Stand Firm-May 2015

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special feature



The Holy Spirit indwells, transforms, and empowers us

MAY 2015

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MAY 2015



AMY LOWE MANAGER, ADULT MINISTRY PUBLISHING EMILY ELLIS PUBLISHING TEAM LEADER JASON ELLERBROOK EXECUTIVE EDITOR TAMMY DROLSUM CONTENT EDITOR DAWN WYSE ART DIRECTOR Stand Firm: God’s Challenge for Today’s Man (ISSN 10857966; Item 005075233) is a Christian men’s devotional magazine published monthly by LifeWay Press®, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234, Thom S. Rainer, President, LifeWay Christian Resources. Copyright © 2015 by LifeWay Press®. How to Order Stand Firm If you need help with an order, WRITE LifeWay Church Resources, Customer Service Center, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234-0113. For subscriptions, FAX (615) 251-5818 or EMAIL For bulk shipments mailed quarterly to one address, FAX (615) 251-5933 or EMAIL Order ONLINE at Mail address changes to Stand Firm, same address. Subscription Pricing Annual individual subscription, $24.95 for one year (12 issues); $43.95 for two years (24 issues); $59.95 for three years (36 issues). Please allow 6-8 weeks for arrival of first issue. Bulk shipments mailed quarterly to one address when ordered with other literature, $1.70 each issue plus shipping. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. CONTENT IS COPYRIGHT © 2015 by LifeWay Press. Contents may not be reproduced in any form unless authorized in writing. Printed in U.S.A. To investigate the possibility of advertising in Stand Firm, email

On June 19-20, 2015, several thousand men will gather in Nashville, Tennessee, for The Main Event, LifeWay’s conference for men. Over the past few years, we’ve seen God move in amazing ways through this transformational experience. It’s incredible to join an arena filled with men worshiping God. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas found themselves at their greatest point of need. They turned to the Lord in the middle of the night and worshiped — the type of worship that led to earthquakes and jailbreaks. However, the prisoner who was set free was not the one behind man-made bars; it was the man who had been sentenced to death in his own sin. That day, not only was the jailer set free, but also his entire family. The men who gather at The Main Event will be coming under every circumstance imaginable. The one thing they have in common is that Jesus wants to set them free. If you can, come worship with us in Nashville on June 19-20. We’re expecting earthquakes and jailbreaks!

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Jason Ellerbrook Executive Editor

Table of Contents

MAY 2015 Devotions 4 Week One 12 Week Two 22 Week Three 30 Week Four 37 Week Five


Special Feature 20 Never Alone: The Holy Spirit dwells in us by Tony Evans

In Every Issue 2 An Encouraging Word 29 Good Humor: The Curious Case of the Ample Samples


29 The “Share This” section at the end of each day’s devotion serves as a guide to help you lead your family or others through a devotional time. Consider sharing a key insight through your social media channels, too! STANDFIRM 3


Romans 12 Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer (v. 12).

Difficult times require patience and persistence. Paul was focusing on what was happening in him, not to him. Likewise, we can be sure that when something is happening to us, God is doing something in us … that will

▪ In his exhortation to the Christians in Rome, Paul encouraged the believers to have confident hope and to keep praying, even in difficult circumstances.

Your grandparents might have been familiar with the tradition of May Baskets — handmade baskets of flowers and treats left on doorsteps the evening before May 1. After leaving a basket, the giver would ring the doorbell and then run and hide nearby to watch the happy responses of the recipients. In the classic children’s book Jack and Jill, Jack Minot and Jill Pecq are best friends who suffer a serious sledding accident that leaves them both bedridden for the winter. Jill busies herself with making May Baskets to fill and give to others in the spring. Knowing that her long, painful ordeal will soon be ending, she’s filled with joy and hope as she makes the baskets, thinking about the enjoyment they’ll give. I know — not exactly a manly image.

shape us for eternity. –CHRIS HODGES

The point is, Jill’s childlike disposition illustrates the kind of attitude we should have during difficult times in our lives. Instead of complaining about our circumstances, we should focus on drawing closer to God through prayer and reading His Word. He might give us opportunities, even amid our trials, to serve Him and to demonstrate His love to others.




▪ Read: Romans 12. ▪ Ask: How do you typically handle difficult circumstances? ▪ Ask: Do you find yourself becoming more “childlike” as you grow closer to the Lord? Explain. Pray: Lord, help us to see You as the loving Father and Friend You are in difficult times.


1 Samuel 13:1-14 You have been foolish. You have not kept the command which the Lord your God gave you (v. 13).

When we obey God, we’re pursuing His heart. ▪ As Israel waited for their priest, Samuel, to arrive, a massive but because we are loved in Christ. Philistine army gathered against –JERRY BRIDGES them. Samuel had told King Saul to wait seven days until he arrived, at which time Samuel would give further instructions. But the Israelites were afraid and began deserting. As Israel’s priest, it was Samuel’s job to make a burnt offering. However, Saul decided not to wait until Samuel arrived. Instead, he took matters into his own hands and began the sacrifice.

We obey God’s Law, not to be loved

If you had been Saul, would you have done things differently? The enemy was pressing in, his people were deserting, he had waited seven days, and he really wanted to make sure he had the Lord’s favor before engaging in battle. Saul “forced” himself (v. 12) to offer the sacrifice. He knew it was a job for the priest, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Samuel showed up as Saul was finishing the offering, and he taught Saul an important lesson: God is more pleased with our obedience than with our offering. If we love God and put our trust in Him, then we’ll obey Him. Saul didn’t get a pass because he waited seven days; it wasn’t about the seven days. It was about pursuing the heart of God despite S H A R E T H I S what was happening around him. Desperate times call for ▪ Read: 1 Samuel 13:1-14. obedience. In John 14, Jesus promised that when we pursue His heart, He reveals more of Himself. As we choose to place our faith in the Lord and obediently follow Him, we’ll see Him working for us, in us, and through us.

▪ Ask: In what areas of your life do you struggle to obey God?

▪ Ask: What does pursuing the heart of God look like for you? Pray: Father, draw us to You so that our desire and passion will align with Yours and our lives will be marked by obedience to You.



1 Samuel 3; Proverbs 3:32 For the devious are detestable to the Lord, but He is a friend to the upright (Prov. 3:32).

Sin hinders us from hearing God. Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God’s voice is its most essential part. Listening to God’s voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine. –ANDREW MURRAY

▪ In Proverbs 3:32, “He is a friend to the upright” is like saying “God takes the upright into His confidence.” The Lord doesn’t simply want to speak to you; He wants to reveal deep truths about Himself.

