Sower - Autumn 2014

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The Bible at work

Churches in China cry out for 1.5 million more Bibles PNG: Bible turns life around in prisons SCHOOLS: Kids get stuck into God’s story



Dear friends, Research published in our recent book, The Bible According to Gen Z, indicates that children understand the Bible better once they have a sense of its ‘big picture’. In other words, if you tell people ‘God’s story’—the unfolding drama of how God shaped the world from creation to new creation— they will be better Bible readers from that point on. Human beings seem to have a strong need to understand what story we’re participating in. When we see ourselves as children of God, here for a purpose beyond ourselves, and card-carrying members of a community with a future, it transforms our lives. How exciting to be part of bringing God’s story to the needy world! In this Sower, you’ll have an opportunity to support our work in prisons in Papua New Guinea, translation progress in the South Pacific, and Bible-based literacy classes in rural China. These are extraordinary projects that will change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Please continue to pray with us that the


world will know God’s story and be committed to his living word. I am reminded daily of the love Bible Society supporters have for this work, as I meet people around the country. Thank you for your faithful and passionate involvement in Bible mission!

Dr Greg Clarke CEO Bible Society Australia

30 years on the bike This year, Bible Society’s Bike For Bibles celebrates thirty years on the road, but there’s a very human face to this longevity. Thousands have faithfully supported Bike For Bibles (BFB) over the years, coming back time and again for the “fun, fellowship, fitness” and opportunity to share the gospel worldwide. For Bob Forrest, the association goes back exactly thirty years, as Bob was part of the first group to cycle and fundraise for Bible Society. The group rode from Sydney to Melbourne, as will the team on the 30th Anniversary Ride this April. Bob’s son Dave and a friend invited him along on their bike trip, and he gamely agreed. “I hadn’t ridden a bike seriously since the age of 16! But I agreed to do it because I’d heard on the radio some weeks before about a Mary Dewberry who had walked the same distance to raise funds for Bibles. That inspired me; if she could walk, I could ride! “Tom Tresedor, a former Director of Bible Society laughed when I told him, but suggested that if I was going to do it, why not raise $2000 in the process for a Bible Society project to help Indonesian children. “We did raise the money, and doing the ride was a wonderful

experience. I had no intention of continuing, but then I was prompted by the Lord, and he prompted others. A few of my mates asked me to repeat the ride, and in 1996 we did, raising $10,000. And from there it’s just snowballed. Who’d believe that more than $13 million has been raised since! “I’m just part of the team, however—a cog in the wheel. There’ve been many others, and it’s God who’s blessed the ministry.” In April, many long time Bible Society and BFB supporters will be part of the 30th Anniversary Ride. Like Geoff Deutscher, who in 1978 at age seventeen, rode 400km solo to fundraise “because the Bible Society was important to us as a family.” Geoff Phipps, who’s helped as support crew for more than 20 rides, will also be there. Current BFB Ride Coordinator Jim Blaxland will lead the group, and Bob Forrest himself will ride the final leg with the team. While many eyes will be on this BFB pioneer, for Bob, it will be an opportunity for him and the other “cogs in the wheel” to celebrate a cause that God has blessed greatly for the past thirty years. For details about the 30th Anniversary Ride visit

Bike for Bibles pioneer Bob Forrest will be in the final leg of the 30th Anniversary Ride in April, so get behind him as he fundraises! You’ll find details at supportbob or call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) and say “I’m getting behind Bob!” 3

Someone is still counting on you for a Bible 61 million Bibles is not enough. That’s how many Bibles have been openly distributed in China since the Cultural Revolution. But there’s still a huge unmet need. Each year the local churches ask for 1.5 million extra Bibles, on top of what is printed. These are Bibles made affordable because Bible Societies subsidise the paper cost. Affordable Bibles are a vital part of the 3-4 million Bibles printed in China. In fact, the 2.5 million affordable Bibles form more than half of the Scriptures distributed in China. But there’s still a massive need, like the Guo family of eight which shares two Bibles, or Ding Jujin whose old Bible was starting to fall apart. That’s why we’ve set our targets high for 2014: * Paper for 2.5 million Bibles * 50,000 free Bibles for the rural poor * Literacy lessons for 55,000 in rural areas


