A Beautiful Design

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LifeWay Press速 Nashville, Tennessee

Published by LifeWay Press® © 2016 The Village Church

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ISBN 9781430053019 Item 005782093 Dewey decimal classification: 155.3 Subject headings: SEX ( PSYCHOLOGY) / MAN-WOMAN RELATIONSHIP / GRACE (THEOLOGY) Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. To order additional copies of this resource, write to LifeWay Church Resources Customer Service; One LifeWay Plaza; Nashville, TN 37234-0113; fax 615.251.5933; phone toll free 800.458.2772; order online at www.lifeway.com; email orderentry@lifeway.com; or visit the LifeWay Christian Store serving you. Printed in the United States of America Adult Ministry Publishing LifeWay Church Resources One LifeWay Plaza Nashville, TN 37234-0152






























THE AUTHOR MATT CHANDLER serves as the lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. He came to The Village in December 2002 and describes his tenure as a replanting effort to change the theological and philosophical culture of the congregation. The church has witnessed a tremendous response, growing from 160 people to more than 11,000, including campuses in Flower Mound, Dallas, Plano, and Fort Worth. Alongside his current role as lead pastor, Matt is involved in church-planting efforts both locally and internationally through The Village, as well as in various strategic partnerships. Prior to accepting the pastorate at The Village, Matt had a vibrant itinerant ministry for more than 10 years that gave him the opportunity to speak to thousands of people in America and abroad about the glory of God and the beauty of Jesus. Matt is also the author of To Live is Christ to Die is Gain, Mingling of Souls, The Explicit Gospel Bible Study (LifeWay, 2012) and a coauthor of Creature of the Word (LifeWay, 2012). Other than knowing Jesus, Matt’s greatest joy is being married to Lauren and being the dad to their three children, Audrey, Reid, and Norah.


INTRODUCTION What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a woman? In our society today, there is a massive amount of confusion about manhood and womanhood. Is there any difference between them? If so, what is the difference? The answers our culture offers only further serve to muddy the water. Is there a clearly defined picture? If so, where can we find it? In A Beautiful Design, Pastor Matt Chandler will show us how the Bible speaks clearly to this issue of manhood and womanhood. We’ll understand that God has created us with a purpose in mind, and it is a beautiful design—an unchanging plan. A life lived within His design flourishes. Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Let’s not miss the path of life and beautiful design He has planned for us.

HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM THIS STUDY 1. Attend each group experience. • Watch the video teaching and complete the viewer guide. • Participate in the group discussions. 2. Complete the content in this Bible study book. • Prayerfully interact with all learning activities. • Be honest with God, yourself, and others about your experiences. • Apply the principles. 3. Commit to the experience. •A Beautiful Design has nine video sessions with eight weeks of personal study. Most groups will do this study over the course of nine weeks, but if your group follows a different schedule, that’s OK. • Use the Family Discipleship page each week to help you craft a vibrant family discipleship experience around three key elements: time, moments, and milestones. Time will help you build intentional time into the rhythm of family life for the purpose of thinking about, talking about, and living out the gospel. Moments will help you capture and leverage opportunities in the course of everyday life for the purpose of gospel-centered conversations. Milestones will help you mark and make occasions to celebrate and commemorate significant spiritual milestones of God’s work in the life of the family and child. • Don’t rush. Allow time for the Spirit of God to work in you through His Word.  5







S TA R T WELCOME TO SESSION 2 OF A BEAUTIFUL DESIGN. Last week we discussed God’s work in creation. Because God designed the universe in good order, we can be sure that orienting our ever-changing lives around God’s unchanging design will result in our good and His glory. Review your notes from your personal study. What did God reveal to you? How did He challenge you? What action steps did you take?

When we look to the world to discover who we are and what our purpose is, we receive a multitude of ideas and opinions. God’s design points toward a divine purpose for humanity: to reflect our Creator. Are you more like your mother or father? In what ways do you resemble them?


For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.


My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.


Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

session 2: In His Image


WATC H COMPLETE THE VIEWER GUIDE BELOW AS YOU WATCH SESSION 2. Because we are and not the the measure of anything. We are not the

, we are not !

How the world actually and what’s best for human are inseparably linked to God being the of all things. The glory and moral capacity to His . God gives us created order.

is God’s investment in humanity of God­like and the earth as


over the

We have a with one another that is than our relationship with the rest of the . We must fight for racial

and racial


The imago Dei is also why we fight for and work toward complete . Men must think of women as mere

of women and push against the stereotypes or put here for our and .

Men must think biblically of women and them as and , daughters of the King, and glorious, not dismissing them or robbing them of the right to their within God’s beautiful design. Women, whether His



or of God made in His .

