POP-ROCK / HIP-HOP / ELECTRÒNICA Courtney Barnett. Tell me how you really feel Beach House. 7 The Beths. Future me hates me Weyes Blood. The innocents Blood Orange. Negro swan Cat Power. Wanderer Brent Cobb. Providence Canyon Gang Gang Dance. Kazuashita Giant Sand. Returns to Valley of Rain Guillamino. Fra Júpiter Odetta Hartman. Old rockhounds never die Justice. Woman worldwide Javiera Mena. Mena Miss Red. K.O. Mitski. Be the cowboy Janelle Monaé. Dirty computer John Parish. Bird dog Dante Prince. Piano & a microphone 1983 Gwenifer Raymond. You never were much of a dancer Sonny & Cher. Mama was a rock and roll singer, papa used to write all her songs Stuart A. Staples. Arrhythmia Alexander Tucker. Don't look away Kurt Vile. Bottle it in VV.AA. Paradise: the sound of Ivor Raymonde White Denim. Performance ÈTNICA Rim Banna; Checkpoint 303, Bugge Wessel. Voice of resistance Baul Meets Saz. Namaz Chancha Via Circuito. Bienaventuranza Stella Chiweshe. Kasahwa: early singles Cesare Dell'Anna, Girodibanda. Guerra Gaye Su Akyol. Istikrarli hayal hakikattir Quarteto em Cy. Quarteto em Cy
Solju. Odda áigodat = New times Lakshminarayana Subramaniam; Ø. Baadsvik. Journey The Turbans. The Turbans VV.AA. Yiddish glory: the lost songs of World War II CATALUNYA / ESPANYA / FLAMENC Pep Gimeno Botifarra, Ahmed Touzani. De banda a banda del Mediterrani Remigi Palmiro, Bon Matí. Humitat relativa JAZZ JD Allen. Love Stone Marisa Anderson. Cloud corner Joey Baron, Robyn Schulkowsky. Now you hear me Roni Ben-Hur, Harvie S. Introspection Binker and Moses. Alive in the East? Brandon Coleman. Resistance Steve Coleman and Five Elements. Live at The Village Vanguard vol I : the embedded sets Tord Gustavsen Trio. The other side Mark Kavuma. Kavuma Marion Rampal. Bye-bye Berlin Kamasi Washington. Heaven and Earth BLUES / SOUL Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup. Mean ol' Frisco Blind Lemon Jefferson. Dry Southern blues: 19251929 recordings Little Junior Parker. Driving Wheel Teddy Pendergrass. Life is a song worth singing CLÀSSICA Johann Sebastian Bach. Six Suites for viola solo BWV 1007-1012 [Kim Kashkashian, viola] Ray Chen. The golden age José Galeote. Poniente Martinů. Double concertos
Josep Martí i Cristià. Somni d'un poeta [Daniel Blanch, piano] Josef Suk. Spring; Summer impressions; Piano pieces; Moods [Jonathan Plowright, piano] Mieczysław Weinberg. Symphony no. 19 "Bright May"; The banners of peace EXPERIMENTAL Mary Lattimore. Hundreds of days Anna Meredith & Antonio Vivaldi; ft Scottish Ensemble. Anno: Four seasons Oriol Perucho. Oriol Perucho BANDES SONORES Carmelo Bernaola. Verano azul Mogwai. Kin John Powell. Solo: a Star Wars story LLIBRES Bagunyà, Borja. Trapologia: cròniques gonzobizarres de la nova música urbana Guesdon, Jean-Michel. Pink Floyd: la historia detrás de sus 179 canciones Hagan, Joe. Sticky fingers: la vida y la época de Jann Wenner y la revista Rolling Stone Núñez, Carlos. La hermandad de los celtas Rodríguez, Oriol. Tocats de l'ala: història oral del rock català Rosenberg, Axl. La historia del heavy metal: una retrospectiva ilustrada Turner, Tina. My love story U-God. En carne viva: mi viaje con el Wu-Tang Clan
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