Sower Magazine, Spring 2013

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The Bible at work

Bible brings hope and a future to Filipinos AUSTRALIA: Push to publish Scriptures LATIN AMERICA: Bible says ‘no’ to domestic abuse



Dear friends, When you put the Bible into people’s hands, things happen. Profound, life-changing things. Nation-changing things. Historychanging things. I’ve heard of murderers who have found forgiveness and a pathway to making amends. I’ve known thieves who have given back to those from whom they stole. I know former atheists who have bowed their knee before the God of the universe. I know about William Wilberforce, applying the justice of Scripture to the scourge of slavery; and Australian Chief of the Defence Force, General David Hurley, urging his soldiers to understand the teachings of Jesus; and of both Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott speaking publicly about how important the biblical worldview is to their own political visions. And I, myself, have been convicted of sin, delighted by grace and satisfied in the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. Since the age of seven, the Bible has shaped my heart and mind, and it is still

Bible mission, but there haven’t been many activities quite as energetic as the Australia Big Ride! Our intrepid Bike For Bibles cyclists have been crossing the continent, starting from Broome, trying to raise $400,000 for our work. I’m so grateful to them, for every cut and callous and kilometre!

changing me on a daily basis. It’s quite a book! Bible Society exists to ensure that this transforming work of both individuals and societies can begin where the word hasn’t yet been heard, can continue where it has, and can be reignited where its influence has cooled. In this Sower, we’re asking for your support for important work in places as far apart as Latin America, the Philippines, the Balkans and the Red Centre of Australia. We try to be as adventurous as possible in raising support for

Dr Greg Clarke, CEO Bible Society Australia

Bible Society Australia is a not-for-profit interdenominational organisation. It is a member of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 146 organisations working in more than 200 countries. Our mission is to achieve the widest possible, effective and meaningful distribution of the Bible; also, to help people interact with it, and to have their hearts lightened by the Bible’s message of unconditional love in Jesus Christ. GPO BOX 9874 In Your Capital City P: 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) ISSN 1839-7425 W: E: ACN 148 058 306


BSA Update

Incredible fundraisers on the home run to Sydney

Top End fellowship They came from all across the Top End—Broome, Kununurra, Nookanbah, Billiluna and Yiyili, to name just a few —to the annual Kimberley Christian Fellowship convention. Max Wright, a respected Indigenous pastor, taught from Ephesians, asking everyone to live “fully committed to Christ.” Many responded to the call. Some community groups performed worship items with a distinct country flavour. David Curtis of the Flying Bible Ministries was on hand, selling Scripture resources as well as giving out Bibles and the ever-popular God’s Story for the Outback.

As Sower goes to print, the Bike For Bibles cyclists and crew are on the final leg of their Australian Big Ride. On September 1 the team will ride into Sydney, dip their bike wheels in the waters off Cronulla beach and rejoice at successfully going from ocean to ocean! Ride Organiser Jim Blaxland (right) and the entire team deserve a huge “hurrah!” Many thanks also to all who’ve donated for Bibles in Australia and for the “Read To Live” programme overseas (pages 12-13). The fundraising continues, so you can still help the team hit their target. See photos and stories at and

Back from Mozambique and into a new role Bible Society Godspeak Advocate Sarah Brittain has returned from a month in Mozambique, where she helped rural communities learn to read using Biblebased materials. “God taught me so much there,” she says. She also helped the local Bible Society with their plans to get more young people involved in the work. Sarah continues to advocate for Mozambique, and is also the new Godspeak Coordinator (part-time) helping to run the whole programme.


