LifeWay Women 2013 Catalog

Page 1

2013 | 2014 catalog

contents Women’s Resources


Marriage, Family & Parenting


Women’s Ministry Leadership


Additional Resources


For Your Man


Women’s Events






lives are changed one woman at a time

Beth Moore is an author and Bible teacher of bestselling Bible studies and books for women. She is the founder of Living Proof Ministries and speaker at Living Proof Live women’s events across the US. Her mission is to lead women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father through biblical literacy— guiding believers to love and live God’s Word. Beth loves the Lord, loves to laugh, and loves to be with His people. She and her husband, Keith, have two dogs, two daughters, and two grandchildren.

Coming soon from Beth

Available May 2014! Available August 2013!




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


beth MOORE

David: Seeking a Heart Like His Updated Edition 11 sessions

Explore the depths of God’s love with this updated edition of A Heart Like His: Seeking the Heart of God Through a Study of David. In this study of the “man after God’s own heart,” David will make you laugh and cry. He will delight and disappoint you. You’ll want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others. David’s life clearly demonstrates that God is always able to reach us, correct us, and reclaim our worship. If you’ve ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, or personal inconsistencies, this study is for you. Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

James: Mercy Triumphs 8 sessions with optional 9th

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Your heartbreak, sickness, and failures are not empty. Those holes in your heart leave space for mercy to fill, making you complete. Your life story is proof of that, just like James. Jesus’ own brother started out as a skeptic. But one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple. Get to know both the man and the Book of James through this 8-session study and be inspired to put your faith into action in practical ways. Member Book 005459784 Leader Guide 005459785 Leader Kit 005371580

005337219 $15.95 005337220 $6.95 005189428 $179.95

$15.95 $6.95 $179.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Audio CDs 005459786 $39.95 Santiago, Triunfa La Misericordia Member Book, Spanish 005474632 $14.95

Audio CDs 005337221 $39.95 David, un Hombre Conforme al Corazón de Dios Member Book, Spanish 005371607 $16.95 STUDENT EDITION

David: Seeking God’s Heart Student Edition Member Book Leader Guide

001050978 $8.95 001050979 $6.95

Breaking Free:

The Journey, The Stories Updated Edition 11 sessions

This in-depth Bible study leads you through Isaiah 61:1-4 to discover the transforming power of Christian freedom by drawing parallels between the captive Israelites and the spiritual strongholds in our lives. First released in 1999, this updated edition includes 11 new video teaching messages, along with updated Bible study content and testimonies of how women like you have found freedom from their personal captivity. No matter what life stage you’re in or struggles you’re going through, if where you are isn’t where you want to be, don’t stay there. Break free. Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

005222032 $15.95 005222031 $6.95 005125846 $179.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Audio CDs 005222030 $39.95 ¡Sea libre! Member Book, Spanish 001133218 $14.95


Daniel: Lives of Integrity,

Words of Prophecy 12 sessions

The prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures—to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats. Today, believers face many of the same trials. This study examines how believers can develop integrity in our modernday Babylon, and then explores prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Christ. Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit


Contains DVDs , Member Book, and Leader Guide; Replacement DVDs with Spanish subtitling available upon request.

It’s Tough Being a Woman 10 sessions

Audio CDs 001299005 $39.95 Daniel Member Book, Spanish 005035135 $16.95

The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today’s overloaded and stressed woman. Esther, while a queen, lived as an outsider in a hostile environment. Women will learn strong lessons of faith, providence, and hope to equip them to live courageously “for such a time as this.” Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

001299013 $15.95 001299007 $6.95 001299009 $179.95

Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

005162885 $15.95 005162731 $6.95 005035530 $179.95

7 sessions

Explore the pilgrimage theme found in Psalms 120–134. As you reflect, pray, and respond to these treasured Psalms, you’ll experience a new level of intimacy with God. This unique study is enriched with songs performed by Travis Cottrell and other musical guests.

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Audio CDs 005162730 $39.95 Ester Member Book, Spanish 005168047 $16.95

Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

005091397 $12.95 005090899 $6.95 005035499 $149.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Audio CDs




Digital Downloads (audio & video)

005091396 $39.95


beth MOORE Loving Well 4 sessions

Based on Beth Moore’s messages from a Living Proof Live event. Beth describes four different types of people—some easy to love, some not-so-easy. Using them as key teaching points, she shows you how to love well and reveal God to others as your own faith is strengthened. Packed with ready-to-use resources for your next women’s retreat or four-session Bible study. Leader Kit

001310904 $99.95

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, CD-ROM, Promotional Tools, Journal, and Tote Bag

Journal Tote Bag

001310905 $5.95 001310995 $4.95

Believing God:

Beloved Disciple:

Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith

The Life and Ministry of John 11 sessions

10 sessions

John was uniquely chosen to receive the “Revelation” of Jesus Christ. Learn how Christ still desires this kind of love relationship with you today.

Examines the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others from the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith” and encourages women to deepen their own trust in God while receiving a fresh word from Him.

Member Book 001879317 $15.95 Leader Guide 001879323 $6.95 Leader Kit 005126267 $179.95

Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, Member Book, and Music CD

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, and Member Book

Audio CDs 005291130 $39.95 Hardcover Book 001206240 $19.99

Audio CDs 001299307 Hardback Book 001248572 Devotional Journal 001248574 Creer a Dios Member Book, Spanish 001253550 Online Study 005006404


John: The Beloved Disciple Student Edition

001227729 $15.95 001227728 $6.95 001227730 $179.95 $39.95 $22.99 $14.99 $14.95 $23.95

Member Book 001201095 $11.95 Leader Guide 001201097 $6.95

A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place Updated Edition 11 sessions

Embark on a fascinating journey into why God would choose to live in a wilderness tabernacle made by human hands. Women will discover that God desires to dwell among His people and in our hearts. Member Book 005076821 Leader Guide 005077200 Leader Kit 005035305

$15.95 $6.95 $179.95

Audio CDs 005077199 $39.95 El Corazon del Creyente Member Book, Spanish 005167226 $16.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide


Living Beyond Yourself:

Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit 11 sessions

Equips believers to better understand the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Beth challenges participants to pursue the only route to developing these godly character traits: maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. Member Book 001243968 $15.95 Leader Guide 001243970 $6.95 Leader Kit 001243885 $179.95

Jesus the One and Only

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, and Member Book

Based primarily on the Book of Luke, this study is a careful examination of the life of Christ. An ideal winter semester study to conclude during Easter season.

Audio CDs 001301151 $39.95 ¡Al fin libre! Member Book, Spanish 001133219 $14.95 Online Study 005010081 $23.95

11 sessions

Member Book 001116514 $15.95 Leader Guide 001116515 $6.95 Leader Kit 005035784 $179.95 Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, Member Book, and Music CD

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Arming

Audio CDs 001288953 $39.95 Hardcover Book 001069495 $19.99

Yourself in the Age of Seduction 7 sessions

Beth contends that many who have “fallen” are authentic servants who were unaware of the devil’s schemes—due in part to the enemy’s clever disguises. And for those who have been snared by seduction, there is another side to this otherwise vicious cycle—a compassionate Savior who forgives, cleanses, adorns, and restores. Member Book 001205314 $12.95 Leader Guide 001205303 $6.95 Leader Kit 001205317 $149.95 Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, and Member Book

Audio CDs 001310668 $39.95 Hardcover Book 001069489 $19.99 Cuando los cristianos hacen cosas que desagradan a Dios Member Book, Spanish 001248516 $12.95




turn to page 66 for more info

Digital Downloads (audio & video)


beth MOORE Whispers of Hope: Available October 2013!

10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer

Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, but how in the world do we do that? In fact, do we even know how to pray? Where do we start? Best-selling author Beth Moore addresses these practical and pervasive matters in Whispers of Hope by walking readers through an easy to remember and apply method of prayer, coupled with 70 daily devotionals and followed by prompts to put this prayer method into practice. Whispers of Hope teaches the manifestation process of powerful Word-saturated prayer in response to a daily Bible reading. In turn, you will better understand how devotional reading and prayer are central to a stronger relationship with God. Paperback



To Live Is Christ: The Life and Ministry of Paul 11 sessions

Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, served faithfully, loved heartily, and demonstrated what it means to die daily, crucified with Christ. Discover a greater appreciation for his unflagging faith and undying devotion to servanthood. Member Book 001116528 Leader Guide 001116527 Leader Kit 005172432

$15.95 $6.95 $179.95

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, and Member Book

Audio CDs

001291500 $39.95

The Patriarchs:

Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 11 sessions

Discover God’s pursuit of relationship and the unfolding of His earthly plan: How through one nation—and ultimately one man—all people on earth will be blessed. Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

001271837 $15.95 001271838 $6.95 001271840 $179.95

Contains DVDs, Leader Guide, Member Book, and Music CD

Audio CDs 001298792 $39.95 Los Patriarcas Member Book, Spanish 001299414 $14.95

Living Free: Learning to Pray God’s Word 6 sessions

Combines key concepts from Breaking Free with prayer practices taught in Praying God’s Word for a more in-depth look at Christian freedom. Member Book Viva libre Member Book, Spanish






beth MOORE Devotions from the Beth Moore Library Audio CD


from the

Includes 7 inspiring devotional segments from Beth’s original Bible studies, each around 10 minutes in length. Perfect for time in the car. 005422170

Audio CD


Devotions from the Beth Moore Library, Volume 2 Audio CD


from the

Enjoy your time in the car by listening to some of the most uplifting, Scripture-based messages from beloved author Beth Moore. This 2-disc audio CD set includes 12 devotional segments from Beth’s Bible studies. Each devotion is approximately 10 minutes in length—perfect for growing closer to God while you commute or run errands. Also makes a great gift!

NEW volume 2

Audio CD Set



LifeWay Women Devotions Audio CD

Enjoy devotional segments from Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kelly Minter, Lisa Harper, Angie Smith, Tammie Head, Angela Thomas, Vicki Courtney, and Jennifer Rothschild taken from a variety of women’s Bible studies and live events. This double CD includes 12 inspiring Scripture-based lessons, each approximately 10 minutes in length, that will offer you encouragement during your daily routine.


Audio CD Set



Each of these 64-page booklets contain daily inspiration taken from the original studies. BETH MOORE lessons from


Mercy Triumphs:

Lessons from James Paperback 005463041 $1.99


Seeking a Heart Like His: Lessons

Real Freedom:

from David

A Taste of Breaking Free

Paperback 005371620 $1.99

Paperback 005139182 $1.99



Experience a Fresh Explosion of Faith: A Taste of Believing God

Paperback 005139183 $1.99

Digital Downloads (audio & video)

Arm Yourself Against the Enemy’s Schemes: A Taste of When Godly People Do Ungodly Things Paperback 005139184 $1.99


beth MOORE | Priscilla Shirer | Kay Arthur

Faithful, Abundant, True:

Three Lives Going Deeper Still with study questions by Lorie Keene 7 sessions

God is faithful. His provision is abundant. His promises are true. Join Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore in Orlando, Fla., at the Deeper Still event. Recorded live, women can use this versatile study guide for a retreat or as a seven-session Bible study with two weeks each of Kay, Priscilla, and Beth followed by a seventh-session panel discussion with all three teachers. As a Bible study, participants will watch the video sessions and unpack the rich teaching through Scripture study and personal application. Made to fit women’s busy schedules, Faithful, Abundant, True involves daily study in a brief format. Most women will spend 15 to 30 minutes each day. Retreat Guide & Member Book Leader Kit

005271629 005189430

$12.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

005302391 $39.95

Audio CDs

Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A Study of David 7 sessions

Recorded live at the Deeper Still event, Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur explored their lives and the life of David. You’ll laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. These authors’ messages are divided into three segments, two lessons each. Use at a retreat, for a women’s Bible study, or on your own. Member Book Leader Kit

005159143 $12.95 005089463 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Audio CDs




A communications major in college, Priscilla Shirer planned to be a TV news anchor­—but God had other ideas. While interning at a Christian radio station in Houston, she began to receive invitations to do Bible studies at small women’s events. At only 18 she shared the simple truths of Scripture that she was studying during her quiet time, and she’s been in full-time ministry ever since. Priscilla’s ministry is focused on the expository teaching of the Word of God. Her desire is to see women come to a full understanding of who they are in Christ by hearing the uncompromising truth of Scripture.