Our society has become dependent upon technology, but ultimately, it’s unreliable. When you’re counting on it and it doesn’t come through for you, it can leave you hanging out on a limb, feeling confused and frustrated. Do you ever get discouraged in your prayer life and feel like you’re in a oneway conversation with God? Do you find it difficult sometimes to discern His voice amid the busyness and “noise” of your day-to-day life? Look at the first part of Proverbs 3:32. God isn’t saying much to the devious man. Our sin is like a firewall between our device and the server. It can keep us from receiving the information we need. But the guy who’s consistently seeking to grow in his relationship with God is alert and receptive to His wisdom and guidance. Samuel’s prayer was a S H A R E T H I S simple five words: “Speak, for Your servant is listening” ▪ Read: 1 Samuel 3; (1 Sam. 3:10). He came Proverbs 3:32. in childlike humility, and ▪ Ask: What are some of the God answered him with an “voices” you hear every day? important message. As you prayerfully and humbly seek to hear and obey the Lord, He’ll give you wisdom to discern His will and direction for your life.


▪ Ask: How does society’s message contrast with what God says about you?

Pray: Lord, give us listening ears and wisdom to discern Your voice out of the many that speak into our lives every day.


Matthew 7:9-11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! (v. 11)

It’s your thought that counts. ▪ Jesus was a master Teacher. history, gift giving has been perceived He often posed thoughtprovoking questions to reveal as an expression of love. deep spiritual truths. Toward the end of His Sermon on the –GARY CHAPMAN Mount, the Lord asked, “What man among you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone?” (Matt. 7:9). Jesus went on to point out that if sinful men know how to give good gifts, just imagine the awesome gifts that our Heavenly Father wants to give to us. Do you take time to thank God for the blessings you have, such as your job, house, health, and family?

In every society throughout human

Mother’s Day is less than a week away. Have you thought about what you’re going to do for your mother or your wife? Your mom probably doesn’t want bread. Your wife might not be wishing for fish (see Matt. 7:10). A recent survey of 1,000 moms found that only 16 percent wanted cards and flowers for Mother’s Day. Instead women wanted to break out of their routines. A mini-vacation, trip to the spa, or nice meal as a family topped the list of most-desired Mother’s Day gifts. Some of the best gifts don’t cost any money. Putting time, effort, and thought into a gift makes it special and personal. You could show your love and S H A R E T H I S appreciation by writing your mom a heartfelt letter or by ▪ Read: Matthew 7:9-11. serving your wife breakfast ▪ Ask: What gives us the in bed. ability and desire to give You know how to give a good gift — it just takes some thought and effort. God shows His love in the good gifts He gives us, so we should do the same when we give gifts to those we love.

good gifts?

▪ Ask: What keeps us from blessing the people we love with good gifts? How can we overcome those obstacles? Pray: Father, thank You for our family. Help us be thoughtful in our gifts, words, and actions toward one another.



Psalm 27:1-6 I have asked for one thing from the Lord; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the Lord and seeking Him in His temple (v. 4).

God is the essence of beauty. ▪ In the midst of enemies who were seeking to end all things beautiful. –AUGUSTINE his life, David asked for only one thing from God. In today’s Scripture passage, he didn’t ask for revenge against his adversaries, victory for his cause, or even strength for the task. He asked for God Himself. He wanted to be near the Lord for the rest of his life, seeking and enjoying Him.

My Father, supremely good, beauty of

This single-minded focus had another angle to it. David also longed to gaze in wonder at the beauty of God, to be enchanted by that beauty and to love God with all of his heart, mind, and soul. We often think of God as holy, righteous, loving, and faithful. But beautiful? Yes, He is behind all beauty in creation, and He often uses that beauty to call out to us. Many men have told me how close they feel to God out in the beauty of nature. They feel the rustlings of His presence when they stand on a mountain peak or gaze at the ocean. Music can be beautiful as well. Recently, I went to a symphony concert and found myself overwhelmed by what I heard. It even brought tears to my eyes. I was surprised at my response, yet when I left, I realized God had been drawing me toward Him through the beauty of the music. God calls to us in this way because He wants our hearts as men. He wants us to love Him supremely and to be delighted by His presence. Our Heavenly Father wants to be enjoyed, for He is Beauty supreme.




▪ Read: Psalm 27:1-6. ▪ Ask: Can you recall a time when God called to you through beauty? ▪ Ask: How does seeing God as the source of beauty affect the way you relate to Him? Pray: Father, we want to love You supremely. Open our eyes to recognize and appreciate Your beauty.


Mark 10:42-45 The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life — a ransom for many (v. 45).

Christ brings out the hero in us. ▪ In a few simple words, Jesus explained the mission of His when the opportunity comes, He earthly life — not one of being can fit them into their places in a served like most kings, but one of serving, all the way to the moment. And the world will wonder cross, where His death would where they came from. become life for many. Jesus invites us to take up our cross –A.B. SIMPSON and follow Him in this mission of serving. It means dying to many things, but who wants to let go of our cherished lifestyles and die? It occurred to me one day that we all do as men. How could that be?

God is preparing His heroes. And

Many movies and stories feature heroic men who choose to speak the truth, even though they might suffer for it. These men are willing to give up their lives for the rescue of their loved ones. Something in me awakens and burns as I see such a story unfold. I want to be like those men. It’s the heroic longing we all feel. Amazingly, Jesus takes that longing and makes it real in us. How does He do that? First, Jesus became the Hero Himself. He came to speak the truth and give His life to rescue His loved ones — not just a few people, S H A R E T H I S but the whole world. He is truly the Hero of heroes. He ▪ Read: Mark 10:42-45. also calls us to Himself and ▪ Ask: What’s your definition asks us to follow Him. Jesus of a hero? is asking us to become the men we have wanted to be ▪ Ask: In verses 43-44, how does Jesus define greatness? all along. And He who calls us will enable us to do it! Pray: Lord, we want to believe, even when it seems impossible. Give us courage to be heroic like You.



Joel 1 Announce a sacred fast; proclaim an assembly! Gather the elders and all the residents of the land at the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord (v.14).

Our nation needs prayer. ▪ The prophet Joel ministered during a time of national (74 percent) pray for their own calamity. A locust plague had problems or difficulties, but only 42 devastated the land (see Joel 1:4). Fields lay destroyed, and percent pray about their own sin. grain, olives, grapes, figs, –LIFEWAY RESEARCH pomegranates, dates, and apples had fallen victim to plague (vv. 10,12). The effects had been so severe that not only were the people without food to eat, but grain and drink offerings to the Lord also ceased from lack of substance to offer (v. 9). How does a prophet of God respond to a distraught nation in such an overwhelming time? Joel called on the religious leaders to “announce a sacred fast” to demonstrate grief and mourning and to “proclaim an assembly” of “all the residents of the land” because the trouble they faced was not individual but corporate — all were affected. The assembly was to take place “at the house of the Lord” to encourage the nation to “cry out to the Lord” (v. 14).

Nearly three quarters of Americans

Our nation faces a similar crisis today. Ours is not a physical scarcity, but a spiritual dearth that consists of apathy, self-centeredness, indifference, lust, greed, immorality, and a host of other sinful pestilences. The entire nation in Joel’s day recognized the danger they faced, but many S H A R E T H I S of our fellow citizens are unaware of the warning signs ▪ Read: Joel 1. of spiritual malnourishment. ▪ Ask: What examples of If Joel were here today, spiritual disease do you see on this National Day of in our world today? Prayer, he might call us to ▪ Ask: How can you lead in taking this publicly show our grief over need to the Lord? our national predicament, Pray: Our Father, we confess our nation’s gather ourselves together sinfulness and cry out to You to heal our land in the Lord’s houses across for Your name’s sake. the land, and cry out to Him, our only hope in the face of catastrophe. 10 STANDFIRM

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1 John 3:16-18; 4:7-19 This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers (3:16).