The Bible starts a transformation of hearts and minds in the Philippines

A new kind of people


power Bernard De Guzman

Twice in their nation’s history, Filipino “people power” deposed a president and brought about political change. But sInce 2009 a different kind of revolution has been taking place in the Philippines, one that’s been changing hearts and minds. This time round, it’s a move of God’s Word, and it’s welcomed by all—the nation’s leaders included. 880,000 people and homes have reaped from a Bible distribution programme in the country. It’s a joint project of the Bible Societies in Australia and the Philippines, working with the Episcopal Commission for the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). The programme started at a time when two-thirds of the largely Catholic population neither owned a Bible nor engaged regularly with it. Filipino churches united under the nationwide campaign, aiming to distribute five million low-cost Bibles to poor families. Coupled with local discipleship programmes, this spreading of the Word began a gradual but distinct spiritual revolution. “Our shared vision was nothing short of moral and social transformation for the Philippines.” says Nora Lucero, Philippine Bible Society General Secretary. Bernard De Guzman was one of those who made a radical change. Bernard used to gamble, smoke and drink, and went from day to day without any real sense of purpose. “I thought my life was a wasteland

because there wasn’t any direction at all. I was always searching for true happiness, but I realise now that my vices only gave temporary satisfaction. That was before I received my very own Bible, and found purpose in life.” “It was in the Scriptures that I found important values and guiding principles which helped me develop a close walk with God. I now serve as a youth leader in my church, and I’ve witnessed many young lives transformed by a constant reading and living out of the Word.” Womanising, gambling and drinking were part of Jose Morilla’s troubled past, even as a churchgoer. Things changed when he was given a Bible at his local parish. Reading the Bible for himself convicted Jose about his way of life, and he was gradually able to give up his habits by the strength of the Holy Spirit. Peace began to reign in his life. There are many more like Jose and Bernard who are experiencing this life change. “I’m so grateful to those who’ve made Bibles available for people without the means to buy their own,” says a happy Bernard. The Philippines is a country saddled with a large national debt. The World Bank says that corruption in the nation is among the worst in East Asia’s leading economies. Sadly, the poor and the vulnerable pay the price, with nearly one in three Filipinos living below the poverty line. Faced with such poverty, buying a Bible is low on the list of priorities.


That’s why the Bible Society of the Philippines is working hard to make Bibles more affordable, selling them at a highly-subsidised price of 50 Filipino pesos (about AUD$1.30). One million Bibles have also been earmarked to be given free to the nation’s poorest. While close to a million Bibles have already been distributed, it’s far short of the five million that’s been targeted for distribution by the end of 2014. More funding is needed to help reach the goal, and it’s concerned Christians and their giving that will help bridge this gap. Through your generosity, even the poorest Filipino can have a Bible. There’s tremendous need for the Scriptures in the Philippines, and an unprecedented demand for it. In actual numbers, there are more than 50 million people who do not have a Bible at home. They can’t pick up a Bible and read it. Bible Society has learned that in some parts of the country, people are even copying Bible portions by hand so they can have something of the Scriptures to have and to hold. The Philippines is “white for harvest”. Never before has there been such an amazing opportunity for Bible distribution in the country. We need to work when the doors for God’s Word are wide open. We invite you to help bring the Word of God into every Filipino home. Your donation for Bibles will change not only individuals and families, but can help change a nation too.


Bible is now a family affair and brings peace The Garcia family was once fragmented. Carolina had a bad temper, while husband Jose was preoccupied with making ends meet. When Jose suffered a stroke it traumatised the family. In the midst of it all, Carolina received a Bible through the Bible distribution programme. She soon saw things within herself that needed change. She shared the word with Jose, who saw how worry had led him to ill-health. Dwelling on the word brought about change in the Garcia family. Daughter Jennifer says gratefully, “God has brought peace to our family.”