, must think rightly about being and fulfilling

Video sessions available for purchase at www.lifeway.com/BeautifulDesign

RESPOND Women must think biblically about men and push against the of men as idiot . Women must think biblically and have high approach them and honor them as Whether married or single, you

for how men . God.

DISCUSS THE VIDEO SEGMENT USING THE QUESTIONS BELOW. What statement or idea stood out to you from the video teaching? If a friend said to you, “I think being created in the image of God means that people are basically good,” how would you respond to them? What Scriptures could you refer to for help? When you consider Genesis 1:26-28, what are some of the unique privileges and responsibilities entrusted to God’s image bearers? Why are we called to “be fruitful and multiply”? How do we exercise dominion over the earth? How have you observed individuals misuse this responsibility? In what ways do we dishonor the image of God in ourselves and others? What kinds of thoughts, behaviors, or attitudes devalue or belittle God’s design for the created order? What are some of the stereotypical views that our culture holds about masculinity and femininity? How do contradictory voices in our culture distract us from seeing each other as image bearers? Have you ever been uncomfortable or felt devalued in a group setting? What type of person might be uncomfortable in your church because of whom you tend to value?


session 2: In His Image


FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP God calls the family to play a vital role in discipling the next generation. We encourage you to use the language of time, moments, and milestones as a framework for family discipleship.

T IME : Build some intentional time into the rhythm of your week for your household to gather and discuss the value we all have because of who made us. Read Matthew 22:15-22. Lead your kids to look at a coin and note whose image it bears. Discuss how the image a coin bears establishes its value and signifies to whom it belongs. PRAY: Lead your family to thank God for His goodness in designing the cosmos to work in a rhythm that brings us joy and gives Him glory.

MOME NTS: Capture and leverage moments in the course of your everyday life to point out to your family how being an “image bearer� gives every single person value, even those whom it is hard for us to love. How should that affect the way we treat others and battle our own selfishness?



IN HIS IMAGE In Genesis 1–2, we see how God created man and woman and why He created them. We were created to bear His image and to be in relationship with Him. This is our identity. Being image bearers unites both genders, all races, and all ages and provides a cohesive foundation for all of humanity. Man and woman are united together in equal dignity as the only species made in the image of God. They are equally entitled to the privileges of being image bearers and equally responsible for reflecting the God who created them. When we come to comprehend this view, it leads to a greater understanding of the equal dignity and purpose of men and women, and our hearts should grieve where this dignity is ignored or rejected.

session 2: In His Image 27

2 .1

WHAT IS IMAGO DEI? After God created the heavens and the earth, all the unique wildlife, fruit trees, and sandy beaches, He created man and woman. Genesis 1:26 tells us that the Godhead created man in their image. We were set as the crown jewel of creation with the unique purpose of reflecting—or, if you will, imaging—our Creator in ruling over His creation. For centuries, theologians have referred to this doctrine as imago Dei. The imago Dei is God’s investment in humanity of God­like glory and moral capacity to reign and rule the earth as His representatives. Though the phrase image of God only appears twice in the Old Testament (Gen. 1:26-27; 5:1-3), its importance to a proper theological understanding of the condition of humanity cannot be overstated. Think about the Lincoln Memorial, Mt. Rushmore, or a statue of a famous sports figure. They were all designed to image the one whose image they bear. The images are not ends in themselves. They turn our attention to the real thing. When we see the image, we think about the one whom it images.

“[God] created little images so that they would talk and act and feel in a way that reveals the way God is.”1 JOHN PIPER

Essentially, a proper understanding of imago Dei gives direction to every part of your day. In this week’s group session, Matt unpacked Genesis 1:26-28 and Genesis 2:18-25. In light of these passages, what are some ways that we are to reflect (image) God in the world?



How often does knowing you are a reflection of God influence your decision making? □□ Never

□□ Usually

□□ Rarely


□□ Sometimes List two changes you intend to make this week to be a clearer reflection of the image of God. 1.

2. Read Psalm 139:13-16. Summarize each verse in your own words in the space below. Verse 13 Verse 14 Verse 15

Verse 16

These verses indicate that God’s image is not placed in us at birth or at some point during the gestational period. Rather, God created the blueprint for us before we were conceived and then constructed us in His image to those exact specs. In The Weight of Glory, C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal ... it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit.”2 What immortals in your life have you had a difficult time interacting with? Write their names in the space below.

session 2: In His Image


If every person is created in the image of God, then every person has infinite value. Even a baby with severe birth defects who will make little or no significant contribution to society is still more valuable than a famous animal, like Secretariat. Read Exodus 4:11. Moses complained to God that he couldn’t speak eloquently enough to lead Israel out of Egypt. God reminded Moses that He was sovereign in creating even Moses’ “weaknesses” in His image. List a few of your insecurities or perceived weaknesses in the space below.

