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The Impact of Jesus. All About Life.

Jesus' words of 'life in all its fullness' bear fruit around the world this Easter.

This Easter, the Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) campaign reached further than ever before, as Jesus’ message of ‘life in all its fullness’ was shared in five countries: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Kenya and Rwanda, where the latter two countries were coordinated by African Enterprise (AE).

• In Australia, almost 900 Churches signed up for JAAL and over 54,500 printed resources were distributed.

• In the South Pacific: 8,871 Easter resources were distributed to 24 villages, orphanages, churches and guests at the JAAL production, attended by approximately 3,500.

• In Rwanda, 108,416 people were reached with the gospel message.

• In Rwanda 5,780 people gave their lives to Christ.

• In Rwanda, over 2 million people were reached with the gospel through radio.

• In Rwanda, the campaign reached people through open-air outreach events, Easter services, street evangelism, radio programs, sports evangelism, an Easter drama and university and school outreaches.

“JAAL is still running and active in Rwanda! There is yet a lot to be done,” says an AE staff member, “but we believe that the seed has been planted and will continue to grow. With various groups trained in discipleship, they will continue to follow up on the new Christians so that they can grow in their faith. AE will continue to encourage all partner Churches and institutions to keep working together.”

Learn more about the impact of the JAAL campaign around the world at biblesociety.org.au/blog

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