Suzanne (right) says Amity-printed Bibles make the Scriptures much more affordable for China’s Christians Suzanne, an Australian Bible Society supporter studying in China, has seen how your giving has been such a blessing. “Ordinary Chinese Bibles are a fraction of the cost, because Australian Christians buy the paper on which they’re printed. Thank God for those who take boxes of these precious books and pass them on to people like old Mrs Zhang, and who teach them how to read too! Stories abound of people who cannot even read road signs who are now devouring God’s word.” Amity Printing Company in Nanjing has been amazing, printing more than a hundred million Bibles for worldwide use since 1987. But even after 61 million Bibles for China alone, demand still outstrips supply. United Bible Societies China Partnership is struggling to keep up, and is asking for your support to finance paper stock for 2.5 million Bibles. These are the affordable-version Bibles, priced to help those who long for their own copy of God’s written word but cannot otherwise afford it.

Those working tirelessly to distribute Bibles in China need your help to finance Bible printing. In rural areas, where it can cost a day’s wages to buy a Bible, ten church members are known to share one book. By donating towards paper costs, you’ll be part of getting the Scriptures into many waiting hands. 50,000 standard-sized Bibles will also be produced and distributed free to those totally unable to afford one. In many parts of China, religious programmes for children and youth are restricted, and churches need to be creative. One pathway is comics. Young Chinese under 25 are avid consumers of comic books, and so Bible Society will distribute 1,500 free Scripture materials in comic book format, as well as pictorial Bibles, and bilingual Bibles to help them learn English. In addition, there are plans for 165 Sunday School classes and Scripture materials to equip each class, plus teacher training. More than 14,000 of China’s young are expected to benefit from this programme.


Bible Society Australia and sister Bible Societies support the literacy programme in rural China, where 80 per cent of Chinese Christians live. Through your support, more than 40,000 people in four Chinese provinces have learned to read and write – a phenomenal response, exceeding the expected number of participants. Wen De Xie (left) had been a Christian for 17 years when he started attending the literacy class. “I could only read one or two words when I began. I’d never been able to read much of my Bible, but now I’m learning a lot. We are getting to know our Bibles very well, as well as learning to read!” S.K. of Chongqing testifies that through the literacy classes (as featured, right), they’ve come to know “the importance of loving family and neighbour, the difference between Christianity and false religions. We now understand how Jesus sacrificed himself for us... and is our Saviour!”

Thank you for all your past support of the work in China, and we ask that the Lord will bless and enable you to keep up the good work. If you’d like to help Bible Society Australia support Bible printing and distribution as well as literacy work, please complete and submit the Donation Form on the back page, call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit to donate. Donations towards literacy work are tax-deductible.


Fundraise to Get The Word Out to China! Get The Word Out (GTWO) is Bible Society’s “fundraising as a group” activity, and our annual push to send Bibles to one country. This year our focus is on China! Why not fundraise with your church or community group by making and selling paper craft, or hosting a movie night? There are more ideas in the GTWO to China packs we sent out; do ask your group to call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) if they don’t have one, or download the resources at


Sweet hour of prayer

O God, I desire to come into your gracious presence this morning, adoring you as the God of my life and the length of my days. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? You are the fountain of all excellence; your loving-kindness is better than life. I approach you in the name of him whom you hear always, and in whom you are ever well-pleased. Come forth, O great high priest, in this the hour of morning sacrifice, and breathe upon me your own benediction, “Peace be unto you!” Fill me with all joy and peace in believing. O Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant me your peace! I rejoice in the dignity of your nature, the fullness of your grace, the tenderness of your sympathy, the prevalence of your pleadings. I go forth this day into a world of trouble and trial and

conflict. In no armour or panoply of my own am I proof against the enemy—but I take refuge in the elevating assurance that I can do all things, and suffer all things, and overcome all things, through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) Meanwhile, give me calm contentment with my lot. May all its blessings be sweetened, by having them in you, and you in them. Keep me from all that would foster a spirit of unbelief and rebellion and murmuring. Give me a childlike docility, tenderness of conscience, simplicity of trust, holiness of heart, obedience and consistency of life. May I be enabled to make a more entire and unreserved surrender of myself, my will, my affections, my talents, energies and time to you. Let me know that the promise is sure and unfailing, “My God shall supply all your needs out of his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” May your fear deliver me from the

sinful fear of man—may your love enable me to rise superior to the caprice and fitfulness of human friendships—may the hope of being with you forever, reconcile me to the vicissitudes and trials of a changing, chequered, transient world. Direct, control, suggest this day, all my designs, my deeds, my words. Let me carry the fragrance of the mercy-seat out into the world. May a sense of your presence prove a preservative against temptation. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins, and let them not have dominion over me. And all I ask is for the redeemer’s sake. Amen. This excerpt of a prayer by John MacDuff is used with permission from From 5 March - 13 April many churches are observing “40 Days of Prayer and Fasting”. See for details.