Support in high places for nationwide change Proverbs 14:34 says that “Righteousness exalts a nation.” The Philippine Bible Society says the Bible has had an influence at government level too. President Benigno Aquino III is said to have personally set up a programme to weed out corruption at all levels. The Education Minister, Armin Luistro, has stressed the importance of the Bible in the nation’s education system, saying, “We need a real revolution; the most powerful weapon that can change the country is one that can change hearts. The Bible can change the Philippines!” To donate please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537), submit the Sower’s Donation Form on the back page, or visit


Let the Bible shape our vote

Climate change

Unemployment & Welfare Disability care

Recently I was speaking at a church gathering on how the Bible sheds light on issues facing us as the Federal Elections approach. A young man later approached me, and said he’d never thought of the Bible being relevant to that sort of thing. He’d always thought of the Bible as being OK for personal problems, for church issues, and even for helping families get on better together; but to apply that same Bible to everyday issues, especially in the field of politics, was just too far off-centre for him. We talked about it for a while but I don’t think that he was any more convinced when he walked away. When talking about the value of the Bible we frequently quote 2 Timothy 3:16-17. We read that the Bible is valuable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training

Refugees & Asylum seekers

to do what is right. The outcome is that we’re thoroughly equipped for every good work. Bible readers like the young man earlier seem to apply these verses only to matters of personal growth and church life. This relegates ‘every good work’ to a very limited sphere. My passion is to help people see how valuable the Bible is to everyday life, including election issues and political processes. I believe that ‘every good work’ refers to all of life and that God wants us to be wise and thoroughly equipped for all the business of that life. As we move toward the Federal Election we need to be reading the Bible to seek wisdom on the issues filling our media spaces. Our starting point is in the Bible. It is good to take these issues and ask “What does the Bible say about that?”

Of course, even with a common starting point we will still differ in the conclusions we come to and the applications we decide to make; but, we will also have our perspectives broadened and deepened, and we could even be changed in the process. The most exciting thing is that we will be reminded again of the value of the Bible to give us wisdom for everyday issues. It will raise our confidence that this Book really does add value to life in the fast lane of our 21st Century.

Dr David Wilson is Director of Bible Society’s advocacy arm, Sophia Think Tank. For more on Biblical guidance as we vote, do see his Daily Bible readings at Read Eternity’s guide on election issues at


Slow, steadfast push

Translating the Word into more Australian heart languages Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) encourages us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” For Bible Society Australia, ‘the race marked out’ includes the vital task of publishing Bibles in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. We long to quickly put completed Bibles into waiting hands, but the task of ensuring accuracy means the proper time must be taken. Currently we need prayer and financial support to complete and publish three significant translation projects. These are in the languages of Eastern Arrernte, Kunwinjku and the creole trade language of the Torres Strait.

Donald Cox , Kimberley Christian Fellowship chairman, is grateful that Bible Society supporters are helping to supply Scriptures to remote Indigenous communities.


to publish Bibles

The Torres Strait trade language is an English-based creole spoken by over 30,000 people. They live on several Torres Strait Islands, in South Western Coastal Papua and a number of places in Cape York, and in Islander communities within the cities and towns of North Queensland. The translation team, coordinated by AuSIL translators Michael and Charlotte Corden recently completed the NT and selections from the OT, and the translation consultants have completed their checks. The work’s been approved for publication by Bible Society in early 2014. Your help is needed to print the targeted 3,000 volumes, to bless one of the largest Indigenous language groups in Australia.

Eastern Arrernte is spoken by about 2,000 people living in Santa Teresa and around Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. It’s taught in local schools, used in media as well as in local government, and for many people in Alice Springs it is their “heart language”. Translation of the Eastern Arrernte NT, and parts of the OT, are close to completion. Bible Society translation consultant Dr Carl Gross (arms raised jubilantly, above) is doing the final checks with Neil Broad (middle) the AuSIL (Australian Society of Indigenous Languages) translation adviser, and Eastern Arrernte speakers like Frankie Gorey (left). Gorey became so used to recounting events in the language, he sometimes found himself wondering “why all those people back in Bible times were speaking Arrernte to each other!”

About 2,500 people speak Kunwinjku, primarily in western Arnhem Land and especially in Oenpelli, 320 km east of Darwin. The Kunwinjku are an Australian Indigenous people who still use their own language, despite a century of contact with English speakers. Coordinating translator, Dr Steve Etherington (above, right) reports that the whole NT is completed, along with several OT books. He says that many Kunwinjku Christians have worked with CMS Bible translators over the past 30 years. Reverend Lois Nadjamerrek, one of those involved in the translation from the start, says, “When I hold that NT in my hands, my tears will be flowing.” In the next eighteen months Dr Carl Gross will join a team of Kunwinjku Christians and translators for several intensive “final check” workshops, before the work is published in 2015.


