BIA Online Magazine - June 2023

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June 2023 THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Special Interview with the Lt. Governor, Eleni Kounalakis Edition Edition DESIGNED BY • Q&A with Megan Eltringham, The New Home Company • Behind the Scenes of Women in Homebuilding, Lisa Parrish, TeamPMP • Event Recap: BIASC Desert Industry Leaders • Celebrating our Legends: Class of 2023 Southern California BUILDER The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of Southern California The premier magazine of the Building Industry

Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) is proud to be BIASC’s oldest industry partner.

For more than 85 years, SoCalGas has been honored to serve the needs of BIASC and member builders throughout Southern California.

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| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
© 2023 Southern California Gas Company. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. All rights Reserved. N23J079A 060223 The Energy Efficient New Homes Program is
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no warranty, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, of goods or services selected by customer. SoCalGas does not endorse, qualify, or guarantee the work of any third party. Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.
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Utilities Commission. Program funds, including any funds utilized for rebates or incentives, will be allocated on
first-served basis until such funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice.

What’s Inside

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER About BIASC 4 Message from BIASC Chairman Dave Bartlett & BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano 5 New Members 6 Letter from the Editor – Craig Foster 7 BIASC New Home Market Quarterly Report 8-9 Event Recap: BIASC Leadership Desert Reception 10 BIASC Veterans Housing 11-13 Event Recap: BIASC 25th Annual Tribute to Veterans & Military Families 13 BIASC Director of Environmental Affairs - Definition of Water 14-15 The Centennial Inside Edition 17-24 2023 Building Industry Show 18-20 BIASC Centennial Regional Installation Gala 21 BIASC 2023 Governing Board 22 BIASC Hall of Legends 23 Event Recap: BIASC Hall of Fame Celebration 24 The Women in Homebuilding Inside Edition 25-53 Special Feature: Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis 27-29 Event Recap: BIAOC Women’s Leadership Conference 29-31 Q&A with BIAOC Treasurer Megan Eltringham, The New Home Company 33, 35 Q&A with Lisa Parish, Team PMP 39, 41 Q&A with Leading Environmental Expert Jennifer Hernandez 45, 47 Q&A with BIA San Diego CEO Lori Holt Pfeiler 51, 53 Event Recap: BIA Orange County Chapter & BIAOC NextGen Model Home Tour 34 Riverside Chapter Tahitian Nights 36-37 Event Recap: BIA Los Angeles/Ventura Chapters & GSMC Builder Chili Cook-Off 38 BIA Orange County Chapter Baseball Night 40 Event Recap: BIA San Bernardino County & Riverside County Chapters Top Golf Event 42-43 BIA Orange County Chapter Crafts & Cars 46 Event Recap: BIA Orange County Chapter Golf Tournament 48-49 BIA Riverside County Chapter Government Affairs Luncheon 52 BIA Los Angeles/Ventura Chapters Baseball Night 54-55 Event Recap: BIASC & HomeAid Orange County Diaper Drive 56 BIASC Member Spotlight - Chris Kahn Consulting 57 Southern California Water Conference 58-59 Event Recap: BIA Orange County Chapter Whiskey Tasting 60-61 BIASC Legacy Member Spotlights 63, 65 Cornerstone - Member Since 1941 63 Sid’s Carpet Barn - Member Since 1966 63 GE Appliances - Member Since 1965 65 Shea Homes - Member Since 1968 65 Renewing Members 66 Upcoming Events 67-73 Employees are Members Too! 70 Builders For Better Communities 72 BIASC Coachella Valley Acrisure Mixer 74-75 Your BIASC Team 76 BIASC Team Anniversary 77 BIAOC Next Gen & Council on SAGE Happy Hour 78 Event Recap: Council on SAGE Breakfast - Health is the New Why 79 Next Gen & Emerging Leaders Mixer 80 Event Recap: BIAOC NextGen Diaper Drive 81 2023 SoCal MAME Awards 83
Chief Editor Craig Foster Chief Operating Officer/ Executive Vice President Editor & Production Coordinator Karissa DiStefano BIASC Director of Public Affairs Production Editors Randy Carver Elain Basiliere Kovach Marketing BIASC Reporter Laer Pearce 2023 BIASC Chairman Dave Bartlett Brookfield Residential Vice President, Land BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano Chief Executive Officer
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUILDER is a copyrighted publication produced by the Building Association of Southern California. Advertising and editorial inquiries and materials should be emailed to: All publication rights are fully reserved. 3
June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

"Building For the Future" "Building For the Future"

We are the leading advocate for thousands of building industry leaders who are committed to a better future for California by building communities, creating jobs, and ensuring housing opportunities for everyone.


Our members include the smallest to the largest home builders, developers, contractors, suppliers and skilled labor representing over 1 million employees and 10 billion in annual revenues, making us one of the largest building industry associations in the United States.


| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER EVENTS RESOURCES ADVOCACY MEMBERS FIRST EDUCATION LEARN MORE 949-553-9500 @BIAofSouthernCalifornia @biasocal @biasc @BIAofSouthernCalifornia B U I L D I N G A S U S T A I N A B L E B U I L D I N G A S U S T A I N A B L E F U T U R E W I T H L E A D E R S H I P , F U T U R E W I T H L E A D E R S H I P , A D V O C A C Y A N D R E S O L V E A D V O C A C Y A N D R E S O L V E JOIN NOW AT BIASC.ORG
For over 99 years, we have provided a collective voice in the public policy arena helping builders continue to do business in California’s complex regulatory environment BIASC.ORG
Celebrate BIASC's 100th Centennial Celebrate BIASC's 100th Centennial with us all year long in 2023. with us all year long in 2023.

BIASC Chairman & CEO Message

June 2023

As we continue to celebrate BIASC’s 100-year anniversary, it’s important to recognize that while the building industry has traditionally been a male-dominated field, here in Southern California we believe are beginning to change that notion.

Inclusion of women in the industry is not only important, but essential for the success of our businesses and the overall growth of the industry. Our annual BIA Orange County Chapter Women’s Leadership Conference, which took place this month, demonstrates the growing popularity and importance of how women can attain viable career options within our industry. Congratulations to BIA Orange County Chapter for an amazing and successful event.

In addition to promoting inclusion of women, it’s also important to recognize the contributions of our veterans. BIASC recently launched a new veterans initiative to help vets with housing and provide them with opportunities to learn more about our industry. Through legislative support, outreach programs, and recognition, we can help our veterans transition into civilian life - and potentially contribute to the growth of our industry.

But we can’t do it alone. The involvement of our members is critical to the success of these initiatives. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and diverse industry that helps all people regardless of gender, age, background, or economic means.

As we continue to commemorate our 100-year anniversary, BIASC will make sure that everyone has a seat at the table. Through the collective voice of our membership, we can all work together towards a brighter future for the building industry. 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER L e a r n M o r e a t b i a s c . o r g / m e m b e r s h i p J O I N O U R G R O W I N G N U M B E R O F I N D U S T R Y P A R T N E R S . PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS W E L C O M E APRIL 7 - JUNE 3, 2023 Landwise Development, LLC TM McKnight Construction Engineering Inc 6

Behind Every Great Association Stands Many Great Women

In a quote befitting the building industry and the thousands of talented women working diligently and creatively to improve it, comedian Lily Tomlin once said, “The road to success is always under construction.”

The women of BIASC and California’s larger homebuilding industry know a lot about things that are under construction, and even more about success. This issue of Southern California Builder pays well-deserved homage to all the women that have had an impact on our industry and our state by focusing on a few who have had a particularly strong influence. There are many, many more women we would have liked to feature, but the confines of this magazine are much more limited than the skills and imaginations of the women of our industry.

You may be surprised to see California’s Lieutenant Governor included among these influencers, but Eleni Kounalakis has deep roots in the homebuilding industry. AKT Development, one of the largest master-planned community developers in the Sacramento area, was her family’s business, and she herself was its president for 18 years before entering politics. You will find her perspective on homebuilding, Sacramento’s efforts to encourage the construction of more homes, and women in leadership to be particularly interesting.

Speaking of first-class people, the first class of inductees into BIASC’s Hall of Legends will be selected next month. The mission of the Hall of Legends is to memorialize

and pay tribute to the talented individuals who shaped our industry. The Hall of Legends’ inaugural class will be recognized at BIASC’s Centennial Celebration on the deck of the USS Midway in San Diego during the Building Industry Show (BIS) on October 25th and will formally inducted at the Regional Installation Gala at Rancho Mission Viejo on November 10.

Yes, I did say “in San Diego during BIS.” This year’s BIS will indeed bring together all of Southern California homebuilding in one show, with the San Diego Building Industry Association joining us in one mega-show, with mega-exhibits, mega-programs, and mega-fun – including the aforementioned Centennial Celebration aboard the historic USS Midway aircraft carrier. We at BIASC are well aware that we have set a high bar for BIS parties (Remember Sammy Hagar?), so stay tuned for some exciting news! Ensure your place by registering for BIS now, because October will be upon us before we know it.

I also mentioned the first-ever Regional Installation Gala on November 10th. This will be an event to remember, so watch for more details in the near future. And expect the unexpected!

Looking at what I’ve just written, I am reminded of how much BIASC and its chapters and councils offer to our member companies and their employees. Be sure to make the most of your membership! 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
BIASC Letter from the Editor:

BIASC New Home Market

Southern California Builder is pleased to present the inaugural BIASC New Home Market Quarterly Report, created in partnership with Clarity Real Estate Advisors.

“The purpose of BIASC’s New Home Market Quarterly Report is to let our builders and associate members understand the impacts and trends affecting our industry over each quarter of the year. This report includes valuable information regarding sales trends, active new home projects, mortgage rates, and where our region stands in regard to the economy and new homebuilding.

Southern CA New Home Market –Q2 Marks A Sustained Rebound

• New home sales remain robust. Buyers have accepted the higher interest rate environment and have limited options in the resale market. New home sales in Southern CA have averaged 3.9/mo/project since January which is above the 2016 – 2019 average (3.3/mo/project). Strong sales are giving builders pricing power once again.

• Cancellations are low. After spiking to over 30% in October and November of last year, cancellations have stabilized at below average levels (11 – 12%). A cancellation rate in the 10 – 15% range is considered typical historically. According to builders, most buyers are qualified at current interest rates and have limited options in the resale market.

• The number of new home projects are near record lows. There are currently just 478 actively selling new home projects in southern California vs. 1,710 at the peak of the market in 2007. New supply is being curbed by a declining supply of land available for new home development, combined with rapid new home sales, and a lack of political will to approve new home communities. In addition, the average size of a typical subdivision has shrunk from about 120 homes a few decades ago to only about 75 today.

• Resale supply is very tight. The majority of homeowners with mortgages are locked in at sub-4% rates, limiting resale listings. There are currently just 2.0 months of resale supply, similar to a year ago, but down from about 3.5 months in late-2022. We consider 3.0 – 4.0 months to be typical in a market with balanced demand and supply. Foreclosures are also near record lows, despite the sharp rise in rates, due in part to substantial homeowner equity. Prospective buyers are often not finding what they want in the resale market, pushing them to new construction.