BSA Update

New affordable NIVs Need a new Bible, or know someone who does? Bible Society has published a new range of NIV Bibles using good quality paper— but we’ve priced them as low as possible in Australia! Please visit or call 1300 139 179 for details or to order.

What you helped us achieve overseas in 2013 Thank you for the more than $1.8 million in funding you helped us send overseas last year, bringing change through the Scriptures (as you did for Nepalese communities, above). With your partnership, we aim to repeat— or increase!—the amount we’re sending abroad this year.

Three ways for churches to engage with youth • Only one in a hundred youth will pick up the Bible out of curiosity or interest, so how do you motivate the other ninety-nine? The Bible According to Gen Z is a research-based book for youth leaders and chaplains, with great ideas on how to get youth into the Bible. To order copies please call 1300 139 179 or visit

Change on the Board Long term Board member, Bert Guy (left) retired end last year. We’re grateful for all his wisdom and care over the years. We welcome Sue Stott to the Bible Society Board. She brings to the table her background in the not-for-profit sector and her long involvement with Bible Society.


• Suicide rates in Australia are four times higher among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The book Lord We Belong To You (in Kriol or English) offers help for Indigenous youth trying to cope with depression or grief. Call Bible Society’s Adelaide office for details: 08 8292 4888 • Children of primary school age should check out this “really wild” online resource of videos, activities, animations and more which dynamically present the gospel story:

BSA Diary – AUTUMN 2014 DATE



March 7

World Day of Prayer

March 8-22

Get The Word Out to China launch events

March 8-9

Castlemaine, VIC

March 16

Bikes for Bibles (BFB) Victorian Goldfields Ride Hymnfest

April 5-6

BFB Round the Bay in 2 days

Port Phillip, VIC

April 7

Life of Jesus Cinema event

Hoyts Warringah, Brookvale NSW

April 5-12

BFB 30th Anniversary Ride Sydney to Melbourne Albury-Wodonga Annual Prayer Breakfast: Speaker Margaret Court BFB Hunter Classic

Sign up or support riders at Commercial Club Albury NSW

Calling 2014 Advocates

April 9

We’d set them a challenge, and by year’s end all our 2013 GodSpeak Advocates had successfully raised funds for our projects, and then headed overseas. Keely Wu visited literacy projects across remote areas of Peru, and Ellen Condie visited Kilgali, Rwanda. Both witnessed the power of God’s word transforming lives in communities that are very different from their own. Tim Mitchell got back from China in November, and was amazed to see the huge need for Bibles in such a populated country. He was also greatly encouraged by the phenomenal church growth. GodSpeak Coordinator Sarah Brittain who visited Mozambique last July is now recruiting new Godspeak Advocates for 2014. If you have someone in mind, please have them email sarah.brittain@ by 31 March.

May 24

Details at: 8 March: Launceston TAS 15 March: Wanniassa, Canberra 22 March: Hobart TAS

Mt Gambier Uniting, SA

Hunter Valley, NSW

Join us in these events we’ve organised or are involved in. For details please call Bible Society on 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit

Pray for Bible Societies everywhere Come join us for United Bible Societies’ Day of Prayer: 10am 8 May at Bible Society: 770 South Rd Glandore, SA 116a St Johns St Launceston, TAS 2-6 Albert St Blackburn, VIC 10am 9 May (Sydney) Terrington Uniting, Ingleburn 5 Byfield St Macquarie Park

Please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) for materials if you’d like to organise your own event. photo credit Dag Smemo