Bible Society has partnered as consultants with mission agencies like Wycliffe and CMS (the Church Missionary Society), as well as local translators, as they’ve worked for many years to complete the necessarily painstaking task. Bible Society is ready to fulfill its obligation to publish and distribute the translated work, to the many who are waiting for the Word of God in their own language. Will you help us finish the work? “We praise God for the faithful Christians who have prayed and given financial support over the years,” says Steve Etherington. “The published Scriptures will be a huge encouragement to our Indigenous friends, and those of the Torres Strait Islands, who have no access to the extravagant riches of English language Bibles and Christian books that we take for granted in the mainstream churches.” To make this work a reality, submit the Sower Donation Form on the back page, call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or donate online at


Over 50,000 Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders speak a traditional language at home, and need resources like this one for children in the Murrinhpatha language of Wadeye (Port Keats) Northern Territory.

Spotlight on corporate supporters

A lamp unto the bottom line

Adam Davis (not his real name), CEO of a large Sydney business, had a difficult decision to make. One of his major contractors, worth around 35 per cent of his business, had asked Adam to do something which seemed somewhat unethical. That evening Adam shared his dilemma with his father Cedric, a semi-retired accountant. Cedric agreed that there were certainly some ethical questions about what Adam was being asked to do, and suggested they seek the Bible’s wisdom. The situation was not clear cut and Cedric felt that the Word would shed some light

on the dilemma. Adam shook his head in disbelief. Although he had a Christian faith, he felt it was too much of a stretch to expect that the Bible had something relevant to say to a twenty-first century business, grappling with a complex problem. So Adam didn’t take his father’s advice, but Cedric was right. The Bible does have awesome wisdom to offer the complex and demanding business world. It’s a Bible Society mission to help people like Adam Davis tap into this wisdom. Bible Society, through its advocacy arm Sophia Think Tank, the Centre for Public Christianity and various

other projects like the Business Bible, shows the relevance of the Bible to our working world. Bible Society Australia has a two-way working relationship with the business world—as a support for some organisations, as well as receiving support for projects that are reaching into the corporate world with the Bible’s wisdom. The response from business people is clear, that they see how the Bible has a place in their working lives. We welcome your contact if you have questions about this, or would like to get involved. Please email


Bible helps women Literacy programme in Latin America While images of colour and dance fill your mind when you think of Latin America, there’s a flip side — that of gender discrimination and a shocking level of illiteracy. More than 35 million people are considered illiterate—and another 73 million functionally illiterate— in the region. Domestic violence also rears its ugly head in a maledominated society which considers such abuse a private matter. This is especially true of the indigenous populations of Chile, Equador, Panama and Peru. Families prefer to educate their sons, so girls grow up unaware of their right to better treatment, at home as much as in society. Local Bible Societies are working with government and non-governmental organisations to address these issues. They’ve set up the Read To Live Bible-based literacy programme, encouraging families to let their girls and women learn to read. They also provide churches


with resources that teach their people God’s view of male and female, to help build families patterned on God’s principles of love and equality. In Chile, illiterate women are often victims of drug trafficking, and abuse by their partner. More than 35 per cent of Chilean women have suffered violence at some point in their lives. Etelinda Riquelme, a participant in the Read To Live programme says, “I come to the literacy centre with more security. I feel better received by others, and I feel good as a person. It’s been great to have this opportunity to learn to read in spite of my age; I am able to move forward in life.” Last year 3,750 women in rural Equador (right) learnt to read and write, using Bible-based literacy materials. “The classes help me to read, although I don’t read fast,” reports Maria Tenemaza Diaconiza. “This helps me to understand what

God says.” The Bible Society of Equador ran radio commercials, distributed a Stop the Violence guide and trained pastors on how to tackle domestic abuse issues.

say ‘no’ to abuse Martin St-Amant

An estimated 30% per cent of indigenous women in remote areas of Peru (above) are illiterate. Bible Society partners with local churches to help women learn to read, teaching them about equality in the home. 49-year old M. Chavez says she was raped by relatives as a girl, and sexually abused by her husband. “Now I find help in the Christian family,” says this student of the literacy programme.