• Interest rate buydowns are still common. Although price-related incentives have largely subsided across the region, many builders are still buying rates down into the mid-5% range. This has been a successful strategy in getting motivated buyers to choose new homes over resale.

mid-5% range. This has been a successful strategy in getting motivated buyers to choose new homes over resale 3.2 4.1 4.0 4.2 3.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Monthly New Home Sales Rate - Southern California 2016-2019 Average 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 Source: Ryness, Clarity 12% 11% 12% 11% 11% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Monthly New Home Cancellation Rate - Southern California 2016-2019 Average 2018 2020 2022 2023 Source: Ryness, Clarity mid-5% range. This has been a successful strategy in
to choose new homes over resale 3.2 4.1 4.0 4.2 3.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Monthly New Home Sales Rate - Southern California 2016-2019 Average 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 Source: Ryness, Clarity 12% 11% 12% 11% 11% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Monthly New Home Cancellation Rate - Southern California 2016-2019 Average 2018 2020 2022 2023 Source: Ryness, Clarity
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER 8
“As its name implies, you will receive this valuable new BIASC membership benefit four times a year, so watch for regular updates,” said Craig Foster, BIASC Chief Operating Officer.
Quarterly Report
1,710 903 478 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 Peak - 2007 Average '94-'20 1Q 2023 Active New Home Projects - So California Source: Clarity 18.44 6.69 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88 Jun-89 Jun-90 Jun-91 Jun-92 Jun-93 Jun-94 Jun-95 Jun-96 Jun-97 Jun-98 Jun-99 Jun-00 Jun-01 Jun-02 Jun-03 Jun-04 Jun-05 Jun-06 Jun-07 Jun-08 Jun-09 Jun-10 Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-14 Jun-15 Jun-16 Jun-17 Jun-18 Jun-19 Jun-20 Jun-21 Jun-22 Percent 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Average 1,710 903 478 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 Peak - 2007 Average '94-'20 1Q 2023 Active New Home Projects - So California Source: Clarity 18.44 6.69 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88 Jun-89 Jun-90 Jun-91 Jun-92 Jun-93 Jun-94 Jun-95 Jun-96 Jun-97 Jun-98 Jun-99 Jun-00 Jun-01 Jun-02 Jun-03 Jun-04 Jun-05 Jun-06 Jun-07 Jun-08 Jun-09 Jun-10 Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-14 Jun-15 Jun-16 Jun-17 Jun-18 Jun-19 Jun-20 Jun-21 Jun-22 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Average | June 2023 Southern California BUILDER 9

BIASC Leadership Desert Reception

The Living Desert - May 4, 2023

Thank you to our BIASC and Chapter Leadership who participated in our joint Governing Board meeting in the desert. Special thanks to Assemblymember Gregory Wallis, Riverside County Supervisor V. Manuel Perez, and California Building Industry Association CEO Dan Dunmoyer for joining us and providing regional and local housing updates to our members. We greatly appreciate your leadership!


BIA of Southern California’s New Policy Platform Addresses Veterans Housing Issues

BIASC has introduced a Veterans Housing Policy Framework featuring key reforms needed to expand housing opportunities for those that have served to protect our country. Specifically, BIASC supports the following key legislation and reforms:

Assembly Bill 1474 (Reyes)

• AB 1474 requires that the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) consider and incorporate the housing needs of veterans into the statewide housing plan and requires that HCD consult with the State Department of Veterans Affairs when developing the plan.

As noted by the author, over the past decade, veteran homelessness has decreased in the United States and in California. However, California continues to have the highest population of homeless veterans in the country. Approximately 31 percent of the nation’s homeless veterans are located in California. According to the 2022 point-in-time-count, 10,395 veterans in California were homeless.

Assembly Bill 1386 (Gabriel)

• Ensures available beds for homeless veterans do not go empty. This bill would allow the State Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Program (VHHP) program to expand its housing resources to veterans who do not typically qualify for the existing program while first ensuring that lower-income veterans are prioritized. Through removing this administrative barrier, AB 1386 seeks to maximize the impact of existing services and programs by decreasing vacancy rates, helping to reduce the population of homeless Veterans.

For too long, tens of thousands of our brave veterans and their families have struggled to find quality housing options they can afford in the Golden State,” said BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano. “BIASC looks forward to collaborating with veteran organizations to support their priorities which will continue to guide and inform our policy platform.”

BIASC leadership are on the front lines of pursuing this effort. “I’m proud of the commitment by BIASC to the noble cause of helping our veterans,” said BIASC LAVentura Board Member Donna Deutchman, President and CEO of Homes 4 Families. “Our veterans are struggling across the entire spectrum of housing – from chronic homelessness, limited access to low-income housing, to declining home ownership opportunities – we can and must do better.”

Other key reforms of the BIASC Veterans Policy Platform include:

• Improving the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers which have been plagued by poor utilization rates.

• Pursue federal support to fund a flexible transitional housing assistance program for veterans, available for a two-year period after the veteran exists military service to assist with housing stabilization.

• Continued Funding of California’s CalVet Program & Reforms to VA Loans

• Enhance Access to Social Supportive Services financial literacy training, first time homebuyer education, home maintenance courses, career-building and leadership opportunities, and Veteran Mentorship.

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER








| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

• Support local construction training programs to provide veterans with the skills needed to pursue a career in home construction.

• Affordable & Permanent Supportive Housing Projects that include a 10% veterans residency application consideration should receive the same CEQA streamline exemptions granted to professional sports stadiums and arenas.

Additionally, BIASC will continue to support veteran outreach programs and engage in workforce development efforts. Most recently, the Builders for Better Communities Foundation sponsored the upcoming 25th Annual Tribute to Veterans and Military Families on May 27th. Hosted by LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, this annual event provided an opportunity to thank our veterans, service members, and their loved ones for their commitment to a

lifetime of service. Through this event and others, we are eager to support efforts to equip attendees with access to programs, services, and benefits.

“We commend BIASC for their commitment to helping our veterans,” said Charles Helget, Executive Director of the California Association of Veterans Service Agencies. “They are a trusted voice on housing and will only strengthen our efforts.”

“Housing is such a critical issue of concern for our veterans, and we appreciate the efforts by BIASC to work with us on their behalf,” said Stephen Peck, President, CEO, US Vets.

To read BIASC’s Veteran Housing Policy Framework A Pathway to Prosperity for Veterans please visit

BIASC participates in the 25th Annual Tribute to Veterans & Military Families

May 27, 2023

BIASC was proud to support military families at the 25th Annual Tribute to Veterans & Military Families hosted by Supervisor Kathryn Barger and the Los Angeles County Military Veterans Affairs. Thank you to our BIASC participants, including Lennar, Toll Brothers, Community Builders Group and D&D Engineering.

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

Supreme Court Clarifies & Limits Definition of Waters of the United States

Just before the Memorial Day holiday, the housing and building industry received what is, at least in the long run, welcome news. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled against the U.S. EPA in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency The ruling is significant for any owner of land that is near a water body; and it represents a major change in law and policy going forward.

The decision narrows the interpretation of kinds of wetlands that will be subject to federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to “wetlands with a continuous surface connection to bodies of water that are ‘waters of the United States’ in their own right.” The opinion, which was authored by Justice Samuel Alito, stated that the EPA’s and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ previous interpretation of what wetlands and other “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) were covered by the CWA was “inconsistent” with the federal statute’s text and structure.

Starting after 2006, when federal jurisdiction over wetlands was litigated at the Supreme Court during the Bush Administration (Rapanos v. United States), EPA and the Corps of Engineers had relied on a test known as the “significant nexus” test to determine what land might constitute jurisdictional

wetlands in sufficiently close proximity to navigable waters. For many housing projects, both obtaining a determination under and then complying with “significant nexus” test was a costly and risky undertaking, taking years to obtain necessary clearance and approvals. The May 2023 Supreme Court ruling in Sackett effectively eliminates the significant nexus test, according to industry observers and legal scholars.

In a press release, National Association of Homebuilders applauded the decision, noting “today the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Sackett v. EPA that clearly redefines the scope of the CWA. The decision represents a victory against federal overreach and a win for common-sense regulations and housing affordability. It’s time for the [Biden] Administration to implement a new durable and practical definition of WOTUS that will truly protect our nation’s water resources without infringing on states’ rights and triggering additional expensive, time-consuming permitting and regulatory requirements.”

The Sackett case started in 2004, near northern Idaho’s Priest Lake. The Sacketts (a couple) purchased a residential lot that they planned to develop approximately 300 feet from the Lake. In 2007, shortly after construction began—which included filling the lot with sand and gravel--the EPA issued an administrative compliance order stating that the property contained wetlands subject to CWA protection. In 2008, the Sacketts brought suit against the EPA asserting that the agency’s jurisdiction under the CWA did not encompass their property. They believed and the Supreme Court found there was no surface water connection from their property to Priest Lake. Incredibly, the case has been in litigation for more than 15 years in lower courts; and this year’s Supreme Court ruling is its second ruling in connection with the case -- the first was in 2012!

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

Housing industry legal experts who advise BIA SC members also noted the ruling’s sweeping sea change in what is and is not a “wetland” subject to Federal protections and noted there may be short-term delays and uncertainty for property owners who are currently seeking a “dredge and fill” permit for their property.

David Smith, Esq., land use attorney from Manatt, Phelps & Phillips and a Building Industry Legal Defense Foundation Board member, commented that the “U.S. Supreme Court drew the brightest and most narrow regulatory boundary to date as to which resources are subject to regulation under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA)”.

Smith went on to say that “the ruling removes federal oversight of untold numbers of aquatic resources, especially in the arid West, and effectively guts a controversial Biden administration regulation that became effective in March 2023. As a result, regulation of resources other than traditional oceans, rivers, lakes and streams largely will fall exclusively to states. Further, the ruling has significant implications for developers and other landowners in complying with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).”

Andrew Henderson, Esq., a former General Counsel of BIA SC who is now in private practice noted that “the really big impact [of the Sackett decision] is not so much how strictly the Supreme Court has construed the CWA’s statutory jurisdiction over wetlands that may continuously adjoin jurisdictional waters of the United States. The really big impact instead is how strictly the Supreme Court now defines the jurisdictional waters of the United States (WOTUS) in the first place.” As noted in the case syllabus, jurisdictional ‘waters of the United States’ encompass only those relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing bodies of water ‘forming geographic[al] features’ that are described in ordinary parlance as “streams, oceans, rivers, and lakes.” Henderson also noted that the decision will likely cause some near-term confusion and potential delays, particularly for those who are advancing projects for which they are presently seeking federal permission and for those projects already underway.

Aside from near-term, anecdotal confusion, a new, narrower Federal definition of WOTUS – one that provides clarity and eliminates regulatory overreach – is welcome for the housing industry in that it should have the effect of reducing property development permit costs in some locations and reducing risk. This may be especially true in the arid West, where largely dry drainages that were heretofore considered “jurisdictional” will no longer be.