Sacrificial love is transformational. ▪ One of the greatest quests of humankind is the search face of God. –VICTOR HUGO for love. We all desire to love and be loved. We’re made for it. But genuine expressions of love are hard to come by. And our search for love often begs the question: How do I know when I’ve found it? In his first letter, the apostle John told us that our search for true love is fully realized in God and in the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross.

To love another person is to see the

Society’s version of love is often self-serving and calculated. All too often, people are willing to invest in others only when they know they’ll get something in return. However, the picture of love John gave us is one of sacrifice. True love is not self-seeking but other-oriented. It’s about giving up your rights, your desires, and sometimes even your dreams for the sake of someone else. Love isn’t just a matter of words. John specifically said it’s a matter of action. We can say we love someone, but if our actions don’t show it, our words ring hollow. It’s one thing to tell my wife I love her. It’s another thing to cancel a guys night out because I know she needs help at home. Sacrificial love isn’t always grandiose in its actions. Sometimes, the seemingly small things can be the most formative. Loving sacrificially also means following through on what you say — for example, being home on time from work to have dinner with your family and then doing the dishes afterward. As we seek to love others the way Christ loves us, we’ll be transformed from self-seeking to selfless. 12 STANDFIRM



▪ Read: 1 John 3:16-18; 4:7-19. ▪ Ask: Why is it hard to love others sacrificially? ▪ Ask: What are some examples of sacrificial love? Pray: Lord, may we embrace the love You extend to us so that we might better love others by following Your example.


Ephesians 4:17-32 Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the Devil an opportunity (vv. 26-27).

Don’t be controlled by anger. A man that does not know how to be angry does not know how to be good. Now and then a man should be shaken to the core with indignation over things evil. – HENRY WARD BEECHER

▪ In his instructions to the church in Ephesus, Paul described the Christian life in terms of our “new self.” He urged believers to put off their “old self,” which has been corrupted by deceitful desires, and to put on their new self, which is created in the likeness of God in righteousness and holiness.

We tend to think of anger as a negative emotion and that those who are righteous rarely experience it. But when we look at the breadth of Scripture, we see that God got angry, and so did Jesus. According to Paul, it’s not as much about being angry as about not being controlled by anger. Is your anger typically triggered by trivial things like getting cut off in traffic or watching your team lose a big game? Or is your anger triggered by the same things that elicit God’s anger? Are you angry about injustice and about people not having their basic needs met? The neglect of the fatherless and the widow? Our anger is often self-absorbed and surfaces from inconveniences like slow lines at the grocery store and bad cell phone S H A R E T H I S service. When we lash out in frustration with harsh words or actions, then our anger is dictating our decisions. To avoid unrighteous anger, our heart’s desires should mirror God’s heart. This requires submitting ourselves to God and being concerned about others before ourselves.

▪ Read: Ephesians 4:17-32. ▪ Ask: What are some things that you tend to get angry about? ▪ Ask: How could your anger be directed toward seeking justice and righteousness? Pray: Father, may our hearts break for the things that break Your heart.



Luke 2 “Why were you searching for Me?” He asked them. “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” (v. 49)

Follow the Son’s example. A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. –DOROTHY CANFIELD FISHER

▪ What do the few glimpses of Jesus’ earthly unbringing teach mothers and sons about their relationship?

Jesus was nurtured by Mary as a baby, every physical need provided. But as Jesus grew, it was inherently necessary and healthy for Him to distance Himself from Mary. You see this in Luke 2, but also in John’s description of the wedding at Cana (John 2) and in Matthew 12:4748. Later, Jesus ensured the earthly care of His mother in some of His final words on the cross (John 19:27). Jesus’ earthly life is an example of the natural life cycle of boys and their mothers. Moms have a unique role to hold their sons close and to nurture, feed, and provide for them. But their job changes as their children grow older. It’s natural for boys to push away from Mom and into their God-given mission. Boys who won’t do this (or moms who hang on too tightly) risk not developing the maturity boys need to grow into healthy men. Eventually, the relationship comes full circle, and men often become protectors and providers for their aging mothers. Mothers like Mary who understand their roles as stewards of God’s sons are a powerful influence on them. Men who are serious about their mission keep in mind the lessons they learned from their mother while moving forward to assume leadership in their families, churches, and communities.




▪ Read: Luke 2. ▪ Ask: In what ways do you continue to rely on your family? ▪ Ask: What are some ways you can show appreciation for those who have helped you to grow in your walk with the Lord? Pray: Lord, thank You for loved ones who nurture, guide, and help prepare us for Your mission. Help us to take time to show them our appreciation.


James 5:13-20 Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed (v. 16).

True brothers stand with one another. ▪ James ended his practical letter on a note of urgency We few, we happy few, we band of — the need we have for one brothers. –WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE another as brothers. The urgency comes out in the need to pray for one another. James urged believers to pray for those who needed the healing power of Jesus. In order to know how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, it helps to know one another well. One way to know our fellow believers better is to confess our sins and struggles to one another. James 5:16 sets forth one of the best definitions of brotherhood in the Bible.

But we in it shall be remembered —

As men, we tend to have difficulty admitting our needs. It comes from our root desire to be strong. We might try to go it alone in order to appear strong to others, but this ultimately ends up making us weak. It also keeps us from experiencing true brotherhood. What does true brotherhood look like? I have a few men in my life who are like brothers to me. I know their stories, and they know mine. We have ongoing confession, sharing the battles in our hearts, the failures and the successes. We fight for each other in prayer, naming S H A R E T H I S specific struggles and needs and standing with one ▪ Read: James 5:16-20. another before the Father. This fellowship is crucial if we’re going to fulfill our calling and stand firm in faith. But it’s also beautiful. We truly become a band of brothers, experiencing the Father’s healing and strength together.

▪ Ask: Why is confessing our sins necessary in order to be healed from them?

▪ Ask: Who is in your band of brothers? Pray: Father, lead us to a place of brotherhood, of deep strength with others, as we seek to glorify You.



Philippians 3 I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ (v. 8).

The true measure of a man is Christ in him. ▪ Paul understood the temptation of using human I’ve done,” or maybe “Look at all I’ve standards as the yardstick suffered.” God, however, wants us to for measuring a man’s worth. He had lived the life look to Him. –TIM KELLER of a successful man on the move, rising to prominence and achieving a widening circle of influence. But an encounter with the risen Christ changed all that and rendered the idols by which he previously measured his worth to be worthless.