Many among Panama’s Ngabe Bugle people see education as a waste of time. But there are women willing to learn, so the Bible Society there helps out, in some cases helping them find glasses so they can see better (above, right). “Before, I only communicated by talking,” says one participant. “Thanks to these literacy classes, I can now read and write; I read everything I see!” “Marginalised Latin American women need to be made aware of

their rights so they can detect abuse, report it and be equipped with knowledge from the Bible on how to strengthen their families,” says Chris Melville, Head of International Mission, Bible Society Australia. Please partner with us to help build confident women through this literacy project. With your help they can stand on this truth: “The LORD is the defence of my life; whom shall I dread?” Psalm 27:1 To donate, please use the Sower Donation Form at the back, call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit


BSA Diary DATE Sept 1 Sept 5

EVENTS & HAPPENINGS Bike For Bibles Big Ride Finish line Lord Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

VENUES Gymea Baptist Church, Sydney NSW Adelaide Entertainment Centre SA

Sept 5–8 Sept 13

Bible Storytelling Workshop Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

Clovercrest Baptist, Adelaide SA Crown Perth Hotel, Burswood WA

Sept 17 Sept 18 & 24

“Interact” Children and Family Workers Conference Masterclass for Year 10 and 11 students

Sept 28-30 Sept - Nov

Bibbulmun Track Hike Hymnfest

Sept 29 Oct 24 - 27 Oct 30 -31

Get The Word Out Rwanda event Prayer breakfast, Dinner and Hymnfest Dr John Dickson Public Talk: “Would we be better off without Christianity?” Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast Xplore Day (Exploring Bible Translation) with Wycliffe Bible Translators Mary Jones Celebration Lunch

Catholic Education Conference Centre, Thebarton SA 18th: Mueller College, Rothwell QLD 24th : Burnside City Uniting Church,SA Bibbulmun Track, WA 15 Sept: Gosford Anglican Church, NSW 20 Oct: St Andrew’s, Manly NSW 20 Oct: St David’s Cathedral, Hobart TAS 17 Nov: Albany Baptist, Albany WA Sheffield TAS Naracoorte SA 30 Oct: Door of Hope, Launceston TAS 31 Oct: University of TAS, Hobart Hobart TAS Bible Society Adelaide, SA

Nov 13 Nov 30 Nov - Dec

4 Nov: Bethlehem Lutheran, Adelaide SA 20 Nov: Lifestreams Church, Como WA 21 Nov: Blackburn VIC

For details on these events visit or call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) 14

Something special for the kids

Keeping Christ in Christmas The lead up to Christmas is always a thrill for children, but we’d like to help keep their focus on the reason for the season. To do just that we’ve produced a new Christmas resource for primary school kids. The Bible Society Advent Calendar 2013 features a ‘peel-and-reveal’ Bible verse and keyword for each day from 1-25 December. It’s a great way to have them ‘see what the Bible says today’ as they track the Christmas story, get familiar with it and remember the details. To engage them even more, we’ve created three fun competitions with great prizes to be won. All details for the competitions are listed on the Advent Calendar.

We’re giving this Advent Calendar FREE to anyone who buys the 2014 Memory Verse Calendar in packs of 10 through the Bible Society. Each pack of ten comes complete with 10 free Advent Calendars. If you haven’t seen the Bible Society Memory Verse Calendar before, it’s filled with great illustrations, activities and Bible stories to help children create a habit of having Christ in their day all through the year! Stocks are available from end September, but they’re limited. And, the Memory Verse calendars go fast too, so do act now. Call 1300 139 179 to place your order. Code AMVC14M. $15 for pack of 10 plus postage.