Gideon: Your Weakness. God’s Strength.



You r wea kn es s .

7 sessions

When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or a fleece laid beneath the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His people—His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of, even through, their weakness. From a state of fear, weakness, and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel’s hero, filled with God’s presence and His passion for deliverance. This study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God. If you’ve ever felt insufficient, ill-equipped, incompetent, or outnumbered, this study is for you.

G od ’s STR EN GTH .

005538485 $12.95 005538484 $149.95

Member Book Leader Kit

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

God Is Able

Available October 2013!

Got an impossible situation? The anxiety it brings can wake you in the middle of a night’s sleep and cast a cloak of fear over your shoulders that you can’t seem to shake. It can take you down. Squash all hope. Stop you in your tracks. Impossible. Impenetrable. Unchangeable. Maybe so … until God gets involved. No matter the details of your circumstance, His raw power potential and immeasurable ability refuse to cower in the face of any challenge. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing. Not even that thing. This is the uplifting, well-reasoned answer—not a denial of life’s adversities and troubles, but a biblical reminder that God is always up to great things, even when His great things are greater than instant remedies and visible change. He is a God who cares … and a God who can. Paperback




005591864 $12.99

Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Priscilla Shirer SEED

6 sessions

SEED is a resource formatted unlike any other. These six short videos include thoughtprovoking, modern-day parables from Priscilla Shirer with weekly Bible study guides. Purchase individually or in packets of three with accompanying Member Book. Each video stands alone and covers a specific topic, making this a perfect resource for leaders to choose lessons as they relate to the group. Also a great fill-in Bible study, community group resource, or discussion starter at group gatherings. Member Book 1

005342725 $7.95

DVD 1: Forgotten DVD 2: Enough DVD 3: Control DVD 4: Armor DVD 5: Five DVD 6: Glory

Three weeks of study to accompany DVDs 1-3

Seed Pack 1 (Kit) 005189423 $39.95 Contains DVDs 1-3 and Member Book 1

Member Book 2 005442090 $7.95 Three weeks of study to accompany DVDs 4-6

Seed Pack 2 (Kit) 005442097 $39.95

005442091 $14.95 005444490 $14.95 005442093 $14.95 005442094 $14.95 005442095 $14.95 005442096 $14.95

Contains DVDs 4-6 and Member Book 2

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted 7 sessions

What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! Priscilla redefines interruption as God’s invitation to do something greater than we could ever imagine. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. Member Book Leader Kit

005264295 005189429

$11.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Jonás Member Book, Spanish



The Interrupted Life: Lessons from Jonah A 64-page booklet containing daily inspiration from the original study. Paperback 005325612 $1.99

The Resolution for Women In this companion book to the movie COURAGEOUS, Priscilla challenges women to be intentional about embracing and thriving in God’s beautiful and eternal calling on their lives. Today’s women can live out their own resolution. It is “a defining banner that hangs over your life, written in the ink of your own choices.” A woman’s banner should be an accurate reflection of who she desires to be—someone completely Christ-centered who blesses and changes things in her world for the better. Paperback




Priscilla Shirer One In a Million:

Journey to Your Promised Land 7 sessions

Every woman is on a journey. And while the road to your promised land may be bumpy, it is worth every mile. In looking carefully at the two Israelites (out of two million) who crossed over the Jordan and into the Promised Land, we find direction for our own spiritual lives. Expect to see God move in miraculous ways in your everyday existence. Member Book 005169734 $11.95 Leader Kit 005169733 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Can We Talk?

Soul-Stirring Conversations with God

He Speaks to Me:

Preparing to Hear from God 7 sessions

Join Priscilla on an exciting adventure in discovering how God spoke to the boy Samuel, how he responded, and how God speaks to believers today. Member Book 001269686 $10.95 Leader Kit 001269687 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

6 sessions, plus introduction

Open the doors of communication with God through Can We Talk? The primary purpose of this study is to equip you to have intimate conversations with the Creator of the universe! This unique video series engages the hearts and minds of busy women through contemporary stories and the 5 Ps—a simple method of dissecting Scripture. Member Book Leader Kit

005146922 $10.95 005125845 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

¿Podemos hablar? Member Book, Spanish 005189422 $12.95

Discerning the Voice of God:

How to Recognize When God Speaks 7 sessions

Learn to recognize God’s character, language, and tone of voice as you spend time in His Word and understand the role of the Holy Spirit. Member Book 001315096 $10.95 Leader Kit 001315095 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps IS THAT YOU,


t a s t e

o f


Is That You God? A Taste of Discerning the Voice of God A 64-page booklet containing daily inspiration from the original study. Paperback 005189425 $1.99







Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Kelly Minter Kelly Minter is an author, speaker, songwriter, and singer. She is passionate about women discovering Jesus Christ through the pages of Scripture. So whether it’s through a song, study, or spoken word, Kelly’s desire is to authentically express Christ to the women of this generation. In a culture where so many are hurting and broken, she loves to share about the healing and strength of Christ through the Bible’s truth. Kelly writes extensively and speaks and leads worship at women’s conferences, retreats, and events.

Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break 7 sessions

Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. Like Kelly’s other studies in the Living Room Series, you’ll find authentic Bible teaching, recipes, and a relational approach. Nehemiah also includes 7 video sessions and real-life ways to put feet to your faith. Are you ready to let God break your heart for a hurting, lost world and move you in compassion to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Member Book Leader Kit

005371581 $12.95 005461775 $69.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy 6 sessions

Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy comes alive in this second study of the Living Room Series. If you’ve ever felt devastated, struggled as a stranger, longed to be loved, or wept along the way, you’ll find a loyal sister in Ruth. This study includes recipes and a leader guide, plus bonus videos at Enhance your experience with Loss, Love & Legacy—a companion CD of original songs written and performed by Kelly to engage the listener on her own spiritual journey. Member Book 005189427 $12.95 Includes leader helps

Loss, Love & Legacy Music CD 005275025 $12.99

No Other Gods: Confronting

Our Modern-Day Idols 8 sessions

The first in the Living Room Series, this thought-provoking study encourages women to make room for God by dethroning the functional gods that clutter and claim their lives. A relational approach to Bible study that includes recipes, music playlists, and more. Member Book 05035500


Includes leader helps


After 14 years, Angela Thomas’s first marriage ended. Through the wounds of divorce and the uncharted territory of life as a single mom, this ordinary woman learned how to rely on God for strength, hope, and comfort. Today Angela is a best-selling author and gifted teacher who speaks to thousands each year, sharing life experiences to draw her and others into a deeper passion for knowing God. Angela spends her time as a wife and mother in Greensboro, NC. She has a master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places

7 sessions

God is stronger than every single struggle you will ever face. Every. Single. One. You can stop facing today in weakness. You can overcome spiritual immaturity. You can break life-long patterns of defeat and despair. You can remove paralyzing inner anxiousness and truly live in the peace that surpasses all understanding. You can put an end to the self-focused distractions of striving, comparison, and performance. You can smile at the uncertain future because Christ is stronger than all your problems. Today, because of Christ, you can live stronger. This study will guide you into biblical truth so you can live a confident, transformed, Christ-radiating life marked by His strength.


Member Book Leader Kit

005513458 $12.95 005474740 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask

7 sessions

Why can’t I get it together? Am I as invisible as I feel? What am I so afraid of? We’ve all got insecurities, flaws, and struggles that we’re afraid to address. But if we can be brave enough to raise the questions, God will answer us. Member Book Leader Kit

005342722 $11.95 005342721 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Angela Thomas

When Wallflowers Dance:

Do You Think I’m Beautiful?

7 sessions

7 sessions

Becoming a Woman of Righteous Confidence

Women of all ages—both married and single—will be encouraged to move away from the walls and closer to the heart of God in this engaging Bible study. Use as a weekend retreat or a seven-week study. Member Book 005139422 $10.95 Leader Kit 005535020 $149.95

Answering the Question Every Woman Asks

Helps women close the gap between the life that they have and the life they long for. The videobased study combines practical Bible teaching and real-world application. Member Book 005099267 $10.95 Leader Kit 005035527 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Contains DVDs, Member Book with leader helps, and CD-ROM

Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering:

A Bible Study Based on the Sermon on the Mount 7 sessions

Angela shares life lessons about how your imperfect life can reflect back to God a true gratefulness for His love. Member Book 001260511 Leader Kit 001260512 $149.95


Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

see Angela live! Turn to page 70 & 72 for details


Kay Arthur At the age of 29, a divorced mother of two working as a nurse, Kay Arthur called in sick to work because she was sick at heart, sick over the life of sin she had been living. She had a religion but did not possess a relationship with God. On the morning of July 16, 1963, she fell on her knees as a sinner and rose as pure and whole in the Lord’s sight. Today Kay is a conference speaker, Bible teacher, and cofounder of Precept Ministries International, which conducts conferences and institutes worldwide to train men, women, couples, and teens in the Word of God. Kay, who writes from the perspective of one who has experienced God’s grace, is the author of more than 100 books and Bible studies.

Lord, Teach Me to Pray 5 sessions

Based on the Lord’s Prayer and using practical insights, this Bible study is for women of all ages and levels of spiritual growth. Participants will experience a richer, more fulfilling prayer life. Member Book 005035558 $11.95 Leader Kit 005035126 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Audio CDs

005093576 $29.95

Return to the Garden: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality 6 sessions



God’s Enduring Promises 9 sessions

Our sex-saturated society has forgotten how to blush. This call to return to God’s standard for purity includes straightforward lessons from Scripture on love, sex in marriage, purity, modesty, and how men and women should relate to each other. These timely messages are for married or single women.

Explore God’s initiatives with humanity throughout history by studying His key covenants, or enduring promises. Participants will learn what it means to live in covenant relationship with Him as they learn through the process of inductive Bible study.

Member Book 005146923 $11.95 Leader Kit 005035532 $149.95

Member Book 005207282 $14.95 Leader Kit 005189424 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Jennifer Rothschild At the young age of 15, Jennifer Rothschild was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. Today this popular author and accomplished musician weaves music, colorful illustrations, and biblical truth to help audiences find contentment, walk with endurance, and celebrate the ordinary. With her signature wit and poignant story-telling, Jennifer speaks to audiences across the country. She lives in Springfield, MO, with her husband, Philip. They have two sons. Jennifer enjoys nature walks, theme parks, riding a bike built for two, and dark chocolate.

Missing Pieces:

Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense 7 sessions

Does God care? Is He fair? Is He even there? Although you may know all the right answers, they don’t always feel right. Explore these and other questions in this realistic look at the messy, mysterious uncertainties of faith. God’s ways don’t always make sense, but He is trustworthy. Come close to Him. Experience unexpected peace despite your heartache. Trust Him more than your feelings. God will reveal Himself to you and fill in your missing pieces. Member Book 005371621 $12.95 Leader Kit 005371622 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Me, Myself & Lies:

A Thought Closet Makeover 7 sessions This Bible study encourages women to clean out the negative thoughts in their minds related to things like self-esteem, body image, and stress, and replace them with positive truths from God’s Word. Member Book Leader Kit

005179845 $11.95 005178627 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps


Jennie Allen With a passion to inspire a new generation of women to encounter the invisible God, Jennie Allen uses her love of words to engage women’s minds and hearts toward Christ. Jennie graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Studies, and she has published several Bible studies and books. Jennie serves alongside her husband, Zac, at Austin Stone Community Church, where Zac is a pastor. They have 4 kids, including their youngest son who they recently adopted from Rwanda.

