Els contes en anglès de la Biblioteca Infant Pere Estiu 2013
En Polzet, Tom Thumb
L'Ase Platero, Platero the little donkey
La Ventafocs, Cinderella
La Ventafocs, Cinderella
L'Aneguet lleig, The ugly duckling
La Blancaneu, Snow white
La Bella dorment, Sleeping beauty
Els Tres porquets, The three little pig
La Bella i la bèstia, Beauty and the beast
Let's dance, Guido van Genechten
Let's have a party, Guido van Genechte
The Town musicians of Bremen
The Brave little tailor
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Michelle, the shy frog, Roc铆o Ant贸n
Peter Pan
Pluto at the vet's, Pluto va al veterinario
Goofy in space, Goofy en el espacio
Robin's adventure, La aventura de Robin
Belle and the spell, Bella y el hechizo
Airport adventure, Aventura en el aeropuerto
Ariel and the prince, Ariel y el prĂncipe
Magic beans, Las habichuelas mĂĄgicas
Mickey's holiday, Las vacaciones de Mickey
Donald's art lesson, La clase de arte de Donald
Lady runs away, Reina se escapa
Puppies in trouble, Cachorros en apuros
Thomas to the rescue, Tomás al rescate
La Llegenda de Sant Jordi, St George's legend
Kika superwitch & Dani, and, The birthday party
Here we go round the mulberry busch
En Pere sense por, Fearless John
El Molinet màgic, The magic mill
L'Aneguet lleig, The ugly duckling
La Història de Tabalet, The story of little Benny
La Ventafocs, Cinderella
El Millor pretendent del món, The best suitor in the world
Tom Thumb, En Polzet
Alí Babà, L'Alí babà i els quaranta lladres
The Brave little tailor, El sastre valent
Fearless John, En Joan sense por
The Milkmaid, La Lletera
The Little mouse, La rateta presumida
The Wolf and the seven kids, Les set cabretes
Snow white, La Blancaneu i els set nans
The Little mermaid, La sireneta
The Tin soldier, El soldadet de plom
What a terrible Present!
Who’s the classiest cat?
Who needs a Boyfriend?
What’s for Breakfast?
Students in Space
Where Is It?
City Girl, Country Boy
In the Ocean
Wonderful Wild Animals
The Three Little Pigs
Pat’s Picture
The horse / El cavall
The Ugly Duckling
Attack of the bandit cats
The Mysterious cheese thief