Greg Knapp

e w n w e v i a t y a s e t r C A football tournament in Albania is getting hundreds of young people to read the Bible. At a typical match in Tirana, Albania’s capital, two teams stand quietly on a football pitch. Their heads are bowed solemnly as they read the Scriptures. They take it in turns to read a verse out loud, and when they’ve read the whole passage, they pray together. The Albanian Bible Society which jointly organised the Living Word Football Tournament (photo, above) says that the players and their supporters have really embraced the Bible-reading element. The tournament has taken the Bible’s message to a whole generation of Albanians little interested in church or Christianity. Bible Societies in the Balkan countries of South East Europe have had to think outside the box, for cutthrough in difficult times. Life in the Balkans has been tough, both politically and economically, since the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Distrust and interracial tensions are barriers to unity and harmony.


The Bible Societies’ “Harvesters Project” seeks out people who will pass God’s word of peace to others. As the Bible Societies in Albania, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia have only ten staff between them, they are desperate for help from within. They need funds for the search, and resources to equip the ‘harvesters’ once they’re found. Above all they need to equip them with Bibles for the communities they serve. Many people are poor and unable to afford Bibles of their own. Through your support, the harvesters will receive training on how to evangelise effectively, and how to bring the Bible back into the “public square”.


a k l a B ‘ha e h rvest’ in t In Serbia, new Bible groups have begun in churches, and harvester Melita Vidovic has her hands full. She’s involved in Bible study groups, in a woman’s ministry, a daily club for elderly people, and also helps translate Christian books. She loves helping people grow a deeper understanding of the Bible. “These groups enable us to exchange ideas and to ask questions that we cannot ask during a church service. Together, we study the Bible more thoroughly.” Please help the Balkan Bible Societies recruit more ‘harvesters’ like Melita, and help equip them with Bibles for their

communities. Visit to donate, submit the Sower Donation Form on the back page, or please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537).

(Left) Bible Society Albania produced 20,000 copies of the ‘Gospel of Jesus’ and asked young people to distribute them—cheerful bearers of good news!

(Above) The Bible Society in Serbia wants the help of more ‘harvesters’ who are passionate about the Word of God, and about spreading the Gospel message to others in Serbia.


Bible reading guide

October 10-19 Matthew 21, 22 21:1–11 21:12–17 21:18–27 21:28–32 21:33–46 22:1–14 22:15–22 22:23–33 22:34–40 22:41–46


October 20-29 1 Kings 1–9 1:1–27 1:28–53 2:1–12 3:1–15 3:16–28 5:1–18 8:1–21 8:22–36 8:54–66 9:1–9

November 6-13 2 Timothy 1:1–7 1:8–18 2:1–13 2:14–26 3:1–9 3:10–17 4:1–8 4:9–22

October 30November 5 Matthew 23, 24 23:1–12 23:13–24 23:25–36 23:37–24:2 24:3–14 24:15–31 24:32–51

November 14-20 Matthew 25, 26 25:1–13 25:14–30 25:31–46 26:1–13 26:14–25 26:26–35 26:36–46

November 21-27 Acts 17, 18 17:1–9 17:10–15 17:16–23 17:24–34 18:1–8 18:9–17 18:18–28 November 28 -December 3 1 Kings 10–16 10:1–13, 23–25 11:1–13 11:26–43 12:1–20 12:25–33 16:21–34 December 4-10 Acts 19–21 19:1–10 19:11–22

19:23–41 20:1–12 20:13–24 20:25–38 21:1–16 December 11-17 1 Kings 17–22 17:1–24 18:1–19 18:20–46 19:1–9a 19:9b–21 21:1–29 22:1–4, 29–40 December 18-23 Psalms 90–96 90 91 92, 93 94 95 96