Chase: Chasing After the Heart of God 8 sessions


God is invisible. Yet He is the only thing we can chase that won’t leave us feeling empty. God has carved out a space in each of us that only He can fill. So whether you are running from God or working your tail off to please Him, David’s journey will challenge your view of God. Chase explores the events that defined David’s life and the Psalms that flowed out of those experiences. Through David’s example we’ll discover what God really wants from us. The lessons in this study are simple yet deep and very interactive, offering Bible study, stories, and projects to dig into Scripture and deeply engage the minds and hearts of participants. Member Book Leader Kit

005569008 $9.99 005569009 $39.99

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Stuck: The Places We Get Stuck and the God Who Sets Us Free

8 sessions


We are often so stuck in invisible struggles going on in our hearts and minds that we barely have space for God. These deep struggles, these stuck places, are familiar to every one of us—brokenness, anger, discontentment, fear, and sadness. Stuck takes on these struggles within us so that we can encounter God. Because until we recognize that we are stuck and in need of God, we will miss what He has for us. Member Book Leader Kit

005569103 $9.99 005569007 $39.99

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps


Lisa Harper “Hilarious storyteller” and “theological scholar” rarely describe the same person, but Lisa Harper is anything but stereotypical! A gifted communicator, she writes and speaks using colorful pop culture references that connect the dots between the Bible era and modern life. Lisa holds a Masters of Theological Studies with honors from Covenant Seminary, has written multiple books, and is a sought-after Bible teacher and speaker.

Malachi: A Love That Never Lets Go 8 sessions

Know God’s unchanging love in a new way through the Book of Malachi with Lisa Harper’s first LifeWay Women video-driven Bible study. On our worst day, God doesn’t walk away from us. And His love for us is not determined by our performance. No matter how many times we mess up, God never leaves His broken people.

Available January 2014!

Member Book Leader Kit

005474743 005474742

$12.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Tammie Head Tammie Head’s heart started fraying as early as she can remember. Sin-filled exposure led to sin-filled living until fear, insecurity, and a rebellious life became the only road she knew. In her darkest hour, Tammie heard God calling her to Himself. Now rescued, she lives to tell of her wonderful Jesus who can redeem any life. Women are drawn to her openness, passion, grace, and, most of all, her love for the Lord. Tammie lives in Cypress, TX, with her husband and their two daughters. She is the founder of Totally Captivated Ministries.

Duty or Delight?

Knowing Where You Stand with God

7 sessions

God’s not looking for rule followers—He’s looking for relationships. Free yourself from spiritual insecurities and ignite your faith the way you’ve been wishing you could. There is more to Christ than keeping all the boxes checked. Find free bonus videos at Foreword by Beth Moore. Member Book

Includes leader helps

005429354 $12.95 |


Cindi Wood Cindi Wood teaches the “strung-out and frazzled” how to creatively manage the stresses of life. Author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Cindi is also a wife, mother of two, and prime candidate for stress overload! That is why she has turned her focus to the needs of so many Christian women who seek support in handling the tremendous stresses of life in this new millennium. Cindi lives in North Carolina with her husband, Larry.

Desperate: Seeking Simplicity …

Finding the Cross 7 sessions

Schedules, errands, appointments, commitments, parties, functions … Are you desperately trying to catch your breath? With so much to juggle, finding time to connect with God is difficult. If simplicity evades you, look no further than the cross. Explore God’s grace and the restful power He wants to give us through His Word for the first time or for a fresh look at what the cross means for life today. Member Book

Includes leader helps

005376431 $12.95

Video Bundle Download 005513401 $3.99

Includes seven 4-minute videos, a leader helps video, and a promotional video. Only available at

The Frazzled Female:

Finding Peace in the Midst of Daily Life 6 sessions, plus introductory session

Participants will discover practical ways to handle stress as they explore God’s Word and grow in their relationship with Jesus, ultimately experiencing peace, joy, and a saner lifestyle. Member Book

Includes leader helps



The Frazzled Female:

Finding God’s Peace in Your Daily Chaos Hardback Book


001289562 $12.99

Margaret Feinberg Margaret Feinberg is a popular Bible teacher and speaker at churches and leading conferences such as Catalyst, Thrive, and Extraordinary Women. She was recently named one of 50 women most shaping culture and the church today by Christianity Today, one of the “30 Voices” who will help lead the church in the next decade by Charisma magazine, and one of the “40 Under 40” who will shape Christian publishing by Christian Retailing magazine. Margaret currently lives in Colorado, with her husband, Leif and their superpup, Hershey.


Awaken to the Nearness of God 7 sessions

Do you ever feel like you’re going through the motions of faith? Sometimes we do and say the right things, but our hearts are far from God. We lose our sense of awe. But God says, “Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder” (Isaiah 29:14). The answer isn’t more faith, greater obedience, or extra spiritual disciplines. God responds by giving us Himself. Join Margaret for this Bible study that will help you recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine and discover joy in knowing you’re wildly loved. Wonderstruck will remind you what it means to awaken to wonder—every day.


Member Book 005515743 Leader Kit 005515840

$12.95 $79.95

Contains DVD, Member Book, Enhanced CD, and Wonderstruck book

range to bottom edge

Scouting the Divine:

Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey 6 sessions

Explore how ancient livelihoods illuminate meaningful Christian truths that apply to life today through the eyes of a shepherdess in Oregon, a farmer in Nebraska, a beekeeper in Colorado, and a vintner in California. Gain new insight into biblical metaphors and discover answers to puzzling questions. Do sheep really know their shepherd’s voice? How often does a grapevine need to be pruned? What does it mean for a land to be described as overflowing with honey? range to bottom edge

Member Book Leader Kit

005258265 005189433

$9.95 $74.95

Contains DVD, Member Book, Enhanced CD, and Scouting the Divine book

see Margaret live! Turn to page 72 for details


Jen Hatmaker Jen Hatmaker lives in Austin, TX, with her husband, Brandon, and five kids­—they had three the old fashioned way and adopted two from Ethiopia. She and Brandon planted Austin New Church in South Austin in 2008 where their vision is “Love your neighbor, serve your city.” Jen has written nine books and Bible studies, and she travels all over the country teaching God’s Word at conferences for women, church planters, and young adults. Her goal is to simply be a Christ-follower making an impact through radical obedience.

The 7 Experiment:

Staging Your Own Mutiny Against Excess

9 sessions

Are you trapped in the machine of excess? Though Jen once considered herself unmotivated by prosperity, that changed when an undeniably poor child called her rich. Soon a social experiment turned spiritual journey was born. Jen took seven months, identified seven areas of excess (food, clothes, spending, waste, media, possessions, and stress), and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence. Anchored in Scripture, this study leads participants in the same experiment of living a reduced life. The result is the discovery of a greatly increased God and a call toward Christlike simplicity and generosity that becomes a radically better existence. Member Book Leader Kit

005515741 005515742

$12.95 $69.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess Paperback



Interrupted: An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith 5 sessions

God is in the business of interrupting what we think our lives are about. Jen argues that we have missed the point, confusing Christianity with the American Dream and manipulating Scripture to say what we want it to say. Interrupted is about freedom from consumer-driven Christianity and getting back to the true faith—real life, real justice, real religion. Member Book 005492337 Interrupted Leader Bundle 005492048

$7.95 $39.99

Downloadable PDFs only

see Jen live! Turn to page 70 for details


Mary Jo Sharp A former atheist from the Pacific Northwest who thought religion was for the weak-minded, Mary Jo Sharp is now a Christian author and apologist. She holds a Masters in Christian Apologetics from Biola University and is the first woman to become a Certified Apologetics Instructor through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. A clear communicator with a teacher’s heart, she finds great joy in discussing the deep truths of her Savior. She enjoys conversing with people of differing views, and has even engaged in formal debates with Muslims.

Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation 7 sessions

How confident do you feel in talking about matters of faith? Do you wish you could express your beliefs with more effectiveness? Join Mary Jo in a practical seven-session study to equip you to have meaningful spiritual conversations. You’ll gain understanding and skill to share Jesus effectively with others, and you’ll better understand your own faith. Answer your doubts, build your confidence, and start changing lives. Member Book Leader Kit

005513459 005474741

$12.95 $99.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Mary kassian Mary Kassian is an award-winning author, international speaker, and a professor at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY. She is the author of several books, Bible studies, and video teaching series. Born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, Mary and her husband Brent have three sons.

Knowing God by Name: A Personal Encounter 7 sessions

Study 35 Hebrew names of God that describe His character, His relationships, and His purpose. As you learn the significance of each ancient word, you’ll be awestruck by the Lord’s magnificence. Includes brief daily study with engaging learning activities. Saturated in Scripture and words from ancient hymns—a rich, meaningful study for any woman desiring to know God better. Member Book



Conversation Peace: The Power of Transformed Speech 7 sessions

Learn biblical principles to revolutionize your speech and improve your relationships. Member Book Leader Kit

001114551 005172427

$11.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

La conversación apacible Member Book, Spanish 001276491 $11.95

Conversation Peace: Improve Your Relationships One Word at a Time

Hardback Book |

001238961 $12.99


Bible Studies by Demand for Women DVDs, Vol. 1-3 6 sessions each

Beth Moore f Jennifer Rothschild Kay Arthur f Vicki Courtney Priscilla Shirer

These DVD-based, stand-alone studies each feature 6 sessions from a variety of best-selling Bible teachers such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Vicki Courtney, Jennifer Rothschild, and Kay Arthur. It is a practical, pick-upand-go resource that can be used any time you need a teacher on short notice, to fill time gaps between studies, at retreats, as a great backup resource, or to preview new authors. A separate CD includes downloadable listening guides in a PDF format. Bible Studies by Demand for Women DVDs, Vol. 1 001301870 $59.95 Bible Studies by Demand for Women DVDs, Vol. 2 001303670 $59.95 Bible Studies by Demand for Women DVDs, Vol. 3 005325610 $59.95

For Women Only: The Bible Study by Shaunti Feldhahn 7 sessions

Uses tips based on biblical principles, combined with the author’s insights and timely interviews with men. What all women need to know about the inner lives of men—whether single, dating, or married. Includes how to use this DVD-based study at home, at church, or as a retreat. Member Book Leader Kit

001303673 001303674

$11.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


additional authors Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole by Angie Smith


We love to cheer for the underdog and believe to our core that every life makes a difference. And we are right—there’s no one too broken for God. We know this is true for our friends when we want to encourage them. Yet, when it comes to the places of our innermost sense of shame and regret, we often struggle to believe that God will make something spectacular out of our brokenness and disappointments. Mended shows how faith lived in daily life is all that it takes to be a part of creating God’s picture of redemption in your life and those around you. Your life does make a difference—because of how He is magnified in the cracks. Paperback



Pursuing More of Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz 6 sessions

Dig into the Gospel of John with DVD-driven teaching and a highly inductive approach to Bible study. Anne demonstrates how to do inductive Bible study providing a video-based, hands-on learning opportunity. Participants will be led to complete short activities individually and in small groups. Member Book Leader Kit

005182533 005035521

$11.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps

Tour of Duty: Preparing Our Hearts for Deployment, A Bible Study for Military Wives by Sara Horn 7 sessions

Military families like to be prepared—they plan, they strategize, they organize. But whether they’re active, National Guard, or Reserve, when deployment comes, all the planning in the world can still fail when it comes to their hearts. This study is an excellent starting point for military wives to get connected with others in the military community who share this common thread. Women facing deployment can learn how to lean on God and come out of it confident in the knowledge that God is with them, He loves them, and He has not abandoned them. Member Book


Includes leader helps



Life Lessons from Women in the Bible by Rhonda Harrington Kelley 6 sessions

Learn powerful lessons from the lives of more than 30 different biblical women as wives, mothers, leaders, and working women. Member Book 001116578 $9.95 Includes leader helps

The Virtuous Woman: Shattering the Superwoman Myth by Vicki Courtney 6 sessions

For most women, the Proverbs 31 passage offers “more guilt than eating a one-pound bag of M&Ms.” Is this the ideal woman? Or is the Proverbs 31 woman an outdated fixture of the past? Unravel the mystery with this study. Member Book 001114550 $9.95 Includes leader helps

Heart Friends:

Beginning and Maintaining a Small Accountability Group by Margaret Kennedy & Shirley Moses 4 sessions

This unique, multi-purpose study introduces the process of accountability to the women in your church. Member Book 001269683 $14.95

Attending the Bride of Christ: Preparing

Includes leader helps

for His Return

by Martha Lawley 6 sessions This Bible study helps women better understand God’s plan for the church and how they can prepare for Christ’s return through the rich symbolism of a Jewish wedding. Member Book 001274665 $8.95




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


additional authors Women of Purpose Series 6 sessions each

This series of Bible studies highlights the roles of various women noted in Scripture. Each small group study provides role models for women of all ages who have a desire to live wholeheartedly for Jesus. This series will help you understand your own calling in God’s larger story, and you may find that you have more in common with these women than you think. Perfect for teachers with less planning time, outreach & seeker groups, and home & neighborhood Bible studies. Each study includes leader helps.