We come to God saying, “Look at all

As men, we often feel the pressure of being sized up by our employers, by our bank accounts, even by our families. We tend to derive a sense of confidence and self-worth from our vocation, in particular. It’s where we demonstrate our abilities, where our giftedness and life experience are leveraged for material reward. Beyond the paycheck, the affirmation of peers and superiors motivates many of us. However, the desire to “measure up” can easily become an idol. At times, we might feel defeated by indignities of a fallen world — insults, slights, demotions, even unemployment — that leave S H A R E T H I S us struggling to feel valuable. However, these potential ▪ Read: Philippians 3. stumbling blocks can ▪ Ask: What are some things become catalysts for leaving that threaten to become behind the idols we value in idols in our lives? order to pursue Christ and ▪ Ask: What are some ways we can learn embrace His sanctifying to treasure Christ alone? grace. As Christian men, the call to worship God Pray: Lord, help us to hold the things of instead of idols should be a earth loosely and to value You alone as our surpassing treasure. daily exercise, initiated by prayerfully reading His Word and seeking His will. 16 STANDFIRM


Ephesians 2:10 We are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.

God’s design is miraculous. ▪ In Psalm 139:13-14, King is dead, so also faith without works David celebrated the marvelous way God created us, saying, “It is dead (JAMES 2:26). was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.” Our Father even designed our bodies with an awesome internal healing system.

Just as the body without the spirit

Muffled words in the distance, constant beeping of monitors, and a bustling team of nurses became familiar sounds that I heard while lying in a hospital bed in a cardiac ICU room. With a breathing tube down my throat, every breath felt like a struggle for air. I’ve worked as a firefighter and have seen my share of human tragedy. I’ve also witnessed the power of God to mend a broken body. Many people joined in prayer with my wife during that critical time, and God provided healing and strength. I thank God for the brilliant minds of surgeons and for the gifts and skills He gave them, but more importantly, I thank God for His healing power to restore our health. Whether we’re 21 years old or 91, each of us is miraculously made. We’re the work of our Father’s creative hands, complete S H A R E T H I S with a built-in healing system. Ephesians 2:10 ▪ Read: Ephesians 2:10. says that we’re “created in ▪ Ask: What did Paul mean Christ Jesus for good works when he said we’re created ... so that we should walk in for good works? them.” While we live in these ▪ Ask: What are some “good works” the temporary vessels, we can Lord is leading you to do? glorify the One who created Pray: Father, we thank You that every day is us by prayerfully seeking an opportunity to see Your incredible work. opportunities to serve Him. Show us opportunities to glorify You by doing good works.



1 John 4:7-19 We have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him (v. 16).

Christ’s love comes first. ▪ Although Paul’s love for Jesus was great, his love alone to be filled, only plenteousness that couldn’t sustain his service. In desires to give. –C.S LEWIS 2 Corinthians 5:14, when Paul said, “Christ’s love compels us,” he was speaking of Jesus’ love for him, not of his love for Jesus. In 1 John 4:10, the apostle John said, “Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

In God there is no hunger that needs

As Christians, it’s easy to make the mistake of focusing on how much we can do to serve God without fully understanding and embracing His love for us. While well-intended, this is a guaranteed path to spiritual exhaustion. Operating out of a desire to earn God’s favor through serving Him can actually deplete us. A church called a new pastor, and for his first year with them, he asked the members not to focus on starting new ministries or programs, but instead to focus on learning about Jesus’ love for them. He saw that they were grace-starved, focused on what they should do for God, beaten down by duty. What they needed was a broader and deeper understanding of how much Jesus loved them and the riches He had lavished S H A R E T H I S on them. But aren’t we supposed to serve God? our inner legalistic, performancedriven self asks. Of course we are. But we can serve more effectively once we’ve laid a foundation of learning the breathtaking love of God. Your love for God is too meager a ration to sustain you. His love for you is a feast that never ends. 18 STANDFIRM

▪ Read: 1 John 4:7-19. ▪ Ask: What motivates you to serve God? ▪ Ask: What are some ways we can learn about God’s love for us? Pray: Father, help us to focus better on Your love for us so that we can be more devoted to You.



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Neither His Deity nor His essence was diminished, yet He worked in only one location at a time. When people needed Jesus, they had to meet Him face to face. Things are different with the Holy Spirit because He lives within each follower of Jesus Christ; He goes with us wherever we go. He is always present in full power within each of us — all at the same time. The Holy Spirit is not subject to the limitations of human flesh to which Jesus voluntarily surrendered.

During His last supper with the disciples before His arrest, Jesus said: “It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7). In Acts 1, Jesus again promised the presence of His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God, a part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit indwells, transforms, and empowers each believer to live the victorious kingdom life. The Spirit provides power for you to function as you align yourself under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus was on earth, His actions were constrained by His humanity.

Imagine purchasing a new refrigerator. You excitedly fill the shelves with food

fter His resurrection and just before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples, and us, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses” (Acts 1:8). Jesus returned to heaven, but He knew we couldn’t accomplish His mission on our own. We would need the presence and the power of His Spirit to carry out that great work.




and beverages, but the next morning you discover that everything has gone bad. Frustrated, you call the company to complain. After you explain what happened, the technician asks a question that freezes you with embarrassment: “Did you plug it in?” Jesus has secured for us everything we need to live the empowered life. And the Holy Spirit is the Power Source. His presence provides the power to turn fear into faith, worry into peace, and heartache into hope. He is our source and everpresent help in times of trouble.

H O LY S P I R I T P R E S E N T How can we respond in light of Jesus’ ascension and eventual return? Consider the following options: • Plug in. Begin each day by asking the Holy Spirit to make Himself known in your life. Pray that He will offer

clear directions as you weigh options and make decisions. • Research. Read God’s Word and look through articles, sermons, podcasts, or books in order to broaden your understanding of the Holy Spirit and His role in your life. • Let go. Our future is in heaven with Jesus. Therefore, choose to let go of something — a possession, a grudge, a way of life — that keeps you tethered to this world. You don’t know what your last words in this life will be. No one does. However, you can know here and now that you’re never alone. God Himself — His Holy Spirit — lives in you! SF Adapted from Dr. Tony Evans’ Bible study Like No Other: The Life of Christ (LifeWay Press). For more information or to order Like No Other Bible study resources, go to

New Life in Christ The Bible tells us that we all fall short of God’s righteous standard (Romans 3:23). Because of this, we’re separated from Him and spiritually dead; but because He loves us, God sent His Son Jesus to die in our place as payment for our sin (John 3:16). You can begin a personal relationship with God right now. If you’re ready to make this choice, as an affirmation of your belief, you might wish to pray a prayer like this one: Dear God, I understand that I’m a sinner, but I believe that Jesus died for my sins, and I now accept His gift of eternal life. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Thank You for my new life. From this day on, I choose to follow You and Your will for my life. If you begin a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus, please share this with the person or church that gave you this magazine. To learn more, visit STANDFIRM 21


Hebrews 13:1-3 Let brotherly love continue (v. 1).