Unfortunately for housing and housing advocates, however, California has its own complex water quality protection program for wetlands and related “wet” or riparian areas near streams, rivers, and bays and the Pacific Ocean known as “State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material to Waters of the State.” This program became effective in May of 2020, after many years of BIA SC opposition to its broad scope and time-consuming administration and project approval process.

The state wetlands program remains in effect and will still apply to many wetlands, seasonal drainage areas and riparian areas, all of which will now fall outside the Federal CWA’s scope. That said, because of the Sackett decision, some previously required and daunting federal wetlands permitting for prospective projects will no longer be required.

This is a complex regulatory and legal matter, so seek consultation from experts who specialize in land use and state and Federal water quality compliance programs. Stay tuned for more updates later in the year and moving into 2024, as the repercussions of this major Supreme Court decision are to be determined. 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER Centennial Celebrations CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS Continue Continue! 17



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| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER REGISTER & SPONSOR TODAY BUILDINGINDUSTRYSHOW.COM CELEBRATING BIA AT THE USS MIDWAY Join Us for a Celebration of BIA of Southern California's 100th Anniversary and BIA San Diego 85th's Anniversary OCTOBER 25, 2023 20
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER A L A N B O U D R E A U B I A S C S E C R E T A R Y & T R E A S U R E R T O M G R A B L E B I A S C I M M E D I A T E P A S T C H A I R M A N D A V E B A R T L E T T B I A S C C H A I R M A N S T E V E L A M O T T E I R V I N E C O M P A N Y P E T E R V A N E K I N T E G R A L C O M M U N I T I E S M I K E B A L S A M O R A N C H O M I S S I O N V I E J O G R E G M C W I L L I A M S F I V E P O I N T E R R E N O ’ L E A R Y L E W I S G R O U P O F C O M P A N I E S M I C H A E L B A T T A G L I A T H E N E W H O M E C O M P A N Y W E S K E U S D E R K E U S D E R H O M E S V A L E R I E H A R D M A N O U T D O O R D I M E N S I O N S R A N D Y R I C H A R D S A L I S A H A B I O P T I M U M G R O U P J E R E M Y P A R N E S S L E N N A R N I C O L E M U R R A Y S H E A H O M E S S U N T I K U M J I M J P I B I L L M C R E Y N O L D S T O L L B R O T H E R S T I M R O B E R T S B R O O K F I E L D R E S I D E N T I A L E R I C N E L S O N T R U M A R K H O M E S M I K E F R E E M A N L E N N A R H A G G A I M A Z L E R K B H O M E N A T H A N K E I T H T E J O N R A N C H C H A R L E S G A L E M E T R O P O L I T A N W A T E R D I S T R I C T J E N N I F E R H E R N A N D E Z H O L L A N D & K N I G H T R E L I A B L E W H O L E S A L E L U M B E R M A R K H I M M E L S T E I N N E W M E Y E R D I L L I O N G O V E R N I N G B O A R D B I A o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a M E E T T H E 2 0 2 3 B I A S C G O V E R N I N G B O A R D B I A S C . O R G B I A S C G O V E R N I N G B O A R D B U I L D E R S A T L A R G E B I A S C G O V E R N I N G B O A R D A S S O C I A T E S A T L A R G E I M M E D I A T E P A S T P R E S I D E N T S : A F F I L I A T E R E P R E S E N T A T I V E V I C E P R E S I D E N T O F C O U N C I L S 22

BIASC Hall of Legends

BIASC Members,

To help commensurate our 100-year centennial, we are proud to announce the Building Industry of Southern California’s inaugural Hall of Legends. BIASC’s Hall of Legends mission is to memorialize and pay tribute to the talented leaders of our industry.

Starting in 2023, BIASC will induct a Hall of Legends class on an annual basis based on nominations from the four chapters and councils. Inductees will be recognized through various outreach programs that include news and magazine features, video documentaries, events, and social media, including educational and youth programs around the Southern California region.


In addition to the annual recognition activities, an iconic Wall of Legends will be created to feature our legendary inductees at BIASC events throughout the year. In addition, award recipients will be announced mid-year and officially inducted in a special ceremony on an annual basis towards the end of each year.


Regional, Chapter & Councils will be asked to submit nominations for consideration based on the following criteria. Based on the Centennial Committee’s recommendation, the BIASC Governing Board will approve award determinations and announcements. The rules and standards are listed below:


Each nominee must meet most of the criteria guidelines below to qualify for induction.

• Displayed extraordinary leadership for BIASC and or the building industry.

• Longstanding and distinguished tenure with BIASC.

• Proven leadership within their company or the association.

• Innovation that advanced the association/their company or our industry.

• Contributions to a community, a region, statewide, or nationally.

Each Chapter will form its nomination committee based on the criteria noted above and will select up to 10 nominees for consideration, including an official written submittal of nomination. Special consideration will be made for nominees who have passed, and this will not count towards the 10 nominees.

The 2023 Hall of Legends class will be officially inducted at this year’s Centennial Installation Gala on November 10th, 2023. We are excited to celebrate this historical moment and look forward to installing our first inaugural Hall of Legends class. 


All nominations are due June 30th. To learn more, please visit or email

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER


Hall of Fame Celebration

House of Blues Anaheim - May 23, 2023

Thank you for celebrating with us last week at our Hall of Fame Night at the House of Blues Anaheim legendary Foundation Room as we honored Hall of Fame Inductees Adrian Foley (Brookfield Residential) and Leonard Miller (BrightSky Residential).


The Women in Homebuilding Edition

Southern California THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER HCI railings A dba of Hardwood Creations, Inc. #459521 Interior & E xterior Wood, Steel, Cable & Gla ss Railing Systems 1560 N . Maple Street 800-696-1646 Corona, CA 92878 Est. 1982 26

Q&A with Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis: A Woman Profoundly Grateful To Be Part of the Solution

The Honorable Eleni Kounalakis, the first woman to be elected Lieutenant Governor of California, brought strong land development DNA to the Statehouse upon her election in 2018. Her father started one of the most successful land development companies in the Sacramento region, AKT Development, and she followed in his footsteps, ultimately serving as the company’s president before applying her business and development know-how to politics. She graciously took some time recently to share her thoughts with Southern California Builder.

Southern California Builder: Madam Lieutenant Governor, you grew up in a successful land development family. What are some of your memories and takeaways from this experience?

Eleni Kounalakis: My father built his business from the ground up and I worked with him in the business for about 18 years. I started out answering the phone, then after business school and working in the Bay Area, I went back and became a project manager, then vice president and ultimately president of AKT for about 10 years. We built major master-planned communities in the Sacramento region, including one of the biggest, if not the biggest in the area. That required assembling large parcels of land, working with landowner groups, and leading those groups to put what I call the legal infrastructure in place to be able to build master-planned communities in new growth areas.

In terms of my fond memories, it was 18 years – a huge part of my life – but I think, ultimately, I felt from early on that this was exciting, inspiring, and fulfilling. There’s nothing like building developments, building communities, and even now to be able to drive around the Sacramento area and see streets that I got to name, see intersections that I helped build – I love it, and I loved the work immensely! Most importantly, I have the fondest feeling knowing that I helped deliver homes for working class Californians, which is so important because we know that housing is woefully under-supplied in this state. That under-supply has driven the price of housing up very high, which is the driving force of the affordability crisis we are facing in California, so I am profoundly grateful I had the opportunity at AKT to be a part of the solution.

SCB: Are you optimistic that production of all types of housing will increase in California, helping to bring an end to the ongoing housing crisis in the state?

EK: I am indeed optimistic that we are going to be able to build more housing in California. There has been a real awakening that those who have worked so hard to stop new housing are usually people who already own a home. Those who come from communities that can no longer afford a house are aware that building more housing, particularly more affordable housing units, will benefit them and people like them. We have put affordable housing in a box where it is defined as “subsidized affordable housing.”

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
Eleni Kounalakis Lieutenant Governor

When I was in the business, affordable housing was market-rate affordable housing, which was affordable to middle class families. That’s gone away, and that’s hurt so many people and so many families. A little over a year ago, in May of 2022, we hit a peak in California when the median home price reached $900,000 for a single-family home. That is not affordable to middle class families.

How do we fix this? The answer is we need to dive into the policies that have made it so difficult to build, and we need to rework and reform those policies. The way we do that is not by undermining our environmental priorities and goals; but to find efficiencies and help streamline the process.

SCB: Have you carried forward lessons gained from your 18 years at AKT Development into your political career?

EK: Yes, because we talk about housing all the time. I am a member of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, which recognizes the impact housing unaffordability is having on the state, and members of his team also regularly consult with me about the best ways to make it easier to build. I think we are just at the very beginning of government reform to address the housing crisis. We have already started doing the work we need to do. I believe we are off to a very powerful start with some of the legislation that is making its way through this year, and really, the fact that these conversations are happening

in such a pointed and sophisticated way represents tremendous progress. But again, we have more work to do. We need the stakeholders at the table, and frankly, we need builders at the table.

SCB: While the supply chain situation has improved, our industry continues to experience supply chain issues that are slowing delivery of homes. From your perspective as someone who has been deeply involved in international trade for many years, how do you see these problems being resolved?

EK: What we saw during COVID was unpredictable and had a major impact on not just the housing industry but the economy as a whole. It drove inflation in almost every sector, and at one point we had major backlogs of container ships outside the ports of Long Beach and LA. We saw the cost of everything related to the supply chain go up, and for the building industry, we also saw lumber costs go up and the lack of availability of some of the key components you need to build. Some of that crisis has eased as we have more slack coming back into the system, but there is certainly more that we can and should be doing to improve the movement of goods through the state. I think COVID has pushed us to do more work to coordinate between the various parts of the transportation system, whether it’s the ports, or the distribution centers, or warehouses, all the way to the end users to make sure that coordination is improved.

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

SCB: As the first woman to be elected Lieutenant Governor of California, and prior to that, as one who led a company in an industry that traditionally has not had an abundance of women leaders, how have you been able to use your influence and knowledge to encourage young women and others from under-represented communities?

EK: What I observed back in the 1990s, when I was starting out, is that land development was, and has always been, a very high-risk business. As a result, we would always talk about land developers as cowboys – again, driven by how risky the business is by virtue of all the things we have been talking about. It’s still risky, but what we are seeing are more women who want to take on that kind of risk. Rachel Bardis of Bardis Homes up here in Sacramento comes to mind, a good friend of mine who is in the business of building housing and followed in her father’s footsteps. I’m excited that there are so many more women who are both willing to get into this business and can attract capital and investment that is needed because they bring tremendous capability to the table.

So, I love it! I love seeing all these fantastic women leaders in the industry, and I’m sure we are going to get more – and not just more women, but also more minorities from segments of our population who have not traditionally had a seat at this table. There is a body of research now that shows that when you have a greater, more diverse representation of the workplace, you get better outcomes. When you have diversity on boards, at the table with a voice, working together with all their counterparts, you get better projects and better outcomes. It’s strategically smart for industries to open opportunities for women and others of their colleagues who traditionally haven’t had these opportunities to lead. We are seeing the track record of equity in the workplace now, and because that record is so positive, it is leading to greater diversity in hiring, which is something that will have a tremendously positive impact.