Held in High Esteem: Women Commended by Paul by Dr. Gene & Elaine Getz Member Book 005038462

Ruth & Naomi’s Path to Redemption

by Dr. Gene & Elaine Getz $7.99

Faith Untamed:

The Strength of Deborah, Rahab, and Abigail by Ivey Harrington Beckman Member Book 005126277

Famine to Fairy Tale:

Member Book 001314278


Redeeming Our Regrets:

The Entangled Lives of Sarah & Hagar by Dr. Gene & Elaine Getz


Member Book 001212851


Forever Touched:

Significant Women in Jesus’ Life by Dr. Gene & Elaine Getz Member Book 001314277




your story unfolds in simple moments

The Love Dare for Parents: Bible Study by Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick 6 sessions

This study will inspire and strengthen busy moms and dads to learn and practice principles of love as they relate to their children, ages preschool to college, by offering a plan of action to help them more fully cherish and enjoy all of their children during each season of their lives. Helps parents learn how God has wired each of their children so that they can tailor the way they discipline, show affection, and teach life lessons to each one. Inspires and strengthens moms and dads in their daily interactions. Learn transforming concepts to consistently implement into your relationship with your kids.


Member Book 005602392 $7.99 The Love Dare for Parents Paperback 005261870 $14.99

The Love Dare Bible Study

by Michael Catt, Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick 8 sessions Small-group sessions based around clips from the motion picture FIREPROOF. Connects couples to The Love Dare journal during the session and throughout the week. Utilizes activities that create community, provides opportunities to dialog about real life in real marriage, applies God’s Word, and invites participants into a risky but redemptive journey. Member Book Leader Kit

005186345 005179026

$6.95 $49.95

Contains FIREPROOF DVD, teaching clips DVD, Love Dare book, Member Book, and CD-ROM

El Desafío Del Amor Estudio Bíblico Member Book, Spanish 005257233


Dare to Love: 8 Reasons to Take the Love Dare Paperback 005222545 $1.99

The Art of Marriage 6 sessions

Whether you’re just about to begin your marriage or have been working on your “art” for decades, this study will help you create a masterpiece of a relationship. Much more than just a viewer’s guide, this study provides a place to process life and capture thoughts while you learn more about marriage. Discover material that will change the way you approach your marriage and that you will reference for years to come. Includes two study guides with small-group discussion questions, mini projects for completion during group meetings, date-night suggestions for couples, articles and tips on improving marriage, and more. Member Book Leader Kit

005501955 005501954

Contains DVD, Member Book, and Host Guide




$9.99 $49.99

Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Marriage, family & Parenting A Biblical Marriage in a Broken World:

Building a Relationship that Will Go the Distance by Danny Akin 6 sessions


In a secular culture that seeks to unravel the threads of Christian values and family life, married couples can flourish. All it takes is doing a few things right. Danny Akin lays out a clear plan for building a satisfying relationship that will go the distance. He talks specifically to husbands and wives about their roles in building a fulfilling marriage. He also shares profound advice for married parents and single parents alike about raising their kids. This insightful, entertaining, and practical resource is ideal for marriage/family workshops, retreats, weekday studies, individual counseling resource, for marrieds and singles of all ages. Participant Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

005535022 005535023 005535021

$8.95 $7.95 $179.95

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman 2 to 7 sessions

What’s your love language? This popular study helps you identify your personal love language and understand the love language of your spouse. Gain practical suggestions for enriching your marriage by practicing the other love languages. This revised version provides multiple use options: A 2-session study, a 5-session study (one session per love language), or a 7-session study (introductory session, 5 love language sessions, and final session about the “in love” experience). Member Book Leader Kit

005085884 005035510

$12.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, leader helps, The 5 Love Languages book, and CD-ROM

Los Cinco lenguajes del amor Member Book, Spanish 005189547


Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti: Understanding and Delighting in Your Differences Understanding and Delighting in Your Differences

Bill and Pam Farrel

by Bill & Pam Farrel 7 sessions

This refreshing, humorous look at relationships explains why a man is like a waffle (each element of his life is in a separate box), why a woman is like a plate of spaghetti (everything in her life touches everything else), and how the differences can work for you. Engaging and witty, this small-group study teaches 6 statements of forgiveness, how to avoid impending arguments or hurt feelings, what’s romantic to men vs. women, and more. Member Book Leader Kit

005035493 005035127

$12.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti book

Women Making a Difference in Marriage:

Building Love, Joy, and Commitment by Lana Packer 8 sessions

God has a plan for our marriages, and women can build or rekindle their marriage according to His design. This study offers practical insights for women seeking to be godly wives—even when separation, divorce, or unbelieving husbands seem to shatter their dreams. Member Book




Experiencing God at Home: A Bible Study for Parents by Tom & Richard Blackaby 8 sessions with optional 9th


Helping parents and churches work together to disciple their children after the biblical model, this study can be used in the church by mature parents and leaders to bring parents together and allow them to encourage each other in the opportunities to experience God at home. This study equips parents to be spiritual leaders, offers support and encouragement among parents, develops believers, and increases churchmanship and missional outcomes. Impart the Experiencing God principles to a new generation with this study. Member Book 005558726


Experiencing God at Home by Tom & Richard Blackaby


This book takes a fresh path into the rich roots of Henry Blackaby’s world-renowned Experiencing God writings to connect what happens in our homes to what happens in our churches. Here, his sons Tom and Richard Blackaby first establish the biblical case for the idea of experiencing God at home, illuminating how the clear foundation for God’s work in nations and churches around the world is His work in families. Indeed, healthy families lead to healthy churches, and the Blackabys illustrate that through real-life stories of families who have found ways to experience God in marriage, in choosing life’s direction, in rescuing broken relationships, in forgiveness, in the salvation of loved ones, and the like. Lessons from the Bible support these moving accounts, and the book concludes with resources that will guide individuals, families, and entire churches toward practically experiencing God at home. Hardback Book 005539206


Kids Experiencing God At Home by Kim Blackaby & Rick Osborne


Help kids discover how they can experience God in their everyday lives. Based on the writings of Henry Blackaby and the seven realities of Experiencing God, each session is packed with fun games and activities designed to show kids how they can discover God and join Him in His work. Activity Book 005557461 Leader Guide 005558320

$6.99 $19.99

Experiencing God at Home Day by Day: A Family Devotional by Tom Blackaby & Rick Osborne

Available October 2013!

Experiencing God at Home and this hands-on day by day family devotional take a fresh path back to the rich roots of Henry Blackaby’s world-renowned Experiencing God writings to connect what happens in our homes to what happens in our churches. Indeed, a parents’ task is to disciple their children, and the church’s task is to equip parents for this work of ministry. An enriching devotional the whole family can enjoy that helps parents create a daily time of worship together and guide their children toward a personal relationship with Jesus. Experiencing God at Home Day by Day will guide parents in having daily worship together as a family. It also helps mom and dad lead the kids toward developing their own personal relationship with Christ at each age and stage of growing up. Hardback Book 005539208





Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Marriage, family & Parenting Courageous Living Bible Study

by Michael Catt, Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick 4 sessions This 4-week Bible study helps strengthen families and fathers. Designed around the film COURAGEOUS, the study focuses on four areas: responsibility — serving, protecting, and casting a vision for the family; priorities — focusing on eternal things rather than what is temporary; legacy — recognizing a father’s potential impact as a godly role model; and faith — increasing in wisdom and strengthening a father’s identity in Christ. Member Book 005422891 Leader Kit 005371695

$6.99 $19.99

Contains DVDs, Member Book with leader helps, movie trailers, and film clips for each lesson

Honor Begins at Home:

The COURAGEOUS Bible Study

by Michael Catt, Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick 8 sessions Based on COURAGEOUS, a powerful story of strong male leadership, this study takes individuals and small groups deeper into the biblical truths for a godly family. A great way to start or strengthen a men’s ministry, and a natural tool for community outreach. Member Book 005371686 Leader Kit 005325609

$7.95 $49.95

Contains COURAGEOUS DVD, teaching clips DVD, Member Book, The Resolution for Men book, The Resolution for Women book, CD-ROM, and teaching plans

Coming in spring 2014!

New Bible Studies from Dr. James Dobson


Raising Boys & Girls:

The Art of Understanding Their Differences by Sissy Goff, David Thomas & Melissa Trevathan 6 sessions

Helps adults understand the differences in girls and boys and learn to use tools that will help them communicate, understand, and connect with kids of all ages. Parents, grandparents, church volunteers, and other caregivers of children from preschool to high school can recognize that being a positive adult example for the boys and girls in their lives is one of the most important jobs they have. A great resource for Sunday School classes, parenting classes (at church or as community outreach), and teacher training at church. Member Book 005371583 $9.95 Leader Kit 005324579 $79.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book

The Family God Uses: Becoming a Home of Influence by Tom & Kim Blackaby 7 sessions

Shows parents how to discover where God is at work around their family and to learn how to join Him in that work. The Member Book functions as a practical field manual for families looking to pray, grow, and serve together. Includes ideas for family prayer time and devotions, how to identify and use teachable moments, how to demonstrate dependence on God, and where to find ministry opportunities in the community. Use this resource to get and keep your family God-centered and teach your children about their roles in His kingdom. Member Book



The Parent Adventure:

Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God by Rodney & Selma Wilson 7 sessions

Helps parents connect their children to God by teaching them to love Him and pursue His purposes for their lives. An ideal resource for small groups with casual, discussion-based sessions. This study: • Encourages parents to embrace teaching spiritual truth and gives them confidence • Suggests practical ways parents can build their children’s faith through the day-to-day • Offers biblical and practical principles for all stages of the parent adventure • Suggests weekly parent adventure plans for practicing parenting principles

Member Book Leader Kit

005181385 005126524

$9.95 $69.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and The Parent Adventure book

La aventura de ser padres Member Book, Spanish 005189418





Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Marriage, family & Parenting Parenting Teens Encourages and equips parents with biblical solutions to transform families. Offering help and hope for parents of teens from a Christian perspective, this magazine is a great resource for pastors, student pastors, and teachers, too. Each monthly issue is designed to guide parents through the difficult teen years through focusing on teen culture, parenting strategies, and resources to help readers grow in their personal walk with Christ. Each issue includes: • Relevant teen culture and parenting snippets • Music, movie, tech, and book reviews from a Christian perspective • In-depth feature articles that unpack teen issues and sensitive parenting topics • A devoted men’s section that focuses on fatherhood and mentoring • A first-person “Teen Voice” article written by a teenager • Resources for single parents and blended families • Prayer points and conversation starters to get discussion going • Weekly teaching plans for a parents of teens Bible study or personal devotion 005075228 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)

ParentLife Celebrate the joys of parenting! This magazine equips parents to build strong, godly families by focusing on the needs of the whole child from prenatal through the preteen years. Each monthly issue offers practical ideas and insights on health, education, safety, discipline, and spiritual development. In each issue: • Growth Spurts­—From nutrition to sleep to spiritual connections to the latest hot products, find it here. • Mom’s Life—Tips for Mom from author and speaker Angie Smith. Moms love her insight and style. • Dad’s Life—Tips for Dad from Carey Casey, inspirational speaker, author, athlete and CEO for the National Center for Fathering. • A Life of Worship—Equips parents with tools for family devotion time as well as parent-child activities and conversation starters for use any time. • Real Life Solutions: Q&A with Dr. Linda Mintle, Ph.D.— Dr. Linda addresses readers’ questions with solutions that have immediate, long-term results. 005075230 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)


Vicki Courtney offers encouragement and practical tools for moms and daughters (and sons!) to navigate life in the midst of today’s culture. An author and speaker, Vicki is also the founder of Virtuous Reality Ministries, which reaches over 150,000 girls and moms a year through Bible studies, books, events, and online resources. A mother herself to three children, Vicki seeks to provide both teens and their parents with the tools necessary to navigate today’s issues.

