The Vibrance of Nature
15 Artworks from Nicole Martinelli March - 2023 powered by
The Vibrance of Nature
Solo Exhibition
Code: EXH922863545
Artist: Nicole Martinelli
Duration: From 25-Mar-2023 to 25-Apr-2023
Organizer: Exhibizone
Venue: Biafarin Online Gallery
The Vibrance of Nature
Solo Exhibition
15 artworks by Nicole Martinelli
25-Mar-2023 to 25-Apr-2023
Code: EXH922863545 powered by b i a f a r i n . c o m
Nicole Martinelli
Painting, Photography
Nicole Martinelli is an artist, and a Photographer originally from the western suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, whom recently relocated to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area where she finds inspiration in the surrounding mountains and ruralareasforherlatestcreations.
Nicole wasoriginally apainterwhowouldusephotographystrictly forreference material,Afterphysical illness made it difficult for the artist to paint she found comfort within nature and expressing herself artistically through her photography
After a break from the art-world the artist regained her health after Upon submitting her photography on a whim to juried art exhibitions and having her photography accepted into multiple juried exhibitions, she quickly realized her photographyisalsoatalentandgiftthatmustbesharedwiththeworld!
She features in both her paintings and photographs are a direct representation of the bold, immutable, beautiful feelingssheexperienceswhileinitiallyviewingthesubjectmatterandsceneryforherartwork.
Nicole as an artist feels that it is her obligation of capturing the beauty and the healing power and comfort nature providesusbypresentingthesefeelingsandimagesthroughherartworktotheworld.
Nicole Martinelli, theArtist and photographer has been recognized and featured in multiple juried group exhibitions inprominentfineartgalleriesthroughouttheUnitedstatesthrough2022and2023. TheArtist has also received international success and recognition with her acceptance in multiple international juried exhibitions. Nicole Martinelli has Won multiple awards for her photographic artworks, One being an honorable mentionawardintheInternationalexhibitionHelvetartDecember2022basedinSwitzerland.
Crystal Waters
Photography, Digital Photography on Acrylic Print W:36
Fractal Forest
Nicole Martinelli
Impressions from the Sun
Digital Painting, Digital Painting on Acrylic Print
Nicole Martinelli
Lavender Botanic Illusions
Photography, Digitally Manipulated on Metal
Nicole Martinelli
Painting, Photography
Natures Colors Collide
Photography, Digital Photography on Acrylic Print
W:24 H:24 in
Path to Virtue
Roots within this Soil
Photography, Digital Photography on Acrylic Print
W:40 H:30 cm
Sunflower Fields
Photography, Digital Photography on Canvas, Acrylic Print
Nicole Martinelli
Painting, Photography
Digital Painting, Digital Painting on Metal W:36
Nicole Martinelli
Photography, Digital Photography on Acrylic Print
Nicole Martinelli
Under Soft Blue Skies
Photography, Digital Photography on Metal W:36
Vertical Horizons
Nicole Martinelli
In the Darkness of the Sun
The Vibrance of Nature
15 Artworks from Nicole Martinelli March - 2023 powered by