Helping a friend is time well spent. ▪ Last hunting season, I went into the woods by myself, –CICERO hoping to put some venison in the freezer. I shot a large buck right before dark. Then I had to trail it — for three hours. I was hunting an hour and a half away from my home, so after loading the deer on a four-wheeler, then loading it again in my truck, I was a tired but happy hunter. As many hunters do, I texted a picture of the buck to a friend, a fellow hunter whom I hadn’t seen in several months. My phone immediately rang, and it was my friend, volunteering to come over and help me clean the deer. I explained that it would be midnight before I got home, but that didn’t matter. He came, and we finished the task around 2 a.m.

Not for ourselves are we born.

Why do I tell this story? This friend didn’t come over simply to help clean a deer. This friend had stood by my side during some tough times for my family. He was there when others weren’t. We hadn’t been “best friends.” In fact, we had only known each other for a year and a half. Yet, when the proverbial chips were down, this friend rose to the surface and became a dear friend (no pun intended) who reflected God’s love. Even a Roman philosopher like Cicero understood the value of doing for others. We need fellowship and friendship, and we need to show brotherly love to one another. You never know when the Lord might lead you to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to someone who needs it.




▪ Read: Hebrews 13:1-3. ▪ Ask: How did someone help you during a difficult time? ▪ Ask: Do you know anyone who’s going through a tough time? How can you help? Pray: Father, help us to understand the value of brotherly love and to be good stewards of our time and efforts in helping others.


Luke 19:1-10 When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down because today I must stay at your house”(v. 5).

Befriend someone who needs to know Christ. ▪ The Bible tells us that when enemies; but God makes our next door Jesus arrived in Jericho, the whole town came out to greet neighbour. –G. K. CHESTERTON Him, lining the streets to catch a glimpse of the miracleworking Teacher who had the whole countryside talking. One of Jericho’s citizens, perhaps the most despised person in the village, came out to catch a glimpse, too (Luke 19:3).

We make our friends; we make our

Then something happened that might have seemed strange to onlookers. Jesus sought Zacchaeus out and invited Himself over to his house (v. 5). Many people in the town considered Zacchaeus a traitor for collaborating with the Romans, and he was also a thief. Yet, Jesus reached out in compassion for the spiritually starved tax collector. When we were children, our friendships might have started out of a mutual love of orange soda, a hobby, or mere geographic proximity. As adults, our friendships are likely built on something more solid. Yesterday’s devotion addressed a kind of friendship that isn’t built on a foundation of mutual interests, but rather on love for God — a brotherly friendship that reflects His love. While this type of friendship is awesome, sometimes God provides opportunities for us to S H A R E T H I S befriend people with whom we have little in common and ▪ Read: Luke 19:1-10. who need to know Christ. Jesus’ love transformed Zacchaeus into a man who could be a friend to others (vv. 8-10). We can follow Christ’s example by prayerfully seeking opportunities to make new friends who could potentially become our brothers in Christ.

▪ Ask: How did Jesus show compassion to Zacchaeus?

▪ Ask: Is there a Zacchaeus in your life — someone with whom you might have little in common but who needs to know Christ? How can you show His love to that person? Pray: Father, thank You for loving us and seeking us out. Help us to do the same for others.



John 11:1-45 When He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was (v. 6).

Let God set your schedule. ▪ It occurs to me as I read said they read the Bible every day outside through the Gospels that Jesus didn’t arrive early of church. –LIFEWAY RESEARCH or late. Like Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, He arrives “precisely when [He] means to.” The Holy Spirit set Jesus’ clock, and Jesus went where and when He was directed.

In a survey of churchgoers, 19 percent

One evening when He was healing the sick, Jesus’ disciples urged Him to dismiss the crowd so people could get something to eat. But Jesus listened for His Father’s voice rather than the dinner bell — and He miraculously fed 5,000 men, plus women and children (Matt. 14:13-21). Later, Jesus sent His disciples across the Sea of Galilee in a boat while He stayed behind to pray. He knew it was more important to keep in step with the Spirit. Jesus also showed up “late” for His friend Lazarus. When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick, “He stayed two more days in the place where He was” (John 11:6). Jesus could have rushed to His friend’s bedside and healed him, but He didn’t. When He finally arrived at Lazarus’s home, he had been dead for four days. Jesus’ delay was intentional. God had something in mind other than the healing of a severe illness. S H A R E T H I S Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show that He is ▪ Read: John 11:1-45. “the resurrection and the ▪ Ask: Why is it important to life” (v. 25). No matter how busy life may seem, God has a plan. His purposes are better than anything we could do on our own, and His timing is perfect. Following Christ means trusting Him to set our schedule and going wherever He leads. 24 STANDFIRM

let God guide your schedule?

▪ Ask: What would you need to do in order to yield your schedule to God? Pray: Father, thank You for caring so much for us that You desire to be involved in every moment of our days.


2 Kings 5:1-14 But his servants approached and said to him, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more should you do it when he tells you, ‘Wash and be clean’?” (v. 13).

A small act can demonstrate great faith. ▪ When Naaman, commander of Aram’s army, discovered that he had than one hundred sermons. developed a terrible skin disease, –DIETRICH BONHOEFFER he traveled to Israel to see Elisha, a prophet of the Lord. Naaman was desperate for help and seemingly willing “to do some great thing” (2 Kings 5:13) in order to gain relief from his condition. But God only wanted him to take a bath in the Jordan River — well, seven baths to be precise (v. 10).

One act of obedience is better

Naaman struggled with this instruction, and he would have headed home, still leprous, if it hadn’t been for the urging of his servants. Naaman couldn’t wrap his head around the Lord’s command. He must have wondered what good could come from washing in a filthy river. But God wasn’t really interested in Naaman taking a bath; He wanted Naaman to trust Him — no matter how small or insignificant His command might have seemed. Eventually Naaman did obey the Lord. He washed himself in the Jordan seven times, and his skin was healed. His simple, albeit hesitant, act of faith opened the door to God’s blessing. When we read this story in Scripture, it seems obvious to us. But in everyday life, we might struggle, like Naaman did, to obey God in the seemingly mundane. In the Christian life, we often face small, S H A R E T H I S daily battles over things like our pride and anger. Those ▪ Read: 2 Kings 5:1-14. fights can be won, not in ▪ Ask: Why do you think our own strength, but in Naaman struggled with the the power we receive when Lord’s command? we take time to pray, listen ▪ Ask: What are some areas of your life in to God’s voice, and then which you struggle to obey God? trust Him completely and Pray: Lord, help us to see each small act obediently. of faith the way You do. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your transforming power in our lives.



1 Samuel 16:1-13 Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart (v. 7).

The Lord sees what’s on the inside. Don’t be deceived by appearances — men and things are not what they seem. All who are not on the rock are in the sea! –WILLIAM BOOTH

▪ Saul was Israel’s first king — and he looked the part. The Bible tells us that he was strong and tall — a full head taller than his kinsmen (1 Sam. 9:2). But Saul routinely turned his heart away from his Creator when it counted most.