Ever After: Life Lessons Learned in My Castle of Chaos 6 sessions

Most women grow up on a steady diet of fairy tales and chick flicks that drive our dreams and leave us with a sugarcoated version of reality. We want it all: the prince, the kiss, the proposal, the ring, the castle, and eventually, the kids playing cheerfully on the perfectly manicured lawn. Our hopes and dreams are pinned on the world’s version of happily-ever-after. The problem is, the fairy tales and chick flicks end where real life begins. Marriage and motherhood are hard. Few of us are prepared to handle the balancing act, and no matter how much we give or how hard we try, we never quite feel like it’s enough. Not to mention, we tend to believe every one else is doing a much better job. This study addresses the difficulties and blessings of marriage and motherhood. Poignant, funny, and even cathartic, Vicki shares mistakes made, lessons learned, and memories to keep. Most of all, she reflects the hope that Christ meets us wherever we are in the journey and that He alone is the answer to the happily-ever-after we long for.

Available November 2013!

Member Book Leader Kit

005558688 $11.95 005558689 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps


005213834 $14.99

Logged On and Tuned Out A wake-up call to low-tech parents whose high-tech kids use computer and cell phone technology like second nature. In simple language, moms and dads will learn the basics and checkpoints of Instant Messaging, text messaging, social networking websites like Facebook, chat rooms, and photo and video uploading. Paperback

005091637 $12.99

see Vicki live! Turn to page 70 & 72 for details




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Vicki Courtney Your Girl: Raising a Godly

Daughter In an Ungodly World Addresses the climate of today’s teen culture, the high calling of motherhood, and practical ways to counteract the negative influences our daughters face. Paperback



Your Girl: A Bible Study

Your Boy: Raising a Godly

for Mothers of Teens

7 sessions

Son In an Ungodly World

Looks at six of the fiercest battles of the teen years: conformity, self-esteem, sexual purity, modesty, boys, and girl politics. Moms can use this for individual and small-group study.

Addresses important “guy” issues from a practical, biblical perspective. As the mother of two boys, Vicki rises to the occasion with this inspiring, tell-it-likeit-is book.

Member Book 001303671 $11.95 DVD Pack 001303672 $62.95




Contains DVD, Member Book with leader helps, and CD



you must have with

your daughter THE BIBLE STUDY

Vicki Courtney

5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter: The Bible Study 6 sessions

Helps moms and daughters depend on God in a culture that often leads otherwise. Moms will focus on helping their daughters understand that they are more than what people see on the outside, they shouldn’t be in such a hurry to grow up, sex is great and worth the wait, it’s OK to dream about marriage and motherhood, and girls gone wild are a dime a dozen. Gives moms practical advice on how to talk with their daughters about these sensitive issues in a godly way. Daughters will be encouraged to dare to be virtuous. Member Book 005191375 $11.95 Leader Kit 005125844 $149.95 Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps




5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son: The Bible Study 6 sessions

Boys will be boys … right? Millions of boys grow older, but very few become great, godly men. And with so many influences from culture, friends, and celebrities, how can you be sure which category your son will fall into? Prepare to talk to your son about tough topics like manhood, sex, godliness, and more with this study. Because even though knowing what to say—or how to say it—can be hard, there’s no one better to teach him about life, love, and faith than you. Member Book Leader Kit

005342724 $11.95 005342723 $149.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps





Beautiful Encounters:

The Presence of Jesus Changes Everything by Erin Davis 4, 6, or 8 week options


When we encounter Jesus — really experience Him — we discover a longing to connect with Him. As we begin to know Him, our faith and character blossom. This study examines 11 New Testament women who were changed by encounters with Christ. These women experienced the same needs, emotions, and longings that girls experience today. As girls realize this, they will see how a beautiful encounter with Jesus can transform them as well. Student Book Leader Guide

005558769 005595741

$9.95 $6.95

Simple Surrender by Hayley DiMarco 7 sessions

Six women, one end: complete surrender to God and His purpose. This DVD study in a magazine format examines pivotal moments in the lives of six Old Testament women—the Hebrew midwives, Ruth, Rahab, Abigail, and Esther. Best-selling author Hayley DiMarco encourages girls to defy culture’s self-serving pursuit and instead experience the joy and fulfillment that is found in surrendering to Christ.


Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit




005558674 005557024 005557025

$11.95 $9.95 $62.95

Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Girls’ Resources James: Faith Under Pressure by Pam Gibbs 8 sessions

Trials. Temptation. Favoritism. Peace. Authenticity. For girls, their faith collides with everyday life and they often wonder how to remain a faithful follower of Jesus in the midst of the pressure they face regularly. This eight-week study helps girls learn that they can survive—and even thrive— when faith meets life. Member Book



Girls’ Ministry Handbook Her: Becoming a Proverbs 31 Girl by Emily Cole 9 weeks of daily study

A girl’s guide to dig into Scripture on her own, exploring topics like trust, wise decisions, family relationships, anxiety, and the right kind of guy. Member Book



by Jimmie Davis

Provides basic info on the need for girls’ ministry and the steps to starting one. Also offers practical tips to help leaders develop a well-rounded ministry that focuses on teen girls and their families. Paperback 005035506


Table For Two: Doing Life and

Savoring Scripture Together by Amy Pierson & Mona Corwin

Provides a simple framework for how to disciple and mentor girls, as well as a starting point for this process by teaching girls a basic way to study the Bible. Member Book



Obsessed: Making Christ

the Desire of Your Heart

True Princess: Embracing Humility

by Hayley DiMarco 6 sessions

Help girls see that a sense of entitlement won’t get them anywhere in the kingdom of God. This study guides 7-12 graders through Scripture as a group and individually to help them understand the importance of living as a daughter of the King.

We were made to be obsessed—with God and His call on our lives. Yet, so often, we give our hearts to lesser gods (guys, appearance, popularity, grades, goals, sports, and even friends) rather than Jesus. This six-week study will challenge teen girls to confront their obsessions through Scripture and allow Christ to redeem the desires of their hearts.


Member Book 005488880 $10.95

In an All-About-Me World by Erin Davis 7 sessions

Member Book




you’re spreading His love

guidelines to a healthy women’s ministry

how to begin an effective women’s ministry • PRAY with others who have a heart for reaching and

Because women play such an integral and vibrant role in church life, their participation level is an indicator of the overall health and sustainability of a church. LifeWay Women’s Ministry recommends the following Guiding Principles and Best Church Practices for effective Women’s Ministry: 1. Steadfast reliance on the Bible as the standard for godly living and Christian discipleship. 2. Enthusiastic engagement of a servant-leader who encourages women to discover, develop, and live out their unique ministry callings for God’s glory and the advancement of His kingdom. 3. Dynamic individual and group discipleship that embraces the womanto-woman Titus 2 mentoring model for nurturing believers from the point of salvation toward Christ-likeness. 4. Proactive focus that propels women to serve in their church, reach out to their community, and impact the world for Christ.

discipling women in your church and community to discover where God is already at work.

• SHARE your vision with your pastor or other staff member.

• FORMULATE A PURPOSE STATEMENT that supports the overall purpose of your church.

• ASSESS NEEDS by taking a survey or interviewing women to discover women’s needs and how they would like to become involved in ministry.

• DETERMINE PRIORITIES using your assessment as a guide. Start your ministry small and continue to grow and build as needs change. Biblical discipleship studies, prayer, praise, and worship are foundational to all other ministries with women.

• SECURE FACILITIES AND CHILD CARE to create an atmosphere that encourages women to attend and return. For mothers of preschoolers, child care is essential.

• PROMOTE AND PUBLICIZE through church newsletters and bulletins, direct mail flyers or brochures, public service announcements on radio and TV, news releases in local newspapers, and phone contacts.

• LAUNCH YOUR MINISTRY with a special event. • EVALUATE all aspects of your ministry. Variety and

5. Clear understanding that the health of Women’s Ministry is measured by tangible and intangible spiritual transformation occurring in the lives of the women involved.

flexibility are key issues in keeping the ministry fresh and vital for the women in your church and community. Excerpted from Women Reaching Women. For more info on beginning, growing, and maintaining your women’s ministry, see Women Reaching Women and Transformed Lives.

With Chris Adams

see page 73 for details


Women’s Ministry leadership Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a


Growing Women’s Ministry compiled by Chris Adams

This revised and expanded edition is the one book every woman’s leader needs on hand for quick reference and biblical guidance. Whether you’re beginning or building on a well-established ministry, you’ll find this comprehensive guidebook a time-saving and trusted resource. Paperback 001293365 Mujeres ganando mujeres Spanish Edition 001250830

$16.95 $14.95

Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the


Next Level

compiled by Chris Adams Guidance for moving women from learning to doing, from being the objects of ministry to ministering to those around them. Includes how-to budgets, creative childcare, related resources, and more. Each chapter includes suggestions for adapting to the needs of a smaller church. Paperback 005371579


Women’s Evangelical Commentaries

by Dorothy Kelley Patterson & Rhonda Harrington Kelley


A Bible commentary written and edited by women for women. While other commentaries take an egalitarian view of the relationship between men and women, the editors and writers of this commentary believe the complementarian view of the relationship between men and women most accurately interprets God’s intent as expressed in Scripture. Features include: • Introductory background (author, recipients, setting, outline, themes) • Verse-by-verse exposition, giving special attention to passages of interest to women without sidestepping difficult-to-interpret passages • Charts, maps, and word studies • Pronunciation guide for difficult proper names • Archaeological notes • Featured articles on topics of interest to women • Devotional insights and inspirational notes • Suggested bibliography for further study Old Testament Hardback Book New Testament Hardback Book

005018060 005401610

$44.99 $39.99


Help! I’m a Deacon’s Wife by Bob Sheffield

Provides helpful insights concerning the role of a deacon’s wife including managing limited time, maintaining a healthy marriage, growing spiritually, and carrying out ministry with her husband. Paperback

001116129 $5.00

In Our Shoes: Real Life Issues for Ministers’ Wives by Ministers’ Wives

by Rachel Lovingood & Jennifer Landrith 8 sessions

Spiritual Gifts: A Practical Guide to How God Works Through You by David Francis

This study was designed and written by ministers’ wives who know just what it’s like to walk in your shoes. Can be used for personal enrichment or as a guide for a group of ministers’ wives.