October 1-9 Acts 15, 16 15:1–11 15:12–21 15:22–35 15:36–41 16:1–5 16:6–10 16:11–15 16:16–28 16:29–40

December 24-31 Matthew 1–4 1:1–25 2:1–12 2:13–23 3:1–12 3:13–17 4:1–11 4:12–17 4:18–25 The readings in this guide are taken from Series 2 of the Scripture Union Bible reading notes, “Daily Bread”. The entire Bible is covered in four years (Series 1 -4)

UBS Update

Waiting room encounter with God of comfort

Bible shows the way “I used to feel so useless,” says 22-year old Lam, a Vietnamese migrant living in Cambodia. “I’d walk around town, trying to find my way by just looking at signs. I couldn’t understand the most basic Khmer characters. It was so frustrating.” Like many of the 1.5 million other Vietnamese in the country, Lam had no legal status in Cambodia and was unable to attend school. 60 per cent of the community cannot read or write in the Khmer language. That’s why the local Bible Society is working with the country’s NGOs and Vietnamese churches to run Bible-based literacy classes for the Vietnamese. “I’m making progress now!” says an elated Lam.

Thousands of patients and their families—from India’s many faiths— are finding hope, comfort and strength through Scriptures placed in Christian-run hospitals. “Sitting in a hospital waiting room, whether it’s to get medical attention or test results, is an anxious time,” says Dr P. I. Varghese of the Bible Society of India. “It’s a time when people need encouragement and we believe this can be found in God’s Word.”

Slovakian kids want to win in Bible contests Bible competitions are very popular in Slovakia, and are held at local and national levels. “It’s vital for this generation to have access to the Bible, and to information that helps them understand it,” says Bible Society Slovakia’s Pavol Krasnocvetov. “It’s something that can impact the rest of their lives, and that’s why we started this project, with the support of the Netherlands Bible Society.” The children are thrilled to receive Bible materials, and work hard preparing for the competition.


UBS prayer points September – November 2013 “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.” Colossians 1:3 1-7 September Bulgaria: Please pray for Bible Society Bulgaria’s work amongst prisoners, and its distribution of 2,500 Bibles, NTs and Bible-based books to prisoners this year. East Timor: Please pray as United Bible Societies liaises with local churches, and seeks more opportunities for Bible work in the nation. Pray also for future translation work in Tetun and other East Timor languages. 8-14 September Hungary: Pray for the work of the Hungarian Bible Society that through the new revised Bible text they can reach more young people and non church-goers. Kazakhstan: 400 churches are unable to operate because the Agency of Religious Affairs refuses to reregister them. Please pray for breakthrough, and thank God for believers who gather in homes to worship. 15-21 September Mongolia: Please pray for all organisations helping with Scripture translation in Mongolia. Pray that God will bless and guide them as they faithfully translate the Scriptures for all to read, know and love. Chile: Please pray for the work of translating the Scriptures into the Romani language, and for the Bible Society of Chile as it works with families in need. 22-28 September Poland: Please pray for the Bible Society in Poland as it works on a contemporary language Bible, able to reach the younger generation. Pray that young people will understand and engage with this new translation.


Venezuela: Thank God for the “Grow and Learn” programme which works with Sunday Schools in the cities of Venezuela. Please pray for the Bible Society which aims to train 400 Sunday school teachers each year, impacting the lives of 5000 children annually. 29 September - 5 October Haiti: Please pray for translators working on the Creole Study Bible, aimed at helping the growing Haitian church achieve uniformity in their teachings. They hope to finish the work by December, so pray that distribution will have a great impact on the community. Russia: Please pray for the distribution of Scriptures in Siberia, the largest part of Russia. It’s costly to get Bibles to Siberia’s 20 million population, scattered over a huge territory, so please pray that the Russian Bible Society will get the funds to reach isolated peoples. 6-12 October Germany: Please pray for the German Bible Society as it undertakes the Biblia Hebraica Quinta translation project. This Bible Society is responsible for the publication of scholarly Bible editions on behalf of UBS. Please pray for accuracy, and for the German people to be eager to study the Bible and the Biblical languages. Botswana: Please pray for translation work which remains the core function of Bible Society Botswana. Please pray for the on-going and new projects, and especially for the completion of the Kalanga Bible. 13-19 October Angola: Thank God for the Nkumbi Bible translation project that will provide God’s word for more than 100,000 speakers of the language. Please pray for the Nkumbi people as they receive the Bible in their own language, that they will learn more about God. New Zealand: Next year marks the 200th anniversary of the Bible in New Zealand. Do pray as Bible Society New Zealand works on a new, updated translation of Luke’s Gospel in the Maori language. It’s their aim to have the project finished in time for the celebrations.