On the other hand, David, who was chosen by the Lord to replace Saul, was “a man loyal to [God]” (Acts 13:22). Although David was also a handsome young man (1 Sam. 16:12), God was more concerned about what was on the inside. Every workday, I put on a jacket and tie and head into the office. While I do feel more confident when I’m dressed well, I’m also a bit uncomfortable. In the summertime, a suit can be quite warm, and a tie around my neck tends to become irritating as the day goes on. The most uncomfortable it gets, though, is when I have to go somewhere after work. These days, not a lot of folks are still wearing suits, so I sometimes stand out. I wonder what people think. Do they assume that I have some high-paying, influential job — or that I just came from a funeral? We’re visual creatures and inherently notice a person’s outward appearance. We might feel pressured to look a certain way, to dress in certain clothes, and to have a certain body type. But God tells us there’s more to a person than what’s on the outside. We need His help to see those around us the way He sees them.




▪ Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13. ▪ Ask: When you meet someone for the first time, how much importance do you place on that person’s appearance? Why? ▪ Ask: What does it mean to be “a man loyal to [God]”? Pray: Lord, help us to see people the way that You do, and cultivate within us hearts that long to serve You.


Matthew 6:9-15 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (v. 12).

We can forgive others with God’s help. ▪ In the middle of Jesus teaching His disciples how to it is a constant attitude. pray, He inserted the topic of –MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. forgiveness. He started His prayer by praising God for how good He is. Jesus also modeled how to ask for what we need and how to ask for help in staying out of trouble. He ended by giving glory to God. Yet in the middle, He mentioned forgiving those who have done us wrong.

Forgiveness is not an occasional act,

Are you intentional about forgiving those who have wronged you? Forgiveness is hard for many reasons. It’s tempting to replay in our mind what someone did to hurt us. Sometimes it seems easier to not forgive, to hold onto our anger and resentment. But this leads to bitterness that grows and poisons us from the inside out. Maybe you’re quick to forgive — so quick, you aren’t even sure what you’re really forgiving. Or maybe you try to fully understand what the wrongdoer did and why he did it before you forgive him. In the middle of the Model Prayer, Jesus reminded His followers about the importance of forgiveness. Perhaps that’s the best option for us: to forgive our debtors right in the middle of the mess. Jesus is willing to forgive us, even in the middle of our mess. We should, in turn, be willing to forgive others in the same way. As you pray, think about the forgiveness you’ve received from the Lord, and ask Him to help you show the same kind of forgiveness to others.



▪ Read: Matthew 6:9-15 ▪ Ask: Why is it sometimes difficult to forgive someone who has wronged you? ▪ Ask: What do verses 14-15 tell us? Pray: Lord, help us to remember the forgiveness You have shown to us. Give us the strength to forgive others instead of harboring bitterness toward them.



Luke 22:31-34 I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers (v. 32).

Don’t let failure cause your faith to fail. ▪ In Luke 22:32, Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith wouldn’t fail. not tied to my failure — and, Then in verse 34, He predicted conversely, my failure was not tied that Peter would deny knowing Him. Although the disciple’s to my identity. –J.R. BRIGGS courage did indeed falter (see vv. 54-62), Peter was later restored by the risen Christ and went on to serve Him faithfully with joy and fruitfulness (see John 21:15-19).

I had to learn my identity was

Winston Churchill said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” And he seemed to embody it. He failed often, but kept going. Because of his dogged, adventurous approach, he was successful in many areas of his life. Few of us seem to bounce back from failure so quickly or so well. When we’re too afraid of failure to keep hoping and trying, then we risk not living up to our potential. When we focus on avoiding failure, then we’ve basically stopped living by faith and have instead entered into “survival mode,” where the name of the game is to simply get by. Fortunately, our identity isn’t defined by how successful we are in the eyes of the world, but rather by our relationship and status with S H A R E T H I S our Heavenly Father. Our righteousness is found in His ▪ Read: Luke 22:31-34. Son Jesus, and the Lord’s ▪ Ask: What do you think led love for us is unconditional. to Peter’s failure? Even when we experience ▪ Ask: What do you think Jesus meant failure, God’s love for us and when He told Peter, “Satan has asked to our identity in Him remain sift you like wheat”? unchanged. God will be faithful to you as He was to Peter, so don’t let your failures cause your faith to fail. 28 STANDFIRM

Pray: Lord, help us to find our purpose and identity in You, so that we’re willing to try things not in our own strength, but in Yours, for the good of others and the advancement of Your kingdom.




was 8 years old when I discovered a seemingly never-ending source of candy. Mere words cannot begin to describe the unspeakable thrill that raced from my toes to each of the roughly 130,000 hair follicles that quivered on my head. Imagine an impoverished gold miner finding a nugget larger than a minivan. Put yourself in the shoes of the guy who plucked the Hope diamond from the dirt. Dream of discovering that you’re a long lost member of the royal family, and a servant in a red coat with shiny brass buttons hands you the keys to Buckingham Palace. That was me.


I was strolling through the aisles of our neighborhood drugstore, shopping for valentine cards, when I happened upon a large display of boxed confectionary treasures. Hefty cartons of dark chocolate molasses chews, stacks of boxed confectionary delights, bins of heart-shaped chocolates with gooey cherry centers. Even the smallest package was lavishly beyond my modest means. Then my eyes fell upon a row of small, cheery, yellow boxes, each

labeled “sampler.” I knew that stores sometimes offered free tastes that they referred to as samples, but the display before me was the mother lode. I helped myself to several of the “free” items and returned the next day for more of the complimentary sweets. After I skipped dinner two nights in a row, my parents questioned me about my lack of appetite, and I received a robust and humbling education on the difference between a “sample” and a “sampler.” My dad explained that nothing in life is free. He was mostly right but also quite wrong. The notable exception is the gift of God through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8 says, “You are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift.” What a sweet gift it is. SF STANDFIRM 29


Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

We find strength in accountability. ▪ Proverbs 27:17 is commonly accountable to nobody ought not to be referenced in men’s ministry groups. However, you’ll never trusted by anybody. –THOMAS PAINE create a finely honed knife unless some friction, heat, and sparks are involved. The same is true of accountability: Expect friction, heat, and sparks.

A body of men holding themselves

Accountability is a process. It involves people prayerfully investing in one another by spending quality time together and by building trust, which is crucial in order for accountability partners to feel safe in being answerable to one another. The most successful men’s accountability groups are those in which men are willing to take off their masks and share their struggles. An effective accountability group seeks guidance from God and derives its strength from Him. We can undergird our desire to be accountable by building on a foundation of four pillars: • Responsibility: Being duty-bound to a course of action • Answerability: Holding one another to account • Trustworthiness: Proving to be worthy of trust and confidence



• Liability: Being bound to an obligation or commitment

▪ Read: Proverbs 27:17.

Building on these principles can help us to trust our brothers in Christ, to be godly leaders for our families, and to be prepared when God provides opportunities for us to serve and glorify Him.

▪ Ask: How should a person go about finding a Christian friend to whom he could hold himself accountable?


▪ Ask: Why is it important to hold ourselves accountable for our words and actions?

Pray: Father, we want to be accountable to You above all. Guide us in finding other believers with whom we can be accountable.


Psalm 1 He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither (v. 3).