God never intended for us to be alike. He gives His children a variety of gifts for ministry and service. Explore how your spiritual gifts can be matched to ministry, and discover a new appreciation for the gifts of others. Paperback

001220730 $9.95

Member Book 005183353 $11.95

A Handbook for Ministers’ Wives: Sharing the Blessings of Your Marriage, Family, and Home

by Dorothy Kelley Patterson Addresses the personal commitments to Christian character and conduct a minister’s wife must make, as well as the commitment to family relationships. Paperback

001125482 $16.99

Women Reaching Women in Crisis: Being a Minister’s Wife and Being Yourself by Nancy Pannell

Focuses on issues women face to help their spouse serve God and His people. Confronts realities such as frustration, anxiety, and guilt with practical advice. Paperback



Ministry Leader Handbook

Provides help for dealing with difficult situations such as depression, sexual addiction, prodigal children, drug and alcohol dependency, domestic violence/abuse, and post-abortion trauma. Leaders can learn to support women through overwhelming situations. Purchaser is authorized to print up to three copies. Also available as a downloadable PDF. Loose-leaf





Digital Downloads (audio & video)



Women’s Ministry leadership Fresh Ideas: 1,000 Ways to Grow a Thriving and Energetic Church by Diana Davis

A syndicated columnist and pastor’s wife, Diana Davis has been compiling new ways of conducting various church programs for decades—paying close attention to everything from how a church interior is best utilized to how congregations most effectively engage in community outreach. This handy guide will inspire how your church “does church.” Featuring 75 unique categories and scores of ideas within each one, this resource will help everyone in the church from volunteers to the senior pastor. Topics include: Baptism, Children’s Area, Christmas, Fall Festival, Greeters, Library, New Member Assimilation, Prayer Ministry, Scripture of the Year, Sports Evangelism, Website, Youth, and more. Paperback



Deacon Wives by Diana Davis

A warmhearted, conversational book that shares stories and insights for deacon wives whether just inaugurated or long experienced. Wives will enjoy tips on how to best encourage her husband’s work, the ministry of the pastor and his wife, and other church staff and members. There are also helpful home and family suggestions, selfevaluation forms and checklists, and even a detailed teaching plan to share this wealth of material with other women in the church. Paperback



Women Leading Women: The Biblical Model for the Church by Jaye Martin & Terri Stovall

Women will be encouraged to lead and train other women, to engage the culture to reach women for Christ, and much more. Anticipated for primary use in colleges and seminaries, this book is designed for a 15-week semester. Hardback Book

005133498 $29.99

Living Proof Live with Beth Moore for Ministers’ Wives: 6 Little Words with the Power to Change Your Life

Jesus on Leadership: Developing Servant Leaders by C. Gene Wilkes 6 sessions By following the pattern of Jesus’ ministry of training people to do kingdom work, this study helps develop church members into servant leaders. Member Book Leader Kit

Find valuable insight and spiritual renewal from the teaching in this powerful event. About 2 ½ hours of live teaching. Only available at Digital Download 005230647 $19.99

005223827 $11.95 005174365 $59.95

Contains DVD, Member Book with leader helps, and CD-ROM

El liderazgo de Jesús Member Book, Spanish 001133361 $10.95



there’s always room to grow

Picking Up the Pieces Handbook: Create a

Dynamic Soul Care Ministry

by Chuck Hannaford

Provides the critical factors necessary for launching a meaningful Soul Care ministry to reach hurting members of your church. Equips churches to help individuals find true healing instead of “medicating� or modifying their souls. 005038470 $12.99


PRINT DOWNLOADS Women Reaching Women in Crisis

These downloads are easily accessible and completely confidential. Use to address the critical needs of women in your church and community. Visit $6.95 each.

Introduction by Jacque Truitt, Barney Self

& Chris Adams

Sexual Addiction

by Marie Ferree

Prodigal Children by Vickie Arruda

& Chris Adams

Domestic Abuse by Karla Downing Substance Abuse by Karla Downing Depression by Barney Self, Ed.D. Post-Abortion Trauma by Pat Layton

Recovering from Divorce:

Overcoming the Death of a Dream

Radical Reconciliation: Healing Broken Relationships

8 sessions

8 sessions

Member Book 001274918 $7.99

Member Book 001274917 $7.99

Stop the Madness: Finding Freedom From Addictions 13 sessions Member Book 001274916 $8.99

Redeeming the Tears: A Journey Through Grief and Loss

8 sessions Member Book 001270092 $7.99

The idea that healing best occurs in a redemptive community is the heart behind the Picking Up the Pieces series. God promises to help us (and help us help others!) pick up the pieces of our broken lives as we experience all that He has for us in this life. Each of these studies incorporates interactive Bible study, meaningful group experiences, and caring community.




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Recovery & Support

Surrendering the Secret:

Healing the Heartbreak of Abortion by Pat Layton 8 sessions A powerful and redemptive Bible study to bring hope and healing to women who have experienced abortion. Helps women find the path to healing through honest, interactive Bible study; meaningful group experiences; and caring community. Member Book Leader Guide Leader Kit

005123170 005123171 005116685

$7.99 $14.95 $149.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Leader Guide

Beyond the Shadows: Discover Hope for Overcoming Depression

by Ramon Presson 8 sessions



Reclaiming Stolen Intimacy:

When Your Marriage Is Invaded by Pornography by Clay & Renee Crossnoe 8 sessions A powerful Bible study written to help female victims of pornography find the path to healing through honest, interactive study. Helps women, no matter how long they’ve been married or dating, to know how to compassionately but firmly deal with this tragedy. Walks women through the experiences, feelings, and struggles that are common to homes invaded by pornography and other sex addictions. Member Book

Breaking the Destructive Cycle of Pornography 8 sessions

This unique, experiential resource walks participants through the experiences, feelings, and struggles common to depression. Members are encouraged to be real about their hurts and fears and to find healing in the context of a caring community. Member Book

The Secret Seductress:


The most dangerous pandemic infecting millions, threatening to take out so many men and their families, is pornography. Issues with porn and sex addiction are at all-time highs in our society—and Christian men are not immune. Coming to faith in Jesus does not remove the sexual issues, so men hide in shame and secrecy—those dark places where the Enemy likes to work. Men can join together to learn how to win this insidious, secret battle. Through the power of God and the support of other men, the destructive cycle of pornography can be broken. Together we can work toward lasting change and freedom. Member Book 001303829 $7.99



Every Life Is Beautiful:

The OCTOBER BABY Bible Study

by Jon Erwin & Andrew Erwin with Nic Allen 4 sessions This 4-week Bible study takes participants through a journey of overarching themes from the movie October Baby. Dig deep into the power of secrets, forgiveness, who you are in Christ, and restoration through movie scenes, Bible study, and group discussion questions. This uplifting film paired with this heart-hitting study will change the way you look at the world, your loved ones, and life. Great tool for strengthening a women’s ministry and community outreach. Member Book Leader Kit

005506648 $6.95 005508071 $19.95

Contains DVDs and Member Book with leader helps


Every Life Is Beautiful:

The October Baby Bible Study Student Edition Member Book 005488879 $6.95 Leader Kit 005512172 $19.95

Pressure Points by Chip Henderson 6 sessions

This is the first release in the Bible Studies for Life Series and invites you to open your heart and life to the principles in the Book of James and deal positively with the pressure points in your life. Chip Henderson is the Senior Pastor of Pinelake Church of Mississippi. Member Book 005600173 Leader Kit 005600946


Contains DVD-ROM and Member Book

$5.95 $19.95

When Relationships Collide by Ron Edmondson 6 sessions

Will help you discover principles for dealing with conflict in a healthy, God-honoring way by learning what the Bible says about it, what God’s role is in it, and how God would have you resolve it. Ron Edmondson is the Senior Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. Member Book 005600951 Leader Kit 005601367


Contains DVD-ROM and Member Book

$5.95 $19.95

Additional resources for women at 54



Digital Downloads (audio & video)



A Woman Seeking God: Discover God in the Places of

Your Life

by Dorothy Kelley Patterson Walk with Dorothy Kelley Patterson through everyday experiences examined in the light of God’s Word to help you discover God in the places of your life. This collection of 36 personal essays speaks to the hearts of women and affirms faith in God in every aspect of life. Explore a broad range of practical topics including family life, dealing with adversity, the power of prayer, cultivating intimacy in marriage, and evangelism. Also includes a daily Bible reading plan. 005559744



Orphan Justice: How to Care for Orphans


Beyond Adopting

by Johnny Carr with Laura Captari Christians are clearly called to care for orphans, a group so close to the heart of Jesus. In reality, most of the 153 million orphaned and vulnerable children in the world do not need to be adopted, and not everyone needs to become an adoptive parent. However, there are other very important ways to help. Based on his own personal journey, Johnny Carr moves readers from talking about global orphan care to actually doing something about it. Combining biblical truth with the latest research, this inspiring book investigates the orphan care and adoption movement in the US today; examines new data on the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children; discovers the role of the church worldwide in meeting needs; fleshes out the why, what, and how of global orphan care; and offers practical steps to get involved and make a difference. 005508626



Operation Christmas Child: A Story of Simple Gifts by Franklin Graham & Donna Lee Toney

Available October 2013!

It was a simple idea that became the worldwide ministry of Operation Christmas Child—to minister to children in war-torn and famine-stricken countries. In just two decades it has inspired everyday people to provide more than 100 million gift-filled shoeboxes to needy children in 130 countries. This beautiful book weaves the moving, God-saturated story of the ministry’s beginning with the soul-stirring, Christ-exalting testimonies of lives that have been forever changed by a simple shoebox. This book is filled with colorful photos of children whose smiles say it all. Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham provides insight, and proceeds from this book go to support the ministry it celebrates and honors. Hardback Book





Follow Me Bible Study

Radical: Small-Group Study

When Jesus says, “Follow Me,” it’s not an invitation to say a prayer, it’s a summons to lose our lives. In this much-anticipated follow-up to Radical, Pastor David Platt challenges the traditions of cultural Christianity and reintroduces us to Jesus and His most simple request: Follow Me. Lead yourself and others to reflect on the relationship you have with Jesus. Inspire a passion in your group to fuel your affection for God, to share His love, to spread His glory, to make other disciple makers, and more.