SCB: So would your advice be to jump in?

EK: Yes! Make room for the cowgirls! 

Women’s Leadership Conference

June 9, 2023

The 2023 BIAOC Women’s Leadership Conference was a resounding success, bringing together over 500 women from across the homebuilding industry to share insights, experiences, and learn from each other. Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor New Home Co. and all sponsors for their support in making this event possible. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from three exceptional speakers, Award-Winning Journalists Taylor Dunn and Rebecca Jarvis, and Girls Garage Founder/Executive Director Emily Pilloton-Lam. They shared their unique perspectives and experiences on topics such as leadership, empowerment, and personal growth. The event was not only informative but also provided a great networking opportunity for women to connect and build relationships that will help them advance their careers.

“We are elated to present such a powerful panel of keynote speakers each year – influential women with

impressive backgrounds and unique stories that are sure to inspire our attendees as they build their own journeys,” said BIA/OC Women’s Leadership Conference Event Chair and Chief Economist of Zonda, Ali Wolf.

“It is an honor to be surrounded by inspiring women leaders across a wide variety of industries and disciplines,” said Joan Webb, founder of the BIAOC Women’s Conference. “We are thrilled to come together at this annual conference to celebrate female role models and their incredible contributions to our workforce.”

We are elated with the positive feedback we have received from attendees and look forward to continuing to provide valuable resources and opportunities to women in leadership. Thank you again to our sponsors, speakers, and attendees for making this event possible. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s conference!

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER BIAOC
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BI ou me n tic’s aw mited Aw dward 0 iH nner of ng d R irginia THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition 31
with David Muir, Nightline, 20/20, and This Week with George Stephanopoulos
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER Multifamily Owners and Developers Tier 1 internet 2023 brand to watch. Although our fiber service usually means 100% fiber-optic network to your residence, in limited circumstances Quantum Fiber may need to deploy alternative technologies coupled with a non-fiber connection from a certain point (usually the curb) to your residence in order to provide the advertised download speeds. Service is not available everywhere. Quantum Fiber may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services, or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion without notice. All products and services listed are governed by tariffs, terms of service, or terms and conditions posted at Restrictions apply. © 2023 Q Fiber, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Quantum, Quantum Fiber and Quantum Fiber Internet are trademarks of Quantum Wireless LLC and used under license to Q Fiber, LLC.
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Massive fiber expansion to
future needs.”

Q&A with BIAOC Treasurer Megan Eltringham

As Corporate Vice President of Sales & Marketing for one of the most respected builders in the industry, Megan Eltringham has been influenced by some of the best, and is now giving back by seizing opportunities to do the same for others – including taking time from her busy schedule to talk to Southern California Builder.

Southern California Builder: How did you come to work in the homebuilding industry?

Megan Eltringham: I attended Fordham University in the Bronx, New York, double majoring in Political Science and Sociology/Pre-Law with aspirations of going into the FBI. I came back to California and worked on local political campaigns as I got my Masters. The most high-profile campaign I was involved with was for Peter Ueberroth, who was running for governor. He pulled out of the race as Arnold Schwarzenegger gained momentum, but he liked what he saw and hired me on the spot to work for his venture capital firm. So, at a very young age I was exposed to the most incredible things. The President of the United States was calling him for advisement; he’s part of the partnership that owns Pebble Beach along with some partners, including Clint Eastwood, so we travelled there often; he was appointed US Olympic Committee chairman and we traveled to Greece for the Olympic games; he is very close friends with Don Bren of the Irvine Company, so we had meetings there – so there I was, very young, being exposed to these high net worth individuals who were very influential in the world and leaders in their fields.

Peter and I talked about what might be next for me because we both realized I wasn’t going to be a personal assistant for the rest of my career. His philosophy is very much like The Nordstrom Way where you start from the ground floor and move your way up. In other words, you’re not going to climb to the level of vice president just because you know someone. He opened doors to different real estate opportunities, which brought me to a position at John Laing Homes. I worked for some incredible people there, then very quickly moved

over to John Laing Luxury and worked for my first mentor, Tom Redwitz. We were purchased by Emaar, a Dubai-based company, and had a lot of interaction with my second mentor, Joan Webb, who could see the potential in me and helped me get on the path to where I am today.

SCB: Did your mentors prepare you for that day when Laing Luxury was closed down and you were out of a job?

ME: Yes, absolutely. I talked to Tom quite a bit at the time, and he said not to worry, stay in touch, we’ll work together again. This really helped to keep me anchored, and sure enough he was true to his word, because as soon as The New Home Company was formed, he called to tell me they were getting the band back together, and I was their first hire, which made me feel very honored.

As a start-up, I got to sink my teeth into every aspect of the business, and I quickly settled into a marketing role, working with Joan. I had my first baby just as we went public in 2014, and was still working even on the day I delivered, texting back and forth with Joan about changing our website URL to the new ticker symbol. Then, in 2016, I had my second child and was promoted to vice president. I feel so blessed by the people in my career who have worked with me and really taken me under their wing. I’m aware of the opportunities I’ve been exposed to, but I’m also proud of what I did with it and to know that my strong worth ethic has been proved out.

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition
Megan Eltringham The New Home Company Executive

Model Home Tour


BIA Orange County Chapter & BIAOC NextGen
Park - May 17, 2023
us for our BIAOC and BIA of Orange County - Next Generation Solis Park Model Home Tour! We
the beautiful showcase of new homes built
Pulte Homes, Taylor Morrison and Tri Pointe Homes. 34
you for joining

SCB: How has The New Home Company earned such a strong reputation so quickly?

ME: We worked hard on creating an identity that reflected who we were. Larry Webb always spoke about our culture and people and would ask me all the time if it’s really as special as he made it out to be. It absolutely was and still is. Quality, architecture, pride in what we do – all homebuilders say that, but we really walk the walk and talk the talk. We put such an emphasis on our people and how our business is so much more than sticks and bricks. It’s about us being a noble profession; we are creating homes for people, which is an inspirational thing to do. I feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the world to be able to have an impact on how we speak to our consumers, how we design and market our brand and illustrate that in our models to showcase work we believe in.

We are going to get much larger than we are now, with Matt Zaist leading, we believe in the importance of differentiating ourselves in the market, and the importance of our secret sauce, which is our people and how we hold each other accountable and are being transparent not only with each other, but in everything we do. We are always evolving, and I feel that I’m just getting started. There’s a lot more to do.

SCB: How have you been able to take all that and influence the industry?

ME: Early in my career, I got involved in BIA, the Greater Sales & Marketing Council, HomeAid and BIAOC NextGen. That influenced where I am now, so I make it a point to use my position to give back to those groups. Being involved in these organizations is so important because we can share ideas, be better, and yes, promote women. This is still very much a male-dominated world, even if it’s changing, so to lift up women and encourage them to come together and share ideas is essential. When we have different ideas and bring them forward, we only get better. As you network and get involved, it’s extremely important that you have a voice, grab your seat at the table and as we advance in our careers, we must have the ability to vocalize and step up. It’s our responsibility, truly.

SCB: What advice to you share with people who are just getting into the industry?

ME: My advice comes from the book The Ideal Team Player, which provides a framework for identifying, hiring and developing ideal team players. The focus is on three attributes in a team player: hungry, humble and smart. Hungry is working hard, showing up, shadowing people, doing whatever you can do to learn and be better – a hands-out approach. Humble is to not be too big for your britches and turn people off, set aside ego and focus on the collective team. And smart is not intellectually smart, but being politically smart: Reading a room, understanding dynamics, thinking five steps ahead. Then I stress networking with BIA and its councils because that has had an impact on where I am today. Lastly, HomeAid, because giving back has been integral to me. Get involved and do whatever you can do to immerse yourself in the industry and make an impact. 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
and friends are a great blend." -Ernest Hemingway RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHAPTER Paradise awaits you at our Annual Riverside County Chapter Wine Event at Wilson Creek Winery. Join us for great wine and good friends in beautiful Temecula Wine Country. 35960 Rancho California Road Temecula, CA 92591 Wilson Creek Winery Wilson Creek Winery Thursday, August 17th 5:00pm - 8:00pm Tickets starting at $99, Early Bird ends July 14th! Register online at or If you have any questions, please contact Laura Barber, or 949-777-3861 Sponsorships are available Tahitian Nights Tahitian Nights T H I S E V E N T I S F O R B I A S C M E M B E R S O N L Y T H I S E V E N T I S F O R B I A S C M E M B E R S O N L Y PRESENTED BY 36



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ONSORSHIPS & TICKETS ONSORSHIPS & TICKETS C a b e r n e t S p o n s o r - $ 1 6 9 9

BIA Los Angeles/Ventura Chapter & BIASC GSMC

Chili Cook-Off

Williams Homes - May 3, 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for our Chili Cook-Off @ GreaterSMC —we had a blast and hope you did, too! From savory to spicy, every entry was a winner in our book. Congrats to our top chefs and a special shoutout to our amazing sponsors. Thank you to Williams Homes for hosting!


Q&A with TeamPMP Lisa Parrish

For nearly 30 years, Lisa Parrish has managed and produced awards shows and conferences for building industry groups around the country. She and her husband Shane manage more than 40 events every year through their company TeamPMP, he as Director of Shenanigans, and she as Chief Creative Chick. Read on, because she shares the secret to being an awardwinner!

Southern California Builder: Tell us about TeamPMP and what sets it apart.

Lisa Parrish: We are a resource to this industry. We like to be connectors who bring ideas, concepts and solutions to the industry. We do that through our awards programs and conferences, where we shine the light on solutions, ideas and concepts, so that others can learn from them. Awards programs are the megaphones for good ideas. If someone has a great idea about how to do something differently or better, we can showcase it to a larger audience to enliven professionalism and art within our industry. We share knowledge by amplifying the idea and getting it to people faster, in a brilliant, exciting and positive way.

SCB: How did you get into event management for the building industry?

LP: Back more than 50 years ago, my dad, Peter Mayer, was the publisher of Homebuyer’s Guide, and he and many others on the Sales & Marketing Council saw this wonderful creative marketing and design happening in the industry and they created the MAME Awards, “Major Achievement in Marketing Excellence”. We will be celebrating the awards’ 50th anniversary this September, with more than 40 MAME

awards across the country. Peter didn’t keep that to himself; he gave it to the industry so it could be something of value, not only to the members of the Association, but also to the Association itself as membership benefit.

MAME became a full-time job, with the name PMP for Peter Mayer Productions, and 30 years ago I began working for him. Thirteen years ago, my husband and I purchased the company from my dad, and now we carry on his legacy as TeamPMP, so there’s a team in our name, with PMP at the heart of it because we have Peter in our hearts. And now our son works for us, so we have our third generation in the industry.

The term you hear today is “nepo-babies,” where people think that you got to where you are because you’re somebody’s kid. But I like to say that I am a child of the industry, that I grew up in the industry. I was immersed in it, and I found that I loved it and didn’t want to do anything else, so it was chosen, not inherited. It’s in the blood, like a positive, wonderful infection!

SCB: Besides MAME, what other TeamPMP events would people in the industry recognize?

