Sui Jen’s people by the Japanese.
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the event
{Action} April 2017: For the 70-year anniversary of MGM’s theater release of "Little Mister Jim," and in celebration of its re-discovery, the Fort Douglas Military Museum will host a Hollywood premierestyle red carpet event on Saturday, April 22. at the historic Post Theater. For details, contact the museum at 32 Potter Street, SLC, UT 84113 801-581-1251, fortdouglas.org Beau J. Burgess is the museum and historical collections curator at the Fort Douglas Military Museum (Utah National Guard). He is a historian, visual artist and avid fan of pop culture.
va l o r : a s a l u t e t o u ta h ’ s v e t e r a n s a n d m i l i ta r y
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