Plant your gifts in a field of service. ▪ Psalm 1 says a godly man is happy because he obeys play your role. The harvest is assured God’s Word and meditates when God manifests His anointing on it regularly (vv. 1-2). He’s healthy and productive like a power in your passionate actions. tree growing beside a river (v. –ISRAELMORE AYIVOR 3). But the ways of a wicked man who ignores or rebels against God’s law lead to separation from God (v. 5). Instead of a tree, he’s like chaff (worthless seed coverings) blown away by the wind (v. 4).

Plan and plant your gifts. Pray and

One of Jesus’ most familiar parables is in Matthew 13 . A man sowed some seed on several soils that couldn’t sustain a root system, but he also sowed some in rich soil where the plants grew and produced good crops. We may wonder why God “planted” us as He did — where we were born, who our parents were, where we were able to land a job. And we might be tempted to think we have nothing to do with planting our lives and our God-given gifts. Certainly, He gifted each of us uniquely, but we should be proactive in seeking His will and His purposes for our lives. Our Heavenly Father can guide us in choosing what work to pursue, what activities fill our evenings and weekends, how we spend our money, S H A R E T H I S and whom we hang out with. Above all, He wants us to ▪ Read: Psalm 1. choose Him, so our lives will ▪ Ask: What gifts and grow like a tree planted by abilities has God given you? living waters. How are you using the gifts God has given you? Always be on the alert, prayerfully looking for ways to plant your time and your efforts where they’ll produce good fruit and honor Him.

▪ Ask: How will you use your gifts to serve others and honor God? Pray: Lord, help us invest our lives in ways that reflect Your love to those around us.



1 Kings 18:20-40 “You call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of Yahweh. The God who answers with fire, He is God.” All the people answered, “That sounds good” (v. 24).

Be prepared to make a stand for God. ▪ First Kings 18:20-40 chronicles a confrontation not where he stands in moments of between the prophet Elijah comfort and convenience, but where and 450 prophets of the false god Baal on Mount Carmel. he stands at times of challenge and Elijah instructed the false controversy. –MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. prophets to call on their socalled god to send fire down from heaven. This contest would prove to the people that the God whom Elijah served was the one, true, powerful God. Previously, the people were torn between God and Baal. In 1 Kings 18:21, Elijah said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If Yahweh is God, follow Him. But if Baal, follow him.”

The ultimate measure of a man is

As the false prophets began to call to their god, nothing happened. They tried from morning until noon, and still nothing happened — not a spark of fire in sight. Elijah even asked them if their god was asleep. As time went by, Elijah gathered the people around and asked God to send fire from heaven. God showed up in a mighty way with fire blazing! The people saw this and immediately believed in God. Making a stand for God isn’t always a popular decision. It might mean speaking against social injustice, taking the high road when others don’t, or simply making a decision to pray daily as a family. As believers, we might be outnumbered in many situations, but the good news is, “If God is for us, who is against us?” (Rom. 8:31).




▪ Read: 1 Kings 18:20-40. ▪ Ask: What are some things that compel you to stand firm for God? ▪ Ask: In what areas of your life do you need to make a stand for God? Pray: Father, give us strength to be bold in our stance for You, even if it means going against popular opinion.


John 15:11-13 No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends (v. 13).

Show gratitude for those who serve and protect. ▪ John 15:13 references the greatest love known to history’s iron pen, was the thought of mankind — sacrificial love duty done and the love of his fellowfor others. Our Heavenly Father showed the greatest, men. –RICHARD WATSON GILDER matchless example of this kind of love when He sent His own Son to die for our sins. We’re compelled to show His love to others.

Better than honor and glory, and

Young men and women might choose to enter military service out of patriotism or for the challenge of doing something difficult and beyond themselves. Whatever the reasons, when faced with life-threatening circumstances during intense combat situations, they don’t subject themselves to enemy fire to retrieve a wounded comrade from the battlefield or jump on a grenade to be heroic. They do so out of a deep-rooted devotion to their fellow soldiers, sailors, and airmen. As a career Marine, I had the pleasure of leading young Marines from many different backgrounds. They left boot camp with newfound respect and love for one another because they were forged together as fellow Marines. They were bound to a code of honor that required loyalty, even to the point of dying for one another, if necessary. From the time of the S H A R E T H I S American Revolutionary War through today, more than a ▪ Read: John 15:11-13. million patriots have given ▪ Ask: Describe a time when their full measure of devotion someone made a sacrifice in defense of freedom. We for you. observe Memorial Day as a ▪ Ask: How can you express gratitude for way to honor these men and people in the armed services? women. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and for Pray: Lord, thank You for those who are those who currently serve willing to serve and sacrifice for our nation. For those who have lost a loved one, may in the military, as well as Your grace and love fill them with a peace for their families, and thank that can only come from You. them for their sacrifice. STANDFIRM 33


Psalm 18:29-36 God — He clothes me with strength and makes my way perfect (v. 32).

We find true strength in God. ▪ In Psalm 18, David recalled the great victories he had over his if he leans on God, he becomes enemies and then pointed to the powerful. –D. L. MOODY source of his strength, the living God who equipped him for the tasks he would accomplish, even when it seemed impossible. In this psalm of praise, David acknowledged that God provided the strength he needed in order to do His will.

When a man has no strength,

It would be great to simply stop here: Find your strength in God. It sounds straightforward. There’s only one problem: Our human tendency is to try and find strength in other things. There seems to be a compulsive drive in men to find and demonstrate strength. Although boys test each other with dares and challenges, the real search starts in early manhood. Young men might flex their muscles in a mirror and approach the physical challenges of a sport or activity wondering how they measure up with others. As we grow older, the search for strength becomes more complicated. We might search for it in our career, hoping that success and money will make us feel strong. We might be tempted to seek strength in possessions, power, and accomplishments. But these things ultimately end up weakening us when we seek S H A R E T H I S strength in them rather than in our Heavenly Father. We find true and lasting strength when we learn to trust in our Heavenly Father, seeking to receive His truth and hear His voice.

▪ Read: Psalm 18:29-36.

▪ Ask: What are some false sources of strength you’re tempted to rely on? ▪ Ask: What would change in our lives if we learned to rely on God’s strength more? Pray: Father, give us Your strength as we face the demands of life.



Deuteronomy 6 Carefully observe the commands of the Lord your God, the decrees and statutes He has commanded you (v. 17).

Our actions should align with our words. ▪ Christian parents are responsible for modeling any day; I’d rather one would walk Christlike behavior for their with me than merely tell the way. children. “Observe the commands of the L ord your –EDGAR GUEST God” (Deut. 6:17) and “Do what is right and good in the Lord’s sight” (v. 18) are action statements. Every aspect of our lives — our thoughts, attitudes, words, deeds, and schedules — should reflect our desire to please God. This brings honor and glory to Him and blessing to those we love.