highlands of Vietnam, and are poor. Please pray that the Bible Society will be able to make the Bible available in each of their languages, to help bring about change, and a “better hope and a future”. Turkey: Turkey is 99% Muslim and the government restricts Christian activities. Please pray that the work of Bible Society Turkey will be able to continue, as it shares the Gospel and distributes Bibles to the Turks.

20-26 October Paraguay: Give thanks for the 100th anniversary of the publication of the New Testament in Guaraní, one of Paraguay’s two official languages. Please pray that the Word of God will continue to change lives in Paraguay. Brazil: Please pray for the Fair Play Brazil Movement, which promotes the Bible message during large sports events. Please pray that churches will seize this unique opportunity to spread the Word of God to many. 27 October- 2 November Burkina Faso: The Seed of Life programme distributes Scriptures to the Tazi, which make up 60% of the population. These materials will be made available to evangelism groups working among the Tazi. Please pray for many to come to faith as they receive God’s Word. Pakistan: Give thanks as the Scripture Union and Bible Society in Pakistan work together among children. Pray that the children will easily understand what they read. Please pray also for all Sunday school teachers there. 3-9 November Vietnam: Many ethnic minorities live in the agricultural

10-16 November Panama: Thank God for the translation of the New Testament Bible for the Kuna Ayala people. Please pray for a full Bible to be available too, and pray that the Scriptures will be a manual for life to the Kuna people. Philippines: The local Bible Society aims to give Filipinos who are sightless a pocket-sized audio digital Bible. Pray for the recording, production and delivery of these units, that they will be well received by the blind . 17-23 November Slovakia: Teachers of Religious Education in schools often have basic materials, and in many cases have to buy their own. The Bible Society of Slovakia is helping to provide them with Scripture materials. Please pray that the lessons will plant a seed in the children’s hearts. Mexico: Thank God for the Bible translators who have completed their work in the Mixe of Quezaltepec language. Please pray for a wide distribution of the Bible and for Christian values to spread within the country. 24-30 November Cameroon: Please pray against the spread of HIV/AIDS in Cameroon. Pray for the Bible Society as they work to effect a change in social behaviour. Please also pray that people will accept those with HIV/AIDS, and not subject them to discrimination and rejection. Gabon: Please pray for the Ghetshogho Old Testament translation. While there are seven language groups in Gabon, most people also speak Ghetshogho. Please pray for this work to be completed soon, so that many will come to know God’s deep love and respond to it.


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Building young leaders Bible Society’s Masterclass is aimed at helping Year 10 and 11 students become better Christian leaders among their peers. The recent Sydney Masterclass hosted 500 students from 28 schools in NSW. Fifteen-year-old Abby said she’d been thinking a lot about her calling, and she learned that day that “it’s not about what I want to do, but more what God wants me to do.” Excellent speakers are lined up for two upcoming Masterclass events, like radio host and pastor Matt Prater (at the QLD event) and Brad Chilcott from Activate Community (at SA event). Details at, or call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537).

“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97 (ESV) How, where and when do you read your Bible? Everyone has their own special way of spending time in God’s word. As we approach Bible Month in October, Eternity newspaper’s September issue takes a closer look at how to encourage Bible Reading. To sign your church up for free copies of the paper, email


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