100 Bible Translations Australia joins the global push to

How would you like to make a dream come true? For Maumi-speakers of Fiji, you hold the key to them reading a New Testament in their language for the first time. This translation project is one of a hundred that United Bible Societies have targeted for completion by 2015—if funds are available. Since the project started in 2013, six Bibles have been published, seven are in printing, 40 are in pre-production and 47 are still being translated. Bible Society Australia has taken up the challenge to help complete and publish five of those 100 translations —the Maumi NT included. Will you join us and help speed up the delivery of these Scriptures? Scriptures for the South Pacific While Bible Society in the South Pacific (BSSP) looks after many islands in the region, the focus for this year is to complete the Tuvalu Revised Bible, the Kiribati OT and Fiji’s Maumi NT. Help is also needed to translate and produce Bible comic story books for several nations like Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa and Tuvalu. For some of these languages, the comic books may be the only written Scripture they’ve ever had, but are a start to them reading the Scriptures in their mother tongue. background photo Maurice Harvey

Baoule Bible The Bible Society of Côte d’Ivoire (in West Africa) is working to revise the Bible in Baoulé, spoken by 3.2 million people belonging to the largest ethnic group. With various churches working together on the project,








this translation which includes deuterocanonical texts will be used more widely across the nation. Quechua Bible The Bolivian Bible Society is undertaking a revision of the Central Quechua Bible, last done 14 years ago. Quechua is spoken by two million people in central Bolivia, and by more than 12 million people throughout Latin America. Like any other language, Quecha has evolved, and translation work takes into account new and regional usage of words and phrases. “This is the spiritual food of the Quechua church,” says Fanny Cossio Rey of the Bolivian Bible Society. “The Christian Quechua is strongly linked to his Bible; his greatest desire is to have a Bible in his language.”

in 1000 days finish translations.

Only 495 of the world’s 7,295 languages have a full Bible in their heart language. The “100 Bible Translations in 1000 Days” project is aimed at reaching more than 500 million people worldwide with a Bible in their language.



Bible Society’s mission is to deliver God’s word in the language that people understand and can engage with. When something is expressed to you in your mother tongue, you savour its deepest meaning. The late Nelson Mandela said it best: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” To help five language groups acquire the word of God in their mother tongue this year, please donate generously. Complete and submit the Donation Form on the back page, call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit

Fiji’s Maumi community are looking forward to having the complete New Testament in their language this year.

With different Quechua-speaking groups across Bolivia, the revised Quechua Bible takes into account regional usage

Translators working together on the Quechua Bible. photo Tito Lahaye


What you told us...

How regularly do you use this media?

Donor Survey Overview

100 80

Thanks to so many Sower readers for participating in the Bible Society's recent supporter survey! We had a fantastic response, and we now have some very helpful information that will guide our decisions around mission work. The survey results have been very encouraging, with the basic message that you want us to keep doing what we have always done: translating, publishing and distributing the Bible and helping people to engage with it confidently. You gave us a big thumbs-up for how we serve our supporters (we were thrilled!), but you did ask specifically for one thing: more opportunities to volunteer and get involved. That's music to our ears, and we'll be in touch again soon with lots of ways you can do that. I know it can be boring and intrusive to fill out surveys, but this one really has given us tremendous insight into how our supporter community thinks, and what kinds of activities you would like us to be doing. So, again, a big thank you from everyone at Bible Society! In the Lord Greg Clarke

A bit about you What age are you in 2013? 60








Under 18 Gen Z


2% 19-33 Gen Y


Bible Society donor

20 0


32% TV

68+ Builders

Australian ‘church-goer’



Radio Several times a day


Email Internet At least once a day

How you keep up to date with us (Read / access at least occasionally)



54% Eternity Newspaper

Sower magazine Letters in the mail You rely mainly on letters, the Sower and Eternity for news about Bible Society and its activities with a growing interest in our digital presence.



I feel a stong affinity with its cause I support Bible Society because they are interdenominational

49-67 Baby Boomers



I trust Bible Society to use my donation wisely

8% 34-48 Gen X


Attitudes towards Bible Society





A bit about us


50 40



98% 95%

62% 0


Strongly agree





At least slightly agree

We humbly acknowledge the trust you, our supporters, have placed in us.

Bible Society Projects Select just 3 Bible Society projects which you believe are the most important for support and that you are most passionate about. (Top 6 results shown) Events that engage all Australians with the Bible



Remote and Indigenous Bible ministry in Australia


Global Bible translation


Bibles for Australians in need


Global Bible distribution programmes

58% 0


Most important for BSA to support







Financial Support

Prayer Support

79% 79%


Youth and school Bible Programmes in Aus


How likely are you to support Bible Society in the future?