Incredibly, God has fashioned—and has a purpose in—this fallen world even for those whose bodies or minds are not perfectly formed. He created and ordained the days of each human life, giving them significance and infinite value. This has major implications when it comes to some of the worst atrocities of our day. In some cultures—including our own—killing the unborn, the elderly, the disenfranchised, and those of different ethnicities is an acceptable practice. Our world today is diseased with modern day slavery, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation (e.g., pornography, sex slavery, prostitution), which we’ll discuss further in section 2.2.

P R AY E R The image of God describes not just something we have but something we are. Conclude your study today by asking the Lord to break through the lies we have believed about ourselves and others and refocus our eyes on being God’s image bearers. Ask Him to give you the grace to see everyone you engage with just as they are— infinitely valuable.




IMPLICATIONS It only takes a quick scroll through social media to be reminded that we, as humans, have marred the image of God. There are deplorable videos of an aborted baby’s body parts being negotiated as a commodity. News stories speak of women and children being sold as sex slaves right here in the United States. Something is not right. If we are made in the image of God, no matter the age, race, status, or circumstances, we have value. But often we are treated—or we treat others—contrary to that truth. Let’s look at some issues that illustrate how we mar the image of God.

ABORTION If all human beings are made in the image of God, and have an elevated dignity above and beyond all the rest of creation, that should shape how we view abortion. Read Psalm 51:5. How did David describe his spiritual condition even before his birth?

Read Psalm 58:3. The Bible says that wickedness, which is a moral state of being, is present where?

These verses, along with others, indicate that we exist in a sinful condition in the womb. This condition points to the presence of a soul in every human. Psalm 51:5 clearly states when the soul is present. Fill in the blanks from verse 5: “Behold I was brought forth in _______________, and in sin did my mother _______________ me.”

session 2: In His Image


The Word of God is clear that the soul comes into existence at conception. Not after the first trimester, not after the second trimester. A human being is conceived with the soul intact. Read Psalm 139:16. When does God write our days into His book?

We should marvel at God’s detailed design of life. Psalm 139 emphasizes that He is building us in our mother’s womb for the things He has planned for us. That God designed all humans with a purpose should put a high value on all human life. The issue of abortion may seem like a political issue, but in fact, it is a biblical, ethical, spiritual issue that, unfortunately, moves too few of us. What does science have to say? At 8-10 weeks gestation, all major organs of a baby are functioning. This means that usually only a few weeks after a woman becomes aware of her pregnancy, the baby has a developed nervous system and a brain that receives signals in response to pain. The heart is pumping. The liver is making blood cells. The kidneys are clearing fluids, and there’s a fingerprint. By twenty-two weeks, a baby, with some help, can live outside the womb. With what we know from Scripture and science, how should we view abortion? How does abortion tear at the heart of imago Dei?

SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING In 1857, Dred Scott v. Sandford was a landmark case in which Dred Scott sued for the right to be a free man. The Supreme Court of the United States, with a seven to two vote, said African-Americans were not American citizens and, therefore, were not able to tap into the justice system. One of the two dissenting votes was Supreme Court Justice John McLean. Here’s what McLean said in response to the case: “A slave is not mere chattel. He bears the impress of his Maker, and ... he is destined to an endless existence.”3 How does McLean’s quote echo the essence of imago Dei?



Slavery may have been abolished in America, but the inexcusable act of owning and controlling another human being runs rampant in our world today. According to the International Labor Organization, there are an estimated 5.5 million child victims of trafficking in the world. This is not just a problem in other countries; human trafficking has been reported in all fifty states as well.4 How does slavery and human trafficking demean human life?

How does the knowledge of this practice affect you? What actions are you taking to combat this?

RACIAL PREJUDICE AND INJUSTICE In Luke 10:25-37, we read the familiar story of the good Samaritan. Jesus told this parable knowing that most Jews held a very prejudicial view of Samaritans. Read Luke 10:25-37. What did Jesus tell the expert in the law he must do to inherit eternal life? What question did the expert ask in response to the command to love his neighbor?

The law expert was hoping to be able to rule out loving certain people in his life and world. Instead, Jesus told a story that rocked his world. Even as we read the story today, we wonder why the priest didn’t stop to help. Ministry is his job! We expect the Levite, an assistant to the priests, would render aid to the injured man. But, no, it was the Samaritan, whose race was seen as inferior and without value, that showed humble love and care for a stranger who was quite different from himself. Jesus was clear about the idea of imago Dei and the value of all human life. The Samaritan recognized the value of the man in need, and Jesus highlighted the value of the Samaritan by making him the hero of the story.

session 2: In His Image


Have there been times in your life when you avoided someone or a people group because of their race or social status? Have you made judgments about someone based on the same criteria? If so, take a moment and confess those things to the Lord and ask His forgiveness and grace to soften those hard edges of your heart.