LP: We have managed and produce the Gold Nugget Awards for PCBC for the last 30 years, and we also produce The Nationals, NAHB’s national sales and marketing award. Also, I’m one of the three founders of the Women’s Conference in Orange County, along with Joan Marcus Webb and Valerie Hardman. We now also produce the Women’s Conference for Northern California’s association, and I’ve worked on the Leader-to-Leader Conference for PCBC – so we are involved in conference planning in addition to awards banquets.

SCB: You must see some amazing entries. What is that like?

LP: It is pretty incredible. If you can imagine 18 awards programs in a year, with 400 to 1,000 entries that we are exposed to – well, we get to see the greatest new solutions and products, and the greatest people around the country. It is fascinating, and it’s really, really heartwarming to learn about all the incredible people that are in our industry – it reminds

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition
Lisa Parrish Team PMP

you of what an amazing industry we are. In every market, these awards programs prove that our future is very bright.

SCB: Is the industry trend towards greater diversity showing up in the awards programs you manage?

LP: Oh, yes! This is the thing that makes me so happy to see. When I first started working, the “ladies” of the industry were found in the sales office and marketing and a few other very narrow paths. Now you see women leading construction companies, leading architectural firms, and running project management on some of the biggest projects. They’re everywhere, from project managers, to superintendents, to purchasing teams, wherever you look. In some markets I see more women leading teams than there are gentlemen. It’s magnificent, and absolutely, positively this goes beyond women to diversity in every way you look at it. It doesn’t matter who you are; if you are the right person for the job and you have that “get it done” personality, then you have the job.

SCB: Beyond events, how involved have you been in the industry?

LP: Besides working for my dad, I also wanted to immerse myself in the industry and the Association, so I joined the Los Angeles/Ventura Sales & Marketing Council and worked on

committees, which is how you work your way up. I was the president of the Council in LA/Ventura, and then in Orange County. I am one of only two women, Joan Webb and myself, who have won both the B.J. Stewart Women’s Achievement Award and the Max Tipton Award. It’s very meaningful to be selected by your peers for that recognition, and I’m very proud of that because those were earned by my own efforts to give back to the industry, to share, and provide knowledge, not because of my family and our business.

SCB: Do you see yourself as an influential person?

LP: If someone asked me what I want to be known for after I’m no longer here, I would like it to be my optimism, my positivity and my attitude of trying to always find a way. That’s served me more than anything else, and it’s helped me to reach people. People want to be around people who make them feel good and feel like they can get something accomplished, and that is my superpower. As for my company, we have been able to be influential by shedding light on interesting concepts and elements within the industry. Also, when we do judgings, we invite other people to collaborate and because of that we have been able to introduce many, many people to each other, so we are industry connectors as well.

SCB: What’s the secret to being an award-winner instead of an award also-ran?

LP: Desire, passion and the ability to tell your story. You have to be able to convey your desire and passion, so you can sell the judge that yours is the best. 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition

Top Golf Event

San Bernardino
Riverside County
Ontario Top Golf - June 1, 2023 Thank you for joining us for our second annual Top Golf Networking event! 42
| California BUILDER 43
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER Why Is It So Hard To Get To This Moment? All you want to do is help people live the American Dream. So why all the obstacles and opposition? Whether it’s NIMBYs in the Council chambers or seemingly inflexible regulators, call me because I have the best win/loss record in California public affairs. I’ll drop by your office with your favorite coffee drink and we’ll have an interesting talk about your best path forward. • Entitlement Campaigns • Community Outreach • Messaging and Positioning • Coalition Building • Community Due Diligence • Public Hearing Management • Regulatory Comment Letters • Op/Eds and Media Relations 949/683-3360   44

Q&A with Leading Environmental Expert Jennifer Hernandez

Jennifer Hernandez is one of California’s leading experts on how the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is abused to slow the production of muchneeded housing. She heads the West Coast Land Use and Environmental Group for the law firm Holland & Knight and is legal counsel to the Building Industry Legal Defense Foundation.

Southern California Builder: Before we get to the findings in the updated edition of the “In the Name of the Environment” report, let’s discuss a more personal aspect of your work. Despite all the good work you have done, do you still find yourself in situations where you feel you have to work harder because you’re a woman?

Jennifer Hernandez: That has diminished as I’ve gotten older. What’s now more common is that I still can be the only woman in the room with otherwise senior people. I’ve actually said sometimes in those situations, “Not to worry. I like you guys. I married one of you, after all.” But uniformly, unless I’m at the top level of some organizations, there’s much more diversity, and much less thinking about who you are and more about what you’re accomplishing. And hugely, it’s much more diverse in the Southern California ranks than in the old school San Francisco ranks.

SCB: How about earlier in your career?

JH: When I was younger, I had a dual challenge because I went to Harvard back in the 70s when their version of affirmative action was to try to grab people from different high schools that had never sent anyone to Harvard. That was interesting in terms of the level of honest diversity it created – it was really astonishing.

By the time I graduated, affirmative action was pretty much cemented as race-based, so I had the combination of being presumptively an affirmative-action-some-kindof-walking-lawsuit person who was less qualified than credentials would suggest – even though Stanford Law School let me in, so go figure – and then there was also being female.

SCB: How do you feel your work has influenced the building industry?

JH: I’ve been at the forefront of efforts to peel back the onion layers of all the rhetoric that surrounds CEQA to demonstrate that it is fundamentally a tool for antihousing, anti-homeownership litigation abuse. Anyone who believes in greater equity and less race-based or class-based discrimination should be offended by CEQA abuse because it is the redlining, anti-equity and anti-upward-mobility tool of choice of NIMBY Boomers, climate extremists, and wealthy environmentalists.

SCB: Have you used the building of Holland & Knight’s West Coast land use practice as an opportunity to bring talented women into our industry?

JH: The 25-member team I run is diverse on every possible scale of diversity. Partly that was intentional and partly it wasn’t – for example, it’s a really nice place for young parents, and young parents have a high diversity index to start with. But, we’re now facing something of an identity politics regime where we are supposed to count noses and hit precise quotas. While that’s not at all a firm policy, it is part of the culture on the West Side and Bay Area, and it makes me really nervous. I don’t want there to ever by an inference that

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition
Jennifer Hernandez Legal, Building Industry Legal Defense Foundation (BILD) Partner, Holland & Knight
BIASC Car Entry & Ticket: $75 BIASC Member Ticket: $60 Non-Member Ticket: $95 Classic Cars Craft Beers Ice Bar Crafts & Cars Crafts & Cars Presented By 9100 Irvine Center Dr. Irvine, CA 92618 If you have any questions, contact Laura Barber, Register Online at or Tacos $100 Gift Card for 1st Place $50 Gift Card for 2nd Place $25 Gift Card for 3rd Place 46

a diverse candidate is somehow less qualified because we’re playing a numbers game. We shouldn’t have to do address diversity in that manner, so let’s just treat diversity like we treat grammar: It’s something to do because it just is.

SCB: Do you find that the building industry, with its long tradition of people advancing up from jobs the field, is more accepting of diversity and more in touch with the value of homeownership?

JH: Absolutely. My brother got his welding apprentice at 19 from his high school and worked his whole career as a welder. He made a fine living, has a nice home and got going on that all-important inter-generational wealth that comes with home ownership. We are fortunate to see that kind of story repeated over and over in the building industry. That’s the industry’s big contribution to society: It puts homeownership back on the table. We should be very, very righteous about the need for attainable homeownership as part of our California Dream. It’s not inconsistent with the environment or climate – it’s just being able to participate fully in America.

SCB: What advice do you give to those who are just getting started in their careers?

JH: One piece of advice I give everyone is that you will be most successful if you do what you love. If it feels like torture to read a zoning code, then go elsewhere. Torturing yourself will harm your health and hurt your career prospects. Next, I tell people that if all they do is wait to see what crosses their desk and try to do that well, they won’t be very good at it. You need to be proactive and understand from the prospective of those you work with what their priorities are – how do they think, what is driving their decisions because the ones who succeed are the ones who can handle the difficult, uncomfortable situations because they’ve gotten into the client’s or regulator’s or opposition’s head.

I also tell people there are inevitable periods in their life, like when you’re a new parent or when there’s an illness in your family, where you are going to need to take a bit of a pause, and then there are periods when you can and should surge, by which I mean work really hard, and just get better. There is just no substitute for it. Our careers still start with what is largely an apprenticeship – you

only can figure it out by doing it, and doing it, and doing it some more, until you get better and faster.

SCB: How do you see opportunities for women to advance to the top in the building industry?

JH: That has really changed over time. I find quite a lot of openness – at least in the California building industry, where I work. I mention that because I spent one semester of law school at the University of Hawaii and I worked at a law firm there. They said that women had always had a place at their firm – and would I like to do trusts and estates, or family law? Those were my two choices and I realized, “Oh my God, I’m not in Kansas –or California – anymore.” It would never had occurred to me as a Californian that that sort of attitude existed. Statewide, I find that there are a lot of women in the building industry, and they tend to be very good at what they’re doing.

SCB: You have just updated Holland & Knight’s breakthrough study on the true negative impacts of CEQA abuse, “In the Name of the Environment.” What did you find in the updated data?

JH: First and foremost, CEQA abuse is all about housing, which remains the top target of CEQA lawsuits. We counted all approved housing units that faced CEQA litigation in 2020 and got up to 48,000. California’s annual production that year was just over 100,000, so basically half of all approved housing units got sued. Going further, I counted the number of units included in General Plans, Housing Element updates, and Sustainable Communities Strategies that were challenged. Over the three-year period, more than one million of these planned-for housing units were targeted in CEQA lawsuits. That’s about half of what the governor says we need in new housing units, yet all we have now is CEQA lawsuits.

The next thing I found is that of all the infrastructure project that faced CEQA litigation, far and away the top target was water projects, especially any kind that would actually increase water supply. All the water lawsuits are yet another surrogate for fighting housing because they don’t want water to be available for new homes. It is an absolute: We must reform CEQA or we will not be able to build the home supply we must build to meet the demand. 

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

BIA Orange County Chapter

Golf Tournament Coto de Caza - May 8, 2023 Thank you to the sponsors, golfers and volunteers who made BIAOC’s 56th Annual Golf Tournament presented by Boudreau Pipeline a huge success! Till next year! 48





Q&A with BIA San Diego CEO Lori Pfeiler

Lori Holt Pfeiler is the first female to head the Building Industry Association of San Diego in the organization’s 85year history. After 18 years on the Escondido City Council, including 12 as mayor, she led Habitat for Humanity in San Diego for nine years before moving to BIASD in 2021.

Southern California Builder: Let’s start by having you introduce yourself to the members of BIASC.

Lori Pfeiler: Back in 1992, I ran for office because I wanted to make decisions so that people could lead better lives. I didn’t know anything about housing when I got elected because that is not often what you run on; you run on better jobs and no crime. Interestingly, , I ended up serving on a 4-1 council and was the 1, so I didn’t get appointed to any committees. That let me run loose, and I ended up on the SANDAG [San Diego Association of Governments] Housing Committee, where I learned about housing and became passionate, because when you have a home that you can call your own, you can thrive and take care of yourself. As an Escondido City Council member I was always trying to figure out how to streamline the process, and was always amazed that people whose homes we had approved three years ago would come as the next phase was before us and complain that it was going to devalue their property, ruin the traffic, and so on. We let them in, and now they don’t want anyone else let in.