How have we manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences? This resource guides church leaders through an evaluation process of their church structure, programming, budget, etc.; challenges individuals to discover a true biblical worldview that dramatically affects their daily lives; provides a fresh vision for an individual and a church’s mission in the world; and helps your congregation discover what could happen if this message were lived out by every member of your church.

by David Platt 6 sessions

Member Book 005541907 Leader Kit 005541500

by David Platt 6 sessions

$11.95 $49.95

Workbook Leader Kit

005471378 005471377

$11.95 $49.95

Contains DVDs, Workbook, Radical Together book, and downloadables

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and Follow Me book

The God Anthology: Exploring the Depths of God by Mark Batterson 6 sessions


Looking for a more God-centric and less topical approach to group Bible study? The God Anthology guides groups on an exploration into six of the critical aspects of God’s character and personhood: Merciful, Holy, Mysterious, Jealous, Sovereign, and Incomparable. In some respects, this study captures the essence of A.W. Tozer’s classic The Knowledge of the Holy for a new generation. But what makes this study original is the way music and media are incorporated into the experience. National Community Church worship staff has written, composed, and arranged original music for each of the critical aspects of who God is. This experience will not only utilize these songs worshipfully, but will integrate the use of QR codes, video, and other forms of media as well. Member Book 005539340 Leader Kit 005539341

$7.95 $49.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and a music CD




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


Additional Bible studies The Gospel According to Jonah:


A New Kind of Obedience by J.D. Greear 6 sessions

Through a six-week examination of Jonah, this study invites group participants into a world fraught with missteps, disobedience, idolatry, and mistaken “identity.” It’s a world most of us would recognize in our own lives. But in the world of Jonah, we also get more than a foreshadowing of Jesus and a God that pursues us relentlessly. Through this study, individual participants can recognize the “Jonah” in themselves and channel this revelation into a greater passion for asking others into the same assurance. Member Book 005558799 Leader Kit 005558798 Contains DVD and Member Book

$7.95 $49.95

The Explicit Gospel Bible Study by Matt Chandler 6 sessions

The gospel changes everything. Yet few people attending church today are explicitly exposed to it. In an explanation that embraces the whole of Scripture, Matt Chandler defines what the gospel is and what it is not. This study clearly outlines the gospel’s massive implications on both personal and cosmic levels and is a call to embrace true Christianity, to know the gospel explicitly, and to unite the church on the amazing grounds of the good news of Jesus. Member Book 005500792 Leader Kit 005500793

$11.95 $79.95

Contains DVDs, Member Book, and The Explicit Gospel book

Birds and Bees: A Conversation About God,

Sex, and Sexuality by Gregg Matte 6 sessions


Maybe we don’t talk about sex because it is so powerful and personal, emotional and even spiritual. Yet sex is a foundational element of a human being. And did we mention how complicated it is? The truth is, we need to better understand God’s purpose and design for it — whether you’re single, dating, or married. Yes, “the talk” about the birds and the bees may have been awkward when you were a kid, but don’t you think it’s time for a real, grown-up conversation? We do. Join author Gregg Matte as he unpacks 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 to discover what God’s Word has to say about sex and sexuality. Member Book 005474745 Leader Kit 005474746 Contains DVD and Member Book

$9.95 $49.95


HomeLife: A Fresh Take on Faith & Family Biblical and practical counsel that champions life-changing discipleship, dynamic marriages, and effective parenting. Offers practical, real-world solutions toward maintaining the spiritual health of family members amid school, sports, work, play, and more. Inspiring monthly features and departments designed to help today’s families deepen their faith, strengthen their relationships, and manage their lives. •P ower of the Home—Real families who use their homes for ministry • Family Time—Helps families live out Deuteronomy 6:5-8 with monthly family devotionals and weekly memory verses • Marriage Mentors—Couple-to-couple advice for managing conflict by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott • Smart Stepfamilies—A candid look at the challenges and blessings of blending two families • Parenting on Purpose—Expert advice for facing parenting challenges • From Your Kitchen—Easy, economical recipes and ideas for nutritious meals that bring families together • Love That Lasts—Counsel for building a Christ-honoring marriage by Dr. Gary Chapman •M en of Honor—Challenges men to lead and love their families well 005075226 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)

Journey: A Woman’s Guide to Intimacy with God Journey devotional magazine equips women to develop a daily walk with God and to serve Him in their homes, churches, and communities. This devotional magazine offers content that is rich and engaging but not overwhelming for women with full schedules. Features include: • Going Beyond—Excerpts by Priscilla Shirer • The Frazzled Female—Excerpts by Cindi Wood • Totally Captivated—Excerpts by Tammie Head • Girl Talk—Understanding the next generation of teens and young adult women • etc.—Practical tips, useful websites, and more • Cafe Connection—Discussion guide 005075231 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)


See page 39 for parenting magazines.

Devotionals & Magazines

More Living: Do What Matters

More Living engages the wisdom, optimism, spiritual depth, and energy of Boomers, challenging this dynamic generation to accomplish great things for God, embrace the opportunity to go to the lost world for Christ’s sake; mentor younger generations; and so much . . . more. This monthly magazine gives church leaders the tools to fully engage Boomers in discipleship and service. • Money Wise—Practical financial wisdom • Mentor Power—The art of along-the-way discipleship • Stewardship of Life—Wise choices that make a big difference • Inventure—Interactive tools for spiritual growth • Kicks & Grins—Because there’s always room for a good laugh PLUS: “MORE” stories—Boomers talk about the cool ways God is using them to make the world a better place 005490044 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)

Mature Living: Living a Legacy

Mature Living is a monthly magazine that focuses on the leadership, stewardship, and discipleship legacies of mature adults. Departments include “Grandparents Brag Board,” “Mind Benders” (puzzles), “Praying with Purpose,” and “Behind the Hymn,” as well as, health, relationships, finances, mission travel, and ministry ideas. Features include articles on spiritual growth, senior adult issues, humor, nostalgia, fiction, and seasonal emphases. Contributors include: •S teve Rogers, president of the Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute • Ron Kelley, director of Prestonwood Foundation • Dr. Gene Getz, pastor and author • Carolyn Ross Tomlin, author 005075227 $4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)



you’re in this thing together

Stand Firm: God’s Challenge for Today’s Man Most men want to be their child’s hero. Their wife’s prince charming. A person of integrity. A trusted friend. A servant in their church. Stand Firm leads men to become that person with helps for developing the disciplines of daily Bible reading and honoring their commitments. • Supplies easy-to-read, workweek devotionals and weekend reflections with practical, bottom-line applications • Highlights testimonies of Christian role models—authors, pastors, musical artists, and more • Features articles with a Christian response to topics like intimacy, success, and pornography 005075233

$4.80 per quarter (3 monthly issues)

All Pro Dad: Seven Essentials to Be a Hero to Your Kids


by Mark Merrill 8 sessions

All Pro Dad will lead men on an eight-week exploration into the 7 Ms identified in the book of the same title. Using the power of visual media, the best of storytelling, and small-group principles and practices, this resource will help men in the area where our culture most needs them: fatherhood. As in football, a father must start with the basics of what he needs to know—makeup, master, mission, message, motive, method, model— before he executes. These seven fundamentals will help every father expand his capacity to love and, in turn, lead in his most important job—being a dad. Member Book 005520635 Leader Kit 005520634

$8.95 $79.95

Contains Member Book, DVD, and the book on which study is based

33 The Series: A Man and His Traps by Robert Lewis 6 sessions


Practical teaching, powerful testimonies, interviews and creative elements combine in this six-session volume to help men discover what lies deep beneath the traps, temptations, and struggles that prevent them from experiencing God’s best. Member Book 005558734 Leader Kit 005558733 Contains DVDs and Member Book

$14.95 $74.95 Go to for details




Digital Downloads (audio & video)


For Your Man Manhood Restored: How the Gospel Makes Men Whole


by Dr. Eric Mason 6 sessions

Manhood will always be in crisis until Jesus returns. But in Christ, men can be restored with ever increasing glory into the undefiled image of God. This study leads men on a journey through masculinity, with sessions on the problems men face, God’s solutions, and the restorations of worldview, sexuality, vision, and family. Theologically rich yet practical, this study helps men walk in gospel-centered manhood. Study Guide Leader Kit

005558737 005558736

$8.95 $59.95

Contains DVD, Study Guide, leader helps, and Manhood Restored book

Samson: A Life Well Wasted by Chip Henderson 6 sessions


Explore the life of Samson in Judges 13-16. This study offers six ways we can waste our lives if we’re not focused on our God-given purpose. Hot-button cultural issues from dishonesty and anger to daddy-issues and sex are discussed. Samson offers encouragement and practical ideas for making God-honoring decisions and avoiding regret for what could have been. Member Book 005474750 Leader Kit 005474751 Contains DVDs and Member Book

$9.95 $49.95

Kingdom Man: Every Man’s Destiny, Every Woman’s Dream by Tony Evans 6 sessions

Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. This study challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God, learning to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ. Member Book 005469703


The Real Win: Pursuing God’s Plan for Authentic Success by Colt McCoy & Matt Carter 6 sessions


Discover what true success for a man looks like, particularly as a follower of Christ. Modeled after hunting and fishing shows, two men—Colt McCoy, record-setting Texas Longhorns quarterback now in the NFL, and Matt Carter, pastor of The Austin Stone Community Church—explore the essence and purpose of biblical manhood with the men and family who shaped them. Six lessons focus on the individual characteristics of being a man, including: leadership, faithfulness/trust, idolatry, work, pursuing your wife, and leaving a legacy. Accompanying videos cover Colt and Matt and other family members on hunting and fishing trips at two legendary Texas ranches. This is a great resource for men who don’t usually attend Bible studies since it involves a popular sports figure and the visual experience of hunting. Member Book 005558786 Leader Kit 005558785 Contains DVD and Member Book

$11.95 $69.95



one event can change your life


with beth moore | worship by travis cottrell

2014 Registration opens August 1!


Women’s Events

Are you ready to see God’s Word in a whole new way? There’s nothing quite like worshiping the Lord with Beth Moore, Travis Cottrell, and an arena full of women. Join us for a weekend of laughter, life-changing worship, and one-of-akind teaching. Beth brings a different message from the Lord to each location.

2013 Dates & Locations Providence, RI July 12-13 Sioux Falls, SD Aug. 2-3 Shreveport, LA Aug. 23-24 Charleston, WV SIMULCAST Sept. 14 Tulsa, OK Sept. 27-28 Springfield, IL Oct. 25-26 Daytona Beach, FL Nov. 8-9


Women’s Ministry Pre-Conferences at these locations See page 73 or for more info.

Enrichment & Training for Ministers’ Wives



Top 10 Reasons to participate in A living proof live


10. You’ll have a blast with your girlfriends. 9. It’s easy—all you need is the Internet. 8. See what fun outfit Beth will wear. 7. Experience the best-selling Bible teacher from the comfort of your home or church. 6. Enjoy Beth’s hilarious stories. 5. Engage in powerful worship with Travis Cottrell. 4. Hear one-of-a-kind Bible teaching that will change your life. 3. Join the 1.9 million women around the world who have experienced this event. 2. Anything could happen. 1. Jesus will move.

guest appearance by Beth Moore Go to for details.

Sept. 14, 2013 Sept. 13, 2014 Events subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable. For details on dates, locations, schedules, and cost at each location, visit or call 800.254.2022.


worship by anthony evans

2014 Registration opens August 1! 68

Women’s Events

Ever feel like you’re in a rut? Whether you need inspiration or a challenge, Priscilla Shirer Live will snap you out of routine faith. Join passionate Bible teacher Priscilla and worship leader Anthony Evans at this intimate event for women of every age, culture, and background.

2013 Dates & Locations

Grand Rapids, MI

July 19-20

2014 Dates & Locations

New Orleans, LA April 5 Lexington, KY July 18-19 Warner Robins, GA Aug. 22-23

Priscilla Shirer Live


Join Priscilla Shirer Live from the comfort of your home or church April 5, 2014 for this live Internet streaming event. You get a front-row seat to passionate Bible teaching and inspiring worship. It’s easy—all you need is the Internet. Hosting a simulcast isn’t much different than streaming your favorite TV show. So gather your girls and sign up! Register as an individual, small group, or church for a Saturday with Priscilla that will refresh and recharge you spiritually. Don’t miss this special event!

April 5, 2014 Events subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable. For details on dates, locations, schedules, and cost at each location, visit or call 800.254.2022.


vicki courtney, jen hatmaker, angela thomas, john croyle & lauren chandler The journey of motherhood is exciting, scary, lovely, and challenging. Which is why we’ve created dotMOM—a weekend for moms of all ages and stages that will give you practical parenting tools, encourage and refresh you, connect you with other moms, celebrate motherhood, and draw you closer to Christ through biblical truth. Featuring: •K eynote sessions from prominent Bible teachers and parenting experts • A broad range of breakouts, such as: The Working Mom, Infertility/Adoption, Raising Godly Kids, Single Moms, Home School Moms, Grandmothers Leaving a Spiritual Legacy, and more • Opportunities to shop at sponsor booths • Free goodies & giveaways

Chattanooga, TN Sept. 20-21, 2013 Nashville, TN Sept. 19-20, 2014 Speakers vary per event location. 70

e g a i r r a M etaway G

Women’s Events



Wouldn’t you like to get away? If you’ve been together 5 minutes or 50 years, there’s no time like the present to plan a weekend escape with your love. Whether you prefer fall in the mountains, a sunny trip to the beach, or a cozy castle on the lake, Festivals of Marriage is an opportunity for you to create lifelong memories as a couple and enrich your marriage.