Increase support

78% 80


Most poassionate about personally

Our endeavours, in all areas, are still highly important to you, with a mere 9% difference between the most and least popular project.

At least maintain current level of support

Thankfully, supporters are very likely to increase or maintain their current level of support with Bible Society, both financially (92%) and in prayer (98%). In addition, 9% are likely to increase financial support and 14% to increase prayer support.

Satisfaction with aspects of Bible Society Thanking me appropriately

Satisfaction & Future Support


How satisfied are you with your experience of supporting Bible Society?


Bible Society supporters have a very high satisfaction level. 99% are at least somewhat satisfied. And 86% are very or extremely satsified! Very or extremely satisfied At least somewhat satisfied

Making it clear why continued support is needed Giving me opportunities to support Bible Society through prayer Opportunities to volunteer or advocate for supporting Bible Society







59% 0


Extremely or very satisfied

90% 40




At least somewhat satisfied

You are telling us that we communicate well with you and that we have your committed and prayerful support. But...we need to do more to allow you the choice to volunteer your help.


o t n i k c u t s Getting

ious n, but a relig re d il h c r fo l a s no appe anked Bible the Bible hold nt story. She recently th hools. The k in th y a m e Som lic sc differe Bibles to pub acher tells a ry education te supporters for providing shared the following sto t s u it el. They onymous b Society and to remain an ho’d never heard the gosp rounds. s e h is w r e h c w ckg tea ls in her class ing and different faith ba l, the girls ir g e re th t u e abo eak Bible and gosp on-English sp came from n rms of an overview of the they wanted to make. “After two te nsidering what response . Near the end of the inty n co ally spent a lesso e questions and uncerta ould know who Jesus re m w y so e There were d a short prayer that the each other, then told m … lesson, I praye y two of the girls spoke to me picture in their mind tl sa n e e e th Th y is. Subsequ ad both seen em, holding their hands. ould h y e th d ye that as I pra standing in front of th res. “But I c s see his featu e girl decided ’t su n Je ld u w o c sa y y e e th on t th was so brigh one of them added. This said his face !,” ir a h l ad facia see that he h


s. the class. to follow Jesu her friends asked to join r. All were ke li ld u o w f ste she later, three o e Bible or Ea “Two lessons never heard of Jesus, th sing) the Bibles you had s. (U One of them sh speaking background nts and gave an overview li te g from non-En ed them the table of con m a gospel of Mark; the w o th d e provide, I sh use it. I loane to w o h d n a of the Bible

the old, old story

next day one girl retu rned it, having read it all. Then the others wanted to read it. No w they all have Youth Bibles to read and use as part of their Ch ristian Religious Educ ation.” We thank God for the truth of his promise: “ not return to me empt ...(my word) will y, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose fo r which I sent it.” (Isaia h five years, Bible Socie ty has distributed mor 55:11) In the last e than 250,000 free Scripture materials to students willing to ac cept turn the pages, God’s story continues to com them. As they e alive for them. Bible Society is excited teaching religious educ to partner with you and with those ation in Australian pu blic schools. We’re committed to playing our part in making Go d’s word available, which helps students, both Australian-born and otherwise, understand the Chris tian faith. Our Childre n, Youth and Education (CYE) team mak each year, speaking, sin es presentations at over 300 schools ging, interacting with students and being bold ambassad ors of faith. Are you willing to cont inue helping us make the Bible available in more public school s this year? To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit bibl call 1300 BIBLES (1300, 24 the Donation Form on 2 537) or complete and submit the back page.

Students love their Big

Rescue Bibles and the

stories they learn.


