below 7� wide
Process Steps A Transformational Church is defined as a church where people become more like Jesus, the church acts more like the body of Christ, and the community becomes more of a reflection of the kingdom of God. Many churches in North America are experiencing this kind of transformation. And many others, possibly yours, are striving to become more transformational. But we understand the most common barrier for churches is knowing what to do next; that’s why the LifeWay Transformational Church Consulting team offers guidance
Discern your context With our guidance you will: • Gain a clear understanding of the present reality your church faces • Use the Transformational Church Assessment Tool (TCAT) to discern the perceptions of the congregation in each of the seven elements of transformation • Identify areas where your church is strong and be affirmed in those directions • Reveal areas that need further investigation • Discover doors of opportunity
through this process. We’ll help you build a unified leadership team, gather and process the information needed to make strategic decisions, and ultimately take the next steps required to move forward. Let us help your church: • Create your unique scorecard • Establish accountability and measurable goals • Compress the time it takes to get from where
Beyond the TCAT there are other tools that can reveal opportunities or roadblocks: • Geo-demographics to help better understand those in your area of impact • Facility analysis to understand the physical limits and possibilities of your space • Organizational structure to expose how decisions are made and who makes them • Customized interviews to dig deeper into the revealed perceptions of the church
you are to where you want to be
If you’re interested in speaking with a certified Transformational Church consultant, call 615.251.3893, e-
Embrace Right Values Through a collaborative process we guide your church to: • Review and analyze the right information • Select and inform the right people • Shepherd the right process that produces actionable initiatives which are created by the church leaders, promoting a high level of acceptance and ownership • Your leadership will come to understand how they can become Vibrant Leaders in how they communicate, mentor, and express the vision of the church • We will provide assistance in promoting Prayerful Dependence from the beginning of the process all the way through, and more so as actions begin • Throughout the process we will demonstrate and encourage the art of having Relational Intentionality in every ministry of the church
Engage in the Right Actions • Working with your Transformational Church Team, we will provide guidance and suggestions to help move from the initiatives developed in the collaborative process into specific actions aimed at addressing the areas identified in the TCAT • We will help you discover ways to involve the church in the area of Worship where it becomes a lifestyle instead of an event • Your church will gain momentum within the different groups by creating a more meaningful connection to people through a better understanding of living in Community • The outward expression of your church will be enhanced through clear understanding of where your areas of Mission are and how they can be strengthened
-mail, or visit
Tiers of Service The beginning point for all churches interested in consulting is the Transformational Church Assessment Tool (TCAT). Different levels of service are offered to churches that have taken the TCAT and need some additional assistance in determining how to interpret the results and utilize the information to help them reach their desired goals. Level One • A one-day on-site visit to meet with staff and lay leadership and review the findings from the TCAT • Review of church-provided information to assist in clear understanding of “Present Reality” • Presentation of strengths, challenges, and other observations from TCAT Level Two
Three one-day on-site visits:
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Initial visit to review “Present Reality” including facility review, analysis of church-provided information, staff interviews, programs and ministry opportunity review, meeting and discussion with key leaders, geo-demographic review of area surrounding church, visual review of primary ministry area Second visit to report findings from the TCAT, strengths, challenges, and other observations from the TCAT with staff and key leaders Third visit to assist with formation of action plans, accountability teams, resource identification, other recommended next steps
Printed material • Demographic review including MOSAIC Lifestyle Cluster Analysis of Primary Ministry Area • In-depth reports from TCAT including overall strengths, overall challenges, demographics of respondents, age differentiation and group differentiation • Consultant recommendations for next steps Level Three
All services of Level Two plus:
• • • • •
A collaborative process that will lead key church leadership in developing action plans specifically created to address strengths and challenges identified in the TCAT Retreat with leadership to establish common understanding of findings Shared observations of rationale behind data presented Identification of action plans Implementation and coaching on next steps
Level Four
All services of Level Three plus:
• • • • •
Contextual analysis of membership demographic and MOSAIC lifestyle analysis comparing church attenders to the church area of impact Full facility analysis including room-by-room capacity and percent full analysis, worship capacity, parking analysis, and other ministry space assessment One-on-one interviews with key leaders based on information gathered in other analysis Administrative review of staff, budget, decision-making processes, and other areas as needed Presentation to church, leadership team, and staff