Housing was such a passion that when I left office I worked for Habitat for Humanity. What a great organization! Fundamentally we need all kinds of housing, and the opportunity to own your own home and create wealth is the bedrock of this country’s values. At Habitat, we could sell a home to a family that generally earned between 65% and 80% of the area median income, and that is very rewarding. So many of us take our housing for granted, then you find out that you can have a decent job here in San Diego County and never have access to buying a home. We need to change that. I was with a family – a mom and a dad and four kids –

the first time they walked into their new home, and he was crying because he knew this home would change their lives. And that is how I feel about housing – it changes people’s lives.

SCB: At the start of your career, being a woman in a man’s world was even more challenging than it is today. What was it like for you?

LP: I was the only woman on the Council. A staff member at his retirement party told me, “I used to sit in the audience and laugh at you because you would say something and no one would answer you or even respond.” I noticed that, too. Not only would no one would respond to what I or any woman said, but five minutes later a guy would say the same thing and suddenly that’s the best idea we’ve heard all day. I learned that if you’re not being seen or heard, you need to speak up more, not less. I also had a couple of people tell me my voice was awful and I would never be a politician. But my aspirations were to serve, and I wasn’t going to let anybody tell me what my life’s dream was going to be.

SCB: How did your background help you with the challenges the industry is facing in San Diego?

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THE WOMEN IN HOMEBUILDING Edition
Lori Holt Pfeiler BIA San Diego CEO
B I A S C M E M B E R S : $ 7 3 N O N - M E M B E R S : $ 9 5 B I L L E S S A Y L I R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T B I A S C O R G / E V E N T S O R R I V E R S I D E B I A O R G / E V E N T S I F Y O U H A V E A N Y Q U E S T I O N S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T L A U R A B A R B E R , L B A R B E R @ B I A S C . O R G O R 9 4 9 - 7 7 7 - 3 8 6 1 P l e a s e j o i n u s a s w e w e l c o m e n e w C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e A s s e m b l y m e m b e r B i l l E s s a y l i , w h o w i l l p r o v i d e u s w i t h a S a c r a m e n t o l e g i s l a t i v e u p d a t e .
F R I D A Y , J U L Y 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 1 1 : 3 0 A M - 1 : 0 0 P M F E A T U R I N G E A G L E G L E N G O L F C L U B 1 8 0 0 E A G L E G L E N P K W Y , C O R O N A , C A 9 2 8 8 3 52
LUNCHEON C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e A s s e m b l y m e m b e r

LP: Back when Habitat hired me, my experience was a mile wide and an inch deep. I was there for nine years, living the entitlement experience on a day-to-day basis, so I know exactly what it’s like to go to the counter at a city and tell them you need your encroachment permit today, only to hear them say, “You never submitted an application for that.” And then you hold up your phone and show them the picture of your application that’s already signed, and you tell them that it’s unacceptable for them to tell you that you have to wait another month. We lived that every day. I started a project for Habitat in Escondido – my city – in March 2018 and today, five years later, it is finally going vertical – for 10 units in the urban core, we are supposed to be building! The challenges of getting through entitlement, and having inspectors not caring what the drawings show, and having delays getting utilities turned on – I have the experience to know how challenging it is.

SCB: What was the transition from subsidized housing to market-rate housing like?

LP: Habitat does have some subsidies, but it’s not like lowincome housing at all. We had to raise money to help with the subsidies, which is very entrepreneurial, similar to what market-rate builders experience. I’ve always been a marketrate person so coming to this side, working to get more market-rate housing, is the same language I’ve been using forever.

SCB: Is anything happening in San Diego indicating that there may be better entitlement paths ahead?

LP: The City of San Diego is aggressive about streamlining and doing more ministerial approvals for Complete Communities, and strategizing on Sustainable Development areas, which is just a take on transit. For transit walkability, the City has gone from half a mile as the crow flies to a mile – a walkable mile. Before, a half-mile was a half-mile, even if you had to cross a freeway, and that’s not going to be the case anymore, but the increase to a mile has added 7,000 acres to the Complete Communities that are available to be developed. But of course we still have to change the attitude of the people at the counter!

SCB: How about in the suburban, exurban master-planned community world?

LP: That’s totally different. In the unincorporated areas, the Board of Supervisors has taken the most stringent view of Vehicle Miles Traveled [VMT] so basically our unincorporated

area has a moratorium on it. They don’t call it that, but they say that in order to mitigate VMT, it will cost $50,000 to $2 million per unit, so nobody is going to build out there. The County is also looking at an inclusionary housing ordinance, and in those documents, they say the average price of a home in the unincorporated area is $620,000 a unit – but with VMT they are denying any opportunity to build houses there at that price, where it could be much more affordable than the $850,000 region-wide average.

SCB: Are you excited about San Diego and BIASC coming together for this year’s BIS show?

LP: I’m very, very excited because we will be bringing all of Southern California together as one great market. So many of your folks know our folks and our folks know your folks, and some of our members have participated in BIS over the years, but making it available to all our members is phenomenal. You guys are celebrating 100 years and we’re celebrating 85 so we’ve both been here a very long time and are part of the fabric of our communities, so we need to celebrate that. And dancing on the deck of the Midway is going to be sensational – as long as I don’t fall off the edge!

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER



Nothing says summer like watching a baseball game on a warm evening with an ice-cold drink in your hand. The only thing missing is you! So grab your Dodger Dog and join us to watch the LA Dodgers take on the Arizona Diamondbacks on Wednesday, August 30th.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Pre-Game Networking: 5:10 PM

Game Start: 7:10 PM

Dodgers Stadium

1000 Vin Scully Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90012

Network with us at the pre-game happy hour and ballpark dinner and then head to your seat and enjoy the game! Tickets sell out fast for this event so make sure to get your tickets now.


Member Game Ticket w/ Pre-Game Networking at Loge Terrace: $138

Member Game Ticket ONLY: $48

Member Group of 10 Tickets w/ Pre-Game Networking at Loge Terrace: $1375

Non-Member Game Ticket w/ Pre-Game Networking at Loge Terrace: $169

Non-Member Game Ticket ONLY: $78

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Barber at

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
now at



2 tickets to Game & Pre-Game Networking

Logo on all Marketing Material

Recognition at Pre-Game Networking


4 tickets to Game & Pre-Game Networking

Logo on all Marketing Material

Recognition at Pre-Game Networking


6 tickets to Game & Pre-Game Networking

Logo on all Marketing Material

Recognition at Pre-Game Networking

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
| California BIASC partners with HomeAid Orange County Annual Diaper Drive Angels Stadium - June 2, 2023 56

BIASC Member Spotlight:

Chris Kahn is the founder and owner of Chris Kahn Consulting (CKC), a comprehensive governmental relations and advocacy firm, located in Sacramento, California. Mr. Kahn has intimate knowledge of both the legislative and administrative operations in state government. As owner of CKC, he has represented over 30 clients, specializing with various business, housing, local government, transportation, technology, and education interests, including the representation of many associations. His earlier lobbying experience included representing over 50 additional clients.

Mr. Kahn brings more than 30 years’ experience working with California’s Legislature, executive branch, independent state agencies and local governments. Mr. Kahn served as Legislative Secretary and Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, serving on the Governor’s senior staff, overseeing the Governor’s Legislative Unit and the legislative staff for the eighty-one (81) state departments and agencies in the state of California.

Mr. Kahn also served as Chief of Staff to two members of the California state legislature and served as a Deputy Secretary in the California Trade and Commerce Agency. He also served as Chief Deputy Legislative Secretary for Governor Pete Wilson and worked in the United States Senate Finance Committee. Chris Kahn began his California legislative career as a California State Senate fellow.

Mr. Kahn served as a member of the State Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind within the California Department of Consumer Affairs. He chairs the Advisory Board of the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science program at the University of California, serves on the Board of Trustees for the California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts and the Board of Directors of Consortium for Children. Mr. Kahn received dual bachelor’s degrees from the University of Oregon in Political Science and Communications.

To learn more, please email Chris at

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

Southern California Water Conference

Friday, August 11, 2023 | 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

(Networking & Continential Breakfast at 7:00 AM)


Partial Program

Californians can continue to expect periods of extremly dry conditions followed by severe winter storms. In the face of this weather whiplash, how can we meet our demand for water and solve our housing crisis? Join us as we tackle tough questions like:

How important is density and what role does it play in addressing the water/housing crisis?

Can we conserve our way out of a drought?

Are we really using what nature gives us?

The Southern California Water Conference provides a forum for agencies, local government, private industry and the public to collaborate on issues facing the region regarding the ability to deliver safe, clean water to residents and businesses. The collaborative dialogue between the public and private sectors enables the region to speak with one voice about solutions to State and regulatory agencies.

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
Visit for more information.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego Director, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marty Ralph

Southern California Water Conference

Friday, August 11, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Networking & Continential Breakfast at 7:00 AM)


Platinum $10,000

Company logo in all materials

Listed in social media posts pre-event

Full page color ad inside cover

Recognition during the event

Twenty registrations for event

Exhibit booth

Gold $7,500

Company logo in all materials

Listed in social media posts pre-event

Half page ad in program

Recognition during the event

Ten registrations for event

Exhibit booth

Silver $5,000

Company logo in all materials

Recognition during the event

Six registrations for event

Exhibit booth

Bronze $2,500

Company logo in all materials

Recognition during the event

Four registrations for event

Exhibit booth

Exhibitor $499

Listed in all materials

Recognition during the event

Exhibit booth

Two registrations for event

Program Ads

• Full page $500

• Half page $250


Lunch Sponsor $6,500 (1 available)

Recognition during the event

Ten registrations for event

Listed in promotional materials

Company logo on napkins & desert

Networking Sponsor $1,500 (1 available)

Signage in networking room

Company logo on napkins

Two (2) event tickets

Lanyard Sponsor $250* (1 available)

Recognition from podium during the event

*Sponsortoprovidelanyardsorcoverthecost toproduce.

Registration Sponsor $250

Banner hyperlinked to sponsor website on registration page and all registrant confirmation emails. Sponsor signage at check-in day of event.

Individual tickets $125

Questions? Contact Nicole Desmond at 949.244.5946 or

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER to register.

BIA Orange County Chapter

Whiskey Tasting

Dacor Kitchen - June 15, 2023

Thank you to the team at Dacor for hosting our BIAOC Board of Directors meeting and Whiskey Tasting event! Thank you to all of our event sponsors, including Boudreau Pipeline for sponsoring our whiskey glasses and to Bonetree Distillery for providing our whiskey.

| California BUILDER
| California BUILDER 61


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BIASC Legacy Member Spotlights:

Member since 1941

Insurance for your company is non-negotiable.

As an independent insurance broker, we take our responsibility to represent you and your business to the insurance marketplace seriously and make sure to find the best program, both in pricing and protection.