I’d rather see a sermon than hear one

Teaching can be defined as instruction by explanation, while modeling is teaching by example. We teach primarily with our words; we model by our actions. If our behavior doesn’t reflect Christlikeness, then our teaching will be garbled and confusing. Children are usually watching more closely than they’re listening. A cartoon reads, “No matter what you teach the child, he insists on behaving like his parents.” On one occasion, Dennis the Menace, while holding the remnants of a tricycle that had been demolished, asked his dad, “What are some of those words you say when S H A R E T H I S you hit a bad golf shot?” Because children tend to learn more from what we do than from what we say, it’s crucial that we consistently model for our children the Christlike behavior we want them to imitate. When our words and actions reflect our love for God and our desire to obey Him, our children are rewarded and our families are blessed.

▪ Read: Deuteronomy 6. ▪ Ask: Can you recall and describe an instance in which someone’s actions and words didn’t match up? ▪ Ask: Why is it important that our actions align with our words? Pray: Father, help us to glorify You in everything we say and do.



Colossians 4:5-6 Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time (v. 5).

Let others see Jesus in you. The only Jesus that unbelievers ever see on this earth is the one reflected in those who already know Him. By mirroring Christ, we should be ready to turn any conversation or meeting with an

▪ In Colossians 4:5-6, Paul urged believers to walk wisely when they encountered unbelievers, setting a good example of what it means to be a Christian.

unbeliever into a divine encounter.

Your family is Christian. Your friends are Christian. –DAVID JEREMIAH You go to Sunday School and at least one worship service every Sunday, and you wouldn’t dream of missing out on the Wednesday night fellowship meal. It’s a comfortable way to live life, because you rarely have theological disagreements. You have believers around you at almost every turn. Every day you encounter people who don’t believe in God the way you do. They might view Jesus as a good man or maybe as a prophet, but not much more. They might not even know about Him at all. How should you respond to those who don’t know Christ as Savior? Would you focus on their lack of faith, or would you patiently show them the kind of life S H A R E T H I S that’s described in the Bible? Rather than debating with a non-believer, look for a chance to patiently share your faith. If he walks away, pray for another opportunity. There’s a world of people out there who need to hear about Christ, and the next encounter you have with an unbeliever may be his only chance. How will you share the gospel message? 36 STANDFIRM

▪ Read: Colossians 4:5-6. ▪ Ask: What are some ways you could show Christ’s love to those who don’t know Him as their Savior? ▪ Ask: What are some conversationstarters that might lead to sharing the gospel with others? Pray: Lord, we see people every day who don’t believe in You. Please help us to be bold enough to share our faith as You lead us.


John 3:22-30 He must increase, but I must decrease (v. 30).

Humility is a foundational virtue. ▪ There is perhaps no better definition for true humility other virtues hence. In the soul in than the one in John 3:30. which this virtue does not exist there A lesser man than John the Baptist could have taken cannot be any other virtue except in advantage of the situation mere appearance. –AUGUSTINE when his followers observed that crowds were flocking to Jesus. He could have tried to downplay Jesus or to rail against Him in an attempt to bolster his own ministry. Rather than trying to draw followers back to himself, though, John pointed them to Jesus. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah and that he was the messenger of the Messiah’s coming. Nothing more, nothing less. John would eventually pay for his steadfast faith with his life, but even the threat of death wasn’t enough to deter him.

Humility is the foundation of all the

There’s a brilliant song out by the JJ Weeks Band that provides a modernday illustration of what it means to live a life of humility. “Let Them See You” speaks of allowing Christ to shine through when we speak, sing, or simply walk through our daily lives. It’s a great reminder for us to put Him first and ourselves second. As Christian men, we may be the only Jesus that some people ever meet. During those encounters, how much of Him do they see? Do we allow our pride to get in the way and cloud the view? He must increase, and we must decrease. Keeping this foundational truth in mind can help us maintain a humble attitude that reflects Christ and His love to those around us.



▪ Read: John 3:22-30. ▪ Ask: How did John the Baptist demonstrate humility? ▪ Ask: Do you know someone who consistently models humility? What characteristics make that person humble? Pray: Lord, You have given us so much. Help us to always remember to put You first in our lives.



1 Corinthians 10:1-13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape, so that you are able to bear it (v. 13).

Overcoming temptation is difficult, but doable. ▪ In today’s Scripture passage, Paul described some temptations temptation know how strong it is. that the Israelites struggled with –C.S. LEWIS during their years in the desert. These temptations are still prevalent today. For example, idolatry takes many forms, all of them dangerous. Attempting to replace God with anything or anyone else always ends badly.

Only those who try to resist

Another temptation that people struggle with today is sexual immorality. It’s pervasive in our society, but it can be deceptively subtle. An image on television or a message from an aquaintance on a social media site can threaten to lead us down a dangerous road. Many people have suffered devastating consequences from seemingly small things that snowballed into something worse. Complaining is another common temptation. The weather’s always too hot or too cold. The house we live in has one thing or another wrong with it. The gift we received isn’t exactly what we wanted, and we begrudgingly head to the store to return it. There’s nothing quite like trading an ounce of disappointment for a ton of appreciation. The true beauty of this passage is the assurance in verse 13 that God provides a way out of the temptations we face. When we think we’ve got it made on our own merit, that’s when we’re often the most susceptible to stumbling. Resisting the evil of temptation requires placing our faith in the Lord and letting Him guide our choices and our attitudes. 38 STANDFIRM



▪ Read: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. ▪ Ask: What’s a difficult temptation you’ve tried to overcome? ▪ Ask: How does your faith in Christ help you to overcome temptation? Pray: Lord, temptation lurks around every corner. Help us to resist it, not by our might, but by Yours.


Proverbs 4:23-27 Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life (v. 23).

Be proactive in guarding your heart. Few things are more infectious than a godly lifestyle. The people you rub shoulders with every day need that kind of challenge. Not prudish. Not preachy. Just cracker jack clean living. Just honest-to-goodness, bone-deep, non-hypocritical integrity. –CHUCK SWINDOLL

▪ Today’s Scripture passage provides instruction on how to stay in good shape spiritually. Integrity plays a role in our spiritual health much like exercise does for our physical health. The heart is an essential part of the body, both physically and spiritually, because our survival depends upon it. Guarding our hearts is crucial for believers.

But how do we do that? Verse 24 lists a good first step: making sure our words aren’t dishonest or manipulative. Words have the ability to build up or to destroy. What we say is an indication of whether or not we’re walking the walk. Verses 25 and 26 are more explicit in their instruction. When I run, I tend to fix my eyes on what’s straight ahead. I want to be alert to any obstacles on the path that might trip me up. The same goes for my spiritual path. I avoid anything that might cause me to stumble in my S H A R E T H I S Christian walk, including peripheral distractions that ▪ Read: Proverbs 4:23-27. could cause me to veer off▪ Ask: What does it mean to course and into trouble. Guarding our hearts isn’t just a once-in-a-while thing. It means being proactive and living with integrity all day, every day, week in and week out, in every season, throughout the year.

“guard your heart”?

▪ Ask: Why is it especially important for Christians to live with integrity? Pray: Lord, You are the Author of life. Help us to live our lives in a way that’s pleasing to You.



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