Bible Reading Guide April 1-9 Esther 1:1-22 2:1-23 3:1-15 4:1-17 5:1-8 5:9-6:14 7:1-10 8:1-17 9:1-10:3 April 10-21 John 18:1-11 18:12-27 18:28-40 19:1-16a 19:16b-30 19:31-42 20:1-9 20:10-18 20:19-23 20:24-31 21:1-14 21:15-25 April 22-29 Deuteronomy 26:1-15 30:1-10 30:11-20 31:1-13 31:14-29

31:30-32:14 32:15-22, 36-47 32:48-52, 34:1-12 April 30-May 12 Galatians 1:1-10 1:11-24 2:1-10 2:11-21 3:1-14 3:15-20 3:21-4:7 4:8-20 4:21-31 5:1-15 5:16-26 6:1-10 6:11-18 May 13-24 2 Kings 2:1-18 4:1-7 4:8-37 5:1-14 5:15-27 12:1-21 17:1-23 17:24-41 18:1-16 18:17-37 19:1-19 19:20-37

May 25 Acts 1:1-11 May 26-31 Daniel 1:1-21 2:1-23 2:24-49 3:1-30 5:1-31 6:1-28 June 1-3 Daniel 7:1-14 7:15-28 9:1-19 June 4 Romans 8:22-27 June 5-10 Acts 21:17-26 21:27-36 21:37-22:5 22:6-21 22:22-29 22:30-23:11

June 11-16 2 Kings 20:1-21 21:1-26 22:1-20 23:1-23 24:20b-25:17 25:18-30 June 17-22 2 Peter 1:1-11 1:12-21 2:1-10a

2:10b-22 3:1-7 3:8-18 June 23-30 Psalms 105:1-22 105:23-45 106:1-23 106:24-48 107:1-22 107:23-43 108 109

Sign up for Daily Bible emails at Each day you’ll get a Bible verse, a question and suggested further reading to help with your daily communion.

The readings in this guide are taken from Series 2 of the Scripture Union Bible reading notes, “Daily Bread”. The whole Bible is covered in four years.

New move for flying ministry It’s the same pilot in the same plane, but the Flying Bible Ministries’ David Curtis takes off from a new location now. Early this year, the ministry relocated from Darwin to Cairns, where the Piper 6XT is now based at the

MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) regional headquarters. Flying Bible Ministries (FBM) already works with MAF to deliver resources and Christian ministers to the interior, so the move is a natural next step. “It’s more efficient this way, and the partnership will save us operational costs,” says David as he settles his beloved aircraft in its new home. “I’m also already familiar with the MAF center and staff, as they service our plane each year.”

Flying Bibleman David Curtis takes Scripture to the Top End

MAF Regional Director Stephen Charlesworth says he values the partnership. “We’re excited about the potential for more effective ministry to people in Australia’s remote communities.” With the move, the Resource Centre formerly operated by Bible Society is now at Darwin’s Nungalinya College. “Having this on campus means that students can easily access resources and then take them back to their communities,” says principal Dr Jude Long. FBM covers three million square kilometres, serving more than 370,000 people in remote communities. Air travel is the most efficient form of transport to service the needs of churches, missions and individuals in the outback and Top End. That’s why FBM is not just a mode of transport, but a ministry. If you’d like to support FBM as it takes to the skies throughout 2014, please find out more at

Bible turns life around in “In prison, no family came to visit and I was all alone. Christianity wasn’t real for me, although I had been born into a Christian family. But I started reading from Bible materials that’d been brought into the prison, and it was then that I gave my heart to the Lord.” Rose Patrick is a Prison Literacy Project Officer with the Bible Society in Papua New Guinea. She’s passionate about helping those in jail, having spent time in remand over the death of her husband. “My husband abused me a lot,” she recounts, “and one day he came at

me with a bush knife. In self-defence I struck him with a kitchen knife.” In 2010, Rose was cleared of the charge, but not before two long years had passed. “I started doing little things while in prison, helping others. I felt sorry for the women prisoners who had children with them, and who were illiterate. Many PNG women aren’t sent to school, though I myself did study until grade nine. I was happy to teach others to read in our language, Tok Pisin. I really wanted to help them. They’d cry after writing something, as it was something new they’d learned to do.”

PNG prisoners in literacy class


She’d been teaching her fellow prisoners for six months when Bible Society PNG came to the prison with their Bible-based literacy project. Using a Training the Trainer (TOT) approach, they equipped prisoners who had some literacy skills to teach other prisoners. “As a remandee I shouldn’t have been selected, but the prison wardens saw potential in me. It was very challenging, but it helped a lot, showing me how to prepare lessons and how to plan.” “I taught nine female prisoners how to read, those two years I was in Buimo prison. I felt so happy to be