We offer a multitude of insurance products, tailored specifically to meet your needs. Learn more at

Member since 1966

Founded by Sidney Rubin, Sid’s Carpet Barn has been providing quality flooring for Southern California from its original location (“The Red Barn”) at 132 West 8th street in National City, since 1950.

Since our humble beginning as a discount retail carpet store, we have grown into a full service flooring company with four convenient locations (including three retail locations and a stand alone service center, totaling in excess of 70,000 square feet of warehousing and showroom space) in Southern California to serve our loyal customers.

Today after numerous years in the floor covering business we have grown to be among the top 50 largest specialty flooring companies in the United States.

Sid’s Carpet Barn has been providing quality flooring for Southern California since 1950.

In the early years, Sid’s was simply a carpet store. Now we boast vast inventories of hard surface flooring, including sheet vinyl, wood, laminate, stone, tile, counter tops, area rugs and more to allow our customers to shop in one location for virtually any and all flooring products needed to complete their dream living space.

Sid’s Carpet Barn is family owned and operated. With over 250 dedicated employees nobody beats Sid’s Carpet Barn when it comes to price, quality and service.

Learn more at

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER

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| Southern California BUILDER

BIASC Legacy Member Spotlights:

Member since 1965

Building The World’s Best Appliances

For more than 100 years, we’ve electrified and modernized life, bringing convenience and fun to kitchens and homes. In addition to making the most innovative appliances, we’re committed to serving our owners, customers and communities.

Learn more at

Member since 1968

We’re passionately committed to providing customer experiences and value each one of our homeowners like they are a member of our extended family. We strive to understand what’s important to people in a home and have been consistently recognized for it—all by genuinely caring for our customers.

Pioneering the Future Innovative Design

We thoughtfully create every home to fit your lifestyle, whether it’s through our award-winning designs, our

attention to livability, or our innovative floor plan options. We know that people don’t use their living spaces in the same way that they did in the past, so we’re always finding new methods to meet our customers’ current needs. From our unique Shea3D™ offering, where you can customize your own floor plans, to our SheaSolar™ and SheaXero™ eco-friendly features, to our future-forward Shea SPACES homes—we’re innovating our designs to be more usable and adaptable, so that we can build for what’s ahead.

Learn more at

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER


APRIL 5 - JUNE 2, 2023

ACTK Capital Partners LLC

All American Asphalt

Allstate Environmental Solutions, Inc.

Alvizia Corporation

Architerra Design Group

Arcxis, Formerly Ei

Automated Gate Services Inc

Azure Printed Homes

BGB Design Group

BKF Engineers

Brandow & Johnston

Brownstein Hyatt, Farber & Schreck

Cadiz Inc

Caliber Home Loans

CDC Designs, LLC

Champion Window Inc.

Clark & Green

Coan Construction Co., Inc.

Coast Recreation

Complete Builder Service Inc.

Curtis Allan Floor Covering

Custom Quality Finish Carpentry

Customer Service Mortgage Corporation

Dag Wilkinson, Counsellor

Daltile & Stone

Design Masonry, Inc

DSM Masonry, Inc.

Duke Cultural Resources Management, LLC


ECORP Consulting

Engeo Incorporated

FBC Mortgage, LLC

Fire Sprinkler Systems

Focus 360

Fusion Sign and Design

GB Causey & FA Rhodes Jr

GFR Homes

GMU Geotechnical Inc

Haus of Design

HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc.

Heritage Plastering Inc.

Housing Authority County of San Bernardino


Integral Communities

Irvine Campus Housing Authority

J C Dyer Company Inc

JBS Plastering, Inc.

JC Concrete, Inc.

Jensen Design & Survey, Inc

JHA Environmental, Inc.

KPS Alarms, Inc./KPS Fire Sprinklers, Inc.

Land Advisors - California

Leonard Roofing Inc.

Marc Homes, LLC

Marin Concrete Construction, Inc

Merlone Geier Partners

Montage Development, Inc.

Motivational Systems Inc

Noritz America Corp

Oakridge Landscape Inc

OrePac Building Products

Plumbing Concepts, Inc.

Powerstone Property Management

Primera Interiors

Professional Staffing Ventures



Rebuild SoCal Partnership

Related California Residential

Residential Warranty Company, LLC

Rincon Strategies

RMO Agency, LLC

Roy E Whitehead Inc

Ryan Young Interiors

Smart Systems Technologies Inc

Southern California Group

Southwest Plastering Inc.

Spring Meadows Homes LLC

Starpointe Ventures

Suncoast Post-Tension, Ltd.

Suttles Plumbing & Mechanical Corp.

Tejon Ranch Company

The Management Trust

Thomas James Homes

TWR Enterprises, Inc.

US Bank Home Mortgage - Irvine

Utility Specialists Southwest

Vintage Design

W Contracting Corporation

W.E. O'Neil Construction Co. of California

Walden & Associates

Whirlpool Corporation

Wolff Horticulture, Inc.


L e a r n M o r e a t b i a s c . o r g / m e m b e r s h i p J O I N O U R G R O W I N G N U M B E R O F I N D U S T R Y P A R T N E R S .

Check Out List of Events for 2023

E v e n t s

July 1 2

BIA Coachella Valley Mixer at Acrisure Arena

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Acrisure Arena

July 1 4

BIA Riverside Chapter Government Affairs Luncheon

Friday, July 14, 2023

Eagle Glen Golf Club

July 1 8

BIA Orange County Annual Baseball Night

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Angels Stadium of Anaheim

July 2 0

BIAOC NextGen & BIASC Council on SAGE Happy Hour

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Hangar 24 in irvine

July 2 1

BIA San Bernardino County Chapter Advanced Mechanics Lien Webinar

Friday, July 21, 2023

Online Seminar

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
T o r e g i s t e r & f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : F o r e v e n t a n d s p o n s o r s h i p i n q u i r i e s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t l b a r b e r @ b i a s c . o r g b i a s c . o r g / e v e n t s
T R A F F I C & S A L E S D O W N ? I N Q U I R E T O D A Y U P B I A S I G N S . C O M L E T B I A S I G N S P O I N T B U Y E R S I N Y O U R D I R E C T I O N . F o r i n q u i r i e s , p l e a s e c a l l 9 5 1 - 7 5 6 - 5 8 1 3 o r e m a i l s i g n s @ b i a s c . o r g S I G N S A R E 68

Check Out List of Events for 2023

E v e n t s

July 2 6

August 9

August 1 1


JOINT BBQ Networking Event

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

To Be Announced

BIASC Greater Sales & Marketing Council Summer Social

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Doheny Beach, Picnic Area A

Southern California Water Conference

Friday, August 11, 2023

DoubleTree in Ontario

BIA Riverside County Chapter

Annual Wine Event

August 1 7


2 3

Thursday, August 17, 2023 Wilson Creek Winery

Members Only!

BIA Orange County Chapter Crafts & Cars

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

SDK Ateier

August 3 0

BIA Los Angeles / Ventura Baseball Night - Dodgers vs. D-Backs

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Dodgers Stadium

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
b i a s c . o r g / e v e n t s T o r e g i s t e r & f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : F o r e v e n t a n d s p o n s o r s h i p i n q u i r i e s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t l b a r b e r @ b i a s c . o r g

Did You Know Your Employees

Receive exclusive discounts at Verizon, Staples, Expedia, and more through our savings program with National Purchasing Partner

Receive exclusive discounts at Verizon, Staples, Expedia, and more through our savings program with National Purchasing Partner

Grow their network by attending members only networking events including Meet the Builder

Grow their network by attending members only networking events including Meet the Builder

Grow their network by attending members only networking events including Meet the Builder

Access the BIASC Membership Directory containing all 900 member companies and 4,800+ contacts

Access the BIASC Membership Directory containing all 900 member companies and 4,800+ contacts

Access the BIASC Membership Directory containing all 900 member companies and 4,800+ contacts

Join a specialty council such as GSMC, Council on SAGE, UCC, and more

Join a specialty council such as GSMC, Council on SAGE, UCC, and more

Receive exclusive discounts at Verizon, Staples, Expedia, and more

Join a specialty council such as GSMC, Council on SAGE, UCC, and more

Receive email updates, advocacy alerts, event reminders, and chapter communications from all chapters

Receive email updates, advocacy alerts, event reminders, and chapter communications from all chapters

Grow their network by attending members only networking events including Meet the Builder

Access the BIASC Membership Directory containing all 900 member companies and 4,800+ contacts

Receive email updates, advocacy alerts, event reminders, and chapter communications from all chapters Help us strengthen our collective advocacy efforts, while also adding value and engaging each of your employees by registering them now!

To add employees, please contact: Lisa Meadows:

To add employees, please contact: Lisa Meadows:

Join a specialty council such as GSMC, Council on SAGE, UCC, and more

To add employees, please contact: Lisa Meadows:

Receive email updates, advocacy alerts, event reminders, and chapter

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
Help us strengthen our collective advocacy efforts, while also adding value and engaging each of your employees by registering them now!
Activate Your Employees Now & They Can:
Did You Know Your
through our
program with National
Purchasing Partner
Activate Your Employees Now & They Can:
Help us strengthen our collective advocacy efforts, while also adding value and engaging each of your employees by registering them now!
MEMBERS Too? Activate Your Employees Now & They Can:

September 8

BIA Orange County Chapter Softball Tournament

Friday, September 8, 2023

Irvine Great Park

BIASC Council on SAGE Breakfast

September 2 1

September 2 8

Thursday, September 21, 2023

To Be Announced

BIA Orange County Chapter BITA Fundraiser Wine Event

Thursday, September 28, 2023

To Be Announced

September 3 0 SoCal MAME Awards & SAGE Awards

Saturday, September 30, 2023 Westin Anaheim

BIA Coachella Valley Golf Event

October 1 8

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Indian Wells Golf Resort

Friday, October 20, 2023

Online Seminar

October BIA San Bernardino County Chapter Mechanics Lien Webinar 2 0

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER T o r e g i s t e r & f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : E v e
b i a s c . o r g / e v e n t s F o r e v e n t a n d s p o n s o r s h i p i n q u i r i e s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t l b a r b e r @ b i a s c . o r g
n t s

Building a Sustainable Future with Leadership, Advocacy and Resolve

Introducing the Builders for Better Communities Foundation (BBCF), a new charitable nonprofit that will serve to promote diversity, equity, and inclusiveness on behalf of the Building Industry Association of Southern California within the Southern California region.

Designated as a 501(c)(3), the Builders for Better Communities Foundation is a new charitable nonprofit that will serve to promote diversity, equity, and inclusiveness on behalf of the Building Industry Association of Southern California within the Southern California region.

Supporting AFFORDABLE HOUSING opportunities for U.S. Veterans and their families is a cornerstone of Builders for Better Communities Foundation (BBCF).