Ridgecrest, NC Oct. 11-13, 2013 Ridgecrest, NC Oct. 18-20, 2013 Destin, FL Feb. 14-16, 2014 Branson, MO March 21-23, 2014

Earl y b ird pr i c i n g av ai lab le!

Also available via simulcast! Speakers vary per event location. Events subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable. For details on dates, locations, schedules, and cost at each location, visit or call 800.254.2022.


angela thomas, vicki courtney, chris adams, margaret feinberg & esther burroughs worship by travis cottrell

A Women’s Ministry Leadership Training Event Women’s Forum is a rare opportunity for leaders of all ages to gather in one location to share ideas, strategies, information, and inspiration related to women’s ministry. Leaders will gain insight to develop an effective ministry plan that is intentional and creative. This training event will help you to reach women for discipleship, build community, minister out of the overflow, and connect the generations of women.

Nashville, TN Nov. 14-16, 2013 Nashville, TN Nov. 13-15, 2014


Women’s Events

Chris Adams

Senior Lead Women’s Ministry Specialist

Women’s Ministry Training Pre-Conference This motivational and encouraging event is for leaders who are eager to reach and disciple women for Christ. With innovative training in discipleship, evangelism, missions, and prayer, your entire women’s ministry team can learn how to build a balanced ministry. Each YOU Lead conference is conveniently held the Thursday and Friday before a Living Proof Live event. Attend both and receive a discount.

2013 Dates & Locations

Providence, RI July 11-12 Sioux Falls, SD Aug. 1-2 Shreveport, LA Aug. 22-23

Tulsa, OK Sept. 26-27 Springfield, IL Oct. 24-25 Daytona Beach, FL Nov. 7-8

Enrichment & Training for Ministers’ Wives guest appearance by Beth Moore Go to for details. Events subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable. For details on dates, locations, schedules, and cost at each location, visit or call 800.254.2022.


A A Biblical Marriage in a Broken World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A Handbook for Ministers’ Wives . . 48 A Woman’s Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A Woman Seeking God . . . . . . . 55 Allen, Jennie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 All Pro Dad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed 13 Arm Yourself Against the Enemy’s Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Art of Marriage, The . . . . . . . . . 34 Arthur, Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 20 Attending the Bride of Christ . . . . 30 B Beautiful Encounters . . . . . . . . . 42 Being a Minister’s Wife and Being Yourself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Believing God . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Beloved Disciple . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Between Us Event . . . . . . . . . . 73 Beyond the Shadows . . . . . . . . . 53 Bible Studies by Demand for Women . DVDs, Vol. 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Birds and Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Brave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Breaking Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C Can We Talk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Children of the Day . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conversation Peace . . . . . . . . . . 27 Courageous Living Bible Study . . . 37 Courtney, Vicki . . . . .30, 40-41, 70, 72 Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 D Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dare to Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 David: Seeking a Heart Like His . . . . 7 David: Seeking God’s Heart Student Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Deacon Wives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Desperate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Devotions from the Beth Moore Library Audio CDs Vol. 1 & 2 . . . 12 Discerning the Voice of God . . . . . 16 dotMOM Events . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Do You Think I’m Beautiful? . . . . . 19 Duty or Delight? . . . . . . . . . . . 23 E Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ever After . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Every Life Is Beautiful . . . . . . . . . 54 Experience a Fresh Explosion of Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Experiencing God at Home . . . . . 36 Experiencing God at Home Day by Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Explicit Gospel Bible Study, The . . . 57 F Faithful, Abundant, True . . . . . . . 13


Faith Untamed . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Family God Uses, The . . . . . . . . 38 Famine to Fairy Tale . . . . . . . . . 31 Feinberg, Margaret . . . . . . . . 25, 72 Festivals of Marriage Events . . . . . 71 Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter . . . . . 41 Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Son . . . . . . . . 41 Five Love Languages, The . . . . . . 35 Forever Touched . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Follow Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 For Women Only . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Frazzled Female, The . . . . . . . . . 24 Fresh Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 G Gideon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Girls’ Ministry Handbook . . . . . . . God Anthology, The . . . . . . . . . God Is Able . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gospel According to Jonah, The . .

14 43 56 14 57

H Harper, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hatmaker, Jen . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 70 Head, Tammie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Heart Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Held in High Esteem . . . . . . . . . 31 Help! I’m a Deacon’s Wife . . . . . . 48 Her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 He Speaks to Me . . . . . . . . . . . 16 HomeLife Magazine . . . . . . . . . 58 Honor Begins at Home . . . . . . . . 37 I In Our Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interrupted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interrupted Life, The . . . . . . . . . Is That You God? . . . . . . . . . . .

48 26 15 16

J James: Faith Under Pressure . . . . . 43 James: Mercy Triumphs . . . . . . . . 7 Jesus on Leadership . . . . . . . . . 49 Jesus the One and Only . . . . . . . 10 John: The Beloved Disciple Student Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Journey Devotional Magazine . . . . 58 K Kassian, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kids Experiencing God at Home . . Kingdom Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knowing God by Name . . . . . . . L Life Lessons from Women in the Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LifeWay Women Devotions Audio CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living Beyond Yourself . . . . . . . . Living Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living Proof Live Download . . . . . Living Proof Live Events . . . . . . .

27 36 63 27

Living Proof Live Simulcast . . . . . . 67 Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Logged On and Tuned Out . . . . . 40 Lord, Teach Me to Pray . . . . . . . . 20 Loss, Love & Legacy Music CD . . . 17 Love Dare Bible Study, The . . . . . 34 Love Dare for Parents, The . . . . . . 34 Loving Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 M Malachi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Manhood Restored . . . . . . . . . . 63 Mature Living Magazine . . . . . . . 59 Me, Myself & Lies . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti . . . . . 35 Mended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Mercy Triumphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Minter, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Missing Pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Moore, Beth . . . . . . . . . 6-13, 66-67 More Living Magazine . . . . . . . . 59 N Nehemiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 No Other Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 O Obsessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One In a Million . . . . . . . . . . . . Operation Christmas Child . . . . . . Orphan Justice . . . . . . . . . . . .

43 16 55 55

P Parent Adventure, The . . . . . . . . Parenting Teens Magazine . . . . . . ParentLife Magazine . . . . . . . . . Patriarchs, The . . . . . . . . . . . . Picking Up the Pieces Handbook . . Pursuing More of Jesus . . . . . . . . Priscilla Shirer Live Events . . . . . . Priscilla Shirer Live Simulcast . . . . . Pressure Points . . . . . . . . . . . .

38 39 39 11 52 29 68 69 54

R Radical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radical Reconciliation . . . . . . . . Raising Boys & Girls . . . . . . . . . Real Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . Real Win, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reclaiming Stolen Intimacy . . . . . Recovering from Divorce . . . . . . . Redeeming Our Regrets . . . . . . . Redeeming the Tears . . . . . . . . . Resolution for Women, The . . . . . Return to the Garden . . . . . . . . . Rothschild, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

56 52 38 12 63 53 52 31 52 15 20 21 17

S Samson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scouting the Divine . . . . . . . . . . Secret Seductress, The . . . . . . . . Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

63 25 53 6 15

30 12 10 11 49 66

Index index of spanish Seeking a Heart Like His . . . . . . . 12 Seven Experiment, The . . . . . . . . 26 Sharp, Mary Jo . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Shirer, Priscilla . . . . . . . 13-16, 68-69 Simple Surrender . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Spiritual Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Stand Firm Devotional Magazine . . 62 Stepping Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Stop the Madness . . . . . . . . . . 52 Stronger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Stuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Surrendering the Secret . . . . . . . 53 T Table For Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Thirty Three the Series . . . . . . . . 62 Thomas, Angela . . . . . . 18-19, 70, 72 To Live Is Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tour of Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Transformed Lives . . . . . . . . . . . 47 True Princess . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 V Virtuous Woman, The . . . . . . . . . 30 W When Godly People Do Ungodly Things . . . . . . . . . . . When Wallflowers Dance . . . . . . . When Relationships Collide . . . . . Whispers of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . Why Do You Believe That? . . . . . . Women Leading Women . . . . . . . Women Making a Difference in Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women of Purpose Series . . . . . . Women Reaching Women . . . . . . Women Reaching Women in Crisis . Women’s Evangelical Commentaries Women’s Forum Event . . . . . . . . Wonderstruck . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood, Cindi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y You Lead Training Events . . . . . . . Your Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Girl: A Bible Study for Mothers of Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World . . . . . . . .

10 19 54 11 27 49 35 31 47 48 47 72 25 24 73 41 41 41

A ¡Al fin libre! Living Beyond Yourself . . . . . . . . . . 10 C Creer a Dios Believing God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cuando los cristianos hacen cosas que desagradan a Dios When Godly People Do Ungodly Things 10 D Daniel Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 David, un Hombre Conforme al Corazón de Dios David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 E El Corazon del Creyente A Woman’s Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 El Desafio Del Amor Estudio Biblico The Love Dare Bible Study . . . . . . . . 34 El liderazgo de Jesús Jesus on Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ester Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 J Jonás Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 L La aventura de ser padres The Parent Adventure . . . . . . . . . . 38 La conversación apacible Conversation Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Los Cinco lenguajes del amor The Five Love Languages . . . . . . . . 35 Los Patriarcas The Patriarchs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 M Mujeres ganando mujeres Women Reaching Women . . . . . . . . 47 P ¿Podemos hablar? Can We Talk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 S Santiago, Triunfa La Misericordia James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ¡Sea libre! Breaking Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 V Viva libre Living Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Connect. Love. Grow. Real life happens in your women’s ministry. Relationships are cultivated. The implications of the gospel are lived out. And hearts are forever changed. In other words, your women’s ministry plays a vital role in the life of your church. That’s why we are here to partner with you and support you in spreading the gospel and furthering the kingdom of God. Whether it’s a new book or study, a unique gift or Bible, visit your local LifeWay Christian Store or check us out online. Our passion is to serve you and the church. Tell us how we can today.

3WAYS TO SHOP: Stores Nationwide • • 800.233.1123


I WILL LEAD WITH CONFIDENCE...IF YOU’LL TRAIN ME. They’re good at what they do. Of course they are–God made them that way. But do they know they are? As a church leader, your job is to give them the tools and confidence they need to own it, and Ministry Grid makes it easier than ever before. It’s the difference between merely filling a spot and leading with conviction.


Discover the power of training made simple at


3/22/13 12:04 AM


How to Order:

Visit or call 800.458.2772 Fax: 615.251.5933 LifeWay Christian Stores Resources Order Form If your church does not receive a Resources Order Form, call 800.458.2772 to request one, or download one at Prices and availability of resources are subject to change without notice.

How to Register for Events:

Visit or call 800.254.2022 Events Cancellation Notice: If you wish to cancel your registration 30 or more days before the event, you will receive a refund of 50% of your conference fees (does not apply to lodging charges). There is no refund if cancellation is received less than 30 days before the event. We encourage you to take advantage of the ministry opportunity to transfer your registration to another person, or you may apply your registration to another similar LifeWay event. Event dates and locations are subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable.

How to Sign Up for Our FreE E-Newsletter Visit

Our LifeWay women’s newsletter will keep you informed on ministry ideas, new resources, and upcoming events.


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