Evangelics - Presentation

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Evangelic Church in Brazil

A war of religion: The history of Protestantism

Religious moviment that has begun in Central Europe, in the beggining of the 15th century. The ninety five theses, writen By Martin Luther, against Roman Catholic’s practices. Total separation from the Catholic Church.




Sale of indulgences and corruption.

Who were the leaders?

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Menno Simas

King Henry VIII

Ulrich Zwingli











Burning of icons.

The History of Protestant Church in Brazil

The firsts Churchs appeared when the Portuguese Royal Family arrived in Brazil, in 1811. In 1910, the Firsts Pentescostal Churchs appeared, with the american Daniel berg.


Churchs: Anglican Methodist Lutheran Presbyterian

Pentecostal Neopentecostal

Brazilian Evangelic Church nowadays

Second biggest religion in Brazil, with 22,2% of the population (or 42 milion people). One of each six brazilians are evangelics. There are lots of branches, in small citys and capitals all over the country. The Evangelic Church has more support from the classes d and e, wich receive a salary of R$ 600,00 or less per month. Presbyterian and Catholic Churchs are against Evangelic Churchs because of the exacerbation of the powers of Jesus.

Beliefs and Practices

To refuse any teaching that doesn’t come from the Bible.

Do not believe in Mary, Christ’s mother.

To refuse any holly icon or image.

The prosperity is a sign of a endless hapiness.

Men and women can be priests and can have a family.

To refuse the leadership of Catholic Pope.

To be against homosexuality and abortion

To study on your own the Holly Bible.

“God is able to give what the faithful want. Just have faith and believe tha their own words have power. In ths way, for true devotees, will never miss money or health. This doctrine became known as “prosperity theology”. Duality between God and Devil.

Pay - receive relationship with God: you pay for the service than you receive the solution for your problem.

Important names of the Evangelic Church

Silas Malafaia

Valdemiro Oliveira

Marco Feliciano

Edir Macedo

R.R. Soares

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