G ra p h ic d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
BIANCA OLIVEIRA I’m a 22 years old, I am currently designing free graphic asset templates and mockups for a graphic design site called pixelify. I love everything that has to do with design & digital art, Graphic design, Packaging, coprate identity and I feel a true devotion for typography. I have 9 months of experience working as a graphic design intern and working, and a year designing freebies for pixelify, I’m ready to work for any company that needs a graphic designer. I love working with people. specially if they have the same passion I have for what Why don’t we work together? Go futher down to see why I am the woman you need to hire!
Graphic Designer & Illustrator.
Oakdene EXT 1 Johanesburg, guetang.
Contact bianca22carias@icloud.com +27 84 537 7203 @tinkerbee17
BRANDING & LOGO DESIGN .S elf Branding .
ILLUSTRATION & PACKAGING .Re d e sig n of a c hocolate pa c ka ging. (P lu s social m edia m a rketing). .Re d e sig n ing of sa m s c hilli sa uce.
MOCKUPS & TEMPLATES .De sig n ing g ra phic a sset.
G ra p h ic d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
personal branding LOGO DESIGN.
APRIL - 2018
Description This branding was little hard for me to fully understand myself and my style and to make a logo that was both minimalist and grungy too. To show the circle of my evolution as a designer that’s way its round and much easier to place onto things and is functional. The style is grunge with minimalist and the tone is clean and professional. The colours are black and white with two shades of grey. The font in gotham as a supporting font and the main was Blow-brush for a dry brush grungy feel.
G ra p hi c d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Illustration & packaging PACKAGING DESIGN.
MARCH - 2017
Description These brief I did at my internship, I was given a fake brief from my mentor and in this she tasked me with the concept development of two different chocolate packagings which I had to choose a name and design both the logo and packaging. The packaging was to be a functional and playful design and still keeping Consistency throughout the two designs. The style is minimalist and the tone is clean and chic. The colours are pastel shades of blue and pink. The font is adobe devanagari as a supporting font and the main was king basil tile. I went for a Turkish inspired design with pastel colours and a gold flare in the marble effect. The logo is infused with the marble pattern so that your eye will still be attracted to both elements but you will see the logo first.
G ra p hi c d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Illustration & packaging PACKAGING DESIGN.
MAy - 2017
Description This second brief I did at my internship, I was given a fake brief from my mentor and in this she tasked me with the designing of three hot sauce labels for a sams hot chilli sauce. The style is grunge with minimalist and the tone is clean and spicy. The colours are different shades of hot peppers. The font in gotham as a supporting font and the main was fountain. I used fresh vegetables and spice for Illustration of the labels and for the three different colours of the labels different vegetables and spices to show the different levels of spice in the chilli sauce.
G ra phi c d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Group Assignment
MAy - 2018
Description This brief was a college group Assignment and I was tasked to design the layout and colour palette for the Kruger national park to help with tourism and better educate people on the big five. Also we where asked to show the key selling fractures that bring the tourists to see the big five. I did two posters the Elephant and Buffalo. The style is minimalist and the tone is clean and cartoon. The colours are from the African savannah and shades of the sunset sky. The phone in gotham book as a supporting font and the main was gotham bold. The flow of the chart was designed to lead ones eye through the information. The texture in the back was a scuttle grunge fill to simulate the sandy planes of the Kruger park, the horns and tusks that where highlighted in white are the key selling fractures that would bring people to see the animals.
G ra p hi c d e s i g n p o rt fo l i o
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Pixelify Graphic Website
MAy - 2018
Description I started mocking graphic assets for free on this website exemplify, and I just love making realistic and situated mockups to help out other designers and creative out there. I have just recently started doing this and I still have more templates and MOCKUPS to make and its just so much fun. As graphic designers we have to do Templates and MOCKUPS for clients so they can see how the designs we have made will look and work for them and how it will fit into their idea as a whole.
This free stationary mockups is a realistic mockups for pixelify that I made to help others out and it comes with 1 PSD file, 1 JPEG file and has smart object layers. The whole look is for a clean and vintage feel to any stationery. Freebies that I make up on pixelify.
This free juice bottle mockup is of a real juice bottle and it comes with 1 PSD file, 1 JPEG file and smart object layers to change your designs. Its just a minimalistic look to a juice bottle. Freebies that I make up on pixelify.
This free tin mug mock-up comes with 1 PSD file, 1 JPEG file and smart object layers. This mockup is a realistic situated mug and used to displace your logo or design. Freebies that I make up on pixelify.
This apple product scene is a free mockup I made for pixelify and it’s a scene to showcase your designs on apple products. I love helping others with these mockups and templates.
Thank Yo u .