Writing their first words is the start of change

PNG prisons doing something good. Bible Society staff used to visit us from time to time, and that’s how they got to know me. When the case against me was dropped, they offered me a job. That’s what I do now, arranging TOT for prisons, and helping others get the training they need. “Four of the women I taught are still in prison today, but five have gone back to their rural communities and have started teaching others! They ask me all the time for more help, to teach their communities. “The literacy lessons are in big demand. It’s life-changing.” Rose Patrick (back, left) and those she taught to read in Buimo prison

Milton McMahon of Bible Society PNG says the Biblebased literacy project is a great success story, running five and a half years now. “In big prisons we have our trainers—either a detainee or one of the Corrective Services officers—teach groups of ten prisoners each. Besides reading and writing, they also pass on practical and spiritual “LifeSkills” that they’ve been taught. Hundreds of lives have been turned around. Some inmates have gone on to take Bible College studies while still in prison, wanting to become pastors later.” Another great outcome is how prisoners who finish their term go back to their communities and start classes there. Equipped with renewed confidence, they eagerly teach others how to read and write, how to

generate income and how to take a positive approach to life. Eleven communities are known to have been impacted in this way, and God’s word is helping to change lives across the nation. Bible Society has worked with other Christian partners and the PNG Corrective Services in five of the larger prisons between 2008-2012. We now aim to reach 18 prisons, which is expected to affect the lives of 2,000 prisoners and, through them, 15 communities in PNG. Will you help us give the gift of literacy and a new start to prisoners in Papua New Guinea? Donations are tax-deductible. Please use the Donation Form on the back page, call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit


UBS prayer points March - May 2014 1-8 March New Zealand: Pray for the special edition ICONZ (Boys’ Brigade) CEV Bible, released this week in time for the annual “Sand Warz” ICONZ event. Many Boys’ Brigade units come together to participate in beach challenges, and each boy will be presented with his very own Bible. Laos: Lao Partnership is waiting for the government’s new decree on the Lao Evangelical Church, which affects official recognition of the Bible Society and its activities. Pray that the new decree will bring a positive shift to the situation of the church and Bible Society in Laos. 9-15 March Pakistan: Please pray for the book What Is The Bible recently launched in Urdu. Pray that it will reach many children in Pakistan, and lead them to faith in Christ. Israel: Please pray for the Arab Israeli Bible Society as it prepares the Scriptural Prayer Psalms. Pray for its distribution this month in time for local Mother’s Day celebrations. Ask that God will touch the hearts of Arab Israeli families, encouraging and transforming them as they read this Scripture resource and pray. 16-22 March Armenia: Give thanks for Bible Society Armenia’s success in providing new, revised Scriptures. Ask for God’s blessing on their ministry to children, the visually impaired and those living in remote villages. Pray also for their outreach to soldiers and young people. India: Praise God for the Hadothi Mark Gospel and Nyishi New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs published late last year. Please pray for the Odiya/ English Diglot Bible and Bengali Study Bible, that the work of typesetting will proceed quickly but accurately. Pray also for the translation teams and for those newly-appointed to positions within Bible Society.


23-29 March Philippines: Pray for the on-going relief and recovery process for Typhoon Yolanda survivors in the Visayas region. Praise God for food, water, and other relief assistance that continues to pour in to devastated areas. Pray for more medical and trauma counseling teams to be available, to help those learning to cope. Guatemala: Thank God for the project My Second Chance for youth involved in gangs, and for the change that God’s word brings. Pray that this and the growth of churches will have an impact on reducing levels of violence in the country. Ask that children and youth will live according to the principles of the Bible. 30 March-5 April Cambodia: Politically, the nation is still in crisis. Please pray for peace among the people, and also for the wellbeing of Bible Society Cambodia and its staff. South Sudan: Please pray for the Bible Society in Sudan as it is still very young and learning how best to serve a large country. Give thanks that there’s a thirst for God’s word, with people travelling from far places to buy Scripture in the capital, Juba. Please pray that people will increase in their knowledge of the Scriptures. 6-12 April Brazil: The 2014 Soccer World Cup to be held in Brazil is a huge opportunity for outreach. Please pray for the Fair Play Brazil movement, as it encourages churches and Christians to use this opportunity to evangelise and spread God’s word. Pray also for the Bible Society’s programmes which reach out to students, children, families, the elderly, prison inmates, people in hospital and also to those with disabilities. Vietnam: Please pray for the smooth running of ongoing translation projects, and for the new translation project serving the Muong tribe. Pray for permission to print Bibles for Vietnam’s many ethnic groups and for Bible distribution in the north of the country.