California’s housing crisis continues to have a significant impact on the most vulnerable, including our veterans. BBCF will advocate to improve the HOUSING AVAILABILITY and AFFORDABILITY for those veterans. Learn more at

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
Donate Today:


2 5


2 6

BIASC & BIASD Anniversary Celebration on USS Midway

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

USS Midway

BIASC & BIA San Diego 2023 Building Industry Show

October 26, 2023

Marriott Marquis San Diego

November 6 BIA Los Angeles/Ventura Chapter Trap Shoot

November 1 0

November 6, 2023

Oak Tree Gun Club

BIASC Centennial Regional Installation Gala

November 10, 2023

San Juan Capistrano

November 1 5

BIASC Greater Sales & Marketing Council Women's Leadership Breakfast

November 15, 2023

To Be Announced

November 1 7

BIA San Bernardino County Chapter Advanced Mechanics Lien Webinar

November 17, 2023

Online Seminar

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER E v e n
s b i a s c . o r g / e v e n t s T o r e g i s t e r & f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : F o r e v e n t a n d s p o n s o r s h i p i n q u i r i e s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t l b a r b e r @ b i a s c . o r g
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER THIS SUMMER’S COOLEST MIXER AT ACRISURE ARENA The Desert’s New, State-of-the-Art Arena BIASC COACHELLA VALLEY WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2023 5:30-7:30 PM SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE MIX-N-MINGLE WITH FELLOW INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS, BUILDER TEAMS AND TRADES Hors d’oeuvres and cashless bar Space is Limited BIASC members - $75 Non-members - $95 Acrisure Arena – Milagro Tequila Bar 75702 Varner Road in Palm Desert TO SPONSOR & REGISTER VISIT: BIACOACHELLA.ORG OR BIASC.ORG/EVENTS Contact Laura Barber: - (949) 777-3861 74



• 8 complimentary tickets to event

• Featured exhibit area at event

• 5-minute presentation at event

• Recognition by BIASC leaders at event

• Prominent logo placement on event page and marketing materials sent to approximately 2,300 BIASC members and prospects


• 4 complimentary tickets to event

• Promotional materials displayed at event

• Recognition by BIASC leaders at event

• Logo placement on event page and marketing materials sent to approximately 2,300 BIASC members and prospects


• Logo placement on event page and marketing materials sent to approximately 2,300 BIASC members and prospects



You will be underwriting all BIASC Coachella Valley Member Events for the year. Our tentative schedule is listed on our website. As an Underwriter, BIA Staff will coordinate each upcoming event to ensure you are reserving your complimentary ticket(s) and utilizing other benefits throughout the year to maximize your return on investment.

• Name: Event email sent to Coachella Valley member companies

• Name: Each event landing page with link to your company website all year

• Logo: PowerPoint Presentation at each event where feasible

• Social Media: BIASC Coachella Valley promotion of appropriate industry related discussions on chapter's social media pages (at BIASC sole discretion)

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER R O B R E D W I T Z BIASC CONTROLLER * J E N N I F E R H E R N A N D E Z BIASC LEGAL (BILD) * R I C H L A M B R O S BIASC LABOR RELATIONS * C H R I S K H A N BIASC SACRAMENTO GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS * D A G W I L K I N S O N BIASC GENERAL COUNSEL * F E L I P E F U E N T E S BIASC LA ADVOCACY * C H U C K H A H N BIASC DIGITAL ADVOCACY & CAMPAIGNS * M A T T P E T T E R U T O BIASC ADVOCACY & COMMUNICATIONS * M A T T C A T E BIASC WATER POLICY ANALYST * L I S A M E A D O W S D I R E C T O R O F M E M B E R S E R V I C E S M I C H E L L E P E T E R S O N S I G N O P E R A T I O N S M A N A G E R D A I S Y R E Y E S D I R E C T O R O F A C C O U N T I N G I S R O F E X T E R N A L A F F A I R S D R . M A R K G R E Y D I R E C T O R O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L A F F A I R S C L A U D I A M U A C C O U N T A N T A N R E A B O E S S L E R E V E N T S & M A R K E T I N G C O O R D I N A T O R C H R I S T E N C A R T E R E V E N T S & M A R K E T I N G C O O R D I N A T O R K A R I S S A D I S T E F A N O D I R E C T O R O F P U B L I C A F F A I R S M A R C T R O A S T D I R E C T O R O F M E M B E R S H P C O A C H E L L A V A L L E Y J E F F M O N T E J A N O C H I E F E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R B I A S C C R A I G F O S T E R C H I E F O P E R A T I N G O F F I C E R B I A S C L O U M O N V I L L E S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T B I A R I V E R S I D E C H A P T E R C A R L O S R O D R I G U E Z B I A S C C H I E F P O L I C Y O F F I C E R S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T B I A B A L D Y V I E W C H A P T E R J O R D A N B R A N D M A N A D A M W O O D L A U R A B A R B E R V I C E P R E S I D E N T E V E N T S / H R B I A S C D E ' A N D R E V A L E N C I A B R I A N N E S T A N D E D I R E C T O R O F L A B O R R E L A T I O N S B I A S C V I C E P R E S I D E N T B I A O R A N G E C O U N T Y C H A P T E R & B I L D C H I E F A D M I N I S T R A T O R M E E T T H E B I A S C E X E C U T I V E T E A M B I A o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a M E E T Y O U R T E A M M E E T T H E B I A S C T E A M B I A S C A D V I S O R S Q U E S T I O N S ? L e a r n m o r e a b o u t B I A S C a t B I A S C . O R G * B I A S C V e n d o r / C o n s u l t a n t S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T B I A L O S A N G E L E S / V E N T U R A C H A P T E R S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T B I A C O A C H E L L A V A L L E Y S U B - C H A P T E R 76
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER BIASC Team Anniversaries BIASC Team Anniversaries This Month: CLAUDIA MU Building Industry Association of Southern California Accountant 5 Years Architecture. Planning. Ideas. DANIELIAN.COM Your Residential housing experts -Define and limit your liabilty. -Attract more buyers with peace-of-mind protection. -Exclusive Customized State Warranties. -Efficient claims handling process, including free mediation. YOUR HASSLE-FREE SOLUTION TO RISK MANAGEMENT Written Insured Warranties for New Home Construction Lydia Toscano 800.247.1812 Ext. 2651 Contact me for a quote. 77

BIASC Council on SAGE Breakfast

Health is the New Why…Insights & Design Trends that Impact our Future

June 15, 2023

Thank you to our guest speakers Teri Slavik-Tsuyuki (tst ink llc), Randall Lewis (The Lewis Group of Companies), and Gina Nixon (Thomas James Homes) for sharing informative information on these important topics shaping the future of senior housing.


Diaper Drive Happy Hour

May 31, 2023

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Diaper Drive Happy Hour! We were able to collect 40 boxes of diapers which is about 2,000 diapers. All these donations will benefit HomeAid Orange County.

A huge shoutout to our sponsors: Petra Geosciences, Danielian Associates, Outdoor Dimensions, Impact Sign and Graphics, and Prosource Wholesale!

| California

S e a r c h n o w !


2 C L I C K S

B u y e r s f i n d t h e i r d r e a m h o m e i n S o u t h e r n



C r e a t e d b y a t r u s t e d n o n - p r o f i t a d v o c a t e a n d r e s o u r c e f o r o v e r 9 0 y e a r s w i t h i n t h e h o m e b u i l d i n g i n d u s t r y ,



O u r p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h t h e b u i l d e r s a n d d e v e l o p e r s t h e m s e l v e s g u a r a n t e e n o t h i r d p a r t i e s

| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER b y T O L L B R O T H E R S
I N 2 C
h o w c a s e . b i a s c . o r g s h o w c a s e . b i a s c . o r g NEW HOMES SHOWCASE
C a l i f o r n i a i n 2 c l i c k s F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e c o n t a c t l i s t i n g s u p p o r t @ b i a s c . o r g o r c a l l 9 4 9 - 7 7 7 - 3 8 4 8 82

Event Chairs

Presented by the Greater Sales & Marketing Council and BIA of Southern California. Encompassing all facets of professional achievement, sales, marketing, merchandising and design.This competition provides for entry opportunities in product design, model complex landscaping, interior merchandising, sales office design, logo design, graphics, brochures, signage, advertisements, overall advertising campaigns, special promotions, internet marketing and professional achievement. SATURDAY – SEPTEMBER 30, 2023 THE WESTIN RESORT OF ANAHEIM ENTER TODAY! THESOCALMAMEAWARDS.COM
Brought to you by Save the Date Designed By Andrea Villanueva Account Director, Get Community Inc.
Homes 83
Ryane Buttigieg
Manager, Trumark
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER innovative design ideas that defy gravity eggersmann since 1908 eggersmann Kitchens | Home Living 23811 Aliso Creek Rd #162 | Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677 | 949.281.1299 84
| June 2023 Southern California BUILDER Please contact BIASC Public Affairs Manager Karissa Willette at for availability and pricing. BUILD YOUR BUSINESS NETWORK BY ADVERTISING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUILDER December 2020 Southern California BUILDER The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of Southern California • Certainty in Uncertain Times – A Message from BIASC President Tom Grable • Hindsight is 2020: Q&A with BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano • Connecting with Your Elected Officials: Letters from Your County Supervisors • Local & State Government Affairs News • Chapters and Councils Updates With Our 1000+ Biasc Members Through Our Digital BIA Magazine. • ADVERTISE • CONNECT • GROW YOUR BUSINESS Please contact BIASC Public Affairs Manager Karissa Willette at for availability and pricing. BUILD YOUR BUSINESS NETWORK BY ADVERTISING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUILDER December 2020 Southern California BUILDER The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of Southern California • Certainty in Uncertain Times – A Message from BIASC President Tom Grable • Hindsight is 2020: Q&A with BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano • Connecting with Your Elected Officials: Letters from Your County Supervisors • Local & State Government Affairs News • Chapters and Councils Updates With Our 1000+ Biasc Members Through Our Digital BIA Magazine. • ADVERTISE • CONNECT • GROW YOUR BUSINESS Please contact BIASC Public Affairs Manager Karissa Willette at for availability and pricing. BUILD YOUR BUSINESS NETWORK BY ADVERTISING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUILDER December 2020 Southern California BUILDER The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of Southern California • Certainty in Uncertain Times – A Message from BIASC President Tom Grable • Hindsight is 2020: Q&A with BIASC CEO Jeff Montejano Connecting with Your Elected Officials: Letters from Your County Supervisors • Local & State Government Affairs News • Chapters and Councils Updates With Our 1000+ Biasc Members Through Our Digital BIA Magazine. • ADVERTISE • CONNECT • GROW YOUR BUSINESS Reserve Your Spot IN THE APRIL EDITION! August 2023 Over 45,000 Viewership • Exclusive: 2023 Building Industry Show • Exclusive: 2023 BIASC Regional Gala • Industry News • Upcoming Events • Members Highlights • And More! Contact BIASC Director of Public Affairs Karissa DiStefano at for availability and pricing. DESIGNED BY Southern California BUILDER The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of Southern California The premier magazine of the Building Industry The Building Industry Show Edition 85
Southern California BUILDER 17192 Murphy Ave., #14445 Irvine, CA 92623 BIASC.ORG | 949.553.9500 DESIGNED BY Celebrating 100 Years

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