Acts 17:26 tells us, “From one man He has made every nationality” (HCSB). The word nation actually is the word ethnos where we get our English word ethnicity from. So, from one man came all the ethnicities. We are all brothers and sisters. We are all human. No one is superior. All are valuable.

SEXUAL SINS Prostitution, strip clubs, massage parlors, and pornography—all are a part of the deplorable distortion we have made of God’s plan for sex. Read Ephesians 5:31-32 and summarize it below.

In verse 32, we are reminded that the act of two people becoming one is to be a picture of Christ and the church. When we engage in any sexual activity outside of that God-honoring union, we are marring the image of Christ. When our actions or thoughts exploit people for our momentary pleasure, we degrade them and lower their value as God’s image bearers. That is wicked. Where the imago Dei is not understood or valued, it is the weak and the vulnerable who are abused and consumed. What if God did a gospel work in our nation, in our city, like He did at Ephesus in the Book of Acts? What if people could no longer make money off of sin? What would it be like if the clientele for places where sex is marketed disappeared? What would happen in a world where we understood and valued the imago Dei so deeply that pornography produced only a sickening of our souls? Let’s pray that it would be so.



P R AY E R Know that the only people reading this right now are sinners in need of grace. Psalm 16:2 says that there is no good in us apart from the Lord. We are all in desperate need of His love and mercy. If you have fallen or currently struggle in any of these areas we listed, the cross is enough. Get on your knees and confess your need for a Savior. He will forgive and meet you in your deepest need. Then, take steps to kick any addiction or sinful practice that is marring the image of God. Talk with your pastor or trusted godly friend and ask for his or her help in your spiritual restoration. Maybe you haven’t personally struggled in these areas but you have sat silently while these issues plague our society. It’s time to stand up. Pray for God’s direction in how you are to join the fight.

session 2: In His Image



THE IMAGO DEI IN MY LIFE Men and women are different in a number of ways. It’s no secret. However, just like there is no higher race, there is also no higher gender. God had a purpose in making each gender to function a certain way. He made us different, yet we are the same. We bear His image. Because men and women are created in the image of God, they share many characteristics and gifts. What are some of the attributes men and women share?

How do these character traits differ from cultural views of men and women? Why do you think it is important for us to identify and celebrate the ways men and women are united as image bearers?

The fact that men and women are both created in the image of God should define the way we view each other. Because of the imago Dei, the stereotypes of men being idiot Neanderthals and women being mere sexual beings meant for pleasure must cease. Think of a time you saw culture’s stereotypical views on masculinity and femininity play out. Maybe it was a movie, commercial, or a conversation with a friend. Did you agree with that view or feel threatened by it? What kind of feelings did it stir up in you?

Galatians 3:26-29 tells us that no matter our race or gender, if we have put our faith in Jesus, we are one in Him. This reminds us that we must put away all false ideas of superiority and inferiority. God made us equal. He gave both sexes



intellect, passions, and gifts. We are expected as sons and daughters of God to fulfill His purpose. We should spur one another on as we do this together. Treat one another as brothers and sisters, not objects to be consumed.

FOR WOMEN: Have you ever been guilty of stereotyping men? Explain. Why is it easy to fall into this practice?

FOR MEN: Have you ever treated women as an object for your pleasure? Explain Why is it easy to fall into this practice?

Jot down some ways you can stop the drift toward stereotypes and readily value the opposite gender as God’s image bearers. How can you celebrate the similarities and differences between the genders?

P R AY E R Thank God for creating us in His image. Thank Him for the glorious truth that men and women share a common identity and purpose before the Lord.

session 2: In His Image


A N D G O D S AW T H AT I T WA S G O O D . God created us to function according to His perfect design, and for all of human history, our world has been male and female. But our ever-changing culture faces challenges due to sin. More than ever the church needs to be a safe refuge for the gender-confused, the sexually broken, the single, the married, and the divorced. In this study, Matt Chandler gives evidence that God’s plan for man and woman is the ultimate design. And life lived within this beautiful and unchanging design is part of His greater purpose for humanity and leads to our greatest joy. • Discover how you were created with a purpose in God’s unchanging plan. • Exchange your broken and weary perspective on life for His beautiful design. • Shape and influence your church into a safe place for everyone. ALSO AVAILABLE: A Beautiful Design Bible Study Kit includes resources for leading a 9-session group study: one Bible study book and two DVDs that feature biblical teaching from Matt Chandler. DIGITAL RESOURCES: E-book & video sessions available at www.lifeway.com/beautifuldesign.

Bible Study / General Bible Studies

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