13-19 April Micronesia: Pray as affordable Scriptures are taken to Micronesia’s people. Pray for the translation and revision projects which are a vital part of the work. Botswana: The Bible Society of Botswana has been understaffed for a long while. Please pray that God will send the right people to help carry out the work. Pray that the Bible Society will develop strong relationships with churches and other Christian organisations. 20-26 April Indonesia: Pray that the different churches will be united in promoting Scripture in their respective areas. Pray also for financial provision for the Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (Bible Society in Indonesia) as its carries out plans to engage people with the word of God. Israel: Praise God for funds to distribute the new Hebrew-Russian Bible. Ask God for continued funding, to bless the one million Russian-speakers in Israel. Pray also that many Hebrew-speaking Israelis will read both the NT and OT on the new Hebrew Bible website. 27 April-3 May Myanmar: Give thanks for the distribution of 50,000 copies of the Judson bicentenary edition Bible in Myanmar. Pray that many lives will be touched through these Scriptures. Pray also for democracy, and for peace in the nation between different ethnic groups. Spain: The economic crisis in Spain has dramatically affected donations towards Bible Society work. Yet a faithful God has provided a new office space, to help them as they serve churches and individuals. Please pray for new channels of funding to open up for Bible Society Spain, so that Bible work can continue and grow.

4-10 May Slovenia: Pray for the Bible Society to build strong partnerships with different churches and ministries and that this will lead to greater Bible reading in Slovenia. Colombia: Please pray for the work of translating the Bible into the Nasa Yuwe and Wayúunaiky languages, so that many more will read the Bible in their langauge. 11-17 May Jordan: Please pray for the Bread and Bread project which is helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of Syrian refugees. Pray also for a permit and for funds to build a Bible House serving the people of Jordan. Liberia: Praise God for the successful completion of the Kisi and Kpelle translation projects, and pray for three new translations in the Gola, Mano and Dan languages. 18-24 May United Kingdom: Seven out of ten in England and Wales say they’ve never read the Bible. Please pray that the Bible Society will find new opportunities to turn this around, so that the majority will know the Scriptures. Senegal: Please pray for ongoing Bible translation work, and for outreach programmes targeting Tazi youth. Pray also for political stability in the country and that God will protect Senegal from terrorist attacks. 25-31 May Togo: Please pray for the ministry among children, teenagers, women and the military, as well as for the impact of the Faith Comes By Hearing project in French. Nepal: Please pray for the work among children, the visually-impaired and those who cannot read. Ask the Lord to bless the Nepalis, that they may know him.


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UBS Update

The Bible in Tojolabal Loving the orphaned India has the world’s highest number of orphaned children, estimated at 31 million. The Bible Society of India is working at the coalface, helping these hurting children build a future out of very little at all. It partners with Christian-run orphanages to provide the children with Scriptures, school bags, school supplies—and hope.

Mexico’s Tojolabal community recently celebrated the first translation of Ruth and Esther into their language. People listened reverently as the Scriptures were read out, and were overjoyed to receive copies of the new books. Ladies wore their best traditional attire in honour of the strength and nobility of womanhood, as depicted by Ruth and Esther. The whole NT will be launched later this year, while work continues on the OT.

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.” Daniel 2:21

Books for adults too Papi (above) is 57 years old, but has only just started reading, thanks to children’s Scriptures and staff at Bible Society Laos where she works as a cleaner. They saw her interest in the books and taught her how to read. “I’m so happy that God’s word is revealing itself to me,” says Papi, who’s so glad for children’s books that are a blessing to adults too!

Bible Society Australia would love to have you more involved!

We’re working on new opportunities to help you get more involved in Bible Society—just like you told us in the Supporters’ Survey (pg 12-13). Do keep an eye out for more news! Meanwhile, here’s how to contact us: GPO BOX 9874 In Your Capital City P: 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) ISSN 1839-7425 W: E: ACN 148 058 306 Bible Society Australia is a not-for-profit interdenominational organisation. It’s a member of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 146 organisations working in more than 200 countries. Our mission is to achieve the widest possible, effective and meaningful distribution of the Bible; also, to help people interact with it, and to have their hearts 23 lightened by the Bible’s message of unconditional love in Jesus Christ.

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