1 minute read
Impact Prayer Needs
The project aims to impact a total of 100,000 people.
Thousands of free Bible-based resources were distributed over the Easter period of 2022 and will be again during Easter 2023, including the Who? What? Why? Easter Storybooks, The Really Surprising Story, the New Beginners Bibles and digital resources from Bible Society Australia.
In 2022, the people of the South Pacific were encouraged by engagement with Scripture and exposure to Godly wisdom over the Easter period. In 2022 this encouragement and exposure which will be from Easter into the rest of the year.
The impact of these, along with the ‘He Sees You’ Easter Production — which in 2022 engaged more than 1,500 people with the gospel message — will be ultimately seen in renewed commitment and spiritual revival.
• Please pray for ongoing impact of the Jesus. All About Life Easter Campaign (6th-8th of April 2023).
• Pray that churches in Fiji will be engaged in this campaign and the Bible Month program
• Pray that God would guide and protect South Pacific youths through the issues they are facing.
Pray for the Bible Society team, that they would have strength, wisdom and faithfulness to advocate effectively.